
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as satiago-ve
=== satiago-ve is now known as santiago-ve
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== MaWaLe is now known as MosquitoOo
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
picklesworthHey everybody! Quick packaging question: Does it matter what kind of values I throw into the XS-VCs-Bzr field in debian/control ? For example, could I put lp:my-branch-alias, or a path to the project's code section?23:36
picklesworth(Rather than a specific branch)23:37
joaopintopicklesworth, this channel is not for packaging questions, try #ubuntu-motu instead23:43
picklesworthOops. Thanks for explaining that, jaopinto :)23:44
joaopintonp :)23:44

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