
lex79I'm tryng to update libqca2-plugin-oss, list-missing is not empty00:12
lex79can I create a -dbg package?00:12
rgreeningshtylman: ping00:16
rgreeningshtylman: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/ubiquity-ubuntu-installer-is-getting.html00:18
rgreeningshtylman: are you aware of this?00:18
neversfeldehey, vorian is back :)00:32
nixternalwoo it is a bit warm out there....went and picked up some beer, some tequilla, got the fire pit prepped, got stuff for smores, who wants to party?00:39
nixternalScottK: right, I think I want to talk to Riddell and statik some more about it first and then I will decide if it is something for me...I just don't want to waste anyones time00:39
jjesseanyone runing choqok and not getting updates from twitter?01:53
_Groo_hi/2 all01:58
jjessehello _Groo_02:07
_Groo_hi jjesse02:08
jjessehello _Groo_02:08
_Groo_jjesse: whats up?02:08
vorianyo yo yizidy yo03:46
rgreeningvorian: wazzup bizzatch03:57
voriannot much dawg03:57
vorianhow's that usb magic coming?03:57
rgreeningoh, it's coming along. I merged it with upstream trunk03:58
rgreeningstill some glitches and work to be done...03:58
rgreeningknow anything about Solid?03:58
rgreeningme neither03:59
rgreeningI need to get it to spit out CDRW or whatever if it's a CD rom... can't seem to find the property in Solid which exposes that04:00
rgreeningin gnomevfs it's a call to get_display_name from the mount manager04:01
rgreeningyeah, my thoughts exactly...04:01
rgreeningplus, the backend has gobject.. and it is causing me KCrashes all over04:02
rgreeningand to top off everything, the Red Wings just lost!04:03
vorianyeah, saw that04:04
* vorian doesn't follow hockey04:04
rgreeningI usually dont either.. but Dan Cleary is a Newfoundlander... :)  had to watch.. too e wasn't able to score one of the many times he tried...bad h04:12
ScottKrgreening: k3b has to eject CDs.  Maybe looking at it's code?04:33
* ScottK prepares to go board another airplane .....04:40
nixternalwoo, going to go see some country music tomorrow :)05:34
voriannixternal: really? who05:35
* vorian goes to see country music everyday05:35
nixternalvorian: http://www.us99.com/pages/4296081.php05:36
nixternal12 hours of country music05:36
vorianoh lord05:36
nixternalkenny chesney, miranda lambert, sugarland, montgomery gentry05:36
nixternallady antebelem, and a bunch of others I haven't heard05:37
nixternalmy brother just called and said "Hey, I have $4000 in tickets for Oasis tomorrow, you want to go?"05:37
nixternalI was like, dude Oasis rocks!05:37
nixternalthen he told me, no, country music and everyone there :)05:37
* vorian sleeps05:38
* ScottK sits in another airport (still on the way home).10:25
asranieli'm wondering, is there a way to install kdebase-dbg for kde 4.3 beta2 in kubuntu 9.04? i can't, and i think it has something to do with an outdated qt version? (4.5 and not 4.5.1 if i remember correctly)10:53
neversfeldeseems that quassel is broken in karmic, I have to do a fresh configuration after every restart11:53
Mamarokneversfelde: you have made choqok packages in your PPA, right?12:00
neversfeldeMamarok: no, they are in backports now12:00
Mamarokbackports PPa?12:00
neversfeldeno official backports12:00
Mamarokright, so those are not the newest ones :(12:01
neversfeldeis 0.6.1 releases, yet?12:01
Mamarokrt -> @mtux *!Choqok users: Please use trunk for Twitter! The twitter status count has now exceeded 2,147,483,647 and choqok has problem for it!12:01
Mamarok32 bit integer...12:02
neversfeldeyes and he announced 0.6.1, but it is not there at the moment12:02
neversfeldeonce it is released, I will create an updated package12:02
Mamarokok, will have to wait then, too lazy to compile myself :)12:02
neversfeldethere is a twitter bug?12:08
neversfeldeah ok, scrolling is a good solution12:08
neversfeldeMamarok: are you on jaunty or karmic?12:14
neversfeldeI will create a package that hopefully fixes the bug, would you test it?=12:16
Mamarokneversfelde: ok12:16
Mamarokjust ping me when it's ready :)12:16
neversfeldek, I will ping you12:16
