
cabreypiv, this is a good article on it: http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-use-firefox-profiles00:00
bigboss__bastidrazor, what do i have to put on <mountpoint>?00:00
meoblast001what's the package for khexedit?00:00
bastidrazorbigboss__, an empty directory..00:00
bigboss__thanks alot :D00:00
bigboss__bastidrazor, do you think that a game will work with wine?00:01
bigboss__*a windows game00:01
pivcabrey, great link, all i needed in one paragraph. thanks00:01
bastidrazor!appdb | bigboss__00:02
ubottubigboss__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:02
TheDJACRMy mouse won't move and GDM gets stuck on a black screen. What shall I do?00:02
yusuf__hi ..00:04
TheDJACRHello yusuf__00:04
yusuf__i've installed kubuntudesktop & Xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 9.04 ..how do i remove it ??00:05
TheDJACRyusuf__: Which one are you going to remove?00:05
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal00:05
TheDJACROr, yusuf__ http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome.php00:06
yusuf__ubottu &&  TheDJACR thanks ..00:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:07
yusuf__but the other solution is will remove all xfce And KDE ??00:08
erUSULyusuf__: i dunno what to the the same for xfce as both xfce and gnome share a fair amount of libs afaics00:08
TheDJACRHow can I install all of gnome without gnome...00:09
spaztikhey guys i have a problem where when i try to do a dist-upgrade, it says i need some deps, so i do a -f on install, and it seems to complete correctly but the dist-upgrade says it still needs it, and it just does it over and over with the same exact packages00:09
tarvidcan anyone point me at the current packaging guide00:09
cabreyTheDJACR, erm what?00:09
erUSULtarvid: ask in #ubuntu-motu ?00:09
cabreyerUSUL, what is that channel for?00:10
TheDJACRI installed a command line system and then LXDE, it freezes at the GDM and when I use startx it loads lxde, but the mouse doesn't work. I want to make sure I'm not missing anything00:10
erUSULcabrey: for the packagers of universe packages00:10
erUSULcabrey: most likely to be people there konwledgeable on the packaging question00:11
cabreyerUSUL, Maintainers Of The Universe, I see ;)00:11
erUSULcabrey: no is Masters00:11
cabreyerUSUL, oh haha00:11
erUSULcabrey: like He-MAN ;P00:11
bluewook1i'm trying to ssh into my home computer but it says "connection refused". I know that port 22 is forwarded. What is the problem?00:11
TheDJACRbluewook1: IP?00:12
cabreybluewook1, do you have a ubuntu firewall?00:12
bluewook1home computer isn't on ubuntu00:12
=== bluewook1 is now known as bluewook
cabreybluewook, ok, what is it running?00:12
TheDJACRbluewook: Does your ISP block SSH?00:12
bluewookno idea00:12
gareth_i need a firewall for my machine00:12
sebsebsebbluewook: Do you have putty installed?00:13
cabreybluewook, XP doesn't have an SSH server AKAIK00:13
TheDJACRAre you running an ssh server.00:13
jeevescabrey, do you know how to get the LSB plugin to work with saslauthd?00:13
bluewookoh well thats good then00:13
arthur_question about firefox? i use sprint broadband card to conect my laptop to the internet, i recently reinstalled the os and evry time i conect i have to check the work ofline under File, i had to change something in about:config to make it conect with out having to un check work offline anybody help?00:13
De[v]ilhi all00:13
bluewookyeah i guess i would need to run a server :)00:13
=== imatech1 is now known as smacktalk
TheDJACRgareth_: firehol or ufw00:13
bluewookthe guide i am following didn't say anything about that :) http://members.shaw.ca/nicholas.fong/vnc/00:13
cabreyjeeves, LSB being... Linux Standard Base is all I can think of00:13
cabreybluewook, VNC isn't SSH00:14
bluewookor maybe it did00:14
bluewookoh i know00:14
bluewooki am using ssh to tunnel to vnc00:14
cabreyoh i just saw it now00:14
jeevescabrey, I did an upgrade to Jaunty, and now my e-mail won't work, and I can't reinstall the No-IP client00:14
sebsebsebbluewook: ssh server on Linux,  putty on Windows to connect to it00:14
bluewooki was recommended to do that00:14
gareth_firewall. sory00:14
flpwchI'm trying to mount a windows shared folder as samba share on my box using mnt. i've tried -t cifs and -t smbfs. neither works, and i get a wrong fs type error. any suggestions?00:14
cabreysebsebseb, it sounds like he wants to do the other way around O.o00:14
bluewookcabrey: correct00:15
jeevescabrey, this is what I get http://pastebin.ca/146164600:15
ectospasmflpwch: do you have smbfs installed?00:15
bluewooksebsebseb: is there a VNC viewer on linux that you would recommend00:15
flpwchectospasm: i've done this before using cifs and had it work.00:15
flpwchafter i rebooted it didn't00:15
flpwchi'll check.00:15
ectospasmflpwch: do you have smbfs installed?00:15
bigboss__bastidrazor, the shell command for mount the iso doesnt work... did u see anything wrong into the command i wrote? "sudo mount -o loop /home/antonio/Giochi/Assassin Creed/Assassins.Creed.REPACK-RELOADED/rld-acrr.iso /dev/cdrom1"00:15
=== Fussel is now known as Taunix
De[v]ilwhat is time,please?00:16
jeevescabrey, any ideas?00:16
cabreyjeeves, just as I thought, LSB stands for Linux Standard Base & it isn't a plugin00:16
aaron__how do i set my keyboard in linux00:16
erUSULbigboss__: /dev/cdrom1 is not a good mount point00:16
flpwchectospasm: generally, installing smbfs would help me indeed :)00:16
bastidrazorbigboss__, yes, the spaces .. put a \  after Assassin plus you'll not be able to use the cdrom..00:16
erUSULbigboss__: use something like /media/cdrom/00:16
jeevescabrey, ok, how do I fix this error so I can get this e-mail working again?00:16
gareth_how do i install antivirus on ubuntu00:16
bigboss__ok just a sec :)00:16
erUSUL!av | gareth_00:16
ubottugareth_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:16
ectospasmgareth_: aptitude search clamav00:16
gareth_ok thanks00:17
De[v]ilgareth_ what is time,please?00:17
cabreyjeeves, what email do you have? client/protocol00:17
bigboss__ok thanks it works :D00:17
ectospasmDe[v]il: time is measurement of some arbitrary change00:17
gareth_in Jamaica00:17
cabreyDe[v]il, 7:1700:17
jeevescabrey, it's actully a dovcot and postfix server00:17
De[v]ilthank you00:17
De[v]ili am russian00:17
cabreyjeeves, oh this is a server?00:18
jeevescabrey, would it be apt-get install lsb?00:18
cabreyDe[v]il, you can go on the russian ubuntu channel00:18
flpwchDe[v]il: 0:18 GMT00:18
flpwchyou can adjust from there.00:18
cabreyjeeves, LSB is a standard, it is not something you install, just like you can't install the internet00:18
cabreyjeeves, anyways try #ubuntu-server, this channel is more for client side issues00:19
ectospasmcabrey: that analogy doesn't compute.00:19
jeevescabrey, ok, so how do I repair the http://pastebin.ca/1461646 error?00:19
airgnoxqlc con jauty ?00:19
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:19
ibeekmanwhy does pidgin say there is only 1 person in the room?00:19
cabreyairgnox, Ti piace Ubuntu? :)00:20
airgnoxsome1 use janty?00:20
airgnoxsi lo uso da un po'00:20
De[v]ilåñòü ðóññêèå?00:20
airgnoxma è un po ostico nelle config00:20
ibeekmanyeah isn't this supposed to be an english channel00:20
bastidrazorjeeves, try sudo apt-get -f install00:20
airgnoxtipo non mi salva i settaggi video00:20
cabreyairgnox, Non parlo l'italiano bene00:20
airgnoxenglish ?00:20
cabreyyea try #ubuntu-it00:21
jeevesbastidrazor, ok, one sec00:21
jeevesbastidrazor, http://pastebin.ca/146165300:21
airgnoxdonno i installed 9.04 with nvidia driver but all time i reboot all setting vanish rested to defoult !?00:21
ibeekmanhey I just resized my swap partition which changed the uuid and now I cannot hibernate.  Can someone please help me?00:21
erUSULibeekman: change the uuid to the new one in /etc/fstab ?00:22
jeevesbastidrazor, this is why I'm here asking.  I'm confused00:22
bastidrazorjeeves, which version of ubuntu are you running?00:23
ibeekmanerUSUL: Yes I did.  The system seems to write the current state to disk, but when I boot up again it doesn't restore the previous session00:23
jeevesbastidrazor, it's Jaunty.  I had upgraded from 7.100:23
cabreyjeeves, is it a server?00:23
jeevescabrey, yes00:23
cabreyjeeves, you can't upgrade from 7.10 directly to 9.0400:23
dopei'm using gnome and i wannt use xfce. just install xfce and start session as xfce, that's all ok?00:24
cabreyjeeves, you must go 7.10 -> 8.04 -> 8.10 -> 9.0400:24
jeevescabrey, I went 7.1 to 8.100:24
Hilikuswhat do i need to resize the / partition? i can't do it while it is mounted can i?00:24
jeevescabrey, is there a way to fix this remotley?00:24
cowgardenwhen will there be a notification once the drive is full? i hate these random errors that occure than00:24
ibeekmanHilikus: no you need it to be unmounted generally speaking00:24
cabreyjeeves, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:24
ibeekmanerUSUL: are you still there?00:25
bastidrazorjeeves, how did you do the upgrade?00:25
Hilikusibeekman so how can i do that? can i start in some special mode or i need to use a live cd?00:25
erUSULibeekman: yep checking something00:25
ibeekmanHilikus: the only way I know of is a live cd or thumbdrive.00:25
cabreyHilikus, use the livecd00:25
erUSULibeekman: do you have this file /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume ?00:25
jeevesbastidrazor, changed the sources.list to the souce list from my 8.1 server and did an "apt-get update" then "apt-get upgrade"00:26
cabreyjeeves, use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:26
erUSULHilikus: use a livecd00:26
jeevescabrey, trying that right now.  212Mb to go00:26
bastidrazorjeeves, yeah.. that is why you're having all the issues. that method will break everything. possibly even a reinstall may be necessary00:26
Hilikusok i'll do that. last question, the new space happens to be earlier in the drive so i am prepending the new space, would that require a move of the whole FS or is it a problem at all?00:26
jeevesbastidrazor, will the dist-upgrade fix things?00:27
cabreyjeeves, it is confusing. update updates package lists, upgrade actually update the packages & dist-upgrade moves you to another version of ubuntu00:27
bastidrazorjeeves, possibly.00:27
ibeekmanerUSUL: I think this is my problem need to change the uuid here.00:27
jeevesbastidrazor, we hope it does.  thank god I have beer!00:27
bastidrazorjeeves, heh... good luck. if dist-upgrade doesn't fix things the easiest route may be reinstall..00:28
cabreybastidrazor, +100:28
erUSULibeekman: ok do that... maybe just a « sudo update-iniramfs » is enough but to be sure change it there and then do the sudo update-iniramfs00:28
Cry__Babyanyone know why Firefox logins to my netbank, but opera wont?00:28
PerryArmstrongi wanted to install kpdf in my 9.04 but i didnt find the package in my repos..can anyone help me install it00:29
cabreyerUSUL, don't you mean update-initramfs?00:29
volumecry__baby: because whoever designed your banks website used javascript to detect what browser you're using, and they decided opera couldn't play00:29
volumecry__baby: that's the likely situation, anyway00:29
jeevesbastidrazor, that's not possible.  it's on the east coast.  I'm on Vancouver island00:29
HilikusCry__Baby i had problems with my bank's website in opera as well, i think its because secure websites don't use standards very well and the programmer never tests it in opera00:29
erUSULcabrey: yes... a typo... 1.30 am here ;P00:29
Cry__Babyvolume: but opera worked last week.. maybe netbank updated some website coding that opera doesnt understand?00:29
cabreyerUSUL, you're living in the future00:30
ibeekmanerUSUL: do you think that's all I need to do?00:30
Cry__BabyHilikus: so solution is? Just use firefox?00:30
erUSULibeekman: not sure i do not use the feature00:30
mbostwickI am going nuts I have been tryin to get the hp express tuner card work (rebranded hvr 1500) but for some reason it says fails to load firmware ( i2c-adapter i2c-1: firmware: requesting dvb-fe-xc5000-1.1.fw , xc5000: Upload failed. (file not found?)00:30
mbostwick xc5000: Unable to initialise tuner) but I can't find it anywhere00:30
volumecry_baby: perhaps... but html isn't exactly a new technology...00:30
HilikusCry__Baby i used opera for like 6 years, until probably 9 months ago when i got tired of incompatible websites, even if it's the programmers fault is damn annoying, so FF00:31
bastidrazorjeeves, your server could be broken for a while if dist-upgrade fails  :\00:31
cabreymbostwick, try #mythbuntu00:31
mbostwickok thanks00:31
Cry__Babyif I use firefox, can any website install any nasties into hard drive or memory to compromise my netbanking login?00:31
jeevesbastidrazor, lol, true  thanks though00:31
cabreyCry__Baby, no, but as a precaution, you can use firefox profiles00:31
Hilikusjeeves are you trying to update your distro in your server?00:31
erUSULmbostwick: google is your friend  http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showpost.php?p=14481174&postcount=1300:31
ibeekmanerUSUL: so what does update-initramfs do?  I think also I need sudo update-initramfs -u00:32
Hilikushe left. you can't upgrade distros remotely00:32
Cry__Babyin other words. can I use firefox to visit p0rn websites, and evry website known to man, and still be able to use firefox for netbanking?  Or is there a program or hack that can infiltrate firefox and then somehow steal my bank details when I login to netbank?00:32
cabreyCry__Baby, use firefox profiles00:32
Cry__Babycabrey: can you pls explain a bit more about firefox profiles?00:32
erUSULibeekman: redo the initramfs the kernel uses to boot (and find the suspended image btw)00:32
FeasibilityStudyCry_Baby AppArmor profiles00:32
cabreyCry__Baby, one for banking and one for general use, keeps them separate from each other00:32
cabreyFeasibilityStudy, NO00:32
Cry__Babywhat are AppArmor profiles?00:33
HilikusCry__Baby FF is secure. i did that during the 6 years i used opera, had FF for backup when opera didn't work00:33
ibeekmanok, Im about to give it a shot00:33
Cry__Babycabrey: sounds great.. how do I now create a AppArmor profiles?00:33
cabreyFeasibilityStudy, apparmor is more pain than it is worth00:33
ibeekmanerUSUL: about to give it a try brb00:33
cabreyCry__Baby, Firefox profiles, not apparmor00:33
FeasibilityStudycabrey nah.  I have FF locked down with AppArmor..Works well00:33
erUSULibeekman: good luck00:33
Hilikusof coures at the beginning my backup was IE cause FF didnt exist00:33
Cry__Babywhat is AppArmor?00:33
cabreyFeasibilityStudy, but he wants to separate banking from general use, apparmor doesnt do that00:34
Hilikusactually it was not 6 years ago, it was more like 900:34
De[v]ilêòî õî÷åò ñî ìíîé ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ?00:34
cabreyCry__Baby, http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-use-firefox-profiles00:34
Cry__Babycabrey: ty, brb.00:34
mib_wzlf60suI am having wired network issues00:34
mib_wzlf60suI have done some basic troubleshooting00:35
mib_wzlf60subut running out of ideas00:35
AdolaHi!  I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop.  I installed XBMC and it's very very glitchy when it runs.  It flashes, and such.00:35
mib_wzlf60suWhat is XBMC?00:37
MohamedHello all, I am using Hardy, and installed ProFTPD, and its working fine, I need to get it activated at system boot, How?00:37
spaztikdamnit, my ubuntu broke doing an update00:37
spaztikand now it's all broken to hell00:37
cabreyMohamed, use update-rc.d is there is an init script00:38
spaztikeverything fails cuz of locale settings, i can't install locales as suggested by everything i find on the net cuz my aptitude thinks i need to install xfce4-panel first, which fails because of locale not being set... FML00:38
Mohamedcabrey sorry didn't get you :|00:38
cabreyMohamed, does an init script come with ProFTPD?00:39
cabreyAdola, /join #ati00:39
bastidrazorHilikus, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading   shows it is possible to upgrade remotely .. under the Network Upgrade for Servers00:39
sebsebsebAdola: install your graphics card driver, if you haven't already00:39
Bravewolfwhat is the port used by ping? I would like to block it via ufw to reduce the risk of DOS on my desktop pc00:39
Mohamedcabrey if this what you are asking for, I can start proftpd using this command /etc/init.d/proftpd start00:39
ibeekmanerUSUL: Many many many thanks! works like a charm00:39
ibeekmannow that I have upgraded my RAM time to install my SSD00:40
cabreyMohamed, yes, ok thats good, just hold on a sec :)00:40
Mohamedok :D00:40
Hilikusbastidrazor mm thats good to know, thanks00:40
KillGorackcan ubuntu see more than 3mb of ram?00:40
KillGorackerr gb?00:40
ectospasmKillGorack: yes00:40
Cry__Babycabrey: do I really need no-script addon for firefox in Ubuntu?  After all, what website script can damage or compromise Ubuntu?00:40
mib_wzlf60suI was trying to setup an additional network card to use my computer as an LTSP server, and setup my NIC as static, and I did something bad, and no network connection now.00:41
ectospasmKillGorack: if you want to see more than 3.4GB, you need PAE or a 64bit kernel00:41
MohamedKillGorack yeah but i386 ubuntu can't see full 4GB00:41
KillGorackI have four installed in a dual boot system.. windows sees it.. but ubuntu does not.00:41
cabreyCry__Baby, some people like it because it also removes ads00:41
cabreyMohamed, run sudo update-rc.d proftpd start 2 3 4 .00:41
KillGorack64bit version of ubuntu?00:41
Hilikusbastidrazor every time i tried to do it it said that remote updates were not recommended, but i did it with update-distro or whatever apt-get switch00:41
cabreyMohamed, that should do the trick00:41
ectospasmKillGorack: yes00:41
Cry__Babycabrey: but is it needed un ubuntu for security purposes?00:41
KillGorackI was gonna get that but it said amd64 or something..00:41
KillGorackwill that run on an intel chip?00:42
cabreyCry__Baby, no it is not necessary, tho there ARE always going to be security vulnerabilities00:42
Mohamedcabrey and what does this command do?00:42
Cry__Babycabrey: drive-by downloads etc cannot work in ubuntu, right?  so do I really need no-script addon for firefox in Ubuntu?00:42
ectospasmKillGorack: AMD came up with the hypbrid 32/64bit instruction set, so 64bit is commonly referred to amd6400:42
bastidrazorHilikus, checking ubuntu.com for hints is the only way to go :)00:42
KillGorackahh dag nabit..00:42
cabreyMohamed, it creates a symlink in the /etc/rc.d/ folders to run proftpd at startup00:42
spaztikhey guys, i have an issue where i'm trying to do an update, and during the update i get an error about locale stuff; through google searching i see i need the package "locales", which won't install cuz i was in the middle of the upgrade, and now aptitude thinks i need xfce4-panel before I can continue, which fails due to not having the locale working properly... any ideas?00:42
KillGorackguess I'll have to reinstall ubuntu then ;-/00:42
Mohamedcabrey its says "System startup links for /etc/init.d/proftpd already exist."00:43
cabreyCry__Baby, if you're really that paranoid, you can leave it there00:43
armenceHey all, anyone know if it's possible to turn Thunderbird into a system tray icon?00:43
cabreyMohamed, it sounds like it already starts up at erm startup00:43
Cry__Babycabrey: im not talking about my personal paranoia.. im talking generalised terms.. does there exist a website script that can infiltrate and compromise Ubuntu?00:44
mib_wzlf60su you just drag the icon out of the stat menu or from the Thunderbird program folder to the menu00:44
KillGorackis there a way to "upgrade" fromn the 32 bit versio to the 64?00:44
Mohamedcabrey after startup I check its status using GPROFTPD and it always says Deactivated00:44
cabreyCry__Baby, I can't give you a definite answer, for all I know there is00:44
cabreyMohamed, run ls -R /etc/rc* | grep proftpd00:44
bastidrazorKillGorack, that isn't an upgrade.. that is a change in distro.. sorta and basically no. reinstall to get 64bit00:44
Cry__Babyarmence: yes.. right click on it and say "add this launcher to pannel"00:44
KillGorackaight then00:45
icarus_squareddoes the latest ubuntu still use a hacky ndiswrapper for ath5k?00:45
icarus_squaredor does it use the kernel ath5k00:45
armenceCry__Bay: That's the launcher, not the system tray icon00:45
bastidrazoricarus_squared, jaunty atheros drivers work like a charm.00:45
cabreyicarus_squared, ath5k is native, never did use ndiswrapper00:45
Mohamedcabrey this is the output http://pastebin.com/m3b11614f00:45
Cry__Babyarmence: can you right click on it and then choose "move"00:45
cabreyMohamed, thats interesting, it should be running at startup00:46
icarus_squaredcabrey, I remember when 6.04 they used ath5000 or something00:46
armenceCry__Baby: That's not the point... Where it is is not the issue... I don't want something to start Thunderbird... I want something to notify me when I have new mail...00:46
cabreyMohamed, what happens when you try to connect to it?00:46
spaztikhey guys, i have an issue where i'm trying to do an update, and during the update i get an error about locale stuff; through google searching i see i need the package "locales", which won't install cuz i was in the middle of the upgrade, and now aptitude thinks i need xfce4-panel before I can continue, which fails due to not having the locale working properly... any ideas?00:46
Cry__Babycabrey: so whatever I do under one FF profile, will not interfer with the netbanking profile?00:46
=== ubuntu is now known as ruler
Mohamedcabrey fails :\00:46
cabreyCry__Baby, that is the idea00:46
jribspaztik: you should pastebin commands and error output00:46
rulercan i install nero in ubuntu00:46
cabreyMohamed, any error messages?00:46
Cry__Babyarmence: go here: http://lifehacker.com/034583/check-hotmail-using-thunderbird00:47
pro0stipioutehi all00:47
spaztikjrib, good idea, dunno why i didn't do that already... sorry00:47
cabreyarmence, there might be an addon00:47
Mohamedcabrey yeah Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:xxxxx.00:47
Cry__Babycabrey: can you give me an example of what can happen in a profile that could compromise my netbanking?00:47
David__IRC really needs a queue system...00:47
Mohamedafter activating it thru GPROFTPD it works00:47
cabreyMohamed, ok and you can start it after you're system is boot up by running sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start?00:48
Cry__Babyarmence: tell thunderbird to check emails every 5 or 10 mins00:48
Mohamedcabrey yeah00:48
AdolaAMD Mobility Radeon X1200 Integrated Graphics <-----------What drivers can I install?00:48
cabreyCry__Baby, no I really can't FF is really secure00:48
armencecabrey: Thanks...00:48
Cry__Babycabrey: so why am I creating a new profile for netbanking? :P00:48
cabreyCry__Baby, because you kept asking for a way to separate your browsing00:49
Cry__Babycabrey: no i didnt... i asked if there is a website that can run anything that compromises my netbanking :)00:49
Cry__Babycabrey: you then suggested create a different profile00:49
rulerhow to install nero00:49
David__Is there a room better suited to a complete ubuntu newbie? (IE.. someone who doesn't even know how to install KDE)?00:49
sebsebsebruler: why?   there are good alternatives00:50
sebsebsebDavid__: not quite,  but pm  me, and I can help with stuff like that00:50
cabreyCry__Baby, you've been on here like a week, and somebody suggested to use opera before, am I right?00:50
Cry__Babycabrey: I then asked.. what can happen in ubuntu firefox to compromise my netbanking.. you then said you arent sure :)  so at the end of the day.. the reality is. we just arent 100% sure.  So best to create a profile ;)00:50
sebsebsebDavid__: or do here00:50
cabreyCry__Baby, opera in conjunction with FF that is00:50
MohamedDavid__ this is the best room, I advice you searching in ubuntuforums.org too00:50
De[v]ili am Russian men!00:50
David__Thank you.00:50
Cry__Babycabrey: I cant use opera.. my bank wont run it properly.. scroll up, it was mentioned00:50
cabreyCry__Baby, I know, but the point is you wanted to use it along with ff to separate you're browsing00:51
Cry__Babycabrey: hence, im still looking for alternative.. and your suggestion about profiles is what I will do00:51
cabreyCry__Baby, nvm, you're right, we can never be 100% sure00:51
skylwhy does ubuntu not work / is-so-far-behind in various VoIP-type technologies and most notably in the browser things that seem to be flash or java never seem to work on ubuntu and my webcam doesn't work, etc ...00:51
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Guest81064my apache fails to start or stop.  Fails immediately, no error message.00:51
skylwill this change in the near future I hope?00:51
Cry__Babycabrey: yes and that is why I am going to follow your recommendations.. because we just cant be 100% sure, and so it cannot hurt to create a seperate profile for netbanking.00:51
cabreyMohamed, you can make proftpd start later in the boot process00:51
jribskyl: do you have a specific support question?00:51
cabreyMohamed, it might be failing because network hasn't started :/00:52
sekyourboxhow do you simply copy a screenshot and paste it in ubuntu00:52
Mohamedcabrey do you mean implement a delay mechanism?00:52
jribsekyourbox: print screen will let you take a screen shot and save it00:52
Cry__Babycabrey: so profile is the answer I been seeking. Thank you for your help, patience and time.00:52
sekyourboxgimp and the other thing wont let me00:52
Mohamedsekyourbox pressing PrintScreen on your keyboard will do the job00:52
cabreyMohamed, no, it is built in, see those numbers after the K/S in the pastebin you gave me?00:53
sekyourboxthanks, but how about jpg?00:53
skyljrib I don't know, nothing seems to work in that arena.  I don't know if I should work on my java, my pulse audio ... can anyone get the moodle demo working http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/00:53
Mohamedcabrey yeah00:53
Cry__Babyhello jrib :)00:53
g0thI'm trying to install amarok 2.1 on ubuntu00:53
Mohamedsekyourbox you can convert it using any image processing app00:53
g0thI tried to add the following to sources.list: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main00:53
cabreyMohamed, if you rename them exactly the same way except change the numbers to 99 it might work00:53
AdolaAMD Mobility Radeon X1200 Integrated Graphics <-----------Any drivers I could use?00:53
skylwith say FF or epiphany and/or other things from the package manager00:53
g0thit installs fine but when amarok starts the dialog "Updating system configuration." shows from 0% to 100% and then it starts again from 0% and again and again....00:53
Cry__Babyg0th: what can amarok do that vlc cannot?00:54
cabreyAdola, open source ones00:54
VCooliosekyourbox: you can make a launcher for "gnome-screenshot -i" that will give you several options00:54
VCooliosekyourbox: or a keybinding of course00:54
jribskyl: this channel is for support, feel free to ask a specific support question for someone to  help you with.  If you just want to know about progress on certain bugs, then check bugs.ubuntu.com00:54
g0thCry__Baby: proper playlist handling, last.fm support, etc00:54
Mohamedcabrey I will give it a try, I really appreciate your help, thank you00:54
Cry__Babyg0th: ah ok cool00:54
g0thCry__Baby: actually I was using mplayer before00:54
jribCry__Baby: hi00:54
cabreyMohamed, you don't have to change all of them, just change the ones with the S at the beginning00:54
rulerplease tell how to install dvd cd burning software for ubuntu00:55
Cry__Babyg0th: i may look into amarok myself then, sounds good :)00:55
cabrey!pm > Adola00:55
ubottuAdola, please see my private message00:55
spaztikhey guys, i have an issue where i'm trying to do an update, and during the update i get an error about locale stuff; through google searching i see i need the package "locales", which won't install cuz i was in the middle of the upgrade, and now aptitude thinks i need xfce4-panel before I can continue, which fails due to not having the locale working properly... any ideas? -- http://pastebin.com/m79ce8a3d00:55
Cry__Babywow I love ubuntu :)00:55
g0thcan anyone help00:55
jrib!burning | ruler00:55
ubotturuler: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:55
jrib!software > ruler00:55
ubotturuler, please see my private message00:55
Adolacabrey: What open source ones can I use?00:55
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cabreyAdola, they should already be activated00:55
g0thwhat does it mean when the box "Updating system configuration." is shown repeatedly?00:55
spaztikjrib i think that should suffice00:56
g0ththat is after I start amarok (it never really starts but just shows this box)00:56
sekyourboxi guess ill just use gimp, thanks for the help00:56
Adolacabrey: I ran a media center, and it was terrible, the screen kept flickering really badly.00:56
Cry__BabyUbuntu is the best creation since the wheel and penicillin :)00:56
cabreyAdola, what version of ubuntu?00:56
Adola9.04 cabrey00:57
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can create a front end for taskse00:57
linxehCry__Baby: or since debian00:57
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can create a front end for tasksel00:57
Cry__Babylinxeh: :)00:57
WinfugeeCry_baby:  Actually, I am wondering about wheel vs. ubuntu... Lol00:57
cabreyAdola, yea thats the only choice you have. I would suggest going back to 8.04LTS so you can use the proprietary drivers00:57
Cry__BabyWinfugee: hehe00:57
AdolaOk, thank you.00:57
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AdolaIs it possible to...downgrade?00:58
AdolaLike, with a terminal command to go down to 8.04?00:59
monestrisure, grab an 8.04 cd00:59
AdolaI mean, without destryoing everything?00:59
monestrior a real distro00:59
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David__Ok here's a different question. I'm setting up an Ubuntu test environment (so I can run a localhost). What's a good free server management program? (like cpanel)01:00
David__Sorry, not cpanel. Something more akin to running a server and setting up domains.01:00
monestriwhat do you mean run a localhost..?01:00
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PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can create a front end for tasksel01:01
_gtt_David__, I would recommend WebMin01:02
David__Thanks _gtt_01:03
Proceduredim not partial to clients but whats a good gnome integrated rss feeder/reader01:03
GuyFromHell_Any curl guru's know if there's a way to get the HTTP status code's out? like 200 OK and 500 Internal Service Error? without parsing the -v outptu01:03
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lucianhey if i've installed edubuntu-desktop01:03
lucian how do i use it?01:03
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GuyFromHell_Procedured, i liked liferea when i used it.01:04
Proceduredshould log out then press F10 to select session01:04
lucianok thx01:04
Proceduredor just use what downloaded01:04
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luciani've installet alredy01:04
spaztikhey guys, i have an issue where i'm trying to do an update, and during the update i get an error about locale stuff; through google searching i see i need the package "locales", which won't install cuz i was in the middle of the upgrade, and now aptitude thinks i need xfce4-panel before I can continue, which fails due to not having the locale working properly... any ideas? -- http://pastebin.com/m79ce8a3d01:04
Proceduredthanks GuyFromHell_,, i rpobably wont use it long , just to test it01:05
GuyFromHell_I just use google reader at this point :/01:05
Proceduredme too01:06
getxsickhi, how can i disable hinting for fonts smaller than 12?01:07
pro0stipioutedid someone know why  alien -d don't wort on somes .rpm? it gives me folders instead of .deb01:07
zcat[1]running ff3.5b4 from the ubuntu ppa, but when I try to download https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7249 it says I don't have ff3.5b4 ??01:08
jribpro0stipioute: don't use alien01:08
danlcan hfs+ be mounted read/write from the 9.04 install disk?01:10
spaztikwow.. .aptitude to the rescue01:11
spaztikso far anyway :S01:11
Sinatracan someone help me out with setting up my webcam on ubuntu?01:12
Johny_Undercan someone help me installing my wireless on ubuntu01:13
jribspaztik: are you using unofficial repositories?01:13
Johny_Underyou talking to me?01:13
spaztikjrib, nope01:13
VCooliozcat[1]: check tip nr. 22 here: http://maketecheasier.com/28-coolest-firefox-aboutconfig-tricks/2008/08/2101:13
Sinatrawebcam ubuntu anybody?01:13
ProceduredSinatra what messenger are you wanting to use it with01:14
spaztikjrib, i usually update once every week or 2.. apparently 570 packages were released in the last week or so01:14
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spaztiki guess a new release or something? i duno, but it broke a good 2/3 into it01:14
sebsebseb!wireless |  Johny_Under01:14
ubottuJohny_Under: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:14
jribspaztik: why are the deps broken?  what does apt-cache policy xfce4-panel return?01:15
zcat[1]Doesn't help me, the WEBSITE won't let me download the extension!!01:15
Johny_Underi tried but i'm a newbie at ubuntu01:15
Johny_Underfirst time i use it01:15
zcat[1]and it IS firefox 3.5b4, I shouldn't have to dissable or bypass anything01:15
Johny_Undertried to use ndiswrapper01:16
VCooliozcat[1]: click 'all versions' then select one of the install buttons with rightclick and download the .xpi to your desktop, then open that file with firefox01:16
Proceduredtry to see if you can run Ekiga softphone or skype and see if it picks it up Sinatra01:16
sebsebsebJohny_Under: someone else can probably help you get it configured in Ubuntu01:16
zcat[1]also why does the ubuntu firefox strip off the firefox logo?01:17
aboutblank77Anyone have any experience with wacom tablet issues? Mine keeps making X crash01:17
jribzcat[1]: probably because mozilla asks them to01:17
sebsebsebzcat[1]: it dosn't, the Firefox logo is part of it, if your using a development verison, you have that other logo01:17
FloridaGuythundering so hard out there the house is shaking01:17
jribspaztik: I'll be back later01:18
VCooliozcat[1]: it's a jar file, sorry didn't know you were talking about a theme; well, works the same maybe, download to your desktop and open01:18
fccfzcat[1]: ff 3.5b4 is extremely bleeding edge and cannot be supported here01:18
bastidrazorspaztik, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/249340    look at discoverpc.NET LLC 's post.01:19
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spaztikjrib, http://pastebin.com/m39c2ef52 dunno why it says unstable, my sources is pretty straight and narrow01:19
spaztikbut it's dinner time, bbiab01:19
spaztikbastidrazor, have the link loaded, will look in a bit01:19
bastidrazorspaztik, good lucki01:19
Brando753guys i just got a 1 tb external hard drive, im trying to copy my big 4 gb iso images into it but ubuntu stops at the very end and says: File to large, what should i do>01:19
fccfBrando753: what type of partition is on that drive?01:20
ProceduredFloridaGuy do you ever get tornadoes near you area of FL01:21
FloridaGuypro0stipioute, 2 yrs ago christmas day...1 hit a 1/2 mile down the road.....and took the back side of my ever green tree off01:22
zcat[1]yay, edited the install.rdf, now it installs ;)01:22
FloridaGuyoppps wrong name01:23
stealth_anyone know whats stored in .local thats taking 2.6 gigs?01:23
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can create a front end for tasksel01:23
Brando753guys i just got a 1 tb external hard drive, im trying to copy my big 4 gb iso images into it but ubuntu stops at the very end and says: File to large, what should i do>01:23
Proceduredso you got half a tree ;))01:23
FloridaGuyProcedured, guess gota watch what leeters hit befor hitting the tab button01:24
usulanyone know if there is a way to get the "always below" option in the title menu of a window?01:24
usul(in ubuntu, of course)01:25
LargePrimehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/StricterDefaults?action=show&redirect=UnsafeDefaults  I cannot find /etc/ssh/sshd_config  please help01:25
zcat[1]and my broadband usage monitor too. yay01:25
FloridaGuyProcedured, its about huracain season01:25
zcat[1]set maxversion to 3.* so it should keep working until it breaks ;)01:25
Proceduredyeah , hope no one has to get hurt again this year01:26
FloridaGuyanything should keep working until it breaks01:26
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zcat[1]FloridaGuy: normally they just work until I upgrade firefox.. now they should work until I upgrade firefox to a version they really, truly are not compatable with.01:27
FloridaGuyProcedured, where you from01:27
bastidrazorusul, do you have openssh-server installed?01:27
ProceduredSouthwest Mo01:27
usulwhy do you ask?01:27
Proceduredmy ip will say Springfield01:27
bastidrazor!ot | FloridaGuy Procedured01:28
ubottuFloridaGuy Procedured: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:28
usul@bastidrazor, nope01:28
FloridaGuyzcat[1], firefox works the way it wants to.....mine always closes in the midal of something01:28
bastidrazorusul, install it and you'll have that file01:28
jeeveshow do I attach to another tty session?  I got turffed during an upgrade01:28
bastidrazorjeeves, alt ctrl f1 or f2 or f301:28
fbc-mxIs there an easy way of running a command recursively on every directory under the one I'm in?01:28
usulbastidrazor, what file? I think you mean to be talking to somebody else, unless you are talking about "always below"01:28
LargePrimebastidrazor: do you mean me?01:29
jeevesbastidrazor, this is my remote server01:29
zcat[1]3.5b4's been very solid on my jaunty desktop.. but getting the same archive (official Mozilla build) to work on the laptop in karmic has been a major hassle..01:29
g0thwhat package is responsible for the icons in ubuntu/kubuntu/amarok01:29
bastidrazorLargePrime, i may have gotten the wrong names.. usul01:29
jeevesbastidrazor, it's pts/1 and my current session is pts/201:29
bastidrazorLargePrime, /etc/ssh/ssh_config you're looking for?01:29
LargePrimeyou did.  thanks for the help.  did you see the link01:29
LargePrimeyep.  following the linked artical01:29
zcat[1]so I installed from the ppa as advised in #ubuntu+1 .. and now mozilla's website won't believe that I'm running 3.5b4 now so won't let me download any extensions01:30
bastidrazorjeeves, pts/2 is not a tty.. are you trying to reconnect a screened session?01:30
fccfBrando753: I was doing a little reading ... the max file size limit for ntfs-3g is 4gigs ... . I'd repartition01:30
usulanybody know how to put "always below" in the window menu?01:30
spasticteapotjeeves: P.G. Wodehouse FTW.01:31
zcat[1]Ahhhh.. apparently I'm using "shiretoko 3.5b4" not firefox...01:31
LargePrimebastidrazor: site says /etc/ssh/sshd_config did the name change?01:31
jeevesspasticteapot, do you need me to "tip you over"?01:31
zcat[1]about:config time I think01:31
bastidrazorLargePrime, what are you trying to accomplish?01:32
spasticteapotjeeves: No, but one of your famous hangover cures would have gone over well  last sunday....01:32
g0thwhich package is responsible for the icons I see in kde?01:32
g0thresp. in amarok01:32
LargePrimehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/StricterDefaults?action=show&redirect=UnsafeDefaults more secure ubuntu01:32
g0thI installed amarok from the kde ppa repo (version 2.1) but I don't see most icons01:32
LargePrimehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/StricterDefaults?action=show&redirect=UnsafeDefaults more secure ubuntu bastidrazor01:32
zcat[1]anyhow, better go before the mods kick me for talking #ubuntu+1 in the wrong room ;)01:32
ramrodHEIL HITLER01:32
FloodBot2ramrod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
jeevesspasticteapot, wow, my hangover cures proceed me01:32
bastidrazorLargePrime, reading now.. give me a bit01:32
LargePrimesure bastidrazor01:33
bastidrazor!ops | ramrod01:33
ubotturamrod: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:33
sun01techi am having problems in web browsers, pages stall, jerky, using opera and firefox 3, on 8.04, 128mb Nvida graphics card, 1 gig ram,01:33
LargePrimelol ramrod got the ramrod01:33
bastidrazorLargePrime, what version of ubuntu are you using?01:34
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.01:34
LargePrimeno graphics drives for me o go to 9.0401:34
bastidrazorLargePrime, have you installed openssh-server?01:34
darlek!intel | sun01tech01:34
ubottusun01tech: please see above01:34
LargePrimeno?  should I?01:34
quintenhey, anybody set up a vpn client using network manager? it's silently failing for me, and i am not sure how to debug01:35
nsahoohi .. it seems like latex is running into problem because of dos/unix text format problem01:35
sun01techdarlek: i have 8.0401:35
bastidrazorLargePrime, ssh is not enabled if you do not  have that package installed. in that case you don't need to edit that file if you can't ssh,scp to your box01:35
nsahooi thought that was a old problem01:35
JosieOkay. So I just setup ubuntu with the alternate Cd, and I encrypted my home directory. how do I set the passphrase?01:35
quinteni installed network-manager-pptp01:35
TheDJACRCan some of you look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7463488#post7463488 about a graphics problem.01:35
cuddlefishThis is more of a hardware question, but does a video card need drivers installed to boot?01:35
LargePrimebastidrazor: so it is not installed by default?01:35
bastidrazorLargePrime, no.01:36
fbc-mxIs there an easy way of running a command recursively in every directory under the one I'm in?01:36
Josiecuddlefish, No. The VGA driver should work on 98% of systems. You won't have any hardware acceleration though.01:36
bastidrazorLargePrime, that is gripe from many people but i see why the devs don't want ssh enabled by default01:36
seanHi, i just installed ubuntu 9 and i can't get both my monitors working.01:37
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coz_hey guys... anyone here use fontmatrix?01:37
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LargePrimebastidrazor: I need to go learn about ssh01:37
bastidrazor!ssh | LargePrime01:37
ubottuLargePrime: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:37
JosieAnyone know how to set my passphrase on an encrypted home directory.01:37
jeremy_i typed sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre01:38
Sean__i have an ati all-in-wonder radeon 9600 that does dual monitors01:38
jeremy_but java isnt installed01:38
jeremy_is there something else i should type01:38
Josiejeremy_, Are you trying to use a java applet in firefox?01:38
LargePrimebastidrazor: what channel should I ask about how to make a very secure ubuntu install?01:38
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JosieYou'll need java-webstart, use "apt-cache search java web" to find the exact package name.01:39
LargePrimebastidrazor: I have some friends in china who have a need for such01:39
bastidrazorLargePrime, the way it ships is secure. the page you have linked is a good place to start.01:39
bastidrazor!java | jeremy_01:40
ubottujeremy_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:40
arthur_i have a question thats a little off topic but i am asking? i have a acer laptop that has a hdd password on it. how do i remove the password i for got what it was?01:41
DimitreeIs there a difference for the Software Resources when the server is selected ? "Main Server" and Local country server for example ?01:41
Josiejeremy_, Also, you can verify that java is in fact install by typing "java --version" in a terminal.01:42
bastidrazorDimitree, no01:42
darlekjeremy_, what does runescape say?  any error message?01:42
Dimitreebastidrazor, why then when selecting "main server" new updates are being found which are not found when using "local" server ?01:42
bernie_i'm looking for help with sudoers01:43
bastidrazorDimitree, what 'local' server are you referring to?01:43
huckrebelI would like to know if it is a preference thing or if there really is a 'better' one: Wine, Crossover, or a VM01:44
Dimitreebastidrazor, well at default my server is set to "Server for Bulgaria" and when i check for updates it found updates and installed them, but when i switch to "Main server" it finds even more updates01:44
bernie_does anyone know how I can fix this:                     sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0600, should be 044001:45
lstarnesbernie_: are you unable to use sudo?01:45
bastidrazorDimitree, possibly the mirror for bulgaria hasn't updated yet01:45
bernie_that's right, everytime I try sudo I get that message01:45
darlek!ubottu | darlek01:45
ubottudarlek, please see my private message01:45
Dimitreebastidrazor, so if i wait i will have the same result like with the main server ?01:45
stealth-how can I get my machine to run commands at boot?01:45
TheDJACRCan some of you look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7463488#post7463488 about a graphics problem (including input)01:46
darlek!preference | huckrebel01:46
ubottuhuckrebel: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:46
koirilHey all01:46
lstarnesbernie_: reboot, enter recovery mode, and use this command: chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers01:46
bernie_what is recovery mode lstarnes?01:46
pivok, besides amazon.com and itunes, where is a good place to buy music?01:46
huckrebelnot polling a channel no01:46
fccf!ot > piv01:46
ubottupiv, please see my private message01:46
TheDJACRpiv: Magnatune, Jamendo.01:46
lstarnesbernie_: it should appear near the bottom of the list in grub when you begin booting01:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:47
rageHello, I am writing a small backup script to dump a database. What is the best way to detect that a specific flash drive is connected and to return its path?01:47
bastidrazorDimitree, it should yes.01:47
lstarnesstealth-: it depends on what the command does01:47
Dimitreebastidrazor, ok thank you01:47
rageI am using Ubuntu server 9.0401:47
stealth-lstarnes: I want to use sshfs to mount my servers / on my home drive01:47
bernie_my computer goes into Xfce directly when I turn on my comp.; do I have to do something else?01:47
lstarnesstealth-: is that just going to be for your own personal account?01:48
huckrebelI just didn't want to start downloading willy nilly01:48
stealth-lstarnes: yes01:48
lstarnesstealth-: you could add that to your personal crontab01:48
koirilAnyone have some time to help me fix an mdadm problem?01:48
stealth-lstarnes: but then wouldnt it run repeatedly?01:49
pivTheDJACR, thanks, will check -em out01:49
lstarnesstealth-: not if you use @reboot as the time01:49
huckrebelalso having trouble with Avant Window Nav. "Warning: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager."01:49
ekimmargniIf I have a long-running process in the foreground (wget for example), how can I put it in the background so I can close the terminal window?01:49
stealth-lstarnes: so using @reboot would make it run that when I log in, or when the system starts?01:49
spaztikbastidrazor, that link was silly... that didn't gimme any help01:49
stealth-lstarnes: dumb question, but im not sure when crontab is executed01:49
spaztiki can't get this dang locale working01:50
lstarnesstealth-: each command in it is executed at the scheduled time for that command01:50
darlek!locale | lstarnes01:50
ubottulstarnes: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf01:50
bastidrazorspaztik, running dpkg --configure -a   from tty1 didn't do anything01:50
disphazedbonsoir les gens01:50
koirilekimmargni, look for something called nohup01:50
lstarnesstealth-: cron, which runs the crontabs, starts during the boot provess01:50
jeremy_is this the plugin i need to display java appelets gcjwebplugin01:50
stealth-lstarnes: okay, thanks for your help01:50
ekimmargnistealth-: it's executed once per minute -- it checks each crontab entry whether it is supposed to run in the current minute and runs it if so. For @reboot, of course it is supposed to execute only at reboot, and that's what happens (unless something goes wrong)01:50
lstarnesdarlek: wrong person?01:51
stealth-ekimmargni: yeah, got it. thx01:51
spaztikbastidrazor, it did nothing01:51
bastidrazorspaztik, did you try Rocco's suggestion?01:52
binskipy2uhey guys, is installing "TOO MANY" codecs, from restricted extras, gstreamer, etc etc a "bad" thing that can cause music apps to just stop playing.. or freezes, lockups?01:52
binskipy2uor is that not a big deal in linux having tooo many codecs01:52
Sinatrais anybody in here from philadelphia?01:53
koirilI have 3 drives that I'm trying to fdisk but after I do and reboot they don't show up in the /proc/partition. Yet they do show up in fdisk -l . Any ideas?01:53
darlek!locale | spaztik01:53
ubottuspaztik: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf01:53
stealth-binskipy2u: shouldnt cause any issues, the programs will use what they want to01:53
spaztikdarlek, thank you, trying now01:53
binskipy2ukewl.. cause i installed alot just from a "perfect ubuntu 9.04 setup guide"01:54
binskipy2ujust making sure i didnt over do it01:54
salmonhey, running 9.04 and sound works in everything but flash, anyone can help me get sound in flash i would love you forever01:54
stealth-binskipy2u: as a general rule, apt-get will take care of stuff if there is conflicts, so it either wont allow you to install the new package or will remove the conflicting one01:55
koirilAnyone here good with fdisk and mdadm?01:55
darlekstealth-, binskipy2u , as well aptitude does the same as apt-get but also offers suggestions in case of a conflict install.01:56
LargePrimebastidrazor: thanks for your help01:56
bastidrazorLargePrime, good luck :)01:56
TheMusicGuyHi, my Jaunty laptop seems like its running in odemand mode all the time, even when Ubuntu says its running in powersave mode. It did not act like this when using Hardy. Any suggestions?01:57
salmonso anyone out there, i really need my sound in flash back and i have read so many forums and guides and nothing seems to work. please any help would be f'n sweet01:57
binskipy2uthanks darlek01:58
binskipy2uthat makes sense01:58
gum76darlek, what's some Aptitude syntax?01:58
gum76aptitude apt-get install?01:58
gum76aptitude apt-cache search?01:58
darlekgum76, man aptitude... works similarly to apt-get... no just aptitude install name or aptitude search name01:58
jezi22what will be the issues if i install both gnome and kde?01:58
billybigriggerkoiril::: im not great, i can start my raid 1 array :P01:58
billybigriggerkoiril::: what do you need?01:58
stealth-jezi22: none01:58
lstarnesgum76: aptitude install, aptitude search01:58
gum76okay darlek thanx a bunch01:59
jezi22stealth, my applications will not mix up?01:59
stealth-jezi22: not, they can co-exist perfectly01:59
lstarnesjezi22: they won't01:59
jezi22okay thanks.. i want to try KDE.. :D01:59
ExMachinawhere do I get nvidia-settings and the nvidia drivers?02:00
darlek!aptitude | gum76,02:00
ubottugum76,: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:00
koirilbillybigrigger, my Raid 5 array won't load on boot up but I think I know why. Right now when I use fdisk to create new partitions on my 3 drives then reboot /proc/partitions says they don't exist but fdisk -l does02:00
sebsebsebjezi22: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop02:00
billybigriggerkoiril::: sudo fdisk -l02:00
billybigriggerkoiril::: pastebin please02:00
jezi22and it will be just fine?02:00
spaztikah i think this box is b0rked02:00
stealth-jezi22: yes, just run the command sebsebseb said02:00
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit02:00
spaztiki knew i shouldn't have done that large of an update02:00
stealth-jezi22: your too paranoid, linux is all about breaking stuff :P02:01
* stealth- ducks02:01
bastidrazorspaztik, it sounds like you did an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0402:01
koirilbillybigrigger, http://www.mibbit.com/pb/XC5DBZ02:01
spaztikbastidrazor, no i was 8.04 already02:01
sebsebsebstealth-: indeed at that, but not so much with Ubuntu02:01
spaztikbut isn't 9.10 out?02:01
jezi22i dnt want to have serious errors that i can't fix XD02:01
sebsebsebspaztik: that's  end of October02:01
salmonso sound does not work in flash, does anyone know why this may be?02:01
stealth-sebsebseb: yeah, I've noticed since I started using other distros02:01
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:01
billybigriggerkoiril::: ok, raid 5 usuing sd a, b, c02:01
stealth-jezi22: trust me, Ive done it multiple times with completely different linux distros, it will work fine02:02
koirilbillybigrigger, correct02:02
spaztiksorry, guess i mean 9.0402:02
billybigriggerkoiril::: and your raid setup doesn't auto-start on boot?02:02
balzackarmic koala is going to be heavy02:02
billybigriggerkoiril::: what was the device name for it?02:02
koirilbillybigrigger, nope. /dev/md002:02
billybigriggerkoiril::: /dev/????02:02
koirilbillybigrigger, what'll happen though if I fdisk those 3 drives again then it boots02:02
=== kevin_ is now known as canadaeh
Digital_PioneerHey, someone tell me how to make blasted jockey stop complaining that my xorg.conf is invalid and start installing fglrx plese.02:03
billybigriggerkoiril::: sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc102:03
billybigriggerkoiril::: then, sudo mount /dev/md0 /WHEREEVERYOURMOUNTIS02:03
jezi22if i will remove KDE ill just type "sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop?02:03
koirilbillybigrigger, it can't find those 3 drives it says02:03
bastidrazor!puregnome | jezi2202:04
ubottujezi22: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal02:04
billybigriggerkoiril::: but fdisk shows them02:04
koirilbillybigrigger, correct02:04
koirilbillybigrigger, /proc/partition/ says they don't exist though02:04
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal02:04
salmonso im having some trouble with sound in flash, i.e. it's not working, anyone know why this may be, and or how to fix it?02:04
koirilbillybigrigger, well it says the drives exist but not the partitions02:04
ajavidhello ubuntu people02:05
billybigriggerkoiril::: sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 <------- pasetbin the output02:05
ajavidhow do you install fglrx in ubuntu 9.04?02:05
jezi22thanks guys02:05
gum76what is fglrx?02:05
ajavidit shows no restricted drivers, but open source radeon driver on x1900xt is too slow02:05
salmonhello ajavid02:05
ajavidI'd like to install fglrx for better 3d02:05
ajavidhi salmon02:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:05
sebsebsebstealth-: Gentoo :D02:05
ajavidsalmon, you're a tasty fish02:05
jezi22when will karmic be released?02:05
koirilbillybigrigger, err at the moment that won't give anything usefull since I deleted the array. Gimme 2 min and I'll get it back to the state of not working02:05
=== eric_wants_a_nic is now known as eric_myc
billybigriggerkoiril::: oh02:06
billybigriggerkoiril::: you never told me you deleted the array02:06
sebsebsebstealth-: still got to install that in vm02:06
billybigriggerkoiril::: man mdadm02:06
salmonajavid, indeed, hey do you know anything about sound problems, and or how to fix them02:06
ajavidsalmon, i maybe able to help02:06
ajavidsalmon, ask02:06
koirilbillybigrigger, I mean I've had the same problem every time I've tried to set it up02:06
koirilbillybigrigger, I'm created it and deleted it at least 30 times so far. The problem is with fdisk02:06
billybigriggerkoiril::: insead of -A do -C02:06
henrik_Is it possible to boot without erasing /tmp, or does it only erase on shutdown?02:06
billybigriggerkoiril::: i don't understand02:07
Nkippcan i get help with an issue02:07
salmonajavid, so sound works in every thing but flash, it all worked at one point, running 9.04. i restarted one day, and lost sound in flash02:07
stealth-sebsebseb: thats my next distro to try, i've tried slackware and debian so far02:07
koirilbillybigrigger, me neither lol. Gimme 2 min and I'll get it to the position that I'm talking about02:07
sebsebsebstealth-: mine is Fedora 11, and downloading now :)   vm in Ubuntu first02:07
koirilbillybigrigger, thanks for the help btw. 2 min...02:07
hwkdrvHello!  I am looking for a how-to on manually installing a printer on Ubuntu Server 9.04 (for a newbie)  Thanks :)02:07
ajavidsalmon, try install alsa-oss pckage, restart firefox02:07
ajavidsalmon, see if that helps02:07
skylwhy would apache return half a response and work a little better in lynx and load a page but not in graphical browsers ... how can this be something to do with #my-router?02:08
salmonajavid, tried it.. no dice02:08
ExMachinahi which package has nvidia-settings?02:08
getxsickhi, how can i disable hinting for fonts smaller than 12?02:08
stealth-sebsebseb: I just try them when I get a new computer. Anyways, though, I got to go. nice talking 2 ya02:08
Nkippi have ubuntu and i was able to port forward just fine on my old router but when it died i got a netgear router, would there be any reason why my netgear router will not port forward in ubuntu?02:08
sebsebsebstealth-: heh ok no probs, by the way we were off topic :d02:08
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ajavidsalmon, no idea then02:08
salmonExMachina, for me all i had to do was allow the restricted drivers and it installed them02:08
salmonajavid, thank you anyhow02:08
stealth-Nkipp: no, the router port forwards *to* ubuntu, ubuntu has no choice or say in the matter, really.02:09
stealth-Nkipp: ubuntu actually treats it like a connection from within the network02:09
Nkippstealth-,  i dont understand why port forwarding is working for me then on this router02:09
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koirilbillybigrigger, ok so I have my array up and running with no problems. Now I'm going to reboot but when it does the array isn't going to come online because /proc/partitions can't find the partitions to add to the array02:10
stealth-Nkipp: I seriously doubt it has anything to do with ubuntu02:10
billybigriggerkoiril::: so your problem is that it doesn't auto-load your array on boot?02:10
Nkippi dont get that i can port forward just fine on winblows but it just wont work on ubuntu02:10
losher henrik_ : /tmp is erased at bootup by /etc/init.d/bootclean. Directories in /tmp don't seem to get erased though...02:10
koirilbillybigrigger, yup. I'll give you that output that you asked for in 2 secs when it comes back online02:10
losherhenrik_ : /tmp is erased at bootup by /etc/init.d/bootclean. Directories in /tmp don't seem to get erased though...02:11
hwkdrvIs there anyone that could lend a hand on finding some information on a printer install?02:11
jribspaztik: that's definitely your issue (the debian sources)02:11
jrib!printing > hwkdrv02:11
ubottuhwkdrv, please see my private message02:11
stealth-Nkipp: do you have that port open on your ubuntu machine?02:11
Nkipphow do i do that02:11
billybigriggerkoiril::: well ever since i upgraded to karmic my raid isn't auto-loaded/auto-mounted either02:12
salmon*cries* i need help, i want sound in flash back so bad. SO BAD... someone please help02:12
henrik_losher: ah, but can I bypass it somehow on one boot? My computer crashed and I'd like to save some stuff from there02:12
koirilbillybigrigger, http://www.mibbit.com/pb/57iOdZ02:12
stealth-Nkipp: well, what port are you trying to forward?02:12
koirilbillybigrigger, that's what happens when I try to assemble now02:12
Nkippstealth-,  2701502:12
koirilbillybigrigger, This is the command I used to create the array: sudo mdadm -Cvf /dev/md0 -l5 -n3 -c64 /dev/sd{a,b,c}102:12
henrik_losher: do all runlevels run that script?02:13
stealth-Nkipp: what service uses that port?02:13
Nkippstealth-,  a counter strike source game server02:13
StepanstasI need help recovering files from a corrupt partition.02:13
billybigriggerkoiril::: mdadm -A -auto /dev/md0 SDA SDB SDC02:14
billybigriggerkoiril::: have you even tried to read the manpage for mdadm?02:14
stealth-Nkipp: do you have the server running on your machine? port forwarding wont do anything if nothing is listening at the port02:14
koirilbillybigrigger, I've read it thoroughly several times :)02:14
inx-liveHow can i make a live CD of an external USB harddrive02:14
billybigriggerkoiril::: do you have data on this raid? or have you wiped it?02:15
Nkippstealth-,  what? its like it worked perfectly fine with the old router and i do not know what i am doing wrong02:15
stealth-Nkipp: did the old router work with ubuntu and your counter strike server?02:16
koirilbillybigrigger, Nah it's dead. It only has files on it that I was using for testing but I don't care about them. This is the part that confuses me: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/p8oo3Q02:16
Nkippstealth-,  yea the old router was just fine and all i did was port forward02:16
koirilbillybigrigger, With that output /proc/partitions says I don't have any partitions on my 3 drives yet fdisk says I do02:16
salmonhello DBO, fubaz, cynic, and uncle_meat02:16
stealth-Nkipp: well then its something to do with your router, not ubuntu. Or you changed something on your ubuntu machine02:17
inx-liveHow do I make a live cd from stuff on my external USB harddrive?02:17
losherhenrik_: I'm not sure about the runlevels. That stuff isn't well documented. You could hand edit /etc/init.d/bootclean so it skips certain files I suppose....02:17
billybigriggerkoiril::: hmm02:18
stealth-Nkipp: the computer system never talks to the router in great detail, the router just sends all data it gets on that port directly to the server. If ubuntu was working with it before, but not this time, then its not ubuntu's fault, something is mis-configured with the router02:18
billybigriggerkoiril::: i don't know what to tell you02:18
Nkippstealth-,  i have changed nothing but its just so weird that the router works on one operating system but not the other02:18
billybigriggerkoiril::: all looks good02:18
henrik_losher: well, I can't do that at the moment without booting it02:18
billybigriggerkoiril::: what about removing the -f when you build the array?02:18
billybigriggerkoiril::: any errors?02:18
koirilbillybigrigger, Sort of. If I remove the -f then it creates the array with 2 disks and 1 spare02:19
koirilbillybigrigger, I read that mdadm does that to make the original rebuilding process faster02:19
henrik_losher: by reading the script of another installation, a .clean file in the directory seems to bypass the clean02:19
losherhenrik_: wanna say more about what the problem is, rather than assuming the solution?02:19
salmonso sound died in flash, restarted my computer the other day and lost sound, but only in flash. tried re-installing flash, and installing alsa-oss. anyone know what else i could do to fix this problem02:19
stealth-Nkipp: I dont know what to tell you past that.02:19
billybigriggerkoiril::: hmmm02:20
stealth-Nkipp: sorry, but I cant think of any way it would be OS related02:20
henrik_losher: the problem is that I had some files in the /tmp directory and the computer crashed. I'd like to boot the computer without them getting deleted.02:20
billybigriggerkoiril::: ahhh02:20
billybigriggerkoiril::: it seems to be in your config, can i ask what -c64 is?02:20
salmonNKipp, how old is the hard disc?02:20
koirilbillybigrigger, Sets the cluster size to 6402:20
mib_hi2uhello, i have a linux box which has been running fine for several weeks. Now all of the sudden when I try to connect to one of the https pages it tells me that the ssl key is too long. It ignores me via ssh as well.02:20
billybigriggerkoiril::: doesn't -c set your config file?02:20
Nkippsalmon,  what?02:20
koirilbillybigrigger, Err maybe... let me check the man pages02:21
TheDJACRWill Firefox 3.5 be added to the Jaunty Repos?02:21
salmonNKipp, well your losing files rite? i had the same sort of problem right before my last hard drive died on me02:21
jeremy_what do i install to get java appelets to display in mozilla02:21
koirilbillybigrigger, Good catch, let me try rebuilding the array real quick02:22
billybigriggerkoiril::: hold on02:22
billybigriggerkoiril::: i read something wrong02:22
StepanstasI need help recovering files from a corrupt partition.02:22
billybigriggerkoiril::: in Create mode (-C) -c is chunk size02:22
billybigriggerkoiril::: your right02:22
koirilbillybigrigger, Ah ok02:22
Nkippsalmon, i cant get ubuntu to port forward :\ nothing about losing files02:22
losherhenrik_: it's possible a single user boot might work, but I can't guarantee it without trying it. One for-sure method would be to boot the live-cd and then mount the root partition & look round...02:23
billybigriggerkoiril::: ok, check your mdadm.conf02:23
salmonNKipp, my b, sorry i didn't read everything that was posted, ha ha... sorry to bother you02:23
mib_hi2uDo self-authored SSL certs expire?02:23
henrik_losher: I'm starting to think that the single user won't help. I think the script gets run in all runlevels02:23
billybigriggerkoiril::: nano /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf02:23
koirilbillybigrigger, http://www.mibbit.com/pb/QFg9ou02:24
grkblood13when i try to login via ssh to a remote machine with ip:port i get "name or service not known"02:24
grkblood13does anyone know why02:24
grkblood13the ip and port are correct02:24
mib_hi2ugrkblood13: is it a local ip?02:24
PhotoJimgrkblood13: ssh -p portnumber user@remote.site.com02:24
billybigriggerkoiril::: there's your problem02:24
grkblood13its not local02:25
billybigriggerkoiril::: metadata=00.9002:25
billybigriggerkoiril::: SHOULD be metadata=0.9002:25
voldenetI installed windows 7 beta, and my grub is gone, how to reinstall grub (ubuntu on cd which i got doesn't support ext4fs)?02:25
koirilbillybigrigger, I'll try removing it then arranging again02:25
losherhenrik_: You'd think this would be a common enough situation that there'd be some provision for it.  Boot the live cd then...02:25
grkblood13got it, tahnks02:26
henrik_losher: I was hoping for some boot argument or something, I suppos I must go the long way and find a live cd + plug in a cd-reader02:26
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:26
voldenet1. Boot the Desktop/Live CD. (Use Ubuntu 8.04 or later)02:26
koirilbillybigrigger, Same problem :( :http://www.mibbit.com/pb/p2Vag002:26
voldenetthanks, that was really helpful02:26
billybigriggerkoiril::: before it was complaining of sda1, now its complaining about sdb102:27
inx-liveIs it possible to make a live cd of my external USB harddrive contents?02:27
koirilbillybigrigger, Good point02:28
voldenetI am able to install grub from linux, but i got no cd, no floppy disk drive, only windows02:28
voldenethow to install grub using windows? ;d02:28
phpgunneri have a compaq presario cq50-105nr and sometimes the wifi works and sometimes it doesn't02:28
billybigriggerkoiril::: oh man, im starting to scratch the noggin :P im no raid guru02:28
phpgunnerany ideas why?02:28
koirilbillybigrigger, Hehe I'm so close to throwing the idea of raid away and just keep them as is02:28
billybigriggerkoiril::: 3 x 1TB in raid is nice :P02:29
Ryan_I have Jaunty installed under Wubi on a Windows Vista system and X Windows is failing when I try to start it -- how can I recover files from the Ubuntu (Wubi) file system?02:29
billybigriggerkoiril::: my simple 2 x 500GB RAID1 setup is nice02:29
losherhenrik_: I don't see anything in the bootclean script which looks for a boot parameter, sorry...02:29
phpgunnerI installed a wifi driver from the hardware driver listings02:29
phpgunnerbut still doesn't work02:29
phpgunnerhowever, i have a wifi button and is red when wifi is disabled02:29
phpgunnerso guessing that is the problem?02:30
koirilbillybigrigger, Yeah I was really hoping to get it to work. I'm going to try posting in the Ubuntu forums as well02:30
billybigriggerkoiril::: and mind you, i set my raid up when i installed the os, ubuntu did all the config for me02:30
losherhenrik_: do you have a spare system you can try out the single user theory on? I don't ....02:30
phpgunnerbut doesn't work when i press it02:30
koirilbillybigrigger, Really?02:30
billybigriggerkoiril::: hell yeah, way easier :P02:30
chelehandsomehow can I configure a proxy server to get connected to internet in Ubuntu server??02:30
koirilbillybigrigger, I tried both desktop and server edition of Ubuntu but neither gave me the option02:30
billybigriggerkoiril::: alternate cd :P02:30
losherWhat do people favor for an smtp client? Postfix?02:30
koirilbillybigrigger, Ooooo where do I get a copy of that?02:31
billybigriggerkoiril::: hehe02:31
rycarchelehandsome: put the settings into firefox?02:31
billybigriggerkoiril::: 64bit?02:31
g1erok. so I'm back again. can't get a wifi connection using bcm4318 to work on ubuntu 9.04. Dug up my puppylinux live SD and it connects to my unsecured network (and the internet) right after boot (no input etc required) any way I can find out and use whatever I once set up to make puppy work?02:31
chelehandsomemm I dont have graphical environment02:31
billybigriggerkoiril::: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-amd64.iso02:31
phpgunnerAny help?02:31
chelehandsomeis ubuntu server02:31
koirilbillybigrigger, I'll give that a shot. Thanks again for the help02:32
billybigriggerkoiril::: btw, is that your home server? how much were your 3x1TB drives?02:32
ltcabralhow do i force a program to close?02:32
skylcan someone tell me how to get my IP Address, Subnet Mask and ISP Gateway Address ?02:32
billybigriggerltcabral::: what program?02:32
billybigriggerskyl::: ifconfig02:32
halberdchelehandsome, use ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, and /etc/network/interfaces02:33
voldenetltcabral kill -9 $(pidof <progname>)02:33
ltcabralbillybigrigger: kosmo02:33
halberdto configure your connection02:33
koirilbillybigrigger, Yeah it is a home server. I almost bought 5 of em :D02:33
bastidrazorltcabral, killall program name or ps aux|grep programname .. kill -9 the PID of it02:33
halberdif it is wireless use iwconfig and iwlist02:33
truongloci don't know02:33
koirilbillybigrigger, They were $90 CDN each02:33
ltcabralvoldenet: how do i get the pid02:33
billybigriggerltcabral::: you can try what voldenet suggested, or sudo killall kosmo02:33
billybigriggerkoiril::: from where?02:33
koirilbillybigrigger, Newegg.ca had a killer 1 day sale02:33
voldenetltcabral pidof <name>02:33
chelehandsomebut how is the command to add this parameter in interfaces??02:33
billybigriggerkoiril::: no way :P02:33
ltcabralbastidrazor: killall kosmo wont work02:33
billybigriggerkoiril::: nice :P02:33
voldenetkill -9 $(pidof kosmo) should work02:33
koirilbillybigrigger, They're the new low power drives too lol. I was lucky to catch it02:34
ltcabralvoldenet: returns nothing02:34
billybigriggerkoiril::: what brand? you have the link to them?02:34
voldenetpidof returns nothing?02:34
ltcabralvoldenet: seems like prog name isnt really kosmo :P02:34
voldenetuse ps -a02:34
koirilbillybigrigger, Gimme a sec and I'll dig one up.02:34
voldenetand find program name manually02:34
voldenetor use top02:34
rycarchelehandsome: set the environment variable http_proxy02:35
billybigriggerkoiril::: and for raid q's, check #ubuntu-server02:35
bastidrazorltcabral, try the 2nd suggestion in my statement02:35
koirilbillybigrigger, http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136317&nm_mc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel&cm_mmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel-_-Content-_-text-_-02:35
billybigriggerkoiril::: if you don't want to reinstall the os, someone there should be able to help with the raid setup02:35
chelehandsomeahh ok...thank I will try that right now02:35
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koirilbillybigrigger I'll try that. Thanks02:36
billybigriggerkoiril::: $109.99 now :( hehe im a Seagate buy myself :P these 7200.12 500GB disks are pretty rockin :P02:36
kburtonMy XFCE sidebar panels disappeared.  Does anyone know how to fix that?02:36
NemesThis is going to sound stupid, but I cannot figure out how to move files with "mv" without overwriting those with the same name (and without being promted and having to answer "no" hundreds of times)02:36
koirilbillybigrigger, I would have bought those Seagate drives (the 1TB version) if this deal hadn't popped up02:37
voldenetkburton rm -rf ~/.xfce02:37
voldenetkburton rm -rf ~/.xfce*02:37
billybigriggerkoiril::: maybe your drives were DOA :P02:37
billybigriggerkoiril::: haha kidding02:37
koirilbillybigrigger, Haha I already tested them in my vista machine with HDTune02:38
koirilbillybigrigger, I burn-in every new piece of hardware I get the day I get it02:38
mib_hi2uI cannot connect to my own https://localhost/ it says something about my ssl key being too long... does anyone know what this is about?02:38
mib_hjyq55hrhey evrybody02:38
bastidrazor!ot | billybigrigger, koiril .. please keep this channel for support02:39
kburtonvoldenet: I don't have any .xfce folders in my home directory02:39
ubottubillybigrigger, koiril .. please keep this channel for support: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:39
TruthTacolooking for help installing smplayer02:39
matrixblueWhat's a small(< than 1 GB installed? Ubuntu based distro?02:39
billybigriggerbastidrazor::: thanks, but your a few minutes behind :P02:39
ExMachinaI would like to apply window-F to be my hotkey, but it doesn't recognize the window button as a modifier key, it seems to only understand control and alt, tips?02:39
ajavidTruthTaco, aptitude install smplayer02:39
ajavidTruthTaco, you should enable medibuntu repository first02:39
mib_hjyq55hri've a serious problem with ubuntu02:39
TruthTacohow do i enable mediabuntu02:39
ltcabrallol it was java the prog name02:40
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:40
TruthTacoive been at that site02:40
mib_hjyq55hrcan anybody help me02:40
TruthTacobut i cant find what i need02:40
TruthTacohere's where i am https://launchpad.net/~rvm/+archive/mplayer02:40
TruthTacoi dont know what a PPA is02:40
sheikpunkanybody use playonlinux?02:40
billybigriggerTruthTaco::: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu02:40
billybigriggersheikpunk::: once, to install far cry 202:41
skylbillybigrigger I mean my ISP    IP Address, Subnet Mask, ISP Gateway Address /// I don't think that is in ifconfig02:41
billybigriggerskyl::: do you have a router?02:41
skylbillybigrigger yes02:41
sheikpunk installed GTA SanAndreas with PlayOnLinux02:41
sheikpunk on my ubuntu 9.0402:41
sheikpunk and after installation... i select GTA game on linux02:41
sheikpunk and click and run...02:41
sheikpunk and... nothing.02:41
FloodBot2sheikpunk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:41
sheikpunk nothing happens02:41
jon_cHey -- I gather we're supposed to use update-manager-core to update from one server distribution to the next; we have a Gutsy server that doesn't have update-manager-core installed, and we can't install it because Gutsy's been EoLed.  How can we get update-manager-core to upgrade to something that's still active?02:41
billybigriggerskyl::: check your router's web administration page, usually
mib_hjyq55hranybody know about MIKROTIK SERVER ?02:41
skylbillybigrigger I am trying to set it in the router right now :(02:42
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: i installed gta san andreas02:42
bastidrazorTruthTaco, which version of ubuntu do you have?02:42
billybigriggerskyl::: use DHCP02:42
mib_hjyq55hrhey evrybody02:42
sheikpunkand that not start02:42
billybigriggerskyl::: DHCP should give you your information automatically02:42
mib_hjyq55hrmikrotik OS router dosent work with ubuntu02:42
sheikpunknothing happens when i click on run02:42
billybigriggersheikpunk::: i don't know, i used it for all of 5 mins02:43
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: fine...02:43
bastidrazorTruthTaco, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories  .. follow the directions on here02:43
billybigriggersheikpunk::: check POL02:43
billybigriggersheikpunk::: check POL's website/forums/irc channel02:43
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: irc channel is empty02:44
sheikpunki check on google02:44
koirilWhat's the command to find out which version of ubuntu you're running02:44
ExMachinahow do i use mod4 and the stuff in xmodmap to assign hotkeys in ubuntu>02:44
billybigriggersheikpunk::: why are you using POL anyway?02:44
Flannelkoiril: lsb_release -a02:44
krishmishskyl: in the router config page, enable the router to provide dhcp, and if u see the options, u will find an option to bind a particular ip to the local machine02:44
mib_hjyq55hrcan anybody help me here ???????????02:45
mib_hjyq55hrCAN ANYBODY HELP ME HERE ???02:45
mib_hjyq55hrCAN ANYBODY HELP ME HERE ???02:45
mib_hjyq55hrCAN ANYBODY HELP ME HERE ???02:45
FloodBot2mib_hjyq55hr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
billybigriggersheikpunk::: GTA:SA is platinum under wine02:45
dthackerkoiril: lsb_release -a02:45
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: platium?02:45
dthacker!patience: mib_hjyq55hr02:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:45
sheikpunkdont understand02:45
TruthTacowhy does installing stuff in linux have to be hell on earth02:45
sheikpunkmy english is very basic02:45
billybigriggersheikpunk:: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=378002:45
cryptidehow do i figure out what device a hard drive is?02:45
rycarcryptide: fdisk -l02:46
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: i try again02:46
cryptidesounds dangerous02:46
FlannelTruthTaco: medibuntu doesn't have smplayer, but the regular repositories do.02:46
krishmishskyl: once u set the dhcp on the router and if u still have problems with seeing the default gateway...do this... sudo route add defaultgw
rycarcryptide: man fdisk02:47
loshercryptide: it's safe to run 'fdisk -l'02:47
FlannelTruthTaco: to install smplayer, just install it through your favorite package manager.  Here's a howto for the most popular GUI one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:47
TruthTacomy problem is... my mplayer was working but anything i ran in smplayer was giving problems02:47
cryptidenothing happened02:47
TruthTacoso i uninstalled smplayer02:47
krishmishskyl : sudo route add default gw
drewwwhi all - trying to update a gutsy server to hardy, but we don't have update-manager-core installed yet. we can't seem to get it because gutsy is eol'd. how can we get around this?02:47
loshercryptide: 'sudo fdisk -l'02:47
TruthTacoeven if i install smplayer i dont know if it will fix it02:47
bastidrazorTruthTaco, it says on that site that smplayer has known issues in ubuntu02:47
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: thank you02:48
billybigriggersheikpunk::: no problem02:48
Flanneldrewww: Change your repos to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and that'll let you get the stuff you need for Gutsy02:48
rycarlosher: ahh, my bad habit of logging in as root is revealed02:48
cryptidethanks losher & rycar im adding a ntfs to fstab02:48
drewwwfantastic, t hanks02:48
drewwwjust what I was looking for02:48
TruthTacowell anyone have any suggestions for a good player for ubuntu then?02:48
losherrycar: a hanging offense, hereabouts....02:48
rycarTruthTaco: vlc?02:48
billybigriggerTruthTaco::: what kind of player?02:48
bastidrazorTruthTaco, totem or vlc02:48
mashedpgravyi need some help with an external usb drive that has always worked pretty good, but suddenly ubuntu will not auto mount02:49
krishmish vlc02:49
TruthTacototem works for me except for custom fonts02:49
aurilliancemorning all. q: it is possible to install grub on a flash drive right?02:49
krishmish<TruthTaco> vlc02:49
rycarI use vlc on all OSes now.  I love that I don't have to mess with codecs02:49
TruthTacovlc gives me the same problem as smplayer... it randomly pauses02:49
billybigriggerTruthTaco::: if your looking for a good audio player, google for an app called quod libet02:49
rycarTruthTaco: slow computer?02:49
TruthTacovideo player02:49
TruthTaconew computert02:49
losher!usb | aurilliance02:49
