
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/  search for 'build' or 'retry'00:09
ftaBUGabundo, no idea what brainbird is, compared to identi.ca00:33
BUGabundofta: it's another laconica server00:33
ftawhy is that needed?00:34
BUGabundobut running 0.8x trunk series00:34
ftawhy is that needed?00:34
BUGabundofta: Federation00:34
ftaas in star trek? ;)00:34
BUGabundothere are several other servers right now00:34
BUGabundofta: like in: if one dies all others still work00:34
BUGabundolike _we_ could have our own laconica for ubuntu00:35
BUGabundoand then still talk to ppl on identica00:35
BUGabundomuch like email servers began doing on pre-internet (aka darpa)00:35
BUGabundoinstead of droping an email /dent on the local server, it figures out the _federated_ one on the network and delivers there00:36
BUGabundofta: got it?00:36
BUGabundounlike twitter, if evan closed identica right now, us using other servers could still keep it going00:36
BUGabundoits not duplication or reduncy. its plain multimple servers that act like a big network, under the same rules, aka Federation00:37
BUGabundoohh you are right its like Star Trek00:37
ftabut the question is, why do you need to subscribe to each server? looks like a lot of duplication to me. servers should sync their database or something00:44
BUGabundoahh yes I'm duplicated00:44
BUGabundoYOU don't need to00:44
BUGabundoin ensence its like two users00:45
BUGabundojust in this case, same username00:45
BUGabundocould be asac in one and fta on another00:45
BUGabundojust like my mail example00:45
BUGabundofta: I have to accounts to use them as diff profiles00:46
BUGabundoone is the spammer, the other should dent as much as you00:46
BUGabundoplus it runs on TRUNK00:46
BUGabundoso I can see what's coming to identica before it hits00:46
asacso did the gtk sink in yet?00:51
* asac checks00:52
* asac retries a bunch of builds00:52
asacgood thing about those kill all breakages is that the builders are usually emptied ;)00:53
asacexcept for the zillions of langpacks using the i386 ppas ;)00:54
ftaasac, it's in now01:01
asacyeah ... my stuff is spinning01:03
ftawhat is that facebook thing in gwibber? looks scary01:04
ftai just want to read a facebook stream in gwibber, not post anything there01:05
ftado i need an account?01:05
ftaBUGabundo, ^^01:05
fta"Request login code".. wtf is that?01:05
BUGabundofta: don't use FB01:05
ftaoh, there's a twitter feed too, which i don't use either01:07
fta8981 followers, not bad01:08
BUGabundoyou have that many?01:08
BUGabundocare to sell it ??!01:08
BUGabundofta: how long haven't you open gwibber accounts tab?01:09
ftait's not me, it's the stream i want to follow01:09
ftaBUGabundo, long ago01:09
BUGabundowait I'm lost01:10
BUGabundodoesn't take much to do it, still01:10
BUGabundowhere are you reading those "feeds"?01:10
BUGabundoon FB01:10
BUGabundofta: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~segphault/gwibber/service-split01:22
BUGabundoI think he means this01:22
BUGabundocan't wait for Ryan to push his UI changes01:22
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
BUGabundoTraceback (most recent call last):02:07
BUGabundo  File "/usr/local/bin/gwibber", line 55, in <module>02:07
BUGabundo    from gwibber.client import GwibberClient02:07
BUGabundoImportError: No module named gwibber.client02:07
BUGabundofta any idea what dependecy is missing there?02:07
BUGabundo$ sudo echo snoozzz | /proc/cpuinfo02:23
ftaEstimated repository size: 35.5 GiB (89.51%) of 39.6 GiB09:55
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1319410:12
asacfta: so did they let go withyour quota thing?10:15
ftaasac, 40GB is good enough for now. 20GB was really too small.10:21
fta1 build is ~12 GB now, so as old debs are removed after 24h, i need at least 24 GB, plus another 12 if i push a fix in between10:22
asacso how much data do we have for dailies in librarian?10:24
ftano idea10:24
asachow long are thedailies operating now?10:24
asac6 month10:25
asacor 4-5?10:25
ftaso 4 months10:26
asacfta: http://pastebin.com/fdacb46310:26
asacis that legal in make'?10:26
ftabut i started the package on 07 Nov 200810:26
asacor do i need to do some $(shell stuff)10:26
asacfta: thats chromium daily. ... didnt the moz dailies start before that?10:26
asacfta: you think that LD_LIB path stuff is ok?10:28
asaci mean in general ;)10:28
ftawhy is that patch needed? LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be empty at this point10:29
asacjust found out that we must add LD_LIBRARY_PATH because of fakeroot10:29
asacfta: so right syntax or rather go for echo10:30
asacfta: yes. maybe you need this for chromium and stuff as well10:30
asacok out for 30 minutes10:30
ftayep, it will work like that10:33
ftaasac, how is that new linux@distribution.bugs supposed to be used?10:42
ftamozilla 44490610:43
ubottuMozilla bug 444906 in Bugzilla: Other b.m.o Issues "Please setup a watcher account for linux related bugs" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44490610:43
asacfta: you can follow users in bugzilla10:57
asacso basically, go and follow that user and you will get bugmail for linux specific things10:57
asaci will check if we are supposed to CC that user if we upstream bugs10:58
asacor rather also add ubuntu@distribution.bugs10:58
asacpushed new nss11:01
asacgcc bustage in archive :(11:11
