
thorwilkwwii, looks like we really have to split the Backgrounds page now. damn "wiki surge protection". it's rather a protection against just bloody working09:40
* thorwil sends mail about that09:59
macvr_MMA_: why have you removed the icons? is it because they have been accepted/rejected ?12:48
macvrfrom wiki12:49
_MMA_macvr: Some, because they have sat too long. Some because I am uploading. Mostly because people are adding things unnecessarily and its triggering the surge protection *WAY* too much.12:56
macvr:) yeah i had that prob a couple of times !... btw do u have the "new" .svg  sebastien had done?12:58
_MMA_The ones using his glyph?12:58
_MMA_And though I removed them from the wiki, the attachments are still there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions?action=AttachFile12:59
_MMA_kwwii: When you make a go at getting Breathe into Universe?13:04
kwwiiouch, someone remind me how I got home last night and why I feel like such shit13:04
kwwii_MMA_: we could do that tomorrow13:05
kwwiino thinking for today13:05
_MMA_kwwii: Ok. Ill be working tomorrow though.13:05
_MMA_Im sure you can handle it.13:05
macvri wanted to use the green color gradient he had done, for the defaults emblem, i dont like my color !... the svg aint there , i'v checked, was hoping you had it so i could finish it today. ... he seems to be away :(13:06
_MMA_macvr: If you can get the page up, the SVGs are there.13:07
_MMA_Or, at least the pngs.13:07
macvrhe just uploaded the png13:07
_MMA_Then email him directly.13:07
_MMA_Ill just tell him to get online. :P13:07
macvrhe seems to be away...13:07
_MMA_(I hope he didnt have anything to do today)13:08
macvr_MMA_: done uploading your icons?13:08
_MMA_macvr: He's *rarely* on IRC/Gmail/Jabber.13:08
_MMA_I've made my uploads yes. I have to hunt down some issues with a symlink though.13:09
_MMA_But that's the packaging branch.13:09
_MMA_The places menu is showing a Human icon for a flash drive where Nautilus displays a Breathe one. Very odd.13:13
_MMA_As this just happened. (maybe I just saw it)13:13
macvranyone feedback on this> http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/emblem-readonly1.png15:04
macvr_MMA_: ^ ?15:04
_MMA_Too flat. Unrealistic.15:05
_MMA_macvr: I think the "new" glyph you want is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebreathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk/download/head:/mailmessagenew.svg-20090507000204-eqi1ooffc4prnbkc-4/mail-message-new.svg15:07
macvrthats not the one... sebastien had done with a different green, that was nice and bright15:09
macvr_MMA_: any ideas on how to make the lock better?15:10
_MMA_macvr: Make it photo-realistic.15:10
macvrits the emblem15:10
_MMA_Ahh... You must mention that. ;)15:11
macvri thought u might have read the label15:11
_MMA_macvr: I see. Let me wrap up this email to the list and I'll think.15:11
macvrits the emblem-readonly icon...15:11
macvrthorwil: hi... :) if you are not busy....feedback on this for emblem-readonly icon> http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/emblem-readonly1.png ?15:40
thorwilmacvr, it's either too flat or not flat enough15:41
thorwilmacvr, make it more realistic or more symbolic15:41
macvrfor emblem making it more flat would be better right?15:42
knomethe smallest size looks way the best15:42
macvri was actually aiming at getting that right first15:43
macvrknome: arent the 16px more used for emblems?15:43
knomei suppose so, but all the sizess have to look good15:44
macvractually i went overboard with the gradients with the bigger sizes... i'm make them like the 16px15:45
thorwilmacvr, flat or realistic emblems is a stylistic decision that should be made once ...15:47
_MMA_I address this in my coming email. (any min now)15:48
_MMA_"Cruft, stuff and other junk..." coming down now.15:48
macvrhow is this > http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/emblem-readonly2.png15:48
_MMA_macvr: No. I think we should go photo-realistic on this.15:49
macvr_MMA_: ok.15:49
_MMA_If anyone here is interested in/working on Breathe, check your email.15:50
_MMA_I'm going to the grocery store. I'll be back soon. (give you guys time to reply)15:55
* _MMA_ waves and heads out.15:57
macvrspg76: hi... could you upload the new .svg... i wan to  use the gradients for the emblem default?15:58
macvrthe green you had used was bright and warm15:58
spg76macvr: Oh, ok. I thought  you want to use the symbol and it's not the final icon until we decide it16:00
spg76I'll send you a "new " file right away.16:01
macvrno... i liked the color, i have the emblem ready but the colors i choose just aernt that good :(16:01
spg76macvr: sent16:04
macvrspg76: got it :) thanx16:06
macvrspg76: regarding the calender... the problem why the numbers/lines are blurry is because they cut the pixels a lot...16:07
spg76macvr: that's why I remove the numbers as Andrew suggested16:08
macvrbut then it looks hollow... i thought maybe if you got them aligned it might look better.16:10
macvronly the 128px could have the numbers16:11
macvrthe 48px could have the dots... but the 128 looks very empty16:11
spg76macvr: I thought about that and maybe I'll add the numbers to the 128px on a future revision but I don't know about the dots in the 48px16:16
spg76I use them in the 32px and I don't like how it looks.16:16