ubottuaurilliance: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:49
billybigriggerTruthTaco::: vlc all the way :P02:49
TruthTacobrand new computer almost02:49
rycarTruthTaco: is it HD content?02:49
mashedpgravyim not trying to install from usb02:49
krishmishTruthTaco: vlc is probably the most comprehensive player around02:50
aurilliancemashedpgravy: it was for me02:50
rycarI am glad vlc hasn't tried to make stupid pretty graphical interfaces the default02:50
TruthTacoif it is HD video's giving me problems.. how would i fix it?02:50
aurillianceTruthTaco: I can't run HD vid's here either, simply because my cpu can't handle it....02:50
krishmishTruthTaco: pls be specific02:51
losherWhat do people favor for an smtp client? Postfix?02:51
rycarTruthTaco: can you run regular videos but not HD?02:51
mashedpgravyso does anyone know how i manually mount my usb drive?02:51
TruthTacoi just got a new AMD dual core CPU02:51
TruthTaconew motherboard02:51
rycarmashedpgravy: the mount command02:51
mashedpgravyi dont know it02:51
mashedpgravyit always just popped up automatically02:51
TruthTacowell... my problem is video's randomly pause about 2-3 during the video02:51
mib_hjyq55hri cant connect through MIKROTIK os router & port 80 is fine and evrything ok02:51
rycarTruthTaco: what kind of video card?02:52
TruthTacoit dosent pause on totem player but... the fonts for subs dont work right02:52
jon_high9000I have been issues with Nvidia Drivers. mainly, my monitor dims for a short time.  is this happening to anybody else?02:52
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billybigriggertrubuntuh::: use vlc02:52
TruthTacohow do i check what video card i have?02:52
ubuntunoobneedinhi there i am fairly new to linux been using it a couple months and it works great for the stuff i do love it i now feel ready to try and get my video drivers working properly as i want to try the cool desktop effects is there someone who would walk me through how to make my video work properly?02:52
ajavid3% [3 mysql-server-5.0 5449681/24.0MB 22%]                          1217kB/s 2min 26s02:52
krishmishTruthTaco: lshw02:52
mib_badAtLinuxHi my apache claims :80 is already in use when i restart it... can someone help me fully kill my apache??02:52
ajavidthats fast02:52
krishmishTruthTaco: will list all hardware02:52
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, /etc/init.d/apache2 stop02:53
mslTruthTaco, lspci   is another option (less output)02:53
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krishmishTruthTaco: yeah msl is right02:53
mib_hjyq55hri cant connect to the internet through MIKROTIK os router .. i cant see its login page on firefox02:53
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: its okay with that part :) but when i type start it tells me Address already in use02:53
TruthTacoATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon X1900]02:54
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf02:54
ExMachinahow do i use mod4 and the stuff in xmodmap to assign hotkeys in ubuntu?02:54
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, fix the port there02:54
inx-liveIf you have no multimedia keys, what are the default keys for XF86Audio?02:54
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/sJ0oBR02:55
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, in your virtual host, /etc/apache2/default or whatever it may be, use the proper port like <virtualhost *:80>02:55
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: (its a pastebin)02:55
ubuntunoobneedinhi there i am fairly new to linux been using it a couple months and it works great for the stuff i do love it i now feel ready to try and get my video drivers working properly as i want to try the cool desktop effects is there someone who would walk me through how to make my video work properly? pleeeeaaaasssseee02:55
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: you know how to add wine repo to install 1.2 version?02:55
sheikpunkbillybigrigger: on ubuntu jaunty02:55
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, go to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf02:55
mashedpgravycan someone tell me how to mount my usb drive m,anually?02:56
mslmashedpgravy, sudo tail -f /var/log/messages02:56
SephirothThis is getting really annoying now. I have been trying for the past couple days, even downloaded the 9.04 ISO a couple times, yet every time I install Jaunty, the install is flawless, but when I reboot, I get an error 17. Why do I continue to have this problem?02:56
mslmashedpgravy, << plug in the drive >>02:56
mashedpgravyi did02:56
mslmashedpgravy, mount /dev/sdX1 /media/yourDrive02:56
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ajavidmib_badAtLinux, pastebin the erro rmessage02:56
VCoolioExMachina: use gconf-editor to manually enter <mod4>; system>prefs>key shortcuts doesn't handle windows key well02:57
CyLwhat is a good wirelees tools for monitoring wireless network statistics in my area?02:57
mashedpgravyhow do i know if its sdb1 or sbc1 or ...???02:57
ExMachinaVCoolio, nm I found a very quick hack for it02:57
losherSephiroth: is there something unusual about your partitioning? Be honest...02:57
mslmashedpgravy, That is why we are tailing the /var/log/messages file.  It will log when the drive is inserted.02:57
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: pb http://www.mibbit.com/pb/oh4eTD02:57
ubuntunoobneedinI want to get my video drivers working properly as i want to try the cool desktop effects is there someone who would walk me through how to make my video work properly?02:57
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: it has been working for 1 month and then today it doesnt work02:58
mashedpgravyso when i plug in the drive nothing happens in the terminal window02:58
boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: what graphics card have you got?02:58
ubuntunoobneedinboss_mc i am not sure02:58
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, looks like your port is already in use02:58
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: is it possible that my apache isnt really stopping when i stop it?02:59
Sephirothlosher: No, Windows XP is on partition #1, I put Ubuntu on Partition #2 (After formatting Partition 2 as ext3). I used to do that with 8.04 just fine without any problems.02:59
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, netstat -plant|grep 8002:59
boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: lspci | grep VGA02:59
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, you maybe are having a stale apache2 pid file?02:59
dunkelschubHey guys, I'm having a problem getting my usb drive to mount, here is all the info: http://pastebin.ca/146174702:59
boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: in terminal02:59
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, before doing anything, lets find out which process is using port 8002:59
mashedpgravyso in terminal i typed the mount command03:00
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: netstat results: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/t007wg03:00
mashedpgravyand i got sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/New\ Volume03:00
mashedpgravyand it said doesnt existp03:00
mashedpgravyor something like that03:00
mslmashedpgravy, Do you have a directory created at /media/New\ Volume  ?03:00
JackrabbitHey guys i got some questions, im a total noob and I wanted to get my drivers off envy can anyone take me through this?03:00
losherSephiroth: sometimes grub gets its parameters wrong. If you want to, you can boot the live-cd and we'll try & fix it...03:01
mashedpgravymy drive is labeled NEw VOlume03:01
mashedpgravyso thats where it usually is03:01
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, could you run the netstat command as root?03:01
mashedpgravyNew Volume03:01
dunkelschubHey guys, I'm having a problem getting my usb drive to mount, here is all the info: http://pastebin.ca/1461747 any suggestions?03:01
mslmashedpgravy, mkdir /media/New\ Volume && mount /dev/sdb1 /media/New\ Volume03:01
mashedpgravyanother one..03:01
TruthTacoi installed vlc player and i cant get it to run03:01
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: root netstat http://www.mibbit.com/pb/CmjPR903:01
Sephirothlosher: I am on the live-cd right now.03:02
ubuntunoobneedinboss_mc   http://pastebin.ca/146175103:02
mashedpgravydo i do it all in one command like that with the &&?03:02
mslYou can03:02
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boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: you're using Intel Integrated graphics03:02
losherSephiroth: goodok, open a terminal, type 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com03:02
mslThe && just runs the second command if the first is successful03:02
mashedpgravyit says only root can do that but i used sudo03:02
TheDJACRI'm runnig lxde. Whenever I open firefox, the session dies and I go back to xdm03:03
Jackrabbitor maybe another question is why dont I have system in the top corner?03:03
ubuntunoobneedinboss_mc so how do i fix it03:03
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, kill 543603:03
boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: well, the drivers are installed with ubuntu, there's nothing more to do03:03
TruthTacocan someone give me a command that will start vlc from the command line?03:03
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, run netstat command as root again03:03
ubuntunoobneedinboss_mc when i try to run compiz it says i need drivers03:04
dunkelschubTruthTaco: cvlc03:04
boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: try running compiz --replace & in the terminal03:04
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: excellent its fixed now :)03:04
Sephirothlosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/196739/03:04
mashedpgravywhen i just try the make volume part it says it cannot because the file exists03:04
TruthTacoi cant figure how how to get the vlc interface to launch03:04
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, :)03:04
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: sadly now i must go find where ever i wrote my ssl cert password03:04
mashedpgravyor make directory..03:04
TruthTacovlc and cvlc dont do it03:04
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: but apache is startable now, thank you :)03:04
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, I can't help with that!03:04
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, np03:05
boss_mcTruthTaco: what messages do you get if you run vlc?03:05
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: do u know why this thing periodically breaks??03:05
ajavidI'm new to ubuntu03:05
ajavidI have no idea03:05
mslmashedpgravy, OK... What was the error you were getting when trying to mount before?03:05
krishmishTruthTaco: cvlc is for use without interface...with interface, simply use <vlc>03:05
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: ah, well i'll just remember this process of finding it and killing it if it does it again :) buys me a month each time thanks a ton ajavid03:05
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, though we should figure why03:05
TruthTaco[00000381] main interface error: no interface module matched "screensaver,none"03:05
losherSephiroth: ok, your root is on /dev/sda2, swap is on /dev/sdb5. I'd prefer a separate /home partition but that's your business.03:06
TruthTaco[00000381] main interface error: no suitable interface module03:06
TheDJACRFirefox is crashing X...03:06
mashedpgravymount point /New\ Volume does not exist03:06
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: my router had an error before it happened.. perhaps thats related03:06
Jackrabbitim sure its a simple question but how do I get the system in the menu, im sure it has me logged in as a normal user and not a super user right?03:06
parckAda and I also have been possible03:06
losherSephiroth: fsck /dev/sda2 ; mkdir /mnt/root; mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/root03:06
ajavidmib_badAtLinux, do you have any other webservers installed?03:06
boss_mcTruthTaco: ask in #videolan03:06
ajavidthough it can't be... as your pid was apache203:06
boss_mcTruthTaco: they'll have the answer, fac03:07
mslmashedpgravy, Are you sure you are specifying    /media/New\ Volume     and not    /New\ Volume   ?03:07
mashedpgravytype o03:07
ajavidlook for bugs on apache2-common or apache2 mpm-fork packages on the bugtracker03:07
Sephirothlosher: Ok.03:07
ajavidthis is abnormal behavriour03:07
mashedpgravyjamesnmandy@jamesnmandy-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/New\Volume03:07
ajavidthere maybe a problem in the apache2 init script which dosn't properly shutdown the apache2 pid03:07
mashedpgravymount: mount point /media/NewVolume does not exist03:07
mashedpgravyi think i forgot the space03:07
losherSephiroth: Please pastebin your /mnt/root/grub/menu.lst file03:08
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: i dont think that i do.. the only weird thing i do is that all my sites are 44303:08
ajavidso it was a stale apache2 pid which kept port 80 locked03:08
mslmashedpgravy, Ya, you forgot the space :)03:08
mslCan't escape the V03:08
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: and i have really strict iptable rules03:08
mashedpgravyok again03:08
mashedpgravyjamesnmandy@jamesnmandy-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/New\ Volume03:08
mashedpgravymount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist03:08
boss_mcajavid: also, after stopping listening on a port, it will be blocked for up to 4 mins in TIME_WAIT mode03:08
ajavidmashedpgravy, sudo fdisk -l03:08
ajavidmashedpgravy, look at the list of available block devices03:08
Sephirothlosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/196741/03:09
ubuntunoobneedinboss_mc could you look at this please http://paste.ubuntu.com/196740/03:09
mib_badAtLinuxajavid: before i tried to stop apache i was getting an error that said that my ssl key was too long.. as if it were corrupt or something03:09
ajavidthis is why I use kde4 desktop in ubuntu03:09
ajavidbut I keep my server in a debian stable chroot03:10
map7How do I keep my network interface up after I logout of a session?  (I'm using Ubuntu 904 desktop i386)03:10
parckoh yes thank you verry muth03:10
ajavidI do't trust ubuntu with my server stuff03:10
krishmishison slart03:10
parckwhat your name03:10
losherSephiroth: looks ok, let's check the uuid: sudo vol_id /dev/sda203:11
mashedpgravyso it doesnt even show my us drive03:11
mashedpgravyusb drive03:11
ajavidmashedpgravy, type dmesg|tail -n 2003:11
ajavidmashedpgravy, that is after you take out your usb and plug it back in03:11
zbanksI don't know if someone can help me here, but it'd be nice if you could point me in a better direction. I accidentally formatted a FAT32 parition as ext3. How can I recover the data? Programs aren't recognizing it as FAT because it's ext... Should I change it, or is that just making it worse?03:11
ajavidsee if it get regisitered03:11
parckyou are craizy03:11
Sephirothlosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/196745/03:12
mashedpgravyback in03:12
mashedpgravyholy shit03:12
ajavidmashedpgravy, now dmesg03:12
boss_mcubuntunoobneedin: got xserver-xgl installed?03:12
ajavidmashedpgravy, don't curse03:12
mashedpgravyafter so many times suddenly it works03:12
mashedpgravyi got excited03:12
FloodBot2mashedpgravy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
mashedpgravywhy does it say i flooded03:12
ajavidwho still uses xserver-xgl?03:12
ajaviddon't use that03:12
_who pl??03:13
randallmatrixblue, you wouldn't happen to be here tonight would you?03:13
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losherSephiroth: that's good. notice how the uuid for your root partition matches the uuid specified in the menu.list file03:13
boss_mcajavid: what would you use?03:13
WixicyHow may I change the default server where Ubuntu download packages and updates from, under jaunty03:13
mashedpgravyajavid, what causes this?03:13
ajavideverything now has indirect rendering03:13
Guest72409who pl??03:13
ajaviduse xorg7.4 in latest ubuntu w/ your video driver03:13
losherSephiroth: now do ls -l /mnt/root/boot & paste03:13
ajavidno need for xserver-xgl03:13
ajavidxserver-xorg + indirect is good03:13
ajavidxgl was an ugly hack.03:13
mslWixicy, You can specify specific servers in /etc/apt/sources.list03:13
Guest72409who PL?????03:14
boss_mcajavid: point well made, xserver-xgl no longer exists03:14
Sephirothlosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/196746/03:14
billybigriggeranyway i can get a site admin from ubuntuforums.org to change my profile name?03:14
randallI need a bit of help getting my wifi card to work with ubuntu 9.0403:14
ajavidrandall, chipset?03:14
KnX1alguien en español por acá?03:14
Wixicymsl, isnt it an easy way to do it?03:14
randallajavid, what is a chipset?03:14
mashedpgravyhere is the output from connecting the drive if anything looks odd to you guys03:14
ajavidrandall, what is your wifi chipset?03:14
boss_mc!es | KnX103:15
ubottuKnX1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:15
randallajavid, how might i check that?03:15
Johny_Underel que solicita español, foro equivocado03:15
ajavidrandall, sudo aptitude install pciutils; sudo lspci03:15
=== faldo is now known as SRT
Flannel!es | Johny_Under03:15
ubottuJohny_Under: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:15
KnX1my question in veru simple03:15
mslWixicy, No matter what you are going to need to know the servers you want to use.  I don't know that there is a GUI to select the local mirrors...03:15
Cry__Babyhow do i totally clear all visited websites from opera?03:15
losherSephiroth: filenames match the ones in /mnt/root/boot. Nothing obviously wrong there either. Now paste /mnt/root/etc/fstab please03:16
Wixicymsl, what is the default ubuntu server for Australia, eventually Sydney?03:16
scales11hi all i am trying to setup an access point, i followed this guide http://blog.robin.smidsrod.no/index.php/2008/08/08/how_to_setup_an_atheros_based_access_poi  but i made the following changes: http://pastebin.ca/1461761  anyone mind telling me what i did wrong cause it isnt working :(03:16
stealth-what version of sauerbraten is in the respritories03:16
stealth-!info | sauerbraten03:16
ubottusauerbraten: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>03:16
ubottu'sauerbraten' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner03:16
stealth-!info sauerbraten03:16
ubottusauerbraten (source: sauerbraten): 3D first-person game engine. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 0.0.20080620.dfsg-1 (jaunty), package size 654 kB, installed size 1532 kB03:16
ajavidheh, sour briton03:16
boss_mcstealth-: 2008062003:16
stealth-yeah, doesnt say version :(03:17
stealth-boss_mc: ?03:17
Sephirothlosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/196747/03:17
losherajavid: no other kind, is there?03:17
stealth-im looking for title, version03:17
randallajavid, http://pastebin.com/f1ffa738e03:17
stealth-like, trooper, etc03:17
scharbBeen searching everywhere for a solution to vpnc: no response from target03:17
ajavid05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)03:17
scharbAm I in the wrong place?03:17
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:17
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:18
ajavidrandall, see this link03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cisco03:18
losherSephiroth: that looks right too. ok, let's bring up grub. 'sudo grub'03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vpnc03:18
randallajavid, the first or second one03:18
Cry__Babyhow do i totally clear all visited websites from opera? when i choose tools/delete private data.  opera still has visited websitees saved somwhere because if i type a letter. e.g a or s etc in opera url bar, it shows a list of all websites visited that starts with an a or s etc.03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linksys03:18
ajavidrandall, 2nd03:18
hanasakiI have a ntp server running that doesnt seem to be able to sync wiht the srever in the server's line... how can this be debuged?03:18
Sephirothlosher: k03:18
ajavidrandall, you'd require b43 firmware, wireless-tools package and some configuration via iwconfig or /etc/networking/interfaces03:19
hanasakihow long should it take for a ntp sever to sync?03:19
ajavidrandall, I don't know any gui tools for all these thigns sorry03:19
ajavidrandall, aptitude install wireless-tools b43-fwcutter03:19
losherSephiroth: find /mnt/boot/stage103:20
Jackrabbitcan anyone help me?03:20
ajavidrandall, after installation, sudo iwconfig essid "whatever it is"; sudo iwconfig wireless-key WHATEVER03:20
ajavidJackrabbit, ask03:20
Jackrabbitwell I have 2 questions one probably relates to the other03:20
Sephirothlosher: That's a file not found.03:20
JackrabbitHey guys i got some questions, im a total noob and I wanted to get my drivers off envy can anyone take me through this?03:21
KnX1I am a problem in epiphany browser and firefox browser, the flash support is very slow,  to have happened something similar ?03:21
KnX1I am a problem in epiphany browser and firefox browser, the flash support is very slow,  to have happened something similar ?03:21
musicpengiunWhats a good wireless keyboard/mouse for Linux???03:21
ajavidwhat is envy03:21
Cry__BabyHow do i totally clear all visited websites from opera? when i choose tools/delete private data.  opera still has visited websitees saved somwhere because if i type a letter "a" or "s" etc. in opera URL bar, it shows a list of all websites visited that starts with an a or s. So Opera does not delete all websites I visited, even after I chose to delete everything in "tools/delete private data". Is this security bug a known bug in Opera?03:21
scales11musicpengiun: does it matter?03:21
ajavidmusicpengiun, whatever has the best reviews/ratings on newegg03:21
ajavidOS doesn't matter03:21
losherSephiroth: ok, please stand by...03:21
TruthTacoive installed vlc now and when playing a test video i get this QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 103:21
TruthTacoany idea's?03:21
ajavidget something thats  low energy consuming and has a good range03:21
Jackrabbitajavid its a program that gets ati video drivers becuase right now my screen is max lol03:21
TruthTacono one is alive in the vlc room03:21
scales11i need some help with my wifi please...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7463988#post746398803:21
boss_mcCry__Baby: delete ~/.opera03:22
ajavidJackrabbit, lspci|grep VGA03:22
ajavidJackrabbit, try to use packaged software in ubuntu as much as possible03:22
losherSephiroth: ok. exit from grub03:22
Jackrabbitajavid ok so what do I do with that command do I put it in terminal?03:22
ajavidJackrabbit, r5xx and below on ati == free 3d accel with xorg 7.4 and latest mesa in jaunty03:22
Sephirothlosher: ok.03:23
boss_mcTruthTaco: were you trying in #vlc? cos the correct channel is #videolan03:23
=== yeehaw is now known as bucky
FAJhi getting this error:  cd: 1: can't cd to /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build03:23
FAJ help?03:23
ExMachinais anjuta still horribly bugged?03:23
ajavidJackrabbit, for r6xx + only do you require the fglrx driver03:23
TruthTacoim in videolan03:23
ajavidJackrabbit, whate exactly are you trying to do?03:23
TruthTaco178 people in the room03:23
losherSephiroth: please execute the following commands: http://paste.ubuntu.com/196750/03:23
randallajavid, awesome walk through! thank you very much!03:24
ajavidrandall, yw03:24
Jackrabbitwell im trying to get my video card to work with ubuntu and when I googed my video card and ubuntu apparently people were having trouble and had to use this program called envy03:24
ajavidJackrabbit, don't do random things like that03:24
ajavidI don't know envy and I wouldn't trust it03:24
musicpengiunWhats a good wireless keyboard/mouse for Linux???03:24
Jackrabbitlol ok03:24
scales11any help please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7463988#post746398803:24
FoxBlitzzajavid: You mean you actually got r5xx to work with 3D games in Jaunty? It always completely breaks on my system03:24
boss_mcmusicpengiun: anything usb based will work fine03:25
ajavidJackrabbit, in console terminal, sudo aptitude pciutils; lspci|grep VGA03:25
ajavidFoxBlitzz, it works perfectly03:25
boss_mcmusicpengiun: bluetooth should work but no promises03:25
ajavidFoxBlitzz, its been working perfectly for some months now03:25
FoxBlitzzajavid: Tried Sauerbraten. Crashed while loading the first texture.03:25
Jackrabbitajavid ok is that all on line like: sudo aptitude pciutils; lspci|grep VGA03:25
ajavidhalf a year ago it was good03:25
Sephirothlosher: ok, done.03:25
ajavidJackrabbit, yes, ; is a bash newcommand delimiter03:25
FoxBlitzzajavid: Tried running a DirectX 7 game in Wine. Severe severe display corruption and < 2 FPS03:25
ajavidFoxBlitzz, you still can't beat fglrx in preformance03:26
rwwFoxBlitzz: did you have Compiz/Visual Effects turned on?03:26
FoxBlitzzajavid: I hardly call it even remotely usable03:26
musicpengiunboss_mc, thanks ..even logitech? cordleses?03:26
ajavidFoxBlitzz, everything is fine here03:26
scales11no help?03:26
boss_mcmusicpengiun: yes03:26
Jackrabbitajavid ahhhh man I tell ya once my screen is fixed I cant wait to read and learn about this OS becuase I played with my buddies and love it!03:26
ajavidI play diablo2 in dx mode03:26
FoxBlitzzrww: I use KWin, for the matter, and yes, compositing doesn't have any effect03:26
losherSephiroth: chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash03:26
FoxBlitzzajavid: Yes, and I want my fglrx back!03:26
musicpengiunboss_mc, ok..thanks..i was reading that most wireless keyboard/mouse dont work03:26
ajavidJackrabbit, you need to tell me what I asked for please03:26
Sephirothlosher: ok03:26
Wixicymbl, nevermind I could change it under system>software sources03:27
ajavidscales11, sec03:27
musicpengiunboss_mc, was trying to avoid a headache03:27
boss_mcmusicpengiun: if they're usb, they'll appear to ubuntu as a normal keyboard03:27
Cry__BabyHow do i totally clear all visited websites from Firefox and Opera? When I choose "tools/delete private" data from Opera and "tools/clear private data" from Firefox, they still have visited websites saved somwhere because if I type a letter "a" or "s" etc. in opera and firefox URL bar, it shows a list of all websites visited that starts with an a or s. So Opera and Firefoxdoes not delete all websites I visited, even after I chose to delete everything in "tool03:27
scales11ajavid: thanks03:27
bastidrazor!envy-ng | Jackrabbit .. still is recommended though03:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envy-ng03:27
FAJhi getting this error:  cd: 1: can't cd to /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build help03:27
boss_mcCry__Baby: I already told you... delete ~/.opera03:27
ajavidscales11, sorry, no idea03:27
scales11ajavid: i have been trying to find a solution for weeks03:27
bastidrazoroh.. really03:27
Cry__Babyboss_mc: it happens in firefox too.. try it03:28
Jackrabbitajavid ok im gonna try that command then see what happens03:28
bastidrazor!envy | Jackrabbit03:28
ubottuJackrabbit: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver03:28
ajavidCry__Baby, look for some firefox addons that totally wipe stuff out03:28
rycarboss_mc: that'll probably delete his preferences and bookmarks03:28
ajavidsecurity stuff03:28
Maddogzhello, im having trouble getting my winmodem to work properly, ive followed this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7290382&postcount=4  and it connects, but nothing will work (firefox, etc), using 9.04, heres gnome connection log http://pastebin.com/m253884c003:28
boss_mcrycar: also deletes the history03:28
ajavidI don't know envy03:28
musicpengiunboss_mc, arent most wirless usb? what would the other option be?03:28
losherSephiroth: start grub again, then do find /boot/grub/stage103:28
ajavidI don't support envy03:28
Cry__Babywhere are these visited websites stored???03:28
ajavidif you try envy, I can't help you03:28
rycarboss_mc: well he could just delete his entire user account and recreate it03:28
boss_mcCry__Baby: firefox goes to google to create suggestions03:28
ajavidJackrabbit, that commadn will tell me what video card you have03:28
SephirothLosher: (hd0,1)03:28
ajavidJackrabbit, then we can try to get the corerct driver and configure your xorg resolution03:29
boss_mcCry__Baby: so it will always have a list of sites, I guess opera does similar03:29
bastidrazorJackrabbit, first try ajavid's method.. envy is the last of the last resorts03:29
rycarCry__Baby: firefox preferences, privacy, settings, check all boxes03:29
phpgunnercan anyone tell me how to get wifi working on a laptop? I have tried installing drivers through the administrator->hardware drivers, ndiswrapper, etc, its kinda buggy, sometimes it will pick up wifi, most of the time, it just doesn't even act like there is wifi on here03:29
losherSephiroth: excellent.03:29
Cry__Babyboss_mc: no no no... its stored and it checks my hard drive.. cause those "suggestions" show private websites i visited03:29
rycarCry__Baby: also try #firefox03:29
ajavidndiswrapper is horrible03:29
barabajagalphpgunner: it depends on which wifi card you have03:29
ajavidphpgunner, what is your wifi chipset?03:29
ajavidphpgunner, lspci, pastebin output03:29
ajavidits in the pciutils package03:30
FAJhi getting this error:  cd: 1: can't cd to /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/build help03:30
FAJso how can i set the KERNEL Path?03:30
Jackrabbitajavid hmm it says this command does not have super cow powers03:30
ajavid07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)03:31
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:31
ajavidcheck here03:31
losherSephiroth: type: root (hd0,1)03:31
Sephirothlosher: ok.03:31
phpgunnerdamn xchat messing up03:31
musicpengiunboss_mc, do you have cordless? if so, is there any lag time?03:31
losherSephiroth: now setup(hd0)03:31
Jackrabbitajavid im an idiot it says ATI Technologies RV630 Radeon HD 2600XT03:32
phpgunnerajavid: did you paste a link or anything to me?03:32
boss_mcmusicpengiun: I had a wireless mouse, till I kicked the dongle, worked fine, no lag03:32
Sephirothlosher: Error 27: Unrecognized command03:32
boss_mcmusicpengiun: I wasn't gaming with it, but I didn't notice any slowdown03:32
musicpengiunboss_mc, ok thanks..03:32
losherSephiroth: my mistake, it's fussy about spacing, leave a space between setup and (hd0)03:33
Sephirothlosher: ok.03:33
losherSephiroth: and exit03:33
ajavidphpgunner, can you pastebin me lspci -n03:33
phpgunnersure, one sec03:33
Sephirothlosher: ok.03:33
ajavidJackrabbit, its r6xx, you can use expeimental 3d but it won't do any good, 2d is just good in radeonhd atm03:33
ajavidJackrabbit, you should get ati binary driver03:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:34
ajavidJackrabbit, you need the fglrx driver03:34
musicpengiunboss_mc, thanks for your help..gonna go to target and get me one :)03:34
losherSephiroth: ok, we've reinstalled grub and all the files check out. Time to cross your fingers and reboot. If it doesn't boot, please note down the exact error msg03:34
boss_mcmusicpengiun: have fun!03:34
Jackrabbitajavid ohhh boy this is gonna be fun03:34
Kados_Hey everyone... Im here to ask you a question... I have a friend that I convinced to install Ubuntu 9.04 on their machine... she was doing photo work in gimp and had all sorts of files she copied over to her desktop from her Windows Vista Parition... the files were there and she was working with them all day for two days... she shutdown her computer... and this morning went back into linux....03:34
Kados_...She saw the files on her desktop..but when she went to open them it said that the files did not exist. She restarted just to see if that would fix the issue... now all the files are gone!! She is pretty upset about it...and I cannot for the life of me figure out what caused it.03:34
Sephirothlosher: ok.03:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ath5k03:35
ajavidI see03:35
ajavidok, ath5k is a completey free driver03:35
ajavidno firmware required afaik03:35
tacoscariHi every1, i have a problem when i restart my computer after enabling the nvidia driver 180, Can any1 tell how to disable this in the console(im a newbie)03:35
Kados_All I could find related to it at all was https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34971303:35
ajavidphpgunner, sudo modprobe ath5k03:35
Kados_and thats only kind of similar03:35
ajavidphpgunner, this is the kernel module you need to run your card03:35
ajavidphpgunner, after sudo modprobe ath5k, check dmesg |tail -n 2003:36
phpgunnerWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.03:36
ajaviddon't use ndiswrapper03:36
Kados_Help me guys... I need some insight03:36
ajavidthere is no need to, ath5k is totally free03:36
ajavidworks natively on linux03:36
phpgunnerdidn't type anything about ndiswrapper03:36
phpgunnerjust what you showed me03:36
musicpengiunajavid, whats wrong with ndiswrappers?03:36
phpgunnerdo i need to uninstall it?03:37
ajavidsometimes they work, sometimes they don't03:37
ajavidyou're using windows binary driver emulation, its never good03:37
musicpengiunajavid, but i couldnt get ath5k working03:37
tacoscariso any1 knows obut this problem with the nvdia driver, at the begginig it just satys in a checking screen03:37
georgeofthejunglhow do you install 32 bit skype on 6403:37
ajavidyou should be able to get it working03:37
ajavidits shipped with ubuntu kernels starting from v2.6.25-03:37
phpgunnerajavid: I am wondering if its because of the wifi button on the laptop?03:38
ajavidphpgunner, possibly03:38
phpgunnerred when disabled and blue when on03:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about skype6403:38
phpgunnernever blue03:38
musicpengiunajavid, hmmmm03:38
phpgunnereven when i hit it03:38
phpgunnerwork around for that?03:38
Jackrabbitajavid I have one more question if you dont mind, when it says goto system -> admin I dont have that and even beside applications/places I dont have admin am I not logged in as admin?03:38
ajavidJackrabbit, I amnew to kubuntu, I'm sorry i dunno03:39
georgeofthejungli would like to know how to install skype on 64 bit ubuntu.03:39
ajavidI only know command line mostly03:39
tacoscari Hi every1, i have a problem when i restart my computer(It just stays in a black screen the appears to do some chekin, but just there) after enabling the nvidia driver 180, Can any1 tell how to disable this in the console(im a newbie)03:39
ajavidgeorgeofthejungl, I'd imagine enable the medibuntu repository and grab it form there03:39
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:39
musicpengiunajavid, how do you configure ath5k?03:39
phpgunnerajavid: is there anything i can do about the wifi button?03:39
ajavidphpgunner, push it?03:39
Jackrabbitajavid  ahh its ok thanks anyways im gonna try to see if I can figure out my drivers thanks again for your help03:39
phpgunnerdon't think i already tried that ? :P03:40
haitiankid4lyfG1need some bluetooth help03:40
haitiankid4lyfG1trying to tether via blutooth03:40
ajavidmusicpengiun, sudo modprobe ath5k; sudo aptitude install wireless-tools; confirm ath5k is loaded successfully via dmesg, see it asisgn a device node to your nic, sudo iwconfig essid "blah"; etc.03:40
phpgunnerlike before i even started fooling with the drivers, i had wire hooked to it, sometimes it would show wifi points03:40
ajavidman iwconfig03:40
phpgunnerso im guessing its the button03:41
ajavidafaik, ubuntu shoudl autoconfigure the free ath5k module and your wifi03:41
ajaviduse network-manager in gnome03:41
tacoscari Hi every1, i have a problem when i restart my computer after enabling the nvidia driver 180, Can any1 tell how to disable this in the console(im a newbie) Sorry to be such a pain , any1 knows how to fix this or disable it, to get the desktop working03:41
ajavidJackrabbit, its easy, you just follow the guide on ubuntu wiki03:41
jezi22i tried to install KDE03:41
ajavidJackrabbit, install fglrx driver03:41
jezi22but when i try to log in03:41
jezi22it gets an error message03:42
ajavidtacoscari, start with the single user recovery mode03:42
FloridaGuyhow do i make a livecd of my pc03:42
ajavidtacoscari, use the fix X option03:42
ajavidtacoscari, will reset your device section fron nvidia to whatever free one works03:42
Sephirothlosher: Error 1703:42
Jackrabbitajavid  wicked ya im reading right now thanks again! A+ for you03:42
phpgunnernow it shows Wireless Networks in the network taskbar icon, but doesn't list actual networks03:42
phpgunnerso irritating...03:42
musicpengiunhow can i format an external drive that has bad sectors03:43
ajavidmusicpengiun, throw it away03:43
phpgunnermakes me really want vista :(03:43
apetickler_Say folks, can anyone help me out with a question about upgrading to Jaunty over SSH?03:43
Sephirothlosher: I get to Grub loading stage 1.5, telling me it's loading, then the next line says Error 17.03:43
ajavidmusicpengiun, you don't want this driv anymore, disk space is amazingly cheap these days03:43
musicpengiunajavid, but linux can still read it..though i can not write to it03:43
ajavidSephiroth, afaik, error 17 is easy to fix03:43
musicpengiunajavid, i bought this drive less than a year ago03:43
Sephirothajavid: I've been trying to fix this for the past couple days.03:44
ajavidhttp://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Troubleshooting.html#Troubleshooting <- go here03:44
ajavidlook at what error 17 means first03:44
bastidrazorhttp://madberry.org/2008/11/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-to-work-on-810-intrepid-ibex/  to whomever needed the ath5k driver for ibex.03:44
losherSephiroth: crap. In that case, I'm out of ideas. I can only suggest you start googling for 'grub error 17' and trying some of the suggestions. Some people have changed bios settings, others have edited grub's device.map03:44
ajavidSephiroth, is your / ext4?03:44
phpgunnerwhere would i go to figure out how to use my wifi button for ubuntu?03:44
jezi22it say kstartupconfig4 error or something03:44
ajavidgrub legacy can't boot ext4 /boot03:44
haitiankid4lyfG1ajavid can you lend a hand, trying to tether via bluetooth03:44
ajavidhaitiankid4lyfG1, no experience with BT03:44
riegersnis there an applet for gnome-panel that can control my laptop's touchpad?03:44
ajavidriegersn, apt-cache search touchpad?03:45
Sephirothajavid: Ok, I know what it means, but what I don't know is why Grub can't read from an ext3 partition?!?! I had 8.04 LTS on here on ext3 and it worked just fine.03:45
tacoscariajavid:  i did it , and still have the problem, it stays in the black screen that is doing the cheking03:45
ajavidSephiroth, coudl be a device map isse in grub03:45
ajavidSephiroth, google for common causes of grub error 1703:46
bzchello does anyone have any links to some good ubuntu blogs? google returns a lot of fluff03:46
losherSephiroth: ajadavid: there doesn't seem to be a good way to fix device map except by guesswork....03:46
musicpengiunajavid, is ath5k installed in ubuntu?03:46
ajavidmusicpengiun, yes03:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ath5k03:47
=== Hiei_Jagan is now known as Bad_Yusuke
losherSephiroth: sorry I wasn't more help.... :-(03:47
tacoscariAny1 knows any other soluyion to the nvidia driver problem, i already tried x fix03:47
musicpengiunajavid, FATAL: Module ath5k not found.03:48
bastidrazormusicpengiun, which version of ubuntu?03:48
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bastidrazormusicpengiun, when i had 8.10 this linked fixed my wifi issues ..  http://madberry.org/2008/11/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-to-work-on-810-intrepid-ibex/03:49
ajavidmusicpengiun, ath5k_pci i believe03:49
Sephirothlosher: Thanks for trying.03:49
musicpengiun :)03:49
ajavid!find ath5k_pci03:49
tacoscarican someone give the command to completely disable nvdia drivers in the console03:49
ubottuPackage/file ath5k_pci does not exist in jaunty03:49
SyphonSilentis Ubuntu good If I want to learn C programming?03:49
bastidrazormusicpengiun, now in 9.10 it works with no set up at all03:49
musicpengiunFATAL: Module ath5k_pci not found.03:49
losherSephiroth: I think the device.map is probably the thing to try next. Best of luck...03:49
ajavidtacoscari, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf (change device from nvidia to vesa or nv)03:49
haitiankid4lyfG1um can anyone help with bluetooth tethering03:50
ajavidmusicpengiun, its probably in one of ht eubuntu linux modules packages03:50
Maddogzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1143904&page=2 <-- winmodem trouble =/03:50
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:50
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SyphonSilentis Ubuntu good If I want to learn C programming?03:50
musicpengiunajavid, in the cd? where?03:50
ajavidsudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-jaunty-generic03:50
bastidrazormusicpengiun, in 8.10 you have to get the driver and add it to the kernel. that page gives you the driver and tells you how to03:50
musicpengiunbastidrazor, thanks :)03:51
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phpgunnerfucking beginning to hate this laptop X(03:51
ajavidphpgunner, don't swear please03:51
edbianSyphonSilent: Linux is good for just about anything you want to do on your computer :)  There are plenty of IDE's / debuggers for C (a lot of linux is written in C :) )03:51
ajavidmusicpengiun, you're on 8.10?03:52
ajavidmusicpengiun, install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic; modprobe ath5k_pci03:52
edbianphpgunner: Do you have a question?03:52
ajavidnot intrepid but whatever was 8.1003:52
ajavidjust change the name accordingly03:52
phpgunner:/ how do you enable wifi? when you have the driver installed but  can't find networks, when you have like 5 around you?03:53
ajavidphpgunner, is your nic even working03:53
ajavidphpgunner, dmesg03:53
musicpengiunajavid, thanks ;)03:53
cuddlefishhello, the livecd is stuck on the boot screen03:53
ajavidphpgunner, sudo ifconfig, see if your nic shows it has wireless extensions03:53
phpgunneriwconfig shows a wifi03:53
kj4cuddlefish, burn it again, slower03:53
SyphonSilentWhat us a good C compiler?03:53
SyphonSilentfor linux03:53
edbianphpgunner: You have stumbled upon a very difficult task.  I do know though that if you have the correct driver installed you DO find the networks.  Otherwise it is a driver problem (unless the device physically doesn't work)03:53
phpgunnerbut can't use it, so just upset with the pos :(03:53
ajavidtacoscari, please do not msg me03:54
kj4cuddlefish, turn your burner down to 16x or so03:54
phpgunneredbian: went through 3 diff processes now with the driver, know thats not the problem03:54
tacoscariajavid: sorry03:54
ajavidtacoscari, pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:54
phpgunneredbian: i think its the wifi button03:54
cylixwow upgrading from feisty right now while be hind a proxy is a bear!  I'm not having any fun.. and its a production server.03:54
phpgunneredbian: no idea where to begin with that though03:54
cuddlefishI only have 2x and 16x03:54
cuddlefishand 0x03:55
musicpengiunbastidrazor, you had to do all that !!!!!03:55
edbianphpgunner: The wifi button?03:55
kj4cuddlefish, try 2x03:55
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ajavidmusicpengiun, did you get it loaded?03:55
scales11ok all another question : anyone know where i can add wpa protection to this setup: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint03:55
phpgunneryea, its red when i guess hardware is off and blue when its on03:55
bastidrazorbastidrazor, it really isn't that much.. and yes i followed it all03:55
phpgunnerpushed it but nothing happens03:55
TruthTacolooking for help getting HD video's to display properly03:55
TruthTacoin vlc03:55
musicpengiunajavid, not yet03:55
TruthTacoor anything else for that matter03:55
phpgunnerat least that is the way it works in windows03:55
ajavidTruthTaco, can your gfx card process HD?03:55
musicpengiunajavid, do i have too Blacklist ath_hal and ath_pci03:55
ajavidTruthTaco, mayhap03:56
phpgunnereven installed wicd manager, but that didn't help either03:56
edbianphpgunner: That is probably the driver.  I'm gonna do my best helping but I'm not making any guarantees.  What is the name of the wifi card??03:56
bastidrazormusicpengiun, heh.. ^^ .. anyway really just get the driver unzip it.. yes blacklist ath_pci and then make make install then reboot03:56
TruthTacoATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon X1900]03:56
apeticklerDoes anyone here love helping people with Samba?03:56
TruthTacothats what video card i have03:56
ajavidTruthTaco, i have the same card03:56
edbianphpgunner: Please begin your posts with my name :)03:56
ajavidTruthTaco, radeon will not display/render/process HD video03:56
SyphonSilentIs C and C++ the same thing?03:56
ajavidTruthTaco, only fglrx will03:56
phpgunneredbian: 07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)03:57
phpgunneredbian: sorry bout the name thing, usually do :P03:57
ajavidTruthTaco, you may ask/confirm in #radeon03:57
TruthTacowhats fglrx?03:57
mbostwickhello I have installed a new custom kernel but nvidia brakes, I can re run the nvidia installer everytime I switch kernels but is there a way to avoid doing that ?03:57
ajavidfire GL X03:57
edbianphpgunner:  ubuntu 9.04??03:57
ajavidati proprietry video driver, called catalyst03:57
mslSyphonSilent, No, but they are similar03:57
phpgunneredbian: xchat is buggy here03:57
edbianphpgunner: How so?03:57
TruthTacoso theres no way for me to run HD video without changing my video card?03:58
musicpengiunajavid, thanks..03:58
ajavidmbostwick, shouldn't be using nvida binary intaller anyway03:58
musicpengiunbastidrazor, thaks03:58
ajavidits not supported here03:58
phpgunneredbian: like for example, your last post was right in my nick...03:58
ajavidmbostwick, use nvidia module from ubuntu03:58
TruthTacosmplayer seems to play HD video but it just randomly pauses on me03:58
phpgunneredbian: dunno why03:58
mbostwickajavid: I wasn't at first but it would work with the new kernel03:58
edbianphpgunner: That's odd03:58
ajaviduse restricted drivers, or use module-assistant to build your own03:58
bastidrazorphpgunner, do you know the SSID's of the networks around you? do they have security?03:58
ajavidcustom kernel, you need to rebuilt the module03:58
edbianphpgunner: See my personal message?03:58
tacoscariajavid: do u want me to type he output of the command sudo etc/x11....03:58
scales11ajavid: any advice on how i can get wpa protection on this setup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint03:58
phpgunneredbian: the bastidrazo one?03:59
fookmeHello. VLC isn't playing some of my mp3s and I'm using the medibuntu repository. I'm sure it used to play them. Anyone know what might be wrong?03:59
ajavidmbostwick, install module-assistant, nvidia-kernel-src etc. etc. and sudo m-a a-i nvidia03:59
ajavidtacoscari, i just want you to look for the line in your xorg.conf that says 'nvidia' and chagne that to nv or vesa03:59
edbianphpgunner: Look at your list of channels.03:59
ajavidtacoscari, if that part is not in your file, it means Xorg is picking up nvidia automatically, and you now need to override that in xorg.conf by specifying a diff driver04:00
bcugh, canonical.com designers used Adobe?04:00
ajavidtacoscari, google for sample xorg.conf or look in /usr/share/doc/ somewhere in there04:00
nafunuWOuld you guys reccommend running 8.10 instead of jaunty for a linux noob?04:00
Viking667hey there. Sorry to ask this yet again, but I'm getting errors whenever I try to run apt-get update on jaunty-security. It keeps complaining that the following signatures were invalid:  40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>04:01
bcnafunu: I'd give 9.10 a try, then fallback to 8.10 if you run into problems the channel can't help you solve.04:01
bcnafunu: 9.04, sorry04:01
ajavidscales11, nope04:01
Viking667where do I get this particular public key from?04:02
nafunuwell, Im running into graphics issues and I almost to the point of switching back windows. I love Ubuntu but Im having a hell of a time with these graphical handicap.04:02
ablysswhy would ubuntu take opera out of its line of distro sources04:02
Viking667... and yes, I know it should have happened in the version upgrade, but it didn't seem to.04:02
bastidrazorViking667, how did you upgrade?04:03
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tacoscariajavid: It goe like  this Section "screen"04:03
ShadowSaintGood evening folks. Nice to see that I'm not the only one who is in to Ubuntu. =) Running the system off a thumb drive.04:03
bcnafunu: I can't help too much with graphics issues, but what is happening?04:04
tacoscariand the dvide sadis "configured video device", so change configured video device to ves??04:04
InCryptohii i had small problem and was hoping cud get help on it .. im using apt-mirror to mirror repo's for various distro's of UBuntu and i have managed 2 get the Jaunty repo up and running . Now wen i sync the Intrepid repo and after symlinking it i get this error  :04:04
ectospasmis there such a thing as screen affinity in X/GNOME/KDE/etc.?  I just spent too much time looking for an program that I opened  because it appeared on the other screen of my dual-monitor setup.04:05
InCryptoW: Failed to fetch  Unable to find expected entry  restriected/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)04:05
Viking667bastidrazor: uh, through the desktop upgrade tool. It advised me that a new version of Ubuntu was available, so I selected to upgrade. I had to comment _out_ the security source to do so successfully though.04:05
ajavidtacoscari, you can install links2 or elinks, links, lynx, w3m, use one of those browsers to go to http://paste.debian.net/ <- at the bottom is a place where you can type in the location of /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it will upload it to the pastebin and give you a link, giv me that link04:05
ajavidtacoscari, then i'll tell you what to do to it04:05
ajavidtacoscari, to enable easy copy/paste and mouse use while in cli/console, sudo aptitude install gpm; sudo /etc/init.d/gpm start04:06
pimpycarsuhhh, can you do a full installation of ubuntu without damaging windows04:06
Viking667I just did a search at ubuntu.com on "public keys" and got nothing.04:06
triplcHi All04:06
ajavidViking667, copy pate your error in google04:06
Viking667pimpycars: only if you use a virtual machine of some sort04:06
InCryptono1 i guess :(04:06
ajavidViking667, lots of results04:06
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ajavidpimpycars, yes04:06
Viking667ajavid: ah huh? but are there any fixes?04:06
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.04:06
triplcHow to READ M$ Office 2003 XML document and 2007 DOCX. I search Google but I cannot make it.04:06
ajavidViking667, go search.04:07
Viking667triplc: I use OpenOffice for that.04:07
ajavidpimpycars, wubi04:07
Viking667ajavid: heh. Thanks.04:07
Viking667I'll go look now, again.04:07
pimpycarsajavid:ill look at that04:07
triplcViking667: Hm...I try Open Office. Both Ooo of Ubuntu and the latest Ooo on Oo website, but it does not work.04:07
=== d is now known as Guest3396
ubuntunoobneedinsomething is wrong with my firefox icannot log into igoogle it freezes and when i go from page to page my back button does not work please help me04:08
pimpycarsajavid: can partition my hard disk without formatting it?04:08
khenyeuhow to search 1 hidden file?04:08
triplcViking667: Please send me a link that have *working* instructions of how to use Open Office to read 2003 XML doc. Please04:08
ajavidpimpycars, wubi installs ubuntu in a virtual file system residing on an ntfs volume, as a simple dos file04:08
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ajavidpimpycars, if you want to reparition your disk, use the actual installer04:09
triplc(I am using Ubuntu Hardy 8.04)04:09
ajavidpimpycars, afaict, you need to resize your ntfs volume to make room for a new ubuntu partition04:09
ubuntunoobneedinsomething is wrong with my firefox icannot log into igoogle it freezes and when i go from page to page my back button does not work please help me but everything still works on my other laptop04:09
ajavidtriplc, afaik, you need oo.o 3.x04:09
ajavidtriplc, 2.4.x can't read .docx afaik04:09
Ro9u3oRcan someone assist me in getting my wifi connection working04:09
ajavidtriplc, ask in #openoffice.org04:10
* khenyeu how to search 1 hidden file?04:10
Ro9u3oRim currently running eeebuntu on a 900a04:10
InCryptohii i had small problem and was hoping cud get help on it .. im using apt-mirror to mirror repo's for various distro's of UBuntu and i have managed 2 get the Jaunty repo up and running . Now wen i sync the Intrepid repo and after symlinking it i get this error  :04:10
InCrypto W: Failed to fetch  Unable to find expected entry  restriected/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)04:10
triplcajavid: OK. I also use Oo 3.1 now04:10
ajavidkhenyeu, what do you mean?04:10
triplcajavid: OK. I also use Oo 3.1 now. But it does not seem to open 2003 XML document04:10
ajavidkhenyeu, anyting that starts with a . is ahidden file04:10
ajavidkhenyeu, ls -a lists all files, hidden or not04:10
bastidrazorViking667, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128602   this is old but it may work. be sure to make a back up of your sources.list04:10
ajavidtriplc, ask in #openoffice.org04:11
=== Guest59624 is now known as trucMuche_
Guest3396Hello something is wrong with my internet, i try to play some mp3 then instead i get a black window without any sound and i dont know what to do04:11
ajavidGuest3396, be more precise04:11
Viking667And I suspect I can import xxx key into my keyring too.04:12
ajavidGuest3396, how are you playing it, you dl an dlay it in a mp3 player, or direct stream it via browser? which browser plugin are you uisng? mplayer-mozilla?04:12
ajavidneed more info04:12
Ro9u3oRcan someone assist me in getting my wifi connection working04:12
ubuntunoobneedinI need Help something is wrong with my firefox i cannot log into igoogle it freezes and when i go from page to page my back button does not work please help me it all works on my other laptop04:12
ajavidubuntunoobneedin, use a diff browser04:12
Guest3396well i click on a file called something like song.mp3 then instead of hearing music, i just see a black window and then i can't play music04:12
ajavidubuntunoobneedin, i think this is a documented bug04:12
Guest3396my dad said it's probably something wrong with the internet04:12
ajavidubuntunoobneedin, look at firefox upstream bugs on igoogle as well on the ubuntu BTS04:12
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ajavidGuest3396, it probably means you don't have stuff installed04:13
Guest3396i've installed everything04:13
Guest3396it's not that04:13
ubuntunoobneedinthanks ajavid but it has been working for months it just up and quit04:13
ajavidGuest3396, start a console/terminal and cd to the directory where the mp3 is and type alsaplayer file.mp304:13
Guest3396it's something wrong with the internet04:13
Guest3396what's start a console/terminal mean?04:14
ajavidlets see if you can play mp3 files04:14
ajavidoh boy04:14
Guest3396i can't!04:14
ajavidsure you can04:14
Guest3396that's why i'm hear in this chat room04:14
ajavidim on kubuntu so i can't hel pyou04:14
khenyeuajavid,sample: search hidden file: .fbdesk04:14
Guest3396whats that?04:14
ajavidbut click on the application menu04:14
ajavidgo to system > terminal04:15
Guest3396?? you mean my start menu?04:15
Guest3396i dont know what application menu is04:15
ajavidkhenyeu, simplest way... sudo updatedb; locate fbdesk04:15
Guest3396look, no need to get fancy, i know what the problem is, something wrong with the internet04:15
ajavidGuest3396, alright, have fun fixing it.04:15
InCryptonevermind issue resolved ...typo errors :s04:16
khenyeuajavid, thanks04:16
InCryptoGuest13513, The internet just broke :D04:16
Guest3396this linux crap is stupid04:16
ajavidGuest3396, you are not obligated to use linux.04:16
Guest3396it breaks the www and crap04:16
InCryptoGuest13513, plz tone your lingo04:16
ajavidGuest3396, it seems that windows might be more suited to your needs04:17
ajavidGuest3396, linux requires patience.04:17
Guest3396i just want to play my mp3s and watch my shows04:17
InCryptoand some level of curiousity04:17
ubuntunoobneedinhow do i check and see if my hard drive is full?04:17
Guest3396how do i install my excel on here?04:17
extorI've got cron running but my cronjobs are not executing. What could be wrong--how do I trace it?04:17
mslubuntunoobneedin, df -h04:18
InCryptoubuntunoobneedin, run df -h04:18
nomasteryodadf -TH in a terminal ubuntunoobneedin04:18
ajavidas soon as you stop acting like a little child crying about something he wants, I'm sure someone will attempt to help you04:18
lstarnesGuest3396: did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras and flashplugin-nonfree packages?  They should provide support for many formats and flash04:18
Guest3396how do i do that?04:18
InCryptoGuest3396, enable the mediubuntu repository and then update the system and then install the codecs04:19
lstarnesGuest3396: open a terminal (applications > accessories > terminal) then type this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras flashplugin-nonfree04:19
Guest3396what's a terminal?04:19
ajavidstop asking questiosn and follow directions04:19
ajavidGuest3396, terminal == like a dos prompt window04:20
lstarnesGuest3396: it's a command line interface04:20
ajavidwhere you can type commands04:20
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InCryptoa terminal is where most of ur linux adminstration is done ...can be found in Applications > Accessories > Terminal04:20
Guest3396how do i open a terminal??04:20
lincoln_Hey, does anyone use a Direct Connect client?04:20
lstarnesGuest3396: I told you, applications > accessories > terminal04:20
ajavidhit alt+f2 and when a box opens, type in gnome-terminal and hit enter04:20
Guest3396i don't have an applications menu, i'm running windows 9804:21
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel04:21
ajavidapparantly clicking menu links too much science for him04:21
edbianGuest3396: lmao04:21
Guest3396i have a start menu04:21
ubuntunoobneedinok i dunno whats going on i cannot download a new browser i cannot empty my trash can what do i do04:21
ajavidGuest3396, pleae go to #windows04:21
edbianGuest3396: What are you doing in #ubuntu ??04:21
ajavidGuest3396, trolling == instant ban04:21
Guest3396i heard with linux you can get porno and stuff04:21
lstarnesGuest3396: if you're running windows, please go to ##windows instead04:21
dsdeizhi, i've installed xmonad, then it's being listed in 'select session' right?04:21
* InCrypto whacks his head 04:21
ajavidGuest3396, all we need to do is /ignore Guest339604:21
ajavidplease stop feeding the troll04:22
lstarnesGuest3396: this channel is only for support with ubuntu04:22
Guest3396ok, how do i use ubuntu to get porno?04:22
ajavidlstarnes, he seeks this attention, ignore him and he will go away.04:22
ajavid!ops Guest3396 is being rude and obnoxious and offtopic04:22
ubuntunoobneedin ok i dunno whats going on i cannot download a new browser i cannot empty my trash can what do i do its like i got a virus or something save me please04:22
bastidrazorajavid, you need to pipe that04:23
ajavidi do not know how to04:23
lstarnesubuntunoobneedin: do you get any error messages?04:23
InCryptoubuntunoobneedin, why can u not dwnlad a new broswer04:23
edbianubuntunoobneedin: Is your harddrive filled to the max?04:23
dsdeizanyone? :D where do i find the startup programs when i select the 'xmonad' session?04:23
InCryptowhcih browser u tryin 2 dwnld04:23
cuddlefishHello, now I am getting squashfs errors04:23
bastidrazorajavid, !ops | person who is stupid :P04:23
lincoln_Hey, does anyone use a Direct Connect client?  I just downloaded LinuxDC++ and don't know which hub or how to connect.  Never used this thing...04:23
Flannelajavid, bastidrazor: it's alright.  We're here.04:23
ajavidFlannel, thanks04:23
ubuntunoobneedinno messages and yes it says my hard drive is full thats why i tried dumping trash can04:23
InCryptocuddlefish, wen installing UBuntu ..rite ?04:24
cuddlefishslash bin slash login errors04:24
sirninjaHow do I remove ubuntu as a boot option after I uninstall wubi?04:24
lstarnesubuntunoobneedin: how much hard disk space did you give to ubuntu?04:24
ajavidsirninja, edit boot.ini04:24
ajavidsirninja, ask in ##windos how to do that04:24
ubuntunoobneedinall 80 gigs its my only os04:24
edbianubuntunoobneedin: Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Analyzer and find out what is filling you drive04:24
Flannelajavid: No?04:24
aaronsnell89I'm need the ubuntu driver for a rocketfish 5.1 PCI Card04:24
ajavidFlannel, what do you mean no04:24
Flannelsirninja: Just open boot.ini in a text editor, and remove the Ubuntu entry04:24
ajavidFlannel, grub for NT is installed as a grldr via boot.ini04:25
losherSephiroth: still working on your grub issue. I found some stuff that may help.04:25
Flannelajavid: Don't direct him to ##windows for removal, that's rude.04:25
InCryptocuddlefish, u using a GFX card too ??04:25
ajavidthat is not rude04:25
Ricochethey guys i need help setting up my asus eee top with ubuntu 8.10 (jaunty doesnt work well it it) and i was wondering if someone could help me out, i am using this site http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.eeepc.it/guida-installare-ubuntu-su-asus-eee-top-1602/&ei=NQ83SpDaEJTKtgfMjoDcDA&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.eeepc.it/guida-installare-ubuntu-su-asus-eee-top-1602/%26hl%04:25
oespiritHello there, I am a student developer who has lost all my stuff, thanks to a ubuntu-wont-boot-after-kernel upgrade - same problem as that stated in this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devmapper/+bug/358654  However the solution there doesnt work for me as updating was competely done.04:25
Ricocheti am too much of a noob04:25
FloodBot2Ricochet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
ajavidI'm not supporting windows in here and I will direct users to the correct channel04:25
ubuntunoobneedinyes my drive is full why can't i delete stuff04:25
Flannelajavid: ##windows has no idea what grub is.04:25
ajavidif you have a problem with it, then Im sorry.04:25
ajavidFlannel, I told him to go there to find out how to edit boot.ini04:25
ajavidplease read more carefully before you confront next time04:25
cuddlefishI have a video card, if that's what you mean04:26
InCryptocuddlefish, i faced similar issues earlier and all i did was detach the GFX card (mine was a 7200GS) install Ubuntu and then re attch the GFX card04:26
ajavidFlannel, once again, I refuse to support windows in here and I WILL direct users to the proper venue04:26
Flannelajavid: You did.  But you also didn't tell him *what* to remove.04:26
cuddlefishWell, it won't boot without a video card04:26
Ricochetcan anyone help me out?04:26
ajavidis this how you deal with things?04:26
Ricochetok what terminal command can I use to edit xorg.conf04:27
ajavidShame on you.04:27
InCryptocuddlefish, is it a onboard video card or ... ?04:27
lstarnesRicochet: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:27
Flannelajavid: You did.  But you also didn't tell him *what* to remove.  He didn't ask how to edit boot.ini, he asked what to remove to get rid of grub.04:27
Ro9u3oRhow can i enable wifi04:27
oespiritCan somebody please help me out with out this ? I am assuming changing back to original kernel might help me out. Am I right there ? btw, the update was done because I went to recovery menu and chose dpkg fix broken packags04:27
cuddlefishno, it's an AGP video card04:27
lstarnesRicochet: or sudo nano instead of gksudo gedit04:27
InCryptoRicochet, sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:27
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,   check in Home /.local/share/Trash04:27
ajavidFlannel, when you edit boot.ini you will see. If are you unable to do that then that is your problem.04:27
ajavidFlannel, you need to relax and not tell me how to do things, I'm not doing anything wrong04:28
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  maybe you can delete some files manually from there04:28
ajavidFlannel, if you prefer I can come to #ubuntu-ops and discuss this with you...04:28
Flannelajavid: Be my guest04:28
InCryptook cuddlefish make sure the install media is not corrupted , the SATA cabled to ur HDD are not messed up04:28
ajavidI don't particularly care.04:28
Viking667hm. Time I left, I suspect04:28
ajavidJust relax. I'm pretty sure so far my support here has been appreciated. Kindly check the backlog.04:28
cuddlefishThere's no HDD, just a cd drive. The install media reports 0 errors04:29
aaronsnell89I need Driver for Rocketfish 5.1 PCI Sound Card04:29
InCryptoFlannel, if i may ... Guest3396 was bein rude and wayyy off topic .. ajavid and a few of us genuinely tried to help him  ..and he kept asking about porno04:29
Ro9u3oRcan someone at least lead me in the direction of finding some info. on how to enable my wifi04:29
InCryptocuddlefish, wat is the destination media to where UBuntu is being installed on ... a HDD rite ??04:30
GhotiHelp!  Every so often, the Jaunty box that is also my router and media server goes catatonic- It will still route, but I can not SSH to it, nothing other than the routing works, and I can't even interact with the physical terminal!  Sometimes, this sort of IP traffic dump is all I can see; other times it's just a blank screen.  Anyone have any ideas?  http://is.gd/134iw  (Sorry for the image of text, but I can't pastebin it because the machine04:30
Ghoti isn't interactive)04:30
coz_Ro9u3oR,   try here  http://wiki.msiwind.net/index.php/Ubuntu_9.04_Jaunty_Jackalope04:30
cuddlefishJust booting a livecd04:31
* Slade likes the gnome themes from the gnome look website :)04:31
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  did you check in that location?04:32
InCryptocuddlefish, so wen u boot frm a Live cd u get this ..afaik u need a HDD in ur machine for installing UBuntu  or any other OS :)04:32
cuddlefishI don't need to install yet04:32
ubuntunoobneedincoz_ yes it will not delete anywhere when i try it freazes04:32
ubuntunoobneedindoes ubuntu have a equivelent of system restore?04:32
InCryptoGhoti, i think ur LAN card is running into issues wen sending/recieveing04:33
InCryptohave u tried replacing the crad and checking ?04:33
gaelfxI'm using UNR and when I boot up, I can only see the desktop, I cannot see any panels or the usual UNR interface that allows me to open programs graphically, how can I get one of the two of these back?04:33
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  mmm  open a terminal and cd  /home/yourname/.local/share/Trash  then do ls   and try  sudo rm -rf nameoffile04:34
edbiangaelfx: You must turn compiz off to use UNR04:34
GhotiInCrypto:  I suppose I could try to acquire another NIC to throw in; I don't have one handy.  There are two in the machine (LAN and WAN); I have tried swapping their assignments, but the problem persists.04:34
CleanLaundryanyone know of any html offline validators for linux?04:34
gaelfxedbian: compiz is not enabled04:34
ubuntunoobneedincoz it says no such file directory04:34
edbiangaelfx: Ouch, then IDK sorry dude :(04:35
Ricochethow is the command to restart xorg.conf?04:35
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  can you delete any useless. info at all?  movies   music etc ?  or can you back some of them up.?04:35
GhotiCleanLaundry: look at libhtml-lint-perl perhaps?04:35
gaelfxedbian: it's ok, I don't either, so not a big deal that you don't ;) just hope someone has an idea04:35
ubuntunoobneedincoz it does not seem to delete anything at all i have tried04:35
CleanLaundryGhoti, gotcha, thanks04:35
GhotiCleanLaundry: My pleasure :)04:35
gaelfxI think what I need to find is the preference file regarding which windowing method to use and try to change it back to classic04:36
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  did you try    sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*04:36
bastidrazorgaelfx, you mean like metacity --replace ?04:36
coz_ubuntunoobneedin, in terminal ^^^04:36
InCryptoRicochet, logg off and log back in04:36
JackrabbitWooo I got my gfx card working04:37
InCryptotht will restart X server04:37
Jackrabbitnow sound lol04:37
Kados_Can anyone help me with an issue?04:37
GhotiRicochet: or, in a terminal, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:37
GhotiRicochet: (assuming GNOME)04:37
ubuntunoobneedincoz_ what was it supposed to do that gave me no errors04:37
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  if that doesnt work  open the terminal and  gksu nautilus   then maneuver to the  location in home  and see if you can delete them then04:37
InCryptoGhoti, the fact tht u cannot ssh to it somehow looks like a NIC throttling issue ...but then again u mentioned u cannot physically access the box which is weird indeed ...wat does cat /var/log/messages have to say04:38
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  that should have removed all files under  Trash/files04:38
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  however when you gksy nautilus it will open the root diretory so click File system  then home  then your name etc etc04:38
gaelfxbastidrazor: what will that do?04:38
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  sorry gksudo nautilus04:39
bastidrazorgaelfx, metacity is the default window decorator for gnome04:39
Ricochethey, how do i go back to a working xorg.conf file?04:39
gaelfxbastidrazor: ok, thanks, I'll give it a go04:39
InCryptoRicochet, did u make a backup ?04:39
Ricochetactually does anyone have a moment that they could help me getting ubuntu working on this computer?04:39
Ricochetno i did not04:39
GhotiInCrypto: http://is.gd/134iw  <-- the last 100 lines of that log04:40
InCryptoif not then run .. dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg    this will initialise a new wizard and create a new conf based on the input u give04:40
Jackrabbitany ideas how to make my sound work lol04:40
bastidrazorRicochet, this will make a new xorg..   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:40
zirodayRicochet: you can delete/move your xorg.conf as its not needed anymore (this will get you an autoconfigured/default setup)04:40
GhotiInCrypto: the lines starting at ~38 resemble what's on the screen when it goes catatonic on me04:40
jumbersSo i herd u leik Mudkipz?04:41
gaelfxbastidrazor: well, I created a launcher on the desktop and put 'metacity --replace' as the command, but when I run it, nothing seems to change04:41
Ricochetziroday how do i delete it?04:41
bastidrazorgaelfx, you're probably using metacity already.. what are your original troubles?04:42
zirodayRicochet: do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old (this will move it, so you have it in case you need it)04:42
gaelfxbastidrazor: well, when I startup, I only get desktop, no panels or UNR nav windows, so I basically can only use the computer by creating launchers on the desktop, which is kind of a pain04:43
glickshey is anyone running ubuntu on a eee 1000he?04:43
gaelfxwhat is the command to open a terminal window?04:43
zirodayglicks: just ask your real question please, also #ubuntu-eeepc04:43
zirodaygaelfx: alt+f2 , gnome-terminal04:44
Ghotiglicks: does a 900HD count? :p04:44
gaelfxhahaha, I forgot gnome...oy, I'm out of practie04:44
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bastidrazorgaelfx, gnome-panel in a terminal04:44
extorI have a script that runs a command when I execute the script manually, but if I execute the script from cron...the command just doesnt run. The command is dumping an OSD display. And yes I am running the script as the same user from crontab and from the shell...why would OSD not be displayed when the script is run through crontab?04:44
cuddlefishOkay, so the live cd ubuntu needs a hard drive to boot up?04:44
glicksGhoti, not really , cause i heard that the 1000he has some wireless issues04:44
InCryptocuddlefish, no it dosent04:45
bastidrazorgaelfx, you could create a new user and see if the problems persist. if not you've got a configuration issue with your current account04:45
ravi__Hi dear04:45
InCryptoGhoti, im sorry didnt get u04:45
cuddlefishOkay, then what could be causing my problems?04:45
GhotiInCrypto: http://is.gd/134iw  <-- the last 100 lines of that log04:45
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GhotiInCrypto: the lines starting at ~38 resemble what's on the screen when it goes catatonic on me04:45
InCryptocuddlefish, maybe the ROM04:45
mslextor, One thought is that the cron run has a different environment.  Have you used absolute paths for all your commands and such?04:45
ubuntunoobneedincoz_ that sudo command you gave me worked everything seems to be working again thank you so much04:45
ravi__hey sexy04:45
ravi__hi der???????????//04:45
Ricochetok so now I cant see anything on my screen since I tried to mess with the xorg.conf04:45
coz_ubuntunoobneedin,  very cool :)04:45
Ricochetcan anyone help me out here?04:46
Ricochetits pissing me off.04:46
InCryptocuddlefish, i mean ur CD ROM04:46
ravi__dfgpls talk to me04:46
InCryptobrb guys ..04:46
extormsl, yes absolute paths..here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/146181204:46
halberdis it possible to restart X without causing any apps to close?04:46
cuddlefishit says no errors04:46
coz_ubuntunoobneedin, i would save that command in a text file for later use :)04:46
jp_i was wondering is there any way to speed up my wireless in ubuntu because it seems to be slower than when i am on in windows04:46
phpgunnerWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.04:46
Ghotiextor: If I recall, std{in,out} behave differently when run from cron; that could be relatd.04:46
phpgunnerwhy do i get that, when i uninstalled ndiswrapper?04:46
ubuntunoobneedinwill do thanks again was stressin out for a while there thanks04:46
extorGhoti, ahh that makes sense...cuz it does write to a file although OSD is not really stdin...so how to fix it?04:47
Ricochetok can someone help me create a new xorg.conf file?04:47
Ghotiextor: is the OSD an X display?  Could you define OSD more presisely?04:47
ravi__abe kutte kya ho gaya tujhe04:47
gaelfxbastidrazor: gnome-panel did it :D04:47
lich0rricochet, what for?04:48
gaelfxbastidrazor: thanks loads man04:48
Flannelravi__: This is not a chat channel.  If you want to chat, please go elsewhere.04:48
Ricochetlich0r: i tried to mess with it and now all i get is a black screen04:48
phpgunneredbian:you still around?04:48
extorGhoti, apt-cache search gnome-osd will get you the exact package--and it used to work in debian lenny04:48
Ricochetlich0r: i cant see anything and its angering me04:48
bastidrazorgaelfx, yeah. more than likely you've deleted them.. good luck04:48
extoror should I make my cron line "/bin/bash /home/extor/watchdedi.sh" instead?04:48
ravi__you hacked who fu*ked ur sister in bed tightly.........04:48
bastidrazorgaelfx, if on  a reboot they are gone again you can add gnome-panel to sessions04:49
Ghotiextor: you might look into reworking your script to use notify-osd, which I believe has replaced that package04:49
lich0rricochet, did you screw with it or did the auto detect utility not work? There is a utility you can use to have it detect what you have and create a new file04:49
Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?04:49
Ricochetthe auto detect utility does not work04:50
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Ricochetlichor: i need help doing this http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Asus_EeeTop04:50
Ricocheti have an ASUS eee top04:50
gaelfxbastidrazor: I just switched it back to UNR window mode, I think the problem is UNR doesn't have gnome-panel in startup, and changing to classic mode doesn't add it04:50
gaelfxbastidrazor: perhaps a bug?04:50
Ricochetok I REALLY need help with this04:51
Ricocheti have a computer that I CAN NOT SEE anything04:51
jp_hello anyone04:51
Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?04:52
gaelfxRicochet: are you using UNR?04:52
bastidrazorgaelfx, i'm seeing similiar complaints on the forums. look at  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113632304:52
Ricochetgaelfx: i messed with the xorg.conf and i need to set it back to default04:52
GhotiInCrypto: did you get the the link that time?04:52
Ricochetgaelfix: i am trying to do this http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Asus_EeeTop04:52
brian5656i have a weird problem when im runnin ubuntu my wifi works just fine, but when i logout then login into kubuntu my wifi doesnt work04:53
GhotiRicochet: to get it back to stock, you could try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:54
gaelfxRicochet: have you tried recovery mode xfix option?04:54
Kasm279brian5656: you have it installed as ubuntu then added the kubuntu-desktop package?04:54
RicochetGhoti: it said command not found04:55
lich0rRicochet, I'm sorry...I'm a noob...I was just hoping I could help you because I played with it a bit trying to get my intel chipset working (which I never did :/)04:55
brian5656ya you know how you can log out and switch from gnome to kde04:56
GhotiRicochet: did you sudo?04:56
Ricochetghoti: got it to work! nice!04:56
GhotiRicochet: \o/04:56
gaelfxRicochet: I think that command is supposed to be dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg04:56
Ghotigaelfx: tab-completing disagreed :)04:56
Kasm279brian5656: what version of ubuntu are you running?04:57
gaelfxGhoti: haha, well, my bad then04:57
Ghotigaelfx: no worries :)04:57
Kasm279brian5656: add the 'network manager' widget somewhere04:58
brian5656i akready did04:58
Kasm279you configure the wifi with that04:58
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Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?04:58
brian5656ubuntu have a toolbar that says "connect to hidden network" but kubuntu does not04:59
Kasm279brian5656: go to #kubuntu04:59
Kasm279i know how, but im on xubuntu right now04:59
bastidrazorRicochet, there is a #linuxmce channel.04:59
gaelfxError: Command 'ls' not found04:59
Kasm279gaelfx: lol05:00
Ghoti /invite /bin  :p05:00
Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?05:00
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stealth-I have a Realtek ALC880 and I got sound working by changing to OSS, but no sound from firefox, any help?05:01
Kasm279its all of the sudden quiet...05:01
GhotiKasm279: in a chaotic place like this, the occasional lull is inevitable.05:01
Kados_Hello everybody... does anyone think they can help me out? :)05:02
Kasm279stealth-: you mean no sound from firefox as in flash player or any ui sounds?05:02
Ghoti!ask | Kados_05:02
ubottuKados_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:02
Kasm279Kados_: ask away05:02
stealth-Kasm279: no flash05:02
gaelfxif you want random chaos back, you could always turn off join/part hiding05:02
Kados_I will repost this :)05:02
Ghotigaelfx: hah!05:02
gaelfxthat keeps things pretty noisy05:02
Kados_I have a friend that I convinced to install Ubuntu 9.04 on their machine... she was doing photo work in gimp and had all sorts of files she copied over to her desktop from her Windows Vista Parition... the files were there and she was working with them all day for two days... she shutdown her computer... and this morning went back into linux. She saw the files on her desktop..but when she...05:03
Kados_...went to open them it said that the files did not exist. She restarted just to see if that would fix the issue... now all the files are gone!! She is pretty upset about it...and I cannot for the life of me figure out what caused it.05:03
Ghotigaelfx: I wonder how many people in here are using Pidgin :p05:03
