
amorphous_could anyone tell me the app name for snapshot of screen? waits for borders from mouse before taking pic... i cant remeber or find the name :/00:10
amorphous_sorry if that was twice... getting used to K00:10
jussi01amorphous_: ksnapshot00:11
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LeeJunFanoh good, 4.2.4 is in bugfix now, I thought I was stuck with 4.3.0b2, since 4.2 isn't in ppa any more.00:28
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login__a help00:38
FloodBotK1login__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
login__some one here00:38
login__engilsh or portuguese00:41
login__i buy a notebook00:41
login__and its have a kubuntu kde 3.5.1000:41
login__but the usb pendrive dont00:42
login__i cant find the pendrive00:42
login__i cant see00:42
Telengarddoes an icon show on the desktop when pendrive plugged in?00:43
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Telengarddid you read the thread?  http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3102527.000:44
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Telengardmy mistake, sorry00:46
TelengardI don't know the reason00:46
brkamorphus: Choose Applications ▸ Accessories ▸ Take Screensho00:53
Telengardlogin_ I think it may be a known bug in Kubuntu. See http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3098204.0 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86091000:54
Telengardlogin_ Read those two threads, there are some ideas for fixing the problem.00:55
togeticso, anyone willing to help me resolve the problems on me comp.?00:58
togeticcomputer boots into a frozen kdm screen00:58
togeticmouse and keyboard both don't respond00:59
Telengardtogetic : Output of "lsb_release -a" and "01:01
Telengardwithout the quotes of course01:02
nikitisIs anyone knowledgable about converting videos to ipod?01:03
nikitisI've followed the guides, but i'm getting errors01:03
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Telengardtogetic : Is this you? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3103617.001:05
ses59how should I partition a 1 TB drive  I have 320 gig sda1 4.9g /boot sda2 59.1g / sda3 217.6g /home now and will install TB and clean install01:06
ses59tried ext 4 but cannot delete files now01:06
ses59going back to ext301:06
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Dragnslcrses59- I'd say 25-50 GB for /, 4 GB for swap, and the rest for /home01:10
ZoraelPhilip5: The widget and the new Amarok works great, just had to remove that conflicting package01:12
ses59ok just 3 partitions is 4 gig enough with 6 gig ram memory01:12
ses59I run a lot of virtual boxes 4 most of the time01:12
Zoraelign0ramus: You went offline before I had the chance to mention it earlier, but the problem with the mtrr thing is that it seems to (on some kernels?) reset upon restart of X. So having it in rc.local is enough for the first session of X, but then you'd have to run it manually after restarting it.01:13
ign0ramusZorael, i initially put the script in /etc/init.d01:13
ign0ramusZorael, with no usplash, it seemed to have initiated upon each boot01:14
Zoraelign0ramus: yeah, but I had it reset each time I restarted X (which I do every now and then to try new intel drivers)01:14
ses59thank you for the information dragnslcr01:15
ign0ramusZorael, i put the script in /etc/init.d and then did "update-rc.d fixmtrr.sh defaults:01:15
katodaHi, does anybody know if it's possible to check what does the program keep in memory and how to do that?01:15
ign0ramusZorael, that is the proper way to use a startup script, correct?01:15
davidjheinrichquick question: where should custom-apps go? (i.e., not installed via apt-get, but d/l-ed as .tgz file)?01:16
katodadavidjheinrich: /opt01:16
Zoraelign0ramus: I'm not too knowledgeable about that, honestly, though I would just have put a line in /etc/rc.local that calls the script. :301:16
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, if you use checkinstall, they are installed as .debs01:16
davidjheinrichwhat is checkinstall?01:17
Telengarddavidjheinrich : If you compile from source you can sometimes just leave the executable in your home folder.01:17
davidjheinrichyea, I can run it from my home folder01:17
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, from apt-cache show: "01:17
ign0ramusCheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or01:17
ign0ramus modified by your installation script ("make install"01:17
davidjheinrichbut I'd prefer to ave it in system01:17
ign0ramus "make install_modules", "setup", etc), builds a01:17
ign0ramus standard binary package and installs it in your01:17
FloodBotK1ign0ramus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
ign0ramus system giving you the ability to uninstall it with your01:17
davidjheinrichahh, I didn't compile01:18
ign0ramussorry - thought the lines were properly wrapped01:18
davidjheinrichthese were pre-combiled, but not offered as .deb's01:18
Dragnslcrses59- normally you want somewhere around 1.5 to 2 times your memory for swap space, but I think that's primarily for suspend-to-RAM. If you don't plan on using the whole TB, you can go ahead and make swap something like 10 GB01:18
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, that's just it - checkinstall creates and installs the app as a .deb instead of doing "sudo make install"01:18
Zoraelign0ramus: still, it'd reset after I stopped X (sudo service kdm stop), so I used visudo to let everyone run the script passwordlessly with sudo (since superuser privileges are needed to write to /proc/mtrr) and set it to run at login01:18
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, that way, the program is easily removed using "dpkg -r"01:19
davidjheinrichign04amus: yea, I understand that...but what about a app already pre-compiled...I didn't compile it. It just comes as a compressed folder01:19
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, would you have to run "sudo make install" on this pre-compiled app?01:19
ses59Dragnslcr thank you and will make the swap 10 and use ex3 till ext4 becomes more stable01:20
davidjheinrichnope, there is no install file...it comes with a startup-script ready to launch (the prog is Raw Therapee)01:20
ign0ramusZorael, when did i write that???01:20
Dragnslcrses59- yeah, I'd definitely recommend ext3 for a while longer01:20
Zoraelign0ramus: I'm sorry, what? Just explaining why just having it start at boot didn't cut it for me01:20
Telengarddavidjheinrich : If it is just a stand alone executable file, then you can probably drop it into any folder on the $PATH01:21
ign0ramusZorael, dude, where are you digging up my comments from?  i drink a lot, but i don't remember saying any of that recently O_o01:21
Zoraelign0ramus: I'm not quoting you, I'm aiming this at you! :301:22
davidjheinrichyea, ok, so maybe I should stick them all in /opt and add that and subdirectories to $PATH01:22
Zoraelign0ramus: Konversation suffixes nicks with a colon, instead of a comma or other signs (>)01:22
ign0ramusZorael, oh, my bad :3  no, your comments read a lot like what i've been posting, but i didnt remember wording it like that :)01:23
FizixHi, please excuse an uber-newb move, but I can't seem to figure out how to remedy this little problem, even after reading through some forums...01:23
Telengarddavidjheinrich : I'm not aware of any possible problems that way. However, it would be better to consult the program's documentation/FAQ/forum/author to find out how they expect you to install it.01:23
Fizix...In Gnome, when I wanted to use my Verizon Wireless card, I just clicked on it in its Network Manager. KDE's is much different and I can't seem to get Kubuntu's (9.04) to read my card. Can anyone help?01:23
ign0ramusZorael, so you had the same issue too, or just advising on how you'd go about it?01:23
Zoraelign0ramus: Yeah01:23
s0me0ne_0utsideGnome really sucks01:24
s0me0ne_0utsidewas crashinh a lot01:24
Zoraelign0ramus: same issue, and giving advice as per what I learned01:24
ign0ramusZorael, ahh... i didn't know that.  that's why i thought you were quoting stuff that i'd said before.  maybe i should drink a little less ;)01:24
Zoraelign0ramus: ah, heh01:24
Zoraelign0ramus> Changed the quotation mark, better?01:25
davidjheinrichthanks Telengard, ign0ramus01:25
ign0ramusZorael, i tried using the Autostart option in System Settings to run the script at startup, but it would just open the script with Kate01:25
ign0ramusZorael, no, i was just having a 'moment'01:25
ign0ramusZorael, i prefer the comma anyway :301:25
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Zoraelign0ramus: well, make sure it's set to executable, obviously01:27
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ign0ramusZorael, yep.  which log shows scripts run at boot?01:27
FizixCan anyone help me get Kubuntu's network manager to read/use my Wireless card?01:27
Philip5Zorael: good to hear01:28
s0me0ne_0utside_Fizix: what's the problem?01:28
TelengardFizix : While you wait for help you can start reading up http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=search201:29
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Zoraelign0ramus: Not sure if /var/log/kdm.log logs that sort of thing.01:29
davidjheinrichhow can I find out where my $PATH's are being specified? I have binaries in ~/bin (recursively) being able to launched on the command line, but don't see that in .bashrc01:31
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, /etc/environment, i think01:31
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: grep in /etc for it. maybbe in ~/profile or /etc/profile or so01:32
Telengarddavidjheinrich : echo $PATH01:32
davidjheinrichyeap, I see all the paths; I just don't realize where hey're coming from01:32
davidjheinrichI forgot where I specified hem01:32
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, it is /etc/environment01:32
davidjheinrichls -la /etc/environment shows nothing01:33
s0m0ne0utsdeThercaz /etc/environment01:33
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, cat /etc/environment   doesnt show $PATHs01:33
s0m0ne0utsdeTheranal again^ :-901:33
davidjheinrichyep, that shows some of them, but not all...shows nothing in /home/user/bin01:33
s0m0ne0utsdeTherme is ^porn? :-901:34
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, maybe then they're not being pulled from there then.  i know $PATHs are listed there... d01:34
davidjheinrichI've read ppl say to put hem in ~/.bashrc , /etc/bash.bashrc , and now /etc/environment ...where should they go01:35
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, i've also seen ~/.bashrc, but as none are there by default, it doesn't seem optimal to me :/01:35
Telengarddavidjheinrich : If you want the program to be available to all users, then you have to add the /opt directory to the $PATH in a system-wide config script. Thus, /etc/profile is probably a good choice01:35
s0m0ne0utsdeTherign0ramus: /etc/profile* ?01:36
davidjheinrichTele, ign0, what's he pro/con of specifying $PATH in /etc/profile vs. /etc/environment ?01:36
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : Yeah, looks good to me  :)01:37
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, i honestly don't know... but /etc/profile may have some clues01:37
Telengarddavidjheinrich : I don't know anything about /etc/environment. That's why I'd look at /etc/profile01:37
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: /etc/profile is lsd (linux standard base)01:38
davidjheinrichhuh? what does linux standard base mean?01:38
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, Telengard, s0m0ne0utsdeTher: maybe this? http://sahasranaman.com/2008/02/05/path-variable-in-ubuntu/01:38
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : Enlighten us  :)01:38
s0m0ne0utsdeTherit's something that should be implemented at every distro that follows lsd. so, suse and mandriva should have a /etc/profile too.01:39
davidjheinrichalthough ~/.bashrc seems nice, as I can re-install the system while keeping my custom settings01:40
s0m0ne0utsdeThersUse has a /etc/envrionment too. maybe that's a false positive and both is valid. no idea01:40
davidjheinrichis there an lsd standard way to specify the $PATH at user level?01:41
s0m0ne0utsdeTherexport PATH:$HOME/bin:$PATH01:41
Telengarddavidjheinrich : ~/.profile01:41
s0m0ne0utsdeTherfor the case $HOME is defined before :-901:41
davidjheinrichahhh, that's where I have it!01:41
s0m0ne0utsdeTherexport PATH=... typo01:42
Telengarddavidjheinrich : But that only applies to THAT user01:42
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: not if it's in /etc/profile01:42
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : Of course, but that's not what he said01:43
s0m0ne0utsdeTherright. my fault.01:43
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : Drink one for me  :P01:43
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: one for ya *too* ? :-901:44
davidjheinrichwhat about for .exe files?01:44
Telengarddavidjheinrich : They are usually Windows or DOS programs.01:44
davidjheinrichI mean, is there a place .exe files should go?01:44
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Telengarddavidjheinrich : They should go in Windows or DOS01:44
s0m0ne0utsdeTheror in wine ;)01:45
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, i would imagine your ~/.wine dir01:45
davidjheinrichI'm trying to install Sony's wcats and wdas programs (for CRT calibration) via Wine, but it seems like they open and then just close01:45
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : Good point  :)01:45
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: thanks and prost :-901:45
davidjheinrichhaha, well, no choice here...only way to calibrate Sony CRT's is via SOny's progs01:45
Telengarddavidjheinrich : You could make a Windows XP live CD. It is possible.01:46
s0m0ne0utsdeTheror create a kvm image...01:46
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : Would that have direct access to his display hardware?01:47
davidjheinricherr, I don't want to screw around with partition to install Windows01:47
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: monitor and pci yes, or?01:47
davidjheinrichand the CD for Windows that I have is only for my laptop, not my desktop (which has the CRT)01:47
* s0m0ne0utsdeTher is no sure there01:47
Telengarddavidjheinrich : If you make a Windows XP live CD, then you don't have to install it. You just boot Windows from the CD, just like any Linux Live CD would  :)01:48
