
neoandersenI dont know00:00
neoandersenhow can I see that?00:00
neoandersendoes the i letter in aptitude mean installed?00:01
ign0ramusneoandersen, "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras w32-codecs"00:04
neoandersenkubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.00:05
neoandersenE: Couldn't find package w32-codecs00:05
ign0ramusneoandersen, do you have all your repositories enabled?00:05
genii!info w32codecs00:05
ubottuPackage w32codecs does not exist in jaunty00:05
neoandersenI never changed it...00:05
ign0ramusneoandersen, when replying, please type a nick, so the person knows youre responding to them00:05
ign0ramusneoandersen, you'll probably want "libdvdcss2" as well00:06
ign0ramusgenii, what's the jaunty equivalent?00:06
geniiign0ramus: Not sure. Maybe non-free-codecs00:06
tsimpsonit never was in ubuntu, see !medibuntu00:07
ign0ramusneoandersen, ahh... "w32codecs" they took out the dash00:07
geniiign0ramus: Ah...is Medibuntu. So w32codecs still exists, just not in regular repos00:07
ign0ramustsimpson, genii: thanks00:07
tsimpsonand you should not need w32codecs for an audio CD00:07
tsimpsonor any codecs00:07
ign0ramus!medibuntu | neoandersen00:07
ubottuneoandersen: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:07
tsimpsonaudio CD is raw PCM00:08
JuJuBeeHello. I installed opera_9.64.2480.gcc4.qt3_amd64.deb on my laptop (currently using) and I can use the chat feature of opera, but when I install onto my desktop I cannot? Any ideas? Same OS (Kubuntu 9.04 both fresh installs)00:08
halberdhow the heck do I use kthinkbat00:08
halberdI apt-got it so now where is it00:08
neoandersenI guess my cd should just be played here in kubuntu as it does in Ubuntu...00:09
ign0ramusneoandersen, according to tsimpson (who knows what (s)he's talking about), cd's should automatically work00:09
ign0ramusneoandersen, what app are you trying to play them with?00:09
* tsimpson is a he00:09
halberdlocate kthinkbat turns nothing up00:09
ign0ramustsimpson, ok, dude :)00:10
neoandersenYeah! I guess it shoulp pĺay automatically00:10
ugatsimpson: and you had to announce it? proud about? =)00:10
ign0ramusuga, i didn't know if tsimpson was a dude or a chick... and why not be proud?00:11
halberdoh ign0ramus thanks for telling me about kstart00:11
ign0ramushalberd, did that help? i've never actually used it.00:11
ugaign0ramus: psst. let him respond, I was just joking as if I had not read your comment ;)00:11
togeticso my mouse doesn't move and the computer seems to not care if i want to go to a tty screen to mess w/ its settings because it doesn't respond to my keyboard either...00:11
neoandersenI have tried amarok and audacious00:11
halberdwell I haven't actually run it yet either, but if it does what it says it does, it's what I was looking for00:12
ign0ramusneoandersen, is your cd being recognized and mounted?00:12
ign0ramushalberd, it has the 'desktop x' options, so i figured it should work ;)00:12
neoandersenyes, it shows as deviices recently plugged in, but dont show the option to play it...00:12
ign0ramusneoandersen, does "mount" show your cd?00:13
wolteri need help with kmplot... it hid and won't show again the functions dialog, which is vital.00:13
halberdwhat is in /usr/share/apps/kicker/applets/00:14
halberdthere's a kthinkbat.desktop there, is that the droid I seek?00:14
ugaign0ramus: ? afaik regular audio cds cannot be mounted00:14
ugaign0ramus: there's tools in cdtools deb to play them (cdplay?)00:14
neoandersenmount shows a lot of information I dont know what means...00:14
halberdno it's not00:14
uganeoandersen: if you installed the package "cdtools", you could try using the command cdplay00:15
ign0ramusuga, you may be right (i don't use cd's)... i'm just trying to figure out why his cd's won't play00:15
halberdthere's a /usr/lib/kde3/kthinkbat_panelapplet.so00:15
uganeoandersen: in general, I know two issues that can cause that. First, permissions, you need read access to the cdrom device00:15
halberdis that an application I can run00:16
halberdor is it just a library00:16
uganeoandersen: and the cd playing output can be connected digitally or analog way. It may be caused by wrong kmix/alsa mixer settings00:16
ugaie, wrong choice of input00:16
halberdthere is no application on my system matching *?hink?at*, just a bunch of support files00:16
ign0ramusneoandersen, i'm wondering if the preferences in Amarok/Audacious have the correct location of your cd drive... have you checked that?00:17
ugaign0ramus: I'd bet permissions (run kdesudo?)00:17
neoandersendplay: can't play (no_disc)00:17
ign0ramusuga, very possible.00:17
neoandersencdtool didn't work00:18
ugaign0ramus: I had this one myself: the CD can be read in digital mode, straight as pcm, or the analog output is connected as input to the sound card00:18
Zorixis it possible to install kopete from the backports of 4.3 beta without installing the rest of the libraries?  It won't install on its own because of dependency version issues, but could I force the install and have problems with kopete?00:18
uganeoandersen: what did cdplay say?00:18
uganeoandersen: you need to first install cdtools, open a command line (konsole), and run "cdplay"00:20
ugayou should see some output error, if it doesn't play00:20
neoandersennothing did nothing...00:20
ugaelse, the disc should be spinning (and playing)00:20
uganeoandersen: no output????00:20
neoandersenI have intalled it...00:21
neoandersenyes the output was : can't play ( no disk)00:21
uganeoandersen: ok, so it didn't find something proper in the cdrom drive, it says00:21
uganeoandersen: do you have just a single cdrom drive?00:22
geniiIf it's a combo dvd and cd, sometimes the cd laser goes and you don't know for a while since mostly using the dvd00:22
neoandersenI have 2 dvd drives...00:22
uganeoandersen: try the other one ;)00:22
neoandersenI did...00:22
ugait may be finding the second one as first, and unless you specify to cdplay, it will pick the first one00:22
uganeoandersen: that's very strange00:23
Zorixi'm now having kpackagekit errors: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)00:23
uganeoandersen: if you pop in any other kind of disk (not music), does it work?00:23
ign0ramusuga, again, i don't use audio cd's, but just checking lshw, my drive is listed 3 ways: "/dev/cdrom" "/dev/cdrw", and "/dev/scd0" ... which of these should be used for apps to play a cd if i wanted to?00:23
ugaign0ramus: I believe /dev/cdrom should work00:24
ign0ramusuga, ok... just mostly out of curiosity.  thanks.00:24
ugaign0ramus: I do use audio CDs, but I got none at hand right now to test (moving flat)00:24
ugaspotify is my friend ;)00:24
ign0ramusuga, haha! :)00:25
ign0ramusuga, that's uk-only right?00:25
ugaign0ramus: nope00:25
ugait's international00:25
ign0ramusuga, not for US :(00:26
ign0ramusUnfortunately, due to licensing restrictions we are not yet available in your country. We understand that you are currently in United States (your IP address xxx.xxx.xx.xx).00:26
ugawhat, Obama banned it to push CD market economy? ;)00:26
ugaign0ramus: sometimes I get no access to a few songs, but nothing else00:27
ugathey're very few00:27
InforMedHi! Why kde panel always random icons position! Any work around to save icons position?00:27
ign0ramusInforMed, lock them?00:27
halberdso I just installed network-manager00:28
InforMedign0ramus: even if i lock them at every restart icons change position00:28
ugaign0ramus: you could try a non-us proxy00:29
ign0ramusInforMed, that's one i haven't heard yet... which icons in which widgets?00:29
ign0ramusuga, i could, but there are plenty of options here too ;)00:29
neoandersennow I could open the cd with dolphin but I cant play it with amarok nor audacious...00:29
genii<cough cough> !piracy00:29
* ign0ramus gives an uncomfortable chuckle at genii's comment and looks around nervously00:30
ugagenii: playing spotify is no piracy00:30
ign0ramusuga, he knows, but he knows what other people are capable of doing00:30
ugaif you want piracy, I could tell you how to rip songs from spotify to mp3 ;)00:31
ugabut not going to ;P00:31
InforMedign0ramus: I have a panel at top of screen with my favorite apps! But every time I restart kubuntu icons change position!00:31
geniiuga: Good.00:31
ign0ramusInforMed, do you have the standard bottom panel as well?  do those icons change place?00:31
halberdhow do I get network-manager to start working00:32
InforMedign0ramus: I have standart bottom panel, but without icons00:33
ugaign0ramus: I wonder what sort of database they use to check your country00:34
ugadoesn't that violate privacy rights?00:34
ign0ramusuga, im sure a simple IP check that almost every server logs00:34
ign0ramusuga, same way you probably cannot watch hulu or comedycentral.com00:35
halberdI have the NetworkManager daemon running00:35
InforMedign0ramus: take a look http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/5391/screennrx.png00:35
halberdbut how do I get a widget00:35
ugaign0ramus: yes, but I could be using an IP I bought long ago in US and moved later to EU domain servers (moved continent for example)00:35
halberdthere's a README that says there's something called nm-applet00:35
commander_evry time i go to system settings it doesn't pop up00:35
halberdbut it is not found with find / -name nm-applet00:36
InforMedI have top panel icons organized but if I restart panel becames a mess00:36
ign0ramushalberd, plasma-widget-network-manager00:36
ign0ramusInforMed, i wonder if it has to do with your sizing... if you maximize the length, does the issue still occur?00:37
ugaign0ramus: right, but they can be estimating my location right00:37
ign0ramusuga, yes... typically IPs are grouped by geographic location00:37
ugaign0ramus: what if this IP is right now located in Spain, but it's registered to me (bought), so I move, and all IPs move with me00:37
ign0ramusuga, a simply proxy works most of the time00:37
ugayes, I know proxying can help. My web server is in the US anyway00:38
ugabut ... it's just not the way to filter out people00:38
InforMedign0ramus: I never think about that!00:38
ign0ramusuga, spotify (can't speak for other services) has an option if they mis-interpreted your location00:38
ugaign0ramus: it feels almost like in China00:38
ign0ramusInforMed, i may be wrong (happens daily), but it's worth trying00:38
ign0ramusuga, it's all licensing, which i have mixed feelings about.  which is why i prefer linux.00:39
ign0ramusuga, one of the reasons, anyway :)00:39
halberdso what's the deal with kde applets00:40
halberdthey aren't like normal applications, are they?00:40
halberdthey have to be started at login?00:40
ign0ramushalberd, did you install the widget?00:40
halberdoh I didn't notice you said that00:40
ign0ramushalberd, :)00:41
ugaign0ramus: some of the recordings in spotify are uhm... "less than optimally" recorded, so I'd not be too sure what sort of "licenses" they acquired for those00:41
halberdalthough the network manager README and their website makes it sound like it should start an applet called nm-applet00:41
ign0ramusuga, any service that recognized is almost guaranteed to be on the up and up00:41
halberdon login00:41
halberdcan't find package plasma-widget-network-manager00:42
ugahalberd: I'm first enemy of network manager crap00:42
ign0ramushalberd, i'd recommend wicd first of all...00:43
ugatoday I configured the network interfaces to have a static IP address. Stop network, restart...00:43
halberdwhy is that uga?00:43
ugaand guesss what, dhcp again00:43
ign0ramushalberd, but "apt-cache search" shows "plasma-widget-network-manager - KDE plasma applet for controlling NetworkManager"00:43
ugahalberd: read before your line ;)00:43
InforMedign0ramus: resizing and restarting makes the panel a total mess!00:43
ign0ramusInforMed, ouch. well, that rules that out!00:44
ugahalberd: old plain text config files no more work on linux00:44
uganice old RH 4 years... sigh =)00:44
halberdso if I install wicd I guess I need to remove network-manager00:44
ign0ramushalberd, it will do it automatically.00:44
ign0ramushalberd, apt is good like that ;)00:44
halberdlet me reboot and see what the network manager applet looks like, or if it shows up at all00:45
halberder, restart X I mean00:45
geniiHm. "<halberd> there's a /usr/lib/kde3/kthinkbat_panelapplet.so"        <-- sorta makes me think plasma stuff might not be around if yer on kde300:45