Kados_All I could find related to it at all was https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34971305:03
Kasm279stealth-: i think it has something to do with flash, not firefox. try another web browser if  you can (konquerer will qork in a pinch)05:04
gaelfxfair point, I guess it's not the favorite flavor of most people here, but it is certainly available to most I would guess05:04
_user_i am using jaunty now and i am downloading 2.6.30 kernel deb files from karmic is it safe to install05:04
stealth-Kasm279: konquerer freezes when i try flash :/05:04
Ghotigaelfx: Oh, it's certainly the most accessable, but I personally oscilate between XChat and irssi05:04
bastidrazor_user_, no, obviously not05:04
Kasm279Ghoti: im on konversation05:04
ExMachinais there a way to automatically upgrade the kernel to 2.6.29?05:04
stealth-Kasm279: it says the script is causing it to lag and then does nothing05:04
* Ghoti recently converted to irssi from bitchX05:04
ExMachinaor even better, 2.6.30?05:04
Kasm279stealth-: try opera (the 10 beta is better than 9)05:05
stealth-Kasm279: k, ill install it05:05
GhotiExMachina: you mean other than by waiting for the package to roll out?05:05
ExMachinaI don't want to manually compile myself again =05:05
brian5656no one talkin the kubuntu room05:05
_user_bastidrazor, is that a safer way to get performance gain of new kenenl05:06
ExMachinathere are some nice additional features for ath5k drivers05:06
Kasm279stealth-: you have to go to their site (ugh) go to download and click 'next' (by the top, next to the features)05:06
Kasm279brian5656: as usual05:06
brian5656but i cant understand why kubuntu cant find my hidden wifi but ubuntu can05:06
stealth-Kasm279: k :(05:06
slak_What would you guys recommend for a light-weight desktop?  I just did the minimal install.  I'd like my desktop to stay under 150MB ram usage at a standstill.05:06
stealth-Kasm279: there is no apt-get? not even for 9?05:06
stealth-Kasm279: thats okay for me05:06
gaelfxExMachina: ooh, could you elaborate on these new features for ath5k? anything on the ath9k front?05:06
ExMachinaSlade, fluxbox05:06
Kasm279brian5656: try right clicking on the net manager and find 'edit connections'05:06
Ghotibrian5656: by 'hidden'  you mean that there's no SSID broadcast, yes?05:06
ExMachinagaelfx, mainly stability issues, you might note a lag of ~3-4 seconds on something like iwlist ath0  scan05:07
Kasm279stealth-: opera isnt open-source, thats why >.<05:07
bastidrazor_user_, upgrade to karmic or risk the troubles of a kernel not intended for your packages05:07
ExMachinathe delay's been improved05:07
stealth-Kasm279: k05:07
ExMachinaalso the "waiting for hardware reset" bug has also been fixed05:07
brian5656already did ive tryed everything , i also noticed kubuntu doesnt have a join a hidden network button05:07
lich0rslak xfce ?05:07
slak_ExMachina: was that to me?05:07
_user_bastidrazor, but the new kernel is stable now05:07
ExMachinaer yeah, slak_ fluxbox05:07
Kasm279brian5656: look for an 'edit connections' button05:07
ExMachinafluxbox is really nice.05:07
Guest3396hi, i tried to install winamp but it's not working05:08
gaelfxExMachina: spiffy, I'll have to google that a little05:08
SladeExMachina,  huh?05:08
slak_Thanks I'll give it a go.05:08
ExMachinaSlade, sorry lol, wrong preson05:08
GhotiExMachina: it seems that ExMachina is like a Diet Debian when waiting for new packages :)05:08
ExMachinaslak_, but be warned though, it's very very lightweight05:08
ExMachina... what lol05:08
bastidrazor_user_, good luck05:08
_user_bastidrazor, what is your opinion is it stable?05:08
lich0rExMachina, just out of curiousity what advantages does fluxbox have over xfce ?05:09
GhotiExMachina: Well, you know how long it takes for anything to turn up on Deb Stable, yeah? :)05:09
ExMachinaGhoti, yeah lol05:09
brian5656kubuntu just doesnt have the setting ubuntu does  , like there isnt a admistration menu05:09
ExMachinalich0r, fluxbox mainly memory, fluxbox usually uses about 40-50 megs? sometimes less05:09
Kasm279brian5656: its there05:09
ExMachinalich0r, in addition it's not tied to any major desktop environment, ie. no need to get gnome, kde, etc.05:09
phpgunnerWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.05:09
Kasm279brian5656: because ive used it05:10
phpgunneri removed ndiswrapper, why do i still get that message?05:10
Ghotibrian5656: Not trying to start a holy war here or anything, but the kubuntu-desktop doesn't seem quite as.. fully functional as the GNOME package is.    Sure is pretty though :)05:10
bastidrazor_user_, my opinion is if apt-get upgrade doesn't give it to me i don't go looking outside the repo's.. that is stability05:10
brian5656i know its very pretty05:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:10
fuffalois there a launcher/searcher like app similar to osx's spotlight in ubuntu?05:10
fuffalo(i know there are some, i'm more looking for which one is best)05:11
brian5656but i just got linux last week so im a linux vergin05:11
Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?05:11
lich0rExMachina thanks05:11
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Sladegot a question about openoffice. When I try to install the RPMs, it keeps saying it depends on things (ie /bin/sh) to install. These things are already installed. Any ideas?05:12
brian5656when i try to moddify a file it says i dont have permission to do it, but im the only user05:12
phpgunneri removed ndiswrapper, why do i still get that message??05:12
phpgunnerbrian5656, sudo for root05:12
brian5656in the root folder05:13
phpgunnersudo gedit filename.txt05:13
Kasm279brian5656: cause you need root privaleges05:13
brian5656so if i type sudo root that will fix it05:13
Ghotislade:  RPMs?05:13
phpgunnerjust sudo brian565605:13
Kasm279Slade: try add/remove programs, not dloading RPMs05:14
ExMachinais there a program like 3DS max that works on linux?05:15
brian5656sudo didnt fix it i cant even open the root folder05:15
phpgunnerWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.05:15
phpgunner Anyone ever come across that error before?05:15
GhotiExMachina: Blender?05:15
scott_ino2brian5656, closest thing is probably blender, maya (they make a linux version)05:16
ExMachinaGhoti, is it free?05:16
digeratiIs there a way to route traffic on a certain port to one of multiple interfaces? i.e. 23 goes out eth0, 21 goes out eth105:16
scott_ino2not brian  heh05:16
GhotiExMachina: Yes:  http://blender.org05:16
SladeIs there a repository for openoffice for ubuntu for updates and such?05:16
brian5656The program 'root' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:05:17
brian5656sudo apt-get install root-system-bin05:17
brian5656bash: root: command not found05:17
scott_ino2ExMachina, Autodesk maya also has a linux version but you'll have to shell out dollars05:17
FloodBot2brian5656: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
Killeroiddigerati: you should probably ask that on ##linux05:17
brian5656thats what it said05:17
Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?05:17
digeratiKilleroid: thank you05:17
LiraNunahello, I can't seem to send mail as root using /usr/bin/mail. normal user can, anyone knows what possible problems may be?05:17
phpgunnerbrian5656: what exactly are you trying to do?05:17
BeatlesFanhi all05:18
GhotiLiraNuna: What does happen when you try?05:18
ScottG489How do I change what Desktop Manager starts? I am just familiar with how to do it in Gentoo by going into conf.d and editing xdm. I am in a cli environment now btw05:18
GhotiLiraNuna: any errors?05:18
phpgunnerLiraNuna: Should you be sending email as root?05:18
LiraNunaGhoti, silent, as if it was successful05:18
scott_ino2brian5656, should be able to just select whichever device you want to use in volume control05:18
LiraNunaphpgunner, apcupsd is root (for shutdown) and it needs to notify05:18
scott_ino2bahh again... sorry brian05:18
Kasm279how can i switch to a USB soundcard quickly and back to my laptop's internal one?05:18
phpgunnerLiraNuna: Just asking :)05:18
LiraNunaphpgunner, I don't know any way to run unescalated apcupsd05:19
scott_ino2Kasm279, you should be able to just select whichever device you're using in volume control05:19
BeatlesFanwhen you update Ubuntu version to the next release, do you have to reinstall all your apps?05:19
brian5656im trying to install konquil-icious05:19
scott_ino2I've done this before with a USB soundcard05:19
GhotiBeatlesFan: generally not.05:19
LiraNunaphpgunner, I'd love to jail it, but it needs to run various tests, shutdown the system and notify05:19
Fretegigot a really stupid question05:19
Fretegihow do u PM in xchat?05:19
GhotiLiraNuna: can you have apcupsd call a setuid scrips that send the email?05:19
phpgunnerbrian5656: have you tried "sudo apt-get install konquil-icious" without quotes?05:19
Guest53412linux noob here with a basic problem05:19
LiraNunaFretegi, right click on username's nick, open dialog menu05:20
GhotiLiraNuna: sort of an ugly sidestep, but if it works, it works, right?05:20
BeatlesFanok, what about drivers?  In my case I'm  using a prior version of the Intel 82865G graphics driver...05:20
brian5656not yet05:20
Kasm279scott_ino2: im on xubuntu, #xubuntu has no idea, and i brought up the mixer and changed it, but no go05:20
LiraNunaGhoti, that what it does, it uses a scipr05:20
Fretegiim a MIRC user that just is making the transition to linux05:20
Guest53412how can I install winamp? I'm running kubuntu05:20
Fretegioh wow lol that was easy thanks05:20
LiraNunaGhoti, or do you mean use su to escalate level?05:20
GhotiLiraNuna: or sudo, to send the mail from a uid with whom the mail program works as expected05:21
phpgunnerbrian5656: If that don't work, maybe try snyaptic package manager under system-administration05:21
LiraNunathat'd be a dirty hack and will just avoid the problem05:21
scott_ino2Kasm279, does your usb soundcard takeover upon reboot if plugged in?05:21
GhotiLiraNuna: That's what I said :p05:21
Kasm279scott_ino2: no05:21
phpgunnerGuest53412: probably need wine for that05:21
naught101does ubuntu have a custom version of GNU find?05:21
scott_ino2Kasm279, have you gotten in working first in xubuntu or no?05:22
GhotiLiraNuna: Generally, I have my scripts talk directly to an SMTP server :p05:22
LiraNunaGhoti, those scripts are automated for apcupsd05:22
phpgunnerGuest53412: have you tried looking for an alternite native ubuntu program?05:22
SuperMiguelhow do i find my sistem cpu/memory? is there a command for that?05:22
LiraNunathey generate the message+headers on the error05:22
randallA minute ago my wifi was working fine, then i installed a few packages and rebooted and now when i try to connect it just sits there trying to connect but it never does.05:22
LiraNunaSuperMiguel, cat /proc/cpu05:22
LiraNunaSuperMiguel, cat /proc/cpuinfo05:23
Kasm279scott_ino2: no, it worked in winXP though :x05:23
LiraNuna(sorry for that)05:23
SuperMiguelisnts there a sysinfo command05:23
phpgunnerGuest53412: like Amarok?05:23
SuperMiguelsomething like that that would display my ram, my cpu05:23
digitaltao /join #austin05:23
SuperMiguelaverything in one command05:23
GhotiSuperMiguel: 'top', and look at the top of your screen05:23
scott_ino2Kasm279, I'd first suggest you find out if your USB soundcard is supported, I know for a fact some of them are as I've used them in the past. I would check the Alsa docs and see what's supported05:23
LiraNunaSuperMiguel, oh you mean a script for Xchat?05:23
scott_ino2Kasm279, also.. let me find an email i had for when we had to do just what you describe05:24
LiraNuna"Postfix will not deliver mail as root. Instead, Postfix runs procmail (or whatever) as nobody."05:25
mohan_i am using ubuntu studio RT kernel..05:25
Fretegihi mohan05:25
mohan_i am trying to do remaster of my system..05:25
mohan_how ever if i boot into the dvd it shows error..05:26
digeratigit yer master on! (sorry had to)05:26
randallwhat does it mean when my wifi card can pick up wireless networks but isnt able to connect to them05:26
mohan_like before booting itself it throws to minimal terminal.. (donno what to say)05:26
Ghotimohan_: you said it shows an error. What does it say?05:26
mohan_and this is the error cp:cannot creat /root/var/og/ : no such file or directory and such...05:27
Fretegiwhat happens when u try to connect randall?05:27
qarlHey guys, when I lock my screen in a twinview setup, only the primary monitor gets locked. The other one is completely usable. Anyway to fix this?05:27
mohan_and also mount:mountiner/proc on /oot/proc failed: no such file or directory. No init found.05:27
mohan_Try using init=bootrag.05:27
randallFretegi, it does the swirling green/blue icon but nothing else, it never connects. it askes me for a password and i type it in but after that nothing05:28
daftword**can anyone help with configuring Totem to watch DVB channels05:28
Ghotirandall: sometimes I get that, and rebooting my WAP fixes it for a couple days.05:28
mohan_Ghoti: any idea?05:28
Fretegiwell could be a few things...05:28
randallI just installed a bunch of programs on a fresh install of 9.0405:28
randallthen rebooted05:29
Ghotimohan_: it sounds like your mount points on the remaster aren't set up properly..  I"ve never rolled my own BootCD, so I don't have much advice to give beyond that I"m afraid05:29
randalli had wifi before after installing the drivers05:29
mohan_Ghoti: oh..05:29
Fretegibut im new to linux lol. are you?  are u using the right security protocol for the password?05:29
Fretegithat is one difference from windows that i have noticed05:29
mohan_and also one more problem..05:30
randallFretegi, yeah correct password and protocol which i was using before05:30
mohan_if i boot into live cd.. it doesn't recognise the network..05:30
Fretegicheck the proxy settings05:30
mohan_whats the command to activate it?05:30
randallmohan_, thats a driver issue isnt it?05:30
mohan_no.. sometime it works..05:31
randallmohaun_ unless you mean wired network lol05:31
mohan_sometime doesn't05:31
mohan_yes ethernet network.05:31
mohan_link deactivates..05:31
randallFretegi, how do you "reboot" wap?05:31
mohan_ifup eth0 doesn't work..05:32
BeatlesFanmohan_, you have it set up for Dynamic IP or Static IP?05:32
pspsamspspis this working?05:32
mohan_BeatlesFan : can't set those parameters..05:32
mohan_BeatlesFan : card is disabled..05:33
mohan_BeatlesFan : but typing ifconfig shows my card./.05:33
rob_ppspsamspsp, Yes.  We see your text.05:33
pspsamspspwhat is the application in system -> preferences -> sound ? i want it on arch05:33
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Freteginot sure on that ask ghoti, however check ur proxy config05:33
mohan_BeatlesFan : mine is Dynamic IP05:34
Fretegii got 8.10 and my proxy is screwed everytime i install.. which in the week of linux experience i have has been about 6 installs05:34
LiraNunaGhoti, oh my, apparently google filters root@host.tld as spam ...05:34
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Fretegiur proxy alright randall?05:36
naftilos76hi to everyone, i just do not know where exactly to ask the following question so i'll just ask it here as it has to do with a lot of stuff! What should i be using in order to keep updated at all times all the folders of my Ruby on Rails tree on the server side? I'm using netbeans 6.5! Does CVS or Subversion do this <updating the files on the server side> besides version control?05:36
randallFretegi, i have no idea what that is lol05:36
Fretegilol k05:36
Fretegihow do u connect to net?05:36
Freteginormal cable modem and a router?05:36
randallFretegi, through wifi?05:36
simoncpuhello, anyone here plays pingus?05:36
simoncpuwhat's the shortcut keys for the penguins abilities?05:36
cattellarI have no sound,  I just have sound from the internal speaker, I think my card is not being recognized, what can I do?05:37
decaprimecattellar are you using an xfi card, i'm in a similar situation05:37
Fretegican u connect to ANY network is where i was going, such as a home wireless router?05:37
bastidrazorcattellar, internal speaker.. like a speaker beep?05:37
cattellarlike a very bad quality one05:38
randallFretegi, oh, I am connected through a lan cable to my router, which is connected to my modem. my wifi is the only problem05:38
LiraNunacan root fake uid?05:38
LiraNunawithout su username -c ' ... '05:38
mohan_anybody have idea on remastersys?05:38
cattellarbastidrazor, decaprime lspci detects my creative labs SB X-Fi card05:38
Fretegiso have u been able to connect to ANY wireless source at all since this install?05:38
randallFretegi, yes, two other laptops are currently using the wifi05:39
randallFretegi, oh but not with this laptop05:39
Fretegilol no this computer that is having the issue?05:39
Fretegilol ok05:39
Fretegigo to system05:39
cattellardecaprime, what do you think it is?05:39
Freteginetwork proxy05:39
Fretegiis "direct internet connection" checked?05:40
stealth-I cant get audio out of firefox flash, same with opera. Any help?05:40
randallFretegi, yes05:40
Freteginow when searching, it sees the available networks right05:40
thyrimy brother dcp-135c printer is unable to give printouts...though i installed the driver but even it shows receiving data in printer but nothing happenes...no papers comes out....any idea05:41
BeatlesFanrandall, try turning the WEP off and see if you can connect05:41
randallFretegi, yes, both my router, and several others05:41
decaprimecattellar, honestly i've been on ubuntu for 2 days from what I can tell by default there isn't support but you can build drivers from creative that are supposedly 64bit asla drivers- i've done this and it certainly recognizes the xfi card but it blares the audio so loud its unusable and doesn't seem to respond to changing the volumne05:41
randallBeatlesFan, how should I do that?05:41
BeatlesFanrandall, you have to go to the PC that's connected to the router05:41
randallBeatlesFan, this one has a wired connection to the router as well05:42
cattellardecaprime, have you seen other solutions online?05:42
BeatlesFanrandall, ok, gotcha05:42
decaprimeSpeaking of which, that is basically my own question: I have the latest xfi drivers (Nov 08) and I can't seem to control their volume05:42
naftilos76Can anybody help me with the following? I just do not know where exactly to ask the following question so i'll just ask it here as it has to do with a lot of stuff! What should i be using in order to keep updated at all times all the folders of my Ruby on Rails tree on the server side? I'm using netbeans 6.5! Does CVS or Subversion do this <updating the files on the server side> besides version control?05:42
donkeymananyone know how to unrar a list of volumes from cli05:42
glickshey what version of ubuntu should i run on my eeepc05:42
randallglicks, they have a notebook remix05:42
jumbersSo i herd u leik Mudkipz?05:42
Fretegirandall, this is a laptop right05:42
glicksrandall, you mean eeebuntu ?05:42
randallFretegi, yess05:42
decaprimecattellar, i've seen two main solutions, these drivers or there are threads about replacing asla with OSS405:42
mobi-sheepglicks: Ubuntu Warty Warthog05:43
Fretegik, dumb question, but when tryting to connect via wireless are u also plugged into a port?05:43
randallglicksm im pretty sure its just called "Ubuntu Laptop Edition" or something, on the official download page05:43
Fretegiwhat kind of lappy randal?05:43
randallFretegi, yes, i ran a lan wire to the router that i am trying to connect to wirelessly05:43
randallFretegi, a Compaq Presario05:44
donkeymanchello?  anyone know how to unrar a set of volumes via command line?05:44
Fretegitry unplugging the wired connection prior to trying wireless05:44
Gigacorehi guys05:44
mobi-sheepglicks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Netbook_Remix05:44
randallFretegi, i tried with no success05:44
fuffalois it possible to get amarok to move all your music to one location as you add it to your library?05:44
n3fhi everyone.05:44
Fretegiwell i have two ideas05:45
Gigacorei just installed amarok 2 on my ubuntu 9.04 but I am not able to play any tracks. all codecs are properly installed.. what's the problem?05:45
Fretegi1. i have straight ubuntu working on my laptop just fine....05:45
n3fI need to install Xilinx Verilog on my ubuntu hardy. Should I use wine or virtual machine?05:45
Fretegii had to down grade to 8.10 tho due to hardware issues that may infact be plaguing u as well05:46
randalln3f, i guess try wine first05:46
glicksmobi-sheep, is that the desktop that comes with it? can i just have the regular desktop if i want?  the interface seems kina strange to me05:46
Gigacorei just installed amarok 2 on my ubuntu 9.04 but I am not able to play any tracks. all codecs are properly installed.. what's the problem?05:46
Fretegithe other is to type "unset http_proxy" in the terminal05:46
bishoprandell same problems here05:46
Fretegito ensure that no proxy configs are active05:46
mobi-sheepglicks: Do you have any Ubuntu running -- the one not associated with your netbook?05:47
randallFretegi, whats confusing is that it was working earlier. i messed up by installing something i think but i cant seem to pin point what it is05:47
n3frandall, i googled wine for their database applications, but it seems they do not support xilinx verilog.05:47
Fretegihow is ur video?05:47
randalln3f, then i guess you have to emulate windoze lol05:47
Fretegiu say u got 9.04 randal? how is ur video?05:47
glicksmobi-sheep, no, currently my netbook is running xp only05:47
randallFretegi, works fine05:48
chinmayai would like to change the text of the desktop font....?05:48
donkeymanAnyone - how do you unrar a set of volumes from command line?05:48
Fretegitype lspci in the terminal randal05:48
Fretegiis it an ati video card?05:48
mobi-sheepglicks: You can have a regular Desktop on your netbook though.  I have a netbook myself and UNR weren't for me. :)05:48
randallFretegi, http://pastebin.com/f63533ced05:48
chinmayaanyone--- how to change the text of  the desktop font?05:49
decaprimeAparently with the xfi drivers I can only get the audio to be at 100% or off- any info on getting the volume to be adjustable?05:49
glicksmobi-sheep, but the regular desktop eats through the eeepc battery doent it05:49
glicksand has wifi glitches05:49
n3frandall, Any other options aside using virtualbox?05:49
randallFretegi, I am fairly confident that if i re-install 9.04 the wifi would work again, but im trying to avoid this lol05:49
BeatlesFanchinmaya, System>Preferences>Appearance05:49
randalln3f, what is teh program again?05:49
n3frandall, xilinx verilog05:50
chinmayait shows the font style not color05:50
cuddlefishThis thing keeps throwing errors!05:50
mobi-sheepglicks: When you install Ubuntu for first time, there [may] be some glicks to work with.  After you are done with that, you'll be fine.  Heck, the glicks may be long gone already since many people probably have same netbook as yours... running Ubuntu already.05:51
Fretegiwhat do ur logs say?05:51
randalln3f, isnt that a linux program?05:51
randallFretegi, which logs?05:51
Fretegisystem logs05:51
LiraNunacan root execute a command as another user without su? (su needs an active terminal)05:51
mobi-sheepglicks: Nothing you can do about battery drain except trying to trim down services and lower monitor display and such.05:51
BeatlesFanChinmaya, go into Themes, Details, Customize05:51
randallFretegi, where are those?05:51
n3frandall, nope, I do not think so. We are using it on windows in our uni.05:51
glicksmobi-sheep, so i can run regular ubuntu jaunty on my netbook?05:51
BeatlesFanchinmaya: in the same menu05:51
detach- hey guys, are there any alternative tools for serial consoles apart from minicom?05:51
mobi-sheepglicks: Yes.05:52
rob_pn3f, Not sure how comprehensive the Linux design tools talked about here are, but maybe would be of interest to VHDL guys:  http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/685705:52
Fretegiagain i am new to linux so i am trying to learn to nvaigate, but i am computer savvy.. we should be able to see why ur card is not connecting05:52
donkeymanAnyone - how do you unrar a set of volumes from command line please?05:52
mobi-sheep!usb | glicks05:52
ubottuglicks: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:52
stealth-k, ill keep looking into it while you do whatever.05:52
stealth-I cant get audio out of firefox flash, same with opera. Any help?05:52
Fretegii think that may be displayed in ur logs,05:52
Fretegigo to05:52
randalln3f, thats the problem with programs that arent widely used. the only solution is to dual boot/emulate lol05:52
stealth-ignore that first line05:52
n3frob_p, Okay thanks, i'll read that discussion now.05:52
FloodBot2Fretegi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
randallFretegi, k05:53
donkeymanjoin #debian05:53
Fretegisystem log05:53
n3frandall, I most likely to consider that :D05:53
rob_pn3f, They hava a Linux suite called, "ISE" that may be promising.05:53
randallFreteg, im not seeing it under System > Administration05:53
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WIGGMPkI am having a problem with Transmission, when downloading a torrent, everything else that requires internet HAULTS, despite settings download bandwidth limits..05:53
rob_pn3f, Good luck with it.  You VHDL programmers are a breed of your own!  ;-)05:54
Fretegiits called "system log"05:54
Fretegiu can get it in the terminal as well not sure of the syntax05:55
randallFretegi, perhaps on 9.04 they renamed it to "Log File Viewer"?05:55
Fretegicould be, open and paste05:55
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Sladedoes anyone know if the Monotype Corsiva font is available for linux?05:55
ezeikeHow can I configure phonon to use pulseaudio? I'm trying to get amarok2 going properly.05:56
donkeymanAnyone - how do you unrar a set of volumes from command line please?05:56
thyr1is ther any guide for linux commands05:56
thyr1easy one online05:56
randallFretegi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/196797/05:56
stealth-donkeyman: sudo apt-get install unrar; unrar packagename05:57
stealth-donkeyman: its pretty straight forward05:57
TheNo1Yetithyr1: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=beginner+linux+commands05:57
b9l3when a new drive is added into a raid1 array with mdadm, does it need to be formatted as ext3,reiserfs,etc. (whatever the raid array is using) or is this not needed as long as it's partition type is set to fd ?05:57
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chinmayaanyone-- how to change the desktop font05:58
chinmayaanyone-- how to change the desktop font05:59
whatvnchinmaya, right-click on desktop, change background----font tab05:59
randallBeatlesFan, you should really help ;)05:59
randallFretegi, I think if we cant figure anything out ill reinstall it06:01
ScarraI need some help with setting up my printer06:02
Fretegirandall http://pastebin.ca/146187206:03
ScarraIts a Canon MultiPASS F3006:04
randallFretegi, ok ill be back to report my progress06:04
ScarraIve searched the web but I still have no clue how to set it up06:05
randalloh Scarra, when i get my wifi working ill help you out06:05
randallScarra, but ill need a few minutes first06:05
ScarraOk thank you randall06:05
Fretegii gotta run, but thats my best guess, unless there is some driver or program conflict, if linux based stuff probably unlikely as i hear06:06
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BeatlesFanRandall, you have wired connection to your router AND you have a wireless adapter in the same computer?06:08
myselfhey i am looking for an auto-owner (+q) script for x-chat, can anyone help me find one?06:08
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Fretegibeetles, ref randall, yes, its a lappy06:12
chinmaya__anyone--- how to change the desktop font06:12
BeatlesFanhmmm... maybe a conflict there..06:12
Fretegialready brought that up lol06:12
BeatlesFanI would try one or the other.. not at the same time06:12
Fretegii got him unplugging rebooting, trying the connection wirelessly again and if it fails have him paste the syslog06:13
Fretegiim also wondering if there is a proxy issue.. i have something, not sure what, running related to proxy everytime i load 8.10 on my lappy06:14
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Fretegichinmaya what front?06:15
donpdonpanyone with virtualbox running windows 7 get Audio to work?06:15
thyriwat r the common applications running in wine for ubuntu...is ther any list?06:15
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donpdonpthyri: see the wine appdb06:16
dsdeizthyri: would this also do? http://appdb.winehq.org/06:16
Fretegichinmaya right click in the desktop away from icons, and select "change desktop background"06:17
chinmaya__i'm here06:17
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chinmaya__Frenegi ,06:18
thyridoes my game become slow with wine...i hav 2gb ram though...i want to install world in conflict...will it run?...i don hav xp06:18
randall_Fretegi, sucess!06:18
Fretegifor colors of menu bars etc go to system > preferences> appearances06:18
thyrimy drivers are ok in buntu06:18
chinmaya__k.... but for color of desktop text06:18
naftilos76Has anybody used successfully the 'sitecopy' from the repos?06:19
randall_Fretegim I got my wifi back! Thank you much lol06:19
donpdonpthyri: virtualbox and windows 7 beta are both free. thats one way to go06:19
Fretegiopen appearance and select a thing and clizeick custom06:19
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:19
stevecamis pulseaudio generall just really buggy on linux06:20
chinmaya__Fretegi , thn06:20
Fretegivery much welcome, sent pm randal06:20
Fretegiwork for ya?06:20
chinmaya__it was not for desktop text color06:20
chinmaya__but for the text inside a window06:21
cuddlefishHello, anyone know how to boot off a USB stick06:21
chinmaya__Fretegi , It did nt work06:22
ScottG489So when I start my computer, gdm starts but it just shows a black screen with the mouse loading. The mouse can move. So I kill gdm and start kdm. This shows the login screen but the mouse or keyboard don't work. Right now I am just in a cli environment. Any ideas?06:22
chinmaya__Fretegi , It did nt work06:23
ScarraOk well it seems like randall is busy so I will restate my delema.  I have a Canon MultiPASS F30 and I have no clue how to set it up ive look all over the place and I still cant seem to find a way to get it to work.06:23
randall_oh hey Scarra06:23
randall_I was chattin lol, lets see06:23
ScarraHey randall_06:23
randall_I'm actually about to install a printer as well so we can do it together06:24
ScarraOk that sounds good randall_06:25
randall_Scarra, lets hop into a new chat room so there isnt so much traffic06:25
ScarraOk sounds good06:25
randall_Scarra, join #randall06:25
slak_ExMachina: Thanks, fluxbox is what I needed.06:26
euti am trying to make a bootable USB drive to install 9.04. i'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html and am searching for 'vmlinuz' in http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ but cannot find it. where are the files i need to copy to the flash drive?06:31
lex0can someone help me create a partiton on my harddrive with partiton editor?06:31
euti'd like to use the graphical install so i went into gtk but i cant find vmlinuz anywhere06:31
Fretegitake care guys, night06:33
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lex0can someone help me create a partiton on my harddrive with partiton editor?06:33
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Ubuntu_n00b@lex0 try http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=ubuntu+partition06:35
silv3r_m00nhi there06:35
silv3r_m00nI compiling a program with allegro and getting errors like undefined reference to `XInitThreads'06:35
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silv3r_m00nis there some lib I need to install ?06:35
enovativcan anyone tell me why if I make the ip address of a virtual image of XP on VirtualBox static..i can't get out to the internet06:38
dolihi, i am not able to start firefox since i installed the latest ubuntu updates today morning.06:39
dolii also tried to launch firefox throught the terminal, however it says "Bus error"06:40
fuffaloif I want to run a command on boot up, after the network is established, where should i enter it06:42
glickshey is anyone running ubuntu netbook remix or running regular ubuntu on a eee 1000he netbook?06:44
satelliteDr Small06:44
satelliteMay 15th, 2008, 10:38 PM06:44
satelliteHackers are the good guys, crackers are the bad guys.06:44
satelliteAnti-hacker software on Ubuntu? That is like saying, you want to buy the book without the pages..06:44
FloodBot2satellite: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:44
bastidrazor!boot | fuffalo06:44
ubottufuffalo: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:44
lex0can someone please help me with the partiton i looked at demos and i still need assistance06:45
dolisame is the situation with epiphany06:45
dolican someone please help06:45
enovativcan anyone tell me why if I make the ip address of a virtual image of XP on VirtualBox static..i can't get out to the internet06:45
enovativthe host is using DHCP, and the guest (xp) is static...06:46
enovativcould the fact that the host is DHCP be the answer ?06:46
enovativcmdshftn: what part of carolina are you in ?06:47
enovativi have people in north carolina06:47
cmdshftnnot too far away06:48
cmdshftnbut never been06:48
nick_schembrilex0: what can i do to help06:48
enovativsame here about charolette06:48
fuffaloso i can add this to rc.local:  openvpn --config myconfig.conf, and it will run after the network has started up?06:48
donpdonphttp://pastie.org/513454 why wont virtualbox-ose uninstall?06:49
chalcedonyis this a good place to ask about Wine /mirc errors ? on ubuntu 8.4 http://paste.ubuntu.com/196810/ error06:49
mobi-sheepchalcedony: Why are you running mIRC under Wine?06:50
chalcedonymobi-sheep: because xchat is betraying me06:50
mobi-sheepchalcedony: How so?06:50
dsdeizwhy so?06:51
enovativchalcedony: try irssi06:51
dsdeizirssi ftw! :D06:51
enovativcan anyone help me out here?06:51
enovativcan anyone tell me why if I make the ip address of a virtual image of XP on VirtualBox static..i can't get out to the internet06:51
enovativirssi is a irc client06:51
enovativi am using it now06:51
bastidrazorenovativ, #vbox may have some answers06:52
enovativbastidrazor: thanks06:52
enovativforgot about that06:52
chalcedonymobi-sheep: my xchat has a bug in the gui, where you enter your data, usernames and server info .. it vanishes when i click .. so i can't use it to go to other servers on the bnc i'm forced to use because of ddos.06:52
lex0nick_schemri: ok partition editor wont let me create a new partiton06:52
lstarneschalcedony: which version of xchat?06:52
lex0nick_schemri: do you know what the problem might be?06:53
nick_schembriis this the gui tool or command line06:53
chalcedonylstarnes: good to see you 2.8.6 .. khisanth had me download this especially because the one that shipped with ubuntu 8.4 has a bug in logging06:53
lex0nick_schemri: Im nooby to ubuntu so its gui06:53
bastidrazorlex0, are you trying to use this on a mounted drive? if so the best way to go is use the liveCD then use gparted06:54
mobi-sheepchalcedony: You went XChat --> Network List --> Edit --> (all information here?)06:54
lex0bastidrazor: well am running this already from a mounted drive i want to create a new partiton to play games using windows06:55
chalcedonymobi-sheep: doesn't work.. i think this bug goes back to the begining of my xchat .. and i would hate to lose my legacy stuff06:55
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bastidrazorlex0, you can not edit a drive while it is mounted. you must unmount it first06:55
lex0bastidrazor: so i have to run in live cd06:55
oespiritCan somebody help me out with this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devmapper/+bug/358654 ? I did an upgrade and my system wont boot anymore06:56
nick_schembrilex0: yes06:56
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Ubuntu_n00bAloha from Hawaii.  If HPET is enabled and working, is a minimum burst still required by my HTB qdesc?06:56
mobi-sheepchalcedony: Meh.  I never had a problem with XChat.  It signed in my preferred channel + nickserv + and such.06:56
iceblockyaay im back06:56
bastidrazorlex0, yes06:56
iceblockfinally made it06:56
oespiritI have tried all the stuff mentioned in that thread - updating the initramfs doesnt work because my cpio cant detect anything in /bin/*06:56
eshaasehow come my gnome system monitor panel applet shows my cpu being used at 60% while top and gnome system monitor's top processes only show < 20%? am i missing something?06:57
chalcedonyhmm mobi-sheep ive been fighting that thing forever . they hate me in #xchat06:57
nick_schembrilex0: backup any data you cant live without just in case and use the livecd to resize the drive06:57
mobi-sheepchalcedony: You could try starting from scratch.  Rename your .xchat to something.06:59
mobi-sheepchalcedony: To see if the bug is reproductive.06:59
nick_schembribastidrazor: is lex0 going to run gparted from the command line06:59
bastidrazornick_schembri, in the liveCD he doesn't have to. he can if he wants07:00
chalcedonymobi-sheep: maybe i know i don't like the vanilla copies of the new versions but the old ones don07:00
Kartagiseven though I have the adobe-flashplugin installed, I get the message Please install the Flash Player!. why?07:00
chalcedonyt support the modes on undernet07:00
chalcedonyi just found this place where i can get old ones though ..07:00
nick_schembribastidrazor: what would you use to resize a drive07:01
bastidrazornick_schembri, gparted in the GUI from a liveCD07:01
silv3r_m00nhi there07:01
silv3r_m00nhow to convert .vob video file to avi or something similar on ubuntu ?07:02
chalcedonywhen i tried copying xchat my colors and settings didn't copy .. but that version still has the bug .. just no good stuff.07:02
lstarneschalcedony: which bug?07:02
mobi-sheepchalcedony: You copied the .xchat folder?07:02
racarteris it possible to get images from your tv on to your linux computer?07:02
`OnyxWhat's the console command to update gfx card drivers?07:03
`OnyxLike how kubuntu has envyng -t07:03
Khisanthmobi-sheep: it seems whoever set up her system has left it in a very screwed up state wrt xchat at least07:03
chalcedonylstarnes: when i put data into XChat --> Network List --> Edit --> (all information here?) it doesn't work07:03
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mobi-sheepracarter: Yes.  Assuming you have the coax card where you can plug the cable into.07:03
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racartermobi-sheep, i don't get why a card is needed07:04
Guest29572anybody able to help me with a sound issue in 9.04?07:04
Lartza_Can I somehow see nameserver addresses ubuntu is currently using?07:04
racarterI can connect a dvi-hdmi cable from the computer to an HD TV for example07:04
racarteri'm wondering if this can go two ways?07:04
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bastidrazorsilv3r_m00n, dvd::rip could.. mencoder could07:05
cbankordi have an onboard sound card and an audigy 2...my speakers are hooked up to my audigy 2 and i'm getting no sound. any idea how i could fix this?07:05
mobi-sheepracarter: No.  Not likely.  It was designed for output where you can project your screen out.07:06
chalcedonylstarnes: by doesn't work i mean when i put new username, new server info .. it doesnt change the main one.07:06
nick_schembribastidrazor: is it under the admin menu?07:06
fn][Hello ubuntu. I need some kind of addon that gives me a report of the latest hack attacks and brute force attempts. It would be nice if it could be emailed. What options are there for that?07:06
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bastidrazornick_schembri, i think you may need to install it .. use synaptic to install or in a terminal sudo apt-get install gparted07:07
racarterhmm.. i'm wondering if it's possible to use an ubuntu pc as a poor man's tivo? but you don't want to have to disconnect your cable from your tv every time...07:08
chalcedonyfn][: report how?07:08
fn][chalcedony, sent to me through email if possible07:08
chalcedonyand hack and brute force on what exactly?07:08
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=== Cable is now known as cbankord
chalcedonyfn][: it's too broad a field be specific07:09
chalcedonyhi adam07:09
cbankordi have an onboard sound card and an audigy 2...my speakers are hooked up to my audigy 2 and i'm getting no sound. any idea how i could fix this?07:10
fn][chalcedony, oh. I need reports of hack attempts basically, failed logins07:10
adamam very new to IRC07:10
fn][chalcedony, port scans too07:11
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nick_schembrilex0 bastidrazor  thinks the resize tool,gparted, meeds to be installed when running the livecd07:11
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:12
Khisanthchalcedony: changing those has no effect on the current connection, furthermore changing those have no effect on ANY connection if you are using a proxy or bouncer07:12
bastidrazorthe gparted liveCD may be a good way to go too..07:12
nick_schembriadam it ok. what can we do to help07:14
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=== solid_liqAFK is now known as SolidLiq
chalcedonyKhisanth: maybe i misunderstood someone, which would be lovely really. i have -psyBNC psyBNC2.3.2-7 Help (* = BounceAdmin only) .. to go to other servers/networks i have to put in a new user:realname (maybe change pass) and then newserver:port .. in order to USE that .. don't i have to have a new username that matches what i put in?07:15
gst-kapsI am having problems in linkedin on ubuntu ?07:16
gst-kaps#314713 any solution ?07:16
leguilleI heard this is the place to get some answers.07:17
stevecamleguille, it depends what you ask07:17
smacktalkI can't edit /etc/services even with sudo07:17
Khisanthchalcedony: if that is what the bouncer expects then yes07:18
smacktalkwhat am I doing wrong?07:18
gst-kaps#314713 any one please ?07:18
leguilleFirst time user with linux, and I am on BUNTU 9.04 Jacky. Problem is with video and memory issues with WINE07:18
bastidrazorsmacktalk, what command are you typing?07:18
chalcedonyKhisanth: so how do i do that?07:18
chalcedonyKhisanth: i'm not trying to be stupd (you may think i don't have to try).07:20
SubsanekЯ по русски говорю..07:20
Khisanthchalcedony: hmm let me just make a picture07:22
Tensai_How do I allow SFTP users write access? Do I change the directory permissions or their access rights?07:24
om26erplz tell me a codec pack07:24
spargonauthi all!  I have a network problem that I'm needing help with if anyone is interested in helping me come up with ideas07:24
om26era complete codec pack07:24
bastidrazor!codec | om26er07:24
ubottuom26er: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:24
glickshow do you put the 1000he eeepc in low power mode in ubuntu?07:25
BoohbahTensai_: users should have write access to their home directory by default07:25
glickslike disable bluetooth and stuff07:25
bastidrazorTensai_, you could allow everyone to have write access .. not the smartest route but your call07:25
Tensai_I created a link to a samba share in each users home directory - how do I let them write to it as well as read?07:26
spargonautno.  I just got a cable ISP installed today and it will only give an IP address to authenticated mac addresses07:26
chalcedonyKhisanth: Thank You :)07:26
spargonautso I'm trying to clone the mac address of another machine from my firewall, but I'm not sure if i should do it in /etc/network/interfaces or dhclient.conf or somewhere else07:26
spargonautbtw, i'm running shorewall as a firewall07:27
lololololis it possible to install ubuntu on a machine and then use it on some other one using the same hard disk?07:28
spargonautalthough you might have to reconfigure the xserver07:28
Tensai_bastidrazor - I created a link to a samba share in each users home directory - how do I let them write to it as well as read?07:28
juninhuhi there07:29
lololololspargonaut: anything other than screen resolution to be changed?07:29
spargonautahem, lololololol, yes but you might have to reconfigure your xserver07:29
juninhusomeone can help me to install Nvidia 7200GS?07:29
spargonautuhh, not that i can think of off the top of my head07:29
spargonautyou might need to change the driver that your using07:29
rob_pspargonaut, You can spoof the authenticated MAC by adding a line such as, "hwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:06" to your network config.07:29
spargonautrob, are you talking about in interfaces?07:29
lololololspargonaut: k. thanks. byebye07:29
spargonautor dhclient.conf07:29
rob_pspargonaut, /etc/network/interfaces, yes.07:30
spargonautmuch thanks07:30
FloodBot2spargonaut: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
juninhuplease... someone help me... my Nvidia 7200GS dont work in Ubuntu07:30
bastidrazorTensai_, with samba i'm unsure how that would work.07:30
lsemple_Hi, I recently had a power failure, and one of my drives now is not able to mount, and when I try fsck /dev/sdb1 I get http://pastebin.ca/146190507:30
rob_pspargonaut, I had to do the same thing on a cable connection a while back...07:30
rob_pspargonaut, Never had any issues with it...07:30
Tensai_I created a link to a samba share in the home directory of an SFTP user but they don't have write access. Anybody know how I might do that?07:31
bastidrazorTensai_, well.. the folder you've linked will have to allow each user write.. so the linked share will have to have 'everyone' allowed write access07:31
Khisanthchalcedony: hmm also just noticed but you don't have ident enabled ...07:31
spargonautrob_j: yea.  I knew it needed to be done although i've never done it from my firewall, i always had my linksys router do it. my network has since beefed up07:31
Khisanthchalcedony: does your setup look something like http://miyu.hopto.org:7020/setup.png ?07:31
Tensai_ok thank you07:31
chalcedonyKhisanth: i don't know why ident doesn't work .. my son said he's not going to look07:32
spargonautwill that work even though I'm using that interface with dhcp ( sorry for all the question, i have to kill my internet connection to implement it )07:32
rob_pspargonaut, Might as well utilize the power of Linux for your firewall.  Get rid of the Linksys... or put dd-wrt or tomato firmware on it (both Linux-based).07:32
Khisanthchalcedony: well there are two obvious reasons and a million not obvious07:32
lsemple_I guess I have a bad superblock, anyone know how to fix this ?07:32
Khisanthchalcedony: if you run 'ps | grep ident' does it print out anything?07:33
chalcedonyKhisanth: i'll try that07:33
pigoli have lost my taskbar after upgrading to 9.0407:33
rob_pspargonaut, Hmmm... never tried it with dhcp.  But it couldn't hurt to try.07:33
pigolany suggestions ????07:33
spargonautrob_j, yea, the linksys ( now running dd-wrt ) has been isolated to a seperate subnet in a dmz, i have shorewall running on a dedicated firewall atm07:33
chalcedonyKhisanth: ~$ ps | grep ident07:33
rob_pspargonaut, I had a, "dynamic" IP but my provide never once changed the IP it issued so I just put it in as static and it worked that way for over a year.07:34
bastidrazorpigol, what version of ubuntu?07:34
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gst-kapslinkedin not working on ubuntu ?07:34
bastidrazorpigol, are you meaning the top and bottom panel on the screen?07:34
pigolbottom panel07:34
pigolactually i was using avant-manager in 8.0407:35
spargonautrob_j: yea, thats what i've found to be the case in the past, but the first hop in my network was always the linksys in the past.  at this point, my network is too large and convoluted to go rearranging things07:35
Khisanthchalcedony: so you probably don't even have an ident daemon running ...07:35
bastidrazorpigol, click on the top panel and add panel .. then you can drag the panel tot he bottom and add things you want on that panel07:35
rob_pspargonaut, Just be ready to troubleshoot a sudden network outtage due to new IP reallocation if it happens.  I figured it was worth the relatively small chance.  Never did happen.07:35
chalcedonyKhisanth: if he controls the firewall, is that something that would even be possible for me to rectifiy? we HAD it running07:35
bastidrazorpigol, cairo-dock may be a good replacement for AWN07:35
Khisanthchalcedony: well if it's not running the firewall won't matter07:36
lampliterI could use some help with disk performance issues on 8.10.  every time an application starts hitting the disk hard,  the laptop freezes and windows grey out07:36
Khisanthchalcedony: but if it IS running the firewall will also have to let it through07:36
lampliterthe disk is sata and a modern one but this is weird07:36
spargonautrob_p: yea, totally.  i've got a backup network in place atm to keep the waf high, so if there is a problem, i can easily switch back07:37
spargonautrob_p: alright, i'm kicking off now, going to attempt the fix.  I'll report back progress immediatly after.  Thanks for the input07:38
chalcedonyKhisanth: ty for telling me about it, it's something to look at after i figure out how to to connect better with the BNC maybe?07:38
rob_pspargonaut, Ok.  Good luck!07:38
georgeofthejunglwhat does "install a symbolic link onto the path" mean?07:38
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Khisanthchalcedony: what error do you get when you try to connect to the BNC?07:40
chalcedonyKhisanth: i'm on it now, but i can't get it to use the other names.07:41
c0l2ehow can I modify the current /var/log/messages or system log to more details?07:41
Khisanthchalcedony: what do you mean by other names?07:41
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glickshmm on my eeepc in th elive cd i can connect to non secure networks but not secure networks07:42
Khisanthchalcedony: if you need to connect to the bouncer using multiple usernames then you would need to create multiple "networks" in the network list07:42
c0l2eis there a config in ubuntu that makes /var/log/messages more verbose?07:42
chalcedonyi thought about doing that .. but the BNC is in the network list .. so how do i do that?07:43
chalcedonyoops Khisanth07:43
georgeofthejunglwhat does "install a symbolic link onto the path" mean?07:43
=== test is now known as myself
Khisanthchalcedony: just click +Add in the Network List give it a name and just fill it in like the other one07:44
chalcedonyKhisanth: and that's where i have my bug, stuff vanishes.07:45
Khisanthchalcedony: between restarts or ...?07:46
chalcedonyKhisanth: thats why i do it in servilist_conf  but unless there are more lines i don't know the letters of.. i dont know how to alter the names there07:46
chalcedonyKhisanth: i can't fill in the form07:46
chalcedonyKhisanth: i put the data and it doesnt stay or if i click it's all gone07:46
juninhusomeone can help me to install Nvidia 7200GS?07:47
Khisanthchalcedony: everything in the Edit window?07:47
chalcedonyjuninhu: you've been asking a while.. are there instructions somewhere?07:47
AdolaHi I need some one on one help with setting up a chroot32 for a program...Can someone PLEASE help?07:49
georgeofthejunglwhat does "install a symbolic link onto the path" mean?07:51
georgeofthejunglwhat does "install a symbolic link onto the path" mean?07:51
spargonaut_rob_p: still there:07:51
rob_pspargonaut_, Yes.07:51
hot_wheelzJust wondering if anyone has noticed a differece when it comes to  activating propriatary graphics card drivers under 8.10 and 9.04 - 8.10 this works fine 9.04 doeesn't it just falls over...Has anyone else noticed this?...I don't think it's just me because there appears to be a few threads about the issue07:51
chalcedonyKhisanth: everything i put in the edit box .. vanishes and does not show in the Connect window.07:52
hot_wheelzi think somthing may have been broken between versions this why it falls over07:52
jeremy_how do i determine what my ip address is07:52
AdolaHi I need some one on one help with setting up a chroot32 for a program...Can someone PLEASE help?07:52
spargonaut_well, apparently, i was able to get an IP address by adding in the line you suggested, although i was unable to get out07:52
spargonaut_jeremy: open a command line and type: ifconfig07:52
gaveengeorgeofthejungl, that means creating a symbolic link to something in a place which is included in the $PATH variable Eg: in /bin, /usr/bin07:53
chalcedonyjeremy_:  http://www.whatsmyip.org/07:53
rob_pspargonaut_, No traffic flow at all?07:53
hot_wheelzmy card is an ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series like i said worked in 8.10 fine.....Even after upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 it stayed activated but when I did a fresh install and tried activating it tries then falls over07:53
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gaveengeorgeofthejungl, the command to use is => ln -s07:53
georgeofthejunglgaveen: what is a symbolic link?07:53
krupyHi, I have some problems with sound in 9.0407:54
hot_wheelzhas there been a bug report abouut this?07:54
spargonaut_rob_p: I was able to ping the dhcp server, but not able to surf.  something tells me i wasn't getting my DNS addys right07:54
spargonaut_ahem, receiving them right07:54
gaveengeorgeofthejungl, think of it as a shortcut in Windows world. There are two types of links in Unix. Hard and Soft (symbolic)07:54
rob_pspargonaut_, Put them in manually.07:54
ramramcould some one help me remove the older version of Glib http://paste.debian.net/39239/ ??07:54
rob_pspargonaut_, /etc/resolv.conf07:54
cwilluwhat's the name of the current program for burning iso's?07:55
Khisanthchalcedony: http://scsys.co.uk:8001/29818 meaning of the letters07:55
ccookeAdola: you need a 32-bit chroot, yes?07:55
spargonaut_rob_p: ahh yea, i guess i could do that.  ok, before i disconnect again, do you have any other suggestions?  I think you know what my problem is and have been there before07:55
georgeofthejunglso it creats a short cut where?07:56
Adolaccooke: Yes!07:56
bastidrazorcwillu, brasero for gnome.. k3b for kde07:56
Adolaccooke: I'm trying to install XMBC on a 64 bit machine07:56
cwillubrasero, thanks07:56
chalcedonyKhisanth: THANK YOU !! .. do we give up on the gui thing then?07:56
chalcedonyZaraphrax: nice nick .. i like Zs07:57
spargonaut_rob_p: alright, i'll brb07:57
Khisanthchalcedony: meh the GUI thing sounds too weird07:57
rob_pspargonaut_, Nope.  Just take it one step at a time.07:57
gaveengeorgeofthejungl, wherever you specify. According to what you said you need to create a symlink to something inside your path07:57
Khisanthchalcedony: I can't think of any reason for that07:57
ccookeAdola: right. I've not used that myself, but I can show you how to build the chroot easily07:57
Khisanthchalcedony: you can ignore the D, should just be 007:57
georgeofthejunglgaveen: i have no idea what you're talking about07:57
chalcedonyKhisanth: i know, it shouldnt be that way . it just IS .. it always has been weird07:57
Adolaccooke: Can we do this in a P.M. please?07:57
AdolaAs to make it less confusing?07:57
Khisanthchalcedony: for F just add up the options hyou want07:58
rikki_maxanyone having problems with firefox on intrepid i.e. goes full screen after maximise and looses its border ext.07:58
gaveengeorgeofthejungl, :) you said "what does "install a symbolic link onto the path" mean?" So what are you actually trying to do?07:58
chalcedonyKhisanth: is a bouncer a proxy ?07:58
ccookeAdola: sure, check your queries.07:59
Khisanthchalcedony: similar but no07:59
Lartza_Is there any other bittorrent client than transmission? It doesn't have max active torrents setting. I would need one that is lightweight and has some kind of schedule07:59
krupysound in apps and media players is ok, but in some games: warzone, supertux2,supertuxkart, openarena, but in enemy teritorry and urban terror it is all right07:59
cwilluLartza_, I use deluge07:59
Khisanthchalcedony: but it doesn't really matter unless you have something set in Settings->Preferences->Proxy Server07:59
georgeofthejunglgaveen: im installing google earth, and it has a check box for "install a symbolic link onto the path" and then there is a text box preceded by "Binary path:".08:00
Lartza_deluge is good, it has been buggy for me though, but ill try that if there is nothing new08:00
chalcedonyKhisanth: ok so that doesn't matter.  . so i need a separate entry with the psybncys' ip for each username and then tell the psybnc which serever:ip  ?08:00
Lartza_deluge last tried 0.8.x08:00
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P08:00
darkdelusionsSilly Questions I have my ubuntu media server setup to auto login and for boxee to auto start is there a way to configure gnome key ring to no prompt me for a the keyring password so wireless auto signs in08:01
Khisanthchalcedony: yes08:01
chalcedonyKhisanth: ok that makes sense now :)08:01
Khisanthchalcedony: so the I, i, and U lines will be different but the S lines will be the same08:01
chalcedonyi really appreciate your taking the time to do this :)08:01
chalcedonyKhisanth: ok :)08:02
chalcedonyer no08:02
Khisanthalso ... talking about it this way is much easier than talking about a GUI -_-08:02
chalcedonyYES IT IS!!08:02
chalcedonybut no08:02
Khisanthno to what?08:02
georgeofthejunglgaveen: im installing google earth, and it has a check box for "install a symbolic link onto the path" and then there is a text box preceded by "Binary path:".08:02
gaveengeorgeofthejungl, better to tick that. Which means you'll be able to launch google earth from a terminal also after the installation. Try /usr/local/bin as the binary path08:02
chalcedonythe S line is the BNC - always the same ip08:02
cwilludarkdelusions, system | preferences | encryption and keyrings has the option I believe08:02
cwilludarkdelusions, actually, that might be wrong08:03
Khisanthchalcedony: that is what I said :P08:03
Khisanth"S lines will be the same"08:03
chalcedonyKhisanth: you're right - i read it backwards08:03
cwilludarkdelusions, might be as simple as editing the connection (right click the network applet) and selecting 'available to all users'08:04
chalcedonyKhisanth: i think i can fool with it from here . i hope so anyway :) thanks a lot !08:04
cactusfroganyways i installed ubuntu inside windows something that i have done before on this computer08:05
cactusfrogbut i don't get that menue while booting up08:05
Khisanthchalcedony: well remember you need to save the while while xchat is NOT running08:05
cactusfrogthe one that asks me to select my os08:05
darkdelusionscwillu: Cool I didnt see that option let me go try that :)08:05
chalcedonyKhisanth: i guess ill copy them somewhere and put it all back next time i resteart then :)08:06
ideamonkI'm connected to a proxy for internet via a wired medium and i want to share internet through wireless sharing on other laptop. How can i do so ?08:06
darkdelusionscwillu: everything I seem to find refers to setting up pam08:06
Khisanthchalcedony: and that first "while" should have been "file"08:06
limpchas anyone had any success using Metisse on ubuntu jaunty?08:06
chalcedonyKhisanth: ok08:06
chalcedonyit lets you force .. is that bad?08:07
cactusfroganyways i installed ubuntu inside windows something that i have done before on this computer but i don't get that menue while booting up. the one that asks me to select my os.08:07
cactusfrogHow do i fix it08:07
ideamonkI created an ad-hoc network .. i'm connected to the innternet and the other computer is connected to me via wireless, i suppose this will do internet sharing ?08:07
chalcedonycactusfrog: i can see why that could be a problem (no idea what to tell you but i  appreciate your situation)08:07
cactusfrogchalcedony: :S08:08
spargonautrob_p: back, and i think i figured out my problem08:08
rob_pspargonaut, Do tell...08:08
spargonautrob_p: I'm able to get out and resolve hostnames from my firewall, although, since its also running a dhcp server, its not forwarding on the DNS servers08:09
darkdelusionscwillu: that was way to simple no wonder i couldnt find the the option.... It was so simple it kinda makes me sick :)08:09
rob_pspargonaut, Install dnsmasq and you'll be set.08:09
limpccactusfrog: http://forums.techarena.in/guides-tutorials/1162662.htm08:09
cwilludarkdelusions, :)08:09
ramramKhisanth, hello08:10
cactusfroglimpc:  thanks all check it out08:10
rob_pspargonaut, dnsmasq is a dhcp server and DNS proxy for your internal hosts.08:10
rob_pspargonaut, ...just in case you weren't familiar with it.08:10
spargonautdnsmasq huh?  I might have to look into that.  I had it forwarding them at one point, but I can't remember where i configured it to do so.08:10
suokkoIs there anything that I should do about launchpad failing when I try to report bug with ubuntu-bug tool? I'm using Karmic. Launcpad gives error: Oops! Something just went wrong in launcpad. ...08:10
suokkoExtra problem is that I'm reporting bug that causes my USB support death in boot so I don't have mouse :(08:11
limpchas anyone had any success using Metisse on ubuntu jaunty?08:11
rob_pspargonaut, I use it on my VPN servers so that clients coming in on the VPN can use the server as a namserver as well.08:11
tv7497guys i am trying to set up a mail server i just got stuck up a little help please i run jaunty on a 64bit machine08:11
ideamonkHow can i share internet connection on wireless networks?08:12
spargonautrob_p: nah, i'm sure not.  I'm running dhcp3-server atm, and honestly, its not even an ubuntu system, its straight debian. :D  The desktop i'm working on is ubuntu ( myth )  and this is the first channel the IRC client I just installed kicked me into.  I figured it would work08:12
medjrcan i make my ubuntu an internet wifi gateway ?08:12
rob_pspargonaut, You can use iptables to configure forwarding of DNS but it's probably easier to just use dnsmasq.  It does a really good job of handling both dhcp and DNS.08:13
rishhow to change wordpress version on my website?08:13
rob_pspargonaut, I used to use dhcp3-server too... did away with it when I discovered dnsmasq.08:13
moochooHey all - is anybody intelligent available to help me get a Jaunty install playing nice across the LAN with XP?08:14
WBCI am having a hardtime trying to get Gparted to format my external harddrive as NTFS08:14
spargonautrob_p, the unfortunate part about that though, is that i've got several hosts assigned static IPs through dhcp-server, mainly b/c i don't have a local dns machine08:14
WBCCould anyone help08:14
medjrcan i make my ubuntu an internet wifi gateway ??? :(08:15
rob_pspargonaut, From a server perspective, there's not too much difference with Debian, especially since Ubuntu is a Debian-derivative.08:15
rob_pspargonaut, dnsmasq can be configured to hand out specific IPs based on end-user MAC addresses.08:15
spargonautrob_p: yea, I know, thats why I'm here. :D.  actually, most of the *nix machines I run are debian08:15
rob_pspargonaut, You ought to at least look into it...08:16
spargonautrob_P: i know, i know, i just don't want to have to reconfigure it again.  <-- LAZY08:16
suokkomedjr: Google for NAT routing with iptables08:16
spargonautrob_p: but yea, i'm def gonna look into it08:16
suokkomedjr: Probably what you are looking for08:17
rob_pspargonaut, I think it'll server your purposes at least as well (probably better).08:17
spargonautWBC: use windows08:17
rob_pspargonaut, *serve*08:17
moochooIs anybody available to help me get a Jaunty install playing nice across the LAN with XP?08:17
spargonautrob_p: oh, i'm sure it will.  you're just hell bent on me installing it aren't you?08:17
spargonautrob_p: btw, thanks for all the help, i appreciate it08:18
WBCspargonaut, unable to use windows to format it, when windows is trying to format it through the XP CD it says: blablabla now trying to format, however this disk does not contain a windows xp-compatible partition08:18
rob_pspargonaut, Nope!  You can do as you see fit.  Just nudging you in the, "right" direction...08:18
rob_pspargonaut, np08:18
rob_pspargonaut, good luck.08:18
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spargonautWBC: sorry, i'm unfamiliar with the error blablabla.  have you tried fdisk from the command line?08:19
WBCspargonaut, no, how to08:19
limpchas anyone had any success using Metisse on ubuntu jaunty? all the links to installing/using Metisse on ubuntu are dead.08:20
WBCspargonaut, the disk is /dev/sdb08:20
ramramI want to install gtk 2.16, and since its not availabe in debs so have to build from source, i've installed Glib 2.19.10 since it's a dependency but i've still have the older version of Glib still lingering around the system, how to remove that??08:20
ramrampaste of ./configure of gtk 2.16 http://paste.debian.net/39239/08:20
spargonautWBC: man fdisk08:20
ectospasmramram: good luck, a lot of the packages on your system depend on glibc08:21
ectospasmramram: you cannot change it lightly08:21
WBCspargonaut, Would you please write what I exactly have to type in if I want to format /dev/sdb as NTFS?08:21
moochooAnybody able to help me find out why I'm getting the error [Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server] every time I try and access my local network? Fresh install 9.0408:21
NeconideWhat handles sound in Ubuntu08:22
ramramectospasm, so in short i cant upgrade to gtk 2.1608:22
rob_pWBC, Why NTFS?08:22
WBCrob_p, going to install windows XP on it08:22
ectospasmNeconide: what do you mean "sound"?  pulseaudio does most of the sound on a stock system.08:22
Neconidebecause sometimes flash will freeze, and loop an annoying half second of a sound over and over.08:22
tv7497guys do anyone one here runs a mail server ?08:22
rob_pWBC, Then just let the Windows installer take care of it.08:22
ectospasmNeconide: that's probably pulseaudio08:23
Neconideectospasm: is there a way to reset it from terminal without rebooting08:23
WBCrob_p, check what I wrote above: unable to use windows to format it, when windows is trying to format it through the XP CD it says: blablabla now trying to format, however this disk does not contain a windows xp-compatible partition08:23
Neconideor disable/renable etc08:23
ectospasmNeconide: try this as your user (not root):  ps -ef | grep pulseaudio08:23
Hosslooking for a command to check default audio device.  asoundconf isnt doing the trick.08:23
ectospasmNeconide: find the running process, and kill it08:23
rob_pWBC, Use fdisk to remove the existing partitions and try again.08:23
ectospasmHoss: try padevchooser08:24
spargonautWBC: *sigh*  open a command line, type: 'fdisk /dev/sdb' and read the menu options to figure out what you need to do.  sorry, you'll need to be a big boy for this part.  partition your disk, and give it the ID for NTFS.  then use the command: mkfs to create the filesystem. you will need more flags and arguments to format it correctly.  try: man mkfs and work on some of your reading skills08:24
Neconideectospasm: neconide  6344  6341  0 Jun13 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper08:24
Neconideectospasm: (there's more than that) but which one is the PID08:24
spargonautWBC: sorry, without reading the man pages myself, thats all I can think of off the top of my head.  And if I can read the man pages, so can you08:25
ectospasmNeconide: look for this line:  /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start08:25
Hossectospasm: padevchooser says it isnt installed.  Isnt there an audio mixer like in windows?08:25
Neconideectospasm: not there08:25
ectospasmspargonaut: watch out, I've been chided in here for spouting RTFM08:25
moochooAnybody able to help me find out why I'm getting the error [Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server] every time I try and access my local network? Fresh install 9.0408:25
ideamonkHow can i share internet connection on wireless networks? , the internet connection is a wired one via proxy.08:26
ectospasmmoochoo: do you need to set up a WINS server for your network (or rather, is one already set up)?08:26
Neconideectospasm: neconide@infected:~$ ps -ef | grep pulseaudio                          neconide  6341     1  1 Jun13 ?        00:48:25 /usr/bin/pulseaudio -D --log-target=syslog                    neconide  6344  6341  0 Jun13 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper            neconide  9233  9198  0 03:24 pts/2    00:00:00 grep pulseaudio             neconide@infected:~$08:26
ectospasmNeconide: what version of Ubuntu are you using?08:26
Neconideectospasm: 8.1008:26
ectospasmthat pulseaudio -D one is the one you want.08:26
ectospasmNeconide: Aha!08:27
ectospasmUpgrade to 9.0408:27
openrosWhen i connect in to a VPN network, my internet in the local network goes down. Is there any way to be both in the VPN connection and have internet08:27
ectospasmI haven't had that short loop problem since I upgraded.08:27
Neconideectospasm: I suppose I might08:27
moochooectospasm: not sure, in trying to figure it out I have installed and configured Samba, and setup an xp box to use WINS, all to no avail :(08:27
Neconideectospasm: you have an x86 processor?08:27
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Neconideectospasm: because ive been having TONS of bugs due to my amd08:27
ectospasmNeconide: x86_64, but in 8.10 I was running i38608:27
ectospasmNeconide: what sorts of bugs?08:28
Neconideectospasm: when upgrading does it just update the sys files or does it need to reconstruct the OS -- wiping all data?08:28
rob_popenros, You shouldn't lose coms with your local subnet, even if a new default route is pushed to you from the VPN server.  If you are, then something is misconfigured.08:28
ectospasmNeconide: that depends08:28
Neconideectospasm: random terminal/firefox/pidgin bugs08:28
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ectospasmNeconide: does your data and all other software exist on one partition?08:28
spargonautectospasm: thanks for the warning.  I just didn't want to hose the kids setup by " please write what I exactly have to type in if"08:28
Hossectospasm:  after installing Padevchooser, how do I set my default audio device?08:29
Neconideectospasm: I have winblowsXP and ubuntu 8.10 on the same partition08:29
ectospasmspargonaut: yeah, I hear you08:29
ectospasmNeconide: wubi?08:29
ectospasmHoss: it's in the chooser, choose volume control08:29
openrosrob_p, as soon as i connect to the VPN, i have access only to the VPN network. My internet in the local network is cut.08:29
Neconideectospasm: yep08:29
Neconideectospasm: was having trouble switching bootup to cdrom08:30
ectospasmNeconide: well, then...  I don't know how to help you except maybe move all your data to another device, then wipe and reinstall08:30
Hossectospasm:  I am getting a connectio failed: connection refused, when I run the volume control.08:30
tv7497guys what would be a domain name in general in a jaunty desktop edition ?08:30
stealth-that message thats played on a new bash prompt, but what file controls that?08:31
ectospasmHoss: restart pulse audio (/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart)08:31
ectospasmstealth-: /etc/motd08:31
stealth-ectospasm: thanks08:31
FeasibilityStudy::hates pulseaudio::08:31
Neconideectospasm: well I'd love to do that but I'm too lazy. Is it possible to create a _new_ partition within ubuntu? I want to install slackware08:31
moochooectospasm: I am able to smb:// and view the shared files on the xp box...08:31
Neconideectospasm: I have more than enough HDD space to hold it08:31
rob_popenros, Well, sometimes that is a constraint purposely put in place by the admin for security reasons.  Did you build the VPN server or do you admin it?08:31
ectospasmNeconide: not unless you have a chunk of free space08:32
ectospasmNeconide: so make another wubi part, and go!08:32
openrosrob_p, my admin did it.08:32
Neconideectospasm: Well I have 700GB free in this partition, would 'Unallocated' be free HDD space or is that a partition within itself08:32
ectospasmunallocated to any existing partition.08:33
thureinubuntu 9.04 , compaq cq 45, sound driver doesnt work. any solution??08:33
Hossectospasm: is it bad that pulseaudio isnt installed?  I am installing it atm, I just remember there being some issues with having it.08:33
ectospasmNow, gparted can probably resize it, but I don't know how well that will work with wubi08:33
scarraSo is it possible to use a zune with ubuntu08:33
openrosrob_p, can i create a virtual connection like, which uses the local network, and the browsers to use that virtual conneciton08:33
rob_popenros, My first comment applies to a, "generic install" of say, OpenVPN.  Unless you take extra steps to further lock things down, you should continue to have access.08:33
ectospasmHoss: pulseaudio is the default in Ubuntu since at least 8.1008:33
MBRHow do i install GRUB?08:34
ectospasmHoss: AFAIK you have to consciously remove it not to use it.08:34
ectospasmfunny name, asking a question like that MBR08:34
lich0rgood night guys, may all of your questions be answered :p08:34
Neconideectospasm: gparted doesn't allow the creation of new partitions, only partition tables.08:34
rob_popenros, But really, there are so many ways to configure and limit the end user's access when it comes to VPN.08:34
ectospasmIs there a dog?08:34
ectospasmNeconide: explain to me the difference.08:34
moochooanybody with any ubuntu-->xp networking experience available to help?08:35
Neconideectospasm: A partition table is your table of partitions. I.E. /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 they all exist within the partition table.08:35
moochooi'll love you forever08:35
Hossectospasm:  Yeah, I think I had to remove it for something, beta flash plug-in, or getting ventrillo to work or something,  Dont remember, I had my USB head set as default audio device and everything worked.  I got rid of them, and no sound.08:35
AdolaI'm installing deboostrap, can someone help me install some stuff with it?08:35
thureinI get sound problem on ubuntu 9.04 with compaq CQ 4508:35
MBRDoes anyone knwo how to uninstall linux along with grub and return to windows without formatting anything?08:35
openrosrob_p, if i disconnect from the vpn, i have a perfect internet access. It means my internet is always available....08:35
ectospasmNeconide: and how do you add partitions?  By editing the partition table!08:35
thureinany way to solve it??08:35
ectospasmthurein: be more specific as to what your sound problem is08:35
Neconideectospasm: right but gparted only lets you create _new_ partition tables08:35
rob_popenros, With out knowing the VPN server configuration, you will have to get with your admin for assistance.  All we can do is guess...08:35
kj4MBR  boot the XP disk and do the fixmbr command08:36
Hossectospasm:  going to try a restart.08:36
* moochoo raises hand - "pick me! pick me!"08:36
ectospasmNeconide: gparted *should* allow you to resize partitions, IIRC08:36
thureinectospasm: i am totally beginner, so how to specify my sound card??08:36
MBRkj4: problem is i dont have a disk :(08:36
Neconideectospasm: it's a relatively easy task in windows vista but seems to be just as hard in winXP as it is in Ubuntu08:36
kj4MBR or you can dowload the super grub disk and it can repair the xp mbr too08:36
MBRand im on vista.08:36
ectospasmthurein: I dunno, mine *just works*!08:36
rob_popenros, Also, what software are you utilizing for the VPN (both server and client)?08:36
MBRIt doesnt work for some reason08:36
kj4MBR i thinks the super grub disk can fix dat08:37
MBRsuper grub doesnt work...08:37
Neconideectospasm: resize, but not create. I don't have any partitions that aren't in use08:37
kj4MBR oh.  ok.08:37
Lartza_Ok, so I still need an torrent client08:37
ectospasmah, that's right, they have to be unmounted08:37
Lartza_transmission and deluge dont fit08:37
kj4MBR i have a recommendation08:37
ectospasmNeconide: so boot the LiveCD and use gparted from that08:37
Lartza_transmission cant limit active torrents and deluge cant schedlue08:37
MBRkj4: yes?08:37
ectospasmNeconide: make sure you back up all your data BEFORE doing any of this!08:37
* moochoo starts to cry08:37
kj4MBR you sure you want to hear it?08:38
MBRkj4: yes.08:38
thureinectospasm: from internet, i have to know it is HDA ICH908:38
Lartza_and lightweight torrent client08:38
Neconideectospasm: I don't think you're getting it. gparted doesn't allow you to in any way -create a new partition- / and none of the partitions i have aren't in literal use08:38
ectospasmmoochoo: are you positive you're supplying the SMB/CIFS credentials properly?08:38
ectospasmNeconide: I didn't think that was your problem08:38
kj4MBR don't run vista.  vista is awful.  there. i said it.  we were all thinking it, but only I had the guts to say it08:38
moochooectospasm, any way I can find out for sure?08:38
Neconideectospasm: I need to create a new partition. lol08:38
ectospasmmoochoo: smbclient --help08:38
ectospasmmoochoo: then smbclient -L <share>, and enter the password you *think* it should be using.08:39
MBRkj4: i guess that's your opinion.08:39
innociver so how do I set up a new user that is limited to a folder say /home/site/public/folder, and doesn't even have read access to anything before that folder?08:39
ectospasmNeconide: you need to resize the existing ones first, no?08:39
MBRanyway is there a way to remove grub anyone?08:39
Neconideectospasm: O/T, you're quite the multi-tasker, you seem to be helping a handful of people. lol08:39
MBRGoogled for 3 days and nothing -.-08:40
ectospasminnociv: that's gonna be hard08:40
Neconideectospasm: right but I have more than enough memory in Unallocated to support an operating system08:40
scarraSo is there anyway possible to use the zune on Ubuntu08:40
innocivectospasm, really?..08:40
Neconideectospasm: the only problem is creating a new partition08:40
ectospasmNeconide: so use your tool of choice, fdisk, cfdisk (prolly easier), etc.08:40
Titan8990innociv, http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/08:40
Neconideectospasm: alright I'll read up on cfdisk. thanks :D08:40
ectospasminnociv: if a user does not have access to /home, they will not have access to /home/user08:40
spargonautrob_p:  quick question about dnsmasq, it says it provides a dns server for the LAN, but I'm curious if it enables the use of hostnames from other clients on the LAN.  do you know?08:40
Titan8990innociv, chroot jail is really only way, what you are trying to do is not practical however08:40
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innocivjailkit will keep them from READING files too?08:41
AdolaI need help with chroot08:41
rob_pspargonaut, gotta run for a bit...08:41
ectospasminnociv: you've gotta keep enough operating environment in the chroot08:42
spargonautrob_p: k. in any case, thanks for the help, i'll do some more looking into dnsmasq, thanks for the point in the right direction08:42
moochooectospasm, Anonymous Login Successful...08:42
ectospasmmoochoo: did it list the shares?08:42
moochooectospasm, yeah08:42
kj4MBR  are you familiar with the WAIK package from MS?08:42
ectospasmOK, then what /etc/fstab (or whatever) has listed for the credentials is probably wrong.08:43
moochooectospasm, findsmb returns no entries, if thats any help...08:43
ectospasmmoochoo: I'm not familiar with that program08:43
moochooectospasm, cool thanks anyway08:43
ectospasmOh, well, my Windows networking crap just works, but of course I don't actually connect to Windows very often (-;08:43
randallglick, hi08:44
randallglick, what is your question08:44
Adolarandall, can you help me with a 32bit chroot in a 64bit os?08:44
ectospasmrandall: maybe they're in here to help out?08:44
moochooectospasm,  yeah lol neither, im just trying to get my linux box to share my drives with my mrs, who's running xp08:44
glickrandall, trying to see if anyone has any first hand experience running ubuntu on a 1000he eee08:45
randallectospasm, true dat haha08:45
randallAdola, never played around with 64bit sorry08:45
ectospasmheh, even back when I was a Windows weenie SMB networking was the blackest voodoo magic when you didn't have a domain controller08:45
randallglick, is that one of the eeepcs?08:45
ectospasm...if the Gods deemed you unfit to have network sharing, you don't got it.08:45
