
ppawelhey folks09:21
ppaweldoes current (0.5.x) upstart provide dbus interface with methods and signals?09:21
ppawelin ubuntu there is 0.3.909:21
Keybukppawel: yes09:56
Keybukthough not on the D-Bus system bus09:56
Keybukit's a private D-Bus connection09:56
ppawelhmm ok09:57
ppawelis new version of upstart going to be compatible with 0.5 ?09:57
ppawelwe are looking for integrating upstart for service management in our system09:58
ppawelwe were hoping for nice D-Bus API09:58
Keybukthe next version of upstart will have that ;)09:58
ppawelI understand, but what is the time line for next version ?09:59
ppawelI guess Ubuntu 9.10 ?09:59
Keybuki'm working fulltime on the new version right now09:59
ppawelin what shape is it ? would you recommend using it ?10:02
KeybukI tend to recommend using 0.3 at the moment10:02
Keybukthe new version doesn't build yet10:02
Keybuktalking of which, brb10:02
ppawelKeybuk, is it possible to talk to upstart 0.3.9 through D-Bus then? if yes, using the same API and configuration as is in 0.5 distribution? will D-Bus API change between 0.3 and 1.0?10:07
Keybukno, 0.3 uses a private IPC protocol10:12
Keybuksadmac: the cn_proc setsid patch has gone to lkml for the .31 merge window10:17
ppawelKeybuk, ok thanks for the support, looking forward to the new version, also will watch fosdem talk later today10:25
sadmacKeybuk: I take it that's your monitoring stuff? (or at least the setsid support therein)?14:57
Keybuksometimes I really hate D-Bus15:10
KeybukUpstart's test suite yet again provides testing of other parts ;)15:10
sadmacKeybuk: fun stuff15:11
sadmacKeybuk: I'm hoping to do a second pass on that wiki page this weekend. Seems the biggest thing I'm out of sync on is creation/destruction of "instances"15:15
mbieblMd: hi23:03
mbieblhave you seen, that most of udev-extras was moved into udev today?23:04
mbieblThe only interesting bits left in udev-extras are the keymap handling stuff.23:05
Mdmbiebl: this is part of the reason I am waiting to package it :-)23:18
mbieblI just thought it was kind of ironic, that you submitted the ITP the very same day Kay moved over all the bits from udev-extras ;-)23:20
mbieblanyways, thanks for packaging it.23:20
mbieblPlease keep me posted on the progress so we can coordinate future uploads of HAL etc23:21
mbieble.g. for the ACL handling 23:21
MdI doubt I will package a current udev before a couple of weeks, after I will finish with inn2 I first need to fix the bugs in the current one and then wait for libuuid from u-l to appear23:23

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