
bill-e1hi all00:00
DethronedDo I need to change unallocated HD space to the same Ext3 format as Ubuntu in order to combine the partitions?00:00
utuehDethroned: you using lvm?00:00
utuehlinux volume manager00:01
Hilikusfor reliability, should i go with ext4 or jfs?00:01
utuehDethroned: are the partitions side by side?00:01
texasjackTeltariat, that's the fatal reason that I never ever upgraded an OS...  Always install'em from "zero"...00:01
Teltariattexasjack: too much stuff on here for me to star from scratch again00:02
Teltariatjust can't do that00:02
Dethronedutueh: my linux partition is broken up into 3 parts.  there's 2 2 gig parts and then the swap.  the unallocated is right above the first 2 gig part00:02
HilikusTeltariat me too, i've been updating since 7.1 without a problem. just to let you know its ok to do that00:02
Dethronedwhich I don't think is the actual ubuntu00:02
bill-e1I'm kinda new to linux and have a few questions I I may.  First, when installed eeeubuntu on my asus 1000he, it asked for may name and a password.  When I go into terminal and type "su -" and give that password it doest accept it.  so my question is how do I get superuser access?00:02
texasjackTeltariat, yeah.  Every case is different.  Here the backups are made weekly. =)00:02
TeltariatHilikus: you've no doubt experienced quirks when upgrading, yes?00:03
HilikusTeltariat yes, but never losing stuff00:03
Teltariatlike right now00:03
utuehDethroned: well, you should be able to delete the second part, then resize the first, though be carefull00:03
Teltariatmy machine can't open PDF's00:03
texasjackDethroned, one thing: gparted is secure.  I never had one single problem with.00:03
ohirbill-e1: use sudo00:03
Dethronedutueh:  I want to know how to the combine the allocated with the actual ubuntu partition00:04
ohirbill-e1: ubuntu way is: sudo command_that_must_be_run_with_root_priviledges00:04
texasjackbill-e1, Ubuntu, per default, block the super user access.  Use sudo instead.00:05
ohirbill-e1: for more information about sudo: read (in terminal) man sudo00:05
DethronedOne of the partitions is labeled Extended...the other is EXt3 and the last is swap00:05
Teltariatoh you guys rock!  "apt-get --reinstall install nautilus-data" & "apt-get --reinstall install shared-mime-info" worked; problem is fixed, and on top of that I can open PDFs again00:05
TeltariatThank you00:05
utuehDethroned: my last suggestion should result in you having one big partition, were you to want to combine them look into lvm00:05
texasjackTeltariat, ;) I told 'ya, brotha tux! =P00:05
utuehthough lvm would be pointless from what i have heard of you case00:05
bill-e1ok, so can I browse the directories like that.  I want to edit the grub.conf so I can add my Moblin SD card to the boot list....is that possible?00:05
bdizzlehi, having a slight error with the package manager. it was doing an auto update and it froze in the middle of it00:06
Dethronedutueh: All I want to know is how to combine an unallocated partition with my EXT3 partition...do I need to convert the unallocated to EXT3 in order to combine them?00:06
Jeruvy!grub | bill-e1: there are some issues with SD cards, but as for grub00:06
ubottubill-e1: there are some issues with SD cards, but as for grub: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:06
deluxorhello  ALLL00:06
AssociateXno matter what app I open the windowing system is not working, the app shows but no borders00:07
bdizzleI tried switching to command line, but it won't let me use "sudo apt-get install <package name>" stating that there is an administrative lock on it. Anyonek know how to get out of that lock?00:07
oenonecan I use my usb headset in ubuntu 9.0400:07
oenonea4tech usb headset00:07
utuehDethroned: no, just expand the first is the unallocated is right beside it00:07
utuehexpand = resize00:07
ohirbill-e1: sudo 'youreditor' filetoedit00:07
Dethronedutueh:  It's above it...they are listed vertically00:07
utuehDethroned: i have done that before with gparted, worked fine00:08
texasjackbdizzle, synaptic or Update Manger, or some kind of this, is running in background.  You have to stop and kill that process...00:08
utuehDethroned: what partition program are you using, what verioin of ubuntu?00:08
Dethronedutueh: Gpart and 9.0400:08
bdizzlegot it, thank you all00:08
texasjackbdizzle, a single log out may resolve if you can't catch the right process.00:09
Dethronedutueh:  Do I want to extend the part of the partition labeled "Extended" or "EXT3"00:09
methtownbluehey everyone00:09
methtownbluewhat's up00:10
AssociateXwhat is the windowing system called?00:10
AssociateXmy apps have no borders00:10
texasjackDethroned, there are 2 types of partitions: Primary and Extended. MAX: Primary = 4. Extended = 255 (but the Extended partition is one of the four primary...). Nothing to do with ext3.  I guess...00:11
VCoolioAssociateX: try "metacity --replace"00:11
Jeruvy!pm | oenone00:11
ubottuoenone: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:11
oenonehow do I get to pm00:12
oenoneI new to this so00:12
MyWayI'm using vino + vncviewer, if i don't disable compiz on the server, the screen on the client doesn't refresh until i reconnect to the server, why?00:12
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:12
texasjackAssociateX, twm. =)  Just kiddin'...  But for curiosity, how do you install xorg without ANY window manager?00:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:13
bazhangoenone, best to ask in channel not PM people00:13
oenonewhere can I ask?00:13
bazhangoenone, ask here00:13
oenoneill try00:14
oenonehow do I install a usb heatset in ubuntu 9.0400:14
bazhangoenone, a hardware install?00:16
texasjackoenone, no idea...00:16
bazhangoenone, or do you mean a headset?00:16
oenoneI have an a4tech usb headset00:16
oenonebut I can't get it to work on ubuntu 9.0400:16
bazhangoenone, are you trying to use skype with a usb headset? or something else00:16
oenoneand also if I want to listen to musik00:17
chronicusprimeweird situation here.00:17
oenonebut I can't get it to work00:17
chronicusprimemy system cannot find acpi-cpufreq00:17
chronicusprimenor speedstep centrino00:17
bazhangyep to skype? or yep to something else?00:17
bazhangoenone, how did you install skype?00:18
oenoneI want to use my usb headset for skype , yahoo, and listening to music00:18
oenonebut I can't00:18
texasjackbazhang, www.skype.com00:18
errors-FoFocan someone help me with a question?00:18
sofia1Hi All, Does anyone know where the functionality of Alt+Printscreen is ?00:19
errors-FoFoi cant take a ss or record a demo one et game00:19
errors-FoFo*enemy territory game00:19
bazhangoenone, did you use the skype repo, or the medibuntu one00:19
oenonesorry sir but I don't know00:20
errors-FoFoi've already give premissions to the folder00:20
errors-FoFobut it still wont work00:20
oenonebtw can I use my headset to listen to musik ?00:20
texasjacksofia1, I think it's grab a image shot of the active windows you are. Just PrintScreen takes a shot from the hole screen.  But depends if you have some program to do this.00:21
zaidricIs general bash help appropriate for this channel? It involves batch converting mp3 files.00:21
bazhangoenone, which headset? let me do a search on ubuntuforums00:21
chronicusprimeCan anyone help me with acpi-cpufreq?00:21
Gustavoin konquerer I can see a samba share under smb://  What is the equivalent mount point in the file system? I need to cp to a remote share00:21
oenoneA4tech hd-800 usb headset00:22
cyphaHOw do you start something minimized?00:22
texasjackbazhang, don't have a Ubuntu package for Skpye in the official site?00:22
sofia1 texasjack: Do you know of the utility that does that screenshotting ?00:22
bazhangtexasjack, in medibuntu.org repos00:22
texasjacksofia1, what Window Manager do you use?00:22
kfogelWhen I iconified my Emacs (in X Windows, Gnome, on Jaunty), it just disappears.  I can't see it on my bottom task bar anywhere.  I know it didn't exit, because if I start up a new one, the new one complains that it can't start emacs-server because another one is already running.00:22
kfogelHow can I un-minimize my Emacs? :-)00:22
Hilikusis there any GUI to configure fstab?00:22
sofia1 texasjack, I am using jaunty...so compiz I think00:23
bazhangtexasjack, also skype has repos00:23
texasjacksofia1, hummm.... Try gnome-screenshot.  But have some program that's very tiny and does the same job...00:23
chronicusprimeCan anyone help me with acpi-cpufreq? D:00:23
chronicusprimeIt doesn't seem to exist00:23
sofia1 texasjack: I actually want to take screenshot of just active window00:23
texasjacksofia1, compiz IS NOT a Window Manager... It's just a program that makes you're Window Manager looks 'like a charm'.00:23
sofia1So I am wondering if there is a utility that does that00:24
sofia1 texasjack, how can I know what window manager I am using ?00:24
texasjacksofia1, search for gnome-screenshot, 'cause now I don't remember the name of the other one that's tiny...  I always forgot the name of it... But it's the same thing.00:25
FeasibilityStudysofia1 compiz has a screenshot utility built in.  You can enable it in CCSM00:25
Ed54_what should i choose for the cpu when compiling a kernel?  i did cat /proc/cpuinfo and got "cpu family: 6"00:25
zaidricI have a bunch of mp3 files in /media/BLACKBERRY2/BlackBerry/music/$ARTIST/$Album/$SONGNAME.mp3, I want to batch convert them to 128kbps mp3 to save space. I know lame can encode an mp3 file, but how do I convert them? I think it would be someting like "<mp3 decoder program> | lame -b 128"00:25
VCooliosofia1: "gnome-screenshot -i" will give you dialog with options00:26
texasjacksofia1, press <PrintScreen> and see what happens.  If appears the hole screen in a viewer, probably you're using GNOME, KDE or XFCE, so far as I know....00:26
sofia1 texasjack, there is a program called xwd that takes dump of the window but if there is another window on top of it...it takes screen shot of that too00:26
bazhanghttp://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=340581 oenone00:26
oenonethanks ill try this00:26
texasjacksofia1, you have to set a timer... try 'xwd --help' to see if it got it.00:26
guest2Question on the installer for 9.04: at the point of "ready to install", do I need to click "advanced" to tell it do install dual-boot-loader or will it do so automatically...00:27
texasjackEd54_, cat /proc/cpuinfo tells you everything you need to know what's your processor, not just the family of the CPU.00:27
guest2question continued: and if "advanced" do I have to specify the location of the boot loader or will the default work?00:28
sofia1VCoolio, texasjack : there is no package called gnome-screenshot...00:28
Ed54_texasjack: so where do i find the cpu family?00:29
sofia1Do you know the package that contains the gnome-screenshot?00:29
VCooliosofia1: ? did you enter it in terminal or alt-F2 window? I think it comes default with Ubuntu00:29
texasjacksofia1, so it's inside another one...  I really sorry, but I can't remember the name of any program, except gnome-screenshot, that does what you want to do.00:29
texasjackEd54_, "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i family"00:30
VCooliosofia1: enter it in terminal; it the command is not found it will tell you what package you need00:30
sofia1VCoolio, texasjack: Where can I find the source for gnome-screenshot00:30
Ed54_i'm still just getting "cpu family: 6"00:30
k1rb_Eim trying to show my desktop on a projector .. im using svideo out on my video ... the projector screen is solid blue00:31
kunagoDoes anyone have any experience with USB DVB devices? Mine seems not be creating any frontend and there appears to be no clear solution to this.00:31
bazhangsofia1, perhaps in gnome-utils00:31
Ed54_and that doesn't help me with choosing the cpu family when compiling00:31
ubuntuhello. I have screwed my boot loader and now I am running the ubuntu boot cd. what is the easiest way to re-install the boot loader so that I can boot the existing systems_00:31
texasjackEd54_, type just "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and see the whole lines that appears...00:31
Ed54_it doesn't list anything other than 6 on that line00:32
FeasibilityStudyanyone ever noticed that Exaile is a major memory hog?  It has a memory leak somewhere.  It starts off using a marginal 60MB and after several hours it is hogging over 300MB.00:32
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, sounds like a bug00:32
texasjacksofia1, I think you'll find it at www.gnome.org...  But you don't need to do this. Go to a terminal and type: "sudo synaptic"00:32
redorangeHow can solve visual effects>>desktop effects could not be enabled problem???00:32
bazhang!gksudo | texasjack sofia100:33
ubottutexasjack sofia1: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:33
texasjackEd54_, yes, I know, but that line is JUST the family of your CPU, nothing else....00:33
FeasibilityStudybazhang Yeah.  However, I am using it with KDE, so that could be an issue.00:33
k1rb_Eim trying to show my desktop on a projector .. im using svideo out on my video ... the projector screen is solid blue... anyone know what i need to do?00:33
texasjackbazhang, ubottu, thanks... Didn't know about this. o.O00:33
redorangedesktop effects could not be enable problem00:34
sebsebseb!thanks |  texasjack00:34
ubottutexasjack: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:34
bazhangredorange, what vid card00:34
texasjackubottu, I know, brother tux! ;)00:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:34
sofia1I am actually trying to get screenshots of windows without the titlebar00:34
AssociateXwhat is the windowing system called?00:34
cyphaWHAT'S THE SWITCH?00:34
AssociateXmy apps have no borders00:34
FloodBot1cypha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:34
redorangestandard laptop graphics00:34
bazhangcypha, lose the caps00:34
sofia1Does any1 know how to get screenshot without titlebar?00:34
lstarnescypha: it depends on the program00:35
texasjacksofia1, please, follow these steps: go to a terminal and type: "gksudo synaptic"00:35
lstarnescypha: there may not be one00:35
bazhangredorange, do you have the drivers enabled00:35
cyphai want to start skype when the computer starts00:35
cyphabut i want it to start minimized00:35
utuehAssociateX: right click desktop, look at themes...00:35
cyphasame with google gadgets00:35
k1rb_Eim trying to show my desktop on a projector .. im using svideo out on my video ... the projector screen is solid blue... anyone know what i need to do?00:35
sofia1ok...I did that gksudo synaptic00:36
redorangebazhang: how can i enable them they are not in hardware drivers00:36
oenonehow do I remove pulseaudio?00:36
utuehcypha try a 'skype -h' from a terminal and see it that has a way to do that (like: skype --minimized)00:36
AssociateXutueh: that does not show up in the menu00:36
texasjacksofia1, now click on the button "Search" and looks for 'screenshot', and select "Description and Name".00:36
utuehAssociateX: oops, missed that 'change desktop background' part... then themes00:37
lstarnesoenone: why do you need to remove it?00:37
cyphautueh: didn't work00:37
utuehcypha, what did it say?00:37
oenoneso that mu usb headset will work00:37
cyphaskype [options]00:37
cyphaand then listed the options00:37
sofia1cool thanks texasjack00:37
VCooliooenone: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/ubuntu-904-jaunty-keeping-the-beast-pulseaudio-at-bay/00:37
redorangevisual effects not working intel x3100 graphics00:38
kalon33good night00:38
utuehcypha, that's what we were after, no option for minimized eh?00:38
oenoneI need to remove pulse audio so that my usb headset would work00:38
oenonethat's what I read00:38
cyphathere isn't a linux option of doing it?00:38
cyphalike windows has00:38
oenoneI don't know if it would work00:38
texasjacksofia1, now choose one from the many applications that synaptics have listed, and gonna trying... Almost every 'screenshooter' have the option to take a shot of the lonely window, without titlebar...00:39
texasjacksofia1, and you're welcome.  For those about Ubuntu, I salute you! ;)00:39
utuehcypha, maybe, but i'm unaware of one, have you checked in preferences of skype? maybe something about notification area...00:39
cyphano option for it00:39
cyphai checked00:39
=== ralmar is now known as dudeguy
utuehcypha: well good luck, the only start option i'm aware of for X11 is the --geometry to set where a program starts on the screen00:40
AssociateXutueh: that is for the theme but I still don't have any widowing system. I can't move any app because none of them have borders.00:40
cyphathanks utueh00:40
dudeguyHi everyone. I opened a lot of images in different tabs in firefox and when i go to each tab and right click the image and select "save image as" it starts downloading the image again instead of just saving it from the temp files, since the image has already been (down)loaded. How chan i fix this? Thanks00:41
GustavoI want to print the output of "cp" both to the scree and to a file ... is there a special pipe command that lets me do that?00:41
FlannelGustavo: command | tee /path/to/file00:41
utuehAssociateX: wow, how'd you do that? can't pick another theme? no window manager? was that like that from the start? you using gnome?00:41
GustavoFlannel, thank you!00:41
AssociateXI wish I could just restart my desktop00:41
redorangehow can i solve visuaş effects problem00:41
cyphaok, i force quitted skype00:42
cyphaand now it thinks it's still running and won't let me sign in00:42
utuehAssociateX: reboots work sometimes :)00:42
AssociateXutueh: no this is something new.00:42
ty5479Can somebody help me with an issue. I had an issue with grub. Where somebody removed the ubuntu partition. Now I have an error code 17. I'm trying to get it back to boot into windows.  Fixboot and FixMBR. Dont work00:42
wormHello, does Mplayer handle dvd menu ? I can't figure out how to it00:42
lstarnescypha: you need to be very careful when force-quitting networked programs00:42
AssociateXutueh:  the window manager is not working.00:42
AssociateX Just X00:42
cyphahow can i properly end it?00:42
AssociateXheck with it, I'll restart X00:43
cyphalstarnes: ?00:43
utuehAssociateX: do a <ctrl><alt>f1, logon, and then a 'sudo reboot'00:43
lstarnescypha: the window close button is usually sufficient00:44
utueh<ctrl><alt>f7  to get back to x11 (windows)00:44
cyphabut it's not letting me sign in now00:44
cyphawhat can i do?00:44
lstarnescypha: give it a few minutes to time out00:44
lstarnescypha: and make sure it's not still running in the background.  check ps aux | grep skype00:44
cyphalstarnes: what am i looking for once i type that?00:46
cyphait shows two things00:46
lstarnescypha: pastebin it00:46
cyphajust two lines00:47
cypharaj       6315 81.7  2.8 245724 57324 ?        Sl   Jun10 1230:10 skype00:47
cypharaj      17277  0.0  0.0   3336   804 pts/2    S+   19:46   0:00 grep skype00:47
lstarnescypha: pastebin it00:47
lstarnescypha: anything longer than one line should usually be pastebinned00:47
utuehAssociateX: better?00:47
cyphak, sorry00:47
lstarnescypha: that still shows skype as running (line #1)00:47
AssociateXutueh: I wonder what's missing00:47
cyphahow do u know?00:47
cyphaor what tells u that, rather00:48
utuehAssociateX: you log out/in, or nuke x all together?00:48
AssociateXkillall -9 Xorg00:48
lstarnescypha: ps aux lists all running processes00:48
cyphaoh ok00:48
cyphawhat about the second line?00:48
guest2Woohoo, I think I managed to troubleshoot my disk issues and install 9.04.  Now to reboot and test (hope the boot loader works *fingers crossed*)00:48
utuehAssociateX: weird..., no title bar either?00:48
AssociateXutueh: no I have that.00:49
utuehAssociateX: and you can move the windows by the title bar?00:49
AssociateXutueh: I tried opening a xterm and it's just a white box with no prompt.00:49
AssociateXI think I'm in trouble00:49
lstarnescypha: that's the "grep skype" part of "ps aux | grep skype".  the | pipes the output of ps aux through grep skype.  grep is used to search for a pattern and display matching lines00:49
utuehAssociateX: yup :)00:49
AssociateXutueh: oh pardon, no, I have no title bar00:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quit00:50
cyphalstarnes: k00:50
cyphalstarnes: so how do i end it?00:50
redorangehow can visual effects be enabled00:50
lstarnescypha: this command: kill skype00:50
lstarnescypha: if that fails, you might need kill -9 skype00:50
utuehAssociateX: what were you doing just before this happened, unloading metacity?00:50
cyphawhat's -9?00:51
AssociateXutueh: this is a new install00:51
AssociateXwhat is the window manager called? gnome? metacity?00:51
lstarnescypha: -9 is signal 9, or SIGKILL, which forces a program to kill.  Without that switch it sends signal 15. which is SIGTERM, which asks a program to quit00:51
AssociateXI want to try to start it manually00:51
utuehAssociateX: what's 'ps -e | grep meta' say?00:52
redorangeVISUALLL EFFECTSSS !!!!!!!!!00:52
cyphaarguments must be process or job IDs00:52
VCooliocypha kill needs the pid, so you should do "kill 6315" or "killall skype" or "pkill skype"00:52
utueh# ps -e | grep meta00:52
utueh 3490 ?        00:00:09 metacity00:52
cypha lstarnes00:52
utuehAssociateX: metacity00:52
=== sol is now known as Guest28934
lstarnescypha: oops00:52
Equinox93Can anyone tell me where to place the RSA keys for "dk-filter" package under ubuntu ?  It's the sendmail domainkeys implementation.  I'm just not familiar with where the package wants them.00:52
lstarnescypha: try pkill instead of kill00:52
cyphai did that00:53
cyphathen i typed ps aux | grep skype again00:53
cyphaand it still shows the same thing00:53
VCooliocypha now do "kill -9 6315"00:53
lstarnescypha: try pkill -9 skype00:53
AssociateXutueh: ps -e|grep meta shows nothing00:53
AssociateXjust like I thought, I'm missing my window manager00:54
oenonewhy is it that when I try to change somethin iubuntu saysd permisison denied00:54
oenonehow do I get permission00:54
lstarnesoenone: what were you trying to change?00:54
oenoneclient.conf of pulseaudio00:54
utuehAssociateX: well, you got no window manager, can you start that (type: metacity), or do you have no terminal to type that in?00:54
lstarnesoenone: what are you editing it with?00:54
AssociateXutueh: I tried starting metacity from a VT but it wouldn't let me.00:54
oenonetxt editor00:55
cyphathanks guys00:55
cyphai really appreciate it00:55
lstarnesoenone: try doing alt+f2 then entering gksudo gedit /etc/pulse/client.conf00:55
cyphagot another question, am i supposed to add the -bg switch to ggl-gadgets so that it doesn't show up on start?00:55
AssociateXutueh: the terminal app xterm is just a white rectangle with no prompt.... again, I'm in trouble here.00:55
lstarnescypha: see if that works00:55
oenoneit worked00:56
cyphalstarnes: the current command is /usr/bin/ggl-gtk %F00:56
AssociateXI don't get this00:56
cyphaso where do i add the switch?00:56
cyphaand what's %F?00:56
utuehAssociateX: weird, i'v got no more ideas..., good luck, full re-boot no work?00:56
lstarnescypha: then use /usr/bin/ggl-gtk -bg %F00:56
AssociateXutueh: I'm going to see what is installed, then I'm going to install another terminal app to see if that works00:57
redorangewhat is the latest jaunty jackalope intel graphics driver00:57
SubCoolHey guys- whats the program so i can use on kubuntu to play XP games00:57
SubCooli wanna play medal of honor00:58
sebsebsebSubCool: games hum00:58
sebsebsebSubCool: are these games 3D?00:58
SubCooli used it on mandrake00:58
sebsebsebSubCool: Wine?00:58
SubCoolrequires OpenGl00:58
SubCoolWINE! thats a good one..00:58
sebsebsebSubCool: well quite a lot of programs just work, others need configuring, but overall Wine is pretty impressive,  considering all the reverse enginering that had to be done and everything00:59
cyphalstarnes: didnt' work00:59
LosFrijolesdoes anyone know how to speed up sshfs? it takes me like 15 seconds to list a directory and like 1.5 mins to save00:59
cyphabut the -h says that use -bg to run in the background00:59
the_archit3ctneed help to run murmur on an unix shell : http://tinypaste.com/9276800:59
the_archit3ctpme me00:59
mae^is there any way I can get fstab to persist using the LiveCD?00:59
SubCoolok- well im going on ur guys expereince- cause i dont have a lot of time to research it00:59
SubCoolwanna just jump into a game quick tonight00:59
utuehmae^: what?01:00
lstarnesthe_archit3ct: try its .sh or .pl version01:00
sebsebsebSubCool: GUIwise (Grapical User Interface)  when it comes to configuring and such,  Wine is not that user friendly, but there are commerical paid for  versions that are01:00
mae^well, its livecd on a usb stick using casper01:00
the_archit3ctcan't pl on a shel01:00
the_archit3cthaven't tried sh01:00
the_archit3cti'll do it01:00
LosFrijolesthe_archit3ct: use perl script.pl01:00
sebsebsebSubCool: try your games in Wine, if your lucky they just work, if not you may need to configure here and there,  and if unlucky  you won't be able to play those games in Wine.  #winehq is the channel to talk about Wine01:01
mae^I'm not exactly sure how casper is joining the cdrom and the casper-rw dir structures01:01
LosFrijolesthe_archit3ct: or use the #! /usr/bin/perl -w at the beginning of the file01:01
cyphalstarnes: ps aux | grep ggl-gtk just has 1 line, u said that line is normal, right?01:01
utuehmae^: oh, maybe mount the usb and edit it?01:01
SubCoolsebsebseb: you rock- thanks.01:01
utuehmae^: from another running linux01:01
mae^ah, thats a good idea01:01
sebsebsebSubCool: np01:01
lstarnescypha: you only use ps aux | grep <name> for checking if a process is running01:01
sebsebsebSubCool: and for 2D games well  a Windows virtual machine in  Virtualbox might do it, depending on game01:01
brunnersince I started my dist-upgrade, my brightness keeps dropping on my laptop even though I'm plugged into AC.  Is there any way to force it to use maximum brightness?01:01
cyphalstarnes: i was seeing if ggl-gtk is still running, because it doesn't work01:02
mae^still confusing why that file doesnt persist but other changes in etc do01:02
cyphai tried running it in the background01:02
sebsebsebSubCool: Directx games I mean01:02
sebsebsebSubCool: ,but 2D ones01:02
SubCoolya- nah01:02
SubCooli guess i cant get wine via Adept?01:02
lstarnescypha: try starting it in the terminal with ggl-gtk -bg &01:02
utuehmae^: you would likely have to mount the usb, then mount the image file or something...01:02
sebsebsebSubCool: or command line01:02
utuehmae^: cramfs or something, ain't done that yet, tell me if it works :)01:03
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mae^utueh: yeah, I know the process.. I went through it to set it up the first time01:03
Cry__BabyI installed a .deb file.. how do I now remove it?01:03
cyphalstarnes: THAT WORKED01:03
cyphawhat's the * do?01:03
cyphai mean the &01:03
DFadebrunner: there's a standard application for screen brightness, see if you can find it01:03
utuehmae^: cool01:03
mae^utueh: ah, well this is my first time01:03
mae^is there any good docs on casper/initramfs?01:03
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
lstarnescypha: it's only used in the shell to run it so that it doesn't take over the shall until it quits01:03
sebsebsebCry__Baby: find it in Synaptic and right click and remove like that.   you can do the config files to.  or  use command.   sudo apt-get purge  programname01:03
cyphanot sure what u mean01:04
cyphahow did u know to try that?01:04
Cry__Babysebastien: it doesnt show up in Synapetic when I searched for it,. why?01:04
sebsebsebCry__Baby: purge removes config files as well, remove, removes only program01:04
lstarnescypha: run it without the &01:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:04
cyphadoesn't work without the &01:04
redorangehow can i install latest intel graphics drivers01:04
sebsebsebCry__Baby: what did you install?01:04
buchAnyone who can help me with my sound card (Yamaha DS-1 YMF724) i can give you some dmesg info01:04
brunnerDFade: found it, thanks.01:04
cyphawithout the &, it starts and exits01:04
sebsebseb!intel |  redorange01:04
ubotturedorange: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.01:04
lstarnescypha: the & should only matter in the shell01:04
Cry__Babysebastien: when I typed the comment, it says E: Couldn't find package zoiper01:04
cyphalstarnes: without the &, it starts and exits01:05
Cry__Babysebastien: Zoiper01:05
DFadebrunner: if that doesn't work, ask again, someone'll help you01:05
sebsebseb!info zoiper01:05
ubottuPackage zoiper does not exist in jaunty01:05
sebsebsebCry__Baby: yeah that's not even in the Ubuntu repo by the looks of it01:05
brunnerDFade: thanks. I'll install it after the dist-upgrade is complete.01:05
k1rb_Ei need help getting my video on to an external display.. like a projector along w/ my monitor01:05
lindzeyn Got a question.  I have an X session running on display 6; but when I toggle to display 0 and back to display 6, I lose the X GUI.  What am I doing wrong?01:05
lukehi as i am new to linux i just wanted to find out about emulators to run games on. like oblivion and sniper elite that use *.exe. can anyone point me in the right direction, and are these trust-worthy?01:05
Cry__Babysebastien: i know, hence, I installed their .deb01:05
dubluedredorange:  go to Software Sources, in the Updates tab, select Pre-released updates, then do a update using update manager.  this will install 2.6.28-13 kernel patch01:05
Cry__Babysebastien: its a softphone01:05
Jeruvy!find zoiper01:05
ubottuPackage/file zoiper does not exist in jaunty01:05
edbianlindzeyn: Usually the GUI is actually on tty7 :)01:05
meoblast001does anyone know if Istanbul has been fixed to do 3D and sound together?01:06
cyphaso i don't need the & in the command line when i setup the startup applications for ubuntu?01:06
sebsebsebCry__Baby: got to remove it in another way then  I think, but not sure exactly how right now01:06
Cry__Babysebastien: how can I remove it.. doesnt connect to my Voip provider.. think firewall blocks it :(01:06
lstarnescypha: you most likely don't01:06
cyphalstarnes: any idea about the %F?01:06
DFadebrunner: there should be one you can add straight to your panels, plain and simple; but I'm off, night!01:06
sebsebseb!wine |  luke01:06
ubottuluke: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:06
lstarnescypha: the %F is the filename being passed to it by the gui01:06
sebsebsebSubCool: your still here so, see above01:06
lindzeynedbian: That is what I meant01:07
sebsebsebluke: np, however for games hum01:07
sebsebsebluke: some programs just work, and others need configuring, and some won't work at all01:07
max_Hi, I cant seem to set the timestamps to 12hr as opposed to 24hr format in Pidgin. Can someone tell me how?01:07
RyanPriorHey there. I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 "hardy heron" and I currently have Flash Player 901:07
edbianlindzeyn: When you go to tty1 and back to tty7 the gui isn't there??01:07
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:07
RyanPriorHow do I install flash 10?01:07
lindzeynI toggle  ctrl+alt+f7, and I lose the X GUI cntrl+alt+f601:07
sebsebseb!flash |  RyanPrior01:07
ubottuRyanPrior: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:07
sebsebsebRyanPrior: Flash 10  is not a security update for hardy?  Ubuntu only does security updates by default01:08
Cry__BabyZoiper sucks.. cant even remove it :(01:08
edbianlindzeyn: It isn't on any of the tty's ??01:08
mandrigHello all01:08
lindzeynedbian: right01:08
cyphalstarnes: thakns for all your help!01:08
redorangedublued: installing all pre released updates would make system unstable?01:08
RyanPriorsebsebseb: It would have to be a backport, I think.01:08
cyphagerat guy01:08
sebsebsebRyanPrior: you can install Flash 10 directly from Adobe, that's one way to do it01:08
lindzeynit just gives me verbose stdout crap about the X session that is supposedly running01:08
RyanPriorsebsebseb: Sure, but better if it's from the repo.01:08
sebsebsebRyanPrior: well if it's in the repo, it will be in the repo01:09
edbianlindzeyn: That is very very strange.  I have no idea.  Are you sure you tried all of them?  Techincally you can have infitintely many ttys but usually you run out of key-bindings to access them01:09
sebsebsebRyanPrior: Ubuntu only put security updates in the repo01:09
dubluedredorange:  it didn't on mine.  I have intel graphics chipset and was unable to get visual effects to work.  Someone on here recommended i follow the steps that I described to you.  The system has been working very well since the update.01:09
sebsebsebRyanPrior: there might be even a Flash 10 ppa for 8.04,  that's another way in that case, in how you could install it01:09
redorangedublued: thanks for solution01:09
sebsebsebRyanPrior: normally people install stuff from the repo,  but if they want later stuff they would normally  use a ppa first, before anything else01:09
sebsebseb!ppa > RyanPrior01:10
ubottuRyanPrior, please see my private message01:10
lindzeynedbian:  I know the process is still running, its just that the GUI disappears.  It's like X is too stupid or something, or I am too stupid.01:10
redorangeubottu: how are you01:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about how are you01:10
guestNow I've done it: installing 9.04, grub apparently went to hd0 but i don't see any sign of it on rebooting, only windows throwing me into the blue screen of death.01:11
edbianlindzeyn: Well I know for a fact that you should be able to switch ttys and go back to X.  I just did it to test!  I'm sorry I can't offer more help though :(01:11
=== Carlos is now known as Guest92450
Cry__Babyevery softphone I have tried wont connect to my VOIP provider... What could be wrong?  Is Ubuntu Firewall stopping it?01:11
Cry__Babysebastien: any ideas?01:11
Gourlisguest, you did a complete format as I see.01:11
JeruvyCry__Baby: possibly, did you check?01:11
lindzeynedbian: Thanks for your help01:11
Cry__BabyJeruvy: how I check?01:12
edbianlindzeyn: (Or lack thereof)01:12
k1rb_Ei need help getting my video on to an external display.. like a projector along w/ my monitor01:12
Jeruvy!ufw | Cry__Baby01:12
ubottuCry__Baby: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist01:12
guestGourlis: I formatted a spare drive and left my primary one alone except for grub, or so I believe.01:12
Cry__BabyEkiga doesnt connect either.. Butg I can connect through Vista01:12
Cry__BabyJeruvy: how does that info help me?01:12
JeruvyCry__Baby: well if you don't know how to review firewall rules...it's a great starting point01:13
lindzeynedbian: it was me that was stupid01:13
dubluedk1rb_E:  Go to Screen Resolution settings via Preferences.  If your external projector is connected, it should come up.  you can select to turn it on there01:13
edbianlindzeyn: You fixedi t?01:13
lindzeynI didnt know that f[8-10] were bound to any tty201:13
Gourlisany official channel about 9.10 ?01:14
Gourlisespecially for 9.1001:14
Cry__BabyJeruvy: I looked using Firewall Configuration, but see nothing about anything01:14
lindzeynall my x sessions are sitting there01:14
Cry__Babyi used ufw01:14
guestIt seems to think it can boot into windows, but when it tries to do so it says I've tampered with things that ought not to be tampered with.01:14
lstarnesGourlis: #ubuntu+1 is for the current development release, which is 9.10 until its final release in october01:14
dubluedk1rb_E:  *go to Display via Preferences01:14
Cry__BabyEkiga doesnt connect either01:14
dubluedGourlis:  you can get 9.10 help here01:15
JeruvyCry__Baby: then you answered you're own question.   Sorry I don't use SIP phones01:15
Gourlislstarnes, thank you mate.01:15
lstarnesdublued: not until its release.  9.10 is still in development01:15
Gourlisdublued, Just hopping 9.10 works with my ATI.01:15
lstarnesGourlis: I would strongly recommend not using 9.1001:15
k1rb_Edublued: then i guess it doesnt see it as connected. ill keep on it.. thanks now i know where to go.01:15
dubluedIstarnes:  thanks, got my versions confused01:15
Cry__BabyEkiga doesnt even pick up my USB headset01:15
lstarnesGourlis: it's not a stable release yet01:15
Gourlislstarnes, not from now, later.01:16
dubluedk1rb_E:  you can click on "Detect Monitors" and see if it comes up then01:16
guestAny advice on getting grub to work after an unsuccessful install?01:16
k1rb_Edublued: i am using svideo out on my ati video card to the projector .. same video card01:16
k1rb_Edoes tha tmake a diff?01:16
Cry__Babyhow can I get Ubuntu to detect and use my USB Headset?01:16
utuehCry__Baby: likely alsa or oss that's the problem01:16
Gourlislstarnes, 9.04 didn't work good for me. My ATI stopped support for Ubuntu so in 9.04 my screen was flickering.01:16
Cry__Babyutueh: solution?01:16
dubluedK1rb_E:  what's yoru ati video card model?01:17
utuehCry__Baby: sec...01:17
Cry__Babyutueh: ok01:17
utuehCry__Baby: what does dmesg say when you plug that in? (type: dmesg from a terminal)01:18
k1rb_Edublued ati radeon saphire01:18
timepilotIstarnes: I'm running Karmic as we speak, so far no major issues01:18
Cry__Babyutueh: ok brb01:18
Cry__Babyutueh: for the record, I used to hear sound, but it stopped working01:18
Cry__Babyutueh: typing dmesg gave 2 pages of text01:19
SubCoolthanks sorry- i am getting out of here01:20
SubCoolthanks for hte info01:20
dubluedk1rb_E:  try this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80372401:20
SubCoolill be back later- i lost the history, ill just ask again later01:20
atanokHello there01:21
halberddoes anybody use the program "lefty"?01:22
atanokwe have kind of a problem here01:22
patapouftimepilot: Have a question for you, what is your graphics card ?01:22
atanokwith 9.04 and a sound board01:22
owen1i don't see my cdrom. where can i see it using terminal? /media/cdrom?01:22
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=== caloss is now known as carloss
timepilotits on a old notebook (ati xpress 200m)01:23
haxI've got several systems I need to upgrade at once, all with very similar packages/hardware01:23
haxif I copy everything in /var/cache/apt/archives over, I should in theory be able to use those files instead of redownloading, correct?01:23
VCoolioowen1: the cdrom is in /dev; if it is mounted the mountpoint will be in /media to be browsed01:23
siwonhello all i just installed v904 and its a great OS but I have a question about the repository, when i type sudo apt-get update I get please use apt cd rom recognized by app and I tried adding the repository for xbmc and a couple of others and they all fail?01:24
AssociateXfinally back01:24
haxhow can I force the system to rescan whats in /var/cache/apt? right now it tries to download again anyway01:24
beinghumanI screwed up my damn xserver again01:24
beinghumandpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn'tw ork01:24
owen1VCoolio: in media i have cdrom but it's empty.01:24
beinghumanI think I screwed it up trying to get nvidia acceleration on riva tnt201:24
=== Vincent is now known as Guest17956
Flannelhax: You might look into apt-cacher01:24
beinghumanwith nvidia-glx-18001:24
k1rb_Edublued: do you know what fglrx is?01:24
beinghumananyone know how I can get it working again?01:24
Flannelhax: Especially if one of those machines is always (or mostly) on.01:24
atanokxubuntu 9.04 + Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:25
atanokI'm trying to solve a prolem01:25
k1rb_Edublued: nm found it01:25
atanokbut it looks like a patch intended for Arch was applied01:25
VCoolioowen1: any others? cdrom0 ? nautilus doesn't show it?01:26
atanokando now modprobe snd_hda_intel wont't work01:26
siwonhello all i just installed v904 and its a great OS but I have a question about the repository, when i type sudo apt-get update I get please use apt cd rom recognized by app and I tried adding the repository for xbmc and a couple of others and they all fail?01:26
atanokit keeps referring to the wrong files01:26
atanokis there any *easy* way to fix this?01:26
owen1VCoolio: i use the terminal, and the only folder i see is cdrom01:26
uskrewedMy top panel got all discombobulated and now the day/time/user portion of the bar is in the center, how do I move it back? I've tried dragging it but that didn't work. This is what it looks like right now :/ http://i41.tinypic.com/nlx7ar.png01:26
owen1VCoolio: ok, it's hidden.01:27
owen1VCoolio: ls -a showed cdrom0. but it's empty.01:27
chuckc_trying to setup passwordless ssh auth from mac to ubuntu box, have sshd_conf set,  have my public key on ubuntu box, but still get prompted for password01:28
Cry__BabyI can use Ekiga to make calls using my SIP provider.. But x-lite and Zoiper doesnt connect.. why?  firewall issues?01:28
mib_h8yphp1nHello everyone i'm having a problem with installing to my ps301:29
haxthis is really a one time thing, just have a bunch of systems that were all last upgraded a year ago, that all need to be updated again01:29
haxisn't there a way to force it check /var/cache before downloading?01:29
haxsetting up an apt-cache server doesn't make sense for me, and none of them are "usually on"01:29
owen1VCoolio: dmseg shows me interesting error - one sec.01:30
mib_h8yphp1ncan anyone help me with installing to a ps3? i'm having a problem getting it past kboot01:30
mib_h8yphp1nno then?01:31
Flannelmib_h8yphp1n: Try #ubuntu-ps301:31
mib_h8yphp1nthank you01:32
obi_im having a a problem with the current version of firefox, i cant play streaming video. ive tryed installing different plugins etc to no avail. any advise?01:32
bo7amnyhow can i check in the terminal if a file exists or note ?01:33
AssociateXHello again01:33
ircnickiusebo7amny, ls filename01:33
linxehbo7amny: you could use ls filename01:33
AssociateXwhat is the name of the gui package manager?01:34
ircnickiusein a script, I think it is if [-e filename] or something weird like that, is there a truthy for exists? or is that equals? I don't know01:34
halberdapt-get install synaptic01:34
ircnickiuse*bash, and YMMV01:34
AssociateXI have it installed.01:34
AssociateXthank you01:35
jribbo7amny: check advanced bash scripting guide at tldp.org or ask #bash01:35
tlisantianyone use moneydance?01:36
guestIt's looking like grub killed my ability to boot - is there any way to fix it?01:36
Etrigani finally hooked up my old server (7.04) and now it can't update.  what do i need to do to get it up to date?01:37
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sacdmanhi... i just switched from mint 7 to ubuntu 9.0401:37
sacdmanI have a compaq EVO D510 CMT01:38
unitheoryis there any way in xubuntu to display password dialogs as normal windows?01:38
wallshotseems jaunty's default bluetooth support will pair with my phone but not handle file transfers back and forth.  Where can i look at what's extra tools I may need to do this?01:38
sacdmanmy monitor is a compaq 750001:38
brunnerOh great: "The upgrade will continue but the 'linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic' package may be in a not working state. Please consider submitting a bug report about it."01:38
brunnerthat ain't good01:38
Forger7hi :)01:38
sacdmanI would appreciate some help in configuring my video so i can set the refresh rate to 60Hz01:38
unitheoryEtrigan, you need an "alternate" install disc01:38
sacdmanthe lowest I can set it at presently is 75Hz01:39
Etriganunitheory: what version?01:39
Forger7can someone help me with xchat? at start im marking "no network list at startup" but it shows up everytime :(01:39
sacdmanthe refresh rate for my display01:39
unitheoryEtrigan, 9.04 is the latest release. it's fairly stable in my experience.01:39
k1rb_Edublued: so i am trying to install the fglrx driver so says most documentation...   and well i dont have the fglrx.ko file in the /lib/modules/ directory..    know anything about htis?01:40
fryguyk1rb_E: did you install one?01:40
k1rb_Efryguy: i guess not. how do  i install one?  im sorry.01:40
guestSo how does one fix a master boot record when installing grub leaves it unbootable?01:41
unitheorysacdman, may i assume you tried system > preferences > display ?01:41
sacdmanoh yes01:41
fryguyk1rb_E: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:41
fryguy!grub | guest01:41
Jeruvy!grub | guest01:41
ubottuguest: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:41
k1rb_Efryguy:  yea thats what im trying to do01:41
* Jeruvy wants a beer from fryguy01:41
sacdmanthe lowest I can set it at presently is 75Hz01:42
uskrewedMy top panel got all discombobulated and now the day/time/user portion of the bar is in the center, how do I move it back? I've tried dragging it but that didn't work. This is what it looks like right now :/ http://i41.tinypic.com/nlx7ar.png01:42
unitheorydoes anyone know how to edit gconf from command line?01:42
k1rb_Efryguy: i ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-11-generic01:42
k1rb_Eupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic01:42
fryguy!reset-panel | uskrewed01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reset-panel01:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panel01:42
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »01:42
psycoborgim having a problem with ubuntu lockingup, without any errors. the mose moves but everything else is locked.01:42
k1rb_Efryguy: then went to do a insmod and the fglrx.ko doesnt exist01:42
psycoborgim using ubunti 9.0401:42
Etriganunitheory: this will update me to 9.04?01:43
uskrewedty fryguy01:43
psycoborgthis just started happening.01:43
fryguyk1rb_E: neither of those commands will install a binary driver01:43
fryguypsycoborg: open up a terminal and run top/ps and see what is running01:43
k1rb_Efryguy: sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko01:43
k1rb_Einsmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': No such file or directory01:43
unitheoryEtrigan, yes, you can use an ubuntu-9.04-alternate disc to upgrade any ubuntu installation to 9.04, the latest release01:43
Jeruvy!pastebin | k1rb_E01:43
ubottuk1rb_E: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:43
lstarnesk1rb_E: what about sudo modprobe fglrx?01:43
guestubottu: actually I installed 9.04 on hd2 (I think), and left my windows (hd0) alone, but now nothing will boot01:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:43
Etriganunitheory: thanks, you're awesome01:44
theman1Hey, does anyone know how i can decrypt a string, that is encoded with rc4 (or ssl? base 64) that is salted with a pass? Thanks01:44
unitheoryEtrigan, you're welcome ;]01:44
halberdtheman1: you mean if you don't know the pass?01:44
sebsebsebPraveen: hi01:44
Praveeni have a question about running scripts on shutdown01:44
wallshotSSL is NOT base6401:44
Praveenin ubuntu01:44
theman1halberd, i do know the pass01:44
Jeruvytheman1: that is a bit OT for here, but I won't object :)01:44
wallshotbase64 is not key-based encryption and can easily be decoded by anybody without the need for keys or passphrases01:45
Praveeni currently have a script that moves my firefox and pidgin profies to my windows partition01:45
Praveenbut i need it to run on shutdown01:45
theman1halberd, i suppose if i didnt it would be nearly impossible, well i could bruteforce somehow but thats not the case01:45
Praveenor reboot01:45
Praveenhow do i do this?01:45
theman1wallshot how? the string/hash is salted...01:45
theman1wallshot what commanline script or other program can i use?01:45
k1rb_Elstarnes: FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko): Cannot allocate memory01:46
wallshotbase64 has no salt afaik01:46
sacdmananyone here know anything about optimizing ubuntu for compaq 7500 monitor?01:46
halberdbase64 isn't encryption01:46
lstarnesbase64 is just encoding01:46
wallshotit's a handy way to convert non-ascii characters to ascii characters (for example putting UNICODE characters into email headers, which only support ASCII)01:46
sacdmanMy PC is a Compaq EVO D510CMT01:46
halberdrc4 on the other hand is encryption01:46
wallshotthere is absolutely no security in base64 encoding01:46
SuperSeniorWhy do many open source applications have a "/chrome" subdirectory where they are installed?01:47
theman1ok, then how can i decode/Decrypt a rc4 string01:47
psycoborgthe following are running xorg plasma ksysguardd kwin xchat gnome terminal  and a few more things.  is there something specific i need to look for?01:47
fryguySuperSenior: if by many, you mean like, 2?01:47
n2diyI just did an install of 8.10, and then updated/upgraded to 9.04, and I don't have a shutdown option in my system menu!?01:47
psycoborgkde04 is also running01:47
k1rb_Ejeruvy: sorry01:47
fryguySuperSenior: it's a mozilla org thing, part of their graphics display code01:47
SuperSeniorNo, Nvu also has it01:48
SuperSeniorso do many other open source applications01:48
ircnickiusewallshot, I don't think you can salt any space encoding scheme, it just doesn't have parallel01:48
halberdalso, a salt and a password aren't the same thing01:48
psycoborgmysql and apache is also running. :P01:48
sacdmanI think I need to edit my xorg.conf to set the refresh rate for my system, but I don't know how01:48
RukusXcabrey, sound in flash videos stopped working in both firefox and epiphany-browser.  no errors in terminal.01:48
fryguysacdman: luckily there is a manpage for xorg.conf, just read that01:49
OOTHello all, anyone please help..., where I can find the the file (or a config file) that stores the channels information of ircd-hybrid? Is such file human readable?01:49
ircnickiuseyou can salt a crypt, and some encodings, but not something that is just a space encoding01:49
sacdmanfryguy: where is the manpage?01:49
ircnickiusenot space.. what is the word?01:49
lstarnesOOT: channel info is kept entirely in ram for almost all ircds01:49
fryguysacdman: xorg.conf01:49
lstarnesOOT: services packages often store it in a database of some sort01:49
psycoborgi was using gnome without problems till last week and was forced to switch to kde, not that too is starting to lock up.01:49
sacdmanwhat is manpage?01:49
cabreyRukusX, flash has been the biggest pain in the ***01:49
SuperSenior"lock up"?01:49
SuperSeniorDoes it just freeze?01:50
fryguysacdman: man man, and then man xorg.conf in a terminal01:50
psycoborgyou talking to me supersenior?01:50
tyfovoi need some help...01:50
OOTlstarnes: I am currently experimenting ircd-hybrid as local irc service... so how?01:50
SuperSeniorAsk away tyfovo lol01:50
RukusXcabrey,  oh ok good ur here01:50
lstarnesOOT: ircd-shybrid is not a services package01:50
RukusXcabrey if i restart the browser it works again01:50
theman1wallshot, any idea?01:51
lstarnesOOT: it's just an ircd01:51
sacdmanfryguy: I have no idea how to edit this... never done this b401:51
k1rb_Elstarnes: ever seen this before?01:51
lstarnesk1rb_E: seen what?01:51
fryguysacdman: that is what the manpage is there for, it tells you everything you need to know about the file to edit it01:51
psycoborgsupersenior, when it locks up i cant click on anything . but the mouse will still move around.01:51
sacdmando I need to type man xorg.conf to see the file?01:51
ircnickiuse#ubuntu: question: Why doesn't 9.04 desktop kernel have PAE?01:51
psycoborgit randomly does this.01:51
OOTlstarnes: yes, an ircd and can be accessed in my XCHAT using server address localhost/6667...?01:52
fryguysacdman: it shows you the manual for the file01:52
ircnickiuse^^ that question01:52
tyfovoi have installed the latest version of ubuntu on my pc. when i boot up is says something like "acpi invalid tdc value"01:52
sacdmanthanx... will look it over01:52
psycoborgno error messaged are displayed.01:52
k1rb_Elstarnes: FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko): Cannot allocate memory01:52
lstarnesOOT: by services, I mean NickServ/ChanServ01:52
tyfovoit flashes by so quickly...01:52
SuperSeniorNo common factor when it locks up tyfovo?01:52
SeaPhorfryguy, sometimes i find appname --help more useful ;-)01:52
cabreyRukusX, does thia (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Troubleshooting) match your symptoms?01:52
fryguypsycoborg: have you tried running in an environment that doesn't have 3d acceleration01:52
k1rb_Elstarnes when doing a modprobe01:52
tyfovoeverything works fine...01:52
fryguySeaPhor: unfortnately that is not true for X1101:52
psycoborgnot sure.01:52
lstarnesk1rb_E: it could be a bug in that module01:52
psycoborgi was wondering of their might be a disk error or something.01:52
tyfovojust want to figure out why is says that....01:53
psycoborgbecause this os was running great till the update before last.01:53
k1rb_Elstarnes: it actually is.. found it in the bug launchpad :-/   thanks for your time01:53
fryguytyfovo: likely because your motherboard doesn't comply with acpi spec01:53
OOTlstarnes: if so, it is impossible for me to grab channel information as it as a file?01:53
k1rb_Efryguy: thanks as well01:53
SuperSeniortyfovo, is it tdc or tds?01:53
lstarnesOOT: exactly01:53
lstarnesOOT: it's only stored in RAM01:53
sacdmanthanks again fryguy... will research this01:54
OOTlstarnes: well, thx very much for your help...01:54
psycoborgi did install aloth of things.01:54
tyfovonosorry... tds01:54
n2diyI just did an install of 8.10, and then updated/upgraded to 9.04, and I don't have a shutdown option in my system menu!?01:54
AssociateXno worky01:54
psycoborgif i uninstall all the crap from the package manager, im not sure if this will solve this lockup issue01:55
AssociateXblackbox works fine here but not gnome/metacity01:55
wallshotdo the default-installed bluez tools not handle file transfers, etc?  If we want to actually transfer files back and forth between jaunty and bluetooth phone, instead of pairing, connecting, and sitting there useless, do we need to install some of the obextools?01:55
tyfovoi tried to install ubuntu with virtualbox so i could take a screenshot, but the error did not come up then...01:55
RukusXcabrey those symptoms dont match. my flash will work flawlessly. until i leave my laptop alone for a few hours, then it stopss01:55
SuperSenioroh kay haha, i thought it was "tds" one sec tyfovo01:55
ectospasm...hmmm, I wonder why LVM isn't included on the LiveCD?  Is it just that the installer doesn't have the capability for it?  Are the libraries and whatnot necessary for LVM too large for such a fringe feature?01:55
cabreyRukusX, you havent tried the open source alternatives, have you?01:56
=== miguel is now known as Guest90272
Guest90272Can someone help me out.. its my second day with ubuntu01:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:56
tyfovoi have a sony vaio c2zb, if its to any help...01:56
burn_where can I read about making something start on boot?01:56
=== Gnaritas_ is now known as SolFusion
RukusXcabrey, no.  can you tell me what i need to do, to uninstall flash and then install open source?01:56
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:56
SuperSeniortyfovo, i think from what im learning, this might be a driver issue. thats what it looks like from doing a bit of searching01:56
Jeruvy!startup | burn_01:57
Guest90272I need to get amarok or another media player to play songs, it will only play some01:57
ubottuburn_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:57
cabreyRukusX, well i'll tell you right now that the open source alternatives are crap compared to non-free flash. but we can use them as a way to see if it is a flash problem or another problem01:57
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:57
tyfovois there anything i can do about it?01:57
cabreyGuest90272, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:57
tyfovosony only has drivers for xp and vista=(01:58
volrathIs there a way for me to install all avalibal development packacges01:58
cabreyGuest90272, wait, ubuntu or kubuntu?01:58
OOTlstarnes: are you still there?01:58
lstarnesOOT: yes01:58
SuperSenioryeah thats usually the case. a manufacture decides they dont feel like releasing driver specs lol. lets see if there is a workaround tyfovo01:58
tyfovowhere in ubuntu can i find which hardware and drivers are istalled?01:59
nick125In Ubuntu's fancy-shmancy screen implementation, is there a way to "change" the profile for just a certain session? I want all of my sessions to be ubuntu-dark, but I want to be able to set my irssi session to plain.01:59
cabreytyfoo, the kernel has builtin support for tons of hardware, but you can list inserted modules by typing lsmod in a terminal01:59
Guest90272so can i play songs01:59
SuperSeniorthank you cabrey! i was stumped there haha02:00
OOTlstarnes: can I add a default channel to some kind of config file, I really new with ircd-hybrid...02:00
cabreySuperSenior, what did i do?02:00
wolteris there an application like grapher (for mac) in ubuntu?02:00
lstarnesOOT: I don't think there's a way to do that in hybrid02:00
SuperSeniorassisted tyfovo! =)02:00
cabreyokie dokie02:00
lstarnesOOT: I would recommend using a more actively-developed ircd.  ircd-ratbox and charybdis are similar to hybrid and work very well02:01
tyfovojust type ismod?02:01
burn_is adding a script in /etc/init.d and calling it in rc.local a poor way of doing things02:01
lstarnesOOT: inspircd also exists and has a lot of features02:01
SeaPhorif i wanted to download a font and have access to it globally, where would i put it? /usr/?/?  ??02:01
lstarnesburn_: somewhat02:01
SuperSenioryeah tyfovo but look for something about acpi02:01
lstarnesSeaPhor: maybe /usr/local/share/fonts02:01
tyfovosays command not found...02:02
lstarnestyfovo: insmod02:02
Guest90272I need help with mp3's please02:02
cabreyGuest90272, ubuntu or kubuntu?02:02
cabreyGuest90272, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:02
Guest90272its my second day02:02
SuperSenioroh right, insmod, try that tyfovo02:02
OOTlstarnes: I guess so, ooh a really feel full confuse using ircd-hybrid... Ok I'll try another one that you suggested... once again txh very much...02:02
Guest90272yeah i got that02:02
SeaPhorTY lstarnes02:03
lstarnesOOT: inspircd has pretty good documentation02:03
Guest90272but some songs still wont play im using amarok02:03
tyfovoUsage: insmod filename [args].....now what?02:03
lstarnesOOT: you could also run a services package such as atheme or anope along with it for services such as NickServ and ChanServ02:03
lstarnestyfovo: actually, it's lsmod02:04
lstarnestyfovo: with a lowercase L02:04
burn_I put a transmission--daemon script in /etc/init.d and then put  /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start in rc.local which works, how else should I do that to be more proper?02:04
OOTlstarnes: Ow... very nice, that's all I need... something with documentation... Ok, ok... 1000% great thanks for you...02:04
tyfovotyler@tyler-laptop:~$ Ismod02:04
tyfovobash: Ismod: command not found02:04
lstarnestyfovo: lowercase L02:05
Guest90272cabrey you there02:05
cabreyGuest90272, yes02:05
SuperSeniorhermmmm, well tyfovo, i can tell you it has to do with the processor02:05
tyfovogot it now02:05
SuperSeniordid it work tyfovo?02:05
lstarnesOOT: be warned that you will most likely need to compile those from source, but the process is fairly easy if you have the build-essential package installed02:05
cabreyGuest90272, ok try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras02:05
jimdbis anyone in here experienced with wireless?  i have a wireless card in my computer that sees my router but when prompted to enter the passcode/password, it won't connect and every minute or two it prompts me to reenter it.  Note:  i'm using kubuntu with ubuntu desktop loaded...i asked in the kubuntu forum but no one has given me a response.02:05
Guest90272ok so i have that but some songs will not play02:05
Guest90272i installed that last night02:05
SuperSeniorhey jimdb i think ndiswrapper may help you02:05
Guest90272thats how i got some to play02:06
cabreyGuest90272, both of the restricted-extras?02:06
tyfovoyes the command worked, but i dont really know what im looking for...02:06
Guest90272umm no il try02:06
Guest90272i can just do it throug add or remove right02:06
beinghumanwhy is nvidia-xconfig not included in nvidia-glx-71?02:06
jimdbsupersenior:  let's stay away from ndiswrapper.  note that I said that the system sees my router.02:06
OOTlstarnes: OOP! you mean it's not available on ubuntu package?02:06
lstarnesOOT: I usually don't use packages for ircds02:06
tyfovowhat about the processor?02:07
psycoborghow can i reset kde to factory defaults ?02:08
OOTlstarnes: whatsoever, I still interest to this one... Ok, I try look on ubuntu package repository, perhaps I can find...02:08
Guest90272cabrey i got it so now what02:08
cabreypsycoborg, /join #kubuntu02:09
cabreyGuest90272, did you test it out?02:09
lstarnesOOT: the packaged versions are often different than the compiled versions02:09
SuperSeniorwell tyfovo, acpi is "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface"02:09
psycoborgim having problems with both.02:09
psycoborgforgot im in ubuntu.. lol02:09
Guest90272not yet im about to02:09
OOTlstarnes: no matter about version, I need something easily configured...02:09
SuperSeniortyfovo: and TDS is "tabular data stream"02:10
tyfovookey, if its not working, can i turn it off?02:10
lstarnesOOT: you will always need to deal with editing text-based config files when dealing with ircds02:10
beinghumananyone know why when I run nvidia-settings it tells me to run nvidia-xconfig02:10
beinghumanhowever, when I run nvidia-xconfig02:10
beinghumanit's not included in nvidia-glx-7102:10
SuperSeniortyfovo: it has to do with runnign processes, and i think it is neccesary02:10
lstarnesOOT: the actual compilation process takes about 5 or 6 commands and is fairly easy02:11
lstarnesOOT: the online docs for inspircd include how to compile inspircd02:11
tyfovoso just leave it alone?02:11
SuperSeniortyfovo: I think you should file a bug report.. :-/02:11
OOTlstarnes: yes of course, but I easier than "confusing me with ircd-hybrid" ... wkkkkkk...02:11
tyfovohow do i do that?02:12
SuperSeniortyfovo: lets find out =) one sec02:12
tyfovothe screen flashes by so fast... i dont have time to wright it down...02:12
SuperSeniortyfovo, are you on ubuntu right now?02:13
SuperSeniortyfovo: see the "Help" menu? it should have a "Report a Problem" section02:13
Guest90272cabrey i got a window saying pakage configuration02:13
SuperSeniortyfovo: well, actually thats for an application.. lets see..02:14
cabreyGuest90272, i'm guessing it is a license agreement02:14
tyfovosystem-help and support...02:14
Divinityanyone know if my webcam is compatible with Ubuntu 9.04 I have the microsoft LifeCam VX-300002:14
cabrey!bugs | tyfoo02:15
ubottutyfoo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:15
beinghumanyou guys have been just loads of help02:15
cabrey!webcam | Divinity02:15
ubottuDivinity: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:15
Guest90272yess but how do i confirm it02:15
=== Aryan is now known as Guest37966
cabreyGuest90272, there should be a next at the bottom right hand corner02:15
try2freeanyone using shorewall, ltsp and squid ? in hardy?02:16
OOTlstarnes: thank you very much, I find it on ubuntu repository... I ll gona try it... wish me luck...02:16
lstarnesOOT: I wouldn't use that version02:16
lstarnesOOT: be warned that it may behave differently than in inspircd's online docs02:16
tyfovowhat do i write in "package"?02:16
cabreyDivinity, MS Webcams use the uvc standard IIRC02:16
SuperSeniortyfovo: try this --> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs02:17
Guest90272umm not it just say <ok> at the bottom but nothing else and i cant click it02:17
Guest90272should i just close it02:17
guestOk, this is weird.  Installing Grub killed my ability to boot, so I feel like I'm learning to hack my windows disk using the 9.04 boot disk. ((new to Linux, fun way to start off))02:18
SuperSeniorguest: can you still boot into linux?02:18
SuperSeniorguest: wait, can you get to the grub menu?02:19
guestSS: I can only boot onto CD.  If I take the CD out I get the blue screen of death.02:19
SuperSeniorguest: no grub boot menue?02:19
tyfovoWhere can i find a device manager in ubuntu?02:19
guestSS: nope, no grub menu02:19
cabreyDivinity, I take that back, but you are in luck -- there is a driver02:19
Rammler1983hallo, i can't log in after installing the latest ati driver02:19
cabreyRammler1983, graphics card?02:19
SuperSeniorguest: >.< oh! you can reinstall grub!02:19
SuperSeniortyfovo: one sec lol02:20
cabrey!grub | guest02:20
ubottuguest: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:20
guestSS: that's what I'm trying, but my first attempt was unsuccessful02:20
OOTlstarnes: OOPS! but it's ok, I'll try it first, if it still confuses me, I ll try your advise to compile from source... Hi, this look something bigger package than ircd-hybrid...02:20
SuperSeniortyfovo: System>Preferences>Hardware Information02:20
burn_anyone have experience with pwmconfig?02:20
VicfredHow do I install ubuntu without burning a cd, can I boot it from my hdd if I already have a linux installation?02:21
SuperSeniorguest: do you just need to figure out configuration for your disk, or can you not even get that far with grub?02:21
guestSS: I just now figured out which partition my windows disk is on so I can save my links and notes.  :)02:21
tyfovocant find it...hmmm02:21
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:21
cabreytyfoo, try sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager02:22
guestSS: I'm not sure where to point Grub to...02:22
cabrey!tab | guest02:22
ubottuguest: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:22
tyfovonope.. not there, double checked=)02:22
SuperSeniortyfovo: is it not here-->System>Preferences>Hardware Information?02:22
mbostwickI am trying to do some programming work and for a short time am using anther computer that runs ubuntu...I was running gentoo, dose anyone know how to install ncurses-devel, I do not have the header files for nucrses :(02:22
cabreySuperSenior, isn't installed for me either02:22
Guest90272cabrey so what now, sorry for the newbyness02:23
cabreymbostwick, libncurses-dev02:23
Rammler1983cabrey 3650 laptop acer apire G925002:23
cabreyGuest90272, did it work?02:23
SuperSeniorcabrey: is it something that needs to be installed?02:23
ianwHi everyone, I'm doing an assignment on Ubuntu for my MBA and wanted to show the group how friendly you all are by getting a screenshot - feel free to say hello!02:23
cabreySuperSenior, i guess, it might be gnome-device-manager02:23
tyfovocan i install it somehow?02:23
mbostwickcabrey thanks but I found it under - libncurses5-dev02:23
dthackerianw: Ubuntu rocks.02:24
cabreymbostwick, i know libncurses-dev is a virtual package :)02:24
SuperSeniortyfovo: try gnome-device-manager02:24
Flannelianw: This is the support channel, you'd be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic, the chat channel.  Thanks. (And Welcome)02:24
Guest90272no there is no next02:24
mbostwickkool works :)02:24
cabreyGuest90272, could you perhaps screenshot it so I know what were dealing with?02:24
guestSuperSenior: The last thing I tried was "Installing GRUB to /dev/sda as (hd0)..."02:24
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. See also !imagebin02:24
ianwThanks Flannel -> I'll do that!02:24
mbostwickthanks cabrey and all .... going to leave now :)02:24
SuperSeniorguest: i havent doen that in a while but let me check.. grub is pretty picky about all the info02:25
booleandoes anyone know how to manipulate gdm so that when one logs in a single X app is launched as opposed to the whole Gnome suite?02:25
cabreyRammler1983, Radeon 3650?02:25
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.02:25
=== GreaterCoreDuo is now known as GreaterCore
Guest90272uhhh no still wont play most songs it plays a couple02:26
Rammler1983cabrey yes radeon mobilaty mobility02:26
guestSuperSenior: I haven't tried rebooting from that yet, wanted save some notes so I could reaccess them if/when I end up back here.02:26
tyfovohmm i guess a whole lot of questionmarks infront of my devices isnt that good...02:26
erossaarrgghh...  what's the point of linux games if you can't run them due to missing AND depreciated dependencies???02:26
tyfovospecially infront of the processor02:26
SuperSeniorguest: i found an awesome info page here --> http://www.cameratim.com/computing/linux/restoring-grub02:26
SuperSeniorguest: see if that helps at all =)02:26
SuperSeniortyfovo: well at least wh KNOW the problem now haha!02:27
guestSuperSenior: thanks, I've been going off the ubuntu support pages so far; nice to be able to triangulate.  :)02:27
tyfovoso i have to surf around and try to find linux drivers?02:27
SuperSeniortyfovo: can you figure out exactly which processor you have?02:28
Guest90272Ha fixed the problem i opened that rythimbox thing. it told me i needed a plugin searched it and it installed it and it works thanks for your help though02:28
Divinitywhere is that driver02:28
tyfovoIntel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5500  @ 1.66GHz02:29
SuperSeniorguest: i dont think its very safe to use "dev/hd1" (just an example) to point to a drive partition02:29
SuperSeniorguest: from my experience lol. i think there is a more exact way to do it02:29
cabreyDivinity, you will have to compile it yourself02:30
SuperSeniorguest: oh! have you edited the "fstab" file yet?02:30
Guest90272also one of my firefox addons is not working can anyone help with that02:30
guestSuperSenior: that was following the directions in the ubuntu page.  No, I haven't done anything with fstab - where and what do I do?  :)02:30
matrixblue!uuid | SuperSenior02:31
ubottuSuperSenior: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:31
SuperSeniorguest: /etc/fstab which should have all your partitions listed. you could poke around to see if anything looks funny02:31
SuperSeniortyfovo: if we can figure out which processor you have we might be able to find a driver for it, well, the RIGHT driver for it02:32
Divinitywhere is it02:33
SuperSeniorguest: the "/boot/grub.grub.conf" file looks mighty important haha02:33
tyfovoIntel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU  T5500  @ 1.66GHz02:33
guestSuperSenior: the only thing I recognize is /dev/sdc2 being the swap.  it also talks about ... doh, I bet that's the CD's version of etc...02:33
cabreyDivinity, download this to your desktop: http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca50x/Download/gspcav1-20071224.tar.gz02:34
bkt5401where can I find out about upgrading from 8.04 to 9.0402:34
swampySo, I'm having trouble adding repositories in Jaunty.02:34
jrib!upgrade > bkt540102:34
ubottubkt5401, please see my private message02:34
Divinityok done02:34
SuperSeniortyfovo: im pretty sure thats a common processor.. i wonder why the "???" were appearing in front of it in the device manager..02:34
wolteris there any grapher like application in ubuntu (plotting both 2d and 3d graphs from a gui)02:34
wolterwith mathematical functions02:34
SuperSeniorbkt5401: isnt there a way to use the package manager to upgrade?02:35
SuperSeniorwolter: im almost sure of it!02:35
tyfovodont know... at intels webpage there is a download for linux... but no ubuntu on the list...02:35
wolterSuperSenior, which?02:35
SuperSeniortyfovo: the linux driver will work =)02:35
bkt5401SuperSenior, I dont know yet02:35
guestSuperSenior: ok, saw my new fstab and it doesn't show me anything (of what I can interpret) that looks grossly out of whack.02:36
SuperSeniorbkt5401: there is! =) i did it myself02:36
tyfovojust linux, or debian linux?02:36
SuperSeniorwolter: you could search the "package manager" for "graphing application"02:36
swampyIt's odd, the GUI isn't adding any of the repositories I try to add.02:36
SuperSeniortyfovo: debian02:36
SuperSeniorguest: there should be an entry for both ubuntu and for windoze02:37
bhowertonWill ubuntu 9.04 work well running either as a Storage Server (this will be storing just Backup Files from the other servers) or a Proxy Server (monitoring the active connections for about 220 users)???   What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ubuntu for purposes such as this???02:37
wolterSuperSenior, yeah but not all appear there, anyway I think I just found wxmaxima02:38
woltergonna try it02:38
tyfovono ubuntu listed... try anyway?02:38
SuperSeniortyfovo: ubuntu is debian =)02:38
bkt5401SuperSenior, Thanks02:38
jribbhowerton: sure, use ubuntu-server02:38
SuperSeniorbkt5401: did you find it? =)02:39
SuperSeniorbhowerton: if you want help on installing ubuntu server, i reciently did last week.. i can help =)02:39
bhowertonjrib, should i use ubuntu server or can i use the ubuntu desktop version02:39
SkullbroWhat really is the difference between server and desktop short of the server comes with more packages installed that are geared towards server applications?02:39
darkhamhi, how can i set deluge client fot shut down the system when ended a torrent?02:40
bhowertonthanks supersenior...i might just take you up on that02:40
jribbhowerton: you can use the desktop version if you wish, but you'll be installing things that you don't need on a server02:40
tyfovoits just a text file... hmmm02:40
SuperSeniorbhowerton: i would recommend ubuntu server.. its much faster for server purposes02:40
jribbhowerton: in the end ubuntu-server and ubuntu-desktop share the same repositories, they just have a different set of default packages02:40
guestSuperSenior: there isn't either.  There's UUID's for my ext4 and swap and a mention of the cdrom02:40
SuperSeniortyfovo: the "driver" is just a tet file?02:41
tyfovo.dat file02:41
SuperSeniorguest: i gues we need to add an entry for windoze!02:41
tyfovoLinux* Processor Microcode Data File02:41
Divinitycabrey how do I install this I am confused looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware02:41
bhowertonok well it look like i will give the ubuntu server a try02:42
TomTommyHow come Ubuntun Developers removed iLBC codec from Ekiga?02:42
TomTommyhow can I talk to a Ubuntu developer?02:42
cabreyDivinity, i am trying to figure it out, there is little to no documentation02:42
SuperSeniorbhowerton: do you have the iso file?02:42
swampyTom: Check the ubuntu fora. It's silly with 'em.02:42
Divinityahhh ok02:42
jribTomTommy: did you check the changelog or maybe comments in the patch?02:42
bhowertonSuper Senior, i will take you up on the offer for help02:42
TomTommyjrib: where?02:43
bhowertonyes i have it on a dvd02:43
SuperSeniorbhowerton: ok lets get started! haha02:43
jrib!changelogs | TomTommy02:43
ubottuTomTommy: changelogs for Ubuntu packages can be found on http://changelogs.ubuntu.com02:43
jribTomTommy: otherwise download the source package and read it02:43
guestSuperSenior: Er, ok.  And that will make my boot record listen to grub?  (thanks for all the help, btw)02:44
imsnetwork connection help, anybody???02:44
bhowertoni also have a seperate machine to install it on so i can go back and forth easily02:44
matrixblueims sup?02:44
SuperSeniorbhowerton: is this machine hooked up to a router?02:44
matrixblueims what's the problem?02:44
imsI have to restart before I can connect.02:44
SuperSeniorguest: yeah grub uses that file to list the installed os's on the drive02:45
gabrielHi everyone02:45
SuperSeniorguest: with out the list, grub assumes there are no installed os's02:45
dajhornTomTommy: Debian removed it upstream because it has an incompatible license, so it was dropped when Ubuntu imported the package.02:45
n2diycan you hot swap pcmcia devices?02:45
matrixblueims, I need more details of the problem. What kind of connection is it? (wireless wired) Are you using a router or directly connected via modem?02:46
gabrielI have a question: will I benefit from ext4 in ubuntu 9.04? I would like to change from ext3 to ext without having to reinstall ubuntu02:46
gabrielsorry, ext402:46
guestSuperSenior: Do you know what the syntax needs to be?02:46
SuperSeniorbhowerton: go ahead and pop the dvd in and boot the new server02:46
SuperSeniorguest: nope but i bet we can find it haha02:46
TomTommydajhorn: DAMN! :( Because I need iLBC :(02:46
m1chaelwill i be able to remote desktop in to a remote server?02:46
tyfovo1) Save the file downloaded from the Intel web site to your02:46
tyfovo      hard drive.02:46
tyfovo   2) Run the downloaded file to extract all setup files.02:46
tyfovo   3) Run the setup.bat file while a blank 1.44 MB floppy disk is02:46
tyfovo      in the drive.02:46
FloodBot1tyfovo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:46
tyfovo   4) Restart the computer with the floppy disk in the drive.  The02:46
bhowertonok i had to hook up the cable real quick, but it is connected now02:47
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TomTommydajhorn: are you ubuntu developer?02:47
dajhornTomTommy: You'll need to recompile the package yourself.02:47
bhowertoni will start the dvd02:47
TomTommydajhorn: whats incompatible license mean?02:47
dajhornTomTommy: No.02:47
TomTommydajhorn: how can I do that?02:47
glickshey is there a channel geared torward netbooks?02:47
gabrielI have a question: will I benefit from ext4 in ubuntu 9.04? I would like to change from ext3 to ext4 without having to reinstall ubuntu02:47
m1chaelwill i be able to remote desktop in to a remote server? im new with ubuntu (sorry asking again due to channel flood)02:47
Divinityhow do I find the file on my desktop in terminal?02:47
SuperSeniortyfovo: dont worry i did that my first time to haha02:47
SuperSeniortyfovo: try pastebin.com02:48
TomTommydajhorn> TomTommy: You'll need to recompile the package yourself. <-- how pls?02:48
SkullbroMichael, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html02:48
unitheoryDivinity, cd ~/Desktop && ls02:48
dajhornTomTommy: You'll need to search for a tutorial.  Start by running`apt-get source ekiga` at a prompt and see what you get.02:48
SuperSeniorguest: its not that complicated but we might have to do some guess and check02:48
TomTommydajhorn: can I download it direct from Ekiga?02:48
cabreyDivinity, it seems this will not compile on ubuntu 9.04. you'll need to file a bug against gspca-source02:49
bhowertonhold on just a second more02:49
imsmatrixblue, I'm on wired, auto eth0. my /etc/network/interfaces is: auto lo    iface lo inet loopback   I'm directly connected to modem02:49
dajhornTomTommy: Yes, but you should try to find a deb package before you try to do a local install.02:49
matrixblueims, when you're not connected do you have an IP address?02:49
TomTommydajhorn: there are no deb packages02:49
n2diyDivinity: locate02:49
cabreyDivinity, wait, I'm going to ask ##kernel02:49
Divinitywhen I got to the desktop that tar was in red02:50
SuperSeniorguest: the windows entry should look like this.. line 1:title Windows line 2:rootnoverify (hd0,0)02:50
dajhornTomTommy: http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Compiling_Ekiga02:50
SuperSeniorguest: I hope lol02:50
Divinitywhat is ##kernel?02:51
TomTommydajhorn: whats incompatible license mean?02:51
SuperSeniortyfovo: i think thats a windows driver02:51
imsmatrixblue: yes, on my nm-applet connection info  IP ADDRESS is
bhowertonok SuperSenior it is now starting the install process02:51
dajhornTomTommy: Means "non-free according to Debian".02:51
TomTommydajhorn: iLBC is FREE02:51
cabreyDivinity, it is the linux kernel channel02:51
matrixblueims, So what doesn't work? the web browser?02:51
ircnickiusehow can I reverse: sudo dpkg-divert --local --add --rename /usr/bin/pulseaudio02:52
lstarnesTomTommy: it's a different form of non-free02:52
dajhornTomTommy: *shrug*  They don't think so.   It seems to be removed.02:52
SuperSeniorbhowerton: that will make it fail the install02:52
DivinityI dont know my second day running this I am new02:52
lstarnesTomTommy: as in freedom, not price02:52
ircnickiuseso it is no longer diverted?02:52