davidjheinrichhow can I make a Windows live CD?01:48
TelengardI'm trying to remember how I did. It's been a few years01:49
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davidjheinrichthat sounds like something where figuring out he wine issue would be easier01:49
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s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: sony... are you sure you really need the program? sony not supported by default in linux, is that realatistic?01:49
Telengarddavidjheinrich : Bart's http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/01:49
s0m0ne0utsdeThers/linux/xorg/ and realistic rather then realastic01:50
s0m0ne0utsdeTher^anal too!01:50
* Serpardum wonders what windows live cd has to do with kubuntu01:50
TelengardSerpardum : It's the only way he can configure his hardware for Linux  :(01:51
ign0ramusSerpardum, to run some propritary sony software that doesn't work in wine01:51
ign0ramusi still like the qemu route01:51
Serpardumwhy not then run windows in virtualbox01:51
Serpardumor qemu01:51
TelengardSerpardum : To configure hardware ?!? I don't think so!01:51
davidjheinrichs0m0one0outsideTher: my CRT is Sony GDM-F520...there is nothing comparable for a reasonable price for photo-editing (well, also hve T221, but haven't figured out how to get that working yet)01:52
Telengarddavidjheinrich : Sorry to say, but Sony may have left you out in the cold as they say  :(01:53
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: you need the sony program to adjust the color-profile?01:53
davidjheinrichit's supposed to be able to run under WINE01:53
davidjheinrich"Linux and Mac OS users should know that DAS can be run under the WINE emulator. "01:53
davidjheinrichno, not for adjusting the color profile, but internal CRT stuff..."lowering the monitor G2 value"01:53
s0m0ne0utsdeTherits a lcd? then it makes sense01:54
davidjheinrichno, it's a CRT01:54
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, haha! i was googling this issue and found *you*! http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115546201:54
davidjheinrichthe prog needs a rs232<>ttl cable.01:54
Telengarddavidjheinrich : It says it works under Wine  :D01:54
davidjheinrichyea, that thread was b/c I had a bad xorg.conf (I some simple thing screwed up)_01:55
ign0ramusdavidjheinrich, asking the obvious, but you don't have a windows partition to boot from?01:56
davidjheinrichI didn't ave "monitor-DVI-I_2/analog", but just "DVI-I_2/analog"01:56
davidjheinrichI did a fresh install of Wine01:56
davidjheinrichI mean of linux01:56
* ign0ramus passes out the drinks for everyone01:56
davidjheinrichthe computer was custom built01:56
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: you have a bad x.org configuration and try to fix that with a windows executable running wine?01:57
* s0m0ne0utsdeTher really feels drunken now01:57
davidjheinrichhaha, no, that is already fixed01:57
davidjheinrichmy computer is basically working fine now01:58
TelengardI'm not following. Is the problem proprietary software, or is it bad xorg.conf?01:58
davidjheinrichxorg.conf is now fine01:58
davidjheinrichissue is windas / wincat installers don't open up01:58
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: ^anal... why exactly you try to execute the win32 executable if everything works fine?01:59
Telengarddavidjheinrich : All I can suggest is keep pursuing the problem until you find a solution that works for you. Then put up a web page or blog post about your solution so others can benefit.01:59
togeticTelengard: jaunty, 9.0401:59
davidjheinrichs0m0one: everything works fine for general use01:59
togeticsorry, gaim doesn't notify me like konversation does01:59
davidjheinrichs0m0one: but not necessarily for photo-proofing02:00
davidjheinrichs0m0one: I have spyder2 and argyll, but there are some things the can't do, and that are controlled internally by the CRT's hardware...wdas and wcats can access the CRT's stuff and mess with it02:00
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: got it. I suggest to install photoshop in wine and run the color-adjustment02:01
Cerrdordoes anyone know a app to record music from an auxillary ?02:01
Telengardtogetic : I don't have any help for you, sorry. I suggest searching http://kubuntuforums.net02:01
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: since that's (photoshop) what you like to use anyway, right?02:01
davidjheinrichnope, I'm fine with GIMP02:02
TelengardCerrdor : Does Audacity work for you?02:02
davidjheinrichPhotoshop costs more than my CRT...absurd02:02
TelengardCerrdor : sudo apt-get install audacity02:03
TelengardCerrdor : http://audacity.sourceforge.net/02:03
s0m0ne0utsdeTherGIMP is 8bit. Are you sure you need the color-adjustment? Krita would make sense but GIMP?02:04
TelengardLast time I looked Krita didn't even come close to GIMP. And what do you mean "8-bit"?02:04
davidjheinrichum, Krita can't do a lot of photo-editing stuff...like heal02:05
davidjheinrichI have RawTherapee and digikam02:05
davidjheinrichfor color02:05
TelengardRight, and GIMP has an enormous user base and tons of documentation.02:05
s0m0ne0utsdeTher8-bit RGB02:05
davidjheinrichbesides, my camera is 12-bit02:06
davidjheinrich(oly e-3)02:06
s0m0ne0utsdeThercolor-profiles. Photosop and Krita support 16 (high-profile)#02:06
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: well, photoshop has even more user base and documentation and if you are interested in color-adjustment then I believe you are interested in hoi02:08
s0m0ne0utsdeTher...high-profile apps too.#02:08
s0m0ne0utsdeTherelse, and that's the important point, you probably are fine with the linux-tools to adjust your monitor02:09
Telengarddavidjheinrich : Just use whatever app works for you  :)02:09
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: sorry, I do study that and if you like to use high-profile then use photoshop else gimp is fine but then you don't need to adjust your monitor using a windows-app written by a "all you own belongs to us" sony.02:11
davidjheinrichI think GIMP is supposed to already have internal 32bit ops: "Important progress towards high bit-depth and non-destructive editing in GIMP has been made. Most color operations in GIMP are now ported to the powerful graph based image processing framework GEGL, meaning that the internal processing is being done in 32bit floating point linear light RGBA. By default the legacy 8bit code paths are still used, but a curious02:12
davidjheinrichuser can turn on the use of GEGL for the color operations with Colors / Use GEGL. "02:12
Telengards0m0ne0utsdeTher : That's nice. I already moved on  :)02:13
markus____how i can format a HDD in format NTFS from KUBUNTU??02:15
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: blender? :-902:15
markus____how can I format a HDD in format NTFS from KUBUNTU??02:15
s0m0ne0utsdeTherTelengard: or even Maya?02:16
ign0ramusmarkus____, gparted02:16
ZoraelIs there anything I can tweak if my mouseclicks take ~200ms to register? Video otherwise is snappy, but every popup/menu/window waits for those ~200ms before drawing. I've tried toying with double-click timing but that doesn't seem to be it.02:16
markus____but its other disk , is there any problem??02:16
TelengardZorael : Get a faster computer02:17
ign0ramusmarkus____, shouldn't be. just make sure it's not mounted ;P02:17
ZoraelTelengard: skadoosh! But really, if I force the menus with the keyboard, they popup instantaneously.02:17
TelengardZorael : Probably something in xorg.conf. If I had any idea exactly what then I would probably be a wealthy man02:18
s0m0ne0utsdeTherdavidjheinrich: I am only interested by the results. I would suggest to use Linux tools for the color-adjustment since they are "designed for x.org".02:19
markus____the problem is that i have two Kubuntu installed in two HDD diferent But i want to format one of my HDD to use it in NFTS, do you think that package can do it??02:19
Telengardign0ramus : Why not QTParted?02:20
ign0ramusTelengard, iirc, that is deprecated02:20
DragnslcrTelengard- qtparted hasn't been maintained for a few years02:20
Dragnslcrpartitionmanager (yeah, I know, love the name) is the replacement02:21
TelengardGuess I'll be removing it then  :(02:21
ign0ramusmarkus____, are you trying to install windows on the secondary hdd?02:21
markus____yes i try but i can't install it02:23
ign0ramusmarkus____, maybe you're computer is trying to tell you something ;)02:23
ign0ramusmarkus____, can't you just switch master/slave to install windows?02:24
markus____i don't know but i need to foud what is the problem02:24
markus____you think it could be?02:24
markus____sorry the other word was "Found"02:25
ign0ramusmarkus____, haven't installed windows in a long time.  but that's a quick and easy way to check02:25
Dragnslcrmarkus____- last time I installed Windows, it could format disks by itself02:25
DragnslcrYou don't need to format a disk as NTFS before installing Windows02:26
ign0ramusDragnslcr, can you install windows to a slave hdd?02:27
markus____i don't know , i'll try to change the order of the HDD to mastesr 1 from master 202:27
DragnslcrI think so, but it may still trash the boot sector on the master drive02:27
ign0ramusDragnslcr, mbr will be screwed either way.  luckily that's an easy fix :)02:27
DragnslcrPersonally, I would completely disconnect the Ubuntu drive before installing Windows. That way you know Windows can't trash it02:28
markus____i will try02:28
ign0ramusI know Win7 is installable to a secondary HDD, but not sure about XP or Vista02:28
ign0ramusmarkus____, good luck02:29
DragnslcrIf the disks are SATA, there is no concept of master/slave02:29
markus____yeah is sata but 2nd master02:29
ign0ramusDragnslcr, i actually didn't know that.  maybe time to upgrade some hardware... :)02:30
markus____maybe yes02:30
DragnslcrSATA doesn't really have master and slave disks, just an order that the BIOS looks in for boot sectors02:30
markus____well i will try02:30
markus____thanks a lot02:30
StormWingedhi guys02:31
DragnslcrSATA is just one drive per cable, too, where IDE had two02:31
StormWingedi have a very annoying problem02:31
StormWingedi run the live cd, i get my external drive mounted, but i cant mount my internal hdd02:32
StormWingedwhat i can do?02:32
StormWingedgparted seem it... but fdisl not02:32
DragnslcrDoes Dolphin list it?02:32
DragnslcrMight need to mount it manually, though I don't remember needing to the last time I used the LiveCD02:33
* Telengard goes to eat dinner02:33
StormWingedhow to mount it manually if i dont have any points?02:34
StormWingedenjoy Telengard02:34
DragnslcrYou might be able to just do something like "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /path/to/mountpoint"02:35
DragnslcrI'm not sure how well the filesystem type autodetection works02:36
DragnslcrIf it doesn't, you'd add "-t <fstype>"02:36
StormWingedi`ll give a try02:36
KDeskI can not Use an ipod with Amarok 2.1 It only apears in the media applet, but nothing more. What can I do?03:04
Kira_Lightweird. Froze on me. no response from keyboard... Anything other than a reboot to fix in case this happens again?03:20
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KDeskKira_Light: it happens sometimes to me, I think it is a freeze in the gpu, or something similar I have read03:25
KDeskKira_Light: Which GPU do you have? Intel, Ati, nvidia, etc?03:25
Kira_LightKDesk: nvidia 960003:29
KDeskKira_Light:  Are you using propietary drivers, right?03:30
KDeskMostly they are stable, but sometimes they are not and there is noting you or anybody can do to fix this, only nvidia con fix it. Try asking in there forums.03:31
turbo_if i was banned from ubuntu how do i get unbanned03:31
turbo_it was perma03:31
gaelanhello! could anyone tell me if there is a plain text file somewhere that configures the network interfaces?03:36
gaelanother than /etc/network/interfaces03:37
robin0800gaelan: Why?03:39
gaelanthe network manager program on the task bar shows an "Auto eth0"03:40
gaelanhowever if i go into the actual network manager program to configure it, there are no wired ethernet connections03:40
robin0800gaelan: yes whats wrong with that?03:41
gaelani have a working wifi connection, however i'm trying to get my wired connection to work03:41
gaelanauto eth0 won't connect03:42
gaelani need to give it a static ip03:42
gaelani'm just a bit confused, as if there is a missing file somewhere that holds more info than i'm seeing03:42
KDeskgaelan: static ips with wire doesn't work ''yet'' with Networkmanager...03:43
robin0800gaelan: have you tried to configure it manually03:43
gaelanahhh ok03:43
KDeskgaelan: you have to use dhcp.03:44
gaelani'd like to configure it manually, but where would i do that?03:44
KDeskor WICD03:44
gaelanhm, should i saw a guide for uninstalling the network manager and just using the text file at /etc/network/interfaces... would that be my best bet?03:44
KDeskYou have to disable or remove NM to do this. But try to install WICD, it is like NM but it work sometimes better. It that doesn't work or you don't want it. Then remove NM and do it by /etc/network/interfaces.03:45
gaelanok, great, so WICD is another program? hadn't heard of it, i'll go do a search03:45
KDeskgaelan: it works nice. It has also a GUI.03:46
turbo_wicd works nicely for me when other things dont  just btw03:46
gaelangreat, thanks a bunch guys, i found it, installing now03:47
turbo_anyone know how to get unbanned from ubuntu, anyone an operator there or know the nick of one03:47
KDeskturbo_: how from ubuntu? launchpad?03:48
robin0800turbo_: you could try #ubuntu+103:49
turbo_what u mean how? how did i get banned? i was asking a mint question in ubuntu and they banned my ip out of the blue03:49
turbo_is that just an overflow like another ubuntu03:49
robin0800turbo_: no its for 9.1003:50
KDeskturbo_: ah, no, my english is bad, I mean, where. In ubunut forums?03:50
turbo_oh no, #ubuntu03:50
KDeskturbo_: Hmm, I don't know how to call a moderator, but if no body comes, you can open a bug in launchpad I think.03:52
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:52
turbo_hm, well i mean its not a bug, i just didnt agree with a moderator and they banned me03:53
cuzntan email asking for forgiveness work03:55
turbo_who do i ask? i doont remember who it was03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about contact03:56
