
ron_ocan someone tell me if this is an average time:00:23
ron_o10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9011ms00:23
ron_ortt min/avg/max/mdev = 31.938/34.992/38.529/2.397 ms00:23
ron_oto www.google.com00:23
SharkfinI've just installed Xubuntu and I have a couple of Qs00:26
SharkfinWebsites load slowly.00:27
SharkfinCorrection - website lookups are slow00:27
Sharkfinlike the DNS is misconfigured or something00:27
Sharkfinintra-site links are like lightning00:27
SharkfinNobody talks, huh?00:29
ron_oSharkfin, I saw on Ubuntu.com forums that there's a solution to your problem.00:29
TheSheepyou didn't ask a question00:29
ron_ohehe, TheSheep. :)00:30
Sharkfinron_o: search terms on the forum?00:30
ron_oDNS lookup slow .... web slow DNS problems .... slow internet connection  ...00:30
Sharkfinthnx. Searching00:31
ron_oI always just search google with either xubuntu or ubuntu and google can give you a better solution, usually, than just forum only searching.00:32
ron_o*xubuntu or ubuntu in the search phrase.00:33
R1cochetif i wanted to learn python would i need a compiler?05:00
TheSheepsee the tutorial on python.org05:12
TheSheepthe python compiler and interpreter is installed in ubuntu by default05:12
TheSheepand in xubuntu05:12
TheSheepcome to #python if you have questions05:12
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R1cochetTheSheep: ty05:30
R1cochetI have an icon that i would like to use for a certain file type. is there a way that i can the icon for this file type show the icon i have?...07:10
R1cochetinsert> make*07:11
R1cochetive been able to set it as an emblem but would rather it show as filetype07:12
Ahmuckhi.  i need to transfer files and settings from one pc to another.  is there a migration tool?07:17
Vasklevoxw00t, only 35 minutes till I can plant 9.04 on thumbdrive...07:26
R1cochety do u have to wait?07:42
VasklevoxSlow internet.07:43
VasklevoxConsidering I don't think theres' any landline internet out to this part of Alaska anymore, the last dialup server quit out like 7 years ago.07:43
VasklevoxMmmm, work to do.08:07
* Vasklevox turns ta leave.08:07
Kasm279i have a MAJOR bug09:25
Kasm279the xfce4-mixer-plugin (for the panel) will randomly slam my CPU09:26
Kasm279restarting it solves the problem, but im wondering if anyone else has this issue09:27
SiDi_no :/09:32
SiDi_what do you mean by slam your CPU ?09:32
Kasm279it uses up all of the CPU09:33
Kasm279it makes my laptop heat up so much that the 'emergency' fan comes on, which i know is at around 150 degrees farenheit09:33
SiDi_150 farenheit ? That'd be more than 100 celsius, your PC would have gone down long time :/09:34
Kasm279as soon as i removed the mixer from the panel, the CPU usage went down to about 12%09:35
SiDi_can you please report a bug in bugzilla.xfce.org ?09:35
Kasm279212F is 100C09:35
SiDi_Please give them accurate hardware info, tell them what version of xubuntu you use09:36
SiDi_are you on 9.04 or not ? if 9.04 your xfce version is 4.6.0, otherwise its 4.409:36
Kasm279will it matter that its kubuntu with the xubuntu-desktop package installed?09:36
Kasm279(it is 9.04)09:37
SiDi_it should be the same09:37
SiDi_you're sure you got no KDE services running, though ?09:37
Kasm279thats what i assumed, but i was just making sure09:37
Kasm279im using konversation :\09:37
SiDi_hm :p09:37
SiDi_tell them you got kde stuff running then, we never know09:38
SiDi_you DONT use pulseaudio, right ?09:38
SiDi_type ps aux | grep pulse and give me the result please09:38
Kasm279whats that?09:38
SiDi_its a sound server used in ubuntu but not in xubuntu09:38
SiDi_because not supported by xfce09:39
Kasm279now updater is slamming the CPU09:39
Kasm279kasm279  23447  0.0  0.1   3336   804 pts/0    S+   02:40   0:00 grep pulse09:40
SiDi_alright, no pulseaudio09:41
SiDi_what is your CPU ?09:41
Kasm279Sysinfo for 'kasm279-HP-laptop': Linux 2.6.28-11-generic running , CPU: Intel(R)Celeron(R)CPU2.80GHz at 2791 MHz (5583 bogomips), HD: 16/53GB, RAM: 418/433MB, 130 proc's, 2.9d up09:41
Kasm279thats a handy script :D09:41
SiDi_wow, not much ram :)09:43
Kasm279updating xulrunner? i already ran updates today :\ *grumble*09:43
Kasm279its really 51209:43
Kasm279i think the video card is skimming off of it09:43
SiDi_ah yeh probably09:43
Kasm279(it has 64MB to itself, but i think its set to use the ram if needed)09:44
SiDi_i think it just takes ram, not only if needed :p09:44
SiDi_there were many of these cards for some time. they claimed they had 128mb ram and in little letters it was written they actually had 32 and were stealing the rest from PC's ram09:45
Kasm279o hey, theres a bug about this, but its when the person unplugs a USB headset09:45
