
slangasekpitti: I don't see any equivalent to the micro-star infinity keycodes from /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-misc.fdi in udev-extras; I thought all of those were supposed to have been carried over?00:35
Caesarkees: you around?00:45
slangasekpitti: maybe udev-extras should Conflict: hotkey-setup to force its removal on upgrade?00:47
keesCaesar: yup, what's up?01:01
Caesarkees: can I get you to look at a glibc bug and tell me if you think it's got the potential to be exploitable?01:02
CaesarI have a sample program that should reproduce the problem01:02
CaesarAt least I can reproduce the problem on everything up to Hardy's glibc01:02
keesCaesar: sure, email me: kees@ubuntu.com01:02
Caesarkees: sent01:04
keesCaesar: cool, I'll look at it01:04
keesCaesar: -> privmsg01:07
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grndslmexcuse me, but i'm trying to figure out which motherboard would be better for compatibility with ubuntu, as NOBODY in the regular channel knows what the current state of development is like...02:01
grndslmso if your options were these two -- Intel board:  G45 + ICH10 + GMA X4500HD ---OR--- Nvidia board: GeForce 9300 + nForce 730i + GeForce 9300.... which one would you pick??02:01
directhexgrndslm, officially, off-topic. unofficially, the latter setup works fine with the properitary nvidia driver (but good luck doing audio over digital); the former setup should work fine, but the intel driver may need tweaking to not be slow02:06
grndslmdirecthex:  thanks, i think i'll try the nvidia board for once02:08
directhexi use a MSI P7NGM-Digital with that chipset02:09
directhexfor my mythbox02:09
Ryan52does anybody happen to have a backport of debhelper >= 7.0.50 (supporting override_dh_foo targets) for hardy? it depends on dpkg-dev 1.14.19, but hardy only has and hardy-backports only has debhelper
Ryan52ugh, tried forcing it to install and now I get "Undefined subroutine" errors which seem to be completely unrelated. /me gives up.06:34
lifelessbecause version dependencies are really just made to make life difficult.06:35
progesteroneWhere can I download the Ubuntu source code?09:48
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directhexgood news! we've shaved another 5 meg from tomboy's on-disk footprint in debian12:13
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ianwHello all, I'm doing an assignment for my MBA on Ubuntu and wanted to know what motivates developers to develop for Ubuntu?13:43
ianwNap time?13:45
ianwOf course13:45
ianwWhy am I working then!?  :)13:46
ivoksianw: probably every dev different motivation13:46
ivoksi'm missing 'has'13:46
ivoks(except the desire to rule the world, of course)13:46
ianwCan I guess a few: Money, Contributing to a good project, Gaining and improving skills, can do it from home, just a hobby, hate microsoft ... can you think of any others or am I completely off track?13:48
ianwDesire to rule the world... of course :)13:48
borrellthey are the ones that spring to mind13:48
Nafallokudos from the community13:48
Nafallogreat people to work with13:49
Nafallo(i.e. community)13:49
ianwKudos and fame... aahhh, nice. How do you measure kudos and fame?13:49
borrellresume padding :p13:49
gesersupporting FLOSS13:49
Nafallopeople get bored doing nothing. this is something to do.13:50
Nafallowhy would you need to measure it? isn't having them enough?13:50
ivoksyou can messure fame by counting your name in blog entries :)13:51
ianwWho would you say has the greatest active contributor?13:52
Nafallowhat's the alternatives?13:52
ianwI'm really not sure what I'm asking here... maybe what I'm asking is when you think of kudos and fame in the Ubuntu community what names come to mind for you?13:54
ivoksbad question :D13:55
ianwHmmm. Probably is.13:55
NafalloI don't really want to hilight a lot of the individuals in this channel...13:56
ianwOooohh... lurking :)13:56
ianwOK how about this... Why contribute to Ubuntu and not something else?13:56
Nafallofriendly community, low entry level were the main ones for me back then.13:57
ivoksclear objectives13:57
Nafallological thinking13:58
Nafalloi.e. if the hardware doesn't work without binary blobs, let's just include them,13:58
Nafallorather than "screw you then" attitude13:58
ianwDo you encounter a "screw you" attitude elsewhere? Why do you think that it is not encountered within Ubuntu?13:59
ivoksyou misunderstood Nafallo14:00
ivoksubuntu will accept binary blob, even though we hate that, if that's the only way to make hardware work14:00
Nafallosure. all the distributions that put freedom before usability. that might have been more true previously, I'm haven't been using a lot of other distros lately ;-)14:00
Nafalloivoks: that's not a missunderstanding on might part.14:01
ivoksNafallo: ianw didn't understand what you said14:01
directhexianw, free software is about "scratching an itch" - making something better for yourself. other people may also benefit as a side-effect. i run ubuntu on my machines, so i gain from improving it14:02
