
nubaehey folks...21:06
nubaenot much action to be seen... how are things going... can u give me maybe a rundown of what's been done over the last week, 2 weeks?21:13
nubaebencrisford: I've been working on a Moodle instance that can be used and demoed by various comunities. Right now its being built with openSUSE in mind, but I'd like it to be as agnostic to the distro as possible... Take a look and tell me what u think, what direction u think it should take... nubae.selfip.com/moodle21:14
nubaeright now its running on a server in my local network21:15
nubaemakes development a bit faster21:15
nubaebut may seem slow to u in terms of refreshing21:15
bencrisfordmoodle is course management software right21:15
nubaeyep, though its quite a powerful overal CMS21:15
nubaeso I've added more than just courses to it21:16
nubaeideally I'd like it to be a full fledged education portal21:16
bencrisfordim working on eskole, which is similar21:16
nubaeI'm collecting as much of the data from other places as possible21:16
nubaeand if it doesnt exist, just creating it. But the idea here is to reuse, so all courses will have an easy 'download this course' button with which teachers, developers, etc can make the content available on their networks21:17
nubaeToo much data is protected on the net... and it makes it very difficult to set up anything that people can freely use.21:17
nubaeBut... the free stuff is out there, just not well organised, hidden, and generally unfinished21:18
nubaeI calculate it takes a good 2 or 3 weeks and you can have a really nice content rich education portal21:18
bencrisfordcool :D21:18
nubaefor example, take a look at resources by application21:18
nubaeIts a very simple idea... split apps into sub sections (I chose, tutorials, video/audio cases, and offical books/articles)21:19
bencrisfordyeah, its a neat idea :)21:19
nubaeand its surprising how much content u can then find on that... I was pleasantly surprised that even for scribus there is a ton of info21:20
nubaeits just all hidden away. It is also a simple step to move from what I've got there now, to making it into a course21:20
nubaeso the foundation can definitely be modified to be more 'course-like'21:20
nubaeI need lots of help on this, so if you do have time and wanna volunteer, I can tell you how you can help me21:21
nubae;-) hint hint21:21
bencrisfordnubae: Sure, id love to get familiar with course management systems before the heavy lifting on eskole gets underway21:22
nubaeallright, so u wanna try making a course? or would you rather organise some howtos in the moodle wiki?21:25
nubaeI made 2 howtos already, one for installing LAMP, the other Moodle.. but they should be templates for other howtos... they can definetly be improved, if u wanna take a look21:26
nubaeI want to make sure that we just put in the essential howtos... and that they are simple and work21:26
nubaethey can later then be turned into courses without too much work21:26
nubaebut I think gathering all the content takes presedence21:26
bencrisfordim not sure yet, i have to go now21:27
bencrisfordbut we can talk later ?21:28
nubaeyes, I'm around and really appreciate any help I get to it21:29
kwahhi all22:47
kwahis there a documentation somewhere how on may produce an add-on CD like Edubuntu does?22:48
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bencrisfordnubae: fancy taking part in a little project ive got planned>23:19
bencrisfordi just sorted the pier website, so its pretty much ready to go :)23:19
bencrisfordi just need members now23:19
bencrisfordthere's a place on it for anyone here who wants a hand in it in fact23:20
bencrisfordon the core team that is23:20
bencrisfordit is education-related in a way23:22
bencrisfordim hoping to get experienced and non-experienced devs and then do some mentoring whilst creating some software and stuff :)23:22
nubaewhat's the link?23:31
bencrisfordhttp://www.pegusus.tk nubae23:32
bencrisfordits a bit random...  but im trying to get it organised and to work23:33
nubaenot very obvious what this is for/about23:34
bencrisfordi know23:34
bencrisfordthere will be a proper homepage eventually23:34
nubaegetting people to sign up, let alone help on a project would require that you open up the environment as much as possible23:34
bencrisfordi dont aim to attract people globally at the moment23:35
nubaeshuld really be your priority if u wish to attract anyone at all... I wouldnt just sign up for something unless I knew what it was for23:35
bencrisfordi just want a few people at the moment, its not clear *how* to sign up, eventually it will have a seperate website and pier pages23:36
bencrisfordi dont want it to be a huge team of people, thats hard to organise23:36
bencrisfordthere can be *tons* of contributors, but the actual team is gonna be kept small23:36
bencrisfordi think it will work better23:36
nubaealso... make sure you are not reinventing the wheel, though I dont know what this is about, you have to be clear how this is something unique, new, and essential23:37
nubaeso pitch me...23:37
bencrisfordwell, my mate wants to learn programming and scripting, i think learning by doing works best23:37
nubaeI'm probably a good average dev... involved in lots of projects, very busy already with my own stuff...23:37
bencrisfordyeah, well this can take up little or lots of your time, its up to you :)23:38
bencrisfordbut the project isnt just about mentoring23:38
bencrisfordits about writing great scripts and softwares23:38
nubaeI still have no idea what the project is23:38
bencrisfordits a group of projects23:38
