
lajjrhello pitti00:45
lajjrHi pitti01:08
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ccheneyanyone know how long it takes to get from the madrid airport to the train station?04:26
stgraberdepends what terminal you're at04:27
ccheneyi'm not sure04:28
stgraber^ forget that04:28
stgraber(wrong airport ;))04:28
ccheneyi have to get from madrid airport to renfe to go to caceres04:28
* stgraber tries to remember Madrid04:29
ccheneyhmm it appears it stops at 'atocha' station will need to look for a madrid train map04:32
ccheneyah i found one :)04:33
superm1ccheney, it took us about an hour, but it really depends on what terminal you fly into because some are 20-40 minutes from the metro stop04:33
ccheneysuperm1: ah, fun04:35
superm1there should be about 2 transfers on the metro you gotta do too04:36
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
* ccheney wonders if he can possibly make the train trip from caceres and the flight on the same day04:37
ccheneyit sounds like it would be very tight time wise to be able to do it04:37
dholbachgood morning06:21
* hyperair wonders if anyone could sync nautilus-share from debian unstable06:36
TheMusohyperair: Have you filed a bug about it?06:38
dholbachTheMuso: it's unmodified in Ubuntu06:39
TheMusodholbach: Oh, it should automatically sync then.06:48
dholbachright-o, or when ever big sync command is run06:49
pittiGood morning07:12
pittislangasek: hah, sounds like a good idea07:13
pittislangasek: there is: ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="MICRO-STAR*", RUN+="keymap $name micro-star"07:14
pittislangasek: I agree, having udev-extras conflict sounds appropriate, since this takes over keymaps07:15
superm1pitti, next time you do an upload of udev extras can you add something like a debian/README.Debian explaining how the branch is constructed for uploads from upstream checkouts? when i was porting hid2hci over to it I was quite perplexed trying to do it from bzr as I still had to run autogen.sh and have a whole slew of extra build depends to make it work07:22
pittihi superm107:22
superm1good morning pitti07:23
pittisuperm1: incidentally I'm just at preparing a new upload (one bug fix and upstream pull)07:23
superm1pitti, ah good to know, then i'll do an upload disabling hid2hci in bluez too07:23
pittisuperm1: okay, I'll add a debian/README.source07:24
superm1thanks, most appreciated :)07:24
slangasekpitti: the micro-star map is not a complete replacement for what was in the micro-star-infinity hal-info one, AFAICS07:30
pittislangasek: in some cases I merged entries for models which didn't collide07:33
pittislangasek: IIRC that happened with the  INFINITY and the two special cases07:33
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload CUPS to Debian and Ubuntu ASAP, in your 1.3.9-3 release you have also deactivated pdftopdf and not only pdftoopvp.07:35
pittitkamppeter: okay; what did that break?07:35
tkamppeterpitti, you have commented out the line in addtocups which adds pdftoopvp to the Makefile. This line also added pdftopdf. I have fixed that already in the BZR.07:37
pittitkamppeter: right, I saw; I mean, did that break a lot?07:37
* infinity wonders if he should start typing PITTI in all-caps to see if it hilights for him.07:37
pittiinfinity: it doesn't :)07:38
pittiI don't like to be yelled at07:38
tkamppeterpitti, it switched CUPS simply back to the old PostScript printing workflow.07:38
StevenKI wonder if it's case-sensitive for my client07:38
StevenKYeah, it does. :_)07:39
tkamppeterpitti, and I added also some patch to CUPS which should improve multiple copies printing with OOo and it should make the PDF workflow obeying optionm settings from Windows clients.07:39
StevenKpitti: Oh, you broke something in udev-extras as opposed to trying to summon infinity?07:40
pittiStevenK: yes, that was a laptop model name07:41
pittisuperm1: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/udev-extras/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/README.source07:41
superm1pitti, ah ha.  makes much more sense now. thanks!07:42
pittisuperm1: well, it's still hideously complicated, but it avoids calling autotools at build time (which Keybuk doesn't like)07:43
superm1what's wrong with autotools at build time?07:43
StevenKsuperm1: Non-deterministic results07:43
pittiyou upload something that you didn't actually test-built before07:43
lifelesspeople have different opinions07:44
pittiand they tend to break over time07:44
lifelessI prefer to build dep on autotools and avoid tar timestamp related bugs07:44
lifelesstar + patch I mean07:44
