
Sarvattis it just wireless thats not working? can ya not plug it in directly for a few minutes to make this alot easier on yourself?00:00
Sarvattah phew00:00
Dominiksarvatt eth dont work00:00
Dominikso now I reboot and pray?00:00
Dominikk, shuttin down00:01
BUGabundosee you on the other side00:01
Dominikstill here00:01
Dominikstarting up ... blink blink blink so on, i think its working00:02
Sarvattquestion though, we're on ubuntu+1 here so you should be on karmic's kernel anyway.. no idea why you're using the mainline kernel in the first place? :D karmic has 2.6.30-9.10 right now that is the same as that one basically so i doubt the problem will be fixed is all00:02
Dominikdont speak like that00:02
Dominiki have a connection but no internets00:03
Dominikyes, i needed to slect the other eth00:03
Sarvattthough there was a problem with rt8169 not working when you were in an environment where you had jumbo packets going around fixed between rc8 and .30 release00:03
Dominikthank you guys... id take you out but i can't00:03
SarvattDominik, when you do a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade it should update to the 2.6.30-9.10 kernel thats the same as the mainline one basically with the fix so no need to keep using mainline after that at least :)00:04
Dominikdon't understand the significance of previous statement please elaborate00:05
Sarvattit'd be funny if you just so happened to be using rt8169 in a gigabit situation though :D00:05
Dominiki am?00:05
Sarvattthe karmic equivalent to the mainline kernel you just installed is already published and next time you update it'll grab it so you dont need to keep using the mainline one after00:05
Dominikna its actually intell dual 82574L gigabit00:05
BUGabundoSarvatt: too hard for him00:05
Dominikthatks bugabundo, im afraid your right00:06
Sarvattyeah I'm just saying that next time you upgrade your system on karmic it'll get the kernel thats equivalent to the one you just installed so you dont have to keep using the mainline one00:06
Dominikgreat, my fat ass just broke the chair, too excited00:06
Sarvattthat didnt help before when you couldnt connect to upgrade is all00:06
BUGabundoSarvatt: karmic is too unstable for him00:07
Sarvattohh he's on jaunty?00:07
BUGabundothe 1st hard bug he find gets him stucj00:07
BUGabundoSarvatt: seems so00:07
BUGabundoor hardy00:07
Dominikim on 8.0400:07
Sarvattso there's a problem with intel 82574L in gigabit on 2.6.24 on hardy that needs to be addressed00:07
BUGabundobug found?00:08
BUGabundoDominik: can you upgrade to jaunty ?00:08
Dominikwaats? jouty?00:09
Dominiki have to stay below 8.10 cause nividea only realeased cuda drivers for 8.1000:09
Sarvatti'm sure hes just happy to get hardy working now, if anything submitting a bug would be helpful but i dont know how all the automated bug reporting tools work to walk him through it :D00:09
Sarvattthats not true at all, just went through that with someone else :D its just the cuda SDK that they might only release packages for but that works on everything else and cuda works with nvidia binary drivers on all the other releases :D00:10
Dominikok, so um yall are pretty confusing to me, is there anything I need, should be doing right now?00:11
dupondjeis there btw a nice site with some cool stuff for Ubuntu ?00:11
Dominikto i don't know, maybe get it stable? you seem to indicate this kernal is not00:11
dupondjejust found out Gnome DO :) its uber :D00:11
Dominikif i sudo update will it move me to 9.04? because I still need those cuda drivers or all was wasted :(00:12
SarvattCUDA support is in the nvidia drivers for jaunty and newer, you only need the SDK if you want to develop with cuda but the support for running cuda stuff is in the drivers00:13
BUGabundoDominik: I would burn a cd with Jaunty 9.04 and test00:13
BUGabundodupondje: it LOVE00:13
Dominiksarvatt cuda drivers were not yet released for 9.0400:13
Dominikand I do need the SDK00:13
dupondjeit love ?00:14
Sarvattthe SDK runs fine under jaunty, I have it working on my machine, it could be the default drivers in jaunty dont have support for it but you can always get them via a PPA or manually installing them if need be00:15
BUGabundodupondje: LOLOLOL IS LOVE00:15
Sarvattreally though no harm just sticking to hardy, not trying to talk you into upgrading :)00:16
Dominiksarvatt, great id rather stick with the working install :P00:16
BUGabundoDominik: I would burn a cd with Jaunty 9.04 and test the LiveCD. it won't change your system in any way00:17
Dominikhow would I be able to install drivers on a life cd?00:17
