
wgrantzsquareplusc: Which project?00:00
wgrantThey're a bit hard - and sometimes impossible, without SQL access - to delete.00:01
zsquareplusci was looking for a way to get team-ppa linked to the homepage, but what i tried was wrong :(00:01
wgrantPPA<->project linkage is apparently coming within a couple of months.00:02
zsquareplusci found the FAQ but i dont see any trashcan icons on the pages00:02
zsquarepluscah, ok00:02
zsquarepluscso it would be easier for now to just add a note in the description of the project=00:02
wgrantzsquareplusc: Yes - that would be easiest.00:04
wgrantzsquareplusc: Those two are the sort of links that can't be removed by mortals. Ask an admin to do it for you at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion00:05
zsquarepluscheh. ok.00:05
zsquarepluscwgrant: done. i guess you don't need to know the answers number.00:22
wgrantzsquareplusc: An admin will probably look at it next week some time.00:22
zsquarepluscthanks for your time00:25
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Hobbseehow does one unassign a team from a spec?01:27
wgrantHobbsee: Bwahahaha.01:29
Hobbseewgrant: yeah, i thought as much.  Manual remove from the db, or something?01:30
wgrantHobbsee: No, you just need to work out who has privileges.01:30
wgrantWhich is non-trivial.01:30
wgrantWhich spec?01:31
Hobbseewgrant: well, i'm on the team, and can't remove it.  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/karmic-fedora-directory-server-inclusion01:31
wgrantHobbsee: Oh, you mean you're subscribed?01:31
Hobbseewgrant: er, yes, sorr01:32
wgrantSQL is required for that.01:32
wgrantBug #5087501:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 50875 in blueprint "It is not possible to unsubscribe a team from a blueprint" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5087501:34
Hobbseeoh joy01:35
Sarvattwould it be possible to move a PPA from an individual over to a team, or would just binary copying every file over be the way to go?03:14
Sarvattlooking to have https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing moved over to xorg-edgers.03:15
xnoxwhat's up with debbugs import? all of them fail to import status, or is it just not yet implemented?05:12
sayakb|homehello! edge servers are timing out.07:02
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rippsI keep getting an error when I try to copy packages from a ppa under my personal account to team account's ppa I maintain. Does anybody know what's going on?09:49
cprov-afkripps: which error ?09:50
rippscprov-afk: Hmm... I don't remeber exactly, I've gotten 3 times already, I'll do it again09:51
cprov-afkripps: okay, let me know.09:52
rippscprov-afk: (Error ID: OOPS-1261EC212)09:52
cprov-afkripps: okay, it will take up to 10 min to sync.09:53
rippscprov-afk: Can I initiate the copy now?10:03
cprov-afkripps: it's a timeout.10:04
cprov-afkripps: how many copy candidates ?10:04
rippscprov-afk: I was planning on copying all 12 from my staging ppa to the offical one in gmpc-trunk10:05
cprov-afktry less, much less in fact, 1 or 210:05
cprov-afkI know it's tedious to do that in the UI atm10:05
rippsI've been testing a ppabot script and I was making the sure the packages were good before moving them10:05
cprov-afkripps: but you could also try the LP API for doing your copies in a semi-automatic way.10:06
cprov-afkripps: 'ppabot' ?  what's it ?10:06
rippsI plan on moving the bot over to the offical ppa eventually, but I'm still working the kinks out10:07
rippsfta's ppabot10:07
rippsthe one he uses for chromium-daily and mozilla-daily10:07
rippscprov-afk: btw, copying 4 packages at a times seems to be working10:09
cprov-afkripps: uhm, cool! is the code available anywhere ?10:10
rippscprov-afk: it's in fta's code branch. ppa-scripts10:10
cprov-afkripps: right, every time you experience a timeout in +copy-packages try to reduce the number of copies candidates.10:10
rippsThat should probably be made more clear in the error message. Thanks10:11
cprov-afkperl .... OMG! :)10:11
cprov-afkripps: well, it's an timeout error, not that we are proud enough to explain why they happened :)10:12
* wgrant is surprised that copies are so expensive.10:13
cprov-afkwgrant: copy checks are expensive, the copy actions are very cheap.10:16