bencrisfordthe project *is* the team23:38
bencrisfordthats the idea23:38
bencrisfordalthough eventually there will be one project bringing all the subs together23:39
bencrisfordsubs = sub projects23:39
nubaesorry.. I'm still unsure as to what the aim is, what the project is supposed to be, and why I'd be interested in it23:39
bencrisfordoriginally it was about me writing some software with a couple of mates, but im trying to expand it23:39
bencrisfordi just want to get new people involved with development23:40
nubaesorry if that sounds critical, I'm trying to be helpful in a way :-)23:40
bencrisfordits ok23:40
nubaedevelopment of what?23:40
bencrisforda few things :P, thats what is confusing, there is no *one* project at the moment23:40
bencrisfordits just a development team, for devs of *all* ability :)23:40
bencrisfordso we can teach, learn and develop.  its really wishy-washy, i dont expect anyone to understand but me and my mate23:41
nubaeok, well think u need to get that cleared up... u need to make it very clear what you want already burdened devs to get involved with, wishy-washy won't cut it23:41
nubaeu see how difficult it is to get edubuntu help, and that is a project with a relatively clear goal (still far too unclear, but improving)23:42
bencrisfordthe aim of pegusus is to create pegusus.  but the team is the base of the project if you see what i mean23:43
bencrisfordthe dev team is what the projects about23:43
bencrisfordthe actual software is a side thing23:43
nubaeso u are talking about creating a community23:43
nubaea community that centers around what? education? security? gaming?23:44
bencrisfordyes!  a community!  thats the word i wanted23:45
bencrisforda community of developers23:45
nubaethats still too general... sounds like reinventing the wheel... we already have launchpad and hundreds of rivals23:45
bencrisfordto work on anything a member throws at the rest of the team i guess, although there are some projects forming a backbone23:45
bencrisfordits not about rivals23:45
bencrisfordits about having some fun, and creating some awesome software :)23:46
bencrisfordand the mentoring is a huge part of it23:46
bencrisfordWill, my mate has never written a single program23:46
bencrisfordim mentoring him23:46
bencrisfordusing the project23:46
nubaelaunchpad is a community that handles a decentralised distributed development platform, via bazaar23:46
bencrisfordbut its too big and crowded, my one is cosy23:47
nubaeok, my question then is, why not use launchpad?23:47
bencrisfordi dont want it to be full of people23:47
bencrisfordi want my own work23:47
bencrisfordon my own web server23:47
bencrisforddoing stuff i like23:47
nubaewell, u can take the launchpad code and install it locally23:47
bencrisfordi like pier23:47
nubaeseems like a waste to reinvent the wheel, a waste of your resources which might be better used at doing what you want the community you envisage to do23:48
bencrisfordbut you don't have to like my project i guess :), but i was just wondering whether you wanted to take part23:48
nubaewell I still dont know what the project is/does23:48
nubaethats why I'm trying to get u to sell it to me :-) I'm playing devil's advocate a bit here....23:49
nubaemy intention is not to discourage you, but to think about how others will react to you wanting them to hand over their (precious) time23:50
bencrisfordits not meant to impress others, thats the point23:50
bencrisfordi just want a nice platform, and backbone for me and some people i know to develop some stuff and mentor some new developers23:50
bencrisfordpegusus isnt one thing23:51
bencrisfordits alot of things23:51
bencrisfordits a group of softwares, a community of developers, a learning platform for new devs23:51
bencrisfordand more23:51
bencrisfordnubae: Is that so bad =(23:51
nubaewell here's my honest to god opinion (and I apologize in advance if it offends you, that is not my intention), unless u can sell it, you're not gonna get too many people involved :-( for example... I already use quite a lot of software for my development work, and I wouldn't unless there was a really good reason, start learning to use something new, especially something that had no clear future and no past23:54
bencrisfordi dont want to get people involved23:54
bencrisfordnot many people anyway23:54
nubaewell, even the few u want involved... u need to give them a good reason23:55
bencrisfordif anyone enquires about how, then ill be honoured and surprised23:55
bencrisfordbut im more interested in asking people23:55
bencrisfordits that sort of group23:55
bencrisfordthe reason is to have fun23:55
bencrisfordto make some software23:55
bencrisfordmake a community23:55
bencrisfordlearn some stuff23:55
nubaeok, then go for it23:56
bencrisfordteach some stuff23:56
bencrisfordarrgghh!  its my birthday in 4 minutes23:56
nubaeI'm just saying... if it was me, I'd try and make it unique23:56
bencrisfordi better get some sleep23:56
bencrisfordnubae: it is23:56
nubaewell, happy Birthday bencrisford23:56
bencrisfordname something else like it?23:56
nubaeI still have no idea what it is :-)23:56
nubaea community of developers is far to abstract for me... I can name hundreds of those23:57
bencrisfordwell, its *my* community :P23:57
nubaehow old are u gonna be?23:57
bencrisfordheh, 1 year older than last year =(23:57
nubaeso are u a developer in your day time job?23:58
bencrisfordfraid not23:58
bencrisfordanyway, night23:58
nubaegood night and happy birthday again23:58
bencrisfordty =D23:58

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