TomTommylstarnes: ok02:52
matrixblue!caps | SuperSenior02:52
ubottuSuperSenior: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:52
gabrielI have a question: will I benefit from ext4 in ubuntu 9.04? I would like to change from ext3 to ext without having to reinstall ubuntu02:52
SuperSeniorhaha it was very important!!!02:52
ircnickiuseWhat is the compliment of this command: sudo dpkg-divert --local --add --rename /usr/bin/pulseaudio    so I the package is no longer diverted02:52
guestSuperSenior:  Think that will be sufficient?02:52
cabreyi wonder....02:53
SuperSeniorguest: i hope so!02:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext402:53
matrixbluegabriel, yeah and it's possible. I'll find you a guide02:53
SuperSeniorbhowerton: yeah it took me hours to figure that out. very frustrating02:53
gabrielthanks matrixblue02:53
imsmatrixblue: everything works except that when my I start on a cold boot network connection is not established until I do a restart. I'm on XUBUNTU 8.10 by the way02:53
matrixbluegabriel, I assume you're using Jaunty02:53
beinghumanwhy can't I use nvidia-xconfig with nvidia-glx-71?!?!?!?!02:54
gabrielyeah, jaunty02:54
guestSuperSenior: Ok, saving a few more notes and rebooting.  *fingers crossed*02:54
SuperSeniormatrixblue: some things are just that important ;)02:54
jribircnickiuse: the man page spells it out pretty explicityl.  The switch is --remove iirc (not on debian right now)02:54
beinghumani try to run the damn thing and it says it's only in high version packages02:54
bhowertonit is now at the point to select the language and other options02:54
beinghumanbut when I try to run nvidia-settings it say I need to run nvidia-xconfig02:54
beinghumanwhich I don't have, because it's not in my version02:54
matrixblueims, I've never encountered that before. Maybe someone else knows what's going on02:54
unitheorygabriel, i've tried ext2 ext3 ext4 and xfs and haven't noticed much of a difference among them02:54
emmyhow are things here?02:55
gabrielfor me ext3 works fine02:55
emmymatrixblue: i like your nick.02:55
ircnickiuseyeah, if I wanted man I wouldn't waste my time here, so like: sudo dpkg-divert --local --remove --rename /usr/bin/pulseaudio    ??02:55
SuperSenioremmy: Great!02:55
matrixblueemmy, thanks :)02:55
gabrielIts just that I have been reading so much about ext402:55
Divinityhow do I tell if I have 32 bit os or 64?02:55
matrixbluegabriel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/193903/02:55
jribircnickiuse: if you read the man page it has specific examples.  I'm not here to read manpages for you though I'll guide you to the right place to look02:56
gabrielthanks matrixblue02:56
matrixbluegabriel, np02:56
SuperSeniorjrib: sometimes man pages can be intimidating to newbies02:56
ircnickiusejrib, all the same, I'll wait for someone else to read them for me02:56
jribircnickiuse: good luck with that.02:56
bhowertonSuperSenior, should I just select the default options02:56
ircnickiusejrib, thanks02:56
dajhornDivinity: Run `uname -a` at the prompt.  The second-last word is the architecture.02:57
cabreyDivinity, you might be in luck, people in ##kernel said that, support is built into newer kernels02:57
SuperSeniorbhowerton: as far as language and keyboard yeah it should be safe02:57
gabrielone question:matrixblue, do I need to do this from the bootable cd or directly from my installed Ubuntu?02:57
SeaPhori did sudo -i, then i tried to cp -r /path/to/dir/ /media/disk/   but get permission error for sym link... any help?02:57
guestSuperSenior: Just noticed that what you proposed doesn't seem similar to what was on the link you gave me: http://www.cameratim.com/computing/linux/restoring-grub - proceed anyway you think?02:57
beinghumananyone know why nvidia-xconfig isn't in nvidia-glx-71?02:57
Divinityrun in terminal?02:57
Divinityrun in terminal?02:58
SuperSeniorguest: there is an extra part i forgot about chainloader or something.. add that =)02:58
matrixbluegabriel, I'm assuming a live CD02:58
jribSuperSenior: sure, but I'm not pointing him to man bash, I'm pointing him to a two page man page half of which is examples02:58
dajhornSeaPhor: You cannot put links on a USB disk that is FAT formatted.02:58
gabrielyeah, a live cd02:58
SuperSeniorjrib: point taken =)02:58
SeaPhordajhorn, good to know,, TY02:58
imsmatrixblue: thanks, I guess I have to continue "Google-ing" for it.02:58
guestSuperSenior: erm, don't see anything about that.02:58
matrixblueims, google = greatest resource of this century02:59
SuperSeniorguest: "chainloader +1" perhaps?02:59
* dajhorn worships at the Truth Machine02:59
SuperSeniormatrixblue: amen to that!02:59
SeaPhordajhorn, will it affect the file? can i replace the sym links once transfered? or should i just tar.gz the dir and move it that way?02:59
dajhornYes, and probably no.   Your best choice to create a tarball or a zip.03:00
gabrielthanks for the help03:00
gabrielGood night everyone03:00
Divinityok I got linux ubuntu 2.6.28-11-generic #42-unbuntu SMP fir apr 17 01:57:58 UTC 2009 i686 gun/linux03:00
SeaPhordajhorn, again, TY03:00
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dajhornSeaPhor: Np.03:00
SuperSeniorbhowerton: how is it progressing?03:00
dajhornDivinity: That means you are on a 32-bit computer.  A 64-bit computer would say x86_64.03:00
ircnickiusejrib, thanks for the info, and I am just really pissed off today03:01
jribircnickiuse: glad you figured it out... teach the man fish and all that stuff :)03:01
SuperSeniorjrib: haha very true03:02
ircnickiusejrib, you've lost your captive market?03:02
unitheoryteach a man to fish and he will buy an ugly hat?03:02
theyetithose ugly hats are comfortable03:02
DivinityI'll have to download the 64 bit version at my gf's then03:02
LoneShadowhow do I make the wifi connection to auto connect without asking to press "connect"03:02
bhowertonSuperSenior, well it is going pretty good.  It is now at the Network configuration....it failed this.  i think that it is because my router is not setup to hand out DHCP.  That is disabled.  Should I go ahead and enter the static ip and related settings03:02
unitheoryis 64 bit much faster on a capable machine?03:02
SuperSeniorbhowerton: is it completely DISCONNECTED from the router?03:03
jribunitheory: 64bit allows you to address more memory03:03
bhowertonyes...yes it is03:03
unitheorymore than 4gb? hardly seems necessary03:03
_law_hi guys, need help here XD03:04
jribunitheory: i'm sure someone said the same about far less at some point :)03:04
PiecesHi all, I have a ati radeon 9200se pci card, but I cannont get desktop effects enabled, any suggestions?03:04
SuperSeniorbhowerton: and it failed.. >.< well the router is fine.. no need to adjust. ubuntu server is happy to be "served" an ip address03:04
guestSuperSenior: ok, here goes nothing.  I'll check back once I have results in a few minutes03:04
TomTommyDAMN the Ubuntu developers :(  They removed iLBC from Twinkle too :(03:04
SuperSeniorunitheory: what if you are running a $10,000 server ;)03:04
SuperSeniorguest: good luck!03:04
somaunnPieces; did u install drivers03:04
unitheorySuperSenior, servers are a different story03:05
Piecessomaunn, they crash my computer if I install the ones from the ati website03:05
Piecessomaunn, also when I install the ones in the repository03:05
SuperSeniorunitheory: any desktop can become a server =)03:05
dajhornPAE makes 32/64 bit mode on desktop computers with more than 4GB a wash.03:05
_law_i've accidentally format ubuntu drive from winxp that makes grub gone, and now i can't boot into winxp , what shoul i do,?03:05
SuperSeniorbhowerton: what step did it fail on?03:05
somaunnPieces, then install the recommanded one from the repo03:06
LoneShadowdo you guys use the default software to connect to wifi connections ?03:06
unitheoryLoneShadow, i do!03:06
somaunnPieces,means you got a serious problem03:06
Pieces_law_ there is a Grub boot cd that can fix your grub03:06
SuperSeniorLoneShadow: i actually had to download a seperate driver to connect03:06
bhowertonSuperSenior: it failed with trying to obtain a dhcp address...i think because it was unplugged.03:07
dajhorn_law_: You can use the Recovery Console from the Windows Installer to fix the boot loader, or you can reinstall grub from the Ubuntu installer.03:07
cabreyLoneShadow, some people use wicd, but I use network manager personally03:07
tyfovohttp://www.linux.it/~malattia/wiki/index.php/Sony_drivers.............. can someone check this out and help me with it?03:07
Piecessomaunn, I think its just a really old card, and it's not supported anymore... I can't find any drivers that work03:07
_law_dajhorn, how to dothat?03:07
SuperSeniorbhowerton: perhaps i was wrong.. maby try it connected? but that is bizzare03:07
bhowertonSuperSenior: i did go ahead and enter the...IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and dns03:07
LoneShadowwhen I switch on my laptop, the default wifi takes a while to connect, and it also stops to ask me to press connect, even though the WEP password is enabled03:08
bhowertonshould i restart the installation03:08
_law_howto  use the Recovery Console from the Windows Installer to fix the boot loader,03:08
dajhorn_law_: Are you more comfortable at a Windows prompt, or at a Linux prompt?  You could do further damage if you make a mistake.03:08
somaunnPieces, or maybe u should submit a report and wait for things to be corrected03:08
LoneShadowcabrey, is wicd better than network manager ?03:08
SuperSeniorbhowerton: so is continuing?03:09
Piecessomaunn, i'll give it a shot03:09
somaunnPieces, what version of ubuntu are u using ?03:09
cabreyLoneShadow, if nm doesn't work for you, it doesn't hurt to give it a try, but it is mainly personal opinion03:09
_law_dajhorn, can u give me the step by step instruction?03:09
SuperSeniorcabrey: why would question marks appear in front of the processor in the "Device Manager"?03:10
Piecessomaunn, 9.04 also all the drivers in synaptic say they are for newer cards, and this is nothing close to new03:10
bhowertonSuperSenior:ok well i will not restart the entire installation, correct??? on the current path though it is asking me to enter the hostname03:10
guestSuperSenior: No luck03:10
SuperSeniorbhowerton: will it let you continue or go back a step or something similar?03:10
cabreySuperSenior, if the bios isn't letting it through most likely03:10
bhowertonSuperSenior: i was able to continue03:10
somaunnPieces, then urself an Nvidia and u wont struggle like that03:11
SuperSeniorcabrey: but the computer can still run? just unstable?03:11
bhowertoni am now at the hostname prompt03:11
dajhorn_law_: Start here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314058 but note that this channel is the wrong place to get help with Microsoft products.03:11
SuperSeniorbhowerton: yeah keep going =)03:11
cabreySuperSenior, stability isnt affected at all03:11
SuperSeniorguest: blue death screen?03:11
SuperSeniorcabrey: and it will still run?03:11
guestSuperSenior: Yep: "You ain't shoud'a done that" *bzzzzt*03:12
texasjackAnyone here can install the package 'gentoo' without a really _big_ mess with dependencies? The same with 'gnome-desktop-environment'....03:12
SuperSeniorguest: ok lets see03:12
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cabreySuperSenior, it should03:12
somaunnbye guys03:12
bhowertonSuperSenior: ok i entered the hostname...the next thing that it is asking for is the domain name03:13
bhowertonSuperSenior: what do i enter there03:13
texasjackAfff... 'gentoo'.... It's 'gnome'... o.O  The problem is with 'gnome' and 'gnome-desktop-environment'...03:13
bhowertonSuperSenior: because i don´t have a domain03:13
dajhorntexasjack: No.03:14
guestSuperSenior: original fstab restored (at least I'm getting quicker at all this :))03:14
SuperSeniorguest: try fdisk -l with your live boot cd03:14
OGSSome person that speak in spanish here?03:14
dajhorntexasjack: Trick typo.  There is a gentoo package03:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:14
texasjackdajhorn, they are supposed to not be installed?03:14
SuperSeniorpaste the output on pastebin.com03:14
pccchow come this happens: which ejabberdctl => /sbin/ejabberdctl  ;    ejabberdctl => -bash: /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl: No such file or directory03:15
SuperSeniorbhowerton: you can make something up like "server.local"03:15
guestSuperSenior: yeah, I tried that before, and now again it still gives me nothing03:15
texasjackdajhorn, yeah, I know... But my memory is dumping.... Memory panic, almost...03:15
dajhorntexasjack: No, gnome-desktop-evironment has many dependencies.  A few hundred megs I think.03:15
SuperSeniorguest: fdisk -l gives you nothing?03:15
texasjackdajhorn, and just 'gnome'?03:16
dajhorntexasjack: Several.03:16
guestSuperSenior: right.  I opened a terminal, (changed directories a few times), type 'fdisk -l' and it just gives me another prompt line03:16
dajhorntexasjack: Package gnome depends on package gnome-desktop-environment.03:16
SuperSeniorguest: fdisk wants to know what device to look on03:17
bhowertonSuperSenior: well things are moving along quite well03:17
SuperSeniorbhowerton: thats excellent news!03:17
texasjackdajhorn, OK, thanks.  But it's strange cause I don't have 'fam' installed... It's supposed to not install it, too?03:17
pingPongguest: sudo fdisk -l03:17
unitheoryguest, sudo fdisk -l03:17
SuperSeniorah. sudo haha03:17
guest*boing* yep, sudo did it03:18
SuperSeniorguest: ok pastebin the output so we can have a looksie03:18
bhowertonSuperSenior: it is now time to setup / partition the disks03:18
guestSuperSenior: how do I do that?03:18
dajhorntexasjack: Fam doesn't seem to be in the dependency list for gnome on my Jaunty workstation.03:18
SuperSeniorif you go to www.pastebin.com and paste the output, it will give you a url to post here03:19
dajhorntexasjack: Do you have a specific problem that you're trying to solve?  Most people shouldn't care about things like fam.03:19
texasjackdajhorn, it's on the 'gnome-desktop-environment' dependencies...03:19
wtlwhere can i get ypops? the repo is gone03:19
bhowertonSuperSenior: this is where i am kinda confused.   it will not be a dual boot.  the entire disk can be used for what ever03:19
SuperSeniorbhowerton: go ahead and nuke the whole thing unless you need anthing off of it03:19
dajhorntexasjack: The fam package is in the universe repository, so it cannot be a gnome dependency.03:20
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bhowertonSuperSenior: which option should i select03:20
SuperSeniorbhowerton: what options is it giving you?03:20
lindzeynquestion.  I am using apt-get and I am trying to install R.  Is r-base the base package for R?03:20
DINK_Where should I put a shell command that I need to run everytime I boot my ubuntu machine?03:20
guestSuperSenior: nifty :) http://pastebin.com/d3312f81003:20
SuperSeniorguest: awesome!03:20
SuperSeniorguest: see the systems that are "ntfs"?03:21
toenaildoes anyone know of a good audio recording , audio editing software that works with ALSA03:21
guestSuperSenior: AHA, I see something - sda2 is my boot on sda.. I might have pointed it to sd103:21
SuperSeniorguest: progress!!!03:21
guestSuperSenior: sda1 even03:21
texasjackdajhorn, very strange... 2 last questions: [1] 'swfdec-gnome' is a requirement to gnome? or it'll mess up with the already installed 'flash'?   [2] How can I remove and purge the 'usplash' and 'usplash-ubuntu-theme' packages? It's a mess with dependencies...03:22
calmbolacan anyone tell me how to change the default on ubuntu so that windows are NOT the full size of the display?03:22
harrisonyHas anyone had issues with maxtor one touches on laptops not being picked up03:22
bhowertonguided - use entire disk            /          guided - use entire disk and setup lvm        /           guided - use entire disk and setup encrypted lvm           /            resize and use the previous partion and lvm03:23
guestSuperSenior: now to try to find the directions I followed for tweaking grub.03:23
SuperSeniorbhowerton: guided, use entire disk03:23
unitheorycalmbola, that is the default. do you have a small screen?03:23
SuperSeniorbhowerton: first option03:23
harrisonydmesg and lsusb have nothing whn i plug it in and the light on the hard drive is on03:23
SuperSeniorbhowerton: when in doubt, keep it simple =)03:23
afjrotc1any gay out there03:23
guestSuperSenior: what were you saying about the ntfs sectors?03:23
dajhorntexasjack: Mixing swfdec and the proprietary flash plugin will produce a bad result.  Ubuntu does not install swfdec by default.03:24
SuperSeniorguest: those are windows sectors.. ntfs is the file system for windoze03:24
SeaPhorharrisony, do a tail -f /var/log/messages and then plug in the device03:24
dajhorntexasjack: Rather than trying to remove usplash, consider editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to disable it.03:24
SuperSeniorguest: im not sure why there are two, but one of them is the windows partition03:24
bhowertonSuperSenior: ok...well it is formatting the partitions03:25
dajhorntexasjack: Remove the "usplash" word from the defoptions=03:25
guestSuperSenior: one is the archive partition03:25
texasjackdajhorn, thank you. Very much! I didin't think in this possibility... :)03:25
bhowertonSuperSenior: it just started installing the base system03:26
dajhorntexasjack: Np.  Make a backup of menu.lst before you change it.03:26
SuperSeniorbhowerton: can you join #seaphor so we can walk through it?03:26
linux_stui was told that there is a special way to install ubuntu (resulting in a leaner system) if it is solely going to be used as a vm host.  is this true?03:26
grokeni'm looking for a library that supports the ISIS scanning protocol. extra credit if it comes with python support03:26
bhowertonok.....   lets see03:27
Flannellinux_stu: JeOS is what you're looking for.03:27
SuperSeniorbhowerton: do you know how to join rooms?03:27
usserlinux_stu, just install ubuntu server03:27
calmbolaunitheory, yes i do... but i don't want it to be the default03:28
SuperSeniorguest: we want to point grub to the other partition03:28
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calmbolai prefer my many windows open on my screen03:28
Flannellinux_stu: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos03:28
calmbolaunitheory, actually, i prefer the size i last opened the window to03:28
linux_stuFlannel, does JeOS have X?03:28
bhowertonwell i thought03:28
bhowertoncould you help me out03:28
SuperSeniorbhowerton: im in seaphore lol03:29
bhowertoni am really new to the whole chatting thing03:29
SuperSeniorbhowerton: /join seaphor03:29
linux_stuFlannel, nevermind. it doesn't03:29
bhowertonwhere do i type that03:29
Flannellinux_stu: If you want X, I believe what you'll want to do (well, the simplest method) is install a regular Ubuntu system, and then after install, install linux-image-virtual03:30
glickshey is there a chat line for the eee based ubuntu03:30
Flannellinux_stu: which is just a kernel biased towards VMs.  Once you've installed it (and it works), remove the -generic kernels03:30
guestSuperSenior: so if I say "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/(windows one)" you think it should work?03:30
glicksor does anyone know much about netbooks03:30
bhowertonok i am in there now03:30
ircnickiusedid anyone come up with a satifying answer as to why 9.04 desktop DOESN'T HAVE PAE IN KERNEL03:30
linux_stuok Flannel.  i will do that03:31
unitheorycalmbola, i don't think ubuntu currently has that functionality03:31
SuperSeniorguest: ehhh, ive never used the grub-install command but haha why not. just make sure you have the right windows partition03:31
Flannelircnickiuse: This isn't the channel for that question.  I'm not sure which the best one would be, but #ubuntu-offtopic might be a good start.03:31
calmbolaunitheory, are you serious?03:32
calmbolaso i am stuck with default to make the screen the full size on open?03:32
ircnickiuseFlannel, yeah, don't think so03:32
guestSuperSenior: the thing you had me post in pastebin has a boot * next to sda2 so I guess I'll give it a try03:33
dajhornircnickiuse: Check the kernel source package for comments.  I think that PAE kernel requires a non-trivial minimum amount of memory to boot properly.03:33
SuperSeniorircnickiuse: take a deep breath lol =)03:33
SuperSeniorguest: definitely!03:33
harrisonySeaPhor: yep, /var/log/messages has nothing03:33
cabreyircnickiuse, if you got it working, who cares?03:33
ircnickiuseeh, this shit cost me hours now of fiddling around, and broke some other stuff I spent time getting working, all for something that is supported by the very facts present at retail today03:34
ircnickiusecabrey, because it broke something else03:34
ircnickiusethat is now pissing me off even more03:34
FloodBot1ircnickiuse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:34
guestSuperSenior: doh!  the help page says the fix isn't for my situation (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows)03:34
Flannelircnickiuse: Alright.  But please stay on topic here.  This is a support channel, not a discussion channel.03:34
cabreyircnickiuse, the server kernel broke something?03:34
FeasibilityStudyircnickiuse how about buying a 64 bit processor?03:34
cabreyhe has one03:34
abbazabbai recently acquired a new hard drive.. what would be the best way to incorporate it into this system?03:34
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ircnickiusecabrey, I had sound working, and then I install the server kernel, and because of that, sound stopped working (well not because of it, but because I restarted, anyway, it was all part of the annoyance) so it highlighted the whole futility of it.03:35
Flannelircnickiuse: (I'd classify the current discussion as support, but do try and avoid ranting)03:35
ircnickiuseFeasibilityStudy, I am running a 64bit processor you insensitive clod03:35
wWalesmy monitor wont display 800x600 properly, no luck at nvnews03:35
ircnickiuseFlannel, you aren't wrong03:35
cabreyircnickiuse, well thats what i meant by check your hardware03:35
FeasibilityStudyircnickiuse then why do you need PAE?03:35
ircnickiuseFeasibilityStudy, 8gb ram03:35
cabreyircnickiuse, your best bet is to go back to ubuntu x64 and we can help you install skype03:36
ircnickiuse(then why don't you run 64bit OS?) because I need som 32bit apps03:36
guestSuperSenior: the fix the page suggests says it is to be done from within windows.  Any idea how to restore my windows boot record?03:36
unitheory32-bit vm?03:36
HodappI am using a mouse that has had its scroll wheel work on every distro I've tried since 2004, and "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" is in my xorg.conf . . . . but my scroll wheel is not functioning.03:36
ircnickiusecabrey, yeah, i could, but I'd need to wait to have it reimaged, and I'd still need to get alsa dummy sound working again03:36
roy_hobbsI'd like to know if I install Wubi if I can convert it into a full ubuntu install OR do a full ubuntu install from there (or anyway to do an install without a CD or USB drive)03:36
bkt5401Well everyone. You'll be pleased to know that the upgrade zepplin has burst into flames03:36
ircnickiusethat is my main sticking point - volume mixer says it has no device to manage03:36
Hodappanyone have any idea why not? can I dump raw events from the mouse and see if the scroll wheel does anythig?03:37
ircnickiusebut it all seems to be ok....03:37
SuperSeniorguest: yeah, we just need to get grub to recongnize windoze03:37
cabreyircnickiuse, what on the 64 bit kernel it worked before03:37
bkt5401Everything is failing faster than i can click 'ok'03:37
SeaPhorharrisony, then try a different USB port03:37
SuperSeniorguest: do you think maybe reinstalling grub might help?03:37
bkt5401and now that something has failed to install everything else is failing because of dependencies03:37
unitheoryHodapp, you could try this: backup your xorg.conf and replace it with a default one03:37
dajhornircnickiuse: Do you know about the ia32-libs package?  Most 32-bit stuff will run on a 64-bit system.03:37
abbazabbai recently got a used hard drive.. would it be as simple as hooking it up and running it to use it?03:37
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SeaPhorharrisony, that one is not detecting it or the device is not powered on03:37
abbazabbai'm adding it to this system03:37
Hodappunitheory: Right now it is using a default one, in addition to what the Nvidia drivers added.03:38
guestSuperSenior: my impression from reading the page is that they seem to say that grub won't work in my situation, won't recognize anything03:38
ircnickiusedajhorn, yeah, I know, I got that after I switched to 32bit03:38
harrisonySeaPhor: yeah ive tried all the ports on the laptop03:39
FeasibilityStudyircnickiuse you dont have to run a 32 bit OS to use 32 bit apps.  Most Linux distros have multilib03:39
ircnickiusethe problem is, ALSA was setup FINE - the 'device' went MIA after reboot - and I don't know what specifies the device, the snd_dummy module is loaded, and set to default using asoundconf03:39
unitheoryHodapp, what mouse do you have?03:39
ircnickiuseFeasibilityStudy, ok, my problem is no just setting up alsa to use snd_dummy, let me get that working, and I will promise I will tear down my working system and go back to 64bit03:39
SuperSeniorguest: well we need a boot loader lol.03:40
abbazabbahow would i go about reformatting a second hard drive i'm about to add to my system?03:40
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SuperSeniorguest: windows had a boot loader before we installed grub over it03:40
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba either Gparted or fdisk03:40
ircnickiuseso, when it says the volume controller has no device - how can I fix that?03:40
guestSuperSenior: any idea how to get it back?  :)03:41
ircnickiusein the sound prefs, I get dummy device as an option for everything, but in mixer, the whole selector is greyed out03:41
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba the disk cant be mounted, so the easiest way is jus to use a LiveCD03:41
GuyFromHellSo i just got my EeePC today, fired up download for UNR and installed it and hit a monstrous brick wall. neither my ethernet nor wireless work03:41
SeaPhorharrisony, and other devices work in those ports? are you sure the one-touch is powered on?03:41
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: if i fire up my computer after installing the second one (even though it has 2 o.s.'s on it) would i have a problem.. or would grub just give me multiple?03:41
cabreyGuyFromHell, what model?03:41
GuyFromHellAttansic ethernet and Atheros AR9285 Wireless. I'm told the latter can be done with a kernel upgrade03:41
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba you would need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:41
Hodappunitheory: it's a Logitech Trackman Wheel. I seriously doubt that is of any relevance.03:42
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba what 2nd OS are u going to add03:42
fuxartige33ha, nice one! http://sunoano.name/ws/public_xhtml/debian_notes_cheat_sheets.html ;)03:42
fuxartige33debian centric but ...03:42
cabreyGuyFromHell, ahh yes that required a kernel module to be compiled, helped somebody through that before03:42
GuyFromHellcabrey, i'm fine with a little kernel hacking but it's the attansic i'm worried about, i don't see that anywhere03:42
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: since you responded i'm gonna go a bit deeper.. i have a 60 gig now and i'm adding a 20 gig.. this one has 8.04 on it and the new one has 9 and xp home.. what i want to do is, get that running, clean it up, put my music and movies onto that one, install 9 onto the 60 gig.. and maybe transfer the music back and keep the 20 for the movies.03:43
cabreyGuyFromHell, the what?03:43
SuperSeniorguest: the Windows Installation Disk should be able to fix the boot loader03:43
GuyFromHellcabrey, the ethernet card03:43
heatmzzr<--- newbie.. How do I open or execute a tar.bz2 file correctly03:43
Picifuxartige33: Please don't advertise in this channel.03:43
GuyFromHellas in the hard line version03:43
SuperSeniorguest: right when it starts it shoudl give a recovery option03:43
harrisonySeaPhor: problem solved, the maxtor needed 2 usb ports03:43
cabreyGuyFromHell, oh that, hold on i have a guide up for the 1008ha03:43
unitheoryHodapp, try sudo aptitude remove bluez-utils03:43
Z3ro3XI don't know what version (1.7 or 1.71) of Transmission it is but after upgrading I've been having severe connection problems with my Linksys router.  I can be connected to the router for hours on in but when I run Transmission the connection between my computer and the router dies and the router takes a good while before it's working normal again.03:43
GuyFromHellcabrey, because getting kernel sources etc. would be a PitA without internet of any form03:43
SeaPhorharrisony, good deal, cool03:44
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba so you want to keep ubuntu on 60 or do you want to move it to 20?03:44
fuxartige33Pici: I just thought I share ... sorry if that ain't ok03:44
cabreyGuyFromHell, do you have a usb drive handy?03:44
heatmzzr<--- newbie.. How do I open or execute a tar.bz2 file correctly??03:44
bkt5401Upgrade completed... with 35 minutes remaining. "There were some errors"03:44
cabreyheatmzzr, tar xjvf file.tar.bz203:44
SuperSeniorheatmzzr: from a command line?03:44
bkt5401the help icon has disappeared03:44
FeasibilityStudyheatmzzr you can just click on the tar file and use Ark or whatever it's called.03:45
bkt5401network manager is gone (although networking is clearly still up)03:45
guestSuperSenior: Ok, I'll try that.  If it doesn't work though, I'm going to have to cash in since I have to wake up in 5 hours.  Thanks again for all your help!03:45
GuyFromHellcabrey, somewhere...03:45
bkt5401i don't know if this is bootable or not03:45
SuperSeniorbkt5401 did you get ubuntu upgraded?03:45
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: i want to just have one o.s. running and use all 80 gigs.. i don't mind having to have the 2nd hd mounted03:45
cabreyGuyFromHell, well you are going to need it ;)03:45
SuperSeniorguest: ok lol, i hope you get it figured out03:45
bkt5401SuperSenior, if you read a few the things i was just explaining about. "no"03:45
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: i'm just wondering if it's gonna be as easy as i hope it would be.. or if i should anticipate any problems occuring03:45
Z3ro3XEither it's the new DHT they implemented or they changed something in upnp.  I just now turned both off so I'll have to wait and see if there are any improvements.03:45
bkt5401SuperSenior, outrageous failure03:45
GuyFromHellcabrey, got an idea for the ethernet card?03:45
SuperSeniorbkt5401: sorry i was in a different room03:45
SuperSeniorbkt5401 lets see if we can help03:46
Hodappunitheory: That didn't do anything.03:46
cabreyGuyFromHell, yes there is a driver available03:46
texasjack:( God damn'....03:46
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba well just hook the 20 gig up into your machine.  Stick in a live CD and partition it.  You could probably just hook the drive up and boot into Ubuntu and format it from there.  But you will have to make sure the drive is not mounted03:46
GuyFromHellcabrey, oh goodie, .deb maybe?03:46
Hodappunitheory: is there any way I can just dump raw mouse events and see if anything is even getting through?03:46
bkt5401SuperSenior, not a problem. I think what i need to do is kill 8.04 completely and install 9.04 from scratch. the upgrade manager isn't giong to make it03:46
unitheoryHodapp, xev03:46
cabreyGuyFromHell, of course not, that would make things too easy03:46
Randalldoes anyone know how to get jaunty to recognize my music files on my sansa fuze and play them perhaps?03:46
texasjackHow can I be free from gdm?03:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm03:46
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: ok gotcha.. tomorrow is when the shit will hit the fan haha03:47
abbazabbathanks for the help03:47
GuyFromHellcabrey, true, can't have that happening...03:47
SuperSeniorbkt5401: that might be the only solution lol03:47
SeaPhorbkt5401, yeah, i never upgrade, always fresh install03:47
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba format it to ext4..03:47
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: what do you mean03:47
cabreyGuyFromHell, if you have another computer with the same exact kernel version, you can use that to compile the driver03:47
loshertexasjack: what do you want to run instead of gdm?03:47
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: like how this hard drive is ext 1 and 203:47
texasjacklosher, my shell (bash)!03:47
FeasibilityStudyabbbazabba I suggest you download the Gparted LiveCD.  It is a liveCD used just for partitioning.  It's handy because you dont have to worry about unmounting the drive, etc. like you have to do in Ubuntu03:47
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: no cds =/03:48
Hodappunitheory: scrolling produces no events in that; could I expect events from the scroll wheel even if something is misconfigured?03:48
loshertexasjack: no gui at all? Ever?03:48
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba wait did you say youre on 8.04?  If so, then format it to EXT303:48
GuyFromHellcabrey, unfortunately pretty much all my computers are amd64 at this point...03:48
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: ok03:48
unitheoryHodapp, you must position the cursor over the little box, and then scroll. see if that does anything03:48
Hodappunitheory: I did that. Other buttons produced events.03:49
cabreyGuyFromHell, ouch, seriously? nothing?03:49
Randalldoes anyone know how to get jaunty to recognize my music files(mp3) on my sansa fuze and play them perhaps?03:49
texasjacklosher, not so radical... But for a few days I want to use 100% shell.  And get rid of the gdm-stuff...03:49
ircnickiuseubuntu lists on netbook hp mini as 'working fine' with a workaround vaguely mentioned... that IT DOESN'T BOOT.... only with your own searching do you find that 'it works after kernel update'.03:49
ircnickiuseyeah, AWESOME03:49
GuyFromHellcabrey, (btw yes, i have a flash drive)03:49
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba just boot into Ubuntu then and unmount the drive and use Ubuntu's Gparted.  You can unmount the drive from terminal "umount /dev/sdx"03:49
unitheoryHodapp, yes, you should expect events03:49
loshertexasjack: couldn't be easier. Go to /usr/sbin and mv gdm gdm.orig03:49
loshertexasjack: then go to /usr/bin and mv nautilus nautilus.orig, then reboot03:50
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: then what do i do, install 8.04 on there.. move the files over, then install 9 on the 60 gig, bring over the files from the 20 and then install 9 on that?03:50
unitheoryHodapp, not sure what the problem is then03:50
cabreyGuyFromHell, this is gonna be really hard. i doubt your amd64 computers will let you d/l 32 bit kernel headers, etc03:50
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba no you do not have to install Ubuntu to that drive if you are only using it for storage..All it needs is a format with ext303:50
unitheoryHodapp, I was looking on http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/144187-logitech-dinovo-bluetooth-mouse-kb-combo-w-ubuntu-9-04-a.html03:50
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: do i even have to install anything on that one03:50
Hodappunitheory: Hm. I think it's the mouse itself. I just plugged it into my friend's Macbook and it's not scrolling there.03:50
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: which i get through gparted03:50
abbazabbaext 303:50
texasjacklosher, I was used to just configure a variable, I think its SESSION or something like that...03:50
=== miguel is now known as Guest99922
GuyFromHellcabrey, this one's amd64 on 2.6.28-r5, downstairs amd64 2.6.28-r11, laptop 2.6.29something03:51
Guest99922Can anyone tell me how to put diferent wallpapers on all fsides of my cube?03:51
texasjacklosher, so, just rename gdm and nautilus?  This is soooo weird....03:51
GuyFromHellcabrey, that's what chroot is for ;)03:51
GuyFromHelli'll set one up03:51
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba yes.  Gparted will format it (its a GUI tool)  I prefer the command line though.  "fdisk /dev/sdx" and then click "d" to delete the partitions on it.  Then click "n" for new and 'p" for primary.  Then type "mke2fs -j /dev/sdx" and youre done03:52
loshertexasjack: once you rename them, the system can't find them, so you get cli. All 100% reversible too...03:52
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: is sdx a global term for the 2nd hd or is that what you are runnin03:52
loshertexasjack: there are other methods, but I think this one is easiest03:52
cabreyGuyFromHell, you have to get the correct kernel headers, build-essential, etc03:52
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy:  and where do i find gparted03:52
cabreyGuyFromHell, what kernel version is on the laptop?03:52
lindzeynsd[x] where x = 1..03:52
GuyFromHell2.6.28-11 x8603:53
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba sdx means sda, sdb, etc.. If it is not a SATA drive, then it will be hda, hdb, etc03:53
texasjacklosher, OK. And what can I do with the gdm running at tty7? Kill it?03:53
dispatchTj__ : it never did work trying to get the duel boot thing going.  i just decided to install ubuntu and then use virtual box to run my windows03:53
GuyFromHell(does anyone have that in the channel want to compile it for me? :P)03:53
lindzeyni meant a,b,...03:53
cabreyGuyFromHell, thats a good idea03:53
loshertexasjack: in theory that's enough, but I often find I have to reboot03:53
cabreyGuyFromHell, except im in a custom kernel right now03:53
GuyFromHellanyone around with a 2.6.28-11 kernel on x86? i think that's latest jaunty hopefully03:53
cabreyGuyFromHell, i'll have to reboot into jauntys normal one03:53
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: alright this whole time i've been thinking hda was the name of it, i didnt know it was hda hdb... one last question. think i'd have enough ide slots since i have one hd and 2 cd players in the spot?03:54
texasjacklosher, let's try...03:54
GuyFromHellcabrey, eh? the compile shouldn't be effected by what you're currently running?03:54
paulohi can somebody help me get my wireless working03:54
Guest99922Can anyone tell me how to get a diferent wallpaper on each side of my cube?03:54
loshertexasjack: can't imagine why you want to do this, btw...03:54
cabreyGuyFromHell, yes it does, it will compile for the currently running kernel03:54
King601I just installed ubuntu'03:54
King601and its working03:54
burn_is there a default log location to see why my fancontrol conf isn't being loaded at startup?03:54
HodappHmm. Upgrading to new Nvidia drivers seems to have fixed the problem with Pidgin crashing X.03:54
King601without anything on the desktop03:55
matrixblueGuest99922, doing so would cause you lose the functionality of your desktop03:55
FloodBot1King601: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba depends on ur mobo.  If your CD drives are in master/slave you might have enough room03:55
ircnickiusewhat a wasted night. where are the sound devices defined?03:55
GuyFromHellcabrey, assuming we're talking about the same procedure as not ubuntu, it should work from current directory? *shrug* it's probably an ubuntu thing03:55
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: after re reading it, would i want to make the 20 gig a primary drive?03:55
ircnickiusewhen the mixer says it has no device - where can you go and see an empty list of devices03:55
cabreyGuyFromHell, i'll be back in a few minutes, rebooting ;) nope its a linux thing03:55
paulolspci does not show my broadcom 431103:55
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba just make 1 big primary ext3 partition on your extra drive03:55
Guest99922i want different wallpapers on my desktops03:55
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: just didn't want to mess it up haha03:55
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: since i'm going to 9 after all of this, ext3 would be fine right03:56
matrixblueGuest99922, http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=427903:56
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba and oh yeah, once you get it formatted and ready to go, you will need to add it to /etc/fstab if you want it mounted at boot03:56
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: alrighty03:56
ircnickiuseWhen running alsamixer from terminal: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device03:56
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba if youre going to 9 after this, then I would go ahead and format with ext4.  However, 8.04 probably wont let you03:56
Guest99922thanks il check that03:57
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: if i put it to 3, then install 9 on the first one.. would it be able to read the ext3?03:57
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba yes i03:57
losherFeasibilityStudy: frankly, I don't think ext4 is worth the bother...03:57
cabreyGuyFromHell, now running on 2.6.28-11-generic :)03:57
abbazabbalosher: why do you say that03:58
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: you gonna take that from him haha03:58
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba 9.04 can read ext3 partitions, not probs there03:58
abbazabbak cool03:58
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba yes, because everyone has opinions03:58
Guest99922:( in windows i could have diferent wallpapers03:58
losherabbazabba: it's relatively new, and not quite stable, though faster. But in filesystems, stable trumps faster...03:58
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: just bustin chops03:58
abbazabbalosher: i might have to agree with you03:59
FeasibilityStudylosher its stable.  The "instability" everyone talks about has nothing to do with ext4 itself.  Its the fault of app devs03:59
BotLobstais there a better way to get a typo in a UI string fixed than filing a bug?03:59
matrixblueGuest99922, you can in compiz but like the post said you'll lose your Desktop icons being displayed03:59
cabreyGuyFromHell, done03:59
abbazabbaBotLobsta: great nick03:59
GuyFromHellcabrey, sweet, you beat me to it03:59
losherFeasibilityStudy: amounts to the same thing, in the end. More trouble than it's worth...04:00
unitheoryBotLobsta, fis it yourself?04:00
koshariBotLobsta you could prolly use a hex editor, however that wont fix the upstream bug04:00
jon5001quick question folks, i have to uninstall ubuntu from a dual boot machine with vista.  I have fixed the MBR so grub wont freak when I boot up and the ubuntu partition is gone, but my question is... i am just about to enter ubuntu from the live cd and use gparted to get rid of the ubuntu partition.  i want to add that space back to the vista partition.  do i have to format it to fat32?04:00
cabreyGuyFromHell, ok now the issue is delivery, but luckily, i have my own domain04:00
GuyFromHelli wish i could just download it on the netbook >__>04:00
SuperSeniorunitheory: not very helpful are we haha04:00
BotLobstaunitheory, i would but I dont know how to submit a patch or anything back04:00
* losher thinks texasjack has been rebooting for a long time. Hope I didn't mess him up...04:01
unitheoryright, well i don't either :\04:01
Joshua_MayerAnyone there?04:01
SuperSeniorlosher: :o04:01
dayohow do i make files immutable in ubuntu?04:01
BotLobstaabbazabba, thanks ive gotten that every once in a while04:01
SuperSeniorunitheory: we dont need to know who *cant* help.. just who can04:01
matrixbluedayo chmod 00004:01
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: i just opened up my comp and theres one ide spot open, i believe it's coming straight from the hd, thatshould be the slave right?04:01
FeasibilityStudyand ext4 is only unstable if there is a sudden power outage during disk writes, which should not effect anyone but enterprise users04:01
Joshua_MayerHow big is ubuntu desktop to be?04:02
abbazabbalosher: if you want to answer that too you can haha04:02
abbazabbaBotLobsta: thank you!04:02
cabreyGuyFromHell, i use a cacert.org signed certificate so its going to give you errors about ssl04:02
rayluFeasibilityStudy: er, isn't that what the journal is for?04:02
cabreyGuyFromHell, https://smallserve.net/atl1e.ko04:02
dayomatrixblue: i remember something about chattr04:02
FeasibilityStudyabbazabba no.  If there is one IDE slot, it's not a slave..Just plug ur HD into it..04:02
dajhornJoshua_Mayer: The ubuntu-desktop is slightly less than 2GB.   The base system is near 400MB.04:02
FeasibilityStudyraylu, yes.  That isnt the issue04:02
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: nah there is one left on the ribbon.. in total i believe i have 504:02
matrixbluedayo, or better chmod 44404:02
dayomatrixblue: but it's not working. says chattr is not installed, and trying to install won't work, cuz apt can't findi it04:03
losherFeasibilityStudy: a filesystem that can't withstand a sudden power outage. Boy, I'm sold.....NOT04:03
abbazabbaFeasibilityStudy: 4 being used and one left open04:03
matrixbluedayo, chmod 444 <filename>04:03
miguelHello i need help setting up skype on ubuntu.. thanks04:03
dayomatrixblue: but root chould change the permissions again04:03
=== miguel is now known as Guest53554
FeasibilityStudylosher it is because of delayed allocation.  Go read Theodore Ts'os blog posts about it04:03
matrixbluedayo, root can do anything04:03
dayomatrixblue: i need something that prevents even root from writing to the file04:03
Joshua_MayerI am downloading the Desktop ISO, and it says it is 260mb. Is that right?04:04
cabreylosher, i havent had any data loss fwiw04:04
matrixbluedayo, encryption is the only sure protection04:04
rayludayo: mount it as ro04:04
ubuntuBoyhey guys!04:04
SuperSeniorJoshua_Mayer it should be much bigger04:04
Guest53554Hello i need to set up skype04:04
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga04:04
SuperSeniorJoshua_Mayer about 700 megs04:04
Joshua_MayerFirefox keeps stopping the download!04:05
Guest53554the problem is it tells me "only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time04:05
ubuntuBoydoes anyone use ia32-apt-get here?04:05
losherActually, my main concern is the couple of users on this list who showed up claiming that their ext4 fs spontaneously corrupted itself. Could've been user error of course, but you know what? No-one comes here with that story on ext3....04:05
rayluJoshua_Mayer: consider bittorrent04:05
matrixblueraylu, root could mount it as rw04:05
* GuyFromHell stabs syslog. give me more output04:05
raylulosher: is that ext4dev?04:05
Joshua_MayerI completely forgot about that! I am sure that will work! Thanks04:05
cabreyGuyFromHell, ...?04:06
TeltariatStabbing syslog usually leads to less output.04:06
FeasibilityStudyExt4 uses a filesystem performance technique called allocate-on-flush, also known as delayed allocation. It consists of delaying block allocation until the data is going to be written to the disk, unlike other file systems, which allocate the necessary blocks before that step. This improves performance and reduces fragmentation by improving block allocation decisions based on the actual file size.04:06
SuperSeniorJoshua_Mayer glad to help!04:06
raylumatrixblue: i assume he just wants to prevent accidental writes by a program, not a security concern04:06
GuyFromHellcabrey, it takes the module but the interface is still not showing up04:06
FeasibilityStudyThe problem is that apps arent developed to expect this behavior, so Ts'o had to create a patch04:06
cabreyGuyFromHell, i assumed you use insmod?04:06
matrixblueraylu, if that were the case then chmod would be the solution04:06
cabreyGuyFromHell, look at dmesg04:06
losherraylu: dunno. If I recall it was a couple of 9.04 stock installers who chose ext4 for their root fs04:06
Joshua_MayerUm, if I want ubuntu desktop, which torrent do I need?04:06
GuyFromHellcabrey, nothing04:06
raylumatrixblue: some program might be running as root and chmod-ing/writing04:07
harrisonyJoshua_Mayer: yep04:07
GuyFromHellcabrey, modprobe, but same thing04:07
matrixblueraylu, point taken04:07
cabreyGuyFromHell, modprobe shouldn't work, the module is not 'installed'04:07
raylumatrixblue: but if it's a security concern, then you're correct04:07
GuyFromHellcabrey, i made it so :P04:07
Z3ro3XHas any one here (using nvidia graphics) upgraded to the new 2.6.30 kernel?04:07
cabreyGuyFromHell, rmmod to remove it, then use sudo insmod to see if it makes a difference04:08
GuyFromHelloh interesting, i think modprobe was finding a diff version or something04:08
=== miguel is now known as Guest70712
cabreyGuyFromHell, you never know...04:08
Joshua_MayerI have downloaded Ubuntu 5 times, and it stuffs up everytime! Thanks god for bittorrent04:08
GuyFromHellcabrey, it did...04:08
cabreyGuyFromHell, does that mean it works?04:08
GuyFromHellcabrey, yea, i put the module in the wrong place :P04:08
glicksanyone running ubuntu on a netbook?04:08
GuyFromHellcabrey, apparently ubuntu's kernel has the module, it's just broken04:08
cabreyGuyFromHell, did you use modprobe or insmod then?04:09
chuckIs it possible to install a version of a package from a newer version of ubuntu?04:09
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, im running a 2.6.30 kernel with the nvidia 180.60 module04:09
GuyFromHellcabrey, both. insmod pointed me to the kernel was loading the wrong module, i installed the module properly now04:09
matrixblue!backports | chuck04:09
ubottuchuck: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:09
elizeusouzaMy name is Elizeu Souza from Manaus Amazon B razil04:10
cabreyGuyFromHell, good, that means we won't have to resort to ugly hacks to get it loaded each boot up :)04:10
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, I tried the packages from "http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/".  How did you upgrade?04:10
losherFeasibilityStudy: So I rest my case: Ext4 is currently more trouble than its worth, especially for beginners....04:10
bishophi eli04:10
cabreyGuyFromHell, hopefully this means you can surf the interwebs now on the eee?04:10
Guest70712How do i add a repository04:10
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, im running karmic04:10
GuyFromHellcabrey, yea. i can handle the wireless and such from here04:10
GuyFromHellthanks for the compile :)04:10
bishopmake that hi eliz04:10
cabreyGuyFromHell, http://sachachua.com/wp/2009/06/09/asus-eee-1008ha-and-ubuntu-keep-a-usb-drive-handy/comment-page-1/04:10
cabreyGuyFromHell, nice article04:10
FeasibilityStudylosher a patch has been released already that pretty much fixes the issue.  Ubuntu has backported it to current kernels.  It goes mainline in 2.6.3004:10
elizeusouzaI had some problemsn...........in fact!!! I'm sofering lot to instal EMC2 in my Ubuntu 9.404:11
elizeusouzasomeboy in this room help me?04:11
FeasibilityStudylosher but I await btrfs :)04:11
Guest70712cabrey can you help me real quick please04:11
cabreyGuest70712, what do you need?04:11
glicksno one running ubuntu on a netbook? wow04:11
matrixblue!ask | elizeusouza04:11
ubottuelizeusouza: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
elizeusouzaI had some problemsn...........in fact!!! I'm sofering lot to instal EMC2 in my Ubuntu 9.404:11
losherFeasibilityStudy: that's good news, but I reserve the right to reserve judgement. But at least Tso is a BTVS fan...04:11
unitheoryglicks, i run xubuntu on an eeepc04:12
GuyFromHellcabrey, lol it's loading a new kernel >_>04:12
cabrey!br | elizeusouza04:12
ubottuelizeusouza: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:12
Guest70712How do i install a repository04:12
chuckmatrixblue: If I'm running intrepid, do I use intrepid-backports?04:12
cabreyGuyFromHell, O_O04:12
GuyFromHelloh wait04:12
glicksunitheory, which model?04:12
GuyFromHellbah i'm getting my kernel versions confused04:12
unitheoryglicks, 701 surf04:12
elizeusouzaOk ubottu04:12
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Normally, the packages I get from that link work fine.  But this latest one doesn't install correctly.  The nvidia graphics are messed up.  Sorry if that's vague but I don't have the technical know how to say my graphics break when installing that new kernel.04:12
dayoraylu: matrixblue: it was chattr after all. i had renamed it months ago to stop people from re-chattring a file04:13
Guest70712cabrey, how do i install a repository04:13
glicksunitheory, how you liking it? im thinkging of getting a netbook, but i wanna wait for the T101h should be comming end of the month or next month04:13
cabreyGuest70712, what repo specifically?04:13
Guest70712Add the Skype repository*: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free04:13
unitheoryglicks, I love it ;]04:13
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, does the module build and install correctly when you installed the kernel?04:13
matrixbluechuck, System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates04:13
glicksunitheory, you have any idea when the t101h is comming out04:13
cabreyGuest70712, System > Administration > Software Sources > 3rd Party Software Tab04:14
GuyFromHellcabrey, beautiful. thanks again, i'm out to fiddle with this in a non-desktop-setting-that-completely-defeats-the-purpose-of-a-netbook04:14
chuckmatrixblue: It's Ubuntu Server04:14
cabreyGuyFromHell, i hate that interface04:14
unitheoryglicks, no idea. the 701 was one of the first models04:14
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Right now I'm running kernel from this link "http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29.4/".  So I'm trying to figure how what's different that causes graphics to break.04:14
GuyFromHellcabrey, UNR's?04:14
Guest70712ok and then i add exactly what part of that04:14
cabreyGuyFromHell, yes.04:14
GuyFromHellcabrey, i'm kind of a fan personally, but i've only used it for maybe 15 minutes so far04:14
cabreyGuest70199, Add... copy that line in04:14
glicksunitheory, yeah im thinking of taking a drive to bestbuy to check them out04:14
glicksim seling my laptop04:15
cabreyGuyFromHell, no compiz support, which i want specifically for the compositing window manager part04:15
elizeusouzai can't up date or Instal EMC2 by synaptic or per terminal!!04:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about itouch04:15
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, have you tried checking you Xorg log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and seeing if there are any errors reported there?04:15
matrixbluechuck,  open /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the like with backports04:15
matrixbluechuck, use your fav text editor04:15
elizeusouzaI'm using ubuntu 9.4 version04:15
GuyFromHellcabrey, i'm going to fiddle with it a bit more before i decide if i should nuke it for like wmii or something04:15
cabreyGuyFromHell, but i installed UNR then switched to normal desktop because it felt faster than normal ubuntu, but who knows, it was probably all in my head ;)04:15
anom01yhow can I get an iTouch to work in ubuntu ? when I plug it in xubuntu doesnt show it in the "places", and I don't know how to mount it04:15
FeasibilityStudyelizeusouza because the packaghe is traveling faster than light04:15
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, if you goto this link "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/384639"  you'll see a comment I posted with info on the shell output from the attempted install.04:15
beinghumanokay so I did a bit of search and it took me here04:16
chuckHow do I upgrade from Ubuntu Server Intrepid to Jaunty?04:16
beinghumanthat's why nvidia-glx-71 isn't working04:16
beinghumanhowever, this is old04:16
beinghumanand the beta drivers are out and the package manager should have replaced them by now04:16
cabreyanom01y, not supported here, you have to jailbreak it and even then its support is flaky04:16
unitheoryglicks, why's that?04:16
matrixblueanom01y, iTouch doesn't enable use as a hard disk04:16
beinghumanbut it's still not working for me04:16
Guest70712cabrey, it tells me an error occurred04:16
Guest93580Can someone tell me the main difference between Ubuntu and openSUSE?04:16
cabreyGuest70712, tell me exactly what you pasted04:16
losher!upgrade | chuck04:16
cabreyGuest93580, not here04:16
ubottuchuck: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:16
Guest70712: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free04:16
FeasibilityStudyUbuntu = Gnome, Suse = KDE04:17
chucklosher: I already checked that, doesn't have any server instructions04:17
Guest70712cabrey, deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free04:17
Guest93580Why would you use openSUSE and why would you use Ubuntu?04:17
cabreyFeasibilityStudy, it has a gnome version too04:17
texasjacklosher, it works.  After a 'dpkg-reconfigure console-setup' the fonts are OK and I'm at terminal. Great...04:17
FeasibilityStudyUbuntu = Canonical, Suse = Novell04:17
grey-howdy. :)04:17
anom01ycabrey, does itunes work using wine ?04:17
cabreyGuest70712, what was the error then?04:17
elizeusouzaso............I tried out update by synaptic choosing de 8.04 cd but...........no sucess!!04:17
matrixblueGuest93580, in addition Ubuntu focuses more on desktop users while OpenSUSE is more enterprise focuses04:17
loshertexasjack: you were gone a long time. I thought maybe I'd killed you....04:17
grey-what's the ubuntu equivalent to something like /etc/mailer.conf where I specify which MTA is being used?04:17
grey-(or is there?)04:17
cabreyanom01y, i think itunes 7 worked kinda with wine, but no idea on the ipod support04:17
cabrey!appdb | anom01y04:18
ubottuanom01y: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:18
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, I have since removed the new kernel and booted into the working one.  Would that log file change after reverting?04:18
unitheoryanom01y, there are plenty of programs native to linux that you can use. just search google04:18
ussergrey-, update-alternatives probably04:18
GuyFromHellcabrey, the question for me really is not "should i nuke the UNR interface" as much as "should i nuke ubuntu". i meant it to be a stopping point before i decide for gentoo or not :P04:18
grey-usser: what's the path to that?04:18
ussergrey-, man update-alternatives04:18
matrixbluechuck, sudo apt-get upgrade -d04:18
Guest70712cabrey, it says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg--configure-a' to correct the problem...04:18
Guest93580Does Ubuntu have better implementation of Destkop "feature" then openSUSE?04:18
chuckmatrixblue: what?04:18
texasjacklosher, I take so long just to discover how to change the resolution and the fonts... Now are all right.  Thank you.04:18
chuckNo, I want to upgrade from intrepid to jaunty04:18
cabreyGuyFromHell, you like wasting your time i see :P04:18
cabrey!ot | Guest9358004:19
ubottuGuest93580: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:19
loshertexasjack: remind me, why did you want to get rid of your gui?04:19
GuyFromHellcabrey, oh yea, all the time. with 4 computers compiles don't take too long :P04:19
matrixbluechuck, sorry sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:19
elizeusouzasome people here in this room like use CNC machines?04:19
anom01yunitheory, but I can't even mount the iTouch (or see it), so would these programs still work ?04:19
chuckmatrixblue: Still no :P04:19
cabreyGuest70712, ok we can do this through the command line then04:19
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, yes it changes every time you restart your X server.  However the previous log is moved to /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old so it might be there if the last time you started your machine it was with the bad kernel04:19
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, I have no idea what I'm looking for in that log file.  Here's the whole log.  http://pastebin.com/d48a81d4404:19
Guest70712cabre, ok so how04:19
unitheoryanom01y, I can't say for sure. I dont have one ;] but I believe yes04:19
cabrey!iphone | anom01y04:19
ubottuanom01y: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:19
matrixbluechuck, check the wiki then04:19
Guest70712cabrey, so how04:19
cabreybest thing i can do04:19
texasjacklosher, because it was taking 59% of my RAM (512 MB).... GNOME + some loser widgets + compiz...04:20
cabreyGuest70712, remove the line you added through that app04:20
jon5001nevermind y'all.  Gparted is awesome!04:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blackberry04:20
losherchuck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades has a couple of lines of 'Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)'. Won't that do?04:20
unitheorytexasjack, i bet a lot of the ram is being used as cache04:20
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, What I can do is install the new kernel, reboot so it makes a new log.04:20
elizeusouzabye..............good night is 23:30 over her in Brazil.........I need wake up early tomorrow04:20
randabisguess there really aren't any linux resources for blackberry04:21
loshertexasjack: understood. You do know there are lighter weight choices if you still want a gui?04:21
texasjacklosher, now I just need to put some color here (ircII) and the rest is fine... MP3 player, browser, vim :), and mc. =)04:21
Guest70712cabrey, ok so n ow what04:21
cabreyGuest70712, open a terminal and make it larger horizontally04:21
texasjacklosher, yes I know, but I want to use like I'd used in good ol' times of my Gentoo...04:22
Guest70712cabrey, ok04:22
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Here is the old log.  http://pastebin.com/d21dfe5e9  If this log doesn't contain info on the new kernel let me know.04:22
texasjacklosher, I used to use (?) fluxbox at GUI... Nothing more....04:22
sacdmanI asked someone here earlier, I think it was fryguy about setting up my xorg.conf file to adjust the refresh rate04:22
cabreytexasjack, did it actually 'take' your ram?04:22
=== jdo_ is now known as jdobrien
sacdmanI did look at man xorg.conf but its way over my head04:23
cabreyor is it just cache04:23
texasjackcabrey, it who?04:23
loshertexasjack: yeah, I use fvwm on its own. Sounds like you know there are Ubuntu releases for small machines, and other distros too. so I don't need to say more04:23
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, thats still with the 2.6.29 kernel04:23
cabreytexasjack, gnome, compiz, etc04:23
cabreytexasjack, http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ :D04:23
Guest70712cabrey, now what do i do04:23
texasjacklosher, no, thanks man.  You're initial help was the final help too. =)04:23
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, I'm installing the new kernel now in shell.  Will this make a new log or do I also need to reboot?04:23
texasjackcabrey, yep... 59% of 512 MB...04:24
GuiriI have a complicated question: I've setup denyhosts to email me upon brute force attempts using localhost and 25. Now I think I need to setup postfix. Is there anyway to have it automatically encrypt the email with a GPG key?04:24
cabreyGuest70712, type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:24
cabreyGuiri, sounds like a postfix specific question04:24
loshercabrey: cool web page...04:25
sacdmanany help here for my xorg.conf file?04:25
Guiricabrey: Is postfix the most lightweight email daemon out there?04:25
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, if the install fails then you wont be able to boot into that kernel.  the problem isnt really with your nvidia driver but with the fact that the install doesnt succeed04:25
Cry__Babyanyone been able to get Ekiga to install iLBC codec?04:25
cabreyGuiri, no idea, not a mail guru, try #postfix btw04:25
sacdmanneed help for xorg.conf refresh rate04:25
Guest70712cabrey, got it now what04:26
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, But it'll make a log file and if I reboot again and pick the old kernel on the second reboot I'll get back on.  It'll make a new log file but the old log file will have the new kernel.  As long as I don't reboot more then twice I should be good.04:26
cabreyGuest70712, at the end of that file (get there with arrow keys or page down) paste that repo line04:26
DethronedI just uninstalled Ubuntu because I couldn't get my unallocated hd space to merge with it.   When I reinstall it...what should I do?04:27
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, I'll be back, system is going down for a double reboot.  Almost sound pornographic. ;-)  Be back soon!04:27
Cry__Babyanyone been able to get Ekiga to install iLBC codec?04:28
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux04:28
DethronedI just uninstalled Ubuntu because I couldn't get my unallocated hd space to merge with it.   When I reinstall it...what should I do to make sure that the unallocated space goes to Ubuntu?04:28
Cry__Babyis there any way at all to get iLBC on Ubuntu?04:29
sacdmanhi... I have pasted my xorg.conf file and was wondering if I could have some help with adjusting my refresh rate04:29
maddhatanyone know how to format a 1.5tb drive to ext3? i think fdisk is limiting at 1tb..04:29
sacdmanhere is the link to pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/193930/04:29
Dethronedanyone have any idea?04:31
DethronedI just uninstalled Ubuntu because I couldn't get my unallocated hd space to merge with it.   When I reinstall it...what should I do to make sure that the unallocated space goes to Ubuntu?04:31
* cabrey sighs04:31
Cry__BabyDethroned: about what?04:31
Dethronedsee up04:31
Cry__Baby!repeat > Dethroned04:31
ubottuDethroned, please see my private message04:31
Cry__BabyDethroned: sory i dont know04:31
Guest70712cabrey, end of the file theres nothing in there04:32
Cry__Baby!repeat > Cry__Baby04:32
ubottuCry__Baby, please see my private message04:32
cabreyGuest70712, you paste the repo line in there04:32
sacdmanthis should be pretty simple for an experience Linux Ubuntu user: adjusting my refresh rate04:32
Guest70712cabrey, done now04:33
cabreyGuest70712, hit control-o, enter, control-x04:33
Guest70712cabrey, done now04:33
zirodayDethroned: make sure the unallocated HD space is next to each other, you can rearrange/format before hand with the partition editor (gparted)04:34
Cry__Babyhow can FTP using ubuntu?04:34
Guest70712cabrey, also what did that do04:34
cabreyGuest70712, type sudo apt-get update04:34
zirodayCry__Baby: you can install an ftp application or use nautilus04:34
Cry__Babyziroday, nautilus will login to my ftp site?04:35
cabreyCry__Baby, Places > Connect to Server...04:35
Guest70712cabrey, i get the same message04:35
zirodayCry__Baby: yes, go to Places > Connect to Server04:35
Dev_u_pper:O apt-get??  evil!!! sin!!!  blasphemy!!!!  (actually why not aptitude... i was under the impression it was more safe :P)04:35
zirodayDev_u_pper: apt-get and aptitude are the same04:35
jamescarrthis is a dumb question.. but how can I add a dir to my path at the commandline temporarily for this session04:35
cabreyDev_u_pper, i use aptitude04:35
cabreyziroday, no they're not04:35
zirodayDev_u_pper: err correction, similar. Both are equally good04:35
Cry__Babyziroday, wow I didnt know that04:35
FlannelDev_u_pper: No, they're not the same, but aptitude isn't more safe04:35
Guest70712cabrey, it says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:36
Cry__Babyziroday, that works like a ftp client?04:36
zirodayCry__Baby: yes, or you can install a seperate FTP client from the repo's04:36
cabreyGuest70712, go ahead and run sudo dpkg --configure -a04:36
losherDev_u_pper: this topic comes up regularly, to no clear consensus. Use whichever you prefer...04:36
Cry__Babyhas anyone worked out a way to use iLBC on Ubuntu?04:36
Cry__Babyziroday, which one is recommended?04:36
Guest70712cabrey, now what04:36
cabreyCry__Baby, they are both technically ftp clients04:36
cabreyGuest70712, what was the output?04:37
Cry__Babycabrey, cool04:37
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Ok, I this log file should be the right one.  http://pastebin.com/d56123f3404:37
Cry__Babycabrey: ever used iLBC?04:37
Dev_u_pperahah, yeah, i found a site that illustrates an interesting differece for aptitude vs apt-get:04:37
cabreyCry__Baby, nope04:37
Cry__Babywhat codec in Ekiga uses the less bandwidth?04:37
Cry__Babythey took out iLBC :(04:38
Dev_u_pperaptitude is supposedly better at dealing with dependencies, and cleanup afterwards04:38
cabreyDev_u_pper, this is true04:38
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, when you installed the kernel, did dkms run and build the nvidia kernel module?04:38
jamescarrthis is a dumb question.. but how can I add a dir to my path at the commandline temporarily for this session04:38
sacdmanlooking for help with refresh rate settings in xorg.conf04:38
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:38
Dev_u_ppercan you write those definitions at runtime? :P04:39
sacdmanthanks ubottu.... I will take a look04:39
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, All I did was run the command "sudo dpkg -i linux*2.6.30*.deb".  How do I check on the dkms thing?04:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iLBC04:40
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:40
losherjamescarr: I don't find it dumb. In bash, you can do something like:   PATH=/new/dir/here:$PATH04:40
cabreyi think ubottu can pass the CAPTCHA test04:41
cabreyso many people think it is real04:41
headrxhey, im trying to edit my /etc/network/interfaces file, but for whatever reason it wont let me save04:41
=== Jeremy__ is now known as jwjenkin
cyphawhat's the internet browser that works through terminal???04:41
loshercabrey: sometimes *I* can't pass the captcha. And I have friends who I think would fail a Turing test...04:41
jamescarrlosher, thank you04:41
cabreyTuring test thats what i was thinking of04:42
cabreynot captcha04:42
cabreycypha, elinks04:42
cyphais that the best in YOUR opinion?04:42
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, try and run the command "dkms build -m nvidia -v 180.44 -k 2.6.30-020630-generic"04:42
unkodoes anyone know if zunes work with ubuntu 9.04?04:42
CaptainMorgancan someone point me to where or why ubuntu needs to be rebooted on certain updates? perhaps you can briefly explain why a reboot is necessary... in short, one of the vast amount of reasons I moved to Linux was to avoid the Windows-like rebooting so often required... primarily, I'd like to keep my system running for maximum time possible...04:42
cabreycypha, NO IT ISNT04:42
Guest70712cabrey, what do you mean04:42
cabreysorry little agitated04:42
cyphacabrey: then what is?04:43
cabreyGuest70712, what do i mean what?04:43
Dev_u_pper:O !! the factoid on aiglx will be out of date soon!!! :O04:43
ubottuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl04:43
cabreycypha, i wouldnt use text based browsers :)04:43
Guest70712cabrey, what is the output04:43
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Here's the shell output when I installed the kernel.  http://pastebin.com/d6749d80504:43
cowgardenhi, any slideshow creator that can blend more than 2 images? (I need to begnin to blend the 3rd image when the 2nd is not yet fully faded in)04:43
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, It mentions dkms at the bottom.  I don't know what that is.04:43
Dev_u_pperradeon r200-r500 is being dropped in 2.6.29  = no aiglx for those :P04:43
=== Carlos is now known as carloss
cabreyGuest70712, after you run that command, what is printed in the terminal04:43
cyphacabrey, if we were to pick a text based one, would that be the best choice?04:44
headrxAnyone :  im trying to edit my /etc/network/interfaces file, but nano wont let me save it.. permission denied04:44
cyphain your opinion04:44
headrxany ideas?04:44
bypassno how to speed up transmition torrent client04:44
cabreyDev_u_pper, yea and ati dropped support for their own cards like 2 years after they released them04:44
elysianfieldsHello! Does anyone here know how to write in Cyrillic in Ubuntu? I've read the countless forum threads, but there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer.04:44
cowgardenheadrx, start nano as sudo04:44
cabreynever buying from ati, ever04:44
CaptainMorganheadrx, sudo?04:44
Dev_u_ppercabrey: touche :)04:44
headrxwhen i sudo , it doesnt even open04:44
cabreycypha, best featureset, so yes04:44
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)04:44
Rob235is there a good program that searches the internet for ID3 tags for mp3s and after it sets them you can rename them based on the tags?04:44
cowgardenheadrx, same command and with sudo it does NOT work? thats very strange04:45
maddhatanyone know how to format a 1.5tb drive to ext3? i think fdisk is limiting at 1tb..04:45
Guest70712cabrey, can i post it here its like 5 lines04:45
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:45
CaptainMorganheadrx, is it possible you're not in the sudoer's file?04:45
koshariati r200 support was pathetic at best anyrate04:45
cabrey!pastebin | Guest7071204:45
ubottuGuest70712: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:45
headrxi must be dense04:45
Dev_u_pperheadrx: make sure that you typed the full command and path properly:      sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:45
headrxit didnt work first time.. now it does04:45
losherCaptainMorgan: Try 8.04 LTS. Very stable. Fewer updates, thus fewer reboots. Not all updates are required anyway. Probably only security-related ones are mandatory....04:45
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, http://pastebin.com/d5cca8bc904:45
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, its just a helper program that makes changing kernel versions easier04:45
xtknighti have a question...if certain modules are blacklisted, why are they built in the first place?04:46
CaptainMorganlosher, 8.04 -- wouldn't have it any other way a the moment :)04:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:46
CaptainMorganlosher, security-updates that are mandatory tend to require reboot?04:46
CaptainMorganlosher, interesting... thank you for your intput04:46
jamescarrany idea how I could get my monitor output to work on my laptop?04:46
Guest70712cabrey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/193936/04:46
cabreyCaptainMorgan, usually updates on ubuntu or linux in general don't require a reboot04:46
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, and whats in /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/180.44/build/make.log04:47
kosharicabrey kernel updates mainly do04:47
CaptainMorgancabrey, aye, kernel updates04:47
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, http://pastebin.com/d6c33822004:47
Dev_u_pperCaptainMorgan: most linux services that get updated automatically restart their associated services, at the request of the package manager.  Kernel Updates themselves that cannot be reloaded (i.e. non-modules) will require a restart04:48
cabreyGuest70712, looks good, you must've had an issue with java or something. now run sudo apt-get update again04:48
losherCaptainMorgan: I don't think that's necessarily true or what I said. What I meant was that security updates should not be ignored lightly, unlike other kinds of update which are often uneccessary...04:48
iluminator101how do i add my self to sudoers i didnt setup root account?04:48
cabreyiluminator101, you're already in the sudoers file by default04:48
oenonecan i ask for help here ?04:48
xtknightiluminator101, add yourself to the admin group from your primary sudo account04:48
cabreyiluminator101, and root account is usually disabled04:48
cabrey!ask | oenone04:48
ubottuoenone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:48
deeperDATAneed help, my ubuntu 9.04/gnome does not detect my nikon d60 when I attach it but other computers will04:48
oenonehow can i make my usb headset work in ubuntu 9.0404:49
Cry__Babywhat codec in Ekiga uses the less bandwidth?04:49
oenonemy usb headset is a4tech hd-800 usb headset04:49
cyphacan i get a general consensus? Elinks or Lynx??04:49
Flannel!poll | cypha04:49
ubottucypha: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:49
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, have you tried upgrading to the 180.60 nvidia version?04:49
oenonei am using ubuntu 9.04 64bit04:49
Flanneliluminator101: Did you break your current sudo abilities? or what?04:49
cyphaflannel, i understand how a poll works, thanks04:50
CaptainMorganDev_u_pper, sure... if you've updated recently, and consistently, within the past say... month, would you say kernel updates were published often? I think I saw two within a span of 30 days recently... could be wrong04:50
Guest70712cabrey, it says done, so now what04:50
cyphathanks joekarl04:50
* cabrey facepalms04:50
joekarlno prob04:50
cabreyGuest70712, no errors? sudo apt-get install skype04:50
Flannelcypha: Right.  This channel is not for them, but #ubuntu-bots has such a feature.04:50
deeperDATAwhy would ubuntu not automatically detect a digital camera connected with by USB?04:51
=== PuKa is now known as Soggy
headrxanyone: after sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  my server is just sitting there.. any ideas? it says reconfiguring network services... and has been sitting there for the better part of 5 minutes04:51
=== Soggy is now known as Nuke-Korea-be4-i
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, No, that hadn't even occurred to me.  I just checked synaptic, it shows the latest as 180.44.04:51
xtknightheadrx, im not sure.. the same thing happens to me with gdm restart sometimes.  it might be a timeout issue ... did you try it again?04:52
=== Nuke-Korea-be4-i is now known as tcpdump
losherheadrx: it's a bad sign. Why were you restarting your network anyway?04:52
xtknight(or some kind of race condition)04:52
darlekdeeperDATA, usually there's no problem, but you might have to remove it and try mounting it again.  You should be able to see ubuntu seeing the device from dmesg04:52
headrxworking on installing LAMP04:52
lexxyhey people04:52
lexxyhow are yall?04:52
Geoffrey2if you're looking for an app to run desklets/widgets/etc in Ubuntu, is gDesklets probably your best bet?04:53
deeperDATAdarlek: thanks, what is dmesg?04:53
oenonecan i use my usb headset on ubuntu ?04:53
CaptainMorganoenone, have you tried?04:53
Guest70712cabrey, no but it says it cant fid that package04:53
oenonetried what ?04:53
linuxguy2009Can anyone say if there is any app for Ubuntu or a web site that allows you to search for podcasts that are registered in iTunes without needing iTunes?04:53
xtknightlexxy, not bad, you have a question about ubuntu?04:53
kieran #merb04:53
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, the 180.60 version isnt in jaunty but you can get the packages here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/04:53
darlekdeeperDATA, dmesg is a place ...where messages are sent to ubuntu about devices.  Open a terminal and type dmesg, you'll see a bunch of stuff from when the computer was turned on04:54
Dev_u_pperDev_u_pper: it can depend on the severity of the kernel updates that come out.  Usually I see about 2 & 1/2 per month, but if there are any important exploits that get patched, you can depend on the odd important one04:54
joekarlany news yet on if karmic is gonna have configurable notifications?04:54
Guest70712cabrey, i think i should do the first command you told me and add the source again, what was it04:54
