[00:00] Myrtti: /whois them both [00:00] You can decide. [00:00] it's not the firsttime for testbotu [00:00] at one point "he" was a bot [00:01] Pricey: exactly, that's my point of reference for ownership [00:01] testbotu claimed he didn't know anything about it [00:01] is testbotu responding to your query ? [00:01] Yes [00:01] and he's saying it's not his bot ? [00:01] Pricey: acting dumb doesn't convince me [00:01] Yes [00:02] Meh, I'm not too bothered. [00:02] can't be bothered with liars [00:02] remove him too [00:02] liars [00:02] it's a DSL line - and the same IP - it's his bot [00:03] no [00:03] ? [00:03] lots of people share the same ip address [00:03] the bot has been removed, it is no longer spamming commands sent to ubottu [00:03] on DSL lines? [00:04] i don't see any problem with leaving things as they are [00:04] I do [00:04] sure [00:04] an operator has asked him to resolve an issue [00:04] and he's telling you lies [00:04] there are 5 people in this house that use the same internet connection over dls [00:04] ok - then the question is "who else is in his house" [00:04] i don't think i need to start asking that kind of stuff.. [00:05] there is no more disruption in the channel, there is no more problem? [00:05] really - I disagree a user in his house is putting bots in the channel [00:05] the policy I'd use is "collateral damage - he can spank his housemates because they've been idiots" [00:05] Pricey: I appreciate what your saying but this isn't the first bot incident [00:05] but I'm not bothering either [00:06] If it were trolling or flooding i'd follow your logic. [00:06] I just don't think that htis is as serious. [00:06] I don't think the bot is serious in it's self, I think the telling fibs to people asking clear questions isn't great [00:06] its a bit of pick your battles IMHO [00:07] you don't know that he is lying [00:07] lets not assume that [00:07] hence why asking him may be a good move [00:07] as it's not the first time bots are running from his ip/nick [00:21] So, is my ban from #ubuntu-offtopic up yet? [00:25] guess not! [01:40] Hi, may I please enter #ubuntuforums? [01:40] It's been quite sometime [03:20] he's clearly forgetting we have absolutely nothing to do with them [03:22] well, in that if we lift one of their bans, we'll be hated into hell [03:22] yep [03:22] :P [04:04] paddy_eire is coming close to earning a holiday from -ot [04:05] I have no idea what hes even talking about [04:11] he's a painkiller addict. [04:11] he was going on the other night how he ate a whole pack of ibuprofen or some such. [04:21] circular debate is circular. [04:21] why am I awake? [04:21] argh [04:21] Myrtti, because you wubs us [04:22] * elky snuggles up to Myrtti and purrs [05:37] oh christ [05:37] and all the saints [06:16] hmm? [06:17] there's idiots everywhere [06:21] that's Rule Zero of the universe, isn't it? Especially on IRC... [06:22] it just hurts so much [06:22] I need coffee, badly [06:23] perhaps I should epilate my legs in hopes of it waking me up [06:24] Myrtti needs coffee -- badly! [06:35] legs epilated, more coffee! [06:47] I must be really tired [06:47] http://www.yodawgyo.com/xzibit-yo-dawg-i-herd-you-like-operating/ [06:47] CRACKS ME UP [06:47] Myrtti: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3098/3122878080_d5c9e8538c_o.gif [06:48] http://www.yodawgyo.com/recursion/ [06:48] Flannel: OMGLOL AHAHAHAHAHAHA [06:48] *roll* [06:58] o gawd [06:58] http://vimeo.com/4125785 [07:14] Flannel, that's evil [07:14] I shall now pass it on to other people, to spread the evil [07:30] best. gif. evar. [07:32] I'm going to smack ggg so hard soon, he can't find his eyeballs even with a tracker dog. [07:46] please, take the pain away === topyli1 is now known as topyli [08:18] ok, how can I get caffeine od symptoms with only two mugs of coffee? [08:24] maybe they're from something else? [08:24] yeah. I'm freaking out just on my own too [08:24] can't understand why, I've flown and traveled before [08:24] I don't have a new project starting tomorrow so I'm relatively stress free in