turbo_hey anyone get intel integrated graphics working03:59
turbo_let me in to ubuntu04:01
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KDeskturbo_: I have an 865G and it works better :)04:10
turbo_haha whats an 865g04:11
KDeskI have installed xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.7.1, it was better than 2.6.3, but now with 2.7.99 (2.8 rc) it works better.04:11
turbo_i think i have like 940 950be i have no iidea haha04:11
KDeskturbo_: it is the name of the graphics card :) look with lspci if you are interested.04:12
KDeskor you can downgrade to the old stable 2.4 version04:12
turbo_ Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)04:13
KDeskturbo_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.404:13
turbo_how can i get info on my driver?04:13
KDeskturbo_: which info? the version? in intrepid it is 2.4, in jaunty it is 2.6.04:22
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fedealguien por aqui04:31
fedeque es mejor ubuntu o kubuntu¿?04:32
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se04:34
Serpardumer, wrong one04:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:34
fedethanks you04:35
Serpardumde nada04:35
xso232has anyone figured out yet how to fix the DPI issue in KDE default install?04:37
mubuHey guys, how should i install the server kernel to see more than 3.2 GB of ram in ubuntu 9.04 32 bit? thanks04:43
xso232I dont think any 32 bit operating system supports more then that04:44
KDeskmubu: you can use more than 4gb with a 32 os, using pae.04:56
mubuKDesk, meaning i need the server kernel?04:57
KDeskmubu, I think not necesarily.04:57
KDeskmubu: you can try, also with a 64 bit kernel.04:58
mubummm would prefer 32 bit for now..04:58
KDeskmubu, take a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85551105:00
mubukdesk, thanks. i was just reading that thread05:01
KDeskhehe :)05:01
gabriel__hi all I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 on an acer laptop,  I tried to play media and it tried to install codecs when I was not online.  now it thinks they are already installed what can I do?05:14
gabriel__anyone here?05:19
ahmad-hi gabriel__05:20
kenitooscan anyone help me on some monitor settings05:20
gabriel__hi ahmad how are you?  can u answer questions?05:20
gabriel__perhaps kenitoos05:21
ahmad-if i know i will05:21
kenitoosmy labtop monitor is cracked, using a desktop monitor as replacement but screen still blacks out then comes alot unable stay in KDE desktopany ideas on how to get this fixed right05:21
gabriel__well I'm trying to play media and it tells me I need stuff installed.  then I try to install it and it ways it's already installed05:21
ahmad-what stuff ?05:22
gabriel__hold on...05:22
gabriel__says dragon player reccomends installing....then I get an icon loooks like a gear with a blue triangle in the taskbar so I click it it says select packages to be installed MP3 encoding and tag reading, dvd Reading, video codecs, flash, and MPEG plugins.05:25
gabriel__I click install and it tells me that packages are already installed and that I need to restart dragon player.05:26
gabriel__NO dragon player running, no dragon player processes05:26
ahmad-r u trying to play .mp3 file ?05:27
gabriel__no it's a flash file05:28
gabriel__hi ubuntu05:28
gabriel__maybe I'll just apt-get the stuff05:29
gabriel__what is floodbot kill?05:29
gabriel__sudo apt-get check05:32
gabriel__oopse LOL wrong window!!05:32
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mubuHey guys, how can i run a certain sudo command (wondershaper, to throttle and unthrottle a NIC) at  a specific time, only once, not every day or week, etc? thanks05:40
kenitoosdoes anyone know how to fix some monitor issues05:59
SilentDisi'm having a bit of an odd issue.  my usb bus crashes, and any attempts to restart it fail.  I have a keyboard and a USB headset attached to it.  I have to reboot the machine, from the power switch, because i have no keyboard access.06:08
SilentDisi've tried sshing into the machine, killing alsa and such (usb headset and all), but i can't get it to die, either.06:08
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:09
SilentDislooks like the only error i'm seeing in the system log is "timeout: still `x` active urbs..", where `x` is a number between 2 and 1006:13
SilentDisit's right at that point that usb dies :P06:13
rohani am running akregator 1.4.4 from within gnome on ubuntu 9.04. all the feeds fetch correctly, but none have them have favicons. what should i do?06:47
mubuHi guys I just fixed my sudoers file. Can anyone help me out so that any user can use the "sudo wondershaper" command without being asked for a password? Thanks06:58
korneliorogeliohello, how do i configure samba in kde?07:38
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laslavicHello. When I try to print, a blank page comes out and it switches to "Stopped." Any ideas?09:47
Mamaroklaslavic: did it work before?09:50
laslavicMamarok: Yes09:53
laslavicMamarok: I reinstalled 9.04 just now, and it does not.09:53
Mamaroklaslavic: oh, then you  need to install the printer again I think09:53
laslavicMamarok: No no. It's a complete reinstall. From scratch.09:54
Mamaroklaslavic: yes, and you need to configure the printer :)09:54
laslavicMamarok: Yes, and I did.09:54
laslavicMamarok: See, it prints a blank page and then switched the status for the job to "Stopped."09:54
Mamaroklaslavic: did you print a test page when you installed?09:55
laslavicMamarok: No. Should that matter?09:55
Mamaroklaslavic: well, you would see if it actually works, yes09:56
MamarokI always print the test page after installing a printer09:56
Mamarokjust to be sure the driver really is the right one09:56
laslavicMamarok: Lol, so I went to the printer config to see if it would printer a test page...10:00
laslavicThe printer actually printed the page...10:01
laslavic...but you know how the dialog that says "Printing test page! Click okay" appears?10:01
laslavicEverything but the mouse was unresponsive.10:01
laslavicSo in other words, it froze (Except the mouse).10:02
laslavicBut it was printing the test page just fine.10:02
Mamaroklaslavic: you did install that printer through the systemsettings, right?10:04
jussi01hi Joschi10:21
snakehey .. can i use kopete for msn video chat?10:25
benzis anyone here?10:28
snakeanyone here?10:29
snakeplease help10:29
Mamaroksnake: I don't know, sorry10:35
Mamarok!ask | benz10:35
ubottubenz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:35
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zzillezzhello, if i add the backports ppa to update to kde 4.3 beta, will this screw up my nvidia driver installation ?11:03
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alarmhello there.11:53
alarmmy PrtScreen buttong seems not to work under kubuntu. so the only way to take snapshots of my desktop is with ksnapshot11:54
alarmany idea if i have to set it somewhere as a hotkey ?11:54
drurewalarm: you can edit the "universal" shortcut keys under system settings11:55
alarmthere is nothing for print screen11:55
alarmhmm hold on i think i found something11:56
alarmyeap found , thank you11:56
bdgrauealarm: can you tell me what you found out?11:57
alarmsecond question. how can i make kubuntu when mounting some external hdd , to mount it only in read mode ?11:57
bdgrauesame here :)11:57
alarmGlobal Keyboard settings: -> Kwin -> Desktop Screenshot to clipboard11:58
drurewalarm: youll have to edit your /etc/fstab for that11:58
alarmna surely not11:59
alarmthose things are not listed in the fstab11:59
drurewalarm: ls -la will print the permissions of the file , so ls -la (put device here) will give you the permissions for your external device12:00
alarmi dont want to see the permitions12:00
alarmi want to alter the permitions when mounted12:00
drurewalarm: well if its already in you fstab then you can just edit them from there12:01
alarmfor example when i go to the dolphin file browser , and press on my 2nd partition to be mounted, this to be mounted only in read only12:01
alarmits not in the fstab. they are automounted by kde12:01
alarmand i dont know where12:01
drurewalarm: its not all that hard to add the device to your fstab, you will be able to (forever) define its mount permissions12:03
drurewman fstab will give you a hint12:04
alarmdude i know what fstab does. i was doing that some years ago when things werent automated12:04
alarmnow, when i press on a partition is automaticaly automounted12:04
alarmwithout reading the fstab12:04
alarmits being handled by udev ? i have no idea12:04
alarmbut it reads from somewhere else its permitions12:05
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drurewalarm: changing your mount permissions is also available under the properties tab12:09
alarmwhere exactly ?12:12
drurewright click on the device12:13
alarmi cant. all i get when i click on the device is: "Unmount Storage"  and Hide Storage12:13
alarmnothing there with properties (in the dolphin file browser)12:13
alarmunless we are looking on two different places12:13
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drurewyou'll have to first use dolphin , /media/device, there you will be able to do it, if not sudo dolphin will definitely help you change your permissions12:14
alarmokie i will try that. but thats changing the directory permition not the mounting ones. anyway, i will give it a try :)12:15
alarmthank you12:15
drurewif you change them in fstab , then the device will always be mounted with the same rule12:16
alarmi am telling you again, there is no entry for that in the fstab...12:16
zer0ohi guys, what email do you use? looking for something safe and useful12:16
alarmits being handled by some other service12:17
drurewalright alright ...have fun alarm ;)12:17
alarmzer0o,  email service or email application ?12:17
zer0oemail service, like webmails12:17
alarmgmail ?12:17
zer0ogmail? safe?????12:18
zer0ou kiddin me :D12:18
alarmfast allows you to use external clients12:18
alarmhuge storage12:18
alarmwhy whats wrong with googles privacy ?12:18
zer0ogoogle is the evil, they keep track about everything u search, can u figure out what they do with ur mails?12:19
alarmwhy ? can you find  out what microsoft and hotmail do with your email ?12:19
alarmdude, if you are unsutisfied with online services create your own mail server12:20
drurewi did it12:20
drurewplease enjoy12:20
darfi just go ubuntu today and wow im amazed how azwesome i havent used linux since redhat in 199712:20
alarmdarf,  year, i remember back in 1948 , a bit after the WW2 , the kde interface was crap. but now things became better :)12:21
darfxwin was so hard to mess with back then12:21
zer0onever had or thought to have a microsoft or hotmail account...12:21
darfi see connection reset by peer is still people doin attacks?12:22
alarmzer0o, than go for yahoo and stop asking12:24
zer0oyahoo? -_-12:25
alarmits for free anyway, nobody asked you to pay it12:25
alarmor forced you12:25
zer0owhatz the difference?12:25
alarmgo and check12:25
zer0oand u never asked yourself why?12:25
alarmITS FREE !!!12:25
zer0ogmail is free12:25
zer0ohotmail is free12:25
Mamarokalarm: do not shout, please!12:25
zer0othey're all free12:25
alarmok i give up12:25
zer0othat doesnt mean their safe12:25
Mamarokzer0o: and you stop bashing12:25
zer0oactually the opposite12:25
drurewzer0o i found something for that , i think its called firegpg12:26
drurewallows you to encrypt via your firefox browser, usefull for web mail12:26
Mamarokwell, this is a support chennle, discussion should go to #kubuntu-offtopic, so please...12:26
drurewhi Mamarok12:27
Mamarokhi drurew12:27
Mamarokzer0o: the default email application is kmail in 9.0412:27
Mamarokalarm: please do not recommend third party stuff12:27
zer0odrurew: yes i know about that but my recipients have to have it too12:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firegpg12:28
Mamarok!factoid | drurew12:28
ubottudrurew: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:28
Mamarokdrurew: serach the database first, spares you time :)12:29
Mamarokdrurew: and same than for everything, do not recommend third party apps12:29
drurewfirefox is opensource, as well as firegpg12:30
Mamarokzer0o: if you use gpg, it can be read with openPgP anyway12:30
drurewfiregpg allows you to sign your mail even when the option isnt supported by your mail provider12:30
Mamarokthey all use the same protocol12:30
Mamarokwhich is openpgpg12:31
drurewthe key12:31
zer0oalright but, for example what email serivices do u use?12:32
drurewzer0o: tels go to "offtopic"12:32
Mamarokdrurew: and firegpg is just a firefox addon, you can't use it in all browsers12:32
A2C2Awhen I do "apt-get remove openoffice*" tons of gnome packages are pulled in. why is that? can I prevent it?12:38
MamarokA2C2A: pulled in when you remove?12:41
Mamarokor rather removed you mean?12:41
A2C2AMamarok: pulled in when I issue the remove/purge command, yes12:42
A2C2A"the following NEW packages will be installed" ... etc.12:42
shadeslayerleonardo: hey!!12:43
shadeslayerMamarok: more problems with 4.3 ??12:43
Mamarokshadeslayer: what are you talking about?12:43
shadeslayerMamarok: im asking if anyone else had problems upgrading?12:43
MamarokA2C2A: that is weird...12:43
Mamarokshadeslayer: not AFAIK12:44
MamarokA2C2A: let me check...12:44
MamarokA2C2A: I don't see that here, try the following command: sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org12:46
A2C2AMamarok: "package not installed"12:47
MamarokA2C2A: hm, try again with openoffice.org-*12:47
A2C2AMamarok: then I get the same as before.12:47
A2C2AMamarok: it seems to be language related packages which causes this btw. it's whenever openoffice.org-help-en-gb and similar packages are removed that the gnome packages are pulled in12:48
Laeborganybody here there use kopete and the wlm plugin ?12:49
MamarokA2C2A: you should report that in #ubuntu12:49
A2C2AMamarok: ok, thanks12:49
MamarokLaeborg: what plugin is this?12:50
waltzingalongwindows live messenger12:50
Laeborgwindows live messenger12:50
Mamarokoh, then I can't help, sorry12:51
LaeborgOkay well, I have a problem. When I move my msn contacts into a group it doesnt get reported back and I need to do it next time I sign in again.12:54
Laeborghttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188281 - The same problem as him12:55
sil3nt|warri0rhello folks, today i am having a strange prob with my kde 4.2.4 which i never seen before12:57