superm1well surely you still test build, and normally your sbuild/pbuilder env should be mirror the archive though.  by doing autotools at build time, the diffs between two different uploads can actually have a sane delta07:46
superm1i'd take it more of the worry is if you have to do a rebuild later and it just adds another variable for failure when you dont want it07:47
infinityYeah.  It can leave you with unbuildable source packages.  Though, really, that would be an autotools bug, generally.07:48
infinityI'm of two minds.07:48
infinityI've historically patched .in files and run autotools at build-time.07:48
infinityBut if you run them locally using the same versions as upstream, the diffs still remain small and readable.07:48
pittiinfinity: autotools bug> which there are plenty of, apparently :(07:48
infinityAt which point, it becomes reasonably moot.07:48
infinitypitti: In all my time doing the "patch .in, run autotools at build time" with the AMP stack, I only ran into one or two times when autotools rendered me unbuildable at a later date.07:49
infinitypitti: Then again, those packages were updated and uploaded frequently enough that they never really suffered code rot.07:49
lifelesspitti: if it randomly becomes unbuildable its straight forward enough to change styles07:51
lifelessmind you the autotool stack is broken-by-design anyway; so its hard to really care.07:51
superm1mvo, would it be feasible to add a hook to update manager querying if a kernel module is loaded while update manager is running, and if so, to mark a package for installation during the upgrade?07:54
superm1i'm thinking that would be the better transition than the currently proposed solution for bug 38168407:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381684 in bcmwl "Need to produce a transitional binary package for LRM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38168407:55
mvosuperm1: adding such a hook is certainly feasible, I can add it08:13
* mvo reads the bugreport08:13
superm1mvo, okay cool, more or less if you see 'wl' is loaded, install bcmwl-kernel-source08:15
lifelesspitti: how would you feel about https://launchpad.net/mnemosyne being removed/renamed in favour of https://launchpad.net/mnemosyne-proj? I haven't asked the mnemosyne devs yet, but it was certainly confusing for me to find the former when looking for the latter10:10
pittilifeless: I don't care about this any more, it was an early-abandoned GSoC project10:11
liwa flat namespace for project names is becoming an increasingly large problem10:12
lifelessquick, claim your name10:12
lifelessor propose a hash based solution :)10:12
liwthough still luckily very small (and yay for known _two_ obscure languages to pick names from :)10:12
liwlifeless, <suspicous> are you making facebook references at me?10:13
* directhex claims "default.aspx" as a project name10:19
lifelessliw: would I?10:19
lifelessdirecthex: take con.1, that will break all asp sites :)10:19
directhexlifeless, if mono is immune to that, can i use it as an argument that microsoft is a poor platform for asp.net?10:20
directhexlifeless, i know!10:21
lifelessI think you can yes; read the above link for a laugh.10:21
directhexjms@osc-bigmac:~/testy$ curl http://localhost:8080/con.110:22
directhex<title>ASP.NET Hello World</title>10:22
ajmitchas long as it's not as bad as the old blue screen whenever a windows system viewed a webpage referencing c:\con\con10:23
directhexajmitch, awesome10:23
ajmitchdirecthex: so easy to put in an img tag10:23
lifelessajmitch: score!10:23
ajmitchthat bug even has its own wikipedia page10:25
directhexman, people actually used windows with bugs like that? o_o10:26
AnAnt__Hello, will nvidia 180.60-0ubuntu1 be backported to Jaunty ?10:28
lifelessis there a SRU bug open for it?10:28
AnAnt__nope, but there is a bug about instability of Jaunty's nvidia driver10:29
* mvo hugs liw for the apt-sync spec10:29
AnAnt__LP 35350210:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353502 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "system freezes with nvidia 180.37 driver" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35350210:29
lifelessmvo: where is the PPA UI now?10:30
mvolifeless: delta deb downloads b10:30
lifelessoh cool10:30
mvolifeless: in software-properties10:30
mvolifeless: just add "ppa:lifeless" there in the add dialog10:31
directhexmvo, we need a different name for them than "delta deb" though. "ddeb" is taken.10:31
AnAnt__tseliot: ping10:31
mvolifeless: the script is not (yet) included10:31
mvodirecthex: true10:31
directhexoh, i have an awesome idea10:31
directhexsince we force-feed people utf-8.....10:31
