
Sarvattdarn, it might have been good to mention somewhere like the changelog about the changes to DontZap handling with the updated xkeyboard-config bryce :D00:09
Sarvattshould I add it to the wiki maybe for the release notes?00:10
Sarvattjust having DontZap in xorg.conf isnt good enough to enable it anymore, need to setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp (you can map it to other things now as well and enable/disable in userspace)00:12
bryceSarvatt: erf forgot about that00:12
bryceSarvatt: yeah definitely need to get that documented00:12
brycein fact I wonder if we ought to transition people... check if it is set in xorg.conf and then turn the option on for people00:13
Sarvattthats a really good idea00:17
james_wwe should make the dontzap package do the right thing as well00:29
Sarvattits a checkbox option in the keyboard layout options now, would we even need the dontzap package anymore?01:03
Sarvatt"Key sequence to kill the X server"01:04
Sarvattsent tseliot an email with a heads up about it getting updated in karmic today01:14
bryceSarvatt: thanks02:13
bryceyeah the dontzap package becomes redundant02:14
brycebut it may still be of benefit in some cases02:14
brycegood to email alberto, he can take a look and decide.02:14
hyperairSarvatt: i fell asleep waiting for fsck to finish (god knows why it triggered, i restarted it properly damnit! and i just fscked less than a frigging day ago! stupid ext4 >=( ), but anyway  the stuff you told me to add to modules resulted in the black screen occurring *before* i could even type in my cryptsetup password03:13
hyperaircryptroot password i mean03:13
hyperairso i had to type it in blindly03:13
Sarvattah, how about booting with video=fbcon?03:13
hyperairSarvatt: hmm i'll try that. kernel parameter right03:18
Sarvattprobably something to do with the whole cryptloop stuff :D03:18
hyperairSarvatt: it doesn't blank out if usplash isn't on, by the way.03:18
hyperairif i boot without the 'splash' parameter, it doesn't blank out03:18
Sarvattso I guess KMS has a problem with the cryptloop display stuff...03:21
hyperairSarvatt: it does?03:23
Sarvattapparently? its blacking out and not working under a real drmfb?03:23
hyperairSarvatt: i don't really think so, because if i don't have that, the screen blanks out anyway, but *after* the cryptloop display stuff03:23
Sarvattbecause you arent using the drmfb until later03:24
hyperairwell yes, but how would KMS have issues with cryptloop?03:24
hyperairit doesn't exactly attempt to display anything, right?03:24
hyperairthe cryptloop prompt is rendered by usplash03:25
Sarvattdoesnt it hook into usplash for the prompt?03:25
hyperairas in, it talks to usplash03:25
hyperairso you're saying that the usplash prompt causes problems with it?03:25
hyperairbut why would it cause problems if it happened before i915 kicked in?03:25
Sarvattbecause you dont use the drm fb until alot later normally (18 seconds in in your dmesg)03:26
hyperairbut there aren't any further cryptloop prompts!03:27
Sarvattjust using intelfb or uvesafb or whatever it uses until then and it blacks out03:27
hyperairwhat does usplash use exactly?03:27
Sarvattactually, looking at my bootcharts03:31
Sarvattit looks like usplash in KMS just plain shuts off right after it starts and leaves the picture up03:31
Sarvattwhen i915 is built in and i have a KMS console up at 3 seconds in03:32
Sarvatti should force a fsck and see if it shows the fsck stuff :D03:32
hyperairhow bizarre O_o03:32
* hyperair is beginning to really hate fsck03:32
hyperair20 minutes for one round03:32
hyperairwhat a pain03:32
Sarvattmy bootcharts without KMS have usplash going for a long time, with kms it stops 2 seconds after it starts and i dont get progress bars or anything03:33
hyperairi don't even know why my stupid /home loves to trigger fsck03:33
hyperairi se03:33
hyperairno progress bars eh03:33
hyperairthen imo we should get usplash fixed before turning on KMS by default03:33
hyperairor remove it completely.03:33
hyperairno actually newbies have a tendency to think that black screen with scrolling text = spoilt computer03:34
Sarvattprobably the cryptloop :D03:34
Sarvatt(reason for the fscks i mean)03:34
hyperairno, i don't think so03:35
hyperairit never had an issue before this03:35
hyperaircome to think of it, it never managed to unmount root because it was busy at the end of the shutdown cycle03:35
