
vadi2Hi, I have a question about bzr-git. My project is using bzr, but I'd like to embed another one in it that uses git. Would it be best to store the git one in another folder outside and just copy over the contents periodically, or can something be fancy done with bzr-git to help with this?00:30
james_wvadi2: you would be able to do that with bzr-git00:36
james_wit requires nested tree support in bzr, which isn't quite there yet00:36
james_wso trying to do it right now would be a bit tricky00:36
vadi2alright. I can wait00:37
vadi2is there any report I can subscribe to?00:37
james_wI don't think so00:38
james_wI think there's a wiki page though00:38
james_wand there's been plenty of discussion on the mailing list in the last couple of months00:39
vadi2https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bzr/+spec/nested-tree-support ?00:41
vadi2yep, looks like what I need00:42
james_wso, there't the "join" command that can join two trees together00:43
james_wbut I'm guessing that you're not really joining them, the git project is still external, you just want to embed a copy of it?00:43
james_wyeah, then you need that nested tree support unfortunately00:43
vadi2alright. I've subscribed to the blueprint, so we'll switch as soon as that's in00:44
vadi2thanks for your time00:45
visik7hi guys01:04
visik7I'm thinking of implementing a new protocol for bazaar01:04
visik7where should I start ?01:04
Peng_Just out of curiousity, what kind of protocol? Wh?01:10
Peng_Err, why*?01:10
Peng_Apparently I'm curious enough to ask, but not enough to stay around for the answer. See you later! :D01:10
* Peng_ /away!01:10
AfCvisik7: I assume you're current with all the discussion, analysis, and work that is currently being done with the existing smart server protocol. What do you want to do that is different?01:17
visik7I want to implement bazaar over an IM protocol01:18
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
KX... well that's a novel concept01:18
visik7so I could push and pull from my collaborators without an intermediate server and without forcing others to install servers or anything harder than a plugin :)01:19
visik7wouldn't be cool if you could just say hey pull from me my latest changes01:19
visik7something like bzr avahi but over IM01:19
Peng_avahi isn't actually a transport, just a discovery mechanism.01:21
Peng_Can IM networks do multiple Mbps of traffic?01:21
Peng_Seems like a doable, though terribly inefficient, idea.01:21
* Peng_ shrugs.01:21
* Peng_ goes back to being /away.01:21
visik7I think is great01:22
visik7you'll not discourage me01:24
AfCvisik7: well, if you can "send files" between you and your buddies, then just use `bzr bundle` to create patch bundles and send those across. It's not quite push and pull, but once you receive a bundle you just merge (or pull) as you would normally.01:28
AfC(we do that all the time)01:28
AfCOtherwise, yes, I imagine the bzr dbus/avahi work that Robert did a few years ago might be a place to start.01:29
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=== zombor is now known as KX
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=== Clippit is now known as KX
lifelessfullermd: around?08:08
lifelessfullermd: https://edge.launchpad.net/libcpuinfo/ needs a BSD module08:08
fullermdlifeless: Hm.  I'll take a look...10:21
lifelessfullermd: only if you care ;)10:21
fullermdWell, see, I'm thinking of the work I should be doing tonite...   it's tempting to care about classifying toenail clippings instead of that, so...   ;p10:22
fullermdHm.  "the University" is listed in the 3rd clause of the license?10:25
lifelessoh foo10:27
lifelessI'll correct that10:27
fullermdNot to get into a license discussion, but why 3-clause instead of 2?10:27
lifelessIsn't 3-0clause the modified? 4-clause was evil10:27
lifeless3-clause is what debian carries as the 'stock BSD'10:27
fullermdI tend to use a 2-clause.10:28
lifelessso just 1 and 2?10:29
fullermdYah.  It ends up being isomorphic to the MIT/X license.10:29