ign0ramushalberd, it won't if you don't have it installed00:45
ign0ramusgenii, wouldn't that dir exist from an upgrade?00:46
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halberdyeah I don't see any applet00:46
geniiign0ramus: Possibly. But he said he *just* installed that thinkbat app.00:46
ign0ramusgenii, the powers of deduction! :)00:46
halberdI have both a /usr/lib/kde3 and /usr/lib/kde4 directory00:48
halberdoh it's kde 3.500:48
ign0ramusgenii, you called it!00:49
halberdso what do I need to upgrade to get to kde 4?  my kernel is probably out of date at 2.6.24-2100:49
* genii makes more coffee00:49
ugahalberd: possibly the kernel is the only thing that does not need to get updated, for kde4 =)00:50
halberdapt-cache search wicd --> no results00:52
uga# apt-cache search wicd00:53
ugawicd - wired and wireless network manager00:53
halberdwell I get no results00:53
ugahalberd: jaunty repos here00:54
neoandersenNow I am listening the cd... but I had to rip it first...00:54
halberdso if I want wicd I need to do a manual install00:55
uganeoandersen: don't mention that word (rip) here! genii will kick you! ;)00:55
ugathankfully he'll not be a bot and will understand first :P00:55
halberdoh no I don't00:56
ign0ramushalberd, what version are you using?00:56
halberd8.04, it says here I can do an install with the package manager, I just have to change a setting00:57
ign0ramushalberd, add "    deb http://apt.wicd.net hardy extras   " to /etc/apt/sources.list00:57
halberdyeah that :)00:57
ign0ramushalberd, then do: "wget -q http://apt.wicd.net/wicd.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"00:58
ign0ramushalberd, update && upgrade, and you're good to go :)00:58
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halberdwhat do you think, should I remove that line from sources.list afterwards for security reasons?01:01
ign0ramushalberd, no, wicd is trusted, and in jaunty repos by default01:01
ugahalberd: if you know how to maintain orphan packages after removing the sources, please let me know ;)01:02
halberdwell I could uncomment it just temporarily to update it01:02
halberdbut I'm thinking, even if wicd is trusted that doesn't mean someone can't dns spoof them01:03
ign0ramushalberd, i think you're overthinking using a trusted package source...01:03
ign0ramushalberd, anyone can be spoofed.  comment out your entire repo list!01:03
ugahalberd: and you think they cannot do the same  with standard ubuntu sources?01:03
ugait's even more interesting for hackers, given there's greater coverage01:03
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ign0ramus...which would be much more likely, considering the scope01:04
ugaactually, I wonder how you dare download anything!01:04
halberdthe latter might be more difficult because the information is presumably on more dns servers01:04
ign0ramus^what uga said ;)01:04
ugahalberd: on more dns servers¿?¿¿01:04
halberdalright forget I mentioned it01:04
ign0ramushalberd, security is a primary goal in linux, but with this one, you should be fine01:05
ugahalberd: do backups, once a month to external drives. And have installer disks at hand01:05
uganobody cares about your data01:06
ugaso you'll be fine01:06
ugayou're not a bank, nor an insurance company, nor a politician, I guess :P01:06
* ign0ramus wants halberd's essay on the Byzantine Empire01:06
ugaelse, please let me know, and I'll send you some present ;P01:06
ugahalberd: anyway, in case somebody tries, change your ssh server message to "come on baby! you gonna hack me? I'm hot!" or something in that line01:08
ugahalberd: they'll hack you and lynch you, but at least you know you had some fun ;)01:09
ugahalberd: and they won't try hiding anything. They'll just rm -rf, so your data will not be stolen01:09
halberdwhat kind of documentation lives in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/?01:23
halberdhow do I access it?01:23
halberdalso, my application manuals are missing in khelpcenter01:25
halberdwhen I go to build search index, it has a line that says Application Manuals, and to the right of that it says the status is Missing01:25
halberdkinfocenter, i mean01:27
halberdand if I type, for example, khelpcenter help:/kedit into konsole, it does not find any information01:31
halberdwhere does khelpcenter expect to find manuals?01:32
ign0ramushalberd, did you click Build Search Index, and follow?01:32
ign0ramushalberd, check the box, and click 'build index'01:33
halberdyes I did that01:33
ign0ramushalberd, although "man <package>" is probably just as helpful01:33
halberdactually the thing about help:/kedit is not surprising since I don't have kedit--in fact I CAN access manuals from the command line01:33
halberdbut I can't search for them in khelpcenter01:34
halberdwell, for example there is no man page for kweather01:34
ign0ramushalberd, some apps do not have man pages, as you've found.  I don't think you'd find help for them in the kde help center either, though.01:34
halberdin this case there is one in khelpcenter01:35
RelookNAhi guyz & girlz01:37
RelookNAlost my apps tabs on bottom panel, can someone help me?01:38
ign0ramusRelookNA, which one? the one that manages open windows?01:39
RelookNAif I minimize an application, I have no tab to re-open it01:39
ign0ramusRelookNA, add Task Manager widget01:40
ign0ramusRelookNA, np :)01:40
bdizzlehi, I just re-installed Kubuntu 9.04 and was wondering if anyone was having problems with Plasma constantly freezing up?01:49
DragnslcrNo problems with it here. What video chipset do you have?01:52
DragnslcrYeah, that's what I guessed01:53
bdizzleI forget what the exact chipset is01:53
DragnslcrI know there were problems with the Intel drivers when 9.04 came out01:53
bdizzleoh fun01:55
togeticyup, still can't access kubuntu01:55
bdizzlebecause it keeps freezing up when I have multiple processes running, which for my work is rather necessary01:55
bdizzleit also freezes up when running streaming video01:55
togeticjust live cding away my day01:55
halberdhmm where's the configuration menu for the taskbar01:55
halberdoh i got it01:56
bdizzletogetic: try installing it on a flash drive01:56
togeticbdizzle: installing what on a flash drive?01:56
togeticthe live cd?01:56
bdizzlethe Kubuntu Iso file01:56
togeticdoesn't matter, either way it's a live distro01:56
togetici'd like to use the distro on my hdd01:56
bdizzle_sorry, computer froze (that glitch I was teling everyone about)01:59
halberdkubuntu has more eye candy than os x02:00
halberdand a lot more configuration options02:00
matui`m not spek english... xD02:01
bdizzle_as for the live cd issue, perhaps it isn't downloading properly02:01
bdizzle_matu, what language?02:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:01
bdizzle_de nada02:01
matusou nuevo en ubuntu xD02:02
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matuq me pueden contar?¿02:02
ricardo__so nuevo tambien02:02
bdizzle_matu, soy no mucho bueno a espanol. Por favor, va a #kubuntu-es o #ubuntu-es02:03
bdizzle_wow, I can't believe I remembered that much from high school spanish02:03
ricardo__cho tampoco02:03
matugracias bdizzle_02:03
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ri__primera vez utilizo02:05
=== ri__ is now known as ricardo
ricardocomo va?02:05
bdizzle_ricardo, I don't speak very much spanish02:06
bdizzle_I took three years of it in high school, and that was at least eight years ago02:06
ricardomy english is little02:06
bdizzle_alright, but no one knows why the Intel drivers for Kubuntu 9.04 don't work well02:06
bdizzle_then please go to #kubuntu-es  that is the main channel for kubuntu in spanish02:06
rii don know how go it02:09
bdizzle_just click on the link02:11
halberdyou know what I might use? a panel applet that will calculate arithmetic expressions entered as text02:15
matuel q habla poco ingles quiero aprender ingles xD ajaj algo se pero es basico02:15
RickXcan any one tell me how to stop those black bars on the sides of widgets to stop appearing every time the cursor goes over the widget?02:16
halberdanybody know of something like that? a panel applet with a single text field that evaluates python code, for example, would do fine02:17
bdizzle_RickX: I don't think its supposed to do that02:17
bdizzle_matu, this is the english channel for #kubuntu. Please click on the following:  #kubuntu-es02:18
halberdwhy are there so many spanish speakers using kubuntu?02:18
prefrontalthat's a very weird question.02:18
Dragnslcrhalberd- there is a calculator plasmoid02:18
bdizzle_halberd: does it really matter?02:19
halberdno I'm just a little curious02:20
bdizzle_its an international operating system02:20
AlienDKkubuntu is kewl02:20
halberdit is02:20
AlienDKI don't see why people prefer GNOME02:20
AlienDKKDE pwns02:20
prefrontalgnome is obviously a more stable choice02:21
prefrontalwhich is why it was chosen for Ubuntu.02:21
AlienDKI like KDE :)02:21
halberdI just made a neat way to switch between programs--I added a panel at the top left, with a single applet, a task bar, with application grouping disabled02:21
prefrontalso, that doesn't make it better02:21
prefrontalor more stable.02:21
halberdand made the panel extra wide so I can read most of the name of each application02:21
prefrontali personally find gnome infuriating02:22
halberdso i can switch apps with 1 click02:22
prefrontalwhy diverge from the Windows interface model?02:22
prefrontalthat's what everyone knows.02:22
halberdkde is more windows-like?02:23
prefrontalthe Panel is basically a clone of Windows02:23
AlienDKmostly it02:24
halberdwhat does gnome use instead?02:24
RickXbdizzle_: every time I've used kde4, when I hover the cursor over a widget, the black bar on the side appears.02:24
bdizzle_yes, that is normal02:24
prefrontalgnome puts their thing on top, and has designed it differently02:24
bdizzle_that is supposed to happen02:24
RickXhow do I turn it off.. it is very annoying.02:25
halberdwell but it's probably the same idea still, a bar with common actions on it02:25
DragnslcrRickX- might be a rendering bug02:25
prefrontalgnome is maybe 60% similar to the windows model, kde 85%02:26
RickXDragnslcr: no, it is the bar you use to configure the widget02:26
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* RelookNA_away is away: Gone away for now02:26
DragnslcrRickX- oh, you mean plasmoids that you have on the desktop02:26
halberdI haven't used windows extensively in a few years02:26
RickXDragnslcr: yes02:27
halberdso my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I think kde has a lot more desktop features than windows02:27
AlienDKKDE pwns02:27
halberdoh the other thing I did with my taskbar is I made the panel resize to fit02:28
DragnslcrRickX- not sure if there's a way to disable that. If there were, I'm not sure how'd you get the settings bar back. You might try asking #kde, since this isn't something specific to Kubuntu02:28
halberdso that if I only have a few apps open it hardly takes up any space02:29
frankS2Hi, Anyone else have problems with buggy tastbar?02:34
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ricardoitś new for me02:40
ricardovirtuos capullen02:42
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teckstacyHow do I make the system not ask for a password when I come up from hibernation?02:52
teckstacyI am building an embedded system (without a keyboard) and I need to be able to hibernate and wake up without a password, but I can't find a way to set that02:57
Dragnslcrteckstacy- check System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management03:00
SerpardumI see I have /usr/lib/xort/modules/drivers/cirrus_drv.so03:01
Serpardumwehre do I find the source code for that?03:01
Dragnslcrteckstacy- there's a "Lock screen on resume" option, as well as "Lock Screen" options in the profiles03:02
creandosoftuna ayuda para el kubuntu03:02
nikitisWhat is the keyboard shortcut for show desktop?03:02
Dragnslcr!es | creandosoft03:02
ubottucreandosoft: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:02
teckstacyDragnslcr, I don't have the power-management module in my system settings03:03
Dragnslcrteckstacy- it should be there by default03:03
DragnslcrBottom of the advanced tab03:04
creandosofthelp ip static03:05
teckstacyI just checked again, it's not.03:05
teckstacyI see it on my laptop, but not this system for some reason03:05