* ajmitch cringes10:31
lifelessmvo: is that 'software sources'?10:31
mvolifeless: yes10:32
* ogra wonders if there is a gree letter for "deb"10:32
lifelessmvo: so its in synaptic too?10:32
AnAnt__mvo: oh, you're the guy working on adding PPA support in update-manager ?10:32
mvolifeless: yes10:32
mvoAnAnt__: yes10:32
directhexor Δdeb10:32
liwmvo, I would welcome feedback on the spec10:32
directhexeither way, totally awesome and fun to tab-complete10:32
AnAnt__mvo: so, will it also be able pull the key of this PPA ?10:33
lifelessmvo: are you using the same approach I did, of a list.d file, with ppa name driving the disk file ?10:33
lifelessmvo: (I want to convert the things I used ppa-enable on to use the 'official' code10:33
directhexmvo, ooh, can i ask for changelog support for PPAs in update-manager?10:33
lifelessdirecthex: file a bug10:33
mvoAnAnt__: yes10:33
ogradirecthex, will be added after Δdeb :P10:34
james_wdirecthex: you can ask...10:34
AnAnt__mvo: cool, thanks10:34
directhexjames_w, awesome, here goes:10:34
mvolifeless: it adds it to the main sources.list currently, but that is a implementation detail, your approach is nicer10:34
mvolifeless: it looks the same in the UI10:34
directhexmvo, please add changelog support for PPAs in update-manager while you're at it!10:34
lifelessmvo: ! copy my code!10:34
AnAnt__mvo: so probably there is no need for this package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sabily-keyring , right ?10:35
lifelessmvo: or do you need me to give you a patch?10:35
mvolifeless: I want to merge your script into some package (not sure which one yet) so that its available on servers as well10:35
mvolifeless: I can not just copy it, the software-properties bits use aptsources for the dealing with the sources.list, so its slightly different10:36
lifelessmvo: sure; I appreciate layers etc.10:36
mvoAnAnt__: that should no longer be required10:37
AnAnt__mvo: ok, thanks10:37
james_wdirecthex: it's not that easy10:37
james_wdirecthex: and probably not an update-manager change10:37
mvodirecthex: there is a patch for this, it had some issues, it also will hammer launchpad quite a bit (and LP does not provide the changelog in "raw" format)10:38
ajmitchmvo: sounds like a change needs to be made on launchpad for it then10:38
mvoajmitch: yeah10:39
AnAnt__mvo: ok, I archived it10:44
geseris there a location where one can check when the last auto-sync from Debian was done?10:46
cjwatsonnot to my knowledge10:46
cjwatsonbut if this is code for "please run an auto-sync", I can do that now10:47
gesercjwatson: yes, please and thanks for doing it10:49
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ograseb128, did anything in the evo folder format change with a recent upgrade ? i cant get to my mail, its only "savig folder" over and over11:05
ograhmm, weird then11:06
lifelessI'm running tip and its fine for me11:06
ograoh, now it recieves ...11:06
lifelessstill does way to much IO11:06
lifelessogra: look at IO top when its like that11:06
lifelessogra: its probably doing 1 MB/sec of IO :P11:06
ogralifeless, yeah, i usually just need to ask seb128 and it starts working again :)11:06
ograits finally getting my 600 waiting mails11:07
Ngall gnome apps fear seb11:07
ograi'll check with iotop next time11:07
Tm_TNg: then what seb fears?11:07
lifelessogra: feel free to confirm/sub to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58460211:08
ubottuGnome bug 584602 in Mailer "opening a folder does too much disk IO" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:08
* ogra puts a bookmark up ... 11:08
ograit definately does take to much IO11:09
ogra(it also definately recieves to much spam, but that might not be evos fault :P )11:10
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indus_hello all12:44
mok0Has selinux been introduced into karmic?12:50
cjwatsongeser: (done, by the way)12:51
mok0Apparently gcl has some issues with selinux, so if that has been introduced into karmic it would explain an FTBFS I am working on12:53
hyperairmok0: apparently yes it has12:54
cjwatsonwe've had selinux packages in the archive for eons12:54
hyperairi'm not sure about previous kernels12:55
* mok0 was so happy not having to deal with selinux crap anymore after leaving redhat behind :-(12:55
mok0hyperair: where is that config?12:56
hyperairmok0: /boot/config*12:57
hyperairi think it can be disabled though12:57
mok0hyperair: thanks, will look into that12:57
mok0hyperair: you wouldn't dream of the grief selinux has cost me over the years.12:58
hyperairwhat grief?12:58
mok0hyperair: compilations fail with the most incomprehensible errors12:59