hyperairbut cryptloop doesn't cache stuff does it03:37
hyperairit's pretty much synchronous in that all operations on it are written straight to the disk, unless i'm mistaken03:37
Sarvattext4 is marked needs fsck until its unmounted..03:37
Sarvattclears the flag when its unmounted cleanly03:38
hyperairwhich means /home is never unmounted cleanly03:39
* hyperair facepalms03:39
hyperairbut hey i restarted it normally, surely the kernel should know to unmount all filesystems before shutting down *properly*?!03:39
Sarvattshutdown script trying to unmount / before your cryptloop maybe?03:40
hyperairer doesn't it have to unmount / before cryptloop?03:40
hyperaireither way if / needs fscking, i don't really care03:40
hyperairthat takes at most 5 minutes03:40
hyperairi'm annoyed if /home needs fscking03:41
hyperairthat takes at least 20 minutes03:41
Sarvattyour cryptloop isnt somewhere on /?03:41
hyperairoh yeah it is03:41
hyperairit's on /dev/mapper03:41
Sarvatti mean it might be trying to unmount the actual loop device before the file system inside is unmounted so that needs fsck, i had a similar problem with the shutdown scripts doing the kill wifi script before umountnfs by default..03:49
hyperairno, you can't do something of that sort. cryptsetup does not allow you to do anything to the underlying block device before unmounting it03:50
hyperairand the LVM on top of cryptsetup won't allow that eitehr03:50
Sarvattcan you remove the loop module with it mounted?03:51
hyperairno i don't think you can03:51
hyperairit'll complain that it's "in use"03:51
hyperairalso, some rounds of REISUB don't trigger an fsck, but some do03:51
Sarvatthow about the crypto module?03:51
hyperairi think it would also complain about still being used03:52
hyperairlemme try03:52
hyperairactually come to think of it... what's the name of the module? O_o03:53
hyperairah nevermind found it03:53
Sarvattmaybe add a sync to the shutdown script?03:53
hyperairmodule in use03:53
hyperairwhere is the shutdown script? O_o03:53
tjaaltonxserver master switched back to zapping by default, so that the shortcut can be configured with xkeyboard-config 1.606:48
tjaaltonI'm not sure there's much to migrate, other than documenting it06:49
tjaaltonnote that there's no shortcut defined by default06:49
tjaaltonso it's effectively still off06:49
tseliotbryce: are you still there?08:35
=== crevette__ is now known as crevette
Ngbah, rebooted this morning for a new kernel and my laptop wouldn't come out of dpms-off after lunch, had to do sysrq stuff15:59
hyperairNg: that sounds fun. did you by any chance get to fsck in the dark later?16:41
Nghyperair: heh, no, ext4 seemed to be happy just recovering things16:41
hyperairNg: good for you. i had to sit through a 20 minute long fsck, faced with a black screen, because usplash doesn't like KMS.16:42
Ngohh, there's an oops in my logs16:42
hyperairor KMS doesn't like usplash16:42
hyperairor something16:42
hyperairyeah there's always an oops when that happens16:42
Ngit's 915 related16:42
hyperairi couldn't capture it though, for some reason dmesg > dmesg.txt gave me a bloody blank file16:42
Ngwhich I guess isn't surprising16:42
Ngwow, multiple oopses16:43
superm1hyperair, dmesg | tee dmesg.txt instead maybe then16:43
NgI think they're all the same, some hung_task kernel thing16:43
hyperairsuperm1: i don't see how that would be any better16:43
superm1well if plain ol 'dmesg' doesn't work, then i guess it wouldn't be any better16:43
Ngdo we want bugs from i915 on the kernel?16:44
Ng(I would assume so)16:44
hyperairi would think so too16:46
Nghuh, the backtrace looks a lot like bug #384865 which is 9.0416:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384865 in linux "kernel oops with intel graphics when screensaver turns screen off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38486516:46
* Ng facepalms, it's 9.1016:46
NgI guess this should be upstreamed16:48
Ngupstreamed and linked17:01
Ngbit weird having it in the kernel package in ubuntu and the intel video driver in bugs.freedesktop.org, but whatever17:01
Duke`Sarvatt: now intel KMS on jaunty works without xorg.conf file!18:10
hyperairsince when did KMS require a xorg.conf?18:17
hyperairwasn't it some kernel module option?18:18
crevettehey a18:19
Duke`hyperair: previously, xorg server was trying to load i810 module instead of intel driver and failed... so I had to force manually the intel driver in a simple xorg.conf file18:21