mishaalguien que me ayude03:18
mishaubuntu 8 en una powerpc  de apple03:19
Pici!es | misha03:23
ubottumisha: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:23
juanq pasa03:48
koopahow can i turn off the screen lockk when im switching users??03:53
bdizzleokay, so here is an interesting one03:57
bdizzleI had read that doing metacity --replace would fix the intel issues. I rebooted and had KDE login, and now sitting with a GNOME background03:57
bdizzleerr, GNOME desktop. How do I get my KDE back?03:57
ahmad-SuperKaramba cannot continue to run this theme.One or more of the required components of the Kross scripting architecture is not installed. Please consult this theme's documentation and install the necessary Kross components.03:59
ahmad-how can i fix that ?03:59
juanhola q pasa04:04
Dragnslcr!es | juan04:04
ubottujuan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:04
ghwso quiet04:13
WanderingKnighthey there04:21
WanderingKnightI just upgraded jaunty to the kde ppa04:21
WanderingKnightI think I'm having a conflict between kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data04:21
WanderingKnightwas the package changed?04:21
WanderingKnightbecause I'm not seeing the kdeplasma-addons-data package updated on the repositories I'm pointing to04:22
WanderingKnightPackage: kdeplasma-addons-data04:22
WanderingKnightPriority: optional04:22
WanderingKnightSection: kde04:22
WanderingKnightInstalled-Size: 461204:22
WanderingKnightMaintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>04:22
FloodBotK1WanderingKnight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
WanderingKnightOriginal-Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>04:22
WanderingKnightsorry about that04:25
WanderingKnightcan anyone give me a hand?04:25
emmyIve heard that Kubuntu is getting better and better04:26
markus____yeah kubuntu is in the best moment04:29
WanderingKnightyeah, but can anyone give me a hand here? :D04:30
WanderingKnightI know I can go back to before without the PPA packages, but I'd really like to fix it, especially if it's just a packaging bug04:30
markus____don't wait for personal answers ask..04:31
WanderingKnight00:21 < WanderingKnight> I think I'm having a conflict between kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data04:31
WanderingKnight00:21 < WanderingKnight> was the package changed?04:31
WanderingKnight00:21 < WanderingKnight> I think I'm having a conflict between kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data04:31
WanderingKnight00:21 < WanderingKnight> was the package changed?04:31
WanderingKnight00:21 < WanderingKnight> I think I'm having a conflict between kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data04:31
FloodBotK1WanderingKnight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:31
WanderingKnight00:21 < WanderingKnight> was the package changed?04:31
markus____i can't undertand, your problem is the package??04:32
markus____sorry "understand "04:32
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore04:34
draikHello everyone. How can I view MySQL databases with a GUI?04:37
Dragnslcrdraik- there must be at least half a dozen programs in the repositories04:46
commander_how can i get compiz config to work ?04:46
draikDragnslcr: I installed 2 of them and now I'm wondering why the server's mysql-server app isn't letting me connect or why this desktop's mysql-client isn't connecting.04:47
markus____commander_: what version of linux are using??04:47
commander_kubuntu 9.0404:47
Dragnslcrdraik- connection limit, maybe? You'd probably have to check the server's logs04:48
TheJohnNIGHT ALL! sleepy time04:48
markus____commander_: you need to search the package of compiz fusion04:48
draikDragnslcr: The server is personal. It's hooked up to my home network.04:49
Dragnslcrdraik- that shouldn't make a difference04:49
markus____commander_: and then search the administrator of options for compiz fusion04:49
markus____commander_: in the administrator you can configure compiz04:51
ner0xHow do I set up my wireless? I have a card installed but it's not detected. Does this use ndiswrapper?04:51
commander_where do i search 4 that04:52
markus____on your menu like windows put kpackage04:52
markus____commander_: and open the aplication and in that you can found the files04:53
commander_ok application - then ?..04:53
markus____commander_: in the aplication search for compiz fusion there apear both the packages04:54
avihaybumm, how can I run a command on another display?04:59
avihaybI'm connected to my laptop via ssh, but the laptop is not responsive04:59
DragnslcrNot responsive locally?05:00
avihaybI want to "xset dpms force on " but it gets redirected to my display05:00
DragnslcrDunno if you can. xset might have a display option05:00
DragnslcrYup, looks like it does, -display05:01
avihaybso I just -display 005:01
draikDragnslcr: What's the syntax for connecting to MySQL on my server?   mysql -u USER -h My.Router.IP.Addy -p       right?05:02
draikCorrection, not router IP, but IP to the server from the router.05:03
DragnslcrYou can just leave off the -h option to connect through a local Unix socket05:03
DragnslcrAssuming you mean the client and server are the same machine05:03
draikDesktop and server are 2 separate machines05:03
avihaybwird, xset -display :0 dpms force on just seems to frease there05:04
Dragnslcrdraik- then you do need to include -h05:04
draikJust did and I get this:   ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' (111)05:05
matt__I've got Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.2.4.  I'm wanting to update to Firefox 3.0.11, is it best to wait for the update to show in the repository?  I'm not seeing it yet.05:08
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
m4vmatt__: you need the update?05:10
avihaybwell, the laptop is gone to nonresponsiveness05:10
ner0xHOw well does Kubuntu work on VirtualBox05:10
doleybmatt__: ubuntu doesn't really try to track version updates like that05:11
avihaybI managed to alt+PrnScr+S and +u, but it doesn't +b...05:11
matt__m4v How do I update to Firefox 3.0.11?05:11
avihaybor +k05:11
m4vmatt__: i asked first05:11
m4vmatt__: do you really need the update? if no, then wait.05:12
matt__No, it's not totally necessary...I'll wait.05:12
m4vmatt__: but it won't probably show until karmic05:13
m4vmatt__: is like doleyb said05:13
doleybkarmic!  whens that!?05:14
matt__so I could, at my own risk of course, try to install it myself or from a third party repository.05:14
m4vdoleyb: october05:14
m4vmatt__: yes you can, I don't recommend it though05:15
matt__m4v I think I'll just play it safe and stay with Firefox 3.0.10 then, I appreciate the kind help05:16
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avihaybfyi, I just noticed that the new firefox package is ready in the repositories in my country05:51
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Serpardumis the cirrus_drv.so source code unavailable??06:16
leetlargohey can some one offer some knowledge?06:31
leetlargoi'm new to ubuntu and i'm trying to install ardour but i don't know how to run source codes all i have is the package06:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ardour06:34
leetlargodamn, well do u know how to run source codes06:35
leetlargowell run packages06:35
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adityaif i try to go to shipit.kubuntu.org i get a msg saying the site doesnt use a valid certificate - does this mean the site isnt safe? :D06:56
KubouNeed Help with WPA2 Wifi access Kubuntu 9.04 plaz06:59
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Kubouevidently I need help with quassel.. can anyone read this?07:04
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Ping0how come i cant install flash player on ubuntu 9.04?07:32
Ping0how come i cant install flash player on ubuntu 9.04 64bit?07:33
ahmad-i have no idea07:33
ahmad-maybe its not supported ?07:33
KubouNeed help logging onto a WPA2 Wifi Kubuntu 9.0407:34
Ping0it keeps teling me wrong architecture?07:34
ahmad-is it AMD ?07:34
Ping0is that bad?07:35
iivvi just got the error "you need to fork!" from the update manager....07:40
Kuboudid an install of Kubuntu 9.04 on a laptop offline. It seems that Aptitude is not looking for packages on the network. I can use konquerer now that I am plugged in. I have reset the Kpackage manager also. What other options do I have.. It is a clean install07:40
ahmad-ISA server drivin me crazy07:40
KubouI don't even get updates07:44
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_motti_hi all. is it possible to edit annotation in okular?07:58
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myselfdoes ktorrent create a bunch of new folders for archive information08:06
myselfor is that another thing08:06
myselfim pretty sure its ktorrnet08:06
dROgmyself: i don't see ktorrent doing something like that08:15
Mamarokmyself: ktorrent stores the files where you tell it to do so08:17
myselfi see08:17
myselfi just remember having a torrent client when  i was trying a bunch create a bunch of new folders in the place where it stored torrents too08:18
myselfwith some wierd archive information08:18
Mamarokmyself: a bit confusing what you write08:18
myselfokay dude so basically along with08:18
myselfthe original files08:18
myselfthere were extra folders08:18
myselfwith random files in them that just had information about the torrents not the actual torrent file08:19
Mamarokmyself: if the torrent contains folders, then yes, of course08:19
myselfi've never had that with any other torrent client08:19
Mamarokmyself: that has nothing to do with the client, it's the actual torrent you download, if it contains folders, then you get folders :)08:20
myselfno mamarok08:20
myselfokay, you're misunderstanding me, say the folders and the files are all normalyl there08:20
myselfbut there are additional folders with files in them that just contain information about the actual folders/files08:20
Mamarokas subfolders?08:20
myselfmamarok, they were folders that were not even subfolders as i remember, they were just additional folders with some sort of archiving files in them08:24
myselfi'm not sure what client this was08:24
Mamarokmyself: probably something wrong in your settings then, never seen that with ktorrent so far08:25
myselfi dont think it was ktorrent08:25
myselfi was trying out a bunch of torrent clients08:25
myselfone of them did that08:25
myselfbut since you say its not, thats cool, i was just thinking about getting ktorrent again since i found out a way to get it to work with one of the trackers im on when it didn't before08:26
avihaybhow do I get out of an ssh session if the remote machine has crashed?08:43
GreydMiyuIt doesn't just disconnect on its own?08:46
navetzif something is liscensed as GPL that means you can't sell it but you can sell the installation and setup of the software correct?08:46
GreydMiyuavihayb: ~.08:47
GreydMiyunavetz: You can sell it.08:47
FeasibilityStudynavetz no.  Basically the GPL says you can freely distribute and or sell the code, but you must also provide any modifications to the code.08:47
Mamaroknavetz: you can sell GPL software08:47
Mamarokyou have to provide the code to the customer on request08:48
FeasibilityStudySo you cant use GPL code, modify it, and then close source it08:48
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: nope, no way :)08:48
=== kb is now known as Guest17490
Mamarokthat would be against the license terms08:49
navetzMamarok FeasibilityStudy: ah okay. What you have something propriotary and you are using a GPL plugin. Does all your code now become GPL?08:49
FeasibilityStudyMamarok, I wasnt asking, I was telling08:49
GreydMiyuAnyone here decent with networking?  In the past few days I've had a problem with my VM.  I haven an OpenVPN connection to a Debian box.  Recently it started matching all inbound traffic with outbound traffic and I cannot figure out why.08:49
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: no, you can't08:49
GreydMiyunavetz: No.08:49
GreydMiyunavetz: The plugin's license does not alter the license of the program to which it was programmed for.08:50
FeasibilityStudyIn fact this is an issue with the routr firmware, DD-WRT.  Some people claim the guy has violated GPL.08:50
GreydMiyunavetz: A great example is World of Warcraft.  The game is obviously closed source but many of the Addons fans write for the game are GPLed.08:50
