
`26Your silence is approbative.00:04
directhexand ablative, and subjunctive.00:05
Sarvatti'm sorry, wasnt looking at this channel. if you don't want to figure out why X wont start with those packages to use the newer stuff what other option do you have besides downgrading things back? anything older than i965 doesn't have GLSL support by the way, which is why I was asking00:32
`26Sarvatt: GLSL runs just fine here, I tested with qsharededit.00:32
Sarvattin swrast yeah00:33
`26Sarvatt: it didn't use any CPU in the Mandelbrot example -- also, the extension for shader program appears in glxinfo (when used against some DRI libraries that actually work)00:34
Sarvattyou saw GL_ARB_vertex_shader and GL_ARB_fragment_shader, or just GL_ARB_fragment_program and GL_ARB_vertex_program?00:36
Sarvattlspci | grep Display00:37
`26Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)00:38
`26I'm not done downgrading yet, apt is being strange.00:38
Sarvattah should be ok then, after you downgrade it would probably be best to ask over in #dri-devel00:40
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`26Sarvatt: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset GEM 20090326 2009Q1 RC201:09
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stgraberogra: any chance you're still around this late ?01:30
Tonio_ca m'output ca :01:32
Tonio_anyone using gnome over karmic could tell me the output of this command please ? pkg-config --print-errors --short-errors "gtk+-2.0"01:33
SarvattPackage @GDK_PRIVATE_PACKAGES@ was not found in the pkg-config search path.01:37
SarvattPerhaps you should add the directory containing `@GDK_PRIVATE_PACKAGES@.pc'01:37
Sarvattto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable01:37
SarvattPackage '@GDK_PRIVATE_PACKAGES@', required by 'GDK', not found01:37
cjwatsonTonio_: no output01:37
cjwatsonoh, well, I last upgraded this afternoon01:37
Sarvattwas 2 gtk+ updates today, second one hasnt been published yet01:38
Tonio_cjwatson: hum ok I'll test the second one... I get a strange issue, and since I know nothing about gtk...01:39
cjwatson$ dpkg-query -W libgtk2.0-dev01:41
cjwatsonlibgtk2.0-dev   2.17.0-0ubuntu101:41
Tonio_cjwatson: libgtk2.0-dev   2.17.2-0ubuntu101:43
Tonio_cjwatson: the above command outputs me Package @GDK_PRIVATE_PACKAGES@ was not found in the pkg-config search path.01:43
Sarvatttheres a 0ubuntu2 coming01:44
cjwatsonsounds like a fairly clear build snafu01:44
cjwatsonthat's an indicator of the autotools not having been properly told to substitute something01:44
Tonio_Sarvatt: thanks for the info, I'll wait and retest then...01:44
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Tonio_cjwatson: thanks for the help01:49
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TheMusoIdentityFile /home/luke/.ssh/work_rsa/c02:29
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TheMusoFresh install of karmic, does evolution crash for anyone else?06:23
TheMusoi.e no GUI comes up at all?06:24
pittiGood morning06:39
SarvattTheMuso: it works here06:39
TheMusoSarvatt: Interesting. THis is a fresh karmic install done today, and updated.06:40
TheMusopitti: Good morning.06:41
ajmitchmorning pitti06:42
StevenKMorning pitti06:42
StevenKpitti: I synced  opal a little while ago, and it wants celt :-(06:43
pittiyay new versions06:44
StevenKpitti: Yes :-(06:45
StevenKpitti: Shall I file an MIR and beat you with it?06:45
pittis/you/anyone in MIR team/06:45
StevenKpitti: Beating you is much more fun :-P06:47
iulianRiddell: Hey.  I've just seen that you uploaded a new version of python-qt4 to Karmic.  Is there any reason why you didn't merge it with Sid?  The reason I'm asking is because git-cola currently FTBFS because of a simple wrapper for pyuic4 which is in Sid at the moment but not in Karmic.06:59
iulianI'd like to have that wrapper script for pyuic4 in Karmic.  This could prevent other packages from FTBFS.07:00
iulianHaving said that, I'm not 100% sure that this is the reason why git-cola failed to build, but looking at the build log from Debian, there is no sign of failing.  So, I believe this is the reason why it failed to build in Karmic.07:01
iulianOh well, ScottK mentioned something about qscintilla(?) when I asked him about merging python-qt4 with Sid.  I don't know what he meant (/me hides).  Maybe he can give his opinion about this?07:10
iulianScottK: ^07:10
dholbachgood morning07:11
iulianMorning Daniel.07:11
highvoltagemorning dholbach07:11