wgrantcprov-afk: Ah.10:16
cprov-afkwgrant: so many things can made a copy broken, incomplete builds, unpublished binaries, conflicting versions/files ...10:17
wgrantcprov-afk: Right.10:17
cprov-afkit's a huge list and raising all the needed data can't be done quickly enough for multiple packages.10:17
cprov-afkwe have to change the way we approach multiple copies10:18
* wgrant vanishes to dinner.10:18
wgrantIs the delayed copies spec meant to fix this? I don't see how it can, as it isn't really nice to reject the copy some time after it's requested.10:19
cprov-afkwgrant: delayed-copies are more related to unembargoing security fixes, right now10:20
cprov-afkwgrant: but they could be an alternative for copy-batches, specially now that we publish PPAs every 5 min.10:20
cprov-afkIt rather wait for a batch of copies to happen in background in the next 5 minutes than facing successive timeouts  in the UI10:21
cprov-afkbut that's my position, we may decide differently after contacting users affected by this problem.10:22
wgrantcprov-afk: That's true.10:31
ftacprov-afk, what' wrong with perl? ;)11:28
mwhudsonit's heretical!11:34
* wgrant hugs Python.11:36
wgrantIt does seem wrong to use Perl to interact with Launchpad, though.11:38
cprov-afkfta: ehe, it's probably my fault, but I can't read it :)11:56
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stefanlsdstaging.l.n down?13:57
d-bhi there i was wanting to know where development of the 'new' launchpad is up too... / has it gone foss yet? / open13:58
wgrantd-b: See the link in the topic for open sourcing stuff - July 21st is the magic date.13:59
stefanlsdwgrant: staging down on your side too?14:01
d-b(doesn't work for me !)14:02
stefanlsdd-b: thanks14:02
d-bthat is https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/ right?14:02
stefanlsdd-b: yeah...14:05
wgrantstefanlsd: Yep.14:05
wgrantstefanlsd: Maybe it's updating.14:05
wgrantOr just broken.14:05
d-bi can ping it ^^14:05
d-banyways the july the 21st date .. it goes open + anything else?14:07
wgrantd-b: Launchpad 3.0 is released then too, but that's not tooo revolutionary (AFAIK)14:08
d-bcool. so i was like the screenshots from the staging site?14:08
d-b(when it was up)14:08
d-bah.... does it fix the usability much?14:11
didrockshey. I have some troubles on staging to access with launchpadlib (it's working on edge), do anybody is aware of that ?14:22
henry_huanghi, i got a problem while i am uploading my ppa14:30
henry_huangThe error is Wrong password14:30
henry_huangi have no idea and the help page does not mention this kind of error...:(14:30
Hobbseeyou shouldn't be using a password?14:31
henry_huangCould anyone give me a hand?14:31
Hobbseewhere are you getting a password prompt?14:31
henry_huangChecking Signature on .changes14:34
henry_huanggpg: Signature made Sun 14 Jun 2009 09:22:09 AM EDT using DSA key ID 98EF1D0514:34
henry_huanggpg: Good signature from "Henry Huang <henry.s.huang@gmail.com>"14:34
henry_huangGood signature on /home/henry/repo/userspace-client-for-drcom/tarball/drcom-pum_1.0-1~ppa1_source.changes.14:34
henry_huangChecking Signature on .dsc14:34
henry_huanggpg: Signature made Sun 14 Jun 2009 09:22:07 AM EDT using DSA key ID 98EF1D0514:34
henry_huanggpg: Good signature from "Henry Huang <henry.s.huang@gmail.com>"14:34
henry_huangGood signature on /home/henry/repo/userspace-client-for-drcom/tarball/drcom-pum_1.0-1~ppa1.dsc.14:34
henry_huangPackage includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests14:34
henry_huangthat it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be14:34
henry_huangrejected by the upload queue management software.14:34
henry_huangUploading to my-ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net):14:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:34
henry_huangWrong Password14:34
henry_huangSorry, so long message ...14:34
Hobbseecan you pastebin your /etc/dput.cf please?14:35
henry_huanghere is my .dput.cf content:14:35
henry_huangfqdn = ppa.launchpad.net14:35
henry_huangmethod = ftp14:35
henry_huangincoming = ~henry-s-huang/drcom-pum/ubuntu/14:35
henry_huanglogin = anonymous14:35
henry_huangallow_unsigned_uploads = 014:35
Hobbseei have no idea.  it looks right14:37
