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carolijaWitch messenger to use because amsn have no voice option ?00:03
carolijaany advice ?00:03
super__radcarolija kopete would be your best bet as thats the official kde messenger app00:04
carolijahmmm Kopete00:05
carolijasuper__rad, ill see now00:05
carolijai thing i had some problem with it00:05
carolijaso i didn not use it00:05
carolijaill try now again00:05
super__radI can't help much with audio/video chat as I never use them00:06
carolijaYes now i remember I can connect gmail account to it, why ?00:07
carolijaserver : googlemail.com00:07
super__raddo you mean you can't connect to gmail?00:07
carolijaTo use gmail like a messenger coz there is option, just can figure out00:08
carolijaWitch I have to chose from the list wan i make account to can use gmail for messenger ?00:09
super__radto add a google talk account to kopete just go to add a new account and select "Jabber" then put your email and password in00:09
burn_how to know am i using the ati drivers?00:09
carolijasuper__rad,  so i dont have to register to jabber ?00:10
super__radno just put your google email address and password in, then click next00:10
carolijaill try00:11
carolijaI need ssl or default information or something ?00:15
super__radis it coming up with an error?00:16
super__radbecause thats exactly how I've setup my google account in kopete and it works fine00:16
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carolijalike default ?00:16
carolijau type it in just ID and password ?00:16
makuseruCan someone help me configure my Atheros wireless card?00:17
super__radyeah thats all I put in and it connects fine, you did put your full email add (including @googlemail.com or @gmail.com?)00:17
carolijais there is different  @googlemail.com or @gmail.com ?00:18
carolijaIf i got googleemail00:19
carolijai must tu put that opne ?00:19
carolijabecause whan i login into the webserver I put gmail and work fine00:19
super__radif that works fine then just try @gmail.com00:19
super__radcarolija this may be some help http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google+Talk+support00:20
super__radalthough it's for an older version of kopete, but it should work fine if you follow that00:20
carolijatnx i take a look00:20
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ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore01:03
DragnslcrWow, who killed the channel01:03
* carolija not01:04
RobertLaptopQuestion I just upgraded from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.2 and was wondering how to get the trash can back.01:06
ign0ramusRobertLaptop, here is my trash.desktop: http://pastebin.com/me88dbff01:08
DragnslcrRobertLaptop- get it back where? In the panel? On the desktop?01:13
boblenyOk, maybe you can help me with this. I have two HDD (sda1 Kubuntu) (sdb1 vista 32, sdb2 XP, sdb3 vista 64). Is there a way to use Grub from sda1 to boot into sdb2?01:13
DragnslcrI think you get grub to run another bootloader, but I'm not sure exactly how01:14
DragnslcrI know that it's pretty easy to add regular entries for those Windows installs to grub01:14
super__radbobleny yes, to chainload to vista's bootloader just add "title Vista" "root (hd1,0)" "makeactive" "chainloader +1"01:15
super__radbut each thing in qoutes needs to be on a seperate line, and you add then in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:15
DragnslcrThere ya go, someone that knows more about grub than I do01:16
boblenyOk, I'll give it a try.01:16
boblenyWhy does my menu list say this: "map (hd0) (hd2)"? What does that mean?01:18
RobertLaptopDragnslcr In the Panel.01:20
ign0ramusRobertLaptop, just add the widget to the panel01:21
DragnslcrRobertLaptop- it's a regular widget that you can add01:21
robygiorno a tutti01:27
boblenyI'm back! You suggestion will get me into the MBR on the second drive, but doesn't actually load a specific OS. Is there a way to do that?01:27
boblenyWhat is a tutti?01:27
boblenyI should learn German.01:30
originIn 9.04 is there any graphical tool to configure multiple monitors? (I can get it to work by just copy+pasteing the xorg.conf from my 8.10 install, but a graphical tool would be nice.)01:31
Dragnslcrbobleny- as far as I know, your only options are to have grub load the other bootloader or to add entries for the Windows installs to grub01:31
alinonanyone familiar with dosbox?  when i start it when the terminal it loads my config file fine, but seems to bypass the config file if i start dosbox from a desktop shortcut, what gives?01:39