dholbachhiya iulian, hi highvoltage07:11
StevenKpitti: Bug #388285 for celt MIR :-)07:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388285 in celt "MIR for celt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38828507:22
pittiasac, lool: ^ time to have a look?07:23
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pittijamesh: \o/ debian bug 53275707:44
ubottuDebian bug 532757 in erlang "erlang-base: Contains debug information which makes the package" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/53275707:44
jameshpitti: cool.  The rabbitmq-server packages in Debian have also been updated with reduced dependencies now.07:45
jameshso I guess the only erlang package specific delta we're carrying w.r.t. Debian is the libmozjs one in couchdb07:46
jerroomeHi, can anyone tell me how to manage the case where 2 packages procduced by myself have conflicts because they copy a file at the same location.07:53
lifelessjerroome: don't do that.07:53
jerroomesecondly, is anyone able to tell what the reversed slot is for07:54
StevenKReversed slot?07:54
jerroomeinside the control file, there is a slot called rdepends07:54
jerroomesorry, I meant rdepends, not reverse slot07:55
jerroomewhy not doing that07:55
StevenKThere shouldn't be, that can be determined by the archive07:55
slangasek(and can't be determined by the package itself)07:55
jerroomeand why not writing at the same location with 2 different packages07:56
Hobbseebecause it's the equivalent of parking two cars on top of each other.07:57
slangasekturning the question around: why do you think this is something you *want* to do?07:57
jerroomeshould I create a third package and set the two others dependend on that one ?07:57
slangasekif it's the same exact file, then yes, definitely07:58
slangasekthat, or have one of the packages depend on the other, if that's a reasonable thing to do07:58
jerroomeno it isn't because there aren't necessary 207:59
jerroomethere can be one or n07:59
jerroomeI'm developping software to run on axel terminals08:00
jerroomesorry, which should also run on terminals08:00
jerroomesometimes, there can be a few terminals08:01
jerroomeand I need one package per system to run08:01
jerroomebecause, I have to be able to add and remove easily one machine08:01
jerroomeI have trouble to explain everything in english08:02
jerroomeI will make a third package08:02
jerroomethank you guys, once again, I got an answer quite fast .. :)08:02
pittimeh, seems gcc went crazy on the ports? I get a lot of "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:02
pittidoko: ^09:03
al-maisanpitti: probably the recent binutils upload?09:04
pitticould be09:04
al-maisanpitti: from a recent perl build on sparc:09:07
al-maisansh: gcc: not found09:08
pittiI saw it on libsoup2.4 and gnome-games09:08
al-maisanhere's the relevant snippet from the build log: http://pastebin.com/m4f1ff8c409:10
seb128pitti, not only on port, I got the same issue for gtk on armel09:11
pittiseb128: me too09:11
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reduzHi guys, question! does anyone here know if there is a way to get opengl 3.1 nvidia drivers working on ubuntu?09:45
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Riddellhi  iulian10:37
RiddellI didn't see anything  in debian's svn for that package that was new, but let me look again10:37
asachmm ... getting /usr/lib/gcc/powerpc-linux-gnu/4.4.0/../../../../lib/crti.o: could not read symbols: File format not recognized11:13
asacthats probably known?11:13
Tallkenups soz11:13
asacdoko: ^^11:17
mok0Would someone please request a give-back on libdc1394-22 ?11:20
mok0It's clogging up the pipeline11:20
Hobbseekarmic, all arches?11:21
mok0Hobbsee: yes11:21
* Hobbsee blinks at this new stuff11:24
mok0Hobbsee: what new stuff is that?11:25
Hobbseemok0: the credential stuff for ubuntu-dev-tools11:25
Laneywe got a bug telling us off for that recently11:26
HobbseeLaney: why so?  although it would be nice if the man page were finished11:27
Hobbseein particular, the part about what consumer is11:27
Hobbseeand what it should be set to11:27
LaneyHobbsee: It can send http requests to LP to login on your behalf, which is naughty11:28
mok0Hobbsee: thx, I see it's building now!11:29
HobbseeLaney: well, there is that11:29
HobbseeLaney: does it log in properly?  ie, both to production and edge?  :D11:29
Hobbseemok0: you're welcome11:30
LaneyHobbsee: I didn't even know it could do this actually. I didn't pass my credentials and it spawned a browser for me to login there.11:31
