
billybigriggerwill karmic keep my raid setup on a fresh install?00:27
BUGabundofrom LiveCD you mean?00:27
BUGabundo'cause Alternate already has it00:27
billybigriggeri want to do a fresh install, since i used to multi-task this computer with apache,mysql,dovecot,postfix...but im know running the server in a VM so i have no need, and would like a fresh karmic install00:27
billybigriggerwell i already have a raid 1 setup...00:28
billybigriggerjust worried about loosing the data on it if i do a fresh install00:28
BUGabundoyeah that would suck00:28
BUGabundobackups ?00:28
billybigriggernope, the raid array IS the backup :P00:28
BUGabundothen backup the backups00:29
billybigriggerwell i guess if i loose it i loose it00:29
billybigriggeri do have 1 more disk i could back it all up on00:30
billybigriggerbut its ide, and my / drive and dvdrw are on the only ide header i have00:30
billybigriggeruggg sounds like too much work00:31
BUGabundowell you could just risk it00:34
BUGabundoand then have to restore from untested originals00:34
billybigrigger/dev/sda1   *           1       60801   488384001   fd  Linux raid autodetect00:35
billybigrigger/dev/sdc1               1       60801   488384001   fd  Linux raid autodetect00:35
billybigriggerdo you think that karmic install would detect that? and try to auto-start the array? or create a new one?00:35
billybigriggerthats the fdisk output00:36
BUGabundono idea00:36
billybigriggeroh geez00:37
BUGabundowell livecd may fail, but you can give it a try00:37
billybigriggerill stick to my current system :P00:37
billybigriggerand wait for a reason to install a klean karmic :P00:37
billybigriggerwheres a good place to find what changes were made to a package?00:39
billybigriggerie i just updated and upgraded, and see there were changes to ubuntu-desktop00:39
billybigriggerwhere can i find the changes?00:39
BUGabundolp, and on the docs on your system00:40
BUGabundocan't remmeber the path right now00:40
BUGabundojust mlocate for it00:40
billybigriggeranyone having problems keeping firefox bookmarks?00:55
BUGabundohumm not I noticed00:55
BUGabundobut I'm having trouble with history00:55
billybigriggerhola senior01:02
m_tadeuhi everyone01:20
BUGabundoola m_tadeu01:21
m_tadeuis there the madwifi package somewhere around? I don't seem to be able to find it in the repos01:21
billybigriggergeez no sound in flash blows02:33
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billybigriggeris anyone getting anywhere with the sound issue in karmic?05:17
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james7anyone try the beta yet?07:22
james7what are the differences07:23
zcat[1] Can someone help me; https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/387065 is apparently not a bug, just an installation issue. I've removed (purged) evince, deleted the package and reinstalled it and I still have this 'installation issue' though09:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387065 in evince "evince refuses to display pdfs" [Low,Incomplete]09:18
Hobbseezcat[1]: i'd suggest following what you were told in the bug.09:22
zcat[1]yeah just noticed that.. other bug report I added to said was an installation issue not a bug.. weird since I can completely remove and reinstall the package and still have the same issue.09:23
zcat[1]ok, added requested info09:23
dupondjeis there a bug for the sound problem already ?09:40
TheInfinitydupondje: just look @ launchpad?09:41
Hobbseethere are likely many of them.  File a separate one, and it can get duplicated if needed09:42
Hobbseesound wfm, fwiw09:42
dupondjecan't play sound on audacious & flash @ same time :p09:43
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BluesKajHowdy all14:33
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Amanuta99Hi, did ye tried out Karmic yet?15:37
rskiyou think?15:37
christophsturmwireless stopped working for me, network manager says "wireless is disabled" and the enable wireless checkbox is greyed out15:38