hyperairaccess violations and whatnot i bet =p12:59
hyperairi really hated selinux's guts when i was maintaining a centos server12:59
mok0hyperair: and you spend hours and hours debugging until you discover that it was stupid selinx interfering without letting you know12:59
mok0hyperair: seriously I hate selinux with a passion13:00
hyperairdon't we all =P13:00
hyperairon a side note, i think the kernels have selinux disabled by default13:00
hyperaircompiled in, just not enabled13:00
hyperairunless i'm misunderstanding something =\13:01
mok0hyperair: I don't have /boot/config/13:01
hyperairmok0: it's not /boot/config/, it's /boot/config-`uname -r`13:01
sorenhyperair: /boot/config-`uname -r`13:01
mok0right ><13:01
mok0Any suggestions as how to deal with this problem in a builder? See here: http://pastebin.com/f73508858¨13:35
mok0Let me change that again: http://pastebin.com/m20327b7a13:38
mok0And if that's done, will axiom be able to run without changes to the kernel?13:39
mok0trying to compile using setarch ... -R13:49
sorenmok0: Axiom? As in the computer algebra system?13:53
mok0soren, yes13:53
mok0soren, working on the ftbfs13:53
* soren hugs mok013:53
sorenI've been wondering about that one for... Well, *years* I suppose.13:54
sorenNot actively all the time, mind you.13:54
sorenbut still.13:54
mok0soren: trying to build the newest version13:54
mok0soren: looks as if the setarch ... -R gets me a bit further13:55
mok0soren: but I am afraid the resulting app might need to work under the same environment13:56
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
jerroomehello, I would like to start an application on startup. Therefor, I edited the /etc/event.d/tty1 file. I replaced the /sbin/getty with my application. Some parts of the application is launched; but the main visual part isn't. It's a text based application. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong ?14:11
mok0jerroome: is your program a getty replacement?14:12
jerroomeno, it isn't14:13
mok0jerroome: it sounds like a very unconventional way to start a process14:14
jerroomeI also tried to give my program as argument to getty, but the result is the same14:14
jerroomebefore, it was started inside inittab14:14
mok0jerroome: what does your program do14:14
mok0jerroome: why don't your put "program &" in /etc/rc.local?14:15
jerroomehmm, because I thought that wasn't the way to do ...14:15
mok0jerroome: replacing getty is the completely wrong way14:16
mok0getty is for watching tty connections, terminals, modems and that sort of thing14:16
mok0jerroome: you can also place a script to start your program in /etc/init.d14:17
jerroomeI thought I had to put it there if I needed my app to run inside vt114:17
mok0jerroome: just for output?14:17
jerroomeyou mean vt1  ?14:18
mok0jerroome: yes, you want to re-direct output to vt1?14:19
jerroomeI need the application to run there because I'm asked to, I think it's for communication with some serial ports14:20
jerroomeI'm porting an app which was developped for fc6 onto ubuntu ...14:21
jerroomeIt's an automatic bike renting application which is connected to different serial devices ..14:22
jerroomeas I thought, the application doesn't run correctly when launched through /etc/rc/local14:25
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mok0jerroome: a bit beyond my experience I'm afraid. Try #ubuntu-server14:27
jerroomeok, however, thank you for your advices14:28
pittidoes anyone have a multi-format SD/MMC/CF card reader, or any SCSI device with multiple LUNs? (quick test: "lshal | grep storage.lun" outputs something)15:16
mok0soren, axiom compiled, but then segfaults :-(15:17
Nafallo  storage.lun = 0  (0x0)  (int)15:18
Nafallo  storage.lun = 0  (0x0)  (int)15:18
Nafallopitti: you didn't say I had to have something plugged in, so hopefully that wasn't the case :-)15:18
pittiNafallo: could you pastebin or email the output of "lshal" and "udevadm info --export-db"?15:18
Nafallopitti: http://pastebin.com/f577b3f6e15:19
pittiNafallo: no, I just wonder how to get the SCSI LUN from udev15:19
mok0soren: I suspect it could be a problem with gcl. Do you know of any gcl packages that *work*?15:19
Nafallopitti: http://pastebin.com/f609ed56215:19
Nafallopitti: oki :-)15:20
* Nafallo wonder how he can teach pastebinit to use the right pastebin :-P15:20
pittiNafallo: and perhaps udevadm info --attribute-walk --path=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:015:20
Nafallopitti: http://pastebin.com/f17f1bf6f15:22
mok0soren, bug 387255 in case you want to subscribe to it. I'm stuck for now15:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387255 in axiom "axiom version 20081101 FTBFS on all platforms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38725515:25