Laneythat's the Proper OAuth Way isn't it?11:32
HobbseeLaney: i'm not sure - but i would expect that's the sane solution11:32
Laneycheck out th ebug for a detailed analysis if you're curious11:33
wgrantLaney: That is the Proper Way, yes.11:34
Hobbseei'm suer that will further stop me from studying for exams :(11:34
wgrantie. you only ever give your Launchpad password to Launchpad.11:34
wgrantNot some nasty script written by those malicious Ubuntu developers.11:34
Hobbseeafter all, they might take over your sysetm11:35
Laneythey talk about writing some CLI clients to do this auth for you because doing the context switch to a web browser is undesirable11:35
* Laney didn't think it was that bad11:35
mok0Hobbsee: Hm, the rebuild didn't succeed. I don't understand it, the dependency it claims is missing, is there11:49
wgrantmok0: Log?11:49
mok0I just built the package successfully right here ?!?!!11:50
wgrantmok0: ogre-model11:51
cjwatsonlibdc1394-22 is in main11:51
wgrantThe dep is in universe.11:51
bigonHi I think that libchamplain and geoclue must go to main if we want geoloc in next empathy release11:52
mok0wgrant: so should I request a move to universe?11:54
wgrantmok0: That doesn't sound like a very good idea.... stuff in main probably depends on it.11:55
mok0wgrant: well, that's no good if it doesn't build11:55
mok0request libusb-1.0-1 -> main then11:56
ograwrite a MIR for the dep ? or fix the package to not dep on it ?11:56
directhexdo i need to explicitly ask for something to drop to universe?11:56
ogradirecthex, only if its seeded, else it should move on its own if all dependencies are gone11:58
pittidirecthex: if it appears on http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt, then no11:58
pittidirecthex: if it doesn't appear there and needs to be unseeded, then please file a bug against ubuntu-meta11:58
pittior ping here11:58
pittihm, wget --no-check-certificate -O- 'https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic?action=raw' gets me a 40311:59
directhexpitti, will do. i need a package uploaded to debian before i can realistically do it11:59
tkamppeterpitti, I want to prepare the SRU for CUPS, but there is no reference to the repo for Jaunty.11:59
tkamppeterSeems that LP has lost connection to the repos.12:00
directhexpitti, this change also removes a circular build-dep (yay)12:00
pittitkamppeter: it's lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/cups/jaunty/12:00
pittitkamppeter: (as Vcs-Bzr: says)12:01
tkamppeterpitti, there is no reference on https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/cups to any repo. Could they get added?12:01
pittitkamppeter: no, those are package branches12:01
pittitkamppeter: but they aren't intended to be used for the debian/ only bzr trees we currently have12:01
pittiso they remain on https://code.launchpad.net/cups for now12:01
pittitkamppeter: eventually we'll use the package branches, but it's currently in a transition period12:02
gaspais there some plan to change from usplash to plymouth in ubuntu as well?12:02
ograseb128, the new padding in the listview of the latest evo looks weird12:03
ogragaspa, no12:03
Keybukkees: you never committed upstart 0.3.9-8 to bzr12:03
Keybukdamn you12:03
Keybuk*shakes first*12:03
Keybukerr, fist12:03
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Keybukargh, worst still you patched the source directly12:05
ogradebdiff ftw :)12:05
gaspaogra: not at all? or simply "hasn't been talked about"?12:05
Keybukactually, I'm trying to figure this mess out ;)12:06
ogragaspa, the plan is to boot fast enough to not require any splash12:06
Keybuksource packages in revision control make everything such hard work12:06
gaspaogra: ah, wow. :)12:06
ograthere will be cases where you cant be fast enough, i.e. fsck or encrypted homedirs, where usplash will kick in12:07
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ScottKiulian: Look at the eric bugs in Ubuntu (I mis-remembered).13:28
billisniceIf you guys add click2try please make sure it can be disabled in services. I do not want the office staff to have access to it.13:33
billisniceI would like to see a service that is diabled not to show in the menus. Be totallly gone so not to try.13:35
iulianScottK: Aha, OK, thanks.  I believe Riddell is looking into it as well.13:36
iulianIt's worth having that wrapper script for pyuic4 in Karmic.13:36