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: if the GPL code is integrated made closed then it's a license violation08:51
FeasibilityStudyMamarok I know.  I wasnt asking.  I was responding to navetz as you were.08:51
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: link to that?08:51
GreydMiyuFeasibilityStudy: I think Mamarok is not grasping the concept of why we put names at the front of what we're saying?  :D08:51
FeasibilityStudyMamarok google.  There are several bloggers posting about DD-WRT's less than ethical practices.08:52
doleybGreydMiyu: maybe ##networking will help08:52
MamarokGreydMiyu: don't worry, I do08:52
GreydMiyudoleyb: Thanks, I'll give them a try.08:52
Mamarokguys, this is very much OT here, please take this discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic08:52
GreydMiyu... hehehe...08:52
navetzthis is interesting what if you create a website and use some GPL plugins but dont want to release the whole website code. is that a violation?08:53
GreydMiyuOT for an irc channel, now I've seen it all.08:53
Mamaroknavetz: OT, please08:53
MamarokGreydMiyu: this is a support channel, not a discussion channel08:53
GreydMiyuTrue, but GPL is germain to KUbuntu in some respect.  Not like we're talking about how trashy Lindsey Lohan is this week.  :P08:54
FeasibilityStudyGreydMiyu lol08:55
MamarokGreydMiyu: it still is OT, as it's a discussion, so please08:55
FeasibilityStudyI think Lindsey lohan is licensed under the GPL.  She is always open for viewing.08:58
myselfis there a deb package or repository for ktorrent 3.2.2 anywhere ?08:59
GreydMiyuFeasibilityStudy: ...08:59
Mamarokwell, he has been warned08:59
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: there is a channel for discussions, told you so09:00
FeasibilityStudyMamarok sorry.  It is late and I am delerious09:00
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: just respect the channel rules, please.09:01
eagles0513875hey guys im having issues with firefox after the update taht was released for it. im on kubuntu 9.04 64bit09:09
eagles0513875anyone able to help me09:09
Mamarokeagles0513875: what issues?09:11
wawahi all. is it possible to edit annotation in okular?09:11
eagles0513875Mamarok: error launching browser window: no xbl bindings for browser09:12
avihaybwawa: I used to deleate them and rewritem from scratch09:12
Mamarokeagles0513875: did you restart it?09:13
Mamarokavihayb: that's hardly the solution...09:13
eagles0513875Mamarok: im trying to do that now09:13
avihaybI agree09:13
Mamarokeagles0513875: when you have updates of a running app...09:13
Mamarokwawa: there is a review tool, but you will have to adapt the settings first09:14
eagles0513875Mamarok: would deleting the .mozilla or is it .firefox hidden folder should it fix the issue09:14
Mamarokeagles0513875: you still didn't tell what version you are tlaking about09:15
eagles0513875Mamarok: 3.009:15
wawaMamarok: I'm talking about the review tool. I want to edit remarks I created with that tool. all I can do is editing notes. how can I "adapt the setting" otherwise09:16
Mamarokwawa: obey DRM regulations is activated by default, remove it09:16
Mamarokeagles0513875: and what update was it?09:17
eagles0513875Mamarok: seems like it was an update to firefox itself and the xul runner09:17
* Mamarok has seen the xul runner update only09:17
wawaMamarok: do I need to restart okular? do I get to eddit old inline notes?09:17
Mamarokwawa: try it, I don't know, usually if you apply the settings on your own document it should work without restarting09:18
eagles0513875Mamarok: whats the original version of firefox thats in repos is it 3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 009:19
Mamarok!info firefox09:20
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.11+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB09:20
wawaMamarok: I can edit new notes, thanks. I think it can be much better tool then it is today. I hope there is some development09:20
Mamarokeagles0513875: that is the default, no idea why you have such an old one09:20
eagles0513875Mamarok: i have the version listed above i think that was what the update was in addition to the xul runner09:20
Mamarokwawa: free software is always work in progress :)09:20
Mamarokeagles0513875: the 3.0.11 is the version shipped by default09:21
eagles0513875is it a possibility that removing the firefox hidden folder would fix the issue09:21
Mamarokeagles0513875: of course it is possible, and you should know it since the time...09:22
eagles0513875that didnt do it gonna try purge and reinstall09:23
eagles0513875Mamarok: seems like there is some other underlying problem here09:24
Mamarokeagles0513875: didn't you do a clean instll lately?09:24
eagles0513875ya this is on the clean install09:25
eagles0513875after running the updates today09:25
Mamaroknothing beta running?09:25
Mamarokeagles0513875: then I don't know, maybe purge and reinstall solves it09:26
* Mamarok has no problems here09:26
eagles0513875tried that already09:26
eagles0513875should i try purge xulrunner09:26
* eagles0513875 wonders how i broke firefox09:27
Mamarokeagles0513875: plugins...09:27
eagles0513875none except the flash one from kubuntu-restricted-extras09:27
eagles0513875!info xulrunner09:31
ubottuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 279 kB, installed size 1020 kB09:31
eagles0513875Mamarok: you need to have xulrunner installed for firefox to work right09:31
Mamarokeagles0513875: well, it seems to be a dependency, no?09:32
eagles0513875that is strange after purging firefox and reinstalling it didnt seem to pull it as well09:33
eagles0513875humm that still didnt fix the issue :(09:33
Mamarokeagles0513875: well, then it is not a dependency I guess09:33
HexagownHello guys, I have a pritty big problem, I'v downloaded Kubuntu 9.04, burned it to a cd and booted from it, but in the middle of the installation I get an Error message, saying "input/output failure" or something like that, and then it says, eather its you'r CD thats is borken, or the harddrive, and I'v Tried to burn Kubuntu 7-8 times with diffrent programms and stuffs, so can someone help me out?09:34
MamarokHexagown: did you check the md4sum of the iso before burning?09:34
HexagownIm pritty new with all this stuffs... what is md4sum?09:35
MamarokHexagown: that is a checksum of the iso package, to make sure you have a working copy09:35
HexagownIn the Kubuntu Iso fime there is a document called md5sum....09:36
MamarokHexagown: if an iso fails, burning it with different devices doesn't help09:36
HexagownI know, but iv even tried to download it and burned it from another computer, with the same result.09:37
eagles0513875Hexagown: you tried using a slower burn speed09:37
HexagownIv burned it with x8 speed...09:37
eagles0513875Hexagown: we talking bout the cd iso or dvd iso here09:38
MamarokHexagown: you need to check that the number in this text file is the same than the one generated with md5sum *.iso09:38
Mamarokeagles0513875: please, I handle it...09:38
eagles0513875ok Mamarok09:38
MamarokHexagown: if the numbers are identical, then the iso is ok09:39
MamarokHexagown: then burn it with low speed, 4x should do09:40
HexagownOkay, what numbers, becous there is like 1 milion signs in that document, do I need a specially programm to read that file?09:40
MamarokHexagown: what burning tools did you use?09:40
HexagownIn Nero x8 is the slowest...09:40
HexagownNero v909:41
MamarokHexagown: the md5sum file is a text file, you can open it with any text editor09:41
MamarokHexagown: you can force lower speed, check the settings09:41
HexagownOkay, when I open it, what numbers shall I read?09:41
MamarokHexagown: but the file contains a lot of numbers, just compare those with the numbers generated with the command md5sum <yourfile>.iso09:42
MamarokHexagown: normally Nero should offer you the possibilty to check the md5sum of an iso file too09:43
Mamarokwhat iso is it, amd64?09:43
HexagownIt's an 32-bit version.09:43
Hexagownbut I have an amd64 processor...09:44
Mamarokthe number looks like this:09:44
Mamarok798b8789af2f13bb9687b2ce57f25f9c  Downloads/ISO/kubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso09:44
Hexagown2a7216bf9ae5ad9757f82db8536e6772  ./casper/filesystem.manifest09:45
Hexagowncan't find download in the file.09:45
HexagownSerched in both the iso at the compuer and at the cd.09:45
eagles0513875Mamarok: seems like running an fsck check in init 1 fixed the issue09:46
MamarokHexagown: there is a md5sum file which is available on the server for each iso file09:48
MamarokHexagown: what is the name of your iso file exactly?09:48
HexagownYes, Iv found that one in the kubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.09:49
Hexagownand the name of that file is: md5sum.txt09:49
MamarokHexagown: wait, I'll check with the checksum online...09:49
MamarokHexagown: your md5sum should be 537a22de1342d5671b7e0070f66a607609:50
HexagownIs that the first numbers in that file?09:51
Mamarokaccording to this website: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes09:51
MamarokHexagown: this is the number for your iso, check the line09:51
HexagownThis is the first Symbols in that file,  2a7216bf9ae5ad9757f82db8536e677209:51
MamarokHexagown: could you paste the content of your file here: http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the URL, please?09:52
MamarokHexagown: there are more than one line, and each gives you the checksum for a particular iso09:53
HexagownThink thats it.09:53
MamarokHexagown: oh, you misunderstood what I said, sorry :)09:54
MamarokHexagown: are you on Linux right now?09:55
HexagownNo, I can't install it.09:55
HexagownSo At the moment I use Windows Xp09:56
MamarokHexagown: ok, so you need to download a tool to read the md5sum, check this website, please:09:57
HexagownShall I boot Kubuntu with the cd and drive the "test Version"?09:57
Hexagownah ok09:58
Mamarokyou should download the Cygwin tool09:58
MamarokHexagown: but of course you can also check the CD itself: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20of%20burnt%20media09:59
HexagownI have winMd5Sum now.10:01
MamarokHexagown: ok, then check your ISO10:02
Hexagown1 sek.10:02
HexagownYeap, they are the same, 537a22de1342d5671b7e0070f66a607610:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about persistent10:07
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:07
federicoalguien esp?10:08
eagles0513875!es | federico10:09
ubottufederico: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:09
HexagownDo you have anny solution, Hamarok?10:11
MamarokHexagown: sorry, was afk10:19
HexagownOkay, np :)10:19
HexagownWell, the numbers matched.10:19
MamarokHexagown: you should check the bunrt media too, see the link I posted above, to be sure there was no burning problem10:19
Mamarokburnt* media even10:20
HexagownWitch one of them?10:20
Hexagown https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20of%20burnt%20media10:20
MamarokHexagown: yes10:20
HexagownHmm, isen't this guide for the Konsole in Linux? or does it work in Windows too?10:21
HexagownAh, well I'v tried to use "Check for defects" WHen I booted, and it said that it was 1 error.  And it kept being 1 error event tough I burned Kubuntu 8 times...10:24
HexagownLike this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck?action=show&redirect=CDIntegrityCheck10:24
MamarokHexagown: ouch, is there a possibility to get that iso burnt by someone else or get a CD?10:27
HexagownIv tried it at to computers...10:28
MamarokHexagown: could well be the drive is the culprit10:28
Hexagownthe cd driver?10:28
Mamarokthe drive or the burning software, but Nero usually does integrity checks, no?10:29
eagles0513875Mamarok: you tell it to verify the cd as it starts burning10:29
HexagownYes, I think it does.10:29
MamarokHexagown: of course the media can be a problem too, very cheap CDs are sometimes not recommended10:30
* Mamarok had quite some problems with cheap CDs10:30
HexagownOkay well, guess those are kind of cheap.10:31
Hexagownhaha :)10:31
Mamarokon a 50 CD pack half were crap :(10:31
HexagownBut I have an usb-memmory, is it possible to boot from that?10:31
Hexagownoutch, well, this is a 50-pack too... Might be the problem...10:31
MamarokHexagown: yes, of course, if your BIOS supports booting from USB devices10:32