hyperairi see18:21
hyperairgreat then =p18:21
jcristauDuke`: sounds unrelated to kms..18:23
jcristaualso doesn't sound like a problem, but meh18:23
crevetteI've a problem with KMS, I boot with grub i915.modeset=1 ,I can see the splash screen but no gdm18:23
hyperairthat sounds like the opposite of what i get18:23
tjaaltonbryce: has the nouveau testing been with kms? our snapshot of the driver is quite old too18:23
Duke`jcristau: yeah was strange, but it did only when I enabled KMS18:23
hyperairi get gdm but i don't get the usplash18:23
jcristauDuke`: loading i810 was not the problem then.  loading fbdev might have been.18:24
crevettemy hardware is described at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting/ (bmillemathias)18:24
Duke`jcristau: ah yes, that was probably that18:24
crevettemy Xorg is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting/18:25
crevettemy Xorg is http://bmm80.free.fr/misc/X/Xorg.0.log rather18:25
bryce(sorry, was in #ubuntu-desktop meeting)18:35
brycetjaalton: not going so good, so far.  Getting black screens on 2 cards, and failsafe mode on the third.18:36
crevettehey no problem bryce, I was supposed you were in meeting, irc is low latency by nature18:36
bryceNg: for bug reports against the kernel that involve X issues such as KMS, etc. what we're doing is tagging them 'xorg-needs-kernel-fix'18:36
bryceNg: this let's us find the X/kernel bugs more easily in the huge kernel bug pile18:37
Ngbryce: thanks, added the tag18:38
crevetteI didn't opened a bug yet, what should I attach as files to the bug (I already have Xorg.0.log)18:42
crevetteand to which component should I the bug against? (xorg, intel driver, kernel?)18:42
Sarvattthats an xorg-server problem crevette18:52
Sarvattthe exact problem just fixed for Duke` :D18:52
Ngnow I just need to find someone to bribe/pester into fixing the problem :D18:53
tjaaltonbryce: but is it with kms? would it be different without?18:53
crevetteSarvatt, what is the problem I arrived a bit late ... :)18:57
crevetteah yeah, it seems to be that18:58
crevettebecause I see also the failsafe thingy trying to launch X just after and failing also18:59
crevettethis patch was not sent upstreamN18:59
jcristauthe patch is a hack18:59
brycetjaalton: yeah this testing was with apw's kms kernel; I need to re-test with the stock kernel and !kms, and also probably should pull newer -nouveau bits19:01
brycetjaalton: but so far the problems are making me lose some confidence on how far we can get with -nouveau this cycle19:01
Sarvattwell I got it working fully including 3d via gallium, some changes were needed. you need to drop the dependancy on linux-nouveau-source in the nouveau ddx when you use the KMS kernel, and the KMS kernel doesnt work in non KMS mode for me19:04
Sarvattbryce: were you booting with nouveau.modeset=1 on the grub command line?19:07
bryceSarvatt: no, I assumed the kernel was set up with that by default19:07
Sarvattif i didnt use that it would try to boot in non KMS which wasnt working at all, dmesg flooded with errors and a black screen when x starts19:08
bryceah, perhaps that's what I'm seeing ... trying19:09
crevetteSarvatt, so the fix will be available soon19:09
tjaaltonbryce: ok.. I should try with my 8600GT19:09
bryce[    0.000000] Unknown boot option `nouveau.modeset=1': ignoring19:11
Sarvattdid you drop the nouveau kernel source from the ddx install bryce?19:11
brycethis is with 2.6.30-8-generic #10~kms2-Ubuntu19:12
Sarvattbecause if you built the kernel module with dkms just installing it normally you'll get the non KMS compatable one19:12
Sarvattdo you see symbol version mismatch errors in dmesg? you built an external module thats overriding the KMS compatable one if so19:14
crevetteis the "i915.modeset=1" boot option supported in the karmic kernel, because I have the same error message than bryce19:14
Sarvatti915 isnt in the initrd by default so it gives the error trying to pass it early19:14
jcristaubryce: that message is expected19:15
jcristaubryce: just means i915 is not built-in19:15
brycehow about "[   25.697743] nouveau: Unknown parameter `modeset'" which appears later?19:15
tjaaltonor nouveau, in this case19:15
jcristautjaalton: yeah, that :)19:16
tjaaltonbryce: maybe it's the dkms version Sarvatt mentioned19:16
brycethere are no messages in dmesg about mismatched versions19:16