sil3nt|warri0ri badly need help :(12:57
Mamarok!ask + sil3nt|warri0r12:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask + sil3nt12:58
Mamarok!ask | sil3nt|warri0r12:58
ubottusil3nt|warri0r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:58
Mamarokthere you go :)12:59
sil3nt|warri0rplz look at this http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8554/mydesktopnow.jpg13:01
sil3nt|warri0rwhere the destop gone ?13:01
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: you have a wallpaer that plasma can't find, that's all :)13:02
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: right click on the desktop and select another wallpaper :)13:03
sil3nt|warri0rno it not like that13:03
waltzingalongunless your wallpaper is the checkerboard13:03
sil3nt|warri0rthe whole plasma is gone13:03
Mamarokthe checkers just means that you have no wallpaper and transparency enabled13:03
sil3nt|warri0ri even i cant right click on the desktop13:03
sil3nt|warri0rits not working :(13:03
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: well, your panel is still there, hence plasma is there too13:03
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: but if you insist, you can just kill plasma and it will restart itself13:04
sil3nt|warri0rsee the below panel, the system tray has no icons showing13:04
sil3nt|warri0rbut the icons should be there13:04
emmmyhow are you guys getting to like kubuntu these days?13:04
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Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: you mean the plasma widgets?13:05
sil3nt|warri0ri rebooted one/three times for fixing this prob, no luck13:05
Mamarokemmmy: that's not a support question...13:05
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: yes13:05
Mamarokemmmy: for discussion, go to #kubuntu-offtopic please13:05
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: please, right click on your desktop, at least try it :)13:05
emmmyI already went there, you should be there too.13:05
Mamarokemmmy: please, not here...13:06
emmmyMamarok: Yes please take it to #kubuntu-offtopic. This is the last time I'm going to ask you.13:06
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: my frnd, i have tried it plenty of times, no luck, still i am trying13:06
sil3nt|warri0rdont know why this happens,13:07
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)13:10
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: can you open a console?13:11
mandebistРусские есть?13:11
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: yes13:12
wuweihi all13:12
wuweiwho can develop game server ?13:13
Mamarokwuwei: wrong channel I thing, we do support for Kubuntu here :)13:13
drurewwuwei: ask in ubuntu-server13:14
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: did the right click do something for you?13:18
sil3nt|warri0ri cant right click on the current desktop (not a desktop at all)13:20
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: then kill plasma in the console13:20
sil3nt|warri0ri cant even drag n drop any thing to this13:20
sil3nt|warri0ris there any possibility that for an update this actually happened13:21
sil3nt|warri0ri dont know, just gussing13:21
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: I don't know, what did you update?13:22
sil3nt|warri0ryesterday, i installed sun-virtualbox13:22
sil3nt|warri0rwhat ever the repositories suggest (but not pre-releases13:22
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: don't think this is the problem, just try killing plasma in a console and report back13:23
Mamaroktype kill plasma in a console :)13:23
drurewor ctrl + alt + esc then kill plasma13:24
Mamarokdrurew: no!13:24
sil3nt|warri0rbash: kill: plasma: arguments must be process or job IDs13:24
sil3nt|warri0rwill i do killall plasma13:24
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: yes, try that, sry, my bad13:25
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sil3nt|warri0r3659 20.3  2.6 408164 97308 ?        Sl   17:16   7:38 kdeinit4: plasma [kdeinit]13:25
sil3nt|warri0rafter i did ps aux i get this13:25
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: killall plasma13:26
sil3nt|warri0rso plasma is running with the pid 365913:26
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: read what I just said please...13:26
sil3nt|warri0ri think the wallpapper plugin or the dektop plugin for plasma somehow messed up13:26
sil3nt|warri0rk, all panels are gone13:27
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: does it restart?13:27
sil3nt|warri0rnot yet13:28
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: then restart it with Ctrl+F2 enter: plasma.desktop13:28
sil3nt|warri0rctrl+f2 in not working13:29
sil3nt|warri0ris it alt+f213:29
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: then type plsma.desktop in the console13:29
Mamarokright, sorry, my bad13:30
sil3nt|warri0rbash: plasma.desktop: command not found13:30
waltzingalongplasma-desktop ?13:30
MamarokI am doing too many things at the same time :/13:30
frankS2just plasma13:30
sil3nt|warri0rjust plasma13:30
frankS2yea, KDe beeing a bit buggy13:31
frankS2bugs are getting worked on?13:31
frankS2its mainly my panels13:31
sil3nt|warri0rQCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver13:31
sil3nt|warri0rQCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver13:31
sil3nt|warri0rQCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver13:31
sil3nt|warri0rQCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver13:31
sil3nt|warri0rQCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver13:31
FloodBotK1sil3nt|warri0r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
FloodBotK2sil3nt|warri0r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
ivois er iemand nederlands13:31
Mamarok!nl | ivo13:32
ubottuivo: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:32
sil3nt|warri0rsorry, really13:32
sil3nt|warri0ranyways, plasma restarts, but still the same desktop (not a desktop actually)13:32
ivowie wil er met mij praten13:32
Mamarokivo: please, no query, go to #ubuntu-nl13:33
ivoik ga al13:33
ivowat is er dan13:34
Mamarokivo, English, please!!!13:34
Mamarok!nl > ivo13:34
ubottuivo, please see my private message13:34
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: is your usuall wallpaper the default one?13:35
sil3nt|warri0rno, not the default one13:35
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: the command should be plasma.desktop IMHO, not plasma13:36
MetaMorfoziSHi all13:37
MetaMorfoziSHow can i enable icons on kde4 desktop?13:38
MetaMorfoziSI mean in the classic way13:38
sil3nt|warri0rbut, there is no plasma.desktop cmd13:38
MamarokMetaMorfoziS: with the folder widget, set it to the desktop folder in your /home13:38
sil3nt|warri0rone thing i just saw, my kde version is 4.2.4, but the libplasma3 is 4:4.2.90ubuntu~jaunty13:39
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: well, that means you have a mixup of KDE 4.2.4 and 4.3 beta 2, how did you do that?13:39
sil3nt|warri0rit should be 4.2.4, right ?13:39
MetaMorfoziSMamarok: lol, the folder /home/meta/Desktop isn't exists it says13:39
MetaMorfoziSby the way i want simple icons, not as a widget13:39
sil3nt|warri0ri really dont know, i never update that13:39
sil3nt|warri0rso what should i do13:40
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sil3nt|warri0rdo i remove the this 4.2.9 pkg first ?13:40
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: you must have added some PPA repos that you shouldn't have, it doesn't change itself to 4.2.90...13:40
sil3nt|warri0ryes, the backports> kubuntu ppa was enabled in the repositories , but yesterday i did disabled it13:41
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: 4.3.90 is not in the backports PPA...13:42
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: please send me your /etc/apt/sources.list in a pastebin13:42
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sil3nt|warri0rplz take look at this http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6628/kubunturepos.jpg13:44
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: the text file in a pastebin, not a screenshot...13:45
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: also, you have third party PPAs that are not a good idea... I am pretty sure that's where it comes from13:46
sil3nt|warri0rplz tell me which i should enable/disable13:49
sil3nt|warri0rmy desktop really messed up13:49
Mamarokthe plasmoid PPA I would say, and don't install third party widgets you are not sure about13:50
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: but first, remove the stuff from that repo13:50
sil3nt|warri0rwhich stuff ?13:51
sil3nt|warri0rthe libplasma3 ?13:51
Mamarokwell, purge them would be even better, so all configuration are gone too13:51
Mamarokthe widgets you installed from that plsmoid PPA you have in your surces13:51
Mamaroksources* even13:51
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: I don't know what it installed, just get rid the packages from that source13:52
sil3nt|warri0rthe sources13:52
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: read what I said above, remove the packages from that source13:53
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: and the paste you sent is empty...13:53
sil3nt|warri0rits showing in the browser13:54
sil3nt|warri0rit ok13:54
Mamarokoh, now I get it, sry13:54
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: if you purge all the packages from that plasmoid PPA source, it might show you some residual packages not needed anymore, you can auto-rmove those then13:59
sil3nt|warri0rcan u plz tell me how will i purge those pkgs from that plasmoid ?14:00
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: what package manager do you use?14:03
MetaMorfoziSSo there are icons on the desktop: http://thebeezspeaks.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-to-create-desktop-icons-in-kde4.html but i don'T know how to do that now14:04
MetaMorfoziSso if anybody can, please tell me how can i get back the old icons to the desktop14:04
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MamarokMetaMorfoziS: you can modify the settings of the folder widget14:05
sil3nt|warri0rsyneptic/ kpkg both14:05
sil3nt|warri0rits look like the kdelibs also 4.2.9 installed :(14:05
MetaMorfoziSbut can't get the same as this14:06
sil3nt|warri0ri dont think i can revert back14:06
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: use synaptic, it allows you to check from the origin14:06
sil3nt|warri0r^i cant revert back14:06
sil3nt|warri0rhow do i do that, plz tell me14:07
sil3nt|warri0rhow do i reinstalled the 4.2.414:07
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: open synaptic first, then I'll tell you :)14:07
sil3nt|warri0rits open14:07
MamarokMetaMorfoziS: that blog post is far too old and doesn't give you any instructions, just forget that14:08
MetaMorfoziSyup, i have found this at now: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/05/no-more-desktop-icons-in-41.html , i'm just reading14:08
MetaMorfoziSmaybe i don't need classic icons...14:09
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: on the lower left, there is a button that says origin14:09
MamarokMetaMorfoziS: that is even older...14:09
MetaMorfoziSthen please tell me a new one14:09
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: yes14:09
MamarokMetaMorfoziS: well, go to your desktop, the folder widget is already there :)14:10
MetaMorfoziSi know14:10
MetaMorfoziSi'm just thinking on it's usability...14:10
MetaMorfoziSso how would i use it, etc14:10
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: click on it and go to the line that has PPA in it14:10
MamarokMetaMorfoziS: patience, can't do everything at the same time...14:11
MetaMorfoziSatm i'm waiting for my kernel to compile, this is my smallest problem...14:11
MetaMorfoziSi have flickering and/or crashing and/or slow xorg atm14:11
MetaMorfoziSon eee 1000h14:11
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: two lines there, ppa.launchedpad.net/main and universe14:11
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: main14:12
MetaMorfoziSbtw if anybody here with same issues and maybe solutions, then tell me what you know:)14:12
Mamarokhi kriox14:12
sil3nt|warri0rk, now i can see the pkgs that installed through this repo14:12
sil3nt|warri0rkdelibs5, kdelibs5-data, kdelibs-bin14:13
krioxi have to install a adobe flash.. i download the pacage.deb i try whit a double click on it but it do not work.14:13
sil3nt|warri0rbut if i remove them i cant access kde anymore :( untill reinstall the kdelibs14:13
krioxsomebody can remember me how i can install by terminal command?14:14
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: if you have synaptic, do you also have a gnome desktop?14:14
krioxhi mamarok14:14
krioxhow are you?14:14
Mamarokkriox: in konsole, type sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb14:14
MetaMorfoziSkriox: sudo apt-get install <something> ?14:14
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: hm, that will be tricky then...14:16
krioxMamarok: ok seems it's work14:17
MetaMorfoziSby the way if anybody intrested, i have found the solution to get classic icons... Right click on desktop, desktop settings, type->folder view14:17
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Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: would you have enough space for it?14:18
sil3nt|warri0rfor gnome ?14:18
sil3nt|warri0rthere is another option left, i have to go ahead, means do all the updated to 4.2.914:20
sil3nt|warri0r:(  but that would be pain again. casue that updates r for developers14:20
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: well, yes that would be the other option, but it has a few dependency errors and is still quite beta14:21
sil3nt|warri0ri know14:21
krioxthank for all guys see you nest time14:22
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: and I would have to digg into some priority settings for apt-get to get that resolved in KDE and do not really have time right now14:22
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: my colleague will take over later, can you wait?14:22
Mamarokcu kriox :)14:22
sil3nt|warri0rhow long ?14:22
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: he will be here any minute, I really have to run, thx for your patience14:25