Nafallopitti: enough info you reckon? :-)15:27
pittiNafallo: yeah, I think I got it15:27
pittiNafallo: many thanks!15:27
Nafallopitti: no worries mate :-)15:27
JonReaganKeybuk, you on?15:30
KeybukJonReagan: just about to have a call, grab me a bit later?15:30
JonReagank, no prob15:30
* Riddell sends bug 374973 back to kees, sorry for the delay15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374973 in enca "main inclusion report enca" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37497315:58
superm1pitti, can I get another set of eyes on the udev rules for hid2hci?  I swear I checked that everything worked before I submitted it, but for some reason, the rule is launching hid2hci --method dell -v  -p  --mode hci (rather than injecting the numbers via $attr{})16:11
pittisuperm1: TBH I don't really know what these are all about, but one thing catches my eye:16:13
pittisuperm1: you match on ATTRS in the first rule, but run with $attr16:13
pittisuperm1: i. e. the first rule will match on any child device, any of which's parent has idVendor==413c; but the device itself won't have this attribute16:14
superm1pitti, I thought that's the syntax though?  looking through /lib/udev/rules.d, that's how 75-persistent-net-generator.rules does it too16:14
pittisuperm1: the other rules should be okay16:14
superm1oh.. $attr{} doesn't grab from child devices at all?16:14
pittisuperm1: s/child/parent/16:14
pittisuperm1: no, I don't think that there's a $attrs{}16:14
superm1pitti, hm well that would definitely explain it.  I'll have to rethink that first rule then. thanks16:15
pittisuperm1: is it just the first rule which is broken, or others, too? (the others look fine to me)16:15
superm1I've only got the hardware for the first rule16:15
superm1and that's the one I really care about16:15
pittisuperm1: I guess KERNEL== will select a particular subdevice of the entire physical device which has vendor/product ID16:15
pittisuperm1: oh, and another thing16:16
superm1pitti, it's perplexing then how I  got this working before when I submitted it. ..16:16
pittisuperm1: the parent device which SUBSYSTEMS selects must also have the idVendor/idProduct attributes16:16
pittisuperm1: I think it's more robust to move this line to the start:16:17
pittiSUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="hid2hci_end"16:17
pittioh, and use SUBSYSTEMS16:17
pittiunless you are sure that SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor} are on the _same_ parent device16:18
superm1pitti, okay thanks for the tips.  i'll see I can strike a combination that works better and see which devices really have these different attributes with udevadm16:18
pittisuperm1: hang on, seems that I lied16:19
pitti$attr does follow the parental chain16:19
pittisuperm1: so the only possible explanation that I have is that SUBSYSTEMS, idVendor, and bmAttributes don't all match on the same parent device16:20
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
superm1Keybuk, pitti and I were trying to debug a problem with a udev rule and it looks like some really weird behavior is happening.  the rule is in udev-extras (62-hid2hci), and supposed to match ATTR{idVendor} and then pass $attr{idVendor} to the command.  it's properly matching, but passing " " to the command instead.  can you take a look if perhaps this looks like a bug that developed in udev traversing parents? http://pastebin.com/f29b3e86516:40
Keybukdo you have the rule handy?16:41
pittiKeybuk: in particular, s/udev traversing/$attr traversing/16:41
Keybuk$attr doesn't traverse parents16:41
pittiKeybuk: the manpage claims otherwise16:41
Keybukthe manpage is wrong16:41
pittiIf the matching device does not have such16:42
pitti           an attribute, follow the chain of parent devices and use the value16:42
pitti           of the first attribute that matches.16:42
Keybukyeah, it's wrong16:42
pittiKeybuk: well, that'd explain it :)16:42
Keybukmost of the matching stuff in the manpage is bogus these days16:42
KeybukATTR, DEVICE, SUBSYSTEM, etc. all match the exact device being operated on16:42
pittiKeybuk: could he instead use $env{ID_PRODUCT} ?16:42
KeybukATTRS, SUBSYSTEMS, etc. all match the *same* parent16:42
Keybukie. ATTRS{foo}=="x", ATTRS{bar}=="y" will only match a single parent that has both foo=x and bar=y16:42
Keybuk$attr{} expands to the exact device *or* the matched parent16:43
pittiKeybuk: right, the matching already works, we went through that16:43