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BluesKajchristophsturm, did you just update ?15:47
christophsturmBluesKaj: it happened 3 days ago, now i updated via wired networking and it still doesnt work15:55
BluesKajchristophsturm, I had a problem with wifi and the fiax was to regress back to the older driver using these cmnds: sudo apt-get remove plasma-widget-network* , then sudo dpkg -i plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.1~svn951801-1_i386.deb15:58
BluesKajchristophsturm, after installing you'll have to re-add the network management widgaet to your panel and manage connections should work16:00
christophsturmok, for me it happens with gnome. so its related to a network manager upgrade?16:01
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billybigriggeranyone here able to get message filters working correctly in thunderbird?18:38
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Dominikdid anybody here get cuda to work on 9.10?19:09
billybigriggerno need for it19:10
BUGabundoboas tardes19:12
Dominikno cuda? anybody?19:16
billybigriggerhow about flash/sound problems? anyone getting that working yet?19:20
BUGabundoand VLC too19:20
billybigriggerhow did you get your vlc problems fixed?19:20
BUGabundoif you file them, sub me19:20
billybigriggeroh i thought you got them working :P19:21
BUGabundonope :(19:21
Dominiksorry hat to reboot, anybody running cuda on 9.10?19:25
Dominikno as in, you don't use cuda or it doesn't run on 9.10?19:26
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BUGabundoehe no as in I don't run it Dominik19:27
BUGabundohey thekorn19:27
thekornhello BUGabundo,19:27
thekornhow are things in karmic land19:27
billybigriggerBUGabundo::: you have vlc-plugins-pulse installed, and made sure vlc is using pulse for audio output, and still no sound eh?19:29
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy vlc-plugin-pulse  Installed: (none)  Candidate: 1.0.0~rc2-1ubuntu119:31
BUGabundook... I must have removed it to test19:32
BUGabundobillybigrigger: plugin installed, output set for PA, NO SOUND19:33
BUGabundothekorn: going! nothing much for now19:33
dupondjebillybigrigger: Flash is working again here19:37
dupondjeflash sound works19:37
dupondjewhen I start Audacious19:37
dupondjeand then try again19:37
BUGabundolet me check19:37
dupondjeno more sound19:37
dupondjewhen Flash is open, and I press start in audacious19:37
dupondjeaudacious crashes ...19:37
BUGabundokilling pulseaudio, killed firefox yay :(19:38
dupondjeIf I close audacious I have Flash sound19:39
dupondjeelse not :s19:39
billybigriggerwhat output in audacious are you using?19:39
billybigriggerpulse or alsa?19:39
dupondjeit was alsa19:39
dupondjechanged to pulse19:39
dupondjegonne game again ;)19:39
dupondje(flash game to test sound)19:40
dupondjestill no sound19:40
billybigriggerwell i don't have sound, and don't have audacious installed or running19:40
dupondjebut maby other programm ?19:40
dupondjethat causes same shit :)19:40
billybigriggeri closed my music app19:40
billybigriggerand nothing19:40
dupondjeI managed to break it19:42
dupondjetried Flash & Audacious @ same time19:42
dupondjeresulting in no more sound in both of them19:42
dupondjeah its back now, sound volume of ALSA player went to 0% :s19:43
dupondjewtf :)19:43
dupondjeWhen I lower volume of PulseAudio, the volume bar of ALSA changes also19:45
dupondjeand under 50% of PulseAudio,  ALSA is muted19:45
BUGabundo1I had that before alpha119:46
BUGabundo1I think now mine is better19:46
BUGabundo1it was really bad.. Volume bellow 60% was = MUTE19:46
dupondjeALSA sound shouldn't change when changing PulseAudio sound ?19:54
Dominikalright guys how can I get ethernet drivers from the .30 kernel and get them to run in 8.0419:55
BUGabundo1Dominik: humm no...19:55
BUGabundo1Dominik: but I can get the full kernel .30 on hardy19:56
BUGabundo1not sure it will work dough19:56
BUGabundo1Dominik: you need kernel Mainline PPA19:56