HexagownI have no idea how to make an USB-memmory bootable...10:32
Mamarok!usb | Hexagown10:32
ubottuHexagown: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:32
Mamarokthere you go :)10:32
HexagownWell, can we speak later? Becous I have to go for about 30-45 mins...10:32
Mamarokno problem, ping me when you are back :)10:33
HexagownThnx, Okay see ya, and thnx for the help!10:33
Mamarokyaw :)10:35
=== TMKCodes_ is now known as TMKCodes
=== goshawk is now known as goshawk_confsl
avihaybOn kubuntu startup, when it tryes to load the sql deamon, it says it fails, should I be worried?11:01
ubuntuyou people like KDE4?11:09
eagles0513875!ot | ubuntu11:25
ubottuubuntu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:25
mkargar_hello!how to disable webinterface in Fiber Home modem?(I want create ppp0 connection by pppoeconf,but,i recieve this error!!!:http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/192688/11:28
mkargar_mkargar:webInterface(in FiberHome) using PPP0 interface!!!11:29
mkargar_please help me!!11:33
=== RelookNA_away is now known as RelookNA
* RelookNA is back.11:39
tsimpsonRelookNA: please disable that11:39
mkargar_hello!how to disable webinterface in Fiber Home modem?(I want create ppp0 connection by pppoeconf,but,i recieve this error!!!:http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/192688/11:39
mkargar_mkargar:webInterface(in FiberHome) using PPP0 interface!!!11:39
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up11:40
mkargar_ubottu:hmmm!my problem is ppp0 interface!webinterface in fiber home modem using ppp0 interface!i want disble it!how to?11:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:44
mkargar_ubottu:i want connection by ADSL modem(PPPOE)!11:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:44
mkargar_tsimpson:why ppp?11:45
* Hexagown slaps Mamarok around a bit with a large trout11:45
Hexagownhello :)11:45
tsimpsonmkargar_: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:45
mkargar_tsimpson:i studied it!!but,my probel not solved!!!11:46
tsimpsonmkargar_: I haven't used pppoe, you may have better luck asking in #ubuntu (more eyes)11:47
eagles0513875Hexagown: just type the name and ping next time11:47
HexagownOkay, sorry.11:48
MamarokHexagown: ouch, that hurts :(11:48
MamarokHexagown: sorry, afk11:48
HexagownI have a question, if I want to use a USB-memory instead of a CD to get Kubuntu from, how do I do? becous When Iv put the Iso file at the memory, and restart, it wont boot.11:49
HexagownSorry mate! :D11:49
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:49
eagles0513875Hexagown: download unetbootin and point it to othe iso then your usb device it will create the bootable live usb for you. unetbootin there is for both windows and linux11:50
MamarokHexagown: also, I gave you a link on how to install it on a an USB key earlier11:50
HexagownOkay, thnx, I'll check it out.11:51
milluni have a problem with audio playback - in Skype and Amarok12:17
Mamarokmillun: on Kubuntu 9.04?12:18
Mamarokmillun: what is the exact problem?12:19
millunskype says "problem with audio playback" when i try to call12:19
millunAmarok just thinks it is playing the track12:20
asranieli can't install the debug packages for kde 4.3 beta2, is this normal? (kubuntu 9.04)12:23
Mamarokmillun: you have the codecs installed?12:23
Mamarokasraniel: a Qt version problem I think, just be patient12:23
asranielMamarok: good, just wanted to know if i'm the only one, because testing without debug packages doesn't make that much sense ;-)12:24
Mamarokasraniel: some packages are ok, some are not AFAIK12:24
asranielMamarok: jeah i need kdebase-dbg (i think) for plasma12:25
millunsure i got the codecs installed12:25
millunmplayer works12:25
millunso does VLC12:25
milluni've installed kubuntu-restricted-extras12:25
Mamarokmillun: make sure to use the phonon-xine-backend12:26
milluni thought i'd get it preinstalled12:26
millunanyway, how do i do that?12:27
Mamarokmillun: go to Systemsettings -> Multimedia, the second tab12:27
millungot that12:28
Mamarokmillun: you do have sound in the first tab when you click on the soundcard test, do you?12:29
millunwhat's LFE stand for?12:32
Mamarokmillun: your tracks have regular filenames, no special characters?12:32
MamarokLFE where?12:32
millunin the mixer12:32
Mamarokkmix is sometimes a tad mysterious...12:33
Mamarokyour master channel is selected correctly, nothing muted?12:33
Mamarokmillun: forgot to ask, what version of Amarok do you use?12:33
millunhold on a second. it for some reason started to work12:34
Mamarokmillun: great!12:34
millunamarok i mean12:34
millunskype still gives me "problem with audio playback"12:34
Mamarokmillun: well, for Skype I can't help, sorry12:35
milluni thought so, mamarok12:35
milluncheers anyway12:35
milluni just unmuted LFE i think12:35
Mamarokthe Skype sound settings are very strange, I had to mute stuff for no apparent reason12:36
=== RelookNA is now known as RelookNA_away
* RelookNA_away is away: Gone away for now12:38
Mamarok!away > RelookNA_away12:39
ubottuRelookNA_away, please see my private message12:39
Mamarokedmond: do you have a question?12:48
Yanick_hi, I have a fr_CA keyboard, and I need to map the spanish n tilde, how can I achieve that?12:57
MamarokYanick_: it's on the ^key with AltGr on the CH-fr13:01
Yanick_Mamarok, what key?13:03
MamarokYanick_: don't you have a "Accent circonflexe" key?13:03
Yanick_pressing AltGr + ^ gives [ for me (as indicated on the keyboard)13:03
Yanick_Mamarok, I would map AltGr+n if I could....13:03
Mamarokoh, right, that's an azerty keyboard, sorry13:03
MamarokYanick_: no visible tilde somewhere?13:04
Yanick_yeah, on the ; (:) key = AltGr+; => ~13:04
Mamarokgreat :)13:05
Yanick_but I can't make ~n out of it13:05
Mamarokhm, maybe you need to map the fr-CA with latin?13:05
Yanick_no, because then my è is messed up13:05
Yanick_(à likewise)13:05
Mamarokhm, try some other combinations, eventually just fr plain or does this cause you problems?13:06
Yanick_why can't I just map AltGr+n ?13:06
Yanick_(and eventually Shit+AltGr+n = N tilde)13:07
Yanick_I saw this article : http://simos.info/blog/archives/747 but the app doesn't seem to in the synaptics13:08
MamarokYanick_: which app?13:09
Yanick_Keyboard Layout Editor (KLE)13:09
Yanick_or some similar tool as a matter of fact13:10
MamarokYanick_: there is a link in that blog :) -> http://code.google.com/p/keyboardlayouteditor/13:10
Mamarokhm, let me see for the packages here...13:10
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts13:11
Yanick_Mamarok, I see the link, but I've had bad experiences with installing custom packages (even building from sources), so I was looking for a more "official" solution13:11
MamarokYanick_: see the links above please13:11
Yanick_I'll take a look13:11
Mamarokthose are the official solutions :)13:12
Yanick_keytouch sounds promising13:14
untitledif I build a kernel myself, how do I make this fancy bootsplash again?13:16
xxx1234 hello i sitting here to my first linus distribution13:18
xxx1234how can i hack homepages??13:18
xxx1234sorry my english isn very well13:19
bazhang!ot | xxx123413:19
ubottuxxx1234: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:19
bazhangxxx1234, that is not supported here13:19
untitledbazhang: you know about the bootsplash?13:20
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:20
Yanick_Mamarok, in keytouch editor, how can I retrieve the current keyboard layout? I got a blank map (new) keymap13:21
MamarokYanick_: wait, will have to try myself :)13:26
ShishKababHello. I'd like to install Kubuntu on an old PC that doesn't boot from CD (it says something about the boot sector being corrupted) and doesn't have a floppy disk drive. How do I do that? The PC does have an option to boot from network, but I don't know how it works...13:26
=== RelookNA_away is now known as RelookNA
* RelookNA is back.13:27
chaos2fuShishKabab have u set in bios to boot first from the cd?13:28
chaos2fuit sounds like the computer is trying to boot from harddrive first...:-(13:28
MamarokYanick_: the editor is only to creat new maps, so it's normal that it is blank I guess13:30
MamarokYanick_: wouldn't keytouch be more appropriate?13:30
ShishKababchaos2fu: Yes, and the second boot option is HDD (which contains Windows XP).13:30
Yanick_Mamarok, It might, I just wasn't sure how to map new keys, I'll taka a look again. But If I could, I would save my layout and send it to http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/keyboards_dell.php 's listing13:31
Yanick_I have an XPS 1613:31
Yanick_... since it is not official13:32
Gamarok__hey guys13:32
Yanick_Mamarok, actually, my keyboard isn't even listed in keytouch editor13:32
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Yanick_Mamarok, so, I wanted to import the current layout and save it appropriately13:33
MamarokYanick_: hm, that's a problem then, did you try the Keyboard&Mouse settings or the regional settings first?13:33
Yanick_yes, but that doesn't solve my original problem of mapping AltGr+n to n tilde13:33
MamarokYanick_: well, did you tr< playing with the fr-xx options of the keyboard? it worked for me13:35
* Mamarok has a CH keyboard with fr and de layout13:35
Yanick_Mamarok, what do you mean by "playing with the fr-xx options"?13:35
Mamarokthe default fr keyboard should allow the ñ13:36
MamarokYanick_: in the region settings, add another layout and try the ñ13:36
Yanick_Mamarok, I don't want to change the layout, because every other layout does not correspond to my keys (ex: another layout doesn't map { like where it is right now)13:36
Yanick_the current layout is the correct one, and none other is13:37
Yanick_but I don't have the n tilde13:37
Yanick_and my keyboard is not listed in keytouch13:37
Yanick_so how can I import it into keytouch? current mapping13:37
Mamarokhm, no idea, never tried that13:38
Yanick_in other word, how can I create a new keytouch file based on the current layout?13:38
Yanick_the current implementation of keytouch is 1) import an already made file, or 2) create a new one from scratch. There's no 3) create a new one based on current mappings13:38
=== yakuzi_BE is now known as yakuzi
ShishKababAnyone: No solutions? I already have Windows installed. Can't I install Kubuntu from there?13:57
waltzingalongShishKabab: yes. wubi is one such route13:58
ShishKababwaltzingalong: I thought that Wubi only installs inside Windows. I'd like to replace Windows with Kubuntu.14:00
DragnslcrWubi creates a virtual disk within the Windows filesystem, then adds an option to the Windows boot menu, so it's basically a dual-boot system14:02
DragnslcrIf you want to just wipe out Windows completely, you can just install Kubuntu normally14:02
waltzingalongShishKabab: ie installing from a desktop/alternate cd. the guide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide mentions getting rid of windows entirely from an existing wubi installation.14:04
ShishKababwaltzingalong: That's the problem: the PC can't boot from a CD and doesn't have a floppy drive. I'll look into the guide you gave me. Thanks!14:07
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=== Surion_ is now known as Surion
ChrisBuchholzHi, i'm on kubuntu 9.04 and using firefox as browser. I've installed the gtk-qt-engine and applied that KDE should also render the default theme in gtk apps, but what i got now, is something that looks like the oxygene theme, but fails all the time. Flaws everywhere like disappering scrollbar that reappears when i scrollagain. Is there a better way to make firefox look like KDE Oxygene theme?14:14
MamarokChrisBuchholz: there is a plugin awailable IIRC14:15
MamarokIf I Remeember Correctly :)14:16
ChrisBuchholzoh - can you find it for me, or guide me to where i should look for it?14:17
MamarokChrisBuchholz: just use the add plugins link and search for Oxygen or KDE414:17
ChrisBuchholzoh, you mean like an addon to firefox? I 've tried a few, but none of them looks great at all!14:18
MamarokChrisBuchholz: there is one made by Harald Sitter that looks quite ok here, but the problem still is that Firefox uses another codebase, so don't expect miracles14:19
yakuziwhat i don't like is the following..even if you choose the unbranded firefox, it install a lot of gnome stuff i didn't ask for? (like synaptic)14:19