brycefwiw, I didn't build this kernel, this is from apw's package.19:17
Sarvattdid you install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau? because if you did it overrided the nouveau kernel module that has KMS support with the one from nouveau-kernel-source19:18
bryceah, that could be; yes I updated -nouveau after installing the kernel.  Will try redoing that19:19
Sarvattunless you rebuilt xserver-xorg-video-nouveau without the linux-nouveau-source dependancy dropped19:19
Sarvatterr with it dropped I mean19:19
Sarvatti'll make a ppa with everything right now19:20
tjaaltonjust force purge -source, and remove the module it built19:20
bryce  Installed: 0.0.11+git20090515-0ubuntu119:23
tjaaltonyep, that would suggest that it overrides the module from the kernel19:23
brycetjaalton: but if I try purging it, it also tries to remove -nouveau itself19:23
bryceThe following packages will be REMOVED:19:23
bryce  nouveau-kernel-source* xserver-xorg-video-nouveau*19:23
bryceI'll just try reinstalling the kernel over the top first19:24
tjaaltonthat's why I said force purge :)19:24
tjaaltonor use what Sarvatt will provide19:24
tjaaltonor build -nouveau without the dep19:24
Sarvattit'll probably take me about 30 minutes to get everything together, will be here though https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/nouveau19:25
brycetjaalton: that was with apt-get purge -f nouveau-kernel-source19:26
tjaaltondpkg --purge --force-depends nouveau-kernel-source?19:26
bryce * Running DKMS auto installation service for kernel 2.6.30-9-generic                                                  19:29
bryce *  nouveau (0.0.11+git20090515)...                                                                                    nouveau (0.0.11+git20090515): Installing module.19:29
tjaaltondropping the dependency should work19:31
brycealthough I notice from the changelog, that nouveau.modeset=1 is probably unnecessary - * NOUVEAU: Pull in the Nouveau driver and enable KMS by default.19:31
Sarvattok everything uploaded to the PPA, just gotta wait to be built19:34
bryceheya gang6519:34
gang65hello bryce19:35
brycetjaalton: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/197228/19:36
tjaaltonbryce: ok, and what happens then on boot?19:39
brycetjaalton: [   22.776767] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: display fifo hung :(19:41
bryceheh, smilies in dmesg19:41
bryceI had a brownish flash before it went black this time19:41
Sarvattyeah thats without nouveau.modeset=1, i actually add options nouveau modeset=1 to /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf as well19:41
brycealright, from the changelog it sounds like that's not necessary, but easy enough to test19:42
bryceconsole switched to the tiny fonts19:43
brycewow, login screen is fucked though19:43
Sarvattoh yeah, you also have to add nouveau to xorg.conf19:43
tjaaltonyeah it tries to use nv19:43
brycemm, think I did that already, lemme check19:44
bryce        Driver  "nouveau"19:44
bryce        Option  "Randr12" "on"19:44
Sarvattits possible whatever driver you're using doesnt work with the kernel nouveau though, they bumped the api around 0605, the one in my PPA should work19:44
tjaaltonreleases ftw19:45
bryceok, well it's a *very* dark screen, but i could make out gdm's login box, so did my credentials and it started the desktop session, however the screen is fully blank (backlight is on, screen is kind of off-black)19:45
Sarvattoops, silly me, uploaded the ddx before the drm was finished building on x64 and lpia19:48
bryce[   23.372708] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Unhandled PFIFO_INTR - 0x0000001019:48
Sarvatti386 is fine though, dont know if you're on x64 or not19:50
brycemurphy would have it no other way ;-)19:51
Sarvattrebuilding amd64 now19:51
Sarvatti should make a livecd for this :D19:51
brycewell, I need food anyway, so hopefully the amd64 stuff will be there when I get back19:51
Sarvattamd64 or i386 for the livecd?19:57
Sarvattwell getting i386 because i dont think the script can handle building a amd64 one on my i386 machine i'm doing it on right now :D19:59
Sarvattso i've gotta add nouveau to xorg.conf, and i'll echo options nouveau modeset=1 to /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf, sure i'm forgetting a step...20:00
Sarvatthmm i force it to EXA and use option noaccel false too on my nouveau kms machine20:02
