
_Groo_neversfelde: i just sent it to my ppa.. they fixed the twiterpocalipse00:16
neversfelde_Groo_: I know00:18
_Groo_neversfelde: i know you know, i was confirming :D00:18
_Groo_neversfelde: "although I cannot test, because I left twitter"00:18
_Groo_so.. confirmed00:18
neversfeldeyes, several people also confirmed, mtux is a fast dev :)00:19
vorianneversfelde: when you are ready for sponsoring, please remember to assign the bug to one - status needs to be set as confirmed01:48
vorianis anyone else experiencing an eternal kwattetd notification?02:19
vorianor a laptop that does not go to sleep properly when the lid is closed?02:19
yuriyvorian: I got the eternal kwallet notification on my karmic05:18
vorianyuriy: i've found that when I log in, if I can enter my wallet password quick enough - it stops the eternal notificatino05:19
voriannotification too!05:19
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nixternal11 hours of country music is just way to much vorian16:36
ScottKnixternal: You needed to experience it to know that?16:49
ryanakcaIs it possible to sync something from Debian NEW?17:02
nhandlerryanakca: No, we can't access the package while it is in NEW17:04
ryanakcanhandler: Bummer17:04
Mamarokis it normal that a guy with a Kubuntu install17:07
Mamarokis it normal that a guy with a 9.04 instll doesn't have the kdebase package?17:08
JontheEchidnaMamarok: yes, that's just a metapackage that will install the entirety of kdebase if installed17:08
Mamarokok, he seemed not to have kdelibs neither...17:09
neversfeldevorian: did you add the entry about the copyright symbol to choqoks changelog?17:14
ryanakcaLovely, I got an email from a FOSS artist willing to help us out... I'll forward him to here, but anything art things that need to be done at the moment?17:15
nixternalcan someone explain why we went from (C) to the copyright symbol?17:23
nhandlernixternal: I didn't know about the switch, but (C) last I heard really has no meaning. Only the word Copyright or the copyright symbol are officially recognized (along with some weird abbreviation for Copyright)17:24
nixternalthat I know, but we are using the word Copyright and the symbol together from some that I have seen17:25
nixternaland the Debian copyright file isn't the end-all/say-all either, as there is a COPYING file shipped with the package that is the end-all/say-all17:26
nixternalI don't even understand the convenience offered by the copyright file honestly in debian packaging..is there a way to query it at all with apt/dpkg?17:27
nixternalkind of like how RPM does with copyright querying17:27
ryanakcanixternal: dpkg --license <package>17:30
ryanakcaor dpkg --licence <package>17:31
nixternalya, shouldn't have said dpkg, but apt only17:31
nixternalall that does is spit out the GPL or what not17:31
nixternalnothing more than cat /usr/share/common-licenses17:32
nhandlerThere will probably be several new tools developed if/when the machine readable format is adopted by Debian17:32
nixternalchangelog, control, rules - all that should make up the debian directory, except for patches dir17:33
nixternal.install files and the post/pre stuff17:33
nixternalthough that stuff could be done in rules...debian packaging is a bit inefficient isn't it?17:33
nixternalRPMs have the .spec file which does everything, arch has a nice little file too...actually all other package managers are typically one file as well, except for debian :)17:34
nixternalnever understood it honestly, maybe that is why people say it is difficult to get into packaging maybe...never really thought about it until just now17:35
JontheEchidnaNice: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-pim&m=124358721723888&w=217:35
ryanakcaCan you tag a revision with bzr-builddeb? Ex, with svn-buildpackage, svn-buildpackage --svn-tag-only17:35
ryanakcargreening: Did you ever get the email about the logo?18:12
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voriannixternal: yeah, that's my live EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!18:26
vorianlife even18:27
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e-jatanyone here have try this : http://duncan.mac-vicar.com/blog/archives/54519:12
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_Groo_hi/2 all19:23
_Groo_hi Riddell19:30