that aspect as well [08:26] Myrtti, it's probably the 'so close, yet so far' anxiety [08:41] * ikonia nods to the channel [08:43] * jussi01 waves to ikonia [08:43] hey [08:51] * jussi01 elbows ikonia in the ribs [09:20] topyli: hmmmm? [09:20] when did you remove aprilhares ban? [09:21] ohh been a while, a few days [10:39] In ubottu, mobi-sheep said: ubottu is a idi-bot. [10:39] In ubottu, mobi-sheep said: !ubottu is a idi-bot [10:43] !forget snuxoll [10:43] I know nothing about snuxoll yet, Myrtti [10:43] !forget snuxoll-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:43] I'll forget that, Myrtti [10:44] thank you [10:44] !-search myrtti [10:44] Found: myrtti, ops-#ubuntu-fi, ops-#ubuntu-women, ops-#xubuntu, ops [10:44] meh [10:44] !forget myrtti [10:44] I'll forget that, Myrtti [10:46] Myrtti: won't that take you out of the ops call ? [10:46] !-search myrtti [10:46] Found: ops-#ubuntu-women, ops-#ubuntu-fi, ops-#xubuntu, myrtti*, ops [10:46] no [10:46] it was an alias to prayer [10:46] ah [10:46] shall I nuke more of those vanity ones? [10:47] I'm getting ticked off by them [10:47] yes [10:47] !forget cwillu [10:47] I know nothing about cwillu yet, Myrtti [10:47] please [10:47] !forget mikem-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:47] I'll forget that, Myrtti [10:47] "joke" factoids shouldnt be added [10:47] !forget cwillu-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:47] !forget dmsuperman-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:47] !cwillu [10:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about cwillu [10:48] !forget aubade-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:48] I'll forget that, jussi01 [10:48] !cwillu-#ubuntu [10:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about cwillu-#ubuntu [10:48] !cwillu-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:48] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:48] you already did it [10:48] !search cwillu [10:48] Found: cwillu-#ubuntu-offtopic*, cwillu* [10:48] ok [10:48] just checking since it didn't give "I'll forget that" [10:48] !forget jussi01 [10:48] I'll forget that, jussi01 [10:49] !forget mikem-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:49] I know nothing about mikem-#ubuntu-offtopic yet, Myrtti [10:49] !forget mikem [10:49] I know nothing about mikem yet, Myrtti [10:49] good. [10:49] *ZAP* [10:50] more? [10:50] !-search Flannel [10:50] Found: ops [10:50] !-search Pici [10:50] Found: pici, ops-#kubuntu, ops [10:50] !-search elky [10:50] Found: ops-#ubuntu-bots, elky*, elkbuntu-#ubuntu-offtopic, elky-#ubuntu-offtopic*, ops [10:50] !elkbuntu-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:50] Error: unresolvable to elky-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:50] X-D [10:51] !forget elkbuntu-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:51] I'll forget that, Myrtti [10:51] !forget pici [10:51] !search offtopic [10:51] Found: etiquette, ops-#xubuntu-offtopic, offtopic-#kubuntu-offtopic, wobblywu-#ubuntu-offtopic, #kubuntu, nickspoon-#ubuntu-offtopic, ツ-#ubuntu-offtopic, perl-#ubuntu-offtopic, offtopic-#xubuntu-devel, hammertime-#ubuntustudio-devel [10:51] !wobblywu-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:51] I take it back, i WOULD be very glad to see him! :( [10:52] !forget wobblywu-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:52] I'll forget that, Myrtti [10:52] !forget nickspoon-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:52] !