
ubu-noobdoes anyone know where I can read about the recent discussion regarding the inclusion of a slideshow in ubuquity for Karmic?22:00
Rocket2DMnubu-noob, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2009-June/thread.html22:27
ubu-noobRocket2DMn: Thanks.  Also if I had some ideas to contribute to that project, how would I do so?22:30
ubu-noobCould I join the mailing list?22:30
Rocket2DMnsure, anybody can join the mailing list22:30
Rocket2DMni havent been following that particular discussion though22:30
ubu-noobWill that allow me to reply to threads that I was not a part of?22:30
Rocket2DMni dont know how you can get the messages that have already been sent, though you should be able to reply to any followup emails that come through after you register22:32
ubu-noobRocket2DMn: Thanks.  I've found https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc  I guess that's where I'd sign up.  Then I can reply to existing threads or start my own, right?22:34
FlannelIn-Reply-To: header, if you can get the message ID of the previous one.  Also, just the subject stuff22:35
FlannelBut if the thread is old, it might be a good idea to just start a new thread about the same topic (just reference the old one in your email or whatnot)22:37
ubu-noobFlannel: Thanks22:38

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