xtknightjoekarl, like libnotify?04:54
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.04:54
Dev_u_pper<CaptainMorgan>: it can depend on the severity of the kernel updates that come out.  Usually I see about 2 & 1/2 per month, but if there are any important exploits that get patched, you can depend on the odd important one04:54
joekarlyeah, but the new notification stuff04:54
Dev_u_pperlol wow i just reply'd myself :p04:54
deeperDATAdarlek: interesting.... I'll give it a try, brb04:54
xtknightno idea04:54
lexxyI downloaded the Jaunty  distro but I keep havin trouble trying to use my wireless card04:54
oenone@captain morgan? tried what sir ?04:54
joekarlstill haven't tried messing with it yet04:54
xtknightjoekarl, im running it in a VM now ill let you know if i see anything04:54
lexxyits a netgear WNDA310004:54
CaptainMorganoenone, your question was if you can use it, --- have you tried using it??04:55
joekarlthere was something in jaunty to change the location, but that sucked and went away04:55
CaptainMorganDev_u_pper, thank you for the input ;)04:55
myselfthank you :)04:55
oenonebut i cant hear anything04:55
lexxyI was wondering if u have any suggestions as to accessing a driver04:55
joekarlyeah, I'm running karmic a1 in vbox,04:55
joekarlreally nice04:55
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Because the new version isn't in the repos, what's the easiest way to upgrade the driver?  I would prefer a deb package to keep the system relatively clean.04:55
Dev_u_ppermyself: yes, myself?04:55
joekarlvirtual compositing ftw04:55
xtknightlexxy, not sure, i will have to find out which driver your card uses04:55
myselfu said my name04:55
oenonehow can i make my usb headset work on ubuntu04:55
myselfso i said thank you :)04:55
Dev_u_pperwow lol i just got that :)04:56
lexxyaparrently from my quick skim through google it is an atheros but I'm not exactly sure about the chipset04:56
cabreyGuest70712, aptitude search skype04:56
xtknightlexxy, it says an atheros chipset (ath5k would suffice maybe?).  is there anything about a module being loaded, and is the interface being detected?  (ifconfig -a shows it?)04:56
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, just download and install the nvidia-180-kernel-source, nvidia-180-libvdpau, and the nvidia-glx-180 packages of version 180.60 and correct architecture from the link i sent you04:57
cabreyjoekarl, +104:57
xtknightjoekarl, virtual compositing what's that?04:57
cabrey3d support in virtual box04:57
darlekoenone, if there are specific drivers necessary or special to the device, then you'll need it for ubuntu to use the headset.  However a regular one with mic and buds works for me, but this will depend on your hardware situation04:57
CaptainMorganoenone, this might give you can idea: http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=69401004:57
joekarlyou can run compiz or other compositor in your virtual machine04:57
darlekoenone, System, Prefs, Sound and try different drivers04:57
xtknightparavirt is certainly nice as well04:57
lexxysays a pan004:57
cabreyjoekarl, well its still a little buggy and doesnt work perfectly04:57
joekarlyeah, but for the most part its good04:57
joekarlhaven't had tons of problems with it04:57
oenonethanks captain04:57
oenoneill look into it04:58
Dev_u_pperlexxy: use the command:  "sudo lspci"  --> you can use it to get more information on your wireless card :)04:58
cabreyjoekarl, perfect for demonstration04:58
Dev_u_pperit may tell of your chipset04:58
lexxypan0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 3a:63:3e:e3:97:c704:58
lexxy          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:104:58
lexxy          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:004:58
lexxy          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:004:58
lexxy          collisions:0 txqueuelen:004:58
FloodBot1lexxy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
xtknightlexxy, pan0 is actually a vritual device unrelated to any physical interfaces.  do you see anything like wlan or eth04:58
lexxy          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)04:58
kosharijoekarl compiz in a Vm will be crap at best04:58
Guest70712cabrey, how do i install the source through the ter,minal04:58
cabreysaw that coming :/04:58
cabreyGuest70712, now what are you trying to do?04:58
oenonebtw its my first time using ubuntu so i have zero knowledge about it04:58
joekarlgot a pretty decent machine I'm running on with hw virtualization, so doesn't run that bad04:58
lexxyonly eth0 on the Lan I'm using04:58
xtknightjoekarl, i heard that the hardware virt is actually slower04:59
Guest70712cabrey, install skype but it doesnt find the package04:59
CaptainMorganoenone, being your first time, google is your absolute best friend in this specific situation04:59
cabreyGuest70712, aptitude search skype04:59
BeatlesFanhey all04:59
Guest70712cabrey, is that a command because nothing happens04:59
joekarlwell, seems to help04:59
joekarlmaybe not04:59
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:59
oenone@captain my headset is not bluetooth04:59
Dev_u_pperman... i love this bot already, it helps me do everything i'm too lazy to do04:59
oenoneits just a wired usb headset05:00
cabreyGuest70712, is it really worth it to go through all this is a repo? just get the deb from skype.com05:00
joekarlgives me a break from work and windows05:00
oenonebrand is a4tech hd-80005:00
xtknightjoekarl, what video driver do you use under virtualbox after you enable 3d acceleration?05:00
Guest70712cabrey, i did it doesnt work05:00
ramaelhello all :)05:00
billybigriggercabrey::: if you install a package via a repo, you stay up to date alot easier05:00
xtknightto get the compositing05:00
darlekDev_u_pper, yes I like it too... send it to yourself though with !ubottu | Dev_u_pper then you can !find and !search etc05:00
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest7125
cabreybillybigrigger, except that skype hasnt released an update in a few years now05:00
CaptainMorganoenone, if you can't find sufficient assistance with google, come back here with the processes you attempted or the ways you approached it, along with errors and non-errors(nothing happened) that occurred... and/or expectations.... sorry, thought that post had a link to a USB headset05:00
ramaelI need help, could some one help me? :)05:01
xtknightlexxy, ok, if you type "sudo rmmod ath5k && sudo modprobe ath5k && dmesg" do you see anything at the end of the dmesg?05:01
Dev_u_pper!ubottu  Dev_u_pper05:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:01
Dev_u_pper!ubottu | Dev_u_pper05:01
ubottuDev_u_pper, please see my private message05:01
joekarljust use the virtual box additions stuff that comes with vbox05:01
darlek!ask | ramael05:01
ubotturamael: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:01
BeatlesFan!ask | ramael05:01
cabreyGuest70712, then this will be no different, it is the same file coming down, except it is more automated05:01
ramaelI cannot use aireplay-ng05:01
joekarlalso gets you mouse integration and shared folders and stuff05:01
Guest70712cabrey, sorry for all the trouble and thanks, well it is my second day with linux05:01
ramaelwhen using aerodump-ng, it seems the channel of my eth1 is constantly changing05:02
cabreyGuest70712, what is the error when trying to install skype?05:02
askvictorI'm, running an ubuntu 8.04 instance in Virtualbox, df tells me I have about 1gig disk space free, but processes keep telling me there is not enough disk space. The Virtualbox media manager tells me the disk isn't up to it's maximum size, and there is plenty of free space on the host. Any ideas?05:02
xtknightjoekarl, oh, i see, i think fedora automatically installed these for me when i had it in avm05:02
xtknighta vm05:02
nick125Hey guys. I have a USB soundcard that doesn't seem to be automagically detected...if I manually modprobe snd_usb_audio, it works...but not until then. Any ideas?05:02
joekarlyou have to reinstall the additions when the kernel gets updated, but no big deal05:02
Guest70712cabrey, i think it is working now because it is actually instaling dependencies05:02
lexxyI only get Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0846:9010 NetGear, Inc.05:02
joekarlyeah, had bad luck with fedora 11 in vbox05:02
cabreyjoekarl, don't get me started :/05:03
Guest70712cabrey, all this reminds me of my jailbroken ipod touch, all the repos and debs05:03
xtknightreally?  f11 worked great in my vbox05:03
ramaelsomehow I think its because my driver is ipw210005:03
xtknightnot so great on my normal pc, though05:03
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, They're currently installing.  I removed the new kernel first.  Do I need to reboot before I reinstall the new kernel?05:03
cabreyGuest70712, that's where the ipod touch/iphone got the idea and software from05:03
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, no you shouldnt have to do that05:03
CaptainMorganoenone, what will help you here is being as detailed as possible... things like headset make, release of Ubuntu you're using, whether you're system recognizes other usb devices you've plugged into the same slot... etc05:03
ramaelso... dead end? or is it a way for me to be able to use aireplay-ng?05:03
CaptainMorganoenone, must go for now, but good luck05:03
Guest70712cabrey, i guess haha its cool05:03
lexxywhere can I get the ath5 to enable  this usb dongle?05:03
joekarlwell, just looking forward to ksm in karmic05:03
oenonethanks for the help captainmorgan05:04
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Looks like the new drivers installed with out any errors.  Now I'm going to try reinstalling the kernel...05:04
cabreyjoekarl, its in jaunty, you just have to enable it05:04
Dev_u_pperlexxy: System > Administration > Hardware drivers ?05:04
xtknightlexxy, other people say they used ndiswrapper to get it working. it might be the path of least resistance, even though it's not the preferred method.  otherwise you would probably have to find a patch and recompile your kernel.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69069905:04
xtknightor hmm maybe madwifi supports it05:05
lexxythe module does not exist on my system05:05
joekarlhad bad luck with that, possibly because of nvidia driver, not sure, too busy to figure it out at the moment05:05
xtknightlexxy, ath5k?05:05
cabreylexxy, run lsmod | pastebinit05:05
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit05:05
ramaelis it in .deb? how can I change to madwifi? :)05:05
Dev_u_pperlexxy: should be called ath5k, not askk505:05
Dev_u_pperlexxy: what's strange is that it doesn't get pulled in automatically05:06
xtknightwell ath5k freezes my system by default perhaps that's why05:06
xtknighti just don't use my wireless card05:06
Dev_u_pperlexxy: System > Administration > Hardware drivers    ... have you checked there?05:07
=== warrie is now known as Saties
cabreyi use ath5k for my hardware05:07
=== Saties is now known as Saites
xtknightjoekarl, haha the virtual compositing is too cool05:07
xtknightit's so fast!05:08
joekarlyeah, a little slow, but freakin sweet05:08
cabreyhardware acceleration05:08
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Looks like the new kernel installed with out any errors in shell this time.  I'm about to reboot.  Hold on to your butt!05:08
cabreyi never let go05:08
soreauramza: Go to aircrack-ng.org and it has all you want to know, including Drivers, Patches and the entire suite. Read.05:09
joekarlxtknight, makes ubuntu that much more enjoyable compared to windows05:09
lexxyhave a squiz @ http://pastebin.com/f1347c12805:10
cabreyjoekarl, except when you have to recompile modules on each kernel update >:(05:10
xtknightjoekarl, in windows i waste time by cleaning trojans and on ubuntu i waste time by wobbling my windows05:10
joekarlcabrey, well worth it though05:10
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, I'm in the new kernel.  Looks like all system go. Thanks big time! :-)05:10
JohnWittleWhat does "^" mean when refering to keyboard shortcuts? shift?05:11
JohnWittlethank you05:11
lexxyDev_u_pper there be no listin05:11
joekarlxtknight, good call, I spend too much time playing too, should probably be working now05:11
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, youre welcome05:11
Z3ro3XBotLobsta, Seems like boot time is also a lot faster.05:11
cabreyyea don't see ath5k in there, probably the problem05:11
BotLobstaZ3ro3X, it has been getting faster recently ive noticed too05:11
Dev_u_pperlexxy: ath5k does not support the chipset in your card Netgear WNDA3100, as per ath5k current supported chipsets: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath5k#supported_chips05:12
Dev_u_pperlexxy: there may be a better driver for it05:12
cabreyor that could be the problem05:12
cabreylexxy, there is always ndiswrapper & the nice gui in add & remove...05:12
Dev_u_pperlexxy: (though, this at least explains why the kernel chose not to load the ath5k... mostly because it wouldn't work :P)05:12
cabreykernel is smart05:12
lexxyi came across some articles on the AR9100 ming itodule but I have been unsuccessful at locat05:12
Dev_u_pperlet's see if there is something other than ndiswrapper first05:13
Dev_u_pperjust for "linux reasons" ;>05:13
cabreyDev_u_pper, have fun with that05:13
xtknightath_pci and friends?05:13
cabreythat was blacklisted for some reason05:13
xtknightsuperseded by ath5k...but not completely05:13
xtknightath5k crashes my system while the old driver works... but i dont know about support05:13
lexxyhas anyone come across it?05:13
cabreylexxy, what does System > Administration > Hardware Drivers show?05:14
cabreyaka jockey05:14
xtknightand your card is wireless N dont you use ath9k05:14
askvictorI'm, running an ubuntu 8.04 instance in Virtualbox, 'df' in the guest tells me I have about 1gig disk space free, but processes keep telling me there is not enough disk space. The Virtualbox media manager tells me the disk isn't up to it's maximum size, and there is plenty of free space on the host. Any ideas?05:15
Guest70712cabrey, thanks man it works now05:15
lexxycabrey no proprietry drivers availiable on the machine05:15
macvrhi all... i have a question... when adding repositories to the /etc/apt/sources.list , why are there 2 lines a deb and a deb-src ? is the deb-src line also required?05:15
xtknightmacvr, only if you are a developer.  deb-src allows you to download the complementary source code05:15
joekarlaskvictor, is your disk set to dynamically resize?05:15
askvictormacvr: not unless you want the source05:15
ChaorainCan someone help me with Samba? I majorly broke it. First I wnat to uninstall Samba and start from scratch05:16
askvictorjoekarl: yes05:16
ChaorainI'm trying to get 9.04 to talk to vista05:16
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macvrxtknight: askvictor thanx guys... :)05:16
Guest32073how can i restore lost session?05:16
joekarlaskvictor, hmm, do you have the vbox additions installed?05:16
edbianChaorain: To uninstall samba and all of the associated files run in a terminal "sudo apt-get purge samba"  Would you like me to explain any part of this command??05:17
Dev_u_pperlexxy: good news!  They are adding support for this card in the upcoming linux kernel.  The sad part is that you will have to wait until the next version of ubuntu until your card is supported by the new kernel.  Until then, use ndiswrapper05:17
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:17
askvictorjoekarl: not sure, running the guest it as a headless machine05:17
headrxso, im trying to setup lamp and im trying to setup my host name , and bash wont let me run ' sudo echo wildwest.example.com > /etc/hostname /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start '05:17
Z3ro3XAny idea when I should expect to see a ext4 defrag tool in the kernel?05:17
Chaorainedbian, ok I'll do that. How do Install a version of samba compatable with vista?05:18
=== Guest32073 is now known as PatrickL
lexxyaw man...... Ah well,  like they say rome wasn't built in a day05:18
cabrey_Z3ro3X, it wouldnt be in the kernel05:18
cabrey_Z3ro3X, defrag tools are separate tools05:18
lexxythanx all 4 your help.05:18
Z3ro3Xcabrey, What would it be in?05:18
edbianZ3ro3X: You do not need defrag tools with ext3 or 4 because they fill the disk with complicated algorithms and are sort of constantly defragging all of the time "on the fly"05:18
lexxygreatly appreciated.05:18
cabrey_lexxy, did you get it?05:18
Philster2hey anyone code in cocoa here?05:19
cabrey_mac dev huh?05:19
edbianChaorain: AFAIK the samba package in the ubuntu repos is compatable with vista.05:19
headrxanyone : sudo echo wildwest.example.com > /etc/hostname /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start05:19
losherheadrx: 2 separate commands: sudo echo wildwest.example.com > /etc/hostname THEN NEWLINE sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start05:19
headrxbash wont let me run ^05:19
headrxthank you05:19
PatrickLhow can i restore files and settings? the system somehow logout and all my settings and files are gone.05:19
askvictorjoekarl: guest additions are there.05:19
Chaorainedbian, k it says samba was not installed05:19
cabrey_lexxy, what was the solutino/05:19
Philster2well iPhone.... yeah still mac my apologies05:19
lexxy will b alright cabrey thanx for your great support05:19
lexxyndiswrapper for the mean time05:20
Z3ro3Xcabrey, edbian, I converted an ext3 to an ext4.  Running fsck isn't enough I was told the data also has to be moved on the disc as well and a defrag would do the trick.05:20
cabrey_Philster2, thats ok, were you looking for a tool or just testing the waters?05:20
headrxsudo echo wildwest.example.com > /etc/hostname was denied as well05:21
edbianZ3ro3X: I don't know anything about converting from ext3 to ext4 but I do know that you do not need to defrag them once they are up and running.05:21
edbianChaorain: Meaning samba never was installed or that now (after that command) it is no longer installed?05:21
PatrickLI am new to ubuntu..05:21
Chaorainedbian, it was samba 405:21
cabrey_!new | PatrickL05:21
ubottuPatrickL: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com05:21
Chaorainedbian, I did "sudo apt-get purge samba4"05:21
edbianChaorain: I don't know anything about it being compatable or incompatable with vista05:21
kazagistarPatrickL: did you install it, or run the live cd?05:22
headrxlosher : sudo echo wildwest.example.com > /etc/hostname was denied as well05:22
edbianChaorain: Do you understand what that command does?05:22
PatrickLi installed it05:22
ramaelmy Wlan is RTL-8139 100/10 MBit (wired Centrino Wireless LAN) and my driver is ipw2100... I want to change it to madwifi, but will it work???05:22
Chaorainedbian, not exactly. makes samba go poof?05:23
cabrey_ramael, why?05:23
atila339Can somebody help me? When i try to install themes i get this "this theme will not look as intended because the required black-white_2-Style"05:23
oenonei really can find anything about how to make my usb headset to work in buntu05:23
GuiriI can't figure out proper ufw syntax. How do i delete "49300:tcp                  ALLOW   49160:tcp"?05:23
losherheadrx: I think you're missing some quotes. Edit the name into the file instead with an editor...05:23
Dev_u_pperPatrickL: congratulations =D  welcome to linux!05:23
PatrickLIt is a pain while i kept losing my data and settings..05:23
joekarlaskvictor, okay, they normally solve most of the problems, so I'm kinda lost on that, good luck though05:24
ramaelbecause with ipw2100 I cannot use aireplay-ng05:24
askvictorjoekarl: thanks anyway05:24
Dev_u_pperPatrickL: are you having trouble getting access to your documents on windows?05:24
ThreetimesHi, ubuntu is using 700 mb ram, I can't figure out why.05:24
edbianChaorain: I will run through each part of the command "sudo" gives you root power (you need root power to install/remove software amoung other things).  "apt-get" is the cli package manager program "purge" is a flag for apt-get to remove the package and all of it's config files.  If you ran sudo apt-get remove it would leave the config files and just remove the package.  "samba" is the package name.  Bottom line, yes it made "samba go poof" :)05:24
askvictorThreetimes: what are you running?05:24
cabrey_Threetimes, open gnome-system-monitor05:25
ThreetimesXorg uses 120, Opera uses 50, compiz uses 20, and mysql uses 2005:25
Threetimesanything else uses less that 1005:25
losherThreetimes: check out http://www.linuxatemyram.com/05:25
askvictorThreetimes: rest could be used by cache05:25
Dev_u_pperThreetimes: is there a process that is wasting 700MB of memory, or are you actually short 700MB or RAM?05:25
Chaorainedbian, ok I knew most of that but not the "purge" part. I like "make samba go poof." better though05:25
cabrey_losher, hey! that was mine... :P05:25
edbianChaorain: ha ha ha ok05:26
loshercabrey_: and brilliant it was, too...05:26
PatrickLi am having trouble with the system auto logout and i lost all the datas and settings05:26
Chaorainedbian, Thankt05:26
Chaorainedbian, Thanks05:26
edbianChaorain: Unfortunately Samba is a complicated beast and I have never configured it for vista before.  I don't think I can help any more.  Although I will try to find a good how-to and post the link here soon.05:26
edbianChaorain: NP05:26
cabrey_unused ram is wasted ram05:26
loshercabrey_: would've credited you if I were capable of remembering anyone's name for more than 10 seconds...05:27
cabrey_haha i dont deserve credit05:27
Chaorainedbian, I found several but they were all the same and did not work05:27
Dev_u_ppercabrey_ : lol yeah, i was reading that too05:27
edbianOk should I not waste my time?   Wait long enough here and somebody will come along that will help you :)05:28
cabrey_GUSTAVO_29, /join #ubuntu-es05:28
oenonedoes anybody here know how to make a usb headset work on ubuntu05:28
T0asterhey guys05:28
oenonei also want my canon pixma ip1980 printer to work on ubuntu05:28
T0asterhow to navigate the rtorrent directory after I hit enter and tab05:28
T0asterI see the list05:28
cabrey_GUSTAVO_29, :)05:29
T0asterhow to enter subdir?05:29
cabrey_T0aster, cd05:29
Chaorainedbian, I found several but they were all the same and did not work05:29
T0asterin rtorrent?05:29
cabrey_T0aster, oh i thought you meant in a terminal05:29
edbianChaorain: Ok.  Good luck!05:29
T0asterthats not what I did b4 I know that05:29
T0asterso do you know?05:29
CrazyTux[m]Does anyone know of a good west coast (California preferably) mirror for amd64 / ubuntu05:29
cabrey_T0aster, no don't use rtorrent05:29
ThreetimesI have a 220mb disk cache, and I am using 150-200 for applications. http://paste.ubuntu.com/193971/05:29
T0asterI see the folder list05:29
cabrey_CrazyTux[m], use a torrent to download05:29
T0asterI did it once b405:30
xcercaubuntu can be installed on a RAID 0 array correct ?05:30
CrazyTux[m]im downloading from god knows where at 65kb/s its killing me05:30
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: I mean for /etc/apt/sources.list05:30
edbianI just saw here: http://www.goitexpert.com/entry.cfm?entry=Connect-Vista-To-A-Linux-Share--UBUNTU that if you have samba 3.0.22+ you are good to go with vista!  Since ubuntu is on 4.0.xxx you're good05:30
oenonehelp please05:30
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: for packages/etc05:30
T0asternobody here is an rtorrent guru?05:30
ChaorainIs there a way to permanatly dim a desktop screen? F11 works but if I click it goes back to normal05:30
cabrey_CrazyTux[m], oh i got what you mean, checkout:05:30
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!05:30
xcercais the RAID controler included in the ubuntu intallation ?05:30
edbianChaorain: I just saw here: http://www.goitexpert.com/entry.cfm?entry=Connect-Vista-To-A-Linux-Share--UBUNTU that if you have samba 3.0.22 you're good to go with vista.05:30
losherT0aster: type directory/ and it should autocomplete. Type ../ to go up a directory05:30
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: crap, thats where i'm already at, they only have two amd64 mirrors in the US05:31
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: and one of them is broken...05:31
glicksis there an ubuntu remix channel?05:31
Chaorainedbian, The Repo is only up to 2 something05:31
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: and the other I download at 64kb/s05:31
cabrey_CrazyTux[m], :/ try japan servers, they have so much bandwidth05:31
T0asterso if the subdir I want is titled downloads what should I type?05:31
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: I'm far from japan.... and they don't have amd64?05:31
Dev_u_pperwow... im cloning the kernel source tree, and it is only moving at 25 kb/s :D05:31
edbianChaorain: Go to the samba website and download a .deb file and you can install it with dpkg -i filename.deb Unfortuately I have to go now :( Sorry I couldn't help more.05:32
flashbakHi there. I've long awaited xawtv4 for any Ubuntu. Has anyone got this compile yet? It's been two years since it hasn't been able to work and is a useful program.05:32
cabrey_CrazyTux[m], try different mirrors from around the us/canada then, distance usually doesnt make that much of a difference05:32
Chaorainedbian, Thanks05:32
losherT0aster: it's all relative to the directory you started rtorrent in. If you started in foo, then to see foo/bar you only need type bar...05:32
ThreetimesCrazyTux[m]: Try nl.releases.ubuntu.com they might be far away, but they're fast!05:33
CrazyTux[m]cabrey_: but they dont have amd64 as listed....05:33
CrazyTux[m]Threetimes: trying05:33
Dev_u_pperedbian: samba doesn't usually update it's configuration that much, you should be able to read their guid and apply it (setting-per-setting) to ubuntu's version of the configuration file05:33
cabrey_Threetimes, where is that?05:33
Threetimesthe netherlands, europe05:33
CrazyTux[m]Threetimes: no amd64 :(05:34
T0asterI cann see the torrent name I wanna load05:34
flashbakAny programmers here that might be interested in fixing up xawtv4? I've got it close and down to one error now.05:34
T0asterbut what cmd do I use to make it start05:34
Dev_u_pper** Question/Bug-Related/NeedInfo ** : does anyone here have a Compaq Presario R4200 - we need information from it if you own one for a kernel patch in development for the upcoming ubuntu.  Contact me if you do or if you know anyone that does.05:34
CrazyTux[m]Threetimes: I'm talking about for actual packages/maintainer05:34
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CrazyTux[m]Threetimes: I already have ubuntu installed as amd6405:35
``y7is anybody in here familiar with verizon fios and using ubuntu as a router/firewall?05:35
cabrey_Dev_u_pper, are you on a bug team/05:35
Dev_u_ppercabrey_ : we're fixing a keyboard quirk, multimedia button related05:35
casinaroyaleI have been having problems with my sound since I updated to jaunty and even karmic doesnt seem to do any good. Can anyone help?05:35
ThreetimesCrazyTux[m]: ok, ill check for the archives...05:35
T0asterI just had the wrong view05:35
Chaorainedbian, Hey will the debian version work?05:35
casinaroyaleI have a simple 2.1 speaker system05:35
T0asterI had completed selected05:36
=== MadMax is now known as Guest81826
Guest49389Can someone tell me how to set up my location i have it set to africa and my clock is messed up, and if i fix it, it gest messed up when i reboot05:36
losherT0aster: so you're good to go?05:36
CrazyTux[m]I think I'm going to not be able to do this if I have to keep my system updated --- taking hours05:36
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ThreetimesCrazyTux[m]: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Release05:36
pullercan i get help with a slow boot on ubuntu 9.04 with ext 405:36
=== cabrey_ is now known as cabrey
headrxthat wont run, says it cant find the package05:37
GuiriCan I allow an entire port range in ufw?05:37
cabreyGuiri, yes05:37
glicksdoes anyone have the 1000HE eeepc05:38
Dev_u_pper1-65535 :)05:38
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:38
Guiricabrey: sudo ufw allow 49160/49300?05:38
Guirigives an error for some reason05:38
cabreyGuiri, install gufw, its a nice gui for that firewall05:38
usserGuiri, ufw allow 8080:8090, man ufw they have examples05:38
ThreetimesI have a 220mb disk cache, and I am using 150-200 for applications. free says way more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/193971/05:39
maxagazis there a package to install python 2.6.2 on hardy (LTS) ?05:39
linux_stuwhat grub entry will be listed for the kernel linux-image-virtual?05:39
cabreylinux_stu, that is just a virtual package05:40
linux_stucabrey: are you sure?  under description, it says "Linux kernel image for virtual machines".  by installing it, will i not have kernel option for the virtual machine kernel in grub?05:40
linux_stu(description in synaptic, i mean)05:41
Dev_u_ppermaxgaz : all packages can be found listed at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ , which have official support.  In addition, python MAY provide precompiled .deb files at their leisure, from their website.  We do not officially support those05:41
Dev_u_pper*maxagaz ^^05:41
J-Roddah, anyone know anything about wireless card drivers?05:41
cabreylinux_stu, hmm maybe i take that back. i've never heard about that but it makes sense05:41
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:41
Guiriusser: ERROR: bad port05:42
pullercan i get help with a slow boot on ubuntu 9.04 with ext 405:42
casinaroyaledoes any one have any clue why my sound is flaky in ubuntu?05:42
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:42
Guest49389How do i change my location settings05:42
linux_stuthe thing that confuses me is that when i install "linux-image-virtual", the kernel option in grub is listed as " Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11-server".  Would this not correspond to "linux-image-server"?  it confuses me...05:43
usserGuiri, how about  sudo ufw --dry-run allow 8080:8090/tcp05:43
cabreyGuest49389, System > Administration > Time & Date05:43
ThreetimesI have a 220mb disk cache, and I am using 150-200 for applications. free says 500mb is "gone". http://paste.ubuntu.com/193971/05:43
shadeslayerhey does anyone have emerald-theme-manager ??05:46
Guest49389cabrey, thanks woa man thats the third time you help me well thankyou very much05:46
losherpuller: you can look at the dmesg output after it boots and from the timestamps, see what took a long time, & then tell us...05:46
Guest49389cabrey, do you volunteer for this05:46
shadeslayerGuest49389: everyone here is a volunteer :)05:47
joekarlshadeslayer, yeah, don't like it that much, course I use mac4lin so no use to me05:47
Guirihmm nope05:47
Guiriwonder if its my version of ufw05:47
GuiriI have hardy with the latest updates05:47
pullerlosher: i did, check it out http://pastebin.com/f41204754 anythign look odd?05:47
shadeslayerjoekarl: could you open it for me,i think i may have found a bug in it :)05:48
joekarlshadeslayer, k05:48
shadeslayerjust need confirmation05:48
shadeslayerjoekarl: now in the search bar,type anything , and click reload05:48
Guest49389shadeslayer, so why do yall volunteer like what cause do you hate windows05:48
joekarlshadeslayer, k, what am i looking for?05:49
shadeslayerGuest49389: no,because we are comitted to help ubuntu and make it more popular05:49
shadeslayerjoekarl: its supposed to crash :)05:49
myselfhey what is a good thing to wathc movies with in linux, GNOME, is the movie player it comes with good or should i use something else?05:49
ThreetimesI have a 220mb disk cache, and I am using 150-200 for applications. free says 500mb is "gone". http://paste.ubuntu.com/193971/05:49
myselfwell, if i m watching a series05:49
Dev_u_pperGuest49389: volunteers who all share the desire to have everything in ubuntu work so... (*ahem* excuse me :P)  blissfully :)05:49
shadeslayermyself: vlc :)05:49
Dev_u_pperI'm working on vlc :D05:50
myselfwhats vlc05:50
shadeslayerDev_u_pper: hehe05:50
ussermyself, i prefer mplayer05:50
shadeslayer!info vlc | myself05:50
ubottumyself: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB05:50
soreaumyself: Good alternatives are mplayer or vnc05:50
soreaumyself: vlc*05:50
usser!info mplayer05:50
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu19 (jaunty), package size 4340 kB, installed size 10120 kB05:50
Dev_u_pperadding custom equalizer presets as per a feature request from ubuntu ... so yeah we DO listen :D05:50
myselfi'll use vlc since dev_u_pper is working on it05:50
shadeslayermyself: just sudo apt-get install vlc05:50
ussersee mplayer is the ultimate05:50
joekarlshadeslayer, hmm nope,05:50
myselfmplayer has an m in it, makes me think of microsoft05:51
shadeslayerjoekarl: bah..too bad05:51
joekarlshadeslayer, what version are you using?05:51
shadeslayerjoekarl: how do i see the version :P ??05:51
losherpuller: Dunno what this is all about, but it looks like it took 50 seconds: [ 26.484057] eth1: no IPv6 routers present  [ 76.804087] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x7 SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen05:51
``y7vlc is so over-rated, go with mplayer. it's so much better05:51
myselfis anyone here on karmic koala already05:51
cabreymyself, /join #ubuntu+105:51
joekarlcheck the top of the window, it'll say emeraltd theme manager then version05:51
pullerlosher: so you do not know how to fix it?05:52
joekarlshadeslayer, I've got 0.7.205:52
ThreetimesMy dad uses windows xp pro sp3. He has a printer. I can't print since a few weeks.05:52
shadeslayermyself: im thinking of upgrading05:52
losherpuller: I don't even know what it means....05:52
headrxbash cant find any of those packages05:52
shadeslayerjoekarl: how do i check that??05:52
pullerlosher: ok but its a step in the right direction how did you know it took 50 seconds?05:52
headrxdoes anyone know where i can get a better repository file (aka more up to date)05:52
headrxfor 7.10 server05:52
joekarlshadeslayer, emerald --version      in terminal05:52
losherpuller: the timestamp goes from 26 to 76. I believe that's in seconds...05:53
bazhang!karmic > myself05:53
ubottumyself, please see my private message05:53
shadeslayerjoekarl: same,im talking about the manager,not the actual programme itself05:53
pullerlosher: thanks05:53
shadeslayerbazhang: oh btw,is kde 4.3 supported now since its in backports??05:54
Guest49389it should be more popular but why???05:54
joekarlshadeslayer, right sorry, check the top of the emerald theme manager window, should be the window title05:54
bazhangshadeslayer, no idea; best to ask in #kubuntu05:55
shadeslayerbazhang: ok05:55
cabreyGuest49389, what?05:55
J-Roddsorry im new to linux, how do i get to console mode?05:55
cabreyJ-Rodd, recovery mode?05:56
shadeslayerjoekarl: hmm...nope cant see anything which says version05:56
cabreyJ-Rodd, or a virtual console?05:56
losherpuller: it's hard-drive related. What was running previously on this machine?05:56
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:56
flashbakAlright, to whom would I submit a request for the xawtv4 package to be added to Ubuntu/Debian rather than the current xawtv3?05:56
pullerlosher: vista05:56
pullerlosher: i am dual booting05:56
losherpuller: and vista runs fine?05:57
joekarlshadeslayer, hmm check  emerald --version  its normally the same version as the theme manager05:57
shadeslayerflashbak: file it as a  wishlist in launchpad05:57
cabreyflashbak, the maintainer05:57
Dev_u_pper:O ... wait a sek...05:57
Dev_u_pper!hello | Dev_u_pper05:57
ubottuDev_u_pper, please see my private message05:57
shadeslayerjoekarl: i told you...its 0.7.2 :)05:57
pullerlosher: correct, ubutn runs fine too just boots really slow05:57
flashbakMaintainer was sent email in 2007 with no response. No response has been had on the website since 2007 either.05:57
cabreyshadeslayer, emerald has been deprecated and is no longer developed05:57
Dev_u_pper!hello | puller05:57
ubottupuller: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:57
joekarlshadeslayer, sorry, hard to keep track of stuff05:57
Dev_u_pper:D !05:57
shadeslayerpuller: \0/.....17 second boot time :)05:57
joekarlshadeslayer, which version of ubuntu are you on05:58
pullershadeslayer: what?05:58
shadeslayercabrey: ah...thanks for the info,no point in filing a bug then :(05:58
oenonehow do i installm y printer in ubuntu05:58
shadeslayerpuller: < puller> losher: correct, ubutn runs fine too just boots really slow05:58
oenonehelp please05:58
bazhang!printing > oenone05:58
ubottuoenone, please see my private message05:58
pullershadeslayer: so why did u say 17 seconds....?05:58
shadeslayerpuller: i guess you meant ubuntu ??05:58
losherpuller: google suggests it might be a kernel issue. In your place, I'd try 8.04, or live with it...05:59
shadeslayerpuller: or is it really ubutn05:59
pullershadeslayer: what are you talkign abotu lol my ubuntu is booting slow05:59
cabreygood night all, i really need to go to sleep ;)05:59
shadeslayerpuller: yes...what version of ubuntu?05:59
martintuxcan someone help me with sound on dell?05:59
Guest49389cabrey, just saying why do you all share the desire to make ubuntu more popular06:00
Ap0llohello is there anyone out there that can help me?06:00
oenonemy printer is not found on the support printers list06:00
bazhangGuest49389, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:00
pullershadeslayer: the latest version06:00
shadeslayerGuest49389: that would be a question for offtopic06:00
shadeslayerpuller: 9.04?? i can boot 9.04 in 17 secs06:01
pullershadeslayer: ok well see i cant cause i am having problems, woudl you liek to help06:01
randabisoenone: ubottu is a bot06:01
headrxim assuming that this is why alot of my packages arent working  :06:01
headrx# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:06:01
headrx# deb http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted06:01
martintuxcan someone help me with sound on dell?06:01
headrxtheres several that are commented out06:01
Ap0llocan someone help please im having a /home issue on my laptop with 9.0406:01
joekarlshadeslayer, I'm on karmic so it may have been fixed there06:01
oenoneooops sorry06:01
Guest49389sorry guys06:01
mobi-sheepheadrx: You're using Gutsy? ;O06:02
martintuxi'm using intel  82801I (ICH9 Family)06:02
bazhangheadrx, 7.10 is end of life, you need to upgrade06:02
shadeslayerjoekarl: hmm..maybe06:02
oenonei didnt know ]06:02
Guest49389well bye and thanks again cabrey for your help06:02
bazhang!upgrade > headrx06:02
ubottuheadrx, please see my private message06:02
losherheadrx: try uncommenting them & do sudo apt-get update06:02
shadeslayerjoekarl: is karmic without a GUI or was hal fixed??06:02
rob_pAp0llo, Just ask your question.  Perhaps someone will know the answer and assist you.06:02
headrxeveryone: 7.10 for a project server06:02
shadeslayerpuller: install bootchart : sudo apt-get install bootchart06:02
Ap0llorob_p its pretty complicated for me to say06:02
domoheadrx: still upgrade06:03
mobi-sheep!gutsy | headrx06:03
ubottuheadrx: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.06:03
headrxim running 9.04 on main machine06:03
bazhangheadrx, it is no longer supported, please see the bots message to you06:03
oenonecan i use my pixma ip1980 on limux 64bit???06:03
joekarlshadeslayer, karmic is running just fine for me, haven't had any video issues at all,06:03
pullershadeslayer: ok and then what06:03
joekarlshadeslayer, also running in vbox just fine too :D06:03
rob_pAp0llo, Well I don't know what to tell you then, if you can't even explain the issue.  Good luck with it though!06:03
shadeslayerjoekarl: :|06:03
Ap0llobut for some reason when i log in i just get a background image and a mouse cursor06:03
shadeslayerpuller: then reboot06:03
Ap0lloto show that something is running i print scren06:03
Ap0lloand when i save it says cannot access /home06:04
Ap0lloi can type the full error06:04
pullershadeslayer: then comeback in here and ask you for more help ? lol06:04
rob_pAp0llo, Sounds like your user's home directory is not accessible.06:04
soreauAp0llo: Did this just happen or is this the first time you installed linux?06:04
rob_pAp0llo, What change(s) did you make recently that may have caused it?06:04
Ap0lloI did an alternative install since i installed via the alternative iso06:05
joekarlshadeslayer, when was hal broke? I've been using karmic for weeks without problems06:05
headrxI really should have thought about installing something newer before i went through the time of setting all this shit up lol06:05
shadeslayerpuller: no,then see /var/log/bootchart for the bootchart06:05
Ap0lloi run a 64 bit OS on my laptop which is a lenovo t40006:05
bazhangplease watch the language headrx06:05
pullershadeslayer: ok but how can i use that to help solve my poblem?06:05
shadeslayerjoekarl: it was broke about 2-3 weeks ago06:05
Ap0llothis was just a regular install and i think it has to do with the LILO06:05
shadeslayerpuller: that will give us an idea what is taking so much time to load06:06
joekarlshadeslayer, hmm, I must've gotten it right after that, alls good now06:06
rob_pAp0llo, Why would you think that?06:06
pullershadeslayer: then we can fix it?06:06
shadeslayerpuller: yes,we can fix it with bum06:06
Ap0llorob_p its just an assumption since i cant find out what started the issue06:06
pullerwhats bum?06:06
jpangamarca@oenone http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-pixma_ip198006:06
jpangamarcait should work06:06
shadeslayer!info bum | puller06:06
pullershadeslayer: whats bum06:06
ubottupuller: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB06:06
Ap0lloive installed oses on this machine before so this is the first time ive come upon this06:06
pullershadeslayer: should i install that now too?06:07
rob_pAp0llo, LILO is a bootloader.  Your system is booting, correct?06:07
shadeslayerpuller: sure,now or after a reboot06:07
pullershadeslayer: is it just sudo apt-get bum06:07
Ap0llorob_p it boots up properly i believe, doesnt show a list at all06:07
shadeslayerpuller: add install after apt-getr06:07
Ap0llojust says LILO booting Linux and then it boots up the OS06:08
pullershadeslayer: yea thats hwat i meant lol, ok i am abotu to reboot be back in a bit06:08
shadeslayerbazhang: theres a typo in #kubuntu at the end,could you please fix it?? :)06:08
shadeslayerpuller: sure06:08
pullershadeslayer: thanks for your help thus far, very much appreciated06:08
shadeslayerbazhang: in the topic i mean06:08
shadeslayerpuller: no problem06:08
rob_pAp0llo, I'd investigate the issue of the home dir not being accessible.  LILO is fine.06:09
Ap0llorob_p well then i can type out the error i get when saving a screen shot06:09
heatmzzrI downloaded the xbox controller driver, its called xboxdrv-linux-0.4.6.tar.bz2  ... my question is.. where should I extract the files so it installs correctly.. (newbie)06:09
shadeslayerheatmzzr: you can extract it anywhere...06:10
headrxi cant seem to find anything on updating from 7.10 to 8.04 on the command line06:10
rob_pAp0llo, Gotta step away for a bit.  But pastebin the error and if someone hasn't helped you by the time I return, I will assist then.06:10
Dev_u_pperheatmzzr: extract it anywhere, and then check in the extracted folder for a file called "README"06:10
headrxcan anyone shoot me in the right direction06:10
ThreetimesI have a 220mb disk cache, and I am using 150-200 for applications. free says 500mb is "gone". http://paste.ubuntu.com/193971/06:10
heatmzzrread the readme, still scratchin my head06:10
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:11
CrazyTux[m]hey guys have dual head monitor / two monitors setup ---- with xinerama when I drag my mouse from screen A to screen B It leaves a "mouse hand" on both screens?  any ideas/thoughts06:11
shadeslayerheadrx: what desktop enviromenr06:11
Loganhoupheadrx: no we only we shoot you here. The right direction costs extra.06:11
skeletalguys, i need help, pleaz. I'm in my terminal with root, i need open some like ( equal) to "explorer.exe" from do windows.  How can I do it????06:11
headrxno enviroment06:11
headrxi found it tho06:11
skeletali need open some windows or file manager in my ubuntu06:11
Ap0llorob_p , soreau this is the error i get "Impossible to save the screenshot to file:///home/Name/Desktop/Screenshot.png   Error was Error opening the file <location of screenshot>:permission denied. Please choose another location and retry06:11
headrxand no shots!06:11
FloodBot1headrx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
skeletalhow can I do it guys????????06:11
shadeslayerskeletal: nautilus06:11
bazhangskeletal, do what06:12
skeletalshadeslayer> but, what is the command?06:12
shadeslayerskeletal: that *is* the command06:13
sharetelI am planning to install Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop edition.......... I need to get an HP2015d USB printer working so that Windows XP/Vista users can access it.... can someone please let me know how to proceed06:13
WIGGMPkskeletal: nautilus is the default "windows explorer" of GNOME06:13
shadeslayer!printer > sharetel06:13
ubottusharetel, please see my private message06:13
Threetimessharetel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP06:13
Ap0llocan someone help my error i just put up?06:13
WIGGMPkIm sad that Jaunty released with 2.6.28 and Fedora 11 released with 2.6.29 =*(06:14
ThreetimesAp0llo: what is <location of screenshot>06:15
heatmzzrHelp. I type ./xboxdrv and I get.. "no such file or directory... what is newbie here doing wrong06:15
pullershadeslayer: hey i am back here is my log http://www.filedropper.com/mike-laptop-jaunty-20090612-106:15
Ap0lloThreetimes: '/home/name/desktop/screenshot.png' i just got lazy typing the whole thing out :p06:16
ThreetimesAp0llo: what is the output for ls -l /home/name/desktop06:16
Marticusany chance squashfs-tools-4.0 can be stabilized for amd64?06:16
shadeslayerpuller: whoa!! thats alot of processes takin up processor time06:17
Ap0lloThreetimes you want me to type that in terminal06:17
shadeslayerpuller: lemme recheck06:17
ThreetimesAp0llo: yes06:17
pullershadeslayer: so whats that exactly mean06:17
pullertrying to fix this and learn a bti too06:17
Marticuscan't seem to install any distributions because of the incompatibility with older tools on newer kernels, need newer kernels for my core 2 duo06:17
heatmzzrcan someone help me with this xboxdrv I downloaded?06:18
opopamarok14 repo now contains amarok1406:18
=== calc` is now known as calc
shadeslayerpuller: see those processes with the long bars ?? theyre hogging up boot time.just one more question before we start bum...whats your file system ?06:18
Ap0lloThreetimes : it seems that it shows the files that are on my desktop06:18
pullershades ext 406:19
Ap0lloThreetimes: but i cannot see them06:19
pullershadeslayer: ext 406:19
Threetimespaste the output to paste.ubuntu.com06:19
shadeslayerpuller: ok,sudoedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:19
pullershadeslayer: alrighty i am in menu.lst for edditing06:20
hoskhow do i access my phppgadmin installation over the internet?06:20
shadeslayerpuller: remove splash from the kernel line and add rootflags=data=writeback to the end of the line06:21
pullershadeslayer: ok what sthat goign to do?06:21
nickolausFor some reason I am unable to view/access my windows computer over my network from my ubuntu computer.06:21
shadeslayerpuller: so it looks like ro quiet vga=0x0365 rootflags=data=writeback , this will decrease the boottime06:21
ThreetimesAp0llo: I need the exact information in the output of that commnd.06:21
pullershades so remove this kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=5b312b96-6820-4336-b0c0-6b4786f50d4d ro quiet splash06:22
shadeslayerpuller: NO...dont remove it06:22
pullershades ok06:22
pullershadeslayer:  so what exactly am i doing again06:22
Ap0lloThreetimes : like for example i see -rw-r--r-- 1 1002 name       88944147 2009-06-03 16:26 <file> (not typing out the full file name)06:22
Dev_u_pper:P ... close one06:22
shadeslayerpuller: http://tuxtraining.com/2008/09/28/how-to-make-ubuntu-extremely-fast06:23
ThreetimesAp0llo: ok06:23
pulleri got it i think06:23
shadeslayerpuller: see tuning the hard drive06:23
gartralhi all.. is there any non-root way of making a transfer of files (copy) happen directly without using a buffer? I have a terrabyte of data trying to move between two external drives, with a system that has 512 mb ram and a 60gb hdd internally...06:23
pullershadeslayer: ok so i removed the splash and added the new ending06:23
=== miguel is now known as miguel1057
shadeslayerpuller: did you see the link i sent you??06:24
pullershadeslayer: yea06:24
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Dev_u_pperhehe shadeslayer, you should see my ubuntu install... it only has about 20 lines of bash script to build it :)06:24
Dev_u_pperwith debootstrap xD06:24
shadeslayerpuller: follow all the instructions there first :)06:25
shadeslayerDev_u_pper: boot time?06:25
Dev_u_ppershadeslayer: about 10-15 seconds06:25
Dev_u_ppermost of the boot is the kernel's fault actually06:25
shadeslayerDev_u_pper: use bootchart to measure it :P....06:25
pwnguinis there a website related to the factoid bot?06:26
shadeslayer!help | puller06:26
ubottupuller: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:26
pullershadeslayer: anyway to quickly check if i have a dual proccesor?06:26
miguel1057I have a probloem with my wlan0 and ubuntu 9.04, i can connect to internet services that dont have encryption but not that have encrypto06:26
shadeslayerpwnguin: see above06:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubbotu06:26
nickolausFor some reason I am unable to view/access my windows computer over my network from my ubuntu computer. All of my samba installs seem to be in order. any ideas?06:26
Dev_u_pperlol i might need a million other packages for it haha... the machine that install was made for has about as much processing power as linksys's current consumer routers :P06:26
Ap0lloThreetimes : any solution?06:26
shadeslayerpwnguin: whats your processor model no. ?06:26
pwnguinshadeslayer: ?06:27
miguel1057I have a probloem with my wlan0 and ubuntu 9.04, i can connect to internet services that dont have encryption but not that have encryption, it show that i connected but when i try to ping the gateway or go to a website y dosnt work06:27
pwnguinshadeslayer: ARM06:27
shadeslayerpwnguin: sorry mate06:27
shadeslayerpuller: one sec06:27
miguel1057I have a probloem with my wlan0 and ubuntu 9.04, i can connect to internet services that dont have encryption but not that have encryption, it show that i connected but when i try to ping the gateway or go to a website it dosnt work06:27
darlekmiguel1057, have you passed any keys to the wifi connection?  wicd and other programs allow you to store the key value,  as well from terminal the word 'key' is used to pass a value06:27
pullershadeslayer:  ok06:27
shadeslayerpuller: cat /proc/cpuinfo06:28
randabisI don't think ARM processors have multiple cores06:28
pwnguinpuller: a quick check with "cat /proc/cpuinfo06:28
miguel1057darlek,  sure i put the encrytion key and it connects but i cant go to any website and i cant do ping to the gateway06:28
pwnguinrandabis: well, if you count dedicated DSP cores, maybe06:28
pullershadeslayer: if i got two cores i am a dual correct?06:29
shadeslayerpwnguin: i kept putting cat /proc/cpu/info -_-06:29
shadeslayerpuller: yep06:29
darlekmiguel1057, the only other thing I can suggest is checking for a proxy and turn it off.  I don't know how to test for that though06:29
pwnguinone caveat with cpuinfo is that hyperthreading will show up as dual core06:29
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : if you are using WEP, and you accidentally mistyped your wireless code i believe that there is no way of detecting that it was incorrectly typed, so it will just keep trying06:29
miguel1057darlek,  i dont know whats the problem but if i do the same steps from "windows" it works ok06:29
pwnguinwhen it's just the weaker sibling06:29
nickolausFor some reason I am unable to view/access my windows computer over my network from my ubuntu computer. All of my samba installs seem to be in order. any ideas?06:29
pullershadeslayer: ok i am booting and testign its speed now06:30
pullershadeslayer: brb06:30
shadeslayerpuller: sure :)(06:30
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  after i put the key show me that i connected to the wireless network06:30
shadeslayerpuller: you did enable readhead?06:30
=== nabeel is now known as Guest93436
Dev_u_pperWEP will still show that it is connected, regardless if it is actually communicating.06:30
miguel1057darlek,  well i think the problem is the driver but ubuntu recognized it automatically when i installed it06:31
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : type this from the terminal : ifconfig06:31
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : and then check to see if your wireless adapter has an IP address.  if it does not, let us know.06:31
darlekmiguel1057, Dev_u_pper yes test it directly via the terminal via ifconfig, and see if an IP has been given to you06:31
shadeslayerhmm..amarok keeps crashing stating that kbuildsycoca4 crashed...any ideas??06:31
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  im not in that place where was the problem but i did it and it was giving to my card dhcp address i tryied with manual address too but it didnt work06:32
nickolausFor some reason I am unable to view/access my windows computer over my network from my ubuntu computer. All of my samba installs seem to be in order. any ideas?06:32
pullershadeslayer: ok that all helped a little bit but its still taking way to long06:33
miguel1057it was giving me ip address but i was trying to make ping to thats the gateway and never answer me06:33
Dev_u_ppermiguel1057 : next time, check to see if you can correctly ping the gateway (usually or something similar) - this is a good indicator if you are actually able to "talk" to the network you're trying to work with06:33
Dev_u_pperoh, i see06:33
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  i couldnt i tryied06:33
shadeslayerpuller: ok now you have a new bootchart..please upload it06:33
darlekmiguel1057, the programs to work with in terminal are iwconfig to set the card, including the key, dhclient wlan0 to get the IP, then ifconfig to verify the IP has been received06:33
Ap0lloThreetimes if anything i cant even see my menu bar or anything just the desktop and my mouse06:33
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : then either they have ping reply turned off (unlikely), or, you mistyped the WEP encryption key (assuming that it was WEP and not WPA(2))06:34
darlekmiguel1057, you're more likely to get the error messages back to the terminal06:34
miguel1057darlek,  i used iwconfig and it was showing the ssid connected it was ok same the ip address but i dont know what wasnt working good06:34
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gartralAp0llo: go over your base problem again06:34
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : the last possibility is signal strength.  Make sure you are well within range, and that your wireless card is reported working for ubuntu linux06:35
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  i use wpa and wpa2 personal encryption i used it and i gots connected06:35
pullershadeslayer: http://www.filedropper.com/mike-laptop-jaunty-20090612-206:35
Ap0llogartral Basically i cant do anything once i log in, like i know my files are in my desktop but i cannot see my menu bar nor access my /home folder06:35
JbCrashhi..i just received ubuntu 9.04 .. i using 8 version... i want do clean installation..if i go vista just delete linux partition... . can i load my vista as normal  ?06:35
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  well i tryied from the same place from windows vista i said and it was working06:35
shadeslayeranyone on kde 4.3 b2 ??06:35
pullershadeslayer: on boot i see all the text going by pretty fast then it all goes black for a long pause then text comes back and it finishes booting06:35
Ap0llogartral i though it was a compiz issue being that i have compiz running but all i see is my desktop and mouse06:36
joekarlshadeslayer, haven't got a chance to try it yet looks good though06:36
losherpuller: I'd like to see your latest dmesg06:36
pullerlosher: ok06:36
shadeslayerpuller: what does it say just before it goes black?06:36
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : excellent, then we can be sure that you were properly connected.  What is your wireless card (make, model)?06:36
JbCrashhi..i just received ubuntu 9.04 .. i using 8 version... i want do clean installation..if i go vista just delete linux partition... . can i load my vista as normal  ?06:37
shadeslayerjoekarl: yeah,its pretty good imho,but i cant log into kde...kbuildsycoca4 crashes everytime06:37
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  right know im working with my laptop and the same card but im in home and this wireless network dosnt have encryption it works good with ubuntu the problem was there with dsl and wpa wpa2 encryption06:37
gartralAp0llo: "push" on the top of your screen with the mouse, ou might be able to pan up06:37
pullershadeslayer: i didnt really remeber it i can check if you want?06:37
joekarlshadeslayer, suck, oh well it'll get there06:37
pullerlosher: http://pastebin.ca/145745306:37
shadeslayerpuller: please do...till then ill analyze the chart06:38
Ap0llogartral : i dont know what your talking about, im moving my mouse all over the place06:38
nickolausI am unable to view/share files from my windows computer to my ubuntu 9.04 computer06:38
pullerok shadeslayer and losher I will be back06:38
Dev_u_ppermiguel1057: because you said that you successfully obtained an IP-address, it is safe to say that the card is working and that you were talking with the network.06:38
Moomshey guys sorry to bother but i am stuck with bind, i wanted to know it was an obligation to specify the search domain to have the nslookup resolution on network clients working06:38
shadeslayerjoekarl: any experience on bootcharts?06:38
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  sure u then right but i could make ping to ip gateway hehe06:38
gartralAp0llo: push your mouse up, way up, like you want it to go off the top of the monitor06:38
shadeslayerheh...i just noticed...he has boot time of 19 secs....what more does he want??06:39
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : wait, you mean you could _not_ make ping?06:39
headrxi recently used ssh to upgrade my server (remotely) and now i cant ssh back in, says the host key has changed and that i need to add it to the known_hosts file to allowit... what do i add?06:39
Ap0llogartral : i did that nothing happened06:39
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  right i was getting and ip address and netmask and dns but i could make ping to it is the gateway06:40
shadeslayer!hi | indira06:40
ubottuindira: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:40
gartralAp0llo: ok.. hit alt-f2.. does a run dialouge come up?06:40
losherheadrx: doesn't it offer to add it automatically for you?06:40
headrxit does not06:40
darlekmiguel1057, the dsl encryption for wpa wpa2 may be updated for vista for the card driver, but might be missing for the ubuntu driver.  You might need to use ndiswrapper (it's in synaptic) to load and use the newer vista driver.06:40
joekarlshadeslayer, nope, sorry can't help in that dept.06:40
Ap0llogartral: as in login:pass yes06:40
shadeslayerjoekarl: ok..06:41
Cosmo2anyone know where .asoundrc is located?06:41
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  i tryied desabling and enabling the card and once i could make ping to the gatewat but only one packet the rest got lost06:41
DigitalKiwiCosmo2: locate asoundrc06:41
mobi-sheepheadrx: Remove your .ssh directory would be one solution -- but it's not the proper solution as it would remove your history of ssh keys per se. :)06:41
darlekmiguel1057, this will depend on the card though.  what make and model?  ubuntu alternatives are madwifi instead of ath5k06:41
gartralAp0llo: you.. shouldnt see a login:pass... are you in gnome now?06:41
miguel1057darlek,  where can i see the model?06:41
darlekmiguel1057, lshw06:41
Dev_u_pperdarlek: ubuntu uses ath5k by default06:41
Ap0llogartral: yes im in gnome, im already logged in06:41
losherheadrx: go into ~/.ssh/known_hosts and look for the line with the server's name on it. Delete just that line. Then retry the connection. ssh should then offer to add it automatically for you06:41
headrxLosher, ill try that, thanks06:42
darlekDev_u_pper, correct.  I had it working but I went to madwifi for greater range and usability, frankly the ath5k isn't ready for prime time for a lot of cards06:42
pullershadeslayer and losher i am back06:42
shadeslayerpuller: i see that your boot time is 19 secs...what more do you want ?? :)06:43
pullershadeslayer: i think the last thing it said before it went black was starting system tools but i am not 100% sure cause it happened really fast06:43
gartralAp0llo: that's very strange.. alt-f2 should bring up a box you can run programs from06:43
pullershadeslayer: it doesnt really boot in 19 seconds more liek a minute and a half06:43
Ap0llogartral: sorry i pressed ctrl+alt+f206:43
Ap0llogartral: i also did alt+f2 and nothing popped up06:43
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : what is the company of your wireless card, and the model number?06:43
Dev_u_pper(we need to know in order to recommend a driver that will work)06:43
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  realtek06:44
miguel1057darlek,  i thingk it will be difficult to find the model with tha command hehe06:44
shadeslayerpuller: but the boot chart indicates 19 secs06:44
losherpuller: I see the same as before. A long pause from the disk (30 seconds this time, which is actually better) due to disk timeouts.06:44
pullerwant me to take a video of the boot?06:44
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : can you try this command:    sudo lspci  | grep -i realtek06:44
shadeslayerpuller: oh... are you counting the time take to load the bios and the DE ?06:44
opophere come the pequeninos!  aaaaah!06:44
pullerlosher: not sure what you mean?06:44
headrxlosher, that worked, thanks06:44
pullershadeslayer: maybe06:45
KillerXWell I poped in the Xubuntu cd and tried it and loved it, I went to go install it (after making a partition in vista) and I get a blank screen, I even tried to test it again and I get a black screen, my video card is a ATI radeon 2600 XT any thoughts on what I should do?06:45
gartralAp0llo: ok... gnome-panel isn't running.. log out (alt-sys rq(printscreen)-k) and go to options>session type>Script06:45
pullershadeslayer: i used to be able to get into the whoel system in like 35ish seconds06:45
shadeslayerpuller: try counting the time -bios load time (i.e. after grub)06:45
miguel1057Dev_u_pper, 08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 01)06:45
pullershadeslayer: but durign the boot i get this long black pause06:45
codezillaPoo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo!06:45
codezillaPoo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo!06:45
codezillaPoo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! Poo, poo, poo! Poopy poopy poo! v06:45
FloodBot1codezilla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
Dev_u_pperwow :P06:45
pullerlosher: what were you talkign about you seem to know my long dark pause?06:45
shadeslayer!ops | codezilla06:45
ubottucodezilla: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:45
Dev_u_ppercodezilla: use paste.ubuntu.com  =D06:46
bazhangsc_, #ubuntu-cn for chinese06:46
darlekmiguel1057, oh really?  I get the same information with lspci so either is fine06:46
shadeslayerpuller: you could use bum to remove some services,but just be _careful_06:46
Ap0llogartral : Run Xclient script??06:46
gartral!cn > cn06:46
bazhang!cn > sc_06:47
ubottusc_, please see my private message06:47
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  i think this problem is about support on ubuntu with this card last versions of ubuntu were the same problem06:47
pullershadeslayer: i am goign to take a video to show you what i mean about the blackness06:47
gartral!cjinese > cn06:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cjinese06:47
bazhangsc_ not here06:47
shadeslayerpuller: maybe you have a vga option in boot line? could you pastebin the menu.lst06:47
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : unfortunately, that is the description of your realtek ethernet card (physical network connections) -- we need to know the company name of your wireless card.  If you are unsure, go to terminal, and type:    sudo lspci        , and then paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com, and we can help you identify it06:47
nickolausI am unable to view/share files from my windows computer to my ubuntu 9.04 computer06:48
gartral!chinese > cn06:48
miguel1057i can get connected to wireless networks that dont have encryptions and it works good but not witth they have encryptions hehe06:48
bazhangsc_ /join #ubuntu-cn06:48
sc_ sc_ /join #ubuntu-cn06:48
digdeepsc_: join #ubuntu-cn06:48
losherpuller: #[ 25.484074] eth1: no IPv6 routers present [   54.804086] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x7 SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen See these two lines? I think eth1 is trying to bring up ipv6. I seem to recall this slows down 9.04 booting. Try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113433406:48
gartralAp0llo: yes06:48
Dev_u_pper!samba | nickolaus06:48
ubottunickolaus: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:48
darlekmiguel1057, yes, ath5k was horrible in Ibex as well.  That's when I used madwifi.  However if your card is under ndiswrapper you can install it from synaptic.  I'll check google if it matches your card06:48
bazhangsc_ you are in there already. speak english here only06:49
Ap0llogartral: ok i logged in06:49
nickolausDev_u_pper samba is in order.06:49
miguel1057darlek,  i didnt need to use ndiswrapper the driver was detected and installed automatically when i installed ubuntu on my laptop06:49
Dev_u_pperdarlek :we cannot infer that miguel1057 even uses a wireless card with an atheros chipset.  We need to know what card he has first.  For all we know, he may have a new intel card.06:49
Ap0llogartral: i see nothing again just like in regular gnome06:49
shadeslayeri get a crash on starting amarok : kbuildsycoca4 crashed06:50
gartralAp0llo: very strange.. hit ctrl-alt-f2 and log in, and type gnome-panel --replace06:50
pepito_what can i use to add and remove songs from my video ipod?06:51
xyon1Hi there...06:51
gartraland hit ctrl-alt-f7 to come back06:51
SandGorgonis the "sun-java6-jre" package in jaunty amd64, compatible with 64-bit architecture ?06:51
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/194022/06:51
bazhangpepito_, which generation? banshee works here06:51
Ap0llogartral: cannot open display: Run 'gnome-panel --help' to see a full list of available command line options06:51
xyon1Anyone clued up on the USB mobile broadband things?06:52
aataI think my install is borked. it keeps on booting up into safe graphics mode. I'm running 8.04 and I don't have a graphics card. just the integrated motherboard graphics. no matter what I do I can't boot into a normal resolution! help!06:52
digdeeppepito: songbird is an option06:52
pepito_its a video ipod 30gb dont know what generation it is06:52
pullershadeslayer: ok video didnt work06:52
bazhangsudo apt-get install banshee pepito_ and give it a try06:52
DigitalKiwigtkpod is great06:52
darlekmiguel1057, yes and it's not working.  as I've explained the ath5k isn't great for every card and can work better with ndiswrapper or madwifi.  I have a link here:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/NDISwrapper_for_RTL8180_mini_HOWTO    Note though that you can install ndiswrapper from the synaptic manager in System Admin06:52
DigitalKiwipepito_: ^06:52
pullerlosher: did u have anymore ideas about that long black pause?06:52
pepito_ok will give banshee a try06:52
``y7is "move" equivalent to "cut" in ubuntu?06:53
aatapepito_ banshee is amazing.06:53
gartralAp0llo: very strange.. hit ctrl-alt-f2 and log in, and type gnome-panel --replace --display 0:706:53
gartral``y7: yes06:53
xyon1``y7: CTRL+X works for it. so I'd say yes.06:53
``y7does ctrl+v work for pasting?06:53
pepito_currently installing banshee. thanks guys06:53
miguel1057darlek,  well i think i will have to try with ndiswrapper if i cant make this work ok06:53
xyon1``v7 : Yes.06:53
darlekmiguel1057, My card as well is detected by ubuntu by default, but I use madwifi to connect to get 11g and a more stable connection.  The realtek card appears to work with ndiswrapper, hence the suggestion.  Of course do what you feel is right for your situation06:54
``y7what's the shortcut for copy?06:54
xyon1`y7: CTRL+C06:54
Ap0llogartral: cannot open display: 0:706:54
``y7ctrl+c ends the process... in terminals anyways ;(06:54
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : this is very strange... i do not see a wireless card in that list.06:54
pepito_is there a yahoo messenger for ubuntu?06:54
pullershadeslayer: whats the deal with this bum thing?06:54
xyon1In terminal use CTRL+SHIFT+C06:54
DigitalKiwipidgin pepito_06:54
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  i know but now im using the wireless card06:54
``y7rgr that, thx06:54
losherpuller: Just this one about ipv6 possibly slowing boot in 9.04. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113433406:54
Ap0llois it of any help that i installed a 64bit os version06:54
xyon1and CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste.06:54
aataanyone have any advice about the safe graphics mode problem?06:54
gartral!im | pepito_06:54
ubottupepito_: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete06:54
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  is there another way to know the model?06:54
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv406:54
pullerlosher: is there anythign i can do about it?06:54
Dev_u_pper<miguel1057> : is your wireless card a usb wireless card?06:55
darlekDev_u_pper, miguel1057 is you use lshw, it will probably show the card as Not Assigned or something like that.  Thus showing if the card is in fact enabled.06:55
gartralAp0llo: shouldn't matter here06:55
xyon1Anyone know why my mobile broadband connection is so intermittent? It's not signal related, this is all I know.06:55
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  no im in a laptop its a normal wireless card integrated06:55
gartralAp0llo: is this a fresh install?06:55
losherpuller: that thread has instructions for turning off ipv6. You've nothing to lose (unless you need ipv6).06:55
pepito_but pidgin doesnt support webcam and photosharing06:56
pullerwhat is ipv6?06:56
Ap0llogartral: i used the alternative iso because i have an LVM based partion in regards to /home06:56
miguel1057darlek,  im using the wireless card to have internet in this moment06:56
miguel1057but im in a network that dont have encryption i said06:56
Dev_u_pperexcellent idea darlek.  <miguel1057> : can you use paste.ubuntu.com to show us the output of the command:    sudo lshw06:56
pullerlosher: what is ipv6?06:56
gartralpepito_: no, there isn't support yet, but here working on it, but I don't know of an advanced YIM client for linux06:57
KillerXhmmm anyone help? I know its a driver problem but how can I install my driver when i dont have ubuntu installed?06:57
darlekmiguel1057, I see, so it's just not taking wpa but otherwise on in ubuntu06:57
bazhangKillerX, that doesn't make sense06:57
Ap0llogartral: and i did the same installation as i did with previous OSes till this LILO bootup option came infront of me buut i dont think thats the problem06:58
losherpuller: An alternative, supposed improvement to the regular communications protocols that hasn't really caught on...06:58
pepito_ok thanks guys. ill just reboot and use windows when u i need ym :D06:58
KillerXbazhang  I poped in the Xubuntu cd and tried it and loved it, I went to go install it (after making a partition in vista) and I get a blank screen, I even tried to test it again and I get a black screen, my video card is a ATI radeon 2600 XT any thoughts on what I should do?06:58
miguel1057Dev_u_pper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/194025/06:58
daniel-batohi guys06:58
xyon2As I mentioned.... intermittent internet connection. It's quite annoying.06:58
bazhangKillerX, the alternate cd, using bootoptions, bad iso (check md5) bad burn (check disk integrity)06:58
gartralAp0llo: go back to your VT and type ps aux | gnome-panel06:59
daniel-batodoes any one knows anything about package to cloak ip addresses?06:59
miguel1057darlek,  well i dont know if i can say that because i could get connected in the network typing the wpa key and i was giving me ip address but i never could go to a website or ping the gateway06:59
Ap0llogartral: VT??06:59
bazhang!bootoptions | KillerX06:59
ubottuKillerX: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions06:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vt06:59
bazhang!md5 > KillerX06:59
ubottuKillerX, please see my private message06:59
pullerlosher: ok tryign that brb06:59
KillerXbazhang I read somewhere to update my drivers via windows (i donno why but I did) and still nothing, I donno why it would work once and then my screen black the next time06:59
gartralAp0llo: the cttrl=alt-fn screens06:59
KillerXhmmm ok im gonna check, thanks guys for your help07:00
Ap0llooh im still in that07:00
bazhangKillerX, no way to update from windows07:00
Ap0llogartral: cannot open display07:00
gartralAp0llo: ps aux | grep gnome-panel07:00
brian_so i installed a variation of 9.04 on my eee s101, and my wifi won't connect to any secure networks after i suspend. i was thinking there should be a way to stop/start the wpa_supplicant module on suspend/resume, but i haven't the slightest idea how. can anyone enlighten me?07:00
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest87156
bazhangbrian_, which variation07:00
miguel1057Dev_u_pper,  i have to go now im having problems with my wife hehe i will check this tomorrow miguelangelfelix@hotmail.com is my email if u wanna help me thanks a lot07:01
brian_bazhang: crunchbanglinux, lite edition07:01
miguel1057darlek,  thanks men07:01
miguel1057c ya07:01
bazhangbrian_, crunchbang is supported in #crunchbang not here07:01
losherdaniel-bato: never heard of one. The only way I know of to 'cloak' ip addresses is to use a anonymous proxy, like YouHide.com07:01
heatmzzrCan anyone help me with xboxdrv-linux-0.4.6.tar.bz2 ??? I dont know how to get it working..... (complete newbie)07:01
darlekmiguel1057, no problem07:01
Ap0llogartral: <name> 4334 0.0 0.0 7524 896 tty2   S+  02:00  0:00 grep gnome-panel07:01
gartralbrian_: /j #crunchbang07:01
KillerXbazhang wow thanks for that site totally bookmarking that07:01
pullerlosher: that seemed to make the blackness much short07:02
xyon2Anyone help with mobile broadband?07:02
xyon2Vague question, I know...07:02
bazhangKillerX, also /msg ubottu alternate for link07:02
losherpuller: dmesg again, please....07:02
pullerlosher: i know boot in around 45-50 seconds, think i can trim that anymore?07:02
KillerXok thanks07:02
brian_bazhang: yeah, chat was dead over there. i just figured someone would know how to stop the wpa_supplicant in the suspend script and start it again in the resume script here...07:02
Dev_u_pperdarlek : aww... we almost had it :)07:02
KillerXim off to see if this works07:02
gartralAp0llo: that confims that gnome-panel isn't running.. OK.. type sudo apt-get reinstall gnome-panel07:02
darlekDev_u_pper, I think I was closer!!07:02
pullerlosher: http://pastebin.ca/145746507:02
Dev_u_pperdarlek : i was thinking he may have had a broadcom driver with a buggy antennae power control... it happens sometimes with newer cards07:03
darlekDev_u_pper, ... ;)07:03
``y7anybody know why eth0 can ping any machine behind the router, but it cannot ping yahoo.com: http://pastebin.com/d6dc82db   ? additional info: my default gateway is
Ap0lloE: invalid operation reinstall07:03
pauloi have the same problems with broadcom07:03
Ap0llogartral: E: invalid operation reinstall07:03
pullerlosher: let me know what u see when ur done looking at dmesg07:03
paulomy installation does not seem to detect my bcm4311 card07:04
darlekDev_u_pper, I see.  I was thinking how ath5k hates my orinoco proxim card since Ibex and how I finangled madwifi to restore it back to a fully functional card07:04
gartralAp0llo: sorry sudo apt-get -f07:04
Dev_u_pperdarlek, yes, madwifi sometimes covers ath5k ... it is still in its ' infancy in 2.6.2707:04
Myrtti!id | awewe_narsis07:05
ubottuawewe_narsis: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:05
Dev_u_pperdarlek: forgive me, baslphemy... i have used ubuntu's name in vain... 2.6.28 :P07:05
darlekDev_u_pper, ndiswrapper an option of course for vista drivers.  Ath5k is obviously the future, but it's not quite up to the support level of madwifi ...  oh man .27 I hated... I even tried my own custom kernel but madwifi saved me ;)07:05
noUTF8atconsoleWhat's the problem with UTF-8 and the Ubuntu's console?07:05
Ap0llogartral: then what it only shows me options and it says this apt has super cow powers07:05
MyrttinoUTF8atconsole: there is no problem ;-) elaborate.07:06
pullershadeslayer: what can i shut off with bum07:06
losherpuller: from dmesg, I still see a pause after eth1. Do you use that interface?07:06
noUTF8atconsoleMyrtti, can you read this? ããããçççç?07:06
Dev_u_pperdarlek : well, i cannot say that i have parteken completely, I use gentoo to support/develop for all other platforms ... it makes dealing with the interdependencies and awkward version control actually manageable ;)07:06
pullerlosher: what do u mean by that interface?07:06
losherpuller: how many ethernets do you have on your laptop?07:07
faryshtasomebody knows where to get the drivers to get injection on atheros cards?07:07
noUTF8atConsoleDamn... <CTRL>+K is not a good idea...07:07
GuiriAny idea why sudo do-release-upgrade yields no upgrades found? I'm on 8.0407:07
pullerlosher: like places to plug in ethernet cables?07:07
losherpuller: yeah?07:07
noUTF8atConsoleIts simple insane to make UTF-8 works at console...07:07
heatmzzrCan anyone help me with xboxdrv-linux-0.4.6.tar.bz2 ??? I dont know how to get it working..... (complete newbie) Anyone got the time to give me a hand???07:08
MyrttinoUTF8atConsole: it looked like a with ~ on top and c with the hook at the bottom07:08
pullerlosher: i am runnign on wireless but i have one port to plug in a cable07:08
gartralAp0llo: sounds too me like that cd may not have burned correctly07:08
``y7anybody know why eth0 can ping the router, but it cannot ping yahoo.com: http://pastebin.com/d419f9668 ????07:08
Ap0llocould be so07:08
noUTF8atConsoleMaybe reinstalling, just like the Crap OS...07:08
gartral``y7: does your router have a firewal?07:08
gartral``y7: does your router have a firewall?07:08
Ap0llogartral: ill do a re-install tomorrow07:08
``y7yes gartral it does.07:08
heatmzzrCan anyone help me with xboxdrv-linux-0.4.6.tar.bz2 ??? I dont know how to get it working..... (complete newbie) Anyone got the time to give me a hand??? I tried to type ./xboxdrv but got a msg.. "no such file or directory"07:09
Ap0llogartral quick question what is the command to disable compiz all together07:09