glickyes randall08:46
jumpingjackglick, i have it on my eeepc 1000h :P08:46
randallglick, i think they make a specific ubuntu sub-version for those08:46
ectospasmmoochoo: you can set up a domain controller08:46
ectospasm...on  your Ubuntu PC08:46
glickjumpingjack, the regular ubuntu or netbook remix08:46
ectospasmmoochoo: (samba can be one)08:47
Neconideectospasm:  FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive - Press any key to exit cfdisk08:47
moochooectospasm, i've got samba installed08:47
MBRkj4: No im not familiar with that.08:47
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Neconideectospasm: I used cfdisk /dev/sda (all my partitions begin with /dev/sda)08:47
ectospasmNeconide: did you say "cfdisk /dev/for/hd?08:47
moochooectospasm, frustrating the *HELL* out of me08:47
ectospasmNeconide: sometimes cfdisk has problems08:47
moochooectospasm, it's been over 8 1/2 hours since I started trying to work this out08:47
ectospasmNeconide: try fdisk08:47
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jumpingjackglick, nbr, but it looks and works like regular ubuntu, without some preinstalled packages and another desktop interface, that you can switch to normal )08:47
ectospasmmoochoo: so take a break08:47
Neconideectospasm: alright, thanks.08:48
kj4MBR:  check that out: http://tinyurl.com/ykoo3x08:48
moochooectospasm, i've taken many lol08:48
ectospasmjumpingjack: I'm excited to try UNR on my Samsung N110 when it gets here!08:48
glickjumpingjack, does it handle the power better?08:48
ectospasmmoochoo: take one equal to the amount of time you've spent on this08:48
kj4MBR allegedly it contains the tools you need to fix a vista MBR08:48
Neconideectospasm: neconide@infected:~$ fdisk /dev/sda Unable to open /dev/sda08:48
glickjumpingjack, you dual boot it?08:48
Neconideectospasm: could it have anything to do with wubi?08:48
moochooectospasm, but then I'll NEVER get it sorted lol08:48
glickwith windows xp?08:48
jumpingjackglick, better then what?08:48
ectospasmNeconide: does /dev/sda exist?08:48
glickmy netbook came with windows XP08:49
Neconideectospasm: it's what my partitions are on08:49
jumpingjackglick, no i only installed ubuntu08:49
glickjumpingjack, i heard that regular ubuntu will hog the battery like nothing08:49
moochooectospasm, its more annoying than your usual problem, because it involves networking and nobody likes helping sort out other peoples networking problems08:49
ectospasmNeconide: "ls /dev/sd*" <- Does /dev/sda exist?08:49
jumpingjackglick, my battery works about 5 hours with nbr08:49
Neconideectospasm: yes // /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda3  /dev/sda4  /dev/sda508:49
ectospasmmoochoo: hey, look, I'm trying, even though I'm almost as blind as Ray Charles used to be.08:50
kj4glick, i heard that too, i installed unbuntu nerdbookremix on my dell mini 9, then turned off the silly looking interface and it works great for months now08:50
moochooectospasm, lol its all good man - thanks :)08:50
Neconideectospasm: I feel like an idiot, i forgot to sudo08:50
ideamonkHow can i share internet connection on wireless networks? , the internet connection is a wired one via proxy.08:50
ectospasmThat's why I always sudo -i if I'm gonna be doing some serious root work08:50
Neconideectospasm: sudo cfdisk /dev/sda08:50
glickkj4, ima dual boot first, because i heard there were networking issues with the 1000he08:51
ectospasmI'm gonna dual boot my Samsung simply because I'll probably need Windows for school.08:51
kj4glick i think you can make a live USB stick to test that out08:51
ectospasmkj4: yeah, it's on the wiki08:51
Neconideectospasm: ah08:51
Neconideectospasm: go with vista if you have <4gb RAM08:52
Neconideectospasm: otherwise its slow as fuck08:52
ectospasm<?  I thought the sweetspot was at 4GB08:52
ectospasmOh, you meant >08:52
Neconideectospasm: yeah lol08:52
scarraWho has a zune?08:52
ectospasmNope, the Samsung comes with XP Home (blech08:52
Neconideectospasm: it's 3am. that's my excuse. :P08:52
innocivhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248724 wtf this is too confusing :(08:53
ectospasmNeconide: same here, but I don't claim it08:53
ramramcould someone tell me, which Glib version is bundled with ubuntu 9.0408:53
Neconideectospasm: XP pro sp3 is good. I prefer derek's modded sp3 /w vista vg black skin08:53
ramramand also the gtk+ version08:53
harahaukectospasm: I'd recommend win7 rc till win7 is out08:53
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ectospasmNeconide: it comes with home.  If the school doesn't give it to me I'm gonna STEAL it.08:54
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harahauki havent had anything crash, malfunction or behave strangely yet =)08:54
Neconideectospasm: :O stealing is bad you're going to hell08:54
harahaukectospasm: ubuntu with a virtualized win7 is nice too =)08:54
Neconideectospasm: jk08:55
ectospasmNeconide: So?08:55
halberdwhat exactly is a block? is the size determined by hardware or by the filesystem?08:55
Neconideectospasm: are you christian?08:55
ectospasmI doubt a 1.6 Atom will be able to be a host for a guest08:55
ectospasmNeconide: Roman Catholic08:55
Neconideectospasm: Ah so you believe in God and such?08:55
ectospasmNeconide: I try to08:56
ectospasmNeconide: and this conversation is getting offtopic08:56
Neconideectospasm: I, myself, am an atheist. Though I respect the beliefs of others, and I just want to see if you're going to rage on me for it :X08:56
myselfi am myself08:56
Neconidemyself: orly08:57
ectospasmNeconide: nope, atheists have a religion like any other, so I respect that.08:57
myselfyes and im agnostic, so back off.08:57
ectospasmmyself: ditto08:57
Neconideectospasm: good man.08:57
Guest52107NICK _sopi08:57
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ectospasmNeconide: I'm not even convinced you're wrong...08:57
Neconideectospasm: I was raised roman catholic but gave up on it when I saw the more logical side of it (no disrespect intended)08:57
Neconideectospasm: but yeah this is getting a little too off-topic :X08:58
ectospasmNeconide: pm?08:59
ectospasmNeconide: don't worry, I am NOT going to preach.09:00
* mneptok laughs09:01
mneptokkids these days ...09:01
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des_Q. I just did apt-get install python-examples... I saw data come in, but where are the results? /usr/share/doc/python-examples seems untouched.. How can I find out where this pkg puts things?09:03
Neconideectospasm: you afk? PM lol09:03
De[v]ilGood evening!09:05
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a way for me to make a copy of game cd.. My friend lost their cd to their game but still has the box with the serial etc I don't know what app I should use in Ubuntu09:05
des_apt-file show python-examples.. -> command not found09:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about key09:08
glickshmm i tried to run ubuntu remix on my eee 1000he and got an error message kernel panic - not syncing: vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block09:08
glicksi used usb-imagewriter to create a bootable usb stick09:08
mobi-sheepglicks: What ISO?09:10
mobi-sheepglicks: You could use UNR.img -- It's much easier to work with than ISO when it comes to USB.  UNR also have the option of "Classic Desktop' where you can have a normal desktop.09:11
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glicksmobi-sheep, i am using the unr img file09:12
glicksi get this error09:12
glicksACPI: Aborted because no cpio magic09:12
glickscrc error09:12
jumpingjackmobi-sheep, btw, i like ubuntu unr desktop :) it gives more space for applications )09:12
Jimi_NeutralHi Guys, there is something making my cpu run at 100% on this box but when i go to processes the only thing it says it is running is the gnome system monitor, any ideas what could be causing this?09:13
mobi-sheepjumpingjack: Power to each one's own. :)09:13
des_apt-file is an optional command.. I just installed it and now its b uilding a search cache09:13
koshariJimi_Neutral run top, system monitor will only show your processes09:14
mobi-sheepglicks: Are you running Ubuntu right now?  Or you're on XP?09:14
jumpingjackglicks, mb there's something with your usb-stick? i didn't have this problem.. just wrote iso on usb, plug it and use)09:14
Jimi_Neutralkoshari, top?09:14
koshariJimi_Neutral: yes "top" from a term09:14
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glicksmobi-sheep, im running xp09:14
glicksmobi-sheep, i made the usb stick from my ubuntu desktop machine09:14
Jimi_Neutralkoshari, im new to ubuntu so I dont quite get what you mean09:15
FrozenFirehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xsel/+bug/387178 Can someone confirm this bug for me?09:15
StepanstasCan anyone help with recovering files from a corrupted partition?09:15
koshariJimi_Neutral open a terminal, type in the 3 letters T O P and enter,09:15
Jimi_Neutralkoshari, oh term = terminal...sorry duh :(09:16
jumpingjackglicks, how didd you try to get your ubuntu nbr running?09:16
koshariJimi_Neutral lower case no spaces of course09:16
mobi-sheepJimi_Neutral: (If you want the GUI). System --> Administration --> System Monitor09:16
glicksjumpingjack, i downloaded the unr image file, then installed the usb-imagewriter package, and wrote the image to my usb stick09:16
mobi-sheepglicks: Did you ran the md5sum?  Let09:16
stealth-how can I restart sshd?09:16
glicksno mobi-sheep09:17
TheNo1Yetisudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart09:17
lstarnesstealth-: sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart09:17
znh_stealth-, once you installed openssh-server you can start it with /etc/init.d/ssh start09:17
Jimi_NeutralAh, its SETI@home, t guys09:17
jumpingjackglicks, and then?09:17
stealth-thanks guys09:17
glicksjumpingjack, then i put it into my netbook and reboot09:17
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Jimi_Neutralcant find the icon for it though to turn it off09:17
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mobi-sheepglicks: md5sum your UNR image --> "md5sum your-ubuntu-unr.img"09:19
mobi-sheepglicks: It should be --> 8f921e001aebc3e98e8e8e7d29ee1dd409:19
ramramI need to install gtk 2.16 and need to install Glib 2.19.7 or above, is there a deb package of the above?09:19
StepanstasI need help recovering files from a corrupt partition09:19
znh_I wish the webbrowser automaticly checked a md5sum of a downloaded file09:19
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jumpingjackglicks, than i have no idea... try to download it again from ubuntu.com09:19
glicksmobi-sheep, md5sum checks out09:20
Jimi_Neutralhow am i supposed to turn boinc off if i cant see it in my sysmon and there is no icon for it anywhere?09:20
mobi-sheepznh_: No need to.  That mean every time you download something trivial such as images and torrent files, it'll be checked?  That's painful.09:20
AdolaCan someone please help me with Chroot?09:21
znh_mobi-sheep, how is it painful? The user should have the option to enable this feature for specific files, such as .iso09:21
mobi-sheepznh_: It's not in our control.  There are movie ISOs.  DVD ISOs.  Softwares ISOs.  :)09:22
ls1983Hi, Can someone help me connect wireless pls /09:23
Lokiananyone can recommend a nice command line torrent client for ubuntu?09:23
Lokianor just torrent client in general for ubuntu?09:23
ls1983Can anyone help me setup wireless ?09:24
hateball!anyone | ls198309:25
ubottuls1983: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:25
janiswireless what? :D09:25
ls1983wireless network, am currently connected to internet using wires but want wireless09:25
kramerstefanHi, I want to know if my ATI Radeon X300 will still work in Jaunty.09:26
kramerstefanor do I need to stick with Intrepid?09:26
mobi-sheepglicks: Do you see Ubuntu USB Startup under System --> Administration?09:26
ls1983janis: can you help me ?09:26
lianimatorhi, a friend of mine with ubuntu 9.04 cannot see a list of available packages with "sudo apt-get install <tab>". instead sees the directory's contents.09:27
mobi-sheeplianimator: Did your friend type in a partial keyword?09:28
lianimatorfor e.g. without any keyword, it shows the contents of the directory.09:30
lianimatoras if doing "ls"09:30
lianimatorbut typing the full name of the package does work.09:30
ls1983pls i need to connect to internet wireless can someone help me ?09:32
g7what is your wireless problem?09:33
ls1983g7: it will not connect keeps asking for passphrase altough i have inputted the right and using key1, WEP09:33
Nagori/windows balance09:34
g7is it your router that you are trying to attach to?09:35
mobi-sheeplianimator: I mean sudo apt-get install star<tab> would display a list of possible packages.09:35
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ls1983g7: yes it's a wirless router and had it connected before but no its not workin09:35
lianimatormobi-sheep: I know it should, but it doesn't.09:36
g7I would try temporarily turning off the wep encryption and trying to connect.09:37
ls1983turning it off the wep doesnt work either tried taht09:38
Slartlianimator: actually "sudo apt-get install <TAB> <TAB>" shows you a list of packages.. not filenames09:38
lianimatorSlart: that's what I'm trying to get.. I know what to expect. but not getting it09:39
Slartlianimator: hmm.. can you do this.. "md5sum /etc/bash_completion" ? what is the md5sum?09:40
elemeNtttt123282fc1f495886f1acf6bd95674af2f  /etc/bash_completion09:41
pretenderRunning Eeebuntu have moved applications places and system on the panel to the far right how do i get it back to default09:41
lianimatorSlart: elemeNtttt1's the guy09:41
SlartelemeNtttt1: mm.. that's what I get on a fresh install in a vm too09:42
elemeNtttt1Is there any solution?09:42
znh_elemeNtttt1, to answer your question, there probably is.09:43
SlartelemeNtttt1: hmm.. is it the same if you run a live cd? have you configured bash in any special way?09:43
elemeNtttt1I didn't.09:43
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elemeNtttt1I just installed 9.04.09:44
SlartelemeNtttt1: oh.. so it's a fresh install?09:44
De[v]ili am search english girl!09:44
jumpingjackglicks,, how is your nbr going? )09:44
The-ITubuntu rox!!09:44
znh_De[v]il, you won't find attractive girls in here *laughs*09:44
SlartDe[v]il: asking in a linux support channel is limiting your options a bit, don't you think?09:44
SlartelemeNtttt1: and if you just type "sudo apt-get install " and then press tab twice you get a list of files in the current folder?09:45
De[v]ilznh_ only communicate^)09:45
SlartDe[v]il: besides.. it's very off topic.. this isn't the channel you want09:45
elemeNtttt1Slart: ya09:46
znh_Slart, be more open minded. De[v]il could have a religion where she may only be helped by the same sex09:46
De[v]ilSlart prompt such channel?09:47
SlartelemeNtttt1: can you pastebin the terminal window after you've tried this?09:47
De[v]ili from russia! =/09:47
Slartznh_: true.. I'll try to be more open minded =)09:47
SlartDe[v]il: I have no idea.. try /list09:47
* znh_ pets Slart with a twisted grin09:48
De[v]ilSlart thank you09:48
jumpingjackwhen they'll put a flash on chromium? )09:49
elemeNtttt1Slart: what command?09:49
SlartelemeNtttt1: after typing sudo apt-get install and pressing tab twice09:50
_PiLoT_hey guys ive installed epiphany but its not in my app list09:50
_PiLoT_any ideas09:50
glicksjumpingjack, its going ok, trying to test out bluetooth :)09:51
elemeNtttt1Slart: it shows the same as ls<tab>. I can't really pastebin my contents of my home folder.. :)09:51
elemeNtttt1Slart: also, sudo apt<tab> doesn't become apt-get. but without sudo, it does.09:52
jumpingjackglicks, what did you do with kernel panic? )09:52
rabtenfor some reason i can't edit my sources.list file in Open Office Writer09:52
SlartelemeNtttt1: hmm.. and this is a fresh install? not an upgrade?09:52
elemeNtttt1Slart:  Fresh install09:53
SlartelemeNtttt1: installed any software on the system yet?09:53
elemeNtttt1Slart: ya, alot..09:53
gigiciao a tutti09:54
lianimatorSlart: elemeNtttt1 did install SCIM.. which sometimes makes keyboard inactive.09:54
glicksdoes unr not support bluetooth out of the box>?09:54
SlartelemeNtttt1: hmm.. anything that might affect bash? other shells? anything like that09:55
mooseberryim using compizconfig settings manager for the first time and i enabled 3d windows but... how do i use that affect?09:55
rne1223Do you guys know how can I change the OpenGl driver09:55
Slartlianimator, elemeNtttt1: hmm.. but tab works alright with ls.. but not with commands.. think scim would do that?09:55
innocivim having problems making jailkit work :(09:56
Slartmooseberry: 3d windows is only visible when you use the cube, I think.. ie the windows will be like a thin plate instead of just an image on the cube09:56
mooseberrySlart: how do i use the cube :P09:56
jumpingjackglicks. it suppots, look at preferences-bluetooth09:56
SlartelemeNtttt1: command autocomplete doesn't work at all with sudo? or is it just apt-get?09:57
innocivFailed to create device /dev/urandom, this is a know problem with python 2.109:57
rne1223Do you guys know how can I change the OpenGl render?09:57
Slartmooseberry: use 4 horizontal desktops, set a shortcut for the cube in ccsm.. if at first you fail.. ask in #compiz-fusion09:57
elemeNtttt1Slart: sudo shut<tab> doesn't work. but shut<tab> becomes shutdown.. weird09:57
Q-FUNKhi!  since a couple of weeks, the gnome fileselector in applications started showing .files, which is obviously undesirable.  is there a way to fix this?09:57
sanxiynelemeNtttt1: Hm, works for me.09:58
glicksjumpingjack, yeah i activated the icon, but i cant seem to connect to my cell phone09:58
SlartelemeNtttt1: could something have changed the permissions on the bash_completion file? but.. that would work the other way, wouldn't it09:58
Lartza_How do I use thunar for desktop? I have openbox09:58
jumpingjackglicks, did you enable it in bios?09:58
SlartelemeNtttt1: or wait.. have you logged in as root?09:58
sanxiynLartza_: Isn't thunar file manager (and not desktop)?09:59
Lartza_I mean for desktop icons, nautilus does that too and pcman file manager09:59
elemeNtttt1Slart: never logged in as root09:59
sanxiynLartza_: Nautilus does that, but as far as I know thunar doesn't.09:59
Lartza_It doesn't?10:00
sanxiynAnd I don't think desktop functionality belongs to file managers...10:00
Lartza_sanxiyn: YOur system has that too10:00
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:00
sanxiynLartza_: ?10:00
Lartza_sanxiyn: YOur desktop is propably runned with a file manager too10:01
elemeNtttt1Slart: found quick fix: complete -cf sudo10:01
sanxiynLartza_: No it isn't.10:01
sanxiynLartza_: I use IceWM.10:01
sanxiynAnd no icons on desktop.10:01
sanxiyn(And yes I use thunar.)10:01
Lartza_well i dont have desktop icons either with openbox, but i want them10:01
glicksjumpingjack, i didnt think i had to, ubuntu regular sees it fine]\10:01
elemeNtttt1Slart: but the contents of the current folder also shows up with "sudo apt-get install <tab>"10:01
SlartelemeNtttt1: huh? what is "complete"?? never even heard of it before10:02
Lartza_ok so thunar cant manage desktop :(10:02
jumpingjackglicks, actualy you should enable bluetooth module in bios.. and camera too )10:02
lianimatorSlart: found complete here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118002910:02
sanxiynLartza_: Maybe you want something like iDesk?10:02
Lartza_yes i try that now, but what i have understood its a little different from what i want10:03
sanxiynLartza_: Which is a desktop and an icon mananer (and not a file manager).10:03
sanxiynI see.10:03
zzazahi all10:03
sanxiynLartza_: So no, thunar is a file manager, therefore doesn't manage desktop.10:03
sanxiyn(iDesk is a desktop though.)10:03
michelinuxUsing PowerTop I see that my eth0 is making a lot of wakesup. Since I'm using wlan0, is there any way to deactivate eth0 when I'm not using it?10:03
Slartlianimator: ahh.. that thread looks like it has some good info.. good find10:03
Lartza_PCMan needs better desktop managing :( it overrides conky for now10:04
glicksin bluetooth when i select only show icon when adaptor is present it dissappears10:04
sanxiynrne1223: No.10:05
Lartza_I knew idesk is not for me...10:05
Slartrne1223: wow.. you're one of those guys that think everyone understands english.. if.. you.. only.. talk.. slowly.. or in your case.. USE CAPITAL LETTERS. Why not add some info to your question instead of having a fit10:05
Lartza_I want a folder to desktop, not icons10:05
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Lartza_Like nautilus does it10:05
credomichelinux: #ifconfig eth0 down?10:06
sanxiynLartza_: IIRC ROX is a file manager that can do desktop too.10:06
Slartrne1223: and repeating a question every 60 seconds will only get you kicked out of here.. no matter how angry you are10:06
Lartza_ROX has ugly icons10:06
rne1223Slart: dude...I just needed to know if somebody was listening. If you guys don't know that is cool, but don't just ignore the question10:06
innocivanyone know hwo to use jailkit?..10:06
sanxiynLartza_: Hm, it seems nothing fits your requirement :( Too bad.10:07
Lartza_oh and it looks messed up without configureation10:07
sanxiynLartza_: I used to use ROX (with a lot of custom configuration), but not now.10:07
Lartza_it rounds up everything grey exept conky ad my bmpanel and covers wallpaper10:07
Slartrne1223: there are over a thousand people here.. if everyone answered to every question this channel would be useless..10:07
michelinux@credo yes, just the simple way...10:07
=== mooseberry is now known as mooseberry-sleep
Lartza_i dont want nautilus its so heavy :(10:07
Slartrne1223: when people don't answer it usually means your question is badly worded .. or they just don't know10:07
rne1223Slart: Man I'm not going to get into a word fight with you...if you don't know what I"m talking about...then that is fine10:08
waryciao a tutti10:08
sanxiynSo... Nautilus -> heavy; PCMan -> needs better desktop handling; iDesk -> no folder, not for you; ROX -> ugly; Thunar -> doesn't do desktop10:08
rne1223Slart: Thanks for your input10:08
thewrongboyhi i have a qn about apt-get source packages10:08
sanxiynLartza_: Hm maybe you want to report bugs to PCMan and get them fixed?10:09
thewrongboyafter i apt-get source <package name>10:09
Lartza_rox is not only ugly but doesnt handle it correctly either witohut configuration, pcman cant at all though...10:09
thewrongboyand run ./configure; make; make install10:09
Lartza_i think the pcman "bug" is known because people ask about how to get pcman and conky on all sites10:09
sanxiynLartza_: ok, so you don't like ROX default, but pcman lacks feature entirely?10:09
Tensai_Why wouldn't an SFTP user show up when I type 'who' or 'users'?10:09
thewrongboyare the patches compiled too?10:09
sanxiynLartza_: I see.10:09
sanxiynthewrongboy: No.10:10
sanxiynthewrongboy: If you want to apply patches, you need to apply them.10:10
sanxiynThat is, apt-get source extracts source and applies diff, but does not apply patches included as a file in diff.10:11
innocivWhen I try to conenct with winscp for a new user i just made, with the password i set, correct ip and port, I get "Authenticating password" then "Acess denied" ..10:11
tat_i updated just to jaunty, and there are no .fdi files in /etc/hal/fdi/policy, so xserver cant get acess to input devices, am i suposed to lay them myself there or is there a package/command to do that ?10:11
thewrongboythen how do i apply them?10:11
sanxiyn(There is an ongoing discussion on how to automate that, actually. No solution for now.)10:11
sanxiynthewrongboy: That's the bad part. There is no standard.10:11
thewrongboyoh... ouch10:11
thewrongboyhow do i do it manually then?10:11
sanxiynDebian folks are working on it :(10:12
Lartza_sanxiyn:Date: 2008-07-1410:12
sanxiynthewrongboy: It differs from packages to packages. Read package documentation if there is one.10:12
Lartza_sanxiyn: You need to ask conky's author.10:12
thewrongboywow... that sucks...10:12
Lartza_From my limited knowledge about X, I think it's conky that needs to be10:12
sanxiynthewrongboy: If there isn't, you need to figure it out.10:12
Lartza_hmpfh... didnt render the text very well...10:12
thewrongboyhmm let me poke around the package and see if i can figure it out10:12
rne1223I would like to change my OpenGl render from " Software Rasterizer" to " Intel 945GM..." does somebody knows how to do this?10:12
thewrongboysanxiyn, the package in question is python-gobject btw10:12
rne1223I would greatly appreciate it.10:13
Slart!intel | rne1223, this might be affecting you.. not sure if it would go back to software rendering though.. but it might be worth a read10:13
ubotturne1223, this might be affecting you.. not sure if it would go back to software rendering though.. but it might be worth a read: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.10:13
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rne1223alright thanks10:14
Slartrne1223: you might want to check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log too.. if there were errors when initializing you graphics hardware they ought to show up there10:16
Lartza_ /part10:18
rne1223Slart: The thing is that when I start my computer I get direct rendering. But after I play OpenArena it goes to Software rendering10:18
innocivSIGH :(10:18
rne1223Slart: Let me check the logs10:18
innocivHow do i uninstall jailkit?10:18
Slartrne1223: the logs won't help you then.. it's created when X starts up10:19
sanxiynthewrongboy: pygobject uses custom quilt rule. Use $ debian/rules patch to patch.10:21
sanxiyn(And unpatch to unpatch.)10:21
sanxiynSome packages use apply/unapply for that.10:21
sanxiynStill some packages differ again...10:21
rne1223Slart: Maybe...but I don't think that is the problem. I think that it has something to do with the game since it switches after I play it10:21
innocivWhy do i keep getting access denied in sftp when pasword is correct?10:21
sanxiynthewrongboy: Yes it sucks. People are working on agreeing on solution.10:22
Slartrne1223: yup.. might be openarena... or the opengl drivers..10:22
Slartinnociv: check the logs for the sftp daemon10:22
innocivi think because of permissions..10:22
Tensai_innociv - are you in the AllowUsers list?10:23
innocivAllowUsers list?10:23
Tensai_yeah what's that file...10:23
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tehbautI can never remember what the default root passwd is, lol10:24
Tensai_ is it /etc/sshd_config10:24
Slarttehbaut: noone can.. there isn't one10:24
lstarnestehbaut: there isn't onw10:25
tehbautlstarnes, hmmm well just pressing enter leads to an auth failure10:25
innocivi dunno :(10:25
lstarnestehbaut: it's locked10:25
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Slarttehbaut: we didn't say it was blank.. there is no root password by default10:26
Tensai_doh - type 'sudo pico /etc/sshd_config' and see if there is a line that starts AllowUsers10:27
Tensai_you should be in that line10:27
tehbautSlart, so how do I set it up? sudo root passwd?10:30
lstarnestehbaut: you should not set a password for root10:30
tehbauthmmm, so sudo su root then?10:30
bullgard4Who would test Ekiga with me, please?10:30
lstarnestehbaut: sudo -i10:30
tehbautworks for me10:30
Slart!sudo | tehbaut10:32
ubottutehbaut: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)10:32
Slart!worksforme | tehbaut10:32
ubottutehbaut: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/10:32
Slart!supportroot | tehbaut10:32
ubottutehbaut: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)10:32
Slartis that enough, tehbaut ?10:32
Wikkedfinquick question im trying to allow web users to view whats in my public_html do i type chmod 755 /home/wikkedfin10:33
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lstarnesWikkedfin: don't chmod your home dir10:33
lstarnesWikkedfin: chmod the public_html10:33
Guest45027Hey guys, I was hoping someone could help me with a partition problem I'm having?10:33
icerootWikkedfin: public_html had already the correct chmod-settings for what you want10:34
sanxiynSlart: Well, if he wants root password, it's his prerogative. (I have one too.)10:34
iceroot!ask | Guest4502710:34
ubottuGuest45027: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:34
Slarttehbaut: sudo -i will get you a root shell... while using your own user password..10:34
Wikkedfindoesnt work tho10:34
parapanghelescuhi there can someone help me with the sintax of chown ? want to change the owner of folder from root to user ....10:34
innocivacces denied still..10:34
innocivdo i ned to restart sshd?10:34
innocivhow do i view sessionlog?10:34
lstarnesparapanghelescu: sudo chown -R user.group folder10:34
icerootparapanghelescu: man chown     sudo chown user:group file/folder10:35
lstarnesparapanghelescu: the group is often the same as the user's username10:35
Slartsanxiyn: sure.. but I will not help him with it.. and it shouldn't be done in this channel10:35
sanxiynI see.10:35
zzazai have been using thunderbird e-mail client but am planning to change to evolution , i do have a lot of downloaded e-mails what is the best way do do this10:35
parapanghelescuIstarnes / iceroot > thanks > I have 2 versions ;)\10:35
Guest45027cheers.  I was trying to get windows to read an ext3 formatted disk, so I initialized it under windows.  Rebooting into linux, that disk is no longer recognized.  What can I do to get it back?10:35
Wikkedfinam i allow to paste links in here?10:35
lstarnesWikkedfin: links to what?10:36
silv3r_m00nhi there10:36
Wikkedfinmy public_html error10:36
silv3r_m00nhow do I convert a mpeg video to flash swf ?10:36
sanxiynzzaza: Try http://gaveen.owain.org/2007/07/howto-migrate-from-thunderbird-to.html10:36
lstarnesiceroot: try restarting it10:36
silv3r_m00nor flv10:36
lstarnesWikkedfin: what is the error?10:36
sanxiynsilv3r_m00n: ffmpeg10:36
zzazasanxiyn, thanks10:36
silv3r_m00nsanxiyn: e.g. ?10:37
limpchas anyone had any success using Metisse on ubuntu jaunty? all the links to installing/using Metisse on ubuntu are dead.10:37
parapanghelescu-R means that from the base folder to all subfolders right ?10:37
icerootparapanghelescu: yes10:37
lstarnesparapanghelescu: and all files in it10:37
WikkedfinYou don't have permission to access /~ccc on this server10:37
rabbit64Hi. I tried to disallow reboot from gnome (system->shutdown) using policyKit (freedesktop.hal.powermanagement and consolekit), but reboot is still possible. Even after stopping hal service. Do you know how to debug this?10:37
gaveensanxiyn, whoa! glad you find it useful :)10:37
Wikkedfinubuntu server 8.04.210:37
lstarnesparapanghelescu: -R = Recursive10:37
sanxiynsilv3r_m00n: ffmpeg -i 1.mpg 1.flv10:38
icerootWikkedfin: mod_userdir loaded?10:38
innocivhow do i check what groups a user is a part of?10:38
lstarnesWikkedfin: what is the mode of your public_html?10:38
silv3r_m00nsanxiyn: any frontend of ffmpeg ?10:38
parapanghelescuOK > what about if the "folder" is a flash stick ? I'll do the chown to /media/Stick folder correct ?10:38
Wikkedfiniceroot i have other accts with public_html working just i cant seem to get this one working10:38
Slartinnociv: isn't there a "groups" command?10:38
lstarnesiceroot: groups username10:38
icerootlstarnes: wrong nick10:39
sanxiynsilv3r_m00n: There must be; I use ffmpeg from command line, so I don't know one.10:39
lstarnesiceroot: oops10:39
sanxiynAnyone else?10:39
lstarnesWikkedfin: check for a .htaccess in there10:39
innocivwell i have this user in groups that these files are, and chmod 775.. and get permission denied tyrign to edit10:39
termosi have troubles with wpa in ubnuntu, i heard this was a common problem. is there a fix?10:39
user1does ubuntu have any web hosting  servers?10:39
lstarnesuser1: like web server software?10:40
sanxiynuser1: It certainly includes web servers. What is web hosting server?10:40
iceroottermos: its working fine here10:40
icerootuser1: apache210:40
user1i mean if i want to start a new site i need someone to host my server10:40
tehbautanyone know how to mount an hfsplus drive as writable?10:40
user1iceroot: yes10:40
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tehbautI'm only getting it to mount as readable10:40
user1iceroot: or apache latest10:40
silv3r_m00nsanxiyn: error while opening codec for output stream   << getting this when I execute your command10:40
icerootuser1: depending on your country, rent webspace or a (v)server10:41
unoptehbaut, you will need to disable the journal on the volume (from within Mac OS) first10:41
sanxiynsilv3r_m00n: Hm. Works for me here. :(10:41
phlexonancewhich browser has the best flash performance?10:41
parapanghelescuuser1> I suggest you use lampp or the linux version of xampp .......it contains also php and mysql10:41
user1ubuntu doesn't have any right?10:41
innocivactually it says "upload of file '____' was sucessful but an error occured while setting the permissions and/or timestamp.  If the problem persists, turn on 'ignore permissions errors'"10:41
tehbautunop, I know ...and journaling is not enabled on it10:41
sanxiynsilv3r_m00n: ffmpeg --version ? (Use pastebin)10:41
tehbautunop, but it's still not mounting as writable10:41
Slartuser1: you probably just need a browser and a ftp client then..and somewhere to host you website.. but the last thing doesn't have anything to do with ubuntu10:41
icerootuser1: dont get waht you want. ubuntu has apache210:41
hordeHey guys.  I was trying to get windows to read an ext3 formatted disk, so I initialized it under windows.  Rebooting into linux, that disk is no longer recognized.  Now I'm trying to get it back.  Can anyone help?10:41
unoptehbaut,  dmesg | grep hfs  # does this command give you anything?10:42
Jimi_Neutralhi all, im just reading from the K&R book to learn C and it has asked me to do a heading for a temp conversion program...im completley new to C so I added a printf line with the relevant text but it has printed out above each conversion, could someone help me with this, i jst want it to appear at the top as a normal heading10:42
limpchas anyone even heard of Metisse?10:42
unopJimi_Neutral,  /j #c10:42
limpchttp://www-ihm.lri.fr/metisse/ <-- metisse10:42
tehbautunop, 'filesystem was not cleanly unmounted'10:42
user1Slart: right I know but just wanted to confirm if the community thinks of holding something of that kind???10:42
unoptehbaut, right .. that's why it can't be mounted then10:43
tehbautunop, no clue why that would be, unless it's an osx thing10:43
sanxiynhorde: What do you mean "initialized"? Windows doesn't support ext3 by default.10:43
Wikkedfinno luck10:43
icerootuser1: what you need? only webspace or also php and sql-support?10:43
sanxiynhorde: You need to install ext3 file system driver for Windows to do that.10:43
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: I would recommend asking in ##c, but you do need to be identified with nickserv to speak there10:43
Slartuser1: hmm.. no.. other than the ppa space you can get if you register at launchpad10:43
Jimi_Neutralcrap i keep asking in th wrong room sorry lol10:43
om26erplz tell me how too install firefox10:43
phlexonanceI have very poor flash performance with firefox on 8.0410:43
tehbautunop, if I run rsck.hfsplus on it will it fix whatever is wrong with it?10:43
icerootom26er: sudo apt-get install firefox10:43
om26eri have 3.0.11 installed10:44
om26eri want to upgrade to 3.5preview10:44
sanxiynphlexonance: In my experience Flash performance doesn't vary between browsers.10:44
DjAngo23Hey everyone. I have a directory with subdirectories, and i want to delete all files with a .LCK as filetype any ideas how to do that ?10:44
om26eri downloaded a package and don't kn how to install10:44
SlartDjAngo23: "find" might be one way10:44
sanxiynDjAngo23: find . -name '*.LCK' | xargs rm (or something like that)10:44
icerootom26er: ending of the package?  deb? rpm? tar.gz?10:44
hordesanxiyn: I had installed extifs (windows kernel driver for reading ext2/3 partitions), and windows didn't recognize the disk.  So I went into disk management and initialized it.  That didn't work, and when I rebooted ubuntu didn't recognize the disk either.10:44
unoptehbaut, as far as i can tell, only OSx can fully fsck a hfsplus volume10:44
om26eri extracted10:45
unoptehbaut, but you can try10:45
phlexonancesanxiyn, opera uses a pluginwrapper for the flashplugin because the toolkit used between opera and the flashplugin differs, I think that would decrease the performance10:45
olaxi need html/decoder to run swf have try online and not gotten10:45
icerootom26er: look if tehre is a deb10:45
parapanghelescuIstranes / iceroot > problem : the command made the files available to user BUT THEY ARE READ_ONLY system files ...I cannot delete them .....:d10:45
lstarnesom26er: look for a readme or install file in there10:45
om26erthere is no deb10:45
sanxiynhorde: Oops that sucks. (But you should have mentioned extifs in your question then.)10:45
icerootom26er: then look at the readme in the tar.gz10:45
hordesanxiyn: sorry bout that10:45
sanxiyn(There are other ext drivers for Windows than extifs)10:45
WikkedfinSomeone once told me sumthing like chmod -R 755 /home/USER10:45
sanxiynhorde: Unfortunately I have no experience with extifs. Maybe you want to ask their forum?10:45
DjAngo23sanxiyn, Slart : Thanks, i gonna try that10:46
om26erthere is no readme10:46
icerootWikkedfin: dont to this!!10:46
sanxiynhorde: By the way, I use ext2fsd myself.10:46
liquidatHi there, is anyone capable of creating pdf files via asciidoc on ubuntu?10:46
Jimi_Neutralcan someone help me with registering my nickname, i did it once before ages ago but now cant remember....why doesnt it bloody stay registered10:46
lstarnesom26er: if that's for firefox, just move it into a folder under your home directory then run the firefox executable that's in it10:46
Jimi_Neutralthe help thing is not very helpful either10:46
Slart!register | Jimi_Neutral10:47
ubottuJimi_Neutral: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode10:47
om26erbut i want to install it permanently10:47
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: you will need to remember to check your email for a verification code10:47
hordesanxiyn: well, extifs didn't actually do anything to the disk.  Windows wasn't even recognizing the disk as being attached, so I went into Disk Management and initialized it in the hopes that it would see it and then extifs could read it.10:48
sinanis there a way to rename files based on a regular expression ?10:48
silv3r_m00nsanxiyn: this works >> ffmpeg -i movie.mpg -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -aspect 4:3 -y  movie.flv10:48
sanxiynsilv3r_m00n: Nice.10:48
parapanghelescuhow do I delete a read-only system file ???????10:48
lstarnesparapanghelescu: what file?10:48
hordesanxiyn: it wasn't a format or anything, and the operation was almost instantaneous, so I was hoping it was something fsck or gparted could fix.  But I don't want to mess it up anymore by just fiddling.10:49
sanxiynhorde: I agree. I think you'd need more expertise than I can provide...10:49
Wikkedfinhey i figured it out10:49
Wikkedfinit was chmod a+rx /home10:49
om26eriwannt it permanent10:49
lstarnesom26er: that is permenent10:49
lstarnesom26er: unless you remove the folder10:49
hordesanxiyn: ok, thanks.10:50
Hannes3join #unixboard10:50
om26eris there a way to install it10:50
parapanghelescuIstarnes > I have some files on a mem stick; word, excel, made in Windows; I tried to delete them in Ubuntu; doesnt work; I made chown command ...now it transformed all the files into read-only system file :)10:50
lstarnessinan: try find . -name *pattern* -print0 | xargs -0 rm10:50
Wikkedfinthx for the help ppl10:50
kmdmlstarnes: sinan: He said rename not remove :S10:51
Jimi_Neutralok my nickname is registered already cause i have alreayd done it so why cant i log into ##C10:51
sanxiynom26er: What are you trying to install?10:51
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: /msg nickserv identify <password>10:51
om26erfirefox 3.5preview10:51
lstarnessinan: oops, I think I messed that one up10:51
sanxiynom26er: I don't think it needs any install?10:52
SlartJimi_Neutral: you have to "login" so to say.. ie identify yourself.. with the nickserv command lstarnes told you10:52
sinanlstarnes: yeah, i am not sure that approach would work with mv.10:52
sanxiyn(You can run it from your home directory)10:52
Jimi_Neutralit just says please register with services and use the indentify command10:52
magnetronJimi_Neutral: are you registered with the services?10:53
kmdmsinan: something like... for x in `ls`; do mv $x `echo $x | sed 's/foo/bar/'`; done ?10:53
om26ersanxiyn y10:53
Jimi_Neutralmagnetron, well i regisered ages ago so i belive so10:53
sinankmdm: yeah, i guess that would work! thx10:53
magnetronJimi_Neutral: then identify using yout password10:53
sanxiynsinan: You can use rename too. man rename.10:53
lstarnessinan: there's also a way to do it using find and basename with mv10:53
om26eru mean that to start browser i open the folder and then open executable10:53
Jimi_Neutralmagnetron, using what line?10:53
magnetronJimi_Neutral: the one lstarnes gave you10:54
kmdmsinan: either way, I'd backup first... ;-)10:54
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: /msg nickserv identify <password>10:54
farciarz84hi can I turn on only some of the compiz features?10:54
sinanthe files i am renaming are output from "convert". now it occurs to me, maybe i could make convert output the right names from the first place ...10:54
Jimi_Neutralmagnetron, i did that and it came up with ##C :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel10:54
lstarnesom26er: you could create a launcher for it on your desktop or in the menu10:54
Slart!ccsm | farciarz8410:54
ubottufarciarz84: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion10:54
sinankmdm: sure :)10:54
sanxiynrename s/foo/bar/ *10:54
Slarthello lecho10:55
innocivinvalid jail, /home/.../etc/passwd does not exist  is what I keep getitng.  This is so frustrating10:55
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: I make sure you're noe putting any spaces before that /10:55
om26eris there a way to load ubuntu on ram as live cd. my netbooks ssd is very slow and when i used live cd it was very responsive10:55
kmdmsanxiyn: Hm, cool, didn't know about rename :)10:55
lechoi leave from poland10:55
parapanghelescustarnes > I have some files on a mem stick; word, excel, made in Windows; I tried to delete them in Ubuntu; doesnt work; I made chown command ...now it transformed all the files into read-only system file10:55
sanxiynparapanghelescu: What chown command did you run?10:56
lechoa sram na was chuje10:56
Jimi_Neutrallstarnes, ok copy and pasted yours and now it is saying ivalid password...im having a bad day10:56
lechopierdolcie sie10:56
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: try without the <'s and >'s10:56
om26eris there a way to load ubuntu on ram as live cd. my netbooks ssd is very slow and when i used live cd it was very responsive10:56
lstarnesJimi_Neutral: or with10:56
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Jimi_Neutrallstarnes, tried without and it worked, ty very much for your time :)10:57
Wikkedfinsay i cgmod my home dir with 700 would this stop other accounts from snooping in others?10:57
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icerootWikkedfin: this will stop your system working (if you are using x-server)10:59
Wikkedfinubuntu server10:59
Wikkedfinno gui10:59
sanxiynWikkedfin: That seems fine to me.10:59
icerootWikkedfin: what you want to stop? that others can access with ssh?11:00
icerootWikkedfin: or with ftp?11:00
sanxiynWikkedfin: With that other uses on the system (other than root) should not be able to access files on your home directory.11:00
Wikkedfinok say i have one account names A another B i dont want B to cd.. then do cd A11:00
Wikkedfinfrom ssh they can11:00
sanxiynWikkedfin: Yes that works.11:01
icerootWikkedfin: its not working11:01
parapanghelescuSANXIYN > sudo chown -R user /media/memstick11:01
sanxiyniceroot: ?11:01
icerootWikkedfin: because for e.g. apache cant access public_html anymore11:01
icerootWikkedfin: apache is running with www-data not with user11:02
michelinuxwhen I start the computer, Tomboy loads but won't stay open if I close the main window.11:02
sanxiyniceroot: That's assuming he uses public_html... On the other hand, his methodology (chmod to 700) is sound.11:03
icerootsanxiyn: chmod 700 is very very bad   using failproject or chroot is better11:03
icerootsanxiyn: jailproject11:03
sanxiyniceroot: chmod 700 is simple and useful in many scenarios.11:03
icerootsanxiyn: its bad like goto11:04
sanxiyniceroot: Who cares? (chroot is not worth hassle in my experience)11:04
lf4Any recomendations on a good app to rip my DVDs to the Hard drive?11:04
icerootsanxiyn: who cares?......11:04
sanxiyn(I use goto when it makes sense, for what it's worth)11:05
icerootsanxiyn: chmod 700 is just a bad idea. end of discussion :)11:06
Wikkedfinwere not talking same thing here11:06
sanxiynNo it isn't.11:06
sanxiyn(But then, this doesn't seem to lead to productive discussion. End of discussion indeed.)11:06
Wikkedfini got the public_html working... my other problem i seem to have it i dont want to allow other users to view other user's files11:06
deeflexhi I have a Team Fortress 2 DVD which mounts directly on one of my Jaunty desktops, while the second one nothing happens. Can't issue any cmd to mount it either.11:08
deeflexAnyone have experience of this?11:09
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Harvey8765Is there a way I can install ubuntu on an old laptop that doesnt have a cd drive?11:10
cwilluHarvey8765, usb thumbdrive (you can use another ubuntu install to create one, it's in the menu, not sure if it's on the livecd already)11:11
cwilluHarvey8765, or wubi if you have an existing windows install, although I'm honestly not a huge wubi fan11:11
cwilluthird option would be a netboot to bootstrap the install, but if you can do that, you can probably make a usb thumbdrive easier11:12
cwillufinally, you could simply take the drive out, plug it into a machine with a cd drive, install to the drive, and plug it back into the laptop11:12
Harvey8765oh ok and so let me get this right, im using ubuntu now, i just use usb disk creator and then can instal it from the pen drive on the laptop i have?11:13
Harvey8765i mean the one i want to install it on11:13
Harvey8765great guys thanks11:13
cwilluthe thumbdrive is exactly like the livecd11:13
Harvey8765wow thanks11:13
snitkohi, why could it be that ufw does not block an ip? I created a rule with "ufw deny from <ip>" but it still passes the request from the ip. wtf?11:14
Rajkohello, how do i remove and reinstall entire LAMP package on ubuntu server ?11:14
Harvey8765thanks cwillu11:14
cwillusnitko, is the connection already established when you turn on the firewall rule?11:15
szczurhi guys11:15
cwilluRajko, by reinstalling the individual packages.  Having said that, why do you want to do that?11:15
Rajkoi deleted /etc/apache211:16
snitkocwillu: yes11:16
Rajkoi want the config files remade11:16
szczuri have small problem11:16
cwilluRajko, just purge and reinstall apache2 then11:16
JyxtRajko: dont need to remove/reinstall the whole thing, just apache11:16
Rajkoit doesnt recreate11:16
Jyxtsudo apt-get install apache i would imagine11:16
cwillupurge it (from synaptic, it's the complete removal, from apt-get it's remove --purge11:16
cwillu--help is useful for these things :p11:17
szczurwhen i'm trying to install nvidia 71 series driver i got such error ---> http://wklej.org/id/107011/11:17
szczurwhat should i do?11:17
chinosukeI cannot run language support11:17
chinosukeI cannot run language support (system -> admin -> lang support). When the program start it show  checking available language and disappear after checking11:18
Wikkedfinis there a command to view all past commands done in a shell11:19
JyxtWikkedfin: press the up arrow key11:19
cwilluWikkedfin, only what bash has logged: ~/.bash_history11:19
Jyxtor look at .bash_history11:19
Wikkedfinya i tried the up key11:20
cwillunot fool-proof for forensic purposes though11:20
Wikkedfinits too far back11:20
Jyxtlook in .bash_history, i think by default it saves the last 100 commands?11:20
cwilluwon't be in .bash_history either then :/11:20
cwilluwell, it might actually, ya11:20
Rajkoroot@lin:/etc/apache2# cd /etc/apache211:20
Rajkoroot@lin:/etc/apache2# ls11:20
Rajkothe config files still arent recreated...11:21
cwilluRajko, may need to do the same for any other apache2-* packages11:21
Rajkooh its -common11:22
Wikkedfini thought there was a easy way to lock users in their home dir's11:23
innocivhow do i run a deb file?11:27
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lstarnesinnociv: you don't run it11:27
innocivwell what do i do with it? or do i not use on ubuntu?11:27
lstarnesinnociv: you open it with dkpg or a package manager11:28
innocivi tried sudo dpkg filename.deb11:28
lstarnesinnociv: try dpkg -i11:28
whazillahowcomes ubuntu now protects bufferunderruns ? i cant run my toolchain :(11:28
whazillais this linux11:28
whazillaor human beings ?11:28
innocivErrors were encountered while processing:ibsh11:29
innocivand more..11:29
reenignEesreveRanybody uses mediabuntu? Im having trouble with sound using ffmpe11:29
malte1what do you all think about moblin 2.0 ?11:29
whazillaAnyOne ur welcome11:29
whazillahuman beans11:29
rikki_maxyeah it doesn't return anything11:29
whazillaoh lamers11:30
innocivibsh depends on build-essential; however:Package build-essential is not installed.11:30
whazillaund das lemming11:31
ussermalakhi, moblin is awesome11:31
innocivis there an easy way to  install this?11:31
usserreenignEesreveR, whats the problem with ffmpeg?11:31
lstarneswhazilla: why would that toolchain need to have a system that lacks that protection?11:31
reenignEesreveRusser, im not having any sound while producing flv11:31
lstarnesinnociv: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:31
whazillabecuz the toolchain consist of buffer underruns prolly ?11:31
whazillapspdev tools11:31
usserreenignEesreveR, flv uses mp3 as a sound, did you install ffmpeg from medibuntu?11:32
malte1I think about installing moblin on my netbook11:32
reenignEesreveRusser, yes11:32
usserreenignEesreveR, ffmpeg from default repos is crippled11:32
oenone1can I ask if I can have a downlaod manager for rapidshre in ubuntu ?11:32
whazillalstarnes: what would be welcome would be a wy to circumvent or dible the ssp11:32
whazillapro police pckage11:32
usserreenignEesreveR, whats the command that you use to convert?11:32
whazillathe kraken are progressin11:32
whazillathere playing good cop bad cop in my street and always hve there sirenes on11:32
whazilladamn underwater world11:32
oenone1is there a download manager for rapidshre in ubuntu11:33
reenignEesreveRusser, I've installed using this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91184911:33
* usser its just like andy always said, get busy living, or get busy kraken11:33
NET||abuseanyone got an ubuntuone account?11:33
whazillaltcabral: what could u advise me to try ? against ssp pro police bufferunderrun deniemend package ?N11:34
whazillai had this problem once before11:34
usserreenignEesreveR, do you have 'hardy' or did you adjust the guide to jaunty?11:34
whazillait was fixed by valgrinding the tarball called ubuntu for alians11:34
innocivjailkit i coudln't get working11:34
innociviron bars shell has no documentation11:34
sjokkiswhen i first installed ubuntu i set up encryption with LVM on top of that. something like this: http://pastebin.com/me91318d . now when i try to install ubuntu fresh from a cd it won't let me wipe and overwrite that root partition, but will only let me wipe and overwrite the whole drive, which would delete all my stuff in home. is there some way around this?11:35
Rajkoi have installed phpmyadmin with apt-get install phpmyadmin11:35
Rajkohow do i access it11:35
usserreenignEesreveR, did you have ffmpeg installed before you went with medibuntu, if yes you need to purge all ffmpeg-related packages since they dont uninstall automatically when you do sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg11:35
lstarnesRajko: http://localhost/phpmyadmin ?11:35
whazillalstarnes: no clues against bufferunderun ssp ?11:35
lstarneswhazilla: I have no idea11:35
om26eris there a good download manager like dap11:36
reenignEesreveRusser, i have hardy. How do i uninstall everything?11:36
whazillapro police package ss ==> buffe"runderrun gotcha11:36
whazillano place for avelldiroll  lib like that in linux11:36
usserreenignEesreveR, just search synaptic for ffmpeg and uninstall all related, ones i remember is libavformat11:36
ee99ee2sorry, off topic... but is google down for anyone or just me?11:36
usserreenignEesreveR, theres a couple of others named the same way, libavcodec and such11:36
reenignEesreveRee99ee2, google seems to be working11:37
jribee99ee2: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/11:37
reenignEesreveRusser, doesn't mediabuntu override them?11:37
usserreenignEesreveR, for some reason no11:37
ee99ee2jrib: amazing. thank you11:37
reenignEesreveRusser, whats the command to search for already installed ffmpeg* packages?11:37
usserreenignEesreveR, instead of those you need libavcodec-unstripped and all the rest11:37
whazillaussr u will make promotion in the next big one ==> -11:37
NET||abuseee99ee2, just for you.11:37
usserreenignEesreveR, in synaptic just search for ffmpeg11:38
jribreenignEesreveR: aptitude search '~i~nffmpeg'11:38
usserreenignEesreveR, or dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg11:38
om26erplz tell me any good download accelerator11:38
innocivhttp://www.cryptolife.org/index.php/Lock_users_in_the_home_directory found something.. i have no /etc/password.  What should I be lookng for?11:38
jribom26er: axel?11:38
jribinnociv: why do you think you should have a /etc/password?11:38
Boohbahinnociv: /etc/passwd11:39
innocivi dont have that either11:39
reenignEesreveRjrib, what does the "~i~" signify?11:39
innocivahh just passwd11:39
jribreenignEesreveR: installed11:39
innocivhm but it's empty..11:39
tawannAny Mint users here?11:39
jribreenignEesreveR: well ~i is installed, ~n is name11:40
jrib!mint | tawann11:40
ubottutawann: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)11:40
reenignEesreveRjrib, thanks11:40
tawannjrib, I'm not after support just to ask if Mint users are here ;)11:40
ussertawann, they are, but they are hiding11:40
Jyxtan empty /etc/passwd is not a good thing11:40
tawannjrib, I am an Op on LinuxMint11:41
innocivwtf... i'm getting chroot: cannot change root directory to rph:rph: No such file or directory11:41
innociv  too.  It's telling me no directory when I tabbed the correct one11:41
Boohbahinnociv: if /etc/passwd is empty then you have problems11:41
jribtawann: but this channel is for ubuntu support... try #ubuntu-offtopic?11:41
innocivnvm it's there.11:41
om26erany good download manager11:41
Boohbahom26er: wget11:41
usserom26er, kget, wget11:41
Jyxtflashget exension for firefox?11:42
innocivwell ironbars shell works except.. sftp doesn't work with it :\11:44
innocivanyone know what i need to do to make it work?..11:44
ajinkyai hav xp and hav broadband via USB  , i  have ubuntu in separate hard disk , so...shall broadband work in ubuntu via USB ?11:44
whazillaif u configure ur usb device11:45
innocivwhy don't you get an ethernet card?.11:45
ajinkyahow much does that cost ?11:45
ajinkyabut can it b connected via USB ?11:45
innocivyour internet would be faster than with usb..11:46
innocivum.. no..11:46
innocivi dont understand why you have internet going through usb though11:46
innocivi've only heard bad things about that11:46
ajinkyaactually i have aa modem ,11:46
ajinkyai hav purchased it , it has11:46
ajinkyaboth ethernet  n usb connections11:47
ajinkyabut i dont have pc LAN card11:47
ajinkyaso.... can i downlaod drivers for ubuntu ? then , but how do i connect thru ubuntu then ?11:47
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ajinkyaany ideas ?11:48
ajinkyasoln ?11:48
innocivwhy is sudo chown rph:rph /home/dir not changing it off of root:root?11:49
tyson_hello everyone11:50
tyson_i tryied to connect my Vaio laptop to a 32" TV and i do not get the resolution i need. what can i do11:51
innocivnvm it is.. wtf..11:51
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:51
innocivugh how do i uninstall jailkit? it's screwe d everything up -_-11:51
innocivno one can even access my site now11:53
innocivcan someone help?  My webserver can't even be accessed now cause of this stupid stuff -_-11:55
henryCshould I really be worried about installing Python 2.6 on Intrepid 8.10 ?  Even if it's a webserver and I'm not running any GUI stuff?11:55
innocivall my permissiosn are 000!11:56
harahaukinnociv: if you have root on the box you can just set new permissions11:57
innocivi do11:57
harahaukif you dont id contact the sysadmin11:57
innocivhow do i set it for all things after that folder?11:57
harahaukinnociv: "sudo chmod -R u+rwx /var/www" will work11:58
harahaukthe -R is for all subfolders11:59
harahaukinnociv: if you want it to be readable by everyone do a+r instead of u+rwx11:59
Ajuany one can tell how to chat in linux like googlechat11:59
innocivchmod: cannot access `u+rwx': No such file or directory11:59
vegombreihi whats a good bulk file renaming package?12:00
anodesniI'm looking for a way to turn off my 2nd monitor from command line, xset dpms off works, but shuts down both monitors.12:01
vegombreiAju: hi12:01
harahaukinnociv: did you enter the command exactly as i told you?12:01
innocivserver returned epty listing for the directory12:01
innocivall my files got wiped from there!12:01
harahaukinnociv: chmod does not delete your files, dont worry, they are stil in /var/www12:01
JyxtAju: install pidgin?12:01
innociveverything got wiped out..12:02
innocivhack from what?12:02
simplexioanodesni: something like xset localhost:0.1 may work12:02
innocivwhy did they just do this directory instead of everytihng?12:02
whazillafrom foobar with love ;)12:02
simplexioanodesni: im not sure about syntax12:02
vegombreihi whats a good bulk file renaming package?12:02
simplexiovegombrei: from command line, rename12:03
Ajuthanks ..jyxt12:03
=== IRConan is now known as IRConan|old
simplexiovegombrei: just google about regexp and its easy.12:03
vegombreisimplexio: wow please show me how12:03
harahaukinnociv: they propably hacked you through a php vulnerability or something related to your webserver, since your webserver only has write acces in the webserver directories thats propably all they got too12:03
whazillafrom foobar with love ;)12:03
deanyvegombrei, there is a function in gthumb thats quite nice, which I use..12:03
anodesnisimplexio, again both monitor shut down12:03
innocivmy mysql databases are gone too it seems12:03
vegombreideany: is it simple and to the point?12:04
deanyvegombrei, gthumb is an image viewer/12:04
innocivoh wait no just phpmyadmin is gone i guess12:04
deanyvegombrei, yes12:04
innociv/home/dir/public is gone12:04
innocivso is home/dir/logs12:04
whazilla~miss kitt and the hack - homework 8212:04
whazilla~miss kitt and the hack - homework12:04
whazillafrom foobar with love ;)12:04
vegombreideany: so if i install gthumb i'd be able to rename thousands of files at once?12:04
innocivand when i try to log in with this user12:05
innocivit says ..12:05
whazillamisfitz till the end12:05
vegombreideany: suado apt-get?12:05
innocivCannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?12:05
simplexiovegombrei: man rename, google perl regexp tutorial, read lern and love it12:05
innocivi was trying to use jailkit and iron bars shell12:05
innocivanyone know how i uninstall them? -_-12:06
harahaukinnociv: try to browse the directories from ssh, change password on your user12:06
innocivyeah i still see them on ssh12:06
vegombreideany: ?12:06
innocivso it must be jailkit or iron bars shell..12:06
innocivnow how am i supposed to fix? :\12:07
harahaukinnociv: then its propably just a permissions issue12:07
innocivwell how do i chmod 755 it all?12:07
innocivsudo chmod 755 -R dir?12:07
harahaukinnociv: yep12:07
stefanohi, I'm trying to install a deb. package with $ sudo dpkg -i linux-backports-modules-2.6.22-14-generic_2.6.22-14.50_i386.deb but it says that it's impossible to configure the package due to a dependancies problem...12:08
_PiLoT_anyone here having troubling getting flash content through firefox12:08
vegombreihas anyone used thunar?12:08
_PiLoT_im  trying to go to the star trek movie site but the screen stays black instead of loading12:08
om26erdoes wget have firefox extension12:09
innocivty yeah it's all there and fine12:09
vegombrei_PiLoT_: try updating firefox and its plugins12:09
mitshi... my usb flash drive write speed is much lower on linux than on windows... (1-4mb/s vs 7-10mb/s) any ideas why is that so?12:09
_PiLoT_i have the flash plugins and all that jazz12:09
innocivwell can someone help me with how i can lock a user ina  directory?  So they can't go back and look through and read things they shouldn't?12:09
_PiLoT_whats the latest build?12:10
vegombreimits: windows lies12:10
jribinnociv: read the debian docs on creating a chroot jail I suppose12:10
innocivwhat about if i used subversion?12:10
deanyvegombrei, yes  sudo apt-get install gthumb12:10
mitsvegombrei: well it also seems much faster on windows... haven't actually timed it yet12:11
_PiLoT_i have12:11
_PiLoT_Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.1012:11
jribinnociv: version control?  In what way...12:11
innocivwell isn't it used for updating files on a server?12:11
jribinnociv: huh?12:11
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innociveh i dont know :(12:12
kellihow do i delete completly files from my hd?12:13
we_are_138format c: :P12:13
macvr hi all... i did an inplace upgrade of the ext3 drive to ext4... but i'v noticed considerable drop in system performance... so inorder to refresh the ext3 files as ext4 would a reinstall of the packages do the trick or has anyone tried e4defrag?12:13
grawitywe_are_138: That hasn't worked since Windows 3.1112:14
harahaukinnociv: you can read the man page for chmod12:14
grawitywe_are_138: (I tried)12:14
harahaukit will teach you how to do what you seek12:14
harahauk"man chmod"12:14
we_are_138grawity, try harder :)12:14
innocivthe man page for chmod tells how to jail users? o_O12:14
harahaukinnociv: you jail users by setting the correct permissions on what they should not see=)12:14
joaopintomacvr, if you are looking for performance improvement, it is recommended to do a clean ext4 file system creation, not the upgrade12:15
grawitywe_are_138: *installs Win95 to a VM* brb12:15
innocivbut if they can't read index.html then nor can people viewing a website, harahauk12:15
we_are_138grawity, c u)))12:15
innocivIE i have home/website/public/jaileddir12:15
matthias2Hi, I have a question concerning Ubuntu x64 and 32bit. Is there a way to turn your 64bit installation to a 32bit installation (like changing something in synaptics or so), I do not want to make a complete new installation with CD, but my modem-driver (agrms or so) only works on 32bit and I need the modem in the holidays, any ideas?12:15
innocivalso in public is files everyone needs to be able to read12:15
FeasibilityStudykelli shred -z -n 1 /dev/sdx12:15
Jyxtmatthias2: better to just reinstall if your changing from 64 to 32 or vice versa12:15
joaopintoMatthai, you can't use 32 bits drivers on a 64 bits install, you will need to do a reinstall12:16
matthias2no other way?12:16
matthias2okay thx12:16
rybladeHow can i change themes in Xubuntu Jaunty Jackalope?12:16
harahaukinnociv: what exactly do you want?:) should it be readable or not?12:16
joaopintoryblade, try asking on #xubuntu12:16
rybladeok ty12:16
grawityryblade: Applications -> Settings -> Appearance, IIRC.12:16
macvrjoaopinto: i'v already done the upgrade! now what do i do? is reinstall only my other option?12:16
innocivharahauk, yes because if index.html isn't readable by all then people viewing website can't.. view anything :)12:16
joaopintomacvr, is your best option, or just backup/restore after recreating the file system12:17
Ajuhi..my..pidgin...getting currently suspended12:17
Jyxtmacvr: the 32 bit modem driver doesn't work?12:17
joaopintomacvr, and make sure you recreate the filesystem, is not just about reinstalling packages12:17
innocivor php files is a better example12:17
{g}Hey People! I have a file on disk that is owned by user "user" and group "group". When I open it as "user" or even as "root" with openoffice, its read only. Only when I give write permissions for everybody "chmod a+w" i can open it normally. Any ideas? I got this problem only with Ubuntu 9. With Ubuntu 7 all was fine.12:17
innocivpeople need to be able to view the php files, harahauk, but not the person logged onto sftp able to see its source12:17
harahaukinnociv: ah!12:18
FeasibilityStudy{g} what permissions do you want it to have12:18
Jyxtmacvr: that was directed at someone else :P12:18
macvrjoaopinto: aw! man should have stuck with ext3 :(12:18
bigbosshello people! anyone know a guide that explain how to install windows on an ubuntu pc?12:18
macvrJyxt: realized that :)12:18
rob_pinnociv, Have you looked into the scponly shell?12:18
{g}FeasibilityStudy: the permissions it has are "-rw-rw-r--" that should be enough for root to write to it, right?12:18
Jyxtbigboss: google?12:18
innocivnope.. i looked into jailkit and iron bars shell and couldn't get them working12:18
kosharibigboss in a Vm or dua boot12:18
joaopintobigboss, if you mean virtualized windows, there are plenty tutorials on the internet, try google.com12:18
Jyxtgoogle "ubuntu windows dual boot"12:18
FeasibilityStudy{g} root can write to anything, no matter permissions12:18
{g}FeasibilityStudy: openoffice opens it readonly unless i give it "-rw-rw-rw-"12:19
joaopintobigboss, there is no such thing as "ubuntu pc", you may have  a PC with Ubuntu installed12:19
erdem-uubuntuhi everyone,  which kernel has ubuntu 9.10 alfa2  ???12:19
rob_pinnociv, Not sure if it works with sftp as well but it wouldn't surprise me if it did.  I know it works with scp (both use SSH protocols).12:19
bigbossnono i mean a dual boot install, cause i need it for games.... however yes, a pc with ubuntu installed... sorry 4 my english12:19
zaggynlAnyone else have this flashing issue when using wine in ubuntu?12:19
kosharierdem-uubuntu kernel sandurs12:19
joaopintoerdem-uubuntu, 2.6.3012:19
erdem-uubuntuwell =))12:20
innocivim weary about trying to set another of these up without help ;(12:20
innocivjailkit gave errors on install and i couldnt' get it working, and what setup told me to do screwed everything up12:20
harahaukinnociv: as long as you allow ppl to log in to your server they will always be able to read your php code12:20
FeasibilityStudy{g} does your username own the file?12:20
Jyxtbigboss: yes, google search terms "ubuntu windows dual boot"12:20
Jyxtfirst couple hits should help yout out12:20
innocivharahauk? Hmmm?  Php is server side code12:20
innocivit generates html12:20
innocivpeople only see the html12:21
Ajuhi..my media player not working12:21
Jyxtinnociv: unless you have access to server, then you can see the source12:21
harahaukinnociv: yes, but if you allow other users to ssh to the server, theres nothing you can do afaik to shield the code from prying eyes12:21
bigbossJyxt, but i can only find people that install ubuntu on a windows pc12:21
grawityinnociv: But if they can login to the shell (or grab the file with ftp/sftp)...12:21
innocivhow?... so someone can view source to see my mysql info?..12:21
harahaukyou can chmod the dir to not allow listings, but still if they know the filename its easy12:21
{g}FeasibilityStudy: yes, if i "su user" then i am user. but user gets it in readonly mode as well. so is root. the files owner is "user".12:21
innocivi thoguht you meant people just connecting with a browser12:21
rob_pinnociv, The scponly shell is as easy as, "sudo apt-get install scponly" and then setting the user's shell to, "/usr/bin/scponly" in /etc/passwd.12:21
innocivand not knowing sftp login12:21
innocivrob, so they won't be able to go back out from their homedir?12:22
Jyxtbigboss: second hit with search term "ubuntu windows dual boot"12:22
harahaukinnociv: anyone who has access to the file system on your box will be able to see your php code :/12:22
innocivharahauk, well that's what im trying to do..12:22
innocivis not let them have access to all the files on my box12:22
innocivI don't want anyone that logs in with sftp to see all my source code, files, etc.12:22
FeasibilityStudy{g} which user owns it?12:23
harahaukinnociv: that cant be done afaik12:23
innocivi thought that's what jailkit is supposed to do?12:23
Jyxtinnociv: chroot jail?12:23
innocivkeep people from reading things out side their dir12:23
{g}FeasibilityStudy: the users name is "user".12:23
innocivrob_p, does scponly do this?..12:23
bigbossJyxt, i think i have different results on google cause a use goole.it... i'll try with google.com12:23
rob_pinnociv, Basically it limits them to utilizing scp for access to the server.  I guess you probably want some sort of chroot environment in which to jail the users.12:23
rybladehow can i install download themes in Xubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 (No answers in xubuntu Channel)12:23
macvrjoaopinto: final doubt... does writing over a present file change anything? [like move it to differnt location and copying over it again?]12:23
rob_pinnociv, It's a good start but maybe not exactly what you are looking for.12:23
innocivyeah not sounding like it :(12:24
harahaukinnociv: i dont know what jailkit does, hope it works out for you:)12:24
innocivi couldn't get jailkit working :\12:24
joaopintomacvr, no, because mv does not do a physical move, it just changes the file location on directory listing12:24
{g}FeasibilityStudy: "sudo -u user openoffice.org letter.doc" => read only12:25
rob_pinnociv, I've never messed with jailkit.  But I have manually set up chroot environments for things.12:25
innocivi got python 2.1 errors or somethign trying to install jailkit12:25
{g}FeasibilityStudy: "$root openoffice.org letter.doc" => read only12:25
macvrjoaopinto: to different partition also same?12:25
bigbossJyxt, the second hit is about installing ubuntu on a pc with xp installed frist12:25
Jyxtinnociv: i know with the latest openssh you can restrict users to using only sftp, only ssh only certain directories commands etc12:26
Jyxtcheck this link12:26
FeasibilityStudy{g} try to chown the file to your username.12:26
Jyxtmatter of adding some options to the sshd_config and restarting the ssh server12:26
joaopintomacvr, like I said, your best option is to recreate the filesystem, don't waste more time with work arounds, you already did tha when you decided to upgrade the fs :)12:26
innocivwellll them only using sftp is nice and all, but they can still click the folder back button on sftp..12:26
Jyxtbigboss: check that link i posted for you...or visit that second link, they have another tutorial for linux first12:26
macvrjoaopinto: ok... :) thanx for the info...12:26
Jyxtinnociv: check this link http://rothwerx.com/node/812:27
innocivi did.12:27
{g}FeasibilityStudy: "chown root:root letter.doc; openoffice.org letter.doc" => read/write mode12:27
rob_pinnociv, I can't vouch for the accuracy, but here's a tutorial for Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24872412:27
bigbossJyxt, sorry i didnt see the link befor, i'll check it now. Thanks alot!12:27
joaopintoinnociv, whatever you want to do is just a metter of setting the web dirs unreadable by the sftp users, it is just a matter of dir permissions12:27
FeasibilityStudy{g} dont chown it to root..chown it to your user name12:27
innocivrob, treidi ti  get errors on install about python 2.1 or somehting12:27
rob_pinnociv, perhaps you already found that...12:27
{g}FeasibilityStudy: i am root12:27
rob_pinnociv, What errors did you get?12:27
Jyxtbigboss: no problem12:28
FeasibilityStudy{g} you should not be root.  WHY are you root?12:28
{g}FeasibilityStudy: "chown user:user letter.doc; openoffice.org letter.doc" => read only12:28
innocivJyxt, so this like replaces the sshd thing or what?12:29
innocivor adds to it?12:29
Jyxtinnociv: hrm...did you read the whole thing :P12:29
{g}FeasibilityStudy: "chown user:user letter.doc; su user; openoffice.org letter.doc" => read only12:29
Jyxtsshd is a daemon, part of openssh usually...if you have openssh 5+ you can just edit the sshd_config and add some lines to it12:29
FeasibilityStudy{g} now that it is owned by you, chmod the permissions to what you want.  If you only want your user to have access, then do chown 700 letter.doc12:29
Jyxt/etc/ssh/sshd_config usually12:29
{g}FeasibilityStudy: "user" cannot open in rw mode unless i "chmod a+w" the file.12:30
innocivi did but i'm dumb :(  This won't effect my current groups, right?  Currently this tree of folders is rph:rph.  So I can make this dir i want them stuck in rph:sftp and have them stuck there only able to view sftp group files?12:30
innocivbut people on their browser will access it all fine?12:30
vegombreideano: you there?12:30
{g}FeasibilityStudy: thats the strange thing. that was the strange thing from the beginning. all the generic linux permission infos you gave me, i already knew.12:30
ymahi guys12:30
FeasibilityStudy{g} grrr.  Is the file owned by your username or not?  If not, then chown it...Once done, then chmod 70012:30
ymaall my fonts display as square now12:30
Jyxtinnociv: yes that should work...in theory all your changing is ssh permissions etc12:30
ymacan any of you help12:30
rybladentu Channel12:31
rob_pinnociv, Jyxt, That looks promising.  I was unaware that OpenSSH had that capability!12:31
ymamenu, fonts, login all missing font12:31
Jyxtrob_p: yes its pretty slick12:31
rybladehow can i install download themes in xubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 (No answers in Xubuntu Channel)12:31
{g}FeasibilityStudy: then i get "read only". thats what i have been telling you from the start.12:31
rob_pJyxt, How long has it supported user jails?12:31
ymahow do i reinstall ubuntu font packages12:32
ymaanyone help ?12:32
yma<<==== very desperate12:32
vegombreiyma: tried synaptic?12:32
ymai can't see anything12:32
ymacan't use gui12:32
Jyxtrob_p: good question, i just learned about that like 2 months ago12:32
ymabecaues all fonts = square12:32
ymai'm typign from tty2 atm12:32
boss_mcyma: ctrl + alt + f112:32
FeasibilityStudy{g} so you get that when chmoding the file as both your user and root?12:32
Jyxtmaybe less...was setting up keyless entry and i know you can restrict commands with keyless entry...in my research to jail i came across that feature12:33
ymaboss_mc help12:33
boss_mcyma: then use sudo aptitude for a cli package manager12:33
{g}FeasibilityStudy: no, chmoding to root all is fine.12:33
ymabut which packages12:33
rob_pJyxt, Nice.  Well thanks for the suggestion.  I will definitely add that to my knowledge-base after I've played with it a bit and know more about it.12:33
{g}FeasibilityStudy: then root can normally open the file rw.12:33
boss_mcyma good question12:33
robyblues88hi all12:33
adacCan someone point me to a good installation howto for installing git versioning tool on ubuntu?12:34
ymasudo apt-get install git-core12:34
rybladehow can i install download themes in xubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 (No answers in Xubuntu Channel)12:34
FeasibilityStudy{g} do this:  sudo chmod 766 letter.doc   See if that will allow your user to write the file.12:35
boss_mcyma: http://pastebin.com/f3af1ea3612:35
Jyxterr not keyless entry, passwordless entry12:35
FeasibilityStudy{g} or if your user is in the group, then chmod 76012:35
boss_mcyma: that's what I've got installed12:35
AdolaCan set one help me set up chroot?12:35
{g}FeasibilityStudy: i tend to think its a bug in OO.12:36
{g}FeasibilityStudy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/21542012:36
ymaare you on jaunty12:36
boss_mcyma try sudo fc-cache -f -v first12:36
FeasibilityStudy{g} maybe.  Because it seems you have done everything right12:36
robyblues88how to install themes in 9.04?12:36
boss_mcyma It rebuilds the font cache12:36
ymai will try this12:37
boss_mcsudo fc-cache -f -v12:37
yma2 sec12:37
bigbossif do i resize my partition of an HDD with ext4 with a 8.10 live cd, will i have problems?12:37
JyxtAdola: you dont really setup chroot, you just kind of do it12:37
Jyxtunless your talking chroot jails?12:37
ymasame thing12:38
Jyxtlike chroot /mnt/bleh /bin/bash12:38
ymastill square :(12:38
ymashould i have killed gnome before rebuild font cache12:38
AdolaNO, like, I think I set up a 32bit chroot in a 64 bit os12:39
AdolaI started to install aprogram, but, it failed with this error12:39
we_are_138guys, what do you think about opera unite?12:40
Jyxtnot sure in ubuntu...but take a look at this link Adola http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/amd64/howtos/index.xml?part=1&chap=212:40
Jyxtdescribes how to setup 32 bit chroot in 64 bit OS...instructions *should* be the same for ubuntu given its linux and all12:40
Jyxtmaybe some minor changes12:40
openros in a running system, can i unmount the /usr partition and resize it and mount it again. with no prob....12:41
Jyxtopenros: probably not i would say12:42
Jyxtmost likely you wont be able to unmount it, or once you do unmount it you wont be able to resize it12:42
Jyxtas whatever binaries to do the resiving are in /usr12:42
ayowhat package supports to play mp3?12:43
MikeChelenayo, ubuntu-restricted-extras12:43
iElectricguys, is it possible to install vim compiled with python 2.5?12:43
openrosJyxt, yes, i do understand, there are few binaries in the /usr partion.... But i need to resize the /usr partition. Can i not do it with out reboot12:44
CosmicChaoshello i have a problem with suspend/hibernate/energysaving-mode. The problem is that on S3 (suspend, energy-saving triggered by ubuntu) does not turn my VGA back on, i tried bios vga invoke on s3 enabled that didn't helped. so i tried the hibernate function, that worked. now i dont know how to switch the time-sheduled energy-saving mode to hibernate. pretty please help me, i need a hint.12:44
om26eris there any application in ubuntu to make bootable usb12:44
Jyxtom26er: yes...should be in your system menu i think?12:44
ayoMikeChelen, what should be apt-get install in order to play mp3 in firefox?12:44
MikeChelen!usb | om26er12:44
ubottuom26er: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:44
asmundI want to backup my F-spot library to DVD's. Any good burning software that can automagically spread the library ofer several discs?12:45
om26ername the software i will install it12:45
Jyxtom26er: system or the other S menu has an option to create live usb12:45
Jyxtom26er: should already be installed?12:45
Jyxtleast it is on my xubunut 9.0412:45
iElectricguys, is it possible to install vim compiled with python 2.5?12:45
CosmicChaosplease help me12:45
openrosJyxt: i know it is possible to do by booting with a Ubuntu Live cd... but is there any way with out rebooting the system12:45
MikeChelenayo, did restricted extras install okay?12:46
Jyxtopenros: guess you could copy the binary from /usr to somewhere else...umount /usr12:46
iElectricon 9.04 it comes with 2.6 support12:46
Jyxtlike cp /usr/bin/whateverbinaryyourusingtorepartition ~/whatever12:46
Jyxtthen do ~/whatever12:46
whazillai hate *9.412:46
MikeChelen!ask | lucas_12:47
lucas_i need xorg configuration file example for compiz on ubuntu12:47
ubottulucas_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:47
lstarnesiElectric: I don't think there is a way to get vim with python 2.5 in that version of ubuntu12:47
lucas_can someone gives a source for that12:47
CosmicChaoscn anyone here me please reply12:47
iElectricthat's sick12:47
try2freeplease help to translate iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination into shorewall12:47