Kasm279its a laptop09:45
SiDi_a bug about what ?09:46
Kasm279the xfce4-mixer-plugin using 100% CPU09:46
SiDi_say it in the bug report then :)09:47
Kasm279im creating a new report as mine pops up randomly09:47
Kasm279SiDi_: filed a report on it10:02
Kasm279ah, the sweet hum of 1 of the fans off and the other on low10:03
Kasm279oh, one more question10:03
Kasm279how can i get a temperature readout from a thermal zone in the panel?10:04
SiDi_xfce4-sensors-plugin does that10:04
Kasm279i downloaded it but i dont know how to compile it >.<10:05
Kasm279(im assuming you have to compile it)10:05
SiDi_sudo apt-get xfce4-sensors-plugin10:05
SiDi_sudo apt-get install xfce4-sensors-plugin10:05
SiDi_you can also use the synaptic package manager.10:06
Kasm279i know that mush10:06
SiDi_much ?10:06
SiDi_not that i have anything against mushes :p10:07
Kasm279ive had to use the terminal to get the wlan card working :\10:07
SiDi_ndiswrapper ?10:07
SiDi_there's a gui for that too :]10:07
Kasm279apt-get install b43-fwcutter10:07
Kasm279that wouldnt work10:08
SiDi_then you could have used the synaptic package manager to install the b43 driver10:08
Kasm279and fwcutter is much more efficient10:08
Kasm279i know that now10:08
SiDi_apt-get is just another interface to dpkg, aswell as aptitude, gnome-app-install and synaptic10:08
Kasm279but the terminal is so much... simpler10:09
SiDi_yes :)10:09
Kasm279i need to do autoremove >.<10:09
Kasm279i have a huge list from getting rid of kmail, konquerer, quassel, xchat, firefox, thunderbird... and many more10:10
Kasm279SiDi_: im assuming that the ACPI sensor that is at 0mWh has something to do with the battery?10:14
SiDi_no idea10:16
Kasm279i will find out when i get the new battery -.-10:16
Kasm279BATT1 is the sensor label >.<10:18
Kasm279SiDi_: how do i force a command that needs root access (in terminal)10:20
SiDi_sudo :p10:20
Kasm279o gots HD temp now10:21
Kasm279SiDi_: thanks very much10:38
Kasm279have a good night (or moring or day or evening)10:39
Ahmucki'd like to move my home from one computer to another.  is there a migration tool in xubuntu i can use?12:39
BesogonDoes not command "mv" work? then "chown" may be12:47
Ahmuckmv from pc to pc ?12:47
Ahmuckdoing it via a serial cable?12:48
Besogonwhy not? It's only folder12:49
BesogonOffcouse you should change USER for all files in home dir after all12:50
Ahmuckwell, windows xp has this nice migration tool13:53
erik__good morning14:16
moniahi to all15:42
moniai'm in trouble with the modem of my toshiba satellite15:42
Slonkie!Hi | monia15:42
ubottumonia: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!15:42
Slonkiebe more specific, monia.15:42
moniaafter the installation i've seen in he hardware driver list that the driver war active for the moden. i think a winmodem15:44
moniabut when i try to use gnome-ppp the modem starts but gppp says it don't find the modem15:44
moniai've tried with scanmodem, it says i have to use slmodem15:45
moniai've installed it and compiled it15:45
monianow the slamr driver is loaded, but the modem don't work at all15:46
moniaand the /dev/modem link to /dev/ttySL0 is broken, the second don't exixts15:46
moniaany idea?15:46
moniathe pc is a toshiba satellite s1800 with xubuntu 915:53
daurnimatormonia I think I had one of them about 6-7 years ago17:34
=== choi1 is now known as choi
HetorHello, I have a problem with Screen. When I first launched it, it worked fine, but I had to reboot, and now when I launch Screen, all I see is a bash shell. Can anybody help me?19:01
BesogonHetor, you dont install graphic driver19:09
Besogonmay be19:09
Hetornvm, figured it out19:09
HetorI had to mess with screen-profiles19:10
BesogonDoes gdm  work?19:11
HetorScreen is a program19:11
HetorI didn't have any problems with GDM or X19:11
BesogonWhen you try login to xfce X falls, does't it?19:12
Hetorno it doesn't19:15
Hetorwhy should it?19:15
Hetor"Screen" is a terminal multiplexor19:16
BesogonHetor, gdm not work for you.19:16
Hetorgdm does work19:16
SiDiHetor: heh19:20
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen19:20
SiDiBesogon: read this please :)19:20
SiDiHetor: the people at #ubuntu-server may be much more helpful than us for any screen related questions :) Especially since the upstream contact for screen-profiles should be there.19:21
Hetorok ty19:21
slimjimflimhi, anybody know how to change the number of virtual desktops19:24
TheSheepslimjimflim: settins->worksaces19:25
Hetorslimjimflim: settings, settings manager, workspaces19:25
Ben_CsGood evening :)19:26
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=== Flo_Rida is now known as TheFloridaKid
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