DaskreeCHorigin: Not that I know of outside of the tools shipping with the Drivers from he manufacturers01:40
boblenyHey, I'm trying to isntall grub on hd1,0. Why would I get error 17?01:45
JuJuBeeI put together some old parts to make a working compute for my daughter.  However, I cannot get sound working.  I checked bios (enabled), I checked mute in kmix (Not)  I read many posts on forum still cannot get working.01:45
JuJuBeeIm using via 823701:45
boblenyOh, I cant install grub on an ntfs disk can I....01:46
halberdis there another way to switch to an alternate tty, other than ctrl-alt-f1 (or f2,etc)?01:46
boblenyDid you play around with the sound Mixer? Every time I've ever installed ubuntu I have to turn PCM all the way up. Since I have surrond sound, I also have to turn up the front controll and also turn it on.01:48
DaskreeCHJuJuBee: Last time I used that I had sound it was just waaaay low01:48
Kira_LightIs there a way to get the ctrl+alt+d hotkey to show the desktop without using a widget?01:49
ign0ramusJuJuBee, does "aplay -l" list your card?01:49
DaskreeCHKira_Light: Soon I think01:50
JuJuBee2 devices though?01:50
ign0ramusKira_Light, last i checked (last week), no there is no user-friendly way yet01:50
Kira_Lightok. thanks01:50
JuJuBeeign0ramus: card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237], device 0: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]01:50
JuJuBeeign0ramus: as well as this...  card 0: V8237 [VIA 8237], device 1: VIA 8237 [VIA 8237]01:51
ign0ramusJuJuBee, it appears to be a kernel bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules/+bug/31797801:51
ign0ramusJuJuBee, perhaps try 2.6.30?01:51
boblenyKira_Light: system settings, keyboard and mouse, keyboard shortcuts, change scheme to windows with win key.01:51
ign0ramusJuJuBee, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/01:52
boblenyKira_Light: or under current scheme you can change the shortcut to ctrl+alt+del.01:52
JuJuBeeign0ramus: How do I update to 2.6.30?  What is the process or how to I can read?01:52
boblenyKira_Light: I'm used to windows shortcuts, so I just go with windows + win key.01:53
ign0ramusJuJuBee, you can simply install the proper .deb packages from the url above (proper for your architecture... amd64/32bit/etc)01:53
ign0ramusJuJuBee, you will still keep your current kernel, but grub will then offer the new kernel to try out.01:53
JuJuBeeign0ramus: Do I grab the headers or the image?01:54
ign0ramusJuJuBee, headers, image, and source01:54
JuJuBeeuse dpkg -i {filename} ?  Any specific order?01:55
ign0ramusJuJuBee, actually, you don't need source01:55
JuJuBeeOK, so still, order?01:56
ign0ramusJuJuBee, i always install headers first, then image.  not sure if it makes a difference, but this method has no ill-effects01:56
thumperhas anyone documented setting up quassel core as a service on kubuntu?01:56
JuJuBeeign0ramus: OK, thanks.  I will have a go at it...  Let you know if it works.01:56
ign0ramusJuJuBee, cool.  it's always fun to try out a new kernel.  and again, you'll still have your current one if the new one doesn't work well for your needs01:57
originDaskreeCH: Oh well, How come it doesn't? Or is it just a case of no developer has gotten arround to it yet?01:57
JuJuBeeOh dear, errors...01:57
ign0ramusJuJuBee, ruh-ro01:57
DaskreeCHorigin: That and X is currently undergoing some serious changes so when that settles down people will have an easier target to make a GUI for01:58
originDaskreeCH: Ohh I see.01:58
ign0ramusJuJuBee, try linux headers "all" first01:58
originHey by default Dolphin doesn't have an option to right click a config file and "Edit As Root" does it?01:59
JuJuBeeign0ramus: that seems to be working.02:00
JuJuBeewill I need to compile  in the alsa drivers?  or just reboot?02:01
originDaskreeCH: So, what's going on with X then?02:01
DaskreeCHorigin: not that I know of sounds like a easy menu to patch in. In Kubuntu you should probably be doing kdesudo anyway02:01
DaskreeCHorigin: I have three answers all of which are coloured by my blinding hate of X02:02
BigDadyLuedahello all02:02
DaskreeCHbut in short they are trying to rewrite it to be more modular (hooray) and to have all the config for X being done inside of X itself (Seriously wth?)02:02
DaskreeCH!hi | BigDadyLueda02:03
ubottuBigDadyLueda: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:03
originDarkriftX: What's wrong with X? And yea It is easy, I just put one together that uses kdesudo kate in about 5 minutes. Just seemed strange that something so usefull and easy to do wouldn't be in by default, But I assume there's some reason why.02:03
