
FlannelHi Scubidus, how can we help you today?00:17
Scubidusyea I got a problem trying to get my box to be partitioned00:18
FlannelScubidus: This isn't a support channel actually.  But #ubuntu would be able to help you.00:18
* Scubidus wishes to idle like everyone else then00:18
Seeker`!idle | Scubidus 00:19
ubottuScubidus: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.00:19
FlannelThat was odd.00:20
Seeker`@bansearch scubidus00:28
ubottuNo matches found for scubidus!n=scubidus@adsl-75-18-129-248.dsl.skt2ca.sbcglobal.net in any channel00:28
mneptoksebsebseb is getting on my last nerve.00:45
FlannelWhat now?00:51
bazhangthe @mark comes in handy when /k can't be done00:51
PriceyFlannel: he !windows'd him00:51
FlannelAh, just his usual not-paying-complete-attention00:52
bazhanghe !windows'd mneptok00:52
Flannelreading the first half of lines doesn't cut it.00:52
bazhangwonder who fujisan will get to represent him in the Supreme Court00:53
FlannelWhat?  Did I miss something?00:53
FlannelI know he came into marketing this morning and told us he was going to help us get to 2%00:53
Seeker`we log channels00:53
bazhanghe threatened legal action a bit ago about being marked a troll, and it in google's cache00:53
Seeker`these logs include him trolling00:53
FlannelOh, this morning.00:54
Seeker`apparently this is bad and wrong, and it violates "some privacy laws"00:54
FlannelSheesh, your dog gets bitten by a bee, and you lose your capability of comprehension00:54
Flannelstung, even00:54
bazhangthe 'right to troll', that unknown 95th amendment00:54
* Flannel gives up.00:54
elkyi'm pretty sure we need to review !ops for the lucky people it doesn't highlight.01:43
Seeker`I have it on hilight01:44
elkyi mean, so the lusers like sebsebseb learn who to listen to01:44
* Seeker` is more worried about mice than lusers atm01:52
elkyhehe. my bluetooth mouse has stopped working :( remind me to go get another set of rechargables later01:54
elkyit didnt come with rechargables, just regular ones01:55
* Seeker` has set up makeshift mouse traps01:55
elkyi wonder if they're like cats and possums when it comes to car coolant...01:56
FlannelModern Antifreeze has stuff added to it that makes it bitter01:58
Flannel(overpowering the sweet taste of yore)01:58
FlannelSeeker`: antifreeze by nature is sweet, so there were lots of pets dying because they'd find it and drink it01:59
Flannelwell, "lots" -- who knows01:59
Seeker`i have a bucket01:59
Seeker`4" of water in the bottom01:59
Seeker`some cake smeared 4" below the rim02:00
Seeker`and a ramp with chocolate smeared at the top02:00
elkyif you can find some old antifreeze though, put it to the test02:01
elkyit'd be alot better than wasting cake02:02
elkyis it just me, or over the past 24hrs do we have a whole new batch of nutters in -ot?02:06
Seeker`argh, cant shut the lounge door to trap mouse02:14
PiciIts not just you elky 02:39
elkyPici, are you watching eri with eyebrow raised too?02:46
FlannelI think my eyebrows have migrated past my hairline02:48
elkyah, a she who is basically evaluating who to inflict attentions on, i guess.02:49
mneptokSeeker`: try 1 part flour to 1 part dry quick-set cement.02:49
Picielky: I wasn't really watching this moment.02:49
mneptokSeeker`: pave their innards02:49
FlannelThen you have little concrete mouse intestines preserved for eternity inside your walls!02:51
Seeker`mneptok: nice idea03:24
Seeker`bedtime now03:27
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
FlannelMyrtti: Is this you saying "Hi my name is Myrtti, and I pronounce Myrtti, Myrtti?"08:49
MyrttiFlannel: basically yes :-)08:50
FlannelOh, it is!08:50
* popey wonders if he should make "My name is Alan Pope, and I pronounce popey, popey"09:35
Flannelpopey: +109:36
popey(given lots of people pronounce it popeye)09:36
popeymore than you'd imagine09:36
ikoniapopey the sailor man ?09:37
* popey glares at ikonia 09:37