d-blaunchpad is still only bzr only yeah?14:37
Hobbseei just uploaded a package and it worked fine14:38
henry_huangoh, sorry, i will pastebin my /etc/dput.cf :P14:43
henry_huanghere is my /etc/dput.cf  -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/195679/14:46
Hobbseeodd.  it should work.  i've no idea why ti does'nt.14:48
henry_huangwill my special name cause this kind of error ?  ~henry-s-huang14:49
Hobbseei've no idea, i dont' work on launchpad14:53
cprov-afkthat's your GPG key password14:53
cprov-afkoops, wrong post, ignore me.14:54
henry_huangi got the GPG key and signed the Ubuntero, but failed in the prompt with the error "Wrong password"...14:57
cprov-afkhenry_huang: weird, whatever it is doesn't seem to be related with LP, it's local dput being silly.14:59
AskHLI've made some contributions to the translation of Transmission and want it to be imported in Launchpad (uploaded as a complete po-file).  It has already been reviewed by our translation team.  I am a member of the Danish Ubuntu translator group, so I think I should be able to import it myself.  However I cannot change the file's status from "Needs review".  Can anyone tell me how to do this, or whether I should be a member of other groups16:32
AskHLHuh, it says 'approved' now.  I wonder if this was automatic or whether somebody else changed the status...16:43
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ryanakcargreening: Did you ever get my email about the logo?18:11
ryanakcaoops, wrong channel, sorry18:12
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rippsA couple of packages I've copied to ~gmpc-trunk/archive/ppa seem to have froze at pending.19:29
cprovripps: the copy is causing some files in the pool/ to be overridden.20:05
cprovripps: how did you copy them ?20:12
cprovripps: ppa-scripts, is in the game, I guess.20:14
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cprovripps: I've deleted you sources (and binaries) they will never make their way to the pool/ and filed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/387049. Please add anything you find relevant to the bug report. Thanks for warning us about the problem.20:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387049 in soyuz "Copy backend does not detect file conflicts" [High,Triaged]20:48
rippscprov: yo, thanks for filing the bug for me.20:51
cprovripps: np.20:51
rippscprov: would a copy-rebuild work?20:52
cprovripps: no, it would fail in the same way, the orig you are copying in conflicts with the one that already exists in the trunk PPA pool/20:52
rippscprov: so.... delete the current ones, then copy?20:53
cprovripps: yes, you can delete the exisiting one waiting for it to be removed from the pool/ then you can copy and it will be published20:53
cprovripps: but don't rely on this dance of orig tarballs too much, for it to be removed you have to be sure it's not needed by any other publication20:54
rippsActually, I think the whole bad orig.tar was something I caused while playing around with the ppa-scripts, it shouldn't occur in a normal case scenerio20:55
cprovripps: The only way I see both PPAs working fine sharing origs is when they both rely on the already existing orig in ubuntu.20:55
cprovripps: possibly, that's what I thought.20:56
rippsthe ppa-scripts usually only allow an orig.tar to be uploaded once, than it will automatically upload only diff versions, but I screwed up something and had to recreate my orig.tar20:56
cprovripps: anyway, when playing with two PPA (which may contain conflicts orig and be fine) is that the tool has to be extra careful.20:56
cprovripps: right, if it happens again (more than 5 min in 'pending') you know what's going on. check the orig and if they are conflicting delete the pending publications OR the existing ORIG (depending on what you want) and it will be happy again.20:58
rippsthis is only a temporary setup, until I'm confident the ppa-scripts won't screw up my gmpc-trunk21:00
cprovripps: no worries, keep up with the good work and ping me you have any trouble :)21:01
rippsProblem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair21:01
* cprov dashes for food and movies21:02
cprovripps: :)21:02
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