Dominikbut does 9.04 have the .30 kernel?00:18
Dominikthen the eth wont work00:18
LLStarksthen test the karmic livecd00:18
BUGabundono idea00:18
Sarvattit could have been fixed in the more than a year between hardy's 2.6.24 and 2.6.30 :D00:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dailies00:19
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/00:19
Sarvattdoesnt have to be 2.6.30 specifically most likely00:19
Dominikwhen I read the problems with gigabit it was indicated that the .30 kernel fixed it00:19
Dominikmhh, k00:19
Dominikalright, well ill leave setting up the sdk to my teammate00:20
Dominikill let him kno to try 9.04 first if it doesn't work hell have to update his kernel too00:21
Dominikthanks gusy00:21
SarvattDominik: just curious if you dont mind, can you do a sudo lspci -vvnn and put it on pastebin somewhere so i can take a look at kernel changes to the driver and see if anything sticks out?00:23
Dominiki do not mind00:24
Sarvattwow huge amount of changes if its e100000:25
Dominiksays invalid option --w00:25
Sarvattthats 2 v's00:25
Dominikoh, vv00:25
Dominikwow thats some heavy reading00:26
Dominikactually my history doesn't go back far enough to get it all00:26
Sarvattcan you see the Ethernet controller: part at least?00:27
Sarvattthats all i really want to see00:27
Dominikhang i got it00:28
Dominikcan you get that?00:29
Sarvattwheres it at?00:30
Sarvattgot it00:30
Dominikgood luck, thanks again00:30
jws141_Wow.  DKMS is nice in Karmic.  Just re-built my broadcom wl driver with the new kernel.01:12
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dashua[A90]I can stop using module-assistant now, I suppose?01:14
Sarvattyep, its handled in the bcmwl-kernel-source package via dkms now, alot easier if you need to use that over b43 for some reason :D01:32
BUGabundobem bou nanar. ate amanha01:48
dashua[A90]Sarvatt: Oh yes, it's very nice.01:51
Sarvatthopefully that can start getting included on the livecd's or we can start putting the open source b43 firmware on there, it'd be nice to have wireless out of the box on broadcom :)01:56
DanaGgrr. damnvidia doesn't support xrandr.02:18
DanaGapt-get source libasound2-plugins02:21
DanaGE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_openoffice-pkgs_ubuntu_dists_karmic_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)02:21
DanaGwtf does openoffice-pkgs have to do with libasound2-plugins?02:22
DanaGI know I have some invalid sources... but that shouldn't entirely prevent fetching source!02:25
DanaGugh, now packagekit ppa is blocking it... and now gnome-do ppa is blocking it.02:26
MTecknologyany ideas here? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/194727/02:29
MTecknologyInternal Error: Could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30-9-generic)02:30
dashua[A90]Sarvatt: Yep.  Broadcom has come some ways in the past year w/ Linux support even though it's a binary blob.  I was using Debian's broadcom source/common packages to keep up with the kernel changes.  This is much nicer.02:31
MTecknologyis this a bug or did I break something?02:31
MTecknologyeh... I think I mighta fixed it02:35
MTecknology!info byobu03:03
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 2.9-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 41 kB, installed size 380 kB03:03
MTecknology!info powernowd03:45
ubottupowernowd (source: powernowd): control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.00-1ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 26 kB, installed size 136 kB03:45
MTecknologyAnybody have any idea how I can see how long it takes to load my openbox rc.xml config?03:48
MTecknologyAmaranth: long time no see03:53
MTecknologywhere ya been all my life?03:54
lsmobrianit looks like my laptop is locked up, i can ssh in and move the mouse but nothing is clickable04:16
lsmobriannothing on dmesg or x.org log04:16
lsmobrianany ideas of where to look for what when wrong if it was logged at all04:17
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MTecknologyHey people... I lost my touchpad and my font is VERY odd...04:33
MTecknologyany ideas what would cause that?04:34
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DanaG"This changes is not comming from a source that supports changelogs"05:26
DanaGNice grammar.05:26
DanaGI still don't get why Broadcom refuses to allow people to even DISTRIBUTE the firmware.05:44
DanaGI can understand not opening things.... but not allowing distribution?  I see no valid rationale for that.05:45
billybigriggerMTecknology::: if i recall i remember someone saying its a known bug about the touchpad05:48
