
soreauCan someone help me file this bug? http://pastebin.com/m14c52dca Jaunty shipped with compiz-0.8.2 except this package got left behind00:07
soreauThis happened with Intrepid too, same package, wrong version but mvo fixed it pretty quickly00:08
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cwillusoreau, help in what way?01:38
cwilluI'm tempted to say "just file a bug", but I expect there's something I'm missing here :)01:39
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micahgCould there be anything private in /var/log/apt/term.log?04:43
micahgping hggdh04:47
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micahgCould there be anything private in /var/log/apt/term.log?06:01
Hobbseedoesn't look like it06:02
Hobbseebased on what mine says, anyway06:02
persiaConceivably one could expose something through a particularly annoying maintainer script, but it's very unlikely.06:19
micahgok, I was just wondering because I think this is the first time I requested someone post their term log06:30
micahgwanted to avoid privacy issues06:30
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ash211I'd like to had a bit of info to the wiki but I'm not sure where to put it15:08
ash211the link is http://intellinuxgraphics.org/how_to_report_bug.html15:08
ash211with good information about the -intel driver15:08
ash211is there somewhere specific on the wiki where this could be included?15:09
BUGabundoa bit OT but if anyone needs it: http://ppa-search.appspot.com/16:17
BUGabundonixternal: ping16:19
nixternalyo yo16:19
kklimondahey BUGabundo16:19
BUGabundonixternal: stupid question: why did you accept me on brainbird but bloked me on identica?16:19
BUGabundohey kklimonda16:20
BUGabundonixternal: wrong button? unsub vs block ?16:20
nixternalhow did I block you on identi.ca?16:20
nixternalBUGabundo: I think that is some kind of bug, I can't unblock you16:22
BUGabundonixternal: you did! I tried to sub to you and couldn't16:22
BUGabundocan't or don't want too ? eheheh16:22
nixternalthere is "Unblock" under Subscrib/Unsubscribe, and I can't do anything with it16:22
BUGabundoplease ping @evan on that16:22
BUGabundoare you login?16:23
nixternalyup, cuz I just subscribed to you16:23
BUGabundohumm so you can sub to someone and still have them blocked ... makes (no) sense16:24
nixternalhaha, right16:24
nixternalI want to know how you got blocked16:24
BUGabundoI have no idea16:25
BUGabundomaybe at some point you tried to unsub me ?16:25
BUGabundoor over XMPP ?16:25
BUGabundolike block BUGabundo bla bla16:25
nixternalI don't unsub/block anybody though16:26
nixternalas I don't follow it as much as many people do, so I don't get annoyed by people :)16:26
nixternalIf I can follow Barack Obama and not block him, I can follow you :p16:26
BUGabundonixternal: s/evand/evan/16:27
BUGabundodelete the previous one too16:28
nixternaloh cool, didn't know you could do that16:28
BUGabundoyou don't (really) use it that much, do you ?16:28
BUGabundoI spend a life and an half there16:29
BUGabundonixternal: don't worry too much! I'm folloing you from brainbird... unless you block me there too :)16:32
nixternalhahaha, i want to know how and why you got blocked...i do not get it16:32
BUGabundome neither16:33
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BUGabundoimagine my surprised when I noticed I wasn't following you anymore16:33
BUGabundowent to your profile, subs. refresh the page, and still nothing16:34
BUGabundotried to reply to you, and messages failed to appear.16:34
BUGabundoI gathered I was blocked16:34
nixternalprobably got you on a drunken binge one night :p16:34
nixternalwhich is weird, the only time I block is on twitter when they are those stupid people trying to get a ton of followers16:35
BUGabundonixternal: any idea what making my kmail start up as FullScreen? I know its compiz doing, but can't put my finger on it16:41
BUGabundoits the only app doing so.16:41
askand1Is there a bugreport about the issue that the real name the user fills in under the installation is not saved as a real named in the preferences afterward? Sounds like a papercut bug ;)17:10
askand1Forumthread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118718217:10
askand1kklimonda: hi! is there a debugpackage for transmission 1.71? can't find it in your PPA :O17:10
kklimondaaskand1: heh, I have it prepared but forgot to upload before I went for a holiday17:12
askand1ok :)17:13
kklimondaaskand1: something is crashing again? ;)17:14
BUGabundokklimonda: holidays?17:14
BUGabundowhy have I not heard anything about that?17:15
askand1kklimonda: afraid so ;)17:15
kklimondaBUGabundo: you don't live in poland? :P17:15
BUGabundono, portugal17:15
kklimondaBUGabundo: it explains a lot ;)17:15
kklimondaaskand1: i've uploaded package, it will build in few minutes17:16
kklimondaaskand1: when does it crash?17:16
kklimonda(I think 3 or 4 crashes are going to be fixed in 1.72)17:16
BUGabundokklimonda: we had 2 holidays here17:17
askand1kklimonda: I am not sure as usual :P I leave it on while I'm away for a couple of hours and when I return it has crashed17:17
kklimondaaskand1: heh17:17
kklimondaaskand1: btw, I have moved transmission to https://edge.launchpad.net/~kklimonda/+archive/backports for now17:22
kklimondaI'll try to get access to transmissionbt team this week so I don't have to keep them all in my ppa..17:22
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superm1Hi guys, i just wanted to make some general comments. I've seen some bug mail from triagers who are *not* reading the bugs and just adding general responses20:42
superm1https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/386991 is an example of this20:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 386991 in ubiquity "Install menu item still shows on installed system." [Undecided,Incomplete]20:42
superm1sure this particular case the bug itself isn't the highest quality, but this is not the response that a user should be getting about that bug20:43
* BUGabundo reads20:55
BUGabundosuperm1: LOL20:58
BUGabundowell he _tried_20:58
BUGabundosuperm1: let me see if I get some one on +1 with a fresh vm20:59
BUGabundoso that bug can be confirmed or cantreproduce21:00
superm1yeah, but what he did could just as well have been accomplished by a bot is what i'm getting at. i just want to make sure that when new people are joining these triage teams they understand that THEY are what the value add is in being a triager21:00
superm1that's definitely the behavior of the installer, it installs a .desktop file into the system-administration menu21:00
superm1(it's expected behavior)21:00
BUGabundosuperm1: not *after* it is installed21:02
BUGabundothat's the bug he is reporting21:02
BUGabundosuperm1: unfor new triagers want to make big numbers instead of better quality bugs21:03
BUGabundoits an hard thing to manage, as long as we need more and more triaggers21:03
superm1ah that makes more sense then on why the bug is being reported.21:03
BUGabundosuperm1: LOL... wasn't it obvious?21:05
BUGabundoor is the bad english that is only understood by ppl that talk the same way ?21:05
superm1the bad english does throw you off a bit21:05
BUGabundonot me, in this case...21:06
BUGabundoas I said, I can relate to him21:06
BUGabundomany many times ppl don't _get_ what I'm trying to say, even if it is obvious to me21:07
superm1:) okay. thanks for takin a look21:07
BUGabundodidn't helped much21:08
BUGabundosuperm1: and the reporter is not even a new user21:09
BUGabundo              Member since:       2007-11-0421:09
BUGabundohe is almost as older as me on LP21:09
BUGabundohey chrisccoulson21:09
superm1yeah  perhaps he just doesn't file bugs a lot21:09
chrisccoulsonhi BUGabundo21:10
BUGabundowell 17 aint that low either21:12
BUGabundosuperm1: he is an happy user :)21:12
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