_Groo_Riddell: just to let you know, im doing the package for liblastfm and starting to make experimental packages for amarok 2.2, so i can follow the codebase changes19:31
Riddell_Groo_: oh excellent19:33
neversfeldeis it necessary to set debhelper (>= 7) when using pkg-kde-tools?19:34
_Groo_Riddell: the docking capabilities where merged friday.. cant wait to test the new beast :)19:34
voriane-jat: hmmm?19:34
e-jatvorian: have u try facebook plugin in kopete19:35
vorianna, i don't use kopete19:35
e-jatvorian: owh ..19:36
_Groo_vorian: why?19:36
neversfeldee-jat: it is a little bit buggy, cause it does not accept the global status19:36
neversfeldeor it is a missing feature19:36
neversfeldebut it works :)19:36
e-jatneversfelde: owh ..19:36
e-jatneversfelde: have u try it ?19:36
vorian_Groo_: i don't use im19:37
Riddelle-jat: kopete-facebook should appear in karmic in an hour or so19:37
Riddellneversfelde: I don't think it's necessary, but why wouldn't you?19:37
e-jatan hour .. huhu .. then i better wait for it .. rather then try to compile it19:37
e-jatRiddell: thanks for da info ..19:38
neversfeldeRiddell: I wonder if it is necessary to bump the version of debhelper and compat19:38
e-jatmaybe i can have my sleep then wake up .. search for the facebook plugin19:38
JontheEchidnatechnically pkg-kde-tools does depend on debhelper 719:40
vorianit also reads .install files much better19:41
neversfeldeok, so use debhelper 7?19:41
vorianyus, i would19:41
neversfeldewill do , thanks :)19:41
vorianis there some super battery saving app out there?19:42
e-jatvorian: :)19:42
e-jatinform me if there is ..19:42
sourcemakerI have a problem with akonadi... when I start kontact I receive the error message: Bridged resource '3ZQHxFgETK' has no standard resource.20:35
sourcemakerKDE 3.4b220:36
sourcemakerand 2 minutes later... Akonadi stopped... with crash20:37
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_Groo_hi/2 all20:54
_Groo_Riddell: are you there, i could use some help20:55
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ping20:55
JontheEchidnawhat's up?20:56
_Groo_JontheEchidna: im making the liblastfm package but im having some problems with the debian/tmp fase20:56
_Groo_JontheEchidna: the config is a misture of configure with .pro files.. in the deb installation fase it is creating two dirs _bin and _include in the src root level... how can i put in .install fles to go up two levels? so i can redirect the installed files20:58
_Groo_i did that20:59
JontheEchidnain that case I usually just fiddle until things work :D21:00
_Groo_JontheEchidna: now its creating inside debian/liblastfm0/_bin but it gives me this error:21:17
_Groo_dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library liblastfm.so.0 needed by debian/liblastfm0/_bin/liblastfm_fingerprint.so.0.1.0 (its RPATH is '').21:18
_Groo_Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file.21:18
_Groo_but liblastfm.so.0 its there21:18
_Groo_could anyone help me making liblastfm package? im at the point of giving up :P21:47
_Groo_ppl how do i change autotools.mk default ./configure rule?21:53
Riddell_Groo_: use qmake.mk surely?22:05
Riddellif it's a qmake build system22:05
Riddelland that should run make install into debian/tmp22:05
_Groo_Riddell: actually i need autotools.mk e debhelper.mk22:05
_Groo_but i need to declare ./configure with --prefix /usr how do i change the value?22:06
_Groo_finally! a workable build with liblastfm0 and liblastfm-dev... i just need to rebuild pointing to /usr instead of /usr/local22:07
_Groo_although it uses qmake, it uses autotools to build.. so autotools.mk does the trick22:07
_Groo_ok fixed.. liblastfm ready to rock :)22:12
_Groo_Riddell: im gonna dput to my ppa, ~paulo.miguel.dias, you can get the work from there22:13
claydohMamarok: w00t personal attacks from steven! yay!22:33
_Groo_Riddell: JontheEchidna: liblastfm ready in https://edge.launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ppa22:51
JontheEchidnakde svn 98209923:15
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=982099&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 982099 | when the background hints change, ensure we schedule an update; fixes the background of the folderview not being painted on f...23:15

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