MTecknologybillybigrigger: thanks05:49
billybigrigger bug 37839105:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378391 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Source rename clobbered local changes (so tapping not working in Karmic)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37839105:50
billybigriggerif that's your bug you should subscribe and give some info05:50
billybigriggerif not, file a new one05:50
MTecknologythat's my exact bug :)05:50
MTecknologythanks :D05:50
DanaGAnyone here using nouveau on an NV17 (geforce *cough*4*cough* MX)?08:21
vaibhavI just got into an issue after installing playdeb package ,400 uri error on apt update, this thread helped http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90812609:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383307 in audacious-plugins "Please merge audacious-plugins 2.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:53
dupondjesomebody can accept it ? :s09:54
dupondjecause now audacious is broken in karmic09:54
dupondjebecause plugins are the old version and the main package is the new one ...09:54
vaibhavI lost my wifi button, nothing happen whne switch it10:25
badmoxhi i cant update to 9.10 alpha because of /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/connection.py:242: DeprecationWarning: object.__init__() takes no parameters  super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)11:12
ikoniabadmox: read the topic ?11:20
badmoxwhat is about the topic the problem is in 9.04 but the guys in the  ubuntu channel send me in here  but this bug did not be fixt in 9.0411:30
ikoniabadmox: the problem is with the 9.10 packages - it can't upgrade11:39
|ns|nR8how buggy is 9.10? i remember 9.04 wasnt that usable till beta11:40
|ns|nR8yeah ill wait11:40
dobre_zuowhere is the problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/194955/http://paste.ubuntu.com/194955/11:59
TheInfinitynon working firmware?12:00
dobre_zuomaybe its disabled in bios, brb12:02
dobre_zuostill the same12:10
dobre_zuoit working under sidux12:10
fosco_anyone testing grub2? can not find where the config file is13:02
fosco_something like the old menu.lst13:02
geserdobre_zuo: does the named file exist in /lib/firmware?13:04
catweazlefosco_: /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:07
catweazleis another syntax13:07
fosco_catweazle: ok, is all i need to know, thanks13:07
catweazlefosco_: also something in /etc/grub.d13:09
dobre_zuogeser: this is described hire http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/#downloads13:22
dobre_zuoIn some kernel configurations (users have most frequently reported the problem only with 2.6.9), the default timeout value for the hotplug subsystem is too low13:23
vaibhavblender is not workinng properly, neither did yo! frankie any suggestion14:41
vaibhavny1 nything,14:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:49
BUGabundo11boas tardes14:57
BluesKajhowdy all14:59
BUGabundohey BluesKaj14:59
BluesKajhi BUGabundo , what's happening today ?15:00
BUGabundonothing much15:00
BUGabundoI guess I'll be testing openSuse15:00
BUGabundoto see if it works better on SiS HW15:00
BUGabundoand then compare to mainline kernel15:00
BluesKaj11.1 ?15:00
BUGabundowhat ever they have15:01
BUGabundodon't know much about the distro15:01
BluesKajtried it ...it was ok , nothing earth shaking ..prolly anice distro but the chat support ppl had a lot of attitude , which to my mind wasn't justified :)15:02
BUGabundowe are better?15:03
BluesKajyes , for sure15:07
BluesKajwas getting some coffee15:08
BluesKajit's your typical chat where abunch of "linux-kids" go to show off thier linux chops and brag about what they know without really helping. Mind you there were a couple of ppl who were very helpful15:10
BluesKajI ran it for about a week, which is prolly not long enough for a a fair critique15:11
BUGabundowhy was baobao removed from the archive?17:22
yoasifso i rebooted this morning, and my right click trackpad button doesn't work anymore... any ideas?18:14
billybigrigger bug 37839118:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378391 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Source rename clobbered local changes (so tapping not working in Karmic)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37839118:14
CarlFKalt-install, I have no  /boot/grub/menu.lst, but I do have  130 .mod files in  /boot/grub?18:15
CarlFKi hear this might be grub2 migration maybe?18:15
billybigriggeryoasif::: you should subscribe to that bug, and report some info18:15