pittiKeybuk: ATTRS{idProduct} _does_ match, we verified that; but $attrs{idProduct} in RUN is empty16:43
Keybukcan you show me the rule?16:43
pittiKERNEL=="mouse*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="413c", ATTRS{bmAttributes}=="e0", \16:43
pitti    RUN+="hid2hci --method dell -v $attr{idVendor} -p $attr{idProduct} --mode hci"16:43
Keybukhmm, so that _should_ work16:44
Keybukbecause $attr{} can match the match parent16:44
pittithat's what I thought16:44
KeybukidVendor doesn't get expanded?16:44
superm1right and neither does idProduct16:44
pittisuperm1: if you s/$attr{idVendor}/$env{ID_VENDOR}/ does it work then?16:44
pittisuperm1: (likewise with product)16:44
pittisuperm1: usb_id attaches those16:45
Keybukenv won't work16:45
Keybukoh, sorry, yes I see16:45
superm1pitti, yeah $env{ID_VENDOR} works16:45
* Keybuk checks the code16:45
Keybuk                        /* try to read the attribute of the parent device, other matches have selected */16:46
Keybuk                        if (value == NULL && event->dev_parent != NULL && event->dev_parent != event->dev)16:46
Keybuk                                value = udev_device_get_sysattr_value(event->dev_parent, attr);16:46
Keybukthat should work16:46
pittiKeybuk: "the" parent device is the one that *S matched on?16:46
pittisuperm1: sounds like worth a bug report then16:47
Keybuksuperm1: could you run udevadm with UDEV_LOG=debug before it?16:47
pittisuperm1: the rule, --attribute-walk output and udevadm test output should be attached16:47
superm1Keybuk, sure, the same udevadm test command with UDEV_LOG you mean right?16:48
Keybukactually, that won't work ;)16:48
Keybukdon't worry16:48
Keybukudevadm_test: run: '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/mouse-045e'16:50
Keybuksuperm1: where did you get udev 142 from? ! :p16:50
pitti     udev |      142-2 |        karmic | source, amd64, i38616:51
superm1Keybuk, us.archive.ubuntu.com :) ?16:51
Keybukoh, did I upload that?16:51
pitti-- Scott James Remnant <scott@ubuntu.com>  Wed, 13 May 2009 11:04:31 +010016:51
pittiactually, I'm TIL, but I just added the apport hook16:52
Keybukudevadm_test: run: '/usr/bin/touch /tmp/mouse-045e-008c'16:52
Keybukit definitely works for me16:52
* Keybuk tries 14216:52
superm1while you're at that, i'll try downgrading to 14116:53
superm1works fine in 14116:54
pittithe only other $attr in a RUN that we have is16:54
pitti/lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules:KERNEL=="fd[0-9]", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{cmos}=="?*", RUN+="create_floppy_devices -c -t $attr{cmos} -m %M -M 0640 -G floppy $root/%k"16:54
pittiI doubt that a missing floppy device would be noticed very fast :)16:54
Keybukworks for me on 142 too16:55
superm1oh wait, no it doesnt work in 141 for me either.16:56
superm1(was running with the env{ID_VENDOR} in place)16:56
KeybukI used this rule@:16:57
KeybukKERNEL=="mouse*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{bmAttributes}=="a0", RUN+="/bin/echo hid2hci --method dell -v $attr{idVendor} -p $attr{idProduct} --mode hci"16:57
Keybukthat's basically identical to yours, right?16:57
superm1yeah basically16:58
Keybukspecifically, note:16:59
Keybukudevadm_test: run: '/bin/echo hid2hci --method dell -v 046d -p c047 --mode hci'16:59
* superm1 is quite perplexed now why this isn't functioning17:02
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superm1Keybuk, pitti something about matching with that KERNEL device was messing things up.  using this rule works, so i'll just submit this upstream instead I think: ATTR{bInterfaceProtocol}=="02" ATTRS{idVendor}=="413c", ATTRS{bmAttributes}=="e0", \17:23
superm1    RUN+="hid2hci --method dell -v $attr{idVendor} -p $attr{idProduct} --mode hci"17:23
pittisuperm1: but shouldn't that at least ensure that it's an USB device?17:24
* pitti -> dinner17:24
superm1pitti, i moved it to the top of the file17:24
pittisuperm1: sounds good17:25
znhHello :-)17:25
znhI'm working on a system to help users find solutions to their problems is this the right place to share this?17:26
znh_any reply yet on the above? Changed connections17:32
maxbznh_: Your question is so very broad, it's unclear what a useful response might be.17:33
znh_well I'm working on a website that lists questions asked in #ubuntu with replies based on that question. I'd like to share this in some way.17:33
znh_kinda like a knowledge base17:35
maxbInteresting. Though as I have given up on #ubuntu as being too high traffic to be useful, I'm probably not a useful person to talk to about this.17:35
evanrmurphyznh_: I also think it's interesting. Do you have a link?17:39
znh_Yes, does this work?