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: hi14:25
Mamaroksil3nt|warri0r: please check with ikonia :)14:25
Mamarokikonia: thx for taking over :)14:26
ikoniano problem14:26
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: sure, thx for ur help too frnd14:26
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: hi14:26
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: so as I understand it you've put some plasma packages on that have caused you some issues ?14:26
sil3nt|warri0rdo i have to explain the it again ?14:26
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: do you want to give me a quick summary14:26
sil3nt|warri0rthe main thing is that, i have "dont know how" installed some of 4.2.9 pkgs14:27
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: ok - so I don't know how far along the resolution you are but the obvious thing would be to remove those packages, is that an option ?14:27
sil3nt|warri0rthese are kdelibs, kdellibs-data, libplasma14:27
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: have you been using the proposed repos ?14:27
sil3nt|warri0rno, i have enabled some ppa repos, and thats cause the prob14:28
sil3nt|warri0ri guess14:28
ikoniathat would be a sensible assumption14:28
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: if possible - I'd suggest taking this back to a more stable release by removing the packages, removing the PPA's and re-applying "kubuntu-desktop" pacakge14:29
sil3nt|warri0rif i try to remove the libplasma3-4:4.2.9 now, there is many pkg that will autu-remove along with that14:29
ikoniayes, there is due to the dependencies14:29
sil3nt|warri0rone thing possible it its there in kubuntu, to downgrade to aprevious pkg, like rpm has14:29
sil3nt|warri0r^if its14:29
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: it is possible with package policy/pinning but that will break anything that depends on it14:30
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: thats why I'm suggesting taking it back to a known stable point and rolling forward from there14:30
sil3nt|warri0rbut all my settings will be gone, the main thing is that i will not be able to use kde untill i reinstall kdelibs-4.2.4 again14:31
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: you're settings won't be gone, they are held in your .kde directoy14:31
ikoniaonly the packages get deleted, not your personal data14:32
sil3nt|warri0rbut what about the access kde ?14:32
sil3nt|warri0ri cant get back to kde-gui untill i reinstall kde4.2.414:32
ikoniawell, that's going to be tricky, at some point you will lose it, unless you can do something like the synaptic "reinstall" option from aptitude ?14:33
ikonia(I don't know aptitude well so sorry)14:33
sil3nt|warri0ri found a option in syneptic - force version14:35
waltzingalongaptitude reinstall package ?14:35
sil3nt|warri0rfrom ther i can chose which version to reinstall14:35
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: yes, sorry, I didn't know you had synaptic installed14:35
sil3nt|warri0rso i can use this option, right ?14:35
sil3nt|warri0rfor all those pkgs that has 4.2.9 suffix14:36
ikoniaseems worth a try, easier than other options14:37
DeepthoughtI keep getting strange errors when I try to use kpackage, synaptic or apt; an error code 1 or 2 in libgnom2-0 and/or libgail18 whenever I try to install something something or do an apt -f install etc14:37
Deepthoughtcan' t remove them either14:37
iznotgoodi ve got a big problem please14:47
iznotgoodi killed my grub14:48
iznotgoodand know i ve got "Error 15"14:48
iznotgoodI RTFM but it didn't help me14:48
alarmyou killed it ? you murderer14:48
iznotgoodI am using ubuntu live cd now14:49
alarmok and whats the problem exactly ?14:49
iznotgoodbut don't work )_)14:49
iznotgoodError 1514:49
iznotgoodi can't boot my computer LOL14:49
iznotgoodi can't tweet, i am dead14:49
alarmu know on which partition it is ?14:50
alarmok while u use life14:50
alarmopen termina14:50
alarmtry: find /grub/stage114:50
alarmor find /boot/grub/stage114:50
iznotgoodalarm: thanks a lot for your help14:51
iznotgoodalarm: in my /boot/grub14:51
iznotgoodalarm: there are only devices.something14:51
iznotgoodi don't have stage1 so find don't find nothing14:51
alarmnano /boot/grub/menu.ls14:52
iznotgoodyes thanks alarm ! then?14:52
alarmcheck at the bottom14:53
alarmit should say something like hd(... something)14:53
iznotgoodshould I kill myself ?14:53
iznotgoodthere is nothing in this file14:53
alarmmaybe you opened an ew file14:53
alarmcheck in that dir14:53
alarmif not...14:53
alarmsudo grub14:53
alarmroot (hd0,0)  (this should do)14:54
iznotgoodOK : no there is nothing in the file14:54
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: is ther any option where i can remove pkgs without ignoring dependencies, rpm -ev --nodeps14:54
iznotgoodsil3nt|warri0r: OK thanks!!14:54
iznotgood30secs to try all14:54
iznotgoodthanks again alarm and sil3nt|warri0r for your help14:54
alarmiznotgood,  you dont need to reboot14:54
alarmyou can try it in a console14:54
alarmonce it is installed your will be notified by a message14:55
iznotgoodYes I am in the console with live cd14:55
iznotgoodbut there is a problem alarm14:55
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: there is a force option that will do it14:55
iznotgoodroot (hd0,0) works but setup (hd0) no : Error 17 : Cannot mount selected partition14:55
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: plz tell me14:55
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: let me see if I can grab an ubuntu box to find the option14:56
iznotgoodalarm: arf14:56
iznotgoodalarm: root (hd0,0) works but setup (hd0) no : Error 17 : Cannot mount selected partition14:56
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: whenever i try to force version in syneptic, the other pkgs marked for auto-removal14:56
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: k, thx14:57
alarmiznotgood,  are you sure about (hd0) and not maybe (hd1) ?14:57
alarmi dot know where you got ur linux ude14:57
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: maybe --ignore-hold ?14:58
iznotgoodNo i am really not sure because I don't know how to get this information14:58
ikonia(reading man pages as I can't access my ubuntu box)14:58
alarmbut why dont you google it a bit ? there are so many resources for this thing14:58
alarmits just 3 step procedure , i encourage you to check on google a bit "how to restore grub"14:59
alarmthat would help you a lot. i had also the same problem took me like 5-10 minutes to fix14:59
iznotgoodalarm: Yes I did it: I am in this problem since yesterday but all the informations I found didn't help me because they say to try "find /boot/grub/stage1" but there is nothing in my grub14:59
sil3nt|warri0rany idea when 4.2.3 will be released ?14:59
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: not sure if that's right, I'll keep reading14:59
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: no idea14:59
sil3nt|warri0rany idea when 4.2.3 will be released ?\14:59
iznotgoodalarm: root (hd0,0) say Error 21 : Selected disk does not exist, I tried hd1, hd2, hd3, hd4 but nothing15:00
sil3nt|warri0r4.2.3 not, sorry, its 4.3 i meant15:00
Dragnslcrsil3nt|warri0r- 4.2.3 of what?15:00
sil3nt|warri0ri heard end of july, is that true ?15:00
DragnslcrI think I saw something about the plan being late July15:00
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: don't know15:01
BluesKajHi folks15:01
alarmthen i asume you try to instal it on the wrong place15:01
alarmas it says your linux is not on (hd0,0)15:01
iznotgoodyes exactly but where? how can I know alarm ?15:02
alarmbut strange that find doesnt output anything15:02
alarmnormally with find15:02
Dragnslcrsil3nt|warri0r- http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Release_Schedule15:02
iznotgoodalarm: because there is nothing in my /boot/grub, debian installation corromped all the things (format and after, installation fail)15:02
alarmiznotgood,  try typing15:02
alarmroot (<press tab>15:03
iznotgoodnothing alarm15:03
alarmi dont knwo if it shows any options15:03
iznotgoodalarm: no it repeat "root (" while I press tab15:03
sil3nt|warri0rDragnslcr: thx man15:04
alarmi dont know dude, sorry. maybe  you didnt just remove the grub from the mbr15:04
iznotgoodanyway thanks for your help15:04
alarmbut deleted the entire boot files15:04
sil3nt|warri0ryea, was right, 28th july15:05
iznotgoodif it deleted all How can I repair it?15:05
sil3nt|warri0rand any idea when it will be added to the kubuntu 9.04 repo ?15:05
alarmi dont know that. sorry15:05
sil3nt|warri0rso we can upgrade15:05
iznotgoodok thanks a lot15:05
iznotgoodsee you then15:05
sil3nt|warri0riznotgood: i think u have reinstall grub on that partition15:06
sil3nt|warri0rusing grub-install /dev/xxx15:06
Dragnslcrsil3nt|warri0r- will probably take a day or two to build the Kubuntu packages, though they may be able to get a head start with the RC15:06
iznotgoodsil3nt|warri0r: OK thanks I am going to test !15:07
sil3nt|warri0rso we can accept it first week of august15:07
sil3nt|warri0riznotgood: u welcome15:07
Dragnslcrsil3nt|warri0r- nah, maybe July 29th or 30th at the latest, assuming there aren't any unexpected problems15:08
iznotgoodwhat should I put after/dev? Linux partition sda3 ? sil3nt|warri0r15:08
sil3nt|warri0ranother thing i wanted to know how i able to install 4.2.9 if 4.3 is still in beta mode15:08
Dragnslcrsil3nt|warri0r- 4.2.9?15:08
sil3nt|warri0riznotgood: the partition number on which u want to install grub15:08
sil3nt|warri0rbe carefull15:09
sil3nt|warri0ryes, like /dev/sdx15:09
iznotgoodOK! Thanks15:09
sil3nt|warri0ror /dev/hdx15:09
sil3nt|warri0rDragnslcr: yes, i have installed some of those pkgs15:09
sil3nt|warri0rlet me tell u15:09
DragnslcrThere is no 4.2.9 that I'm aware of15:10
DragnslcrLatest 4.2 is 4.2.415:10
sil3nt|warri0ryes, but his are from ppa15:10
waltzingalong4.2.90 is 4.3beta15:10
sil3nt|warri0ri dont know why/how15:10
waltzingalong4.2.90 is 4.3beta2, from the kubuntu ppa15:10
iznotgoodit doesn't work, I think i am going to try with super grub disk15:10
sil3nt|warri0rwaltzingalong: how come 4.2.90 is 4.3 beta15:11
BluesKajDragnslcr, it's aka KDE 4.3 Beta215:11
sil3nt|warri0rit should be like 5 beta15:11
sil3nt|warri0riznotgood: k15:11
sil3nt|warri0riznotgood: what msg u get ?15:11
waltzingalongright. help /about kde would report "version 4.2.90 (kde 4.2.90 (kde 4.3 beta2))"15:12
DragnslcrBluesKaj- yeah, 4.2.90 is. I was hoping that he'd figure out that being accurate with version numbers is important15:12
BluesKajDragnslcr, yeah , but it's confusing15:12
sil3nt|warri0rhehe, yea15:12
waltzingalongsil3nt|warri0r: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.9015:12
DragnslcrYeah, it's definitely not normal practice in software, but I do see why they do it15:13
sil3nt|warri0rwhen the 5.0 will be released, :p15:13
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sfears"cdrecord has no permission to open the device"... i receive that error when K3b gets to 29% burning an audio cd.  Any ideas how to fix? i've tried a few things found on the forums but it keeps trashing cd's15:23
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: i am ding a full update, yes 4.2.90, cause i think that would be better, the desktop thing atleast will work15:24
sil3nt|warri0ri guess15:24
sil3nt|warri0rthx for ur and Mamarok help15:24
ikoniasil3nt|warri0r: ok, that's your call, be interesting to see how you get on15:24
sil3nt|warri0ryea, me too :)15:25
sil3nt|warri0rok, update finished, now i have to reboot15:26
sil3nt|warri0rhope it works15:26
ikonialets see15:26
sil3nt|warri0rhope to c u15:27
tom__my soundcards keeps turning off when its been inactive for about 5 minutes and that makes a annoying blip sound is there somewhere i can turn of this automatic shutdown?15:28
tom__got kubuntu 9.0415:28
igauzcan anyone tell me when how much time does it take for the latest versions to arrive in the ubuntu repository?15:32
igauzeclipse 3.4 has still not arrived15:32
igauzand eclipse 3.5 is going to hit developing circle soon15:32
igauzany1 awake?15:33
FloodBotK2igauz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
FloodBotK1igauz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
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rgarciahi all, could anybody say for me which program can i use to download videos from youtube for example?15:36
rgarciaand another one after to extract audios from video15:36
ShadozeAny way to have kde 4.2.4 & kde 3 beta 2? If i wanted to test i would go to kde 3 beta 2, and for my production/stable environment i would use kde 4.2.415:36
Shadozergarcia: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl15:37
Shadozeand to download them: youtube-dl  http://www.youtube.com/video/url/15:38
Shadozefrom the konsole/terminal w/e15:38
rgarciaonly that?15:38
ShadozeNo there are plently of extensions for firefox that can do it too15:39
rgarciabut Shadoze where do the downloads will be downloaded15:39
igauzgoogle for 'keepvid' ...it is web portal which also allows for easy flash video downloading15:39
igauzfrom popular video sharing websites15:40
Shadozeurgh, i hate that servie, always gotta wait 24hours for my video15:40
igauzi guess the links are shown in a flash ...u just need to click on the link and download15:40
waltzingalongigauz: today's latest software does not hit repos for past releases, afaik15:40
Shadozergarcia: It will download wherever your konsole is in, by default it is your home folder, but you could cd to videos first and download from there15:40
igauzbut eclipse 3.4 came i guess long time back15:41
igauzcurrently, ubuntu still has 3.2 in its repository15:41
igauzeclipse 3.215:41
rgarciammm nice Shadoze, nice...and do you know another program to extract audio from videos?15:42
ShadozeAfraid not, never done it but i'm sure someone else has15:42
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rgarciaok..let me try here.....by the way, thanks a lot Shadoze15:43
rgarciadoes anyone here know a program to extract audio from videos?15:44
ShadozeNo problem, just tested the yt downloader, works a charm :)15:44
rgarciayeah....it's working!!!15:44
ShadozeAwesome, like i said by default it should go to /home/username/ when you open up the konsole, but you can use the cd command and start the download anywhere else15:46