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neversfeldeMamarok: https://edge.launchpad.net/~neversfelde/+archive/ppa13:36
Mamarokneversfelde: thx, will test now :)13:36
neversfeldeshould be ok, I waited for the release13:37
Mamarokneversfelde: works great!13:43
Mamarokthx :)13:43
neversfeldeI will fill a backport request, once it is in karmic13:44
Quintasanhmm, guys are there any working tools for creating ubuntu remix? UCK fails to unpack the squasfs: http://pastebin.com/f5e9c76c413:46
Quintasan_powerloss sucks14:28
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Quintasanwhich version of squashfs we use to create casper/filesystem.squashfs? I have problems with mounting it15:25
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macoO_O if you click on a channel name in Quassel it'll automatically add it to your buffer list! <317:22
_Groo_hi/2 all18:07
Quintasanwhich version of squashfs we use to create casper/filesystem.squashfs? I have problems with mounting it19:21
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claydohMamarok: ping19:55
Mamarokclaydoh: pong19:57
claydohdid you get the email from steven vollum regarding muzer?19:58
Mamarokwait, let me see...19:58
Mamarokyes, what is he barbling about?19:59
claydohdunno I am trying to decipher it while i respond19:59
Mamarokdid you see his "mail loss" axactly at the precise moment I sent my mail? he has a talent to elude...20:00
claydohmuzer is kind  of jerk but nothing outrageous20:00
claydohMamarok: yes, actually, though I was hoping to spot him in the forums20:01
Mamarokyes, he seems pretty new or just lingered silently till now20:02
* Mamarok tries to decipher that mail...20:02
Mamarokit's not the first time he accuses people of sending him mails, then it turns out he just did a wrong manipulation...20:04
Mamaroksending him *virus even...20:04
claydohI know20:04
* claydoh sighs20:05
Mamarokand he probably screwed with sudo isntead of  kdesudo again and has seen the remarks about a mail marked as spam20:05
Mamarokhe is slightly paranoid on the edge...20:05
Mamarokgosh, I asked him not to do support, he can't even handle his own basics *sigh*20:06
Mamarokclaydoh: brb, just have to restart my screen session20:20
claydohMamarok: ok20:20
* claydoh is still stumped, but finishing a reply20:24
Mamarokok, will have a look then :) thanks!20:26
claydohsent and cc'd20:27
* claydoh goes back to watching Buffy on tv 20:29
Mamarokclaydoh: nice mail :) let's see if he get's the hint with the forum...20:48
claydohMamarok: I do hope he does20:49
GoniumI found a condition in which plasma is drawn wrong21:34
Goniumthis occurs when twitter plasmoid is active21:35
jussi01Gonium: reported a bug?21:37
Goniumi going to report21:39
claydohMamarok: this is almost funny:22:25
claydohFirst I tried, kdesudo apt-get install do_not_hijack_threads.deb, then I tried22:25
claydohsudo apt-get install do_not_hijack_threads.deb, both returned "couldn't find22:25
claydohthe package".  If it is wget, I have not used that, but will look it up.22:25
claydohKpackageKit doesn't have it either.22:25
claydohsorry for the flood22:25
jussi01claydoh: wheres that from? :D22:31
claydohthe mailing list :(22:31
claydohfrom a user22:31
jussi01claydoh: oh22:32
jjesseanyone runing choqok to get twitter updates?  still can't get updates since friday night22:57
Nightrosejjesse: you need an update23:03
Nightroseneversfelde has a new package23:03
claydohjjesse: neversfelde has an updated package in app23:03
claydohin a ppa rather23:03
neversfeldeyes, he has :)23:04
neversfeldefor karmic it is bug 38669123:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386691 in choqok "new upstream version available (0.6.1)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38669123:05
neversfeldeso if someone has the time to review it and it is in karmic after, I would fill a backport request23:06
neversfeldeseems to work good and it fixes this twitter bug, although I cannot test, because I left twitter23:07
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