ianwWell put directhex14:02
ivokswell, nowdays, people get paid to scratch others people itches :)14:03
directhexi may not have much time or respect for people telling me how to do so - certainly people who *consume* rather than *provide* freedom.14:03
directhexi.e. if you ain't paying me, then i pick the itches14:03
ianwSo it provides you with a greater sense of control.14:04
directhexianw, were you one of the people at UDS who was studying developers?14:05
ianwWell I should say thanks to all of you. I've been using Ubuntu since Dapper and you make it possible, I'll try and deposit my assignment that I'm doing somewhere so anyone can check it out.14:06
ianwdirecthex, no I wasn't. I'm doing my MBA and writing an essay on Intellectual Capital Management and have used Ubuntu as a case study.14:06
ianwReally interesting case too.14:07
ianwThe assignment is all about how projects and organisations are structured to make best use of knowledge and information flows.14:08
ianwUbuntu seems to do it well, from my POV14:08
ianwAnyway, I had better stop bothering you all.. thanks very much for you time, both now and for developing Ubuntu!14:09
ianwSee ya!14:09
ivokstake care14:10
directhexianw, be careful about sharing your assignment - your institution may claim copyright over it which forbids you from doing just that14:13
ianwThanks for your suggestion directhex, I've had to check that for another assignment. I have copyright.14:18
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Quintasansorry if I'm asking in wrong channel. I'm trying to make a Ubuntu remix but I can't mount squashfs file -> http://pastebin.com/f348b270014:55
Sarvattyou need squashfs-tools 4.014:58
QuintasanSarvatt: hmm in repositiories I have squashfs-tools 3.3, that means I should compile them myself, right?14:59
mac9416Hello, is this a good place for me to ask a simple question on the inner-workings of Add/Remove Programs? Any devels from that project here?15:28
pochumac9416: that's called gnome-app-install, #ubuntu-desktop would be a better place to ask I think15:38
mac9416pochu, OK, thanks. It's a rather technical question. I'll try there, though.15:39
pochumac9416: that's a technical channel :)15:39
mac9416Ah cool. Thanks :-)15:41
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bluefoxicyhey I just fixed my internet speeds17:32
bluefoxicytransmission was set to limit uploads to 25k/s17:33
bluefoxicyI undid that, and you know what?  Things got faster!17:33
bluefoxicyIt seems Transmission is somehow limiting bandwidth use system wide17:33
Nafallobluefoxicy: you have a weird definition of "internet speed". just saying.17:33
bluefoxicyNafallo:  yeah I'm just babbling right now.17:33
bluefoxicyI mean, with transmission limiting my bandwidth, browsing the web is really slow.  Give it unlimited bandwidth, and I can download e-mail and browse the web normally again.17:34
bluefoxicyThis only makes sense if it limits the bandwidth system wide, and then promptly saturates it.17:34
bluefoxicyThis doesn't make sense, of course.17:34
Nafallobluefoxicy: so all in all you shouldn't be cheap with your bandwidth in the first place? :-)17:35
bluefoxicyunless there's a kernel networking bug where whatever transmission does (blocks on recv/send?) causes all of the TCP/IP stack to block17:35
bluefoxicyNafallo:  well, I'm on a shared connection that can get up to 2.0M/s17:35
bluefoxicywhat I do affects everyone here17:35
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mbanai want to use the old notification.  i've tried apt-get remove notify-osd, but then i need to remove ubuntu-desktop.18:44
hyperairbug #37961518:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379615 in notify-osd "notify-osd cannot be removed without removing ubuntu-desktop." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37961518:50
mbanaway to go18:53
mbanathanks for the link18:53
mbiebldoko: around?21:03
ebroderIs there any way I can suppress libnotify notifications from a particular application?21:50
ebroderFor our site, I want to kill the notifications from system-config-printer because print jobs are all spooled to a remote CUPS server21:50
ebroderSo it's popping up notifications saying the job has completed printing, when really it's just finished spooling to another cupsd21:51
ebroderI've kind of briefly skimmed the notify-osd bit that handles incoming dbus messages, and I didn't see any kind of filtering capability21:52
e0n`Has anyone produced a lpia hardy build?21:52
e0n`well alternate installer/live I see all the lpia binaries for hardy just no livecd21:53
ebroderAnybody care to provide advice on what to do about bug #371581?22:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371581 in erlang "erlang-base conflicts with old erlang-doc-html" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37158122:12

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