Laneybillisnice: what is quick2try exactly? I can't figure it out from their website13:50
Chipzzbillisnice: how about uninstalling it then?13:51
Keybukconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables13:54
pittiKeybuk: all builds on ports fail today, probably binutils wreckage13:55
Keybukoops ;)13:55
seb128not only port, armel fails the same way13:55
seb128only i386, amd64 and lpia are building13:55
pittianyone happens to have experience with wiki downloading?14:07
pittiwget -O- 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic?action=raw' just gets me a 40314:07
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pittihm, seems it's just wget acting up. urllib works fine14:09
liwhm, I used requestsync and now I don't know what happened to the request14:11
liwthe request bug should be filed against the source package, right? (speedcrunch in this case)14:12
ion_liw: Btw, even though the clientside processing overhead is not considered for karmic (re: apt-sync), since you’ll set up a benchmarking environment, might as well benchmark the extra CPU time for each method. That information will be useful in the future. :-)14:12
cjwatsonliw: yes14:25
RainCTOut of curiosity, is Karmic following Debian with the section changes?14:25
cjwatsonwe already did14:26
RainCTok, cool14:26
cjwatsonthough we haven't actually gone through all the packages and changed the sections - but the archive supports the new sections14:27
liwok, unless the mail requestsync generated is in some queue somewhere, the bug has completely vanished14:27
cjwatsonmails to LP should be processed every three minutes, normally14:27
cjwatsonmaybe it's in some local mail queue?14:27
cjwatsonyou could also try using the --lp option rather than relying on mail14:28
liwthe mail got accepted by mx.canonical.com about 25 minutes ago, so I doubt it is in a queue anymore14:29
liwoh, there's an --lp option? why isn't it used by default? why mess with mail at all?14:30
Laneythe api is relatively new14:30
cody-somervilleWhats the process for applying to get upload permissions to a single package?14:30
cody-somervilleie. I want to get upload rights to dput in main14:31
liwbah. "launchpadlib.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized"14:31
cjwatsonmanage-credentials, I think14:32
* liw decides requestsync is not worth the trouble14:32
cjwatsoncody-somerville: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Per-package%20Uploaders14:32
cody-somervillecjwatson, thanks14:32
liwI've done manage-credentials once already. If it needs doing multiple times: not worth it.14:32
billisnicechipzz: The folks in my office do not understand uninstall, etc. They just want it to work. Millions just want it to work.14:32
RainCTliw: Running it once should be enough; seems like there's something wrong if that doesn't work14:34
liwRainCT, well, yes14:35
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Riddelliulian: I don't understand what the wrapper script is for, there's already a /usr/bin/pyuic4 script15:00
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iulianRiddell: Hmm, take a look at this build log: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27856034/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.git-cola_1.3.7.45-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:15
iulian/usr/bin/pyuic4: 1: import: not found15:15
cjwatsonsomebody forgot a #! line?15:16
iuliancjwatson: I don't think so, where?15:17
Riddellcjwatson is right, the upstream /usr/bin/pyuic4 has no #! line15:19
cjwatsoniulian: if pyuic4 is a python script then it should have #! /usr/bin/python at the top ...?15:19
iulianOh, right.15:19
liwRiddell, fyi #388450 (speedcrunch merge/sync)15:19
Chipzzbillisnice: I was thinking you would be the one installing those pcs...15:21
billisnicewe have 30 office puters15:21
billisnicei do not know that much either15:22
billisnicejust enough to mess it up15:22
Riddelliulian (cjwatson): I see, our package uses the upstream module and puts it in /usr/bin which doesn't work.  debian has that wrapper script instead so I'll change to what debian is doing15:22
Riddellliw: excellent, thanks15:25
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iulianRiddell: Yea, that should do it, thanks.15:31
Chipzzbillisnice: ... ...15:40
Chipzzbillisnice: also, why are you talking about that here?15:41
ograChipzz, because you respond ?15:42
Chipzzogra: oh you mean I should tell him in my usually subtle way to read the fine topic? :)>15:42