evanrmurphyznh_: Sure does. Hmmm...17:40
znh_It's still very primitive but the parsing part is reaching it's goal17:41
ccheneycan someone process suitesparse for me, its in new and needed by new version of OOo17:43
evanrmurphyznh_: I'm very much in favor of an innovation along these lines. Speaking broadly and with more pickiness, I'd rather see an advancement integration of Ubuntu's current communication tools rather than the introduction of a new one.17:44
* ccheney is going to locally build the package so he can continue his work17:44
dajhornznh_: Would it be sensible to add this functionality to ubottu?17:45
evanrmurphyznh_: Imagine a way that questions on IRC could tap into the archives of Ubuntu Forums and Launchpad Answers...17:45
znh_or a system that asks input from the user and checks multiple locations17:47
znh_like Google but more targeted17:47
slangasekccheney: I'll be a-newin' shortly17:49
evanrmurphyznh_: Well there are the various Google customizations for Ubuntu, two examples: http://www.googlubuntu.com/, http://crunchbang.org/ubuntu-search-engine/17:49
znh_okay. How do you imagine the linkage with Ubuntu Forums and Launchpad?17:51
evanrmurphy+1 to dajhorn's question of possible integration with bot functionality.17:51
ccheneyslangasek: thanks17:51
evanrmurphyznh_: Wow, good question. Lemme think about that...17:51
evanrmurphyznh_: I remember while reading the about page for Launchpad Answers, that it touted its advantage over IRC and Ubuntu Forums as being the indexing of questions in a searchable database with useful status indicators (new question, open question, etc.).17:54
znh_in that case this database could be expanded with entries generated on IRC in a manner that Launchpad accepts17:55
evanrmurphyznh_: Btw, as you're looking for the best venues to discuss this project, you should consider the ubuntu-irc mailing list (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-irc). I haven't read or posted to it before, but the description (basically meta-discussion about IRC) seems relevant.17:59
evanrmurphyznh_: Yes, I think so (to what you just said).17:59
znh_I'll give it a thought. Thanks for the feedback :-)18:01
evanrmurphyznh_: There might be some important hunting around to do for the big shots in Launchpad and Ubuntu Forums to get their advice on the feasibility of something like this. If it's possible, I think it could be a big breakthrough for the Ubuntu community and facilitate our communications substantially.18:03
evanrmurphyznh_: Needless to say, I'm excited and interested in the project. Will you keep me posted in the near future as you continue to scout this out? I may be willing to pitch in with the work.18:05
lajjrHello pitti18:30
directhexoh, for the love of..... dear requestsync, please comprehend the idea of u-u-s not being u-m-s18:35
directhexi appear to have inadvertently ack'd my own mono sync18:36
slangaseksounds like a requestsync regression18:38
slangasekbut that's ok, I was going to come pester you again about that outstanding merge anyway, so I'll just ack it myself when I do the sync. :)18:38
directhexslangasek, there's a pending -5 upload being prepared which fixes a kfreebsd regression. tell me how much you care about that one :p18:46
slangasekdirecthex: sounds critical to me - how else will we ship tomboy by default with the kfreebsd port?19:03
directhexslangasek, i'm sure all sane & rational minds are happy with "tomboy | openoffice.org-writer" to catch funny arches19:04
mib_f0ikvwkees: Sorry to disturb you with this, but if you could spare 5 mins, needed to bring up  the discussion you have had here with TJ on an apparently fixed major bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devmapper/+bug/358654/+activity.19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358654 in watershed "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured" [Medium,Fix released]19:06
elfanIs there a standard location for where source code for packages resides.  For example, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/xorg-server is empty yet there is clearly a changelog being generated from somewhere19:17
slangasekelfan: the only standard location is in the Ubuntu archive; 'apt-get source' is an interface for downloading these sources19:18
cjwatsoncode.launchpad.net will get populated for all source packages at some point during this release cycle (not to invalidate what slangasek said, I agree)19:20
elfanBut right now if I want the latest (ie 'trunk') code for a package, I just just download the latest tarball?19:21
james_wcjwatson: I just happen to be starting up the scripts now :-)19:21
slangasekheh :)19:25
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decipherstaticbryce: I tried grabbing the gpg key for the XServer with no backfill PPA but keep on getting a timeout error.  Is the ubuntu keyserver down? or just this PPA?19:27
brycedecipherstatic: no idea, probably just launchpad flakiness19:27
decipherstaticbryce: :) k anywhere else I can grab the key?19:28
brycedecipherstatic: afaik only from the ppa19:29
decipherstaticbryce: k thanks19:30
Keybukvalgrind: m_scheduler/scheduler.c:1144 (vgPlain_scheduler): the 'impossible' happened.19:31
Keybukvalgrind: VG_(scheduler), phase 3: run_innerloop detected host state invariant failure19:31
Keybuksweeeeeeet :D19:31
slangasekccheney: suitesparse accepted19:43
ccheneyslangasek: thanks :)19:44
DGMurdockIIIcan i get the source code for the ubuntu oem installer?19:44
DGMurdockIIIis the source code for the ubuntu oem installer avable?19:45