billybigriggerCarlFK::: looks that way18:16
billybigriggeri do have a menu.lst though18:16
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:/boot/grub$ ls menu*18:17
billybigriggermenu.lst  menu.lst~  menu.lst_backup_by_grub2_postinst18:17
yoasifbillybigrigger: thanks dude :)18:17
billybigriggeryoasif::: np, seems to be a pretty common bug :P18:17
CarlFKcarl@dhcp139:/boot/grub$ ls *.lst18:17
CarlFKcommand.lst  fs.lst  handler.lst  moddep.lst  partmap.lst  parttool.lst18:17
yoasifbillybigrigger: well, tap to click was already broken for me, but now the touchpad BUTTON (right click) no longer works18:18
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:/boot/grub$ ls *.lst18:18
billybigriggercommand.lst  handler.lst  moddep.lst   parttool.lst18:18
billybigriggerfs.lst       menu.lst     partmap.lst18:18
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yoasifshould i open a new bug or throw it into that bug?18:18
billybigriggerCarlFK::: hmmm...does grub boot for you? or giving you errors it can't find menu.lst?18:18
billybigriggeryoasif::: well i imagine your new problem still stems from xserver-xorg-input-synaptics18:19
billybigriggeri wouldn't make a new bug, but someone else in here might have something else to say about that18:19
yoasifbillybigrigger: yea, so should i file a new bug to that, or just add it to that one18:19
billybigrigger*I* would add it to the current bug :P18:20
CarlFKbillybigrigger: it boots.  and I just installed a kerenl and see: Generating grub.cfg http://dpaste.com/54999/  so Ill go look for that18:20
CarlFK"# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates # from  and settings from /etc/default/grub"  off to look as those...18:22
yoasifbillybigrigger: considering that there are 11 dupes, i think you have the right idea :)18:23
CarlFK"# This file is sourced by update-grub, and its variables are propagated # to its children in /etc/grub.d/"   fricken scavenger hunt18:24
CarlFKim not sure if this makes me glad or sad: carl@dhcp139:/etc/grub.d$ ls 00_header 10_linux30_os-prober  40_custom 05_debian_theme  20_memtest86+30_otheros    README18:25
BUGabundoyoasif: you don't reboot that often do you ?18:28
yoasifBUGabundo: no18:29
BUGabundoI have too18:29
yoasifi'm scared to, running an alpha OS18:29
BUGabundoafter a few hibernate powercicles my laptop begins to become slow18:29
BUGabundoerr don't run alpha!LOL18:29
yoasifhaha... if i don't run alphas, i end up not being able to report my bugs early in the cycle18:30
yoasifi joined the jaunty testing too late to get suspend support :/18:30
TwigathyLike bugs related to booting? :-)18:30
CarlFKok... um... how do I add a kernel parameter?18:30
yoasifthankfully, grub2 works fine on my setup18:30
CarlFKi just read though etc/grub.d/*  and have 0.0 clue about anything now18:31
TwigathyMy main reason for Karmicifying my desktop was to check nothing breaks NFS root. So far so good =)18:31
billybigriggerCarlFK::: wouldn't you add kernel params at boot?18:31
BUGabundoTwigathy: ahaaha18:32
BUGabundoCarlFK: press shift on boot?18:32
CarlFKbillybigrigger: you mean "hit tab, enter stuff with keyboard" ?18:32
CarlFKI plan on re-booting every 15 min... rather they were stored in a file  :)18:32
BUGabundoyoasif: I was joking, of course18:33
yoasifBUGabundo: hehe18:33
billybigriggerCarlFK::: look @ README18:33
billybigriggerCarlFK::: what are you wanting to do?18:33
CarlFKadd panic=10 to the kernel command line,18:34
billybigriggercause you can copy 20_memtest86 and name it whatever you want for a new entry i think, like 20_carlfk18:34
billybigriggermake take a look at 40_custom18:34
billybigriggergrub2 looks pretty confusing haha18:35
CarlFK40 is for adding other things to [linux, memtest, windows"18:35
CarlFKnot adding things to linux18:36
CarlFKhope that made some sense18:36
billybigrigger40 looks to be just a custom entry18:37
CarlFKlinux   ${rel_dirname}/${basename} root=${linux_root_device_thisversion} ro $218:37
CarlFK  linux_entry "${OS}, linux ${version}"   "${GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX} ${GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT}"18:37
CarlFKsome how those are relevant...18:37
CarlFKyay!  /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"18:40
CarlFKya know... I should have been able to guess thats what I wanted18:41
billybigriggergood to know :P18:42
CarlFKglad my journey of discovery babbling did some good :)18:42
CarlFKyay: linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30-999-generic root=UUID=41a393e2-a365-4e4d-befb-8175b29a28b3 ro  panic=1018:43
BUGabundostuff is now on /etc??18:43