gartralAp0llo: you'll have to reburn the cd, or you may end up in the same boat again07:09
``y7however, is allowed to go outbound07:09
pullerlosher: so is there a way to get rid of the pause?07:09
losherpuller: Sorry, I'm out of time tonight. It's 11pm here. We've made a ton of progress07:09
gartralAp0llo: metacity --replace07:09
darlekDev_u_pper, well, at least you're familiar with drivers and compiling07:09
Ap0llogartral: you think its safe to burn at slow speed or at max speed to be sure it burns correctly07:09
darlek!jp | noUTF8atConsole07:09
ubottunoUTF8atConsole: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:09
pauloanyone who has a Compaq f572us using 9.04 having problems with wireless lspci does not seem to detect mine07:10
noUTF8atConsoleAnyone here that uses BASH can read and write the "extraterrestrial" characters that Ubuntu developers doesn't make any sense about it?07:10
xyon2heatmzzr: Have you unpacked it?07:10
darleknoUTF8atConsole, do you see the japanese?07:10
tyfovohow can i change the aspell language?07:10
gartralAp0llo: as slow as your drive will possibly allow, trust me07:10
MyrttinoUTF8atConsole: huh?07:10
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, just some really strange figures...07:10
Ap0llogartral: i figured that, thank you for your help07:10
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, nothing at all... Just #ubuntu-jp I could read.07:11
aatacan anyone help me ubuntu keeps booting up into safe graphics mode. I've tried everything nothing works!07:11
gartralAp0llo: np, also, when you download the iso, verify the md5, and then varify the CD from boot options07:11
MyrttinoUTF8atConsole: figures? do you mean kanji?07:11
``y7gartral: yes, i have a fw on my router, but eth0's ip address is opened up and can ping out on other computers... just not on my ubuntu one ;(07:11
mobi-sheepnoUTF8atConsole: Did you ran md5sum before you burned the iso?07:11
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, but I bet that you are in X11... Go to console and show me those chars again...07:11
Ap0llogartral: on the main screen when the cd is first displayed correct?07:11
darleknoUTF8atConsole, ok, i'll try it out07:12
gartralAp0llo: correct07:12
Ap0llothanks for your help07:12
oenonehelp me i want to print in my ubuntu 64bit but i cant install my printer driver07:12
noUTF8atConsoleMyrtti, I know what's Kanji.  If a square with a letter 'A' inside is a Kanji, ok. I saw it.07:12
gartral``y7: set the router so your Ubuntu comp is the "DMZ" system..07:13
error404notfoundis there an web interface for jabbered?07:13
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd07:14
=== paulo is now known as NoWifi
noUTF8atConsoleFirst q.: what package is to use? 'kbd', 'console-tools', 'console-setup', 'console-data'.... What's the matter with the developers? Why doesn't make a simple package 'console-utf8', some kind of this...07:14
cobolfoowww.crazynoid.com, a game that work under linux07:14
noUTF8atConsoleThat's why Debian have more than 20,000 packages...07:14
``y7gartral, did that and i get: ping: unknown host yahoo.com07:15
noUTF8atConsole20,000 packages and none is capable of behave decent. Always in 'dependencies' problems with another eight....07:16
richjy7 have you specified dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf?07:16
shuttleworththat's why debian have more than 20,000 packages...07:16
``y7richj, negative07:16
NoWifican some help with my wifi ubuntu dectected it once when i tried to install the driver i had jockey error07:16
shuttleworthgartral, did that and i get: ping: unknown host yahoo.com07:16
noUTF8atConsoleSeriously, is a PITA....07:16
shuttleworthdebian is top quality, that much is top quality, that much is top quality, that much is certain07:16
richjcmdline: cat /etc/resolv.conf07:16
darleknoUTF8atConsole, no luck, I can run anthy via uim-toolbar-gtk for gui input but can't type into console in Japanese07:16
shuttleworthy7 have you specified dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf?07:16
``y7shuttleworth, no.07:16
MikeChelennoUTF8atConsole, what are you having troubles with? the package manager should help to include the proper dependencies07:17
digdeephow do I format my ipod on ubuntu/kubuntu07:17
darleknoUTF8atConsole, not bad considering it's free and no one got paid ;)  seriously, aptitude instead of apt-get handles dependencies pretty well07:17
``y7shuttleworth, richj, in /etc/resolv.conf, i have 2 lines: nameserver and name server should i change those to and
noUTF8atConsoleshuttleworth, that's quality?! Wake up...07:17
richjdigdeep, format with which filesystem?07:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:17
LuYudoes ubuntu even have a resolv.conf file now?07:17
LuYui get a directory07:17
richjy7, I recommend setting them to opendns.org ip / check their website07:18
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, is just aptitude that freaks me out... With synaptics nothing wrong.07:18
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore07:18
``y7richj, roger that. ty07:18
digdeeprichj: it is an old ipod shuffle, I guess it is fat or fat3207:18
LuYuforget that07:18
LuYuits there07:18
bazhangdigdeep, you wish to use rockbox on there?07:18
noUTF8atConsoleBut now, in console, no way to make simple chars work.  A HIGH QUALITY DISTRO!!! Helll yeah....    Gentoo is 10 times better that this shit...07:18
richjdigdeep, plug the ipod in, check cmdline: sudo fdisk -l and you should see a device with the same capacity as your ipod07:19
bazhangnoUTF8atConsole, watch the language please07:19
noUTF8atConsolebazhang, sorry.... I'm really mad with all this.07:19
DigitalKiwiso use gentoo07:19
MyrttinoUTF8atConsole: have you filed a bug report yet?07:19
bazhangnoUTF8atConsole, no need for the language nonetheless07:19
richjdigdeep, make a note of the device name, /dev/sdb1 etc. cmdline: sudo gparted07:19
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:19
DigitalKiwinobody is forcing  you to use ubuntu, are they?07:19
oenonehelp me07:20
noUTF8atConsoleSo: kbd, console-tools, console-data, console-setup. Choose one...07:20
MyrttiDigitalKiwi: you're provoking now...07:20
oenonei wiuld really l to install my printer in ubuntu but i dont have drivers for it07:20
Myrttialicia: hi.07:20
DigitalKiwihe said himself that gentoo is better :/07:20
aliciahi shuttleworth07:20
Myrttialicia: he's muted.07:20
richjoenone, model number?07:20
noUTF8atConsoleDigitalWiki, of course not, man.  I just want to WRITE at CONSOLE.  Is that so hard to make?07:20
aliciawhy Myrtti ?07:20
tokyoaheadh guys...I need tomcat for an application I want to use. Now on several pages on howto install tomcat on ubuntu I am told that the version from the repositories does not work properly and that I should odwnload and install another version from the server. However these how-to's are from early 2008... whats the right way to do it?07:21
aliciaplease Myrtti , tell me why did my fried was muted07:21
Myrttialicia: how about you two join #ubuntu-ops?07:21
NoWifijust down load from apache and extrat the zip file07:22
``y7shuttleworth, richj, changing the dns ips worked. thx for the help.  also, i was having issues earlier with ubuntu acting as my router/firewall (it kept dropping my ip every 20-24 hours and it wouldn't renew it until i called my ISP to have them reset my ONT (verizon fios)). could this have been the problem to that too?07:22
aliciahey, shuttleworth helped that one07:22
aliciai dont know why did they muted him07:22
darleknoUTF8atConsole, ok, so I can read in console just fine... checking input again... brb07:22
Myrttialicia: why don't you and your friend join #ubuntu-ops to discuss this?07:22
richjy7, i dont know07:22
aliciaok thanks07:22
=== brian_ is now known as frozeninferno
NoWifi tokyoahead: i usually just download the zip file and extract tomcat and under the tomcat/bin run startup.sh07:23
richjy7, you can usually renew an ip by changing the mac address of your router / nic, whatever is connected closest to the modem.07:23
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, if you can read, then you can write, isn't this logical?07:23
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, but I can't do neither one...07:24
darleknoUTF8atConsole, yes.. i don't generally use terminal, but in rails I can see my Japanese text okay.  I use another gui editor so the anthy input system works that way07:25
MyrttinoUTF8atConsole: have you filed in a bug report? it might be a bug07:25
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, I just want to know what packages do you have to console "data". kbd, console-tools, whatelse?07:25
darleknoUTF8atConsole, nothing special, just the gnome terminal as per default install, and the SCIM Setup from System Prefs, SCIM Setup etc07:26
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, it's simple, but the information keeps in s e c r e t...07:26
darleknoUTF8atConsole, I use scite or the gnome editor and that works in both languages07:26
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, man... I'm talking about 100% command line, shell, bash...07:26
darleknoUTF8atConsole, I understand the question07:27
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, in xorg I can write in arabic if I wish. That's not the problem.07:27
darleknoUTF8atConsole, yes I know07:27
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noUTF8atConsoledarlek, and then sometimes come someone and simply: "google it!". Oh yeah, I will look to tutorials that's from 2000 or worse... Is just about freedom of INFORMATION.  This not happens in GNU+Linux community...  Information is S E C R E T.07:30
raviousanyone know how to mount a cifs share and not have to deal with user permissions on it?07:30
MyrttinoUTF8atConsole: you're just ranting now.07:30
raviousfrom fstab*07:30
richjnoUTF8atConsole, what characters are causing the problem?07:31
allredanyone know how to unload and reload a module when suspending and resuming?07:31
noUTF8atConsoleMyrtti, I don't know what means 'to rant'.07:31
darleknoUTF8atConsole, if you don't have the patience then don't expect me to keep helping you.  I'm actually interested in the problem though so I'll keep looking for a solution.  I don't see why you need to be belittling07:32
bazhang!attitude | noUTF8atConsole07:32
ubottunoUTF8atConsole: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:32
richjallred, modprobe loads modules07:33
darleknoUTF8atConsole, well, I like Google and I like finding things out, so that's what I'll do.  You're lucky I'm trying to learn a language haha07:33
richjallred, i have forgotten the opposite 1 sec07:33
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, maybe 'cause I'm more than 2 hours trying this thing write a word in portuguese...  Sorry for be so stupid.07:33
darleknoUTF8atConsole, that was again not what was said!07:33
richjallred, rmmod07:33
allredrichj, ok, and i put those in suspend.h and resume.h?07:34
richjallred, you will need to use those commands as a superuser, so add sudo before, eg, sudo rmmod module_name07:34
richjallred, what is the full problem>?07:34
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, just forget about it... I'll install a minimal server config, than, MAYBE, I'l have my chars...07:34
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, I'm going to sleep. It's 03:34 a.m. here... Thanks for the help.07:35
noUTF8atConsoledarlek, but this thing really freaks me out....07:35
allredrichj, basically, i want to unload my wifi's security module at suspend, then re-enable at resume. my wifi is doing that, so when i resume, it can't connect to any secure networks because it's still trying to use the wifi from before the suspension.07:36
Yuretszdoes anybody know how to control banshee from console?07:38
allredrichj, did you get that?07:38
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richjallred, yes07:39
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richjallred, i'm just looking at /etc/acpi/suspend.d/70-modules-unload.sh07:39
allredrichj, ok, cool. if it helps, my security module is wpa_supplicant, i believe.07:40
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darleknoUTF8atConsole SCIM Setup has this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM07:40
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM07:40
richjallred, I think thats the place to unload the module, so adding a line like rmmod wpa_supplicant should remove it before suspend07:41
allredrichj, ok, and i would enable at resume how?07:42
Hilikushey guys, any suggestions for a backup program that will schedule backups (daemon) and backup itself and a windows client remotely?07:42
richjallred, and add modprobe wpa_suplicant to /etc/acpi/resume.d/35-modules-load.sh07:42
richjallred, I cannot test this myself07:42
darlek!ubottu | darlek07:42
ubottudarlek, please see my private message07:42
darlek!backup | Hilikus07:43
ubottuHilikus: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:43
allredrichj. no problem, my install is pretty new, i'm not worried about breaking it. :) lemme try that out real quick. it's on my lappy, and i'm on my desktop so i can keep you updated during the process07:43
richjallred, just to confirm add rmmod wpa_supplicant and modprobe wpa_supplicant07:45
QOOKHow to find the file in compression file with use CM?07:46
allredrichj, right. added the rmmod command to the modules script in suspend.d and added the modprobe command to the modules script in resume.d. testing now07:47
darlekQOOK, what's CM?  less can view inside a compressed tarball and show the list of files07:47
darkest_nighthi guys07:48
darkest_nightdoes any1 of u have a 64-bit ubuntu?07:49
QOOKCM is file manager with run terminal07:49
richjdarkest_night, yes07:49
darkest_nightrichj, good, i have a problem with it. when i want to shut the computer down, it does it normally till the ubuntu-logo is gone.... then there is only a black screen, but it doesn't do anything... do u know why this could be?07:50
allredrichj, very weird. i connected to the network almost immediately, but my out put says "ERROR: Module wpa_supplicant does not exist in /proc/modules", then it says "FATAL: Module wpa_supplicant not found." strange that it wouldn't work, yet work.07:50
LawlZalguém fala português aqui?07:51
Myrtti!pt | LawlZ07:51
ubottuLawlZ: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:51
richjallred, i suspected that would happen. It means the module was already loaded and unloaded - i think07:51
richjdarkest_night, the computer doesnt power off?07:52
darkest_nightrichj, nope07:52
allredrichj, i thought so too, so i ran those commands in a terminal with wifi connected, and got the same messages.07:52
richjallred, cmdline: modprobe -l              will list all modules07:53
richjallred, check if its in there07:53
richjdarkest_night, what vs of ubuntu are you using?07:54
darkest_nightrichj, jaunty6407:54
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SandGorgonis there any way to change the size and spacing of desktop icons in ubuntu - for example like the mac ?07:55
allredrichj, nope. my system monitor says it's /sbin/wpa_supplicant07:56
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages07:56
darlekSandGorgon, probably under System Preferences, Control Centre or Appearance07:56
lanoxx!kernel ppa07:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel ppa07:56
richjdarkest_night, sounds like an acpi problem.07:56
darkest_nightrichj, and how can i solve it?07:57
lanoxxim looking for a ppa which has the 2.6.30 kernel for jaunty07:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel-ppa07:57
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.07:57
richjdarkest_night, cmdline: gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:57
richjdarkest_night, can you post the line you use to boot, for me it is: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=3519805c-6c92-4a33-b2bc-eb6b5ba195f2 ro quiet splash07:58
richjallred, any luck using the /sbin/ prefix?07:58
allredrichj, using the lines "sudo rmmod" or "sudo modprobe /sbin/wpa_supplicant" gives same errors.08:00
darkest_nightrichj, hm.... can't find the line....08:00
gartral``y7: only way to know for sure is too see if your box drops the IP again08:00
wzssyqaAlice1: hello08:01
xyon2Anyone know how to stop a Huwaii mobile modem from cutting out?08:01
xyon2Huwaei, even...08:01
darkest_nightrichj, without boot the line is here.... but not with it08:01
richjdarkest_night, just the kernel line08:01
darkest_nightrichj, i shall post just the kernel line?08:02
xyon2keeps dropping off, annoying as hell.08:02
andrew21hello! i am running openssh on my ubuntu box behind a router, and i have port 22 forwarded to the box. but i can't seem to connect using my external ip address08:02
headrxapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using wildwest.headrx.com for ServerName08:02
richjdarkest_night, yes need to see if you have any special boot paramaters, like noacpi etc08:02
darkest_nightrichj, here it is: kernel/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic root=UUID=db9858d9-5a11-4049-bc65-2952f6843575 ro quiet splash08:02
darlekdarkest_night, try pastebin then he can help you edit it online08:03
mobi-sheepWhat's the perfect command for one-time usage?  cron?  I'm looking to kill something at a given time.08:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:03
darkest_nightdalek, what is pastebin?08:03
darlekdarkest_night, there's also !pastebinit but in this case the pastebin would be more useful for both of you to collaborate on editing the file08:04
indusgartral: hi hi hi08:04
richjdarkest_night, seems to be this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/32698808:04
headrxwhen i try localhost, it doesnt work, but if i enter the ip addy, it works fine08:04
xyon2Huawei E160G if anyone knows how to help me.08:05
Alice1good afternoon08:05
indusgartral: iam sorry my internet got disrupted the other day all night08:05
xcercawhats a good way to test the performance on a computer in ubuntu ? i just got a new computer and i want to see what it can do08:05
richjdarkest_night,  seems disabling splash resolves the problem08:05
QOOK[Q] as Windows, I want find the file of compression file. In Linux. How to?08:05
allredrichj, using the lines "sudo rmmod" or "sudo modprobe /sbin/wpa_supplicant" gives same errors.08:05
MyrttiQOOK: huh?08:05
richjdarkest_night, which means, remove splash from the kernel line in menu.lst08:05
=== MadMax is now known as Guest61199
``Cubehey, I got a question:08:06
richjallred, they do for me too08:06
darkest_nightrichj, only "splash" or "quiet splash" ?08:06
gartralindus: ahh, welcome bac, I'm sorry, but I can't remember what I was helping you with08:06
headrxanyone , setting up lamp, have it installed, but http://localhost/ doesnt work and the ip does08:06
headrxapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using wildwest.headrx.com for ServerName08:06
indusgartral: cd rom not being detected08:06
``Cubeim getting a new laptop, and ima but linux on it. onw if I wanna store music in a smart way, how would I do that? put everything in a folder called MUSIC and then programs like rhythmbox id point them there and they would find it?08:06
gartralindus: ahh yes... one sec08:07
richjallred, just reading http://linux.die.net/man/8/wpa_supplicant08:07
bazhang``Cube, yes, in settings08:07
cattellar``Cube,  make an additional partition and store it there on a folder called music08:07
Gen2lyYou've never installed LInux before cube?08:07
headrxMy question isnt off topic is it ? No ideas?08:07
xyon3Frelling thing.08:07
indus``Cube: yes,there is an option called watch my library which adds any new files copied there08:08
``CubeI have, but I never used it, Gen2ly08:08
darkest_nightwell, cya later, i just reboot now... hope it works^^08:08
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``Cubebazhang: alright, any other ideas and tips on how to store files the smart way on a netbook?08:08
allredrichj, reading that, it looks like you can start it but not stop it. lol, that can't be right08:08
gartralindus: you said the CD rom was on the IDE cable? (fat one)08:08
darlekheadrx, it would depend on the server program Apache etc.  ServerName section of the apache conf file08:09
indusgartral:yeah thin but wide08:09
xyon3anyone got a solution to a Huwaei E160G mobile broadband dongle cutting out? It just won't keep me connected for any length of time...08:09
bazhang``Cube, I usually store the music on an external usb stick if the netbook has limited space such as eeepc 701 4G08:09
headrxApache 2.2.1108:09
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:09
richjallred, seems i went about this all wrong08:09
``Cubebazhang: gotcha, though ill get the 1000he with a 160 gb hdd08:09
headrxdarlek: Apache 2.2.1108:09
FlamikHi everyone! I've probably encountered a bug (or I'm using Ubuntu in way it wasn't ment to), I've got dual-boot Ubuntu/WinXP, once I hibernate Ubuntu, do some work one XP, hibernate XP, and try to access data created in XP from Ubuntu, all I get is some random mess.08:09
chronographerHello. My new Jaunty install is not cooperating with my os x macbook. I want to be able to easily browse shared folders, see the VNC shared screen and add the shared printer, but I can't. Any suggestions?08:10
bazhang``Cube, depends on the size of your library then as that is big for most netbooks08:10
allredrichj, oh? what's wrong?08:10
gartralindus: sudo lshw and pastebin the output (with | pastebinit, if you have that app)08:10
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit08:10
indusgartral: sorry iam in work :P08:11
indusgartral: in evening i do it08:11
MC_KejmlCan someone please help me with Z8 Encore! assembler ?08:11
MC_KejmlPls ? :(08:11
gartralindus: you should think about setting up a vpn and ssh08:11
darlekwow assembler!08:11
indusgartral: hmm what do they do? u mean remote login??08:11
``Cubebazhang: yeah yeah. now, lets say I have my desktop, which is 1tb, and I got most of my music there, how would I let the programs know that they should look there? like, imagine this: I have a "virtual folder", which is basically a network-shared folder on my desktop. now, if im at home in my wifi range, my netbook sees it, and its there just like a normal folder. when im gone, its gone as well. would that be possible?08:11
xyon3Assembler, woo!08:11
gartral!ssh | indus08:12
ubottuindus: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:12
gartral!vpn | indus08:12
ubottuindus: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD08:12
MC_KejmlY, assembler :) Pls, anyone ?08:12
indusgartral: i know ssh and use it for lan in work08:12
richjallred, try this line to stop wpa_supplicant: killall -q wpa_supplicant08:12
bazhang``Cube, same network? ie nfs sharing or something along those lines? then sure that is possible08:13
xyon3nobody got any ideas for this mobile broadband thing? It's really doing my head in...08:13
indusgartral: hmm that doc is not clear08:13
darkest_nightrichj, wohoo, thx, now it works :)08:13
mikorn2Any feedback/comments on running KDE 4.2.4 on Ubuntu 8.04.... any issues I should be aware of?08:13
bazhang!nfs | ``Cube08:13
ubottu``Cube: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:13
richjallred, the line to start it depends on the wireless device name, is it wlan0?08:13
richjdarkest_night, glad i could help :)08:13
indusgartral: what does it do? vpn?08:13
allredrichj, ok, worked like a charm. and yes, it is wlan0.08:13
gartralindus: you can set up an ssh server at home, and securly drop into the box from work and do these commands from work, seeing your home system's outout08:13
kitenejWhats the sound mixer binary for ubuntu?  So I can adjust the mic/mixer settings... I deleted the speaker icon08:13
richjallred, wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -Bw -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf08:13
richjallred, i think :p08:13
``Cubebazhang: kk. I just mean like if im in the network, the folder is there, and I can open it just like any other folder. but when im not in my network, its gone.08:13
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indusgartral: iam behind a router etc , so i need to open ports i believe? and firewalls?08:14
xyon3kitenej: alsamixer , if it's installed08:14
gartralindus: a virtual Personal Network allows you to see other computers over the internet as if they were connected by a hub, or switch08:14
``y7gartral, i'm going to see if it drops with another router. try that for a couple of days, because i've never had any issues with my old router. however, i do realize coincidences happen, so we'll see what goes down.08:14
darlekxyon3, try synaptic and ndiswrapper; this will use the microsoft/vista drivers for your modem if ubuntu isn't cooperating.  Check your hardwards with lshw from terminal, then see if ndiswrapper is compatible with it via google ... read up on ndiswrapper as well08:14
allredrichj, it restarted itself...08:14
indusgartral: can i see your system too?08:14
bazhang``Cube, so for traveling purpose (if you wish to conserve netbook disk space) you could also carry along a usb stick with your best tracks for example08:14
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:15
xyon3darlek: thanks, will try08:15
darlek!ndiswrapper | xyon308:15
ubottuxyon3: please see above08:15
gartralindus: on your hme side for SSH, you need to open port 22.. nothing needs too be open from your work as long as port 80 is open (which, obviously, if you can browse the web, it is)08:15
gartral``y7: heh, yea08:15
MC_KejmlHow am I suppposed to set a 3 ms dealy for a 1 MHZ frequency in Zilog Z8 Ecnore! ?08:15
``Cubebazhang: yeah yeah, I got that part. I just mean. if my desktop is in network range (if im in my wifi), I'd like to have a folder appear somewhere (lets say, my desktop), which I can access. if my desktop is not in range, it should be gone08:15
indusgartral: whats hme?08:15
QOOKPlease recommend the specially file indexing program for liunx. And, I want this function => 'find the file of(in) compression file".08:15
xyon3Sorry, it keeps disconnecting me, if that was said before I probably missed it...08:15
gartralindus a typo, it was supposed to be "Home"08:16
indusgartral: sounds exciting,iam wondering if i can connect to my pc remote and play a game i have installed on it. is it even possible?08:16
bazhang``Cube, sure if you set it up correctly using nfs or the like08:17
andrew21hello! i am running openssh on my ubuntu box behind a router, and i have port 22 forwarded to the box. but i can't seem to connect using my external ip address08:17
Myrttiandrew21: have you tried connecting from outside your lan?08:17
gartralindus: only if you have an extreamly fast uplink to the internet at home, and your office networking system doesnt limit traffic *at all*.. then yes.. minimally08:17
``Cubebazhang: alright. and its not like it's a totally extreme stunt that will require lots of tweaking?08:17
bazhang``Cube, fairly straightforward and commonly done08:18
``Cubebazhang: now, look at this. in my music library, lets say the one on rhythmbox, id like to appear just some songs if im on the go, but all of the music I have when im home. how does that sound08:18
bazhang``Cube, then make some playlists08:18
``Cubebazhang: my idea was that the library would DYNAMICALLY expand as soon as I enter my home network. get my idea?08:19
gartralindus: Im taking a random guess here and saying you're not a native english speaker, are you?08:19
Cry__Babyhas anyone gotten an iLBC supported softphone to work with ubuntu?08:20
gartral``Cube: make a VPN and that way as long as you have network you can see your home media08:20
chronographercan someone help me with avahi setup? can't ping my desktop from my laptop08:20
bazhang``Cube, sure, you should play around with it, as I have nowhere near that size library :)08:21
richjallred, any luck?08:21
allredrichj, it restarted itself when i did the command in a cmdline. but i added killall -q wpa_supplicant to the service stop script in suspend.d and it came back on almost immediately on resume.08:22
un|matrixdoes Jaunty have RLIMIT_RTPRIO ?08:22
allredrichj, it being the wpa_supplicant service08:22
``Cubebazhang: haha okay :) and how would that vpn work?08:22
richjallred, is that the desired result?08:23
bazhang``Cube, nfs share would be preferable to vpn I would surmise08:23
allredrichj, pretty much, yeah. i figure that when the wi-fi re enables itself, it automatically calls wpa_supplicant, which creates errors when it suspends/resumes because wpa doesn't shut off. i think, anyway.08:24
allredrichj, so we shut it off at suspend, and wifi calls it back up again upon resume. that's exactly what i wanted, actually. i'm loving it. thanks so much08:24
richjallred, awesome :)08:24
gnufiedmodules "type1" and "freetype" are not needed or what? On kubuntu install with Nvidia binary drivers, things seem to work and yet Xorg.log contains messages "failed to load module type1", "failed to load module freetype".08:25
allredrichj, very awesome. :) thanks again, i'm off now08:26
chronographerdoes anyone know how to fix avahi? I can't see my desktop from my laptop. Anyone know what port to open?08:28
cattellaranybody knows how to put awesome or some other tiling wm on gnome?08:29
richjchronographer, is this link any help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToZeroconf08:29
chronographerrichj: thanks but I can connect using the IP of the desktop, but using the 'hostname.local' doesn't work08:30
chronographerIt works from my desktop to my desktop, but not laptop to desktop.08:30
richjchronographer, laptop is ubuntu 9.04?08:31
chronographerno os x08:31
chronographerIt worked fine from lappy to 8.10, but now 9.04 doesn't work08:31
chronographerThis is a major annoyance!08:31
mikorn2Any feedback/comments on running KDE 4.2.4 on Ubuntu 8.04.... any issues I should be aware of?08:31
richjchronographer, check this out http://blog.ibeentoubuntu.com/2009/04/avahi-zeroconf-problem-with-ubuntu-904.html08:32
mikorn2!info kimpanel08:32
ubottuPackage kimpanel does not exist in jaunty08:32
chronographeryeah I tried that =) I already googled it.08:32
Cry__Babyhas anyone gotten an iLBC supported softphone to work with ubuntu?08:32
mikorn2!info ibus08:33
ubottuibus (source: ibus): New input method framework using dbus. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 112 kB, installed size 704 kB08:33
jigplooks for frankS2 and pangasinan08:33
try2freeanybody using squid with transparent proxy? can help me, please...08:34
richjchronographer, the issue is between jaunty and osx? where Interpid worked?08:34
chronographerosx-intrepid worked. osx-jaunty doesn't08:34
chronographerso the change is with ubuntu.08:34
richjchronographer, but jaunty to jaunty works?08:35
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chronographerI don't know08:35
richjchronographer, did you change the jaunty name servers to open dns?08:35
chronographerhold on I'll see08:35
chronographerrichj: chronographer, did you change the jaunty name servers to open dns? No.08:35
richjchronographer, the previous link suggested it as a solution08:36
try2freeanyone can transparent proxy? can explain?08:36
richjchronographer, sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf08:36
chronographermanual resolv,conf. 3 dns servers08:36
chronographer1 router, 2 ISP, 3 ISP08:37
richjchronographer, the name servers are listed at http://www.opendns.org08:37
jigptry2free : whats the problem with your squid+ubuntu server?08:37
chronographerOk hold on08:37
try2freei want set transparent proxy but always fail08:37
l0nwlf_my benq external 22'  monitor is not recognised properly by ubuntu, it's giving me 1600X900 while its capability is 1900*108008:37
try2freejigp: i already try everywhere, please give some hints08:38
l0nwlf_i tried fedora11 yesterday and it recognised the monitor properly, what should i do ?08:38
richjl0nwlf_, cmdline: xrandr08:39
chronographerif I restart networking resolv.conf is reloaded right?08:39
richjchronographer, I believe so yes08:39
richjchronographer, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:39
l0nwlf_richj : http://pastebin.com/m1e32b5ca08:40
chronographerrichj: yes, it seems to have restarted resolv.conf08:41
indusgartral: depends on what you mean by native08:41
richjl0nwlf_, does the latest fedora use a new xorg? The pastebin shows xorg is seeing 1600 as you said08:42
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chronographerhmm.. that seems to have fixed it. it was a DNS error. Thanks@08:42
richjchronographer, hehe :)08:42
indusgartral: does my english sound bad btw?08:43
chronographeralthough file sharing isn't magically working, I can see the vnc server fine08:43
chronographergartral: you sound like you have an Australian accent mate08:43
gartralindus: not at all my friend :)08:44
indusgartral: no08:44
l0nwlf_richj: with fedora10 i used to get same 1600:900 just like ubuntu however i have no idea why fedora11 recognised my complete resolution :( , the model of monitor is benq 2220 HD08:44
chronographeroops I meant that to point at indus08:45
gartralchronographer: what makes you think that? I'm from America >.>08:45
try2freeplease help for setting transparent proxy08:45
chronographerindus: you sound like you have an Australian accent mate08:45
chronographerSorry, I was trying to be funny, you know, indus osunds so english I thought he was..... nvm08:45
induschronographer: indus is actually the name of a river running through india and pakistan,it also denotes an ancient civilisation in this region08:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:46
richjl0nwlf_, seems fedora 11 must have a newer version of x11. Looking into it. You might get a ppa build for Intrepid08:47
chronographeryour english is great. I think heaps of folks from india are great english speakers08:47
induschronographer: yes,because many go to a school where the primary medium of education is english08:48
l0nwlf_richj: pardon me for my ignorance but i didn't understood the concept , what exactly is ppa ?08:49
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chronographerit's great, people share packages they have compiled for Ubuntu08:50
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chronographerOften more recent versions of software than what is currently available for Ubuntu.08:50
Guest5972im having problems veiwing videos08:50
Guest5972can some one here maybe help im new to ubuntu08:51
richjl0nwlf_, repository for very new software versions08:51
indusGuest5972: what problems08:51
Guest5972when ever i try to play a avi file the movie player crashes08:52
bazhang!ppa | l0nwlf_08:52
ubottul0nwlf_: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.08:52
Guest5972so do you no what the problem is ?08:53
jigptry2free : follow this link http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-transparent-squid-proxy-server-in-ubuntu.html08:53
l0nwlf_richj: bazhang: ubottu: thanks08:53
indusGuest5972: try using another player like vlc etc08:54
bazhangGuest5972, do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed? what other players have you tried (ie vlc)08:54
Guest5972hold on ill download it08:54
Guest5972yah i think08:54
indusGuest5972: i have many problems with totem movie player08:54
richjl0nwlf_, are you able to download and try the karmic alpha? Using a pre-release version of xorg is possibly not a good idea. I think either use karmic or fedora :/08:56
glicksanyone have the eee pc 1000he?08:56
chazco_Hi... trying to install the latest updates results in a full system crash... now dpkg seems broken, any ideas?08:56
Guest5972were can i find the 32codecs08:57
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richjchazco_,  more info??08:57
bazhangGuest5972, medibuntu.org08:57
richjchazco, can you boot into the machine?08:57
Guest12120hei folks!!! can i update my jauty to are stable?08:58
bazhangchazco_, let us see your sources.list on paste.ubuntu.com08:58
chazco_richj - Tried update manager which crashes the system (no virtual terminals, couldnt kill X etc). Now it refuses to install anything...08:58
richjchazco_, cmdline: sudo apt-get update08:58
twoface_Guest12120: not on my computer08:58
richjchazco_ can you report any errors08:58
indusGuest5972: no need of any codecs,ubuntu will do it automatically when you play a file08:59
l0nwlf_ubuntu supports dell laptops well, i have some issues in ubuntu like a bit slow graphics (intel 965G) as compared to fedora and less resolution of my external monitor (also fedora11 seems amazingly fast), but i'm not switching my distro :)08:59
chazco_richj - Gives E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. Will try that.08:59
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chazco_richj - Trying to run that results in "dpkg: error processing hal (--configure): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting configuration."08:59
richjl0nwlf_, there is a comparison http://lxer.com/module/newswire/ext_link.php?rid=12179008:59
Guest12120twoface_, why not...???09:00
headrxDoes icecat run in terminal as well?09:00
twoface_Guest12120: module r8169 doesn't work09:00
l0nwlf_richj: will trying carmic alpha will be good ?09:01
Guest12120twoface_, im in a celerom 512mb wireless ralink!!!09:01
bazhangl0nwlf_, not now , no09:01
richjl0nwlf_, I havn't tried it.09:01
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bazhang!karmic | l0nwlf_09:01
ubottul0nwlf_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:01
Guest12120sorry my Guest.....09:01
=== Guest12120 is now known as kewl1
kewl1i didn t09:02
l0nwlf_ohhhh , thanks09:02
kewl1twoface_, ....09:02
richjchazco_, sudo dpkg --configure -a --force-remove-reinstreq09:02
twoface_kewl1: good for you09:02
kewl1twoface_, so....09:02
kewl1can i?09:02
kewl1no problems?09:03
twoface_can you what?09:03
twoface_how should I know? :)09:03
kewl1hehe...maybe someones know!!!09:03
bazhang!enter | kewl109:03
ubottukewl1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:03
chazcorichj - Got to to reinstall by using apt-get upgrade instead of the upgrade manager09:03
chazcorichj - Seems to be working now. Thanks :)09:04
richjchazco_ nw09:04
kewl1hei ubottu , you think you re so smart, ha?? just know i ll skin you face on my screen and take out your codes with my tooth!!! :P09:05
bazhang!ot > kewl109:05
ubottukewl1, please see my private message09:05
gulzarhow to install tv card in ubuntu09:05
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out09:05
kewl1ok bazhang .... let me play around with the bot!!!! :P09:06
kewl1cya later09:06
kewl1thanks twoface_ !!!09:06
gartralThank You09:06
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gartralanyone care to break down the output of cat /dev/procinfo for me? I feel dumb looking at these anagrams and abbreviations09:08
oenonehelp instalaiing a printer in jaunty09:09
Alien_FX_Fienddoes ubuntu have mozilla with chatzilla in its status bar too or is this only found in the mozilla on red hat linux 909:10
oenoneneed help installing printer09:10
Cry__Babyoenone: good luck09:10
bazhangoenone, did you find your printer in the list given you earlier?09:12
kane77hi, how can I know if apt-get it is downloading packages through p2p (I have installed apt-p2p, and changed sources.list, but I'm not sure if it is actually used)?09:12
p2aaI'm on 2.6.27.  how stable is ext4 there?  how to make it more errors-resistant, in example some checksumming or something?09:12
oenonenope sir09:12
oenonei didnt09:12
oenonewhile i was googling09:13
bazhangoenone, someone else searched and linked it to you09:13
oenonei found a driver but only for 32bit09:13
oenonebut the 32bit drivers cant be isntall in a 64bit09:13
Cry__Babyis there any way a website or hacker can retrieve my firefox settings, e.g login details and passwords stored in firefox settings?09:14
oenoneshould i reinstall to 32bit09:14
bazhangCry__Baby, unlikely; you can clear all personal info though when quitting each firefox session if you wish09:15
Cry__Babybazhang: i dont want to, then I have to re-enter password and username again for over 10 websits :*(09:15
p2aa Cry__Baby you forgotten the main password?  hmm then probably not possible09:16
Cry__Babybazhang: when you say unlikely, does that mean someone has successfullly stolen a firefox settings?09:16
Cry__Babyp2aa: eh?09:16
bazhangCry__Baby, then don't worry about it.09:16
LionheartHi all. I've got "Automatically remember running applications when logging out" unchecked but whenever I start ubuntu it runs applications I shut down witha round a month ago. How can I remove them? It's getting a bit annoying :P09:17
Cry__Babybazhang: but firefox is storing my password and login details to my ISP and other sensitive websites.. is it safe?  Or can websites excecute a code to steal my firefox settings?09:17
MrBrotatoSo I haven't used Linux in years. I hear Ubuntu is very user friendly now. Can I double-click install programs now or do you still need to know command line compile stuff? That is why I went back to Windows.09:17
bazhangCry__Baby, no idea, and not an Ubuntu issue09:17
Cry__Babybazhang: as you know, firefox doesnt encrypt it09:17
DrBenwayI have a SBL soundcard with a front panel of inputs/outputs. The front panel has never worked in Ubuntu. How do I go about fixing this?09:18
bazhangMrBrotato, there are package managers (gui) to install stuff, so no need to use the command line at all09:18
MrBrotatoGood news, I might have to check it out again09:18
bazhangMrBrotato, you dont want to double click stuff as that is from 3rd party sites, as opposed to the secure and checked Ubuntu software repositories09:19
T-F-KHi all, I get an error on grub, I get this message :  GRUB loading, please wait... Error 1709:19
l0nwlf_i went through this link : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting , now the output of 'xrandr' is http://pastebin.com/m57658c3309:19
l0nwlf_maximum resolution is changed to 4096X409609:19
bazhangMrBrotato, best to try the live cd and take for a test run before installing09:19
richjl0nwlf_, 4096 x 4096?? that cant be right?09:20
MrBrotatoOh I was wondering if there was something like that... It just totally boots from CD without having to install?09:20
p2aais there any  FS in ubuntu  that supports full data checksumming?09:21
bazhangMrBrotato, yes, if you set in bios to look for cd first09:21
confluencyI am trying to upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty using a DVD, and I would like to include updates from the network.  I can only access the network through a proxy.  The upgrader does not appear to be finding the proxy -- if I choose to use the network, it just hangs.  I think I experienced this problem during the previous upgrade too, and never resolved it.09:21
mib_mm2ftu5hhow can i get rid of kubuntu and all of its apps would sudo apt-get --purge autoremove kubuntu-desktop do it?09:21
confluencyHas anyone experienced similar problems?09:21
MrBrotatoCool, checking it out09:21
l0nwlf_richj: i was expecting it gives me 1900X1080 but since it was maximum so i thought maybe ,..however it seems odd09:21
bazhang!puregnome | mib_mm2ftu5h09:21
ubottumib_mm2ftu5h: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal09:21
richjl0nwlf_, you can use xrandr -s to set the resolution09:21
richjl0nwlf_, check man xrandr09:21
DrBenwayCan anyone help me with my soundcard issue???09:22
harahaukguys, im looking for a music server implementation that will be able to stream music to other locations, like for example i want to be able to open playlists from my server at a friends house party or the like, it needs to be compatible with windoze media playes (wmp,vlc,whatever). any sugg?09:22
chronographerrichj: does it work with nvidia?09:22
bazhangmib_mm2ftu5h, the kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage only09:22
chronographerharahauk: try mpd and icecast09:22
chronographera little tricky to set up but works.09:22
l0nwlf_richj: checking it (however i was used to the OS taking my resolution by default)09:22
chronographerAlso use pitchfork for webUI09:22
mib_mm2ftu5hbazhang: well I already have the gnome desktop, just trying to get rid of kde, all its apps, and all its setting09:22
harahaukchronographer: awesome, another bloke also suggested icecast - thanks =)09:22
bazhangmib_mm2ftu5h, then that is the command (the bot above) you should run09:23
DrBenwayI have a SBL soundcard with a front panel of inputs/outputs. The front panel has never worked in Ubuntu. How do I go about fixing this?09:23
mib_mm2ftu5hbazhang: yeah but since it was linked to all the programs and everything during install shouldnt it be linked and everythign during uninstall09:23
chronographerharahauk: get mpd working first, it's pretty easy, use sonata as a local frontend. Then edit /etc/mpd.conf to add the icecast bit.09:23
richjchronographer, ?09:23
bazhangmib_mm2ftu5h, no09:23
Boonquestion please09:24
bazhang!metapackage > mib_mm2ftu5h09:24
ubottumib_mm2ftu5h, please see my private message09:24
chronographerrichj: ?09:24
richj<chronographer> richj: does it work with nvidia?09:24
richjwhats the it?09:24
chronographerI meant xrandr09:24
harahaukchronographer: ah ok, so icecast neeeds mpd. any link to a good mpd howto? i seem to recall looking at it before09:24
gartralanyone care to break down the output of cat /dev/procinfo for me? I feel dumb looking at these anagrams and abbreviations09:24
T-F-Kcan any body help me on GRUB Error 17  please09:24
mib_mm2ftu5hbazhang: ok, thanks09:24
richjchronographer, yes it does09:25
Booncan a uploaded php into /var/www/ run under rood it and root group??09:25
bazhang!grub > T-F-K09:25
ubottuT-F-K, please see my private message09:25
Booncan a uploaded php into /var/www/ run under root it and root group??09:25
Boonif my document uploaded into /var/www/ run under root id and root group.. does it affect anything?09:27
psy-cl0nehi, can anyone please help.trying to dual boot an msi wind with ubuntu and osx tiger but not having much fun with google09:28
richjT-F-K seems like a corrupted boot sector09:28
bazhangpsy-cl0ne, os x is not licensed for that machine09:28
richjT-F-K,  what happened before it broke?09:28
psy-cl0neyer but it works09:28
DrBenwaycan anyone help me please ???09:29
T-F-Krichj, I don't know  what happened its not my computer, I just wanted to help09:29
richjT-F-K, easy solution, backup data, reinstall09:29
richjT-F-K, more difficult solution, fix boot sector09:29
doktoreasHello folks, anyone can suggest a working facebook notify for latest Ubuntu?09:30
bazhangno need for that richj T-F-K just fix grub09:30
T-F-Krichj, I would prefer to fixit09:30
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bazhangT-F-K, check the bot links for grub then they are very straightforward09:30
Boondoes the ffmpeg stopped to work when the file was owned by root?09:30
squeakI disabled the splash on my linux so I see the scrolling text now...only problem is each line of text comes up twice like at the same time double...anyone know why this would be doing it? or how too figure out why its doing that?09:30
bazhangBoon, why would the file not be in the home folder?09:31
gartralanyone care to break down the output of cat /dev/procinfo for me? I feel dumb looking at these anagrams and abbreviations09:31
richjbazhang - its not a problem with grub (MBR) its the boot sector for the partition09:31
T-F-Kbazhang, which boot links09:31
bazhangT-F-K, /msg ubottu grub09:31
gartralchronographer: not at all :)09:31
T-F-Kbazhang, sorry but I don't know chat this mean ( /msg ubottu grub )09:32
bazhang!grub | T-F-K09:33
ubottuT-F-K: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:33
l0nwlf_richj: xrand -s 1.5 sets resolution to 1024X768, xrand -s 2 sets it to 832X624 and xrand -s 0.5 hav no effect at all ..the resolution remains as 1280X80009:33
Boondoes ffmpeg stop to work if the uploaded video file not owned by root... but the php script that execute ffmpeg is owned by root?09:33
richjl0nwlf_, xrandr -s 1600x170009:34
bazhangBoon, you mean sudo?09:34
l0nwlf_richj : 'Size 1600x1700 not found in available modes09:35
l0nwlf_' , ohh ..currently my monitor is not connected , may be thats why09:35
Booni using clipshare script09:36
T-F-Kbazhang, ubottu, actually I know grub, and I already restore it after installing windows, and I tried to make the same now, but it don't work (it's not the same case)09:36
andrukwhat do i need to do to get my playstation eye webcam working on the 2.6.30 kernel?09:36
Boonbut the whole script is under root group..09:36
Boonand the video file is not root group09:36
Boondoes it happen to convert?09:36
Booni mean ffmpeg09:36
T-F-Kbazhang, ubottu, when I tried to restore it now with a liveCD, I get this error "Error 15: File not found", what ever I made find /boot/grub/stage1 or find /grub/stage109:37
bazhangT-F-K, this was after installing windows second to ubuntu?09:38
T-F-Kbazhang, no, I h on have only ubuntu09:38
bazhangT-F-K, the problems started after installing windows following an Ubuntu install?09:39
richjT-F-K the partition table has been damaged, grub cant read the partition so wont boot it09:39
T-F-Kbazhang, no I didn't install windows at all09:39
richjT-F-K, you need to fix the partition table09:39
richjT-F-K, which isnt easy09:39
T-F-Krichj, can you tell me more about this please09:40
Gen2lyT-F-K: teskdisk might be able to do it, but takes a bit of a learning-curve09:40
T-F-KGen2ly, learning-curve ???09:41
bazhangfind /boot/grub/stage1 T-F-K returns what09:41
Gen2lyT-F-K: reinstalling isn't an option/09:41
T-F-Kbazhang, Error 15: File not found09:41
crawlerhello.  using ubuntu jaunty, is there any way make the snow effect come on automatically after a reboot/logout without having to toggle on?09:42
bazhangfind /grub/stage1 T-F-K and this?09:42
T-F-KGen2ly, yes it was an option before the server get the same problem too, and I don't have any moot to reinstall the whole server09:42
T-F-Kbazhang, it returns the same as the firt Error 15 ...09:43
sascha_good morning09:43
richjGen2ly, reinstalling is an option if you recreate all the partitions09:43
candellhello everyone :)09:44
richjT-F-K, like Gen2ly said, it is difficult09:44
sbthelp, I installed xorg after a base install and now I'm running on a failsafe xorg.conf. is there anyway to generate an xorg.conf automatically based on my hardware? (presumably what's being done during a normal install)09:44
richjsbt dpkg --reconfigure09:44
Vasahi, I'm about to install xubuntu on my eee pc => I have made the partition for it => but dont wanna mess up windows 7 boot thing --> so can i set up boot partition on a 8mb SD card?09:44
richjsbt did you install video drivers too>?09:44
sbtrichj: i think so09:44
T-F-Krichj, difficult means possible, and this is somthing I can learn, so I like it :)09:45
sbtrichj: which package should I reconfigure?09:45
T-F-Krichj , can you tell me how to make please ?09:45
richjT-F-K first boot a live cd, and run a check on all the partitions09:46
T-F-Krichj, fsck  ???09:46
Cry__BabyI installed Ubuntu using alternative install, and chose to encrypt filesystem.  Does this mean I can safely keep private documents on Ubuntu and nobody can access them without my password?09:47
richjT-F-K,  yes. Also make 100% sure grub is trying to boot the right device09:47
VasaCry_Baby: yes09:48
Nubuntuserhello everyone...I just gone done wiping my laptop's hard drive and Ubuntu is all I have now :-)09:49
PointManhardy == 8.04 lts?09:50
rameshwoNubuntuser :  congrats...09:50
T-F-Krichj, I made fsck /dev/sda3 (my linux partition)09:50
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Nubuntusergot a grub editing question... how do I edit it so that ubuntu instantly loads on power up?09:50
Boonwhat is the command to search a file in a folder recursively?09:51
indusNubuntuser: make timeout zero09:51
n0gearNubuntuser: make ubuntu adefault and timeout to zero09:51
andrukmy pseye webcam is not working on 2.6.30 even though lsmod shows that the oc534 modules is installed.09:51
rameshwo  Nubuntuser : sudo gedit ./boot/grub/menu.lst ..   just  change the time_out......... others plz check me if wrong..09:52
Nubuntuserthanks rameshwo09:52
Nubuntuserwas just about to ask for terminal command09:53
PointMananyone got a good tutorial as to installing 8.04 lts as domU on a xen server?09:53
Vasaany idea for me?09:54
rameshwoNubuntuser : it feels great to help someone.. i'm newbie  so  i  seldom get helping opportunity09:54
Nubuntusermy menu.lst file is empty09:54
rameshwoNubuntuser : you first check form gui  also...  goto boot->grub->menu.lst.. you or me might make mistake in extension.09:55
bayerhi there, i'm using the java rxtx library to connect to /dev/ttyS0 - at least i try to do so, but it doesnt work. this seems to be an ubuntu-related issue, as the same thing works on a centos machine! any idea why?09:55
n0gearNubuntuser: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst09:56
indusNubuntuser: sudo gedit /etc/grub/menu.lst09:56
indus:) :)09:56
indusNubuntuser: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:56
Myrttiindus: gksudo09:58
indusMyrtti: baah sudo works fine for me09:58
indusMyrtti: i read the docs but cant make out the difference09:58
quibbler!sudo > indus09:58
ubottuindus, please see my private message09:58
Cry__BabyI installed Ubuntu using alternative install, and chose to encrypt filesystem.  Does this mean I can safely keep private documents on Ubuntu and nobody can access them without my password?09:58
Myrtti!worksforme > indus09:59
rameshwoCry__Baby : you don't have to do it .you can set file permissions....09:59
indusMyrtti: none of us can guarantee here that the solutions given to others work do they10:00
Nubuntuserusing "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst" i got a menu.lst i can edit. i know to change the timeout to 0, what else?10:00
n0gearNubuntuser: thats it10:00
n0gearwell save it of course :)10:00
indusMyrtti: dont force me to change my opinion ,iam fine with sudo and it also works fine for most people10:01
Cry__Babyrameshwo: your comment made no sense10:01
Myrttiindus: if you're not prepared to stay on the channel to help people that may break their system on arbitrary use of sudo for graphical apps, then suggest gksu(do) for them.10:01
Myrttiindus: it's two more letters.10:02
induswell ok10:02
Flannelindus, Myrtti: you can use gksu too, which is the same amount of letters.10:02
indusMyrtti: i need a link to prove that sudo can break something graphical10:02
MyrttiFlannel: indeed.10:02
Flannelindus: gksu is for graphical programs, sudo is for non-graphical programs.10:02
ddoomanyone know how to get flash working in firefox on jaunty amd64? I tried copying the libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins but I have to delete firefox profile all the time for it to work10:02
Nubuntuseri want to remove the press escape option too...10:02
Nubuntuser## hiddenmenu10:02
Nubuntuser# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)10:02
rameshwoif you don't want other users to view your file then .. you can set appropriat file permissions for other uses  ( chmod  )   .10:03
Flannelindus: What happens is when you use sudo, some files in your homedir are changed so they're owned by root.  This can cause problems logging in sometimes.10:03
indusFlannel: hmm10:03
indusFlannel: can you tell me why that happens and which files ?10:04
rameshwoCry__Baby : made some sense ? if not. i'm newbie.  so other's may reply..10:04
Flannelindus: It has to do with the way the environment is set up.  I don't know the files off the top of my head.  Point is, if you just always use gksu for graphical programs (or kdesu if you're on KDE), you'll always be OK.10:05
Cry__Babyrameshwo: :) ok thanks anyway10:05
Flannelindus: Even if you choose not to use it personally, please be sure to always recommend it that way in this channel.  We are in the business of fixing people's problems, not creating new ones.10:05
Nubuntuserokay, i have it edited the way i want but unsure how to save changes10:05
n0geardid u use nano or gedit?10:05
n0gearctrl+o if im not mistaken10:06
Flanneland then ctrl-x to close, yes.10:06
n0gearthanks Flannel10:06
Nubuntuserrebooting to check10:06
indusFlannel: Myrtti:ill see u in ubuntu-ops10:07
Alien_FX_Fiendi'm looking for tutorials on how to program in hex and binary10:08
light50hello does ne1 know if i can get gnome-terminal to flash me if theres activity in irssi?10:08
MyrttiAlien_FX_Fiend: whut?10:08
milo_please where can i find drivers in order to enable my desktop effects?10:08
Nubuntuserits better :-)10:08
Nubuntuserbut still see a few lines of text before ubuntu logo...trying to emulate vista boot...no text10:09
Nubuntusercan that be done?10:09
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
milo_help me. please.10:11
GuillemI've two laptops with bluetooth, and I want to transfer files with the gnome-bluetooth applet (or whatever is what is shown at systray). But each time I try so, I get a message of operation-non-supported. I guess I should configure something at each one. Any clues?10:12
gartraldoes ubuntu try and interperate optical mice as a trckball?10:12
Guillem"Obex  Push file transfer unsupported"10:14
ExterminansHi, got a little problem. In /var/log/syslog the following 2 lines repeat evry 10 seconds10:16
ExterminansJun 12 11:08:55 USERVER init: tty1 main process (21845) terminated with status 110:16
ExterminansJun 12 11:08:55 USERVER init: tty1 main process ended, respawning10:16
lclimberhello guys, i recently upraded my system to ubuntu 9.04, now i get constant freezes and have to restart just like on windows; when i see the last log output it says something about NVRM; so i am guessing it has something to do with the nvidia driver, so i am now using the generic xorg.conf (the one writen by default), but i still get the freezes even without using the nvidia drivers, can any one help me please10:16
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Gen2lylclimber: I'd use tools like top or iotop and see just what is taking the CPU or hogging the disk usage.10:17
Nubuntuseris there an open source/free option to vmware?10:17
indusNubuntuser: vmware is opensource10:17
lclimberNubuntuser try qemu10:18
rikki_maxNubuntuser: vmware player, free, easy to use10:18
light50Nubuntuser: you tried sun virtualbox10:18
lclimbervmware is free but not opensource10:18
light50not sure of its open10:18
Boohbah!info apache2.2-common10:18
ubottuapache2.2-common (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server common files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-2ubuntu2.1 (jaunty), package size 765 kB, installed size 3584 kB10:18
SmegzorHi.  I am trying to set up a squid server on a spare box and I have installed 2 network cards.  I can't get eth1 to work.  I can see both cards with lspci, but the interface eth1 is unknown and I don't know what I need to do to make it available.  I am running Ubuntu server 9.0410:18
lclimberSmegzor. did your try ifup eth1?; did you configured /etc/network/interfaces ? have a look at that file10:20
Myrttilclimber: if your processor supports VT/SVM, use kvm. It's fast :-)10:20
rikki_maxNubuntuser: take a look http://www.vmware.com/download/player/open_source.html vmware player is opensource10:20
lclimberNubuntuser you could also try xen10:21
light50virtualbox is open source apparently http://www.virtualbox.org/10:22
Smegzorlclimber: yes to first.  haven't touched /etc/network/interfaces10:22
Nubuntuseri just need to be able to run fedora, windows xp, and vista and dont want to tripple boot like i was10:22
Nubuntuseri prefer ubuntu over fedora but use it for school. its what they use10:23
yaris123456789is there anyway to produce an iframe that loads that site, and make it resize so that its width and height is exactly same, and that its positioned to show the video ?10:23
Myrttiyaris123456789: is that directly Ubuntu support? ;-)10:24
lclimberSmegzor well , try sudo ifconfig eth1 xx.xx.xx.xx netmask xx.xx.xx.xx; if it works, then write /etc/network/intefaces and configure it with your desire parameters10:24
rikki_maxNubuntuser: http://www.vmware.com/appliances/ take a look at the apps / os's pre installed for dl in vmware10:24
lclimberNubuntuser try vmware server, it is free and really easy to use10:25
Nubuntuseri have the cd's for everything...provided by school and vista came with laptop10:25
Flannelyaris123456789: Please find a more appropriate channel for that.  Thanks.10:25
lclimberthe only error i can identify on my dmesg logs is "NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 6, PE0003"10:27
Nubuntuserdont think vmware server is what i need, too much i think10:29
mib_i6cej5tzhello, need help10:29
gartraldoes ubuntu try and interperate optical mice as a trckball?10:30
gartralanyone care to break down the output of cat /dev/procinfo for me? I feel dumb looking at these anagrams and abbreviations10:30
Nubuntuserbasically i want to run windows in linux and have all my hardware recognized and work. i was running vmware 6.5 in vista but was a trial copy.10:31
nixiepixelSilly question, but I am using XChat - is there a "find" function?10:31
nixiepixelI would like to find text that was written above.10:31
grawitynixiepixel: Try /lastlog10:31
nixiepixelgrawity - thank you! How many lines do you set your buffer for?10:32
grawityI don't use Xchat.10:33
mib_2w2i7adhhi, anybody here willing to help10:34
grawitymib_2w2i7adh: If you tell us what is the problem.10:34
suigeneris!ask | mib_2w2i7adh10:34
ubottumib_2w2i7adh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:34
mib_2w2i7adhgot problem in ubuntu jaunty, my kb and mouse hangs up10:34
mib_2w2i7adhsorry for that,10:34
harpreet_how do i open .celtx in ubuntu?10:35
mib_2w2i7adhjust installed on my pc, and after a while my it freezes.10:35
the_archit3ctneed help for quassel/quasselcore10:36
lclimberNubuntuser; dont let the name server confuse you. try it, it wont let you down10:37
NubuntuserVMware Workstation was the trial version i was using...it's available for linux but not free10:37
auHello everyone10:37
ExterminansIs there any way to reload the config in /etc/even.d without rebooting a server?10:39
indusNubuntuser: yes even iam wanting an answer to it10:39
indusNubuntuser: have been  wanting to use VM on my pc for long10:39
indusanyone know of a free VM software10:40
lclimberNubuntuser; well vmware server is pretty much the same as workstartion, the only difference is i think, that vmware workstation, lets you take multiple snapshots on a VM, whilevmware server doesnt10:40
=== yacc is now known as yaccaway
Nubuntuserso that means i can only run one os at a time?10:41
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware10:41
lclimberno, you can run as many as you want10:41
aprilharehello: i want to run the game quadra under ubuntu. i couldn't find a ubuntu package so i downloaded the source. ran the configure script, got this: "configure: WARNING: X11 is required and could not be found!"10:41
lclimberonly that you can take one snapshot at for each vm10:41
aprilharethe last time i checked, i have X11 :)10:42
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:42
O__owhats new in 9.04??  i am using 8.04 should i upgrade or just wait?10:42
aprilhareO__o: upgrade.10:43
indusanyone know of a free virtual machine emu10:43
O__oaprilhare, why? whats benefit?10:43
aprilhareindus: VirtualBox OSE10:43
Gen2ly./configure --prefix-/usr    the configure script is probably looking in /usr/local10:43
Gen2lyer, that is --prefix=/usr10:43
aprilhareO__o: too many to list. http://www.ubuntu.com/ spells them out prominently10:43
indusaprilhare: what kind of resources do a vm need10:44
O__oanyone runs netbook here?10:44
aprilhareindus: http://virtualbox.org has more details (i think)10:44
iamlenekosimple question, how do i check if 2 binary files have no difference10:44
indusyes checking now10:45
O__odoes 9.04 have netbook remix version?10:45
PointManxen is good10:45
indusnow who can give me a free windows XP cd :D10:45
gartralO__o: yea, shoul10:45
indusaprilhare: could you give me some use cases on where and when a VM will be a good option10:46
iamlenekoindus, you would probably need ram for your virtual machines10:46
GhostWolf76hey ppl can anyone help me is there a program that works good to mount iso files??10:46
cankoyiamleneko: checksum (md5sum, sha1sum, etc)10:46
indusGhostWolf76: what iso are you trying to mount? and where10:46
iamlenekocankoy, then i do diff on this outputs ?10:46
GhostWolf76does it matter what and where indus??10:47
cankoyiamleneko: diff is for text files10:47
turneralexhey im trying to install ubuntu on my sun v880 and the installer is hanging at the find harddrives part10:47
turneralexany ideas?10:47
indusGhostWolf76: yeah i dont understand your requirement10:47
Crash_I'm using thunderbird in ubuntu 9.04. when i fetch mail all goes well but the messages at server are not marked read as i download it. any solution10:47
GhostWolf76indus requirement for what?? i just want a simple program i can install on my kubuntu to mount files easily without using terminal10:48
aprilhareindus: when you want to run windows but don't want to reboot. when you're too chicken to format over entire partitions to try ubuntu 9.10. when ubuntu doesn't run something you need. etc.10:48
aprilharetonnes of reasons10:48
iamlenekoindus, i use vm on a day basis for checking rendering of websites we builds, on IE10:48
Gen2lyGhostWolf76: gmountiso10:48
indusiamleneko: dont you think installing a VM just to check one application is too much waste of resources?Doesnt ie run on wine?10:49
rexha@Crash try to re-install it or maybe you must configure again the Gmail settings10:49
GhostWolf76Gen2ly thanks i think i hadf problems with gmount before but thats with ubuntu not kubuntu i'll give that a try thanks10:49
indusiamleneko: but 2 things iam itching to try are VM and VPN10:49
iamlenekoindus, wine could have strange behavior and invalidate my verification, with vm there is no doubt about it10:49
indusiamleneko: hmm10:50
gartralindus: i'm trying to setup a vpn myself right now..10:50
indusgartral: cool :)10:50
indusgartral: iam too lazy generally, but i have weekend coming up so maybe i try10:50
rob_pindus, I run a VPN in a VM!  :-)10:50
iamlenekoindus, i did use the wine way before, in fact, vm is better to me as i run it only when needed, the ressource is not a real problem10:50
Caplainhey rob_p10:51
rob_pCaplain, Hello.10:51
indusgartral: do i need any special hardware for vpn ?10:51
indusrob_p: :) cooool10:51
rob_pindus, No.10:51
icerootindus: just a nic10:51
Caplain#gentoo seems dead10:51
gartralindus: nothing but your networking hardware10:51
aprilharei want to run the game quadra under ubuntu. i couldn't find a ubuntu package so i downloaded the source. ran the configure script, got this: "configure: WARNING: X11 is required and could not be found!"10:52
Drudeahoj, je tu nejaky cech? co by mohl pomoci?10:52
indusi have an adsl router10:52
rexhaWhich is the best game for ubuntu ???10:52
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.10:52
indusrexha: QUAKE 4 !10:52
icerootrexha: Quake 310:52
rexhais it FREE !10:52
indusrexha: alien arena,nexuiz10:52
icerootrexha: quake engine is open-source but not free, try openarena10:52
GhostWolf76Gen2ly i think i remember the problem with gmountiso.. which is the mount point is there a specific area i should mount it?10:53
indusiamleneko: i thought u need at least 1 gb ram to run windows on vm10:53
Gen2lyNot sure GhostWolf76, haven't used it in quite a bit.10:53
butteffHi! How I can to include perl script into html file?10:53
pkkm!startup > pkkm10:53
ubottupkkm, please see my private message10:53
GhostWolf76ok i normally use my main folder in home but when i hit mount it says its not empty..10:54
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industhe whole VM concept is so much brilliant ,i hear IBM used to use it long back internally and each partition on their drives was a VM of some sort10:54
indusiceroot: whats a nic?10:54
icerootindus: also 3d card support is now working (not good but it is)10:54
iamlenekoindus, if you have 1gb on your computer you have to keep ram for the main OS so you have to substract what your main OS need to know what your vm could have10:54
icerootindus: Network Interface Card (NIC)10:55
Gen2lyGhostWolf76: I use  bash script:  http://pastebin.com/d1f928b7b10:55
turneralex_so does #ubuntu10:55
andersandhello, i have ubuntu server 8.1 LTS with mail server installed. i need to setup a client for it, but is it POP or IMAPs type? How can i find out?10:55
indusiceroot: is that same as a LAN CARD? i mean the ones we have on the mobo to connect to the internet10:55
GhostWolf76Gen2ly does that show how to mount using terminal? im trying not to do that way10:55
icerootindus: yes10:55
turneralex_andersand: Ohh mate just buy a copy of @mail10:56
rexhaMy computer doesnt support Visual Effects due to bug #363821 does this mean that i cannot play 3d games ?????10:56
indusiceroot: also ,by 3d support you mean.. you cant play games on a vm?10:56
andersandturneralex_, i don't understand10:56
icerootindus: yes, new virtualbox has 3d card support (i think only non-free version)10:56
Gen2lyGhostWolf76: for the new, the bash script... may not be the best way :)10:56
iamlenekoindus, i have 1gb on my computer and i don't think it is enough, right now without any vm started and the software i use at work only 13 Mo free10:56
korahi, is there any convenient way to grab keycodes for the xmodmap? i have a thinkpad and want to map the "browser forwar/backwar" buttons to home/end with xmodmap.10:57
indusiamleneko: 13 mb free ? huh you using vista?10:57
CSSnubI want to setup sftp on my Ubuntu machine to allow access to an external HDD that is shared from a windows box on my LAN. So I can place files in a directory on the NTFS external drive on a different machine and people can access it by sftp through the ubuntu box. Does that sound possible/secure?10:57
iamlenekoindus, if i run a windows vm, lot will be transfered in the swap, and the performance would not be great10:57
andersandsurely there must be a command to find out what type of mail server i run10:57
iamlenekoindus, ubuntu10:57
rob_pandersand, Depends on what server packages you installed for POP/IMAP support and if/how you have them configured.10:57
aprilharei want to run the game quadra under ubuntu. i couldn't find a ubuntu package so i downloaded the source. ran the configure script, got this: "configure: WARNING: X11 is required and could not be found!"10:57
Gen2lyGhostWolf76: have seen: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11577 ?10:57
GhostWolf76Gen2ly well reason im saying i don't want to use temrinal cause i've just tried and well i don't think it worked but i remember gmountiso but i remember another program that let me mount through file manager but i have no idea right now10:57
jrib!compile > aprilhare10:57
ubottuaprilhare, please see my private message10:57
icerootCSSnub: if the user can access the hdd, he can also access it with sftp10:57
icerootCSSnub: sftp is only ssh with file-transfer10:58
andersandrob_p, i can read mail using "mail" command (it is Postfix and dovecot btw)10:58
GhostWolf76Gen2ly no i didn't know there was anything like that normally i just google10:58
iamlenekoindus, linux as a lightweight os is not always true10:58
CSSnubSo how do I setup that share? Something to do with Samba? Just looking for something to read up on, I'm very new.10:58
rob_pandersand, Well dovecot supports both POP and IMAP(s) so the question is how you have it configured.10:58
indusiamleneko: i am not sure i understand... u only have ubuntu on your pc and 1gb aint enough? what software are you running10:58
andersandrob_p, what i want now is to read mail from another computer than loggin onto the server10:58
iamlenekoindus, 1 firefox + 1 ide + gnome + evolution + xchat = byebye ram10:58
icerootandersand: normaly its pop3, check your openports if there is imap running too10:58
Cry__BabyWhen I boot Ubuntu, there is a screen that pops up which says, "sda_crypt", and I need to enter my password to load Ubuntu.  Can anyone bypass this and gain access to my ubuntu?10:59
andersandrob_p, well thats what i m asking10:59
iamlenekoindus, in fact firefox probably eat the most of the ram10:59
indusiamleneko: wait let me run all those and see10:59
iamlenekoindus, the ide is geany which is pretty lightweight10:59
indusiamleneko: good cos i dont have an ide :P10:59
indusiamleneko: i think you have some problem, iam only using 400 mb total11:00
andersandnetstat says i have both ports listening (pop and imaps)11:00
CSSnubiceroot: in order to share that external drive I want to install/setup samba yes?11:00
GoNt1kпочему нема :/11:00
Nubuntuserokay im downloading vmware server after reading up on it...had to register for key11:00
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest76415
iamlenekoindus, you need to use a little more firefox before it eat ram11:00
nixiepixelcry_baby - if someone has a LiveCD and knows what they are doing (and you allow booting to the CD) they can gain access to your system.11:00
icerootCSSnub: the external drive is connected via usb? so you can access it with /media/your-hdd?11:01
rob_pandersand, Then I'd say you can probably connect with an appropriate client and retrieve mail.11:01
andersandsurely there must be some config file...11:01
indusiamleneko: little more firefox what it means11:01
Nubuntuserin the meantime, how can i check my hotmail, gmail, and isp pop3 mail in one client?11:01
CSSnubiceroot: no it's eSata on a different computer on the LAN, a windows box11:01
iamlenekoindus, i mean you need to browse stuff11:01
icerootNubuntuser:use thunderbird11:01
rexhaNubuntuser:they must support POP3 and SMTP11:01
pascalhey =) how can i set my keyboard into german oo ? ^^11:01
indusiamleneko: i have 5 tabs open11:01
rexhahotmail doesnt support i gues11:01
rexhaevolution and thunderbird are the clients11:02
CSSnubI want users to have access to that drive only, and a specific folder preferably - but it must be physically connected to a windows machine11:02
iceroot!samba | CSSnub11:02
rexhai proppose you tu use gmail11:02
ubottuCSSnub: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:02
aprilharejrib: the information recommended is out of date.11:02
CSSnubkk ty11:02
CSSnubgot some reading to do :)11:02
jribaprilhare: interesting.  How did you determine that?11:02
aprilharejrib: it recommends installing xlibs-dev, xlibs-static-dev,x-window-system-dev but you hit brick wall when trying :)11:02
pascalhey =) how can i set my keyboard into german oo ? ^^11:02
gartralanyone care to break down the output of cat /dev/procinfo for me? I feel dumb looking at these anagrams and abbreviations11:02
icerootpascal: sytsem - einstellungen - tastatur - layout11:03
pascalthx ^^11:03
iamlenekoindus, here. firefox : 204.5 Mo, nautilus : 170.5 Mo, evolution : 31.9, pidgin : 23.1, mysql-query-browser : 12.9 etc...11:03
indusiamleneko: nautilus 170 ? omg11:03
rexhai want to use this character ( ë ) aftter i type alt+137 line in the windows , how to do that ?11:03
indusiamleneko: nautilus 15 mb for me11:04
indusgartral: i dont have a /dev/procinfo11:04
icerootrexha: isnt it alt gr + 137 (on numpad)?11:04
iamlenekoindus, i have some share mounted via ssh would probably add some ram11:04
jribaprilhare: xorg-dev and libx11-dev are probably what you need.  It would be great if you could try that and make a note on the wiki about jaunty :)11:04
rexwi1hi all, whenever after running apt-get update i get11:04
rexhaiceroot: could you be more specific ?11:05
iamlenekoindus, as well i have been on folder with a bunch of thumbnails shown11:05
gartralindus: /ect/procinfo, sorry11:05
icerootindus: /proc/cpuinfo maybe?11:05
icerootindus: ah ok, sorry11:05
gartralnow i feel even more stupid>.>11:05
indusgartral: /proc/cpuinfo11:06
icerootrexha: try holding alt gr and then press the numbers on numpad11:06
indusrexwi1: u have added a debian repo i guess11:06
iamlenekoindus, as well my computer haven't do a real restart for some days11:06
rexwi1yes it is a debian cloud machine11:06
indusiamleneko: ok well now you tell me :)11:06
iamlenekoindus, maybe restart the session would free some ram11:06
iamlenekoi checking this11:07
indusiamleneko: maybe , but iam not happy that xchat takes 10 mb11:07
rexwi1indus |^11:07
indusrexwi1: :)11:07
indusrexwi1: whats a debian cloud machine btw11:08
TGMCan anyone point me to something to help get a Lucent WinModem wokring? I've tried the walk-throughs under help, I've tried ltModem, and I've attempted to handle it with pppconfig and the Gnome Network Admin, and I always seem to hit a road block or it just downright doesn't work. I have a scanmodem and I know the modem works (the computer is dual booted and I can connect to the internet just fine via windows.) i do not currently have access11:08
TGM to the computer however as it's a state away and so I can;t test anything here or now on it :[11:08
jribTGM: you have read the wiki guide?11:08
jrib!dialup > TGM11:08
ubottuTGM, please see my private message11:08
TGMI have11:08
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
iamlenekoindus, well clean start only pidgin + xchat + tomboy + the main gnome : 200 mo free11:09
indusrexwi1: maybe add that debian repo key again after deleting old one11:09
Chechefrmsg niskserv identify *jul123*11:09
indusiamleneko: ok this looks like a problem , check other processes11:09
jribChechefr: have your client do that...11:09
paulo----ubuntu works on laptops, right?11:10
iamlenekoindus, well i have bunch of other process but i use them11:10
gartraliamleneko: what program did you get those stats with?11:10
jribpaulo----: yep11:10
Nubuntuserim on a laptop11:10
TGMjrib: I have indeed read the wiki, It's how I came to try ltmodem, pppconfig stc.11:10
icerootiamleneko: think of that there is a difference betwenn real free memory and cahce+buffer+free memory, its not like windows11:10
aprilharejrib: thanks, compiled - but it complains "warning: failed to initialize sound system"..11:10
indusiamleneko: ok man you know your system best :) iam sure ram is being put to good use11:10
jribTGM: k, don't know of other resources.  Though the wiki links to some site dedicated to linux modems, maybe you can try there if it is still active11:10
paulo----where can i get an ubuntu cd?11:10
iceroot!download | paulo----11:10
ubottupaulo----: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:10
indusiamleneko: ya i heard linux has diff way of showing used mem ,11:10
aprilharepaulo----: on a wind swept mountain peak. all you have to do is get someone to bring it to you11:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freemem11:11
iamlenekoindeed, in fact the os respond well with my only 200 mo free11:11
aprilharepaulo----: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/purchase11:12
aprilharethat way too11:12
insmoddoes anyone know of script as easy as chatterbox but without 1) writing it 2) adds??11:12
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jribindus: linuxatemyram.com11:12
indusjrib:thanks i was looking for that link11:13
iamlenekojrib, cool11:13
ubottuA quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html11:13
igor_Hello everybody!11:13
iamlenekoso in regard of this info, i have 656 Mo free11:13
indusiamleneko: when system is left on for some time idle, it keeps using free ram and uses it for caching or something like that11:13
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P11:14
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).11:14
iamlenekoindus, that is probably this that look like eating the ram11:14
paulo----what is jaunty?11:14
jribpaulo----: the latest stable release of ubuntu11:14
paulo----the 9.04??11:14