popey(I do secretly harbour desires for spinach tho)09:37
Flannelpopey: Are you strong to the finich 'cause you eat your spinach?09:39
* ikonia feels more like wimpey than popeye09:40
MyrttiI think I pronounce it wrong as well09:58
MyrttiI probably would have mispronounced elkys old one as well10:03
Myrttimmmm latte ♥10:04
MyrttiI wish the sales trolley would come soon10:18
Myrttineed pain meds!10:18
Myrttiidiotism or utter cluelessness10:56
Myrttiooo trolley10:59
Myrttilucian_: "life is, and then you die"11:08
Myrttihe's doing it all wrong :-(11:11
bazhang* [lucian_] (n=lucian@89-37-38-181.citynet.botosani.ro): Lucian11:12
Myrttibazhang: and?11:13
bazhangwonder if he is friends with other .ro users, name does not come to mind immediately11:14
elkybazhang, by that logic, you should be questioning whether i'm part of the current aussie trollvasion.11:40
GaryI thought you were11:41
elkyok, my entertainment for this evening just happened in #freenode12:09
ikoniaahh genius12:09
elkychristel, if that was your doing, i love you so very much12:10
elkysomeone is on a roll, he just moved from #freenode to #wikipedia12:13
ikoniaI'm not in there I wish I was12:13
elkyhe asked why he cant make a page about GNAA12:14
elkyi'm waiting for his gift to #u12:15
ikoniaI love the desire to get back into #ubuntu - then never says anything12:15
elkyhe's trying to blend in and be forgotten about. i have him on highlight12:16
elkybasically, he's trying to be a sleeper troll.12:16
ikoniajoin the club :)12:17
elkynow he's asking if he'll get banned for trying to create an article about gnaa12:18
elkyikonia, are you in ##windows? if so, is our friend trolling there too?12:32
ikoniaseems quiet in ##windows12:37
elkywho the hell edited that factoid?13:21
elkyi will personally injure them.13:21
elkyplease, for sanity's sake, stop encouraging personal factoids.13:22
tsimpsonlast edited by Flannel on 2009-06-12 00:49:0513:26
PriceyWhich one is this?13:27
ubottusnuxoll will slay you using seveas! http://snuxolldragonslayer.com13:30
elkysee what it encourages? SEE?13:30
nickspoonHahahaha :D13:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:36
Myrtti!search gary13:36
ubottuFound: ops-#ubuntu-uk, hungary, gary, ops-#ubuntu-women, staff13:36
ubottube afraid, be *very* afraid13:37
Garyoh, hehe13:37
Myrttieven worse13:37
elkyvanity factoids are *evil*13:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about elky13:48
ubottuelkbuntu is cute13:48
elkyi deleted that one once already13:48
elky!forget elkbuntu13:48
ubottuI'll forget that, elky13:48
ubottuelky is a piece of router firmware written in COBOL13:49
ubottuThere is no nick!13:50
Mamarok!search Mamarok13:50
ubottuFound: 13:50
elky!forget elky-#ubuntu-offtopic13:50
ubottuI'll forget that, elky13:50
Mamarok*relief* *sigh*13:50
Mamarokbut then...13:51
Mamarok!search mamarok13:51
ubottuFound: 13:51
Mamaroknope :)13:51
Gary!forget gary14:15
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Gary said: !forget gary14:15
Pricey!forget gary14:19
ubottuI'll forget that, Pricey14:19
Garywho am I14:19
nickspoonI forget.14:28
Myrttinaps ♥ 15:36
Myrtti[17:44] < am_> ctcp [xdcc]|silence xdcc send #8'15:45
elkyGary, did you get that ctcp flooding?15:52
elkyADIvIiN_X_ is the guilty party15:52
elkygood, seems to have been nuked15:55
Myrttimeh, getdeb16:14
MyrttiI'm on -uk again - we'll see how long I'll last before I'm pounding  my palm on my forehead16:46
popeyif there is something that needs 'fixing' let us know16:47
Myrttifelt good to be away from -offtopic as well16:49
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:39
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:39
Myrttioh look.18:17
Myrttiit's an australian troll.18:17
MyrttiIRC is so full of fail these days20:13
FlannelWell, the channels getting larger, it makes sense that the number of idiots increases as well.20:15
FlannelHi cabrey, how can we help you?21:38
