
bdrung_does someone have time to sponsor the merge request in bug #383307? audacious was sponsored, but without the audacious-plugins it is useless.00:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383307 in audacious-plugins "Please merge audacious-plugins 2.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38330700:33
binarymutantstill no revu ;(00:56
directhexpopey, been having fun on certain IRC channels i see01:02
* directhex wonders if he's going to be moaned about on the podcast again01:03
binarymutantdoes anyone know if the hashlib module for python errors silently or if it will print any problems?01:03
directhexNg, has your "curiosity" about certain IRC channels been fulfilled?01:08
james_wnellery: congratulations01:10
nelleryjames_w: thank you :)01:10
james_wsorry I didn't leave a comment on your application, I wasn't expecting the meeting to be so soon01:11
nelleryjames_w: no problem at all01:12
directhexcongratulations? nellery is the new BDFL?01:16
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nellerycould a u-u-s admin add me to the team?01:33
ajmitchnellery: I guess I can remove my copy of things I was looking at sponsoring for you :)01:55
ajmitch& welcome to the MOTU team01:56
nelleryajmitch: thanks :)01:56
directhexi for one welcome our new nellery overlords01:57
nelleryhehe thanks directhex01:58
ajmitchdirecthex: get him hooked on mono drugs!01:58
vorianany java experts awake?03:50
nellerydirecthex: did you see linuxhaters reply to your mono post?04:01
jmarsdenI have a package bibletime 2.0-1 that was synced from Debian into Karmic, rmadison shows it is there... but I just downloaded the Karmic Alpha2 CD and using Add/Remove programs it finds only a much older 1.6.5 package... is this expected behaviour?  sudo apt-get -s install bibletime   finds bibletime 2.0-1 -- why are the two install tools inconsistent, and does this indicate anything I should change in my package so th05:12
jmarsdenat it will show up in Add/Remove Programs?05:12
j-dizzled'oh. stupid dput.cf05:16
StevenKjmarsden: Did you update in Add/Remove Programs? If so, perhaps the mirror your using is out of date.05:32
jmarsdenI did, and I'm using whatever the default mirror is... I was deliberately emulating a user who doesn't know how to edit /etc/apt/sources.list :)05:33
jmarsdenAlso, does Add/Remove programs use a different pacakge database than apt-get ??05:33
jmarsdenSame issue with xiphos, another package recently synced into Karmic... it is visible to apt-get but not to Add/Remove Programs.05:36
StevenKjmarsden: That's odd.05:40
StevenKjmarsden: I'm not sure if it uses a different database to apt05:41
jmarsdenOK, thanks.  I usually just use apt-get from the shell; I'll look at what Add/Remove Programs really does :)05:42
HewHi MOTUs. I'm having a look at merging revelation, and I'm trying to work out if I can drop dependencies on python-gnome2-extras and python-gnome2-desktop as they are not in the latest Debian version. I've had a look at the Debian and Ubuntu changelogs, but still can't work out what's going on.06:04
Hew-extras should have been dropped in the version Ubuntu has now, according to the Debian changelog and debian bug 48529806:05
ubottuDebian bug 485298 in revelation "Useless dependency on python-gnome2-extras" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/48529806:05
Hewand -desktop seems to be an Ubuntu change that has been around for years, but I'm not sure why06:06
fabrice_spHew, in the changelog: depend on python-gnome2-desktop (>= 2.15.0) to be able to import06:08
fabrice_sp        gnomeapplet.Applet06:08
fabrice_spin version 0.4.7-4ubuntu106:09
fabrice_spwhen looking for why a change has been done, the changelog is your friend :-)06:09
Hewfabrice_sp: Yes I saw that, it's quite old and I'm not sure what that means. gnomeapplet.Applet is no longer mentioned in the recent changelogs, so I'm wondering if the Ubuntu-specific change is still required?06:10
Hewperhaps the gnomeapplet.Applet change no longer applies, and the dependency is just leftover?06:11
lifelessHew: just test it - remove python-gnome2-desktop and check it still works06:11
lifelessHew: what makes you think gnomeapplet.Applet is a change?06:11
fabrice_spDebian bug #377362 is mentioned. Did you had a look? (just ot see what's failing)06:11
ubottuDebian bug 377362 in revelation "revelation: FTBFS: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/pygtk/2.0/defs/applet.defs'" [Serious,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/37736206:11
fabrice_spa FTBFS, so lifeless is right: drop the dependecy, and build it06:11
lifeless[and run it after building, to be sure]06:12
fabrice_spright :-D06:12
Hewthanks fabrice_sp, lifeless, will do :-)06:12
Hewany ideas about python-gnome2-extras? I'm not sure why it's in revelation 0.4.11-3.1 as debian bug 485298 seems to say it isn't06:15
ubottuDebian bug 485298 in revelation "Useless dependency on python-gnome2-extras" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/48529806:15
fabrice_spHew, it's a build dependency?06:16
fabrice_spif so, the same as before06:16
fabrice_spyeah: the bug you mention speak about a FTBFS, so the same as before06:16
Hewfabrice_sp: it's a normal Depends, but I'm not sure why it's there in the current Ubuntu version06:17
Hewthe -4 changelog says it was removed in -3.1, which Ubuntu already has06:18
fabrice_spwrong merge, perhaps?06:18
Hewyea I dunno, I'll just drop it and see what happens :-)06:18
fabrice_spI found a bug report in Jaunty that is worth a SRU (a Fail To Install), but is not yet fixed in Karmic. I have a debdif fixing this bug for Karmic and closing this bug report. is it ok? Or should I already create the SRU data?06:28
lifelessOnce you have it fixed in karmic, nominate for jaunty and do the sru process06:31