dupondjeBUGabundo1: it should ? but change the same height, and now below 50% = mute ? ;)19:56
BUGabundo1ahh not that19:57
BUGabundo1(07:54:12 PM) dupondje: ALSA sound shouldn't change when changing PulseAudio sound ?19:57
Dominiki got full .30 kernel on 8.04 but it just craped out on me big time19:57
BUGabundo1Dominik: yeah! it can happen19:57
BUGabundo1Dominik: can't you upgrade to 9.04?19:57
BUGabundo1or karmic 9.10a2?19:58
Dominiki need cuda19:58
Dominikthere are no cuda drivers for 9.10 :(19:58
BUGabundo1get a new card?19:58
Dominikit is the newest there is19:58
Dominikits just nvidea hasn't released cuda drivers for 9.0419:59
Dominiklet alone 9.1019:59
m_tadeuhi everyone20:00
BUGabundo1ola m_tadeu20:00
m_tadeuapt-get si reporting backports modules as broken20:00
m_tadeuis there something I can do about it?20:02
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundom_tadeu no idea!20:03
BUGabundowait a bit ?20:03
BUGabundoI did not know karmic had backports with anything!20:03
m_tadeuand upgrades to it :)20:04
m_tadeuI can not do ifup or ifdown any more, can I?20:08
BUGabundowhy not ?20:11
dupondjemaby u need to put 'sudo' in front of it ;)20:17
dupondjebut no you can't without config20:17
dupondjeas most of the config is done by NetworkManager ;)20:18
m_tadeuoki....gonna check that out, then....just want to know how it's done via command line20:30
rleedsI updated to grub2 and it told me to run update-from-grub-legacy when everything looked good. But I don't have such a command...anyone?20:58
ActionParsniprleeds: http://www.techenclave.com/guides-and-tutorials/grub-2-installation-92883.html21:00
ActionParsnipmay help21:00
ActionParsnipive not used grub2 as grub works fine21:00
rleedsActionParsnip, no such luck.21:01
rleedsActionParsnip, Ahh...maybe I can just dpkg-reconfigure it and tell it to write to the MBR21:01
rleedsActionParsnip, ....nope21:01
billybigriggerwhats the problem?21:01
billybigriggerhave you rebooted yet?21:02
rleedsbillybigrigger, The update-from-grub-legacy that's supposed to remove the chainload from grub doesn't exist21:02
rleedsYes, I have.21:02
rleedsbillybigrigger, ohh...wait...is that a command in grub2 or a command I'm supposed to run after bootup?21:02
rleedsI've been searching for something in my path21:02
billybigriggerafter bootup21:02
rleedsbillybigrigger, yeah...no such command on my machine21:02
billybigriggerwhat about update-grub221:04
billybigriggerthat will spit out a G2 config file21:05
billybigriggerif you don't have one21:05
billybigriggersudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy21:06
billybigriggeri have it on my machine21:06
billybigriggersudo upgrade-from auto completes for me21:07
lucas_what is repository of ubuntu karmic koala21:07
billybigriggerwhat do you mean?21:07
billybigriggerwhat are you wanting?21:07
rleedsbillybigrigger, I'm wanting that. No autocomplete for me. Command not found.21:07
lucas_i want repos for karmic koala21:08
billybigriggerlucas_::: change jaunty to karmic in your apt sources21:08
billybigriggerwhy do you want them?21:08
billybigriggerare you looking to upgrade?21:08
billybigriggerwell thats not the way to upgrade21:08
lucas_what is the way21:09
billybigriggerrleeds::: don't know what to tell you21:09
billybigriggerrleeds::: you might have to reconfigure, or purge the grub2 upgrade and try again21:10
billybigriggerrleeds::: how did you upgrade to grub2?21:10
rleedsbillybigrigger, sudo aptitude install grub221:10
rleedshmm... purge and reinstall doesn't help.21:11
billybigriggermaybe try SGD21:12
billybigriggerim sorry im not much help, but my transition to legacy to G2 was good :P21:13
billybigriggerSGD being Super Grub Disk21:13
BUGabundolucas_: please DON'T change sources to upgrade21:14
BUGabundolucas_: use update-manager -d21:14
lucas_i use update-manager -d21:14
BUGabundook then21:14
billybigriggerrleeds::: http://www.techenclave.com/guides-and-tutorials/grub-2-installation-92883.html21:14
lucas_what is the difference21:14
BUGabundoand please read the release notes too, before upgrading21:14