* asac doesnt like it11:11
asacsummoned doko now11:17
asaccool. so nss 3.12.3 at least built fine now11:25
asac(on the non-busted archs)11:25
fta2asac, my question was more: how do i follow a user?11:44
asacfta2: you can set that up in bugzilla options11:46
asacfta2: email preferences11:47
asac"Add users to my watch list (comma separated list):"11:47
Helplesshi all , i need some help :)12:17
HelplessIam using the P.O.W Addon for Firefox , but somehow it wont work :S12:18
asacbug 36949813:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369498 in ia32-libs "Errors when running acroread in 9.04 (fully updated)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36949813:35
fta2/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6415:06
fta2Failed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgioremote-volume-monitor.so15:06
fta2/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6415:06
fta2Failed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgiogconf.so15:06
fta2/usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6415:06
fta2Failed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so15:06
fta2so apparently, GTK_PATH is not enough / not used by gio15:07
asacfta2: well. i have glib in my sandbox15:21
asacyou need to ship a link too then15:21
asaci would think that /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so: is busted on multi-arch15:21
asacall dbus should be broken to be precise15:21
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fta2*** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NPP_New() wait for reply: Connection closed16:09
fta2asac, indeed, flash, or NSPlugin Wrapper, is unusable with my new ia32-libs16:40
asacyes. thats the bug16:58
asacfta2: do you have it installed right now? can you check whether firefox itself works ?16:58
asaci only tested chrome, but that wouldnt catch if our libs broke ABI because its spun against recent libs16:58
asacfta2: wget http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.5rc1/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-3.5rc1.tar.bz216:58
asactar xjf fir*bz216:59
asaccd firefox16:59
asac./firefox ;)16:59
asacyeah. the upstream build16:59
fta2asac, on startup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/197802/17:01
fta2but it runs17:01
asacfta2: yeah so those are expected17:02
asacgio is fixed in the glib i have in sandbox17:02
asacwould be worth to check if that causes regressions too17:02
asacfta2: what does strace -f -eopen spit out directly before this NSPlugin Wrapper issue pops up?17:03
asacmaybe that gives us a hint what bogus libs its pulling in17:03
fta2asac, you mean with ff32 ?17:05
fta2doesn't make sense17:06
asacfta2: no with 64 bit firefox + nsp17:06
fta2nothing obvious17:33
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ftaasac, d'oh! http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28033671/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.chromium-browser_3.0.190.0~svn20090617r18622-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:45
ftaasac, wtf? http://paste.ubuntu.com/197888/  3 times the same patch in 5 days?18:58
BUGabundoboas noites19:51
ftadebian 49368119:56
ubottuDebian bug 493681 in fakeroot "fakeroot: does not play well with pax" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/49368119:56
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
ftahm, can't type anything in ff3.620:50
micahgfta: did you restart after the last update?20:50
micahg*restart ff20:51
ftayes, sure20:51
BUGabundoworks for me20:54
ftabetter now20:57
ftahmm, broken again20:58
ftahm, that gcc 4.4 issue /w chromium is my fault apparently, damn21:36
BUGabundofta: you infected my FF too21:39
BUGabundocan't type on it :(21:39
ftagood i'm not alone21:39
BUGabundorestarting it now21:40
BUGabundorunning on cli to see if I get anything obvious21:40
BUGabundo$ firefox-3.6 -g21:41
ftai'm sick of gwibber, too many crashes when i type21:59
ftaand noone seems to care21:59
BUGabundomost of mine (80%) happen just before I hit enter22:00
BUGabundowell they blame pango22:00
BUGabundoeven opened a bug upstream22:00
BUGabundobut why not user another lib?22:01
ftathe bug should go to debian22:03
ftaone idea would be to make slomo and seb128 use gwibber, so they'll notice and investigate ;)22:04
BUGabundofta: have you reported the FF3.6 bug ?22:05
ftano, feel free22:05
BUGabundofta: why them? do they work with pango?22:05
ftaslomo seems to be the debian maintainer, and seb did the last merge22:06
ftayep, pango22:06
BUGabundocan you ping them and let gwibber team know?22:06
BUGabundo'cause the bug is already upstream22:07
BUGabundono comment in 3weeks22:07
ftabug id?22:11
BUGabundohumm have to look for it :(22:14
ubottuGnome bug 584015 in cairo "pango gtk segfault arising from gwibber" [Major,Unconfirmed]22:15
ftahm, can't figure out how to make a $(call) function with an unknown number of arguments22:43
ftaasac, ^^, any idea?22:43
ftanm, got it22:47
BUGabundofta: (firefox-3.6:17901): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead23:39
BUGabundocould this be it ?23:39
BUGabundojust lost keyb!23:39
ftano idea23:43
BUGabundoasac mind to pass this along to mozilla: only ask to save passwords *after* login is made!23:59
BUGabundoChromium does that very nicely23:59

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