waltzingalongrgarcia: mplayer dumpaudio ?15:46
igauzhow about avidemux?15:47
rgarciai can extract audio from video file?15:47
rgarciaigauz: yeah, i read about it, is it fine?15:47
igauzi guess i had only worked on wmv files15:47
igauznot sure about other ones15:47
igauzit works fine for wmv15:48
igauzgive it a try15:48
Shadozewmv :(15:48
igauzit shud work for others too ...u can try and check out15:48
rgarciayes...i'm gonna do that....thanks a lot!!15:49
igauzeven http://www.ffmpeg.org/15:49
igauzffmpeg might also be helpful15:49
Shadozeigauz was right about ffmpeg15:51
sil3nt|warri0rikonia: :), everything seems to working now16:01
kooky_hello, i had deleting a folder from kubuntu on a NTFS disk is it able to recover it?16:04
Walexkooky_: better use MS-Windows based tools for that.16:07
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: u there ?16:07
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: well if u r not, just let u know that the all upgrade thing works for now and i have disabled the all ppa repos16:08
sil3nt|warri0ri will update again when kde 4.3 final will be released for kubuntu16:08
reficwill kubuntu 9.10 have the air theme?16:08
sil3nt|warri0rMamarok: ikonia: thx u both for ur kind effort-time and help16:09
RickXI can't seeme to have changes in my mouse cursor theme persist, they change back after login. Does anyone know how I can fix this?16:10
kooky_Walex: i try to find the folder with GetDataBack but he daesn't find it, it is the better soft i think for that16:15
=== fred_ is now known as Guest44258
JuJuBeeI seem to be missing a printer configuration app.  How do I configure printers?16:23
JuJuBeeAnybody have a suggestion?16:26
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MamarokJuJuBee: what KDE version?16:35
shadeslayerMamarok: is it necessary while installing 4.3 that every package be 4.2.90 ?16:36
BluesKaj!cups | JuJuBee16:36
ubottuJuJuBee: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:36
Mamarokcheck the systemsettings -> advanced Tabs16:37
Mamarokshadeslayer: 4.2.90 is 4.3 beta 2 :)16:37
Adolahow do I create a network shared folder....Something Windows can see?16:38
shadeslayerMamarok: i know...i just want to know if *every* package should be 4.2.90...im completely reinstalling KDE16:38
jussi01JuJuBee: the de agnostic way to configure printers is to go to http://localhost:63116:38
Mamarokshadeslayer: of course, you shouldn't mix 4.2.90 with another version, unless there is no package for16:39
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm what about this : kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-1ubuntu816:39
Mamarokshadeslayer: thats a 3.5.10 package...16:40
Mamarokwhy do you have such an old stuff?16:40
shadeslayerMamarok: thats what im saying...some of the packages are 3.5.10..some 4.2.90...16:40
Mamarokshadeslayer: I gues it's because you still have some KDE 3.5.10 packages in use16:41
shadeslayerMamarok: i never had kde 3.5 , i installed from 4.016:41
Mamarokshadeslayer: do you use k3b?16:41
shadeslayerMamarok: yes.16:42
Mamarokwell, that's still a 3.5.10 package AFAIK16:42
Mamarokso you need the libs16:42
Mamarokshadeslayer: you have finished upgrading to 4.2.90, right?16:42
shadeslayerMamarok: nope :)...im installing16:43
shadeslayer15 min more16:43
Mamarokshadeslayer: you know that there still are some problems, do you? I'm not doing that drama again with you...16:43
shadeslayerMamarok: i wont bother you,dont worry16:44
AdolaSo, should I use samba?16:46
AdolaOr what?16:46
MamarokAdola: I guess so, yes16:46
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: yes. I know about using cups web interface, but it troubles me that the app is not there.  The app makes it simple to add a printer and it even adds the fax capabilities automagically.16:52
BluesKajJuJuBee, what app ? ...cups ?16:54
MamarokJuJuBee: did you install the kdelibs?16:54
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: the Printer Configuration in K-Menu->Applications->System16:55
JuJuBeeMamarok: how do I check?16:55
MamarokJuJuBee: well, didn't you just say you didn't have it in #kde?16:56
JuJuBeehmm apparently not as apt-get install did the install and did not state already installed.16:57
MamarokJuJuBee: you should first check that you have a complete KDE isntallation then16:58
JuJuBeeHow do I tell if it is complete?16:58
MamarokJuJuBee: a graphic package manager could tell you16:59
JuJuBeelike synaptic16:59
Mamarokfor example16:59
JuJuBeeany way to tell via cli?16:59
JuJuBeemy wife is working on the desktop in question16:59
Mamarokwell, with the ncurses interface of aptitude16:59
JuJuBeeNot familiar with that.17:00
MamarokJuJuBee: then use synaptic, works best17:00
Mamarokif you have it, KPackageKit works fine too17:00
Mamarokand it already has preconfigured filters17:01
JuJuBeeOk, will have to wait til later when she is finished with her paper.  What do I do once in synaptic to determine if complete?17:01
Mamaroksearch for KDE and check if you have the packages in main and universe17:01
JuJuBeeI have kpackagekit17:01
Mamarokread the description of the packages and make sure you use the right version17:01
Mamarokin kpackagekit there already is a kDE filter17:02
JuJuBeethe KDE Desktop?17:02
Mamarokexactly, and check for the kdebase packages etc for your current version of KDE17:02
JuJuBeeIf I install kdebase-... (all) will that take care of it?17:03
MamarokJuJuBee: well, that should already be there :) you mightnot need the -dev and -dbg packages though17:04
JuJuBeekdebase- 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu4 (all) is gray17:05
Mamarokwait, let me check17:05
Mamarokof course you need that, but didn't you install Kubuntu?17:05
Mamarokthis should already be installed17:06
JuJuBeeMost of the others are installed (minus the dbg and dev)17:06
JuJuBeeI did install kubuntu17:06
Mamarokthen you should have that package installed17:06
AdolaCan someone please help me set up a shared folder?17:06
JuJuBeeHmm, it is not installed... gray even on my laptop17:07
JuJuBeegonna install on laptop17:07
Mamarokit should17:07
MamarokJuJuBee: well, if it is the only one greyed out it's not that bad as it is a metapackage17:10
JuJuBeeWell, I have to go to scouts with my son.  I will try back later .... Thanks Mamarok17:10
Mamarokyaw :)17:11
craiglarrysorry, I'm lost17:12
Mamarokcraiglarry: what's wrong?17:12
craiglarryI don't follow any of this, You have to give commands? What commands?17:13
Mamarokcraiglarry: you are in a support channel here :)17:13
craiglarryThat helps a bit17:14
Mamarokcraiglarry: if you would tell us what the exact poblem is you have17:14
craiglarrymy ubuntu tells me this is 'konversation.' I failed to bring a problem with me.17:15
Mamarokcraiglarry: konversation is the IRC chat client of Kubuntu, and it opens in this channel by default17:16
craiglarryI need to read up about the use, sorry. I'll leave now.17:16
Mamarokno problem, you can linger here :)17:16
Mamarokyou are welcome :)17:17
herohye all...:)17:20
Mamarok!hi | hero17:21
ubottuhero: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:21
herothank you :)17:21
herobut i used gnome :)17:21
herowhat application that i must have in ubuntu? i have banshee already..17:22
Mamarokhero: then you should go to #ubuntu if you don't use KDE :)17:23
heroowh is it...okay thanks Mamarok17:23
Mamarokyou are welcome :)17:23
CartoonCatI have a VMWare guest based on Gutsy Gibbon, this seams to have been removed from the mirrors?17:25
MamarokCartoonCat: Gutsy is not supported anymore, no17:26
Mamarokit expired in April or so I think17:27
CartoonCatah k, so, vmplanet needs to get its idea of "recent" a little straighter17:27
Mamarokwell, there was Hardy after Gutsy, then Intrepid and currently Jaunty17:28
CartoonCatcan i upgrade it or do i need to just get another vm ?  right now my link to the server is over some pretty bad wireless so things are being hextra hard (namely, hit 1 key, get 5 of them)17:28
CartoonCati tried apt-get but, its all missing heh17:29
waltzingalongpssssst virtualbox   CartoonCat17:29
CartoonCatyea ive been told17:30
CartoonCatis there a upgrade path for me, or is it better/easier to just grab a netinst?17:33
gregHello all, Have a video question.. Sysytem= DEL XPS200 1gig men, 2.8 ghz dual cpu, Video Card   ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE). When runnibg Compiz on KUBUNTU 9.04 KDE4.2.2 at intermitten time the video will shut down and mt screen power button changes to yellow  Video off, but randomly. seemed to hapen more when running VLC APP Any ideas? Have the following drivers:server glx vendor string: SGI17:33
gregclient glx vendor string: SGI17:33
gregOpenGL vendor string: DRI R300 Project17:33
MamarokCartoonCat: you run it in a VM?17:35
CartoonCatMamarok: yup17:36
MamarokCartoonCat: there are upgrade paths to follow, you need to upgrade to Hardy first17:36
CartoonCatmmm that doesnt sound pretty17:37
Mamarok!upgrade | CartoonCat17:37
ubottuCartoonCat: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:37
waltzingalongthere are other ways but that is the officially supported way17:38
Mamarokand Hardy will be still available for some time in the repos17:38
waltzingalongand probably the one that will work best in most situations17:38
bentob0xanybody heard about a recent bug/regression with the 'select a file' dialog in Kubuntu 9.04?17:46
Mamarokbentob0x: select a file?17:48
Mamarokwhere is this dialog and what application?17:48
=== root is now known as Guest67170
Guest67170i need help17:56
Guest67170i am first time user of linux17:56
Guest67170i have a dell mini 101017:56
Guest67170i am trying to install Intel GMA55017:57
MamarokGuest67170: please, all in one line17:57
bentob0xMamarok: I spotted it in Firefox and Truecrypt so far, it's recent tho, maybe a week17:57
bentob0xit's when I need to select a file to upload for instance17:57
bentob0xor select a file to open in Truecrypt17:58
Guest67170i get the error for the libc.so.617:58
=== TMKCodes_ is now known as TMKCodes
Mamarokbentob0x: well, then it's maybe related to an update you made?17:58
MamarokGuest67170: what exactly do you want to install?17:59
bentob0xyes, it's probably an update on KDE 4.3 beta or something17:59
Mamarokbentob0x: check on Launchpad if there is a report, I really don't know18:00
Guest67170Graphic Card Intel GMA50018:00
MamarokGuest67170: you mean the driver for the card?18:00
MamarokGuest67170: but you already installed Kubuntu, right?18:00
Guest67170yes i have18:01
AdolaI need help.18:01
Mamarokand do you have graphic problems?18:01
Guest67170yes it give me 800X700 only18:01
AdolaI've installed samba, and I can't see the windows machine at all18:01
MamarokAdola: sorry, I don't know samba, maybe somebody else18:02
MamarokGuest67170: that's not necessarily a driver error, just a configuration problem18:02
khoubeibhi , i have got this problem when i was trying to install gmail widget "Could not create a python scriptengine for the gmail-plasmoid widget" i'm using jaunty , anyone have an idea18:03
Guest67170shall i copy the error here18:03
Mamarokkhoubeib: where did you get that widget from?18:03
MamarokGuest67170: no, in a pastebin, wait18:03
khoubeibform widget browser18:03
Mamarok!paste | Guest6717018:03
ubottuGuest67170: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)18:03
Mamarokkhoubeib: did you upgrade from Intrepid to Hardy?18:04
waltzingalongMamarok: would that be a downgrade? ;)18:04
BluesKajAdola, have you set up share folders on windows?18:05
Mamarokwaltzingalong: oops :)18:05
Mamarokkhoubeib: I meant Intrepid to Jaunty of course :)18:05
Mamarokkhoubeib: you installed it through the "add widget" interfacee you mean?18:06
AdolaBluesKaj: Yes, because I was able to see my computer from the other computer and visaversa while they were both on windows.  Now, that I"m back on linux niethr can see each other.18:07
AdolaI pinged my machine with the other, and I seen it.18:07
khoubeibthe normal way18:07
Guest67170Mamarok : Here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/195797/18:07
Mamarokkhoubeib: then you should go to http://kde-look.org for support, as this is a third party application, not a widget from the repositories18:08
khoubeibok thanks Mamarok i'll take a look18:08
MamarokGuest67170: where did you get that driver from?18:08
Mamarokkhoubeib: you are welcome .)18:09
Guest67170i download from del mini CD18:09
BluesKajadola , I had to redo the share on the windows folders after a kubuntu upgrade. It's the nature of the beast , especially if you're running vista18:09
AdolaIt's XP.18:09
AdolaYou suggest redoing the shared folders on windows?18:10
BluesKajreshare them anyway18:10
MamarokGuest67170: you should try the drivers from the repositories first IMHO18:10
Guest67170Mamarok how do i get that18:10
MamarokGuest67170: normally the driver is already installed, you should try the display settings in the System Settings18:11
Guest67170this system was orginally a Windws home XP system18:11
Guest67170I have downloaded the kbuntu and installed myself18:11
MamarokGuest67170: that doesn't matter for the drivers, Linux uses its own drivers :)18:11
Guest67170how do i check the IMHO repository : pleae advice the command18:12
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:12
MamarokGuest67170: in the menu, go to the System settings and there you have a "Display" section18:13
Guest67170Mamarok : I am there18:13
MamarokBluesKaj: if he installed Kubuntu he already hsa the driver, it's the resolution18:13
MamarokGuest67170: try to change the resolution there18:14
Guest67170800 X 576 is the only option18:14
MamarokBluesKaj: you an expert for X settings?18:14
BluesKajMamarok, yeah , but sometimes a monitor driver is also required , a little known fact18:15
Guest67170cannot change resolution setting18:15
Guest67170yes the monitor is "unknown"18:15
MamarokBluesKaj: could you check with Guest67170, please?18:15
AdolaThat didn't work.18:15
Guest67170thankx Mamarok for all the help18:15
AdolaNo one in #samba will help18:15
MamarokGuest67170: you are welcome :)18:15
BluesKajGuest67170, I suggest you try to find a linux driver for the monitor ,sometimes that will solve a resolution problem18:16
MamarokAdola: it's Sunday...18:16
BluesKajAdola, type smb:// in the konqueror addressbar ...tell me what comes up18:17
Guest67170BluesKaj: I will try to find that...but how do i identify the monitor on DELL MINI 101018:17
AdolaShows "Mshome18:17
AdolaInside of mshome is my computer, that's it.18:17