sebsebsebFlannel: ok21:38
cabreyi just wanted to see why too, so i dont make any mistakes21:38
sebsebsebFlannel: why did I get kicked?21:38
Flannelcabrey: I'll explain it to you privately, we don't really appreciate spectators here.21:38
Flannelsebsebseb: Because you're doing it again.21:39
Flannelsebsebseb: he asked "how do I upgrade with the CD sent to my house"21:39
FlannelMixMix5: How can we help you?21:39
sebsebsebFlannel: ah ha so the bot link is useless,  oh right I see21:39
Flannelsebsebseb: "Read this long page that covers upgrading from a whole bunch of methods" doesn't make any sense21:40
FlannelBecause he'll spend an hour reading that page trying to find where it tells him how to upgrade with the CD from ship it21:40
FlannelRight, the link is effectively useless, and wastes his time21:40
FlannelAnswer the actual questions people ask.21:40
FlannelIf you need to, stop using the bot entirely.21:41
FlannelTyping certainly won't kill you.21:41
sebsebsebFlannel: I guess done in here?21:43
Flannelsebsebseb: Yep.  Thanks21:43
sebsebsebok leaveing21:43
ikoniasebsebseb is becoming more of a problem - again 0 22:11
ikonia(don't know why 0 got printed then)22:11
FlannelWorst part is "he knows" and "agrees" when you talk to him about it22:13
bazhangis ext4 really *that* stable to be recommended now22:14
Myrttiif it were, it would be default22:14
Myrttiit's not22:14
Flannelbazhang: It's not defaul22:14
bazhanggood point 22:14
bazhangsebsebseb is touting it as such though22:15
bazhangie stable22:15
Myrttishould be used only if you're willing to risk losing all your data22:15
Myrttiprobably wont22:15
Myrttibut still22:15
Myrttiexperimental filesystems... :-×22:15
ikoniait is getting better, and fedora marking it as default is testomony to that, however thats a filesystem/kernel combination that has no relevance to ubuntu22:16
Myrttihe's spouting utter bs now22:16
bazhanghajuu seems to have quit22:17
ikoniaI think it's time he took a break again 22:17
Myrttisomeone is asking can they run ubuntu on ds?22:17
FlannelDid someone call him (more importantly, the guy he was helping?) on it?22:20
Myrttiis he recommending 9.10 to people on #ubuntu?22:20
ikoniayes, I've prodded him22:20
ikoniahe's dragging it in to explain something badley 22:20
FlannelI'm going to skip this, since someone here has more context than I do.  Just make sure someone doesn't go home thinking ext4 is good yet.22:21
* Flannel goes back to making lunch.22:21
ikoniaFlannel: it's fine - I'll sort it22:22
Flannelhaha, see -ot ;)22:22
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuSteffan_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:04
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:23
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:23
naliothschools out23:25
naliothcan't you tell?23:25
jussi01nalioth: hehe23:26
Flannelthat's a corrolary to the eternal september, right?23:26
jussi01nalioth: hows kde3 treating you? everything ok?23:26
naliothkde3 toimii hyvin, jussi0123:27
* nalioth doesn't think that came out right23:27
naliothi just wish i could totally remove kde423:28
* Myrtti suggests XFCE4.6, runs23:28
naliothMyrtti: i'm running windowmaker.  it just sucks that when i call the occasional kde app, it fails23:29
* nalioth has to /opt/kde3/bin/$app to run any kde stuffs23:29
Myrttioh epiphany, why are you so full of fail?23:31
jussi01nalioth: there was a way to fix that iirc23:31
jussi01nalioth: and well done on the finnish! :D23:31
ikoniais ChanTOB a bot ?23:56
ikoniaahh Pricey you have him23:56
Priceysorting it out23:56
ikoniathis isn't the first time for testbotu - I didn't realise this was one of his too23:57
ikoniaPricey: is he responding to you ?23:59
PriceyCan't find someone claiming ownership immediately.23:59
MyrttiPricey: testbottu comes from the same ip?23:59

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