CosmicChaoshello i have a problem with suspend/hibernate/energysaving-mode. The problem is that on S3 (suspend, energy-saving triggered by ubuntu) does not turn my VGA back on, i tried bios vga invoke on s3 enabled that didn't helped. so i tried the hibernate function, that worked. now i dont know how to switch the time-sheduled energy-saving mode to hibernate. pretty please help me, i need a hint.12:47
MikeChelen!repeat | CosmicChaos12:47
ubottuCosmicChaos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:47
openrosJyxt: Iam accessing a machine in remote using ssh, and i want to resize the /usr partion remotely using the parted command. Is is safe to do so12:47
CosmicChaosMike ok sry12:47
ayoMikeChelen, not install yet, it12:48
ayoMikeChelen, it's large, over 38M12:48
MikeChelenayo, ok try "vlc" package then12:48
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MikeChelenopenros, the partition must be unmounted first12:49
Jyxtopenros: yeah like i said though, if the parted binary is on /usr you wont be able to run parted12:49
Jyxtyou'll get command not found12:49
Jyxtother than that minor issue you shouldnt have any problems12:49
MikeChelenopenros, create an additional partition first and copy /usr over12:49
Jyxtthough resizing partitions with files on it is always a tricky thing...i'd backup /usr before doing any resizing12:50
Jyxtyou could really backup /usr to another partition, umount /usr...mount your new /usr...resize the old /usr...then unmount that new /usr and remount the old resized one :p12:50
openrosya thanks i will use the same method...12:51
openrosin parted command, in resize option there are two parameters start mb and end mb. can anybody explain this parameters12:52
eochis there a good application to be able to capture information while surfing, reading documents etc?  I want it to be sorta like a sticky notes, but be able to capture automatically where I gathered the information from (url / document name/ etc)12:52
termoseduroam stopped working after updating my ubuntu, are there any bugs in wpa on newer versions?12:54
pw-toxichi, can someone tell me how i can change the hover color of the ubuntu start menu of the top panel?12:54
om26erhow to install unetbootin12:54
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innocivso i need to um..12:56
innocivtrying to find download rofl :|12:57
om26erhow to install unetbootin12:57
koshariom26er same as any other package in the repos12:58
innocivso i need to wget ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/openssh-5.2.tar.gz and then tar xvfz, cd, then i ./configure --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh --with-pam ?12:58
Jyxthrm...thats a great question, i run gentoo so 'emerge openssh' is all i had to do :p13:00
CaesiHi all, how do I install Grubb via GParted? Thanks!13:00
Jyxtinnociv: apt-get install openssh?13:00
innocivyeah tried not found :P13:00
mrwesapt-get install openssh-client or server13:01
innocivi need -server right?13:01
mrwesare you 'serving' the files to somewhere else? then server13:02
Neconidesomeone talk to me im bored ;-;13:02
mrwesthe other end would be client, no?13:02
Jyxtinnociv: openssh-server it seems :013:02
innocivit says already the newest version o_O13:02
pw-toxic_hi, i'm trying to change the hover color of the start menu of my gnome panel - how can i do this?13:02
innocivso i already have it! o_O13:03
pw-toxic_and the hover color of the window picker of my panel..13:03
mrwesinnociv: did you configure the /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?13:03
Jyxtinnociv: then just update the config files as per that link13:03
innocivi have part of it13:03
innocivit has lots in it13:03
innocivbut not that's in the link13:03
Jyxtyes...taht stuff you have to add13:03
Jyxtits not default behaviour13:04
innocivthen /etc/init.d/ssh restart i guess13:05
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mrwessshd restart isn't it?13:07
innocivgroupadd: group sftponly exists  ... usermod: unknown group stfponly13:07
innocivapparently not, mrwes13:07
Jyxtadd the group to /etc/groups13:07
Jyxterr /etc/group13:07
innocivit is there, jyxt13:08
IRConananyone here set up rtorrent with wtorrent on a ubuntu serveR?13:08
Jyxtor better use groupadd13:08
innocivi did13:08
pw-toxic_i'd like to customize the colors of gnome13:08
innocivit is there13:08
innocivi tried ot add agian to double check13:08
MaxFrag|ZackHello, I just got a new USB headset today and after a lot of work I got everything set up decent enough. It has a volume control on it though which doesn't function correctly, I was wonder how to make it change a different volume setting, currently it changes the Microphone volume in the Volume control panel.13:08
Jyxtmight need to relog?13:08
vegombreihas anyone used thunar?13:08
innocivbut usermod -G stfponly user   returns usermod: unknown group stfponly13:09
cannonballI'm generally unfamiliar with the Ubuntu/Debian way of handling packages.  Is there a way to get 2.6.30 kernel in a deb?  Maybe switching to a different repo? (sorry for the CentOS terminology, not sure what the correct terminology is in Ubuntu).13:09
Jyxtedit /etc/passwd and add the user to the group manually?13:09
distractany idea why full screen applications and games keep throwing me out of fullscreen randomly?13:09
vegombreigrawity: yes?13:10
innocivuser:x:1006:1000  the 1006 is group?13:10
grawitycannonball: I got from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/13:10
innocivya i think so..13:10
Jyxtwell...if your adding a user to a group13:10
innocivwell 1006 is a gruop thats the users name13:10
cannonballgrawity: what's kernel-ppa user?  Is that an automated build process?13:11
SilkjcHow can I use test in a shell script to test if a type of file exists in a folder..can't seem to get it13:11
cannonballgrawity: And thanks, btw :-)13:11
innocivoops i typod lol13:11
grawitycannonball: No idea, I just got that link from someone when trying to get rid of the millions of SCSI sense errors.13:11
Jyxtinnociv: if your adding a user to a group do it in /etc/group13:11
innocivi got it13:11
Jyxtlook for line like13:11
Jyxtthen add the username after the :13:12
grawitycannonball: ##linux is often useful too13:12
Jyxtor whatever13:12
innocivya i got it..13:12
innociv# The internal-sftp server checks all directories leading up to the users home directory to ensure it's owned by root (see here: www.tenshu.net) <- okay but what if this can't be root?  i need it to be rph:rph13:12
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TheNo1Yetiyou need /home to be rph:rph or the /home/<whatever> directory to be rph:rph?13:13
innocivi need /home/whatever/public/... to be rph:rph all except ofr /home/whatever/public/youcanscrewwiththisstuff13:14
cannonballgrawity: I'm a sysadmin and I know the old methods of building from scratch, package management in Gentoo, RedHat/Mandriva/Centos, etc, but the Ubuntu way of doing things is totally new to me.  Just trying to get used to this particular package management scheme.  Again, thanks :-)13:14
innocivdoes it matter if it's root? can it just not be owned by them?..13:14
Jyxtcannonball: ubuntu is based on debian so if you know debian you know ubuntu13:14
SilkjcAnyone know how to check if a file type exists in a folder? in shell ..13:14
SilkjcShould be an easy question :(13:15
TheNo1Yetiinnociv: It's saying that everything leading up to the home directory has to be root.  So if the users home directory is /home/bob it doesn't matter who owns /home/bob as long as /home is owned by root13:15
nickel_on_my_bacdoes anyone wish to give me a hand in setting up LAMP, I have installed it and when I go to http://localhost it's fine but localhost/phpmyadmin doesnt work and comes up wanting to open a PHTML PAGE13:16
TheNo1Yetils -l | grep *.<filetype> doesn't work?13:16
SilkjcTheNo1Yeti: That doesn't seem to return anything13:16
TheNo1Yetiwhat is the file type your looking for?13:17
Silkjcany, it will be called on many different types13:17
Silkjcbut just using say, pdf for example13:17
SilkjcI want to be able to test if pdf's exist in that directory13:17
DraglorTheNo1Yeti: Shouldn't it be including the "":  ls -l | grep "*.<filetype>"13:17
Jyxtgrep searches inside files, not on the file system13:18
Draglorls *.pdf Silkjc13:18
TheNo1YetiDraglor: No.   The " " is only if your doing funky stuff with the search params13:18
Draglorfor pdf13:18
napsyHello. Does Karmic+1 mean the ubuntu after karmic release or does it mean karmic alpha1?13:18
moDumasshey all, um, i know this may sound like an uber noob question... how do i unclutter my ubuntu install and return it to a defualt install?13:18
SilkjcDraglor: That returns a list of the ones that does exist, I just want whether ANY exist or not13:18
moDumasslike get rid of all the crap13:18
DraglorTheNo1Yeti: But it would be escaped in your case to anything existing in the current dir13:18
extorIf the temperature of a hard drive shoots up from 45 to 60 celcius when you stress it, does that mean it is failing? Do high temperatures on a drive mean it is mechanically toast?13:19
nickel_on_my_bacanyone ?13:19
moDumassextor, does it still work?13:19
SilkjcDraglor: I want to do psuedo:  If (PDF Files exist); then ...13:19
moDumassExtend, i mean that may be withing its operating temperatures13:19
extormoDumass, right now its still working yeah...but it says "FAILING_NOW" when I do a smartctl -a /dev/sdb13:20
moDumassextor, ok, well i guess that is a bad sign, i have 2 hdds in a NAS that run up to 60 often13:20
extorWell I have two identical 160GB sata drives..same model. One is at 42C and one was at 45C and shot up to 60C when I stress tested it13:21
extorSo the other one at 42 is healthy methinks13:21
extoreither that or it has a busted thermister :)13:21
innocivwell now i get Authentication failed. trying to log in with that user13:22
indusextor: how do u measure temp of a hdd13:22
extorit reports it13:23
sergioaguadopor favor13:23
SilkjcHow can I truncate the output of ls -l to just 1 item?13:23
Pici!es | sergioaguado13:23
grawity!es | sergioaguado13:23
ubottusergioaguado: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:23
nickel_on_my_bacI need help, config phpmyadmin to work at localhost/phpmyadmin can anyone help13:23
Piciextor: While you were suggested to ask that here, its really not a topic that this channel deals with.  ##electronics or ##hardware would be the best places to ask.13:24
indusextor: smartctl gives me a permission denied unless i use it with sudo13:24
DraglorSilkjc: I just wrote you a query13:25
moDumassextor, im sorry dude, i just dont know enough, i find if the ubuntu crowd cant help to check the suse crowd, they are pretty easy breezy13:25
nickel_on_my_bacanyone care to help me on phpmyadmin ?13:25
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innocivcan someone help?  mrwes do you know?13:26
ewooknickel_on_my_bac: did you install it from apt?13:26
innocivit sounds liek "Nov 18 12:13:34 debian-server sshd[17292]: fatal: bad ownership or modes for chroot directory "/home/sftpfred"" thing from http://rothwerx.com/node/8 but I dont get it13:26
ActionParsniphey all, does banshee need an x server to run?13:26
nickel_on_my_bacewook: Yes I did but when I'm trying to open PHP pages is asking my to save to desktop has PHTML file !!13:26
ewooknickel_on_my_bac: how did you install apache (LAMP) ?13:27
innocivi'm just getting Authentication failed. I have AllowUsers set13:27
innocivit's those things it says to add to the end13:27
MaxFrag|ZackHey, I got a new USB headset and I'm unsure how to make it the default program that everything wants to send sound to.13:27
MaxFrag|ZackCould someone help me with that?13:28
cannonballtrying out 2.6.30, see you all on the flip side.13:28
nickel_on_my_bacI followed this http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies13:28
ActionParsnipMaxFrag|Zack: http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/07/08/how-i-got-my-usb-headset-to-work/13:28
ActionParsnipMaxFrag|Zack: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-09/msg01791.html13:29
nickel_on_my_bacwhen I pull up http://localhost/ that works fine but it seems to be PHP is working nor is phpmyadmin13:29
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rob_pinnociv, I couldn't test the chroot functionality of OpenSSH because my version is pre 5.13:30
verolihave you created a test php page13:30
rob_pinnociv, But the chroot jail does indeed need to be owned by root according to the documentation I found.13:31
verolito see if it displays13:31
nickel_on_my_bacyes that doesnt display either13:31
mach3Hey, I have a question: I'm attempting to recover a bad disk with dd_rescue, unfortunately, the disk I have available to move the .img to, is the exact same size as the disk I'm recovering (literally.) so I get an error about running out of space. Is there a way I can copy this image to something compressed or smaller than a .img? So I can still use it, but it wouldn't take up every byte?13:32
nickel_on_my_bacwhat's the best command line to install all LAMP package without any glitches ?13:32
veroliphp not installed properly then13:32
nickel_on_my_bacbut i reinstalled php and still not working13:32
hateballnickel_on_my_bac: tasksel13:32
MaxFrag|ZackActionParsnip: seen both of those on google, second one doesn't seem to apply, the usb headset doesn't create a new sound card.13:32
veroliapt-get install lamp-server13:32
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:32
Pirate_Hunternickel_on_my_bac, that was for you13:32
ActionParsnipmach3: look into a program called foremost, then look into a backup situation so you dont have to bother with data restoring from bad disks in the future13:32
nickel_on_my_bacalready seen that13:33
ActionParsnipMaxFrag|Zack: then its not installed right13:33
MaxFrag|ZackActionParsnip: the first one sort of works, except when using ventrilo it makes it so the sound is very distorted.13:33
nickel_on_my_bacapt-get install lamp-server this doesnt work13:33
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:33
mach3ActionParsnip: well...that would help, but I've already got a bad disk...So that does nothing for me =P I need help with dd_rescue, it does what I ask it to, I just need a way to compress it.13:33
* hmmm is away: Irssi 0.8.13 (Debian 1.1-1ubuntu2) (Using KDE 3.5.10)13:34
MaxFrag|ZackActionParsnip: I have everything working except for aMSN which want to throw sound at me through my PC speaks, which it does well. I can't hear it though because I'm using the headset is semi-closed system and I can't hear it.13:34
ActionParsnipmach3: get a backup if your data is important. no backup = data is disposable13:34
Pici!away > hmmm13:34
ubottuhmmm, please see my private message13:34
Pirate_Hunternickel_on_my_bac, follow the link read it, its fail proof 95% of the time in my opinion13:34
ActionParsnipmach3: you need 2 partitions, the bad one to read and a place to put the resulting data13:35
smacktalkI can't edit /etc/services even with sudo13:35
ActionParsnipmach3: use foremost on the partition to pull the data types yuo require from the disk. If foremost does not work you will have to buy another disk to use dd_recue as you have seen13:35
verolisorry try13:35
verolisudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-client-5.0 mysql-server-5.0 phpmyadmin libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql13:35
smacktalksudo cat >> services13:36
smacktalksudo  cat tailed >> services13:36
smacktalkany suggestions?13:36
JanHolbohi all!13:37
Draglorsmacktalk: What are you trying?13:37
Pirate_Hunternickel_on_my_bac, follow the link read it, its fail proof 95% of the time in my opinion?13:37
Draglorsmacktalk: "sudo cat /etc/services" gives?13:37
Pirate_Hunter!hi | JanHolbo13:38
ubottuJanHolbo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:38
moDumassActionParsnip, if i use a install cd, can i reset my install to a default install?13:38
ActionParsnipgah @ pidgin13:38
asmundI want to backup my F-spot library to DVD's. Any good burning software that can automagically spread the library ofer several discs?13:38
ActionParsnipmoDumass: you can bot to recovery root console and rename the .gnome folder, that will reset gnome back to defaults if thats what you mean13:39
indusActionParsnip: hi u replied to my launchpad question startup apps13:39
ActionParsnipindus: I'm good on there :)13:39
ActionParsnipindus: if the text is all in a big block its off my g1 phone ;)13:40
moDumassActionParsnip, its more that things that used to work quickly now do not13:40
indusActionParsnip: hmm?13:40
eochis there a good application to be able to capture information while surfing, reading documents etc?  I want it to be sorta like a sticky notes, but be able to capture automatically where I gathered the information from (url / document name/ etc)13:40
Pirate_HuntermoDumass, you might have to reinstall everythign except format /home just leave the data there13:40
smacktalkanne@anne-desktop:/etc$ sudo  cat tailed >> services13:41
smacktalkbash: services: Permission denied13:41
bullgard4Who would test Ekiga with me, please?13:41
Draglorsmacktalk: try just "cat /etc/services"13:41
ActionParsnipmoDumass: then you can run: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop    which will reinstall all the apps that make up the desktop and will give them fresh configs (except what is configured in ~)13:41
ewooksudo 'cat tailed >> services'13:41
smacktalkDraglor...that asked me for a root password13:41
ActionParsnipindus: i web browse from bed on my G1 and type on launchpad, good fun13:41
Dragloryou will have to get superuser to write into services smacktalk13:42
moDumassActionParsnip, thanks, il give that a whirl.13:42
smacktalki'm superuser13:42
Draglorwhat gives "sudo su" as output?13:42
Pirate_Huntersmacktalk, no right now your a sudoer13:42
indusActionParsnip: i was pleasantly surprised to read ur reply,since u were helping me on irc too13:42
moDumassActionParsnip, i installed ubuntu on an eepc, it has a 4gig and an 8gig flash drive/s problem is that now that i have it going i cant do system upgrades or distro upgrades because it runs out of space13:43
Pirate_Hunter!languange | ubuntu13:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about languange13:43
Draglorsmacktalk:  Try "sudo cat tailed >> /etc/services" and give root- (or your user-) password when asked13:43
ActionParsnipmoDumass: sudo apt-get clean first13:44
smacktalkthat worked!!!13:44
ActionParsnipmoDumass: or skim some packages out that are bulky (open office and gimp will give you a fair chunk of space, if you need word processing install abiword)13:44
indusActionParsnip: also cd ~/.config/autostart;clean what does this do?13:44
moDumassActionParsnip, thanks for that13:45
ActionParsnipindus: some startup stuff is defined in there13:45
smacktalkThanks you!!13:45
indusActionParsnip: i mean the syntax with semicolon and clean is what is intriguing13:45
Draglorindus: It changes the current directory to "~/.config/autostart" and clears/blanks the screen13:45
ActionParsnip!startup > indus13:45
ubottuindus, please see my private message13:45
indusActionParsnip: Draglor:ya i did figure out when i saw the output13:46
ActionParsnipindus: clear just clears the screen, makes life readable13:46
indusActionParsnip: but, its true, i have ticked the 'remember programs when quit' box but it still keeps running again13:47
spursncowboysHi everyone. I am gonna get off topic for a second. When I download a torrent, I get like 25 zip or rar files. Then I extract it and I'll get 25 video files but the first one plays the entire show. When I burn it, do I have to include all the extracted files? Do I just put one and burn it?13:47
indusActionParsnip: although today it hasnt autorun totem or firefox13:47
Draglorspursncowboys: Just burn what you can play ....13:48
spursncowboysso the first file? So then should I extract all of them? Also can I delete all the files I won't use?13:48
indusits been 5 years and i still cant figure out what advantage a torrent file gives13:48
indusfor me,its the slowest download speed when i download a torrent13:49
Draglorsometimes faster and much cheaper for the one spreading the file13:49
spursncowboysindus: what do you use?13:49
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indusin fact the speeds i get are really shameful like 30 kb/s when i have max 256 kb/s13:49
indusspursncowboys: i use default transmission client what else13:50
Pirate_Hunterindus, your isp probably shapes your network and has anti p2p software running13:50
olaxi need html/decoder to run swf have try online and not gotten13:50
Draglorspursncowboys: Just burn the file that was playing the movie on your Computer. nothing more or less.13:50
indusPirate_Hunter: no not to my knowledge,13:50
Draglorolax: swf is flash ... try flash plugin13:50
spursncowboysDraglor: thanks. It's just something that's always made me wonder.13:51
indusPirate_Hunter: you know i have been wanting to effectively use torrents for the last ten years but i seem to fail miserably at it13:51
Pirate_Hunterindus, they dont tell you if they did bet you wouldve probably looked for someone else, last time i checked online there was a list of isps that did that13:51
indusPirate_Hunter: i dont even consider a torrent file now13:51
DraglorPirate_Hunter: Maybe he's just downloading the wrongs things ... mostly illegal downloads aren't fast as torrents...13:51
znhHello :-)13:51
indusDraglor: i never download illegal stuff13:51
DraglorYeah, as everyone doesn't. ;)13:52
indusDraglor: mind it ! its akin to calling me a thief13:52
znhI'm looking for an application like Gimp are there any others? My goal is to make a painting with effects and such.. Anything like Gimp would do13:52
moDumassindus it all depends on ratios and the upload speed of the seeders13:52
indusDraglor: anyways not your fault13:52
ActionParsnipindus: I'd watch it for a few day. See what sort of things cause the next boot to make it load automagically13:52
DraglorWell, if I download ubuntu over http it's about four times slower than as torrent13:52
wolfwalkerSorry to bug you with a KDE question, but #kubuntu is dead.  In kmix how do you monitor sound in?  I can turn sound from the mic port up and down for my recording program, but I can't see how to monitor the mic port from speakers.13:53
indusmoDumass: yes i tried some old tv programs and no one was seeding it so that is a problem i think13:53
Draglorindus, what's loading automatically?13:53
ActionParsnipwolfwalker: i just answered ;)13:53
wolfwalkerYup, just saw it.  Sorry.13:53
ActionParsnipDraglor: firefox and totem13:53
moDumassDraglor, If i dload ubuntu from the web i can get about 6 megs a second13:53
Pirate_HunterDraglor, that is when you use download accelerator :p still most admins hate those and may ban you heck doubt ubuntu would do it13:53
indusActionParsnip: yes i have been watching it for a month now and diff programs keep launching13:53
moDumassindus, try diferent torrent engines or emule, edonkey13:53
zhoujingruiis there some ubuntu radio soft ?13:53
moDumassthey have ransom old school torrents13:53
indusi had a pigeon menace for some time13:53
rameshwohello.. i wanted to talk with you guys from ubuntu.. but couldn't get irc to work with it .. so which client should i choose ??13:53
znhindus, if I remember properly there is an option to encrypt traffic. This would prevent your ISP from shaping in most cases. Unsure if transmission has this feature though.13:54
induspidgin ,firefox , rhythmbox loading up13:54
ActionParsnipindus: watch what programs are used before you log off. and which ones are running when you log off13:54
_PiLoT_anyone got a good star trek theme for compi13:54
Pirate_Hunterrameshwo, the one your using right now would be my guess13:54
znhrameshwo, XChat is pretty popular13:54
indusmoDumass: is emule available in synaptic?13:54
uxi must look it13:55
zhoujingruimy emule have no speed13:55
indusi tried azurieus but it keeps asking for java13:55
Pirate_Hunter_PiLoT_, go to #compiz13:55
_PiLoT_cheers pirate13:55
zhoujingruiis there some raido software in ubuntu ?13:55
uxit called amule13:55
Draglorindus: did you look in gnome folder in /usr/ for startups?13:55
Dragloryou are using gnome I assume ;)13:56
uxradio and other for music is rhythmbox13:56
indusDraglor: am i supposed to ?13:56
gravisanhow is it possible to tell if i am running 32 bit or 64?13:56
Draglorno, but you use mostly gtk apps as it seems13:56
indusgravisan: uname -m in terminal13:56
Pirate_Hunterzhoujingrui, there are plenty search online or in synaptic there is also lastfm which is not a soft but browser base (heck rhythmbox has radio function)13:56
indusgravisan: uname -a in terminal13:56
Dragloror supposed for looking there?13:56
gravisanindus:  thanks13:56
gravisani am runniing 68613:57
ActionParsnip686 == 32bit13:57
indusgravisan: ya 32 bi13:57
gravisanis it possible to switch to x64 by installing the 64bit kernel ... or wouldi need to do all sort of crazy stuff with userspace too?13:57
ActionParsnipx86_64 == 64bit13:57
induswhats diff between 386 and 68613:57
Draglorindus: I think that's some default startup apps from your gnome install (so not located in ~/ but normally in /usr/)13:57
gravisan686 has more extensions i think?13:57
zhoujingruirhythmbox radio doesnot work13:58
indusDraglor: in /usr which folder i check? gnome?13:58
Draglorindus: 686 is pentium >=413:58
gravisanis there a command line only installer for ubuntu13:58
gravisani want something like debootstrap13:58
gravisanbut on an installer cd13:58
ActionParsnipindus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I386  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_P6_(microarchitecture)13:58
Pirate_Hunterzhoujingrui, it does if your internet isn't slow and your arent connecting to brazil or some other far away country from you, best best stick to lastfm in your webbrowser13:58
ActionParsnipindus: i386 is for dog old CPUs basically.13:59
indusDraglor: which folder in /usr there are many13:59
Draglorindus: Try "find /usr/ -type f|grep  totem" and look into this files13:59
indusDraglor: ok can you also tell me how that command works13:59
Draglornormally /usr/share/ or /usr/gnome/ (I don't use gnome)13:59
Draglorindus: man find ;)13:59
gravisani am trying the mini.iso13:59
gravisanbut i am scared its going to install everything14:00
Draglorand man grep14:00
indusDraglor: hmm there is totem there and a lot more14:00
zhoujingruilastfm is not freee14:00
AdolaI'm running 8.10 Intrepid, and I can't activate the restricted drivers.14:00
indusDraglor: ok hmm it keeps spitting output14:00
Draglorthere should be just things with toem in the name14:00
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djoobHi I have 8.04 and however hard I try I can't get flash player 10 to work14:00
Pirate_Hunterzhoujingrui, yes it is! were you read that is utterly lying to you14:00
djoobAnyone got any ideas14:00
FeasibilityStudydjoob 32 or 6414:01
Dragloris there something on a directory including "auto" or a . desktop file in the output?14:01
Pirate_Hunterdjoob, just install it from synaptic or terminal14:01
djoobPirate I tried that ... it says already installe14:01
Pirate_Hunter!flash | djoob14:01
ubottudjoob: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:01
AdolaI'm running 8.10 Intrepid, and I can't activate the restricted drivers.14:01
wolfwalkerdjoob in 8.04 flash player is not good.  It will work sometimes, but not very well.  Get Ubuntu 9.04, it works flawlessly.14:02
Pirate_Hunterdjoob, might help figure out the problem14:02
djoob9.04 ? Is that jaunty?14:02
induswolfwalker: ok for me its the other way around14:02
wolfwalker9.04 is Jaunty, yes.14:02
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents14:02
induswolfwalker: flash was 9 in that now its 10 although now in hardy they might have updated to 1014:02
wolfwalkerAnd indus I don't know what to say.  I had trouble in 8.04 so I googled and found it was a common problem.14:03
djoobI just can't get my video drivers to work with Jaunty so I downgraded to hardy14:03
Pirate_Hunterwolfwalker, wouldnt say works flawlessly that is just a street of perfect. I still get hangs and random cpu increase as well as memory14:03
gravisanis there a command line only version i can download?14:03
djoobVideo works great but can't get flash to work14:03
ActionParsnipdjoob: 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu?14:03
indusDraglor: ok too many files where do i look14:03
djoobAction 3214:03
Pirate_Hunterdjoob, if it worked in 8.04 it will work in 9.04 as long as you edit xorg yourself, they did change bits and bobs14:04
ActionParsnipdjoob: if the repo fails yo uyou can download the tar.gz file and put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins14:04
djoobI can see libflashplayer.so in the firefox plugins dir. but firefox can't see it14:04
remoteCTRLerr... what is the difference between ssh and ssh2 please?14:04
Pirate_Hunterdjoob, this is assuming you done your xorg yourself :p14:04
djoobAction I tried all of that14:04
ActionParsnipdjoob: is it seen in about : plugins14:05
indusActionParsnip: Draglor : i have so many minor irritants with 9.0414:05
djoobAction no it isn't14:05
ActionParsnipindus: its all been identical for me since gutsy14:05
znhremoteCTRL, SSH2 is a more secure, efficient, and portable version of SSH that includes SFTP14:06
indusActionParsnip: for me feisty was great but i fell in love with hardy14:06
Pirate_Hunter!info ssh2 > Pirate_Hunter14:06
indusActionParsnip: have been thinking going back  to it14:06
DraglorAs I use ubuntu only for testing, I'm running 9.10 for some time now ...14:06
djoobActionParsnip: I tried it through install missing plugin, deb package from adobe and tar.gz from adobe.... all fail to load flashplayer14:06
remoteCTRLznh: all right, thanks for that, do you also happen to know why ubuntu ships with ssh and not ssh2?14:06
ActionParsnipdjoob: so you see something like this: http://pastebin.com/d7accf72b14:07
ActionParsnipdjoob: mines 64bit , but you get the idea14:07
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip, is ssh2 the same as openssh?14:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssh214:07
ActionParsnipindus: mandrake 7 for me :)14:07
phisher1remoteCTRL: ubuntu ships with openssh, which supports ssh1 and ssh214:07
tikuranybody who can help me with perl14:07
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: not heard of ssh214:07
djoobActionParsnip: hang on14:07
remoteCTRLphisher1: ah ok i see so it is basically my choice which one i pick?14:07
ActionParsniptikur: i'd head into #perl14:07
ActionParsniptikur: theres nearly 600 users in there14:08
phisher1the default in the ubuntu install of openssh-server (which is not installed by default) sets the protocol to ssh214:08
remoteCTRLphisher1: znh are those actually compatible, say if i create ssh2 public keys on the local machie but the remote one has ssh running?14:08
phisher1ssh2 keys?14:08
dani__how can I log my pidgin chats ?14:08
phisher1do you mean rsa or dsa ?14:08
Draglorindus: is there something in /usr/share/autostart related to firefox/totem/whatever?14:08
remoteCTRLphisher1: err... i'm not sure about that as the nomenclature in /etc/does not indicate so...?14:09
Draglordani__: pidgin is logging by default14:09
remoteCTRLphisher1: well i'd prefer rsa but basically i dont care14:09
znhremoteCTRL, ubuntu ships with ssh2, but refers to it as ssh. It's the default now :)14:09
phisher1remoteCTRL: rsa or dsa keys will work on an ssh1 or ssh2 server as long as the server allows key pair authentication14:09
phisher1if you prefer one, why do you say you basiclly don't care ?14:10
winterelfhi all... need help.. in the univercity where i study there is a wireless connection that i supposed to define as "wep 802.1" and authentication with "peap" so i edit in my network connection this connection with the name and password and it worked.. but the problam is that i cant connect to pidgin and to irssi (irc) .. any one knows how to fix it? when i connect to a different network like my home than i can use irssi and pidgin14:10
znhremoteCTRL, if I remember correctly one of SSH2 features is the public key feature. Afaik SSH1 does not have that14:10
EtheraelI got a weird one, intel mobile 4 accelerated graphics chip on jaunty with a heterogenous dual head (1920x1080 ext + 1280x800 int) setup. It's treating the entire display as if it were one big monitor when I want to treat it like two, anyone know a way out of this?14:10
remoteCTRLphisher1: well i prefer it but if i cannot use it its not a big deal to me14:10
Draglordani__: The log should be somewhere below ~/.purple14:10
phisher1that's incorrect14:10
phisher1ssh1 supports public key authentication14:10
dani__thanks Draglor. I'll search it.14:10
djoobActionParsnip: No .. I see this http://pastebin.com/m2349704a14:10
remoteCTRLphisher1: znh: ok gentlemen, thanks alot, you helped me much, i think i got it from here:)14:11
ActionParsnipdjoob: ok then run: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins14:11
winterelfbtw - i can use firefox to serf in sites... but nothing more than that..14:11
djoobActionParsnip: ok hang on14:11
vlekHi guys, Iv´e been searching on the internet but I cannot find the awnser. Ive installed on my first partition windows 7 and on the second ubuntu and installed Grub2. Now on the internet people are saying that Grub2 doesn´t support Vista boot. So is there a work arround?14:11
ActionParsnipdjoob: and copy the .so file to that folder and restart firefox14:11
Pirate_Hunterwinterelf, huh.. i would think so14:11
znhremoteCTRL, :-)14:12
phisher1grub supports vista boot14:12
phisher1I've done it on my laptop14:12
ActionParsnipvlek: install grub or lilo14:12
phisher1you did say Windows 7 then Vista though..14:12
ActionParsnipvlek: what functionality in grub2 do you use?14:12
vlekAaah yes its windows 714:12
vlekBut it has messed up grub2 and now I cannot open vista nor ubuntu14:12
phisher1I doubt much in the boot code would change for windows7 from vista..14:13
ActionParsnip!grub > vlek14:13
ubottuvlek, please see my private message14:13
Pirate_Hunterphisher1, you would be very surprised14:13
phisher1^^ dual boot ubuntu & windows 714:13
vlekItś for my work. Need some windows applications14:13
phisher1Pirate_Hunter: windows 7 changes don't even matter14:13
phisher1it all matters on what drive you are booting to14:13
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phisher1if you install grub to the MBR of the drive you are booting to, you can tell grub to switch boot device and boot from another HDD where Windows 7 is installed, then it's boot record takes over.14:14
whazillaanybody who thinks last repos should be ignited or reincarnated ?14:14
whazillai just hate 9.414:14
phisher1My only concern was grub correcly and automaticlly detecting the OS..14:14
Pirate_Hunterphisher1, i would have thought the mbr would change depending on the os (do correct me if i am wrong or thinking of something else)14:15
Pirate_Hunterwhazilla, hmmm and what is wrong with your pc14:15
ActionParsnipphisher1: then grub is the answer....14:15
phisher1it really depends on your configuration..14:15
djoobActionParsnip: Now I get this14:15
whazillaPirate_Hunter: ubuntu is wrong on it ;)14:15
phisher1yes, grub is most definitelly the answer14:15
djoobActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m76dfea9914:15
uxphisher1, u can do that both grub and win boot loader14:15
phisher1vista boot loader is a bitch to make boot linux14:15
phisher1grub can do it nice and automagicaly14:15
vlekIm not using grub but the next generation of grub called grub214:16
ActionParsnipdjoob: looks good, kill every running instance of firefox and rerun it14:16
whazillaPirate_Hunter: nothing wrong with the pc ... just software technicities14:16
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ActionParsnipvlek: what do you need grub2 for?14:16
vlekWell itś new14:16
whazillaSSP ==> pro police developmend14:16
whazillathats wrong with it14:16
Pirate_Huntervlek, hmmm second person this week having problems with grub2 wonder how different it is14:16
phisher1well, I can't speak for grub214:16
whazillaespecially with ubuntu 9.414:16
ActionParsnipvlek: it has features that you clearly are unaware of and wil never use14:16
ActionParsnipvlek: if you simply need to boot 2 different OSes then standard grub will do that just as well as grub214:17
ActionParsnipvlek: in essence, you are fixing what isnt broken to ultimately gain nothing14:17
shiznebitmay someone tell me how to turn off the mouse while typing. So I stop hitting the tochpad and screwing things up ?14:17
whazillaim gonne make a grub spinoff fork called dubdub14:17
whazillather good pro police killers14:17
KrizzAnyone in here that has experience in setting up RAID in Ubuntu that can help me?14:17
ActionParsnip!raid > Krizz14:17
ubottuKrizz, please see my private message14:17
Pirate_Hunterwhazilla, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:18
uxKrizz, only hardware raid14:18
Pirate_Hunter!raid | Krizz14:18
ubottuKrizz: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:18
whazillau go to Pirate_Hunter and leech urself dry bloodworm14:18
Krizzthat's only for software, i'm talking about hardware raid14:18
ActionParsnipKrizz: good lad :D14:18
phisher1hardware raid would require drivers for your raid controller14:18
phisher1and for you to configure an array on  your raid controller14:19
phisher1then your OS would see the array as 1 big disk.14:19
uxKrizz, i use it on HP proliant with logic SCSII raid14:19
ActionParsnipKrizz: the raid will be configured in the card, once it is configured it will e ssen in the OS in whatever config you set it as14:19
Krizzso I don't have to do anything in ubuntu?14:19
monestrikriss, hardware raid is beyond the scope of this channel14:19
phisher1as long as your raid controller is recognized.. no14:19
monestrior any other os channel14:19
phisher1monestri: why ?14:19
phisher1he has a valid question14:19
phisher1if you can't help, don't.14:19
FloodBot2phisher1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:19
uxKrizz, what's the controller?14:20
ActionParsnipKrizz: once its configured, If you use RAID0 (not true RAID but thats another story) then Ubuntu will only see 1 disk14:20
david00`Hi all14:20
Krizzi'm going setup 2 1tb discs as RAID 0+1 with a card so if it's recognised it's going to show up during the ubuntu setup as 1tb?14:20
ActionParsnip!hi | david00`14:20
ubottudavid00`: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:20
phisher1you can't do 0+1 with 2 disks14:20
david00`I'm trying to install Netbook Remix 9.04 on an HP 213314:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about high14:20
Krizzi meant raid 114:20
david00`I downloaded the .img file and used 'dd' to copy it onto a USB stick, but when I try to boot from it I get 'Error loading operating system'14:21
whazillanow whers the weeds at14:21
david00`That's all, it won't go any further14:21
Kingsy101is it possible to install internet exploror (the most recent version) on ubuntu?14:21
ActionParsnipKrizz: then it will be seen as a single disk, the controller may need config tyo be used, some work out of the box14:21
uxKrizz, u wright14:21
Pirate_Hunter!offtopic | whazilla14:21
ubottuwhazilla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:21
Krizzthanks guys14:21
david00`(To boot from the USB stick I use F9 when starting the 2133)14:21
dani__thanks a lot.14:21
Krizzyou guys just made me love ubuntu that much more =)14:21
david00`Anyone have any ideas?  I verified the md5sum of the .img already14:21
uxKrizz, ))14:22
joaopintodavid00`, why don't use the usb creator tool, doesn't it work for the remix iso ?14:22
david00`joaopinto: I don't have a ubuntu machine already, only another distro14:22
joaopintoah :\14:22
uxKrizz, i'm usinc hp raid util for monitoring my raid14:22
ActionParsnipdavid00`: this will help to get the OS on the stick. The other stuff is for an EEEPC and can be ignored: http://nousessence.com/node/9914:23
Krizzhttp://www.kjell.com/?item=38314&path=97000000,97500000,108000000,109500000 < anyone know if this card is going to work with ubuntu 9.04?14:23
papitowhen i use gnome, there is a wireless software that is next to the clock which connects to the internet. I want to use wmaker because its faster, but it doent load that program. how do I load the wireless from command line ?14:23
david00`Thanks ActionParsnip14:24
david00`I was using this method: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles14:24
david00`Is that less reliable than the other method using the ISO?14:24
ActionParsnipcross reference, see whats different14:24
ActionParsnipboth are fine14:24
Kingsy101is it possible to install internet exploror (the most recent version) on ubuntu?14:24
uxKrizz, all old hardware works in it14:24
Krizzi'll test and if it doesn't work i'll come back :D14:25
uxand kill me? ))14:25
vlekok got windows back to work. Just will reinstall ubuntu again. Like a did a hour ago. But will not use grub 2 anymore :)14:25
FeasibilityStudyKingsy101 why do you need IE?14:25
vlekThanks for the information :)14:25
Pirate_HunterKingOfDos, no thats owned by m$ but there is a possibility to install IE6 for testing purposes not advised for daily surfing14:25
Kingsy101FeasibilityStudy - web testing, I need to test my site accross browsers14:26
Pirate_HunterFeasibilityStudy, html/web developer meybe14:26
FeasibilityStudyKingsy101 then use a VM14:26
joaopintoKingsy101, there is a script ie4linux, it will use wine14:26
dolaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:26
joaopintobut a VM is a better choice14:26
joaopinto!aptlock | dola14:26
ubottudola: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:26
Kingsy101what do you mean by VM ?14:26
Krizzux, do you know if it's possible to order a free dvd of ubuntu server in 32bit?14:26
chazcoHi... when I start totem it immediatly crashes... console output is "segmentation fault". Any idea how to fix or is this just one more bug?14:26
Krizzi already requested 2 discs but the come as 64bit and my server is only 32bit14:27
uxonly CD14:27
Krizzi meant cd xD14:27
Kingsy101FeasibilityStudy - what is a VM and how can I set one up?14:27
Pirate_Hunterchazco, a bug which can be bout by composite or any other situation on your pc14:27
Krizzis the only way to get 32bit server by downloading it?14:27
uxKrizz,  https://shipit.ubuntu.com/14:28
Krizzi tried that14:28
Krizzbut i can't find anything about a 32bit server14:28
Pirate_HunterKrizz, i guess so its there look closely14:28
chazcoPirate_Hunter - Any idea how to fix it? It worked this morning, no updates or anything installed since...14:28
Krizzpirate_hunter, all i can choose from are desktop and server and when i select server it shows up as i've selected 64bit14:29
Kingsy101Pirate_Hunter - have you ever installed ie for testing on a linux machine?14:29
Pirate_Hunterchazco, i wouldn't segmentation error dont say much14:29
uxKrizz, From ubuntu com "The Ubuntu Server Edition CDs are available only in the 64-bit version. The 32-bit version is only available for download. "14:30
chazcoPirate_Hunter - Fair enough, thanks anyway :(14:30
dadrockcan any one help me out with permission settings in ubuntu ?14:30
Krizzdamn, i might have missed that14:30
Krizzthanks ux14:30
Krizzcheers guys & gals and have a nice day14:30
uxdadrock, use man chmod14:30
Pirate_HunterKingsy101, nope its there search the page, heck scroll up n down14:31
chazcoWhen I start totem it immediately crashes... console output is "segmentation fault" (same is printed into system logs). Any idea how to fix or is this just one more bug?14:31
Pirate_HunterKingsy101, wrong person14:31
joaopintochazco, have you tried to reset totem's preferences ?14:31
Kingsy101huh? can someone go into a little more detail? ppl suggested a VM I don't even know what a VM is..14:31
Pirate_HunterKingsy101, i have it didnt work but i run vm so it makes no difference14:32
chazcojoaopinto - How? Cant open Totem to do it, although it was working earlier and nothing has changed settings wise14:32
Pirate_Hunter!info virtual machine14:32
ubottu'machine' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner14:32
joaopintochazco, rm ~/.config/totem/state.ini14:32
joaopintochazco, rm ~/.config/totem/*14:32
dadrockcan anyone help me ? ?14:32
joaopintoKingsy101, a virtual machine, try virtual box14:32
Pirate_HunterKingsy101, http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/20553 that explains14:33
chazcojoaopinto - Already tried renaming that folder, had no effect14:33
Pirate_Hunterdadrock, ask the question please14:33
joaopintochazco, a segmentation fault is usually related to a bug, or a serious problem14:33
chazcojoaopinto - Yep, guess as much but theres not much to go on when trying to fix it...14:34
Pirate_Hunterchazco, go online  and do a search totem segmentation fault or something than check what it tells you14:35
dadrockPirate_Hunter, i ma using apache for running a web software i ahve given all the permissions to the folder by using nautilus but still there is an  error prompting  cannot find file on server ?14:35
=== i is now known as Guest8811
uxdadrock, look private chat14:35
joaopintochazco, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures14:35
chazcoPirate_Hunter - Been doing that before i came on IRC... cant find anything that seems relevant14:35
Pirate_Hunterdadrock, wrong person to ask i install apache/php/mysql as a lamp package all i have to do is just change the defaults the way i like it (sorry can't help)14:36
Pirate_Hunterchazco, try reinstalling totem doubt will help but worth a try14:36
joaopintochazco, ulimit -c unlimited (then run the app, that will generate a core file)14:36
joaopintoPirate_Hunter, segmentation fault is too generic to google for14:37
Pirate_Hunterchazco, or use something else i.e. vlc, mplayer, xmms etc14:37
joaopintoreinstalling would only fix if there was something changed on one of the installed files :)14:37
dadrockPirate_Hunter, no problems14:37
Pirate_Hunterjoaopinto, worked for komposer still find it weird it freezes cause of using mouse on the menus14:37
chazcoPirate_Hunter - Giving a reinstall a try, you never know. Need totem for various reasons (DVB, gnome thumbnails - also crashing now...)14:38
chazcojoaopinto - Just trying a reinstall, will try that next14:38
tyrosine>> What's an easy program to draw circuit schematics?14:38
joaopintochazco, if more apps are crashingm it is most likely a system/library problem14:38
chazcojoaopinto - Nope, its the totem video thumbnailer crashing14:38
Pirate_Hunterchazco, if other things are crashing it might not be totem but you system i.e. the install14:38
joaopintochazco, ah ok14:38
chazcoPirate_Hunter - Its the totem video thumbnail crashing. Reinstall didnt work.14:39
joaopintochazco, a core file will reveal on which component is it crashing14:39
chazcojoaopinto - Created, how do I use it?14:39
sorenmallingAnyone here with experience about pure-ftpd-mysql and ubuntu server?14:39
joaopintoChaz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace <- read the core files section14:40
joaopintogdb -c corefile totem_binary_path14:41
chazcojoaopinto - "Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)"14:42
joaopintoChaz, can you pastebin the full output ?14:42
panzorHello, I'm using fgrep to match a string in "ps xa" and I just want the process that I'm matching, not the grep process finding that process. How do I exlude grep from my results without using `cut`?14:42
chazcojoaopinto - Thats all it will print on any option14:43
grawitypanzor: | grep -v grep14:43
panzorgrawity: ah, thanks. It must be early :P14:43
grawitypanzor: Or use pgrep maybe? ps ax $(pgrep something)14:43
joaopintochazco, ah ok :\14:43
joaopintoChaz, try gdb Path_to_otem14:43
joaopintoand then "run"14:43
m0RrEhello.. i'm trying to get my friend's soundcard to work.. 02:00.0 Audio device: Creative Labs [SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio] CA0110-IBG.. i have read several pages saying that there's not drivers available.. well, i managed to get it to be recogniced by installing the latest snapshot of the alsa drivers.. i can see it in kmix, aswell with aplay -l.. the problem is that i can't get a single beep out of my speakers.. anyone know what to do?14:44
Guest8811how can i run a distro from cdlive, using the new GRUB2 of ubuntu KARMIC KOALA?14:44
chazcojoaopinto - Got to go i'm afraid... just noticed totem-xine crashes but totem-gstreamer doesnt...14:44
bullgard4Who would test Ekiga voice chat with me, please?14:46
Pirate_HunterGuest8811, you do know that is still in alpha testing if i am not mistaken14:46
Pirate_Hunterbullgard4, try in offtopic14:46
Guest8811YES IT IS14:46
bullgard4Pirate_Hunter: Why?14:47
=== fixplz is now known as fixiba
chazcojoaopinto - Thanks for the help, c ya14:47
joaopinto!karmic | Guest881114:47
ubottuGuest8811: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:47
Pirate_Hunterbullgard4, best bet ask a friend to install it as well and the reason is because it is not relevant to ubuntu and i doubt ppl would be bothered here14:47
=== ruben is now known as Guest8961
Guest8811i use karmic14:48
joaopintoPirate_Hunter, that is not friendly at all, a lot of people here should be willing to help another user testing an ubuntu application14:48
rabidweezleI can't get my cpu scaling to stick to my top speed...14:48
joaopintobullgard4, I can't because I am behind a firewall14:48
n0gearis this safe software source ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/sarge ?14:49
joaopinton0gear, no, you should not install debian packages on ubuntu14:49
Pirate_Hunterjoaopinto, what i meant his question is not relevant it is not buggy he just created an account and wants to test the dialing feature (if that made sense)14:49
ttl_wrkhi everyone14:49
joaopinton0gear, what are you looking for ?14:49
rabidweezlecould cause unstable os...14:49
rabidweezlebetter off compiling it yourself14:49
dreimarkhow can I change as non admin the language (ubuntu-dektop)14:50
bulliumis anyone using timevault...the software is great, but ubuntu isn't doing a great job mounting my external HD in the same location each time...any suggestions?14:50
n0gearjoaopinto: dont remember why i had to add that source, madwifi or something i think14:50
tkbi installed ubuntu netbook remix.14:50
joaopinton0gear, better remove it14:50
bulliumeach time I plug the drive in or reboot14:50
tkbso, i switch the nettbook mode to classic mode14:50
=== Guest8811 is now known as little
Dam0when i start firfox i get this error14:51
bullgard4Pirate_Hunter, joaopinto Ok.14:51
uxDam0, what the error?14:51
Magicman1264Can anyone tell me how I can run Itunes with Ubuntu?14:51
n0gearjoaopinto: great ... how do i undo last update ???14:51
tkbwhen restart ubuntu, do not display gnome panel14:51
=== ruben is now known as Guest75453
uxMagicman1264, it work unstable under wine14:52
joaopinton0gear, there is no undo update function, you woul need to request a specific version to be reinstalled14:52
ttl_wrki have a question about editing video, i have a reportage in DVD fomat (3 VOB files) i want to edit the reportage to shorten this it and get all the highlights in 10 minutes, what tools do i use to do this, i need a DVD disc as a final result14:52
Magicman1264thank you14:52
Pirate_HunterMagicman1264, why would you want itunes when you have other alternatives like rhythmbox, exaile, banshee (i think) wtc. If you really want to run it through wine but good luck it may/will be buggy14:52
leonelpcgood morning14:53
Magicman1264I tried it with wine and it didn't work14:53
uxMagicman1264, use rhythmbox(gnome) or amarok(kde)14:53
Magicman1264wasn't sure if there was another way to run it14:53
rabidweezleanyone had issues with cpu scaling not switching off half speed?14:53
uxMagicman1264, it was unstable14:54
Pirate_Hunterwell im off time to do some work14:54
moejoeWhat would you use for xfce?14:54
uxMagicman1264, u must run install of iTunes in wine14:54
Magicman1264I have rhythmbox and it runs great but just does not have a few features Itunes has14:54
leonelpcsome brasilian here?14:54
* grawity likes Banshee.14:55
znhmoejoe, assuming one uses Xfce for a lightweight system.. I'd pick a lightweight music player14:55
uxznh, i don't use xfce14:55
uxdon't know14:55
moejoeznh: Would you know of such a beast?14:56
rabidweezleerm, wrong channel14:56
Dam0i get this error message when i start up firefox: http://pastebin.com/m509e8ebe14:56
uxDam0, u can purge and reinstall14:57
znhmoejoe, I'm quite happy with VideoLAN player (VLC)14:57
moejoeznh: As of right now i have to use Movie Player as my files are currently all in .mp3. (i am making the movie to linux from windows)14:57
Dam0ux>: what is the problem though?14:57
Dam0ux: how do i purge it?14:57
moejoeznh: Ah yes, i use that for my DVDs. Ill grab it again then. Thanks!14:58
uxapt-get purge firefox14:58
ugliefrogis there a program for ubuntu that will give me a email or a notification when a forum has new posts. a homegrown rss feed14:58
ttl_wrkany good video editing sofware for linux?14:58
treyh222I have a 64 bit server that I want to run with qemu and kvm, will there be a problem if my VM's are 32 bit?14:59
Dam0ux: will that delete my bookmarks>14:59
ttl_wrki need to edit a dvd movie to make it shorter14:59
Kingsy101hey I have i.e 6.0 installed on ubuntu and for some reason when ever I run it my comp crashes after its loaded, (the mouse stops responding etc) anyone had this problem before?14:59
joaopintono, that is most likely wine related14:59
ttl_wrkKingsy101, who wants to run IE on linux....15:00
Dam0ux: its working fine now, i just needed to reboot it15:00
L1nuxReignttl_wrk, what exactly do you need to do?15:00
ttl_wrkL1nuxReign, edit a DVD to shorten the reportage on it15:00
ttl_wrkL1nuxReign, it has 3 VOB files15:00
Kingsy101ttl_wrk - for testing purposes15:01
L1nuxReigni see15:01
Kingsy101cross browser problems etc15:01
L1nuxReigndid you check devede?15:01
L1nuxReignmaybe that would do it15:01
Kingsy101joaopinto - wine related? any ideas of a fix then?15:01
ttl_wrkL1nuxReign, it's an home made reportage and i need to cut pieces out of it to make it from 20 tot 10 minutes15:01
ldleworkDoes anyone know how to make the network manager icon that you use to select a wireless network in SUDO mode so I can setup a VPN? Everything is grayed out for VPN otherwise? Please help.15:02
L1nuxReignoh i see15:02
joaopinto!wine | Kingsy10115:02
ubottuKingsy101: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:02
Kingsy101I know what it is15:02
joaopintoKingsy101, have you checked their channel ? you are more likely to find wine users there...15:02
PiciKingsy101: The best place to ask about applications running inside wine would be in #winehq15:02
ttl_wrkL1nuxReign, ok il look for Avidemux15:02
ttl_wrkL1nuxReign, thanks15:03
L1nuxReignno worries!\15:03
uxDam0, haha)15:03
wbcI need a lightweight CD burner for Ubuntu which can burn ISO's, do anyone of you know one?15:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero15:03
Dam0ux: cheers15:03
uxwbc, nautilus-cd-burner15:04
ugliefrogis there a program for ubuntu that will give me a email or a notification when a forum has new posts. a homegrown rss feed15:04
widonI need help......15:05
uxDam0, lucky)15:05
L1nuxReignwbc, right-click on the iso and choose Write to Disc15:05
widonafter I sudo apt-get remove wine*15:05
wbcNo, the default is shit15:05
joaopintougliefrog, any rss reader ? liferea for example , assuming those forums have RSS feeds15:05
uxwbc, brasero15:05
L1nuxReignwell, it works for me :P15:05
widonI cannot user gnome-terminal15:06
L1nuxReignbrasero or gnomebaker15:06
L1nuxReigneither will do it15:06
widonand I cannot open filesystem15:06
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:06
widoncould not open location 'file:///home/widon'15:07
wbcL1nuxReign, what about k3b?15:07
L1nuxReignk3b is not "lite" but its the best one15:07
wbcoh, so brasero is light?15:07
L1nuxReignyes indeed, gnomebaker as well15:08
ryanpriorMy audio is busted. It's worked in previous versions of Ubuntu, but on Jaunty it goes into an infinite loop of short samples. Can I install a different sound system, or maybe an older kernel?15:08
wbcIt is already installed....15:08
wbcWait, the default CD/DVD burner is brasero?15:08
DSpairryanprior, Have you looked at the Ubuntu forums to see if there is a fix for your chipset?15:08
L1nuxReignnot really15:08
ryanpriorDSpair: How do I tell what chipset I have?15:09
L1nuxReignnautilus has a burning feature, brasero is another program15:09
L1nuxReignas far as I know15:09
L1nuxReignwhat exactly do you need to burn?15:10
wbcLol, I found it under Sound and Video, thanks L1nuxReign15:10
DSpairryanprior, There's a command you can use to find all the information about your devices. It's called "lspci". Open a command prompt, type "lspci -vv" and paste the output to the pastebin site.15:10
wbcA bootable CD15:10
tkbdid check the md5?15:10
DSpair!paste | ryanprior15:10
ubotturyanprior: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:10
L1nuxReignI see, do you know about Hiren's Boot CD?15:10
L1nuxReignit has killdisk among other software15:11
wbcWait, hirens got killdisk included?15:11
L1nuxReignyes indeed15:11
wbcIt is an older version though, 4.1. Current stable is 5.115:12
L1nuxReigni see15:12
ldleworkCan anyone  tell me how to run the GUI network configuration tool as root so I can create a VPN?15:13
TuxPurple!hi | med15:13
ubottumed: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:13
MikeChelenldlework, try gksudo15:14
gerbili just installed ubuntu on my laptop, and played around with compiz. when i rebooted my laptop, both menu bars at the top and bottom of my screen are gone, including window titlebars. how can i fix this?15:14
ryanpriorDSpair: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/197092/15:14
oming안녕하세요. :)15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp15:15
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:15
shriekoutsorry :)15:15
DSpairryanprior, K, gimme a sec15:15
compilerwriterI was under the impression that when I did a clen install to 9.04 my hard drive would be formatted and Kubuntu reinstalled was I incorrect?15:15
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:16
kam00zyhey who wants to help me with something?15:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:16
Slartcompilerwriter: yes.. afaik that is correct15:16
kam00zyok well here i go15:16
compilerwriterwell slart what I got was a half working copy of my old system updated.15:17
kam00zyi have a ubuntu 8 server and would like to set it up as a proxy server so that basically i can tunnel from my work comp to it since there is a web filter at work... how can i do this :)15:17
DSpairryanprior, You have an ATI SB4x0 audio device. I didn't find anything quickly on the forums, but you might try searching Google.15:17
grahamtheegghello i was looking for some help with a video capture device15:17
Slartcompilerwriter: then it sounds like you just installed over the old system.. ie not a clean install15:17
wbc!ask grahamtheegg15:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:18
compilerwriterI think I need to redownload the installer cd and double check my md5 etc.15:18
compilerwriterslart.  I know but as to how that happened I have no clue.15:18
bob_fHello, can anybody tell me if it's worth using Ubuntu Netbook on my new Eee PC ? I won't be running gnome on it, so is there any real advantage to it ?15:18
grahamtheeggi have a PX-AV200U and i am unable to get it working#15:18
wbcbob_f, try xubuntu15:18
grahamtheeggit shows as /dev/video015:18
grahamtheeggbut if i uses vlc to open capture device it shows a blank page15:19
Slartcompilerwriter: I think you can do it in the installer.. where you select what hard drives to use and such..15:19
Jimi_Neutralhey peeps i just installed emacs using the package manager but i cant find a link to it to start it15:19
bob_fwbc: No, I'll be running another WM, so no xfce or anything like that. I'll be setting it up myself. I mean to ask if the Netbook remix offers me anything other than interface tweaks or is it actually going to work better with the Atom chipset ?15:19
kam00zynobody wants to help me :)15:19
TuxPurpleJimi_Neutral, applications> accessories15:20
compilerwriterThat is what I thought I had done.  It told me it was going to repartition and everything in the partitions would be lost.  Somehow it did not.15:20
Kartagis!patience | kam00zy15:20
ubottukam00zy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:20
wbcbob_x, have you looked at eeebuntu15:20
cjwow.  1486 people on this channel.15:20
Jimi_NeutralTuxPurple, not there15:20
Slartkam00zy: have some patience.. sometimes people have to think a bit.. look up links etc.. or people don't have an answer15:20
bob_fwbc: You sure ? It apparently requires that I have an Axiom chipset, so I thought maybe there'd be some kernel differences that get better performance/battery life from it.15:20
cjthat's crazy, people.15:20
bob_fwbc: Hmm, nope.15:20
cjanyhow... how's karmic coming?  should I upgrade? :)15:21
kam00zyu should all have the answer! :P15:21
wbcbob_f : http://www.eeebuntu.org/15:21
Slartcj: ask in #ubuntu+115:21
Slartkam00zy: ehm.. nope.. I don't.. can't speak for the other 1487 people here though15:21
kam00zyim sure one of them do :P15:22
LantaCrossover 8 just released - lets party :)15:22
compilerwritershould I have gone into the custom partition menu and specified something there slart.15:22
bob_fwbc: Yeah, just reading now. "Eeebuntu uses a specially customised kernel designed for the EeePC."  - sounds promising; thanks for the pointer.15:22
kam00zylinks or it didnt happen15:22
wbcbob_f, np15:22
Slartkam00zy: there are web proxies you can use.. but you would have to setup some security/authentication so not everyone can use your proxy.. not really sure how to do that15:22
grahamtheeggHello, I have a PX-AV200U which when i plug in it shows as /dev/video0 but if i uses vlc to open capture device it shows a blank screen with a green bar along the bottom15:23
kam00zySlart as long as people dont know my ip or donain it shouldnt be a problem eh?15:23
jasonmchristoshey how do i setup a remote desktop for xubuntu15:23
TuxPurpleJimi_Neutral, try alt+F2, then type emacs15:23
jasonmchristosthe same one that is installed by default on ubuntu please15:24
DSpairjasonmchristos, There are a number of ways, but deciding depends on what you want to accomplish.15:24
Jimi_NeutralTuxPurple, WOW, COOL TY ;)15:24
jasonmchristosDSpair: the same one that is on ubuntu15:24
Jimi_NeutralTuxPurple, sorry for th caps15:24
TuxPurpleJimi_Neutral, np15:24
DSpairjasonmchristos, I don't know what you mean by that.15:24
grahamtheeggHello, I have a PX-AV200U which when i plug in it shows as /dev/video0 but if i uses vlc to open capture device it shows a blank screen with a green bar along the bottom15:24
Slartkam00zy: ehh.. there are only so many ip's out there.. it's not that hard to scan them.. as some people do.. to find open proxies setup by people who think as you do15:25
jasonmchristosDSpair: the one that is installed under ubuntu when u click enable remote desktop15:25
jasonmchristosDSpair: under preferences in 9.0415:25
jasonmchristosDSpair: i want this same one on my xubuntu15:26
grahamtheeggHello, I have a PX-AV200U which when i plug in it shows as /dev/video0 but if i uses vlc to open capture device it shows a blank screen with a green bar along the bottom15:26
DSpairjasonmchristos, Aha. You should be able to use the same application in xubuntu. I believe it's called vino.15:27
jasonmchristosDSpair: vino in synaptic?15:27
jasonmchristosDSpair: i was trying xrdp apparently thtas not it15:28
jasonmchristosDSpair: ill go try that now15:28
wbc!patience | grahamtheegg15:28
ubottugrahamtheegg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:28
dreimarkhow can I change as non admin the language (ubuntu-dektop)15:29
Threetimeshi, I just installes spamassasin. how do I configure postxif and/or dovecot to put spam messages in a seperate mailbox?15:29
dcrewsI'm trying to set up an samba share that any windosXP user can get to.  No worry about security, I just want it to be easy to get to from windows....its behind a firewall15:30
rameshwohello. how can i prevent other users to be able to mount my windows partition ( c: and d: )?? hda5,hda615:30
cjSlart: danke15:30
RomanKhi, is there something like #ubuntu64?15:30
EvilDildoI got a problem with file ownership, i got some PHP scriptq writing somes files (like uploaded one)15:30
EvilDildoI would like to be able to delete these files with FTP account15:30
EvilDildofiles ownership is www-data:www-data and i connect with my ftp client with ftpuser, users as user and group15:30
EvilDildoso ftp server return me "Go to Hell...." when i try to delete a file15:30
EvilDildoI try to add www-data as secondary group to my ftp user and and change umask 002 but not sure it the15:30
FloodBot2EvilDildo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
EvilDildogood practice does anyone know a good website treating this subject15:30
inSanecan somebody help me with an alsa-problem?15:31
wbc!ask | inSane15:31
ubottuinSane: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:31
rameshwo hello. how can i prevent other users to be able to mount my windows partition ( c: and d: )?? hda5,hda615:31
wbc!patience | rameshwo15:31
ubotturameshwo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:31
Slartrameshwo: where are these "other people" ?15:31
gavinstarkBooting to busybox ram initrd then trying to pivot_root and chroot /sbin/init  to an Ubuntu 9.0.4 desktop env.  I keep getting "init: Unable to send message: Connection refused."  Am I missing a driver/support or starting init incorrectly?  Or something else?15:32
joaopintoEvilDildo, if you are going to update those files via ftp, their group will be set to the uploading primary user group15:32
joaopintoso probably your best choice is to change those users primary groups to www-data15:32
jasonmchristosDSpair: still need a little help15:33
DSpairjasonmchristos, Don't know how much assistance I can be, but shoot.15:33
ThreetimesHi, I just installed spamassasin. how do I configure postfix and/or dovecot to put spam messages in a seperate mailbox? Spam messages have a subject starting with "(SPAM"15:33
jasonmchristosDSpair: i installed the package but there is no remote desktop button under preferences15:34
DSpairjasonmchristos, Try just running "vino" from the run dialog.15:34
jasonmchristosDSpair: im guessing because xubuntu isnt using gnome15:34
bluemindis there a way to install ubuntu with minimal or no additional programs, using the gnome desktop and then manually install just what i need?15:34
rameshwobluemind: i think you should get the minimal cd.. .15:34
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:35
bluemindrameshwo: cool, thanks :)15:35
gerbili just installed ubuntu on my laptop, and played around with compiz. when i rebooted my laptop, both bars at the top and bottom of my screen are gone, including window titlebars. how can i fix this?15:35
papitohow do i connect to the wireless from command line ?15:35
Kingsy101what is the command for showing hidden folders in the console?15:36
Kingsy101ls -*what?*15:36
papitoKingsy101, -a15:36
rameshwoKingsy:   ls -a15:36
jasonmchristosDSpair: command not found15:36
Kingsy101oh ok.. thanks15:36
rameshwo how can i prevent other users to be able to mount my windows partition ( c: and d: )?? hda5,hda615:37
greenkernelCould someone please help me how to configure GRUB to boot OpenBSD on Ubuntu system?15:37
swivelsmorning everyone15:38
whalalguno habla español??15:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:38
whalnadie aca habla español¿¿¿15:38
Kingsy101how do you change dirs to a folder with a space in it in the terminal?15:39
rameshwokingsy101 : press tab15:39
Kingsy101cd Program/Files? or something?15:39
SlartKingsy101: try this    cd folder\ with\ a\ space15:39
L1nuxReignwhal, escribe /join #ubuntu-es15:39
whalche nadie habla español¿¿15:39
rameshwoKingsy101:  cd pro<tab>15:39
chuvmorKingsy101: Escape the space like Program\ Files15:40
swivelswhal: no es importante, tu quieres usar #unbuntu-es, este para ingles15:40
rafa_nunesrameshwo: They just can mount if they have the root password. I guess.15:40
Kingsy101oh right I see..15:40
Slartrameshwo: where are these "other people" ?15:40
Slartrameshwo: what are you trying to protect against?15:40
L1nuxReignwhal, escribe /join #ubuntu-es15:40
rameshworafa_nunes : ok..  while mounting it asks.  enter sudo password for .....   is it asking for root ? coz i have same password for root and my account. so..15:41
bkt5401M3N 78 PRO motherboard 940II 4G dominator- I added a new drive to 3 drives and installed xp.  xp took letter "f".There were 3 MSOS's already installed. when I installed 9.04 64bit I get error "17" on boot.15:41
rameshwoSlart: couldn't undersatnd you..15:41
whala donde escrivo eso?15:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:41
greenkernelI have already installed OpenBSD on one of my primary partitions. But, don't know how to configure in GRUB to make a dual boot with Ubuntu ..15:41
Slartrameshwo: these other users.. are they able to login on your computer? do they have admin access to it? physical access?15:41
chrissouHi all, I'm using double screen on ubuntu 9.04 and I want to launch full screen apps on one screen only (not both like now). I'm using nvidia driver (180.4), gnome and ubuntu 9.04. Do anyone know how to launch app on just one screen15:42
xxydHi, i have a problem with alsa. i have tried to install my HDA-Chip, but no sound comes out of the internal speakers of my notebook nor from the outline15:42
Slartrameshwo: or are we talking about people in some other country with an netowork connection?15:42
rameshwoslart: no .. i mean other account on my computer physically accessing  ..15:42
vegombreiaaronvarghese: hi15:42
bkt5401Windows is also installed on that drive. I have the impression that uninstalling grub and reinstalling it the proper place might help15:42
xxydcan somebody help me??15:42
Slartrameshwo: then encryption is the only way..15:42
vegombreixxyd: whats up>?15:43
aaronvarghesemay i have some asistanse with installing the lattest flash15:43
Slartrameshwo: I don't think there is, or has ever been, an os that can protect a partition from someone with physical access to the computer15:43
xxydvegomrei: do you speak german=15:43
pktI 'm considering to buy this: http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/product/Portege-M800-107/1055379/15:43
decaprimeSo i've been trying to get my XFi soundcard to work properly, following one set of instructions on the forums I downloaded some drivers as source and make/make installed them- is there an easy way to remove them (they don't work and there is no make uninstall)15:43
Slart!de | xxyd15:43
ubottuxxyd: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:43
vegombreixxyd: nope15:43
pktdo you think it will have significant problems with linux/ubuntu?15:43
rameshwoSlart: but i'm owner of my computer.. and i only know root password.. my frens also run my computer sometime so i don't want them to mess with windows partition..15:43
Kingsy101can someone take a look at this? I realise its wine but no-one is respnding in winehq ---> http://pastie.org/513793 <--- check that out,, the command I ran is on the first line15:44
Slartdecaprime: not really.. make uninstall is the only way I know of.. you can of course track down all the files one by one and remove them..15:44
aaronvarghesemay i have some asistanse with installing the lattest flash15:44
xxydvegombrei: ok, there is no sound. it does not matter what i do15:44
decaprimeIs there a way to automate that, it seemed like it put files in like 100 different places15:44
rameshwoSlart; if only i know the  root password  if friends do not know then ...can they still mount ??15:44
Slartrameshwo: root password doesn't mean anything if your friends can boot from a cd15:44
Pirate_Hunter!flash | aaronvarghese15:44
ubottuaaronvarghese: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:44
rameshwoSlart: not from cd..   it's installed permanently in hard drive15:45
aaronvarghesetak you15:45
pktKingsy101: looks like missing functionality15:45
aaronvarghesethank you15:45
Kingsy101pkt - any ideas of a fix?15:45
xxydvegombrei: i tried to append "options snd-ha"15:45
Slartrameshwo: if your friends can boot from a cd they can access all the partitions on it.. no matter how many passwords you have setup15:46
grahamtheeggHello, I have a PX-AV200U which when i plug in it shows as /dev/video0 but if i uses vlc to open capture device it shows a blank screen with a green bar along the bottom15:46
pktKingsy101: wine people should implement what is missing15:46
Kingsy101pkt - the command I used to install i.e was sh winetricks ie615:46
ircnickiusehow can I generate a passwd hash for useradd -p on ubuntu?15:46
pktKingsy101: you may be able to work around the problem by installing a native dll or two15:46
xxydvegombrei: i tried to append "snd-hda-intel model=medion" to alsa-base.conf15:46
greenkernelI configured my /boot/grub/menu.list as follows:-15:46
greenkerneltitle   OpenBSD15:47
greenkernelroot   (hd0, 2)15:47
jelly-beanhow can i use apt to tell which package provides a certain binary name? similar to "yum provides <binary_name>"?15:47
rameshwoSlart :except  booting from cd. ? if they run the installed ubuntu . then i want to prevent them from mounting....  they don't know the root password. will it enble them to mount ?15:47
tomahawkBoum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum !15:47
tomahawkBoum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum !.15:47
aaronvarghesegoogle chrome dosnt support flash doseit15:47
tomahawkBoum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum !15:47
tomahawkBoum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum !.15:47
FloodBot2tomahawk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
tomahawkBoum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum !15:47
tomahawkBoum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum ! Boum !.15:47
aaronvargheseplz stop15:47
Slartrameshwo: but if we say that your friends are normal people and only use the linux login you provide them.. then you can restrict access to your other partitions15:47
xxydand "snd-hda-intel model=medion" to /etc/modules15:47
Pirate_Hunterrameshwo, if anyoen boots with a live cd they'll be able to mount and do other stuff without the root pass15:48
xxydvegombrei:and "snd-hda-intel model=medion" to /etc/modules15:48
Slartrameshwo: give them a limited login that can't use sudo.. or use the guest feature in gnome15:48
vegombreixxyd: ok and?15:48
rameshwoSlart: yes..  they are normal .. and only use the account that i set up for them..15:48
xxydnothing... thats my problem...15:48
* beli detex: related to security: trust noone15:49
rameshwoslart:  limited login ...  i can configure that while setting new account ???15:49
Slartrameshwo: then just don't put them in the admin group.. you can allow them to use sudo for certain commands if you want..15:49
Slartrameshwo: I think any account you create will be limited by default15:49
xxydvegombrei: nothing... thats my problem...15:49
rameshwoslart: ok.. so i must put them outside the admin group...15:50
vegombreixxyd: i really donno how to help you bro15:50
vegombreixxyd: mebbe you should wait for other experienced fellas to log in15:50
Slartrameshwo: I think new users are not in the admin group by default.. so you should be ok with just a new account15:51
aaronvarghesehowe do you get google chrome flsh15:51
aaronvarghesen o15:51
FloodBot2aaronvarghese: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:51
Piciaaronvarghese: stop15:51
andrew___hello hello15:51
xxydvegombrei: oh, i see... thank you for your help anyway15:51
aaronvargheseim verry sory15:51
Slartaaronvarghese: is google chrome available for linux?15:51
thiebaudeaaronvarghese: on linux?15:51
mrwesDoes FireFox support MS ActiveX?15:51
Picimrwes: No.15:51
aaronvarghesecheck it out15:52
rameshwoslart:    if they don't know root password is that fine ( consider not booting from live cd )????15:52
Slartmrwes: fortunately not.. not sure if there is a plugin to fake it though15:52
Slartrameshwo: should be15:52
mrwesPici: didn't think so, makes MS Server 2003 remote desktop difficult :(15:52
aaronvarghesewhy do people hate windows here15:52
rameshwoslart  : ok..15:52
Pici!ot | aaronvarghese15:52
ubottuaaronvarghese: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:52
Slartaaronvarghese: we don't.. we just don't support it15:52
mrwesSlart: does the IE4Linux in the repos?15:53
grahamtheeggHello, I have a PX-AV200U which when i plug in it shows as /dev/video0 but if i uses vlc to open capture device it shows a blank screen with a green bar along the bottom15:53
rameshwoaaronvarghese: you will also hate it  if you use linux for a few years . i'm sure..15:53
kbrosnanmrwes: use a real remote desktop client? remote desktop viewer15:53
Slartmrwes: I have no idea.. never tried that15:53
Picimrwes: Use the remote-desktop client if you're conencting to a terminal server or rdp connection15:53
aaronvarghesei dont see much of a diffrence15:53
mrweskbrosnan: and that'll connect to MS Server 2003 remote desktop?15:53
thiebaudeaaronvarghese: with xp you dont own it, with ubuntu you do own it, offtopic15:53
rameshwohow can i know which ports are open in my ubuntu ?15:54
Slartaaronvarghese: perhaps you need to look closer.. or look in another channel.. ##windows is nice this time of year or so I've heard15:54
aaronvarghese i didnt get that15:54
mrwesPici: k...I'll try to set that up15:54
Slartrameshwo: netstat ... or nmap15:54
kbrosnanmrwes: i don't know, if possble you could configure the server to use a more generic rdc15:54
heatmzzrhello all15:54
thiebaudeheatmzzr: hi15:54
magentar_is there an alternative format for tar-files? i have huge backup-archives, but accessing them with an archiver program takes forever if there are too many file in it. is there a faster format (which provides an index or something like that) which would make opening the archive and accessing files faster?15:55
swivelsrameshwo: netstat -ta15:55
rameshwoslart:  nmap my own ip address ??15:55
rameshwoswivels: ok thanks.15:55
Slartrameshwo: sure15:55
Slartrameshwo: the external ip.. not
rameshwoSlart: external ip ??15:56
Slartrameshwo: yes.. or something..15:56
Pirate_Huntermagentar_, i think your better off spilliting that file into smaller parts when you compress it as it will faster and easier to safe15:56
Slartrameshwo: the ip you see if you look at the output from ifconfig15:56
AdolaI need help setting up Svideo15:56
rameshwoSlart: you mean my own ip ...? ok...15:57
Slartrameshwo: yes15:57
magentar_hmm i don't want that as long as it's not really nessecary15:57
AdolaLike making my pc show to my TV15:57
{g}I installed Ubuntu 9 and it feels really slow. The graphics etc. Is there a way to find out if it uses the right graphics driver?15:57
magentar_i'll ask in a different channel, since this is not really ubuntu related thanks ;)15:58
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me in this problem i posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118856015:58
Pirate_Huntermagentar_, i personally dont know but if the files are above a 1GB and beyond that would be the best method15:58
znh{g}, We can help you best if you provide information about your graphic card, such as the brand and type15:58
FEJIJFEFEHi there !15:59
AdolaI need help setting up Svideo15:59
AdolaLike making my pc show to my TV15:59
Slartmagentar_: if you don't have a long beard and have a name tag that says RS you could use rar..15:59
{g}znh: how do i find out?15:59
magentar_does it safe permissions etc too?15:59
znh{g}, lspci | grep VGA15:59
Slartmagentar_: Richard Stallman..15:59
{g}znh: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter16:00
znh{g}, In a terminal that is. It should return a line16:00
magentar_ok ;)16:00
FEJIJFEFEI have a program which is lauching itself at startup. It is not in « gnome-session-proprieties » and I want to disable it. The program is unclutter. Do you have any solution ?16:00
Slartmagentar_: I'm not sure about that.. but there might be other archive formats too.. haven't really looked into it that seriously16:00
Guest82257how can i change my root password on 9.04?16:00
=== xxyd is now known as inSane
Slart!sudo | Guest8225716:01