jribpaulo----: yes11:14
paulo----ok tnx11:15
nixiepixelpaulo---- - yes, Ubuntu 9.04 is called Jaunty Jackalope, or Jaunty for short11:15
paulo----would you prefer the 64bit?11:15
nixiepixelI would, because I have more than 4 GB of RAM.11:15
milo_This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.  what's the meaning?11:15
paulo----hmmm ok11:16
igor_Can someone help me with keyboard layout switch. I managed to bind it to Ctrl+Shift, but now hotkeys in other applications starting with Ctrl+Shift do not work. (For example in eclipse I press Ctrl+Shift+Space and it changes layout and acts as I pushed ctrl+Space :( )11:16
GoNt1khmp... is there someone who can help me with flash?11:16
hateball!details | GoNt1k11:16
ubottuGoNt1k: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:16
nixiepixelGoNt1k - please be specific.11:16
=== Jurkki_ is now known as Jurkki
jribigor_: I use double shift for keyboard layout change.  Works well11:16
glicksanyone have the eee pc 1000he?/11:17
GoNt1kim trying to see some youtube videos with ff on ubuntu jaunty, but swfdec - too slowly11:17
GoNt1kand i cant find how to uninstall it11:17
nixiepixelGoNt1k - Are you on 32-bit or 64-bit?11:17
indusmilo_: ITS just for fun11:17
igor_jrib: thanks I've been thinking about that too, but I'm so comfortable with Ctrl+Shift, can't imagine Shift+Shift11:17
milo_indus: really?lol11:18
jribigor_: I think you will have some trouble keeping ctrl-shift and getting those shortcuts to work11:18
GoNt1ksudo apt-get remove flashplugin-* --purge11:18
GoNt1ksudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:18
GoNt1kdont help me)11:18
FloodBot1GoNt1k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:18
indusmilo_: read this http://www.eeggs.com/items/36008.html11:18
indusGoNt1k: ill give u a cool tip on flash11:19
=== Drude is now known as Drude_obed
nixiepixelGoNt1k - here is how to fix flash on 64-bit Ubuntu:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1081964&highlight=flash+white+box11:20
indusGoNt1k: download the 64 bit alpha flash from site, www.labs.adobe.com , then in your home folder go to hidden directory mozilla>plugins> and put it there11:20
gartral!jaunty > ]pablo[11:20
ubottu]pablo[, please see my private message11:20
milo_i was just reading about aptitude... aptitude --help11:20
GoNt1kthanks, indus11:20
GoNt1ki`ll try it out11:20
nixiepixelOr listen to indus as he's giving you the same instructions.11:21
indusGoNt1k: and completely remove flashplugin-nonfree11:21
indusGoNt1k: and one more thing ..... THEY BOTH SUCK11:21
nixiepixelGoNt1k, indus - that link lists each command for you, tells you how to get the alpha, purge the old player, etc.11:21
indusGoNt1k: flash 10 is horrible compared to 911:21
indusnixiepixel: thansk man ill check it out11:22
milo_nice jock.lol11:22
Nubuntuseruh oh got a problem...clicking on vmware.rpm "archive type not supported"11:23
indusnixiepixel: GoNt1k:but you dont get those annoying white windows with the nspluginwrapper 32 bit version so i prefer 64 bit alpha over the wrapper package11:24
gartralNubuntuser: you need a .deb11:24
indusaah i miss flash 911:24
Nubuntuserwas not a .deb option when i downloaded it11:24
nixiepixelindus - sure, no problem (and I prefer girl) ;)11:24
indusok thanks man . masquerading as a girl :P11:25
indusi wonder when flash 64 will reach beta sheeesshhh11:26
indusfeb to june bah11:26
nixiepixelindus - hah.  http://www.nixiepixel.com/blog/blog7.php  :P11:26
lesshasteI can't seem to get the system to recognise my dvd drive... any ideas where I should start?11:26
GoNt1kindus, well, that doesnt work for me, i do all with tutorial, but when im trying to run some flash in ff its just do nothing11:26
gartrallesshaste: can the drive read any type of media?11:27
lesshastegartral: how do I tell?11:27
Nubuntusergetting alien to convert the rpm11:27
milo_please i need help with bactrack11:27
gartrallesshaste: put a cd in it...11:27
indusGoNt1k: you need to remove flashplugin-nonfree completely11:27
lesshastegardar: and then do what?11:27
indusrestart firefoxie11:27
indusi mean firefox :)11:27
milo_i downloaded backtrack on my desktop (ISO)...hw do i install it on my hdd?11:28
l0nwlf_when i try playing quake 3 arena on jaunty , i get no sound </dev/dsp: Device or resource busy11:28
l0nwlf_Could not open /dev/dsp11:28
l0nwlf_> ..what is the meaning of this11:28
lesshastegardar: actually the answer is yes11:28
krautnixiepixel: is this self spam?11:28
GoNt1kindus, im do this and restarted, now its not asking for installing flash, its just do nothing now)11:28
lesshastegardar: it reads the ubuntu dvd ok...11:28
gartrallesshaste: are you trying to play a dvd movie?11:29
lesshastegardar: I want to rip an audio cs11:29
insmod<l0nwlf_>you nead an audio manager or kill all apps with audio going11:29
indusGoNt1k: refresh the page,clear all private data first11:30
gartrallesshaste: ok... when you insert the disk, does an icon popup on your desktop that read "audio cd"?11:30
nixiepixelkraut - please, he was claiming I was a girl masquerading as a man. I decided to prove it.11:30
l0nwlf_insmod: how will we know apps with sound going, i'm not playing any media player now11:31
indusnixiepixel: nvm i was joking11:31
insmod<l0nwlf_>what desktop11:31
krautnixiepixel: definitly a sweet one, but that wasn't something for the chan i suppose ;)11:31
krautnixiepixel: but anyhow, nevermind11:31
lesshastegartral: an icon comes up saying "blank cd rom disc"11:32
l0nwlf_insmod: GNOME  2.26.1 , Dell inspiron 1525 ,11:32
induslesshaste: maybe it is blank :P11:32
milo_backtrack. need help. Please11:32
lesshasteindus: it's an album :)11:32
lesshasteindus: it's not a cd rom at all11:32
nixiepixelindus - Sure, I was not entirely serious though the "self-spam" comment was mildly annoying. The videos are about Ubuntu, so I guess it is for the channel, but I could have just PM'd it...anyway, it isn't important, I'll go back to being quiet now.11:33
NashyWondering if someone can help me.  I'm installing Ubuntu after using F11 for a while11:33
indusnixiepixel: nice blog btw :)11:33
NashyGrub fails installation and states its a fatal error11:33
NashyIt then boots to the live cd11:33
iamlenekoNashy, and the F11 key not work anymore ?11:33
induslesshaste: can you please state your problem again11:33
insmod<l0nwlf_>i have never used gnome but a web app can block it etc you can use esd etc to manage ---- or look at ps -aux I use blackbox so........11:34
NashyI've been using Fedroa 11.  I want Ubuntu back, so I installed, and formatted the F11 partition as ext3, and at 94% it states the grub installer failed.11:34
lesshasteindus: I want to rip an audio cd... sound juicer doesn't see an audio cd at all and when I put it in I get an icon saying "blank cd rom" on the desktop11:34
induslesshaste: hmm does brasero have this option ? i think rhythmox does rip cds11:35
milo_indus: can you help me with backtrack?11:36
indusmilo_: whats backtrack11:37
l0nwlf_insmod:  'ps -aux  | grep esd' shows no output .. no esd in my system11:37
milo_indus: it's a tool to crack wireless11:37
induslesshaste: i think version of rhtyhmbox in jaunty rips cd's but iam not sure11:37
gartrallesshaste: try a different cd, some cds cant be ripped11:38
indusmilo_: are you having issues with wireless?11:38
milo_i can't find wireless drivers for my laptop11:38
kadukI want to upgrade my girlfriends ekiga to 3.2.4 which depends on packages from jaunty, but she has interpid. I dont want to upgrade whole system since she has intel graphic and she cant fix it if it breaks.11:38
NashyI've been using Fedroa 11.  I want Ubuntu back, so I installed, and formatted the F11 partition as ext3, and at 94% it states the grub installer failed..... Anyone...?11:39
indusGoNt1k: where did you download flash 64 from??11:39
kadukAre there any ekiga packages for interpid ?11:39
indusmilo_: which wireless card is it any idea?11:39
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induskaduk: of course there are11:39
insmod<l0nwlf_>i never said you use esd i just said that is a manager to run more then one sound at a time11:39
milo_indus: to tell you the truth i have no clue about that11:39
indusmilo_: good11:40
genelisphi, I have a samba server with openldap and some winxp clients. I also have two ubuntu boxes that authenticate against openldap. I want to map user /home directories to the WinXP homes on the server at logon, how would I go about doing that?11:40
iamlenekoNashy, have not much idea, but maybe your cd is corrupted (not sure at all, but checking if the CD is well written would be a start)11:40
genelispwell I've looked at pam_mount yes but I'm not totally sure what to do... I could map /home to the profiles directory, but then the user will see NTUSER.dat and so on - I want something like ~/Documents will map to 'My Documents' so that the user doesn't see the difference logging on from a win machine or a linux machine11:40
indusmilo_:check system>admin>hardware drivers11:40
eshatHi all, how to replace all Enters(New Lines) with Spaces in sed ?11:40
indusmilo_: also lspci and use pastebin11:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:40
indus!toothpaste | indus11:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about toothpaste11:41
indussorry i didnt brush my teeth today "P11:41
kadukindus, 3.4.2 for interpid ?11:41
insmod<nixiepixel>you're hot cat insmod | grep bonner > nixiepixel >> ahh!11:41
induskaduk: packages.ubuntu.com11:41
induskaduk: search for intrepid11:41
l0nwlf_insmod: i meant how will i know which manager my system use ?11:42
indusok i go have soem tea11:42
kadukindus, 2.0.2 :(11:42
milo_indus: i used lscpi and it output some stuff, which one is about the wireless card?11:42
induskaduk: why do u need a version for intrepid?11:42
kadukindus, 3.2.x11:43
Nubuntuserokay converted rpm to deb and tried to install deb but nothing happened11:43
induskaduk: i suggest you directly download the latest package from website11:43
Nubuntusersudo dpkg -i vmware-server_2.0.1-156745_i386.deb11:43
NubuntuserSelecting previously deselected package vmware-server.11:43
Nubuntuser(Reading database ... 105297 files and directories currently installed.)11:43
NubuntuserUnpacking vmware-server (from vmware-server_2.0.1-156745_i386.deb) ...11:43
NubuntuserSetting up vmware-server (2.0.1-156745) ...11:43
FloodBot1Nubuntuser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:43
induskaduk: they have debs11:43
milo_indus: for my hardware drivers, also i can see is no proprietary drivers are in use11:43
nixiepixelinsmod - heh, thanks11:43
insmodt<nixiepixel> I don' t know if gnome has one -- never used it ps -aux will tell everything -- also if nothing is running it could be as simple as you are running alsa with no oss -- /dev/dsp is oss11:43
indusmilo_: in terminal type lspci and use paste11:44
eshatOr is there another way, to convert a list of words to one line, sperated by spaces ?11:44
indusmilo_: paste the url here11:44
indusbrb tea11:44
* indus away 11:44
mootzmilo_ : why don't you check backtrack website??11:45
insmodt<nixiepixel> so babe where do you live11:45
nixiepixelinsmod - you don't know if gnome has one what? Did I miss something?11:45
geirhaeshat: tr '\n' ' ' < infile > outfile11:46
milo_mootz: you are right, I should do that11:46
insmodt<nixiepixel>i never use gneome --- sucks -- i use fluxbox blackbox windowmaker etc --- his sound is blocked /dev/dpp11:46
RaceConditioncan anyone check this out? http://dpaste.com/54523/11:46
l0nwlf_somewhere it was suggested to do 'echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss && quake3' in vain :(11:46
RaceConditionI'm trying to change/set a password for a user under Ubuntu Server, but failing11:46
nixiepixelinsmod - oh, you wrote that to me, thus I was confused. California, by the way.11:47
ubuntuhi everybody11:47
indusmilo_: ok its a SIS adapter11:47
insmodt<nixiepixel>he is running 2 sound apps at the same time he needs a manager esd or sorts or also oss module --- you look like you are from there  those California girls11:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sis11:48
indusdamn bot11:48
nixiepixelinsmod - Sorry, I'm new to IRC, are you sending that to me only, or the whole channel?11:48
milo_indus: so is the driver available?11:49
eshatgeirha: that helped, thank you11:49
alexis__Hello everyone11:49
alexis__I'm trying to change the primary group for a user to another, and with the following command gives me error. See if you can help me alguiente11:49
mootzmilo_ : i don't think so. Not all wireless is supported in backtrack11:50
alexis__sudo usermod-g groupnew user. But the shell returns me something like:usermod: no change11:50
cycrosismIs there a way to set my normal account "Mark" to have root privileges? im running ubuntu desktop 9.0411:51
bazhangmilo_, you have backtrack installed? not Ubuntu?11:51
mootzbut again maybe i'm wrong11:51
jribalexis__: copy and paste exactly what is in your shell and put on paste.ubuntu.com11:51
coz_cycrosism,  I am not sure I understand  what do you need root privledges for in the user account?11:51
alexis__jrib, thanks11:52
jribcycrosism: add him to the "admin" group11:52
cycrosismBecuase when I am writing files it wont work11:52
milo_bazhang: i downloaded backtrack on ubuntu. Now i want o install it on my hdd. I have it in ISO11:52
jribcycrosism: writing files where?11:52
|RyanIs this where I come for help with ubuntu?11:52
cycrosism /x11/11:52
jrib|Ryan: yep, just ask your question11:52
l0nwlf_what is 'artsdsp' , does it work on jaunty ??11:52
|RyanI'm on ubuntu 9.0411:53
rob_palexis__, Does the new group exist?  That is a requirement.  Also, make sure there's a space between usermod and -g.11:53
jrib!enter | |Ryan11:53
ubottu|Ryan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:53
insmod<l0nwlf_>that would do it11:53
nixiepixel|Ryan - all on one line please!11:53
kadukindus, latest for interpid is 3.0.111:53
insmod<l0nwlf_>that is kde sound manager11:53
kadukindus, I want 3.2.x11:53
|RyanI don't know how to get m wireless card working.11:53
|RyanOh, sorry.11:53
jrib!wireless > |Ryan11:53
bazhangmilo_, paste.ubuntu.com with the output of lspci , and give us the link here11:53
ubottu|Ryan, please see my private message11:53
bazhangmilo_, backtrack is supported in #remote-exploit should you need help with that11:54
cycrosismUnable to create new X config backup file /etc/x11/xorg.conf.backup11:54
jribcycrosism: do you know about sudo?11:54
l0nwlf_insmod: oops , 'artsdsp -m quake3' will play quake , as it's told on quake forum but i think that should not work as it's gnome11:55
indusmilo_: hi11:55
bazhangmilo_, there appears to be no wireless device there11:55
cycrosismBut im not running it in the terminal11:55
milo_bazhang:what's remote-exploit?11:55
bazhang#remote-exploit is the backtrack support channel milo_ , here is Ubuntu support11:56
indusmilo_: aah yes there is no wireless device in your system11:56
jribcycrosism: so what are you running exactly?11:56
jrib!who | cycrosism11:56
ubottucycrosism: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:56
andrew___If I select update on ubuntu 8.04 does that mean it will update me to 8.10?11:56
cankoyRaceCondition: sudo passwd <username>11:56
milo_indus: i don't have wireless device??11:56
induskaduk: why do u need that version of ekiga? i mean you could always download it from the ekiga website11:56
c_kornwhat's a good way to check if an internet connection is present. and which gives the answer after max. 2 seconds. ping -c 1 www.google.de -w 2  this code does not exit after 2 seconds if no connection is present11:56
milo_bazhang: ok, can u help me with the remote-exploit?11:56
indusmilo_: i mean i dont see it there. Which laptop is it? and wireless works on windows?11:56
bazhangmilo_, is it usb? try to paste.ubuntu.com the output of lsusb11:57
kadukindus, notification feature and fixed bugs11:57
induskaduk: try website for latest packages?11:57
insmod<l0nwlf_>just load the module11:57
bazhangmilo_, /join #remote-exploit for help with backtrack11:57
cycrosismjrib, I am trying to make my second monitor work, as for some reason it's configuration is set to "Disabled" when i try to save my Configuration file, it won't let me write11:57
l0nwlf_insmod: how?11:57
kadukindus, she is using those from website, but those are still pretty old11:57
milo_indus: it's chines laptop (my mom's gift so...) Hasee F140011:57
insmodsudo artd11:57
insmodsudo artsd11:57
manumarI need help, I have just installed libapache-mod-perl2 but it doesnt work11:57
jribcycrosism: again, where are you doing this exactly?11:57
kadukindus, that why I am looking for backports11:57
rob_pc_korn, You could script a ping test or something similar.11:58
induskaduk: she ?11:58
kadukindus, I cant upgrade her system to jaunty since I am aboard and she has intel graphic11:58
manumari have apache and i installed the moudele11:58
kadukindus, yes my girlfriend laptop11:58
alexis__rob_p, both the group as the user exist, and the command syntax is OK. If used with-G if implemented correctly, but what I need is to use-g to be the primary group11:58
manumarbut it doesnt run11:58
kadukindus, she is using Ubuntu interpid11:58
induskaduk: ok i get it now11:58
|RyanIf I'm attempting to set a PCI wireless adapter for master mode and it says invalid argument, in the terminal, what does that mean?11:58
cycrosismjrib, System>Preferences>Display11:58
manumarif i open in mozilla a script.pl it say me to download it11:58
kadukindus, and I want to upgrade her ekiga version which we use to talk11:58
induskaduk: can i give you a suggestion? Can you just try skype?11:58
milo_bazhang: thanks11:58
insmod<l0nwlf_>or just load a real desktop with no sound manager and play like fluxbox11:59
jribcycrosism: so you are never prompted for your password?11:59
manumarsomeone can help me please?11:59
cycrosismNope jrib11:59
induskaduk: also skype is encripted and it just gives you peace of mind11:59
cycrosismThis is my first time trying Ubuntu really..11:59
c_kornrob_p: I already tried the ping approach. but the problem is that ping does not exit after 2 seconds (for whatever reasons) when I am connected to my wireless network at university but not logged in with vpn11:59
l0nwlf_insmod: installing fluxbox then :)11:59
manumarjoder me cago en la puta12:00
indusmilo_: does wireless work on windows with this laptop?12:00
alexis__rob_p when the file / etc / passwd, the user is not the primary group that I want12:00
manumarayudadme ya cojones12:00
geirhac_korn: Maybe netcat is better. netcat -w 2 -z google.com 80 && echo connected || echo not connected12:00
bazhangmanumar, stop that12:00
manumarmariconazo de mierda que cojones haceis12:00
kadukindus, skype is broken12:00
milo_indus: yes. When I had windows before, it worked12:00
milo_bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194250/12:00
induskaduk: what do you mean broken12:00
rob_pc_korn, Ping has options you should explore.  With the correct switch, you should be able to do what you want.12:01
bazhangmilo_, I see no wireless devices there either12:01
milo_indus: but later on, it stopped working for some reasons i didn't know. Someone told me that my laptop doesn't have a wifi card12:01
kadukindus, it does not work for me, since I have 64bit system and skype is using obsolete libasound API which was removed from recent version, that would mean installing additional 32bit library of libasound12:01
manumarI need help with perl2 apache module12:01
mootzmilo_ : like i said not all wireless chipset is supported12:01
bazhang!ohmy | manumar12:01
ubottumanumar: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:01
l0nwlf_i have gnome running , to switch to fluxbox , will it be okay to simply pkill gdm and switch to fluxbox12:01
|RyanCan someone help me, again, please?12:01
c_kornrob_p: -w should do the trick. but it does not12:01
induskaduk: i too have 64 bit and skype is fine12:02
insmod<l0nwlf_>it may still block dsp if alsa-oss is not installed12:02
manumaranyone know?12:02
manumari will wait12:02
c_kornrob_p: brb. testing12:02
kadukindus, asound version?12:02
induskaduk: get skype from medibuntu12:02
milo_bazhang:how do you know if there is a wireless device or not?12:02
cycrosismSo jrib what sohuld I do?12:02
linduxedi booted ubuntu from a usb stick (made with the inbuilt ubuntu creator), and after a short time the progressbar during bootup dumps me into a busybox built-in shell12:02
kadukindus, I am not ubuntu uer12:02
bazhangmilo_, there is none that I can see12:02
linduxedi have no idea why12:02
kadukindus, I am on Debian, she has Ubuntu 32bit12:02
cycrosismI made the root password the same as this accounts one jrib12:02
linduxedtotally reproducible12:02
rob_palexis__, Are you sure you are doing, "usermod -g <newgroup> <user>" (with a space between usermod and -g)?  I only ask because when you posted, you didn't have a space between the command and the switch.12:03
linduxedevery time i boot i get this12:03
induskaduk: oh you cant install skype on ur system?12:03
l0nwlf_insmod: installed alsa-oss too12:03
milo_dazhang: damn12:03
insmod<milo_>looks loaded12:03
milo_insmod: loaded? what?12:03
jribcycrosism: it's probably a bug.  I've never used that feature so I don't know.  Setting a root password isn't necessary or recommonded and won't fix the issue.  You could try running that app with sudo.  Find out its name then run gksudo name_of_app12:03
kadukindus, I can but it needs huge load of 32bit libraries and compiling older version of libasound12:03
insmod<l0nwlf_>killa all sound apps or reboot easier then use flux and go!12:04
cycrosismjrib, how do i find out what the app is called?12:04
induskaduk: so now you want to install ekiga 3.0.2 on your girlfriends system am i correct?12:04
jribcycrosism: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu12:04
insmod<milo_>the card12:04
milo_mootz: so i can't use wireless even with the appropriate drivers?12:04
kadukindus, she has 3.0.2, we want 3.2.12:04
l0nwlf_insmod: ok , thanks12:04
induskaduk: cos you have 3.2?12:04
manumarsomeone know how to run great libapache2-mod-perl2?12:04
insmod<milo_>sure looks like it is working12:05
milo_insmod: any good suggestion to get it working?12:05
kadukindus, indeed, there are bug fixes12:05
kadukindus, for example stoping video with certain codecs we want to use12:05
insmod<milo_>what does ifconfig say12:05
kadukindus, which gives better quality12:05
milo_insmod: wait a minute i will paste it12:05
alexis__rob_p, if the switch is going to run it separately (usermod -g)12:05
rob_palexis__, Huh?12:06
linduxedi booted ubuntu from a usb stick (made with the inbuilt ubuntu creator), and after a short time the progressbar during bootup dumps me into a busybox built-in shell12:06
induskaduk: so you mean its not possible to install lates t version on intrepid?12:06
|RyanHow can I install drivers for m intel PCI card?12:06
milo_insmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194256/12:06
mootzmilo_ : well maybe yes..12:06
kadukindus, I could not find it, its only available for juanty, but I dont dare to upgrade her desktop since she has Intel gpu12:06
rob_palexis__, Just try it:  usermod -g newgroup user12:06
induskaduk: ya some bug with intel i heard12:07
kadukindus, and I cant fix stuff remotely12:07
cycrosismjrib, the name of the app is just display12:07
insmod<milo_>looks good surf12:07
milo_mootz: hmmm...12:07
bazhangmilo_, that looks like a ralink card12:07
jribcycrosism: I meant the command for it12:07
induskaduk: why dont you install the jaunty version on intrepid? it should be fine no?12:07
bazhangmilo_, what does sudo dhclient ra0 return (in terminal)12:08
cycrosismjrib, i did gksudo display12:08
cycrosismand nothing12:08
kadukindus, ekiga depends on many packages12:08
jribcycrosism: I mean, it's probably not display12:08
induskaduk: hmm but i think the packages are all available individually from the site12:08
bazhangindus, kaduk not a good idea to mix repos/packages from different versions of Ubuntu12:08
cycrosismjrib, gnome-display-properties12:08
jribcycrosism: gnome-display-properties, yes12:08
kadukbazhang, indeed12:08
drurewdrurew: could someone take a look at this and hit me with ideas of how this could happen ? thanks http://paste.ubuntu.com/194251/12:08
induskaduk: bazhang:agreed12:08
insmod<bazhang> just right the /etc/network/interfaces he is done12:08
alexis__rob_p, as you said earlier, the order is executed sudo usermod-G newgroup user12:09
kadukindus, I would dare to do that on Debian, but not on Ubuntu12:09
kadukI dont know Ubuntu12:09
bazhangmilo_, do you have a wifi hotspot to test it on12:09
induskaduk: so what other options do you have now12:09
jribdrurew: ubuntu version?12:09
milo_insmod - bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194260/12:09
insmodmilo: just right the /etc/network/interfaces he is done12:09
kadukindus, finding 3.2.x ekiga backports for Ubuntu interpid12:09
bazhangkaduk, any reason to get the higher version, apart from the bigger number?12:09
kadukindus, building from source12:09
induskaduk: that depends if anyone backported it yet12:09
kadukbazhang, yes codec bug fixes12:10
rob_palexis__, No.  I did not say that!  First, it's a lower case, "g" and second, there's supposed to be a space between the command and the switch!12:10
induskaduk: you will build it from source and your gf will use it how?12:10
c_kornrob_p: this works better. thanks12:10
insmodmilo: ya it is up just not started12:10
ajahhow to resize window of mplayer trough the terminal12:10
jribdrurew: there was a bug like that but it was fixed before release.  I would check the bug tracker for ideas until someone else chimes in12:10
milo_bazhang: like a wifi usb stick?12:10
insmodmilo: works great12:10
jribajah: check the -geometry switch in « man mplayer »12:10
kadukindus, ?12:11
bazhangmilo_, it seems there is a lease, though with the error may not be connected12:11
cycrosismjrib, Thank you for your help. Much appreciated12:11
alexis__rob_p, sorry, it's just like I'm doing (usermod -g newgroup user)12:11
ajahjrib k12:11
insmod<bazhang> hmm i just said that12:11
indusmilo_: i mean will your gf install it from her end?12:11
patrikHi, I wanna make a bootable usb stick from a windows xp iso. usb-creator doesn't work with windows isos. Any suggestions?12:11
induskaduk: sorry i dont think i can do much here12:11
rob_palexis__, Yup.  That's the correct syntax.12:11
bazhangpatrik, try ##windows for that12:12
drurewpatrik: it dont have the same linux installer so it wont be recognised as a bootable image12:12
insmod<bazhang> ifconfig ra0 down then up or right the interfaces done!12:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spoonfeed12:12
kadukindus, it would be great if someone could make backport, since 2.0.2 or 3.0.2 is really ancient version.12:12
bazhanginsmod, should do12:12
milo_indus: i don't understand12:12
bazhangrobp ??12:12
rob_pbazhang, Just curious, that's all.  :-)12:13
patrikbazhang: Well, the problem is that I don't have a bootable windows system so I need to do it from Ubuntu.12:13
indusmilo_: oops sorr y was meant for kaduk12:13
bazhangrob_p, please /msg ubottu for such jokes12:13
indusmilo_: bazhang: so he needs to start networking now?12:14
bazhangpatrik, usb-creator won't recognize it12:14
patrikbazhang: nope :(12:14
indus/etc/init.d/networking start?12:14
milo_insmod-bazhang-indus: in windows, when i used "Fn and F10" the wireless sign used to flash, but since i installed ubuntu, it doesn't anymore12:14
patrikbazhang: And just using dd doesn't seem to work12:14
alexis__rob_p, I still returning    usermod: no change12:14
bazhangmilo_, do you have the wifi switch set to off?12:14
indusmilo_: ya thats called the kill switch in ubuntu12:14
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geirhaalexis__: Sure it hasn't already changed it? "getent passwd <username>"12:15
rob_palexis__, Well, I don't know what else to tell you.  The command works.12:15
milo_bazhang-indus: where can i check that?12:15
indusmilo_: nvm it12:15
geirhaalexis__: Also note that you need to log in again in order for the membership to take effect12:15
indusmilo_: restart system if you think you have the drivers12:16
indusbazhang: milo:bazhang, did he install any drivers? sorry i havent followed your conversation12:16
milo_indus: bazhang: nope i didn't install any driver so far12:16
bazhangindus, the card is recognized and gets a lease, but there is an error when getting the lease12:17
bazhangmilo_, you don't need to12:17
indusbazhang: which is the card?12:17
milo_bazhang: there must be a problem somewhere then...12:17
insmodyou guys are running in circles12:18
alexis__rob_p, I will try to change the gid instead of the group name12:18
insmod<bazhang> it's done just bring it up12:18
gartralsystem just melted down virtually12:19
alexis__rob_p or changed directly in the file / etc / passwd12:19
alexis__rob_p, thank you very much for your patience12:20
milo_insmod: bazhang: indus: just hope i can get my wireless working.12:20
samphippencan I install the ubuntu netbook remix to a 2gb ssd?12:20
insmod<milo_>these two retards don't know what they are doing just make an /etc/network/interfaces or use ifconfig to bring it up12:21
bazhanginsmod, no need for that language12:22
drurewbazhang:  can you tell me what this might be ?http://paste.ubuntu.com/194251/12:22
milo_insmod: thanks, but easy. All of you guys are trying to help me and i appreciate that, even if it doesn't work12:22
insmod<bazhang> I also love to help when i don't know what to do12:23
indusinsmod: i didnt give him any advice btw so go fuck off12:23
bazhang!ohmy | indus12:24
ubottuindus: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:24
milo_insmod: bazhang:indus: got permission denied when i try /etc/network...12:24
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insmod<indus>so know you help him jerk off12:24
drurewmilo_: sudo (command12:24
indusbazhang: wow great he called you a retard and you are warning me?12:24
nqqqlni an12:25
nqqqlni am12:25
milo_drurew: im already in as root12:25
drurewmilo_:no idea ....12:25
bazhangdrurew, eth32?12:26
* insmod cat <indus> | grep > asshole12:26
milo_drurew: that's what i thought. there might be smthn wrong12:26
rob_pAlright guys... calm down and keep it family friendly!12:26
drurewbazhang: yeah after each boot eth get knocked up a notch , bang . like eth12 then eth2, eth3 etc . nervy it is12:27
milo_insmod: still there? What are the steps to bring it up?12:27
insmod<indus>ask <indus>12:28
bazhangdrurew, please paste the output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url12:28
drurewbazhang: notice how I assigned its correct mac address, however ifconfig keeps listing it as "other"12:28
bazhangdrurew, yes and the wmaster0/wlan0 issue12:28
drurewbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194275/12:29
|RyanHow can install my PCI network card?12:30
|RyanAnyone know?12:30
matrixblue|Ryan, what kind is it?12:30
bazhangdrurew, this is desktop or server?12:30
drurew|Ryan: what is it for a card?12:31
|RyanDell, I think.12:31
frankS2|Ryan: ifconfig -a check if its not already there12:31
paulo----can jaunty be burnt on a dvd?12:31
matrixblue|Ryan, have you already physically installed it?12:31
drurewbazhang: its my controller desktop12:31
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|RyanI have it installed on windows, on the same hard disc.12:31
|RyanAnd yeah, it's internal.12:32
paulo----i mean the installer12:32
qdbis ubuntu's repository publically anonymously available to look as directories with files? where is its address? i will search12:32
matrixblue|Ryan, Ubuntu doesn't work it it automatically I'm guessing. Which version of Ubuntu are you running?12:32
erUSULqdb: deb files ?12:33
drurew|Ryan: open a terminal : lspci, will give us some better input on your card and its chipset , just paste the line corresponding to your device12:33
bazhangdrurew, I seem to remember this issue, let me check the forums for a second12:33
qdberUSUL, yes12:33
Ampelbeinqdb: what are you trying to to? packages.ubuntu.com is a complete list of packages.12:33
Cry__Babywhats a good ftp client for ubuntu?12:33
frankS2Cry__Baby: lftp12:33
erUSULqdb: packages.ubuntu.com12:33
qdbAmpelbein, browse repository as directory12:33
Cry__BabyfrankS2: apt-get install lftp?12:33
qdbmay be through ftp12:33
Cry__BabyfrankS2: is it GUI?12:33
frankS2Cry__Baby: sure12:33
matrixblueCry__Baby, Filezilla12:34
Ampelbeinqdb: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/12:34
milo_insmod: ...?12:34
paulo----will i void my warranty if I dualboot vista and ubuntu on my laptop?12:34
Ampelbeinqdb: but i still don't get why you want to do thatß12:34
qdbthank you12:34
|RyanHow do i copy and paste a terminal line?12:34
Cry__Babymatrixblue: is filezilla in repos?12:34
chetnickCry__Baby: gftp12:34
matrixblueCry__Baby, yeah12:34
drurewpaulo----:no way !"!!!!12:34
insmod<milo_>i told you what to do12:34
Cry__Babygftp or filezilla?  lets take vote?12:34
Donnie|Ryan:  duh - EDIT12:34
Boohbahpaulo----: you could find that out by... reading the warranty12:35
|RyanI'm very new to ubuntu.12:35
Donnieso am i >.>12:35
Cry__Babygftp it is then12:35
milo_insmod: yes but i got permission denied12:35
matrixbluepaulo----, warranties are usually voided by doing hardware related stuff12:35
chetnickI have to be honest, i never tried filezilla12:35
Ampelbeinqdb: and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ is the correct address, had the wrong one in my clipboard.12:35
insmod<milo_>you need to be root12:35
=== Donnie is now known as millie`
drurew|Ryan: same like in windows, right click, copy then paste12:35
milo_insmod: i am actually, but still12:35
millie`so many users :|12:35
cadui tried making a USB stick from a 9.04 iso but the thing fails12:36
|RyanI was using theAwn Terminal.12:36
milo_insmod:i know it's weird, but it's also true12:36
insmod<milo_>not possible12:36
|RyanThe Awn*12:36
caduit BOOTS, ubuntu "progress bar" keeps going on12:36
matrixblue|Ryan, open the terminal and type lspci and copy and paste the output there into www.paste.ubuntu.com12:36
caduthen it drops me to a shell12:36
theFunzois there an easy to use program for ubuntu where you can make music?12:36
caduin a minimal enviroment, like all busybox12:36
=== root is now known as Guest30480
cadui think i'm inside the initrd that's it12:36
millie`Go look in your add or remove stuff :x duh :x12:36
matrixbluecadu,  does the live CD work on the same machine?12:36
cadumatrixblue: it's a netbook, no cdrom drive ;(12:37
cadumatrixblue: this was the reason last time i went with debian netinstall ;D12:37
cadureally wanna try ubuntu on this netbook12:37
cadunot much time to tweak everything from the ground up again12:37
drurew|Ryan: yes now which card is it that you want to install ?12:38
matrixblue|Ryan, good it's intel check their site for the drivers12:38
|RyanThe network card. ;o12:38
Cry__Babychetnick: yes gftp will be good12:38
|RyanI'm running from my ethernet atm.12:38
milo_insmod: take a look at what im getting "bash: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied"12:38
indusmilo_: how are things going , could you try iwconfig command in terminal12:38
matrixbluecadu, did you use the live usb creator or did you do a regular install on a usb flash drive?12:38
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insmod<milo_>you are doing itr wrong12:39
cadumatrixblue: i used the uNetbootIN app that people told me was a breeze...12:39
drurew|Ryan:wireless of ethernet?12:39
cadumatrixblue: ill try another way12:39
Armageddonhello, i closed nano by mistake ! but its still in the PS ! can i reopen it having the PID ?12:39
drurew|Ryan:* or12:39
indusmilo_: sudo iwconfig wlan0 up12:39
Cry__Babyis there a good small WYSIWYG Html editor?12:39
milo_indus: yes12:39
|RyanYeah, I wanna install a wireless adapter.12:39
matrixbluecadu, there's a built in Ubuntu live usb creator in the repos12:39
simplexioAmpelbein: with ctrl+z ? then "fg"12:39
drurew|Ryan: wireless, let me get you a link12:39
indusmilo_: did that already?12:39
sipiorArmageddon: not unless you started it with screen or the like, i'm afraid.12:39
matrixbluecadu it's installed by default on the live cd I believe12:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about BCM431112:40
Armageddonsimplexio: thanks !12:40
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:40
cadumatrixblue: cool12:41
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.12:41
cadumatrixblue: i'll try BOOTING the livecd and generating from there12:41
cadumatrixblue: must be way better than a general syslinux crappy rewriter thingy12:41
matrixbluecadu, good stuff12:41
|RyanI'm gonna try install those files, thanks alot :DDDD12:41
indusinsmod: if you can solve his problem why dont u?12:41
milo_indus: "wlan0     No such device"12:41
cadumatrixblue: thanks ;) trying right now ;P12:41
milo_insmod: please tell me how to do it correctly12:42
indusmilo_: sudo iwconfig ra0 up iam not sure this is right though12:42
milo_indus: ok i'll always try, but it doesn't recognize the command up12:43
indusmilo_: sudo ifconfig ra0 up iam not sure this is right though12:44
indussorry its ifconfig12:44
indusmilo_: sudo ifconfig ra0 up12:44
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|RyanDrurew: Where can I download b42-fwcutter from?12:45
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indusmilo_: now go and check in sytem>admin>networking under wireless devices12:46
milo_indus: do u want the output for both iwconfig ra0 and ifconfig ra0?12:46
bazhangmilo_, have you enabled the root account?12:46
indusmilo_: no only ifconfig ra0 up12:46
milo_bazhang: yes, but  i don't why i don't have some permissions12:47
bazhangmilo_, you are using sudo, or have set the root password12:47
drurew|Ryan: google it12:47
milo_bazhang: i entered sudo bash and typed my password12:47
bazhang!broadcom > |Ryan12:48
ubottu|Ryan, please see my private message12:48
bazhangmilo_, why did you do that. you only need to use sudo or gksudo12:48
jiel_jack_how to install delphi in ubuntu?12:49
milo_indus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194290/12:49
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milo_bazhang: oupps... i thought they were the same things. I can see im wrong12:49
manumarthis is correct?12:50
bazhangmilo_, you have a lease and are connected12:50
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milo_bazhang: please what the real difference between sudo, gksudo and sudo bash?12:52
bazhang!gksudo > milo_12:53
ubottumilo_, please see my private message12:53
rob_pmanumar, You should probably not combine the two vhosts but instead, create a separate vhost and then enable it with the, "a2ensite" command.12:53
bazhangmilo_, dont ask for help in cracking wireless here.12:53
milo_bazhang: it is not for backtrack12:54
nectaris there anyone who is having trouble with mounting sony mp3 player in 9.04?12:54
milo_bazhang: i installed vpnc on my laptop and i can't use it because it looks like my wifi card is not working12:54
mathewHello, there im abit stuck in ubuntu, i accidently pressed the button on my laptop to disable the touchpad , but when i press it again it doesnt re-enable it, i have even tried rebooting my laptop and it doesnt work. How do i get my touch pad working again Im finding it hard to use the computer without a mouse well touch pad and i aint got a spare mouse12:55
|RyanDrurew: I downloaded the b43-fwcutter, I don't understand what to next. I've extracted it. Now what?12:55
bazhangnectar, which apps have you tried? rhythmbox, gtkpod, banshee, etc12:55
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:55
drurew|Ryan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:56
mathewAny help in re enabling my touch pad :\12:56
fumbles? how'd to disable12:56
fumbles it12:56
mathewi press function button and f612:56
nectarbazhang, rhytmbox is working fine but i want to be able to use it like a storage device12:56
mathewbut it wouldn't re enable12:56
|RyanYeah, that's what I'm on.12:57
fumblesmathew: some combo of function and an F button probably12:57
nectarbazhang, i wish i could browse by using nautilus.12:57
|RyanHow do I install the package.12:57
J-_!touchpad > mathew12:57
ubottumathew, please see my private message12:57
milo_bazhang: i don't want help to crack wireless, but just to get my wireless working!12:57
mathewhow do i get to that, im in irssi12:57
Boohbahmathew: ctrl+n12:58
mathewctrl + n displays my last message12:58
Boohbahmathew: press it some more, ctrl+p too12:58
caduto crack wireless: Ctrl+F , Jump 2 times. you should see the password just about at the time you finish your second jump ;)12:58
matrixblue|Ryan,  b43-fwcutter is in synaptic. Open the package manager and search for it. It'll download and install for you12:58
nectarmathew goto system > preferences> mouse >touchpad an enable it12:58
mathewhow do i get there12:59
mathewwithout the mouse12:59
troythetechguyI'm considering switching from VMware to VirtualBox.  What are you hearing for the future of VirtualBox?12:59
nectarby using keybord use tab key12:59
milo_bazhang: is obuttu ur bot?12:59
EisRegeNtroythetechguy: Vbox is more free than VMware  ;)12:59
mathewit wont get up there12:59
Pici!bot | milo_12:59
ubottumilo_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:59
mathewive tried12:59
Boohbahtroythetechguy: well, oracle bought sun a couple months ago12:59
lompfongmathew, aptitude12:59
matrixbluetroythetechguy, we have no idea because Sun just hot bought by Oracle12:59
sipiormilo_: he's a community pet.12:59
troythetechguyBoohbah: Yeah, and that is why I'm concerned if VB will remain open & free.13:00
drurew|Ryan: what do you need help with exsactly13:00
Boohbahtroythetechguy: i imagine it will13:00
lompfongmathew, its the cli synaptics.13:00
milo_sipior: what's his role?13:00
jamiewanmathew: get a spare mouse or you should be able to tab about13:00
Picitroythetechguy: Why not ask in #vbox, where this would be more on-topic13:00
troythetechguySo it sounds like everything is still "up in the air" re: VB.13:00
mathewi aint got a spare13:00
|RyanI'm installing the firmware, via the snaptic installer13:01
sipiormilo_: it's all explained in the links Pici sent you.13:01
troythetechguyPici: Thanks, I did a search for "virtual box" , but did not find anything.  I'll try there.13:01
lompfongmathew, *sigh* alt+fX13:01
Cry__Babyhow can you make gftp save password for login?13:01
mathewalt fx?13:01
mathewwhats fx? fn?13:01
fumbles? huh13:01
lompfongmathew, yes. e.g. alt + F2 or F3 or FSOMETHING13:02
jamiewantry them all ant test it after each press13:02
|RyanOkay, I've installed the b43-fwcutter. Will my network card be installed and in-use when I reboot?13:02
anr78I have a laptop with ati graphics and a 1400x1050 resolution, and a docking station with a secondary display of 1900x1200 connected. Is there a way I can make compiz run with this config?13:02
matrixbluemathew, alt + f2 then gnome-mouse-properties13:03
mathewwhat should alt + f2 do13:03
mathewits not doing anything13:03
lompfongmathew, r u in X ?!!?!13:04
matrixbluemathew, in gnome it opens the run dialog13:04
mathewim in gnome13:04
|RyanOkay, I've installed the b43-fwcutter. Will my network card be installed and in-use when I reboot?13:04
mathewbut its not opening run13:04
lompfongmathew, the just open antoher terminal and do aptitude13:04
erUSUL|Ryan: you shouldn't need to reboot13:05
erUSUL|Ryan: reload the driver13:05
matrixbluemathew, are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?13:05
|RyanHow do I reload it?13:05
Cry__Babyhello Ryan13:05
erUSUL|Ryan: « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »13:05
mathewim using ubuntu13:05
matrixbluelompfong, I'm curious as to how aptitude would help him13:05
lompfongmatrixblue, he has no mouse and needs something no?13:05
matrixbluelompfong, he's trying to renable the trackpad13:06
mathewi got into mouse propteries but theres nothing about enable touchpad i got into system>preferences>mouse13:06
nectarmathew, pres Alt +F213:06
|RyanI *LOVE* you, Drurew.13:06
lompfongmatrixblue, by bad then13:06
matrixbluemathew, there isn't a tab that says trackpad?13:06
mathewit types ;3Q in here13:06
nectarthen type gnome-mouse-properties13:06
nectaruse arrow keys13:06
dollarbang1good morning13:07
dollarbang1can someone help me with snmp13:07
mathewin the mouse properties theres notihng about my touch pad there was before .... when i first installed i remember13:08
mathewi manged to open a terminal and type gnome-mouse-properties but it isnt in there13:08
matrixbluemathew, this means the touchpad is actually turned off physically. Maybe something in your BIOS can re-enable it13:08
milo_insmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194308/ this the output of my ifconfig, should i modify something?13:09
mathewits redicluous lol my unbuntu crashed  but my touchpad worked so i hit some f buttons to see if i could get anything else to react but it stop my touchpad from working13:10
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drurew|Ryan: who said love?13:10
drurew|Ryan: whats wrong13:10
Myrtti     /^msg chanserv op #ubuntu13:10
matrixbluemathew, talk about ironic13:10
mathewwhats ironic?13:11
matrixbluemathew you situation. but try using the function f5 outside of ubuntu13:11
matrixblueMyrtti, what did eternaljoy do?13:13
Myrttimatrixblue: evaded a ban13:13
matrixblueMyrtti, oh okay just curious13:14
zetheroois the ATI Technologies Inc RV370 secondary [Sapphire X550 Silent] card supported in Ubuntu Jaunty?13:14
cadumatrixblue: hey thanks for your help13:16
zetherooanyone in here?13:16
cadumatrixblue: i found a premade boot.img in ubuntu website13:17
oenonehelp on volume control13:17
cadumatrixblue: boots the installation in netinstall mode , using the text installer ! yeeehaw!13:17
matrixbluecadu, glad to be of assistance13:17
cadumatrixblue: even if i have the iso downloaded here it doesnt matter!!! japan's internet are so frigging fast that i can download it again via netinstall ;)13:17
* cadu is on an unmetered 100mbit/100mbit FTTH ;D13:18
oenonehelp on ubuntu please13:18
matrixbluecadu, wow!!!!!13:18
kalon33zetheroo : it seems supported, but I never tested13:18
oenoneneed help on volume control13:18
cadumatrixblue: i know! when i moved here i was using like puny 20mbit, now that i'm on FTTH, it's all glory dude!13:18
zetherookalon33: where do you find if its supported or not?13:19
muslihhelp KDENLIVE please...13:19
matrixbluecadu mine is 3 mbit13:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:19
cadumatrixblue: when i get japanese peers in p2p or japanese mirrors i easily reach 9/10MB per sec.... just frigging mind-blowing13:19
kalon33zetheroo: google, french ubuntu forums and support websites13:19
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zetherookalon33: you have a link?13:19
matrixbluecadu, wow......13:19
cadumatrixblue: in my home country (brazil) if you have like 5mbit, you can like show off while your friends drool like *WOW, 5..*13:20
zetherookalon33: where did you find its supported?13:20
matrixbluecadu, lol13:20
cadumatrixblue: i tell them i've already downloade stuff at the maximum rate my home network allows, and they treat me like crap ;D13:20
Picicadu, matrixblue: This is a support channel, if you want to chat you can join #ubuntu-offtopic or take the discussion to private message, thanks.13:20
caduPici: okay ;) sorry, got a little carried away.13:20
kalon33zetheroo, http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=168372 http://www.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-12637344-probleme-acceleration-graphique13:21
zetherookalon33: tks13:21
zetherookalon33: :) french ..13:21
kalon33zetheroo : I said to you "french ubuntu forums" ^^13:22
ibrahimhi. i installed ntfs-config on my ubuntu 9.04. But i can't see it on the applications menu (system tools). how can i geti it work?13:22
zetheroo kalon33: yeah .. no worries :)13:22
caduis Ext4 already safe to be used ?13:22
kalon33zetheroo : you prefer I search some in english ?13:22
caduare there some gains in using it with portable stuff like netbooks, longer commit time = a bit more runtime?13:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about forcedeth13:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:23
zetheroo kalon33: don't worry .. I can do that as well .. :) I am not that lazy - ha ... I was just hoping to find someone who had experience with it ...13:23
caduand, can ubuntu's grub already boot from ext4?13:23
kalon33cadu : it is considered as not full stable, but I'm having no trouble using it on my computer since a while, and it will be the default on install for karmic13:23
geirhacadu: Should be safe as soon as this is fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33082413:24
ibrahimhi. i installed ntfs-config on my ubuntu 9.04. But i can't see it on the applications menu (system tools). how can i geti it work?13:24
cadugeirha: just asked because it is available in the install....thought it was already being used extensively....well whatever, thanks ;P13:24
oenonehelp on volume control please13:24
Myrtticadu: it's available on install, but isn't offered by default13:25
sipioribrahim: try running "ntfs-config" from a terminal.13:25
Myrtticadu: there are bugs that prevent it from offered as such13:25
oenonehelp on volume control13:25
caduMyrtti: thanks , i'm going with the usual, ext313:25
sipioroenone: care to be more specific?13:25
caduMyrtti: being hearing good stuff on ReiserFS...heard it's a killer!13:25
oenonecan i control the volume of the media player with the volume controller on my desktop???13:26
sipioroenone: saying "my computer's broke" doesn't really give us much to go on13:26
deanyim using ext4 with no problems.  my friend still suffers from the "lockup upon deleting large files" bug tho.  he`s up to date too.13:26
namzezamhi, how to get hebrew dictionary file for local use for opendict ?13:26
Boohbahnamzezam: sudo apt-get install opendict-plugins-lingvosoft13:27
sipioroenone: i think the resulting sound level is more or less the product of the application and master volume settings, so you could change either one.13:27
koichirosehello, I just pressed ctrl-x to cut a file from the desktop to another folder. Upon pasting it seems that nautilus crashed and restarted and my desktop is now totally empty (although I see the contents from nautilus). It's the second time, what could it be? 904 x6413:27
OOThello ubuntuers...13:27
Boohbah!hi | OOT13:27
ubottuOOT: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:27
oenoneso if i want to change the volume on the music that im playing , i have to lower it on the volume control of my media player ???13:28
geirhakoichirose: nautilus is responsible for drawing the desktop, so it sounds like it failed to start the desktop-part when it got restarted. Try restarting it manually with "killall nautilus"13:28
zirodayoenone: or through pulseaudio13:28
namzezamhi, how to get Hebrew dictionary file for local use for opendict ?13:29
OOTI have problem with configuring IRCD daemon... please someone be so kind to guide me...13:29
sipioroenone: yes, or the master volume, whichever.13:29
koichirosegeirha: no luck13:29
geirhakoichirose: Hm. Try running "nautlius --check" Does it show any problems?13:30
geirhakoichirose: sorry, nautilus --check13:30
koichirosegeirha:  mm no, a series of 'running nautilus_self_check......'13:31
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koichirosegeirha: if I reboot it usually works13:31
jamiewanHi anyone know of an up to date list of compatible printers for Ubuntu gotta buy a new one13:32
geirhakoichirose: Open ~/.xsession-errors in an editor. See if you see any error messages from nautilus13:33
zirodayjamiewan: nearly all HP printers work, they are a safe bet13:33
zirodayjamiewan: usually its more helpful to find a printer you want to buy, and then seeing how compatible it is :)13:34
jamiewanthank you ziroday, is it true that if OS listed is mac that it will work with linux13:34
zirodayjamiewan: not that I know of13:34
zirodayjamiewan: but both macs and ubuntu use CUPS, so that could be the case13:35
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)13:35
skyfollywhat is it with this exception emask thing, so annoying13:35
Myrtti!printing | jamiewan13:35
ubottujamiewan: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:35
zetheroowill this driver work in Ubuntu 9.04?  I don't really get what all that text means about moving to legacy etc ...        http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
jamiewanziroday, ubottu ok cheers13:35
koichirosegeirha: should I look for something specific? It seems it logs pretty much everything and this happened about an hour ago (and there's no timestamp)13:36
zirodayzetheroo: if you are trying to use the old fglrx driver it won't as it won't compile against the new Xserver in jaunty13:36
alyjoin #ubuntu-fr13:36
aly\join #ubuntu-fr13:37
zetherooziroday: so in effect this card (X550) will not work in Jaunty?13:37
koichirosegeirha: Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed.13:37
zirodayzetheroo: what does lspci | grep VGA output?13:37
zetherooziroday: ATI Technologies Inc RV370 [Sapphire X550 Silent]13:37
turneralexHeyyyy im trying to install ubuntu on a sparc machine and the installer crashes just after "detecting disks and other hardware"  any ideas??13:38
zetherooziroday: I am inquiring on behalf of my father-in-law who has this card13:38
legend2440is ther an up to date list of video cards that work with Jaunty. ever since the upgrade from xserver 1.5 to 1.6 my radeon 9600 tv out has stopped working13:38
zetherooziroday: and he wants to upgrade to 9.04 ... but is under the impression that the card is not supported13:38
zirodayzetheroo: the open source radeon driver supports that card, doing the upgrade will automagically migrate him to that13:38
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:38
legend2440exodus_ms: thanks13:39
Boohbahturneralex: which version? i don't think recent releases support sparc13:39
zirodayzetheroo: he is correct that the closed source fglrx driver no longer supports that card, but the open source radeon driver does13:39
klenixhow to exploring file inside Nokia 6630 which connected via usb to pc with ubuntu Jaunty.13:39
zirodaylegend2440: that card should be supported by the -radeon driver13:39
zetherooziroday: and can Desktop Effects work with the os driver?13:39
turneralexBoohbah: not to usre13:39
zirodayzetheroo: yes13:39
shashwatIs rhere any good graphcal bootloader?13:40
turneralexthe only one i could find onuybuntu.org13:40
alyziroday, zetheroo, i think that ati catalyst 9.3 supports this card13:40
Myrttiklenix: turn the file transfer mode on when connecting cable and you're good to go13:40
m1chaeli have a new ubuntu server.. (never used ubuntu before. coming from freebsd..)  .. im trying to get postfix running.. (i guess there is no MTA enabled by default?) i see this article. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix # is this the way i should install it? "sudo aptitude install postfix" ??/13:40
zetherooaly: yes .. but the driver will not work in 9.0413:40
exodus_mslegend2440, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36914613:40
zirodaym1chael: yep, that's how you should install it13:40
zetherooziroday: thank you for clearing that up13:40
alyzetheroo, it seems to me that there is a trick to make it work in 9.0413:41
zetherooaly: could you email the info to me? .. I have to run out ...13:41
exodus_mslegend2440, I haven't looked at this whole thread but it looks like it might help as well --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7110739&postcount=2313:41
turneralexBoohbah: The latest sparc distro on ubuntu.org :S13:41
Boohbahshashwat: there is grubsplash but it just gives you a background image for the text version of grub13:41
alyzetheroo, i've readed it in ubuntu-frs' doc13:41
klenixMyrtti: when connecting, there is no option.13:41
Boohbahturneralex: so, 6.06?13:41
roy_hobbsHey can someone help me out, I'm trying to do a "Frugal" install from Unetbootin.  I set it up on the windows end, but then when I boot to Ubuntu Live and run Ubiquity, the partition manager doesn't see the Hard drive13:41
turneralexBoohbah:  thats the oneee13:42
Myrttiklenix: on your phone?13:42
Myrttiklenix: should be!13:42
alyzetheroo, well it's a french doc, but let me find you the english one13:42
m1chaeli chose 'no configuration' with postfix.. was that bad?13:42
Boohbahm1chael: it means you'll have to configure it manually13:42
zetherooaly: I am PMing you ... can you see?13:42
Boohbahm1chael: what version of ubuntu?13:43
klenixMyrtti: there is no option on this phone. but on my another hp, G502-SE there is option.13:43
legend2440ziroday: yes i agree it should. tv out works great with intrepid and fglrx but with Jaunty and the radeon drivers tv out just flips like a vertical hold problem. that happened with intrepid also but i was able to fix it with  Option TvStandard  ntsc in xorg.conf. but nothing fixes it with Jaunty13:43
alyzetheroo, yeah13:43
sipiorm1chael: depends on whether you wanted to use your machine as a mail server or not, i imagine :-)13:43
zirodaylegend2440: hmm I don't know about that specific problem. #radeon might13:43
legend2440ziroday: ok thanks13:44
zirodaym1chael: no it means you just have to configure it manually yourself13:44
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royalwarecastare there any apps can compile jad file from jar in linux13:44
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royalwarecasteven without GUI is OK13:45
OOTHelp me... how to grab raw dv with dvgrab?13:45
annimaris there a sane way to get a lexmark x5150 to work in jaunty13:45
m1chaelUbuntu Ubuntu 8.04-64 LAMP13:45
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shashwatk then is  there anything else boohbah13:47
skyfollyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/279693 is this kinda bug solved, i am getting the same thing under 9.0413:47
grawityroyalwarecast: Just a guess: unzip something.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF; mv MANIFEST.MF something.jad; echo "MIDlet-Jar-URL: something.jar" >> something.jad13:47
sipiorm1chael: you can always try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix", if you want a do-over.13:47
royalwarecastgrawity, I tried so but when I use the jad file in sun twk , it cannot be run13:49
grawityroyalwarecast: What does the "sun twk" say?13:50
sipiorskyfolly: if you're seeing the bug under jaunty, that kind of answers your question, doesn't it? :-)13:50
royalwarecastgrawity,  sorry it's sun wtk "wireless toolkit"13:51
PointManwhats the default password for root on 8.04 lts?13:51
grawityPointMan: There's none.13:51
zarnickguys, I don't know why, but every time I restart my UNB Remix the gnome-panel won't start, can anyone help me?13:51
grawity!root | PointMan13:51
ubottuPointMan: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:51
PointManthen why does my sudo ls / fail?13:52
grawityPointMan: Because 'sudo' asks for _your_ password.13:52
PointManah true13:52
PointManthanks :)13:52
ph|berhey guys.. in 9.04.. and using pidgin, how do you stop the damn popup alert of someone online?13:53
electroweakhi guys I am using nvidia restricted drivers on 9.04. when I startup my computer now I am stuck with 800x600 resolution. what should I do to get it fixed13:55
skyfollysipior: eh?13:55
geirhakoichirose: (sorry, was afk a bit) Might be an idea to check .xsession-errors right after the next time it happens then. And possibly add it to a bug report.13:55
geirhakoichirose: Also, instead of restarting, logging out and back in again will likely get nautilus back on track.13:56
jamiewanelectroweak: system - prefrences - display13:57
Ravn1hi ppl, I managed to do something stupid, I wanted to test wicd instead of networkManager, so I installed it. This of course removed nm, so the network connection broke down. The it turned out wicd does not work (can not connect to wired or wireless networks). But now I can't get the network up again, so now I can not reinstall nm. How do I get the network up w.o. nm?13:57
geirhaph|ber: Isn't there an Edit -> Preferences option in pidgin? It's probably an option in there somewhere13:58
ph|bergeirha: its only sounds.13:58
SqueakyNebHey hey everyone13:58
adam7Ravn1: did you make sure to set the correct interfaces in the preferences in wicd?13:58
zarnickand this goes as well with window decorations13:58
derspanksterRavn1, I run WICD without issue, when you install it, it removes NM by default13:58
alyRavn1, wicd just work fine13:59
zarnickany help?13:59
Ravn1no, not for me, I would now like to know how to get ethernet with dhcp up again from command line or something13:59
sipiorRavn1: do you normally get an ip addredd via dhcp? you can try "sudo dhclient <interface>".13:59
adam7Ravn1: plug the ethernet cable in and just run sudo dhclient14:00
bazhangRavn1, sudo dhclient eth014:00
geirhaph|ber: Hm, then it's probably a plugin that does those notifications, so look at the plugins and try to disable whichever looks like the best candidate14:00
derspanksterThe only issue I've had with WICD is that I had to manually enter my server's IP in my hosts file to browse the network.14:00
electroweakjamiewan, when I tried that it says something like my run nvidia-xconfig as root. I did but nothing happens14:00
ph|berahh.. yeop.. thanks14:00
adam7Ravn1: but it might be worth checking the interface settings in wicd's preferences14:00
SqueakyNebIs it possible to get linux to use a wireless card and act as a wireless router?14:00
adam7SqueakyNeb: some cards can do it14:00
Domniccan i get all the plugins for kubuntu 9.04 offline14:01
sipiorderspankster: telling him that he *shouldn't* have problems with wicd doesn't really help if it turns out he *does* have problems with wicd, you know?14:01
Domnici mean some pack or something14:01
jamiewanelectroweak: does it ask you if you want to run your graphics drivers vendors tool?14:01
w0ls0nI have a rosewill controller card with IDE/SATA on it. How can I tell if its supported in ubuntu desktop 9?14:01
electroweakjamiewan, yes it asks that14:01
SqueakyNebadam7, How can you find out which can, and how would you do it, anyhow??14:02
jamiewanelectroweak: so you hit ok and what happens?14:02
Ravn1sipior, adam7 and bazhang: I tried that, but I cant get the network up still; I get the error execve (/sbin/dhclient-script, ...): Permission denied...14:02
adam7SqueakyNeb: Atheros cards can14:02
derspankstersipior: yes, that is true, I was just stating that WICD does works and illustrated the one issue I had with it and how I resolved it.14:02
sipiorRavn1: you're using sudo, yes?14:02
adam7Ravn1: chances are that is why wicd doesn't work also14:02
bazhangRavn1, what does ifconfig show14:02
DomnicSqueakyNeb: can u help me ?14:02
SqueakyNebadam7, is that a brand, or just a type of card? i'm pretty sure I have intel wireless PRO or something...14:03
SqueakyNebDomnic, whats ya problem?14:03
adam7SqueakyNeb: it's a type of chipset14:03
DomnicI want to have all the libraries that are required for Kubuntu 9.0414:03
SqueakyNebadam7, is it possible that a intel based laptop could do it?14:03
Ravn1bazhang: eth0 does not have and IP, but when I did dhclient eth0 I get and IP it says... just the error after14:03
adam7SqueakyNeb: if you want to make an access point, it's probably easier to buy a Linksys WRT54GL or something that can run custom firmware and use that14:03
sharetelhi I have installed Ubuntu but cannot see the Windows machines in Places>Network14:03
Domnici dont have net on my terminal14:03
sharetelit merely shows Windows but clicking on the icon gives a blank14:04
adam7SqueakyNeb: I don't know, I don't have an Intel based laptop, but AFAIK, it's not14:04
Domnicso its very hard to get all exactly by dependencies14:04
w0ls0nsharetel: try putting your machine in the same windows workgroup14:04
adam7SqueakyNeb: at least, I've never heard of it being done14:04
w0ls0nI have a rosewill controller card with IDE/SATA on it. How can I tell if its supported in ubuntu desktop 9?14:04
electroweakjamiewan, a window comes titled nvidia x sever settings but there is not much to do on it just enable tooltips etc14:04
bazhangRavn1, prefacing it with sudo ?14:04
alyI could use some help on a dbus issue i think, here is the thing : EVERY time i start X server, gnome-setting-deamons tells me after making me wait an eternity that he couldn't start, and then i get my desktop with no theme or anyting, and 3 minutes later, everything comes back to normal, like nothing never happened. It's annying and i'm almost afraid to reboot and face those 10minutes of waiting before getting something on my desktop. can14:04
alyanyone help me?14:04
Ravn1bazh: yes14:04
SqueakyNebDomnic, use the Synaptic manager (or aptitude) and it should automatically get what you need, but I dont know how to reconifigure it to open up KDE14:05
sharetelcan you please help me with it...how do I put it in the same Windows workgroup?14:05
adam7Ravn1: can you pastebin the entire sudo dhclient eth0 output?14:05
bazhangRavn1, what chipset for that nic14:05
sharetelits in the same intranet ip adresses14:05
sipioraly: do you have an entry for localhost in /etc/hosts?14:05
jamiewanelectroweak: what graphics card have you got14:05
adam7Ravn1: and if dhclient doesn't work, that's why Wicd won't work either14:05
onyxso what is cowsay good for14:05
adam7onyx: making cows say things?14:05
alysipior, Yes14:06
Ravn1adam7: no sorry, since I have no network =)14:06
adam7Ravn1: ah14:06
adam7Ravn1: can you set a static ip?14:06
adam7Ravn1: I can give you the command if you know what ips to use14:06
Ravn1dunno, hows that done?14:06
electroweakjamiewan, nvidia fx5200. I don't have to use that driver I just need 1024x768 resolution14:06
alysipior, if it can help, there is also, when i do Ctrl + Alt + F1, a message telling me that scim couldn't load X11 fonts, or something like that14:07
adam7Ravn1: sudo ifconfig eth0 my.ip.goes.here netmask my.net.mask.here broadcast my.broad.cast.here14:07
sipioraly: have a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, see if there are any obvious errors14:07
adam7Ravn1: obviously, replace the appropriate my.something.goes.here stuff with IPs14:07
SqueakyNebadam7, does static IP only need to be set locally, or on the router, or both?14:07
adam7SqueakyNeb: only on the client computer14:07
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adam7SqueakyNeb: but you have to know what IP you can use14:07
electroweakjamiewan, can I use instead opensource drivers and get that resolution14:08
ascheelAnybody know the name of the program that gives you a visual pie chart of your HDD?14:08
adam7ascheel: baobab14:09
DomnicSqueakyNeb: there is actually 1 major problem i dont have net on my terminal . How do u i get the libraries needed14:09
ascheeladam7, trying it out14:09
SqueakyNebadam7, I can tell DHCP to start the IP's at, if I pick 59 (example) will that work fine?14:09
adam7SqueakyNeb: should do14:09
derspanksterelectrotweak, have you tried sudo displayconfig-gtk?14:09
hoo-hahhi guuys. I use zsh as shell. anyone know why .zprofile is sourced by root during boot? ie, the stuff i have in zprofile is activated before I even login as the user, upon system boot14:09
jamiewanelectroweak: not sure, iv'e got 9800gt nvidia which must have many more options cause mine can change it all.14:10
SqueakyNebdomnic, hmm... there shuld be a way to do that, I think  I did it once. gimme a minute to think14:10
Domnicu will really save my time then SqueakyNeb just help me dude14:10
adam7Domnic, SqueakyNeb: you can go to packages.ubuntu.com to get what you need14:10
jamiewanelectroweak: sorry mate prob pose the question again and wait, i'm sure someone will be able to help you if you can idle on channel for a bit14:11
Pici!offline | Domnic14:11
ubottuDomnic: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD14:11
hoo-hahideally I want to use keychain (gpg-agent and ssh-agent) to enter my passphrase via .zprofile, but as this is sourced at boot, I'm unable to enter in passphrase (no stdin)14:11
Domnicadam7: its not that simple because there are lots of dependencies and cyclic pages involved14:11
adam7Domnic: see what Pici gave you ^^^14:11
richjDominic, aptOncd would prob work well14:11
electroweakjamiewan, thanks dude I will hang out14:11
DomnicI dont have net on my terminal guys !!!14:12
Domnici m currently on windows xp14:12
SqueakyNebDomnic, Last time I installed stuff on a internet-less linux box, I used another computer to find the dependancies, then manually downloaded them. I then used a thumbdrive to move it to the linux box and installed manually14:12
PiciDomnic: See  http://apt.alturl.com/  then14:12
sipiorhoo-hah: you can simply modify the boot script so that it isn't. but why would your personal profile be sourced at boot? sounds like an error in the script, frankly.14:12
alysipior, Nothing i could find14:12
m1chaelthe ubuntu docs are really nice14:12
derspanksterelectroweak, you want to change display resolution?14:12
hoo-hahsipior: exactly14:12
alysipior, but when i wanted to launch gedit, it told me /usr/share/themes/Crux/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:37: Invalid symbolic color 'fg_color'14:12
aly/usr/share/themes/Crux/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:37: error: invalid identifier `fg_color', expected valid identifier14:12
hoo-hahsipior: .zprofile for non-root user shouldn't be14:12
hoo-hahsipior: there's no error in the script, and even if it was, it wouldn't explain why the file is sourced14:13
SqueakyNebPici, I checked it out, doesnt help him much. Nonetheless a useful site.14:13
electroweakderspankster, yes I want to make it 1024x76814:13
derspanksterelectroweak, from terminal sudo displayconfig-gtk14:14
DomnicPici thanx a lottttttttttttttttttttt14:14
SqueakyNebPici, Something like that, but with a dependancies wizard of some sort14:14
richjelectroweak, does 1024x768 show up in cmdline: xrandr14:14
sipioraly: sounds like you may have a broken gnome installation.14:14
esdeUbuntu netbook remix 9.04, how do i "Force" wireless to be on. There is an active network in range, and i want to connect to it. But the wlan0 does not list any networks with "iwlist wlan0 scan".14:14
caduhey guys14:14
cadui want a small window manager that supports all the standards freedesktop has been setting these days14:15
electroweakrichj, no highest is 800x60014:15
PiciSqueakyNeb: That does do dependencies...14:15
cadui would like something as cool and fast/small as WMii but with proper stuff like y'know, System Tray and other stuff that's pretty standard everywhere else14:15
electroweakrichj, everything was fine until this morning when I turn it on this morning everything was messed up14:15
SqueakyNebPici, Really? I didn't get told about any before downloading things... hmm.14:15
richjelectroweak, did you install any updates?14:16
rickard_I have downloaded a utililty.. "soapui" and when I extract the content i have a bin folder with .sh filer... running them using ./soapui.sh doesnt work.. what shall I do?14:16
cadutiling window manager or not, i would like an wmii or blackbox (minimal) window manager with support for standards14:16
DomnicOh it works great thanx  again pici14:16
electroweakrichj, my brother says he did last night14:16
sipiorrickard_: make it executable via "chmod u+x ..."14:16
sipiorrickard_: or just run it as "sh soapui,sh"14:17
richjelectroweak, almost definately a xorg 1.6 causing the problem14:17
electroweakrichj, is there a way to fix it14:17
esdeUbuntu netbook remix 9.04, how do i "Force" wireless to be on. There is an active network in range, and i want to connect to it. But the wlan0 does not list any networks with "iwlist wlan0 scan".14:17
richjelectroweak, I think an xorg.conf edit should work14:17
richjcan you paste bin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:18
rickard_sipior: Now it complains that java not found... I have java installed.. shall it be installed in that folder?14:18
sipiorrickard_: no, it probably just isn't bright about looking for java. are you sure there's no package for what you want via ubuntu? might save you a deal of trouble.14:19
electroweakrichj, in xorg.conf there are just "configured video device" "configured monitor" and stuff like that14:19
esdeso no help?14:19
richjis there a modline entry?14:19
rickard_sipior: there is no package.. :(14:20
Pici!patience | esde14:20
ubottuesde: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:20
alysipior, how do i reinstall gnome?14:20
esdePici: lol14:20
richjelectroweak, is there a modline entry under monitor section14:20
alysipior, i'm ready to do whatever it takes14:20
derspankstermy bad, apparently displayconfig-gtk doesn't exist in Jaunty14:21
sipioraly: might try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome"14:21
electroweakrichj, nope just "identifier configured monitor"14:21
sipioraly: hopefully that will get you back to the status quo ante.14:21
alysipior, i'll try it and tell you14:21
richjelectroweak,  are you using a lcd monitor?14:22
electroweakrichj, no crt14:22
esdeUbuntu netbook remix 9.04, how do i "Force" wireless to be on. There is an active network in range, and i want to connect to it. But the wlan0 does not list any networks with "iwlist wlan0 scan".14:23
esdesoirry im Very impatient14:23
richjelectroweak, add this under the monitor section. Modeline "1024x768_75.00" 81.80 1024 1080 1192 1360 768 769 772 802 -HSync +VSync14:24
bazhangesde, what does ifconfig show14:24
richjelectroweak, on one line. cmdline: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:24
bazhang!gksudo | richj  electroweak14:24
ubotturichj  electroweak: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:24
gletobHow do you keep keyring from asking for a password?14:25
Ravn1where can I find deb-packages and download manually?14:25
FtMoVasalve a tutti14:25
esdebazhang: it show up in the NIC list14:25
FtMoVafind to google14:25
esdebut it doesnt show active networks14:26
bazhang!it | FtMoVa14:26
ubottuFtMoVa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:26
bazhangesde, please paste.ubuntu.com with the output14:26
bazhangRavn1, which packages14:26
gletobHow do you keep keyring from asking for a password?14:27
electroweakrichj, ok now I think I should restart now14:28
richjelectroweak, yes14:28
PiciRavn1: http://packages.ubuntu.com is one place14:28
runskyi can't start my gnome-do by super+space14:30
esdehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/194361/ bazhang14:30
runskyi can't start my gnome-do by super+space14:30
scott\hey guys, can someone tell me how to enable XDMCP on 9.04 please?14:30
gartralhey all, is there any way I can pipe the output of locate into rm and have rm remove all results from locate?14:30
geirhascott\: System -> Administration -> Login screen -> [remote] tab14:31
runskyi can't start my gnome-do by super+space14:31
sipiorgartral: yes, have a look at "xargs"14:31
bazhangesde, you have a wifi hotspot to test on?14:31
runskyi can't start my gnome-do by super+space14:31
scott\how on earth did i miss that14:31
rexwingartral , locate name | xargs rm14:32
sipiorgartral: careful with that, though, especially if running as the superuser. check the output of locate before piping to xargs :-)14:32
scott\geirha: any ideas on why the connection would be refused?14:32
scott\gartral: it works fine, but they keyboard layout seems a bit whacked14:38
[Gloom]I'm trying powertop and I have a couple of doubts. Are the changes that powertop makes permanent, or should I run powertop on each reboot. And Are those settings ignored when on AC power, or can they affect performance while in Ac power?14:38
gartralscott\: ???14:38
[Gloom]I'm trying powertop and I have a couple of doubts. Are the changes that powertop makes permanent, or should I run powertop on each reboot. And Are those settings ignored when on AC power, or can they affect performance while in Ac power?14:39
scott\gartral: at the login window its fine, but when i'm logged in at the desktop, the keys are completely wrong14:39
[Gloom]sorry for the double post. Didn't appear the first time on my screen for a while:(14:39
scott\seems to be okay now14:39
scott\wrong layout14:39
gartralscott\: I don't think I was helping you with any problems >.>14:40
scott\oh no, it was geirha14:40
* HttpError is now away: I have left the computer. i will be back.14:40
scott\my bad :)14:40
Pici!away > HttpError14:41
ubottuHttpError, please see my private message14:41
=== defcon is now known as Guest41527
HttpErrori thoiught i had turned it off14:41
gartralsipior: Thank You very very much, that did the trick as expected14:41
scott\hmm, it is possible for xdmcp to keep my desktop 'running' when i logout?14:41
matlockwow, interesting14:42
matlockis anyone alive in here?14:43
matlockhey richj ...14:43
matlockI am happy I have found this... I downloaded OPERA today, and well... found IRC within it, and now am checking things out14:44
matlockbut... there is more, I have a computer I have loaded Ubuntu onto... and am new to any kind of Linux... so, I am assuming I can use this channel for some support... in future14:45
Picimatlock: Indeed, this is the official Ubuntu support channel.14:45
richjmatlock, yes this is a support channel :)14:46
matlockAwesome... well, I will remember this!14:46
matlockanyway, just so I am not wasting your time etc... will leave for now, and be back later14:46
=== ursula__ is now known as Ursinha
esdeokay now i have no wireless at all. Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04/14:46
freakynldoes ubuntu have a php package or something that allows for filesharing? only authorized users should be able to access files, either through something like entering a password for the file, e-mailing some ugly (protected) URL or authentication14:46
bazhangesde, what chipset /netbook14:47
esdeAcer Aspire One. AOA150-163514:47
SiVA_when my sound all of a sudden stops working, what can I do short of restarting the computer? Any process I can kill?14:48
bcurtiswx-minifreakynl: have you tried using "connect to server"14:48
freakynlbcurtiswx-mini: ? needs to be exposed through website so other can download confidential files from here.14:48
bcurtiswx-minifreaknyl: looked into an ftp server?14:49
freakynlbcurtiswx-mini: or ftp, but ftp ... isn't really easy and far from secure. unless it's sftp or ftps but that usually requires the other side to install a client14:49
slava_dpSiVA_, modprobe -r your_module_for_sound && modprobe it back :) should do the job.14:49
esdebazhang, its weird how it was there and not working, and now it isnt there at all.14:49
hikenboothello can anyone tell me if Ubuntu Server 9.1 has a firewall installed by default14:50
bazhangmodprobe -r ath5k acer_wmi; modprobe ath5k esde what does that output (if anything)14:50
bcurtiswx-minifreaknyl: i am not sure entirely, but most other apps would require the other user to download a client14:50
richjfreaky_t, 1 option is to use xampp webserver with sql database of users and a php script to provide the functionality14:50
freakynlbcurtiswx-mini: and it should be configurable by users i'm afraid14:50
esdeesde@esde-laptop:~$ modprobe -r ath5k acer_wm14:50
esdeFATAL: Module acer_wm not found.14:51
esdeesde@esde-laptop:~$ modprobe -r ath5k14:51
sipiorhikenboot: it's not active by default, but the capacity is there, yes. (i assume you mean 9.04?)14:51
FloodBot3esde: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
esdeoh hush FloodBot114:51
bazhangesde, preface with sudo sorry14:51
freakynlbcurtiswx-mini: nah, there are several companies offering such functions through their website, but most of them start charging for files larger than x mb and they don't actually want to trust such services here either. it's not like you can see how they secure stuff, mostly you don't even know who maintains it14:51
