
eeejaycr3, ah00:33
eeejaycr3, gladeui is good00:33
eeejaycr3, libglade is bad00:33
eeejaycr3, meaning the actual glade application is still called glade, and it is still used00:33
eeejaycr3, but the files it produces are gtkbuilder files00:34
eeejaycr3, do you have a last.fm profile?00:34
cr3eeejay: sorry dude, I need to jet. I hope we can pick this up either on Monday or this weekend01:14
eeejaycr3, don't play too hard01:15
cr3cool, pip pip01:15
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== enhydra is now known as Kalan
=== Kalan is now known as enhydra

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