Mamarokyakuzi: reead what I said above :)14:20
Mamarokand firefox will not install synaptic AFAIK14:20
ChrisBuchholzmamarok: where did you find it? I can't find anything made by harald sitter. Whats the name of the theme?14:21
MamarokChrisBuchholz: wait, I'll check14:21
Yanick_when I press "Previous" (prev track) it increases the volume :P how can I fix that?14:22
MamarokChrisBuchholz: it's called KDE4 + Firefox3, but will not work with Firefox 3.5 aka Shirteoko14:23
MamarokYanick_: systemsettings -> Keyboard&Mouse14:23
ChrisBuchholzokay, i'll try it14:23
yakuziwell Mamarok it installed a lot of gnome stuff instead of the browser only...14:24
Mamarokyakuzi: again, that *is* normal as it is a GTK app...14:25
Yanick_Mamarok, where is the config file for that?14:25
MamarokYanick_: hm, must be something sound related, check in the list on the top14:25
Mamarokglobal keyboard shortcuts, try the Amarok settings14:26
ShishKababwaltzingalong: I'm beginning this PC is done for. I can't even boot into Windows anymore. I get a BSOD at startup saying UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. The PC does have a network boot option. Do you happen to know anything about that?14:26
yakuziwell maybe so...but still then i don't need add/remove packages, software sources and Synaptic...and it is there because i see it in my K menu14:27
Yanick_Mamarok, it's not a sound related problem, or I don't know where it is defined14:27
Mamarokyakuzi: sorry, don't get it, what is wrong?14:27
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
MamarokYanick_: you can change the shortcuts there, just have a look, there are quite a few apps with shortcuts and I don't know everything by heart...14:28
yakuziwell, i just installed the abrowser version of firefox...still i get: firefox, the abrowser, syntaptic (i don't need that...even with GTK...)14:28
Mamarokwell, why do you download the abrowser then?14:29
Mamarokjust take firefox14:29
Yanick_Mamarok, perhaps the mapping to "Volume up" is wrong or something, because even remapping them all (all that I can find with Prev track or volume up) doesn't change a thing, pressing on Prev track increase the volume14:29
yakuzii choose the abrowser to make sure i don't get any gnome stuff... and still it is there14:29
Yanick_Mamarok, do you know where the config file is located for the shortcut keys?14:30
Mamarokyakuzi: ... did you really understand what I said? GTK+ = Gnome, so if you download a GTK based browser you get Gnome stuff, and abrowser is as much GTK than everything else14:30
Yanick_Mamarok, plus, I don't even have kopete installed, why is it still there in the kde components?14:31
Mamarokjust download the firefox-3.0 package, it will only give you the libraries14:31
yakuziyes i know...but then again, it doesn't need synaptic....14:31
MamarokYanick_: these are default settings from KDE, just ignore it then if you don't hae it14:31
Mamarokyakuzi: firefox-3.0 doesn't have a synaptic dependency here...14:32
Mamarokyakuzi: and if you don't want any Gnome stuff, then don't use firefox there is konqueror, works fine here....14:33
yakuziwell i prefer firefox, nut it seems it was enough to manualy de-install synaptic...maybe a small mistake or something, stuff is gone now, but i still have firefox :p14:34
Mamarokok, need some food now14:34
Yanick_Mamarok, do you know where is the config file for the keyboard layouts and key mappings (not a gui, the actual files)14:34
MamarokYanick_: check the .kde/share/config/ files14:35
Yanick_Mamarok, thanks14:35
Mamarokyaw :)14:36
Yanick_I cannot file any file that would suggest keyboard mapping in ~/.kde/share/config14:44
Quintasanhttp://pastebin.com/f348b2700 <-- can anyone help me? I have squashfs-tools version 3.3 installed14:45
Yanick_there is the kglobalshortcutsrc, but that won't fixe the keyboard mapping of the "Prev"14:45
Yanick_why are there so many accounts for the Ubuntu site: Ubuntu forum, Ubuntu launchpad, Ubuntu FAQ, .....14:49
MamarokYanick_: those are very different things, why do you ask?14:50
Yanick_I want to ask a question there14:50
MamarokYanick_: use the forums then, but if it is KDE related, ou should sue the Kubuntu forums14:51
Yanick_I want to know where is the file to change if I want to change a keyboard mapping? /etc/X11/xkb/base.xml doesn't seem to be what I want14:51
MamarokYanick_: but search and google first, you might well find it without having to ask14:51
Yanick_I did search for the past two hours14:51
Yanick_the only relevant post I've seen is this one : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1943304 but it does not involve a configuration file (maybe I missed something...)14:54
MamarokYanick_: ask in #ubuntu, there are many more eyes14:54
=== mpertot is now known as neno
BluesKajhowdy all14:59
Kira_LightI have problems with ktorrent always displaying the torrent file list. I have the command to execute as [ktorrent --silent %i -caption "%c" %u] but the file list keeps comming up instead of starting the torrent automatically. Any ideas?15:30
destiis there any kind of kubuntu netbook edition?15:31
eagles0513875desti: yes there is15:33
eagles0513875desti: let me get the link for you15:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook15:33
arturothere is a spanish  kubuntu channel?15:33
eagles0513875!es | arturo15:33
ubottuarturo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:33
arturook.. tnsk15:34
eagles0513875no problem artu15:34
eagles0513875desti: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook15:36
=== dYna is now known as basti
drurewtypically , where would mail sent to "root" be located ?15:41
ChrisBuchholzHi, i was wondering if it is possible to get some kind of "you are know on desktop X" when you switch desktop? Like you know it from compiz and so on?15:43
eagles0513875drurew: /var/mail15:43
Kira_Lightktorrent --silent %i -caption "%c" %u is still displaying the torrent file list instead of starting the torrent automatically. Any ideas?15:45
JuJuBeeAnybody using a palm treo 700p with kpilot / jpilot successfully?15:53
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Guest3101does anybody know whyi dont a mac address when i am using nmap?15:55
JuJuBeeI believe nmap uses layer 3 protocols to gather info15:56
ChrisBuchholzaint no way to get a notification of which desktop i've switched too?15:57
theuser1 i installed windows and the grub menu at boot is gone. what should i do now?16:04
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:05
Mamaroktheuser1: see the link above :)16:05
Mamarokyaw :)16:08
mjobini upgraded to Karmic, but i do not have plasmapkg binary anymore....16:18
Mamarokmjobin: karmic is alpha software...16:31
lyuisпривет народ, у меня вопрос, аналог супер карамба для кубунту в гном как зовут ?16:39
ign0ramushey, has anyone come across a file, that despite proper ownership and permissions, cannot be moved/copied/deleted/etc?16:40
edward_hola buenas tardes alguien me puede ayudar a instalar un ubuntu en mi minilapto siragon ml101016:42
BluesKajign0ramus, deleting (rm -rf namoffile) doesn't work ?16:42
ign0ramusBluesKaj, not even that :(16:42
BluesKajhmm , that's one I haven't encountred yet16:43
ign0ramusBluesKaj, its my /proc/mtrr file, which should be modified to enable write-combining, but nothing i've done will let me touch it16:43
ign0ramusBluesKaj, me neither.  I've changed ownership to my user, even chmod'd it 777, and i get 'permission' denied no matter what i try to do with it16:44
ign0ramususer@lappy:/proc$ sudo rm -Rf mtrr  > rm: cannot remove `mtrr': Operation not permitted16:45
BluesKaj /proc/mtrr , what do you use to it with ?16:46
ign0ramusBluesKaj, it's a memory allocation table that's used among other things, for graphics16:46
ign0ramusBluesKaj, as part of jaunty's Intel graphics suckfest, it's good to add a line to this file for better memory management, but i can't do a damn thing with it... i've never seen this before16:47
ign0ramusBluesKaj, kate as superuser can open it, but can't save16:48
mjobinMamarok: do you think I am ignoring this ? does alpha means we should not talk about it ?16:50
BluesKajyeah, i've had some probs with ffmpeg not quitting encode/decode after running /transferring files with pyTivo to the tivo on our LAN. It uses 80% of memory and 100% cpu16:50
eagles0513875im back guys16:56
ZoraelIs there an "official" way to remove the cashew on the desktop when widgets are locked? Like with http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/I+HATE+the+Cashew?content=91009 except without downloading an external binary widget.16:58
valgaavZorael: AFAIK no such way, at least in kde 4.217:01
rgarciaHi there! Does anybody know any program that's possible to change things in *.pdf format?17:26
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)17:27
eagles0513875rgarcia: pdfedit17:28
eagles0513875!info pdfedit17:28
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-2 (jaunty), package size 2481 kB, installed size 7564 kB17:28
rgarciathnaks a lot eagles051387517:29
eagles0513875no problem17:29
Laeborghmm when I move a contact in kopete it isn't moved next time I sign in17:31
rgarciaeagles0513875: please take a look on what happened http://paste.ubuntu.com/195083/17:34
eagles0513875rgarcia: run this command sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install pdfedit17:34
rgarciabr archive is not working17:34
eagles0513875it could be that you just need to update17:35
rgarciabut even updating it can't connect to br archive17:35
eagles0513875try use different servers instead of the br ones maybe the main servers17:35
rgarciaok..let me try17:36
rgarcianow it's ok....i tried us.archive17:39
rgarciathanks a lot eagles051387517:39
eagles0513875no problem rgarcia did it work17:39
OrEvAI changed my monitor from 17" CRT to 19" LCD and now I am not able to use the full view of my monitor ...................... plz help17:44
rgarciayes...well...but now i have another problem...when i select any text, for me appear weard characteres...17:45
DarkriftXanyone know how to change the color of the text in those popups that you get when you hover over something (like urls) (cant remember what they are called)17:46
OrEvAI changed my monitor from 17" CRT to 19" LCD and now I am not able to use the full view of my monitor ...................... plz help17:47
DarkriftXrepeating your question twice in 5 minutes will get you ignored17:48
OrEvAdarkriftx : there is no display on the sides17:50
cuzntkde4.2.2 wifi tends to drift. or I lose connection is there a way to "lock" in a signal better?17:52
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:53
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!17:53
* cuznt forgets which irc he is using17:54
eagles0513875cuznt: just watch the language if you dont mind17:54
OrEvAI changed my monitor from 17" CRT to 19" LCD and now I am not able to use the full view of my monitor ...................... plz help17:56
DarkriftXwhere does kde 3x store its color scheme files?17:56
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HexagownHello guys, I did a pritty stupid misstake, I accedently removed the panel, at the bottom, and I can't mannige to reset it agan...18:08
arkanabar_Is the cashew still in the upper right corner?18:08
HexagownI'v found almost all the buttons I need, but I can't find the buttun that shows what windows I have running... can someone help me?18:09
HexagownYes it is.18:09
arkanabar_Ah.  So you're looking for a Task Manager widget for your panel, yes?18:10
HexagownThiks so...18:10
HexagownNow I have no idea what programs running, if I dont use Alt+tab...18:11
arkanabar_I wish to make sure I am understanding you correctly:  you have a panel, but no Task Manager in it.18:11
Laeborghttp://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181709 - i have this problem too18:11
arkanabar_Hexagown: I just tried right-clicking the panel cashew, selecting "Add widgets", put "Task" into the search box, and "Task Manager" came up.  Try that.18:12
arkanabar_me, I'd like to know how to find the sha256 hash on a file.18:13
HexagownAhh!! Iv looked for that one for 30 mins, and dident saw it haha, thnx for help18:13
arkanabar_Search is good.  I needed the search to find it too ;^)18:14
Hexagownye, ur right :) ty for help18:14
arkanabar_How do I compute the SHA256 hash of a file?18:19
pandemoniumhi people18:21
