
dashua_MMA_: You can thank my daughter for grabbing my netbook and playing Club Penguin. :P00:09
dashuaShe closed me off.00:09
_MMA_dashua: hahahahah Awesome. :)00:09
dashuaMan, they love that little thing.00:10
dashuaHow ya been mate?00:10
_MMA_Workin' 60hr weeks.00:10
dashuaGood and bad, I guess?00:11
dashuaExtra $ is always good, but the sacrifice sometimes is killer00:11
_MMA_dashua: Yeah. I'm in Md. and the fam is in N.C. So, a bit lonely.00:12
dashuaAre you near Ocean City?00:13
_MMA_dashua: That's 'bout 2hrs away. I'm more near Baltimore.00:15
=== jws141_ is now known as dashua[A90]
macvr_MMA_: hi, pretty busy i guess :)16:15
macvranyone feedback on this?> https://www.getdropbox.com/gallery/1325768/1/Smileys?h=aae5fc16:21
_MMA_macvr: Fun. I think your best-bet is to do them all and post to the wiki or a screenshot on the list with them all. You look to be heading in a good direction. Just go with it.16:28
macvr_MMA_: ok... this wink got me in a tangle! i couldnt maintain a design well in all the sizes :( ... so i started on emblems :P16:30
macvri'll upload when i'v done a bunch16:30
_MMA_macvr: Sure. Sometimes it's better to move on and come back to something.16:31
macvr_MMA_: ... kinda like a writers block :P ... ok... have a nice weekend :)16:32
_MMA_macvr: ;) Ill be around. Not always sitting here, but around.16:33
* kwwii just returned from vacation19:02
SiDiwas it fun ?19:02
kwwiivery much so, yes :)19:03
* _MMA_ waves19:04
kwwiihey _MMA_19:04
thorwilwelcome back kwwii19:09
kwwiihi thorwil, thanks19:09
kwwiidid I miss anything big?19:09
kwwiiI have something like 800 emails in my inbox to catch up on19:09
thorwilkwwii, nope19:10
kwwiihehe, good to know that things don't work without me19:10
kwwiino comments on that statement, please19:10
thorwilkwwii, something big happened when you where here?? ;)19:10
kwwiithat is exactly what I meant ;)19:10
kwwiiguess I will put off reading them for now and head into town to see a melodic girl punk band19:11
kwwii_MMA_: btw, did you hear that we played our first paid gig last week?19:11
kwwiiit was *amazing*19:11
kwwiianyway, I am out for the night...be back tomorrow19:16
thorwilhave fun!19:16
kwwiiwill do, see you soon19:17
SiDikwwii: actually we finished the whole artwork for karmic and karmic +1 while you were away19:17
FlannelHey guys, anyone happen to know where/have the source for/whatever the bug icon for the bug squad? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Header?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=bugsquad.png19:31
SiDilooks like a cockroach19:35
SiDinot sure though XD19:35
FlannelRight, I was hoping for a SVG so I could use it in a bugjam logo19:38
FlannelI thought it might be a stock gnome/whatever image, but I haven't been able to find it19:39
SiDii dont know, honnestly19:41
SiDidid you mail the bugsquad yet ?19:41
FlannelNo, not yet.  My next step is to ask the guy who added it.  But I figured when I saw activity in this channel, it couldn't hurt to ask.19:42
SiDitry #ubuntu-bugs otherwise19:43
SiDior bdmurray or heno, they're the core guys of the bug squad so they might have the svg19:44
_MMA_SiDi: Didn't troy_s or thorwil do that?19:55
thorwil_MMA_, not my bug :)19:55
thorwilthat was my bug: http://thorwil.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/banner_bugs_01_i.png19:56
SiDithorwil: yours indeed looks much more annoying20:01
thorwilSiDi, heh. and that is even the "tamed version, i mean to recall, less shiny than the first20:02
FlannelWell, I was originally looking for the bug in the global bug jam logo, but I was told that the svg for that was lost, so I'm really just looking for a suitable bug.  I'm not really sure why we want to squash lady bugs.20:08
SiDihttp://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Steve_ballmer_2007_outdoors2.jpg here, a bug20:09
macvr^ a sly one too :P20:12
macvrthorwil: hi... busy?20:25
thorwilmacvr, not really20:25
macvrcompare the 16 px in these... http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/smiley2.png  ... http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/smiley1.png ... which is better?20:25
thorwilmacvr, smiley2, the other looks like mister bunny-man in comparison20:26
macvrthorwil: :) thanx ... actually i was worried if the mouth was wide enough...20:27
thorwilmaybe it's a bit narrow, but the expression works fine as is20:28
macvrdamn the 16px :P ... its really tough to get those buggers20:29
macvrthorwil: i like the singapore logo... ur fav?20:51
thorwilmacvr, same20:51
macvr:) ...u must be having a different google! , how do u get these cool links20:51
thorwilmacvr, that was via planet ubuntu20:52
* _MMA_ notes that "...u" is more to actually type than "You". ;)20:52
* macvr wans everyone to know he is veeeeeery lazy20:53
_MMA_Ok. So we have to /also/ excuse it? :)20:54
macvr_MMA_: anyone doing a cool ubuntu logo for breathe?20:54
_MMA_macvr: Unless English is your 2nd language it just makes you look a bit childish is all. I know you're not 10. ;)20:55
_MMA_And I'm unsure where we need a logo.20:55
macvrwish i was :(20:55
_MMA_We use the Ubuntu logo for the distributor logo and the folder where needed.20:56
thorwilmacvr, now i'm confused20:56
_MMA_macvr: Generally, I see a logo representing  Breathe as unnecessary as we're a Ubuntu community project.20:57
macvr_MMA_: its just that some icon sets , do minor changes to the logo next to applications menu...20:58
macvrso i was wondering.20:58
_MMA_macvr: If you look at ours, it is different. It's not just some flat SVG.20:59
macvr_MMA_: the short form is really hurting me in real life too! sometimes i just write u! damn the sms!20:59
_MMA_It's just a pet peeve of mine. My thinking is you get what you give. So, if one talks/acts like a child, that's how they will be treated. ;)21:01
macvr_MMA_: just checked again... its is different...21:01
macvr_MMA_: hei........! how did i behave like a child? using u was childish?21:02
_MMA_I said "talks" also. Usually, the sort form is used excessively by the kiddies. You use it as well on the list.21:03
_MMA_macvr: Just the way I feel. No need to debate it really.21:04
thorwil_MMA_, is simply not amused by any signs of less than sophisticated means of expression21:05
macvrthorwil: i'v noticed that... bit of a serious chap21:06
_MMA_Kinda. ;)21:06
thorwiltime to shutdown my system, we will meet again!21:08
macvr_MMA_: thorwil: http://www.flickr.com/photos/codedragon/2518184845/ <<< point taken21:08
_MMA_Before I cut my hair.21:08
macvr_MMA_: have to checked these icons> http://jimmac.musichall.cz/i.php?i=Tango-NG21:10
macvrhave you?21:10
macvrcute family album... :)21:12
* _MMA_ needs to update.21:13
macvrhow old is ur son? kinda seems like a mischievous one :P21:13
_MMA_Gabe is 5. Olivia is 7.21:14
macvr_MMA_: would love to do graffiti someday... have u ?21:15
_MMA_No. Just have alot of artist friends.21:16

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