CarlFKBUGabundo: it is all over the place18:43
CarlFKdont look in /boot/grub - thats a scary place18:43
* Twigathy will be sticking to /boot/grub/menu.lst until he is forced to do otherwise c_c18:43
yoasifnewbug: messy packaging18:43
BUGabundoso no longer a /boot partition is usefull?18:44
billybigriggergood point18:44
CarlFK /boot is still where kernel images are stored18:44
yofelTwigathy: grub2 will be default in 9.10 :P18:44
TwigathyOkay, correction, I'm not re-installing if I can help it =)18:45
CarlFKand /boot/grub/grub.cfg  is what is used at boot time, but thats not what you want to edit18:45
billybigriggerso /etc/default/grub is where you want to edit your entries18:45
CarlFKit's kinda like lilo, only you don't edit foo.cfg, you edit /etc/default/grub18:46
CarlFKhmmm... how is this better than lilo?18:46
CarlFKlilo: edit lilo.cfg, run lilo.  grub: edit etc/defaults/grub, run update-grub18:47
JoesephCarlFK: Then update-grub changes the stuff in /boot/grub for you, right?18:47
JoesephI like Grub2.18:48
BUGabundoyoasif: thanks for the spam mail :)18:48
CarlFKI did think the menu.lst "# language" was getting a bit odd18:48
BUGabundoTwigathy: yofel G2 will be default but not forced on current systems!!18:49
Twigathy:) good18:49
yofelyeah, I know that, would be insane otherwise...18:50
JoesephHmmm.... So If I don't care If I lose ll my files on my hard drive, Then there's no reason I shouldn't be running the alpha, right?  Or are there worse scenarios than that........  I have a spare PC I'm considering running the alpha on.18:52
yoasifBUGabundo: haha18:52
CarlFKJoeseph: run the alpha18:52
BUGabundojoetheodd: just run alpha... and beileve everyrhing is going to be fine. pray too !18:58
CarlFKgah... all that, and still no reboot on panic18:59
CarlFKback to u-kernl18:59
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DanaGwtf... I moved my media player app from one audio device to another... and the APP volume changed.20:41
DanaGThat's damn confusing.20:41
BUGabundoDanaG: hi. with pulse?20:46
BUGabundosome apps have their own20:46
BUGabundomost media apps do20:47
DanaGBUGabundo: it's that flat-volumes "feature"21:08
BUGabundoDanaG: "Then, turn back on Firefox and play a video.  What should happen? Since the Banshee : Firefox ratio was previously 0.8 : 1.0, my theory was that Banshee should be pushed down to 80% and Firefox starts playing at 100% (the system volume) again. "21:25
BUGabundoI have to disagree with him21:25
DanaGI say, the whole damn thing is confusing.21:26
BUGabundoif I set 100% let it BOTH be 100%21:26
DanaGIf I slide the volume level of an application... I don't expect the device volume to change.21:26
DanaGIf I slide the device volume control... don't change the app volume level!21:26
BUGabundotoo weird21:32
cwilluBUGabundo, hey, you know of any issues with display's not actually going into power saving mode that are new in jaunty?21:58
* BUGabundo pokes cwillu22:00
BUGabundojaunty?? or karmic?22:00
BUGabundohaven't touched jaunty in a while22:00
cwillujaunty :p22:00
BUGabundowrong channel eheh22:00
BUGabundoI know of probs with flash22:01
BUGabundothat's about it22:01
dupondje:( this buzz is really annoying22:15
dupondjethere is comming a low volume sound of the computer it seems :s22:15
dupondjedunno from where :s22:15
dupondjenot the speakers22:15
BUGabundodupondje: Mic22:15
dupondjewhy would it be the mic ?22:17
dupondjethere isn't even a microphone on my computer ;)22:17
BUGabundothen I'm wrong22:20
dupondjethe sound stops while i'm scrolling my volume22:21
dupondjeand then its back :(22:22
dupondjeyep :( and its quite annoying :(22:24
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
* BUGabundo waves guud bye22:55
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yoasifanyone seeing noticably slower nvidia driver rendering?23:17
dupondjearg, Totem doesn't want to play my movie23:25
dupondjeand VLC doesn't give sound on any movie :(23:26
coz_dupondje,   have you tried mplayer?23:28
coz_sorry wrong channel23:28
billybigriggerhow the hell do i downgrade my wine version? seems .23 which i have installed doesn't play nice with InstallShield, and i'm being advised to regress back to .2223:45
TheInfinitybillybigrigger: you want to learn about apt-pinning23:49
billybigriggeri have the .22.deb downloaded, can i just apt-get remove .23?23:50
TheInfinityplease read documentation about apt-pinning and dpkg in general.23:50
vaibhavWi-FI button not working after upgrade, although  I am not very keen on fixing it , any1 have a solution23:55

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