
mrooneydjsiegel_: ping a ling00:12
djsiegel_mrooney: hello00:12
mrooneydjsiegel_: do you know if it is possible/desirable to make me some sort of papercut member so I can mark papercut tasks as Triaged and perhaps attempt to assign Importance?00:13
djsiegel_mrooney: that won't be possible, "not trivially fixable" :)00:13
djsiegel_but you have a great point00:13
djsiegel_we need to have a membership approval for ayatana00:14
djsiegel_ayatana will have usability bugs filed against it00:14
djsiegel_and we will need to give active ayatana contributors some sort of elevated authority on bugs, at least00:14
mrooneywell you could use an existing group like bugcontrol00:14
djsiegel_I don't know anything about that.00:15
djsiegel_I think we are ok though.00:15
mrooneyoh BugControl is the group in Launchpad that has permissions to set Triaged and Importance in Ubuntu00:15
djsiegel_The best way you can help right now is marking invalid and triage00:15
djsiegel_we are going to cut a set of 10 papercuts (actually, we have 10 triaged now)00:15
djsiegel_and simulate the entire project workflow with them over the next week00:16
mrooneywell I can't set as "Triaged" without being a member00:16
djsiegel_yeah, I know00:16
mrooneyI can triage in the non literal sense of course00:16
djsiegel_one sec00:16
mrooneyif you were to make BugControl as a team a member, I think it would logically work out as it is an Ubuntu project00:16
mrooneyyou could talk to bdmurray in #ubuntu-bugs he is probably wise in all these ways00:17
djsiegel_we use the team for other privileges 00:18
djsiegel_we can't do that00:18
djsiegel_but I did ask beuno to come in here and chat with you about your ideas00:18
djsiegel_he is the launchpad workflow expert and design team member00:18
djsiegel_speak of the devil00:18
ScottKIt'd be nice if there were a way to have stuff that gets nominated to be a papercut and then marked invalid not dump stuff into the inbox of everyone who's subscribed to the bug.00:18
djsiegel_ScottK: filter it :)00:19
beunoone way to do the "nomination" workflow00:19
beunois using series00:19
beunoand people propose them for the series00:19
beunoand we approve/decline00:19
djsiegel_mrooney: we kind of want everyone to generate a continuous stream of paper cuts, and our team will just pick 100 each cycle00:20
djsiegel_or it could be first come, first served00:20
djsiegel_each time we get 100, we say "we have our 100"00:21
djsiegel_and then swap them out if they fail00:21
djsiegel_but I don't think our current definition of paper cut is sustainable00:21
djsiegel_we may need to open it up to included apps more00:21
djsiegel_but it's appropriate that this first round focuses on the space between apps00:21
djsiegel_but I have been working way too long, need to get some exercise00:22
djsiegel_see you, mrooney, beuno, ScottK 00:22
mrooneyhaha, see you later00:23
mrooneybeuno: I was just suggesting that it might be useful to the project if some larger, trusted group of people (like BugControl or ubuntu members) could mark paper cut tasks as Triaged and set Importance00:23
beunomrooney, that may be a good idea, although it's hard because it opens the door for even more discussions00:30
mrooneybeuno: oh, what sorts of discussions?00:31
beunomrooney, which ones are or aren't a papercut, and which ones make the cut or not00:32
beunosince it has a hard limit00:32
beunothere will be hard decisions to be made00:32
mrooneybeuno: that is true, though having people allowed to Triage and potentially set importance doesn't make more tasks, anyone can open the tasks. I am not sure how this would affect those decisions00:33
mrooneywhich ones are or aren't a papercut can already be changed by anyone via the Invalid and Confirmed status00:34
beunomrooney, I will look into it01:16
beunoit sounds like a good idea01:16
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micahgWould auto selecting the fastest mirror be a good papercut?02:21
MacSlowGreetings everybody!08:09
* MacSlow -> lunch12:04
SiDiThe people who often are on #ayatana will have noticed that MacSlow seems to eat everyday :)12:06
MacSlowSiDi, surprised?12:07
lamalexit's reassuring that our devs are getting the nutrition they need12:08
SiDiWe should put a "We feed our developers" in the release notes of Karmic12:09
lamalexwell really he feeds himself12:11
lamalexwe dont want to take that away from him12:11
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=== SiDi is now known as IHateGimp
MacSlowIHateGimp why oh why?18:52
MacSlowpoor wilbur18:52
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IHateGimpMacSlow: cause i suffer from its interface18:59
IHateGimpit would require a billion paper cuts ! Currently trying to figure how to have a gradient with 3 damn colours18:59
MacSlowsounds more like you should be working in inkscape... no?19:00
IHateGimpNo, it's not gonna be vectorial19:01
IHateGimpBut i seriously prefer Inkscape :)19:01
IHateGimpmeh, mrooney 19:02
=== IHateGimp is now known as SiDi
SiDiso far noone could tell me about the 3 colours gradient...19:06
artirit's not possible19:13
artirgimp just supports 2 color gradient19:14
artir(plus the predefined ones)19:14
SiDiartir: you must be kidding :|19:16
artiras far as i know, you can't19:16
artirmaybe with a plugin19:17
artirhere it's the tutorial19:17
artirbut u are better with inkscape19:17
SiDioh crap19:17
SiDiim so gonna buy a new photoshop license19:17
djsiegelrickspencer3-afk: you around?20:22
rickspencer3-afkdjsiegel: just got back to my desk20:54
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djsiegelhey rickspencer320:55

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