BigDadyLuedathank you02:03
DaskreeCHorigin: The person who wrote Dolphin didnt need it :)02:04
originDaskreeCH: Lol, I guess that's the advantage of Linux in general. If you don't like how the developers made it, you can change it. =D02:05
DaskreeCHFree software in general02:05
originDaskreeCH: That being said, adding a single text file (half of it copy and pasted) is hardly hardcore hacking. =P02:06
DaskreeCHHallmark of a good software project is a community and a easy way to start helping02:06
originDaskreeCH: So why do you hate X so much?02:09
JuJuBeeign0ramus: well, rebooted and now when I go to kmenu-system-settings->multimedia and test the drivers, I am told they do not work.  Do I need to reinstall the alsa drivers?02:10
ign0ramusJuJuBee, shouldn't have to...02:10
ign0ramusJuJuBee, hopefully you get it sorted out, but i gotta run02:11
ign0ramuscheers all.02:11
JuJuBeeaplay -l aplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found...02:11
bbeckDoes anyone have an idea why the fps, as displayed by kwin, would drop by about forty frames a second as long as it's open.  If I close system settings it jumps back up.  It doesn't appear to be updating the screen.02:12
chalcedonyany idea what wireshark is called if you want to reinstall it?02:14
DaskreeCHchalcedony: Wireshark?02:20
DaskreeCH!info wireshark02:20
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 608 kB, installed size 1524 kB02:20
tehboriz"kde failed to start. you do not have reading permissions to /user/home/"02:22
chalcedonyDaskreeCH: my wireshark is still 1.0.2 after reinstall02:27
DaskreeCH!info wireshark intrepid02:28
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 608 kB, installed size 1524 kB02:28
DaskreeCHchalcedony: Maybe you have the wrong repo?02:28
chalcedonyDaskreeCH: i have hardy ubuntu ?02:30
DaskreeCH!info wireshark hardy02:30
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu0.2 (hardy), package size 604 kB, installed size 1504 kB02:31
DaskreeCHchalcedony: do you need something from the newer version?02:31
chalcedonyit is what it is i guess02:31
chalcedonynot till i get it to work and find out :)02:31
chalcedonyty DaskreeCH :)02:32
tehborizguys i can't start up kde this is serious!02:32
DaskreeCHtehboriz: Why not?02:33
tehborizDaskreeCH, scroll a bit up, if you can't find it i'll repaste02:33
DaskreeCHtehboriz: Where are you getting /user/home from ?02:36
tehborizit says that as the error, more accurately it says "/boriz/home""02:36
tehborizno reading permissions02:37
tehborizwhich is weird...02:37
DaskreeCHtehboriz: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that directory doesn't exist02:37
tehborizi had ext2 volume manager installed02:37
tehborizbut it's never messed anything up02:37
tehboriznope, the dir exists...02:37
tehborizoh wait i think i know what i did >.<02:37
tehborizi made some files hidden cause i shared the dir with windows02:38
tehborizit doesn't read hidden files for some reason?02:39
mib_qnpno2fgi'm having issues with unr02:57
mib_qnpno2fgand need some help02:57
DaskreeCHI guess the girls will get a separate greeting?03:19
chalcedonyDaskreeCH: how do i completely remove wireshark?03:21
chalcedonythen i will get it new03:21
chalcedonywithout whatever mistakes i made the first time03:21
DaskreeCHchalcedony: sudo apt-get remove wireshark --purge && sudo apt-get autoremove03:21
chalcedonykewl :)03:21
chalcedonyis there anything i have to know .. a file that isn't part of it that has to be updated?03:22
chalcedonylibpcap ?03:22
chalcedonywz: i get emails with that kind of writing in the subject line..03:23
DaskreeCHchalcedony: Fwd: them :-)03:25
chalcedonyDaskreeCH: to wz ?03:26
chalcedonyor you?03:26
wzopera unite!good!03:26
DaskreeCHI hear it's interesting03:26
chalcedonythis thing does not work03:38
chalcedonyit kills itself when i click capture > interfaces > anything, start.. freeze03:39
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taijirobotwow, so many people here03:51
DaskreeCHtaijirobot: :-)04:00
taijirobotI have a problem about video card driver. My card is ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon X230004:01
taijirobotI can't have the driver installed04:01
taijirobotI wonder who might have the experience about that04:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:07
taijirobotI've read it before, but the version is old04:11
mermshaushi! can anybody tell me the address of this "hey, let's gather everything ubuntu in a livestream" page?04:11
taijirobotare you sure it works for the new version?04:11