billisnicei thought developers were in here15:47
billisnicemaybe not15:47
ograbillisnice, yes, developers are in here, discussing development issues of developing ubuntu :)15:48
billisnicei though it would a nice feature to add for us non tech folks, that is why i asked here....15:50
Hobbseebillisnice: there are a lot of nice featues that could be added.  Fotunately, there's a great place to collate them, and that's brainstorm.ubuntu.com.  You might want to try there, as irc really doesn't make a good todo list15:52
ograbeyond that i didnt see and question yet ...15:52
ogra"<billisnice> If you guys add click2try please make sure it can be disabled in services. I do not want the office staff to have access to it." .... doesnt really look like a feature request or something15:53
* Chipzz wonders if someone can disable sth in services, why he can't uninstall it...15:54
* ogra wonders what click2try is 15:54
Chipzzbut I suppose that would just be me15:54
Chipzzogra: that too :)15:54
billisnicei will look for that site. I am in the real world of using Ubuntu for business. We do not understand or have time to understand the tech stuff.  lol15:54
billisnicei am on vac for a few weeks...and enjoy ubuntu15:55
Chipzzbillisnice: you have it the wrong way around. click2try offers ubuntu. ubuntu doesn't offer click2try15:56
Chipzznow unless you can point us to a click2try package in the ubuntu repositories, I suggest you take the issue elsewhere15:57
PiciIf you just want to chat about Ubuntu, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic, but the -devel channels are for actual development issues :)15:57
billisnicei do not understand lots for sure, but to not show services turned off in the menus leave no confusion of what you can and can not do...just a wanted feature for non tech folks.15:58
Chipzzbillisnice: again, point us to the package which would be causing problems15:58
ChipzzI suspect there is none15:58
Chipzzbillisnice: did you even READ that????15:59
ChipzzFIRST sentence:15:59
Chipzz"click2try (http://www.click2try.com) today announced the availability of Ubuntu 8.04 (http://www.ubuntu.com) in its online catalog of virtualized Open Source applications."15:59
billisnicejust saw it16:00
Chipzzanalyze the grammar16:00
Chipzzanalyze the vocabulary16:00
Chipzzand tell me how this does concern the ubuntu developers?16:00
Hobbseenice idea, though.  Totally irrelevant to here16:00
billisnicei am just a dumb butt for sure16:01
billisnicei do like ubuntu16:01
cjwatsonbillisnice: services are usually servers, rather than anything that might appear in the menus16:05
cjwatsonif you mean as in System -> Administration -> Services16:05
billisniceok, thanks16:05
cjwatsonvery few things there are at all tightly bound to a menu item16:06
cjwatsonand in the cases where they are, it's usually in a client/server kind of way where the service is not necessarily on the same machine as the clients which would have the menu items16:06
keesKeybuk: iirc, upstart's tree was only writable by you at the time. :P16:08
Keybukkees: not only that, but the source is missing from it anyway16:10
Keybukso it has changelogs but no patches16:10
* Keybuk deleted the tree16:10
keesKeybuk: heh16:11
keesKeybuk: making a core-dev branch for it?16:12
Keybukkees: will do so at some point16:12
Keybukthough it's kinda hard16:13
Keybukthe core-dev branches are supposed to be buildable from a checkout16:13
Keybukbut I'd kinda like it to be branched off the upstream branch16:13
Keybukwhich doesn't make things like configure in it ;)16:13
keesKeybuk: how about a get-orig-source build target?16:14
cjwatsonKeybuk: like many things, James has a plan for that ;-)16:15
cjwatson(tarball branches)16:15
pittiKeybuk: or we just give in and call autoreconf in debian/rules; many packages do that, after all16:19
pitti(I don't particularly like it, but it's practical for git snapshots)16:19
Keybukcjwatson: with an easy tool to update the tarball branch?16:20
cjwatsonI'm not sure I've ever seen james_w do something that *didn't* involve writing a bzr plugin that anyone could use16:20
cjwatson(aka yes)16:20
Riddellasac: some MIRs assigned there for you.  feel free to take bug 374973 too although kees was looking at it last16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374973 in enca "main inclusion report enca" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37497316:45