BluesKajok open mshome18:17
BluesKajdoes your xp machine have a name / username ?18:18
AdolaI was able to view it when this machine was in XP18:18
Guest67170i cannot install jdk 5 and 6 ' the message is "if you are installing for the first time use not updated version18:19
Guest67170where do I find this18:19
MamarokGuest67170: jdk is in the repositories18:20
Guest67170right but it does not allow me to install18:20
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MadMoneyIs a Kubuntu a trademark infringement on Ubuntu?18:26
waltzingalongMadMoney: no18:26
MadMoneyAre they from the same organization?18:26
waltzingalongMadMoney: yes18:27
MadMoneyOkay, thanks.18:27
waltzingalongMadMoney: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy18:27
MamarokMadMoney: that one is even better: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq18:29
Mamarokread the section " What are the different versions of Ubuntu?"18:30
asinhaHi this is Guest67170: I have learned to identify myself18:30
Mamarokasinha: great, congrats :)18:31
shadeslayerMamarok: hehe...no luck18:57
RickXcan anyone ell me how to add a style?18:57
=== adam is now known as Adola
tehborizi am wondering if there are any sexy screensavers in my kubuntu19:03
rgarciahi all, does anybody know how to remove encryption from a pdf file?19:04
MilitantPotatoCan someone pastebin the contents of the default /~/.kde/share/apps/ksysguard/SystemLoad.sgrd please?19:04
tehborizrgarcia: there's some progs to do it in windows, i've done it before19:04
rgarciayes..but in windows do you know anyone?19:04
tehborizwhat do you mean19:05
rgarciaops, in linux, kubuntu19:06
tehboriznot really19:06
tehborizi'm new19:06
ign0ramusrgarcia, not sure if mine's been modified by other apps, but i personally haven't edited it: http://pastebin.com/m66e966ae19:07
ign0ramusrgarcia, if you print the pdf to a ps file, and then print it back to pdf, does the encryption remain?19:08
rgarciahow do i do that?19:09
rgarcialet m e try19:09
ign0ramusrgarcia, forget that... just install qpdf19:10
ign0ramusrgarcia, http://blog.sandipb.net/2009/01/10/removing-encryption-from-legitimate-pdf-files-on-ubuntu/19:10
rgarciayes, i did with ps.19:11
ign0ramusrgarcia, so that works?19:11
e-jatanyone here run kopete with facebook plugin ?19:12
rgarciayep...and i also gonna try the qpdf19:12
ign0ramusrgarcia, cool.  it was just an educated guess ;)19:12
ign0ramusrgarcia, qpdf seems like a cleaner solution, and its in the repos19:13
MilitantPotatocan someone run "kate ~/.kde/share/apps/ksysguard/SystemLoad.sgrd" and pastebin the config?19:14
ign0ramusMilitantPotato, see my x:06 timestamped comment above19:15
tehborizi installed a bunch of screensaver packages but they won't show up in "screensaver" under desktop settings... am i doing it wrong?19:15
intokwhy can I join kubuntu but not ubuntu?19:15
tehborizi can :)19:16
tehborizokay guys seriously this isn't funny19:17
BluesKajintok, could you join in the past ?19:17
oscarplease can you speak french?19:17
shadeslayerintok: maybe your ip is banned or soething19:17
shadeslayer!fr | oscar19:17
ubottuoscar: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:17
BluesKaj!fr | oscar19:17
ign0ramustehboriz, are you compiling them?  if so, are they installing without errors?19:18
rgarciamm..right ign0ramus, i'm gonna try it, thanks a lot19:18
tehborizign0ramus: no i installed xscreensavers and all those packages, even electricsheep19:18
tehborizthey just don't show up in that window19:18
nikitisIs bitblender available yet?19:18
tehboriznvm ign0ramus, closing that window didn't do anything... i had to close the entire system settings window and turn it on again19:19
tehborizfixed it :)19:19
ign0ramustehboriz, :)19:19
shadeslayeris kde a necessary package for kde 4.3 ??19:20
shadeslayer!info kde19:20
ubottukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:48ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB19:20
tehborizhey ign0ramus what's a good screensaver package? this is pretty weak, i'm seeing 8bit colour stuff19:20
tehborizhaha asciiquarium19:21
ign0ramustehboriz, i don't know about packages, i'd check www.kde-look.org and find ones i personally liked19:21
tehborizah thanks19:21
MilitantPotatoign0ramus: thank you19:21
ign0ramusnp fellas19:21
tehborizdo you use em?19:21
ign0ramustehboriz, personally, no.  i just let the screen turn off after 15 mins of no use19:22
tehborizboooring lol19:22
nikitisIs there a way to "Show Desktop" with keyboard keys?19:22
ign0ramustehboriz, haha!  but seriously, what is the point of a screensaver? i never understood the point19:22
tehborizthis 22" lcd is getting old, i wouldn't mind a burned out backlight... thanks for your help19:22
tehborizign0ramus: it looks super awesome and stuff when you have guests over19:22
tehborizcause you gotta point out that you're on linux, whihc means you're a super hacker pro guy19:23
tehborizhelios was a nice one i had on windows19:23
nikitisheh not nowadays, my grandmother just started using linux19:23
ign0ramustehboriz, ahh the "wow" factor... there's a pretty cool OpenGL fireworks display that i used to have. impressed the gf, anyway ;)19:23
tehborizah i shall check it out!19:24
BluesKaj<--- a grandfather who's been usiing linux for 6yrs19:24
nikitisNew grandfather?19:24
ign0ramusnikitis, you can do ctr+f12 ... not sure if thats what you're looking for (it doesn't show panel(s))19:25
BluesKajnope , got 5 grandkids19:25
nikitisign0ramus: not quite, i'm looking for something that will minimize all programs19:25
nikitisBluesKaj: nice19:25
tehborizwow, opengl ones are impressive19:26
nikitisign0ramus: having issues playing World of Warcraft, and needing to minimize it but can't cause it's fullscreen.19:26
BluesKajlots of retired techie type retired ppl use linux19:26
ign0ramusnikitis, ctrl+f219:26
nikitisign0ramus: ah desktop switch19:26
tehborizyeahh... flying toasters!19:27
nikitisthat could do, but i'd still prefer the ability to show desktop.  Gnome has Ctrl+alt+D for that.  KDE has nothing similar?19:27
ign0ramusnikitis, is that really what it does? i'm boring and only use a single workspace... ctrl+f2 just minimizes all apps for me...19:27
nikitisign0ramus: that's not exactly minimizing, but similar19:28
rgarciaign0ramus: Folha_de_Rosto_dos_Trabalhos_-_INDIVIDUAL.pdf: invalid password19:28
nikitisign0ramus: oh i see19:28
nikitisyou have only one deskspace19:28
rgarcia$ qpdf --decrypt --password=mypassword input.pdf output.pdf19:28
rgarciawhat does it mean?19:28
ign0ramusrgarcia, i never used the app, simply found a post that said this would decrypt.  best to read the documentation19:29
nikitisign0ramus: hmm when i disabled my 2nd desktop, for only 1, and tried ctrl+f2.  It did nothing19:29
ign0ramusnikitis, i'm using kde 4.2.3 if it makes a difference19:29
nikitissame ;(19:29
ign0ramusnikitis, but ctrl+f2 most certainly minimizes all my windows... :/19:30
nikitisThanks for your help. Anyone else have any suggestions.19:30
sourcemakerI have a problem with a parallell session in kde... the login of the second user is ok... but the screen remains gray...19:32
ign0ramusnikitis, apparently, you can set a keyboard shortcut to any plasma widget, including Show Desktop, but it's not pretty ...19:32
ign0ramusnikitis, http://forum.kde.org/minimize-to-desktop-hide-all-windows-panel-button-t-6332.html#pid725519:32
c3ohai all19:37
c3oany hacker on this room brother...19:38
c3oam need to talk19:38
sudsprefer programmer19:38
c3o brother....19:38
c3oem.. that oke19:38
c3osuds are u programmer19:38
c3onice..  so nice, nice to meet you suds19:39
c3oam ceo from aceh...19:39
sudsnice to meet you too19:39
c3omay be just you brother on this room ?... any else ? // sorry if my english so bad..19:40
c3oback to topic, am need make bms19:40
sudswell for right now it appears that way19:40
c3ocan you help me19:40
c3oam want make bms19:40
sudsyeah please enlighten me on bms19:41
shadeslayersuds: what is bms?19:41
ign0ramusi made bms this morning19:42
sudsI'm not too sure I might know it but never heard it put that way19:42
c3othat some application like cms brother...19:43
c3oBridge Management System19:44
c3oB M S19:44
sudsI understand that now, but what is your point here?19:44
c3ochek this link http://www.developers.net/tsearch?searchkeys=bridge+management+system+software19:44
ign0ramusc3o, you have to register to read developers.ne19:45
shadeslayerc3o: you need a software for BMS in Kubuntu?19:45
c3othat software run on webbase19:45
shadeslayerso why have you come to #kubuntu ?19:45
c3oem.. am want develop it with kubuntu.19:46
shadeslayerc3o: then please visit sourceforge19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sourceforge19:46
c3omy pal develop it on wind***s am tall him am can develop it with kubuntu and with all my brother on here19:47
sudswell that's not really in my expertise...I mainly do scripting and algorithms not stuff like that19:47
c3oyup you right shadeslayer19:47
c3ochek it out http://www.google.co.id/search?hl=id&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&q=bridge+management+system&btnG=Telusuri&meta=19:47
c3oam need that software,....19:47
shadeslayerc3o: you could try in #ubuntu-devel19:47
c3oem... thanks brother shadeslayer19:48
c3osorry all my brother on #kuubuntu19:48
c3oam new one19:48
shadeslayerc3o: they will have a better idea on where to point you19:48
c3oneed teach19:48
c3osorry shadeslayer what that mean?19:48
shadeslayerc3o: /join #ubuntu-devel19:49
c3othanks shadeslayer am will try it19:49
c3oam on there brother.. shadeslayer19:49
c3othanks for you informastion am will try to talk on there19:50
shadeslayerc3o: ask youre question there :)19:50
shadeslayerbye all19:50
c3oby shadeslayer19:50
c3ohey kevin19:51
c3owhat up19:51
=== c3o is now known as c3o_
seeveeI have a question that I couldn't find in documentation...19:55
seeveeI used unetbootin to set up xubuntu as a livecd on a usb...19:55
seevee... when I try to boot, the font is grossly out of proportion to the point of the desktop being unusable.19:56
seeveeAny tips?19:56
=== kevin__ is now known as Canadaeh19
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c3o_hai ... my room so many this command20:01
c3o_58] <-- underdog7 has left this server (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).20:01
c3o_[01:58] *** kevin__ is now known as Canadaeh19.20:01
c3o_[01:58] --> smux has joined this channel (n=benoit@194.251.194-77.rev.gaoland.net).20:01
c3o_[01:58] --> pascal has joined this channel (n=quassel@249.246.195-77.rev.gaoland.net).20:01
c3o_[01:59] <-- seevee has left this server (Remote closed the connection).20:01
c3o_[01:59] <-- pascal has left this server (Client Quit).20:01
c3o_[02:00] --> mike has joined this channel (n=mike@adsl-69-155-136-205.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net).20:01
c3o_[02:00] <-- Saltire has left this server (Remote closed the connection).20:01
c3o_[02:00] --> smux_ has joined this channel (n=benoit@2.83.193-77.rev.gaoland.net).20:01
c3o_[02:00] --> seevee has joined this channel (n=roger@96-42-161-235.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com).20:01
c3o_[02:00] *** mike is now known as Guest20546.20:01
FloodBotK2c3o_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:01
c3o_how to register and identify with nickserv20:03
c3o_can help me20:03
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jussi01!register | c3o_20:07
ubottuc3o_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:07
c3o_yup thanks am will jussi0120:07
steve__hey all20:10
c3o_who to reg it20:11
alucard_excues me20:11
alucard_I dant speak english20:12
c3o_yup alucard20:12
c3o_what you speak20:12
=== Guest20546 is now known as mike_
alucard_It is ubuntu perfect20:12
=== c3o_ is now known as c3o
alucard_I don't installing OSS20:13
jussi01!tr | alucard_20:13
ubottualucard_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:13
alucard_Firefox not running20:13
c3o!register | c3o20:13
ubottuc3o, please see my private message20:13
alucard_see you later ubuntu users family20:14
bahramwhh_Thanks Linux (very much) http://linux.slashdot.org/story/09/06/11/214240/Linux-To-Be-First-OS-To-Support-USB-3020:27
desaparecidohi, i have a problem with no sound notification in jaunty KDE 4.3 beta 2, no MP3 or OGG plays (amarok, kaffeine, etc) but WMA works. audio in video it's ok too.some idea? works before las upgrade20:34
c3owhat error ?20:36
c3ohai all am used ubuntu an um update to kubuntu now am want to install thema who i do it ?20:38
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:39
sourcemakerI have a problem with akonadi... when I start kontact I receive the error message: Bridged resource '3ZQHxFgETK' has no standard resource20:43
sourcemakerthe second problem is: the strigi service is not visible in the system tray (KDE 4.3b2)20:43
c3oplease tall me how to cheng gdm20:49
c3obrother.. how to upgrade open office 2.4 to 3.x20:52
=== mauricio is now known as Guest35380
ikoniac3o: what version of ubuntu are you using20:55
ikoniac3o: please stop calling everyone "brother"20:55
=== christian is now known as Guest63606
c3oam used version of 8.0421:10
adamhello does anyone know how to fix backlight problems21:10
c3ofor ubuntu but am upgrade to kubuntu21:10
c3oam blank so blank of it21:10
ShadozeDoes anyone know why all java applications stay  minimised and cant be adjusted21:10
adami am using a torch to see my screen21:10
Guest63606hey every1, got problem with my jaunty, i updatet my packages and installed with dist-upgrade, now i got non-solved connections in my repisitory, and at every start plasma crashes, and cant reloaded, just got window bar21:11
ShadozeNevermind, it appears to only have done it on the first time i opened it21:12
Guest63606  kdebase-workspace-dev: Hängt ab: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 (= 4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1.1) aber 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2 ist installiert21:12
Guest63606                         Hängt ab: libkwineffects1 (= 4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1.1) aber 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2 ist installiert21:12
Guest63606                         Hängt ab: libkdecorations4 (= 4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1.1) aber 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2 ist installiert21:12