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HalphaZhow can I share a folder on kubuntu?18:42
myselfis there a deb package anywhere for ktorrent 3.2.2 that came out on the 1st?18:44
Zoraelign0ramus: If you're still wondering, you only need to pipe the write-combining line to mtrr, not edit it18:44
Zoraelwell, pipe and pipe, output with >18:45
Zoraele.g "echo base=0xc0000000 size=0x10000000 type=write-combining > /proc/mtrr"18:45
ign0ramusZorael, i did "echo "base=0xe0000000 size=0x10000000 type=write-combining" > /proc/mtrr"18:45
Zoraelign0ramus: worked?18:46
ign0ramusZorael, so, yeah, pretty much the same thing :)18:46
ign0ramusZorael, yup18:46
ign0ramusZorael, i still got an error message, but the entry has been successfully added.  not sure why, but it works18:46
dthackermyself: you can search for packages at http://packages.ubuntu.com/18:47
Zoraelign0ramus: Does the base and size match your lspci output?18:48
ign0ramusZorael, i believe so... i did this when i first installed jaunty, and then removed it for some reason.  I remember i had to do some calculations18:49
ign0ramusZorael, what would i be grepping for to double check?18:49
TMKCodes_Hey, how i can make the clock of kubuntu show 24h clock and not 12h?18:49
Zoraelign0ramus: lspci | grep VGA, note slot address (like 00:02:0)18:50
Zoraelign0ramus: then sudo lspci -vs <address>18:50
ign0ramusZorael, http://pastebin.com/m1089647618:51
ign0ramusTMKCodes_, try Regional and Language in System Settings.  Should be an option for time format18:52
Zoraelign0ramus: so "echo base=0xd0000000 size=0x10000000 type=write-combining > /proc/mtrr"18:52
ign0ramusZorael, now i get "permission denied" with or without sudo...18:53
TMKCodes_ign0ramus: no there is not.18:53
Zoraelign0ramus: well, sudo doesn't really work with echo, you need to do it as su18:53
Zoraelign0ramus: or with tee18:54
ign0ramusZorael, sudo -i ?18:54
Zoraelign0ramus: echo base=0xd0000000 size=0x10000000 type=write-combining | sudo tee /proc/mtrr18:54
TMKCodes_ign0ramus: sorry there is18:54
ign0ramusTMKCodes_, glad you found it :)18:54
ign0ramusZorael, that worked.  now how to take out the erroneous line?18:54
Zoraelign0ramus: Not sure. Reboot. :318:55
ign0ramusZorael, haha.  brb.18:55
ign0ramusZorael, i think we're in business now! http://pastebin.com/m2692003318:58
ign0ramusZorael, so i no longer need this script?  http://pastebin.com/m368661d918:59
draikign0ramus: Hey there. What's the new issue?19:03
ign0ramusdraik, not necessarily new... just jaunty's regressions with intel graphics.  'fixing' mtrr helps in this aspect.19:03
ign0ramusdraik, but i've echo'd a new line (courteousy of Zorael) into /proc/mtrr, but i'm wondering if the setting will stick19:05
ign0ramusdraik, i've been using a persistent (/etc/init.d) script to make this a 'permanent' change, but i'm wondering if i still need it now19:05
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draikYou may, but I honestly wouldn't know.19:06
ign0ramusdraik, well since the script provides the same line we've manually added, there's no conflict, and thus i guess no reason to get rid of the script.  although i may gain 0.003 seconds on boot time by removing it ;)19:07
ign0ramusdraik, speaking of scripts... i have one for you19:08
draikDCC it on over, ign0ramus19:08
draikGot it. Just a sec19:09
draikI just cat the script. Nicely done, ign0ramus19:09
ign0ramusdraik, its just a heavily modified script i'd found somewhere and basically just used the correct mencoder settings for my purposes19:10
ign0ramusdraik, but thanks19:10
draikYou're welcome, ign0ramus19:11
draikI'm getting into MySQL now. Not that I'm done with bash scripting, but I don't have much else to script at this time.19:11
ign0ramusdraik, so my question is this: i need .avi for it to play on the Zen.  If input is 'file.mk4', output will be 'file.mk4.avi'.  it will still work, but can i strip the original extension?19:11
draikYes, you should be able to specify. Let me get KATE on this19:11
draikI'm looking at the last line. You have it set to $OUTPUT.avi, that's always going to be file.ext.avi. Why not use $FILENAME.avi ?19:14
draikNever mind. That will produce the same thing.19:15
ign0ramusdraik, i'm pretty sure i tried that too :(19:15
TMKCodesyeah, because file name cant have .19:15
draikAll I can suggest then would be to append a line for 'mv'19:16
ign0ramusdraik, as you know, i'm still new to bash/shell scripts (i actually started really learning working on your a few weeks ago), and this is the one thing i can't get just yet19:16
ign0ramusdraik, using what parameters?19:16
draikmv $OUTPUT.avi $UserInput.avi19:17
draikYou have to cut out the extension from $OUTPUT (I think 'cut' can do it) and then use it as a diff variable for the rename.19:18
ign0ramusdraik, that makes perfect sense - i just have to do some more reading then ;)19:18
draikLet me do some quick research and I'll get back to you about it.19:18
ign0ramusdraik, cool19:19
ign0ramusdraik, would a modified version of this work? http://pastebin.com/m2d31631919:20
draikYou may even append that for now19:21
ign0ramusdraik, nice. i just have to go through and make the variables relevant to my script.19:23
ign0ramusdraik, using that script though, wouldn't it only accept one extension type as an input? I'm ok with a single extension output (.avi), but I'm not sure this would cover .mpeg, .mk4, etc...19:25
draikLet me double-check19:25
ign0ramusdraik, in other words, it seems you have to specify a single extension for input, whereas my script must be adaptable for many types of video files19:26
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ign0ramusdraik, that's good for like batch renaming i guess, but not very adaptable for what i'm looking for.  'cut' is probably what i need.19:28
liz2ok so I reinstalled kubuntu hardy and now on the first boot up on sign in the screen is distorted (have to turn it off then back on for it to work properly), any ideas??19:28
liz2also it doesn't show a splash screen anymore19:29
ign0ramusliz2, did you check xorg or kdm logs?19:29
liz2no, how does one do that?19:29
ign0ramusliz2, 'kate /var/log/kdm.log'19:30
draikign0ramus: No, cut is for within files, not filenames. Looking at something else19:30
ign0ramusdraik, gotcha19:30
liz2I'll check right now19:30
draikign0ramus: I'm looking into 'sed' right now19:30
ign0ramusdraik, O_o19:30
ign0ramusdraik, better you than me.19:31
draikign0ramus: :19:31
liz2ign0ramus: what do I look for?19:31
ign0ramusliz2, any errors related to display or graphics19:32
liz2(EE) [drm] Could not set DRM device bus ID.19:33
liz2(EE) intel(0): [dri] DRIScreenInit failed. Disabling DRI.19:33
liz2that's the only error I can see19:33
ign0ramusliz2, is kdm the only thing that is distorted?19:34
liz2(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown19:35
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liz2missed that one19:35
liz2the sign in screen is the only thing, can't sign in w/o turning off/on the monitor again19:36
ign0ramusliz2, you just turn off the monitor? not the computer?19:37
liz2ign0ramus: just the monitor, then everything works fine, like right now19:37
ign0ramusliz2, very strange.  let me see if there's anything i can find.  is it an lcd monitor?19:38
ign0ramusliz2, ok.19:38
ign0ramusliz2, i don't see anything about this... i would imagine that the correct settings are applied at boot, since you haven't changed them and everything is working fine.  I honestly have no clue what turning the monitor off/on would change.19:42
ign0ramusliz2, and you said splash is no longer there... do you mean the usplash screen?19:43
liz2ign0ramus: yes, splash is no longer working, I don't even see the settings for it in System Settings19:44
ign0ramus!splash | liz219:44
ubottuliz2: To change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen19:44
bewofthecrap is considered bad language? i am then sorry19:44
ign0ramuswell, that wasn't helpful :|19:44
liz2I always have weird issues w/my pc19:45
ign0ramusliz2, kde 3 or 4?19:45
ign0ramusliz2, and not listed in kcontrol either?19:46
liz2hmm... forgot to go there19:46
ign0ramusliz2, not too hopeful, but maybe...19:46
* ign0ramus misses 3.5.x19:46
liz2:-P I'll check now19:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:47
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liz2ign0ramus: expectadly, not in kcontrol either lol19:50
ign0ramusliz2, do you have 'ksplash' installed?19:51
ign0ramusliz2, and possibly 'ksplash-engine-moodin'19:53
liz2ign0ramus: don't know, would have thought those were default installs19:53
ign0ramusliz2, me too, but somethings obviously missing :P19:53
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=== hunter is now known as Guest83612
Guest83612why i can not install anything anymore from my desktop, always a failor. could not find20:03
Guest83612someone an idea?20:03
ugaGuest83612: do you have a proxy for networking?20:07
MamarokGuest83612: what do you mean, you can not install?20:07
Guest83612no, an router..20:08
liz2Guest83612: I know that through console you have to cd to where you have the application you wish to install, other than that don't know20:08
Guest83612well, i have a tar pacage on desktop and try to install it, but its not working20:08
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ugaGuest83612: a tar file isn't an installable file in general. Is it a build file?20:09
ugaie, configure; make; make install20:09
ugaor just something like install click and goes installing20:09
liz2Guest83612: and configure, make, make install is done through a terminal (konsole)20:10
ugaliz2: please notice that the desktop in kde4 is no more a desktop...20:10
ugaso we should first discover what exactly he's trying to do20:10
ugas/no more a desktop/no more a folder20:10
liz2uga: oh ok, don't know anything of kde4 lol20:11
ugaGuest83612: the desktop in the newer kubuntu versions isn't a normal folder. You should better put that file somewhere like home, and check there20:12
ugaGuest83612: also, building apps from source isn't the best thing I'd suggest, unless you know your system very well. May we know what app you're trying to install?20:12
|MaSa69|kde4 haves desktop if u make it use folder view, and *.tar file is packed, u have to unpack it fisrt...20:12
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korneliorogeliohi all... i have a problem with widgets i cant arrange them as i want, when i move them they automaticaly order like they want! is it a bug or im doing something wrong?20:14
ugaGuest83612: afaik ipcop is a whole linux distribution20:15
ign0ramusuga, that package is just the firewall, but makes you wonder whats wrong with all the other gui firewalls out there...20:16
ign0ramusuga, *i think*20:16
ign0ramusGuest83612, are you just looking for a gui for firewall?20:16
Guest83612aha, exact20:17
ugaGuest83612: you should copy it to your home directory in dolphin. Then open konsole, and type "tar -zxvf    ipcop-1.4.21-sources.tg"20:17
ugatar -zxvf ipcop-1.4.21-sources.tgz20:17
Guest83612ok. let me tr20:17
ugaign0ramus: guarddog?20:17
ign0ramusuga, exactly what i was thinking.  good app, and mature.20:18
ugaign0ramus: I had trouble in the past (it wasn't obbeying to non-basic settings), but should work fine now20:18
ign0ramusuga, bad guarddog!20:18
MamarokGuest83612: did you search the repositories first for that package?20:19
ign0ramusMamarok, ipcop isn't in the repos... but tons of other good gui's are...20:19
Mamarokuga: always suggest packages from the repos first, please20:19
Mamarokhave to restart my screen session, running wild, brb20:19
ugaMamarok: I didn't suggest the pack. Alaways check the backlog, please =)20:20
ugahe wanted to install _that_ pack20:20
liz2ign0ramus: I'd like to thank you, didn't have the ksplash installed, hopefully that solves the issue :)20:20
ign0ramusliz2, don't thank me until it works :D ... also, you may need the moodin package i mentioned before20:21
Guest83612i cant. mo rights20:21
Mamarokuga: I know, but if soembody comes with a request for hepl with outside packages, try finding an equivalent in the repos first, we do not usually support packages that are not in the official repos20:21
liz2ign0ramus: ok... and I installed both you mentioned :)20:21
ign0ramusliz2, good luck! :)20:22
ugauhm. pedantic support ;)20:22
ugaMamarok: so we cannot support on OOo 3.1, nor mp3 playing, and how to install commercial apps that support ubuntu?20:24