rleedsbillybigrigger, thanks21:14
billybigriggerrleeds::: try update-grub21:14
rleedsbillybigrigger, nah...that just updates the grub configuration.21:15
billybigriggerisn't that what you want?21:16
billybigriggermake sure your root (hdX,X) is set properly and update grub21:17
rleedsbillybigrigger, It runs fine and it updates the grub configuration, but it's still set to chainload to grub 2 with grub 1 installed in the MBR21:18
BUGabundoany one read   https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-audio-experience ?21:20
BUGabundoare we getting gnome-volume-control-pulse  *again* ?21:20
rleedsBUGabundo, looks like it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118628221:23
billybigriggerBUGabundo::: alsa 1.0.20?21:25
billybigriggeris that what your using?21:25
BUGabundobillybigrigger: checking21:27
BUGabundo~$ apt-cache policy alsa-base21:27
BUGabundo  Installed: 1.0.20+dfsg-1ubuntu421:27
billybigriggerhmm...thats the newest alsa driver available as well...21:27
billybigriggerchecked alsa's site...21:28
billybigriggeri thought maybe a newer kernel driver might help out these flash audio issues21:28
BUGabundoanyone tracking   https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-karmic-swapfile ?21:40
thegodsquirrelNewly installed Vmare server will not finish install due to error in config.pl21:49
thegodsquirrelis this due to the new linux kernel being in compatible with Vmare21:50
thegodsquirreleverything else works perfect21:50
thegodsquirrelanyone home21:53
BUGabundothegodsquirrel: pong21:54
thegodsquirrelping lol21:57
thegodsquirrelwell that must mean either dumb question or no one is here22:00
BUGabundoI'm here22:01
BUGabundoence the pong22:01
thegodsquirrelsorry I havent used IRC in a long time I am rusty on the lingo and I dont know what PONG is22:01
BUGabundothegodsquirrel: in IRC language (and submarine too) pong follows an ping22:03
BUGabundowhere it asks if the other party is there22:03
BUGabundoyou asked "anyone home" I replied22:03
thegodsquirreldid you see the question I habd22:03
thegodsquirrelI am using virtual box as a replacement but I would like VMware back22:04
Twigathyhttps://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts <-- Interesting.... :o22:05
BUGabundoI did22:06
BUGabundoand I can't help22:06
BUGabundoTwigathy: everyone been tallking about that for a week22:06
TwigathyBUGabundo: I'm not active enough =)22:06
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BUGabundofrom what I read, creating a project was a mistake22:07
thegodsquirrelthanks for the link, I posted it22:12
thegodsquirrelhopefully it will be fixed in the final RC22:13
dupondjemmm :) wanted to enable compiz, and it fails :p22:14
dupondjebut no real error :s22:14
BUGabundodupondje: $ compiz --replace22:15
billybigriggerTwigathy::: ya i was just reading up on that 100paperclip thing22:15
BUGabundobillybigrigger: LOLOL22:17
TwigathySolution to 100 paper clips: 1 large electromagnet? :)22:17
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dupondjeBUGabundo: then it works ... :s22:18
dupondjeany id ? :)22:21
BUGabundodupondje: lost context!22:22
BUGabundocompiz running or not?22:22
BUGabundoComposite enabled or not?22:22
dupondjewhen I do compiz --replace it runs22:22
BUGabundoGPU supports it or not?22:22
dupondjewhen I do it in GUI, it doesn't :(22:22
BUGabundodupondje: for 1y I've been running compiz --repload after *every* boot22:22
BUGabundoI have fusionicon on hand to do that22:23
dupondjewtf :)22:23
BUGabundoand alias on .bashrc22:23
BUGabundoalias compizB='DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace &'22:23
BUGabundoalias compizC='DISPLAY=:0 compiz --reload &'22:23
BUGabundodupondje: not funny22:23
BUGabundoworkaround on the bug: disable Composti22:24
BUGabundoyeah right and lose GnomeDO Glass skin ! NO WAY22:24
dupondjebugs shouldbugs should be fixed :D22:26
dupondjeis there somewhere a list of all shortcuts in Compiz ? :p22:29
dupondjecause If u don't know any, its like boring ? ;)22:29