ツ-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-offtopic [10:52] I mean, WHAT?! [10:52] !perl-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:52] hahaha [10:52] perl is an ancient american word meaning "i can't code C" [10:53] !forget perl-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:53] I'll forget that, Myrtti [10:54] if anyone feels that injustice has been made, you know what to do to get the factoids back [10:54] !search cake [10:54] Found: cake-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:54] !search pie [10:54] Found: elky-#ubuntu-offtopic*, sugar-#ubuntu-offtopic, pie-#ubuntu-offtopic, elky*, desktop, seveas-#ubuntu-offtopic, sabdfl, devilspie [10:54] !sugar-#ubuntu-offtopic [10:54] PIE PIE PIE http://www.kaarsemaker.net/downloads/taart.jpg or PI PI PI http://ikanobori.jp/storage/pi_e.jpg or http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3663/3358637054_9f756a3615.jpg or http://www.statcan.gc.ca/edu/power-pouvoir/ch9/images/pie5.gif [10:55] right. [10:56] !sabdfl [10:56] Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com [10:56] sabdfl is a valid exemption [10:57] yes [10:57] I just had forgotten what it said :D [10:57] !seveas [10:57] ツ [10:59] !forget seveas [10:59] I'll forget that, jussi01 [11:07] I wouldn't mind *important* people having their factoids [11:07] like Jono, Dholbach, Jorge, etc [11:08] they're referenced quite often [11:08] but I get a twitch on my face with the factoid pointing at me [11:09] they have factoids? [11:09] !jono [11:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about jono [11:11] * Myrtti still chuckles at Jack_Sparrow asking Jono who he is [11:16] hehe, that was funny [11:17] reminds me of the time when I was first a kubuntu op, I did !nickspam > jono [11:17] was funny [11:17] hehehe [11:18] Myrtti, hah, where? [11:19] oh, this was a while ago? [11:20] besides, !sabdfl isnt a vanity factoid. it's information. [11:21] whereas no, i am not router firmware written in COBOL. [11:21] there's still no factoid about me ): [11:22] Tm_T: thats a good thing [11:24] !elky [11:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about elky [11:29] how often is the factoid database updated here: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi ? [11:35] hourly i think [11:36] hmmm [11:44] Mamarok: instantly [11:44] it reads the db directly [11:44] tsimpson: well, no, as the factoids Myrtti just erased are still there, I refreshed several times [11:45] Mamarok: it's not deleted, it's forgotten [11:45] * Mamarok tries again [11:45] the reply will begin with "" [11:47] ok, was my cache, sry [11:47] anyone know how to change the smtp port on evolution? [11:50] apt-getting stuff over 3g is not fun, so dont really want to grab thunderbird... [11:52] try with server:port [11:55] "Click on Edit -> Preferences -> Double click on your mail account -> Click on Sending Email tab -> Then for your host: all you need to do is add the port number to the end like this my.server.com:3535" [12:33] is freenode having problems ? [12:35] ikonia: not that ive seen... why? [12:36] no, it's fine [12:36] seems to be working ok now [13:14] wooj called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [13:14] Myrtti: we still seem to have !mc44 and !amaranth [13:14] @bansearch wooj [13:14] No matches found for wooj!n=wooj@unaffiliated/wooj in any channel [13:53] !search amaranth [13:53] Found: ops, amaranth*, omgamaranth, amaranth-#ubuntu-ops*, amaranth-#ubuntu-offtopic*, nvidia-beta*, amaranth-#ubuntuforums [13:54] !omgamaranth [13:54] Amaranth: Get back to work! [13:54] whut?! [13:54] !forget omgamaranth [13:54] I'll forget that, Myrtti [13:54] !amaranth-#ubuntuforums [13:54] should we forget amaranth entirely? [13:54] !forget amaranth-#ubuntuforums [13:54] I'll forget that, jussi01 [13:54] Tm_T: of course not [13:55] ): [14:09] i think we have a wolfram regression occurring in -ot [14:34] say what? [14:47] someone was spouting wolfram adverts again "there's no such thing as too much wolfram!" etc [14:50] oh, Hajuu is back [14:50] so it must be sun-mon night, with trollitude about [14:56] trolling hour! [15:03] hour?... please let it only last that long... [16:56] so... whats our official line on ubuntu tweak again? [16:56] jussi01: typical happy hour, lasts 4 hours or more [17:06] jussi01: ubuntu tweak? [17:07] Pricey: yeah, ryaxbeee has been going on about it in -offtopic for hours, last I heard it was a automatixy thing... [17:08] arghs.... [17:23] jussi01: i contacted the developer with a view to putting it through revu and in the repos [17:23] popey: and what did he say? [17:24] for a few days he's busy with school