Sarvattbut i think thats why i have problems with nouveau gallium20:02
Sarvattahh heck, Recommends: still pulls in nouveau-kernel-source, reuploading another with it dropped completely20:36
Sarvattglad i tried it out before building the livecd :D20:36
Sarvattyeah i have to pass nouveau.modeset=1 to grub every time or it wont boot, even with options nouveau modeset=1 in /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf20:48
Sarvattthere an easy way to make that the default option on a live cd?20:48
tjaaltonnot sure20:51
Sarvattok heres logs of everything working http://sarvatt.com/downloads/nouveau-kms.txt20:55
tjaaltonyou've got gallium there too?20:56
Sarvattnot packaged, built it locally20:59
Sarvattused ./configure --enable-glx-tls --disable-egl --disable-asm --with-dri-drivers= --enable-gallium-nouveau --disable-gallium-intel --disable-gallium-radeon --with-state-trackers=glx,dri --with-demos=xdemos,demos,trivial,tests21:00
Sarvattthen I use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/source/mesa-7.6.0~git20090613.18af7c38/lib LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=~/source/mesa-7.6.0~git20090613.18af7c38/lib/gallium <program> to run it21:01
Sarvatthate these darn HP bioses, i need to fix the dsdt for every single one i have21:04
Sarvattprobably should mention i cant run anything more than glxinfo with gallium :D21:06
Sarvattahh ok isolinux/gfxboot.cfg you can append things to the command line21:23
Sarvattwith no xorg.conf, is there any way to tell xserver to prefer the nouveau driver, or am I going to have to make the xorg.conf only work for nouveau on the livecd?21:33
tjaaltonnot without patching the server21:39
Sarvattcan I add multiple device sections and have it go down the list to find a working one?21:41
tjaaltonhmm yes21:42
tjaaltonthat's what the server does, in practise21:42
Sarvattthat look ok to you? or do i need screens too21:45
tjaaltonnot sure, have you tried it?21:45
jcristauSarvatt: yeah iirc you need one Screen for each Device21:49
tjaaltontry running without one, see what the logfile looks like21:49
jcristauotherwise it'll just use the first Device21:50
Sarvatti just stepped out for a few minutes and dont have another machine handy to try it, and i'm almost done building the livecd so it'd be a shame to restart x to test it on this21:52
Sarvattwould adding screen 0 to each device work possibly?21:53
Sarvattahh i'm just going to add the nouveau device, if anyone wants to use it on something else they can fix it in failsafe :D21:54
Sarvattsure is fun building the squashfs on an atom cpu, hope my battery lasts21:57
Sarvattbuilding it based on https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing so can test xserver too22:02
Sarvattneed to update the xserver master hooks,because alot more builds now, just kdrive having problems22:03
tjaaltonI see no such release22:11
Sarvattnot released yet, xserver master branch22:16
Sarvattmaking the liveusb now to see if it works then i'll upload it22:16
tjaaltonah, so inventing release numbers then?-)22:22
Sarvattno thats the version it reports22:33
Sarvattno go on the livecd, xorg.conf gets overwritten with a default one on first boot22:34
SarvattAC_INIT([xorg-server],, [https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg], xorg-server)22:35
tjaaltonSarvatt: ah, ok22:37
Sarvattcant figure out whats making it recreate a default xorg.conf, hmm22:43
tjaaltoncasper runs that22:46
tjaaltonforgot that it's still not fixed in karmic22:47
Sarvatthmm so if i comment the stuff from remove_conffile_prepare () { down to run ()  { out of xserver-xorg.postinst it should keep it?22:52
jcristauSarvatt: rm xserver-xorg.postinst might be even better, for the live cd?22:56
Sarvatteven easier, will try that22:56
jcristauhrm. unless it still does something important. i'd need to check :)22:58
jcristauah, right, it does the ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X22:59
jcristaubut that probably doesn't need to be re-run on the live system22:59
Sarvattyeah theres a link there already, phew23:01
Sarvattok i have a working livecd now, problem is you need to manually remove splash from the startup line. dont know if i should rebuild it with splash disabled by default or just note that :D23:49
Sarvattahh i can rebuild it manually without rebuilding the squashfs23:51

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