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asacRiddell: did you use "assign" or subscribe?16:54
* asac wonders whats up with his procmail rules ... no mails about thos MIRS in his "assigned" folder16:55
Riddellasac: subscribe16:56
asacRiddell: hmm ... my subscribed mailbox is currently under construction ;)16:57
asacdo you have bug ids at hand? ;)16:57
Riddellasac: now assigned16:57
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keesasac: feel free to snag enca.17:05
keesi won't be able to check mir until later this week17:05
mok0Huh?? configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables17:08
mok0That's quite problematic for a compiler...17:08
hyperairmok0: the compilers sure seem to hate you recently17:10
mok0hyperair: they do17:11
slangasekit's a known problem17:11
cjwatsonsame binutils thing we were discussing earlier no?17:11
slangasekeverything's FTBFS on the ports17:11
slangasekcjwatson: made any progress on that, beyond definitively blaming binutils? :)17:11
cjwatsonnot I, didn't know I was on the hook17:12
MacSlowwhat's the package-name again of the https apt "thing"?17:12
MacSlowsorry for the lack of a better word17:13
slangasekcjwatson: you're not, but I thought you might know of some progress17:13
MacSlowah... apt-transport-https it is I think17:14
cjwatsonslangasek: I don't, I'm afraid; I can't even see a bug report17:15
cjwatsonbinutils was uploaded about the time everything stopped building, that's all17:15
slangasekno response from doko to the poking17:15
slangasekdoko: are you around?17:15
freinhardpitti: fixed some bugs in kubuntu's install-package, all of them catch exceptions, so no new features, just fix crashes. can we get these into jaunty? see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jr/install-package/trunk/revision/2117:17
slangasekal-maisan: did you reproduce the build failures on any of the porter boxes, and confirm that binutils is to blame?17:19
dokoslangasek: yes, arm and ia64 fixes are there, but not yet for sparc and powerpc17:19
al-maisanslangasek: no, not yet.17:19
slangasekdoko: ok - staged on your side I guess, given that I don't see an upload?17:20
dokostill running test builds17:20
mok0doko, give us  a poke when we can request give-backs17:20
mok0I thought I read that hppa was going away?17:21
slangasekmok0: would be more appropriate for the give-backs to be done centrally17:22
mok0slangasek: ok17:22
ScottKmok0: AFAICT, I think it's gone already.17:23
mok0ScottK, I got one error like that during the last hour or so17:23
ScottKmok0: (I mean hppa)17:23
mok0ScottK, ah :-)17:23
mok0ScottK, indeed, you are right. It's the sparc arch that's giving me troubles17:25
mok0Translational brain error17:25
Riddelliulian: new python-qt4 uploaded17:28
mok0Things are changing. This is the error I get now: Checking for C Compiler ...  Error: no C compiler detected - cannot do anything17:30
slangasekthat's the same thing still17:31
iulianRiddell: Excellent, ta.17:31
mok0Isn't it possible to pause the buildds on the ports until things are back to normal?17:32
pittifreinhard: please check which of the fixed bugs match the criteria on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates, request an SRU on them, and  and subscribe ubuntu-sru17:36
ScottKmok0: IIRC it'd have to be stopped for all releases and not just the developement release, so that'd have an unfortunate affect on -updates/proposed and -backports.17:37
pittiI think we'll just do a global retry on those17:39
cjwatsonI don't see a reason to pause the buildds - there seems to be a negligible risk of misbuilds here, it's just a certain amount of mails (which serve to remind us of the problem)17:43
shtylmananyone having inkscape crash on them with an internal error? and no other info?17:56
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mweicherthow is compiz called in gnome-session? I ask because I want compiz called with the following options --loose-binding and --indirect-rendering20:33
ccheneyanyone have a suggestion for something to mirror https deb packages besides lftp? lftp in karmic seems very broken and segfaults after a small amount of transfer for me every time21:10
* ccheney sees if it works for jaunty21:14
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billybigrigger!seen colin22:21
ubottuI have no seen command22:21
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joshkis there a way to print something to tty0 even during a quiet boot?23:16