_MMA_spg76: Just a note, I upped the one w/numbers. Can always be changed later.16:27
* _MMA_ also has to see what the trash icon used on some dialogs is called.16:33
macvr_MMA_: the smileys> i didnt pay much attention to the 128px , for the smaller sizes adding more shine more detail didnt make much difference in the png output. so i removed whatever extra stuff i did for them and maintained the same for the 128px... but as you say its not fully there, i'll add details to the 128px16:33
macvr_MMA_: emblems> u want the symbolic-link one in white/grey?16:34
_MMA_macvr: Please reply in email.16:35
_MMA_macvr: You'll learn. ;) IRC is fine for quick chat. But for things that require, lengthy text replies, the list is best. Especially when replying to a email like the one I sent.16:37
spg76_MMA_: I think the icon it's in actions16:38
spg76_MMA_: the trash icon :)16:38
_MMA_spg76: That's what I was thinking. I think Daniel is working on that so I'll leave it be for now.16:39
spg76I gotta run16:40
spg76I'll try to get here later16:40
spg76See you later.16:41
macvr_MMA_: sent mail...17:23
macvrif u have replied, ping me, my mail client checks only once an hour17:30
_MMA_I'm replying now.17:31
_MMA_macvr: Sent. It's there.17:34
macvr_MMA_: i mant ETA for when you want the emotes/emblems! when do you plan next release?17:37
_MMA_I have no plan really.17:38
_MMA_Well, once some things are fixed and more icons round out the set, I'll do another release.17:39
_MMA_Just depends on the quality and amount of the submissions.17:39
macvr_MMA_: hei...! then why are you pushing me around :P17:39
_MMA_macvr: Because you're my slave.17:40
macvr_MMA_: i'm not sure i can do the emotes-glasses... i'll try but i almost sure i wont do a good job17:40
* macvr whipped!17:40
_MMA_macvr: Do what you can. If it comes down to it, someone else can refine. But don't take that as license to give up.17:41
macvr_MMA_: OK... just as a rough timeline... give me 2 weeks for the rest of the emotes17:42
* macvr whipped back to emblems :P17:43
macvr_MMA_: before you go... i'm working on this... its not complete, the colors/shades are still not done, but does this work for emblems-default?  http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/emblem-default6.png17:49
_MMA_Hmm... I'm unsure.17:51
_MMA_Doesn't grab me. The check mark feels odd.17:52
macvrthe default emblem was the check mark so i did this... well i'll upload it when its done and then u can decide... i didnt want to do straight lines17:53
thorwilmacvr: you should work on the bend a bit17:54
macvras in? make it curve more?17:54
thorwilmacvr: make it look good ;)17:54
macvrthat i'm never gonna !17:55
macvrthorwil: i always just stcuk trying not to make it too different between the sizes... maybe i should be more free at the larger sizes?17:56
_MMA_macvr: Try to do this style: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebreathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk/download/head:/dialogerror.png-20090610220345-fdt85tf0id2yj8zx-8/dialog-error.png17:57
macvr_MMA_: for default?17:58
_MMA_Look here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~breathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk/files/head%3A/source_svg/rendered and look at the dialog-* images.17:58
_MMA_For style.17:59
_MMA_Actually, why aren't you just doing a check mark? That would be more fitting with your current work right?18:00
macvraw... i didnt think of that! but i wanted to use the hexagon!18:00
_MMA_macvr: Consistency must always be kept in mind.18:01
macvr:P ... i'll see with just the check mark18:02
macvrbut i felt that the hexagon kinda fit for default.18:03
macvr_MMA_: that whole dialogue icons were not in the last release! i'll try to make them look similar. but does the emblem have to be similar to dialogue icons?18:17
_MMA_macvr: Then subscribe to the changes to the BZR branches. ;)18:17
_MMA_There are things that would help to make the look consistent throughout the set. This, might be one of them.18:19
_MMA_And ultimately, I have to think about that vs. simply accepting an submission because someone did the work.18:20
_MMA_We are starting to have style issues here and there.18:20
macvrhow do i subscribe to bazaar changes?18:20
macvrdo i have to setup an account?18:21
_MMA_Are you on Launchpad?18:21
_MMA_Have an account?18:21
_MMA_Look on far right: https://code.launchpad.net/~breathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk18:22
macvroh... its in the code section... i usually stay clear of that... ok... thanks18:23
_MMA_macvr: Also note that subscribing to the wiki changes (which I know you do) will help. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Icons18:26
_MMA_I usually add the icons to the wiki at the same time I add to BZR.18:26
macvrcheeky little notifier on top!18:27
macvrno privacy :P18:27
macvr_MMA_: did u check the submissions?23:14
_MMA_Not yet.23:14
macvrhow is the default emblem now? better?23:14
_MMA_I don't know. Just not grabbing me atm. As it's Sunday night and I'm winding down I really can't make a solid opinion.23:16
macvrok then... take your time... i'll catch you later... :)23:18
_MMA_Actually, I'd rather others chime in. It's alot of weight managing all this and sometimes I want to see what others say before I jump in. Helps me a bit.23:18
_MMA_I should log off actually. Later23:18

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