but he'd love to and wanted to know what he needed to do to achieve that goal [17:24] popey: so how is it technically? [17:24] I have not looked at it deeply yet [17:25] but I wouldnt go so far as tarnish it with the automatixy label just yet [17:25] but i am not an expert, so dont take my word for it :) [17:25] popey: ok. maybe we should get mjg to take a look [17:26] i thought this also [17:26] however I wouldnt want the potentially abrasive style to put the author off doing the 'right thing' [17:29] popey: yeah, maybe you are correct. perhaps the motu guys can check it out when it goes through revu [17:30] that was the plan, for ikonia and myself to help him through that process [17:30] will contact him again this week after I have looked at the code [17:32] popey: ok, thank you for that. please keep me in the loop [17:32] sure thing [18:16] Meh [18:53] If anyone is about, id love some backup in ot [18:54] My phone typing isnt that good [18:54] And id like to save the battery [19:02] Anyway. Talk to you tomorrow [19:04] doesn't look like a tweak to me. looks a kludge. [19:07] sebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (Hajuu) [19:26] 17 [19:26] bah [19:26] my lucky number [19:56] Hi [19:56] hey [19:57] Did anyone come around about the factoids? [19:57] which one ? [19:57] Ie. Did they leave it or are they still at it [19:58] not seen anything [19:58] Mc44 seemed to have a beef [19:59] !forget jdong [19:59] I'll forget that, Myrtti [19:59] Slart called the ops in #ubuntu (Hajuu, bot? or just annoying) [19:59] They think Im The Nazi now [20:00] on it [20:01] I got food \o/ [20:01] Slart: I'm looking aty him now [20:01] at [20:01] ah.. thanks [20:02] give me a moment or two, and it will be sorted [20:02] just check a log of his comments..he's kind of... repetetive =) [20:02] Ikonia hes been annoying me for days [20:02] Slart: yup, I see it, see if we can sort this now [20:02] should I !ops him too? =) [20:02] thanks again [20:02] you know this fella ikonia, he is really annoying :P [20:02] bye [20:03] jussi01: thanks [20:03] Stupid airport [20:03] heh [20:03] Myrtti: can you do me a favour while you are there? [20:04] Probably not, but ask? [20:05] go to the finnair desk and find out how full my flight is tomorrow? [20:05] Given that Im at Tampere... [20:05] Sorry. [20:05] No can do. [20:05] oh [20:05] Different terminal [20:06] thought you were in helsinki [20:06] Only Ryanscare flies from this [20:06] yea [20:06] Why on earth would I fly to uk from Helsinki ;-) [20:07] Myrtti: easyjet? [20:07] 160 return, dont have to pay extra forthe train etc [20:08] Myrtti: you are ctcp'ing again [20:09] Oh. Cant stop it either. Ill just quit irc then. [20:09] .au troll time [20:09] Myrtti: dont [20:09] its fine, just wanted to let you know [20:09] Talk to you tomorrow then. [20:09] Need to save battery too [20:09] Bye! [20:10] laters [20:15] bam [20:15] bam [20:15] baaaaama [20:15] whaz up ikonia [20:15] your showing the channel the problem [20:16] what problem? [20:16] making random noise / being silly in the channel [20:18] D-Xero: you're not going to be allowed back into the main channels until I have confidence you'll stop messing around [20:20] D-Xero: if you have nothing else to say, please leave the channel and come back if you have anything further to discuss [20:21] !idle | D-Xero [20:21] D-Xero: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [20:23] jussi01: ^ [20:24] ta [20:28] ole hyvä [20:29] ? [20:31] you're welcome in finnish [20:33] ahh [20:33] Flannel: thank you [20:33] Mhmmm [20:33] He was already warned about that Impossible.. thing anyway [20:33] lovely [20:51] ikonia: ping [20:51] pong [20:51] ikonia: pm please [20:51] of course [20:54] do you think it might just be as simple as english is not his 1st language? [20:54] nope [20:54] (I don't think it is his first language) but I don't think that's his behaviour [21:16] ompaul called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Anastasius) [23:22] sebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (zane being stupid)