slangasekpitti: ok, you're right; dunno how I misread that earlier, but I see now that all the microstar infinity keys are in that file19:46
cjwatsonI answered DGMurdockIII's question on #ubuntu-installer19:47
cjwatsonjames_w: oh good :)19:47
cjwatsonelfan: yes19:47
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debfxslangasek: may I merge ptlib 2.6.3-1?19:51
slangasekpitti: is there documentation somewhere of what's contained in the default keymap, or a way to query it in the current regime?  that might help eliminate some of these hotkey requests I've been reassigning to udev-extras, if we can show that they're already in the default map; or maybe not19:52
slangasekdebfx: if you're meaning to ask the last person who merged it, that's not me19:52
debfxslangasek: ah yeah, sorry20:06
ccheneyis every small bug in Ubuntu now a hundred papercut bug? :)20:49
* ccheney sees a lot his have gotten marked this way20:50
ccheneyor maybe it just happens to be coincidence that they are the ones i am looking at20:50
ajmitchccheney: I think the papercut thing caught on too well20:51
ccheneythe last one i saw i am fixing with my upload today but it seemed odd to see so many of them20:52
ccheneyajmitch: yea20:52
ajmitchperhaps people think it's a way to get those bugs fixed quickly20:52
ccheneyajmitch: well as long as someone is going to actually fix the bugs its a good thing, right :)20:52
ajmitchsure, if they're not all just wishlist or rather specific bugs20:54
* ccheney thinks the people nominating hundred papercut bugs should be the ones fixing them20:54
ccheneyotherwise how would they know if they are 'easy' to fix bugs20:54
ccheneyiirc that was part of the definition of what to nominate20:55
ajmitchI don't think that part was made clear originally20:56
ScottKBy definition any bug I don't have to fix is easy for me ....21:01
ccheneyslangasek: so the ooo 8.04.3 issue was already fixed just not thoroughly investigated before it seems (/me reading OOo bugmail today)21:04
ccheneyslangasek: erm wrt OOo itself i mean21:04
mdzslangasek: hotkey-setup being removed is expected, yes?21:04
slangasekmdz: yes21:04
slangasekccheney: yep21:05
mdzslangasek: hooray!21:05
ccheneyslangasek: ok21:05
marctwwhen you specify partition sizes during creation, the prompt is in block size unless you append a "k/m/g" to it?21:06
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slangasekjames_w: python-oauth debian/control: s/libarary/library/21:53
james_wslangasek: is that it?22:14
james_wI'll re-upload if so22:14
slangasekjames_w: only thing I saw on the way through... :)  Accepted already22:14
slangasekso upload with a new number, please22:14
* james_w commits for later upload22:15
james_wthanks for the reviews22:15
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directhexyays, thanks slangasek22:24
BUGabundotedg: ping22:51
tedgBUGabundo: Hello.22:51
BUGabundotedg: another user, trying to debug GPM and getting no output at the cli22:51
BUGabundosame as it did we me a few days ago, when I was trying to debug it with you22:52
BUGabundohe is running jaunty, not karmic like me22:52
tedgBUGabundo: It's probably that his keyboard map is not sending the hotkeys to X.22:52
BUGabundoany idea why --verbose is not working ted ?22:52
tedgBUGabundo: Typically HAL needs to be set up for that hardware in some way.22:53
BUGabundotedg: diff prob: his screen dims while he is typing22:53
BUGabundotedg: I've asked kimus to ping you!22:54
cjwatsonslangasek: IIRC lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/ubuntu got fixed so that it would be mergeable from bzr-svn again. Exactly how do I go about getting a bzr checkout of the Debian svn branch (what URL, any necessary bzr-svn options, ...)?22:54
BUGabundoalso asking him to run apport on gpm22:54
slangasekcjwatson: bzr co svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-grub/grub/trunk/debian22:55
kimusBUGabundo: in22:55
tedgBUGabundo: Okay, I have to run now.  But the apport data is very good.22:55
cjwatsonslangasek: thanks22:55
BUGabundojust my timming22:55
kimusBUGabundo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/38752923:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387529 in gnome-power-manager "screen goes black after a while even when typing" [Undecided,New]23:03
directhexhm, i wish we knew for sure whether the audio from UDS was saved anywhere. I'd love to get an archive copy of the debian/ubuntu relationship session23:11
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mneptokwoot! the Albuquerque airport has free wifi!23:35
* mneptok does a distrubing happy dance23:35
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* slangasek covers his eyes23:38
directhexmneptok, a few airports do. yay for them!23:47
directhexmneptok, iirc tampa does23:47
slangasekPDX does.  PDX > your airport!23:47
slangasekjames_w: hmm, is this branch spam your doing? :)23:49
directhexi had to pay, like, 8 quid for an hour of wifi in barcelona!23:53
directhexthat reminds me, need to fill out that expenses form. no, i'm not going to try expensing wifi23:54
james_wslangasek: aye, 'tis me23:55
directhexwhen's alpha 3 due?23:56
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:58
BUGabundonot that... humm23:58
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:58
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:58
BUGabundodirecthex: ubottu: A schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule23:59
directhexmeh, over a month then. no hurry to bringing in the latest space-saving changes to mono-related things23:59

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