ubottuGuest82257: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:01
magentar_well thanks so far16:01
FEJIJFEFEGuest13513, maybe in System -> Administration -> About me16:01
natschilmagentar_: are these tar files or tar.gz files?16:01
=== inSane is now known as xxyd
FEJIJFEFE* Guest8225716:01
papitoi use the NetworkManager to connect to my wireless, but I gnome is very slow here, and would like to use wmaker, but I cant load the NetworkManager, how should I connect to the wireless?16:01
{g}znh: i think thats some cheap onboard thingy.16:01
magentar_someone suggested to create plain filesystem images... not sure if that's what i want, but i'll try16:02
ubottuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)16:02
cactusMDhas anyone ever had trouble connecting to the internet on 9.04 with a realtek 8111/8168B ethernet controller?16:02
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me in this problem i posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118856016:02
{g}is there some kind of graphics benchmark so i could see how slow the graphics actually are and if there is a problem with the graphics driver?16:03
cactusMDis anyone dual booting ubuntu with xp? if so can i see your menu.lst?16:03
Guest82257tq..changed it16:03
cactusMD{g}, glxgears16:03
SlartcactusMD: http://pastebin.com/f73a3c48a16:03
=== joshthecoder_afk is now known as joshthecoder
{g}cactusMD: 171 frames in 5.0 seconds = 34.194 FPS16:04
cactusMDSlart, thanks...but is that with two hard drives? {g} i have a 9800 and i get 153 fps16:04
{g}cactusMD: but does that test all relevant stuff? for example in thunderbird, it opens messages slowly. draws windows slowly etc.16:04
jsmidtwhat is the package name for the volume controls in Ubuntu called?16:05
SlartcactusMD: that is with 2 different hard drives.. or really 6 but 4 of them aren't used by grub16:05
Travis-42cactusMD: Here is another one: http://pastebin.com/d284b063a  -- I switch to the Windows boot loader if that last option is selected16:05
wbcWhen I installed Ubuntu on my external hard-drive it made the hard-drive non XP-compatible, how may I undo that16:06
Slartwbc: you mean you formatted it as ext3?16:07
n0gearhow would i go about making a cron that would send auth.log everyday to my email?16:07
wbcYes Slart16:07
cactusMDTravis-42, thanks that's more than one HD too right?16:07
llutzn0gear:  have a look into logrotate16:07
swivelsn0gear: you should make a bash script then run the bash script from the cron job. easiest way16:08
Slartwbc: well.. windows is bit dumb when it comes to talking to anything not made by Microsoft.. so you can't.. not without removing ubuntu, that is16:08
chazcoHi... totem-xine is crashing with a segmentation fault (gdm cant give any output and nothing in the logs aside from "segmentation fault")... any ideas?16:08
Travis-42cactusMD: Well all you're seeing there is one hard drive, although I have 5.  Windows is in the first partition of my main hard drive (hd0,0), and ubuntu is in the 3rd partition of the same hard drive (hd0, 2).16:08
wbcSlart, that is not my problem16:08
cactusMDsince I just have a 1.5 TB hard drive I just made it title: WinXP / root (hd0,0) / makeactive / chainloader +116:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about logrotate16:08
zemedcan anyone help with a wireless problem im having w/ thinkpad t500?  i am unable to see any of the wireless access points listed though the gui or iwlist, i can see wlan interface in ifconfig but i dont really know how to diagnose this16:08
Slartwbc: the hard drive in itself is still the same.. it's just the partition that windows can't handle16:09
wbcSlart: When I boot on Windows XP CD, and make a new partition table, it simply reject the hard-drive. Take a loot at this: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y280/obinice/wininstall_img2.jpg?t=124516482016:09
=== Guest82257 is now known as zer0
wbcI've even tried using Hirens and made a NTFS partition, but still get the same thing16:10
Slartwbc: yes.. windows can't be installed to an ext3 partition.. just as it says16:10
frostburnwbc, what are you trying to accomplish16:10
{g}Hey Everybody! Is there a way to detect if graphics accelereation is activated?16:11
=== zer0 is now known as Guest88815
wbcfrostburn: install windows XP on the hard-drive  ubuntu messed up16:11
cactusMD{g}, glxgears16:11
Guest88815how can i have own name on this chat?16:11
wbcdo /nick16:11
frostburn{g}, glxinfo|grep direct rendering16:11
Slartwbc: you will have to go back and remove the partition with ubuntu on it.. then let windows create it's own partition16:11
Guest88815zer0 /nick16:11
{g}frostburn: direct rendering: Yes16:12
frostburnwbc, if you wish to remove ubuntu or any other file system on that box, you'll need to use the windows partitioner, (the screen before the one you posted) and reformat the drive16:12
zemedcan anyone help with a wireless problem im having w/ thinkpad t500?  i am unable to see any of the wireless access points listed though the gui or iwlist, i can see wlan interface in ifconfig but i dont really know how to diagnose this16:12
=== Guest88815 is now known as Qu4R0w
wbcSlart; I have tried letting the hard-drive stay unformatted, and making a new one with the CD16:12
{g}frostburn: but that sounds like 3d stuff.16:12
wbcfrostburn; take a look at http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y280/obinice/wininstall_img2.jpg?t=124516482016:12
{g}frostburn: to me it feels like even the terminal is slow.16:12
Qu4R0wgot it16:12
Slartwbc: in the screen before this one.. select the ext3 partition and press.. L .. I think16:12
cactusMDhow can i tell which partition windows is in?16:12
Slartwbc: might be some other key.. hard to remember16:13
bastidrazorcactusMD, sudo fdisk -l16:13
cactusMDsame hard drive, third partition would be (hd0,2) or (hd0,3)?16:13
swivelscactusMD: it would say it is formatted ntfs when you fdisk -l16:13
wbcSlart; the problem is that I cant do anything at all. I have used program to let the HD stay unformatted, NTFS, Fat32, Fat1616:13
SlartcactusMD: grub starts counting at 016:13
Simetrical. . . can anyone explain how df -h can output this?  /dev/mapper/LVM-sphinx 10G -126M   11G   -  /var/lib/sphinx16:14
{g}cactusMD: i meant 2d acceleration16:14
SimetricalThat's -126M used.16:14
wbcSlart: and windows ran perfectly on it before Ubuntu got installed on it16:14
frostburnwbc, you need to reformat your disk, which is the screen before the one you posted, hit enter return to partition selector and delete it16:14
Slartwbc: ok.. when you press enter you go back to a partition selector.. right?16:14
write2copyhi everyone, I want to install restricted drivers for my Gforce GTX 260m (http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_185.18.14.html), but I want to install it using automatic driver installation, can some one please point me in the right directions? Thanks in advance :)16:14
Slartwbc: where you can somehow choose where to install windows16:15
wbcfrostburn: when I am at the partitiontable I make a new partition table, make a new partition at 156-something gigs (max size), and when I press enter to format>install on the partition I get that error message16:15
FloridaGuyhows come i can get better download speeds from a mirrir with only a 100 mb bandwidth then i can from a server with 2000 mb bandwidth16:16
cactusMDshould the ntfs partition have a * under BOOT instead of just my ext4 partition?16:16
cactusMDFloridaGuy, the server might be closer16:16
Slartwbc: something like this screen http://web.suffieldacademy.org/ils/netadmin/docs/howto/windows_xp_install/docs/images/setup_partition_select_empty.png16:16
{g}Hey Everybody! Is there a way to detect if 2D graphics accelereation is activated?16:16
cactusMD2000 mb server in japan won't help you as much as a server in the next room16:16
cactusMD{g}, if you can boot the X server it's on16:17
{g}cactusMD: no X without 2d acceleration?16:17
FloridaGuycactusMD, the 100 mb bandwidth server is virgina tect...the 2000 mb bandwidth server is mirrors.kernel.org16:17
cactusMDone might have a lot more people leeching off of it16:17
kam00zyanybody here know how to do a ssh tunnel to a ubuntu8 server from a windows comp?16:18
wbcAlright slart; I press C to make a new partition. Choose size. Press enter while the size of the parition i want to format is highlited, and get this: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y280/obinice/wininstall_img2.jpg?t=124516482016:18
FloridaGuyplus i get better iso's from the lower bandwidth16:18
Slartwbc: did you remove all partitions first?16:18
wbcSlart: Yes16:18
PiciSlart, wbc: This certainly looks like something that should really be handled in ##windows16:19
SlartPici: mm.. yes.. I agree16:19
swivelskam00zy, if you are on the same network you can use putty.16:19
wbcWindows @ freenode, neat16:19
kam00zyim not swivels16:19
Slartwbc: ask in ##windows .. they will be able to help you16:19
kam00zyits a dedicated server im trying to tunnel to16:19
ethan_spacehello..need some unable to boot windows after installing ubuntu 9.0416:19
Slart!grub | ethan_space16:19
ubottuethan_space: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:19
swivelskam00zy: does the server have ssh-server installed?16:19
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me in this problem i posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118856016:20
kam00zyit has ssh lol16:20
Slartethan_space: do you get an error message?16:20
kam00zylemme put server on it16:20
ethan_spaceyes..the error is "disk read error..press ctrl at del"16:20
kam00zyswivels it has openssh server16:21
cactusMDwell i pointed grub to the right partition windows is in, now it's giving me "Error 18: selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS16:21
ethan_spacei installed ubuntu on a external harddrive..where as windows is installed in the laptop harddisk16:21
swivelskam00zy: then you can use any ssh program for windows like putty and you should be able to log into it16:21
kam00zyhow can i tunnel firefox to it16:22
kam00zylike a socks 5 connection16:22
levenewhen i click a link in xpdf, it is loaded in opera. I want it to appear in firefox. How's that done?16:22
levenethe manpage seems unhelpful16:22
swivelskam00zy: are you trying to set up a proxy?16:22
treyh222I woudl like to create a bridge between eth1 and vnet0 on ubuntu, any ideas?16:23
sedontanesadly im only here because i need help too16:23
swivelskam00zy: then you probably want to use something like squid on the server16:24
treyh222I woudl like to create a bridge between eth1 and vnet0 on ubuntu, any ideas?16:24
mohan_hi.. currently compiling a RT kernel..16:24
kam00zyi put squid on it16:24
mohan_what is the command to make it deb file.. ?16:24
kam00zythats the farthest ive gotten16:24
sedontaneI need to make Mythbuntu 9.04 see my IR reciever16:24
kam00zyas in i havent configured it or anything16:24
mohan_should it be done after menu config?16:24
swivelskamoozy: if you have squid up and running properly, then you can set the proxy server in your browser to as the IP of the squid server16:24
vigolevene: It can be done in the browser or in the Main Menu widget , System>Preferences>Main Menu, that widget will or can be used to set and assign default programs and how they or what they should work with as default.16:25
mohan_anybody have idea regarding compiling kernele?16:25
mohan_i meant kernel?16:25
kam00zyswivels how do i find the ip of the squid server16:25
mohan_from source?16:25
kam00zyusing root16:25
levenevigo: are you sure? i don't see anything about xpdf in there16:25
om26erwhat is the difference between ubuntu and fedora. ubuntu is on a cd and fedora on a dvd16:26
levenevigo: i think it may be because sensible-browser runs opera, but update-alternatives doesn't seem to know about firefox :(16:26
RajiniI am running Jauntu on T60 lapto16:26
swivelskam00zy: on the server type ifconfig and it will show your address16:26
MaticHi guys, I know this is offtopic but can someone tell me whether there is an IRC channel for shell script programming? and what is the url? please help me. Thanks16:26
RajiniI want 32 bit color depth for Radeon X1300 card16:26
Rajinihow do I get ?16:26
leveneMatic: #bash is quite good.. if you use bash16:26
kam00zyafter i did apt-get insall squid is it already configured proporly?16:26
swivelskam00zy: nope, you'll need to edit squid.conf and depending on your setup it can be quite a bit, you'll have to look up what you want to do.16:27
vigolevene: Yes, I have used it on other systems to set default things, or you can do it from inside Opera and Firefox, like Opera Do NOT open xyz, Firefox Open xyz.16:27
grawityUbuntu hasn't yet perfected the telepathic configuration, so you'll probably need to make it do what you need it to do.16:27
Maticlevene, thanks so much16:27
kam00zyi just wanna tunnel to my server from firefox so i can get thru a filter lol16:27
levenevigo: but i don't understand. it's xpdf that needs configuring, not firefox or opera16:27
swivelskam00zy: you can start the default install by typing sudo /etc/init.d/squid start16:28
ethan_spacewindows = dev/sda1 and ubuntu=dev/sdb1..how does this correlate to hd0  or 1 in the menu.lst ?16:28
levenevigo: i.e. the problem is that when i click a link in xpdf, it loads in the wrong browser16:28
RajiniI want 32 bit color depth for Radeon X1300 card, how do I get ?16:28
kam00zyok squid is started... no how do i connect to it>?16:29
levenevigo: and in system->preferred applications, it does say firefox already ...16:29
ethan_spacejust wanted to verify...the title says "RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows"16:29
swivelskam00zy: in your browser set the address of the proxy server to the IP address of the server16:29
ethan_spacebut in my case i am trying to recover windows after installing ubuntu16:29
kam00zydo i do user@ipaddress?16:30
Rajinijust reboot your pc16:30
=== jussio1_ is now known as jussio1
swivelskam00zy: no use the actual address in your browser options like 192.168.blah.blah16:30
juanbondHey guys, how can I do multiple operations on a set of files found using the find command.  I'm searching my directory which has a bunch of sub-directories for images, and if it finds a jpg, I want to get the directory name that holds the jpg, then move that entire folder to another folder.   Right now, I'm using a combination of find and xargs, but can only seem to use xargs to do the dirname on the jpg found.16:31
levenevigo: ok, i got it! update-alternatives --config x-www-browser did the trick16:31
kam00zymy server isnt on the same network as my computer im on16:31
levenejuanbond: use the -xargs flag16:31
=== jdo_ is now known as jdobrien
levenejuanbond: erm, i mean the -exec flag16:31
ethan_spacewill super grub help recover and boot in windows ?16:31
juanbondlevene: can you do multiple execs?16:32
levenejuanbond: how do you mean?16:32
CartoonCatWhat is the diffrence from logging in via kdm at boot and doing a console login and then startx?  the kdm login fails with a battery status, the other does not16:32
vigolevene: Oh ok, a misunderstanding, I thought you meant the other way around, ok, open firefox, neato! Please post any fixes or tips to the forums.16:32
swivelskam00zy: then you need to find whatever the address of the proxy server is.  If it isn't on the same network, you'll need its external address and make sure that NAT is configured properly on that side16:32
juanbondlevene: I need to perform dirname on each of my results and then move those folders somewhere.16:32
levenejuanbond: if you have something complicated to do, you can write a shell script and pass that to the -exec16:32
kam00zyive got the external ip for it and all that16:32
fccfjuanbond: the operator you need is pipe |    ... so find something  | xargs16:32
kam00zywhat port do i set my browser to?16:32
swivelskam00zy: iirc default for squid is 808016:33
fourtwizzI have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a spare system.  After installation I atempted to get on the internet and I was unable to connect. I have a wired connection that says it is connected and it pulls the IP address I attempted to manually configure the IP address and that did not work.  I tried "ping -c 4 google.com" and my results was a 25% packet loss with a time of 17070ms.16:33
fourtwizzMy system board is an Asus P4s800-mx with an onboard NIC.  My linksys router is running the latest version of tomato incase that would matter. Does anyone have any sugestions as to what may be causing my problem?16:33
juanbondfccf, so do find ... | xargs ... | xargs ?16:33
kam00zyyaaaaa that didnt work swivels lol16:33
swivelskam00zy: the port setting will be in your squid.conf.  Youll also have to make sure that you have iptables set up properly to allow access16:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guile16:34
rebgilHi, I am using ubuntu 9.04 and I love xfce, I only have one problem, I am using a laptop hp nx6325 which works fine under gnome with an external lcd monitor, but under xfce it doesn't appear in the settings-display16:34
kam00zyswivels ok how do i do that?16:35
l1k4nHey guys.16:35
swivelskam00zy | !iptables16:35
levenejuanbond: alternatively: find ... | while read filename; do dir=$(dirname $filename); mv ...; done16:35
l1k4nIf I change graphic card from Nvidia to ATI, do I need to uninstall my drivers or something before I do that?16:35
juanbondlevene: thank you.  Just got it as well.16:35
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:35
levenejuanbond: erm, with lots of quotation marks to make it actually work16:35
juanbondlevene: find folder/ -type f -name "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} dirname {} | xargs -I {} mv {} otherfolder/16:37
sedontanedoes anyone know how i can make ubuntu recognise my IR receiver? it was seen in the old 8.10 revisions16:37
sedontaneI am running 9.0416:38
Vititohow to make an irc server16:38
fccfsedontane: linux uses lirc -- you will need to read up on lirc to make a IR reciever work16:39
InfoNutzWell HEY!!!!  if moon were made of blue cheese......16:39
Vladimir[LV]Why in firefox no sounds (in video)?16:39
sedontanei have read up on lirc16:39
toenailanyone ever have problems with audio play back with alsa16:39
sedontaneive tried everything i can find around the web and none of it helps16:39
toenailaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback16:40
sedontaneeven tried cat /proc/devices/etc16:40
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:40
cactusMDubuntu livecd has gparted right?16:40
Mattishow do i get rosegarden for ubuntu?16:40
swivelscactusMD: it has gparted yes16:41
RalphSpencerhiro1, I'm trying to use losetup to create a virtual floppy drive.  After creating one for a image file, and mounting it, when I navigate to /media/Disk1 , I find the stuff in the / director16:41
Mattishow can i install rosegarden on ubuntu?16:41
Vladimir[LV]Help me please with sound in firefox x(16:41
cactusMDapparently i must have windows on the primary partition16:41
hareldvd first login to my account after boot mutes the "master" audio channel. If I login to a different account or relogin volume settings are OK. Any idea?16:41
fccfMattis: please don't repeat your question ... uh install it ... it is available in the repository16:41
greenkernelCould someone help me boot OpenBSD on Ubuntu system, please?16:41
marko-_-i added emesene in the startup with the GUI tool under system->settings->sessions, how do i make that it starts 10 seconds later16:42
Mattisfccf: i do not know hod to get in the repository, what do i type in the command to get it?16:42
marko-_-i tried sleep 10 && emesene16:42
toenailim having trouble with playback everything ive played so far sounds shifty  like hopping around on the file , even through flash16:42
marko-_-it doesn't work, please help16:42
kam00zyflash has been buggy with me lately16:43
toenaili have 3 sound cards installed16:43
kam00zyor... works perfect on windows... shitty on ubuntu16:43
fccfMattis: Please read this before coming to the chat channel for help .. all your questions can be answered here http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html16:43
kam00zyi have to boot my comp in windows just to watch porn now lol16:43
juanbondDoes anyone know how I can find a list of directories that don't have a certain file in them?16:43
RalphSpencerhiro1, I'm trying to use losetup to create a virtual floppy drive.  After creating one for a image file, and mounting it, when I navigate to /media/Disk1 , I find the stuff in the / director16:43
RalphSpencerAnd secondly, is there any way to repair a Ubuntu installation like the repair option in XP?16:45
RalphSpencer(Using the LiveCD)16:45
cactusMDit depends on what's broken16:45
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"16:45
RalphSpencerAlternate install CD?16:46
RalphSpencerWhats that?16:46
RalphSpencerI got the LiveCD16:46
fccf!enter | RalphSpencer16:46
ubottuRalphSpencer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:46
marisolbck tal16:47
marisolbcaaaaaa y vas a hablar con el16:47
urbandscant type fast working on an nintendo ds16:47
fibypos no se16:47
fccfsi bien... por favor #ubuntu-es por la support en espanol16:47
marisolbcpos mira ver si se pone contigo16:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:47
RalphSpencerg Ubuntu Alternate Install CD16:48
fibyno sk16:48
marisolbcola c-s-b16:48
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:48
fibyk tl marisol16:48
urbandsthere is an option to use rescue mode on ubuntu but whar is broken ?16:48
fibykomo t va la via16:48
marisolbcesta alguno hablando con tigo16:49
C-S-Bmarisolbc: hello16:49
fibyoye lo de ramon si es verdad16:49
sjzzalxHello all. I want to set the buffer size on tcpdump, but Ubuntu's man page doesn't seem to describe this. I have version 4.0.0 on Archlinux which includes -B. Can I set this with 3.9.8, which is included in Ubuntu?16:49
marisolbcola k tal16:49
fibyoy elo de ramon s verdad16:49
fibyk si16:49
fibyt lo prometp16:49
marisolbcsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  y voy y me lo creo16:49
RalphSpencerI deleted the files from the virtual drive mentioned above - "hiro1, I'm trying to use losetup to create a virtual floppy drive.  After creating one for a image file, and mounting it, when I navigate to /media/Disk1 , I find the stuff in the / directory." Now nautilus wont open Computer or my partitions..16:49
fibyk s verdad16:50
marisolbcsi se lo voy a preguntar a ester16:50
fibyia k s mu uapo16:50
Jeruvy!es | marisolbc fiby16:50
ubottumarisolbc fiby: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:50
fccffiby y marisolbc: por favor encontrar otro canal .. este es el canal de ubuntu apoyo Inglés usuarios .. si necesita ayuda en otro idioma .. que está disponible16:50
marisolbcola jeruvy16:50
fccfI love google transtale16:50
RalphSpencerurbands, Me?16:51
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:51
RalphSpencerOkropNick, BRB16:51
Mefhi all16:51
fccf!hi | Mef16:52
ubottuMef: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:52
fourtwizzI have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a spare system.  After installation I atempted to get on the internet and I was unable to connect. I have a wired connection that says it is connected and it pulls the IP address I attempted to manually configure the IP address and that did not work.  I tried "ping -c 4 google.com" and my results was a 25% packet loss with a time of 17070ms.16:52
urbandsany way diner is ready got to go16:52
fourtwizzMy system board is an Asus P4s800-mx with an onboard NIC.  My linksys router is running the latest version of tomato incase that would matter. Does anyone have any sugestions as to what may be causing my problem?16:52
obey_mefourtwizz:  have you tried pinging any other sites?16:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apache216:52
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:52
Mefest' ruskie?16:53
fccffourtwizz: i'd try a different cable to start with .. that kind of packet loss .. first place i'd look16:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:53
Vladimir[LV]Help me please with sound in firefox x(16:53
fccfEvaLuaTe: hello16:53
fourtwizzobey_me: I have tried other sites with no luck.16:53
=== MaWaLe is now known as MosquitoOo
giikerwould I be better off using RSA or DSA? I read one is faster than the other and DSA was designed by a N*S*A agent16:54
EvaLuaTeis there any 'pretty' way of showing all the partitions? fdisk -l is pretty nice, but the size of the disk is unreadable by the average user, and also it doesn't show the mountpoint, which would also be very helpful. is there any prettier alternative?16:54
fourtwizzfccf: I have swapped cables I will post results momentarily16:54
obey_mefourtwizz:  can you ping your gateway with no packet loss?16:54
never2farhow can i change shell display from ex: user@hostname:~$ to user@whatever:~$16:54
jim____EvaLuaTe: df -h shows mounted partition sizes.16:54
RalphSpencerurband: Didn't work16:55
fourtwizzfccf: I was indeed the cable.  Of course it is always the simplist solution.  Thank you all very much for your help.16:55
cactusMDso WINXP has to be on the primary partition to load there's no way to trick it, I have to move it to the primary partition, or install the windows bootloader?16:55
geronimo9EvaLuaTe: i use df -h...i like cfdisk too16:55
EvaLuaTejim____: wow, that looks way better. thanks alot =)16:56
fccffourtwizz: glad I could help16:56
fourtwizzobey_me: Thanks for you assistance it was the ethernet cable :-)16:56
EvaLuaTegeronimo9: cfdisk throws an error16:56
swivelscactusMD: iirc an OS always has to be on primary partition, not an extended one.  You can set GRUB To boot from other partitions, but it won't work if you are installing on a traditional "extended" partition16:56
EvaLuaTegeronimo9: " FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive"16:57
cactusMDi mean it has to be on dev/sda1 right?16:57
geronimo9EvaLuaTe: try sudo cfdisk16:57
swivelscactusMD: nope that shouldn't matter as long as GRUB is configured properly16:57
cactusMDi think it's right16:58
Randabisdoes anybody know how to get ubuntu to read a mini dvd+r that was recorded with a dv camcorder?16:58
fccfswivels: that isn't exactly true -- any newer version of grub will run an operating system off of an extended partition...grub needs to be on the primary16:58
EvaLuaTegeronimo9: hmm, cfdisk looks pretty nice too. thanks :)16:58
cactusMDbut it gives me an error 18 when i try to boot windows xp16:58
RandabisI can't even get vista to read them16:58
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!16:58
geronimo9EvaLuaTe: you're welcome16:58
fccfRandabis: do you have the camcorder?16:58
Randabisfccf: yes16:58
Randabisi think16:59
Mefwho speak rusian?16:59
Bridger987*Quick question for anyone who has input*:  Does anyone know of a decent stand-alone contact manager that is compatible with some form of exported contact list from Outlook?16:59
swivelsfccf: good to know :)  I did know that GRUB has to be there though :)16:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about minidvdr16:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdd16:59
denosMy wife installed xubuntu, decided to try gnome-desktop-environment, then switched back (yesterday). Today, she is unable to login, her home directory has been encrypted (evidently not requested), and ubuntu can't mount it. I can see a .Private encrypted directory. How do I access it?16:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:59
pronoyguys need help with apache16:59
mohan_how to use dpkg-deb in building kernel?17:00
Pici!ask | pronoy17:00
ubottupronoy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:00
ux_pronoy, can i help?17:00
dg_hi! somepeople can help me with dvb??17:00
fccfRandabis: if you connect the camcorder via firewire you can use dvgrab and it will output MPEG-217:00
papitoi cannot connect to my wireless outside gnome, also i cant run the NetworkManager applet from wmaker or fluxbox, is there some way to make wireless work without gnome?17:00
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:00
ux_papito, yes17:00
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:01
mohan_hello.. anybody please..17:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dpkg-deb17:01
Bridger987*Quick question* for anyone who has input: Does anyone know of a decent stand-alone contact manager that is compatible with some form of exported contact list from Outlook?  I prefer Sunbird to Evolution/Kontact.  Yes I'm weird.  :)17:01
SiDi!hi mohan_17:01
swivelsmohan_: ask your question17:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi mohan_17:01
pronoyux_: apache2 seems not to be working with php files...even after adding AddHandler17:01
RalphSpencer!ask | mohan_17:01
ubottumohan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:01
krishmishpranoy: apache?? ask!!17:01
denosHow are the home directories encrypted? How do I access the .Private encrypted directory that resides there?17:01
scottehmy do-release-upgrade failed and i'm unable to restart it, anyone able to help?17:01
Randabisfccf: hmm I think I'm just gonna try and plug this external burner into the xp box and try that. My mom says it works on the xp box, but I was just trying to see if I could figure out how to read the disks on my laptop. They won't read even on vista...it says the disc is blank17:01
pronoyPici: sorry its just that upgrading apache2 has caused it to be broken17:01
mohan_i am building kernel..17:01
mohan_i want to make it deb file..17:01
mohan_hi SiDi17:02
Picipronoy: Upgrading how?17:02
fccfmohan_: this is more for tirage you might want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel17:02
pronoyPici: i meant updating sorry.....17:02
Picipronoy: My question still stands.17:02
mohan_fccf: oh..17:02
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:02
Randabisfccf: a quick google suggests the discs may be in udf format and that might be causing the problem17:02
mohan_fccf: atleast a hint how to use dpkg-deb..17:02
SiDiDoes anyone know why someone who installed gnome from a xubuntu regular install could end up with his home folder encrypted without prompt after booting on gnome ?17:03
never2farhow can i change shell display from ex: user@hostname:~$ to user@whatever:~$17:03
pronoykrishmish: apache2 not working with php files even after adding AddHandler17:03
ux_pronoy, soryy don't know17:03
pronoyPici: i installed the recommended updates and now it doesn't work with my cms17:03
fccfmohan_: ok .. last week there was a discussion on packaging in #ubuntu-classroom led by 'mvo' you might want to look at the log17:03
pronoyPici: earlier it was alright17:03
Picipronoy: *which* updates.17:03
pronoyPici: i don't know the names, installed it using update manager17:04
mohan_fccf: oh.. ok..where the log resides?17:04
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:04
pronoyPici: rest assured they were apache updates17:04
jussio1SiDi: check the release notes, I remember some mention of non encryption after certain updates17:04
Picipronoy: During that time did it ask you if you wanted to replace any files?17:04
pronoyPici: nope17:04
pronoyPici: i reinstalled apache2 after that...but no success17:05
Bridger987*Quick question* for anyone who has input: Does anyone know of a decent stand-alone contact manager that is compatible with some form of exported contact list from Outlook?  I prefer Sunbird to Evolution/Kontact for a calendar and task manager, and I prefer Thunderbird for email.  That leaves me without a contact manager.  Yes, I'm weird.  :)17:05
* thalass eyes x-chat17:05
scottehanyone able to help me resume my failed 8.10 -> 9.04 upgrade, http://pastebin.com/d38037c5217:05
mohan_fccf: last week on the date of ?17:05
krishmishpronoy: im sorry seems thats a bit out of my league17:05
wojteki need help with sound17:05
=== wojtek is now known as Guest56591
=== hello is now known as Guest41525
thalassI have no idea why I'm on this server, or channel. I've never been here before17:05
thalassBut it's good to know it's here17:05
krishmishpronoy: however lemme educate myself and then i can try17:05
Guest56591i need help with sound , i try to run et + wine with ventrilo17:06
Guest56591and i dont have sound17:06
pronoyPici: I asked the apache guys and they say that the apache2.conf is filled with debian crap... :)17:06
krishmishpronoy: which OS version are u on?17:06
pronoykrishmish: intrepid17:06
Divinityok guy's I'm using ubuntu 9.04 and amsn is installed but I cant find it how do I find it so I can get a icon to start using it?17:06
Picipronoy: does sudo a2enmod php5 help at all?  You may have to restart apache2 for that to take effect.17:06
krishmishpronoy: server or desktop?17:06
Martin_vWHi. I have several cryptsetup-luks encrypted disks in my computer. The root filesystem is decrypted at boot when I enter the password, but I always have to decrypt all other disks by issuing sudo cryptsetup luksOpen. Is there a way e.g. to use g-v-m to do this?17:06
fccfmohan_: June 4th17:07
thalassDivinity: it should be under "internet" in applications17:07
ux_Divinity, whreis app_name17:07
Guest56591i need help with sound , i try to run et + wine with ventrilo and i dont have sound . Pleas help17:07
pronoyPici: oh cmon..i restarted apache after editing the apache2.conf with AddHandler and AddType17:07
DivinityI looked it isnt there17:07
pronoyPici: does not help17:07
Divinitywhereis app_name in terminal?17:07
Guest56591i need help with sound , i try to run et + wine with ventrilo and i dont have sound . Pleas help17:07
pronoykrishmish: desktop...localhost cms installation17:07
thalassWhat ux said, I guess. Or edit menus, and it might be deselected?17:07
Martin_vWGuest56591: wine and ventrilo could make this very complicated. I gave up on ventrilo and changed to mumble.17:07
xcercahow can i look at my boot up errors ?17:07
ux_Divinity, app_name  it's your application17:08
Martin_vWGuest56591: there's a library for ET though that makes it play nice with alsa and pulseaudio, wait, I'll go look for it17:08
Divinityit is in usr/share/sman17:08
Guest56591and i try with teamspeak and it dont work17:08
geronimo9xcerca: run dmesg |less from the terminal17:08
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udf17:08
ux_Divinity, may be /usr/share/pixmaps17:08
coz_Divinity,  you mean there is no icon in the start menu for this?17:09
Martin_vWGuest56591: http://nullkey.ath.cx/et-sdl-sound/17:09
Divinitythere is no icon for it17:09
xcercageronimo9  , thanks , i also found the log file veiwer under administration17:09
mohan_fccf: its not about dpkg-deb.. its about dpkg.17:09
thalassI've got a question about gnome power manager's statistics graph thingos.17:09
coz_Divinity,  ok and if you open a terminal can you start the application17:09
Martin_vWGuest56591: yeah, teamspeak is just as bad. Even the native version uses OSS, which is crap17:09
geronimo9xcerca: oh...good to know17:09
pronoyPici: a2enmod enabled the php5 module but restarting apache fails17:09
coz_Divinity,  what is the name of the application again?17:09
krishmishpronoy: see it this helps...http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-apache2-webserver-with-phpcgi-and-perl-support-in-ubuntu-server.html17:09
Divinitywhat di I type17:09
sedontaneok lirc fully updated, dont know what to do now as im sure it is an ubuntu issue as lirc is a midway step17:10
coz_Divinity, ok open a terminal and ype    amsn17:10
Divinityit is located in uar/share/amsn17:10
thalassWhen I tried 7.10 on this laptop, it had a "power" graph in watts, which I found useful. but in 8.04, 8.10 and now 9.04 it doesn't seem to exist.17:10
coz_Divinity,   just type    amsn in terminal and tell if it opens17:10
sourim using ubuntu 9.04 with compiz fusion but i cant get good screenshots..how can i get good quality shots?17:10
Picipronoy: Oh, whats the failure message?17:10
Martin_vWI have several cryptsetup-luks encrypted disks in my computer. The root filesystem is decrypted at boot when I enter the password, but I always have to decrypt all other disks by issuing sudo cryptsetup luksOpen. Is there a way e.g. to use g-v-m to do this?17:10
mohan_fccf: the ubuntu-kernel is sleeping..17:10
coz_sour,  which video card?17:10
Divinityhuh when I type in amsn it said it isnt installed I download the installer tomy desktop and installed it and it said it was installed17:11
sournvidia g force fx 550017:11
pronoyPici: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/197141/17:11
fccfmohan_: I should be sleeping ... best I can do http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/dpkg-deb.1.html17:11
coz_sour,  and are you using the screenshot plugin in ccsm?17:11
Divinitythis is weird17:11
coz_Divinity,  did it open?17:11
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:11
Divinityyay it's there now under applications internet thx guy's17:11
sourcoz_:  im using standart program for screenshots17:12
funkycat90210I do this to create a swap file, dd if=/dev/zero of=/5gbswap bs=5M count=1K, does bs need to be 1024?17:12
coz_sour,   ok is this gnome or kde?17:12
krishmishpronoy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLP...t=LAMPForHoary17:12
sourcoz_: gnome17:12
Picipronoy: What version of Ubuntu are you running right now? And what version of PHP were/are you using?17:12
grawityfunkycat90210: bs and count simply specify the size -- totalsize = bs * count;17:12
ThreetimesHi, I just installed spamassasin. how do I configure postfix and/or dovecot to put spam messages in a seperate mailbox? Spam messages have a subject starting with "(SPAM".17:12
pronoyPici: intrepid and php517:12
grawityfunkycat90210: The resulting file will always be a bunch of bytes.17:12
wojtek_i need help with et . I try run et+ventrilo/teamspeak and i dont have sound . Please help17:12
coz_sour,   open ccsm  and enable the screen shot plugin under the Extras category and the Gnome compatibility plugin under  General category17:13
mohan_fccf: ok.. goodnight .. thanx for the info :)17:13
funkycat90210grawity: ok17:13
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:13
sedontanehow do i get ubuntu 9.04 to recognise my IR reciever? or is 8.10 as secure and stable as 9.04? if so would that be the solution to take17:13
Divinitybrb gonna reboot17:13
Divinityit isnt working17:13
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
wojtek_i need help with et . I try run et+ventrilo/teamspeak and i dont have sound . Please help17:13
ux_Threetimes, u must use fetchmail17:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fetchmail17:14
wojtek_i need help with et . I try run et+ventrilo/teamspeak and i dont have sound . Please help17:14
heatmzzrwhere in jaunty is the file that controls tty screen colors, foreground colors17:14
ux_Threetimes, or use Zimbra CS. it's more better if u want corporate mail server17:14
Threetimesux_: how would I do that?17:14
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:14
tuggyhello, where is the current xchat-gnome website/mailing list at?17:14
Randabisdoes anyone know what udf version jaunty uses?17:14
Picipronoy: It sounds like you need to reinstall libapache2-mod-php517:14
Threetimesux_: it's just a private mail server, for myself only17:14
pronoyPici: care to share how you came to the conclusion ?17:15
giikerI have acces to a remote shell. I want to configure a sshd config file. Will I be able to create one in my user directory and use my own?17:15
wojtek_i need help with et . I try run et+ventrilo/teamspeak and i dont have sound . Please help17:15
heatmzzrwhere in jaunty is the file that controls tty screen colors, foreground colors?17:15
erUSULgiiker: no17:15
Picipronoy: Your error says that /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so cannot eb found, libapache2-mod-php5 provides that file.17:15
RalphSpencerHELP!! HELP!! HELP!! HELP!!17:15
erUSUL!help | RalphSpencer17:15
ubottuRalphSpencer: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about losetup17:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:16
fccf!info losetup17:16
ubottuPackage losetup does not exist in jaunty17:16
wojtek_i need help with et . I try run et+ventrilo/teamspeak and i dont have sound . Please help17:16
pronoyPici: ok......i'll get back to you with the result .....thanks bro17:16
ux_Threetimes, a u using mailbox or maildir?17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat17:16
Picipronoy: np17:16
Threetimesux_: maildir17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-xchat17:16
giikererUSUL: no? is there any way to configure the version of SSH?17:16
thalass!info gnome-power-manager17:16
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:16
ubottugnome-power-manager (source: gnome-power-manager): power management tool for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.2-2ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 1876 kB, installed size 11276 kB17:16
erUSULgiiker: yes there is but that settings are in control of the administrator of the server as it should be17:17
funkycat90210grawity: from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq "What's important here is count=512, which means we want our file to contain 512 blocks of bs=1M, which means block size = 1 MegaBytes."17:17
heatmzzrdoes anyone know the file that controls tty foreground colors? i would like to change them...17:17
sedontane!info lirc17:18
ubottulirc (source: lirc): infra-red remote control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.4a-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 477 kB, installed size 2140 kB17:18
giikererUSUL: no? is there any way to check the version of the SSH server17:18
grawityfunkycat90210: The end result will still be bs * count.17:18
giikererUSUL:without using nmap or tools like that17:18
sedontane!info v4l-dvb17:18
ubottuPackage v4l-dvb does not exist in jaunty17:18
grawitygiiker: telnet foo.com 2217:18
kholbyMy volume buttons are acting wierd on 9.04.  When I press up, down, or mute, I get the onscreen control, and it does what it's supposed to, but it doesn't actually change the volume.  Anyone had this problem?17:18
sedontane!help v4l-dvb17:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help v4l-dvb17:18
funkycat90210grawity: and it says, ' "Be careful *not* to do this dd of=/mnt/512Mb.swap bs=1M seek=512 count=0"'17:18
erUSULgiiker: with verasion you are refering to the protocol version or the version of the sshd server itself ?17:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l-dvb17:18
funkycat90210"Though the file grows to 512Mb immediately, it will have holes that makes it unusable."17:19
grawityfunkycat90210: That one is completely different17:19
ux_Threetimes, sorry? it's called procmail))) look here http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~crf/howto/procmail-howto.html17:19
Threetimesux_: thnx, I'll look at that17:20
giikererUSUL: the version of the protocol17:20
funkycat90210grawity: ohh, seek.17:20
pronoyPici: HIGH 5 !! it worked thanks a lot brother....you taught me a lot :)17:20
pronoyPici: not to forget the help :D17:20
sedontanewhat changed between 8.1 and 9.04 because i cant seem to find the changelist anywhere17:20
grawityfunkycat90210: The latter one only requests a 512 meg file to be allocated - and some filesystems support "sparse files" which would break the whole thing17:21
fccfsedontane: your configs were probably replaced by the upgrade17:21
grawity(though I'm really not sure if that's the reason)17:21
funkycat90210grawity: got it17:21
sedontanei didnt upgrade17:21
erUSULgiiker: i suppose the client can tell what version it has negotiated with the server it connects to... or just force ssh to use protocolo 1 or 2 if it fails you know what are supported and what not17:22
sedontanefccf: I have a clean install of 9.0417:22
xcercadoes anybody edit their fstab to automount externall usb hdd's that are always connected ?  or will they automount by themselves if they're pluged  in during boot up ?17:22
funkycat90210If I add "/mnt/512Mb.swap  none  swap  sw  0 0" to /etc/fstab, will it be overwritten?17:22
Threetimesg procmail17:23
giikererUSUL: ok I guess I will try that, thanks!17:23
nofilicityHello. I'm currently not getting any sound when attempting to play flash in firefox, or any other browser. (Sorry if this is the wrong channel). My sound settings on Ubuntu are set to use OSS, and I have FP1017:23
Threetimessorry, wrong place17:23
erUSULgiiker: or pass it -vvv17:23
xcercanofilicity can you hear other sounds ?17:23
fccfsedontane: I'm guessing you had v4l working in 8.10 and it doesn't work in 9.04 ... and I say...17:23
fccf!worksforme | sedontane17:23
ubottusedontane: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/17:23
nofilicityon rhythmbox, yes17:23
erUSULgiiker: when passing -vvv you will se something like debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5ubuntu117:24
sedontanefccf: I havent personally used 8.1 i have it on good authority that it works on 8.117:24
xcercawhat flash plugin did you install ,  the adobe one , or one of the generics ?17:24
scottehanyone able to help me resume my failed 8.10 -> 9.04 upgrade, http://pastebin.com/d38037c52 ?17:24
fccfsedontane: that might be a good place to start ... or better yet is 8.04 which is a Long Term Support version that at least for me has been extremly reliable17:25
giikererUSUL: I found the config file for the client and one can also set the preffered protocol and forgot what you just said about verbose...17:25
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sedontanefccf: Mythbuntu 8.04.1 ok?17:26
fccfsedontane: we cannot support that as it is a derivitave version ... reccommend the real deal17:26
nofilicityxcerca: I've tried the Adobe one as well17:26
sedontaneso install ubuntu and then install the MythTV packages on top17:27
xcercascotteh  ,  see my pm17:27
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:27
giikererUSUL: verbose threw out hte info I was looking for thanks again!17:28
fccfsedontane: what I would do ... you might want the myth repos later on though as they are built from svn and are probably newer versions than the ubuntu packaged ones17:28
erUSULgiiker: no problem17:28
FireFreekCan someone show me the .deb package to install ndiswrapper in 9.04?17:28
sedontanefccf: thanks for all the help and ill get back to you on how it all turns out17:28
RalphSpencerI wanted to have a virtual floppy drive. I used losetup and mounted it on /media/Disk1 . When I open this location, I get the contents of "/" directory. I deleted some files from there and now when I try Places>Computer, I get an error - "Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.". HELP!!17:28
dakarnanyone upgrade to 2.6.30 kernel?17:29
=== parth is now known as Guest1974
RalphSpencerHELP!! HELP!! HELP!! HELP!! HELP!! HELP!!17:29
PiciRalphSpencer: Please stop that.17:29
SiDiFireFreek: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper17:29
RalphSpencerStop what?17:29
FireFreekI don't have any connection to the internet other than with a windows computer17:29
PiciRalphSpencer: The 'help help help' stuff, it only makes this channel unreadable and makes people not want to answer you.17:30
SiDiFireFreek: then you can download the package http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ndiswrapper-common17:30
fccfFireFreek: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/net/ndisgtk - you might want this too17:31
RalphSpencerWell, no one is answering even without that17:31
SpaceBasshey folks17:31
SiDiFireFreek: i also recommand you to download http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ndiswrapper-utils-1.917:31
SpaceBasshaving some challenges with samba - trying to share my user directory, but I cannot connect from windows or mac clients17:31
SiDiFireFreek: and there is a package named http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ndisgtk which has a GUI for it17:32
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: what did you delete, then? Is the window still open so you can copy-paste ist somewhere?17:32
SiDifccf: meh :p17:32
RalphSpencerThe files that appeared in there17:32
SpaceBassmy smb.conf is here http://pastebin.ca/146232117:32
RalphSpencerWhich seemed the contents of /17:32
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: that's not exact enough. Is the window still open?17:32
SpaceBassI've tried using my machine name for both domain and workgroup, doesnt help17:32
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=== Gary is now known as evilGary
RalphSpencerWell, that wont open nautilus17:33
xcercaanybody have external usb drives attached that always show up on boot up ? i have to unplug mine and reconnect it every time17:33
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: if not, open a terminal, type "cat .bash_history", and paste the relevant parts e.g. on http://pastie.org17:33
krielOkay, strange question. I found out this wonderful thing called persistent liveusb boot. It looks interesting. My question: exactly _what_ is persistent on it? Everything? Just /home? If I apt-get install something, does that persist as well?17:33
Martin_vWwe can't help you if we don't know what exactly is damaged17:34
fccfkriel: everything persists17:34
xcercakriel yes17:34
Martin_vWkriel: almost everything should be persistent17:34
RalphSpencercat: .bash_history: No such file or directory17:34
Martin_vWexcept of timezone settings, as I found out17:34
xcercauntill you run out of space17:34
krielmkay. that works. Thank you.17:34
dakarnkriel: imagine a live cd where every change you make is saved17:34
SpaceBassanyone farmilar with samba and jaunty?17:35
krieldakarn: so, basically a usb boot into my own hdd. Got it.17:35
FireFreekSiDi, when installing the .deb file for ndiwrapper-utils-1.9, it says "Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64'" Should I use the other file for an AMD Athlon 64 X217:35
dakarnkriel: not into your hdd17:35
RalphSpencerIt listed ALL the commands I remember typing into the bash17:35
krieldakarn: well my own 'hdd', as in my own system.17:36
fccfFireFreek: use the i386 unless you did the x64 install which you obviously didn't17:36
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: yes, that's the idea17:36
FireFreekOh ok thanks.17:36
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: now copy the commands that deleted stuff17:36
DevilAshHi everyone. I've been trying to set-up a proxy server (you know, do my part for Iran, and so I can get past some of my works firewalls, nonetheless!) but I haven't really been having any luck. I'm not really that 'advanced' with Linux just yet, but I'm learning. I've tried using Squid at the moment, but I'm utterly lost; I couldn't find an in-depth tutorial. Any help, suggestions or alternatives would be greatly appreciate17:36
DevilAshd :)17:36
Divinityok amsn is working now thx17:36
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: and post them e.g. on http://pastie.org so we know what's missing17:36
fccf!ops | sllide indecent17:36
ubottusllide indecent: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:36
dakarnkriel: but it saves on the usb whether you change boxes or not17:37
sllideo shi-17:37
grawityfccf: -_-17:37
fccfgrawity: ?17:38
hezalihello, i just changed my interface to look like apple. now i want to go to the orginal panel view. cannot do it :(. any ideas?17:38
sllidethis is the kind of accident nobody beliefes you17:38
Seeker`sllide: dont do it again17:38
sllidei wont xD17:38
DevilAshHi everyone. I've been trying to set-up a proxy server (you know, do my part for Iran, and so I can get past some of my works firewalls, nonetheless!) but I haven't really been having any luck. I'm not really that 'advanced' with Linux just yet, but I'm learning. I've tried using Squid at the moment, but I'm utterly lost; I couldn't find an in-depth tutorial. Any help, suggestions or alternatives would be greatly appreciate17:39
DevilAshd :)17:39
SiDiFireFreek: yes, use the x86 file17:39
nofilicitySound fixed :)17:39
FireFreekHow do you start the graphical interface?17:39
nofilicityalsamixer, one of the bars was at 0 ;_;17:39
jawaprinting to hp printers was fine,, installed ubuntu studio,, not I can't print anything.17:39
jawaI get..17:39
jawa/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed17:39
fccf!repeat | DevilAsh17:39
FloodBot2jawa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
ubottuDevilAsh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:39
SiDiFireFreek: amd64 is for 64bit installs of Ubuntu (regardless of wether the processor is AMD or Intel)17:39
RalphSpencerMartin_vW, http://pastie.org/51393317:39
FireFreekI see.17:39
jawaI have re installed cups and hplip, but still get the error17:40
DevilAshAha, okay :)17:40
hezali(hello, i just changed my interface to look like apple. now i want to go to the orginal panel view. cannot do it :(. any ideas?17:40
fccfDevilAsh: take a look at this ... it is old but the info is still good https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/squid.html17:41
DevilAshThanks, fccf, I'll work my way through it and see how it goes.17:41
RalphSpencerMartin_vW, D: It is 500 lines!!@!!17:43
hezalihezali: hello, i just changed my interface to look like apple. now i want to go to the orginal panel view. cannot do it :(. any ideas?17:43
FireFreekAlright thanks, internet is working17:43
Martin_vWDevilAsh: if you just need a quick'n'dirty proxy, install an ssh server, and connect with "ssh -D 8080" to it. Then use localost:8080 as SOCKS5 proxy17:43
fccfjawa: this is ubuntu not ubuntustudio ... ubuntu studio is a derivitave and not supported in this channel17:43
DevilAshMartin_vW I'm in need of a HTTP Proxy, mainly for the Iranians, but a getting past my works firewalls wouldn't go amiss, either.17:44
hezalihello, i just changed my interface to look like apple. now i want to go to the orginal panel view. cannot do it :(. any ideas?17:44
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: I don't see where you could have done any real damage. Try "sudo aptitude install debsums" and then "sudo debsums -c". That should list any damaged packages.17:44
fccf!repeat | hezali17:44
ubottuhezali: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:44
heatmzzrdoes anyone know the file that controls tty foreground colors? i would like to change them...17:44
hezaliubottu: ouch :( ... ok will do17:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:45
ran310xorg sucks     !17:45
imsupgraded to jaunty i can only log in on terminal.please help17:46
treyh222in virt-manager, when creating a new vm for a windows 32 bit vm, do I need to use x86_64 or i68617:46
Draglorims: some more infos would be nice17:46
bastidrazortreyh222, i68617:46
treyh222bastidrazor, ty17:46
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: if you find any packages with missing files, you could reinstall them with "sudo aptitude reinstall <packagename>"17:46
Divinityhow can I add more resolution's to my video card for my tv?17:47
fccfims: boot to recovery mode - fix x server17:47
DraglorDivinity:  just add the resolutions to your xorg.conf17:47
DevilAshNow, Squid is definitely running, and I think my conf is alright too, but I can't seem to access it.17:47
imsfccf, how will i do that?17:47
Divinityjust type xorg.conf in terminal?17:47
imsdivinity, xorg.conf, then...17:48
Draglorwhat do you wanna do?17:48
fccfims: ESC at first GRUB prompt - down arrow once - enter the rext will explain itself17:48
zopiacusing pidgin i cannot access quakenet.org :( just says that it cant connect. anyone know how to connect?17:48
treyh222DevilAsh, the best way i find to troubleshoot squid, is to turn squid off, tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log (or whatever path it is for you) and then in another shell, start squid, it will tell you whats wrong17:48
DraglorTV is connected to your PC?17:48
Divinitywhere is xorg.config?17:49
imsfccf,ok ill restart17:49
RalphSpencerMartin_vW, I get like "no md5sums for <package name>17:49
sazmaanyone have a plug for a modern laptop that (with Ubuntu) fully supports suspend&resume and has good wifi17:49
DraglorSo just add some lines to the applying screen in xorg.conf (command "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf")17:49
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: ignore those packages, they weren't built with debsums support and that's why it can't check them17:49
DraglorDivinity: /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:49
Martin_vWRalphSpencer: only missing files should be important17:49
RalphSpencerHow would it report that?17:50
unkocan someone please help me with a little problem i have with gimp? it crashes when i start it here's the out put when ran in terminal: http://pastie.org/51394417:50
fccfsazma: the new dell's work really well17:50
DevilAshI don't think I'm going to have any luck with Squid at all >_>17:50
frostburnunko, i'd remove that theme and try again17:50
sazmafccf: cool thanks. I got scared off Dell when @BestBuy the 'Fn' and 'Ctrl' keys seemed to be swapped17:51
Divinityahhh so in there where it say's tv 1024x768 just change that?17:51
Draglorunko whats this "Aurora Leopard BSM" stuff? can you remove it from gimp?17:51
treyh222DevilAsh, i can help you, sent you a pm17:51
unkofrostburn, yea this theme has been giving me alot of problems17:51
sazmafccf: I also read that dell's Ubuntu isn't really upgradable? true?17:51
frostburnDraglor, it's a theme17:51
Draglortry removing it17:51
unkoDraglor, it's a theme engine17:51
fccfsazma: what? redonkulous17:51
frostburnsazma, false17:51
Draglorseems there's an error with this theme17:51
unkoDraglor, hmm, i wonder how a theme could do that?17:52
sazmafccf: frostburn: so they don't have proprietary drivers supplied by dell?17:52
Draglorunko: Maybe it's a bad theme messing with more than some theme files17:52
RalphSpencerMartin_vW, Now I'm reinstalling Nautilus17:53
unkoDraglor, hmm, well i asked someone to put the theme engine into a .deb maybe he messed up17:53
frostburnsazma, what drivers?  there's no such thing, if there is, it's a violation of the GPL17:53
jp__whats going on everyone17:53
Draglormaybe ... it seems the error is within this thing .. so remove it and it should run17:53
Divinityok what do I type for my new setting's for my tv?17:53
DDaygoldcan i talk about xubuntu problems here?17:53
RalphSpencerMartin_vW, But it didn't work17:53
fccfsazma: they arn't using proprietary hardware ... the most proprietary thing in it is the broadcom wireless card and they have good drivers for that17:53
unkoDraglor, hmm, ok17:53
fccfDDaygold: yes, so long as it isn't an interface issue ... if it is the OS ... go for it .. we will tell you to stop if it is xubuntu related though17:54
Draglorunko: you can build debs (for your system) easily yourself using checkinstall17:54
heatmzzrdoes anyone know the file that controls tty foreground colors? i would like to change them...17:54
Draglorfrom source or installer17:54
unkoDraglor, im not too good with compiling17:55
sazmafrostburn, fccf  cool, I'd read something somewhere, but can't find it now. Great! I'll check one out. Thanks!17:55
=== wojtek is now known as Guest53683
DDaygoldi want to know how to mount samba shares from my ubuntu 9.04 desktop to my xubuntu 9.04 laptop17:55
DivinityI use the linksyscompact wireless-g usb adapter for my wireless net ubuntu has it work from install of ubuntu17:55
cactusMDi can't set up LBA on my sata drives?17:55
frostburnDDaygold, places > connect to server > service type > windows share17:56
fccfheatmzzr: setterm background-black foreground-red17:56
Draglorunko it's just a helper to get debs out of things that aren't available as deb. (Better for maintenance and updating)17:56
unkoDraglor, what are you saying i should do?17:56
fccfheatmzzr: use setterm --- it will tell you the commands17:57
Draglorfirst try to uninstall this theme .. if it works try to add the seem as before just using "checkinstall installcommand" to install the seem .. you'll get a deb package that shouldn't mess up with your system17:57
qvpI installed Ubuntu with Wubi and would like my pc to boot Ubuntu instead of Windows 7 by default... Where do I change this?17:57
unkoDraglor, ok i removed the aurora engine, that was a .deb it works fine now.. but i think  it was the deb itself.. do you know were i could get a working one?17:58
Draglorqvp edit /boot/grub/menu.lst17:58
Draglorunko: i just wrote you where17:58
qvpDraglor: Thank you, I will take a look there.17:58
lampliterany solutions to "heavy disk io freezes system" type problem17:58
frostburnqvp, you'll need to change the option default in /boot/grub/menu.lst17:58
Draglorthere's an option "default" change it to the number of your default entry (starting at 0 not at 1)17:59
unkoDraglor, so i get the source and do a checkinstall than it will make the deb?17:59
frostburnlampliter, run iostat/top17:59
lampliterwhat do you want to know from top?17:59
Draglorunko:  normally you do "./configure;make;sudo make install" in this case you do "./configure;make;sudo  make install" and you get a deb (you have to install checkinstall first ;) )18:00
frostburnlampliter, if some process is iobound, it will take up wait cycles18:00
qvpDraglor: frostburn: Thank you, that worked.18:00
lampliterthe three most intensive processes are firefox, vmware-vmx an xorg18:00
Draglordamn second line should be "./configure; make ; sudo  checkinstall make install"18:00
unkoDraglor, ok how do i install checkinstall?18:00
imsdraglor,thank you, thank you , I was able to login on xfce4.18:01
frostburnlampliter, it's probably vmware, it's very io heavy18:01
Draglorsudo apt-get install checkinstall18:01
lampliterhappens when I don't run vmware18:01
rameshwoDraglor: i get some errors in configure..18:01
lampliterit is anytime the disk gets hit hard18:01
Draglorrameshwo: On which app? maybe some libs missing?18:01
=== cactus is now known as CactusMD
frostburnlampliter, any iobound operations will cause slowness, do you have more than 1 processor/core?18:03
lamplitergoogle says this problem has been around since 2003-418:03
CactusMDcan't get online with ubuntu 9.04 64 bit, ethernet controller: realtek semiconductor co., ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 03)18:03
unkoDraglor, ok done installing. now i get the source right?18:03
Dragloryes, get the source and do anything like usual .. you just put a checkinstall in front of the final "make install" command18:04
=== CactusMD is now known as cactus
Draglorthis should get you a *.deb in the directory defined in your /etc/checkinstallrc18:04
unkoDraglor, on;y one problem.. i have only successfuly compiled 1 thing.. i suck at it18:04
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Draglorjust try it .. normally there are just some headers missing if it won't compile18:05
frostburnlampliter, if you want, you can change the linux scheduler, i googled a few docs that might be of interest to you http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-change-io-scheduler-for-harddisk/18:05
unkoDraglor, ok so i CD /home/michael/aurora-1.5 than checkinstall than what18:05
Draglorjust do "cd $sourcedir ; ./configure ; make ; checkinstall make install"18:05
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Balthierhow i opena terminal18:06
Draglorfirst ./ configure .. then make, and afterwards checkinstall make install18:06
lampliterfrostburn: I've tried scheduler chang a few months ago but nothing really worked18:06
plumaNot strictly a Linux question: How do I "talk" to an IMAP server via an SSL connection? Do I just ssh the server at port 993? That doesn't seem to work.18:06
napsyHm where are the gnome volume properties stored?18:06
DraglorBalthier: gnome? kde? xfce? ...18:06
lampliterI'll give it another shot18:06
grawitypluma: SSH and SSL are very different things.18:06
tuggyneed some xchat help please :/18:06
unkoDraglor, wait you confused me.. you just put up two different command lines18:06
grawitypluma: And to answer your question, openssl s_client -connect server.tld:99318:07
Draglorunko .. cd into source directory18:07
frostburnlampliter, what kind of pc is this running on?18:07
Draglorthen type ./configure18:07
plumagrawity: Thank you.18:07
Draglorthen type make18:07
Draglorand afteerwards you type sudo checkinstall make install18:07
plumagrawity: That seems to do the trick.18:08
unkoDraglor, make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.18:08
lampliteracer travelmate 8204 and I also see the same problem on an hp server  with hw raid18:08
Draglorunko what do you wanna compile? and did ./configure finish? or were there errors?18:08
adacIs there a repository for the newest svn client?18:09
unkoDraglor, yes ./configure finshed with no errors and im compiling a theme engine18:09
unkoit's called aurora engine 1.5.118:09
Draglorcan you paste the output of ./configure?18:09
rameshworrDraglor: some errors appear while  ./configure ( .....  No )  like appears.. then can't i do it ??18:10
Jackrabbithey guys I need help installing my audio drivers, I have a Dynex 5.1 and in the windows device driver it says Envy24 family ausio controller can anyone help?18:10
unkoDraglor, yea can we do this in PM?18:11
Draglorrameshworr: You are just missing some libs I'd assume18:11
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Dragloryeah unko18:11
rameshworrDraglor: can't i skip those  and install ??18:12
Draglorno it isn't compiled yet rameshworr ...18:12
lampliterfrostburn: shame on me for being a doubter18:13
rameshworrDraglor: i can't even make due to those configure error..18:13
kskihas anyone else had problems with the 'install updates' button not working in the 9.04 update manager?18:14
Draglorrameshworr: you are missing files .. you have to install them first18:14
rameshworrDraglor:  apt -get install ........... ??18:15
rameshworrDraglor: that way ?18:15
Draglorrameshworr: yes, but you have to know what to install18:15
vigorameshworr: Have you ran any of the dh_ or debhelper actions?18:15
l1k4nHello guys18:16
Draglor<-- away a moment18:16
lunixHi:)   I have only wireless internetconnection and several computers, I would like a linux computer to get internet in from wlan0 and out to the swithc and to the other computers by eth0. Anyone knows how to make this work? (ubuntu 9.04)18:16
l1k4nI have a 'small' problem with my ATI Radeon 9800XT card18:16
l1k4nI cant get the drivers to work18:16
lampliterfrostburn: changed to anticipatory an my 30 second test (stop/start vm)  shows improvement most of the time18:16
kazagistarkski: the closest I had was when some packages had conflicts, it could not resolve them in the updater... do you have proposed packages enabled?18:16
l1k4nIs there anyone that can assist a compelte newbie?18:16
lampliterno more greyed out windows18:16
erUSUL!ask | l1k4n18:16
ubottul1k4n: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:16
rameshworrl1kn: just ask .plz..18:17
vigoATI | lik4n18:17
rameshworrerUSUL : sorry ....18:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:17
vigolik4n: Those pages should help.18:17
hifihi, after I installed some packages and ldconfig was ran my ssh connection died and reconnections die too18:17
hifijust stops responsing18:17
bakesz_rtet4hi!could somebody help me to make a fast print screen function in java?i have found this: http://dev.kanngard.net/Permalinks/ID_20040702145456.html but,this takes about a second.thanks for help18:18
kskikazagistar: i do have proposed updates. i'll try turning them off18:18
l1k4nIve tried for a while now, but I cant get it to work.18:19
newbyI've sshd into my ubuntu machine .... how do I run a multiline command (such as if)18:19
fccfbakesz_rtet4: that's totally offtopic ... this it the ubuntu support channel, for ubuntu related support questions18:19
ehazlettin case anyone uses/follows the reconstructor project, here is a tech preview video of the new version ...   http://aperantis.com/pub/rv3_preview/18:19
Jackrabbitcan anyone help me ?:(18:19
grawitynewby: Just like you do it in a shell script. if condition; then [enter] something; [enter] something else [enter] fi [enter]18:20
rameshworrJackrabbit: yes if i know...18:20
fccf!ask | Jackrabbit18:20
ubottuJackrabbit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:20
grawityfccf: He did ask a question.18:20
JackrabbitI need help installing my audio drivers, I have a Dynex 5.1 and in the windows device driver it says Envy24 family ausio controller can anyone help?18:20
vigolik4n: Learning is fun, learn man and such stuff.18:20
Preshello I have an issue with ubuntu 9.04 and my wireless18:20
Presit just aint working18:20
Presonline search didn't give me more info18:21
Pressomebody that can help ?18:21
fccfJackrabbit: if it is a true envy24 install alsa-tools-gui and use envy24control - should help18:22
fccfPres: what kind of computer .. or if you know the brand of wireless card18:22
PresLinsys USB11 2.618:23
Presbut it worked before but don't get it working again18:23
Presit worked once18:23
Jackrabbitfccf I dont think i mentioned this but im a total noob (install yesterday and love it) so I have no clue how to install alsa tools18:23
Preslooks like dhclient isn't replying to my request18:23
Presand with other computer it is not a problem18:24
treyh222whew, just almost help setup a squid server in Iran....I don't want anything to do with Iran lol18:24
fccfjackrabbit: reccommended reading www.ubuntupocketguide.com18:24
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:24
threatrixis there any fixes out for the Asus eee pc 1000HE network drivers18:24
grawitytreyh222: That's not the spirit of open source!18:24
Presbehind my wep key when I type iwconfig is a [4]18:24
Preswhat's that18:24
fccftheatrix: running ubuntu?18:25
Presdidn't see that before18:25
treyh222grawity, lol and what if he is wanting to do something illegial with it :)18:25
treyh222grawity, he told me what he was goign to do with it and it's against the law there18:25
grawitytreyh222: Yeah, what if I am going to use this pencil to stab someone's eye?18:25
threatrixIm trying to install the netbook remix on it but I want to make sure ill be able to connect to the internet when I do18:25
l1k4n-ubuntuIm using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Instructions%20for%20Ubuntu%208.04%20(Hardy) The second commandline is not found. Any ideas?18:25
grawitytreyh222: And what was he going to do?18:25
treyh222grawity, then i won't sharpen it for you18:25
Jackrabbitfccf Im actually learning a little off youtube and reading off the net but I hate going back and forth because I have no sound :(18:25
Presfccf: any idea ?18:25
Chun1Hi, I'm having problems viewing .htaccess files in nautilus, only on ftp:// locations. Any suggestions?18:26
treyh222grawity, said he was goign to run an illegial squid server to allow the people in Iran to bypass the internet filter, and that it was illegial18:26
vigoJackrabbit: Have you installed Pulse?18:26
tavishplease look at this error, i did fsck, restart, everything. i cant acces these files at all http://codepad.org/YZMcOCaQ18:26
fccfthreatrix: check this out http://www.jasonlefkowitz.net/blog1archive/2008/12/howto_run_ubunt.html18:26
grawitytreyh222: I personally believe that would be a _good_ thing to do.18:26
Jackrabbitviga nope :(18:26
treyh222grawity, i don't break laws18:26
SpaceBassdoes anyone know how the heck I can unmap button 4 on my mouse from calling the stupid desktop search?18:27
Jackrabbitvigo sorry18:27
grawitytreyh222: I see no reason for internet filters to be in effect. (But that's offtopic now.)18:27
SpaceBassI cant even use xenv to grab it or see which button it actually is18:27
treyh222grawity, oh i agree, especially in the news lately about china lol18:27
SpaceBassshouldn't be this hard to set mouse buttons18:27
vigoJackrabbit: all good, you may want to look into Pulse.18:27
treyh222grawity, but not our decision18:27
threatrixfccf: I dont think that will work because the HE runs a different wifi chipset then the standard 100018:27
fccfjackrabbit: I reccommend you read that link cover to cover .. we can't help if you can't help yourself18:27
Jackrabbitvigo ok I just googled how to install pulse and am reading up on it thanks again :)18:27
Agionhow can I get .bat files opened?18:28
grawityAgion: With an editor.18:28
Jackrabbitfccf ohh I totally agree thanks for your help, thats guild id gonna be my savour!18:28
SpaceBassI've been fighting little things like this mouse issue since I migrated to linux on the desktop, not to have an uproductive rant, but its really fustrating18:29
Zatharahello everyone!18:29
Zatharaanyone, know one soluction to web conferecing for linux?18:29
henryCIs there an extra step to get gitplugin working on ubuntu intrepid?18:29
Presanybody an idea with my wireless?18:29
SpaceBassZambezi, I think gotomeeting works18:29
treyh222SpaceBass, remember when you first switched to a gui windows? remember how frustrating that was?18:29
SpaceBassZambezi, I can tell you that webex (and att) does not18:29
fccftheatrix: looking like people are having better success with the ubuntu netbook remix install .. is that what you are using?18:29
SpaceBasstreyh222, went from a comedore to an apple ][gs ... wasn't this painful :)18:30
SpaceBasstreyh222, but yourpoint is well taken18:30
ZambeziSpaceBass: Highlight Zathara instead. ;-)18:30
SpaceBassZathara, see my note above, highlighted the wrong user18:31
fccfSpaceBass: you liked the ][gs ... check out the 3gs ha ha18:31
threatrixfccf: I havent installed it yet I just heard that the net card was spotty with the 1000HE but I guess I could always run the live image on my thumb drive to test it and see if I get the problem before I kill xp18:31
SpaceBassfccf, I plan to :D18:31
ZambeziZathara: I think gotomeeting works || I can tell you that webex (and att) does not || (The answers so you don't mis them).18:32
SpaceBassZambezi, thanks :)18:33
Agiongrawity: can you help me out with that?18:33
SpaceBassdoes anyone have a logitech mouse with a search button?18:34
grawityAgion: You can't run .bat files in Linux18:34
l1k4n-ubuntuAny ideas of this log? http://pastebin.com/d777d24e9 Trying to install ATI drivers18:34
sebsebsebAgion: .bat is the DOS one isn't it?18:34
grawitysebsebseb: DOS and Windows.18:34
vigoZathara: Did or have you looked at Twinkle?18:35
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Herron 8.04)18:35
Agionhow can I enable multiverse?18:36
sebsebsebAgion: Why do you want to open .bat in Linux?18:36
Jackrabbitwicked tweack with pulseaudio and it works!18:36
ZambeziSpaceBass: Np.18:36
sebsebsebAgion: system > administaration > software sources18:36
vigoJackrabbit: Hurray!18:36
fccfAgion: go to system>admin>software sources ... in the repositories tab make sure multiverse is selcted18:36
icerootis there a working lister for ebay? something like turbolister for ubuntu18:37
Agionsebsebseb: I don't want to go to windows all the time and I love my ubuntu; that's why.18:37
stevecamiceroot, what?18:37
icerootstevecam: something like turbolister for ubuntu18:37
sebsebsebAgion: which programs do you want to run?18:38
stevecamiceroot, im sorry for not knowing what your talking about, but i didnt know you needed to download a program to list things on ebay18:38
Agionfccf: repositories tab? on jaunty? I don't see that tab?18:38
icerootstevecam: i want to save them and relist very easy and turbolister is such a program, but it is for windows18:39
fccfAgion: sorry it is the ubuntu software tab18:39
roneni need help18:39
fccf!ask | ronen18:39
ubotturonen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:39
ronencan i pm anyone for help?18:39
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:39
stevecamiceroot, have you tried using wine?18:39
grawityronen: Can you just ask here?18:39
ronenok ill ask18:39
grawityThis _is_ the help channel afterall.18:39
Agionfccf: thanks =) I must be blind =D18:39
roneni have troubles detecting my webcam18:39
roneni tried lots of stuff18:40
ronenim new with ubuntu18:40
fccf!enter | ronen18:40
ubotturonen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:40
theblogguSome time ago my ubuntu installation somewhere on boot jumps to verbose mode, as well as it is taking much longer to boot now than before. It doesnt seem there are any errors18:40
icerootstevecam: i will have a look18:40
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roneni have problems detecting and working with my webcam on ubuntu, what can i do?18:40
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:41
ARMENIANwhat's the command for getting the opera browser?18:41
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:41
Noobwhy on earth would anyone use opera18:42
l1k4n-ubuntuWhat can I do to get rid of this errormsg: http://pastebin.com/d777d24e9 ?18:42
theblogguSome time ago my ubuntu installation somewhere on boot jumps to verbose mode, as well as it is taking much longer to boot now than before. It doesnt seem there are any errors18:42
fccfARMENIAN: first you'll net the partner repository for opera ... then you can install it18:42
ARMENIANfccf: ohh ok so the package isnt available on the ubuntu repo, thanks18:42
=== hubuntu is now known as huayra
umesalut tous le monde18:43
fccfARMENIAN: no it isn't in the ubuntu repo ... but it is available - you will find what you need here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser18:43
ngirardHi. Could someone give me a hand in order to apply the patch given here http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13480 and recompile the kernel in jaunty ?18:43
kane77hi, can I get only my saved passwords from firefox to new installation of firefox?18:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:44
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Jackrabbitwell im reading up and I see I dont have visual effects in my apperance window, I wanted to get the cool 3d stuff any ideas why?18:44
Jackrabbitahh ferget i see I have to get something18:45
kazagistarngirard: so you have not compiled a kernel before?18:45
theblogguSome time ago my ubuntu installation somewhere on boot jumps to verbose mode, as well as it is taking much longer to boot now than before. It doesnt seem there are any errors18:45
chaos2fujackrabbit: install compizmanager18:45
ARMENIANfccf: ok, thanks :D18:46
ngirardkazagistar: I have, but only in Mandriva. There, things are different18:46
hifieven rebooted the macine but still ssh connections timeout18:46
hifithis hasn't happened before18:46
kazagistarngirard: try looking here http://www.linuxhq.com/patch-howto.html and here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile18:46
SchneffHow could I have a program open on another desktop from a script?18:47
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chiossifHi to all. If you are familiar with Bleachbit: When runned as Administrator it does not asks for password. Why? ( altough it does the job !)18:48
om26erplz tell me is opera good for linux18:48
|{urseom26er yeah opera rocks18:48
richjom26er,  there is an issue with ipv618:48
ngirardkazagistar: Well, the 2nd link is what I followed, along with http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2008/10/28/how-to-compile-a-custom-kernel-for-ubuntu-intrepid/ ; but i wouldn't be here if i hadn't have any problems18:49
richjom26er, if you have an ipv6 compatible connection, its all good18:49
chiossifom26er: Opera is fine although I prefer Firefox -18:49
|{ursedo you use ipv6?18:49
chiossifom26er: - due to my favorite plugins18:49
roracleI just installed Ubuntu Studio and am having the same problem with it as I did with regular Ubuntu:  i'm trying to get the virtual MIDI keyboard to work, but i don't hear anything.  i cannot find any information on this in forums that isn't outdated18:49
richjno my router is only capable of ipv418:50
roraclecould someone help me set up MIDI so it can work?18:50
kazagistarngirard: ah, then you should have described the problems upfront, methinks18:50
richjso opera is useless on my system18:50
om26erurse how to completely remove firefox18:50
|{ursejust curious what net apps will fall hard when web 2.0 is a real standard18:50
richjom26er, look at man apt-get18:50
richjom26er, more specifically --purge18:50
om26erplz tell me how to completely remove firefox18:50
|{urseom26er sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox18:50