esdebazhang, it just goes to a new line. no output.14:52
bazhangsudo modprobe -r ath5k acer_wmi; modprobe ath5k  esde14:52
bazhangesde, wmi not wm14:52
bcurtiswx-minifreaknyl: hmm, usually those sites list what programs they use.. im guessing some may be windows only... but if you can find one that in the ubuntu repositories then i'd fly with that14:52
gruzin0use /nick <newname>14:52
bazhangesde, and does ifconfig show correct nic now (something like ath0)14:52
droneCould someone please tell me what version.h and utsrelease.h are for ? Upon trying to compile a raid driver for my mobo, I'm getting an error saying these two files don't exist.14:53
gruzin0use /nick <gruzin0>14:53
[Gloom]is anyone using laptop_mode  for better power management in jaunty??14:53
bcurtiswx-miniesde: for multi line pastes.. use paste.ubuntu.com14:53
droneor better yet, where do I find them?14:53
esdei know bcurtiswx-mini14:53
bcurtiswx-miniesde: ok, cool :)14:53
milo_can someone tell me why the command "kdesu" doesn't work in my terminal?14:53
freakynlbcurtiswx-mini: well i can find several on hotscripts or something, but it would be nicest if the server has as little maintenance as necessary and can just apt-get upgrade on it's own once a week or something14:54
bazhangmilo_, ubuntu or kubuntu14:54
esdehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/194379/ bazhang14:54
milo_bazhang: ubuntu14:54
bazhang!gksudo | milo_14:54
ubottumilo_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:54
sipiordrone: try installing the linux-headers package for your kernel.14:54
bcurtiswx-minifreaknyl: oh don't we all :).. i don't know of any that specific.. sorry about that.14:54
milo_bazhang: thanks14:55
bazhangesde, hoped that was ifconfig :)14:55
dronesipior: I already did and I sym linked them to a directory according to the directions in the README file that came with the drivers. Should I try to just reinstall them ?14:55
esdeoh let me do that14:55
bazhangmilo_, yw14:55
esdebazhang, all i get is eth0 and lo14:56
bcurtiswx-minifreakynl: are you using ubuntu server edition?14:56
freakynlbcurtiswx-mini: yup14:56
freakynllts one14:56
milo_bazhang: im even reading the link you gave me14:56
electroweakrichj, didn't work either. is there a way to just drop nvidia driver and use open source driver instead. do you think that helps14:56
SiVA_slava_dp: How do I determine what sound module I"m using?14:56
bcurtiswx-minifreakynl: you may get someone who knows of a program in #ubuntu-server14:56
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne from this esde14:56
esde-.- i used that page before, lol. one big headache.14:57
sipiordrone: what symlink did it tell you to make?14:57
esdethis is why i have Netbook Remix14:57
SiVA_I think it's ALSA14:57
dronesipior: the error reads: cat: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h: No such file or directory cat: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/utsrelease.h: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.14:57
bazhangesde, that is about the netbook remix14:57
slava_dpSiVA_, lsmod then look for anything named snd*14:57
dronesipior: it told me to create a /usr/src/linux dir and then linux the contents of the linux-headers dir to that14:57
dronesipior: whoops14:58
baker_GRif im connected to two different networks, one though ethernet and one through wifi, how can i choose which of this is to download for example through internet?14:58
SiVA_slava_dp: snd_hda_intel ?14:58
SiVA_there are a bunch14:58
slava_dpSiVA_, correct.14:58
dronesipior: I meant that it made me create /usr/src/linux dir and then sym link contents of linux-headers dir to the /usr/src/linux dir14:58
hemanthhow to get the name of the usb media which is mounted in a script ?14:58
mdmbaker_GR: routing, and set your default route to that network14:58
sipiordrone: you've verified that the files are not found in the stated path?14:59
dronesipior: yes, I went into the path and could not find either one of them14:59
electroweakguys I am stuck 640x480 resolution I am using nividia fx5200 driver on 9.04 any help14:59
sipiordrone: and they don't show up with locate?14:59
esdebazhang, why cant i do, "modprobe -r ath5k acer_wmi; modprobe ath5k"?14:59
SiVA_slava_dp: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.15:00
Heikki123is there something like raid but the files are not striped but rather one file after another? I need it in storing a big file on a fat filesystem and i need to be able to access the file from there15:00
SiVA_no sound programs open15:00
rameshwo.. which one's better ?8.10  or  9.04  if  first one then i won't upgrade. it latter one then i'll upgrade.. so.. help me15:00
dronesipior: Ah, I found them, but they aren't in the directory that the makefile wants. Should I just link them there?15:00
slava_dprameshwo, slackware15:00
richjelectroweak, you need a modline correct for your monitor15:00
bazhangesde, take a look in hardware drivers and be sure the atheros alternative driver is enabled15:00
sipiordrone: or copy them directly, sure15:00
rameshwoslava_dp :  slackware is better you mean ???15:01
slava_dprameshwo, 'course it is.15:01
Picislava_dp: Please stop.15:01
dronesipior: Alrighty, I'm gonna give it a shot. thank you very much !    :)15:01
sipiorHeikki123: what happens when you modify the files on such a filesystem?15:01
baker_GRmdm, i suppose icant use both of them.. to compine ethernet and wifi gateways for faster download15:01
rameshwoslava_dp : i heardit's for technical , more expert ones ??15:01
Picirameshwo: 9.04 is newer than 8.1015:01
sipiordrone: no trouble, good luck with the compile.15:01
esdeNo Proprietary drivers are in use on this system15:02
rameshwoPici : yes newer but i also heard it had many bugs....15:02
mdmbaker_GR: you can, its called bonding.  Not a good idea to do with dissimilar network devices tho.  it also takes configuration on the thing those devices are connected to15:02
richjelectroweak, try Modeline "1024x768" 67.48 1024 1080 1184 1344 768 769 772 79715:02
Heikki123sipior: what do you mean? nothing special? You know a raid device, what happens when you modify a file there?15:02
Picirameshwo: All releases have some amount of bugs, its up to you to decide whether they may affect you or not.15:02
Heikki123sipior: so probably i need a file that contains a filesysten15:02
rameshwoi'm a simple desktop user just learning.....  so i think it won't affect me ... ?15:03
Heikki123is linear raid what i need here? if i put raid0, it will be slow because the 2 files are accessed same time15:03
Picirameshwo: So try it out then.15:03
rameshwoPici: sure....15:03
esdeok, so i removed the module, but it wont reinsert, thats the problem!15:03
amnezjaHey hi Hello15:03
sipiorHeikki123: my point is, as soon as you start modifying the file on disk, you'd have a problem with fragmentation. or rather, you'd require zero fragmentation, which would make writes extremely slow.15:04
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:04
SiVA_how can I restart the sound system without restarting X?15:04
SiVA_periodically my sound will just stop working15:04
sipiorHeikki123: what's the exact situation you're trying to fix?15:04
amnezjaEveryone Speak Polish ?15:05
sipioramnezja: probably not everyone, no :-)15:05
bronze!polish > amnezja15:05
ubottuamnezja, please see my private message15:05
arber4444why i cant conect to ethernet on windows xp on virtual box15:06
rameshwosomeone said  : ..restart X ... what does that X refer to ? desktop ???15:06
esdewhy cant i modprobe ath5k?15:06
=== pepito_ is now known as metal1369
sipiorarber4444: have you enabled networking in the virtualbox configuration panel?15:07
scunizi!X | rameshwo15:07
ubotturameshwo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:07
sipioresde: why, what happens when you try to?15:07
arber4444dont know let me check15:07
freakynlrameshwo: just hit ctrl+alt+backspace and make sure you don't have anything open that still needs to be saved15:07
esdeOperation not permitted, with prefix "sudo"15:07
scunizifreakynl: that doesn't restart x anymore.. on Jaunty15:07
sipioresde: that's the complete error?15:07
arber4444dont know how to check ??15:08
bazhangesde, is there a wireless switch on the front edge of the netbook15:08
rameshwoif X restartedd then  kde n gnom will restart ??15:08
esdeand i have been playing with it to see which is on and off, but its hard to tell15:09
electroweakguys when I activate the nvidia restricted driver I stuck with 640x480 when I deactivate it I get 800x600 but I need 1024x768 what should I do any help15:09
bazhangesde, you may need to toggle it ; should it be switched to 'off' at boot , then it would explain the current situation15:09
esdei just did modprobe ath5k and it "worked".15:10
esdei dont have any wireless extensions.15:10
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
rameshwoand Xubuntu ? that's also  ubuntu with X  system ?15:10
sipioresde: does lsmod | grep ath5k show anything?15:10
derspanksterelectroweak, I assume you have Nvidia X Server Settings installed?15:10
esdelemme check15:10
sipiorrameshwo: it uses xfce instead15:10
berot3hi, annyoning problem: i lost my bash-auto-completition, but dont know how/why... for example when i want to type: "sudo apti..." it wont complete when pressing TAB. instead it gives me the files in the directory... what to do?15:10
sipiorrameshwo: well, instead of gnome, i mean.15:11
electroweakderspankster, yes I have that installed15:11
rameshwosipior: i got u...15:11
esdeath5k, mac80211, led_class, cfg80211.15:11
bazhangrameshwo, xfce4 for xubuntu kde for kubuntu gnome for ubuntu; you choose which session when you are at login screen, if you have them installed15:11
derspanksterelectroweak, and you cannot detect your screen from there?15:11
rameshwobazhang :..ok..15:11
electroweakderspankster, nope I can't do anything on that screen15:11
Heikki123sipior: i'm trying to backup a filesystem to a fat device, and i need to be able to at least read it later15:12
bazhangesde, I would guess in your fiddling that you toggled it to off, thus the need to restart it with it toggled to on15:12
rameshwocan i uninstall complete X window system.???...  if i did then all thing will be command_line ???15:12
derspanksterelectroweak, you cannot acquire EDID for your monitor?15:12
gastlyrameshwo, yup15:12
bazhangrameshwo, sure you can15:12
esdeerm, okay i will restart two times. once now, then toggle, then once more. if it still doesnt work i wil be back.15:13
mdmHeikki123: are you trying to backup a non fat/ntfs filesystem to a fat file system?15:13
sipiorHeikki123: and the problem is the 4gb limit? perhaps time to move to ntfs?15:13
Heikki123sipior: yes15:13
rameshwogastly: bazhang : ok maybe after some years. after i become an xpert....15:13
electroweakderspankster, no I can't I have been advised to add modline to xorg.conf but it didn't work either15:13
Heikki123mdm: does it matter? i need the entire filesystem, dd from /dev/hd...15:14
gastlyrameshwo :)15:14
derspanksterelectrowek, does your GPU show up in nvidia-settings?15:14
hemanthhow to get the name of the usb media which is mounted15:14
Heikki123sipior: is there a way to convert a fat partition to ntfs in linux then?15:14
* hemanth in cli15:14
mdmHeikki123: yes greatly, since fat has no idea of linux permissions and ownership you will loose all those if you do not use archives15:14
gastlyhemanth, in a terminal type: mount15:14
gastlyhemanth , it shows all mounted drives15:15
electroweakderspankster, I can see that nvidia fx520015:15
derspanksterelectroweak, does your GPU show up in nvidia-settings?15:15
Heikki123mdm: and a block device don't know anything what it has inside. so -> no matter what filesystem15:15
hemanthgastly: so just mount | grep "usb" ha ?15:15
derspanksterelectroweak, how about your monitor?15:15
rameshwohow can i know if my sound/video cards are detected /  drivers installed         or not ???15:15
sipiorHeikki123: you can simply make a new filesystem on the partition; no way to convert that i know of (and it probably wouldn't work well anyway)15:15
mdmHeikki123: do you mean you want to dd from an ext filesystem into a partition that is marked as fat?  simply mark it as the ext and do it15:15
Heikki123mdm: no, i need to backup a partition (no matter what type it is) to a fat filesystem as a file (it already contains other files)15:16
electroweakderspankster, I can see a CRT section under GPU node15:16
mdmand Heikki123 do not use raid0 unless you do not care about the data15:16
ksbalajiI am unable to run a simple app - sunbird in Hardy -wine. I am getting error: The application sunbird is supposed to show a picture with a Sun and a bird following mouse pointer! Doesn't work in wine. Please guide - http://pastebin.com/d59985a8b  - can someone help please?15:17
mdmHeikki123: you can create tar files then15:17
gastlyhemanth, nope you'll have to manually search the device name, it should be sdb or sdc (depending on how many hard disks you have)15:17
derspanksterelectroweak, what does the line say?15:17
erUSUL!appdb | ksbalaji15:17
cabreyremember FAT filesystems have a file size limit15:17
ubottuksbalaji: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:17
Heikki123mdm: can i split one huge file using tar?15:17
rameshwo how can i know if my sound/video cards are detected /  drivers installed         or not ???15:17
hemanthgastly: it's sda here , but how to make it genric15:17
erUSULHeikki123: use split15:18
mdmHeikki123: yes15:18
gastlyhemanth, generic as in?15:18
mdmHeikki123: pass it --tape-length=<size in K>15:18
hemanthgastly:I need it in a script15:18
ksbalajierUSUL, thanks. I tried winehq - vain! That's why I came for help here. Possible?15:18
Heikki123mdm: ok thanks :)15:19
Heikki123mdm: but hmm, i can15:19
electroweakderspankster, CRT-0 (CRT-0) digital vibrance and image sharpening and refresh rate of 59,9315:19
uskrewedOkay, so randomly my mouse will spaz out and it'll go up and down, left and right, scrolling as well, both right and left clicking. anyone know why it'd do this?15:19
cabreyksbalaji, we are not wine developers, try a wine specific channel15:19
erUSULksbalaji: well what i tried to point out is that not all apps work well on wine.15:19
Heikki123mdm: i can't mount it in a tar file, or can i?15:19
mdmHeikki123: no, not as far as I know15:19
hemanthgastly: a script which can list the device names15:19
Heikki123so tar is not a solution15:19
esdestill nothing.15:20
gastlyhemanth, ahh...then maybe a you need some scripters help, as far as I know theres no 'generic' device to use as a usb :)15:20
derspanksterelectroweak, but no line identifying your monitor?15:20
electroweakderspankster, no nothing15:20
esdei restarted, nothing. toggled it, then another restart, nothing15:20
mdmHeikki123: you can dd it to a file if you have the space15:20
Heikki123mdm: the partition? yes, but fat has 4G limit15:20
ksbalajierUSUL, cabrey - Thanks and bye!15:20
hemanthgastly: thank you :)15:20
gastlyhemanth, np :)15:20
Heikki123mdm: per file15:20
mdmHeikki123: then reformat the partition15:20
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hemanthgastly: im?15:21
Heikki123mdm: that's not also a solution because i can't format it without loosing all the data in it ;)15:21
electroweakderspankster, I don't need to use 3d I just need resolution. is using the open source driver fixes my problem15:21
mdmHeikki123: then move the files somewhere else, why is it fat anyway?15:22
esdesipior, any ideas?15:22
derspanksterelectroweak, you should take a look at your Xorg log file15:22
Heikki123mdm: it is fat because it was fat when i got it. it is a portable hard disk15:22
gastlyhemanth, sure15:22
Heikki123can i make a raid out of files15:22
derspanksterelectroweak, what version of nvidia driver do you have installed?15:22
sipioresde: i hadn't really been thinking about it. if you boot from a live cd, does the network function?15:23
mdmHeikki123: then move the files that are on it somewhere temporarily then reformat it and move them back.  I am assuming you use this in a Windows enviroment as well, is that true?15:23
sipiorHeikki123: why not change the filesystem to something a little more modern? save you a lot of trouble.15:23
electroweakderspankster, is there a command line thing to see it15:23
Heikki123mdm: yes, windows and linux15:23
mdmHeikki123: is this windows xp, sp2 or later?15:23
Heikki123the reason why i can15:23
rockyardworknetwork manager is pissing me off how do you keep it from changing what connection you want to use ?15:23
rockyardworkconnection settings15:24
rockyardworkit keeps on making a AUTO ETH0 and whiching to that instead of my manual one that works when i select it15:24
Heikki123the reason why i can't reformat is i don't have space anywhere else to store those files temporarily ;)15:24
esdeuhm i dont have one atm. this shit is aggravating.15:24
derspanksterelectroweak, just open hardware drivers system>administration.hardware drivers15:24
cabreyrockyardwork, what does your manual eth0 have?15:24
mdmHeikki123: convert it to NTFS, even Microsoft recommends you do. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb456984.aspx15:25
electroweakderspankster, I have ver. 173 installed15:25
rockyardworkcabrey it is setup correctly with dns servers, ip submask and gateway15:25
mdmand Heikki123 you can do that wile the files are on the fat system, and convert it, using windows15:25
esdethere are no drivers in Hardware Drivers, how do I install the wireless one, and see if that works?15:25
cabreyrockyardwork, then modify the auto eth0, that should work15:25
sipiorHeikki123: then make a multi-part tar. or get a computer with a real filesystem and disk space.15:25
nascentmindHi. When i type svn:// i get a the process for the svn protocol died unexpectedly. what seems to be the problem?15:25
rockyardworkwhy should I have to do that cabrey ?15:26
derspanksterelectroweak, are you running jaunty?  I use nvidia 180 on jaunty15:26
cabreyrockyardwork, because you have specific settings you want to put in15:26
rockyardworkwhy can't I just have it in the other one I created ?15:26
mdmnascentmind: the commnd is svn <command> <url> <project> as in svn co http://some.site.com/svn/archive archive15:26
electroweakderspankster, yes I am on jaunty but I have 173 and 9615:27
rockyardworknot submask I meant netmask cabrey15:27
nascentmindmdm,  yes i did that only... svn://ipaddress/15:27
derspanksterelectroweak, you can always try 18015:27
Heikki123i would have converted it already, but i don't have windows ;) But anyhow, i will do something, thanks anyhow15:27
esdeso like, no advice?15:27
cabreyrockyardwork, check the nm config file: /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf15:27
creature_whats a good tool to display the wireless power accurately?15:27
electroweakderspankster, can I do that over synaptic15:27
nascentmindmdm, in windows it works fine.. in linux i get this problem and it seems to be a problem with other protocols too after doing some googling.. what seems to be the problem?15:28
derspanksterelectroweak, yes15:28
mdmnascentmind: I dont know, I use svn over http quite frequently and it works fine15:28
mehlohey, is it me or is torrents causing heavy fragmentation ? just did a fsck on my torrent drive and it says 83,4% non-contiguous.. this normal ?15:28
mdmnascentmind: what are you trying to sync?15:28
sipioresde: get live cd. boot from live cd. see if it works.15:28
electroweakderspankster, ok I will try that to see if it works :)15:29
nascentmindmdm, i am just trying to browse the repo using dolphin.15:29
Boohbahmehlo: what filesystem?15:29
electroweakderspankster, should I uninstall 173 before I try 18015:29
cabreyrockyardwork, found a solution. you cannot remove the auto eth0 one, but you can make your manual one the default15:29
esdei dont have a USB with me right now.15:29
mehloext3 converted to ext4 a few days ago15:29
derspanksterelectroweak, ubuntu display issues can be maddening, hope you get it working.15:29
mehlofiles was written when i had ext3, if that matters15:29
sipioresde: then i don't know what to tell you.15:29
rockyardworkhow do you do that cabrey ?15:29
mehlothe hdd is also far from full, only using 40% of it15:29
rockyardworkso it was because I was removing the auto eth0 one cabrey ?15:29
rockyardworkthat is retarded it shouldn't do that15:30
derspanksterelectroweak, shouldn't need to, 173 is available to me as well as 18015:30
creature_how do you see wlan signal quality?15:30
esdesipior, my driver used to show up ion hardware drivers, now it doesnt.15:30
cabreyrockyardwork, go into Network Connections15:31
julia_2two user can access the same file without seeing that they work in the same file. what could i do?15:31
mdmjulia_2: revision control15:31
lasmusit possible to install ubuntu for an system who have install opensuse on it....it modify bootloader?15:31
rockyardworkI only have network configuration cabrey15:32
ingcomrbrHi there..15:32
erUSULmdm: beat me to it ;)15:32
julia_2mdm hmm and how do I do that?15:32
mdmsorry erUSUL :(15:32
ingcomrbrI closed ports with iptables.15:32
cabreyrockyardwork, ok right click on the network manager applet and select edit connections...15:32
ingcomrbrDo you know which port should I open to update and upgrade Ubuntu?15:32
facemelterhi, when i run a GUI-program with a different user than the one logged in, the GUI is very slow, and errors show up in the console...?15:32
rockyardworkwhere do you make it the default cabrey ?15:33
lasmusit possible to install ubuntu for an system who have install opensuse on it....it modify bootloader?15:33
erUSULcreature_: iwconfig show that15:33
esdeanyone know how to load a wireless driver into Hardware Drivers? Specifically Ath5k Driver.15:33
cabreyingcomrbr, just disable the firewall temporarily15:33
ingcomrbrgood... thank you15:33
cabreyrockyardwork, select auto eth0, then edit...15:33
mdmjulia_2: revision control is a system, not a simply program.  And you will have to tech the users how to adhere to the standards.  Look up svn or cvs15:33
facemelter...any suggestions?15:33
rockyardworkcan I change the name cabrey ?15:34
rockyardworkor would it just make another one after that15:34
cabreyrockyardwork, no, uncheck connect automatically15:34
rockyardworkmy ubuntu is really pissing me off15:34
cabreywell this would be a lot easier if you kept that to yourself15:34
julia_2mdm sorry I forgot that i use samba for accessing the data15:35
ingcomrbrcabrey: I got iptables... how can I disabled?15:35
cabreyingcomrbr, you don't use ufw?15:35
mdmjulia_2: then you will need a subset of revision control called version control and that depends on the files themselves.  what kind of files are they?15:35
rockyardworkI already have it checked to connect automatically in network for static why does it keep on making another auto eht0 each time I reboot cabrey ?15:35
ingcomrbrNop... Iptables.15:35
rockyardworkthat is lame15:35
cabreyrockyardwork, did UNcheck it for auto eth0?15:36
rockyardworkwhy can't I delete it cabrey ?15:36
cabreyrockyardwork, because it automatically creates a configuration for each network interface15:37
mdmjulia_2: again the issue will be teaching the users to adhear to the policy.  At least that has always been my challenge15:37
rockyardworkhow can you disable that cabrey ?15:37
rockyardworkI only want one entry15:37
rockyardworkSTATIC IP15:37
rockyardworkthats it15:37
|RyanIs Drurew still in here?15:38
|RyanI need his expertise.15:38
rockyardworkno auto eth0 also15:38
cabreyrockyardwork, do you just use one network card? and you just want a static ip?15:38
rockyardworkI have one network card15:38
rockyardworkand one wireless card15:38
rockyardworkI already have a static ip15:39
cabreyrockyardwork, well i really don't know if you can disable that feature15:39
rockyardworkokay well thanks for letting me know cabrey15:39
rockyardworkwill have to uncheck automatically connect next time when I reboot15:39
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:40
NashyHi All.  What's the easiest way to get my MX Revolution working properly in Jaunty?15:41
MindSparkhi, anyone working on a dell vostro 1500 ? I need to setup the volume keys. Any idea how I do that ?15:41
|RyanCan you use Wine?15:41
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NashyRyan - Who you talking to?15:42
cabrey!appdb | |Ryan15:42
|RyanYou, sorry.15:42
ubottu|Ryan: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:42
NashyRyan - Yes I can use Wine, why's that?15:42
|RyanDoesn't matter now.15:42
EJSomethinghey everybody! /etc/network/interfaces are overruled sometimes, remastering LiveCD where are the iface settings please?15:42
lazermousecan someone give me a step-by-step tutorial of how to install moovidia on Jaunty?15:42
cabreylazermouse, it kept segfaulting for me15:43
NashySo no ideas about MX Revolution mouse?15:43
cabreylazermouse, i don't know if they fixed the package15:43
kuba_kto wie jak zmienic tmat w linuxie mecze sie od 30 minut i nie daje rady:(15:43
cabrey!pl | kuba_15:43
ubottukuba_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:43
lazermousecabery - would you be able to tell me how to install it?15:44
lesshasteis the next lts release intended to be after karmic?15:44
|RyanI need help!!15:44
lazermouse!ask |Ryan15:45
ubottuRyan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:45
NashyRyan - What's wrong?15:45
|RyanI can't find the BCM43xx driver thing in the Synaptic manager!15:45
|RyanIt was there earlier!15:45
Skylighti could use some help :$15:45
lesshastelooks like it will be leaping lion lts or somesuch :)15:45
rkl_I could use some change$15:45
cabreylazermouse, use this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~moovida-packagers/+archive/ppa15:46
Skylightgot a dedicatet server with ubuntu 8.10 i installed apache .. but cant change files15:46
Skylightim not the owner or somethingh15:46
hoarycrippleNashy, i used the MX revolution a few times with an older distro15:46
|Ryan'Earlier' as in, I've had to format my HDD and reinstall ubuntu15:46
lesshaste which version of nvidia does envyng for jaunty support?15:46
hoarycrippleshould be about the same if not easier in Jaunty.15:46
BoohbahSkylight: uhh.. try the root account15:46
NashyRyan - Not appearing on mine either.  Weird15:46
hoarycrippledid you read the howto yet?15:46
|RyanI need that for my tinternets!15:47
BoohbahSkylight: or to follow the ubuntu way, add your user account to sudoers15:47
matrixblue|Ryan, make sure all the software sources are enabled especially the restricted15:47
Nashyhoarycripple: any ideas about 9.04?  My buttones don't work?15:47
|RyanHow do I do that?15:47
hoarycrippleNashy, did you read the howto? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27738815:47
hoarycrippleNashy, it has some good information, even though it was written for Dapper.15:48
matrixblue|Ryan, System > Administration > Software Sources15:48
lazermousecarey: didn't work :(15:48
Nashyhoarycripple: Nothing easier?  I really don't feel comfortable playing with that stuff15:48
|RyanThanks, I'll try that.15:48
cabrey!work | lazermouse15:48
ubottulazermouse: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:48
silv3r_m00nhi there15:49
|RyanIt's there now.. -.-15:49
silv3r_m00nthere is a command which I want to execute everytime networking starts...15:49
silv3r_m00nhow can I do that15:49
matrixblue|Ryan, cool15:49
|RyanThanks Matrix. :D15:49
mdmubottu I want more money.  Stupid bot never answers me anyway :P15:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:49
lazermousecabery : what am I meant to say, em... It dosen't work!!15:49
cabreylazermouse, can you be more specific15:49
|RyanMatrix, how do I reset my network card driver?15:50
lazermouseok, adding the ppa didn't work.15:50
matrixblue|Ryan, in the future when you addressing a particular person say their full name (case sensitive) so they'll get an alert. Sometimes we're doing other stuff15:50
cabreylazermouse, error messages?15:50
matrixblue|Ryan, reset like how?15:50
lazermousecabery-yes, i'll post them on pastebin.com15:50
hoarycrippleNashy, nothing else that I know of.15:50
YoustI need help please! Flash video is laggy and I cant watch any hd video. Few days ago, HD video was very well displayed on my computer! Any clue?15:50
cabreythats what i was talking about15:50
|Ryanmatrixblue As in, restart the driver without having to reboot my laptop.15:50
danieriehi how is the gconf editor named in kubuntu?15:51
Nashyhoarycripple: Thanks, I'll jump in the deep end and see if I swim15:51
matrixblue|Ryan, someone gave the command earlier but I wasn't paying attention15:51
hoarycrippleNashy, best way to learn :)15:51
lazermousecabery-it deleted the ppa crap, dunno what the errors were... :(15:51
cabreydanierie, gconf-editor15:51
|Ryanmatrixblue: Yeah, I forgot it.15:51
mib_np12gbhi. any of you have experience running crustal reports 10 with wine? is it feasible?15:51
|Ryanmatrixblue: Any way you can find it out again for me?15:52
cabreylazermouse, then re add it. ppa's don't spontaneously delete stuff15:52
hoarycrippleNashy, in all seriousness, it is unlikely that you will do irreparable damage your system by tweaking those particular settings.15:52
matrixblue|Ryan, prolly something like /etc/init.d/wlan0 restart15:52
YoustNo clue? :(15:52
lazermousecabrey: It wont let me add the ppa, it wants an "apt" line or something15:52
|Ryanmatrixblue: What would the terminal command line be?15:52
cabreylazermouse, System > Administration > Software Sources > 3rd Party Software tab15:52
lazermousecabrey: been there15:53
silv3r_m00nhow do I run php with a different user ?15:53
cabreylazermouse, then you click Add...15:53
hoarycripple|Ryan, what are you trying to restart?15:53
matrixblue|Ryan, I dunno15:54
|Ryanmatrixblue: One second.15:54
lazermouseok, done that15:54
lazermouseit wants an apt line15:54
cabreylazermouse, and the ppa gives it to you15:54
|Ryan01:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver (rev 02)15:54
|Ryanmatrixblue: That.15:54
cabreylazermouse, if your running 9.04 here it is:15:55
cabreydeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/moovida-packagers/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main15:55
hoarycripple|Ryan, so you want to restart networking?15:55
lazermousecabrey: you don't get me... I put in all that stuff, and the Add Source is greyed out15:55
hoarycripple|Ryan, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:55
cabreylazermouse, what is greyed out?15:55
lazermousecabrey: The Add Source button15:55
hoarycripple|Ryan, or you can reload the broadcom module.  I don't remember what the module name is, but if you can figure that out, the command is:15:56
cabreylazermouse, you just said you put it in15:56
hoarycripple|Ryan, sudo modprobe module_name15:56
lazermousecabrey: I put the ppa stuff in :)15:56
cabreylazermouse, so whats the problem?15:56
lazermousecabrey, I'll tell it right from the start, wait...15:56
|RyanWould it work if I just rebooted m system?15:57
matrixblue|Ryan, yep15:57
wollexnick wolle_afk15:57
|Ryanmatrixblue: Lol.. 1 sec.15:57
Skylighthow to log in on root account :$15:57
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:57
matrixblue!root | Skylight15:57
ubottuSkylight: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:58
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lazermousecabrey: right... I'm trying to install Moovidia and went to Software Sources-3rd Party blah blah... and I put in the ppa you gave earlier but the add source button is greyed out15:58
matrixblueSkylight, I didn't expect that message. Why would you want to do such a thing?15:58
cabreylazermouse, you mean you just put in the URL?15:58
lazermouseand therefore, it won't add15:58
unkowhats the command to view my network info? it's like if config or somthing?15:58
lazermouseGet me now cabrey??15:58
rkl_yes, inconfig15:58
matrixblueunko, ifconfig15:59
geniiunko: ifconfig15:59
unkothank you :]15:59
cabreylazermouse, oh boy, you were supposed to go to that site15:59
cabreylazermouse, open up a terminal15:59
lazermousecabrey: why didn't you say that earliew :D15:59
cabreylazermouse, make it nice and large horizontally15:59
cabreylazermouse, type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:00
rameshwohow can i know if i sound\video cards drivers are installed or not ??16:00
cabrey!details | rameshwo16:00
ubotturameshwo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:00
lazermousecabrey: rightyo16:00
lazermousedid it16:00
cabreylazermouse, page down until the end of the file16:00
rebgilHi I am trying to setup auto mount which I am able to connect to via the places menu - connect dialog using windows share, but I am getting an error on the type - if I can use windows share what should the type argument be in fstab?16:01
ruz322anyone know why i would have no sound in flash video like youtube? i have sound in amarok and other apps....16:01
cabreylazermouse, find the URL you put in earlier and remove it16:01
lazermousecabrey: ugh... I cant put the yoke in!!!16:01
lazermousecabrey: i told you i couldn't add it16:02
cabreylazermouse, you said you did add the url and i said you supposed to visit that site, no add it16:02
lazermousecabrey, i'll attempt to do it myself16:02
ccWhat Op mean?I'm new here.16:02
cabreylazermouse, anyways add this to the bottom: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/moovida-packagers/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main16:02
cabreythe one that can bring the banhammer16:03
ThJIs there a repository for cutting-edge versions of ALSA drivers? Internal mic is not working on my early-2008 MacBook Air.16:03
rameshwoubuntu ( 8.10 )  can't hear sound .  but have installed audio codecs. and player also plays the song/video but no sound....so how can i check my sound card driver is installed or not ??16:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about do16:04
cabrey!audio | rameshwo16:04
ubotturameshwo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:04
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:04
basslinerhi there, i have a netbook i'm running ubuntu on. when i connect that thing via cable ethernet, i get a dhcp ip assigned. i would like to be automatically connected to a wlan AP too, like when i get home and there is no cable connection attached it should automatically connect to my home WIFI ap... any chance to do so?16:04
amy__hey guys16:05
amy__can anyone help me please16:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:05
amy__Theres a tracker error16:05
ccWhat problem?16:05
amy__I can't get rid of the tracker error16:05
Nehyxamy__: sudo apt-get install tracker-utils16:05
Nehyxamy__: tracker-processes -r16:05
Terrible-Timhey room16:06
Nehyxuse that 2 commands16:06
Terrible-Timi am having the weirdest problem with Wine...16:06
obhk__my computer often hangs when I open large pdf files (>8MB); since there is no Ctrl-Alt-Del, what can I do when that happens?  It's really annoying, I always end up restarting my computer16:06
hoarycrippleobhk__, kill the offendiing process:  evince16:07
Terrible-Timwhen I want to launch an executable from command line... I change to that directory and run the command 'wine xxx.exe' and it works16:07
hoarycrippleobhk__, pkill -9 evince16:07
ubottuobhk__: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.16:07
Terrible-TimHOWEVER... if from the terminal... i do 'wine ~/path/xxx.exe' the program looks like it's about to load16:07
Terrible-Timand doesnt16:07
Terrible-Timno error messages in terminal16:08
obhk__hoarycripple: I can't, my computer doesn't react to anything anymore when it occurs16:08
hoarycrippleobhk__, that is assuming that you can change to a virtual terminal (CTRL-ALT-F1)16:08
lazermouseI'm having a problem adding a PPA http://pastebin.com/d55a9266 and http://pastebin.com/d36d01d4716:08
rameshwoi downloaded a software form (ice walkers ) in zipper type , i unzipped it and saw .jar files.... how to install ? is it in source code format ???16:08
hoarycrippleobhk__, you can also try killing X.  CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE16:08
cabreyTerrible-Tim, it needs stuff in that directory16:08
Terrible-Timcabrey, but i figured simply by telling wine to operate in that dir, it should work16:09
jbwivguys, I'm getting random freezes that require a full reboot. It's not X windows freezing...everything is a hard stop and can't even ping the box. What's the typical approach to troubleshooting things like this? Are there any utilities out there that you can install that back up system logs on reboot?16:09
Terrible-Timam i wrong?16:09
hoarycrippleobhk__, although in newer xorg, you have to set an option that allows you to do that: Option "DontZap" 016:10
amy__how do I get to another channel16:10
lazermousejbwiv: fraid not16:10
jbwiver...not system logs....dmesg output16:10
rameshwoamy__ :  /join #channelname16:10
Terrible-Timand if that's the case... I want to make a shortcut in my menu to change to that directory and then launch wine16:10
cabreyTerrible-Tim, yes because the program looks where it is run from. it probably needs dll's and other crap windows programs come with16:10
jbwivlazermouse: so what's one to do16:10
Terrible-Timi tried 'cd ~/path & wine xxx.exe'16:11
Terrible-Timand it freaked out on me16:11
cabreyTerrible-Tim, thats because it is cd ~/path && wine xxx.exe16:11
Terrible-Timill try that now16:11
lazermousejbwiv: boot into recovery mode at GRUB, go to recovery mode and click dpkg16:11
erUSULjbwiv: check the machine logs for serious errors for a start ... do the kb leds blink when the machine freezes ?16:11
lazermousemight work...16:11
rameshwoamy__ : feels good to help others... i'm always asking for help .....16:12
jbwiverUSUL: didn't see them blink...I'll look for that next time16:12
kharlosshi, someone can help me with some links  for a program/script  for indexing some companies - something like Yellow pages CD16:12
ivan_please,i need help about configure my webcam,i'm found i guide and in the first line it get me error16:12
smacktalkwhat's the best remote desktop server that works with windows clients?16:12
jbwiverUSUL: will they continually blink if they blink at all?16:12
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:13
rameshwo i downloaded a software form (ice walkers ) in zipper type , i unzipped it and saw .jar files.... how to install ? is it in source code format ???16:13
smacktalkthat's cool ubottu16:13
thomasiteHello. Can anyone please tell me where can I find a DKU-2 driver for my Nokia 6630? Thanks!16:13
orifice_workwhat is tehe process that enables remote desktop ?  I want to start it from the command line.16:13
FloodBot3byron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
cabrey!pm > ivan_16:13
smacktalkhow do i get help with remote desktop16:13
ubottuivan_, please see my private message16:13
erUSULrameshwo: no you can run it with « java -jar file.jar »16:14
smacktalkhi byron16:14
hoarycripplesmacktalk, try xrdp16:14
rameshwoerUSUL : so it's java files ??? nothing to deal with make , install ???16:14
smacktalki just did, couldn't get it to work16:14
cabrey!nx | smacktalk16:14
ubottusmacktalk: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX16:14
lazermouse!pm >lazermouse16:15
ubottulazermouse, please see my private message16:15
erUSULrameshwo: exactly; is a java "binary"16:15
smacktalkis FreeNX a server or client?16:15
hoarycrippleorifice_work, you want to connect to a windows remote desktop?  the command is rdesktop16:15
rohitramen ?16:15
cabreysmacktalk, it is a server, you can get clients from nomachine.com16:15
lazermouse@lart cabrey16:15
smacktalkI want my windows clients to connect to ubuntu16:15
lazermouse@lart cabrey16:16
cabreysmacktalk, then your only option is xrdp16:16
lazermouse@pity cabrey16:16
cabreywhat are you doing?16:16
lazermousewhere's ubottu16:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:16
erUSULlazermouse: ubottu uses !16:16
lazermouseerUSUL: @lart is a command in ubottu16:17
lazermouse@lart |erUSUL16:17
jussi01How does one make qt4 apps take the gtk colour scheme?16:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lart16:17
erUSULlazermouse: the preffix for ubottu (a supybot derivative) is ! not @16:17
smacktalkxrdp gives me a security error16:18
lazermouseubottu has some commands that are @16:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:18
smacktalkmy ONLY option is xrdp?16:18
jussi01lazermouse: lart is disabled in here16:18
cabreysmacktalk, if your running vista that is normal16:18
lazermousedamn it16:18
smacktalkrunning 64bit xp16:18
lazermouseerUSUL: told you!16:18
cabreysmacktalk, if it is completely up to date, that is also normal16:19
jussi01lazermouse: this is strictly support only, you can chatter about that stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic16:19
lazermousei know16:19
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orifice_workno no. I just want to start the remote desktop server on the ubuntu machine.  The one I connect to via vinagre16:19
lazermouseerUSUL: join #ubuntu-offtopic16:19
ha1331_Any idea why there is red flicker when I watch movies. Just started, happens with SMPlayer and vlc16:19
Terrible-Timokay... now i know im not totally crazy... when i try to launch two commands via a shortcut in the apps menu via 'command option && command option' I get 'There was an error creating the child process for this terminal'  I do NOT get this by opening a terminal directly16:20
mdmlazermouse: you have a mistake in your repository list, probbly a typo or bad char in the line16:20
lazermouseoh thx16:21
ctmjrha1331, try changing deinterlace option16:21
=== bara is now known as Drude
ha1331_ctmjr: it worked before16:21
ha1331_ctmjr: it just started, and it's not on the file, happens on other files also16:22
rameshwoi got sourcode program for K...   seems it's for KDE   i have gnome ( default ubuntu 8.10 )  . says. not found kde4 config. file or something..... can't i compile it in gnome ??16:22
lisekjest mozliwe zainstalowac polskiego xp po angielsku?16:22
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl16:22
tyrosineQUESTION:>> I want to write a program to tell me whether or not somebody is talking into the microphone.  All I need is to poll the microphone (/dev/audio) every few minutes and return a yes/no as to whether there is/isn't talking.  When I cat /dev/audio, a bunch of garbage shows up - how do I turn it into useful information??16:23
lhgghey .. trying to update my nvidia drivers16:24
SiriuxI think you should rather look into the alsa api16:24
lhggcoz when ever i watch youtube or a video in full .. it lags16:24
Dogmeat_'ello, I'm having problems with an external HDD. I formatted it to xfs (and connected it to Buffalo LinkStation that I have in my LAN). It worked just fine for sometime but now it doesn't work anymore. (Not through the linkstation, through USB <-> sata/ide converter on Ubuntu nor through connecting it by sata to my WinXP machine). On Ubuntu it at least gives "...read/64 error-71" but that apparently is a USB problem, on WinXP there is no mention o16:25
WixicyAnyone here good with aircrack-ng?16:25
Dogmeat_can anybody hint at what might be the problem (point me in the right direction) or is there anything that possible could be done to it16:25
smacktalkso i have xrdp running16:26
cabreyWixicy, /join #aircrack-ng16:26
smacktalkbut when I try to connect to it via any xp box...it gives me a security error16:26
WixicyThanks cabrey16:26
smacktalknot very useful16:27
smacktalkis there a firewall on ubuntu desktop that I need to disable for this to work?16:27
cabreysmacktalk, do you have one enabled?16:27
erUSULsmacktalk: no firewall active on ubuntu by default16:27
smacktalkoh...wonder why I'm getting a security warning...16:28
mrwes!ufw | smacktalk16:28
ubottusmacktalk: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:28
cabreysmacktalk, what is the warning?16:28
isnusunhi all16:28
tonyf12I'm runing on the LiveCD atm, but when I go to install, it says it is corrupt. I have the ISO of the LiveCD, and it is accessible, so is there any way to install from that?16:29
isnusunis there anyone experienced how to recover data from raid 0 when the cpu is dead?16:29
tonyf12Or do I need to run to the shop and buy more CD-Rs?16:29
smacktalkbecause of a security error the client could not connect to the remote computer. verify you are connected to the network and then try connecting again16:29
erUSULisnusun: rpalce the cpu? really more details are needed16:29
sipiorisnusun: have you tried simply swapping the drives into another machine?16:29
Terrible-Timwhen i try to launch two commands via a shortcut in the apps menu via 'command option && command option' I get 'There was an error creating the child process for this terminal'  I do NOT get this by opening a terminal directly and typing in the same exact commands16:30
Terrible-Timcan anyone help?16:30
sipiorisnusun: or is this hardware raid?16:30
isnusunsipior : yes, i replace the cpu, but its stopped on md devices16:30
isnusunno, its software raid16:30
sipiorisnusun: stopped how?16:30
erUSULtonyf12: the later --> run to the shop and buy more CD-Rs16:30
durtTerrible-Tim, My guess would be that && needs to be in a shell to work properly.16:31
isnusunwait a minutes, let me turn the pc on16:31
shashwatpnshow do i see the desktop cube so that i could rotate it? , i have compiz config installed and i can see the cube when i change my workspaces16:31
erUSUL!ccsm | smacktalk16:31
ubottusmacktalk: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:31
erUSUL!ccsm | shashwatpns16:31
ubottushashwatpns: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:31
erUSULsmacktalk: sorry for the spam... tab comletion fail ;)16:32
=== Unikum is now known as Iderik
ikus060Hi All, I notice meld make some mistake to compare file. So I'm looking for an alternative. .. :) Any suggestion ?16:32
tonyf12erUSUL: Damn. Ah well. Thanks anyway.16:32
solomonHi,  I'm talking a friend through updating Ubuntu to the latest version.  update-manager currently wants to update to 8.04 (IIRC that's hardy, so they're on gutsy).  They're getting some 404's:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/194444/ - I had them aptitude update but they're getting the same thing16:32
smacktalkI like compiz..nice effects16:32
erUSULikus060: xxxdiff; tkdiff16:32
ikus060erUSUL : That are all command line .. I'm looking for something with a good GUI16:33
erUSULikus060: only two x for the first one xxdiff16:33
azi__hm.. is it possible to install ubuntu over my gentoo installation keeping only the /home direcotry intact?16:33
smacktalkerUSUL:no problem16:33
erUSULikus060: nope xxdiff uses qt and tk diff uses (drum rolls ) tcl/tk16:34
shashwatpnserUSUL: my question is how to see the cube an i have searched cssm and there is no key shown to display the cube16:34
erUSULikus060: so try them (or at least check some webpage) before you dismiss them16:34
isnusunsipior: when i replace the cpu, the system is boot ok, but not finished and stopped on : ACPI : PCI Interrupt for device 000:00:if.5 disabled16:35
erUSULshashwatpns: simple-ccsm has a drop down menu to change to the cube in the full ccsm you enable the cube plugin16:35
ikus060erUSUL: I'm installing both right now ..16:35
rameshwolinks for collection of softwares for linux ??16:36
sipiorisnusun: did you make any changes to the BIOS? does it see the disks?16:36
erUSULrameshwo: Aplications>Add/Remove16:36
solomonshe says she also just got a long list of un-authenticated packages16:36
shashwatpnsso how do i get the simple one erUSUL16:36
esdesupsup Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04, the wireless works now. Im wondering how to set the mode back to Managed instead of monitor.16:37
erUSULshashwatpns: the factoid says how. install  'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in  your appearance properties16:37
JampiterHow do I run a PY python file?16:37
esdeopen it16:38
andrywell. IP is different after restart16:38
esdethen select run16:38
isnusunsipior: it read the disk. and i got another message now : Check root = bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules, device: cat /proc/modules ls /dev Reading all physical volumes. ALERT! /dev/mapper/VG-system does not exist. Dropping to shell!16:38
isnusunand then its give me : BusyBox v1.1.316:38
erUSULsolomon: gutsy has reached EOL so the repos are now in old-releases16:38
erUSULsolomon: that's why he gets 404 i guess16:38
sipiorisnusun: can you boot from a live cd, to rule out the possibility that the installation is broken?16:38
solomonerUSUL: hrm, do i need to have her change her mirrors then?16:38
erUSULJampiter: python file.py16:39
JampitererUSUL: Thanks :)16:39
solomonerUSUL: i just realized that she isn't on the latest gutsy updates anyway, so i'm having her run update-manager in its normal mode.  maybe it will point things to the right place16:39
isnusunsipior: i can boot from a live cd, but no disk is recognized in /dev/16:39
erUSULsolomon: his sources.list yes instead of archive.ubuntu.com it should read old-releases.ubuntu.com in all urls16:39
erUSULsolomon: afaik (never tried)16:40
solomonerUSUL: thanks, i'll give that a try16:40
sipiorisnusun: you'll have to ensure that the raid driver is loaded (see if "lsmod | grep md_mod" returns anything)16:40
erUSULsolomon: once this is done he can update its gutsy install to the lat packages and then do the dist-upgrade16:40
=== yaccaway is now known as yacc
sipiorisnusun: if not, try a "modprobe md_mod" from the rescue shell.16:40
isnusunsipior: FYI : the new CPU has different spesification than the original the raid installed16:41
un|matrixWhat is PulseAudio's latency supposed to be?16:41
sipiorisnusun: at that point, you'll hopefully have a /dev/md0 device to inspect16:41
erUSULikus060: forgat to mention that if you are sure you found a bug in meld you should try to file a bug report against it16:41
rameshwoerUSUL ; besides that.....16:41
isnusunsipior : i will try with the live cd again16:42
ikus060erUSUL: wep .. you're right .. I will take note of the problem and submit it16:42
=== sami is now known as distract
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).16:43
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:43
aao_useri have a problem, my wifi card can't find any networks, after installing and uninstalling kismet... any help ?16:44
aao_userI'm using Ubuntu jaunty 9.0416:44
juan-pablohelp me i cant see redtube n youtube16:46
erUSULaao_user: reboot does not help ? or loading-unloading the wifi driver16:46
erUSULjuan-pablo: install flashplugin-nonfree16:46
juan-pabloit doestn woek16:46
newUbuxi can't boot up ubuntu with my wireless dongle in, Why is that?16:46
aao_usererUSUL I tried sofar: reboot, iwconfig wifi0 down & then iwconfig wifi0 up16:46
kjcoleAny PolicyKit experts here?16:46
aao_userhow can I see the driver I am using in order to do it?16:47
rameshwohey, any softwares like internet download manager  that would increase download speed and resume download ..   for ubuntu ?/ any plz..16:47
QuacktopHi, i have a question and searching @ google didn't work out: I want to change the file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter, when i save it it tells me: ERROR <fsync>16:47
scubacudahow does one get an Ubuntu One invite?16:47
QuacktopUsinig Ubuntu Server 9.0416:47
erUSULaao_user: lshw -C Network | grep configuration16:47
sipiorQuacktop: that's not actually a file you're changing16:47
scubacudai signed up, but i now gotta wait in line16:47
isnusunsipior : there's no raid driver. as "lsmod |grep md_mod" return nothing16:47
Quacktopbut i need to change that value16:48
erUSULrameshwo: d4x i personalyy use download them all firefox extension16:48
sipiorisnusun: use modprobe to insert it16:48
Quacktopsudo echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter didn't work out either16:48
Quacktoppermission denied16:48
newUbuxanyone know why i can't boot up ubuntu with my wireless dongle in?16:48
erUSUL!info d4x | rameshwo16:48
ubotturameshwo: d4x (source: d4x): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 711 kB, installed size 2056 kB16:48
newUbuxis it because it doesn't recognize the hardware on startup?16:48
lstarnesQuacktop: try echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter16:48
sipiorlstarnes: clever use of tee there.16:49
aao_usererUSUL i found it. now how can I do it? sorry I'm just really starting in linux16:49
isnusunsipior : how to modprobe raid driver ?16:49
rameshwoerUSUL : ok i'll have a look at it..16:49
sipiorisnusun: "modprobe md_mod"16:49
ubuntujoin ubuntu-fr16:49
rameshwoerUSUL: where can i get it ? searching in google ??16:49
=== munky_ is now known as ak47-1
Quacktopty lstarnes, but why differce Ubuntu a lot from othe distros :/16:50
erUSULaao_user: do what? reload the module ? if you rebooted then reloding the module will not be any different16:50
isnusunsipior : FATAL: module md_mod not found16:50
erUSUL!software | rameshwo16:50
ubotturameshwo: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:50
=== ubuntu is now known as lp59
lstarnesQuacktop: I'm not sure what you mean by that16:50
Quacktopi worked with a lot of different distros and with ubuntu i can't use my normal methods16:50
isnusunsipior : where can i find md_mod module?16:50
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!16:50
juan-pabloflash doest work16:50
Quacktopbut thanks anyway16:50
erUSULrameshwo: i told you before Aplications>Add Remove... forget the windows way of doing things... no web searching or dling of random exes from websites16:51
sipiorQuacktop: the best long-term way to change these is to use /etc/sysctl.conf, and set the changes with "sysctl".16:51
JampiterCan someone tell me where I can get a tiny bit of help with Python? The channel on Freenode won't let me join.16:51
sgisgiHi there guys, I'm trying to help a friend and Im having a bit of an issue... He had a dual boot box, and reinstalled windows, overwriting the mbr16:51
lstarnesJampiter: you need to be registered with nickserv to join there16:51
erUSUL!grub | sgisgi16:51
ubottusgisgi: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:51
juan-pabloim almost going back to windows16:51
=== skynet is now known as Guest18599
Quacktopi know sipior16:52
sipiorisnusun: you booted from the live cd? try running the step "detect drives" from the menu.16:52
rameshwosgisgi : i think recovery mode will do....16:52
sipiorQuacktop: well, if you know...16:52
=== darek is now known as Guest16726
Quacktopbut i was testing some stuff, because i'm making a load balancer for 2 internet connections16:52
Jampiterlstarnes: Is there a channel on another server then?16:52
rameshwoerUSUL : ok i'll look for d4x  there. in add/remove16:52
lstarnesJampiter: it only takes a couple minutes to register your nick here16:53
sipiorQuacktop: you can make temporary changes with sysctl as well.16:53
rameshwoofficial name of 8.10 ?????16:53
lstarnesrameshwo: intrepid ibex16:53
=== darek is now known as Guest42410
isnusunsipior: thank you, i will back in an hour. see you all16:55
Pici!8.10 | rameshwo16:56
ubotturameshwo: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81016:56
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:57
=== Guest42410 is now known as dareksl
mib_x4havuwhat could I do to secure my ubuntu?16:57
Dr_Willismib_x4havu:  dont run services you dont need.. and read up on general 'linux security' practices.. Its very secure by default16:58
=== martinp23 is now known as martinp25
mib_x4havucan you recommend a good graphical firewall?16:59
mib_x4havuI'm using firestarter but it's too basic16:59
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vaibhavmib_:try gufw16:59
shashwatpnserUSUL:You are not getting my question i just want to see the cube so that i could rotate it etc17:00
Dr_Willismib_x4havu:  I let my router handle the firewalling.  I dont need any extra firewall stuff on my clients behind it.17:00
mib_x4havuan extra layer of security is never bad17:01
smacktalkany ideas on why I'd be getting that security error?17:01
erUSULshashwatpns: so the cube is already enabled ? i have "Super + crtl + maouse drag" to move the cube or just "crtl + alt + →"17:01
rameshwoany links for visual tutorials on linux ??17:01
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  theres some sites with such things.. but  it all depends on wha tyou want to learn  'linux' is a large topic.17:01
durtmib_x4havu, if you really need a firewall script on your ubuntu box try arnos-iptables-firewall17:02
CybeRebelhello all :) anyone know why gtk-recordmydesktop wont open/configure sound card?17:02
psycovic2how do i install a deb file with lots of dependencies on a computer with no internet? i tried getting the deb file from /var/cache/apt from another computer, but it's downloading the wrong architecture17:02
shashwatpnserUSUL: dosent work in mine ;whats the key "->"?17:03
rameshwoDr_Willis:  command lines. administrative tasks...... but i am looking for audio\video tutorials...17:03
cankoyrameshwo: linux more about reading than watching.17:03
erUSULshashwatpns: cursor keys left or right... are you sure you enabled the cube ?17:03
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  for command line... go find a few books on bash.  watching a video of someone using bash.. just dosent really teach you much.17:03
=== sigma is now known as Guest87511
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  same for admin tasks.   Now leraning gnomebasics..there were some video tutorials of that.. but most of it are things you can easially figure out for yourself.17:04
PointManhow do I force my eth0 network card to release the ip from the dhcp server? the ifconfig eth0 down doesnt work17:04
mau_riziohi everybody I'd like to connect to my domestic wireless network from my laptop... as ubuntu has finished installing I run pppoeconf and the connection works fine, then I update ubuntu and restart the system... my wireless card doesn't work at all, can anyone please help me?17:04
jpangamarca@psycovic2 you need to use aptoncd for creating a offline installation disk. You have to download the packages with Synaptic and then create the disk. You may need to run aptoncd as root so it can read all the packages17:04
rameshwoDr_Willis : yes reading is good but visuals strikes directly in mind.. so..17:04
erUSULmau_rizio: if you are suing wifi why you need to run pppoeconf ???17:04
psycovic2jpangamarca: i did that, but i'm running on a mac right now and it's downloading the amd files instead of i386..any idea how i can change that?17:05
shashwatpnsi tried ctrl+alt+mouse1 and it worked thankyou very much17:05
mau_rizioerusul: that is because the connection is veeeery slow otherwise17:05
Dr_Willisrameshwo: watching a video of someone doing 'command line stuff' is not going to teach you much. reading  is much better. But i guess you can hit google and search for video ubuntu training, or check out theubuntu 'training books here' --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training17:05
dh003ican anyone here help me with this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7442188#post744218817:06
jpangamarca@psycovic2 please post the output of $uname -a17:06
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  learning linux is very much a 'self motivated' sort of thing. :)17:06
erUSULmau_rizio: it makes no sense at all you use a tool to configure dsl/cable connections fro speeding up a wifi connection ?17:06
psycovic2jpangamarca: 2.6.28-11 on x86_6417:06
jesse__hey all, I'm having some difficulty getting a network printer set up properly.  I can see it fine in System->Administration->Printing (and I can print a test page that way), but it doesn't show up under any of my application's print windows.17:06
jesse__Also the print to file doesn't seem to be working either, but that's another issue17:06
rameshwoDr_Willis: yes i have great interest..  and really want to explore it widely...17:07
dh003isummarily, the issue is, my keyboard (Northgate Omnikey Evolution, connected via either PS/2 or PS/2 => USB adapter, works fine when logging in from the display manager, or when doing console login and in the console. But it doesn't work at all in KDE (except the CTRL key in GIMP, which when combined with the scroll wheel, lets me zoom in or out)17:07
richjdh003i, has this problem started recently?17:07
psycovic2jpangamarca: but i'm installing it on a i386 machine..how do i get the correct deb file?17:07
dh003iwell, periodically, before, the keyboard would stop responding in KDE, and I had to logout and then log back in to get it to work. But now, it just always ONLY works on the login screen, and not in KDE (not in KDE menus, not in Firefox, etc)17:07
Ganymedeis there a command i can run (via ssh) to cause someone to get logged in through gdm? it's currently sitting at the welcome screen on the remote computer17:08
jpangamarca@psycovic2 mmm... that's why it's download the amd files (x86_64).... gimmie a few minutes17:08
Dr_WillisGanymede:  not that ive seen, why do you want to do that?17:08
paulo----can i burn the ubuntu installer on dvd?17:08
rameshwowhat's actually the splash screen  ? which scren it refers to ? first wallpaper ???17:08
paulo----can still install from that?17:08
erUSULpaulo----: the iso ? yes17:08
paulo----ok thanks17:09
Dr_WillisGanymede:  you could edit the gdm configs to auto-login someone , and restart gdm.. but thats a little extreme.17:09
richjdh003i, try adding these to serverflags section of xorg.conf:  Option          "AllowEmptyInput" "off"17:09
richj        Option          "AutoAddDevices" "off"17:09
distracti had problems with mouse freezing before, now i added acpi=irqpoll or something to grub boot as guided on ubuntu forums. however, now the mouse seems to work but ive lost all my cool compiz effects, how is this possible?17:09
paulo----does ubuntu work with laptops?17:10
lstarnespaulo----: yes17:10
paulo----does it work with trackpads?17:10
rameshwopaulo----: of course......17:10
rameshwois the internal things same if i use xubuntu or ubuntu or  kubuntu ??17:11
lstarnesrameshwo: yes17:12
lstarnesrameshwo: the only difference is the default GUI17:12
rameshwoand the commands  ?  i hope it doesnt have anything to do with the desktops..17:12
paulo----is compatability guaranteed?17:12
lstarnespaulo----: there's no guarantee17:12
Dr_Willispaulo----:  You want a moneyback guarantee?17:12
lstarnespaulo----: but if it's in the hardware compatibility list it will most likely work17:12
paulo----no, as in guarantee that ubuntu will work17:12
dh003irichj: I tried that, and then typed startx, still keyboard doesn't work17:13
Dr_Willispaulo----:  try it and see... how can anyone guarantee anything with computers and software? :)17:13
rameshwoare there different softwares for Xubuntu , ubuntu .... Kubuntu ?17:13
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  different desktop enviroments for the main part.17:14
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  the core is the same.17:14
rameshwopaulo---- : just try it .. i'm sure you'll love it..17:14
paulo----would installing ubuntu void my warranty?17:14
lstarnespaulo----: check with your manufacturer17:14
The_Warlockhow do i make urxvt merge into the background?17:14
Dr_Willispaulo----:  if it did - i would never buy a pc from that maker again...   ive never seen a case where it did.17:14
lstarnesrameshwo: they use the same repositories, but the default software is different17:14
rameshwoexcept default . additional softwares ? different or not..17:15
JabberWalkierameshwo: really, you can always install whatever you want17:15
PointManfresh install of ubuntu 8.04 server, I can connect to my sshd through localhost, but get connection refused from clients, as if its being blocked in the iptables, but it doesnt seam to be there..17:15
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  Huh? xubuntu has the xfce desktop... kudubnut has the kde desktop.. ubuntu uses 'gnome' - thats about it.17:15
mib_x4havuI'm about to install a fresh new linux17:15
JabberWalkierameshwo: gnome gui programs can be run in kde, its no big deal17:16
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  you can easially install all 3 desktops on a machine.. and pick what one to use at login time.17:16
mib_x4havushould I go with debian or ubuntu17:16
sebsebsebmib_x4havu: I just joined, what do you want to do?17:16
paulo----anyone know anything about "neo"?17:16
rameshwoJabberWalkie: ok..17:16
Dr_Willismib_x4havu:  this is 'linux'  - Your OS Your Way...  do what you want.17:16
sebsebsebmib_x4havu: have you used Linux before?17:16
JabberWalkierameshwo: they just dont work with kde perfectly, but they will still run17:16
paulo----"neo" is a laptop manufacturer17:16
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waterraveco jest kurwa?17:16
krzysionic kurwa17:16
savidIs there a good way to detect what filesystem type a .iso file is?17:16
paulo----i just read the manual, and the english is a bit iff17:16
FloodBot3krzysio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
lightbrickoIs there a way in Jaunty Jackalope to make minimized windows maximize instantly when maximizing? I want to get rid of the one-second maximization animation.17:16
krzysiokurwa mac17:17
krzysioja pierdole17:17
lstarnessavid: .isos are almsot always iso9660 or some variant17:17
waterraveco jest?\17:17
rameshwoand how about different softwares for different distros...  ? they're different for different distros ??or ...17:17
Dr_Willissavid:  try the 'file whatever.iso' command17:17
erUSUL!pl | krzysio17:17
ubottukrzysio: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:17
GanymedeDr_Willis: sorry, my wireless router gave out, i was saying how there was another way by running x11vnc -display :0 -xauth /var/run/xauth/something like that to get a vnc connection into the GDM window17:17
PointManactually the sshd server isnt running t atll17:17
sebsebsebrameshwo: not quite17:17
JabberWalkierameshwo: yeah, and like Dr_Willis said, you can install all the desktop enviroments you want, you can even run multiple desktop servers at the same time17:17
lstarnessavid: there may be images contained within that have different filesystems17:17
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savidlstarnes, yeah,  it looks ike this one isn't,  as mount -o loop isn't recognizing it17:17
krzysioserver irc.gamasurge.net17:17
PointManwhats the command to start/restart sshd ? i cant find /etc/initd.d/sshd ...17:17
sebsebsebrameshwo:  some distros use DEB such as Ubuntu and Debian others use  RPM  such as Fedora and Redhat17:17
savidlstarnes, any way to determine if there are different filesystems within?17:18
JabberWalkierameshwo: that takes a bit of work to set up though17:18
lstarnesPointMan: it's /etc/init.d/ssh17:18
dh003ianyone have any suggestions on this problem:17:18
dh003i the issue is, my keyboard (Northgate Omnikey Evolution, connected via either PS/2 or PS/2 => USB adapter, works fine when logging in from the display manager, or when doing console login and in the console. But it doesn't work at all in KDE (except the CTRL key in GIMP, which when combined with the scroll wheel, lets me zoom in or out)17:18
savidlstarnes, and if that's the case, how can I access those?17:18
JabberWalkielast time i checked anyways17:18
lstarnessavid: other than by manually viewing the files, no17:18
sebsebsebrameshwo: ,but  most of the actsual software will be the same,  they are just done in different package formats17:18
Dr_WillisGanymede:  thers ways to set up a vncserver so it gives the user a gdm login screen. But you lose the persistant VNC session features that way.  That is NOT the same as shareing the 'currently seen/visible' desktop on the remote box. You can have several vnc sessions going.17:18
masaca1Hi all17:18
glitsj16lightbricko: adjust the settings for the 'animations' in compiz, you can disable those completely if you want17:18
rameshwoso DEB  works on all debian based only...17:18
sebsebsebrameshwo: not quite17:18
lightbrickoglitsj16: Thanks!17:18
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  use ubuntu packages for ubuntu.. debian packages for debian. dont mix them up17:18
PointManlstarnes: i dont have that, isnt it suppose to be installed with ubuntu 8.04 lts?17:18
sebsebsebrameshwo: some DEB's are made for Debian, and others are made for Ubuntu17:19
=== shashwat is now known as shashwatpns
rameshwothen while downloading softwares i should be careful about my distro... just linux doesn't fulfil ....17:19
lstarnesPointMan: only if you have openssh-server installed17:19
paulo----i dont think other os's can match this kind of support17:19
sebsebsebrameshwo: exactly, but  for stuff that you compile from source such as tar.gz  well that's for everything17:19
JabberWalkierameshwo: yeah, I dont doubt it is possible to install debian pakages in ubuntu, but I wouldn't do that17:19
Picirameshwo: you should always look in the software repositories before installing from elsewhere.17:19
Pici!software | rameshwo17:19
ubotturameshwo: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:19
JabberWalkierameshwo: just use the pakages that are provied for ubuntu17:19
masaca1I need help!!17:19
sebsebsebrameshwo: tar.gz is usaully for all distros,  because you compile from source17:19
Pici!ask | masaca117:19
ubottumasaca1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:19
rameshwoso if i have source code. then it is UNIVERSAL a217:20
PointManlstarnes: i see, well thanks17:20
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  for the most part.. yes.17:20
cankoydh003i: sounds like you've selected an incorrect keyboard layout. I suggest you /join #kubuntu17:20
masaca1How do I install Avertv Volar HX?17:20
lstarnesrameshwo: the source code may only work on linux or other unix-like systems, but sometimes it can also be made to work on windows or other OSes17:20
minhchienthan chao moi ngueo17:21
masaca1any one can help a beginner?17:22
rameshwolinux / unix ? which is better    .....  you may ignore my question if it's offtopic.17:22
rameshwomasaca1 :just ask..17:23
sebsebsebmasaca1: with what?17:23
lesshastewhich repository has the binary nvidia drivers?17:23
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  depends on your needs...17:23
masaca1Avertv volar Hx17:23
sebsebsebrameshwo: Linux distros are based on Unix17:23
Picirameshwo: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussion17:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:23
sebsebsebrameshwo: yeah let's go to  #ubuntu-offtopic  I'll try to explain :)17:24
rameshwosebsebseb :i'll be there...17:24
EJSomethingweel with Unix you have to buy a mainframe afaik :)17:24
jdoaneWould anyone happen to know how to get vmware-user to run on boot as root?17:24
erUSULjdoane: call it from /etc/rc.local ?17:25
lightbrickoHow do I check if Compiz is running?17:25
rameshwosebsebseb: see pm at offtopic.17:25
lstarnesEJSomething: that's not true for most unix variants.  The BSDs can work on most normal servers or desktops17:25
jdoaneerUSUL: I tried using rc-update.d and adding it to run levels 2 - 5 but it didn't work. D:17:25
sebsebsebrameshwo: no I don't see you in there17:25
sebsebsebrameshwo: oh you pm'd me17:26
newUbuxok. so after I did all the things to get my wireless working. somehow it does have sound anymore? anyone can helP?17:26
savidlstarnes, so it appears this ISO is possibly a "hybrid" (Mac/Win).   Is there any way to read those in linux?  Or should it "just work"?17:27
bryn^_^lightbricko: you can check to see if compiz is running under processes in System Monitor17:27
wildc4rdafternoon all17:27
lstarnessavid: the ISO format is not supposed to depend on a particular operating systems17:27
lesshasteI get  apt-cache search nvidia|pastebinit Error no arguments specified!17:27
lightbrickobryn^_^: Thanks!17:27
lesshaste I thought pastebinit could take input from a pipe?!17:27
fivetwentysixWhat's a good GTK bittorrent client?17:28
fivetwentysixVuze is too heavy17:28
kevorfivetwentysix: you might wanna try rTorrent17:28
savidlstarnes,  it seems the disk mounts when I specify HFS type.  Maybe it's apple-only...17:28
kevorit's not GTK, or any GUI for that matter17:28
bryn^_^fivetwentysix: i like transmission17:28
kevorbut it's super stable, small footprint17:28
erUSULlesshaste: according to manpage « cat file | pastebinit -i - »17:28
kevorand works like a charm :D17:29
newUbuxmy Ubuntu doesn't have sound anymore after I got my wireless working? did I block out something that might've affected the sound performance?17:29
cankoyfivetwentysix: deluge17:29
lesshasteerUSUL: thanks!17:29
lesshasteerUSUL: I think it's usage must have changed17:29
dh003icankoy: what do you mean, incorrect layout? It was working before? (although periodically I had to logout then back in)? How can I set the layout properly from the terminal?17:30
lesshasteerUSUL: apt-cache search nvidia|pastebinit -i -17:30
lesshasteKeyboardInterrupt catched.17:30
xsodoes anyone know where I can get access to a Compiz-Fusion preset archive?17:30
newUbuxdoes anyone know why my sound went away?17:30
vost1hi all17:30
lesshasteerUSUL: also the man page on hardy at least says " It allows the text to be passed through a pipe (|) or from a file17:30
lesshaste       passed as an argument.17:30
ineedhelphi, I just installed ubuntu studio and when i minimize windows they disapear but are still running????17:31
erUSULlesshaste: and it allows that but you have to call it with "-i -"17:31
JabberWalkiehow do I tell what version of ubuntu I have installed?17:31
lstarnesJabberWalkie: lsb_release -a17:32
erUSUL!version | JabberWalkie17:32
ubottuJabberWalkie: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:32
ineedhelpJabberWalkie: systen/about ubuntu17:32
cankoydh003i: I'm not on KDE now, but there's a place under System Settings that let you select keyboard make, model, etc.. maybe that's broken.17:32
ineedhelp hi, I just installed ubuntu studio and when i minimize windows they disapear but are still running????17:32
SeanJMI've just had something really crappy happen--I accidentally unplugged my USB speakers--sounds in firefox and blender is now not working. I restarted, problem still not solved--Anyone have any ideas?17:32
lesshasteerUSUL: ok17:32
newUbuxwhy don't I have sound?17:32
lesshasteyou must have a different man page to me17:32
JabberWalkiek, thx all17:32
SeanJMdunno, the sound just stopped working for those two apps17:33
ddaygoldwhat are the big diffrences between KDE, GNOME, and the one for xubuntu17:33
SeanJMsound playback in Rythmbox is fine and other apps are fine17:33
lstarnesddaygold: xfce?17:33
cgkadesineedhelp: what happens if you hit alt+tab?17:33
erUSULlesshaste: no mine has this too It allows the text to be passed through a pipe (|) or from a file passed as an argument. but also has Required arguments -i [filename] (- for reading from stdin)17:33
JabberWalkieis it adviseable to upgrade to the latest ubuntu versions when they come out? or are they less stable?17:34
erUSULlesshaste: note the bit about *required* argument17:34
newUbuxi have no sound? what happened?17:34
lstarnesddaygold: several things, including thw widhet toolkits used, the default applications, and the layout17:34
sebsebsebJabberWalkie: it's fine to get the latest stable version17:34
JabberWalkieallrighty, upgrade time..17:34
sebsebsebJabberWalkie: currently Ubuntu 9.0417:34
lesshasteerUSUL: right I only have   Required arguments17:34
lesshaste       -f [filename] (or piped data)17:34
lstarnesddaygold: programs meant for one desktop environment can usually work with others17:34
SeanJMnewUbux: did sound suddenly stop working? or never worked?17:34
ddaygoldi've heard that KDE is supposed to be "windows like" and GNOME is "Mac like"... is that true?17:35
SeanJMddaygold: kind of17:35
lstarnesddaygold: not very17:35
cgkadesddaygold: if you must put a lable on it17:35
newUbuxit worked before17:35
newUbuxi tried windows, and it works fine17:35
SeanJMnewUbux: did you go to System->Preferences->Sound?17:35
fructoseI just had my network connect unplugged and I tried to reconnect, but it didn't work. I rebooted and it worked fine. Any idea how to fix it so I can reconnect even if the cable is pulled?17:36
newUbuxto do what?17:36
ddaygoldi know "windows like" is not the most loved term in the ubuntu community... but still, it has the same layouts?17:36
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krrrrrrrrrrehow do i stop flash videos from being choppy17:36
krrrrrrrrrre32bit ubuntu 9.04 with whatever the official repos have17:36
SeanJMddaygold: no17:36
JabberWalkieddaygold: really, you can make it have whatever layout you want, with a bit of work of course17:36
krrrrrrrrrre(compiz on)17:36
gyroscopekrrrrrrrrrre: reload page and don't push the play button lol17:36
cgkadesddaygold: it has something like the start button in the bottom left, and the whole bar is at the bottom17:36
lfaraoneHi, I installed grub2 and there are now a bunch of mods in my /boot/grub. Do I seriously need them all?17:36
newUbuxwhat should I do there?17:36
=== SkateVip is now known as Dhalsim
SeanJMddaygold: I think you will find that KDE and Gnome are both superior to the Windows UI if you just give yourself the time to get used to it17:37
ddaygoldso i was told wrong, thanks17:37
ineedhelpcgkades: cool never thought of that17:37
cgkadesineedhelp: did it work?17:37
SeanJMnewUbux: okay, click test on the 1st one okay?17:37
ddaygoldpretty much anything is better than windows... (vista)17:37
cgkadesineedhelp: there is a way to add the application "doc" thing that shows you minimized windows17:37
lightbrickoUnder "Appearance preferences" there are three options. Is it correct that "None" disables Compiz and "Extra" enables Compiz? If this is correct, what does "Normal" mean?17:37
ineedhelpcgkades: well yeah i can just use it to navigate the stuff thats open but not visible17:38
erUSULlightbricko: normal is compiz with only a few effects enabled17:38
newUbuxwhat is it supposed to do?17:38
ineedhelpcgkades: is ubuntustudio supposed to do that?17:38
cankoylfaraone: yes! don't remove them!17:38
Dr_Willislightbricko:  enables a few of the compiz features/effects. Install the 'ccsm' tool to tweak it fully17:38
glitsj16lfaraone: that's how grub2 works yes17:38
newUbuxit doesn't sound like anything17:38
Dr_Willis!ccsm | lightbricko17:38
ubottulightbricko: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:38
newUbuxit doesn't sound at all17:38
cgkadesineedhelp: i havent messed with stuido in a year, so i dunno. do you have a menu bar at the top and bottom?17:38
JabberWalkielets say I upgrade to 9.04 and I dont like it, is it possible to downgrade back to 8.04??17:39
ineedhelpcgkades: just at the top17:39
SeanJMnewUbux: that is fine. Try that drop down menu there, and switch the selection to another sound driver17:39
cgkadesineedhelp: menu bar is the wrong term.. but a bar17:39
Dr_Willis!downgrade | JabberWalkie17:39
ubottuJabberWalkie: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.17:39
SeanJMnewUbux: then click test again17:39
lstarnesJabberWalkie: not without reinstalling.  I would recommend sticking with 8.04 until the next LTS release17:39
JabberWalkieahh, fiar enough17:39
cgkadesineedhelp: right click on the top one and then click new panel17:39
newUbuxkeep doing this?17:39
lightbrickoerUSUL and Dr_Willis: Thanks!17:39
ddaygoldJabberWalkie, why would u want to downgrade?17:39
SeanJMnewUbux: untill you get to a driver that works, it wont take long17:40
ineedhelpcgkades: it's cool i know how to add panels i was just curious why there was only one ?17:40
JabberWalkieddaygold: in case I dont like 9.0417:40
lfaraonecankoy: Ok. /me was just wondering why I needed modules for the amiga, sun, etc.17:40