Sarvattyou know metacity can do compositing too right BUGabundo?22:31
BUGabundoSarvatt: I have it on!22:31
BUGabundothat's MY bug22:31
BUGabundodupondje: check compiz home page wiki22:31
BUGabundoall of them there22:32
BUGabundotip: super+f1222:32
Sarvattoh compiz cant start when you have metacity compositing on...22:32
BUGabundosuper+shift+mouse click22:32
BUGabundoSarvatt: right!22:32
BUGabundoand without it22:32
BUGabundoi lose GnomeDO Glass skin ! NO WAY22:32
* BUGabundo checks for bug report22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178953 in metacity "Cannot switch to Compiz if Metacity compositor is enabled" [Undecided,Fix released]22:33
dupondjeSarvatt: where u disable that ? :D22:33
BUGabundosee how old that is ?22:33
BUGabundolet me check it22:33
BUGabundo                                                                            compiz (Ubuntu)                                                            Triaged22:33
BUGabundoright! compiz task still opened22:34
dupondjemmm, super+f12 doesn't do shit here :)22:34
BUGabundodupondje: DUH. enable fire first22:34
Sarvatthuh? you arent using metacity compositing if you enable compiz, why dont you just disable metacity compositing so it can start fine on its own?22:34
Sarvattdupondje: run gconf-editor, go to apps > metacity > general and theres a compositing_manager checkbox22:36
BUGabundoSarvatt: I could try _again_, but last time it failed to work22:36
BUGabundoI know where it is... I uncheked it once22:37
BUGabundoit booted ok, Compiz started but I lost composite on compiz too22:37
BUGabundoSarvatt: /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager disable22:39
BUGabundowill test on next boot22:39
BUGabundoand hope you are here too, so I can head slap you eheh :)22:40
dupondjenice :)22:45
dupondjeCompiz enabled with Layout :)22:45
dupondjeworkin! :)22:45
BUGabundohey RAOF22:46
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FoxBlitzzHmm, gonna try Kubuntu Karmic Alpha22:52
virtualdis it bad to do a partial upgrade?22:54
virtualdwhen update-manager prompts22:55
BUGabundovirtuald: YES22:56
RAOFWell, maybe.22:57
BUGabundohi soc122:58
soc1does someone know which package has the default settings for gnome?22:58
BUGabundovirtuald: usuallu it means some packages are not build yet, or dependecy broken22:58
BUGabundorunning a parcial may remove some of your packages22:58
virtualdupdate manager shows unchecked checkboxes on gconf-editor, info, transmission-common and -gtk.22:59
BUGabundotransmisstions seem be under going some troubles23:00
BUGabundoright kklimonda ?23:00
virtualdi can live without those so i guess i'll go ahead23:00
virtualdhmm it only asks after update, not when i pressed install :p23:02
virtualdbut after download it asked23:06
kklimondaBUGabundo: hmm? it should be fine in KK23:07
BUGabundoit aint updating to me23:07
virtualdwants to remove hotkey-setup, looks like it's only for laptops23:07
kklimondaBUGabundo: care to paste result of aptitude upgrade?23:08
BUGabundoThe following packages will be upgraded:23:08
BUGabundo  gconf-editor transmission-common transmission-gtk23:08
kklimondawell, use pastebin :P23:08
BUGabundoas usual apitude works where apt/UM fail23:09
BUGabundovirtuald: same advice for you23:10
Sarvatt1.72 isnt released yet? 1.71 was broken as heck on all my machines, just silently crashes.. not as broken as 1.70 with its 100% cpu usage though :D23:12
* BUGabundo uses vuze23:13
kklimondaBUGabundo: oh right - 1.71 depends on libevent and normal upgrade don't pull new dependencies23:14
kklimondaSarvatt: it should be released today but devs have discovered two more crash bugs so I guess it will be held back.23:15
BUGabundokklimonda: made it in to the transm team ?23:16
zcat[1]ff3.5b4 .. Using it on jaunty, but installed it on karmic and there's no internet connection. same settings as ff3.0.11 which works fine.23:16
Sarvattahh i'll build it again and see if its still crashing, last time i packaged it was svn 867123:17