om26erok thanks18:51
kazagistarngirard: honestly, I have yet to compile a kernel in ubuntu myself, only in distros where it is made to be easier18:51
gartralI can't add the clipboard applet too my gnome panel anymore... it gives me a wierd error18:51
=== newtoubuntu is now known as hezali
roracleso does no one know anything about getting MIDI to work?18:52
Jackrabbithmm how do I enable the advanced visual effects, its not located in my appearence section18:52
|{urseroracle are u using timidity++18:52
ronenubuntu says im not the owner and i cant get to the root folder, how can i change that?18:52
|{ursesudo su18:52
|{ursegets you to root18:53
richjJackrabbit, preferences, appearance18:53
roraclei installed Ubuntu Studio and whatever it came with...same problem in regular Ubuntu18:53
ronennow what do i do?18:53
Jackrabbitrichj ya im there but the option is not there like it is in this book im reading, there should be a tab that says visual effects right?18:53
|{ursewell roracle, sudo apt-get install timidity++18:53
|{ursefor starters18:54
richjronen, more info neaded18:54
roneni need to open gspca folder18:54
roraclecouldn't find package18:54
richjJackrabbit, yes18:54
|{ursetell u what18:54
roraclewhat's the repository?18:54
|{ursewhats this command give oyu?18:54
richjJackrabbit, what graphics card are you using?18:54
|{urselsmod | grep midi18:54
Jackrabbitrichj ATI 2600 XT18:54
ronenim still waiting btw18:55
threatrixfccf: well im testing it aparently they havent changed the compatible netbooks for NBR in a while because the connection works fine.18:55
Schneffronen, I suppose you could sudo nautilus18:55
Jackrabbitrichjya I only have 4 tabs style, icons, fonts, and settings18:55
roracleokay nothing is working here18:55
richjJackrabbit, goto system / administration ... Hardware Drivers18:55
roraclei don't think you saw where i said it couldn't find the package18:56
gartralI can't add the clipboard applet too my gnome panel anymore... it gives me a wierd error18:56
fccftheatrix: good to know18:56
|{urselsmod | grep midi18:56
Agionhttp://pastebin.com/m55278685 anyone help?18:57
|{ursebesides looks like timidity is seprecated18:57
Jackrabbitrichj it says proprietary drivers are being used to make this computer work properly and it shows my ATI FGLRX grfx driver18:57
|{ursehold on im finding you the better prog18:57
roracledo you want my output from lsmod?18:57
roraclei have six otuputs related to MIDI18:58
SchneffCould someone help me open a program on a specific desktop from terminal?18:58
richjJackrabbit, cmdline: glxgears18:58
|{urselooks like fokay good so your midi modules are being loaded18:58
Mike_lifeguardaccording to 'man sha1' you can use 'sha1 /path/to/file' to hash it, but when I do that, I'm told 'bash: sha1: command not found' - what am I doing wrong?18:58
roraclenow for sound though?  i'm not hearing anything18:58
richjJackrabbit, will test the 3d capabilities of your system18:58
ngirardkazagistar: okay, nevermind. I'm running out of time anyway, so i'll just give up today. The official documentation is awfully obscure. Compared with other distros, it's quite a shame indeed. Anyway, thanks for your feedback !18:59
AcedipI want to upgrade to gtk 2.16, how to do that?18:59
bruce89Acedip: simply, upgrade to Jaunty18:59
bruce89if I can call it that18:59
richjJackrabbit, ctrl c to quit18:59
Jackrabbitrichj it says command not found the program glxgears is currently not installed19:00
Jackrabbitshould I sudo install it?19:00
bruce89Jackrabbit: mesa-utils19:00
Dragon_Mastercan anyone here help me rm 3 readonly directories on a mSD card19:00
ConstantineXVIIs it possible to feed apt a list of operations without adding "; sudo apt-get" for each operation?19:00
|{ursefrom what im seeing online youll want to invoke jackd from the terminal then run Qsynth19:00
ronenhow can i be the owner of this computer?19:00
richjJackrabbit, yes19:00
|{ursesudo apt-get install qsynth19:00
AcedipBruce, but i dont have much space in / to upgrade to 9.04, it requires like 1 gb something?19:00
roracleqsynth is already installed19:00
bruce89Acedip: why do you need to upgrade?19:00
Jackrabbitrichj so sudo apt-get install mesa-utils to install it right?19:00
Dragon_Mastercan anyone here help me rm 3 readonly directories on a mSD card19:00
zer0ohi guys tryin to read a cd from my burner, yesterday was working today doesnt work, nothing modified, no reasons, why cant i read it? (no permission it says) who touched anything??? here's the output of sudo pmount http://paste.ubuntu.com/197213/19:01
|REM|Anyone have a good log management program they would recommend?19:01
richjJackrabbit, yes19:01
flapshi, can anybody recommend a newsreader please? ive user newsleecher under windows, which was pretty nice19:01
AcedipBruce, working on glade, and to use gtkbuilder19:01
richjJackrabbit, sudo apt-get install mesa-utils19:01
ronenhow can i be the owner of my computer?19:01
Dragon_Mastercan anyone here help me rm 3 readonly directories on a mSD card19:01
bruce89Acedip: ah, glade3 needs GTK+ 2.16 does it?19:01
richjDragon_Master, ?19:01
fccfflaps: it is offtopic but ... google reader works awesome for me19:02
Dragon_MasterI have 3 directories on a microSD card that got set to Read Only somehow19:02
roracleQsynth1: Failed to create the audio driver (jack). Cannot continue without it.19:02
AcedipBruce, no but some features need gtk 2.16 to work in gtkbuilder build system.19:02
flapsfccf thanks19:02
richjwhat is the location of the folders? /media/disk/folder1?19:02
roraclethat's what happens when i start up qsynth19:02
Dragon_Masteryes richj19:02
Jackrabbitrichj ok i see some gears :)19:02
|{urseroracle.. so sudo apt-get install jack && sudo apt-get install qsynth19:02
richjDragon_Master, use cmdline: sudo nautilus /media/disk19:03
roraclei have them both installed already19:03
|{ursethen run it with jackd && qsynth19:03
=== eVViki is now known as Leszczoman
bruce89Acedip: menu building?19:03
richjDragon_Master, then you should be able to delete them in a more normal fashion19:03
AcedipBruce, yes :)19:03
bruce89Acedip: sorry, perhaps you could backport it or find a PPA somewhere19:04
richjDragon_Master, note, the files will go into a root 'trash' folder... so delete from there also19:04
richjJackrabbit, what were the results like?19:04
Acedipbruce89, ohk, that is bad..19:04
bruce89Acedip: or indeed just start again with Jaunty (a separate /home would help)19:04
|{urseim doing this on my intrepid machine and its giving me the same bull19:04
Dragon_Masterwhere do I type that >>19:04
mangoocan anyone help me about firefox. it's using too much cpu19:04
|{ursefailed to configure jack driver19:05
Acedipbruce89, can i upgrade with alternate CD when just left with 900 MB in /19:05
|{ursethis worked in hardy19:05
Jackrabbitrichj 33153 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6630.588 FPS19:05
|{ursegimme a minute19:05
sebsebsebmangoo: yep stuff like that happens for some of us with  Ubuntu's Firefox19:05
bruce89Acedip: I suppose you could just compile it yourself, but it'd be rather difficult19:05
|{ursei think its related to pule19:05
paolo88anyone can help me with vino?19:05
FloodBot2|{urse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
sebsebsebmangoo: many tabs open?  some Flash in there?19:05
richjDragon_Master, in a terminal. The command opens up the file browser as a super user who has the right to do anything.19:05
Acedipbruce89, compile what, jaunty?19:05
Dragon_MasterI'm on Ku >>19:05
bruce89Acedip: I'm not sure about upgrades, I doubt you need as much as 900MB, but I'm not sure really19:06
mangooflash wasn't working19:06
richjJackrabbit, so you have fully working 3dfx19:06
sebsebsebmangoo: how much RAM?19:06
om26erhow to completely uninstall firefox19:06
richjJackrabbit, what vs. of ubuntu?19:06
mangooi googled  but no solution19:06
sebsebsebom26er: why?19:06
bruce89Acedip: do apt-get clean first however19:06
Schneffronen are you still around?19:06
PhoebusHey, where do you download the livecd to test ubuntu with a machine?19:06
bruce89om26er: sudo aptitude remove firefox19:06
mangooaround 40mb19:06
paolo88anyone can help me with vino?19:06
Jackrabbitrichj umm 32 bit 9.0419:06
cabreyPhoebus, ubuntu.com19:06
sebsebseb!ubuntu | Phoebus19:06
ubottuPhoebus: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:06
Acedipbruce89, ohk, more ways to free some space in /19:07
richjJackrabbit, the default install should have compiz installed19:07
bruce89Acedip: remove all but the latest kernel19:07
om26erits say firefox is not installed19:07
om26erbut it is19:07
Dragon_Masterrichj:  what's the Ku equivalent of that command?19:07
richjJackrabbit, cmdline: sudo apt-get install compiz19:07
bruce89Acedip: remove packages you don't use19:07
mangooa few tabs or any video makes firefox to use cpu >40%19:07
sebsebsebmangoo: yep that can happen, how much RAM you got?19:07
mangooand now it's going to crash19:08
JackrabbitI installed compiz advanced ahh crap the normal compiz is not installed19:08
sebsebsebmangoo: you can try a differnet profile19:08
mangooi've closed firefox19:08
Acedipbruce89, but just removing packages doesnt help that much, when their libraries keep lingering around19:08
sebsebsebmangoo: you can  download a version directly from Mozilla,  and if you do that may as well get Firefox 3.5 beta419:08
mangooi've reinstalled firefox19:08
sebsebsebmangoo: and there are other good browsers for Linux as well19:08
richjDragon_Master, give me the exact location of the folders and I will give you a command to delelete them... for example, sudo rm -r /media/disk/folder      ... however be very carefull to get it right or you might delete stuff accidently19:08
bruce89Acedip: that's a good argument to use aptitude19:08
|{urseEpiphany ftw19:08
mangoolet me check another profile19:08
mangoowell i like firefox19:08
fccfpaolo88: whats going on w/vino?19:08
bruce89|{urse: good on you19:08
Acedipbruce89, and how would that benefit?19:09
Dragon_Masterrichj: comes back saying "cannot delete............Read Only Filesystem"19:09
om26erhow to comletely remove firefox19:09
bruce89Acedip: unused packages are removed automatically19:09
hwildehello - I need help exporting OpenGL applications remotely with ssh -X option.  I can export non-gl apps like xclock19:09
sebsebsebom26er: why?19:09
bruce89om26er: I've said already19:10
richjDragon_Master, what is the mounted media? a usb stick?19:10
ronenhello - i dont understand why cant i enter my own root folder...19:10
Acedipbruce89, you mean aptitude remove <package> will do the job?19:10
Jackrabbitrichj ok I installed it but still nothing in appearance19:10
cabreyronen, because you need to be root19:10
|{urseronen.. sudo nautilus19:10
paolo88fccf: I want command pc called A using the remote pc (linked by internet) called B. I see only the first frame of the remote pc. I can move the mouse and open sw from remote pc, but i see always the same frame19:10
bruce89Acedip: it would do if you had installed with aptitude in the first place19:10
cabrey|{urse, gksu nautilus19:10
Jackrabbitrichj ahh wait a sec theres options in compiz19:10
richjJackrabbit, it wasnt already installed??? It should have been, compiz has been default for the last few versions19:10
|{urseyeah that too19:10
ronenthanks guys but cant it be perminant?19:10
bruce89Acedip: I think apt-get autoremove may work19:10
|{ursetho i dont see a prob with sudo when its not in a script19:11
Jackrabbitrichj ya It wasnt there for some reason19:11
PhoebusIs the live cd same as the installation cd?19:11
|{ursei use gksu in scriptsa19:11
|{ursejust sudo for oneliners19:11
richjJackrabbit,  that is very curious19:11
Acedipbruce89, well i've used apt-get always.19:11
fccfpaolo88: what client are you using to remote in?19:11
cabrey|{urse, gksu sets up the environment correctly19:11
|{urseoh i wasnt aware of that19:11
* |{urse goes off to google19:11
bruce89Acedip: you can see what deborphan has to say19:11
Acedipbruce89, so that eventually means aptitude is better than why dont we always use it?19:11
mangoosebsebseb: no luck19:11
bruce89Acedip: try telling the powers that be that19:12
bruce89Debian recommends aptitude19:12
mangoocpu usage >80%19:12
paolo88fccf: i use vinagre19:12
sebsebsebmangoo: you deleted .mozilla from home or moved it? so you had a new profile?19:12
richjJackrabbit, if you are new to ubuntu, and you are willing / (have not changed much) I recomend a resinstall as a good option. Compiz should have been installed with 9.04. If it hasnt been, something funky may have happened19:12
ladaI'd like to shrink my linux partition. how would I do that, being that it's locked in gparted?19:12
Jackrabbitrichj whats even weirder is that in appearence there still in only the 4 tabs but now in compiz settings manager I can see the cube3d and stuff I wounder if it will work19:12
=== kevin_ is now known as canadaeh
ronencan the fact that im not root disablwa my webcam use?19:12
bruce89mangoo: is it flash that is causing this?19:12
fccfpaolo88: let me get another machine running really quick so I can run a test to confirm19:12
paolo88fccf: i can command the remote pc, but i not see the screen (i see always the first frame!")19:13
bruce89ronen: nope19:13
Acedipbruce89, synaptic is just the gui frontend of apt-get, right?19:13
sebsebseblada: on the Live CD19:13
Jackrabbitrichj ahhh I see ya very true becuase if I want to learn this OS I want most of the stuff to be there19:13
richjJackrabbit, is this a test? :) I dont know, I have never experianced anyone with this problem19:13
bruce89Acedip: yup19:13
cabreyAcedip, a frontend for libapt19:13
sebsebseblada: not recommended if Ext4, but if Ext3 it should be fine19:13
|RyanIs ubuntu 8 more reliable than ubuntu 9?19:13
bruce89to be precise19:13
mangooi tried alt+f2 and typed "firefox -ProfileManager" and chosed a new profile with another folder19:13
paolo88fccf: i dont understand, sorry19:13
ronenthen one last time.. can some one help me in pm cause its complicated and i cant get the webcam working19:13
|{urseall i see is that gksu (graphical sudo) requires password entry in an entrybos whereas sudo requires the password in the console19:13
sebsebseb|Ryan:   Ubuntu 8.10 is better than Ubuntu 9.04 in certain ways19:13
mangoobruce89: not only flash more tabes more cpu19:13
richjJackrabbit, if you have a fairly new install, and you really want compiz, the best advice has to be a reinstall19:13
ladasebsebseb, thanx19:13
sebsebseblada: np19:13
fccfpaolo88: I need to start another ubuntu computer so I can test your problem on my system so I can give you a good answer19:14
mangooand video isn't playing as well19:14
richjJackrabbit, seems something went wrong19:14
|{ursecan u give me a link explaining what env variables are configured differently with gksu?19:14
bruce89mangoo: there is clearly something causing that, a Web browser shouldn't use that sort of CPU19:14
Jackrabbitrichj I might do that so its fresh thanks for all your help, im gonna see if I can do the cube19:14
|Ryansebsebseb: I'm gonna try it. Can you link me please?19:14
paolo88fccf: ok, i wait, no problem19:14
bruce89!jksu | |{urse19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jksu19:14
sebsebsebbruce89: Firefox  gives some of us problems like this19:14
bruce89!gksu | |{urse19:14
ubottu|{urse: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:14
sebsebsebbruce89: in Ubuntu19:14
ronencan anyone help me on pm cause its seem complicated to me...19:14
hifiafter upgrading ssh connections die in about 20 seconds or fail to connect with a timeout19:14
|{ursei was always curious about this19:14
richjJackrabbit, no worries. If you need more help pm me your email add and I'll send you mine19:14
sebsebseb|Ryan: what are you currently using?19:14
cabrey!who  | |{urse19:14
ubottu|{urse: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:14
bruce89sebsebseb: indeed, one reason for my decision19:14
x29ahey folks. texmaker has a bug and requires qt 4.5.1, unfortunately ubuntu 9.04 only has 4.5.0, how would i get the new version?19:15
Jackrabbitrichj thansk man! your great!19:15
sebsebsebbruce89: you mean to use another distro? :d19:15
Dragon_MasterI'm just going to give up on it for now19:15
mangoobruce89: i wasn't able to view youtube video so i googled and reinstall firefox and flashplugin19:15
gartralI can't add the clipboard applet too my gnome panel anymore... it gives me a wierd error... but i tryed it again and it worked19:15
mangooafter that the cpu usage problem occured19:15
cabreyx29a, request the new version be packaged or look in a PPA for it19:15
* canadaeh loves kteatime app.19:15
SchneffCould someone help me open a program on a specific desktop from terminal?19:16
x29acabrey: to where would i adress my request?19:16
bruce89mangoo: flash is well known to be badly written19:16
gabbah'ello. I want to identify which device name my usb memory stick has (well it's actually an mp3 player)... i want to format it to fat32, but don't know which device it is19:16
richjcan someone help, I have a total mental blank... what command lists a display of processes and there cpu usage in the terminal19:16
ectospasmgabbah: look at the output of dmesg19:16
gabbahafter i plug it in, how can i find what device it is?19:16
cabreyx29a, try #ubuntu-motu or just google qt ppa ubuntu and see if that gets you anything19:16
ectospasmwhen you plug it in, it should say which device it is, gabbah19:17
|{urserichj thats top19:17
x29acabrey: ah, found one19:17
richjnice one :)19:17
x29alemme try, thank you already19:17
|{urseif u want to killa process its sudo killall process19:17
gabbahectospasm: where should it say that? it just wants to open the folder.....19:17
richj|{urse, thats exactly what I wanted thankyou!!19:17
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:17
mangoobruce89: well that can't be helped19:17
regeya!CAPS | ronen19:17
bruce89x29a: why does something depends on a minor version bump?19:17
ectospasmgabbah: use the terminal19:17
ubotturonen: please see above19:17
bruce89mangoo: well, not by us anyway19:18
richjronen, whats the problem?19:18
sebsebseb|Ryan: what are you currently  using?  as I already asked and  http://releases.ubuntu.com md5sum your download as well :)  the code you compare to  is found  there as well19:18
credogabbah: check dmesg command, it should say19:18
gabbahectospasm: oh you mean i should use dmesg before pluging it in?19:18
sebsebseb!md5sum | IRyan19:18
ubottuIRyan: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more19:18
ectospasmgabbah: no19:18
mangooburuce89: yap19:18
x29abruce89: what do you mean?19:18
tyler_dso I have webmin installed, and need to add the plugin for bind9.... have the source extracted... where does it need to go?19:18
roneni cant define my webcam richj19:18
ectospasmgabbah: if Ubuntu automatically mounts it (it's available in Nautilus), you can use the mount command to see what device it mounted on /media/disk (or wherever)19:18
bruce89x29a: 4.3.1 is a minor version change19:19
mangoobruce89: and one thing i don't understood, while i reinstalled firefox with synaptic19:19
richjronen, your webcam has not been recognised?19:19
mangooit didn't download anything19:19
x29abruce89: i mean 4.5.119:19
sebsebseb|Ryan: only thing with 8.10 is  April next year and it will run out of support, it will go end of life19:19
mangoojust installed19:19
ronenno... not at all..19:19
fccfpaolo88: seems to be working using vino>vinagre on my systems ... not sure I can help you further ... prehaps reinstall vino & vinagre to see if it is an install issue19:19
Pirate_Huntermangoo, question in one line please and make them complete19:19
|RyanIs ubuntu 8 Called intrepid Ibex?19:19
ronenrichj: do you have any idea what can i do?19:19
sebsebseb|Ryan: yes19:19
bruce89x29a: sorry, it just seems odd to me19:19
x29abruce89: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texmaker/+bug/34802819:19
l1k4n-ubuntuWhere do I start EnvyNG when Ive just installed it?19:20
ronenrichj: its a very generic webcam19:20
sebsebseb|Ryan: well  Ubuntu 8.04  Hardy Heron the LTS Long Term Support and  8.10  yep Intrepid Ibex19:20
ectospasm|Ryan: Intrepid is 8.1019:20
bruce89x29a: I see19:20
ectospasm|Ryan: Hardy Heron is 8.04, LTS19:20
PhoebusAnyone having problems using card readers on sony vaios? Or solution to that?19:20
gabbahectospasm: i don't think it's listing it.... maybe it's because the current file system is "gphoto"?19:20
sebsebseb|Ryan: what are you currently using? you didn't answer19:20
ectospasmgabbah: use the terminal19:20
bruce89|Ryan: yes, the bit after the '.' is significant19:20
gabbahectospasm: i did. i wrote "mount"19:21
paolo88fccf: there is the problem using a windows client too, i think a server issue19:21
ectospasmgabbah: if it's mounted, it will show there.  If it's not, then you'll have to use dmesg from the terminal19:21
fccfpaolo88: I'd reinstall the server side19:21
gabbahectospasm: nautilus give it a nice big label... my other drives are listed when i use the mount command... but i don't see the usb19:21
IceBreaker_kTxis fluxbox? http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/9227/linuxgeek.jpg19:21
ronenwell i still cant fix my problem... but i thank everyone here for trying to help19:21
gabbahectospasm: well. it's mounted because i can see the files in it19:21
ectospasmIf you're lucky, the last few lines will be the device stuff for your mp3 player, gabbah19:22
gabbahectospasm: i just don't know WHICH one it is in the mount command19:22
x29acabrey, bruce89: that seems to fix it, thank you again19:22
ectospasmgabbah: is /media/whatever listed in mount?19:22
paolo88fccf: using synaptic and mark for reinstallation? can be a problem due to open gate on the router?19:22
gabbahectospasm: media/disk1 and disk2 are listed yes19:22
gabbahectospasm: but not my mp3 player19:22
ectospasmgabbah: how do you know?  Can you "cd /media/disk{1,2}" and see your mp3 files?19:23
Pirate_HunterIceBreaker_kTx, on pm can you tell me where you got that theme from especially for gkrellm19:23
_Clumsy_hi, anyone know if there are custom repositories with newer samba versions for the intrepid release ?19:23
gabbahectospasm: no, those under media are my other drives..i know their labels19:23
richjcan anyone tell me a definative way to tell which version of ubuntu I running for the command line?19:23
fccfpaolo88: if you can VNC in over the local net and get the error ... there is nothing wrong with your router ... you will need to make sure port 5900 is forwarded to your vino box before you leave the building19:24
bruce89richj: lsb_release -a19:24
richjnice work bruce19:24
ectospasmgabbah: so it's not mounted, use dmesg19:25
fccfpaolo88: I'd tell synaptic to completly remove and then reinstall ... that way you will clear out all configs19:25
gabbahbut how can i see the mp3 player in nautilus then?19:25
gabbahectospasm: the label is "SanDisk Corp. SanDisk Sansa m240"19:26
paolo88fccf: but i can controll it, i move the mouse and open application....i think the gate is open well19:26
ectospasmgabbah: that doesn't mean much19:26
Acedipbruce89, well i've managed some space with removing useless apps, well id also installed kubuntu-desktop to try it but dont require it anymore,  and i'd also removed kubuntu-desktop but that doesnt seem to have removed kde completely.19:26
fccfpaolo88: something is wrong with the serverside install of vino .. remove and replace19:26
ectospasmAcedip: you may still have kde apps installed that require qt and kde libs19:26
vigogabbah: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/usb.4.html Did you install the BSD USB thing?19:27
paolo88fccf: i must delet any directori ./dir_vino?19:27
bruce89Acedip: indeed, you'll need to do each package manually, try aptitude's "UI"19:27
ectospasmAcedip: unless you've got an SSD and are really hurting for space, it's probably not a big deal.19:27
gabbahvigo: haven't installed anything special....19:27
Acedipectospasm, i doubt that, but even if there are, can i still remove it, are there any kde apps which come with default ubuntu?19:27
fccfpaolo88: no ... use synaptic and completly remove ... then reinstall and re-set-up remote desktop19:27
vigogabbah: Have a look at that man page, it may help.19:27
mangoothanks to u all for helping19:28
ectospasmAcedip: none that I can think of19:28
mangooi'll try it again tomorrow19:28
l1k4nDoes 8.10 support my ATI 9800XT better than Jaunty?19:28
hwildehello - I need help exporting OpenGL applications remotely with ssh -X option.  I can export non-gl apps like xclock19:29
cabreyl1k4n, yes, you're card isn't supported by ATI's drivers in jaunty19:29
om26erany good web browser except firefox19:29
l1k4nWill mplayer work in 8.10 to?19:29
om26erplz tel me19:29
cabreyhwilde, OpenGL is hardware dependent, I doubt that you'll be able to get it to run over the network19:29
hwildecabrey, xclock is hardware dependent too right?  i can export that19:30
bruce89@best browser19:30
paolo88fccf: there is always the same problem19:30
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:30
bruce89om26er: Epiphany19:30
bgyMy firewire/ieee1394 port is not reconized by Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty, any ideas ?19:30
fccfpaolo88: sorry, I have to go.. perhaps there is someone here who can help further19:30
sebsebsebom26er: Galeon is nice as well, and Seamonkey, and Konqueror19:30
bruce89om26er: however it currently uses Mozilla's rendering engine, so it may just be as bad19:30
sebsebseb!browsers | om26er19:30
ubottuom26er: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)19:30
paolo88fccf: ok, tanks!19:31
bruce89sebsebseb: that's the one19:31
grawityubottu: You forgot Midori and w3m19:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:31
paolo88fccf: bye19:31
vigoI like Epiphany, IceCat, and others. As stated, there is no best, there is preferred and whatnot.19:31
bruce89ubottu: also, it's GTK+, not GTK19:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:31
ZaherHi, I am using ubuntu 9.04 and I got Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7th Edition. There is one folder named "linux" but i couldnt download the dictionary. Any help is very appreciated.19:32
shane2peruok, I'm about to throw a Toshiba Satellite out my window if anyone is close they can have it!19:32
ubottunarrowtux, please see my private message19:32
shane2peruThis is the worst computer I have ever tried to use Linux on19:32
vigoZaher: maybe it is alien, !alien19:32
Pirate_Huntershane2peru, sad its not me having it :(19:32
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:32
Zahervigo: what do you mean?19:33
shane2peruI had Intrepid installed did an update, kernel updated, and now can't boot!19:33
shane2peruAlso can't using Jaunty Live USB19:33
shane2perucan't boot*19:33
vigoZaher: Is it a Red Hat package or what?19:33
om26erwhich browser is the best19:34
sil3nt|warri0ris there any good desktop capture program for kubuntu19:34
treyh222what would be the best method to copy a VM from vmware esx to KVM/Qemu19:34
shane2peruany thoughts suggestions?  When attempting to boot Jaunty 64bit, I get busybox can't load initframs or something of that nature.19:34
sil3nt|warri0ri mean ubuntu19:34
om26erand quick19:34
beliom26er: links19:34
bruce89om26er: well, anything using WebKit ideally19:34
sebsebseb!best | om26er19:34
ubottuom26er: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:34
cabreysil3nt|warri0r, try gtk-recordmydesktop19:34
Zahervigo: I dont know, there is file called "installation.sh" and one folder called vlc19:34
cabreyom26er, try chrome preview19:34
shane2peruI have used Ubuntu since Breezy day's and have never had this much of a problem with a comptuer19:35
sil3nt|warri0ri have tried that, but i need a good then that19:35
barbarellavigo:yes it is19:35
muggihi, anyone knows how to install mplayer  with default setting and libs for codes ect...  via  a guide i compiled a new mplayer with support for coreavc decoder,  but some how i dosnt work and now i want to play mkv files the "old" way...19:35
bruce89chromium is in super early alpha, don't use it19:35
muggi..i uninstalled all movie players  via the synaptic package  manager (i dint remove them the "complete removal" way) the first time, but i still get the compiled version installed each time, and can t play  the mkv files as before19:35
shane2peruwould the alternate install disk help solve the busybox problem?19:35
om26erok plz tell me is there any messenger with yahoo audio chat19:35
vigoZaher: I think it is Red Hat. or RPM., you may need the alien package ,19:36
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:36
shane2peruom26er: you need gyachi19:36
jribmuggi: remove the mplayer you compiled then19:36
sebsebseb!info gyachi19:36
cabreysil3nt|warri0r, what do you mean, it works great. what is your hardware?19:36
ubottuPackage gyachi does not exist in jaunty19:36
sil3nt|warri0rcabrey: intel i38619:36
cabreyom26er, you can't sit on this channel all day and ask 'tell me the best x'19:37
om26erso is there any other ubottu19:37
shane2perunobody knows nothing of the busybox error for booting into liveUSB Juanty 64????????????19:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about busybox19:37
muggijrib: remove, like delete it from the hd19:37
Zahervigo: how can I get the alien file??19:37
muggithought i removed it with the package manager19:37
cabreysil3nt|warri0r, that doesn't tell me anything, screencast only works well with decent hardware w/ lots of RAM, a decent GPU & CPU19:37
Flai94no, sorry. I use Ubuntu on a Usb key but not the 64 bit version19:37
jribmuggi: no, you didn't install it using the package manager so the package manager doesn't know anything about it.19:38
Flai94have you ever seen on the web19:38
vigoZaher: You can use Terminal or Synaptic. Synaptic has it listed.19:38
Flai94Google is your friend !!!19:38
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto19:38
sil3nt|warri0r4gb ram - intel x3100 - c2d 2.1 (8100)19:38
jribmuggi: do you know what you have to do now?19:38
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest5359
muggijrib: im kinda still of a noob regarding linux, but i followed this guide http://blog.mymediasystem.net/avchd/coreavc-109-for-linux/comment-page-1/#comment-199319:39
cabreysil3nt|warri0r, ok you're right, it should work beautifully, try Istanbul19:40
bruce89muggi: you have to be very careful following random blog posts19:40
teddy_i am getting carpal tunning syndrome from typing 'sudo bash' and root passwd 10,000 times a day. Is there some way I can just get root terminal when I click on "Terminal" ? TIA19:40
muggijrib: and to me it seems like both the package manager and the apt-get mplayer in terminal gets the same version19:41
sil3nt|warri0rcabrey: is it only rec in orgg format ?19:41
bruce89teddy_: make a shortcut for gksudo gnome-terminal19:41
hwildeteddy_, you could make an expect script :)19:41
Zahervigo: I found that it is already installed! What can i do now. pare it with me please19:41
cabreysil3nt|warri0r, yes, but you can convert19:41
paranomosteddy most probably there is a way but for security reasons you should not19:41
jribmuggi: ok.  You didn't compile mplayer afterall.  You just used some random deb.  Have you removed it?19:41
sil3nt|warri0rhow :(19:41
jcapincI have forgotten and I cannot find it on the ubuntu website.  I have been using 8.10 when it came out, when will it no longer be supported?19:41
cabreysil3nt|warri0r, using ffmpeg19:41
sil3nt|warri0rany good apps for converting ?19:41
muggibruce89: yep i learned that the hard way19:41
sebsebsebjcapinc: April next year19:41
liamo1what is the name of the executable for the file browser?19:41
sebsebseb!8.10 | jcapinc19:42
ubottujcapinc: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81019:42
om26erwhat is meebo?19:42
Pirate_Hunterteddy_, why you usimg sudo so many times if you dont mind me asking and yes there is?19:42
cabreyliamo1, nautilus19:42
jribliamo1: nautilus19:42
liamo1thanks jrib19:42
jcapincsebsebseb, thanks, good to know, r u sure its april and not october?19:42
cabreyom26er, AJAX chat client19:42
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sebsebsebjcapinc: on the desktop.   18 months suppourt on desktop, 3 years on server, for non LTS19:42
vigoZaher: Have you ran update and upgrade? those commands synche up the packages with the installed ones.19:42
teddy_I need root access to most things i do..I have being limited by user accounts...19:42
=== zer0 is now known as Qu4R0w
treyh222whats the best method to move from vmware to kvm?19:42
bruce89jcapinc: there is one in April, and one in October19:42
jcapincsebsebseb, ah, got it thanks19:42
Bart6114teddy_: 'su'?19:42
sebsebsebjcapinc: I would stick with 8.10 if I was you19:43
Zaheri will do them, thanks19:43
jribteddy_: be more specific19:43
sebsebsebjcapinc: for now,  skip 9.04 :)  and do 9.1019:43
jrib!sudo > teddy_19:43
ubottuteddy_, please see my private message19:43
Pirate_HunterBart6114, i would warn them before using su19:43
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:43
muggijrib: ok sorry for 'confusing' the question by thinking it was compiled by   me19:43
jcapincsebsebseb, I absolutely love, it I have 9.04 on my laptop but I spend most of my work and time on my desktop and I have a stable, awsome environment set up.  But I will upgrade when it goes out of support, next april19:44
teddy_This box is not on a public IP..so I do not mind disabling the sudo security feature..it is cauinsg me more harm than good at this point19:44
muggijrib: i found this on the hd /var/cache/apt/archives/mplayer_2%3a1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17+medibuntu1_i386.deb19:44
Qu4R0whow to enable compiz on 9.04??i already install "compiz"..must i install compiz fusion too?19:44
cabreyteddy_, this 'security' feature is the core of linux & unix philosophy19:44
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:44
grawityteddy_: You can make sudo not ask for password.19:44
grawityQu4R0w: compiz should be enough.19:44
teddy_that will do...is there a url that will show me how?19:45
jribmuggi: that's fine, how about my question19:45
=== consuelo is now known as _Angelus_
Bart6114Pirate_Hunter: are there differences between su <-> sudo? (beside the obvious ones)19:45
_Angelus_hi to all19:45
vigoteddy_: Make backups anyway, running as super doer on any system can have disastrous results.19:45
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:45
grawityteddy_: first, open a terminal and type: sudo visudo19:45
wallshotthe proprietary ati radeon drivers are a bit flakey huh?19:45
Qu4R0wi cant see menu to setting it..or how can i setting it?19:45
grawityQu4R0w: If you use GNOME, go to Settings -> Appearance -> Effects19:45
wallshotmy whole x system likes to die half the times i put a playing video into fullscreen19:45
_Angelus_anyones knows how to have STAC92HD75 sound up?19:45
zer0owhen trying to manually mount my cd rom cuz itz not working thatz the output "mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only" how do i solve it? already checked the fstab and itz exactly how it waz 1 year ago when i first compiled it, and for 1 year everything worked, whatz going on? any idea?19:45
jribteddy_: I don't really see why you need to sudo so often, but you should read the documentation ubottu has given you anyway19:45
wallshotas slow as it is, the opensource radeon drivers seem far far more stable19:46
bruce89suco -s19:46
Pirate_HunterBart6114, i know that do they all they want is to run as sudo :s19:46
Qu4R0wdid u meant "visual effects"??19:46
muggijrib: i found this on the hd /var/cache/apt/archives/mplayer_2%3a1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17+medibuntu1_i386.deb ----> i deleted it now19:46
grawityQu4R0w: Yes19:46
jribmuggi: that's fine, how about my question19:46
Rigongiazer0o, you can't mount a cdrom in read/write mode19:46
grawityteddy_: Find the line that starts with %admin, and paste it here.19:46
Qu4R0wonly 3 option there..none,normal,extra19:47
teddy_%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL19:47
grawityteddy_: Add a NOPASSWD: before the last ALL. Like this: %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL19:47
Qu4R0wi think compiz can set my "box" like cube n more 3d effects19:47
bruce89very bad idea19:47
evidenthi everybody... I am currently trying to set up conky because I need to do some workarounds I would like to write a script that is executed at startup, but after loading all other major services... or maybe tell it to wait 5 seconds and then execute the command "conky"... can anybody help me there?19:47
grawityteddy_: and yes, this is really not a very good idea.19:48
=== toggi3|away is now known as TOGGI3
jrib!startup > evident19:48
ubottuevident, please see my private message19:48
muggijrib: the question about if i removed it, yes i removed (uninstalled) it19:48
grawityQu4R0w: Install the compizconfig-settings-manager package, and it will let you customize everything.19:48
jribmuggi: currently what does « apt-cache policy mplayer » return?19:48
jrib!ccsm > Qu4R0w19:48
ubottuQu4R0w, please see my private message19:48
Qu4R0wi try19:49
Pirate_Hunter!help | jo_19:50
ubottujo_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:50
evidentjrib: well I already tried by adding "conky" as a command to the startup-programs under System->Preferences, but that doesn't work for me... it doesn't show conky... but when I then enter "conky" in a terminal everything starts fine and works well...19:50
zer0oRigongia: is a burner19:50
hwildehelp I cannot view OpenGL remotely using ssh -X or freenx or vnc.19:50
bruce89hwilde: because that's impossible19:50
Qu4R0wgot it..problems solved..tq all19:51
evidentso I thought maybe a little script like "conky.sh" which idles some seconds and then executes the "conky"-command would help19:51
evidentbut I have no idea how to write it19:51
muggijrib: mplayer:19:51
muggi  Installed: (none)19:51
muggi  Candidate: 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17+medibuntu119:51
muggi  Version table:19:51
muggi     2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu17+medibuntu1 019:51
FloodBot2muggi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
muggi        500 http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid/non-free Packages19:51
jribevident: you can use « sleep » to do that19:51
hwildebruce89, I don't believe so.  opengl should work remotely19:51
vigoevident: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=99063619:51
teddy_Well it does work..Thank you..My CTS will be delayed.. I wonder why it works for the %admin group, but if I add my name "teddy" then it does not work...19:51
bruce89hwilde: not on SSH however19:51
slashtactevident, you can write a simple delayed start script like the one at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-386078.html19:52
jribmuggi: k, did you remove the other files you copied manually according to the guide?19:52
hwildebruce89, ok fine but freenx and vnc should work19:52
grawityteddy_: Does it work?19:52
vigo!pastebin | muggi19:52
ubottumuggi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:52
=== hubuntu is now known as huayra
evidentok thanks I will have a look19:52
jribteddy_: order is important in sudoers19:52
muggiyep, sorry about the paste19:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep19:53
jribmuggi: k, so now when you reinstall what happens?19:53
muggijrib: nope i didnt remove any other file manually19:54
mLavaertIs the ATi 4850 supported by Ubuntu 9.04?19:54
jribmuggi: you should then (assuming you copied the files your guide said to)19:54
alden`how to convert a binary file to text file ?19:54
ChiliblueI have a bad partition table, any thoughts on what I can fix it with, floppy is the only bootable option19:54
treyh222what is a small livecd distro that I could use dd to make an image of the drive19:55
muggijrib: thx for the help, ill look in to the removing of the files19:55
jribmuggi: just delete the files you copied, do you understand?19:55
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muggijrib: yes ill remove the files manually from the different dirs, ill get back with the result19:57
cactusMDcan't get online with ubuntu 9.04 64 bit, ethernet controller: realtek semiconductor co., ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 03)19:57
EsotericWombatI can't get my microphone to record19:57
bruce89alden`: that's not really possible, you can view binary files with some kind of hex editor though19:58
alden`bruce89: does ubuntu come with any?19:58
bruce89alden`: ghex perhaps19:59
EsotericWombat(IBM Thinkpad R40e running Jaunty)  I open the sound mixer and under the recording tab it shows the mic muted.  I unmute it and close the window, but when I open it again it's muted again19:59
afd__hi! How can I get extensive information about battery? Like recharge cycles count, etc? I'm not using Gnome, but KDE 4.320:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swappiness20:01
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone20:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recording20:02
Ko12upt3dhey guys my burner doesnt work? i put a cd in but brassero still asks me to put a blank disc in? any ideas the disc is blank.20:05
TetracommHave you tried using the Nautilus cd burner?20:06
Ko12upt3di know the burner works because when i insert a disk it says blank cd-r disc open with and i press brassero. im trying to burn a iso20:07
TetracommIf so, use a lens cleaner and try again, then try another burner if that fails.hmm20:07
Ko12upt3dwell a image how would i do that with nautilus20:07
muggijrib: ok now removed dshowserver, codecs.conf,  nvcuvid.dll20:07
TetracommRight click the image in Nautilus, and then click write to cd.20:07
n_nickhi i wanted to find out the terminal command to find out the no's of drives eg /dev/sdb1 /dev/sbd2 etc20:07
DimitreeHELP ! :) I was trying to uninstall Xine with Synaptic and it selected other packages like gnome-session and so on and it pritty much uninstalled everything except Wine is there anything i can do from the live CD to restore the Os ? I need to restore it to deauthorise a game otherwise the license will be lost :(20:07
Ko12upt3dill try20:08
n0gearn_nick: fdisk -l20:08
muggijrib: seems like the apt-cache policy mplayer is giving me the same info again20:08
Ko12upt3dsays a error occured while writing to the disk20:09
n_nickn0gear: nope it says cannot open sdb sda20:09
n_nicki want to know all the drives attached to the pc20:09
TetracommTry another cd.20:09
Ko12upt3di have tried like 5 blank cds20:09
Ko12upt3dit opens a window saying blank cd-r open with but it wont write?20:10
n0gearn_nick: did u try sudo fdisk -l ?20:10
n_nickok will do20:10
ramramhow do i make gdm as default window manager at boot time from terminal?20:12
n_nickfile system for ntfs is ntfs-3g right20:12
barbarella<ramram:edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:13
srainbowHi everyone. I've been using Ubuntu as my main OS for a few months now, and have noticed that whenever I leave it to work at a task then it will become very slow and unstable. Symptoms include VLC player stuttering whilst playing any type of media, the system clock slowing down to count 1 second for every 5, and holding down keys whilst typing (eg deleting using backspace) only being registered for the initial press, no20:14
dimedowhat am i doing wrong when xsane and scanimage -L report that no scanners are found, but the scanner is listed when i use sane-find-scanner? i know the scanner works, i have two ubuntu jaunty x86_64 systems, on one, the described problem occurs, on the other, everything works just fine20:15
ramrambarbarella, it says /usr/bin/kdm but what do I change it to, there is no file named gdm in /usr/bin?20:15
ramrambarbarella, and how to shift to gdm right now?20:16
ramrambarbarella, i mean without restarting?20:17
ramrambarbarella, but wouldn't that just restart the present X, which is kdm here?20:19
treyh222using dd and a live cd, what command would I use to backup the entire hard drive to one file20:20
hareldvdUsing seahorse -e and -d, Do they have GUI as well?20:20
barbarellaramram:i logout and start an other manager20:21
narrowtuxramram: it restarts each X-Session and with it also all the programs included in it20:21
hwildehelp please I need help exporting opengl over a network20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd20:21
thalassHey, uh, stupid question. I'm trying to install an older version of a .deb package, and gdebi won't let me, even with sudo. What's the cli string to force-install a .deb package?20:21
nijmI have a dir which is many GBs in size. Anybody know how I can create many ISOs from this?20:21
Uuuthalass: dpkg; however, be careful not to break your system; don't install important libs in such a way.20:22
ramramohk will try it now, but if I land in the command line, then how to start a particular window manager, instead of just X with "startx"20:22
slashtacttreyh222, "man dd" will give you all the info you need, it will something along the lines of dd if=/dev/sda of=/mount/point/of/file20:22
ramramthe command to start gdm "gdm start" something?20:23
unopthalass, If a package is failing to install - you should understand why and not blindly force an install - you could break your system badly doing so20:23
Uuuthalass: after that, you'll probably have broken dependencies.20:23
thalassah thanks. it's a version of OTTD that's  not trunk, and is probably slightly older anyway20:23
thalassso it shouldn't kill the computer20:23
n0geartreyh222: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb conv=notrunc,noerror20:23
unopnijm, have a look at genisoimage20:24
Uuuthalass: it's not guaranteed it will work due to possibly unresolved dependencies.20:24
prefrontalhow do I figure out what device my usb mic is? i'm looking for something like hw:default,0. i don't think thats it though.20:24
n0geartreyh222: check out http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/How_To_Do_Eveything_With_DD20:24
nijmunop, I have. It can split ISOs into 1GB files, but I can't see anything that lets you make multiple ISOs from a dir20:24
unopnijm, does it absolutely have to be a set of ISO images?20:25
Pirate_Hunter!lamp > Pirate_Hunter20:25
ubottuPirate_Hunter, please see my private message20:25
unopnijm, I mean, why do you want ISO?20:25
nijmunop, well, it could split the dir up into 4.7GB dirs20:25
nijmI want to back it up to dvds20:25
unopnijm,  you could create a tarball and split that up much more easily20:26
=== c is now known as charitwo
ramrambarbarella, narrowtux CTRL+ALT+backspace landed me on the command line and had to fire "startx" to go to gui, I want to start gdm from there??20:26
cabreyramram, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start20:27
Dr_Willisramram:  'sudo service gdm start' is another way20:27
cabreyramram, or what Dr_Willis said20:27
thalassit should tell me if there are unresolved dependencies, right? or do I have to add -V or something first?20:27
cabreythalass, it will complain loudly20:27
slaytonnijm, http://en.kioskea.net/faq/sujet-785-linux-cutting-a-file-into-several-parts20:28
xcercai have a file that is compressed and broken into smaller files...  file.rar , file.r00 , file.r01 ... file.r27 ,  how can i extract this ,  whatr program could i use ?20:28
thalassgood! haha20:28
dakarnxerca: tar -zxvf filename.rar20:29
Dr_Willis!rar | xcerca20:29
ubottuxcerca: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:29
mezquitaleanyone here tried 9.04??does it have the rt kernel???20:29
Dr_Williserr... tar dosent do rar last i looked.. :)20:29
Dr_Willisunrar -e firstarchive.rar20:29
nijmunop, cool. tar looks like the easiest option as genisoimage takes tar output on the standard input20:29
Jenova_skillIs Anybody familiar with Power supply power needed for certain CPU?20:29
dakarnapt-get unrar | profit20:29
nijmslayton, cheers, I'll have a look20:29
unopnijm,  tar czvf - /your/directory | split -a 3 -b 2G - BACKUP # untested, creates 2GB split parts named BACKUPaa, BACKUPab, etc20:30
mezquitaleJenova_skill, which CPU are you talking about?  Most new power supplies will work fine, you just have to worry about peripherals, if you have one of the newer video cards you may need a power supply with higher rated wattage20:31
unopnijm, if you are just creating backups .. you could just burn the parts directly to DVD instead of making them ISOs first20:31
nijmunop, just dd it to the dvd?20:31
Agionhow can I set that a panel shows only it's desktops windows?20:32
UuuAgion: GNOME?20:32
unopnijm,  no no, that wouldn't work -- if you used tar | split like i showed you .. split would create a number of files about ~2GB in size, each of which you would burn to DVD20:32
TrickTechanyone know of a good c++ ide for ubuntu, i am looking to edit the pigin source code in anyone is interested20:33
unopnijm, obviously you can tweak split to your needs20:33
nijmunop, I thought when you burned things to dvds it burns it as an ISO filesystem. I was just going to create the ISOs and burn them using wodim20:33
nijmbishop, wait20:34
EsotericWombatdoes anyone know how to make microphone capture work in Jaunty?20:34
xcercaDr_Willis , yea it looks like i can use unrar ,  do you know what switched i would use for somthing like that ?20:34
lunie2ns-linuxHello, is there a way to have the system update, update to the beta?20:34
nijmbishop, are you a tun/tap dev?20:34
unopnijm, well, i don't see that being an easy feat20:35
AgionUuu: yes20:35
stevecamlunie2ns-linux, yes20:35
xcercaDr_Willis  , n/m it's just unrar e file.rar20:35
lunie2ns-linuxstevecam: ok, so what do i need to do?20:36
EsotericWombatalsa isn't letting me enable microphone capture.  But if I unmute the microphone on the master settings, I can hear microphone input come through the speakers20:36
UuuAgion: Hmm, I don't use GNOME, maybe try to click with right mouse button and look for settings...20:36
stevecamlunie2ns-linux, have you installed ubuntu yet?20:36
roracleokay, now that i'm back, i have qsynth and timidy and jack installed20:36
unop!karmic > lunie2ns-linux20:36
ubottulunie2ns-linux, please see my private message20:36
roraclebut i still know nothing about getting MIDI to work20:37
AgionUuu: I tried that and found nothing.. it used to be there20:37
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se20:37
lunie2ns-linuxI have Jaunty installed20:37
lunie2ns-linux9.04 or whatever20:37
Pirate_Hunterweird using tasksel command to install lamp is slower then me doing it manually.. hmmm, why is that?20:38
stevecamlunie2ns-linux, have a look through the settings on the update manager, i dont feel comfortable explaining it all to you cas it was pretty easy to find, but go in to system, administration and software souces and you can get to the options there too20:38
frostburnwhat configuration file defines default networks settings?  like /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx20:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about makeutils20:39
lunie2ns-linuxstevecam:  ok thanks ill ask more in "+1" like the pm seems to be telling me20:39
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:39
stevecamlunie2ns-linux, what?20:40
slashtactfrostburn, i believe it is /etc/network/interfaces20:40
stevecam!karmic > stevecam20:40
ubottustevecam, please see my private message20:40
frostburnslashtact, i only see loopback and not eth0, let me man it20:41
lunie2ns-linuxstevecam:  i got a pm from ubottu saying to talk about the beta in "#ubuntu+1"20:41
vcghjkgfdcxCan anyone here tell me why my screen has a grey shadow to the right of everything?20:41
lunie2ns-linuxim still pretty new to linux, is why i asked20:41
stevecamoh, if your new to linux, beta might not be the best option20:41
vcghjkgfdcxBeta is DEFINITELY NOT a good option for newbies.20:42
lunie2ns-linuxOk,  i started with beta though, and its worked for me,..im just trying to see if i can find a new version that has my drivers from the getgo20:42
slashtactfrostburn, are you configuring a wireless device?20:42
lunie2ns-linuxcuz i need to reload but i dont remember how to make ndisloader reload my driver at bootup20:42
bastidrazor!boot > lunie2ns-linux20:44
ubottulunie2ns-linux, please see my private message20:44
frostburnslashtact, negative, i just don't want my resolv.conf to be overwritten by dhcp, i was lazy and did a just chattr +i    instead20:44
stevecam!boot > stevecam20:44
ubottustevecam, please see my private message20:44
lunie2ns-linuxAlthough I do have a general, i think, linux question, My hard drive is partitioned, and I can't get it to automatically mount the other partition at bootup... i have to manually do it every time, i remember seeing something to fix this, but after i tried it, it didnt automatically load the partition on the next bootup20:45
stevecamwhy are boot options discussed in PM?20:45
jmworx_Any tips for resurrecting an X server? Everything seems to have frozen on my Jaunty box, except the mouse pointer. I can ssh to it fine though, so I'm hoping there's a way to fix the problem without having to kill the X server20:45
lunie2ns-linuxoh maybe that will answer both questions20:45
slaytonjmworx_, ctrl+alt+f320:46
stevecamjwulf, pkill Xorg20:46
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, you need to add it to /etc/fstab20:46
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor: I have no idea what that means20:46
jmworx_slayton: doesn nothing20:46
slaytonjmworx_, than ssh in20:46
slaytonjmworx_, run top20:46
bastidrazor!fstab > lunie2ns-linux20:46
ubottulunie2ns-linux, please see my private message20:46
Phil_26Hi. I was thinking to install ubuntu 8.04, I mainly want stability. I was wondering if I will be able to update the software I use to their latest version using hardy? Firefox 3.5, the last version of brasero, songbird, etc? How it differ from jaunty software update regard. Thanks20:46
slaytonjmworx_, see what is using your cpu cyles and kill that20:47
jmworx_slayton: did that already, I had kded4 taking 100% and I killed it20:47
jmworx_now my system's mostly idle20:47
dakarnphil_26: yep20:47
Phil_26dakarn: what is the advantage of using jaunty if I can update all and every program I want with hardy then? :\20:47
magnetronPhil_26: if you wan't stability, use the software that is shipped with hardy. if you want new software, use jaunty. you can't have them both20:48
jmworx_In case it's of any help, it froze right when I was switching desktops and I have partially redrawn windows being displayed20:48
magnetronPhil_26: you can't update all and every program you want to any version in hardy20:48
Phil_26that make sense20:48
dakarnphil_26: you get bug fixes, better support (hic) for certain platforms, ext4 filesystem, etc20:49
olskolirccan someone tell me how I can send vbox to the system tray please?20:49
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Phil_26that's because I have a GMA 3100 intel graphic chipset in fact, and I read that their is some issue with jaunty20:49
Phil_26I'm now sure if I'll run into trouble20:50
Phil_26I'm not sure20:50
dakarnuh jaunty uses the newest kernel which i find to provide better intel integrated graphics support20:50
dakarnbut i'm using 2.6.3020:50
nibletsi broke my install, and reinstalled in my / partition, now i cant access my home partition, and i have pretty much narrowed it down to the encryption. any ideas?20:50
treyh222how to i mount /dev/hda on the ubuntu live cd?20:51
=== Andycaps is now known as tonupea
Phil_26I'll give it a try and see how it works, thanks20:51
boss_mctreyh222: like any other drive20:52
slaytonI setup xchat to autoidentify on login but it crashes everytime has anybody else had this problem in Jaunty?20:52
nibletsanyone have any ideas on my /home partition problem?20:52
moogiegetting a "your gpu is unplugged" error on boot up after installing nvidia drivers. my gpu works fine in XP and works fine before drivers are installed.20:53
dakarnniblets: you saying you can't access / ?20:53
whiterhey, is there any way to get a built-in finger print reader working for the ubuntu login process?20:53
slaytonniblets, whats the problem?20:53
nibletsi had to reinstall in my /, now, i cant access /home, and i think its due to the encryption20:53
slaytondid you encrypt your old /home dir?20:53
nibletsi think so, but i didnt change /home, only reinstalled the os20:54
slaytonare / and /home seperate partitions niblets20:54
nibletsyes slayton20:54
slaytonniblets, did you tell the installer to mount the /home partition at /home20:54
slaytonwhat happens when you cd to /home and type ls -al20:54
nibletswhich line do you want?20:55
whiterhey, is there any way to get a built-in finger print reader working for the ubuntu login process?20:55
nibletsdrwxrwxrwx 31 niblets niblets 12288 2009-06-16 13:10 niblets20:55
nibletsbut if i try to access it as user, i get an error saying volume doesnt exist. if i try to access it as root, nothing at all happens20:56
slayton !patience | whiter20:56
ubottuwhiter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:56
piccaubottu: did you ask him to repeat his question quickly20:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!20:58
Dr_WillisEveryone picks on the bot.20:58
TinFurySomeone help! :| I've installed UBUNTU on an old laptop....A sony X505.... ub version 9.04 everything is working great but files I copy to the system get corrupted..20:59
Jonathan_LTinFury: What files? What do you mean with corrupted?21:00
nibletsi could always just wipe my whole drive and reinstall, but i want to avoid that if possible.21:00
TinFuryI think they are mostly large files but I'm not sure. Someone give me advice on checking what's wrong21:00
ChristopheDu80sorry about my bad english i need some help21:00
ChristopheDu80i work about usb live bootable21:00
TinFuryjohathan... Well I copied a movie to it via FTP... then when I got home I tried to DL the file via FTP again.... xfer stops half way thru21:00
Jonathan_LI want to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04. My / partition is on 8 GB, and I need another 300 MB free space for an upgrade. What's the best option for me? Unetbootin with the ISO to rezise the partition and then install from ISO/reboot and upgrade? Or are there better options?21:00
TinFuryReports IO error21:01
HuegPneishi guys :)21:01
cabreyTinFury, just how old is this laptop?21:01
TinFurycabrey... the sony X505 is old... 200421:01
jmworx_Hmm... can't be good: Xorg invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x1201d2, order=0, oomkilladj=021:01
Jonathan_LTinFury: I guess it's the connection. Try something more "crash safe" than FTP21:01
ChristopheDu80im looking for linux gnu OS bootbale from usb where i can add windows portable apps21:01
bastidrazorJonathan_L, remove some packages that you can reinstall after the update21:01
boss_mcJonathan_L: try apt-get clean, the apt-get autoclean21:01
TinFuryXP works good on it21:01
ChristopheDu80is it possible ?21:01
HuegPneiswhuts up niggas_21:01
cabreyTinFury, try a different, smaller file and see if it is corrupted or stop halfway through21:02
TinFuryIt's not just FTP.... I wanted to recompile kernel. and dl'd the source but cant unzip21:02
HuegPneisi just smoked a joint. u guys wanna talk?21:02
TinFurycabrey... ok. let me do that now21:02
jmworx_Especially not good considering that my machine had 4GB RAM + 4 GB swap (and it wasn't even swapping when I got that OOM)21:02
perlhelp people21:02
perlany one onloine21:02
perli need some help21:02
=== perl is now known as Guest39030
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:02
=== Guest39030 is now known as morespeed
Jonathan_Lbastidrazor: Yeah, but I want to avoid that. Can easily get too messy21:02
bastidrazorJonathan_L, then how are you going to get 800MB free if you don't remove something..21:03
jmworx_[drm:i915_gem_entervt_ioctl] *ERROR* Reenabling wedged hardware, good luck21:03
Jonathan_LChristopheDu80: Yeah, with Wine installed21:03
nibletsstill here slayton?21:03
aaronorosen1perl: whats your question?21:03
TinFurycab the kernel source I've downloaded didn't get xfered from FTP it was an apt-get21:03
Jonathan_Lbastidrazor: Uhmm... Rezise partition? :P21:03
slaytonniblets, yes21:03
boss_mcJonathan_L: also try completely removing orphaned files (deborphan)21:03
nibletsany ideas on my problem?21:03
azertywitam wszystkich21:03
aaronorosen1niblets: whats your problem?21:04
boss_mcJonathan_L: or just boot into live CD/USB and run gparted...21:04
bastidrazorJonathan_L, that would work too.. you could use a gparted CD21:04
bastidrazor!gparted > Jonathan_L21:04
ubottuJonathan_L, please see my private message21:04
webar7there is kbuntu xbuntu ... is there an ebuntu ? totally enlightenment based?21:04
TinFurycabrey: yea I did the small file.... transfered to ubuntu and back.... everything seems ok21:04
azertyjak ustawic sterowniki wlasnosciowe ?21:04
slaytonniblets, what do you see under /home21:04
nibletsclean install on /, now i cant access /home. seperate partitions, pretty sure /home was encrypted21:04
Jonathan_LI don't wanna burn anything to a CD. Got to few of them and no income yet21:04
slaytonif you use my name I see what you respond otherwise there is too much going in here for me to see what you respond21:04
cabreyTinFury, ok then it is probably the FTP server dropping it. how big is the file?21:05
bastidrazorJonathan_L, use the ubuntu LiveCD21:05
nibletsas root, a see text that says access your private data, but if i click it does nothing. as user, i see my username, if i click, i get the error vikume doesnt exist21:05
TinFurycab... it's not just that... I uploaded the move to ubuntu... that worked ok.. but I can't copy the avi from one place to another on ubuntu either21:05
boss_mcJonathan_L: unetbootin a usb then21:05
nibletsok slayton, ill use your name21:05
morespeedi am making a theme on my own ....     then i changed the panel.rc file ...  in that i changed the xthicknees and ythickness to 50  ,300   after that screen appeared with big icons and ater change the theme though command line the i got back the screen to normal but the main panel was on top not able to move21:06
TinFurycabrey: the file was 650mb21:06
aaronorosen1niblets: probably a chown to you or a chmod21:06
Jonathan_Lboss_mc: I guess it works with the harddrive too21:06
nibletsive tried both aaron, no luck. i still cant access /home21:06
cabreyTinFury, try d/l'ing the ubuntu ISO & see if it corrupts/stops, how fast is your connection? I don't want  to waste your time21:06
noteventimeDoes anyone know how to disable hardware acceleration in Adobe Flash player 10. I can't use the built in settings panel for some reason.21:07
TinFurycabrey: my connection is not that fast.... it would prob take about an hour.21:07
noteventimeSo I was hoping there was some clear text configuration somewhere21:07
aaronorosen1niblets: ls -l / post the line that has /home in it21:07
cabreyTinFury, what ftp client are you using?/21:07
TinFurycabrey:  I have another linux box here. I could DL a large file from a local server?21:07
TinFurycabrey: bulletproof ftp21:08
nibletsdrwxrwxrwx 31 niblets niblets 12288 2009-06-16 13:10 niblets21:08
aaronorosen1niblets: ls -l / | grep home21:08
nibletsdrwxrwxrwx   3 root root  4096 2009-06-16 11:40 home21:08
cabreyTinFury, yes try that & it *might* be the client. i always used nautilus or filezilla, I'm not familiar with that client21:08
=== sammy is now known as Guest28424
Guest28424hey guys, i am having a little issue here21:08
aaronorosen1niblets: what does it say when you type cd ~21:09
Guest28424i am running xfce, and i now added nm-applet to the default starting programs, so it acually comes up now21:09
TinFuryok so run ftp client on the computer I'm having problems with and DL a large file.21:09
Guest28424but i was wondering if there was a way to get it to not ask for the keyring password on login21:09
Jonathan_LGuest28424: Change the source code and recompile? :P21:10
bastidrazorTinFury, md5 the file before and after transfer21:10
Jonathan_LOr SHA2 :)21:10
aaronorosen1niblets: so what do you mean it doesn't let you access your home dir? What are you doing that its not letting you do.21:10
dlynesIn Debian, I configure the network in /etc/network/interfaces.  Where do I do the same thing in Ubuntu Jaunty?21:10
frostburnTinFury, you might consider using rsync as well21:11
dakarndlynes: nm-applet has a GUI21:11
dlynesdakarn: any text files, or console apps?21:11
nibletsusing my file manager, as usr, if i click /hom/niblets, i get an error saying volume does not exist. as root, i get text that says access your private data, but does nothing if i click on it, im just trying to access anything on /home........21:12
dakarndylnes: open network manager, unlock, and edit21:12
TinFuryOk the file is transferring21:12
slaytonniblets, Goto /home and type ls -al then pastebin the result21:12
slaytonniblets, I asked you to do this like 30 minutes ago21:12
TinFuryI really hope I can get this to work...... It runs great on this laptop.21:12
dlynesdakarn: You mean /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*?21:12
abdullahhow do i login as root21:12
nibletsslayton, are you saying to cd to home?21:12
slaytonniblets, yes21:13
slaytonabdullah, you can't21:13
boss_mc!root | abdullah21:13
ubottuabdullah: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:13
TinFuryI dont think it's a hardware problem because ubuntu didn't give any problems on the install21:13
dakarnabdullah: sudo su21:13
moogiegetting a "your gpu is unplugged" error on boot up after installing nvidia drivers. my gpu works fine in XP and works fine before drivers are installed.21:13
abdullahi know the root password21:13
aaronorosen1niblets: or chown your /home to yourself right now root owns it...21:13
TinFuryI had downloaded a series of large rar files 100MB from the web with ubuntu and when I tried to extract unrar failed on one of the files21:13
dlynesabdullah: Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get a terminal21:14
TinFurysaying I/O error... that isn't even FTP at all21:14
abdullahlogin with root user21:14
dakarnaaronorosen1: it's fine that root owns /home but /home/niblets  would be owned by him21:14
bastidrazorTinFury, that has nothing to do with your hardware or software.. you need to verify the files.. md5sum is your solution21:14
cabreyTinFury, it sounds like the HDD has bad sectors that the FS hasn't marked yet21:15
aaronorosen1dakarn: /home/niblets is owned by him. I have no idea what hes trying to do his ~ is 77721:15
nibletsslayton, i dont know the pastebin, and its only three lines21:15
TinFurybastidrazor: md5sum?21:15
nibletsrwxrwxrwx  3 root    root     4096 2009-06-16 11:40 .21:15
aaronorosen1niblets: just paste it21:15
nibletsdrwxr-xr-x 21 root    root     4096 2009-06-16 11:32 ..21:15
nibletsdrwxrwxrwx 31 niblets niblets 12288 2009-06-16 13:10 niblets21:15
TinFurycabrey: how can I get FS to mark them?21:15
Nightchillwhere can i find old packages like catalyst 9.221:15
slayton!pastebin | niblets21:15
ubottuniblets: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:15
bastidrazor!md5sum > TinFury21:16
ubottuTinFury, please see my private message21:16
aaronorosen1slayton: those permissions look fine to me..21:16
cabreyTinFury, you reboot in recovery mode & the menu will have something about the disk or file system check21:16
aaronorosen1slayton: right/21:16
pygmalionwhere is the configuration file for desktop notifications? i want to make them appear in the top right instead of the bottom right21:16
aaronorosen1slayton: right? *21:16
hartmannpcan sombody help me? how do i change the channel21:16
cabreyTinFury, I forget what it is exactly21:16
cabreyhartmannp, /join #channel21:16
hartmannpwant to ubuntu-de21:16
=== Royall_ is now known as Royall
SladeIf i have the monotype corsiva font on my windows drive, can i copy it from there and use it in open office?21:16
treyh222!help hartmannp21:16
hartmannpok thx21:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help hartmannp21:16
cabreyhartmannp, /join #ubuntu-de21:16
dakarn!font > slade21:16
ubottuslade, please see my private message21:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:16
aaronorosen1hartmannp  /join #ubuntu-de21:16
treyh222hartmannp, what you trying to do?21:16
slaytonthey look fine, niblets aaronorosen121:17
bastidrazorTinFury, and yes with i/o error you do need to do a FS check on your drives21:17
treyh222hartmannp, type /join #help21:17
cabrey!fsck | TinFury21:17
ubottuTinFury: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:17
=== abdullah is now known as ubuntu
=== John is now known as Guest15217
slaytonniblets, can you cd into /home/niblest21:17
bastidrazor!cookie | cabrey21:17
ubottucabrey: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:17
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntutester
aaronorosen1niblets: can you ls /home/niblest21:17
petafileSo I'd like to be able to stream from my music collection over a network.  What's the easiest way to set something like that up?21:17
dlynesdakarn: So what you're telling me is there's no way to get ubuntu to use /etc/network/interfaces?21:17
TinFuryYes that is what I want... forced check on reboot21:17
* cabrey needs milk tho21:17
nibletsit just goes back to niblets@ubuntu21:17
coz_guys  I am  still having issues with monitor insisting to sleep   even though thing s  are overridden in xorg I did place this in with no effect  http://pastebin.com/m7600061a21:18
prefrontalwhy I try to `sudo apt-get install wink' it tells me that wink is not available.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/wink21:18
dlynesdakarn: Or to use the command line, instead of forcing me to use the gui for everything?21:18
ubuntutesterhow do i login with the root user21:18
TinFurylet me try that and come back... I just tested the file I transfered too..... this transfer was fine...21:18
aaronorosen1slayton: he can cd to his home i had him cd ~ fine a sec ago21:18
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:18
petafileubuntutester: sudo su21:18
TinFuryIt was a large rar and I unrared it21:18
Pirate_Hunterjust restarted apache and got this warning - apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, how do i fix it?21:18
slaytonhmmm... weird21:18
aaronorosen1niblets: i would do a chmod 777 ~/* see if that fixes the problem that your having.21:18
dakarndlynes: you can manually set everything with /etc/network/interfaces21:18
treyh222Pirate_Hunter, ignore it21:18
slaytonPirate_Hunter, google21:18
dlynesdakarn: but Jaunty didn't read it on boot up21:18
aaronorosen1slayton: I think he is trying to access a file in his ~ that he doesn't gave read privlidles.21:18
treyh222Pirate_Hunter, wants you to basically put the full domain name in the httpd.conf21:19
dlynesdakarn: I'm tried to set network aliases.... i.e. eth0:0, eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3, ...21:19
slaytonniblets, try running chown niblets /home/niblets -rf21:19
TinFurybastidrazor: by FS check you mean fsck right?21:19
Pirate_Huntertreyh222, oh ok no problem than i will ignore it its only for production purpose21:19
aaronorosen1slayton:  he already owns that..21:19
menboyhow do i bood my customized  operating systen with grub?21:19
nibletsaaron,  chmod 777 ~/*, didnt work21:19
bastidrazorTinFury, yes, follow the link cabrey  gave you21:19
aaronorosen1menboy /boot/grub.conf21:19
Jonathan_Lbye. I'll try to clear some more space on my HDD, or I'll rezise the partition21:19
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dlynesdakarn: s/tried/trying/21:20
aaronorosen1niblets: did it say anything or it just didn't resolve your problem?21:20
TinFuryok brb21:20
nibletsslayton: it says r is an invalid option21:20
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Curly_QGreetings folks.21:20
nibletsaaron, it didnt resolve the problem21:20
slaytonniblets, try -R21:20
hansolohello every one21:20
mezquitaleanyone knows if java works on 64 bit ubuntu????21:21
dakarndlynes: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart21:21
mezquitaleanyone knows if java works on 64 bit ubuntu 9.04??21:21
hansolo mezquitale - it should21:21
Curly_QI just downloaded Ubuntu Server.  What benefits does Ubuntu have over other distros?21:21
Curly_QBesides being Debian?21:21
nibletsslayton, R worked, but it still didnt resolve my problem21:21
Shooreemy add/remove doesn't show anything on xubuntu 8.10, how can I fix this? synaptic works fine, apt-get update yields no results21:21
boss_mc!ubuntu | Curly_Q21:21
ubottuCurly_Q: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:21
slaytonniblets, hmm... i'm stumped sorry21:21
dakarncurly_q: package support, libraries, and support21:21
Guest15217Anyone here having experience installing samba4 with openldap backend on ubuntu 9.04? I keep getting permission denied for the config when starting the slapd servers after provisioning.21:21
hansoloCurly_Q - well its has a larg user base, farly fast...but ubuntu server dosent have a gui (btw)21:22
boss_mcCurly_Q: I expected there to be more there, mostly support, testing and ease of use21:22
nibletsslayton, no worries21:22
boss_mchansolo: would you expect a server to have a GUI?21:22
Curly_QWell, the thing I want to know is that Ubuntu is for free but the nice packages are for sale. Where is the logic there?21:22
dakarndlynes, did that work?21:22
moejoeAnyone here using an Acer Aspire One? I seem to cap CPU when I stream things off you tube. (Xubuntu)21:22
Nightchillcan someone help me please, where can i find old catalyst? 9.3 or 9.221:22
hansoloboss_mc - well win server dose ...21:22
rrittenhousehow do I get my Toshiba eStudio 2500c to use a department code in Jaunty? It worked FINE in Ibex!21:22
boss_mcCurly_Q: all software packages are free... they sell support contracts...21:22
Curly_QOK. that makes sense.21:23
boss_mchansolo: yeah, but... seriously?21:23
dlynesdakarn: No21:23
menboywhat is the differnt between ubuntu en xubuntu?21:23
francisrI am having problems installing Ubuntu 9.04 Server on a Dell T300 server with a 5x1.5TB RAID5. The installer finds the disk and installs, but refuses to boot. Grub = ok, but fails on init (file system error). FS is EXT3, but I have a 40MB utility partition + 20GB Vista first. Any ideas?21:23
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SiDimenboy: the xubuntu session uses XFCE, which is faster and uses less RAM21:23
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boss_mcxubuntu ! menboy21:24
hansoloboss_mc - true but someone says "i just dowloaded ubuntu server" and then "... what makes it better" so its just a precaution21:24
Curly_QI would like to do Adobe streaming video and more and will Ubuntu assist in this and work with Microsoft stuff?21:24
boss_mc!xubuntu | menboy21:24
ubottumenboy: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:24
ceekey_and how about ubuntu studio???21:24
moejoeone uses gnome the other xfce21:24
mach3When you21:24
menboyso xubuntu is better?21:24
nibletsaaron, any other ideas?21:24
JohnnyHAnyone here having experience installing samba4 with openldap backend on ubuntu 9.04? I keep getting permission denied for the config when starting the slapd servers after provisioning.21:24
ubottuSupport: #xubuntu | Developer Discussion: #xubuntu-devel | Offtopic chatter: #xubuntu-offtopic21:24
fccfmenboy: xubuntu is slimmer, can run on less... that does not make it better21:24
mach3When you're attempting to mount a .img, and it asks for a specified filesystem, what do you do to the mount command to...remedy that error?21:24
dakarndlynes: can you ifdown eth1         then ifup eth121:25
menboyok :p21:25
SiDifccf: its better cause it has a mouse in its logo !21:25
boss_mcmenboy: depends what you want, for old machines xubuntu is good, for modern ones GNOME looks nice and is user friendly, but it's your call, there's also kubuntu (kde)21:25
menboythen i will keep ubuntu :)21:25
* SiDi uses Xubuntu on a machine with 4GB.21:25
ltcabral_how do i remove a user from a group by terminal?21:25
nibletsthere is also crunchbang........ ubuntu based, running openbox, its very lean21:25
fccfSiDi: and that mouse is stuck on a wheel going round and round21:25
dakarncrunchbang is awesome ;)21:26
mezquitalemenboy, it all depends on what you mean by "better".  If you have a slow machine xubuntu will be faster, yes, but you will not have all the functionalities and ease of use as say ubuntu or kubuntu21:26
bastidrazormach3, from my understanding you can't mount an .IMG since that is a mac format. you need to convert it to iso. you can do this with poweriso21:26
menboysomebody knows nimblex?21:26
hansolo niblets - i can vouch for crunch bang very nice21:26
SiDifccf: it can escape from the wheel and go in the clouds ! flying mouse21:26
nibletsits the shizzle21:26
bastidrazorltcabral, you could edit /etc/groups21:26
moejoefor crunchbang i have heard it is not stable, how long have you had uptime with it?21:26
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dlynesdakarn: It's working, as long as I don't put eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces21:26
dakarnthere isn't an official 9.04 for crunchbang so install 8.10 and the 2.6.30 kernel21:26
mach3bastidrazor...lame. Uh...Well, I ddrescued my disk in .img, can I ddrescue it in .iso?21:26
ltcabral_bastidrazor: just that will do?21:26
Curly_Qfccf, I suppose you could squeeze UBUNTU on a floppy disk too.   :)21:26
dlynesdakarn: as soon as I put eth0's definition in there, and then reboot, it all goes to hell in a handbasket21:26
nibletsmoejoe, ive been using it for weeks, no problems, other than ones i have created21:26
hansoloCurly_Q - no floppys for ubuntu21:27
fccfCurly_Q: prolly not ... but it does fit on a CD quite nicely21:27
nibletsthey are quite friendly over on the forums too, so there is support21:27
bastidrazorltcabral, yes, they'll need to relog before it takes effect21:27
bastidrazormach3, i don't know21:27
eitreachIs there any easy way to batch convert avis into ipod-format?21:27
Curly_QThere is a nice floppy called:  "PICO BSD" on a floppy which is nice.21:27
mezquitalewhich bittorrent client does anyone recommend?  I am using bittornado and it's a bit slow, not too many people logged in sharing files.21:27
dlynesdakarn: /etc/network/interfaces doesn't get initialized during bootup, and I'm guessing that's because whenever interfaces gets loaded, it's before network-manager gets run, and so eth0 doesn't exist yet, and consequently I cannot assign virtual interfaces to it21:27
hansoloCurly_Q - yes true remember that floppys have 1.4'ish mb of space21:27
moejoeniblets: what are you running it on? i cap CPU like crazy on this little acer.21:27
lunie2ns-linuxThis isnt making much sense to me..21:28
B0BBYHello People.21:28
B0BBYhow do I verify whether I have java installed or not....?21:28
hansoloThorsonB_ - hi21:28
SiDiB0BBY: hello. go to java.com, they'll tell you21:28
ThorsonB_hansolo you a linux pro?21:28
dakarndlynes: one sec21:28
B0BBYof course, java -version says, IcedTea6 1.3.121:28
bewarei get "failed to fetch", error 404, for some packages, in ubuntu's update manager21:28
B0BBYbut not sure if the complete jre is installed. I can't type in jre..21:28
hansoloThorsonB_ - sorta21:28
lunie2ns-linuxIm still not getting how to use fstab to make it automatically mount my drive on boot.21:29
B0BBYSiDi: java.com site will detect....?21:29
boss_mcB0BBY: java -version gives the jre, javac -version fives the jdk21:29
nibletsmoejoe, see my private message21:29
mezquitaleB0BBY, the easiest way is to go to "add/remove" search for "java" and it'll give you all the java components that are currently installed or that you can install21:29
moejoeSorry new to IRC :S21:29
hansoloThorsonB_ - but most of us are to fire away21:29
Pirate_Hunterfor a development server do i really need to protect apache directories if so which ones?21:29
SiDiB0BBY: yes, they have a page for that21:29
hansoloThorsonB_ - sorry thats so not to21:29
cabreyB0BBY, icedtea is the open source java plugin. install sun-java6-jre & sun-java6-plugin21:29
Curly_QHansolo, I am so glad that now-a-days, one can boot from a USB device such as a FLASH device. That makes floppies outmoded in most modern cases.21:30
B0BBYmezquitale: thanks. :)21:30
B0BBYSiDi: thanks. :)21:30
B0BBYcabrey: that's what I was looking for. :) I'll just install that one. :) thanks.21:30