lifelessI wouldn't close the bug report without starting the SRU process otherwise it could get lost06:32
fabrice_spok. I'll nominate it for Jaunty, then, before attaching my debdiff06:33
fabrice_spwouah: in Karmic, we still have 57 packages that rdepends on python2.507:06
fabrice_sp(just found 2 looking at ttp://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ )07:07
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wlxIs there any problem with revu.ubuntuwire.org? I can not visit the site.08:31
popeydirecthex: fun?! :)08:50
popeydirecthex: I stayed out of that on the podcast because I am not anti-mono and didnt want to get into a lengthy heated debate about it08:51
AnAntis that about uupc ?08:51
AnAntoh, you're Alan08:52
AnAntHello, I'm maintaining fsplib09:30
AnAntand upstream used to support two build systems: autoconf & scons09:30
AnAntnow he released a version that removes autoconf support09:30
AnAntso, should I re-add the autoconf support in debian packaging, or should I use scons ?09:31
AnAntthe problem with scons so far is that I cannot build shared libs with it09:31
AnAntonly static lib09:31
AnAntseems that upstream didn't add necessary config options in the scons config files for shared libs09:31
jmarsdenAnAnt: Probably better to patch the scons config stuff and feed that patch back upstream09:33
AnAntok, I hope I know how to do that09:33
jmarsdenIf not, you can enjoy learning more about it :) :)09:34
jmarsdenhttp://www.scons.org/doc/HTML/scons-user/c593.html#AEN641   may help with the basics?  (I'm not an scons user, that's from Googling)09:36
AnAntok, I was able to add shared library support easily09:44
AnAntthe problem is that it build libfsp.so instead of building libfsp.so.0.0.0 then symlinking libfsp.so to it09:45
loic-mI need to check if some libraries are GPL2 or GPL2+ - is there any way to do it from command line short of apt-get the source? apt-cache show doesn't give me any license information.09:59
azeemloic-m: packages.ubuntu.com has copyright files extracted10:00
loic-mazeem: yeah, it just happen my internet is slow at the moment10:01
loic-mand my computer slows to a crawl too, so the web browser is more than slugish10:02
azeemI don't think there is another way10:02
azeemmaybe some have package tags with the license, not sure10:03
AnAntdoes a shared library have to be in this form: lib<name>.so.<number> ?10:03
AnAntwith a lib<name>.so symlink'ed to it ?10:03
Madkissgood morning folks10:04
Laneyloic-m: look in /usr/share/doc/package10:04
azeemAnAnt: basically10:06
azeemnote that the lib<name>.so goes into the -dev package10:07
loic-mazeem, Laney, thanks10:13
AnAntthanks, fixed it10:30
AnAnt*.la are static libs right ?10:49
Madkiss("file" on the file will tell you :))10:52
lifeless.la are libtool medatafiles10:52
lifelessthey can reference static or dynamic libraries, or even both10:53
AnAntare they necessary in a library package file ?10:53
Madkissthey go to the -dev-package10:54
lifelessI think the overall consensus is to not package them10:54
lifelessbecause often on linux they are more a problem than anything else10:54
lifelessif there is no package-config file though, a .la can be essential.10:54
AnAnthow can I create that .la file?10:54
Madkisslifeless: So this is one of the major differences betweendebian and ubuntu?10:54
lifelessif one isn't being made, the library doesn't use libtool and you definitely don't want a .la file10:55
lifelessMadkiss: no, no difference here.10:55
lifelessMadkiss: its not locked in stone in Ubuntu or Debian, and opinions still vary. There are upstream[libtool] bugs about this.10:55
AnAntlifeless: the problem is that upstream switched from autoconf to scons10:56
AnAntlifeless: previously .la was built, but with scons, I dunno how to build that10:56
Madkisslifeless: I could have sworn the policy manual says something about it10:56
Madkisslifeless: but obviously you are right. nevermind, then :)10:57
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directhexpopey, well, "fun". it's nice to feel vindicated!11:45
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nelleryany u-u-s admins around?19:05
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AnAntHello, is there a DD here ?'20:31
jpdsAnAnt: Some, but you're better off just asking your question and people will help if they can.20:34
AnAntjpds: looking for someone to sponsor an updated package I've done for Debian20:34
jpdsAnAnt: So, try asking #debian-mentors on OFTC.20:35
binarymutantanyone know when revu will be back online?20:47
geserbinarymutant: probably not before Monday when siretart gets time to look at it21:31
binarymutantthanks for filling me in geser :)21:32
ebroderAny motu-sru types around? I'm looking for advice on bug #37158122:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371581 in erlang "erlang-base conflicts with old erlang-doc-html" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37158122:00
xnoxAny motu wants to sponsor a small fix in karmic? bug #38613822:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386138 in gmsh "FTBFS: Gcc4.4 missing includes classic fail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38613822:03
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directhexDesktop Documents PDF Photos Pictures Podcasts Projects Public Templates Videos23:39
* ebroder wonders how well that scales...23:40
ebrodersudo cat /etc/shadow :-P23:40
azeemdirecthex: I bet you realized after "Podcasts" in which channel you are and that the CoC applies23:40
directhexazeem, "Photos", duh!23:42
azeemPhotos is before Podcasts23:44
azeemanyway, let's move on23:44
directhexso, how about that weather, huh?23:44

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