Guest63606  kdeplasma-addons: Hängt ab: plasma-widgets-addons (>= 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1) ist aber nicht installiert21:12
FloodBotK2Guest63606: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
Guest63606                    Hängt ab: plasma-runners-addons (>= 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1) ist aber nicht installiert21:12
Guest63606                    Hängt ab: plasma-widget-lancelot (>= 4:4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa1) ist aber nicht installiert21:12
ShadozeGuest63606: please use http://www.paste.ubuntu.com21:12
Guest63606okay sorry21:14
Guest63606the packages21:14
=== Guest63606 is now known as christian
=== christian is now known as Guest9862
carolijaHllo anyone know about this issuse whan i reboot the system I cant see the screen after this message "Starting Userful..." That is som game wich i installd but i don't need it21:16
Shadozechristian: maybe #kubuntu-de may be of use to you?21:16
Shadozecarolija: if you don't need the game then remove it?21:17
ShadozeIf i understood correctly21:18
carolijaHow do i unistall it via knozola coz there is no other way?21:18
JuJuBeeMamarok: you around?21:18
carolijaShadoze: how ?21:18
carolijaI cant find it21:18
carolijaI have installed it via add program21:18
carolijabut now i can't find the game, and that game blocking my all system21:18
sheytan_Hi guys21:18
FloodBotK1carolija: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
FloodBotK2carolija: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
carolijacant start it21:19
sheytan_what are you using for screecasting?21:19
Dragnslcrcarolija- what's the name of the game?21:19
carolijaDragnslcr: The name is userful .21:20
Dragnslcr!info userful21:20
ubottuPackage userful does not exist in jaunty21:20
carolijaI have tried reemove userful21:20
Dragnslcrcarolija- did you install it from the regular repositories?21:20
carolijabut h can't find it21:20
carolijafrom the regular21:21
Shadozeremove out however you remove things in knozola?21:21
ShadozeI'm afraid i dont even know what that is, so i can be of little help there21:21
carolijaI read this but thr is nothing of help to remove it http://support.userful.com/wiki/index.php/Manuals/UMx/User_Guide#Ubuntu_8.1021:22
Dragnslcrcarolija- that doesn't look like a game21:22
Dragnslcr!info userful-multiplier21:23
ubottuuserful-multiplier (source: userful-multiplier): Userful's Virtualized X-Server (Trial Version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 323-20090317110251-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 7564 kB, installed size 16528 kB (Only available for i386)21:23
carolijaThe main problem is that game dos not support Radeon and now after restart i cant login21:23
sheytan_Guys! I need some app for screencasting. Can someone name some?21:23
carolijavoila, what is that21:23
carolijaIt is Trial version21:23
Shadozecarolija, did you know what you were installing before you went abou tinstalling it?21:24
carolijaI tought it some game21:24
JuJuBeeAnyone use kpilot with a palm treo?21:24
Shadozecarolija: Perhaps there documentation may be of use to you, they appear to have unistalling instructions there also: http://support.userful.com/wiki/index.php/Manuals/UMx/User_Guide21:26
carolijaI remv it i guess, wills ee now21:27
ubsafderfrom /var/log can i see the adress assigned by dhcp ?21:27
ShadozeCarolija, huh?21:27
ShadozeOh sorry, gotcha come back with the result!21:27
Shadoze:), does anyone else have timeouts and "cannot install this error messages" when trying to install sun's java packages21:29
AdmiralNDPInteresting. The default channel for the Mint Linux install is #kubuntu.21:32
carolijaShadoze: now is all okay.21:33
c3ohai all can kubuntu we used for learn hacking ?21:34
c3oam interest for hacking21:34
c3ofor learn21:34
carolijaJust i can't figure aout witch package i install avary time and I lose the KDE ? Any ida ? Now i have same like ubuntu damn21:35
Shadozec3o: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2007/09/getting-into-kde-hacking.html21:35
carolijac3o:  this erver not support hacking21:35
carolijaevery* *damn Keyboard*21:35
c3owew thanks shadoze21:36
c3oand sorry carlija21:36
ShadozeI don't think he means it like that, "hacking" can also refer to taking things apart finding out how things work under certain situations and possibly finding bugs in kde.21:36
JuJuBeeI need some assitance getting the Printer Configuration app installed/running on my deskop. It is missing from K-Menu->Applicaitons->System for some reason. I think it is kcmshell4?21:36
Shadozecarolija: i'm not sure, but if installing that game knocked out kde from starting, my best bet would be that was the problem21:36
ShadozeGoogling around founf quite alot of problems with it for k/ubuntu users :(21:37
carolijaShadoze:  So the game who running on gnome can be a problm too ?21:37
Shadozecarolija: Possibly i don;t really know i've never played it/heard about it to know, but the documentation "should" cover most things hopefully including known issues21:38
carolijaI was tired whan was installing package so maybe i installed some with gnome support21:38
Shadozegnome and kde can work pretty well together21:38
ShadozeI don't think installing gnome packages would be your problem21:39
carolijahmm, than what ?21:39
carolijaI have ubuntu screen after restart :|21:39
ShadozeThe ubuntu bootsplash? What about your desktop environment, has it turned to gnome, or is it still kde?21:40
carolijaShadoze:  how to see that ?21:40
ShadozeI thought you could login after removing that game?21:41
carolijaYes i am loged in now, just i see ubuntu screen21:41
Shadozeclarify on the "ubuntu" screen?21:42
carolijahmm I don't have K  (like in win "start" )  but I have Applications - Places - System21:43
ShadozeCan you assemble a printscren together?21:43
carolijawait i make a screenshoot, just a sec21:44
carolijaShadoze:  http://carolija.eu/images/snapshot2.png21:49
Shadozecarolija: That is gnome21:50
carolijaShadoze: Before rstart I had KDE and i want KDE21:51
carolijathre is the problem21:51
Shadozelogout, and under session manager there should be links to the desktop environment it will use when it logs in21:51
Shadozesuch as kde, failsafe, gnome, ecetera21:52
Shadozeselect kde if its there21:52
carolijajust a sec21:53
carolijaShadoze:  now is KDE, BUT why i have gnome damn ?21:54
carolijaand thank you Shadoze .21:54
ShadozeWell, you must have installed the gnome-desktop package21:54
carolijaIll remove it21:54
carolijaif i have installed that one21:55
ShadozeWould you like guidance on how to do that?21:55
carolijaI dont need it21:55
carolijaapt-get remove gnome-desktop ?21:55
carolijaI mean $sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop ?21:55
carolijais that one Shadoze  ?21:56
carolijaot something else21:56
ShadozeThat should remove gnome yes, hold up21:56
ShadozeIt will also remove all of gnome's dependancies21:56
Shadozecarolija: can you check if the ubuntu-desktop package is installed?21:58
carolijaSo i should leave it and every time just chose KDE before login21:58
carolijayes i can21:58
Walzmynwhat's the CLI command to "do someting in THIS directory"?21:58
Shadozeif you want it gone, then well remove it21:58
carolijaPackage ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed21:59
carolija0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:59
carolijaSo there is no ubuntu-desktop22:00
=== natschil_ is now known as natschil
=== Szadek__ is now known as Szadek
ShadozeAhh so yo uhavn;t got all of gnome, but you've dragged in enough for a workable gnome installation :S22:02
carolijaYes something like that look like Shadoze22:03
carolijaand every time I got this, I have installed Kubuntu around 5 times and every tim the same22:04
Shadozecarolija: check if you have the package: gnome-desktop-environment22:04
carolijaBUT it's ok, now i know how to get in via KDE22:04
carolijaok, sec22:04
carolijaill check it22:04
carolijaPackage gnome-desktop-environment is not installed, so not removed22:05
carolijaShadoze: no, there is not22:05
Shadozeoh dear erm22:06
carolijaheh, never mind i will menage like this Shadoze22:06
carolijathank you anyway for that game and for time22:06
ShadozeWell this will remove all the package ubuntu-desktop would have dragged in, and you will have some of these22:07
carolijaShadoze: Yes i have Xvnc server , so some of those make the problem22:10
carolijaNever mind, ill leave it like this, so i can login every time in kde22:10
carolijajust have to check it like you sad22:10
ShadozeYou can set it as defualt under session manager i think :)22:11
carolijaI will keep that paste for the future22:11
carolijaI will see, i hope so hehe22:11
* steve__ sees cat22:12
ShadozeAwesome :D hopefully it works *fingers corssed*22:13
JuJuBeeIs it possible for miltiple users to share the same calendar/address book with Kontact?22:19
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c3o#Coded By AlpHaNiX22:24
=== Anon666 is now known as Being_Tsukasa
mubuHey guys where can çi check in the log viewer to see at what time my pc was turned off? Thanks22:25
carolijac3o:  use http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:26
c3oCan't locate XML/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .)22:26
c3ohow to fix taht22:26
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vbgunzwhat do I need to get this -> "QtSql module is installed with the Sqlite interface"22:40
begginer001hi everyone22:42
begginer001i need some help22:42
begginer001for installing22:42
=== silver is now known as Guest74628
begginer001QT software22:43
begginer001can anyone help me22:43
linuxbombWhat sound system does kubuntu use for default?22:47
begginer001im kunbuntu user22:49
benjaminI just updated to kde 4.2.4, and now I don't have any icons anymore (the kmenu, in the system tray, etc). the items in question are present, they just aren't visible22:50
welingtonops ola galera22:52
welingtonaguem do brasil22:52
benjaminso i've narrowed things down a little... the "Crystal SVG" icon theme seems to be missing most of its icons. How does one go about fixing this?23:04
mtbbiker99hello germany!!!!!!!!!!!!23:05
mtbbiker99ist jemand hier??23:05
Dragnslcr!de | mtbbiker9923:05
ubottumtbbiker99: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:05
mtbbiker99also, ich heiße olaf 37 aus recklinghausen und du??23:05
=== TMKCodes_ is now known as TMKCodes
mtbbiker99könnt ihr auch tippen? can you write?23:06
mtbbiker99english or german or or23:07
mtbbiker99hi gt_23:07
mtbbiker99can you write23:07
mtbbiker99withe the keybord23:07
mtbbiker99write with the keyboard23:08
mtbbiker99say hello23:08
BluesKaj!enter | mtbbiker9923:08
ubottumtbbiker99: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:08
mtbbiker99my name is kitty23:08
mtbbiker99question: is anybody out ther?23:09
mtbbiker99bad english, sorrry23:09
mtbbiker99what can I do here?23:09
benjamin!de | mtbbiker9923:09
ubottumtbbiker99: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:09
gt_saludos a todos23:09
mtbbiker99dos no ubuntu23:09
BluesKaj!es | gt_23:10
ubottugt_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:10
mtbbiker99I hate bill Gates, free is better23:10
mtbbiker99english, please23:10
ubottuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy23:10
mtbbiker99ok, I dont like........23:11
BluesKajda nada23:11
mtbbiker99where do you came frome exaxtly?23:11
BluesKajerr de nada23:11
mtbbiker99dont leave, write23:11
mtbbiker99hello german!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:12
mtbbiker99Is noboady "ubuntu"23:12
mtbbiker99konservation, please23:13
BluesKajmtbbiker99, pls stop these questions ...if you have a question then state your problem23:13
donderHey guys, is it possible to have an external usb hdd with multiple partitions? thanks23:13
mtbbiker99dann schreibe ich mir selbst einen Brief.........23:13
BluesKaj!de | mtbbiker9923:13
ubottumtbbiker99: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:13
mtbbiker99Yes, no problem23:14
benjaminif anyone cares, i fixed my icon issue... when I updated to 4.2.4, the oxygen icon theme was not installed. I brought it in manually using adept. problem solved23:14
mtbbiker99wich OS do you have23:14
benjamindonder: i've done it in XP... but i've never tried with linux23:15
mtbbiker99tried it with UBUNTU23:15
BluesKajmtbbiker99, can't you take a hint ? go to the german chat pls23:15
mtbbiker99deutsch, kein problem23:15
donderbenjamin, i can i have one of those partitions bootable, like with grub on it?23:15
benjamindonder: i can't think of a reason why you couldn't... Many mobos nowadays ship with the ability to boot to usb devices23:16
donderbenjamin, yeah i know but i thought the multiple partitions might mess it up...23:16
benjamindonder: if you're booting to it, it should look to the boot sector first, aka grub. In my experience, grub handles multiple partitions well23:18
benjamindonder: again though, i've never done this... i just don't see a reason why it couldn't be done23:18
sparkartHi.... I am having a graphics display issue.23:32
rgarciahi all, does anybody know a program to scan documents w/ scanner?23:35
TMKCodesscan documents w/ scanner how's that possible?23:36
rgarciaops sorry...with the scanner23:36
donderAnyone know the minimum size of a usb flash drive to install ubuntu onto it with the startup disk creator? thanks23:37
TMKCodesdonder the startup disk creator makes copies the installer.iso into the usb disk23:37
donderso like 700 MB?23:38
TMKCodesdonder: Yeah23:38
TMKCodesdonder: it works like burning the .iso into CD23:39
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR23:39
donderHey guys I just created 2 partitions on my usb hdd with the partition editor (gparted) in ubuntu. Gparted sees the two partitions but in the nautilus explorer "Computer" I can only see one partition.. What should i do.. Thanks23:42
=== robin is now known as beachside
beachsidehello, I just switched to kubuntu and i'm digging it so far, but i can't prink anything. It is a Lexmark z730. Lexmark doesn't have the model on their site, and i've searched fourms and can't find anything. I do have the install disk that came with the printer.23:46
=== kevin___ is now known as Canadaeh19
=== juancarlos is now known as l0s3r
BluesKajbeachside, i hate to be the bearer of bad news , but i don't know of any lexmark linux drivers ...yet23:55
niiam new on ubuntu and irc23:56
niiany body wanna help out?23:56

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