newUbuxif it works, does it produce a sound?17:40
erUSULddaygold: becouse "s**t happens" ?17:40
cgkadesineedhelp: could be something screwed up.. or could be how they intended it.. i have no idea17:40
JabberWalkieddaygold: also, i have had bad experiences upgrading other linux distros that totally broke my system17:40
psycovic2does anyone know how to force ubuntu to run at a certain cpu load17:41
SeanJMnewUbux: yes, it will produce a medium pitch tone17:41
ddaygoldJabberWalkie, 9.04 is great, it starts in like 20 seconds and feels just like any (recent) other version17:41
ineedhelpcgkades: thanks for helping me17:41
cgkadesJabberWalkie: i've never har an upgrad not totaly brick my system17:41
cgkadesineedhelp: np :)17:41
erUSULpsycovic2: cpu load ? you mean cpu frequency ?17:41
lfaraoneJabberWalkie: you shouldn't skip releases. either wait till the next lts, or upgrade from 8.04>8.10>9.04.17:41
newUbuxi get nothing17:41
psycovic2erUSUL: no, i mean having the cpu run at a certain percentage, i guess. this is for an experiment17:41
Pici!who | newUbux17:41
newUbuxi don't think it's the driver problem17:42
ubottunewUbux: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:42
SeanJMnewUbux: out of none of them?17:42
Dhalsimwho works with ubuntu 9.04 in dell inspiron 1525?? can I install without worry?? I had problems with the wireless connections with ubuntu 8.06...17:42
erUSULpsycovic2: percentage of what?17:42
isnusunsipior : thank you, i made a stupid mistake. i didn't set the bios system for ahcpi yet17:42
cgkadesDhalsim: load the live-cd and see if it works :)17:42
ddaygoldya, that would be a problem17:42
glitsj16ineedhelp: sounds like you need to find a setting in ubuntustudio, to tweak focus-stealing prevention ... do you have something like window manager settings available somewhere in your menu's?17:42
isnusunsipior : it works now17:42
lfaraoneDhalsim: what's your wireless card?17:42
newUbuxSeanJM: none of them works17:42
SeanJMnewUbux: that is not good.17:43
psycovic2erUSUL: well, like in top where it tells you the cpu usage in percentage17:43
ddaygoldJabberWalkie, the only real reason i upgraded was to take advantage of the insanely fast startup17:43
krzysioomg ale z was klopsy17:43
erUSULpsycovic2: i do not think is easily doable (or even possible)17:43
newUbuxSeanJM: ok. i was trying to get the wireless connection working. and i did! but now the sound is gone17:43
Pici!pl | krzysio17:43
ubottukrzysio: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:43
ddaygoldJabberWalkie, i haven't found much diffrence other than that17:43
newUbuxis there any chance i might've blacklisted something i shouldn't have?17:44
cankoylfaraone: they're part of the grub-pc package. synaptic/apt-get/dpkg manages them. you don't have to worry.17:44
JabberWalkieddaygold: ahhh, well I only start my sysem up about once per day, if that....so its not a big deal17:44
SeanJMnewUbux: oh, so you had switchy switchy happen eh17:44
newUbuxSeanJM: is there any chance i might've blacklisted something i shouldn't have?17:44
newUbuxnewUbux:i guess17:44
SeanJMnewUbux: Possibly, I do not know how to help you with that issue--funny enough I am having a sound issue myself.17:44
lfaraoneJabberWalkie: and with suspend/resume, you can start up your system even less than that :P17:44
newUbuxSeanJM: lol17:44
* lfaraone has an uptime of 3 months on his laptop.17:45
newUbuxthx though17:45
JabberWalkieyeah, but I like giving my comptuer some rest....17:45
SeanJMno prob, :-)17:45
newUbuxSeanJM: thx though17:45
krzysioelo klopsy17:45
jesse__I've recenetly found and installed a network printer.  I can print test pages fine from the System->Administration->Printers, but the printer doesn't show up under and of my applications when I go to print (e.g. Firefox)17:45
Dhalsimlfaraone; hey man.. broadcom... 1490..17:46
sconehey all17:46
sconetrying to configure dual monitors with 2 video cards17:46
sconecan anybody help me out?17:46
theyetiscone: well, can you be more specific.  what is the problem your having?17:47
sconewell i guess i don't know where to start heh17:47
ddaygoldscone, do you have an nvidia graphics card?17:47
newUbuxanyone know why my sound disappeared after i got my wireless working?17:47
sconeyes, they're both nvidia17:47
ddaygolddo you have both drivers17:48
sconewell, i downloaded envy, but installing the driver broke X17:48
sconeso i uninstalled it17:48
sconei can just use the stock "nv" driver for now right?17:48
JabberWalkienewUbux: check if ALSA is running?17:49
SeanJMnewUbux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting17:49
ddaygoldscone, check synaptic and add/remove for the name of your video card17:49
ddaygoldthen install system>administration>synaptic package ...17:50
newUbuxJabberWalkie: it says testing... but doesn't produce sound17:50
sconeddaygold: installing...17:50
newUbuxJabberWalkie: somehow i think the drivers are working, just that nothing is producing any sound17:50
JabberWalkienewUbux: check out the link SeanJM gave17:50
newUbuxJabberWalkie: yeah17:50
ddaygoldsry forget the first to words, to get to synaptic got to system>adminstration>synaptic17:50
lfaraoneDhalsim: did you try the steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ?17:50
ddaygoldtwo words17:51
skynethow do I connect to irc.xnet.org17:51
lstarnesskynet: what client do you use?17:51
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Guest34930lstarnes: xchat17:51
lstarnesGuest34930: /newserver irc.xnet.org17:51
ddaygoldscone, nvidia has an app for their cards, but you need the drivers installed, so thats why you have to search add remove and synaptic17:52
Guest34930lstarnes: "connection refused"17:52
sconeso i'm in synaptic, but i don't really know the type of cards17:52
sconei just swiped them from old pc's17:52
sconethey're pre-geforce i think...17:52
ddaygolddoes it say on the card?17:52
sconelspci says its an NV5 and NV5M6417:53
fructoseMy network connection became unplugged, but I couldn't get it working again without rebooting. Anyone know why this might be?17:53
azi__i've now installed ubuntu by resizing a previous system partition. on that partition I have my /home dir. since the partition on which ubuntu lives is too small to simply copy over the previous home, is there any way I could set my home directory to this second partition's home?17:53
sconeddaygold: i assume its gonna be the oldest driver17:54
cgkadesazi__: yes17:54
azi__cgkades: any howto link or pointers would be great17:55
cgkadesazi__: have you already installed ubuntu? or are you about to?17:55
azi__cgkades: freshly installed17:56
azi__cgkades: i haven't used my /home on the new installation tho17:56
Dhalsimlfaraone; no...  I tried something with windows driver... but, dont worked... I just got with ubuntu-dell... that has all drivers... but.. but still one thing... the connection dont failed... but works slowly..17:56
Dhalsimlfaraone; but I note the link that you have ... I try later ...17:57
cgkadesazi__: i'm not 100% on this, as i dont have my ubuntu machine in front of me. but you can set it to mount that partition as your /home17:57
riyoTrying to install Ubuntu on my Macbook, after following this tutorial, it says its rebooting, and its just a black screen (with the backlight on), so I power it down manually, boot up, and get a folder with a question mark on it...Umm...what did I do? Thats all I get now :(17:57
cgkadesazi__: give me a sec and i'll try to remember where it's set up17:57
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hoo-hahany of you happen to know how to get the droid front?17:57
Dhalsimlfaraone; sorry about my english! hehe.. I'm from brazil.. do you speak portuguese? =P17:57
riyohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation - Dual Boot OSX and Ubuntu17:57
cgkadesazi__: you can use the mount command right now to mount it to /home to test it out17:58
ubuntuhi all17:58
cgkadesazi__: you'll want to make an entry in your /etc/mtab to auto mount it after you are sure it will work as your /home17:59
azi__cgkades: even though i'm logged into the system atm?17:59
cgkadesazi__: ah yeah.. good point17:59
ubuntuwhich dpi fonts we see in 1024x768 with xubuntu? which default 75 or 100?17:59
cgkadesmount the drive, and make sure you have all the proper permissions and stuff first. you can mount it in /mnt/whatever18:00
azi__cgkades: ya, that works18:01
cgkadesazi__: do you know how to put the entry into your mtab?18:01
=== saywhat1 is now known as saywhat
saywhatHey guys. What ftp client do you recommend and how can i set it up so that i connect to an ftp server through a proxy? Thanks18:02
Dr_WillisI thought one edited /etc/fstab  not /etc/mtab18:02
erUSUL!info filezilla | saywhat18:02
ubottusaywhat: filezilla (source: filezilla): Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1115 kB, installed size 2860 kB18:02
glitsj16ubuntu: you can adjust the default dpi in xubuntu through the settings manager (Appearance, font tab) .. i believe the default is 96 dpi for that resolution18:02
cgkadesDr_Willis: you may be right, it's been a while18:02
cgkadessaywhat: filezilla18:03
Dr_Willis /etc/mtab --> This file handles the mounted devices and is automatically updated by the mount command.18:03
cgkadesDr_Willis: ah ok, thanks for the correction18:03
rameshwocan a newbie handle Xfce desktop .   or gnome n kde is better ??18:03
saywhatcgkades it doesnt seem to be compatible with 9.04 or something or at least the one in the "ADD/remove programs"18:04
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  they are all rather easy to learn.18:04
cgkadessaywhat: have you looked at their site to see if they have a debian package?18:04
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  and you can easially install all 3 and try them all out on any ubuntu disrto18:04
erUSULDr_Willis: FYI  read somewhere /etc/mtab its not that relyable it si better to rely on /proc/mounts ...18:04
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  i cant recall ever needing to mess with mtab really. :)18:04
rameshwoDr_Willis: i have slow internet speed..  so problem download..18:04
Dr_Willisother then seeingit mentioned in some error messages18:04
hoarycripplesaywhat, try gftp18:05
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  if your system specs are rather low. Youmay want to try xubuntu othewise - stick with ubuntu18:05
moreiaStill trying to get Tomboy going after it choked in the update from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/385704 I think there's more there than meets the eye, as my audio is also crapped out and a lot of programs that appear designated to launch on start up are not launching.18:05
erUSULDr_Willis: i mean for getting info of course mtab and /proc/mounts are not meant to be edited18:06
unitedp0tsmokershello, what is a software like visual basic in ubuntu?18:07
rameshwoDr_Willis: any advantages  of ubuntu over xubuntu        yesi have low systm spec.. 256 Ram , 735 Mz procesor . please don't suggest me mini distors . it doesn't feel like running linux....18:07
erUSUL!info gambas2 | unitedp0tsmokers18:07
ubottuunitedp0tsmokers: gambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.2-1build1 (jaunty), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB18:07
sparrWhat could cause javascript to stop working in a single firefox tab?18:07
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  low system specs = Use xubuntu then.18:07
Spasysheep!info gambas2 | spasysheep18:07
ubottuspasysheep: gambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.2-1build1 (jaunty), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB18:07
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  and i use many mini-disrtos. :)  How can you say they dotn feel like running linux? you have much linux experience?18:08
=== ectospasm is now known as ectodozing
Dr_Willisrameshwo:  and your sysem specs are very low for xubuntu. it should run. but more ram would be a big big help.18:09
glitsj16sparr: do you have the NoScript addon installed in firefox? That could block javascript18:09
ubuntuI'm trying to fix a broken installation from a live cd but I have 8.10 and I'm trying to repair 9.04 installed on Ext4. Is there any way to have Ext4 support in 8.10?18:09
rameshwoi read requiremnt 256 mb ram in ubuntu 8.10  and happily installed it. but was slow...18:09
sebsebsebrameshwo: standard Ubuntu is ok on 256MB RAM can be18:09
sebsebsebrameshwo: also with a bigger swap say 512MB RAM, it may run even better18:10
ltcabralwhat command should i use to list actual user's group?18:10
sparrglitsj16: I do not18:10
cawnc4how do you tell how big your swap is?18:11
frostburnltcabral, groups18:11
Dr_Williscawnc4:  'free' command18:11
frostburncawnc4, cat /proc/swaps18:11
erUSULltcabral: « id »18:11
glitsj16sparr: ok, not much to go on i suppose... did you try to check the specific website in another browser to rule out a server problem?18:11
cawnc4is that in bits/bytes/kbits etc?18:12
SpasysheepI have two ubuntu installations, one that's been set up with all of the packages it want and had the unnecessary ones removed(A), and one fresh(B). Does anyone know of a way to get a list of all the packages that (A) has installed and make (B) exactly like that e.g. remove all the ones that have been removed? I know how to install all the packages (A) has, just not how to auto-remove the ones it doesn't.18:12
cawnc4how do you run compiz?18:13
erUSUL!clone | Spasysheep18:13
Dr_WillisSpasysheep:  check out the commands the !clone factoid gives?18:13
ubottuSpasysheep: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:13
frostburncawnc4, swaps is in kbytes18:13
cawnc4frostburn thanks18:13
sparrglitsj16: it is not website specific18:13
=== ubuntu is now known as MTeck
SpasysheeperUSL, Dr_Willis: will that also remove the ones I want removed?18:14
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning18:15
Dhalsimext3 or ReiserFS ?18:15
Webuseralguem ai pode me ajudar ? ?18:16
glitsj16sparr: hmm, just wondering how you noticed javascript wasn't working in that one tab?18:16
genii!br | Webuser18:17
ubottuWebuser: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:17
erUSUL!br | Webuser18:17
Webuser[genii]: /j ##ubuntu-pt18:17
sparrglitsj16: page with JS wasnt working, and bookmarklets didnt work on it either, long troubleshooting steps later I ended up with the page open in another tab and it worked.  then in the first tab i went to various JS test pages and none of them worked18:18
cawnc4when typing this in 9.04 terminal (sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager)18:18
cawnc4i get this errorchase@chase-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager18:19
cawnc4E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:19
cawnc4E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:19
cawnc4chase@chase-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager18:19
cawnc4E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:19
cawnc4E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:19
FloodBot3cawnc4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
frostburncawnc4, close your synaptic package manager18:19
cawnc4when trying to install compiz fusion i get this errorhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/194523/18:20
Dr_Williscawnc4:  use the proper package names, and you may want touse the synaptic pacakge manager.18:20
Dr_Williscawnc4:  and you an only have one 'package manager' progarm going at a time.18:20
cawnc4I got that directly from the ubuntu website18:20
cawnc4oh that would explain it LOL18:20
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager (is not correct)18:21
=== aduarte_ is now known as aduarte
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion18:21
geniiWebuser: /join #ubuntu-br   ou:  /join #ubuntu-pt     <--escolha # e não dobro #18:21
Dr_Willisactually compiz is installed allready. :)18:21
* Dr_Willis uses tab completion with apt-get (yes it DOES work) :)18:21
blind|melon|chitHello :> I'm trying to get at a contact in my Evolution address book through a remote terminal, is there any way of listing the contacts from the command line?18:22
Dr_Willisblind|melon|chit:  you could just run a vncserver, and get a remote desktop. (or ssh -X to the remote box, and run the app and have it appear locally)18:22
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blind|melon|chitDr_Willis: Hmm...true enough, I'll give that a try :>18:24
BeGeMoThi all18:25
XbmcUserI can't connect via wifi18:26
BeGeMoTi have one small question..... why my ubuntu box is very slow to show movies and crush when i try make movie fullscreen18:26
BeGeMoTbut tuxracers running fine and fast18:26
XbmcUserMy network manager changes password18:26
BeGeMoTconfig - built-in Ati Radeon HD 3200, CPU - Amd Athlon x2 64 2,5Ghz, ram 4Gb, 512 under video (max in bios)\18:27
XbmcUserWhat i should do?18:27
=== Arc_ is now known as Arceye
SeflerI can't shutdown my laptop in Ubuntu 9.04, any ideas?18:28
BeGeMoTpress power button for 5 sec =)18:28
xiongSefler, that sounds to me like an issue :(18:28
frostburnBeGeMoT, what are the movies encoded as?18:29
BeGeMoTxvid, mkv, dvd....18:29
BeGeMoToutput FullHD on plasma using hdmi cable18:29
frostburnXbmcUser, i'd run a wireshark and see what packets are going over the line, but that might be a little advanced18:30
BeGeMoTtrying make up htpc...18:30
SeflerI said I can't shutdown in a normal way every time. The system stops responding after the progress goes to zero.18:31
BeGeMoTmotherboard gigabyte GA-MA78GM S2H18:31
Arceyewhich would be easier on the cpu for a server box, download ubuntu server and install x onto it    or download the desktop version and install the server items ?18:31
frostburnBeGeMoT, direct rendering enabled? glxinfo|grep direct18:31
SeflerBut the monitor is not powered off.18:31
BeGeMoTfrostburn - yep18:31
XbmcUserWhen i put password in wlan manager everything is fine.but then after few seconds pops-up 2nd time window with passord confirm18:31
porter1does dd capture the MBR if I am copying all of the primary hard drive? I had trouble with clonezilla because it screwed up GRUB...18:31
jamescarrany idea what I can do to get my monitor output on my laptop to work???18:31
frostburnBeGeMoT, run a top when trying to play the video, what's your load average at?  is a single core maxed out?18:31
jamescarrit worked with Ubuntu 818:32
jamescarrin jaunty it no longer works.. none of the fn keys do18:32
jamescarrI take that back.. the fn keys do work, just the redirect output to lcd one does not18:32
porter1jamescarr, it really depends on the video card type18:32
MyWayhi, does somebody know how to make GeForce 7050 / nForce 610i working? i have only 640x480 and 800x600 and no restricted drivers -_-18:33
BeGeMoT50% for each core18:33
jamescarrcool I got it working!18:33
XbmcUserWhen i look inside network manager i can see another key entered than i've entered before18:33
deanyporter1, odd.  I use it all the time.  Im using the experimental one tho, based on jaunty, for ext4 support18:33
porter1deany, which clonezilla version?18:34
frostburnBeGeMoT, what program are you using to do playback, try it with vlc, mplayer18:34
deanyporter1, no need to restore grub either if its already there...if all you are doin is restoring partitions..18:34
deanyporter1, http://clonezilla.org/download/sourceforge/experimental/iso-zip-files.php18:34
porter1deany, it seems to 'break' grub18:34
NetLarIrvineUbuntu runs fine on AMD processors right?18:35
porter1At the end of the restore, it acts like it's trying to install a different version of GRUB or something18:35
frostburnNetEcho, yes18:35
frostburner NetLarIrvine yes18:35
mariushello ppl18:35
headrxHow do i see the name of a mnt point ? trying to format my usb drv its name is 'disk'18:35
NetLarIrvineHow about nVidia GeForce cards18:35
=== marius is now known as Guest13485
deanyporter1, try that version then..  i dont restore grub if its already there, and im just restoring a partition18:35
porter1deany, does your grub after restore find menu.lst?18:35
MyWayhi, does somebody know how to make GeForce 7050 / nForce 610i working? i have only 640x480 and 800x600 and no restricted drivers -_-18:35
siwonah buzy channel18:36
deanyI have done it tho, successfully18:36
erUSULheadrx: grep disk /proc/mounts18:36
porter1deany, because mine didn't. It gave me the infamous grub prompt18:36
frostburnheadrx, ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/18:36
NetLarIrvinenVidia is supported well on Ubuntu also?18:36
Dr_Willisheadrx:  try the 'mount' command.. and if from windows you give the drive a proper 'name/label' it wont use 'disk' under linux :)18:36
Guest13485can I remove widdows os without removing other files on the windows partition?18:36
frostburnMyWay, try the restricted drivers?18:36
Guest13485I need to make that a ubuntu oart.18:36
grawityGuest13485: Yes18:36
Guest13485yes? wow18:37
headrxah, not worried about the name, i actually migrated from windows completely18:37
Dr_Willisheadrx:  if its ext2/3/linux filesystem use the 'tune2fs' comman to set a disk label also.18:37
deany!grub | porter118:37
XbmcUserMyWay you can try envyng18:37
ubottuporter1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:37
HajuuHi guys, I am trying to run an application and capture any and all console output generated. I have tried just piping it to a file, and i've tried running it in a shell and piping the output of the shell instance, but neither way has been able to capture any and all command output.. Anyone got any ideas how I can capture everything into a file?18:37
headrxDr_Willis: im installing linux on it, should i format with ext3 ?18:37
Guest13485and how on earth can I do that thing? :))18:38
grawityGuest13485:  rm -rf WINDOWS "Program Files" "System Volume Information" RECYCLER pagefile.sys NTDETECT.COM ntldr18:38
frostburnHajuu, it's most likely being outputted as stderr instead of stdout, you'll need to redirect that as well18:38
MyWayfrostburn: there aren't18:38
Dr_Willisheadrx:  im not clear on the details of hwat you are doing  - So i no idea. :)18:38
grawityGuest13485: Ah, and hiberfil.sys and boot.ini18:38
porter1deany, I've tried all of that. GRUB gives me 'Error 15' after setting the root and setting up.18:38
Hajuufrostburn: sure, how do I do that in a similar style to pipe18:39
porter1I have a very simple setup too. Just the typical one hardive with ext4 and a swap18:39
frostburnHajuu, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html18:39
Dr_Willisheadrx:  if you install 'linux' to a hard drive.. you will want to use a linux filesystem. such as ext2/3/4 or similer. :)  the installer normally can partition/format the disk as needed18:39
headrxDr_Willis : want to install a version of ubuntu (i have the 7.10 iso) just so i can boot up into linux to burn some data off roomies computer  (severely infected)18:39
Hajuulol ahh thats weird18:40
headrxnot interested in using it anymore after then as i have 9.04 installed on this machine and server18:40
Hajuuthanks alot frostburn18:40
porter1Then I tried simply installing vanilla Ubuntu, then copying over some root folders18:40
porter1But, fat doesn't support symlinks -.-18:41
Dr_Willisheadrx:  there are live cd's that let you do that. :) they can run totally in ram. No install needed.18:41
frostburnporter1, what are you trying to accomplish?18:41
lanoxx-how do i remove the compiz blacklisting?18:41
headrxDr_Willis: perfect scenario except that he only has one optical drive18:41
deanyporter1, dunno dude.  clonezilla never failed me.  try that newer ubuntu based version.18:41
headrxso i cant burn18:41
porter1frostbum, I'm trying to simply backup a hard drive.18:41
lanoxx-i just updated to intel 2.7.1 and 2.6.3018:41
BeGeMoT_Xorg - have 80% in top, vlc have 10%18:41
Dr_Willisheadrx:  puppy linux and other small disrtos can go totally to ram. :) and freeup the optical disk18:41
Guest13485ok, but I want to make that partition to be a native ubuntu one18:42
frostburnBeGeMoT, top is running at 80%? o.O18:42
WanFu_is there a way, while in X, to change the screen resolution on the fly, with some hotkey combo?18:42
headrxill have to check into that18:42
Dr_Willisheadrx:  they wont be ussing kde/k3b - of course.. but other burning tools.18:42
porter1frostburn, I'm trying to simply backup a hard drive.18:42
porter1Sorry about name18:42
lanoxx-WanFu_, use randr18:42
BeGeMoT_frostburn no18:42
lanoxx-porter1, whats your question?18:43
frostburnporter1, i'd boot up a live cd and then copy the hard disk18:43
WanFu_lanoxx-, I cant tho, it is set at a resolution my monitor does not support, even tho I changed xorg.conf18:43
BeGeMoT_top 48% cpu18:43
BeGeMoT_idl 4918:43
porter1frostburn, using dd, right? It's slow as hell18:43
porter1I'm doing it right now tho18:43
lanoxx-WanFu_ usually u can use randr to controll the resolution, if not i dont know, sorry18:43
frostburnporter1, dd, rsync, cpio whatever you need to get the job done18:43
lanoxx-porter1, u have to add bs=2M to speed up dd18:44
lanoxx-otherwise it will copy one byte at a time and thats very slow18:44
frostburnBeGeMoT, do a cat /proc/cpuinfo does everything look ok there?18:44
WanFu_lanoxx-.. is there a hotkey to get to a terminal?18:44
BeGeMoT_it make me crazy.... first linux for media pc and it not run from box... my lovely windows...18:44
lanoxx-WanFu_, ctrl_alt_f118:44
tyler_d1I am trying to specify in mdadm a single disk for booting off of, the problem I am having is that post configuration I reboot, and initramfs tries to boot from the raid array, my os resides on a single disk. I end up with the (initramfs) prompt and am unable to boot from the device18:44
siwonanyone familar with gdesklets? i'm a noob and i'm having an isue with some apps like themes and icons and what not so i installed gdesklets but when i go to application the click on it then it creats an error saying could not launch, failed to execute child process, no such file or directory???18:45
tyler_d1what do I need to add to force initramfs to boot from the single disk rather then the raid 5?18:45
porter1lanoxx-, too late. I wasn't sure what the best blocksize value would be18:45
sysdocGuys I now have a few objectives which include: 1 installing the source for the planet CCRMA kernel and re compile for this hardware (also needed for Line6 driver). 2 get alsa to ID this sound card (intel-HDA Realtec888 codex) correctly and correct the ALSA mixers sliders to correctly control the right outs.  Does anyone have howto's or other material that could assist in this? please pm any links you may have, I have to step a18:45
sysdocway and don't know how long I'll be. Thanks18:45
headrxDr_Willis: i think ill install ubuntu on my usb drive and just boot that way, that way i can use standard tools18:45
lanoxx-porter1, the best size differes from drive to drive, but for me, when i once used dd the speed increase was from 2 days to 2 hours after I added the bs option18:46
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lanoxx-for a copy of 100gb18:46
headrxDr_Willis: if my usb drive is /dev/sdb1 how should i format?18:46
lanoxx-can any one tell me how to remove the compiz blacklisting for intel on jaunty?18:46
porter1lanoxx-, thankfully I'm just trying to backup these small drives (35GB), so it isn't too painful18:46
lanoxx-porter1, ok then, anyway if its too slow you can still start over again18:47
lanoxx-there is also a command to see how far dd has gome18:47
porter1lanoxx-, actually I got 3 gigs left18:47
lanoxx-hehe, ok18:47
spart2can anyone tell me if ich9r raid is supported on Ubuntu 9.04?18:49
mib_4psm53lbpassword help please!18:50
porter1mib, what specifically?18:51
mib_4psm53lbran my laptop for ages with the password bypassed so i never had to login. after updating to 904 and restarting its asking for the password again and its been so long that i dont remember18:51
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Flannelmib_4psm53lb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword  will walk you through setting a new one18:52
porter1mib, you can run the live CD and reset it if you want.18:52
FlannelDon't even need a liveCD18:52
porter1Ah, yes, ignore me18:52
Dracofodderquestion on video playback in ubuntu.  I think I have all the codecs installed, as I can download and play podcasts (H264 format for example)  but streaming is choppy and slow from youtube, hulu and other places.  Is this bad playback likely a factor of my cpu speed (old computer) nic, codec, or some other thing?18:53
porter1Dracofodder, in fullscreen?18:53
Dr_WillisDracofodder:  more likely  one of the many 'flash' annoyances.  - we just LOVE flash....18:53
Dracofodderporter1: nope, small.18:53
porter1Dracofodder, I believe that flashplayer is simply cruddy18:53
siwonanyone familar with gdesklets? i'm a noob and i'm having an isue with some apps like themes and icons and what not so i installed gdesklets but when i go to application the click on it then it creats an error saying could not launch, failed to execute child process, no such file or directory???18:53
siwonjust let me know when its my turn18:54
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porter1Dracofodder, on some of the nicest computers I've run Ubuntu on, flashplayer is still slow18:54
Dr_Willissiwon:  mentioned in the forums  at times.  gdesktlets needs the older version of python to be installed.. and for what its worth.. i wouldent mess with gdesklets.  its not very good.18:54
porter1Even with accelerated graphics set in Flash settings18:54
Dracofodderporter1: Dr_Willis.. agreed on flashplayer in both cases, but I used to have a beefier laptop that ran "ok" using opensuse.  I no longer have that hardware, and in all things on this old machine the video is the only thing that is a problem18:54
Dr_Willissiwon:  i tend to use 'screenlets' or google-applets (i forget the exact name)18:55
Dr_WillisDracofodder:  flash is a problem. :)  it can be quirky depending on video card/driveers/kernel version/phase of the moon.18:55
xsodoes anyone know a way to prevent my mouse from getting "Lost in the abyss" between my monitors lol...  When I move my mouse to the other monitor since its a different resolution it seems to go into a "Void" area which is fine, just wondering if I could lock the mouse to within the resolution parameters18:56
porter1xso, do you have a nvidia card?18:57
Guest40636hi! i have a problems i dont have sounds with this sounds card "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller"  i have to change some line in alsa-base.conf but i cannot edit the files cause of permission someone can tell me how to unlock the files im newbs and french18:57
xsoyea I do18:57
BeGeMoT 3115 root      20   0  413m  80m  28m R   80  2.9  17:24.15 Xorg18:57
siwonty any other suggestions?18:57
BeGeMoT 4062 begemot   20   0  280m  53m  21m S   14  1.9   2:47.84 vlc18:57
BeGeMoTit's make me crazy....18:57
xsoPorter: yea I do sorry18:57
Dr_Willisxso:  not that ive noticed. But i rarely lose the thing :) i do have 2 differnt res monitors also.18:57
porter1in the nvidia settings area, you can set the offset of the other monitor so that it is closer18:57
tyler_d1recommended firewall?18:57
DracofodderDr_Willis:  should I go looking for some sort of flash "tuning"  or am I just stuck?   driers and kernel are whatever is in the channel for ubuntu 9.04, I used an nvidia 5950 I had laying about, and installed their ver 172 driver..  Maxed out the ram onthis machine too (not much, it is old hardware.. but it is maced)18:57
xsoPorter: its not like it gets lost its just annoying at times thats all.. I've set my monitor to the same resolution just to avoid the problem18:58
Dr_WillisDracofodder:  trouble shooting problamtic flash can be a pain. Not sure to where even BEGIN to start.  check the forums perhaps for that exact video card may be a start18:58
porter1xso, in the display config area, one of the monitors can be set to overlap18:58
DracofodderDr_Willis: sorry, nvidia driver 173.14.16   just checked.18:59
Guest40636hi! i have a problems i dont have sounds with this sounds card "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller"  i have to change some line in alsa-base.conf but i cannot edit the files cause of permission someone can tell me how to unlock the files im newbs and french18:59
xsooh wow thanks man, thats been bothering me for years18:59
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Hajuuis there something around that will allow me to run a program as another user, given that users username and the users password, from command line?18:59
DracofodderDr_Willis: ok, thanks, will do that.  this irc has been a huge help in the past so I figured I'd start my quest here.18:59
Dr_WillisHajuu:  ive used, su, and sux, to do that in the past.18:59
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halberdI have installed graphviz with apt-get.  Where might its example scripts be located?18:59
Dr_Willis!info sux18:59
ubottusux (source: sux): wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-5 (jaunty), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB18:59
HajuuI want to 100% require users are logged in to run a binary, and if they hack their way around it, I want the app to still have to run as that user19:00
JoesephI'm about to install Fedora 11 on my slave HD.  Is it okay if Fedora shares the same home partition and the same Swap partition as my ubuntu install?19:00
Hajuuill check out sux19:00
carpiiJoeseph, id say its a bad idea really19:00
Dr_WillisHajuu:  your reasoning/logic/demands are not clear on what you are doing exactly. :)19:01
Joesephcarpii: How come?19:01
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  very much NOT a good idea.19:01
carpiiwell maybe swap wont be an issue, i dont know19:01
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  owndership of files will be different btween the 2 disrtos.19:01
JoesephCan you explain why?19:01
HajuuDr_Willis: 10 years in web application development would beg to differ :P19:01
NetLarIrvineCan you do a live CD to check if a computer system will work when unbuntu is installed??19:01
porter1Joeseph, because the two will be confused with some of the data19:01
carpiiwell what if fedora writes some config files, ina  way that isnt compatible with the software on ubuntu ?19:01
NetLarIrvineI mean like at a computer store??19:02
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  the initial user id on ubuntu starts at 1000, on redhat/variants its 500 (i think)19:02
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  so your home users files will show as owned by someone else when the other disrto runs.19:02
SoopaHi everyone, I've been looking for an OSS document repository but haven't been able to find one.. anyone have any suggestions?  I currently use Drupal, but all I need it to do is manage a bunch of binary files and documents19:03
Dr_WillisHajuu:  your experience means that you eexplinattion was clear? :) i dident think so.. but whatever.. have fun with 'sux'  theres proberly other ways to do what you want also. this is Linux after all.19:03
SoopaDrupal doesn't have a doc check out/check in feature, which I'd like to have19:03
NetLarIrvineThat way I could test if a system will work first19:03
siwonany suggestions on a osx type of bar for ubuntu?19:04
HajuuDr_Willis: Well, that is the question in the first place, is it not?19:04
Guest61872hi! i have a problems i dont have sounds with this sounds card "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller"  i have to change some line in alsa-base.conf but i cannot edit the files cause of permission someone can tell me how to unlock the files im newbs and french19:04
Soopasiwon: I use Gnome-Do19:04
Dr_Willissiwon:  most of them ive seen/tried/played with suck. :)19:04
JoesephDr_Willis: That makes sense.  Is there an easy way around this?   Say I made a symbolic link instead of mounting it as home or something?19:04
Flannel!awn | siwon19:04
ubottusiwon: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy19:04
HajuuDr_Willis: Or should I not look into sux in exchange for the no help you've offered?19:04
halberdin os x there is a command (from the terminal) called "open" which tries to guess the filetype, then selects the appropriate program to open with19:04
halberdis there a similar program on ubuntu?19:04
nightdreverany good chess training software19:04
lucas_tiburcioopa, posso perguntar sobre windows aqui?19:05
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  no idea. Ive seen it mentione4d in for  in forums about shareing homes with diffrent disrtos. You can even have a similer issue with the same disrtos if the users 'ids' are not identical.19:05
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halberdso like, "open foo.png" would open a graphical preview application, and "open foo.htm" would open firefox19:05
cognitiaclaevesanyone have a link for installing a very basic dev environment on ubuntu via terminal?19:05
lucas_tiburcioalguem sabe se no windows existe um arquivo de configuração de rede como no linux?19:05
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:05
lucas_tiburcioalguem sabe se no windows existe um arquivo de configuração de rede como no linux?19:05
lucas_tiburcioalguem sabe se no windows existe um arquivo de configuração de rede como no linux?19:05
lucas_tiburcioalguem sabe se no windows existe um arquivo de configuração de rede como no linux?19:05
Flannelhalberd: There is.  I just can't remember what the command is.19:06
Dr_Williscognitiaclaeves:  install the build-essential package19:06
FloodBot3lucas_tiburcio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
Pici!br | lucas_tiburcio19:06
ubottulucas_tiburcio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:06
cognitiaclaeves   ah, yes.  That's the one.  Thanks!19:06
lucas_tiburciothanks ubottu19:06
Flannelhalberd: gnome-open19:06
JoesephDr_Willis: Alright.  For now then, I guess I won't have the same home folder, but I'll share the swap, that's not bad; right?19:06
Flannelhalberd: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/16/gnome-open-open-anything-from-the-command-line/19:06
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  as long as you dont try hibernate/suspend (those can use the swap) it should work.19:07
Orestis there anyway to extract *.zipx files on ubuntu?19:07
halberdgreat Flannel , slight problem is I use kde... maybe I better ask in kubuntu19:07
Dr_WillisOrest:  sure its not a missnamed .zip file? ive neverheard of .zipx  in mymany years of windows ussage19:07
JoesephDr_Willis: Yeah, that makes sense.   If I hibernate into the swap, then instead boot the other distro, I can see how that would be a problem.19:08
OrestDr_Willis: neither have I, but it seems it's a new format WinZip came up with19:08
OrestI googled it and there are some articles how it's the next best thing since sliced bread etc... but of course no linux support19:09
Dr_WillisOrest:  actually a google hit says its an OLD format... :)19:09
Dr_WillisZipX is a file extension that will be used for a forthcoming archive file format. StuffIt 8.5 will add recognition for files with this extension. They expect release in Sept 2003.19:09
krzdhi, i just bouhgt a delock raid controller but ubuntu doesn'T recognizes the hdds19:09
Orestthat is indeed old19:09
Dr_WillisOrest:  when in doubt try wine and whatever windows app  handles it.19:09
Flannelhalberd: Looks like there's kde-open as well.19:09
OrestDr_Willis: I guess that's my best bet, thanks anyway19:10
JoesephAlright, one last question then...  Should I let it install grub if it asks? Will it recognize my ubuntu install?19:10
Guest61872hi! i have a problems i dont have sounds with this sounds card "82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller"  i have to change some line in alsa-base.conf but i cannot edit the files cause of permission someone can tell me how to unlock the files im newbs and french19:10
Dr_WillisOrest:  gotta love 'new' file extensions the same as old ones.. with totally diffferent tools...19:11
Dr_WillisOrest:  http://www.winzip.com/xzipx.htm19:11
Dr_WillisJoeseph:  you will need to pick one distro to handle the boot loader. and most likelyneed to manuyally edit the menu.lst to allow booting either OS. (unless the installers are REAALLY smart)19:11
fihanGuest61872: sudo nano alsa-base.conf19:12
JoesephDr_Willis: Alright.  Thanks.19:12
OrestDr_Willis: I know, it's probably just a marketing thing on winzips part. Why can't we all use tar.gz :)19:12
Dr_WillisOrest:  i perfer multi part rar archives, zipped together .......19:12
OrestDr_Willis: I actually heard that 7z gives best compression ratio... but oh well, delving into off topic here. I've got zipx files to extract.19:13
ongolaBoyhi.on MoinMoin can i use the macros RecentChange + FullSearch(specific pages) together ?19:14
NetLarIrvineSo does anyone think that would work?, Using Live CD to check if a system is compatible?19:14
ActionParsnipOrest: considering the availability of high volume storage, i cant see a few mb here or there being a massive issue19:14
FlannelongolaBoy: #ubuntu-offtopic, or #ubuntu-doc, this isn't really an appropriate place for that question19:15
ongolaBoyFlannel: ok19:15
fosco__NetLarIrvine, that is the main purpose of the liveCD19:15
ActionParsnipNetLarIrvine: sure, if it works in the live cd it will work in the installed system. You can even install drivers for hardware in nthe live cd, it will live in the ram disk19:15
NetLarIrvineSo a live CD run will not prove the system will be compatible for installing Ubuntu?19:16
NetLarIrvineoh sorry19:17
NetLarIrvinedid not read you correctly19:17
NetLarIrvineGreat thanks19:17
PWilderHey guys, trying to install AWN Desktop manager and have run into a small problem19:17
PWilderApparently I don't have the required repositories to get the things needed to build it,19:18
fosco__PWilder, sudo aptitude install avant-window-navigator19:18
fosco__that's all you need19:18
ActionParsnip!info avant-window-navigator19:19
ubottuavant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 63 kB, installed size 316 kB19:19
PWilderI know what it is.19:19
PWilderI already downloaded it.19:19
ActionParsnipPWilder: make sure you have universe repositorys enabled19:19
ActionParsnipPWilder: are you running compiz?19:19
PWilderI dont know.19:19
PWilderI thought that Intrepid came with it already.19:19
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ActionParsnipPWilder: wobbly windows? maximise efects? cube desktop?19:20
PWilderall that.19:20
PWilderI do I do!19:20
ActionParsnipPWilder: ok then launch AWN from the terminal and pastebin the output19:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastge19:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:20
PWilderinstalling right now actually.19:20
PWilderI also know about pasating19:20
PWilderIt worked it worked!19:21
PWilderthanks guys19:21
ActionParsnipPWilder: run the command, then copy and paste the output to the pastebin, once you click paste, give us the address of the new page you go to19:21
ActionParsnipoh, cool19:22
PWilderOh pooh, that's the v0.119:22
halberdHow does sudo find programs?19:22
halberdit doesn't seem to use $PATH19:22
ActionParsniphalberd: sudo doesnt find programs19:22
halberdwhat does it do ActionParsnip then? how does it decide?19:23
halberdby "find programs" I mean, determine that e.g. emacs is located in /usr/bin/emacs19:23
ActionParsniphalberd: sudo allows you to execute cli based apps with elevated priveledges provided you are in the admin group19:23
halberdhow does it do that?19:23
HajuuGoing to use expect19:24
ActionParsniphalberd: its what sudo is for, I have no idea how it does it and as a user I'm not bothered19:24
Hajuuthanks for your help frostburn, Dr_Willis19:24
ActionParsniphalberd: the $PATH will be used for the name autocomplete to work for the command you type after sudo19:25
unophalberd, it uses a new version of $PATH - as defined in /etc/profile (i believe).   e.g.  sudo sh -c 'echo $PATH'19:25
fretegihello all19:25
ActionParsniphalberd: if you use the 'which' command it will tell you what will be ran when you type the command19:25
fretegiok got a problem19:25
fretegitrying to uninstall wine and EVERYTHING to do with it19:25
ActionParsnip!ask | fretegi19:25
ubottufretegi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:25
fretegiwanna just blow the whole directory19:25
unopActionParsnip, except which could give you different results for different users19:25
geirhahalberd: You can see what PATH sudo uses with: sudo env19:25
fretegibut it wont lemme mw19:25
fretegiany thoughts?19:26
fosco__fretegi, rm -rf ~/.wine, that will delete all wine for your user19:26
ActionParsnipunop: well the command is executed as the curent user so i not incorrect, but you are correct19:26
fretegijust tried19:27
ActionParsnipfretegi: sudo apt-get --purge remove wine; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:27
unopActionParsnip, no, the command is executed by the user specified by sudo (root by default)  :)19:27
ActionParsnipfretegi: will uninstall all of wine and its dependancys19:27
fretegistill have it in applications tab19:28
fretegiubuntu 8.1 64 bit19:28
savidDoes anyone remember the name of that program that allows you to use your mouse and keyboard across two computers?19:29
geirhafretegi: look in ~/.local/share/applications , the menu entries are stored there as .desktop-files19:29
fosco__fretegi, this is not wine, it is only a menu access, use alacarte to delete it19:30
needleswhat can i do here19:30
fosco__needles, ask your ubuntu questions19:30
needleswhat can i ask19:31
savidoh nm.. it's synergy19:31
needlescan you help me ?19:31
halberdsomehow /users/me/python got into my sudo path, how did that happen?19:31
halberdbecause that's in my regular path19:31
fosco__needles, just ask your question19:31
halberdand I specify it in .bashrc19:32
rameshwoneedless - ask if u have any problems with u untu..19:32
lesshastehow would I reinstall gnome network manager and remove any old wireless networking setup?19:33
lesshastebasically set things back to the default19:33
unophalberd, how are you checking the 'sudo' path?19:34
diffredhi! I have no sound in ubuntu 9.04, I have a sound blaster external with USB. Autodetect in sound doesn't play any test sound. I've checked all volume control and anything is mute. Anyone can help me?19:35
kawI' been pxe boot with a GX280 various keyboards and mice and it seems it always stops there.  What to there.  on 9.0419:35
Neremorwhere can i find voices for festival and how do i install them?19:37
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elli222Hello, Suspend wants to remount my root filesystem Read only. This has massive side effects...19:39
elli222Such as generic system instability, inability to load X or view manpages...19:40
Xpistos|workHey fellas , Let me ask a newb question. I am trying to simplify my ubuntu install (VLC, Scibbus, Medibuntu etc) but when I try to add the Medibuntu repo it says connecting but then does nothing19:41
elli222How are you trying to "add" the medibuntu repo?19:41
geirhalesshaste: in gconf-editor, browse to /system/networking/wireless ... is that the information you want to remove?19:41
Xpistos|work I am trying to follow the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu instructions but it says  "HTTP request sent, awaiting response..." Any ideas?19:41
kereshow do you check your video memory in ubuntu?19:42
JuJuBeehow do I list all files/folders that start with a .  at command line?19:42
geirhaJuJuBee: ls -ld .19:42
SMP_cahi, do you know the command that I have to type to modify interactively the "xorg.conf" file?19:42
Orange_v_BlueQuestion grown out of curiousity: I would like to have some kind of monitor for my internet usage, but it does not have to be real time. I want it to keep logs, so I can compare days. But I also need to be able to log different networks separately (the wireless at my house is not on the internet, just local, but at school the wireless is connected, and at work it is a wired connection). Any ideas, I'm having a hard time finding someth19:42
geirhaJuJuBee: err, sorry, ls -ld .*  or ls -d .*19:43
Orange_v_BlueOh yes, and this is all just for the one laptop I use.19:44
Viper550Okay, I got a potential noob next door, should I get 8.04 or the latest?19:45
fosco__Viper550, in my opinion you'd better try 9.0419:45
SMP_cado you know the command that modifies interactively the "xorg.conf" configuration?19:46
whatvn2045 root      20   0  4676 1736  752 R   96  0.1  73:46.53 mount.ntfs-3g19:46
fosco__SMP_ca, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:46
whatvnntfs-3g eats 96% my cpu19:46
SMP_caok thanks19:47
Orange_v_BlueI would like to have some kind of monitor for my personal internet usage, but it does not have to be real time. I want it to keep logs, so I can compare days. But I also want to be able to log different networks separately (two wireless and a wired). Any ideas, I'm having a hard time finding something like this. and ideas?19:49
geirha!fr | idril_19:50
ubottuidril_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:50
ltcabralhey someone help me... i lost administration rights in my login...19:50
npopeltcabral: no more sudo ?19:50
ltcabralnpope: no :(19:50
npopeltcabral: log into a terminal as root and edit visudo19:51
ltcabralnpope: thanks19:51
geirhaltcabral: Have you changed group memberships lately?19:51
ltcabralgeirha: ya i think i did something stupid...19:51
deanyis there something faster than recordmydesktop when recording a compiz enabled desktop?  its pretty awful.  P4-1gig ram and radeon 9800.19:52
elli222Hello, resuming after a suspend remounts my root filesystem Read only. This has massive side effects...19:52
elli222is there any fix for it?19:53
geirhaltcabral: Users in the "admin" group are the ones that have access to use sudo. If your user is no longer in that group, you'll need to reboot into recovery mode and run "adduser yourusername admin" to add yourusername to the admin group19:53
elli222(i have a feeling this is why hibernate dosent work, either)19:53
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Orange_v_Blueelli222: just shut down? I have a similar problem, in that when i suspend, I basically have to restart anyway, so I usually just shut down, and then restart. It's a quick enough restart that I don't really mind. less helpful, I know, but it works19:55
=== An is now known as Guest54228
chase__how do i get php4 on unbuntu?19:55
Symmetriaanyone here got any hints on how I can profile whats bottlenecking my webserver19:56
Quacktophmm, i inserted a new network card in my ubuntu server and connected the internet, light on the back works, but doesn't show up in the ifconfig19:56
JuJuBeegeirha: thanks.  Now, how would I go about rm 'ing everything that started with a . in a users home dir?  I want to be certain before I do it.19:56
SymmetriaI'm pushing between 1 and 1.1gigabit but it doesnt seem to wanna rise any higher19:56
Symmetriaand I have bandwidth available, and the box load average is still low19:56
Symmetriaand there is ram etc available and iostat is negligable19:56
elli222rm -rf ./.*? (i think somthing is wrong with that...)19:57
chase__have correct drivers?19:57
carpiielli, depends what youre trying to do19:57
geirhaelli222: That'll delete the whole homefolder19:57
carpiiwell, itll delete everything in the directory youre currently in19:57
qrJuJuBee: you can do something like 'find . -name .*' ... play around with that until it lists the files you want to kill and then pipe it into xargs rm -rf19:58
carpiiprobably better not to use rm -r if youre getting results from find anyway19:58
geirhaJuJuBee: I believe "rm .[^.]*" should do it, add a -r to also remove directories.19:58
unopqr, you must quote .* there otherwise the shell will expand the glob19:58
carpiijust rm -f19:58
JuJuBeeOr I could simply move evrything not starting with a . to a new folder outside and then remove the users folder...19:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
chase__anybody know how i can get php4 on 9.04?19:59
geirhaJuJuBee: Yes, that would be safer. mv .[^.]* /some/other/dir19:59
idril_I need some help with the nvidia driver 185 on ubuntu  please19:59
carpiicase, compile it maybe?  why would you want v4 ?19:59
chase__well this program (e-commerce store designer) that I want runs on v420:00
unopgeirha,  it turns out that rm doesn't delete . and .. in the newer coreutils20:00
carpiiand wont run on v5 ?20:00
chase__idk, but I would rather run it on v4 as apposed to having to mess with incapatabliltiys20:00
elli222Hello, resuming after a suspend remounts my root filesystem Read only. How can i fix this?20:01
JuJuBeegeirha:  mv: cannot stat `.[^.]*': No such file or directory20:01
geirhaunop: Ah, that's good to know20:01
unopJuJuBee,  shopt -s nullglob  # first20:01
qrJuJuBee: find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -name '.*' | xargs whateveryouwanttodo20:01
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geirhaelli222: Then your command wasn't dangerous after all. Sorry :)20:02
geirhaJuJuBee: What shell are you using?20:02
unopqr,  err, that could be disastrous without  find .. -print0 and xargs -020:02
JuJuBeegeirha: bash20:02
maitrebnHi, I'm fighting with sound on the 9.04 ... is someone for some advice ...20:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:03
geirhaJuJuBee: The message means there are no hidden files or folders in the current directory20:03
JuJuBeegeirha: Ok20:03
Dr_Willisanyone else notice that  www.medibuntu.org  is down?20:04
geirhaJuJuBee: Does ls -d .* show anything other than . and .. ?20:04
unopDr_Willis, yes, it seems to be down20:04
JuJuBeeit does...20:04
arooni-mobilei have bluetooth s9 headphones that i got working with alsa using this .asoundrc file: http://pastebin.com/f73885617 (credit http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices) ... but now when i try to load up skype i see: ALSA lib pcm_bluetooth.c:1563:(audioservice_expect) BT_GET_CAPABILITIES failed : Input/output error(5).... how can i get skype to ignore bluetooth audio for the moment being20:04
JuJuBeeI think I have a solution that woks let me test it...20:04
Dr_Willisunop:  bummer. :()20:05
Dr_Willisunop:  thanks for the info. its down when i need somthing.. heh.20:05
unopDr_Willis, I wonder if the site is mirrored ..20:06
geirha!hi | cody20:07
ubottucody: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:07
Dr_Willisunop:  perhaps - I just gotta convert some videos so need their ffmpeg version with the extra features. ill do it on the other box for now. :) converting video to cell phone format for the kids. heh20:07
unopDr_Willis, :)  ftp://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/medibuntu/20:07
dansku2how do i restart a program running on a user? rtorrent20:08
deanythe ffmpeg in the repos works fine for making 3gp/mp420:09
ringo999i'm looking for an application to mix/cut mp3s into one piece, any recommendations?20:09
deanytheres also winff for a gui20:09
billybigriggerdeany::: it sure does20:09
swoodyCan anyone help me out? When I try to copy CD's to my computer, some actually spin up my CD-ROM all the way, but other's are really slow, and only spin it up a little bit? Is there any way to change this?20:10
swoodyit seems pretty random**20:10
=== topgun21 is now known as gun21
dansku2how do i restart a program running on a user? rtorrent20:11
bc316does the ipv6 autoconfigure work on jaunty?20:12
mikeg3Hi.  How do I test my webcam / get drivers for a logitech quickcam 9000 pro in ubuntu?20:13
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jussi01!webcam | mikeg320:13
ubottumikeg3: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:13
scott_ino__mikeg3: you can use several applications including Cheese, Ekiga20:13
Dr_Willisunop:  yea. I noticed the site was down.. but the ftp site isent. :) so i can still install.. heh.  time to get to work - thanks20:14
scott_ino__mikeg3: Many logitech webcams now work thanks to the linux UVC driver, so open up a program like ekiga and test it out first, if not, guarentee we can get yoru webcam working20:14
scott_ino__mikeg3: take a look here as well: http://www.quickcamteam.net/devices20:15
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david__I need help installing an nvidia driver it is a .run file I am using Ubuntu 9.0420:16
funkycat90210i upgraded to the latest ubuntu and my end key no long works and this: xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = Multi_key" no longer works. Anyone know why?20:17
scott_ino__david__:  do you have a specific reason why you aren't just using the nvidia drivers from synaptic?20:18
chiquesWhen I watch a youtube video and I click on full screen, firefox simply closes (I think crashes) anybody else encountered this?20:18
david__yeah I want to use dual monitor's and the one that came with wouldnt activate my second monitor20:18
billybigriggerchiques::: 32bit or 64bit?20:19
scott_ino__david__: well currently do you have it setup to use the proprietary graphics driver? or the NV driver?20:19
chiquesbillybigrigger, 32 bit20:19
scott_ino__as usually nvidia is pretty good about allowing second monitors20:19
david__and now my second monitor isnt even showing up anymore20:19
lesshastehow do you install the gnome network manager?20:19
billybigriggerchiques::: i have that problem in 64bit20:19
david__I dotn know what ever is default by installing20:19
lesshasteor whatever is the easiest way to get wireless working20:20
billybigriggerchiques::: blame ADOBE not canonical or ubuntu20:20
billybigriggerlesshaste::: NM should already be installed20:20
chiquesbillybigrigger, Is it the flash plug in that might be crapping out?20:20
scott_ino__david__: try this first, go to System/Administration/Hardware drivers and see if it lists an Nvidia driver20:20
lesshastebillybigrigger: it was removed20:20
lesshastebillybigrigger: how do I reinstall it?20:20
billybigriggerchiques::: ya its the plugin20:20
cody_yo hi do you guys know anything about sarch linux20:20
chiquesbillybigrigger, OK, well I see if there is anything on the net about it. Thanks20:21
cody_arch linux20:21
andrukdoes the intel gma950 support 1680x1050 ?20:21
billybigriggerlesshaste::: kde or gnome?20:21
billybigriggerchiques::: np20:21
lesshastebillybigrigger: it's network-manager-gnome20:21
billybigriggerlesshaste::: yeah20:21
billybigriggerlesshaste::: exactly20:21
cody_no i mean does anyone here know about arch linux20:21
billybigriggerlesshaste::: install that20:21
cody_judd vinet20:21
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cody_any archers here20:22
fireslayer26I'm trying to get info from my modem and I was told to load a file from ram.... how do I do that20:23
cody_you fdo you gus kn ow about arch20:24
cody_arch linux20:24
billybigriggercody_::: this isn't the place to ask20:24
cody_you guys know anythinhg about it20:25
cody_where do i ask20:25
andrukcody_: try #arch20:25
billybigriggerwhy don't you check their website/forums/irc channel20:25
cody_im lokking for za arch delvoper in chichagio ilnnios20:25
legend2440cody_: channel   #archlinux20:25
andrukcody_: and why would they be on a ubuntu channel?20:25
maitrebnany directions for a sound pb ? I've already checked the doc ...20:25
funkycat90210nvm, the key code for my escape char is now 133, dunno why that changed, maybe 'cause i messed w/ the xorg.conf and use another keyboard20:26
cody_Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel20:26
cody_thats what it says on the arch chanel20:26
billybigriggerwell do what nickserv says20:26
cody_how do i regstier20:26
cody_im new to irc20:26
fretegigot a wuestion about wine20:26
mneptokcody_: please ask such questions in #freenode20:27
cody_how do i register20:27
billybigrigger(/msg nickserv help)20:27
mneptokcody_: #ubuntu is not a general IRC support channel.20:27
billybigriggerits pretty simple stuff20:27
billybigriggernow quit asking20:27
FloodBot3billybigrigger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
fireslayer26andyone know how to load a file from RAM?20:27
andrukcody_: this is not the proper channel to discuss irc errata.  see here: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html20:27
mneptokbillybigrigger: be nice.20:27
david__ok I am back20:27
mikeg3How do I launch cheese?20:28
andrukcody_: try #ubuntu-offtopic20:28
fretegii have ubuntu 8.10 64 bit, when i add the appropriate line in "software sources", the appropriate key and "reload", do i then still hafta DL the winehq program through add/remove programs20:28
ARMENIANhow do you find a phone's bdaddress?20:28
andrukmikeg3: Applications > Graphics > Cheese20:28
wolfgangwhats the best cli mail client?20:28
mneptokwolfgang: i like Mutt20:28
nick__hi folks, im having an issue with my wireless. uninstalled the drivers by accident and nowcant reinstall them anyone experienced somthing like this before?20:28
mikeg3thx andruk, scott_ino20:29
fretegianyone know?20:29
nick2pariswhat is the best torrent app for ubuntu?20:29
nascentmindHi bugzilla tells to do /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl --all but i am not able to find install-module file. where can i download it?20:29
andrukfretegi: yes, you still have to install it with add/remove or synaptic20:29
fretegistupid question im sure, but im very new to ubuntu, very very proficient in windows and computers in general, just still not clear on the software isntallation processes for ubuntu20:29
cody_eceived a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connect20:29
cody_-NickServ- <codyconlon@gmail.com> is not a valid email address.20:29
wolfgangmneptok, i have been messing with that myself, i like it but i can't get it show the timestamp on incoming mail20:30
damianel canal en español por favor?20:30
nick2pariswhat is the best torrent app for ubuntu?20:30
cody_guys help me please how do i regiser20:30
durt!best > nick2paris20:30
ubottunick2paris, please see my private message20:30
cody_i need help20:30
durtcody_, ask on #freenode20:30
andruknick2paris: ktorrent is decent, transmission is alright, deluge is slow (thats python for yeh), and vuze is too slow for my taste (thats a bloated java program for you)20:30
Dethronedhow do I install flashplayer for firefox?20:30
cody_i got to find a arch linux delvoper20:30
damianhola por favor ayuda20:30
fretegigo to adobe's site dethroned20:31
nick2parisso ktorrent is good, but i have gnome20:31
nick2parisit is not a problem?20:31
mneptokwolfgang: your .muttrc configures that20:31
phoenixzI need to ajust brigtness, contrast and gamma of a picture.. What EASY (not the gimp please) program can do this for me?20:31
funkycat90210xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = End" and i have my end key again20:31
* funkycat90210 celebrates20:31
Dethronedfretegi:  it comes up with a couple of linux options...which one do I choose?20:31
Orange_v_Bluenick2paris: I have Transmission for a client, came with ubuntu20:31
andruknick2paris: it will install the necessary dependencies automatically, but it will take up some disk space20:31
durt!es | damian20:31
mneptokwolfgang: make sure "date" is in your "unignore" line20:31
ubottudamian: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:31
Orange_v_Bluenick2paris: works great for me, i guess20:31
swoodyCan anyone help me out? When I try to copy CD's to my computer, some actually spin up my CD-ROM all the way, but other's are really slow, and only spin it up a little bit? Is there any way to change this?20:31
nick2paristhx u :)20:31
nick__im getting an err2 when i do a sudo make for ipw drivers and an error when i try an install ieee802.1.1 sub network.........its kinda beyond me any ideas?20:32
mneptokDethroned: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:32
mneptokDethroned: that is the *only* supported way to install it20:32
Jiba_Hello guys20:32
andrukswoody: try cleaning your cds, that sometimes happens when mine get dirty20:32
Dethronedmneptok: I tried that...it couldn't find flashplugin-nonfree20:32
mneptokDethroned: use apt whenever possible. this is not Windows. you don;t install stuff via web sites.20:32
swoodyandruk:  well CD's are brand new :(20:32
fretegianyone proficient with wine?20:33
mneptokDethroned: use Synaptic to enable the restricted repositories. then refresh the package list.20:33
rupertHey, I'm ripping a CD with cdparanoia and want the ripped files to be outputted to a particular directory. There don't seem to be any options listen in the man file to do this. Anyone know how to do this?20:33
Jiba_Hey guys... i got one problem. I can get to screen where it asks if i want to try ubuntu or install it... when i press whatever option i get blinking cursor to Upper left corner and it wont move a bit... what should i do since i want to start using ubuntu again20:33
cody_can you help me20:34
Soopahow do i install updates from the command line?20:34
cody_regestier for a irc chanell20:34
mneptokcody_: please ask such questions in #freenode20:34
cody_i knew to irc20:34
mneptokcody_: this is the last time i tell you20:34
ARMENIANhow do you find a phone's bdaddress?20:34
effie_jayxIt seems I have an issue with my hardy box. dpkg has stopped working due to a postinst problem20:34
cody_i know Neo_The_User20:34
rishguys, got problem with jaunty on dell studio20:34
rishcan u help?20:34
cody_you know him20:34
Jiba_Is there anyone online who would be willing to help me with my problem of booting and installing ubuntu 9.04?20:35
effie_jayxaparrently it has to do with perl20:35
LinKDeaDHi, I am wanting to get more involved in the ubuntu community.  I have an avid interest in computers, and I have been loving Linux.  I would like to get involved in programming and was wondering if anyone knew of any free online books covering it.20:35
Dethronedmneptok: how do I enable restricted repositories?20:35
wolfgangmneptok, got it, fixed it20:35
rishyess Jiba, tell me20:35
phoenixzAnyone who might know a program to ajust brightness, etc of photos?20:35
wolfgangmneptok, thanks20:35
mneptokcody_: one more question not directly related to Ubuntu and you will be banned.20:35
mneptokwolfgang: np20:35
cody_you cant ban me20:35
cody_im new20:35
cody_and im not even registred yet20:36
nick__Anyone good installing drivers etc?20:36
effie_jayxthe error reads "Can't locate strict.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.820:36
durtuh oh20:36
mkieferapt-get update, then apt-get upgrade20:36
hooooooopywhy doesn't ubuntu have a gitosis package?20:37
mneptokDethroned: System > Admin > Synaptic  |  Settings > Repositories20:37
mneptokDethroned: check the box next to Restricted20:37
rishwho is MOD here?20:38
effie_jayxI tried chrooting and fixing it but it seems broken20:38
tyler_d1What is a uuid(hard drive) and where does this come from in relation to ubuntu?20:39
Dethronedmneptok: kk...then try the command again?20:39
mkiefersoopa: have you tried aptitude?20:40
effie_jayxIt seems I have an issue with my hardy box. dpkg has stopped working due to a postinst problem20:41
effie_jayxthe error reads "Can't locate strict.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.820:41
effie_jayxaparrently it has to do with perl20:41
effie_jayxI tried chrooting and fixing it but it seems broken20:41
th0wasoui alors20:43
tyler_d1nick2paris | !fr20:43
thedarkonehey all20:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:43
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thedarkonefor life of me i can't figure out why i can't get internet to work20:44
cankoyeffie_jayx: strict.pm is part of perl-base20:44
fretegiis anyone here proficient in wine?20:44
rishye darkstone, what happened?20:44
fedderHi everybody. -I've got a disk with a ext3 partition that was part of a dm_raid setup. -What the best approach to mount that in a new (ubuntu) box?20:44
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effie_jayxcankoy: the package is there20:45
scott_inothedarkone: what seems to be the problem20:45
=== Alexandra is now known as Guest64559
PointManhow do I go back during the 'installing the base system' screen in the installer? Im doing a nw install..20:46
fedderWhen mounting the partition I get: "mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'"20:47
Hajuuhey how can I change my installs computer-name?20:47
bigfuzzyjwhat is the best way to dual boot osx and ubuntu20:47
Hajuubigfuzzyj: bootcamp xD20:47
effie_jayxcankoy: the package is ther20:47
deanyHajuu, sudo pico /etc/hostname20:48
bigfuzzyjis boot camp free?20:48
siwonah this bugs me in the file browser how do i find the themes and icon and so on folders, all i see in my home foler is just my profile folder with basic music and pic folers20:48
Hajuusweet, thanks20:48
Hajuubigfuzzyj: yeah20:48
siwonhow do i see the hidden files20:48
Hajuubigfuzzyj its by apple too20:48
thedarkonei rebooted and now it says no active connections20:48
nikuhi, I've done a little bit of research so far, but wanted to setup a personal package archive w/o using launchpad - could anyone point me to some documentation?20:48
Hajuushould be on your macos dvd20:48
Hajuubigfuzzyj: should be on your macos dvd20:48
yourfreakingmomsiwon: ctrl+h20:48
bigfuzzyjsorry slightly stoopid20:48
deanyHajuu, reboot.20:49
Hajuudeany: kk thanks :)20:49
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Hilikuswhat privileges does a backup user need to be able to backup ALL my databases??20:49
Dethronedhow do install flashplayer in 9/04?20:49
siwonthat does nothing20:49
Mike_lifeguardIf I want to backup my whole installation, what would be a good tool to use?20:49
fedderDethroned: searh after restricted formats20:49
deanyDethroned, sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin20:49
scott_inodethroned, install ubuntu-restricted-extras and it will install flash player20:49
scott_inoDethroned: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:50
deanyscott_ino, that installs a lot more than flash :)  Useful stuff nontheless20:50
david__Hey scott in Synaptic package manager it say's I have compiz but I cant find it20:51
scott_inodeany: yeah true, but it's the easiest, and most users probably need the other stuff anyway :020:51
Dethronedscott_ino: it says resources temporarily unavailable20:51
siwonclt+h did nothing20:51
deanyscott_ino, its as easy as adobe-flashplugin :)20:51
Dethronedscptt_ino:  it won't let me because it was unable to lock the download directory20:52
scott_inodeany: see I'm always lookin to the future when tey come back and ask about java, ttf, etc..20:52
Orange_v_BlueIf I want to learn to code/develop for ubuntu, what language should I start with? I have some experience coding, just not recently enough to know a good language.20:52
=== Alexandra is now known as Guest17627
deanyscott_ino, its best imo to only install whats needed.20:52
joekarlOrange_v_Blue, I'd start with some python20:53
JC_Denton_trying to run ap-get upgrade / update-manager http://pastebin.com/dbc38f5c20:53
JC_Denton_but ubuntu doesn't update any longer20:53
deanyscott_ino, well he has 2 ways of installing it now, its upto him :)20:53
scott_inodeany: lol i suppose so20:53
Orange_v_Bluejoekarl: Have a favorite book/instruction manual? I've got a few around, but I thought I'd ask20:54
mkieferany experience with an upgrade from hardy eee edition to jaunty on an eee 900a?20:55
jelly-beananyone know why my vnc keyboard mapping has screwed up since i upgraded from intrepid to jaunty?20:55
joekarlOrange_v_Blue, not for python, I've only dabbled with it, other choice would be c or c++,20:56
JC_Denton_Orange_v_Blue: If you like managed languages, check out Mono20:56
nick2parishey !20:57
nick2pariswhat is the best dock for ubuntu?20:57
JC_Denton_trying to update but unable to: unable to create `./usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Algiers': Read-only file system20:57
nick2paris what is the best dock for ubuntu?20:58
AdvanceHey I'm having trouble with minicom if anyone can help me20:59
__frott__25_bonjour à tous20:59
Viper550nick2paris, avant?20:59
Viper550__frott__25_,  #ubuntu-fr ?20:59
AdvancePlease for great justice i need help20:59
fccfyou will just have to edit it back together20:59
fccfI thought this was recorded until I looked at the studio clock behind Abby's head21:00
Orange_v_Bluejoekarl, JC_Denton_: It's been years since I coded, and that was just Basic and VB. I was really good at that, but like I said, mostly useless languages, many years ago.21:00
nick2parisno good dock for ubuntu?21:00
nick2parisavant is good?21:00
fccfsorry wrong channel21:00
JC_Denton_If you liked VB you'll like Mono which is an implementation of C# which has Java like syntax, Orange_v_Blue21:01
Myrttinick2paris: avant or cairo-dock21:01
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
JC_Denton_Though there is VB.net support you're better off learning C#/Mono21:01
gruppo irc.darksin.it21:01
nick2parisMyrtti: thx21:01
gruppo /server irc.darksin.it21:01
Orange_v_BlueJC_Denton_, joekarl: where can I start with those? Text editor/scite?21:01
joekarlOrange_v_blue, JC_Denton, Mono is nice, but the documentation is pretty terrible compared to something like python21:02
kaie2kaie, could you please switch to a different nickname? I had registered it much before, and I'll reclaim it now using nickserv. Thank you21:02
Myrtti!caps | rish21:02
ubotturish: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:02
rishDell Studio, No Sound21:02
rishplz help guys21:02
=== kaie2 is now known as kaie
wolfganghas anyone here tried to set up eve online or WoW on ubuntu?21:02
joekarlOrange_v_blue, JC_Denton, if you can get around in the shell then you just need vim or nano and a compiler21:03
gartralhow do I make apt-get go back a release of a program?21:03
rish@gartal: use apt-don't get :)21:03
c0cac00ljoin #ubuntu-pt21:03
Dr_Willis!pin | gartral21:04
ubottugartral: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:04
Orange_v_Bluejoekarl: where can I get a compiler, then? or do I have one already and don't know it?21:04
steffenhi how kann i download an VOB Codec?21:04
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Dr_Willissteffen:  i think one needs the decss stuff same as for dvd playback21:04
effie_jayxcankoy: fixed just a package from a ppa complaining about perl21:04
Dr_Willis!dvd | steffen21:04
ubottusteffen: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:04
joekarlOrange_v_blue, which language are you looking at?21:05
Dr_Willissteffen:  vlc might be able to play them also with no extra codecs21:05
Orange_v_Bluejoekarl: I'm not sure yet, right now I'm digging up lots of, well, wiki pages21:06
fretegianyone help me on a command syntax ??21:06
joekarlOrange_v_blue, ah, ok, well the internet is your friend, you should be able to find any of the compilers in the ubuntu repositories21:06
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help?21:06
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help?21:06
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help?21:07
FloodBot3rish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
joekarlOrange_v_blue, g++ for c or c++, the compiler comes with python and mono21:07
gartralsteffen: VLC can play them.. if you took them orrectly21:07
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help?21:07
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help??21:07
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help??21:07
rishdell studio, jaunty. no sound coming. Can u help???21:07
FloodBot3rish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
Orange_v_Bluerish: just wait, or try later, or google something like "ubuntu 9.04 no sound". being obnoxious will not really help your cause.21:08
elli222Hello, resuming after a suspend remounts my root filesystem Read only. How can i fix this?21:08
gubuntuanyone know how to run a command on another persons ssh session?21:08
gubuntui have a friend ssh'd into my box, i have root21:08
rishOrange_v_Blue:I already tried that. Also posted on ubuntu forums. No help21:08
gubuntui want to run a program in his session from mine locally21:08
gubuntuis that possible?21:08
=== whodat is now known as whodata
whodataHey guys. How can I use an ftp client or something similar to connect to a website that just has a bunch of directories and file (listings) in it so i can queu the downloads? Thanks21:09
Myrtti!es | marta21:09
ubottumarta: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:09
nightdreverok ive installed crossover chromaium.....how do i completly remove it?21:09
nightdreverits in my application menu21:09
jattwhodata: wget21:09
martano me quedo con este21:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ews21:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:10
whodatajatt... is there  a gui for wget with which i can browse files?21:10
Orange_v_Bluemarta: hey. If you have a question, just ask it and someone will try to help21:10
Orange_v_Bluemarta: sorry, I didn't intend that to sound as negative as it does, upon reflection21:11
buttons840the system monitor that is available by default for the pannels, is there a way to tweek the options more than what is shown in the preferences dialog?21:11
pullerany reason why i would not be able to connect to a wep wireless network as apposed to a non-secure wireless network?21:12
ninjaaihello i have problem while booting with my raid0, i was playing with dmraid before reboot maybe because of thart21:12
x1karr0usxanyone have issues connecting to networks without installing xorg?21:12
pullerlosher: hey i got rid of the black pause when bootign up gettign rid of the ipv6 thingy but now i can not seem to connect to a secure wireless netowrk any ideas?21:13
cankoyeffie_jayx: check @INC paths with perl -V21:13
x1karr0usxi cant even get hooked into open networks, let alone secured21:13
david__Hey scoot_ino how do I make the video setting's perminate it wont save to xorg.config21:13
tv7497guys had set up a lamp server long long time  ago it was working fine until day before yesterday i guess i screwed it up while reinstalling my openssh server i have no clue what have i messed with ! should i go for a re installation of the entire system ? i use jaunty on a 64 bit machine 121:13
scott_inodavid__: yes?21:14
david__my video setting's wont save to the xorg.config file21:14
david__say's unable to create new X config backup file '/ect/X11/xorg.config.backup'21:15
chronesHello all I have a problem, I recently downgraded from ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 to Ubuntu hardy 8.04 and I am seeing a decrease in performance. The reason why I went to hardy was because I wanted Proprietary driver support for my ATi Radeon 9800 Pro21:16
chronesAny ideas?21:16
fedderIs it possible to remove the raid flag of a partition?21:16
Lathunddavid__: use gksudo, or just sudo if your using a Nano or Vim.21:16
dajhornfedder: Change the partition type to something that isn't RAID and reformat.21:17
SamCroftwhat is the terminal program or command to manager my wireless card21:17
* ninjaai all must see "the arrivals" on youtube!!! to know the truth of whats happening on this world!21:17
SamCroftThe default network manager that comes with ubuntu is horrible21:17
fedderdajhorn: Problem is that I'd prefer to keep the data on the partition.21:17
CSSnubHow do I specify a non-standard port to connect to with ssh?21:17
Lathunddavid__: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:17
CSSnubssh localhost:1234 is what I had assumed... no luck21:18
dajhornfedder: You can't easily do that.  Backup and restore instead.21:18
david__now what?21:18
spensercssnub it's ssh -p 1234 host21:18
ARMENIANhow can I get the bdaddress of a bluetooth headset?21:18
SamCroftwhat network manager do you all use?21:18
fedderdajhorn: Isn't it possible to get my new Ubuntu install to recognize the raid partition ?21:18