kklimondaBUGabundo: no - I had some things to do after I was back at home. I'll send him an email tomorrow23:18
BUGabundozcat[1]: using NM or wicd?23:19
zcat[1]NM (I'm on xchat at the same time; only FF3.5b4 thinks it has no connection)23:19
BUGabundozcat[1]: you have EVERY version of Firefox on a PPA from the oficial mozillateam on ubuntu23:19
BUGabundowhy did you install NOT supported packageS?23:19
kklimondazcat[1]: looks like you are using 32 bit package installed not from package.23:20
zcat[1]Hmmm, OK. Will go install the ppa then23:20
kklimondazcat[1]: maybe it just doesn't know about NM..23:20
kklimondadunno how is done communication between NM and Fx..23:20
BUGabundozcat[1]: check https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa23:20
zcat[1]I downloaded 64 bit I think.. exact same archine extracted to /opt/firefox on jaunty 64 bit works fine23:20
BUGabundoit will install FF 3.0/3.5/3.6 in paralel and not replca23:20
zcat[1]there's a ff3.6?23:21
BUGabundoim using it23:22
BUGabundoMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090613 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Minefield/3.6a1pre ID:2009061318595723:22
zcat[1]cool, how's it do on acid3?23:23
BUGabundoread about 9623:24
BUGabundotry for your self23:24
virtualdhow do i get network-manager to manage?23:40
Tekno_run nm-applet23:41
BUGabundoTekno_: it's the other way around23:41
BUGabundothat's un-manage23:41
BUGabundovirtuald: AFAIR it logs a LP bug with more detail23:41
BUGabundoor you could just ask asac on #ubuntu-mozillateam23:42
yoasifanyone know how i can get debug information from transmission?23:43
yoasifmy core is dumping23:44
BUGabundokklimonda: ^^^^^^^^^^23:45
virtualdwhy mozillateam?23:45
kklimondayoasif: is it package from official repository?23:47
yoasifkklimonda, yes23:47
pace_t_zulucan someone reproduce bug 387548 ? it is karmic specific23:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387548 in ubuntu "Could not display "computer:///"." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38754823:47
kklimondayoasif: then it should be enough to start apport and it will handle the rest23:48
yoasifkklimonda, ubuntu-bug transmission?23:48
kklimondayoasif: in terminal do sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport restart23:48
virtualddid you know it's supprisingly easy to use an invisible mouse pointer23:48
kklimondaoh wait, you are using karmic so it has apport enabled..23:49
kklimondayoasif: after crash a dialog should appear with a question whenever you want to send a report to developers23:49
yoasifkklimonda, yeah, i'm not getting an apport collect dialog...23:49
kklimondayoasif: check the content of /var/crash folder23:49
BUGabundovirtuald: asac _lives_ in there LOL23:50
yoasifkklimonda, _usr_bin_transmission.1000.crash23:50
kklimondayoasif: is it new?23:50
yoasifkklimonda, i can rm it and restart transmission and let it make a new one23:51
kklimondayoasif: if so then use apport-cli -c /var/crash/_usr_bin_transmission.1000.crash23:51
virtualdbugabundo: ok so he does nm?23:51
kklimondayoasif: if it's a recent one and not something old then you can just send it23:51
BUGabundohe _mantains_ it, yes23:51
Sarvattcomputer:/// works fine here pace_t_zulu23:52
pace_t_zuluSarvatt, thank you23:52
kklimondahmm.. I wonder if Vala is going to be widely used by gnome developers..23:52
Sarvattit wasnt before though, did you get the nautilus update today?23:52
kklimondayoasif: also if you send report you could subscribe me (it's private by default) and I'll check if it isn't something already known (there were at least 3-4 fixes for various crashes since 1.71 was released..23:54
Sarvattpace_t_zulu: ah you're missing /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-computer --spawner :1.6 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/3 in your ps aux for some reason23:57
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule23:58

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