hansoloCurly_Q - yes thats is a nce fature21:30
cabreyB0BBY, yea i always install the official sun java stuff21:30
B0BBYcan't wait for the day java becomes obsolete.21:31
Rochvellonhiho, i get a failure if i want open my scanner (brother mfc-235c) I/O-Error. all drivers are installed ( http://rochs.pastebin.com/df3ca7c0 ). printer is working well. what could it be?21:31
eitreachIs there any easy way to batch convert avis into ipod-format?21:31
Curly_QNot only that hansolo, I purchased a USB Floppy Drive for $3.00 at the GoodWill store. That comes in handy for some of the installations needed.21:31
B0BBYcabrey: I only get it if I have to and so keep forgetting package name.21:31
B0BBYcabrey: normally keep my machines free of java. But some apps require it. so I'll install. :)21:31
mezquitaleCurly_Q, what's a "floppie"???21:32
hansoloCurly_Q - haha lol yeah, some times you cant beat a floppy21:32
CleanLaundryhow do you chmod directories?21:32
Curly_QMy dad always said: "Any port in the storm."21:32
=== pyrak-thatwasyum is now known as pyrak
mezquitale<---- hasnt used a floppy in years21:32
hansoloCurly_Q - :)21:32
Pirate_Hunterfor a development server do i really need to protect apache directories if so which ones?21:32
hansolo!ubottu | floppy21:33
ubottufloppy: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:33
Curly_QNowadays you can put an OS and a Server on a Memory Stick.21:33
boss_mc!floppy | hansolo21:33
Curly_QYou can purchase a 65 GIG Memory FLASH Stick for about $50.00 now.21:33
ubottuhansolo: To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone21:33
Rochvellonhiho, i get a failure if i want open my scanner (brother mfc-235c) I/O-Error. all drivers are installed ( http://rochs.pastebin.com/df3ca7c0 ). printer is working well. what could it be?21:34
hansoloCurly_Q - yup great for ...everything21:34
bastidrazorCleanLaundry, chmod -R21:34
Dream-Ubuhey. anyone know how to get sound on the intel little falls 2 working?21:34
hansolo!floppy disk21:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about floppy disk21:34
Curly_QBastidrazor, the only drawback is setting up the drivers for it for the older machines. Such as Win 98.21:35
suweidI've deleted a folders Music and Video, since I gathered I wouldn't need them. Along with them I deleted the templates folder. How can I restore it to re-enable templates on right click?21:35
lunie2ns-linuxSo can anyone help me with fstab the link is just confusing me21:35
Curly_QIn other words, one must put the drivers on a CD disk and install it to use the USB FLASH drive.21:36
bewareapt-get update fixed the problem (packages not fetching), i think this is ugly and shouldn't happen21:36
francisrIs there a max size for the / partition (ext3) other than what the installer allows? (apparently >6TB)21:36
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, pastebin sudo blkid and sudo fdisk -l21:36
CleanLaundrybastidrazor, thanks21:36
hansolosuweid - umm sorry but that was a littel stupid .... try making another user and coping over the fiels21:36
suweidYou are sorry that I was stupid? Or are you stupified by my actions?21:37
Curly_QSuweid, you can always use a21:37
dakarndlynes: are you getting eth0 no such device error?21:37
Curly_QData Recovery Software for that.21:37
hansolo suweid - a bit of both21:37
max_How could I go about installing something from an old repository?21:38
suweidhansolo, I respectfully disagree. When I get a new home directory, I expect it to be clean. Much like getting a new appartment. If it's not, I take matters into my own hands.21:38
wildc4rdevening all21:38
RepentinusIs there some sort of Eclipse repository with the latest version for Ubuntu?21:39
hansolo suweid - yes true...hmm it might be the folders might be somewhere on the install cd...21:39
rutterhey, can anyone tell me where the sessions conf file is located? - I can find it anywhere.21:39
Curly_QBefore anyone makes any changes on any computer, it is always best to make copies and backups first before doing something that compromises an operation.21:39
RepentinusAnyway, what's the best IDE for PHP on Ubuntu? (Would use Zend Studio 5 on Windows.)21:39
hansolorutter - yes backup and backup again21:40
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lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor: http://pastebin.com/m21a08fcb       http://pastebin.com/m15d4b80521:40
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rutterhansolo: I don't follow21:41
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, which partition do you want to add to fstab?21:41
st3vieRepentinus, Zend Studio 5 is also the best on Linux (in my opinion)21:41
hansolorutter - i was recommending to backup to many locations21:41
RepentinusOk. What about C, C++ and Java? Found my choice for Python, IDLE as on Windows.21:41
hansolorutter - as was Curly_Q21:42
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor:  The NTFS 67 GB partition..and i want it to mount to /media/disk like it does right now when i manually do it if possible21:42
st3vieRepentinus, there is PDT, Netbeans 6.7 (has PHP support, not quite perfect, but getting better)21:42
rutterhansolo: backup what? I just want to know where the sessions conf file is21:42
hansolorutter - the sessions conf file21:42
RepentinusEclipse is big no for me. I do not want software to tell me that I need to make a project...21:42
hansolorutter - befor you change it21:42
st3vieRepentinus, check out Netbeans 6.7 from the website? Or maybe Eclipse, with extra plugins. So you can use all the languages in one IDE?21:43
stickboyamazon mp3 has ubuntu version but it's 8.10 and 32bit only. how would i get it for 64bit?21:43
hansolorutter - after you find out where it is21:43
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor:  do I need to unmount the drive before i do this??21:43
treyh222when using the ubuntu 9.04 cd, if i boot to the live cd, what does it detect the local drive as? trying to do dd to /dev/sda but not working?21:43
n0gearcan i edit screen resolutions manually from some file?21:43
RepentinusI'll check out Netbeans.21:43
rutterhansolo: ok, fine good advice, but where is it?21:43
st3vieRepentinus, then ZS5.5 is certainly the best of real IDE21:43
Sinatraanybody use their webcam on ubuntu?21:43
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, no.. give me a bit and i'll have the line you need to insert to fstab21:43
st3vieSinatra, yes. In Skype I had plug and play :)21:44
hansolorutter - did you try going to place's serch for files setting seach to "file system" and typing in sessions.conf21:44
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor: ok thanks21:44
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rockoafter upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 how do you get all the new artwork?21:44
dakarntreyh222: sudo fdisk -l        will show you all the drives and partitions currently mounted21:44
rockomy boot up screen is not the new bootup screen21:44
menboyi did install ubuntu with wubi... a ubuntu installer21:45
ubuntuhi, using the live dvd, i've installed the latest skype.deb and all dependencies, but when i try to run it it tells me /usr/bin/skype doesn't exist when it clearly done. i can only the file in vi, but execve() on that file fails with -1 (file does not exist).....  what the hell?21:45
Rochvellonhiho, i get a failure if i want open my scanner (brother mfc-235c) I/O-Error. all drivers are installed ( http://rochs.pastebin.com/df3ca7c0 ). printer is working well. what could it be?21:46
hansoloubuntu - its only installed on the ram drive ubuntu creates for its live disk21:46
NicEXEhow can I install ubuntu 9.04 on my MacBook Pro?21:46
hansoloubuntu - aka its not realy installed21:47
donnyHi guys. I was having some problems running a really basic cron job. Anyone knowledgeable want to help?21:47
ubuntubut other stuff works, why can't it run the skype binary?21:47
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, first gksudo gedit /etc/fstab  ..then at the bottom add this line :: UUID=C07404CB7404C5DE /media/disk ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 021:47
hansoloubuntu - ,hmm now that i dont know, you might have not enuough ram for it, do you get any errors when you run it21:48
ubuntujust no such file or directory21:48
ubuntui have 2gb ram21:48
hades_pthello all21:49
hansoloubuntu - ah, is see it is eather corrupted or somthing else dose it give you a "more deatlie" or something option21:49
darlek!ubottu | darlek21:50
ubottudarlek, please see my private message21:50
darlek!ubottu | darlek21:50
lunie2ns-linuxbast so ok,...so after i reboot, it should automatically recreat that folder and mount the drive in it/21:50
dakarnwhat's up with ubuntusatanic.org21:51
hades_ptits possible use  chown in a partition ?21:51
|RyanI need help - I try to install virtual box and a red error message says: Dependancy is not satisfyable libpython 2.621:51
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor:  last message was to u :p21:51
hansolodarlek pleas stop spamming the thread21:51
darlekwhat's up?  How do I prevent some programs from loading on startup?  I don't have wicd monitor selected in startup programs for example, but I still need to turn it off from sudo /etc/init.d/wicd stop .  Where is there a specific list of programs that init.d is using or ubuntu tutorial21:51
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, you can test it without rebooting.. unmount the drive now.. sudo umount /media/disk then type sudo mount -a  .. if it mounts all worked21:51
Dream-Ubuanyone know where i can find the sound drivers for the intel little falls 2?21:51
zefyrdo you folks know if the new grub2 in ubuntu 9.1 koala will detect the vista loader?21:51
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot21:52
Dream-UbuPARSNIP! :P long time no see[21:52
hansolozefyr - it should i bleave the old one did to21:52
hades_ptbastidrazor:  your message for me ?21:52
MaT-dg1I have a smartcardreader attached to the usb. No linux drivers on cd, how can I verify that the reader works?21:52
|RyanI need help - I try to install virtual box and a red error message says: Dependancy is not satisfyable libpython 2.621:52
ActionParsnipdarlek: bum is a great app formanagng startup apps21:52
bastidrazorhades_pt, you can chown the directory it is mounted to21:52
darlek_thanks ActionParsnip21:52
ActionParsnip!info bum | darlek21:53
ubottudarlek: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (jaunty), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB21:53
hades_ptpartition was created whit live cd21:53
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor:  fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/disk: No such file or directory21:53
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hades_ptor im no owner21:53
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, sudo mkdir /media/disk and then try sudo mount -a again21:53
dlynes Ubuntu doesn't have an inittab?21:54
|RyanPlease somebody.21:54
ActionParsnipdlynes: it does and doesnt21:54
meoblast001does anyone else have issues where when pidgin makes noises it sounds like their speakers are going to explode?21:54
dlynesActionParsnip: Good political answer :)21:54
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor:  thanks, that seems to have done it21:54
hansolo|Ryan - pleas be pationt if no one answers your question right now just re-ask later21:54
ActionParsnipdlynes: best way to be21:54
|Ryanmeodlast001: Turn them down?21:54
dlynesActionParsnip: What exactly do you mean, Dubbaya?21:55
meoblast001doesn't matter the volume21:55
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, no problem. enjoy :)21:55
meoblast001it just makes staticy noises21:55
meoblast001doesn't matter what speakers they are21:55
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor:  so it will boot like that now, correct? thanks21:55
hansolomeoblast001 that wold be the incoming message sound...or somthing21:55
ActionParsnip|Ryan: haveyou tried installing the dep on its own21:55
zefyrhansolo: yeah, my old one did... i tried installing kubuntu 9.1 alpha2 and it didnt detect it... but the install also seems to hang...so i just wondered if anyone else got it to etect the vista loader before i try to reinstall again.21:55
meoblast001hansolo: yes21:55
bastidrazorlunie2ns-linux, yes on boot it will be mounted21:55
lunie2ns-linuxbastidrazor: great21:55
|RyanActionParsnip: How do I do this?21:55
qbrixWhat's the best way to connect to an X session in ubuntu via a windows machine? For example I use putty for ssh, but what about graphical?21:55
|thomson|hey folks. is there anybody knowing a good web library for c++? for sending http requests or so21:56
hansolozefyr well i did so you should be good :)21:56
kris_Hi. What's the name of the kernel module that notifies you whenever a file has been updated/changed? It starts with an "i".21:56
ActionParsnip|Ryan: sudo apt-get install libpython2.621:56
Repentinus|thomson|, CURL?21:56
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unopkris_, inotify21:56
hansolomeoblast001 - well go to options and where it says enable sounds unchck that21:56
kris_unop: That's it. Thanks.21:56
meoblast001then i won't kknow when i'm getting messages21:56
hansolozefyr - no prob21:56
hansolomeoblast001 - well have fun then21:57
|RyanActionParsnip:Couldn't find package.21:57
=== Zathara is now known as Zathara_OFF
dlynesActionParsnip: So, in other words, you were being facetious?  You really don't have a clue about the inittab in ubunut?21:57
ActionParsnip|Ryan: i just found it with: apt-cache search libpython21:57
hansolomeoblast001 - sory just wathc the icon it changes to a smily face whn you have a message and the taskbar item flashes21:57
dlynesActionParsnip: I'm just trying to figure out what run level this stupid box is starting up in21:58
ActionParsnipdlynes: i'mfamiliar with inittab21:58
meoblast001hansolo: i'll just reinstall the sounds package.... either that or this sound card isn't very good at all21:58
jribdlynes: why would it matter what level it starts at?21:58
dlynesActionParsnip: I'm guessing it's somewhere between run level 4 and level 521:58
|RyanMine didn't find it, still.21:58
hansolomeoblast001 - ok sounds (lol) good :)21:58
zefyrthats the one think about linux..sound always seems to be a bitch21:58
ActionParsnipdlynes: ifits the recovery mode than its single user (level 2 i think), if its gui then its 621:58
dlynesjrib:  Because then I know whether it's reading /etc/init.d/rc4.d or /etc/init.d/rc5.d21:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel21:59
dlynesActionParsnip: run level 6 is reboot; run level 0 is halt21:59
jribdlynes: runlevel 2 is the default runlevel and runlevels 2-5 are identical by default21:59
hansolozefyr - sigh yah21:59
max_How can I force aptitude to get a packge from an old repository?21:59
ActionParsnipdlynes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel21:59
ActionParsnipdlynes: bah, ok 521:59
jribmax_: why...?21:59
unopmax_, aptitude install package=version21:59
dlynesjrib:  If they're identical, why are the separate directories, instead of symbolic links?22:00
hansolo!aptitude | max22:00
ubottumax: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide22:00
stormchas2000Ryan it is there i just loaded it just as he put typed it22:00
max_jrib: Trying to get an older verison of VLC.22:00
jribdlynes: why would they have to be symlinks to be identical...22:00
jribdlynes: feel free to check for yourself...22:00
unopmax_, find out what the version of vlc is in the other repository then.   aptitude install vlc=$version22:01
* Dream-Ubu download some food22:01
dakarnzefyr: if it isn't sound -- wireless22:01
max_unop: I know what version is in the other repo.22:01
zefyrdakarn: the distros in the past year have been hip to my broadcom wifi22:01
hansolozefyr - oh ya big problems with that wireless22:02
jribmax_: sudo apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION if you must22:02
dakarnrocko: you need usplash22:02
skelhi, does anyone know how I can kick off the migration assistant manually?22:02
ActionParsnipzefyr: broadcom used to use ndiswrapper, they are a little more forgiving now but personally i avoid them like lady gaga22:02
rantikristhelp wanted22:02
zefyrlady gaga?22:02
dakarnjust dance22:02
zefyrwhose she?22:02
Dream-Ubuzefyr: i wish i didn't know but i do22:03
* zefyr must not be hip22:03
lunie2ns-linuxHmm im using ndiswrapper for my broadcom, should i be using something else?22:03
hansoloActionParsnip - lol, and yah i have a brodcom based lappy, pain in the but22:03
ActionParsniphansolo: shop smart, shop s-mart22:03
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  me too22:03
rantikristi need a command line way of supplying the network password and which network ID to connect to22:03
lunie2ns-linuxis there something better for Broadcom?22:03
hansoloActionParsnip - ya ya22:04
rantikristcan anyone help me?22:04
dakarn!iwconfig | rantikrist22:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig22:04
ActionParsniplunie2ns-linux: you can use fwcutter22:04
skelor alternatively, does anyone know a tool aside from readpst (tried it, didn't work) that will allow me to convert pst's to mbox format? (outport doesn't see my archive.pst)22:04
dakarntry ifconfig22:04
dakarn!ifconfig | rantikrist22:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig22:04
lunie2ns-linuxActionParsnip: How does fwcuter work? better than ndiswrapper?...22:04
zefyrrantikrihes piping it into you ;)22:04
zefyrhes piping it into you ;)22:05
hansololunie2ns-linux - the latest *buntus all support most brodcom chipsets ( i beleave22:05
krj'ai un conflit bluetooth/wifi sur mon odi need some help22:05
jrib!fr | kr22:05
ubottukr: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:05
dakarni'm going to sudo rm ubottu if he doesn't start cooperating22:05
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:05
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  oh i had to use ndiswrapper with jacky jaunt beta...22:06
zefyrman, i flunke french..bad memories22:06
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  has it been since that? or maybe i just have a broadcomm that wasnt included22:06
hansololunie2ns-linux - yes but i mean all non beata non-rc regular relese22:06
hansololunie2ns-linux - yes i bleave so22:06
ActionParsniplunie2ns-linux: better is speculative, i say try it22:07
lunie2ns-linuxId like to test that, but i would hate if it didnt work, since it took me forever to get this working22:07
lunie2ns-linuxHow do i see what one i ahve now in terminal again?22:07
rockodakarn its already  installed22:07
lunie2ns-linuxwhat network card that is22:07
hansololunie2ns-linux - ya  that wold suck22:07
rockodakarn I am using xfce version of ubuntu but I use gnome now for primary desktop22:07
dakarnrocko: update22:07
rockodakarn I would like to have the current ubuntu slash screen instead of the old xubuntu one22:08
dakarnit's the usplash theme22:08
rockohow do you change that dakarn ?22:09
hansolo!usplash | rocko22:09
ubotturocko: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:09
dakarnrantikrist, you know how to use iwconfig via terminal?22:09
lunie2ns-linuxDid you get my question?22:09
lunie2ns-linuxto see what pci or whatever devices i have?22:09
hansololunie2ns-linux -who22:09
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  you22:09
lunie2ns-linuxi accidently closed the window22:10
bishoprocko when i upgraded new artwork installed itself. how did you upgade?22:10
hansololunie2ns-linux - ..um no, ... damm i forget :( hmm i might remeber later but right now ... anyone ? how to see pci devices through terminal? (respond to lunie2ns-linux)22:10
hades_ptmy problem is i need more space in ubuntu file system and i have one  30 g ext3 partition for join22:11
hades_pthow can i merge it ?22:11
rockobishop I upgraded from xubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 but I use gnome desktop os as primary now22:11
hansolohades_pt - gparted22:11
hansolo!gparted | rocko22:11
hades_ptdont work22:11
ubotturocko: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:11
bishoplike it also22:11
hades_pti cant expand system22:12
rockohansolo why did you send that to me22:12
hades_pti try it before22:12
sburwoodI'm back ... with the same problem that I haven't been able to resolve22:12
rockowhat does that have to do with paritioning22:12
hansolorocko - my bad22:12
hades_ptcan any one give me some help22:13
hansolorocko - its gparted you burn it and you can use it to repartion your harddrive go to the link above22:13
donnyCan someone explain why my cron job isn't running my script all the way?22:13
zefyrhirens boot disk has oodles of tools, but im sure they are all lega;l22:13
rockoyes I know hansolo22:13
zefyrim not sure^22:13
rockoI use it myself22:14
rockohave been for quote some time22:14
rockosince version 122:14
rockoI think22:14
rockono I think it was before 122:14
rockor something22:14
hades_pthow can i expand my system to partition22:14
hansolorocko - um ok i think i just got realy mesed up so to who ever wanted to partion there hd google gparted dl the iso and have fun22:15
dakarnhades_pt, gparted22:15
hades_ptdont work22:15
hades_pti try it22:15
zefyrhades_pt: use a boot disk to be safe22:15
hansolo!gparted | hades_pt22:15
ubottuhades_pt: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:15
skelhades_pt: check out the gparted livecd22:15
hades_pti have it22:15
=== rocko is now known as Syrius
|thomson|hey ho, is it reasonable to use C# under linux? .. just heard it's not really fast there22:16
hades_ptoh  note same one from ubuntu live ?22:16
BenB007Has anyone experienced a problem whereas the login appears to loop?22:16
dakarntaking a nap before any more alarms go off at work22:16
hansolo hades_pt - no22:16
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hansoloubottu tell  hades_pt about gparted22:16
ubottuhades_pt, please see my private message22:16
dannyDI need some grub help. I tried upgrading to 64bit but it has wiped out my old grub. I kind of need that since I still need access to my old drive. this matter is complicated because my old drive in encrypted. I don't know how to proceed22:16
JayXHi room!22:17
uninvertedI keep getting this error with X when starting wine: "X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)"22:17
hansoloJayX - hi22:17
JayXhow can i see alist of all the stuff i have installed on my system hansolo ?22:17
zefyrdannyD: the whole drive is encrypte?22:17
sceoif I've installed postfix, should I apt-get remove sendmail-base, sendmail-bin, and sendmail-cf ?22:17
dannyDzefyr: yes both installs are encrpted but on diffent drives22:17
JayXin terminal,  i installed a few studd with "apt-get" how can i see (in terminal) what all I have installed22:18
zefyrhmmm.. thats a puzzler for me22:18
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  ok the command I was thinking of was lspci ... its a Broadcom BCM4318 ... do u know if that is supported out of the box with the stable release?22:18
hansoloJayX - all programs? go to your programs(?) bar and right click and click "edit menues"22:18
bishopgotta go bebak22:18
hansolo lunie2ns-linux - hmmmm one sec i'l be right back22:19
dannyDok, maybe a simpler question. How do you find out the id# of the drive. The one that ubuntu puts in grub to start?22:19
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hades_pthow that gparted is difrent to the one it comes from ubuntu live ?22:19
JayXthsnkd hansolo22:20
dtchenlunie2ns-linux: yes, it is. you'll need to use the STA ('wl') driver via System> Administration> Hardware Drivers22:20
zefyrdannyD: i guess you need to boot from a boot disk w the encryption software and add the keys tp access the disk and then run grub22:20
Wavesonicsthe "Network" program is not in my system->Administration menu in 9.04 WHY?22:20
frostburndannyD, ls /dev/disk/by-id/22:20
hansoloJayX - no prob22:21
DFarmerHow can I make a USB bootable copy of the Ubuntu install disk from an existing CD?22:21
dannyDzefyr: hmm, yes I suppose22:21
dannyDfrostburn: thanks22:21
frostburnDFarmer, system >admin > usb key22:21
hansolohades_pt - more grunted to work22:21
frostburnWavesonics, i'm not familiar with that program, what are you trying to accomplish?22:21
dannyDwhat a hassle...something always goes wrong :(22:21
JayXDFarmer  use Wubi is u want to installl it over Windows22:21
BenB007Latest version 9.04 - GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet Error after startx - Anyone else experience this with ubuntu server after adding ubuntu-desktop or GNome?22:21
juan-pabloicant watch redtube please help me22:22
DFarmerfrostburn, JayX: I have the disk in my drive, it is of Jaunty while I'm running Intrepid on here. Will that make a copy of the Jaunty disk onto my USB so I can install it on another computer?22:22
zefyrpoor juan22:22
JayXjaun-pablo then watsch pornhub.com22:23
Wavesonicsfrostburn: I just want to edit details about my network connection, namely, i want a static IP22:23
juan-pablothanks zefyr22:23
uninvertedI keep getting this error when trying to start wine: "X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)22:23
uninverted  Major opcode of failed request:  158 (GLX)22:23
uninverted  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)22:23
uninverted  Value in failed request:  0x2222:23
uninverted  Serial number of failed request:  44222:23
FloodBot1uninverted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
uninverted  Current serial number in output stream:  442"22:23
juan-pabloim wanna try22:23
frostburnWavesonics, use the network manager icon, edit connections22:23
Wavesonicsfrostburn: I don't see a network manager icon anywhere22:23
frostburnDFarmer, ah you want a jaunty live usb while running intrepid, check out unetbootin22:23
myselfi am myself22:24
frostburnWavesonics, run nm-applet22:24
stormchas2000has there been a program released yet that will allow us to watch netflix movies online.22:24
DFarmerfrostburn: Ah yes, I remember now22:24
DFarmerfrostburn: Thanks :D22:24
JayXIS there a VIDEO where BEGINERS can get a LOOK @ Ubuntu?22:24
juan-pablopornhub dosnt work tooo please rescue me22:24
Wavesonicsfrostburn: ** (nm-applet:13237): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 322:24
JayXjaun-pablo get a DVD!22:24
hansololunie2ns-linux - ok i'm still hear (lol) but still litel bit longer22:24
JayX@ who ever can help juan-pablo needs to install flash'22:25
jaime1i'm kinda new at this and was wondering if anyone could help with some partition trouble22:25
dannyDgoing back to the encryption question. The new partion boots fine. Is there a way to mount the old partition (which is encrypted LVM) from withing Ubunutu22:25
frostburnWavesonics, ps -ef|grep nm-applet is it running?22:25
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sglickmanhey, i've got something of a technical question about the terminal. i was running vim in a tab, and accidentally closed the tab it was on.  ps aux | grep vim shows it's still running and attached to "pts/0" - and i know its PID.  is there any way i can get back to it?22:25
juan-pabloi dont know why but i got i problem with flash22:26
slak_What do I need to install to make my pcmcia card hotpluggable? I installed the minimal version.  If I boot the machine with my wireless card inserted, wireless works.  If I boot it w/o the card then plug it in the light doesn't even come on.22:26
FPEDROhey people! i need some lights here. I have only ubuntu installed on this machine and i need to install windows back. Will it dele my grub? if so can i have it back? how? Thanks22:26
sglickmanthere are two possibilities i can think of - having the process start pointing to the current tab that i'm on, or also changing the current terminal from pts/3 to pts/0.  does anyone know how to do this?22:26
sv_osusri did apt-mirror and set up a local repository.I tried debootstraping from this local mirror.i get 'invalid release file,no valid components'. can someone help me?22:26
uninvertedI keep getting this error when trying to start wine: http://pastebin.com/d2ad22e1722:26
zefyrFPEDRO: yes22:26
juan-pablothanks jayx22:26
Wavesonicsfrostburn: Ah it looks like it is being run by another user...22:26
Wavesonicsstacy     3228  2921  0 14:05 ?        00:00:00 nm-applet --sm-disable22:26
lunie2ns-linuxdtchen: The only thing listed under "Hardware Drivers" is Software Modem...22:26
slak_FPEDRO: Yep.  Easy to boot to a live cd and restore grub though.22:26
frostburnWavesonics, find stacy and or kill it off22:26
JayXjuan-pablo type this in terminal " sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc "22:26
FPEDROzefyr how can i have it back so a can boot to ubuntu too? thsnks22:27
juan-pablosome times not even youtube works22:27
hansololunie2ns-linux - i have conformation restrected drivers in ubuntu 7.10 so 8.04 and up (including 9.04) you should be good (may have to use restricted drivers manager)22:27
juan-pablotoday works but other days no22:27
jaime1i dual boot windows xp and ubuntu, and i aa tired of windows. is there a way to use change the partition so that the windows memory gets erased and all of the memory goes to ubuntu?22:27
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lunie2ns-linuxhansolo: ok22:27
=== Twigaboob is now known as Twigathy
juan-pablothanks man22:27
jaime1i dual boot windows xp and ubuntu, and i am tired of windows. is there a way to use change the partition so that the windows memory gets erased and all of the memory goes to ubuntu?22:27
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  how do i use restricted?22:27
FPEDROslak_ can you be more specific? i boot to live cd and what do i need to do? thanls22:27
slak_jaime1: yea, format that other partition then either resize the ext partition, or just make another one.22:28
JayXjuan-pablo  after you type that in run firefox n see if you porn works22:28
endo420which disk imaging software would you most recommend?22:28
zefyrFPEDRO: boot live cd: terminal, sudo grub22:28
juan-pablothanks jay22:28
frostburnendo420, disk imaging?22:28
slak_^^ word.22:28
Dream-Ubusound drivers for the intel little falls 2? any clues any body?22:28
jaime1i use gparted, is that a good app. to reformat the partitions, or is there a better one?22:28
slak_Yea gparted works great.22:28
juan-pablothanks forever22:28
frostburnendo420, gparted22:28
zefyrFPEDRO: at grub prompt type root (hdx) where x is the HD..22:29
hansolo lunie2ns-linux - its eather under system administraton(or prefecnses) restrecd drivers.but it shold be in the notifacation area "restrected drivers are in use blah blah blah"22:29
JayXjuan-pablo  welll let me know if it works.. im a newbie in here :P22:29
endo420gparted? alright cool22:29
zefyrFPEDRO: then type find /boot/grub/stage122:29
endo420and since i have vista, i can resize the partitions there rather then having to do it in unbuntu22:29
endo420is that correct?22:29
juan-pablome too thats why  i aprreciate so much your help22:29
hansolo!restricted drivers22:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
endo420is there anybody i can personally chat with to get some help?22:30
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  the only one is lists for restricted is my modem22:30
zefyrFPEDRO: wait.. got that wrong.. ill get you a link22:30
juan-pablolooks like alll installed but let see22:30
jaime1i have the ubuntu partition as /dev/sda2 filesystem ext3. the windows partition is /dev/sda3 filesystem ntfs how exactly do i do it?22:30
frostburn!ask | endo42022:30
ubottuendo420: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:30
JayXjuan-pablo did it work ?22:30
hansololunie2ns-linux - but you said you have it working now ...right, if so that wold be why22:30
lunie2ns-linuxyes its working with NDiswrapper...22:30
juan-pablono it dont work22:30
slak_What do I need to install to make my pcmcia card hotpluggable? I installed the minimal version.  If I boot the machine with my wireless card inserted, wireless works.  If I boot it w/o the card then plug it in the light doesn't even come on.22:31
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo: but would it work BETTER with a restricted driver?22:31
hansololunie2ns-linux - possibly22:31
jaime1i have the ubuntu partition as /dev/sda2 filesystem ext3. the windows partition is /dev/sda3 filesystem ntfs how exactly do i do it to change the windows partition into only ubuntu?22:31
JayXjuan-pablo ah well then i suck lol best ask the room22:31
juan-pablolooks like the version of ubutu that i download its not good22:31
hansololunie2ns-linux - well most likly, what speeds do you get now?22:31
juan-pablothanks anyway22:31
qbrixHow can I get XDMCP to run on Ubuntu Server?22:31
endo420if i resize the partitions in vista do i have to resize them when i install ubuntu?22:31
juan-pabloyou can see does pages22:32
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  ok maybe i can try with a live cd so i dont have to reload and find it doesnt work22:32
JayXjuan-pablo did you download the new one 9.04 ? ?22:32
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  i am getting like 400-500 kbs22:32
hansololunie2ns-linux - ok sounds good22:32
jaime1the only options i have to format the partition from windows is to either delete or format, what would be better in order to get all of that memory and put it in ubuntu?22:32
JayXendo428 i dont think so22:32
juan-pabloyes but looks like the mirror i do its not good22:32
hansololunie2ns-linux - thats ok could be better but still good22:32
JayXjuan-pablo did you download the new one 9.04 ? ?22:32
JayXvisit the firefox adon page and search for flash players22:33
juan-pabloyes jayx but looks like the mirror i do its not good22:33
endo420how much space should i allocate for ubuntu22:33
jaime1should i delete the windows partition then add it to the ubuntu, or is there a way to format it?22:33
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo: well im more wondering in case if i did do a whole system reload, if it would work right from the disk or if i would have to figure out ndiswrapper again22:33
JayXvisit the firefox adon page and search for flash players juan-pablo22:33
juan-pablowhichi one is the new22:33
ubuntu[ Ubuntu 9.04 liveUSB ] How can I get the other version of xchat (the non-basic one...)22:33
hansololunie2ns-linux - it should run from the disk but if you have time (and want to be carful) try from the live cd first22:34
ubuntu(where you see the users on the right, I think it's not a part of Gnome)22:34
endo420how much space should i allocate to ubuntu22:34
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  right, that's what i was thinkin22:34
ubuntuendo420:  (from) where are you installing it to22:34
hansoloendo420 - 5 to 8 gb22:34
jaime1anyone know how i can delete the windows partition in my system so i can use the memory for ubuntu? i'm using Gparted22:34
sebsebsebjaime1: just delete it22:35
hansololunie2ns-linux - ya heres a review for it working http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/product+broadcom-4318-air-force-one-54g?id=51522:35
stormchas2000endo420 it depends on what you want to do with ubuntu22:35
ubuntujaimel: FORMAT THE BIATCH22:35
adachow can I set the path to python2.5?22:35
jaime1ok but it is a Boot file, it won't do anything to it?22:35
ubuntu(and then allocate the space to ubuntu)22:35
joey_I have a questions about Wolvenstein Enemy territory. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04, with intel graphics. When I run the game, the screen does nothing but flicker22:35
joey_anybody know how to fix this?22:35
cmannnanyone here can tell me how to get my network manegericon back22:35
joey_I tend to have a lot of problems like this when I run fules that aren't from .debs, when I install them from a .run file22:36
jaime1format it to what ext3, linux-swap, fat 16, etc?22:36
stormchas2000joey does it require flash player22:36
joey_I doubt it, it's an openGL game based Quake, and even if it did, I have flash installed22:36
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  ok thanks,,..it says '  Once you install the firmware, the wireless card works well, with a fast connect rate.' what firmware is it speaking of, do you know?22:37
sebsebsebjaime1: a boot file what?22:37
jaime1the ubuntu filesystem is ext 3 while the windows filesystem is NTFS22:37
sebsebsebjaime1: yes22:37
jaime1well the windows partition has a flag and it says BOOT, which i'm not sure what it means22:37
sebsebsebjaime1: or not even, if you do Ext4 or whatever instead of Ext322:37
sebsebsebjaime1: is your bootloader Grub now?22:37
hansololunie2ns-linux - the risrected driver aka firmware, dont worry its not saying you have to flash your card22:37
DFarmerIs it possible to upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty from the Jaunty install disc?22:38
jaime1umm. i think so. is there a way to be sure?22:38
stormchas2000joey ok  I had a similar problem and found that i had 2 different flash players trying to work at the same time and they conflicted each other making the screen flicker22:38
ubuntujoey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=868991 ?22:38
sebsebsebDFarmer: from the desktop CD no, from the alternate CD yes22:38
joey_stormchas: (sorry, I forgot to use your name) I doubt it, it's an openGL game based Quake, and even if it did, I have flash installed22:38
lunie2ns-linuxhansolo:  ok ill try the live disk and see if it works. thanks22:38
hansololunie2ns-linux - no prob :)22:38
sebsebsebjaime1: did you put Ubuntu on after Windows?22:38
DFarmersebsebseb: Is it possible to request a free alternate CD?22:38
tinfuryOk I'm back. I did the FSCK thing I think it worked22:38
sebsebsebDFarmer: maybe22:38
jaime1sebsebseb: yes i did22:39
tinfuryBut there was no report after the program ran22:39
DFarmersebsebseb: Thanks :)22:39
joey_stormchas: thanks! I'll see, I think I might have 2 installed,22:39
joey_ubunut: I'll check the link, thanks!22:39
jaime1i'm worried if i delete or format the windows partition it might do away with my bootloader22:39
Dream-Ubuany cluue where to find HDA intel audio drivers?:/22:39
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:39
sebsebsebjaime1: ok  then Grub is probably the default22:40
jaime1i'm worried if i delete or format the windows partition it might do away with my bootloader22:40
JayXjuan-pablo the newst is 9.04 (Jaunty or something like that is the code name )22:40
juan-pablowhich are the best mirror to dowload ubuntu22:40
sebsebsebjaime1: I don't think so, because it's probably using Grub22:40
tinfuryI was trying to reinstall my kernel... but linux-source=2.6.28.tar.bz2 got corrupted and I deleted it how can I get it back?22:40
sebsebsebjaime1:  here's a easy way to check22:40
juan-pablothanks jay22:40
tinfury*recompile my kernel22:40
jaime1alright so then i just delete or format it? what would you reccomend?22:40
JayXjuan-pablo it doesnt matter, just download it from the one nearest to you=r country22:40
sebsebsebjaime1: your in the install or Live CD now?22:40
jaime1sebsebseb: install22:41
jaime1i've had it for a while but i finally got tired of windows and wanna do away with it completely22:41
cmannnhow do install the network mager agin22:42
jaime1i already have ubuntu installed and also windows i just wanna delete or format the windows partition so that it goes into ubuntu memory22:42
sebsebsebjaime1: yeah yeah22:42
sebsebsebjaime1: ,but you want to be sure it's using Grub first22:42
sebsebsebjaime1: open the terminal then    gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:42
juan-pabloit look like my coutnrys version its bad22:43
sebsebsebjaime1: ## or # is comments.  so  things not being used or just text in the file.    and  at the bottom should  be the two OS's,  Ubuntu and Windows22:43
JayXwhats "Metacity"22:43
juan-pablocause once i put one from usa n it just blow my mind22:43
JayX!info metacity22:43
ubottumetacity (source: metacity): A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.25.144-0ubuntu2.1 (jaunty), package size 248 kB, installed size 680 kB22:43
sebsebsebjaime1: and  if so  then yeah your using Grub, and  those two enteris won't be commented22:43
GHROOhi all22:43
GHROOi'm curious22:43
JayXiPhone 3.o YellowSn0w LIVE tonight2z222:44
GHROOhas any ground been covered as to the legality of libdvdcss etc..?22:44
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sebsebsebjaime1: I  think it needs boot on Windows for some reason,  to boot Windows, there was something I read before, but forgot what it was hum22:44
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jaime1sebsebseb: yes at the bottom of the grub there is ubuntu and windows22:44
jribGHROO: #ubuntu-offtopic please22:44
GHROOlast time i read about it, there was very little certainty22:44
tinfuryI was trying to recompile my kernel... but linux-source=2.6.28.tar.bz2 got corrupted and I deleted it how can I get it back?22:44
lich0rif I want to give execute privileges to user carol to all subdirectories and files within trunk, that would be 'chmod -u(carol) trunk' ?22:44
jaime1sebsebseb: so that means that i'm using brub22:45
Dream-Ubusometimes hard ware is annoying, when you dont like wires you tend to forget to PLUG IT IN +__+'22:45
Dream-Ubucant belive i didnt check that22:45
sebsebsebjaime1: well yes normally when people put on Linux after Windows, they use Grub22:45
jrib!permissions > lich0r22:45
ubottulich0r, please see my private message22:45
blurpeaceHi all.. I've just installed Ubuntu for the first time (so I'm new to Linux - for the most part), and I decided to install the kubuntu-desktop package as well (to test KDE). I've decided that I like the default GNOME but I want to remove the kubuntu packages (all at once, not one by one).22:45
sebsebsebjaime1: backup your Windows data, if you got anything, and haven't  already done so, and  delete Windows22:45
blurpeaceAny possible way to do that?22:45
sebsebsebjaime1:  what is your current Linux  partition size set up?  and such22:46
sebsebsebjaime1: you said you wanted to make more space for Ubuntu?22:46
JayXblurpeace u came to the right place, but seems like all the advanced  users are out today! im a newbie my self22:46
mrwesre bazhang22:46
jrib!puregnome | blurpeace22:47
ubottublurpeace: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal22:47
blurpeaceubottu, thanks. Will try it.22:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:47
lich0rjrib, while I am sure you are trying to be helpful, if that would of helped me I wouldn't be asking22:47
jaime1sebsebseb: yes my desktop has only a little bit of memory but i use my laptop more. my desktop is like so, 18.63 GB to Ubuntu, 54.98GB to Windows, 956.97 MiB to linux-swap, and 7.84 MiB unallocated22:47
jriblich0r: I'm sure you've read it22:47
blurpeaceWow, you're awesome. :)22:48
sebsebsebjaime1: cool so your going Ubuntu only on the lap top? :d22:48
jaime1sebsebseb: so should i delete the windows partition or format it?22:48
jaime1no, ubuntu only on the desktop which is the one i'm on.22:48
jaime1on the laptop i dual boot ubuntu and windows 722:48
rantikristok i still cant find away to set the network password (WPA) and the network i want to connect to using a command from the command line22:48
lich0rI understand numerical permissions, I am just having a more difficult time understanding how to give a specific user (not myself) access. If it is in there, then it went right over my head ;)22:48
sebsebsebjaime1: which file system are your using Ext3 I assume,  since  you did a default install?22:48
jriblich0r: your question indicates you don't really understand what chmod does22:48
jaime1sebsebseb: well windows xp, and windows 7 virtual22:48
lich0rI guess I don't :/22:49
jaime1ext3 is being used by linux22:49
juan-pabloim downloading another ubuntu22:49
n00dleHas anyone figured out how to make PPTP perform properly between U8.10 and windows server?22:49
jaime1sebsebseb: ext3 is linux, while the windows is NTFS22:49
SiDilich0r: as far as i know, you can only give permissions for : owner | group | others. So a solution if you dont wanna change the owner is to use a group with only carol inside it22:49
sebsebsebjaime1:  once you have deleted the Windows partition,  you need to boot up the Live CD and resize  Ubuntu there,  to use the space you gained22:49
blurpeaceubottu, thanks for the assistance.. worked like a charm.22:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:49
jriblich0r: you don't give permissions to a user.  You give permissions to the *owner* of a file or the *group* of a file or *others*22:49
adacHow can I change the path from python2.6 to python2.5?22:49
jribadac: that would break things, so you shouldn't do it22:50
blurpeaceEhh, bots.22:50
lich0rhttp://www.kb.indiana.edu/data/abdb.html referenced a user flag22:50
* n00dle keeps getting "buffering packet N (expecting N-x, lost or reordered" flooding his logs.22:50
adacjrib, Is it not possible to do that on bashrc?22:50
lich0rand technically I am working on a FreeBSD VM right now22:50
lich0rI just assumed chmod would be something everyone shares22:50
DFarmerCan someone tell me of a good way/softare for formatting a USB stick?22:50
jribadac: I didn't say anything about whether it was possible or not22:50
jaime1sebsebseb: ok the ubuntu live cd correct? i only have the ubuntu 8.04 cd but i'm on 8.10 should i download the 8.10 live cd or will the 8.04 work just as well?22:50
ubun00b_DFarmer: Gparted?22:51
juan-pablocan anyone see redtube22:51
jriblich0r: where is the user flag in that document?22:51
adacjrib, well can you tell me what export I have to made in bashrc?22:51
jrib!who | lich0r22:51
DFarmerubun00b_: Thanks :)22:51
ubottulich0r: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:51
Niphlodlich0r : as far as I know there is chmod, but the thing you want to do is accomplished by chown...22:51
jribadac: no.  I can tell you that you don't want to do it since it would break things.  If you need a script to use 2.5 that put that in the shebang explicitly22:51
ubun00b_DFarmer: Do glance at the documentation though, it's a pretty powerful tool22:51
sebsebsebjaime1: you can use the  8.04 CD22:51
DFarmerubun00b_: I will. Thanks :D22:52
SiDilich0r: the user is only for the owner of the file. If you want special rights for carol but dont want her to own the files, make her have a group for her own, and set the owning group of the files to this group22:52
ubun00b_DFarmer: no prob :)22:52
SiDilich0r: then, for setting execute bit for the group, its chmod g+x -R foldername22:52
SiDilich0r: though i dont understand why you'd want to do such a thing...22:52
lich0rsorry jrib and sidi, I will take a look at the chown22:52
guntbert!es | juan-pablo22:53
ubottujuan-pablo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:53
lunixHow can I bridge internetconnections on ubuntu 9.4? I want my internetconnection from my wireless to work on my other computers as well via a switch. My computer is connected to internet by wlan0 and I want to share from eth0 to switch.22:53
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sharperguyDidn't there used to be an app in System->Administration for setting up samba (eg, hostname, workgroup etc)?22:53
guntbertjuan-pablo: :)22:53
jriblich0r: you should probably just say what your actual goal is; why do you want carol to have execute permissions on every file?22:53
juan-pablothanks people22:53
jaime1sebsebseb: ok thanks i'll go do that22:53
Niphlodlunix: did you tried yet to use the dnsmasq-base method ?22:53
sebsebsebjaime1: ok good22:54
SiDi!patience | rantikrist22:54
ubotturantikrist: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:54
lich0rjrib: I am trying to set up a dev webserver using a custom CMS, and was getting a 403. I am fairly sure that it was because I didn't have a user defined in my httpd file and the files were not assigned proper permissions for apache to access them. I assumed it would be poor security practices to just use my account22:55
lunixNiphlod: hmm i dont think so, ill try to google it to find more info about method:) Thanks a lot22:55
tinfuryI was trying to recompile my kernel... but linux-source=2.6.28.tar.bz2 got corrupted and I deleted it how can I get it back?22:55
Niphlodlunix: glad to help, had the same problem, only for a router --> ubuntu --> pc lan.22:55
SiDiiwconfig wlan0 essid examplewifi key 0123456789012 mode managed    <-- rantikrist22:55
oskar-tinfury:  just download it again (?)22:56
danieriehi is there a version of irfan view for ubuntu?22:56
sebsebsebdanierie: no, but you can run it in Wine, and there are other similar programs22:56
sebsebsebdanierie: for GNU/Linux22:56
tinfuryoskar-, I know but I don't know how I dl'd it in the first place. Like what package is it from cause I was following  a tutorial and I re installed everything with apt22:56
VincemanI can't get an image while doing imagephoning, any knowledge on webcam interfacing with computers here? my image looks like this: http://members.home.nl/v.vanbruchem/wrong%20image.gif22:56
danierieok is wine easy to use?22:56
Niphloddanierie : imagemagick will do a lot more ....22:57
tinfurydanierie, it can be22:57
tinfurydanierie, just try it... sometimes things work right off the bat22:57
Niphloddanierie : wine isn't the replacement for iranview22:57
SiDidanierie: not exactly. THe best is to find a linux alternative, either, check http://appdb.winehq.org for detailled instructions on how to install the app you want22:57
Vincemanplease note, is has to be something simple22:57
SiDi!wine | danierie22:57
ubottudanierie: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:57
WillyDHey guys, I am trying to repurpose my old PC as an Ubuntu-based media server using Mediatomb. I am following a tutorial located at www.geek.com/articles/chips/feature-linux-media-server-using-ubuntu-810-2009065/ this tutorial instructs you at the end to run the command "/etc/init.d/mediatomb restart" however when I do this it simply says "Fail." Can someone help me better diagnose the problem?22:57
Vincemanwhat could it be?22:57
mubuHey guys. I have ubuntu and GRUB in hdd "B". If I proceed to install Windows 7 RC1 on hdd "A" while HDD "B" is plugged in should i have any problems with grub being deleted from hdd B? Thanks22:57
DFarmerHow do I mount a disk image to read it as a disk?22:58
guntbert!enter | Vinceman22:58
ubottuVinceman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:58
NiphlodWillyD : have you actually a /etc/init.d/mediatom file ?22:58
SiDimubu: the people in #windows should know if the installer will erase it. I'm tempted to say it'll only erase HDD A22:58
Vincemanwhat happens when your webcam transmits it's image over the internet? how can I get a wrong image like this? http://members.home.nl/v.vanbruchem/wrong%20image.gif22:58
oskar-DFarmer:  afaik, mount -o loop file mntpoint22:59
danierieyeah i know what wine is isnt it an something between an emulator and a virtual machine?22:59
DFarmeroskar-: Thanks :)22:59
mubusidi thanks22:59
SiDiVinceman: does the webcam work locally ? What application is it ? Possibly, it's using either V4L or V4L2 and your webcam is not compatible with both.22:59
VincemanSiDi, yes it works locally, the application is over internet22:59
WillyDNiphlod: I believe so yes, I get the message "restarting upnp media server mediatomb" before it says "fail" in brackets22:59
rantikristthanks  <<SiDi23:00
NiphlodWillyD : sorry for that ... I'm not a mediatomb ultra-experienced user .... did you try with google ?23:00
rantikristthanks  << SiDi23:00
VincemanSiDi it used to work in the past but something, maybe an ubuntu upgrade, caused it to malfunction23:00
SiDirantikrist: mubu: you're welcome23:00
WillyDNiphlod: I'm a brand new linux user; not sure what to search for with regard to this problem23:00
SiDiVinceman: what application doesnt it work with ?23:00
VincemanSiDi it is some flash app on internet23:01
SiDiVinceman: oh... it's very likely designed to work with windows only then .. :/ Can you give me an URI ?23:01
NiphlodWillyD : a simple "mediatomb init script ubuntu" should give the answers ...23:01
WillyDNiphlod: Thanks, I'll give that a shot23:02
NiphlodWillyD : found this http://mediatomb.cc/dokuwiki/faq:faq .. search "ubuntu" ....23:03
VincemanSiDi but it used to work under ubuntu!23:03
Vincemanjust something, I don't know what caused it to malfunction23:03
SiDiVinceman: kernel upgrades ? flash upgrade ? give me an url so i can google its name and test it here, please23:03
Vincemanwell it's dutch only, you can only use it in the Netherlands23:03
_rowena_\server irc.freenode.net23:04
KyleKhey is there a tool that'll help with setting a record device with alsa? something that gives me feedback as I flip through the different options would be nice, as alsamixer is giving me Capture 1, Capture 2, Capture 3 and I can select 5 different input sources for each Capture device, and so far nothing is working...23:04
VincemanSiDi, it has to do something with interlacing or whatsit...23:04
Niphlodbefore speaking at loud (4 rows) about my problem, is someone at least familiar with postfix ?23:04
oskar-a bit23:05
jribNiphlod: just ask your question...23:05
SiDiVinceman: i suggest you ask in #ubuntu-nl then, with someone who can test it to see if the problem is local or remote23:05
cdoublejjhey can i runn 2 drives in ubuntu in one partion?23:05
j2daoshhey all, what is the command to tar up folders? 'tar -cf $directory $zip_file' works, but i need to zip up like 9 folders into 1 archive and i cant figure that out from the man page on tar23:05
VincemanSiDi I am banned from #ubuntu-nl23:06
guntbertNiphlod: but be aware that there is #postfix too, for in depth questiopns :)23:06
SiDicdoublejj: you cant have a partition that uses several drives, if thats what you want to know23:06
SiDiVinceman: can't help much on that.23:06
cdoublejji see23:06
SiDicdoublejj: you're welcome23:06
Niphlodjrib: oki. Have problems with postfix. I'm trying to setup it to deliver external mails using gmail's smtp, and internal mails all to a single gmail account . I'm probably missing something because the second part isn't working properly23:06
jribj2daosh: tar cf foo.tar file1 file2 ...23:07
Niphlodguntbert : funny, I'm already there, but noone is actually answering23:07
jribNiphlod: ask the channel23:07
Niphlodjrib: TYA23:07
j2daoshoh, thats it jrib?23:07
j2daoshwell thats easy enough lol23:07
j2daoshthank you very much23:07
jribj2daosh: you probably want to pass z too to compress it?23:08
j2daoshactually that wont work. i mean it would, but i i need to append to the zip file23:08
j2daoshyeah i need to compress it too :P23:08
jribj2daosh: man page should say what switch to use to append23:09
j2daoshit says -r23:09
jribj2daosh: there you go23:10
wbcHello. What do you recommend, that I use a lightweight Ubuntu distro, or Xubuntu on an acient Toshiba laptop?23:10
j2daoshso it would be tar -czfr?23:10
orfeuethi all23:10
SiDiwbc: Xubuntu is the lightweight Ubuntu distro :)23:10
jribj2daosh: you probably don't want c.  And you can't have it compressed if you are appending iirc23:10
wbcSiDi: But it is missing a whole lot23:10
guntbertj2daosh: f must be the last switch, immediately before the filename23:11
jribj2daosh: you can compress with gzip at the end of course23:11
SiDiwbc: its not using GNOME. It's not *missing* things, it's different ;)23:11
j2daoshyeah i suppose i will try that23:11
Niphlodj2daosh: you'll have to decompress it to tmp, add to tar and zip again, i think.23:11
wbcSiDi: Well, exept for that it is using XFC, it is still a whole lot that is not there which is in Ubuntu23:11
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evaluateis there any way to install programs like kvirc for example on the 64bit version of ubuntu? caus it doesn't show up in synaptic ...23:12
j2daoshso ill just tar -rf $zip_file $file1 and then at the end of the lop just do a tar -z $zipped_file $zip_file23:12
j2daoshthat sounds good in theory :D23:12
guntbert!info kvirc | evaluate23:12
ubottuevaluate: kvirc (source: kvirc): KDE based next generation IRC client with module support. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.0~svn3039-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 2921 kB, installed size 9112 kB23:12
SiDiwbc: you can have, in xubuntu, absolutely anything you'd have in ubuntu23:13
evaluateguntbert: what should i see in there?23:13
Niphlodwbc: believe what SiDi is saying, I was exactly on your situation a while ago.23:13
Niphlodevaluate : that you need to enable universe repositories and you'll find in synaptic kvirc.23:14
wbcNiphlod: So, the only difference is that it uses another desktop environment?23:14
johnno56Greetings from downunder.23:14
evaluateNiphlod: universe is enabled. just like i said, i'm running the 64bit version, could this be the problem?23:14
SiDiwbc: it uses another DE (which has slightly less built-in features, but xubuntu uses some gnome apps to compensate), and it has different default apps.23:14
guntbertevaluate: a) kvirc IS in the repos, b) its in "universe", so you have to enable that23:15
Niphlodwbc : yes. quite every program that runs "under" gnome works under xfce23:15
SiDiwbc: any application that would work in ubuntu/kubuntu will also work in xubuntu (except pulseaudio, but ive never met anyone complaining about this)23:15
evaluateguntbert: universe is already enabled ...23:15
orfeuetanybody with mac & ubuntustudio?23:15
orfeuetI need a little help23:15
SiDi!ask | orfeuet23:15
Niphlodevaluate : strange ... did an update ?23:15
ubottuorfeuet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:15
SiDiorfeuet: don't be shy ;)23:15
wbcNiphlod, SiDi: Alright thanks. I'll stick to Xubuntu then :-)23:16
evaluateNiphlod: yes. it seems that it show up under apt-cache search kvirc. but it seriously doesn't show up in synaptic. could this be a bug or something?23:16
burvowskiHi Everyone, I used mplayer to rip a bunch of audio from some avi's of mine. They ripped as wavs, and are very large, as large as the video's themselves. What would be the easiest and most straightfoward way to convert them to something more reasonably sized?23:16
guntbertevaluate: its not a problem of 64bit, I see it, maybe refresh your sources?23:16
KyleKburvowski: really depends on what your plans are for the audio23:17
erUSUL!info soudconverter23:17
ubottuPackage soudconverter does not exist in jaunty23:17
erUSUL!info soundconverter23:17
ubottusoundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 93 kB, installed size 776 kB23:17
orfeuet!ask I have a mac (Macbook3,1) and Ubuntustudio 9.04 I want to know how to uninstall 9.04 and install 8.10. Thanks in advance23:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:17
SiDiburvowski: use soundconverter to turn the files into ogg23:17
Niphlodevaluate : did you simply tried to sudo aptitude install kvirc ?23:17
burvowskiKylek: Just to listen on my ipod23:17
KyleKburvowski: also if its encoded in mp3 inside the avi you might want to find a stream splitter instead23:17
evaluateNiphlod: no i didn't, i wanted to use synaptic, but it seems i don't have any other option ...23:17
gerberneed help setup safari23:17
SiDiorfeuet: download the 8.10  liveCD, save any personal data on an external drive (unless theyre in another partition than the system), and then install ubuntu 8.10 in the 9.04's partition23:18
VincemanSiDi, how can you find out what the address of your port is? I just installed vic and am playing around with it...23:18
guntbertevaluate: I see it in synaptic too: section universe/net23:18
* Thib_ bonjour23:18
gerberi have 9.04 ,i got error setting up safari23:19
SiDiorfeuet: you're welcome. Don't forget that the support for 8.10 will be dropped sooner or later. I recommand you to check if karmic works on your system when the beta is out23:19
SiDiVinceman: what ?23:19
kd5pboSo, I've been tasked by my mother to lock down my brother's account.23:19
kd5pboI need to allow access to only certain websites.23:19
kd5pboI'd rather not fool around with a proxy.23:19
kd5pboWill hosts.allow work?23:19
gerberneed help setup safari23:20
Phil_26Hi. I am unable to play a mp3 files, when I try to play it, no plugins is found and I am ask for "windows media audio". I have already installed restricted-extra and non-free-codecs with no luck. I'm using 9.04 - 64 bits. Is their anything I can do to make it play?23:20
evaluateguntbert: for me it doesn't show up. anyway, it seems that i will have to install it using apt23:20
guntbertkd5pbo: definitely not, thats for inbound connections23:20
sebsebsebgerber: Safari does not have a Linux version23:20
sebsebsebgerber: I don't think you will get far with the  Windows version in Wine either23:20
tinfuryI was trying to recompile my kernel... but linux-source=2.6.28.tar.bz2 got corrupted and I deleted it how can I get it back?23:20
kd5pboguntbert: Right.23:20
VincemanSiDi, I installed vic, a Videoconferencing tool, in an attempt to solve the problem, but it asks for the address and the port23:20
sebsebsebgerber: Linux has better browsers :)23:20
guntbertevaluate: fine by me :-)23:20
lwsHey,  anybody know why Ubuntu would stall on Loading drivers?   I"m trying to reinstall.23:20
lwsThis is during bootup from a CD>23:21
Vincemansidi, also what is VIDIOC_G_FMT? is it a module that works under ubuntu?23:21
kd5pboIs there something like a backward hosts file such that anything but certain sites resolve to
lwsMy ethernet card blew up last night, and I"m hoping to get everything fixed.   It seems something else is broken though.   (I"m rather confused how this happened as I have everything hooked up to a UPS)23:22
gerberso what browser recomed ?23:22
sebsebsebgerber: Firefox normally, but there are good alternatives23:23
sebsebseb!browsers | gerber23:23
ubottugerber: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)23:23
wbclws: Ethernet cards may blow up if they get exposed to heavy load23:23
sebsebsebgerber: Safari uses Webkit which is based on KTHML what Konqueror by the way23:23
VincemanSiDi  also what is VIDIOC_G_FMT? is it a module that works under ubuntu?23:23
sebsebsebgerber: what Konq uses23:23
wbclws: Depending on the ethernet card of course23:23
KyleKkd5pbo: why dont you do that at the nameserver level?23:24
lwswbc: It was a PCI Express 1x Gigabit card, being used for a ADSL modem hookup :P23:24
MTecknologyYou guys, 0 1 * * * /usr/local/sbin/mailreport 2>&1 <-- this should run nightly, right? :S23:24
wbclws: And were you doing torrenting?23:24
lwswbc: newp23:24
prefrontalhow do I figure out which of these devices belongs to my usb microphone? http://grey.colorado.edu/ubuntu_devices.png23:24
wbclws: No filesharing over LAN either?23:24
sebsebsebgerber: Seamonkey, Galeon, Epiphany, Konqueror, all good23:24
gerberfor konqueror how i fix youtube ?23:24
KyleKyou're not saying bit torrent could explode a lan card are you?23:25
lwswbc: When I removed the card though, I removed a non-functioning 802.11N card at the same time.   Now everything is borked up.   My system boots, but my other ethernet card doesn't show up, and my other 802.11g card doesn't work now -- It DID boot up multiple times from the Ubuntu Live CD last night, but not it refuses to do that this morning.23:25
KyleKonly if it was made out of wet noodles :-/23:25
swivelsMTecknology: yes that looks right for 1 AM nightly23:25
lwswbc: interestingly, the other ethernet card worked under the liver CD last night -- and also while the live CD won't boot, my install boots but doesn't load up the drivers for the wireless or ethernet.23:25
dtchenprefrontal: if you're intending to probe /dev/snd/pcmC1D0c, that's the _wrong_ way23:26
prefrontaldtchen, this is to pass to ffmpeg.23:26
lwswbc: No lan -- I have a wireless card in master mode in the system.  (or did)23:26
wbclws: If the card do not show up, it could happen that the card does not work anymore23:26
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
gerberfor konqueror how i fix youtube ?23:26
dtchenprefrontal: then use hw:1 (or whatever `cat /proc/asound/cards' tells you for the usb mic)23:26
lwswbc: It didn't show up on my HD Install of Ubuntu, but it did show up under the LIve CD (When the live CD worked)23:26
MTecknologyswivels: I'm confused because it doesn't seem to run23:27
billybigriggerwhat auto-mounts raid devices on boot? every time i boot i get this error from fsck http://pastebin.com/f641085bc23:27
billybigriggeri can manually create the array no problems after i login with sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdc123:27
wbclws: Oh, now I see23:27
prefrontaldtchen, it is hw:1. the guide i have for ffmpeg uses /dev/dsp but i'm not sure what that is. are you sure ffmpeg will know what hw:1 is?23:27
lwswbc: I've never seen anything like this before -- I think a lot of my hardware got borked because of my cat :/   I didn't realize the power cord had a short in it.23:27
dtchenprefrontal: /dev/dsp is oss syntax. alsa syntax is quite different.23:27
prefrontaldtchen, `man ffmpeg' says `FFmpeg can grab video and audio from devices given that you specify the input format and device.'23:28
wbclws: I'm not sure, cause I have neither been touched by anything like that. Sorry :(23:28
prefrontali'll try, thank you:)23:28
swivelsMTeknology: the cron time looks right, did you set it up with crontab -e?23:28
lwswbc: Yeah it's utterly bizarre.   I think my functioning wireless card is broken now....   When I load "ath_pci" the system crashes, I think that's why the live CD won't load.23:28
wbclws: Does the card work properly in Live Mode?23:28
lwswbc: The ethernet card did, I never got a chance to try the wireless, and now LIve Mode won't start.  It hangs on "Loading Hardware..."23:29
Cry__Babyhas anyone worked out a way to minimize thunderbird onto the toolbar?23:30
lwswbc: do you know how to find out from LsPCI which module to load for an ethernet card?23:30
igconnect #mythtv-users23:30
igopen #mythtv-users23:30
dtchenprefrontal: see ffmpeg -f alsa, for starters23:30
igsee ffmepg -f23:31
bigboss__anyone knows how to increase window resolution when running a virtual machine on VM?23:31
Cry__Babydtchen: any ideas?23:31
Cry__Babybigboss__: you ise TB?23:31
igconnect #mythtv-users23:31
=== jared is now known as Guest93895
bigboss__what's tb?23:31
dtchenCry__Baby: about?23:31
Guest93895does any body know the cammand for virtuelbox sun23:31
bigboss__i use Virtual Box23:32
Guest93895do you know what the cammand is for virtuelbox sun23:32
lwswbc: Yo, it seems that the other ethernet card works.  The driver isn't loading automatically for some reason.    Maybe I screwed up avahi or something.23:32
lwsHowever, loading ath_pci halts the system... :(23:33
bigboss__okok i found a way to increase my resolution. Now, how could i share some files between virtual box OS and ubuntu?23:33
TMLWhy doesn't Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kill X anymore? I was expecting to find /etc/X11/xorg.conf with "DontZap" in it, but my machine doesn't even HAVE an /etc/X11/xorg.conf.23:33
Guest93895what is the cammand for virtuelbox23:34
wallshotbigboss__: that's sorta a question for #virtualbox probably23:34
Niphlodbigboss__ : ftp ? samba ? NFS ?23:34
Pici!dontzap | TML23:34
ubottuTML: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.23:34
wallshotGuest93895: "VirtualBox"23:34
lstarnesGuest93895: try VirtualBox23:34
wbclws: Sorry, went AFK for a sec there23:34
TMLubottu: Love ya, you crazy bot23:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:34
bigboss__i'll try on that channel thanks23:34
lwswbc: It seems it's my wireless card.   I'm baffled -- this wireless card was still last night ARgh..23:34
TMLNever even heard of the dontzap package. :)23:34
TMLYou'd have to have 3 hands to do Alt+SysRq+K :)23:35
wbclws: Wait, I'm a bit confused now. The LAN card is broken, or is it the wi-fi?23:35
schwepppMy laptop is freezing out of the blue. Doesnt even respond to the sysrq keys. But, I can ssh to it - but what do i then restart??23:35
lwswbc:   Do you know anything about wireless on linux?   I wasted like $100 on a Dlink ExtremeN card thinking ath9k supported master mode (and it does, but it doesn't work right)23:35
sebsebsebwallshot: it's #vbox23:35
lwswbc: I just tested the LAN card,   For some reason the driver (8139too) wasn't loading automatically)23:35
TMLschweppp: Try killing X and see if it's responding. Perhaps X and a terminal session are on the same VT.23:35
wbclws: Yep, I do know wireless. Been using aircrack-ng a lot23:36
lwswbc: Any suggestions for a N card that supports master mode?23:36
wbcWill USB do?23:36
schwepppcheers tml, but how do i go about that? tried x11-common in init.d, and even telinit, but no joy?23:36
hades_pthow can i expand my system size to a frerr patition23:37
lwswbc: ... Preferably not.    I have a D-Link ExtremeN (PCI) but it halts about every 5 minutes when in Master mode (for some unknown reason, I haven't been able to get an answer out of the ath9k people)23:37
TMLschweppp: /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:37
Raydiationis pulseaudio and flash still an issue in jaunty?23:37
lwswbc: The wireless card that is apparently now bad is an Atheros 802.11g card from TRENDnet23:37
schwepppyeah, tried that too23:37
hades_ptow can i expand my system size to a free patition23:37
Cry__Babyhas anyone worked out a way to minimize thunderbird onto the toolbar?23:37
=== jared is now known as Guest24729
Guest24729how do you set up virtualbox23:37
wbclws: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatibility_drivers#pci_minipci_minipci_express23:37
TMLschweppp: /etc/init.d/gdm exists, but telling it to stop didn't fix your problem?23:38
Cry__BabyGuest24729: read their guides on the website23:38
TBotNikAll: Working on CHRP bootable with thread at:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7469055#post7469055  could use some help.  Stuck with several questions unanswered and not sure what to do next.23:38
TMLschweppp: Yes, it exists?23:38
Cry__Babyanyone here use Thunderbird?23:38
Flare183Cry__Baby: You mean the system tray??23:38
Cry__BabyFlare183: yes23:38
Flare183Cry__Baby: Install Alltray23:38
Cry__BabyFlare183: sorry i used wrong word23:38
Flare183It'll do it23:38
swivelscry_baby: alltray23:38
schwepppha, sorry, yeah it exists, and no it didnt help restarting23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alltray23:39
gartralwhats it called when you add a block of bits into a image to "sign" it/23:39
Flare183!info alltray | Cry__Baby23:39
ubottuCry__Baby: alltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 252 kB23:39
Cry__Babyhow I install alltray?23:39
Cry__BabyFlare183: awesome thanks :)23:39
Flare183Cry__Baby: np & With Synaptic23:39
Cry__BabyFlare183: sudo apt-get install alltray ?23:39
njerohey Ubuntu, I have a computer here with 64 bit AMD processors... I should be using the 64 bit Ubuntu desktop right?23:39
Flare183Cry__Baby: Yup23:39
Flare183njero: Yuppers23:40
Cry__BabyFlare183: once its installed, waht I do?23:40
Cretchnjero, you can use a 32 bits version too, works well23:40
Niphlodnjero : makes sense only if you have > 4gb ram23:40
TMLschweppp: My next guess then would be that there's a problem with the video drivers and the X is actually gone away, but the screen isn't updating. Try booting into single user mode, disable X, and then poke around in how your video is setup.23:40
njeroFlare183: thanks... guess I get to download that :)23:40
Guest24729does anybody know any cool effects for ubunto23:40
njeroNiphlod: otherwise no?23:40
Flare183Cry__Baby: run it, and click the window that you want to put in the system tray23:40
gartralGuest24729: cool effects as far as...?23:40
TBotNiknjero: ditto on Niphlod!23:40
Flare183!compiz | Guest2472923:40
ubottuGuest24729: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:40
Guest24729baddass shit23:40
Niphlodnjero : there's a statement in italian : "il gioco non vale la candela"....23:41
Flare183!language | Guest23:41
ubottuGuest: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:41
gartral!language | Guest2472923:41
Flare183!language | Guest2472923:41
ubottuGuest24729: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:41
Raydiationis pulseaudio and flash still an issue in jaunty?23:41
sebsebsebRaydiation: depends23:41
thiebaudeRaydiation: its not for me23:41
Niphlodnjero: translated it becomes something like "the gain is negligible"23:41
schwepppthe screen is updating, and still has audio, just isnt picking up input from keyboad mouse or usb23:41
Raydiationplay songs in banshee and youtube works?23:41
wbclws: How is it going with the wireless?23:41
td123hello, does anyone know how I can "lock the screen" when I close the lid on my laptop?23:42
TBotNiknjero: You wouldn't really want to run it with less RAM23:42
Flare183Raydiation: Nope, not as far as I know23:42
njeroNiphlod: makes sense23:42
Raydiationdammit, brb23:42
Flare183td123: Look in your Power Manager23:42
njeroTBotNik: 4 Gigs23:42
gartralwhats it called when you add a block of bits into a image to "sign" it/23:42
StephenZI don't suppose anyone would know what problems I might face when trying to swap an AMD Duron for an AMD Athlon?23:43
schwepppgartal, im stabbing in the dark here, but watermark?23:43
TBotNikAll: Just checking to see who read my last post on: ==> Working on CHRP bootable with thread at:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7469055#post7469055  could use some help.  Stuck with several questions unanswered and not sure what to do next.23:43
TBotNik(05:37:36 PM) TML: schweppp: Yes, it exists?23:43
m0Hello, a blue screen just appeared while using Ubuntu. Since when a blue screen exists? And how do I know what happend?23:43
thiebaudesebsebseb: hi23:43
lwswbc: I'm reseating the card -- as I don't know how the hell it broke over night.23:43
edbianm0 Is the system frozen?23:43
sebsebsebthiebaude: hi23:43
schwepppeh botnik?23:43
Niphlodnjero : you have to think to the acrhitecture . if you don't have > 4 gb ram there won't be any application that uses 64 bit addressing to the full potential.23:44
m0edbian: a blank dark blue screen happened, can't do anything so I restarted23:44
njerothat makes sense23:44
thiebaudesebsebseb: i want to invite you someplace, btw offtopic23:44
edbianm0 It covered the screen BSOD style?23:44
edbianm0 Is this a wubi install?23:44
m0edbian: yes, but empty23:44
TBotNikAll: Question I have to answer are in post #25 on the thread23:44
m0edbian: wubi?23:44
stealth-what command can I use to see what users are logged in and when they logged in last?23:44
TBotNiktypo Questions23:45
* lws swears.23:45
Picistealth-: last23:45
schwepppMy laptop is freezing out of the blue. Doesnt even respond to the sysrq keys. But, I can ssh to it - but what do i then restart??23:45
edbianm0 You're using the system now?  No problems?  (If you don't know what wubi is you're not using it :) )23:45
=== Lurkan_papito is now known as Lurkan
lwswgc: I wonder if it's possible for PCI cards to conflict?   Is that ever an issue anymore?23:45
pachamamahello, somebody knows why jbrout don't open jpg files23:45
prefrontaldtchen, why do i have /dev/dsp if i'm using alsa?23:45
stealth-Pici: thanks23:45
m0edbian: yea, I restarted it and no problems, but I want to wonder what went wrong.23:46
dtchenprefrontal: snd-pcm-oss and snd-mixer-oss are loaded23:46
=== HolieThePony is now known as stew
dtchenprefrontal: those are alsa's oss compatibility driver modules23:46
edbianm0 It is a rather strange sounding problem.  Have you googled it? (I am currently)23:46
danieriehi which music player should i use in ubuntu gnome to organize and hear my music collection?23:46
sebsebseb!music | danierie23:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about music23:46
TBotNikNiphlod: Go man go!  Yeah njero why the gutsy processor with no RAM?  RAM is cheap $29 per 1GB on some sticks.23:46
sebsebseb!banshee | danierie23:46
ubottudanierie: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:46
m0All I am seeing in syslog is the following: Jun 16 18:39:39 m0-desktop syslogd 1.5.0#5ubuntu3: restart.23:46
m0On the time the blue screen happend23:47
sebsebsebdanierie: I like Banshee, even though a Mono app,  Rythombox is alright as well and default23:47
njeroTBotNik: not my machine.... :)23:47
=== Joschi is now known as Froschi
billybigriggerwhat auto-mounts raid devices on boot? every time i boot i get this error from fsck http://pastebin.com/f641085bc23:47
billybigriggeri can manually create the array no problems after i login with sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdc123:47
TBotNiknjero: you inherited? or customer?23:47
gartralwhats it called when you add a block of bits into a image to "sign" it/23:47
edbianm0 yeah.  Not very helpful.  I would just wait and see if it ever happens again.  Sorry I can't be of more help.23:48
njeroTBotNik: friends.. I am trying to earn my friend/family Nerd merit badge23:48
NiphlodTBotNik : costs nothing, but not just everyone needs 8 gb for everyday use .......23:48
lwsWhat in the world?!23:48
TBotNiknjero: I see, the "ME SUPERGEEK" Badge.23:48
lwswgc:  Out of curiosity I removed the ethernet card I put in last night to replace the broken one -- the wireless drivers will load without it installed....23:49
SeaPhorIn 8.04 in System>Preferences>Remote Desktop there is an "Advanced " Tab where you could choose an alternate port, ITS gone in 9.04, so how do you choose to receive RDP on an alternate port now?23:49
njeroTBotNik: http://www.nerdmeritbadges.com/products/05-family-tech-support23:49
TBotNiknjero: What Niphlod said remeber the cache needed for this processor to really work and for the apps to really sing get you above the 4GB level, but ask your family/friend if it is worth it.  I'm betting they are gaming a little on it and gaming will suck without the increase RAM.23:50
StephenZAnyone got an idea why I'd be dropped into BusyBox during boot?23:50
NiphlodSeaPhor : ip:port maybe ?23:51
njeroTBotNik: good to know23:51
SeaPhorNiphlod, where?23:51
njeroyou guys ar awesome23:51
raydiationshould i choose the same password for the keyring as my own?23:51
SeaPhorNiphlod, where would the .conf file be for RDP?23:51
NiphlodSeaPhor : sry ... receive RDP ???? receive VNC maybe ..... start RDP ... there's no RDP "receiving" on *nix23:51
raydiationis that safe enough?23:51
SeaPhorNiphlod, that is understood, but the question remains the same23:52
NiphlodSeaPhor : let me search on google.23:52
StephenZAnyone got an idea why I'd be dropped into BusyBox during boot?23:53
SeaPhorNiphlod, thank, i have to my wits end, it is only on 9.04, i have been doing this config since 7.0423:53
NiphlodSeaPhor : In GConf. You can change it from gconf-editor. Go to apps/vinagre from it.23:54
billybigriggerwhat auto-mounts raid devices on boot? every time i boot i get this error from fsck http://pastebin.com/f641085bc23:54
NiphlodSeaPhor : took from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/26431523:54
billybigriggeri can manually create the array no problems after i login with sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdc123:54
chip1Hi, just installed ubuntu 9, and doing su - , but it doesn't recognize my password set up during the installation23:55
Niphlodbillybigrigger : is is an ext2 partition ?23:55
Pici!sudo | chip123:55
ubottuchip1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:55
thiebaudechip1: did you do sudo?23:55
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=== solid_liq is now known as solid_liqAFK
chip1thanks, just entered23:56
chip1su -23:56
vltHello. Any idea idea why I can't run an xterm session in a chroot'ed Xvnc?23:56
chip1I'll try sudo now23:56
lwswbc: I figured it out23:56
Helplesshello , i need some help23:56
=== solid_liqAFK is now known as SolidLiq
stepanstasI need help with recovering files from a corrupt ubuntu partition.23:56
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== bhsu17 is now known as sushi17
HelplessIve installed java on my pc , but somehow its still showing me that it isnt installed " Java is not installed , get blaa bla...."23:57
JoshuaP0x1What do I use for a VPN client in replace of Cisco client for windows?23:58
elad`Why is it that "yes &" doesn't start the process in the background? Moreover, I can't even seem to ctrl-c to kill it, or ctrl-z to send it to the bg.23:59
jribelad`: it does.23:59

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