lifelessI'll look into that later10:29
* fullermd nods.10:29
lifelessfor now the obvious change is sufficient10:29
fullermdHow'd you have in mind handling the OS choice?10:30
fullermdJust #ifdef's?10:30
lifelessif trying to read /proc/cpuinfo will segfault or something10:31
lifelessbut just chaining the ifs should be simple and easy10:31
lifelessif it won't compile a particular check on other platforms then yes ifdefs are solid10:31
fullermdProbably won't link, I'd use sysctl(3) (not (1)) on BSD, so...10:32
lifelessspecifically change10:32
lifelessif (result < 1) goto fail;10:32
lifelessinsert before that10:32
lifelessif (result < 1) result = cpuinfo_MODULE_processor_count();10:32
fullermdBut chaining the if would work OK, there's nothing in /proc but pid's and a curproc symlink (if it's even mounted)10:32
fullermdOh, I was thinking in cpuinfo_proc_cpuinfo_proccessor_count()10:33
lifelessI prefer to build as much as possible because it avoids things bitrotting as much10:33
lifelessadding a bsd module should be as simple as adding a new .c and .h10:33
lifelessand changing cpuinfo_processor_count to call your new function10:33
lifelesswhich itself would return -1 on 'cant tell' or otherwise a count10:33
* fullermd nods.10:34
lifelessproc_cpuinfo is a specific module10:34
fullermdI'll take a poke after I get some coffee...10:34
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
fullermdlifeless: Push up a branch and figure out how to send a review request?11:26
fullermd'k, sent.11:34
lifelesslol copy n paste :)11:37
fullermdI don't have any convenient non-BSD systems to check it on, but it should build cleanly I think.11:37
lifeless+/* Probe proc/cpuinfo */11:37
lifelesstesting it11:37
fullermdDarn network corruption!11:37
fullermdWhy did that show up in my bzr mailbox...11:38
fullermdOh, frell.  Freakin' LP...11:38
ftaI have a *local* svn repo. how can i import it to bzr? it's huge (> 4GB) so i'd prefer to not to do it over the network, but it's not a svn:// url..12:37
hsn_bazaar supports just one .bzrignore file per tree?12:38
* AfC wonders if there is a fast-export that takes a svn-dump as an import?12:57
AfCfta: (I know that Jc2k used svn dumps to import all of GNOME into bzr)12:57
AfCoh, wait... can't you use file:/// URLs with Subversion? If so, that should Just Work with $whichever bzr conversion tool you're using (maybe)?12:58
ftawell, my 1st try was with bzr branch svn://12:59
AfCMy first use of Subversion was with a file:/// repo, but that was *long* ago.13:03
ftaok, i figured out how to start my svn import from my local copy, but for some reason, it's doing a lot of http :(14:33
fta[\                   ] http   268885KB   1270KB/s | copying revision 17/1414614:34
ftawill take a while :(14:34
ftait died after 2000 revisions :(15:58
visik7is there a way to get a mail on commit ?20:00
ronnyhmm, where is jelmer?20:12
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davidstraussThere's a story behind the code name for 1.16, isn't there?22:01
thumperdavidstrauss: yes22:20
thumperjml was wanting to get it out on Thursday22:20
davidstraussthumper: Makes sense now :-)22:21
thumperbut it ended out being Friday (Sydney time) which was still Thursday on the west coast of the us22:21
davidstraussI figured it was a time zone thing22:21
visik7anyone using buildout ?22:22
Basicbzr.dev revision:4439 seems really slow, just a local issue or others notice this too?22:30
Peng_I haven't noticed any issues, not that I've used it much.22:30
Basiclooking at check-ins22:31
jmlgood morning #bzr23:45
james_wmorning jml23:46
RAOFMorning jml.23:47
jmlRAOF, lifeless, james_w: g'day23:47
james_wspot the odd one out23:48
pooliehello all23:50
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=== all is now known as lifeless
jelmerronny: hi23:56
pooliehello ronny23:56
poolieand jelmer23:56
jelmerfta: hi23:56
jelmermoin poolie23:56
Peng_Hmmm, all of you here? I smell productivity! :D23:57
jmlpoolie: hi23:58
jmljames_w: :)23:58

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