ninjaaihello i need help here :D http://paste.ubuntu.com/194597/21:18
CSSnubty spenser21:19
Lathunddavid__: Make the chanhes and save the file. I dont know what youre trying to do, I just came in.21:19
dajhornfedder: Yes, but you asked whether you could convert the RAID volume.21:19
david__I setup my 2 monitor's and iot wont save to xorg.config21:19
fedderdajhorn: Sorry for not being specific...21:19
david__and I am total newb to linux21:19
david__so I have no idea what to put in here21:20
fretegihow do i copy files from a flash drive in terminal?21:20
fretegi<--- stupid newbie21:20
fedderdajhorn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194602/21:20
spenserDavid what kind of videocard do you have and which version of ubuntu21:20
david__ubuntu 9.04 nvidia gforce 8400 gs21:21
Mike_lifeguardAnyone have suggestions for software to backup a whole system?21:21
scott_inoMike_lifeguard: yes Clonezilla21:21
scott_inospenser... he used the nvidia display configuration to add his second monitor21:21
chronesHello all I have a problem, I recently downgraded from ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 to Ubuntu hardy 8.04 and I am seeing a decrease in performance. The reason why I went to hardy was because I wanted Proprietary driver support for my ATi Radeon 9800 Pro. Any ideas?21:21
spenserdid you install the propritaru nvidia drivers21:21
dajhornfedder: If the RAID volume was anything but RAID-1, then it is broken.21:21
scott_inoi'll assist in a sec21:21
khazil. Any21:22
david__yeah version 18021:22
khazil                 ideas?21:22
scott_inospenser: yeah he installed those and used nvidia dispay configuration to add second monitor21:22
MaT-dghow can I start a second X-session?21:22
scott_inoi'll brb21:22
fedderdajhorn: It was RAID-121:22
Lathunddavid__: Oh, I just asumed you where in the xorg.conf yourself. Where you using the nvidia-settings?21:22
=== Alexandra is now known as Guest2731
spenserdavid use sudo nvidia-settings to configure the monitors21:22
fretegianyone able to help with a simple command sybtax21:22
dajhornfedder: You may get luck with that mount command if you change the partition type from FD to 82 with a utility like cfdisk, but you could also destroy data.21:22
ARMENIANwhy is it that when i do hcitool scan only my phones are showing up, not my headsets?21:22
david__yeah I was setting up my monitor's and then tried "save to X configuration file" and it wont work21:22
dajhornfedder: A  better way would be to use mdadm to bring up the RAID-1 volume in degraded mode, and then mount the /dev/md0 node.21:23
scott_inospenser: ahh is that just a permissions issue with not being able to save from nvidia-settings? if so how has somebody not filed a feature request to just prompt for the administrative password21:23
spenserDavid it won't let you save unless you started nv settings with sudo21:23
=== nutrapi is now known as lifecurbed
david__oh how do I do that?21:24
fedderdajhorn: Thanks a bundle. I've forgotten about that. I configured that software raid a couple of years ago and never thought about it until the box died...21:24
dominikI just installed 8.04 and it is not detecting my network cards wich are Intell Dual 82574L GigaBit21:24
spenserScott_Ino: that's a good idea fill the bug on lp21:24
dajhornninjaai: You've got mistakes in the /etc/fstab file.21:24
scott_inospenser: doing that now :021:25
fretegianyone help with a command syntax?? in terminal?21:25
=== randabis1 is now known as randabis
gunavarahi rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(635) [receiver=3.0.3]  why is that showing to me ?21:25
fretegiits a quick one :)21:25
lstarnesfretegi: what command?21:25
T0asterWelcome StrangeCharm! You have achieved a new peak of 1517 users for #UBUNTU!21:25
dajhornninjaai: Pastebin your /etc/fstab file.21:25
spenserDavid: open a terminal type sudo nvidia-settings then try again21:25
scott_inobut is nvidia-settings package even maintained by ubuntu or where should i file?21:25
scott_inoI'll go ahead and file there i suppose..21:25
ninjaaidajhorn i have to boot with live cd first ?21:26
david__WOW great thank's now I wont have to reset everytime I reboot21:26
spenserScott_UNO just file on lp21:26
david__brb gonna reboot and test it out21:26
spensersorry I need to go I'm doing this on an iPhone21:26
dajhornninjaai: Yes, probably.  If you don't have /dev or /proc then it will be difficult to fix.21:26
dominikI have a Intell Dual 82574L Gigabit network adapter that Ubuntu 8.04 is NOT detecting, ifconfig only shows loopback. Please Help any suggestions appreciated21:28
ninjaaidajhorn ok i am booting21:28
lifecurbedafter not having used ubuntu since version 7, 9.10 is fairly awesome :D i can't believe i've been away from it for so long21:29
david__you guy's are great to us newb's now my video setting's are right where I wanted them tyvm21:30
lstarneslifecurbed: 7.04 or 7.10?21:30
fedderdajhorn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194606/ :-)21:30
dajhornfedder: modprobe raid121:32
olegдобрый вечер всем21:32
=== gerald is now known as Guest74025
CSSnubSo I have an ssh user bob and the only thing he can see is /home/bob. Now I want him to have access to a samba share as well so I "mount -t smbfs //OtherBox/Share /home/bob" right?21:32
dajhornfedder: mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 missing /dev/sdb321:32
CSSnubAm I misunderstanding the purpose of mount here?21:32
scott_inospenser: it appears to be an already filed bug from hardy : (21:32
scott_inostill not resolved i suppose21:32
oleghi people21:33
=== Guest2731 is now known as ttt
olegwhat's going on here?))21:34
geronimo9CSSnub don't mount the samba share to /home/bob but maybe to /home/bob/smbshare or something21:34
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  theres also a lot of little things to watch out for when using samba. its a rather complex sysetm that most people just scratch the surface of.21:34
dominikplease help ethernet device is not detected by ubuntu21:34
lifecurbedlstarnes: 7.10 was the last desktop version I've tested. Generally I've dealt with centOS & hp-ux at work. this 9.10 desktop is quite beautiful though so Thank you to everyone who has contributed.21:34
scuniziIs anyone aware of a "class scheduling" program in the repos? either gnome or kde based?21:35
CSSnubOK - so to be clear I would use mount to create a link between a physical drive and a location in the filesystem. I could mount that same samba share for all 5 users in their specific home directories right?21:35
=== kebomix_ is now known as kebomix
CSSnubDr_Willis - security risk then? setting it up with ssh this way?21:35
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  mount 'mounts' a file system . dont use the term link. :) thats somthing else.21:35
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  you proberly want to  mount the share to someplace like /media/sharename for all users to find it. would be easier.21:36
CSSnubSo how would I allow them to access that directory then?21:36
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  then you could 'link' that /media/sharename to their own home/subdirs if you wanted.21:36
gjperezDoes anybody know of a distro agnostinc tutorial on how to make an installable livecd based on an existing system?21:36
fedderdajhorn: Sorry for being such a noop, but I must be doing something wrong here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/194610/21:36
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  they access like they do any other directory. It dosent have tobe in their home dirs21:36
CSSnuboh... ok21:37
halberdwhat's a good dictionary program?21:37
CSSnubdoes this mean they can access any of the files on this system?21:38
dajhornfedder:  Try it without the "missing" keyword.21:38
CSSnubI really only want them to be able to get to media/share21:38
fedderdajhorn: That's what I did in line 521:38
dajhornfedder:  mdadm --force --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb321:38
jophishcan anyone recommend a good video encoder21:39
lifecurbedgnome notifications - I'm currently using ubuntu 9.10 x64 and I was trying to find the best way to have growl-esque notifications when using pidgin, firefox, etc. I've tried mumbles, but it doesn't seem to work properly on ubuntu x64.21:39
CSSnubI obviously have a lot of questions - can you point me to some mans to read or something? About setting up user accounts and permissions/access?21:39
rainwalkerif my wireless card works with 32-bit Ubuntu, it should work wtih 64-bit, right?21:39
fedderdajhorn: mdadm: --assemble would set mdadm mode to "assemble", but it is already set to "manage"21:39
Jeruvy!karmic | lifecurbed21:39
ubottulifecurbed: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:39
xcdfgkjhgcvI've set up Samba on both of my machines but my machines can only detect and mount local shares. I can't share files between machines.21:40
dajhornfedder: What does mdadm --version say?   And how old is the RAID volume?21:40
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  linux has permissions on files/dirs that limit what users can do.21:40
dominikhow can I21:40
Dr_WillisCSSnub:  and theres 100000s of google hits on linux fundamental/tutoials/docs :)21:40
=== Alexandra is now known as Guest97468
dominiksorry, how can I diagnose my hardware, especially network connections, if the ehternet is not recognized21:40
libtechxcdfgkjhgcv: trying typing smb://<ip address of machine>21:41
fedderdajhorn: mdadm - v2.6.7.1 - 15th October 200821:41
Dr_Willisxcdfgkjhgcv:  make sure their workgroups are the same.. and i often set up the /etc/hosts file with the static ip of the remote box's21:41
renagadexI cant run Tremulous, it wont start21:41
fedderI created the volume back in 2007 with OpenSUSE 10.321:41
xcdfgkjhgcvDr_Willis: How do I find out the workgroups?21:41
Dr_Willisxcdfgkjhgcv:  with the nautilus browser i often have to type in the FULL path to the share also. the browsing feature is often not working right (or the shares are not set to be browseable)21:41
xcdfgkjhgcvDr_Willis: But that's GAY!21:41
Dr_Willisxcdfgkjhgcv:  its in /etc/samba/smb.conf  You did instgall the full samba package on both machines?21:42
xcdfgkjhgcvDr_Willis: I want to browse them.21:42
Dr_Willisxcdfgkjhgcv:  whatever.....21:42
xcdfgkjhgcvDr_Willis: Yes.21:42
fedderdajhorn: Hmm. That was on 32bit opensuse 10.3, now I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 in x86_64...21:42
Dr_Willisxcdfgkjhgcv:  enter full path once.. tell it to rember password... it never has a problem for me after that.21:42
fedderNaaah, that couldn't be it...21:42
Dr_Willisxcdfgkjhgcv:  or mount them somewhere via fstab21:42
dajhornfedder: The order of arguments may matter. Try mdadm `--assemble --force`.  The man page for that version says that assembly mode can be forced.21:42
renagadexI cant run Tremulous, it wont start21:42
fedderdajhorn: I was actually just looking at that21:42
Dr_Willistremulous always make me so dizzy i puke. :)21:43
istvan_I just installed updates (the pre-release ones) and restarted. now firefox has no javascript, and my panel tools are broken. waht is going on?21:43
libtechwhen i try to access shares on my windows machine, it doesnt work to simply click the network button, i have to type into the browser smb://
dajhornfedder:  I'm pretty sure that you shoudn't be getting the superblock error when the examine results show a superblock.21:43
dominikplease help me connect my ubuntu machine 8.04 to the internet, ETHERNET adapter is not recognized21:44
xcdfgkjhgcvI accidentally turned off Wi-Fi. ><21:44
dajhornfedder: If this disk has important data, then you should make a raw "dd" style backup before doing anything else.21:44
fedderdajhorn: I've got the data backed up. It is just cumbersome to transfer 400GB.. Thanks for the help though21:45
Skylightis there someone who likes to install apache and php for me :blush:"21:45
lifecurbeddominik: please explain your situation, are you using an onboard card? if no, what make and model is the card?21:46
dominikskylight it is an onboard intel dual 82574L gigabit adapter and ifconfig only shows the loopback, nothing else21:46
cweilemaAnyone tried to "xlock" multiple xwindows instances on the same LAN with one command?  Or know of a utility that would accomplish this?21:46
dominikskylight the hardware lights are flashing by the way21:46
Skylightwtf ? ;21:47
max_How can i change the 'locale' for my computer? It is currently displaying 24hr formats, and i need 12hr form21:47
Skylighti think u mean lifecurbed21:47
RalphSpencerHi, how to allow RLogin, ssh etc on this computer so that I can do it remotely?21:47
RalphSpencerThis is an Ubuntu 8.1021:47
Dr_WillisRalphSpencer:  for ssh install the open ssh server.21:47
RalphSpencerHmm hold on will try thanks21:48
Dr_WillisI thought all the 'rXXXX whatever' commands were considered outdated/insecure21:48
tpresahi, what would be an one line command to install sun-java6-jre without any prompting?21:48
xcdfgkjhgcvMy two machines are unable to ping each other for some reason: From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachab21:48
xcdfgkjhgcvOver a LAN21:48
xcdfgkjhgcvWLAN even21:48
distractwhat does this mean? error   : [screenInitialise] Error: SDL_SetVideoMode failed (Couldn't find matching GLX visual).21:48
diffredwhere's apache2 log file in Ubuntu?21:49
max__14yo what is the problem when I type sudo apt-get install python pygame  into terminal it says "E: Couldn't find package pygame"21:49
libtechtpresa: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre?21:49
istvan_how do I do a re-install with apt from the terminal?21:49
linxehmax__14: there is no pacakge called pygame in your configured repositories21:50
dragoonAnyone have an idea why port forwarding's not working? iptables seems fine, ip_forward is on, logs+conf at http://pastebin.com/d385f5a0c21:50
=== thedarkone is now known as heyheyhey
max__14linxeh:  so how do I get it there?21:50
dragoonmax__14, aptitude search game reveals python-pygame21:50
linxehmax__14: try apt-get install python-pygame21:50
linxehor probably better, use aptitude21:50
cweilemaIs remote xlock of a computer even possible?  Or ia there another (better) way to secure an X session remote?21:50
dragoondiffred, /var/log/apache2/ has the apache2 log files21:51
tpresalibtech it prompts for licensing and stuff.21:51
max__14linxeh:  It seems to be working. thanks21:51
diffreddragoon: thanks!21:51
libtechtpresa: oh yeah, sorry21:51
elena09do you know a good program for typping math with oppen office in ubuntu 9.04?21:51
dominiklifecurbed sorry I was explaining my situation to the wrong nick, I have a Intell Dual 82574L gigabit ethernet adapter onboard that Ubuntu is not recognizing (it doesnt even exist(21:52
linxehelena09: latex ;-)21:52
tyric1where do I put new headers and libraries in ubuntu?21:52
dominiklifecurbed also the lights on the hardware are blincking and ifconfig shows only the loopback21:52
dominikskylight thanks21:52
heyheyheyhello all is it better to use a sata hard drive or a ide hard drive?21:52
cweilemaelena09: Agree, Latex is extremely powerful.21:52
lifecurbeddominik : which motherboard do you have?21:53
elena09cweilema: I want just to use something what you see is what you get, like MathType in Windows21:53
dominiklifecurbed its a supermicro x8sax or c7x5821:53
elena09cweilema: not latex21:54
fadiamidj'ai besion une bbw21:54
dominiklifecurbed its the c7x5821:54
tyric1heyheyhey: sata drives generally are faster and are less likely to have annoying drivers issues to deal with when installing an OS21:54
alleyoopsterheyheyhey: sata are hot swap and can higher transfer rates21:54
cweilemaelena09: There might be a plugin for OO that would so that utilizing Latex21:54
adi1hi all.  is there any plugin to make pidgin display music im hearing throught rhythmbox or totem in ubuntu?21:55
lifecurbeddominik : you should try compiling the driver from intel's website21:55
m3gamanby default, when you plug in a USB stick (thumbdrive) what is it's default mount location?21:55
heyheyheyso sata are better21:55
cweilemaElena09. Just a thought21:55
linxehmethylisocyanate: in /media21:55
heyheyheyi smoked my ide21:55
max_Even though I have my time/date setting set to pH everything is still displaying time in 24hr format, not 12. How can i fix this?21:55
linxehm3gaman: in /media21:55
dominiklifecurbed I did, nothing21:55
m4rkheyheyhey: too bad bro21:55
m3gamanlinxeh: thanks21:55
tyric1heyheyhey: if it's an older system, you may have to stick with ide21:55
heyheyheyit does nothing but error out21:55
dominiklifecurbed they didn't have one specific for debian so I had to get the "linux" driver21:55
alleyoopsterheyheyhey: sata are a newer standard and starting to replace ide which has been around a while now21:56
heyheyheyit a pentuim d21:56
elena09I don't need latex, I need wygwy21:56
dominikelena09 all need latex21:56
tyric1heyheyhey: oh then your motherboard should support sata fine21:56
mezquitaleis there a networking guru in the house?  Im trying to find out if multiple lines in /etc/network/interfaces, I need to add this to that file "auto rndis0"21:56
heyheyheythe mother board has 8 sata connections21:56
elena09I don't want any latex21:57
elena09I want a MathType like programm21:57
istvan_i installed ubuntu pre-release updates, which have killed much of my system21:57
istvan_can I roll back?21:57
dominikelena09 mathtype cant do what latex can do and it is 10000 times slower to write formulas in mathtype then it is in latex, you should consider it21:58
ltcabralwhat command to remove an user from a group?21:58
heyheyheyso sata is better runs faster or should i get a flash stick21:58
heyheyheythey are even faster21:58
libtechheyheyhey: what are you talking about21:59
elena09dominik, i wrote hundreds of pages both in Latex and in Word with mathType I like MathType instead of memorizing commands in Latex21:59
elena09I have bad memory21:59
dominikelena09 int for integral I wouldnt consider that memorizing21:59
neonflxhow can i make applications open on a specific monitor when using dual monitors i.e. laptop screen, and lcd monitor thanks22:00
dragoonltcabral, usermod -G $(id -nG USER| sed -e ’s/GROUP //’ -e ’s/ /,/g’) USER22:00
dominikelena09 anyways why are you not useing word anymore?22:00
heyheyheylibtech they sell soild state hard drives would they be any better then sata22:00
ltcabraldragoon:  wath o.O22:00
linxehelninja: I use a decent latex editor, but ok :)22:00
cyphacan someone tell me how to connect to fics with xboard? i'm getting a "failed to start first chess program gnuchessx on localhost: gnuchessx: no such file or directory" error22:01
libtechheyheyhey: im not too sure, sata hard drives are plenty fast methinks22:01
heyheyheyi will use my 1tb sata then22:01
linxehelninja: and our departmental standard is latex, so if I use something else I've got hours of fiddling to get a template together, and then manage the bibliography, and everthing else. its not worth it22:01
libtechheyheyhey: i dont know much about solid state except that they are expensive22:01
dragoonltcabral, substitute the group to remove for GROUP and the user to remove from for USER. usermod can set your group membership, but it doesn't have a specific "remove me from this group"22:02
dominiklibtech there seek times are insane22:02
Viper550okay, some guidance, can the installer resize ntfs partitions?22:02
mezquitalei want to add the following line to "/etc/networking/interfaces"----> "auto rndis0", should I create a new line or should I just add rndis0 to the line that's there for example "auto lo rndis0"22:02
dominikviper550 i belive not22:02
mattubuntuhow do you get 3D drivers for linux?22:02
dragoonltcabral, so that oneliner figures out what your group membership is and then adds you to every group but that22:02
dragoonViper550, resizing NTFS has worked for me fairly well in the past22:03
mattubuntuHey guys, how do you get 3D drivers for linux?  i have onboard graphics, but still need drivers22:03
dominikmattubuntu what card22:03
mattubuntuit's intel extreme graphics 3D22:03
=== justfielding1 is now known as justfielding
toenaildoes anyone know how to install Jack Audio through  Shell . apt-get ?22:04
ltcabraldragoon: thanks :)22:04
qbrixHow can I mount a windows share folder?22:04
dominikmattubuntu intell probably has drivers for you if its a new card22:04
mattubuntui've downloaded the drivers, but there not linux compatible22:04
halberdis there any point in the boot process when it can be said that "ubuntu has been started"22:04
ubottumattubuntu: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:04
halberdlike it can be said that there's a point when the kernel has been started22:04
Viper550cause my drive currently has fat32 recovery partition (which however isn't "needed" since we have CD's), and a ntfs partition22:05
dominikhow can I force ubuntu to load a module22:05
eyezi need to apt-get install mysql-server in an unattended script, so i need it to not prompt me to set up the root password at install, can anyone tell me how?22:05
outofthemadnessdominik: a kernel module? if so, try "sudo modprobe module_name"22:06
lifecurbeddominik: have you checked to see if your system is loading the driver? or if the device is currently up?22:06
=== solid_liqAFK is now known as SolidLiq
dominiklifecurbed don't know how22:06
dragoonanyone have an idea why port forwarding isn't working? ip_forward is on, PREROUTING step looks fine22:06
greghi guys can anyone help me with my ubuntu box - the hard drive is constantly clicking like somethings is being written / read.  only had the problem when i updated xorg drivers. any suggestions.22:06
dominikoutofthemadness that doesn't do anything, problem remains22:07
qbrixif a drive is clicking, that's bad22:07
qbrixI'd replace it22:07
lifecurbeddominik: try a "modprobe -l |grep e1000e" or an "lspci" to see if your card's driver is being loaded, or if the device is currently available22:07
max_Hi. I'm having a problem. I cant change to 12hr time. I set that in time/date as 12hr format, and my clock is in 12hr format, but all my programs that look to that to see time/date are all in 24 hour format.22:07
dominiklifecurbed is that an l?22:07
lifecurbeddominik: I'm looking around the forums and such and it seems that you are definitely not the only person having a problem with this card, though most report that when installing intel's drivers that it in turn works fine for them22:08
toenaildoes anyone know how to install Jack Audio through  Shell . apt-get ?22:08
Dr_Willis!find jackd22:08
ubottuFound: jackd22:08
Dr_Willis!info jackd22:08
ubottujackd (source: jack-audio-connection-kit): JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.116.1-3ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 71 kB, installed size 432 kB22:08
max_toenail: apt-get isntall jackd22:08
lifecurbeddominik: in both cases an l22:08
Dr_Willisapt-cache search is our friend... :)22:09
toenaildo i have to do sudu before it , sorry i hagvent worked with ubuntu sense version 622:10
rainwalkerwhy does the restricted drivers manager list two versions of the nvidia driver (versions 180 and 173)?22:10
toenailso 3 or 4 years22:10
lifecurbeddominik: "modprobe -l | grep e1000e" - the parameter is an l, and the character that comes before the grep command is a pipe, but you might know that.22:10
Hajuuhey inside my chroot what apt packages should I install to get the whole set of core utils22:10
ikoniaHajuu: there is quite a few and it depends what you define as core utils22:11
toenaildid the sudo but getting   ....E: Invalid operation isntall22:11
lstarnestoenail: what command are you using?22:11
toenailoh der nevermind22:11
ikoniaHajuu: (don't forget there is also a package called coreutils)22:11
Mike_lifeguardIs there any way to estimate how large the .tar.gz will be for a particular operation?22:11
ikoniaMike_lifeguard: no22:11
Dr_WillisMike_lifeguard:  woule totally depend on what you are compressing22:11
Hajuuah thats what I was after22:12
ikoniaMike_lifeguard: tar tvf will be best give an idea22:12
Hajuuthanks ikonia22:12
ha1331_any idea why I get frames with red artifacts, almost the whole frame red, but kind of like the flag that is waved at the end of car race, but red and transparent? I get them on random interval. This started today. Happens with SMPlayer and vlc player.22:12
toenaili got it thanks22:12
dominiklifecurbed it shows that the driver is loaded22:12
ibuclawrainwalker, for some users, only one or the other driver will work. Although as far as NViDIA is concerned, the 180 drivers are the current stable. 173 being old stable. (and 185 being the beta drivers).22:12
dominiklifecurbed actually it shows two one that I installed and the a e1000e ich9m.ko22:12
Viper550so can it resize?22:12
rainwalkeribuclaw: if I have a Quadro card, should I go with 180, then?22:12
toenailim ediotic . so it installed jack but how do i run i through the Gnu22:13
ha1331_The whole flag thing was to describe the fact, that the red artifats are same sized squares.22:13
lifecurbeddominik: ok - how about an "lspci | grep 82574"22:13
ibuclawrainwalker, the 180 drivers are recommended.22:13
dominiklifecurbed shows two intel corporation 8257l connections22:13
pw-toxichi - i have bought an INTEL SSD 80 GB and now i want to clone my partition (50GB22:13
max_Hi. I'm having a problem. I cant change to 12hr time. I set that in time/date as 12hr format, and my clock is in 12hr format, but all my programs that look to that to see time/date are all in 24 hour format.22:14
pw-toxic) of my old HDD to my intel SSD .. because i dont want to reconfigure my ubuntu22:14
pw-toxichow do i do this?22:14
lifecurbeddominik: alright, so your modules are loaded, and the hardware is recognized by the OS. it's quite possibly a driver issue then22:14
rainwalkeribuclaw: alright, and you're sure the 185.xx versions are beta? I'm reading a thread on the forums that gives the impression they've been released22:14
diffredhow do I convert .dvi or .ps into jpg?22:15
Mike_lifeguardDr_Willis: I'm compressing my whole home dir -- is there a ballpark % reduction in size .gz achieves for such scenarios?22:15
usserrainwalker, just installed 185, they are released22:15
rainwalkerusser: how is it?22:16
ibuclawrainwalker, oh wow, I am behind the times :D22:16
usserMike_lifeguard, depends on the files you store. videos and music dont compress well22:16
ibuclawrainwalker, that thread should explain everything22:16
usserrainwalker, works alright, i havent had major issues with nvidia drivers since 17022:16
rainwalkeribuclaw: so is there a reason they aren't listed in the restricted drivers manager?22:16
rainwalkerusser: better than 180? I want to get the most out of this 1 GB quadro22:17
dominiklifecurbed what if I unload the driver that came with ubuntu?22:17
usserrainwalker, the reason 185 is not in the repos is that its considered a major upgrade as opposed to a security fix major upgrades dont make it into repos22:17
Mike_lifeguardusser: yeah, actually, I'd like to exclude music, videos, my source code (which probably compresses well, but is stored elsewhere already), and my backups (of other machines)22:17
ibuclawrainwalker, looks like the 185 official release is recent. I'd expect it'll be in the next release of Ubuntu (9.10).22:17
usserrainwalker, quadro uses special drivers as far as i know. it works with 180 right now??22:17
Mike_lifeguardusser: so the rest is just documents and all the .config_dirs22:17
neonflxhow can i force apps to open on a specific monitor when using dual monitors, i read that it was a bug on jaunty, does anyone knows if there is a work around, thx22:18
rainwalkerusser: yeah, it works. I'm guessing google would show me the way to these special drivers you're talking about?22:18
usserMike_lifeguard, tar has --exclude option22:18
mcris libc6-xen considered obsolete in hardy+, or should it exist?22:19
mcrI'm getting: libc6-xen: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu3) but 2.7-10ubuntu4 is to be installed22:19
_user_plz how to group desktop icons like kde in gnome22:19
mcras I upgrade some scripts from feisty to lts.22:19
usserMike_lifeguard, ie tar -cvf desk.tar /home/user --exclude /home/user/VMs /home/user/Videos /home/user/Music22:20
Oriaxhi, i have a little question... i downloaded ubuntu from ubuntu.no, burned the cd and started installing. when the install was almost finished, a message came up saying something like "file error" and that i should try to burn the cd at a lower speed, so i did. but the problem was still there. any idea whats wrong?22:20
_user_plz how to group desktop icons like kde in gnome22:21
Mike_lifeguardusser: ok, cool22:21
mcrsounds like the cdrom didn't burn right.22:21
Dr_WillisOriax:  did you check the md5sum of the iso file? redownload it? i always use unetbootin to just make a bootable flash drive from ISO file and insall from the flash drive (faster install that way also)22:21
mcrI suggest that you use the "verify CD" option in the boot menu before you try to install.22:21
dom96i have a question, how do i enable or even force v-sync because i get a lot of screen tear when i watch movies ?22:22
Oriaxim, thanks dr willis, however i have no idea what you are talking about... im not too good with this stuff...22:22
Dr_WillisOriax:  unetbootin is a tool that makes a bootable flash drive from a iso image file. i use it - and i dont have to burn cd's any more ;)22:23
ctmjrdom96, what video card do you use and driver?22:23
Oriaxwhere do i download it from?22:23
Dr_Willismcr:  also do what mcr said and verify the disk is good..22:23
dom96ctmjr, i use ati radeon 467022:23
guntbert!md5sum | Oriax22:23
ubottuOriax: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more22:23
Dr_WillisOriax:  google is our friend. ;) it has a sourceforge page22:23
dom96and i'm not sure which driver22:23
dom96how can i check ?22:23
Oriaxhehe ok thanks22:23
usserMike_lifeguard, my bad tar -cvf desk.tar /home/user --exclude "/home/user/VMs" --exclude "/home/usr/Videos"22:24
dom96ctmjr ?22:24
usserMike_lifeguard, you have to prepend each excluded directory with --exclude22:24
ctmjrdom96, type this in terminal egrep "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers" /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:25
kebomixwhat is ntfs-3g force mount command ?22:25
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:25
dom96ctmjr:(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//fglrx_drv.so22:25
dom96that's what i got22:26
Dr_Williskebomix:  you can use the ntfs-3g command with a 'force' option to forcce it to mount a ntfs filesytem22:26
kebomixDr_Willis: thanks , can u write complete command 4 me , cuz one of my friends need it quickly ?22:27
dom96ctmjr:well ?22:27
Dr_Williskebomix:  ntfs-3g --help    and see the format.. i forget it off hand. i rarely need it22:27
Dr_Williskebomix:  use -o force as the option. i recall22:27
dominikim trying to unmount a module but it claims that it is not found but the same module is listed with modporbe -l22:28
dom96ctmjr:k i think i got the driver version, 8.622:28
MadsRHHow do I start two applications at the same time? I thought something like this might work, but it didn't: /home/mads/.CoverGloobus/CoverGloobus.py & banshee-1 --redirect-log --play-enqueued %U22:28
lifecurbeddominik: this issue seems to be alleviated in kernel 2.6.30.* so you might want to try upgrading to the newest kernel22:29
dom96ctmjr any ideas ?22:29
Dr_WillisMadsRH:   make a script is the easier way.  or use &&   but && only launches the 2nd IF the first command returns first/succesuffly22:29
Dr_WillisMadsRH:  or use  commanbd & ; othercommand &22:29
Dr_Willisoh wait that dont work. :)22:30
dominiklifecurbed I can't nvidea hasn't released cuda drivers for 9.0422:30
dragoonHow do I port forward using iptables? iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 922 -j DNAT --to-destination doesn't work.22:30
max_Hi. I'm having a problem. I cant change to 12hr time. I set that in time/date as 12hr format, and my clock is in 12hr format, but all my programs that look to that to see time/date are all in 24 hour format.22:30
ctmjrdom96, it is almost impossible to get tear free video with the fglrx driver you can try the radeon xorg driver but you will not have 3d22:30
dominiklifecurbed the lates version they have is 8.10, but I couldn't find that download so I got the 8.0422:31
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dominiklifecurbed its lts22:31
Oriaxi did the md5sum, and it said that the sums are the same. what now?22:31
dom96ctmjr are you sure, couse i've seen on forums, some kind of command that you can type into th terminal22:31
dom96but it doesn't work for me22:31
neonflxhow can i force apps to open on a specific monitor when using dual monitors, i read that it was a bug on jaunty, does anyone knows if there is a work around, thx22:31
Dr_Willisneonflx:  using ati or nvidia or other card?22:32
fordhey all basic question. What is the command to find out what video cards you have in terminal22:32
neonflxwith the 185 drivers22:32
nourslspci | grep video22:32
Dr_Willisneonflx:  i recall at one time using  'DISPLAY=0.1 funnycommand'22:32
dh003ican someone please help me with this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7446719#post744671922:32
Dr_Willisneonflx:  ive never noticed any bug with the stuff.. my apps seem to rember what desktop/side they ere on :)22:33
dom96ctmjr sudo aticonfig --sync-vsync=on22:33
nourslspci  | grep VGA sry22:33
dom96that's the one22:33
guntbertOriax: next step would be: burn at lower speed, the boot from the CD and select "check integrity...)22:33
guntbert*then boot...22:33
neonflxi can run a command on the screen by using alt+f2 the using bash -c "command" and it works but it is a pain22:33
Oriaxyeah, i burnt from the slowest speed, and yet i have a problem...22:33
Dr_Willisneonflx:  you just totally lost me....22:33
fordcool thanks22:33
dh003iin KDE, neither of my keyboards (Northgate Omnikey via PS/2 or MS Natural via USB) work when I login with account 1, but they do work with my other user-name...what's going on?22:34
fordalso another quick question if i wanted to get my second video card working would i need to remove the other from the pc or can i just duplicate that part of the xorg.conf22:34
guntbertOriax: then please from the menu choose "check..."22:34
ctmjrdom96,you can ask in the #ati channel i do not use the fglrx driver for that reason22:34
rock3I am having an issue with my ubuntu server.  I am new to linux and ubuntu.  Can anyone help?22:34
Dr_Willisdh003i:  sounds like somne weird/confused setting in account 1. Not sure what one.  You could clear out all the kde settings i guess...\22:34
neonflxDr_Willis: on whatever screem i'm in either the laptop or the lcd i can use alt+f2 to run a command of the app i want if i use the bash -c plus whatever command the app will open on the screen i'm in, i got that from the ubuntu forums22:34
noursford, duplicate should work but I ve never tried22:35
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dom96ctmjr i guess i'll try the xorg driver22:35
dh003iDr_Willis: yea, I don't like that option...then I lose my arrangement of icons in the menu, right?22:35
lifecurbeddominik: you can still upgrade the kernel. check this forum post for information on upgrading your kernel - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8591722:35
fordnours do i duplicate the whole file or just the device section?22:35
dh003iDr_Willis: I mean, I'd lose my KDE favorites, in the KDE menu...and any other settings in the account22:36
dom96ctmjr will i still be able to go back to fglrx ?22:36
HarryyOkay, hi. Well, I have an ubuntu livecd, it is not corrupt, and neither is my memory. I go to install it, and I get "usr bin ubiquality-dm line 208 line 114 x server exited with return code str(status) return code 1." (an error similar to that).22:36
HarryyAfter about a few minutes, it opens just a blank terminal like what happens when you SSH into a box. What command should I run to get my Ubuntu working? The box is a Dell Dimension 2400, if that is relevant information.22:36
neonflxi'm using separate x screens laptop screen + lcd screen, i usually close the laptop so only use the big lcd some apps however when i try to open them will defult to the laptop screen wich i then have to open to see it22:36
dominiklifecurbed thanks22:36
noursford, honnestly don't know22:36
lifecurbeddominik: if you're running the 64bit version, that guide doesn't entirely apply, but it's a good start. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out from there22:36
fordwell here goes just the device section lol will log back in and tell you what happened22:37
fordproviding my system reboots22:37
dominiklifecurbed how can I get the kernal if I can't do sudo apt-get cause I have no internet?22:37
ctmjrdom96,you need to remove it to use the xorg driver but if you do not like it you can reinstall the fglrx driver22:37
dom96ctmjr thanks a lot i'll ask the people on #ati first and see what they think22:38
Dr_Willisdh003i:  figure out what settinjgs are what and save tghe files i guess..22:38
ctmjrdom96, that would be best as i said i gave up on it so maybe they fixed it.22:38
lifecurbeddominik: you could download the 9.10 dvd iso, burn it, and add it as a source in your System -> Software Sources22:38
dom96ctmjr, ok thanks a lot22:38
lifecurbeddominik: 2.6.30 is included in ubuntu 9.1022:39
dominiklifecurbed why are the drivers not competible anyways?22:39
lifecurbeddominik: I think it has something to do with the old drivers not having device ID's for your card, as it is too new22:40
dkgHi. Is there an alternative to pcdj or traktor for ubuntu?22:40
dominiklifecurbed no I ment my cuda drivers they are only out for 8.10 why would they not work on 9.04?22:40
elli222Resuming after a suspend remounts my root filesystem Read only. How can i fix this?22:40
dominikor 9.10?22:40
lifecurbeddominik: this doesn't explain why your new drivers that you installed from intel don't work on your machine22:40
fordnours no dice man....22:40
whozatmacwhat became of xfce4-menueditor in jaunty?22:41
lifecurbeddominik: cuda drivers - I donno, I haven't really been keeping up. I was just referring to your ethernet drivers22:41
Dr_Willis!find xfce4-menueditor22:41
Sniper606Does anyone know if there is a way to make the thunar file manager's background transparent in XFCE on xubuntu 9.04?22:41
ubottuFile xfce4-menueditor found in fvwm-crystal, xfdesktop4-data, xubuntu-artwork22:41
lifecurbeddominik: "nic" drivers. sorry.22:42
dominiklifecurbed but I was specifically wondering why drivers that work for 8.04 dont't work for 9.0422:42
Skylightsome1 is known with apache and php ?22:42
dominiklifecurbed by the way centos has the drivers working22:43
dominiklifecurbed just fyi22:43
noursSkylight, yes what is the question?22:44
whozatmacI have all those xfce packages installed, but the program (and any way to access it from the GUI, are gone. as if the whole menu editor was removed from xfce 4.622:44
dkgIs there any (free) software available in Jaunty that can play multiple audio files simultaneously to different sound cards with the ability to change the playback speed in "realtime"?  (a simplified pcdj or traktor)22:44
Skylightcould u fix that ? http://trac.utorrent.com/trac/wiki/Webui-Shell22:44
mcrdkg, do you need change the speed with a key?22:44
mcror with cmdline?22:44
Skylightnours can i pm u ?22:45
dkgmcr: mouse or key (I assume you mean key as in keyboard and not the musical term..?)22:45
HarryyOkay, hi. Well, I have an Ubuntu livecd, it is not corrupt, and neither is my memory. I go to install it, and I get "/usr/bin/ubiquality-dm line 208 [and] line 114 XServer exited with return code str(status) return code 1." (an error similar to that).22:45
HarryyAfter about a few minutes, it opens just a blank terminal like what happens when you SSH into a box. What command should I run to get my Ubuntu working? The box is a Dell Dimension 2400, if that is relevant information. Someone help me please :)22:45
bambuhi. how do i set my desktop wallpaper as a solid black plain background? i can only seem to choose from a few images22:45
dominiklifecurbed I can't find the dvd iso for 9.10 they are all cd images alternative installs22:46
lifecurbeddominik: you still there - i just found this which might be of some help22:46
dom96bambu, just make a black image22:46
noursSkylight, let's go :)22:46
dom96and set it as your desktop background22:46
mcrdkg, yeah, interactively, vs on a command line.22:46
dom96*desktop wallpaper22:46
lifecurbeddominik: try removing the module from the kernel by doing a "sudo rmmod e1000e"22:46
Dr_Williserr.. gnome has a thing to set a solid color22:47
bambui created a black image on office drawing, but it wouldnt work22:47
dkgmcr: vs?22:47
dominiklifecurbed crap I shutdown, give me a min22:47
bambudo i have to create with a certain program?22:47
lifecurbeddominik: follow that by adding it again with - "modprobe e1000e"22:47
dom96not really as long as it's jpg or png22:47
dom96but as dr willis is saying22:47
dom96i think gnome does have an option like that22:47
Dr_Willisbambu:  in the gnome wallpaper settingds pick the first image, then select the color at the bottom of the dialog.22:47
geronimo9bambu you should have an option of no background image...it appears brown22:47
max_Hi. I'm having a problem. I cant change to 12hr time. I set that in time/date as 12hr format, and my clock is in 12hr format, but all my programs that look to that to see time/date are all in 24 hour format.22:47
usserbambu, you can change the wallpapers from image to solid color. its in the appearance settings somewhere22:47
mcrmost of the tools, sox, mpg123, etc. will take an argument to adjust the playback speed, but they don't let you change that during the playback.22:48
geronimo9bambu ...then change the colors option to black22:48
dominiklifecurbed thanks ill try in a sec22:48
* Dr_Willis wonders who added the fancy 'fade to the new background effect' in gnome...22:49
dkgmcr: I'm looking for something that can change the speed during playback and allows me to "crossfade" the tracks between sound cards22:49
mcrI get it...22:49
=== Mike_lifeguard is now known as Mike||gone
mcrI don't know of a tool, but I'm not clueful about such things.22:49
rainwalkerDr_Willis: I hate that effect, it doesn't work smoothly or quickly on my computer22:49
bambuok got it. i got confused cuz i thought brown wallpaper was an image just like the rest and when my wallpaper was set as an image and i messed with the color part, it didnt do anything22:50
dkgmcr: Thankyou for your time all the same.  I'll keep googling.22:50
crawlerhello.  does anyone know if there is a way to execute a key combination at system startup?  for example <Super>+F3 or <Ctrl>+<Alt>+F8?22:50
antiisafe to use ext4 on my systemdrive?22:51
billybigriggerdkg::: have you tried asking around in #ubuntu-studio?22:51
dominiklifecurbed its not loaded after restart atleast it says it doesnt exist22:51
billybigriggercrawler::: start-up programs? or write a script?22:51
dkgbillybigrigger: It didn't cross my mind.  Thanks for the advice : )22:51
hvgotcodesim on 8.10, for some reason when i  start firefox, it is maximized with no window decorations and cant be resized22:51
dominiklifecurbed but when I modprobe -l then it shows it22:52
crawlerbillybigrigger: ithanks, i've looked into basic script writing, but have no idea how to make it execute a key combination :/22:52
HarryyOkay, hi. Well, I have an Ubuntu livecd, it is not corrupt, and neither is my memory. I go to install it, and I get "/usr/bin/ubiquality-dm line 208 [and] line 114 XServer exited with return code str(status) return code 1." (an error similar to that).22:53
HarryyAfter about a few minutes, it opens just a blank terminal like what happens when you SSH into a box. What command should I run to get my Ubuntu working? The box is a Dell Dimension 2400, if that is relevant information. Someone help me please :)22:53
billybigriggercrawler::: what does the key combo execute?22:53
tux q\22:53
crawlerit executes the snow effect for compiz-fusion22:53
billybigriggercrawler::: ahh...22:53
crawlerbillybigrigger: i've already tried using the python Dbus script, but it won't execute at startup for some reason22:54
billybigriggercrawler::: well im no guru, but i guess you would have to check that compiz was running first, then execute the keystroke combo, so im thinking bash script?22:54
hvgotcodesim on 8.10, for some reason when i  start firefox, it is maximized with no window decorations and cant be resized -- is this a known problem?  I have no idea how I caused this or what to do about it...22:54
billybigriggercrawler::: yeah, i don't know like i said im no guru, so keep asking around, or google i guess22:55
billybigriggercrawler::: sorry22:55
crawlerbillybigrigger: ok.  [compiz-dbus-send.py snow toggle_key] works to execute snow, but when i add it to startup nothing haooens22:55
juan-pablomedibuntu dont work22:55
ctmjrhow would i fix this problem in my user.log http://pastebin.com/m2d62f02f22:55
joekarlhvgotcodes, is it in full screen mode?22:55
hvgotcodesjoekarl, nope22:55
joekarlhvgotcodes, no idea then22:56
jumboHi everyone....Witam wszystkich22:57
guntbert!pl | jumbo22:57
ubottujumbo: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:57
gunavaracan anyone give me a good tutorial for setting up rsync and cron   to backup fileserver to another server ?22:57
Dominiklifecurbed sorry I crashed22:57
biophysicscheck rsync.samba.org22:59
Dominiklifecurbed did you already respond to my last inquery, to sumerize modprobe -l lists the e1000e.ko but I can't unload it with rmmod e100e.ko it says e1000e does nto exist23:00
biophysics<gunavara> There is a good example for 7 day incremental backup at rsync home page http://www.samba.org/rsync/23:00
gheraldalguem q entende de formatos de video ae?23:01
jim____gunavara: also consider rdiff-backup &&23:01
elli222Resuming after a suspend remounts my root filesystem Read only. How can i fix this?23:01
jim____rdiff-backup --delete-older-than23:01
guntbert!es | gherald23:01
ubottugherald: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:01
lifecurbeddominik: so the rmmod wouldn't work?23:02
gunavarajim____,  is rdiff good how do u like it ?23:02
gheraldI need someone who know about video format23:02
Dominiklifecurbed no it would not it says does not exist23:02
guntbertgherald: ask you question, if somebody knows an answer he will tell you23:03
Dr_Willis'about video format' is a large topic23:03
jim____gunavara: rdiff-backup is rsync underneath, with additional stuff to make it more suitable for backup purposes23:03
gunavarasweet thanks i'll try it :)23:03
gheraldwich is one video format lite23:03
gheraldtha avi23:03
gheraldthan avi23:03
gheraldlite video format...23:04
Dr_Willisgherald:  lite format? makes no sence...23:04
gheraldI wanna convert my videos.avi23:04
ruadh_ /quit23:04
gheraldto other...23:04
Dr_Willisgherald:  theres several tools that can do that.. check out winff for a gui23:05
gheraldlike raw23:05
guntbert!enter | gherald23:05
ubottugherald: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:05
elli222I want to play music during boot. i intend to accomplish this using runlevels, alsa-utils, pulseaudio and mpd. What is the highest prirority i can give alsautils?23:05
Dr_Willisgherald:  ive converted rmvb befor to avi/divx  - not that i gained much by doign it23:05
xnoxwhat does "rc" status mean in "dpkg -l" output. Is it still installed and takes space on my harddrive? How do I list only installed packages in dpkg-query?23:06
gheraldthe avi files is taking very space on my HD23:06
gheraldneed other format the will take less space on hd23:07
abbazabbai just intalled a hard drive, how od i find out the name of it so i can format it?23:07
elli222gherald, can't you compress the file?23:07
=== swivles is now known as swivels
elli222like, gzip -9 YOURFILE.XYZ?23:07
gheraldyeah, but i don't know how to23:07
elli222and uncompress when you need it...23:07
onyxhey i need to open rar file23:07
guntbertabbazabba: sudo fdisk -l lists all hard disks23:07
gheraldwith the mencorder can i do it?23:08
christopher_what is a good tutorial for compiling the kernel23:08
elli222so you want a compressed format?23:09
guntbert!kernel | christopher_23:09
Dominikwhere can I find 9.1023:09
ubottuchristopher_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:09
guntbert!karmic | Dominik23:09
Dominiki need the 9.10 dvd not the alternative install cd23:09
ubottuDominik: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:09
* xnox sorry connection error. anyone answered my dpkg question?23:10
christopher_cool thanks23:10
zleapDominik, 9.10 isn't out till october don't you mean 9.0423:10
elli222i have little expireence with mencoder23:10
elli222i know how to compress the files, but its not what your looking for...23:10
gheraldwich u use?23:10
EyePulpyo ho ho23:10
Dominikzleap no I mean the beta23:10
EyePulpI'm doing guest-admin work on a remote box.  I need to find what service is being used to handle smtp (so I can then go edit the conf for it) - is there an easy way to test?23:12
EyePulp(i see nothing in top that looks correct)23:12
abbazabbai just installed a new hard drive, how would i go about erasing it and reformating it?23:12
edbianabbazabba: :)23:12
edbianDo you have a live CD?23:13
Paddy_EIRE!gparted | abbazabba23:13
edbianabbazabba: Actually are you running ubuntu right now??23:13
swivels@abbazabba use fdisk if it is a slave drive23:13
ubottuabbazabba: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:13
=== kazagista1 is now known as kazagistar1
abbazabbaedbian: i am, it's a 2nd hard drive23:13
abbazabbai just tried fdisk23:13
unopEyePulp,  sudo netstat -antp | grep -i ":25 "23:13
abbazabbabut it didn't really owrk23:13
edbianabbazabba: Do you have gparted?23:13
swivelsapt-get install gparted23:13
abbazabbaedbian: nah i'm about to download23:13
edbianabbazabba: From the repos correct?23:14
EyePulpunop - nice -- exim23:14
=== kazagistar1 is now known as kazagistar
abbazabbaedbian: from sudo apt-get install gparted23:14
edbianabbazabba: (that is the repos)  When it is done launch it (It's under system -> admin)23:14
abbazabbaedbian: you read my mind, i was like "where did it show up?"23:15
edbianabbazabba: hehe it is one of the few that don't go to "applications"23:15
heuqwHi do some one have a guide to get bluetooth handsfree work in ubuntu, i'm gonna use my device only on ventrilo /teamspeek. And all other sounds in the pc speakers.23:16
edbianabbazabba: Once you have it open it is pretty striaght forward GUI tool.  Just make sure that you aren't trying to change the 1st harddrive.  (Sometimes the naming is confusing).  What are you trying to accomplish with this second drive?23:16
abbazabbaedbian: haha true true, understandable, looks like you could do a lot of damage with this23:16
edbianabbazabba: Yeah you could.  Just so you know though you can't alter a filesystem (partition) that is mounted23:17
abbazabbaedbian: long story short, i have a 60 gig and just added a 20gig, i'm gonna move all my mp3s and movies to the 20gig, back up the important shit, then install ubuntu 9 on the 60 gig and just use the 20 for spare storage23:17
guntbertEyePulp: try lsof -i23:17
abbazabbaedbian: yeah i knew =]23:17
edbianabbazabba: ok.  Do you want any more help?23:18
gheraldneed codec to convert files do mpeg223:18
ussergherald, ffmpeg23:18
abbazabbaedbian: it just did it's thing, now how do i remount it?23:18
abbazabbashould i restart?23:18
gheraldin terminal??23:18
edbianabbazabba: You don't need to restart.  You can use the mount command?  Would you like me to explain it or just give it to you?23:19
rainwalkerI have an Nvidia Quadro, should I install the drivers Nvidia gives for my specific card or go with the one Ubuntu lists in the Restricted Drivers window?23:19
ussergherald, yea, you have to install it first, enable medibuntu repo and just install ffmpeg23:19
usser!medibuntu | gherald23:19
deanygherald, winff is a gui, available in the repos23:19
ubottugherald: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:19
edbianabbazabba: "you can use the mount command" should not be a question23:19
abbazabbaedbian: just give it to me first (thats what she said) and if i dont get it i'll ask23:19
edbianabbazabba: well first make a folder to mount it in (this is usually done in /media) so sudo mkdir /media/hdd2 (or something)23:21
iluminator101quick question whats the name of program that opens packages in ubuntu something like garchive or something23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about archive23:21
Joshua_MayerI am trying to install Ubuntu and I select install, then all this white text comes up, and then it stops on end trace and doesn't continue.23:21
abbazabbaedbian: should it be sdb ?23:21
jaydedrag0nokay i have a weird question (sort of about windows) i have a friends laptop that is borked by a virus.. what i want to know is.. can i boot into the ubuntu liveCD.. install a virus program (cuz i know you can install stuff) and then do a full system scan and remove all the crap? or does it not work that way?23:21
edbianabbazabba: It doesn't have to be23:21
abbazabbaedbian: ok made23:21
edbianabbazabba: It can be anything you want23:21
raylujaydedrag0n: that would work23:22
abbazabbaedbian: hdd2 it is23:22
edbianabbazabba: Than the actual mount command is sudo mount /dev/sdb<partition number> /media/hdd223:22
e0n`there no 8.04 lpia?23:22
usserjaydedrag0n, yea sure, clamav is a pretty good virus scanner23:22
edbianabbazabba: Probably /dev/sdb1 if you only have 1 partition23:22
CSSnubSo I'm trying to lockdown rbash a bit for a user's home directory and I mistakenly type "rm -rf .bash_login .bashrc .profile .bash_profile .bash_logout" in the home directory rather than the /home/user directory. If I'm trying to delete those files for that specific user but I instead did it in the home directory I deleted them for all users? I'm a bit beyond my abilities here obviously. Did...23:22
CSSnub...I just break something?23:22
Joshua_MayerI am trying to install Ubuntu and I select install, then all this white text comes up, and then it stops on end trace and doesn't continue.23:22
abbazabbathere it is23:22
jaydedrag0ncan i find clamav from synaptic or do i need to google it?23:23
rayluCSSnub: that shouldn't have deleted anything at all23:23
max_Hi. I'm having a problem. I cant change to 12hr time. I set that in time/date as 12hr format, and my clock is in 12hr format, but all my programs that look to that to see time/date are all in 24 hour format.23:23
raylujaydedrag0n: it's in the repositories23:23
abbazabbaedbian: thank you very much.. one last silly question.. the hard drives are right on top of each other.. think i should worry about them overheating?23:23
edbianSo now that partition (entire HDD in your case) is inside the /media/hdd2 folder23:23
jaydedrag0nrockin.. thanks all a bunch!!!23:23
usserCSSnub, whats the point of locking down bash? what are you trying to accomplish?23:23
rayluCSSnub: the default rcs and profiles are in /etc/.../skel/ somewhere23:23
edbianabbazabba: Not unless they are physically touching (even then not really)23:23
gregmax_ - what programs?23:23
Joshua_MayerAnyone help me?23:23
abbazabbaedbian: they have this rubber sleeve like thin which is touchin23:24
max_greg: Konversation, Pidgin.23:24
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone Frostwire keeps crashing whenever I launch it. I am using Jaunty and have java 6 installed this is the error log it generates on startup: http://pastebin.com/d58be7a3523:24
edbianabbazabba: I wouldn't worry about it.  If they do overheat all that happens is your system shuts down automatically.  If that happens get a bigger case / more fans / move them apart.23:24
gregmax_ - is the individual settings relating to time no in the program preferences themselves?23:24
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: can you be more specific23:24
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: how are you trying to install it?23:24
max_greg: no, they all just look at the time/date set by the computer23:24
Joshua_MayerFresh install of the Desktop ISO23:25
abbazabbaedbian: i just opened it up and there was a folder that said lost+found.. just tried opening it but it said i didn't have permissions.. i'm assuming the best way to get to them is through nautilus?23:25
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: when you have the live session booted up?23:25
jophishis it possible to synchronise two mplayer windows, so the video starts at the same time23:25
edbianabbazabba: hang on one second23:25
CSSnubI have a user bob who can ssh into /home/bob - I've set his shell to rbash so he can't change directories. *But* he can still vi and :shell=/bin/bash :shell to poke around.23:25
Joshua_MayerYou mean how am I booting up the live session?23:25
bomexif I want to use ubuntu on my server instead of windows, what is the replacement for active directory and domain controller that is standard in windows server?23:25
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: well the installer on it sure23:25
abbazabbaedbian: and that's good to know, i just didn't want to start a fire while i was gone23:25
iluminator101quick question whats the name of program that opens packages in ubuntu something like garchive or something23:25
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: the Live session works?  ,but then you get a problem with the installer?23:26
CSSnubI want him to have access to his home directory and any subdirectories only23:26
linuxguy2009Hello again everyone, I have yet another one, I am thinking of restoring my fresh install backup of 9.04 and then making sure the package cache is empty on my hdd, and then install all current updates.Then after that I want to use my Nero Linux 3 to create a multisession Ubuntu 9.04 Updates CD-R with nothing but update packages collected about every few weeks or just once a month when they start realy adding up.My question is when new p23:26
binarymutantjophish, maybe mplayer <file> && mplayer <file>   not sure if it will work though23:26
Joshua_MayerLive Session and the installer both get stuck on the same thing.23:26
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: which is?23:26
e0n`hmmm I am not finding the lpia binaries for 8.04 anywhere23:26
e0n`can someone link me to it?23:26
abbazabbaedbian: i just went to media and tried to change the permissions but they are all stuck on root23:27
abbazabbai have an idea23:27
=== meme is now known as memememe
edbianabbazabba: The lost + found folder is part of the ext3 filesystem.  It is used when the system crashes.  Linux tries to throw as much stuff in there as possible so that it can be recovered when you reboot.  Don't change the permissions23:27
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: your  error sounded a bit hum23:27
Joshua_Mayer---[ end trace 4eaa2a86a8e2da22 ]---23:27
Joshua_MayerIt stops on that.23:27
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: yeah sounds like an odd error, I have no idea what that is? do you?  could Google that23:28
jophishbinarymutant, that doesn't seem to run them in parallel23:28
edbianabbazabba: To change the permissions for the rest of the drive (so that you can make new folders / place things alongside lost + found) I can give you another command.  Do you want me to explain it or just give it to you??23:28
iluminator101quick question whats the name of program that opens packages in ubuntu something like garchive or something23:28
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: so  basic quetion time.  How much RAM?   Which graphics card do you have?23:28
linuxguy2009Ok i guess I should have shortend that. If I use sudo dpkg -i *.deb within a folder, will dpkg ignore all old package versions in the folder and only install the newest ones?23:29
edbianiluminator101: synaptic?  What do you mean "open packages?"23:29
Joshua_MayerI have 512 ram and a I think I just have a VGA adapter for graphics.23:29
usserCSSnub, hm why would you not let him poke around, whats the harm in that? he cant modify system files, and any private data of other users etc should be protected by permissions anyhow23:29
abbazabbaedbian: i just went in as root and changed the permissions for hdd2 hahaha, made it so everybody outside of root could access and change everything (its fine i'm the only one that uses it)23:29
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: how big is the partition it's trying to install on?23:29
Joshua_MayerUm, hang on. I'll find out.23:29
edbianabbazabba: That's fine.  I was going to tell you how to make yourself the owner.  (essentially the same thing for you)23:29
iluminator101edbian:opens packages like tar.gz or tar or any compressed packages like that23:29
usserCSSnub, about the only thing i'd do if you dont want him to write scripts is put his home folder on a separate partition and mount it with -noexec option23:29
abbazabbaedbian: i think i might already be the owner but if you want lay it on me23:30
abbazabbaif not it's cool23:30
edbianiluminator101: There is the archive manager that will extract them (but won't compile or install the software23:30
smacktalkanyone here use xorp?23:30
CSSnubusser - so the files are by default unchangeable? I'm just trying to secure my system as much as possible and I obviously know very little about security.23:30
edbianabbazabba: sudo chown abbazabba /media/hdd223:30
iluminator101edbian:can tell me what archive manager is called exactly23:30
caecusHi, is anyone there to help me debug a CIFS issue specific with ubuntu?23:31
edbianiluminator101: file-roller23:31
usserCSSnub, yes all files outside of his home directory are read-only for him, provided he doesnt have sudo permissions23:31
iluminator101than edbian23:31
Joshua_MayerOk. I am installing it on 15gb partition.23:31
edbianiluminator101: NP23:31
binarymutantjophish, try mplayer <file> & mplayer <file>23:31
edbianabbazabba: Do you have any more questions?23:31
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: humm23:31
usserCSSnub, -noexec option basically forbids him from writing his own scripts in his home directory and executing them23:32
abbazabbaedbian: i want a better computer. where can i rob one and get off scott free?23:32
edbianabbazabba: lmao.  Tiger Direct?23:32
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: your installing in a virtual machine?23:32
abbazabbaedbian: alright i'm gonna buy the panty hose for my face meet me there at 1130 haha23:32
saifhello please i can't make work my bleutooth using ubuntu on my laptop and i dont know what to do23:32
abbazabbathanks alot man enjoy!23:32
jophishbinarymutant, That just ones one window, it snot a problem though, I fixed it by getting the videos to loop, and pausing one to let the other catch up23:32
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: I googled your error on Google, and that's how I found out23:32
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: that's the kind of thing you should have told me, when  I was asking basic questions23:33
edbianabbazabba: ??  I am not part of this.23:33
CSSnubusser - ty. I'm also having a hard time logging in with sftp. Filezilla says I've connected but then gives error "Fatal: unable to initialise SFTP on server: could not connect". Is there something I need to do to install SFTP? Isn't SFTP just using SSH (which I've installed)?23:33
usserCSSnub, unfortunately noexec only works per partition. you dont want to mount your / or /home partitions with noexec it'll break stuff.23:33
jophishthis is just temporary before I stitch them properly23:33
iluminator101edbian:negative thats not it....what i mean is what is program that executes extract here when you right click23:33
jophishthanks for you help anyway23:33
Joshua_MayerSorry. I didn't think it mattered.23:33
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: well I was thinking, what is this trace error, never heard of this, so wanted to Google and find out, which I suggested you did as well a little while ago23:33
usserCSSnub, yes sftp is part of ssh, try using putty for sftp if you're connecting from windows machine. or sftp from linux. it gives more descriptive errors23:33
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: which virtual machine program?23:34
foureight84what type of timestamp is this? 2009-05-22T08:41:41.6603414+10:0023:34
Joshua_MayerWindows Virtual PC 200723:34
edbianiluminator101: What happens if you open file roller and then try to open that folder? (the .tar.gz one)23:34
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer:  oh dear23:34
iluminator101its fileroller thanks23:34
Joshua_MayerI'll download another one.23:34
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: well it's the Microsoft one, also the first link that came up was to do with it23:34
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: Virtualbox :)23:35
iluminator101i am on debian...i used to use ubuntu.23:35
edbianiluminator101: Problem solved??23:35
iluminator101yes thanks23:35
edbianiluminator101: Doesn't debian rock?!?!23:35
edbianiluminator101: NP23:35
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: yes try Virtualbox, why in a vm by the way?23:35
usserdebian rocks23:35
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: ideally Windows should be in a vm, or no Windows at all :d23:35
Joshua_MayerI'm just want to test Ubuntu before I dual boot with windiws23:35
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: I know vm's can be good to try out OS's that you haven't used before, but  I hope you put Ubuntu or another distro on your computer for real23:36
iluminator101debian is awesome...but there is a much bigger learning curve than ubuntu23:36
CSSnubusser - Putty will let me SSH in without errors23:36
sebsebsebJoshua_Mayer: well depending on what Windows programs you want to use,  you may not even need to dual boot Windows, because a virtual machine will do it23:36
edbianiluminator101: yeah.  You need to know linux and not just ubuntu :D23:36
CSSnubwhich is not exactly my goal - I want them to use an ftp client23:36
foureight842009-05-22T08:41:41.6603414+10:00 i can see that this is a utc / posix style but i don't know what the +10 is23:36
Joshua_MayerIf I like it in the VM, I will be putting it on my computer.23:36
iluminator101i know i am working on it edbian23:36
CSSnuboh sorry :( didn't see the sftp client23:37
david__does linux use the amd dual core optimizer?23:37
usseriluminator101, not if you start with debian. its all oh so very nice, no hand holding no files getting modified without your permissions just cause ubuntu thinks its ok to mess with configurations23:37
sebsebsebedbian  illuminator101   indeed  Linux is way more than just Ubuntu23:37
usserCSSnub, filezilla is an ftp client? yea it wont work with sftp. sorry i never used filezilla23:37
usserCSSnub, there's tons of gui clients for sftp as well23:37
iluminator101i know usser i went from mint to ubuntu to debian....it progression and work in progress23:38
CoJaBo-AztecDoes anyone know when the 3.0.11 version of FF will be out in the package manager?23:38
edbianiluminator101: How is mint?23:38
heuqwHi do some one have a guide to get bluetooth handsfree work in ubuntu, i'm gonna use my device only on ventrilo /teamspeek. And all other sounds in the pc speakers.23:38
usserCSSnub, here you go http://winscp.net/eng/docs/screenshots23:39
iluminator101edbian:mint is for grannies23:39
sebsebseb!ot |  edbian and iluminator10123:39
ubottuedbian and iluminator101: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:39
chomwittin jaunty network remix in a netbook i can see the desktop icons (home,trash..) with changing gconf-edit's nautilus-desktop options23:39
racecar56what is the last ati radeon 9xxx to support open drivers?23:39
edbiansebsebseb: Yeah yeah yeah.  Mint is LIKE ubuntu.  Close enough right??23:40
CSSnubusser - OK Putty gives me the same error. "Fatal: unable to initialise SFTP: could not connect"23:40
sebsebsebedbian: it's based on Ubuntu23:40
CoJaBo-AztecDoes anyone know when the 3.0.11 version of FF will be out in the package manager?23:40
CSSnubYet I can still SSH in23:40
dahumpCan anyone help a noob with a networking question?23:40
sebsebsebCoJaBo-Aztec: it might not be23:40
racecar56CoJaBo-Aztec, they are testing, it will come soon23:40
sebsebsebCoJaBo-Aztec: they might have put the patches into 3.0.10 or something23:40
sebsebsebCoJaBo-Aztec: Ubuntu only do security updates in the repo23:41
sebsebsebCoJaBo-Aztec: and then newer programs each release23:41
sebsebsebCoJaBo-Aztec: versions of, or ppa's or whatever for those that know how to install later stuff themselves23:41
Flannelsebsebseb: is a security update.  It'll be done.23:41
XeNiXhello all i tried to fix my compiz and i think i did a mistake :s kde is not running when i do startx  it is fvwm who run anyone can help me23:42
Flannelright, sorry.23:42
maxmandoes anybody use Pavilion dv5?23:42
sebsebsebFlannel: yep that's what I thought, but I think at least once,  the number stayed on some older number,  when  Firefox was on two or more later numbers23:42
wolfgangi have a question about se linux, it doesn't come installed in ubuntu right? also will it password protect folders?23:42
racecar56you forgot how the 3's removed a 023:42
fivetwentysixIs there a ubuntu package for firefox 3.5?23:42
usserCSSnub, hm that is weird, maybe it has something to do with rbash setup that you did so far?23:42
racecar56maybe in the universe23:42
sebsebsebfivetwentysix: I think there's a ppa23:42
CoJaBo-Aztec.11 fixes some pretty severe issues, so I ccertainly hope it would get releases ASAP.23:42
racecar56fivetwentysix, there IS a ppa23:43
Flannelsebsebseb: That's just version numbers internal to Ubuntu, doesn't make much difference23:43
racecar56fivetwentysix, ubuntu-tweak is one way...23:43
sebsebsebFlannel: ah ok23:43
DFadewolfgang: anything is doable ;)23:43
XeNiXanyone can help me please23:43
sebsebsebXeNiX: with what?23:44
kbrosnanfivetwentysix: you can download from mozilla.com and run it from your home folder as well23:44
XeNiXwhy when i do startx it is fvwm who start and not kde ?23:44
imatechanyone here use xorp?  i'm getting an error that Failed to connect to the router manager23:44
fivetwentysixkbrosnan, but I won't have flash support23:44
usserXeNiX, whats in your ~/.xinitrc file?23:44
arthur_i have a question about bios passwords? where can i find out how to reset the master password on a pheoeix bios i am locked out ... help forgot password23:44
david__oh I need help making Ubuntu 9.04 see my dvd burner23:44
sebsebsebarthur_: try ##hardware23:44
DFadearthur_: you'll probably have to reach for the jumper pin on your mother board23:45
XeNiXusser : nothing it dont existe :s23:45
kbrosnanfivetwentysix: plugins won't be an issue. though mozilla only creates builds for 32-bit. so if you are on x64 ppa23:45
arthur_its a laptop......23:45
aleskandrohi all23:45
XeNiXanyone can help ?23:46
XeNiXxconf is not working i dont know why :s23:46
DFadearthur_: personally, I'd contact the supplier and ask for the default password, if it's of any use23:46
usserXeNiX, theres also a global initialization script somewhere in /etc/X1123:46
racecar56XeNiX, more info23:46
david__i need help making my dvd burner show up in Ubuntu 9.0423:46
aleskandroI've a intel gm965 video card, when I run glxinfo it say that Direct Rendering is enabled but if I try to do compiz --replace, I receive glx not present, why?23:46
sebsebseb!intel | aleskandro23:46
ubottualeskandro: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:46
DimitreeHelp ... I tryed to install Phpbb3 with Synaptic on a fresh ubuntu desktop and after giving password for the MySQL it returned an error "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket", now even when i installed Xchat it spowned the MySQL configuration GUI, which after being aborted it installed Xchat.Can someone try to install LAMP or Phpbb3 on 9.04 and tell me what's wrong with it and how to fix it ?23:47
XeNiXi tried to fix compiz coz the ccsm is not running , i dont know what i do on synaptic , and now when i do startx on each reboot it is fvwm who run not kde :s23:47
aleskandrosebsebseb, thanks a lot23:47
sebsebsebDimitree: try #php23:47
dahumpI can see my windows network and my other pc's but when I double-click on them I get the error message "Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server". I have been able to mount the location in the past.23:47
sebsebsebaleskandro: np23:47
Dimitreesebsebseb: are they responsible for the Phpbb3 packages and configs provided in the ubuntu repository ?23:48
sebsebsebaleskandro: well I was just guessing that whatever that is,  is to do with your issue23:48
sebsebsebDimitree: no23:48
XeNiXanyone can help me ?23:48
Dimitreesebsebseb: then what's my business there ?23:48
usserXeNiX, just put startkde in your ~/.xinitrc23:48
sebsebsebDimitree: Ubuntu just put in PHP and such from upstream I think23:49
sebsebsebDimitree: people here also aren't responisble for what goes in the repo23:49
sebsebsebDimitree: maybe you want #ubuntu-devel or something23:49
Flannelsebsebseb: That's not what his question is about at all.23:49
XeNiXusser: ~/.xinitrc dont existe23:49
Dimitreesebsebseb: ok i will try my luck there thanks23:49
usserXeNiX, create it23:49
dahumpNoob here. In Ubuntu 9.04 I can see my windows network and my other pc's but when I double-click on them I get the error message "Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server". I have been able to mount the location a few days ago, but I don't know what changed. Any advice?23:49
sebsebsebDimitree: wait23:49
sebsebsebDimitree: Flannel may be able to help23:49
Dimitreeok waiting23:49
FlannelDimitree: Did you follow the instructions here (about setting up a MySQL root password, etc): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP23:50
DFadedahump: I'd go for a Samba network :)23:50
david__need ubuntu 9.04 to see my dvd burner23:50
DimitreeFlannel: my question is "Why the package for LAMP and/or Phpbb3 in the repository is broken and doesnt work" :)23:50
dahumpI set up Samba so I could share my ubuntu home directory and it works great.23:50
XeNiXusser : can u gimme an exemple pastebin.ca23:51
DimitreeFlannel this password is required during installation process23:51
usserDimitree, yea its a sad state of affairs, phpbb is not the only one, gallery2 is broken beyond belief on jaunty23:51
sjlkghi, does anyone know how to permanently disable the "consider recommended packages as dependencies" option in synaptic?23:51
usserXeNiX, http://pastebin.com/f7849acf923:51
DimitreeFlannel: but after providing the passwords it spowns the error "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket" and asks for abort retry and so on, when closed, i can't even Uninstall the whole thing because the configuration dialog appears all the time evenw hen removing it23:52
FlannelDimitree: Have you tested PHP/MySQL separately from phpbb3?23:52
usserXeNiX, thats my .xinitrc see last line it launches the window manager, you can skip everything and have just one line startkde in it23:52
DimitreeFlannel: right now i can't "test" anything related to PHP MYSQL and so on, simply because i Can't even remove the LAMP packages, as i said it spowns the configuration dialog, it spowns this dialog even when i installed Xchat right now23:53
dahumpNoob here. In Ubuntu 9.04 I can see my windows network and my other pc's but when I double-click on them I get the error message "Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server". I was previously able to mount the drive after being prompted for username and password. Then, I installed Samba so I could view Ubuntu home directory from Windows network. Could that be the problem? Also, it seems like I used to have23:53
dahumpa menu item called "Accessing Remote Systems", or something like that.23:53
DimitreeFlannel: and this is on a fresh ubuntu desktop install, and this is the second install btw i reinstalled it just to make sure i didnt do something wrong23:53
DimitreeFlannel: just go to Synaptec and try to install LAMP or Phpbb3 package to see what i mean23:54
VCooliousser: sometimes you end a line with &, sometimes not; what's the rule?23:54
Brandanohello, I am trying to cross-compile mplayer 32 bit on an amd64 with 8.10 multilib etc. managed just fine in the past, but currently I am having trouble because I am missing zlib. Is there a package for multilib that provides it?23:54
FlannelDimitree: I've already got LAMP installed, and I'm also on 8.04, so that wouldn't work.  What dialog is this that comes up with whatever package management stuff you do?23:54
XeNiXusser : let me try23:54
DFadedahump: your Windows Samba shares setup alright?23:54
Dimitreeusser: are these packages ok on the previous version of ubuntu ?23:54
aleskandrobut is  not there ctrl+alt+backspace function in jaunty?23:55
Flannel!dont zap | aleskandro23:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dont zap23:55
Flannel!dontzap | aleskandro23:55
ubottualeskandro: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.23:55
DimitreeFlannel the dialoge where you set MYSQL password, Database password, and so on passwords23:55
usserVCoolio, & puts the program in the background, some programs terminate, some run indefinetely if the program that is run indefinetely is not put in the background it will take over the shell and prevent other programs from being executed23:55
FlannelDimitree: and, do you do input them?23:55
usserDimitree, nope also broken23:56
FlannelDimitree: I've never seen that dialog before.  Is this for phpbb3?23:56
Dimitreeusser: should i install Ubuntu server with LAMP and then add the desktop enviroment will that work ?23:56
XeNiXusser: is not working cause startkde is not found :s23:56
racecar56VCoolio, e.g. 'firefox' will run firefox but you can't execute stuff in that shell until firefox is completely done23:56
DimitreeFlannel: one sec i will give a screenshot23:56
rayluusser, VCoolio: you can stop an already-running program with ctrl+z and then run it in the background with bg23:56
FlannelDimitree: It'll be the same thing.  Lets just fix this one.23:56
usserXeNiX, you sure you havent uninstalled kde by any chance23:57
XeNiXusser: let me re install it ?23:57
racecar56VCoolio, firefox & makes a 'job', you can use the shell for other stuff but the output of firefox will be put there23:57
Flannelsjlkg: I'm not sure if you can do it via synaptic, but it is in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01ubuntu23:57
XeNiXusser: maybe cause i played with kde packages:s23:57
usserDimitree, i had no problems with installing lamp, i'd suggest do a standard lamp install then get phpbb from the maintainers site23:57
Flannelsjlkg: that is, you can do it there.23:57
rayluracecar56: how do you prevent the output from showing up without redirecting to null or similar?23:58
fixxxermetHi everyone.  Just upgraded my e1000 driver to 8.0.9.  After rebooting, lshw says the driverversion is back to 7.3.21.  How can I keep the new driver after reboot?23:58
racecar56raylu, not sure23:58
VCoolioracecar56: i know but this was about xinitrc; why doesn't conky need an & then? I assume that is run permanently?23:58
usserDimitree, the gallery2 from packages was very quirky as soon as i killed and installed the version from the site it worked smoothly23:59
usserVCoolio, conky goes into background automatically23:59
racecar56VCoolio, yeah... i guess23:59
VCoolioah I see, nice. Ok, thx for the update23:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:59

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