joshki've tried: stderr, and log_*_msg from /lib/lsb/init-functions23:16
joshki have this /etc/rc.local file that takes a while to run23:17
TheMusoGood morning.23:20
* slangasek waves to TheMuso 23:25
slangasekhmm, why is flash not talking to pulseaudio again here23:25
dtchenif you're using flashplugin-installer, check ia32-libs.23:31
dtchenfta: was the migration for libpulsecore* => libpulse0 done in ia32-libs?23:32
billybigriggerdtchen::: ia32-libs needs to be installed for sound in flash?23:33
dtchenbillybigrigger: if pulse is configured to be active (which it is by default) using the 32-bit plugin and nspluginwrapper, yes23:34
billybigriggerthat's only if i installed via flashplugin-installer?23:34
dtchenbillybigrigger: if you're on 64-bit and installed via flashplugin-{nonfree,installer}, yes23:35
billybigriggeri have met all the above requirements, still no sound23:37
sorendtchen: Do you have any pointers on troubleshooting a system I have where anything involving gstreamer just gives me a sort of static, while mplayer for instance produces sound just fine?23:37
dtchensoren: is pulse active?23:38
sorendtchen: Or is that a bit too high up the stack for you? :)23:38
sorendtchen: It's a fresh Jaunty install.23:38
sorendtchen: With a Karmic kernel, though.23:38
dtchenbillybigrigger: hence my question above to fta; i haven't checked if ia32-libs has been updated23:38
hilehmmh, why is alsa-plugins still dropping build dependency on libavcodec-dev - I understood this was a temporary problem with ffmpeg not being in main, but afaik all bits required for this ARE in main23:39
sorendtchen: I've not activated nor deactivated pulse. Whatever is the default, that's what I got. :)23:39
billybigriggerso once ia32-libs has been updated we should be looking for working sound in flash then23:40
dtchenhile: ogra seems to be the last person to nudge/verify the libavcodec shipping (rather, not being able to be shipped) on cds issue23:40
hileI'm not actually interested about a52 output myself, was just wondering the alsa jack output status and noticed this as well (yes I would be much happier if libjack-dev were in main)23:41
ftadtchen: i have an updated ia32-libs in my staging PPA but it breaks flash, so i'm holding it for now, until we figure out why nspluginwrapper breaks with it.23:41
dtchenfta: ok, thanks23:41
sorendtchen: I see a pulseaudio process running, so I'm assuming that means "pulse is active".23:42
hiledtchen, you mean a52 output is not supported because the libs don't fit to CDs? duh23:42
ftadtchen, https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/staging23:42
dtchensoren: if you configure the GSt audio.*sink to use alsasink, is the static reproducible?23:42
dtchensoren: if it's still reproducible, then you'd look at alsa-lib, specifically whether "speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:X" corroborates the symptom23:43
dtchensoren: if it's not reproducible, then you'd look at which sink (and its corresponding "volume") is chosen in pavucontrol23:44
dtchenhile: no, there was a redistribution issue back in the hardy timeframe23:45
sorendtchen: No matter which sink I choose in gstreamer-properties and hit "Test", I get static.23:45
sorendtchen: It's a very clear static. I doubt it's a volume thing.23:45
sorendtchen: ..but what do I know? :)23:45
hiledtchen, but we DO ship the ffmpeg code in question anyway, or is this some a52-related patent stuff?23:45
dtchensoren: ok, so presuming Master/PCM/Front are not zeroed or muted, is the sink configured as intended? e.g., check pavucontrol23:46
dtchenhile: checking the changelog, it seems more a matter of "no one dropped the delta", but i haven't chased it down23:47
hileyeah, maybe it should be checked again before release?23:47
hilewell, whatever, does not help promoting libjack+deps to main even if a52 is solved (so that I could use the damn jack alsa plugin without recompile)23:47
dtchenhile: the movement of j-a-c-k back into main is in progress23:49
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hilevery good, hope it can be done for karmic...23:51
sorendtchen: Thanks for your pointers. I'll have to check tomorrow. It's getting late, and I've still got a stack of actual work to do before I can call it a day. :/23:53
dtchensoren: yw23:54
slangasekdtchen: "back into" main?23:55
sorenslangasek: libjack and friends were in main in Breezy and earlier.23:59
slangasekancient history :)23:59

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