ugabecause neither is in the official repos20:24
Mamarokuga: official = main universe multiverse restricted :)20:25
ugaMamarok: medibuntu too?20:25
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Mamarokuga: in doubt, check the factoids of the bot20:25
Mamarok!factoids | uga20:26
ubottuuga: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:26
ugaMamarok: thanks, I know how to use the bot, more or less20:27
Ralf_Jlol, that's a funny IRC info system :D20:27
ugaMamarok: imvho, kubuntu needs a modded kopete20:31
ugaone that logs into correct language channels20:31
ugaone with buttons that offer help20:31
ugaand instructs them on asking questions (in a proffessional fashioned gui... you know... describe your problem:)20:32
ugairc won't do20:32
ugathey won't know /join, and they won't know that there's extra channels for each language, and they won't know using the bots, etc etc20:33
ugawell, more importantly, I see too many nicks here named "kubuntu"20:33
Mamarokuga: kopete is not an irc client, Quassel is default in Jaunty and opens this channel here20:33
Mamarokalso, there is pretty much always somebody around who can and do help, but having the bot in mind is recommended :)20:34
InforMedKonversation alpha 3 is better then Quassel!20:34
ign0ramusInforMed, hear hear!20:35
ign0ramusMamarok, does amarok 2 have last.fm fingerprinting yet?20:35
ugaMamarok: kopete can do as irc client, but read again... I said jabber20:36
Mamarokign0ramus: not yet, you should ask in #amarok, check with lfranchi20:36
draik_ign0ramus: Internet took a dump on my desktop, like usual, so I'm sitting out the search for now. I think you're ok with the script you posted for changing the extension.20:36
ugaMamarok: I'm not complaining about irc clients, I'm complaining about irc not being the best support line20:36
abcuserneed help. using live cd to recover grup after it has been lost when i installed windows xp. grub> find /boot/grub/stage120:36
abcuserError 15: File not found20:36
Mamarokuga: and jabber is easier to set up than an irc client with a preconfigured default channel?20:36
ugaMamarok: yups20:36
ign0ramusdraik_, thanks draik.  i have to go soon anyway... already 3:30 here and i haven't done anything today ;)20:36
draik_Same here20:37
ugaMamarok: easier than setting up msn I'd say, and all users do that20:37
Mamarok!mbr | abcuser20:37
ubottuabcuser: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:37
abcuserMamarok:  iam using that link. having an error20:37
ign0ramusabcuser, do: "find /grub/stage1"20:37
Mamarokuga: well, the default IRC clients all have preconfigured channels, then we filter for languages if needed20:38
ugajoin #kubuntu-es20:38
ugaah, no funciona20:38
ugacómo va esto?20:38
FloodBotK1uga: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
ugasigh, quién es FloodBot20:38
Mamarok!as | uga20:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about as20:38
ugaMamarok: a sample20:38
Mamarok!es | uga20:38
ubottuuga: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:38
ugaMamarok: 20 lines and a bot wasted =)20:38
ugairc is unfriendly20:39
abcuserign0ramus:  grub> find /grub/stage120:39
abcuserError 15: File not found20:39
Mamarokuga: but if you would like to offer that to be included in future releases, go on Launchpad blueprint and send it to the devs20:39
ugaMamarok: what's that "punctuation" complaint?20:39
jan_i have a problem; i have a playlist in *.lst format20:39
ugaMamarok: maybe this summer that I'll be bored, I'll do some coding ;)20:40
jan_i need to convert is to m3u or something20:40
Mamarokuga: what do you mean?20:40
jan_the playlist have this format:20:40
jan_path|some extra infos|extra infos|blablalbla|balbal|20:40
ugaMamarok: ah, I misread the bot "don't use Enter as punctuation"20:40
jan_so only the path is relevant20:40
jan_how can i regex this?20:40
jan_or how can i extract tha path20:40
jan_of that playlist?20:40
Mamarokjanm second, let me catch up20:41
Mamarokjan_: a *.m3u playlist is just a text file with URLs :)20:41
jan_yes. i know20:42
jan_thats the nice thing20:42
abcusergrub> find /grub/stage120:42
abcuserError 15: File not found20:42
jan_so i need to extract the path from the *.lst to create a m3u list20:42
Mamarokso if your *.lst has realtive path, just remove the rest20:42
jan_the nice thing is, there is a delimiter20:42
jan_but its a long list20:42
jan_i need to do it automatically20:42
jan_with what? :)20:42
FloodBotK1jan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
Mamarokjan_: well, I'm not the person to ask for a script, sorry20:43
jan_:) yes, sure no problem20:43
Mamarokjan_: the bot means: that would have found space on one line :)20:43
Mamarokuga: irc is the default media in *ubuntu, nobody uses jabber20:44
Mamarokuga: else, there are the forums and the help pages20:44
ugaMamarok: irc is the default media for developers and experienced users20:44
ugawho knows how many users are out there that don't know about this support line20:45
Mamarokuga: *sigh* don't be stubborn, please20:45
uganot trying to. You know how long it took me first time joining irc?20:45
ign0ramusabcuser, if you exit the grub prompt, and do "cd /boot/grub" and then "ls -o", do you see a Stage1?20:45
ugaand I'm not supposed to be a computer-agnostic person20:45
Mamarokuga: I tell you what is default, so don't argue and respect the channel rules I told you20:45
Mamarokuga: everthing else goes to dev mailinglists and Launchpad blueprints, not here, period.20:46
ugaMamarok: ah? what channel rules am I breaking, and I'm not arguing. I said I could do some code and help20:46
ugaMamarok: and sorry, I don't know what those blueprints are20:46
ugasemicolon ;)20:46
Mamarokuga: ok, then just let's stop that discussion, as it doesn't belong here anyway...20:46
Mamarok!blueprints > uga20:47
ubottuuga, please see my private message20:47
vbgunzman I just found something that stole my mouse from kubuntu --> http://2006.1-click.jp/ ... dont go there unless you prepared to possibly kill nspluginviewer and possibly restart kwin20:57
vbgunzI visited in konqueror 4.2.220:58
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ugavbgunz: what are the steps to follow?21:02
ugavbgunz: works fine here (kde 4.3 svn though)21:03
ugacool flash =)21:03
ugausing flash player 1021:03
Mamarokvbgunz: not the right place to post that in a support channel...21:04
vbgunzall I did was click on the link through reddit -> http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/8rxy6/japanese_are_fucking_awesome/ ... using konqueror 4.2.2 and my mouse pointer suddenly just disappeared... I had no mouse pointer at all21:04
Mamarokvbgunz: please, don't...21:04
vbgunzI then killed nspluginviewer and that gave me my mouse pointer back *but* then kwin became unresponsive21:04
vbgunzMamarok: I have no idea what the link is for except that it killed my my mouse pointer using konqueror 4.2.221:05
vbgunzMamarok: the link is offensive?21:05
Mamarokvbgunz: well, it doesn't belong in a support channel, that's all, so don't post stuff that cn break things for others here21:06
vbgunzhmm,  I clicked it again. it seemed to work this time. the first must have been a fluke. by the way my first post says dont click unless you prepared to kill nspluginviewer and restart kwin21:07
ugaMamarok: he asked for help on that bug. if somebody can reproduce, maybe he can have that bug properly documented (may affect several gfx cards)21:07
ugaand he warned that it could cause crashes21:07
ugaI think that's okay21:07
* uga hands Mamarok choc cookies21:08
ugaunfortunately I cannot reproduce on my system21:08
vbgunzI'll try again21:08
Mamarokuga: there is a policy not to post stuff than can break things for others unless you are requested to do so for support...21:08
ugaMamarok: and all users are pointed to those policies when they join this channel? because I don't know them21:09
vbgunzman I cannot do it again21:11
vbgunzmy mouse in 4 years never jsut disappeared like that. I really thought right away the site had somehow got a hold of my mouse and hid it21:12
shaunhello ppl21:38
=== compilerwriter_ is now known as compilerwriter
compilerwriterColor me officially confused.21:47
compilerwriterI tried to do a backup and then a clean install of Jaunty.  Now somehow my machine is working again in a manner of speaking.  Now I don't even know for sure which version of Kubuntu I am running.21:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about myth21:50
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information21:50
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compilerwriterwell /etc/issue says I am using 9.04  so I must have somehow half-ass upgraded.  I don't quite get it.21:58
xnoxIt's very hard for me to decide what applications to use, so I tend to stick to default. With recent rumblings about Mono I got very confused and started to look for alternatives. So I have switched to kubuntu.21:58
xnoxThank you all very much for INCREDIBLE distribution. Which has eye-candy without compiz headackes and a lot of amazing apps21:59
* xnox is a happy kubuntu users. So long gnome. I might give you a spin by the time gnome 3.6 is ready. Gnome3 have fun katching up with kde422:00
ZoraelHow do I send a dbus command to plasma-desktop to shut itself down or restart?22:06
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DsBoywhat is the diverent with kubuntu and ubuntu?22:38
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WalexDsBoy: by default Kubuntu installs KDE instead of GNOME.22:40
DsBoytht meann22:40
DsBoy  22:40
bazhang!kde > DsBoy22:41
ubottuDsBoy, please see my private message22:41
bazhang!gnome > DsBoy22:41
DsBoy!gnome > dsboy22:42
ubottuDsBoy, please see my private message22:42
zorael_Has anyone managed to install the I Hate The Cashew widget (http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/I+HATE+the+Cashew?content=91009)?22:55
brkhello world22:57
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
Philip5zorael_: i use that plasma widget to remove the cashew23:12
Philip5zorael_: i use that plasma widget to remove the cashew23:12
zorael_Philip5: How did you install it? I compiled it and did make install, but it doesn't show up in the list23:13
Philip5zorael_: i even have a deb package of it for jaunty23:13
zorael_Philip5: You do? Where'd you find that?23:14
Philip5zorael_: i made it... you can find it in my repo under jaunty at this site: http://philip.magicalforest.se23:14
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
Philip5zorael_: if you grabb the source there you can even see the parameters used23:15
Philip5or just grab the package if you like23:15
zorael_Philip5: Awesome, thanks23:15
Philip5zorael_: np23:16
Philip5zorael_: let me know if there are any problems but there shouldn't be any23:21
zorael_Philip5: file conflict, upgrade failed23:22
zorael_Philip5: libqtscriptbindings1 from some ppa I use, it seems23:23
nikitisHey guys, when i log in as my main user, my keyboard quits working after password entry.  But it works on other users,  Anyone know why this would happen?23:23
nikitisLike it's dead, and I brought up the virtual keyboard, and tried to type on that, and keys wouldn't stroke23:24
Philip5zorael_: are you using the amarok repo with libqtscriptbindings1? i have latest amarok on my repo too but use the debian naming och qtscript instead of that one in the amarok repo23:24
zorael_Philip5: I think it's from one of the kubuntu ppas, yeah. Any easy way to tell which? apt-cache policy just says "ppa.launchpad.net".23:25
cwiedelcan someone help me edit my fstab so my nfs share mounts on boot?23:26
Philip5zorael_: i don't know why it have that naming in the ppa and not follow debians naming23:26
cwiedelthats my fstab file. What am I doing wrong?23:30
Kira_Lightktorrent --silent %i -caption "%c" %u is still displaying the torrent file list instead of starting the torrent automatically. Any ideas?23:36
brkneed a choice of apps to connect to my mobile with bluetooth23:39
doleybbrk: Did you try the regular kbluetooth?23:50
brknope, needed some names.. thanks for the start.23:51
brkdell delivers ubuntu on my mini 9, but ask9ing for bluetooth does not inclue any apps preloaded.23:52
brknever had to deal with buetooth before.  thanks23:52

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