SerpardumHello.  I am trying to install Kubuntu clean to a hard drive (been using it in virtualbox hosted in windows).  I'm on the livecd, but it is trying to install it to my first scsi drive.  I installed an ATA drive for the express purpose of installing kubuntu on.  How do I tell the livecd install to use my ATA driver?04:13
mermshausI'm going to try my luck in #ubuntu too04:13
DaskreeCHSerpardum: Do a manual partition ?04:14
SerpardumHow do I do that?  I clicked teh "install" on the desktop folder.04:14
Serpardumdo I need to use the alternative iso?04:15
taijirobotAnd I have another problem, it is that every time I quit from the 'Restricted Drivers' window, I get a error popup telling 'The application Jocky() crashed and caused the signal 11'04:15
SerpardumI got that from kate a lot, but I found out it was probably because I had done sudo kata instead of kbesudo kate04:15
Serpardumthat was directed to taijirobot04:16
Serpardummanual partition.  I guess I"ll google for the console command for that04:16
Serpardumhmm.. specify partitions manaullY/  let em try that04:17
Serpardumokay, now I feel stupid.  didn't see that "specify partions manually" before.  doing the trick04:18
Serpardumwhat size swap would you suggest for 3gb  system memory?  6gb?04:19
vegas513hi, can anybody help me with sharing a folder across my network?04:20
DaskreeCHSerpardum: No when you are doing the intstall there comes a point when you can parition04:22
DaskreeCHJsut don't choose guided setup04:22
DaskreeCHah right :)04:22
DaskreeCHvegas513: If it's with another Linux box scp works :)04:22
Serpardumyes, I am there Daskreech04:23
DaskreeCHSerpardum: how much RAM do you have?04:23
Serpardumplanning on sometimes running vista through virtualbox04:23
Serpardumto play my games04:23
DaskreeCHDoing any video editing or hosting databases from cached RAM ?04:23
DaskreeCHAh ok maybe 2-3 GB then04:23
SerpardumI'll go with 3gb then04:23
Serpardumalthough it may be too large04:24
vegas513DaskreeCH, i'm trying to share a folder to the other windows boxes on my network04:24
halberdwhat's your favorite newsreader?04:24
DaskreeCHvegas513: Ah Samba then04:24
DaskreeCHakregator \o/04:24
mermshausis virtualbox good enough (in regards of graphics) to run newer games?04:24
DaskreeCHSerpardum: Maybe but you can monitor it and dial it back down later if anything04:24
vegas513i know, i looked samba up online and it said all i'd need to do is right click the folder that i want to share and change the properties04:25
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:25
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DrknezzHi, is there any *decent* package manager for kde4? kpackagekit suckz04:35
Serpardumis ex4 > ex3?  What should I make my primary partition?  I have 64 bit AMD installing 64bit kubuntu04:36
SerpardumHmm.. I think I"ll install a partion for home too.04:37
kevin_Can I use Konversation to access a 'normal' internet chat room?04:38
kevin_Helllo all04:38
mermshausDrknezz: Adept is imo the only package manager that gets stuff done. It even solves some dependency issues better than console line apt04:38
Serpardum this is a "normal" internet chat room04:38
Drknezzhmmm...is it qt4 app?04:39
Drknezzmermshaus: ...04:39
Serpardumyou can connect to any server.  you can even change what server it auto connects to04:39
kevin_serpardum, thanks for the info04:39
Serpardumlook in your settings kevin_04:39
kevin_configure Konversation?04:40
kevin_interface, behavior or notifications?04:41
SerpardumHmm.. I see ext4 has issues.  I"ll go with ext3 then I guess04:41
mermshausDrknezz: sorry. :) thats just my experience ;)04:41
DrknezzOk, lol, thanks04:41
Serpardumis 38gb /   20gb /home  good sizes you think?04:42
Serpardumthsi is a 61gb hd04:42
mermshausDrknezz: oh, about the qt4 stuff... ehm... i dont know... i had in installed for like years04:42
Drknezzmermshaus: it is qt4'ed :D04:43
mermshausDrknezz: good to know. :)04:43
Serpardum38gb might be too much.  some people are saying 8.  I think I'll go with 20gb root and 38gb /home04:46
taijirobotSerpardum: I cann't see video card driver in the Restricted Drivers04:49
DrknezzHi anyone wants support?04:50
Serpardumtaijirobot: where did that come from?04:50
SerpardumI mean, no one was talking about video card drivers.04:51
DrknezzAll the fuss is going on #ubuntu meet me there04:51
Serpardumwhat fuss?04:51
taijirobotSerpardum: it's my problem, I was talking about it about 20 mins ago04:51
taijirobotSerpardum: I want to get some help about that:)04:52
Serpardumhmm.. you can't see video card drivers in restricted drivers, and when you end restricted drivers it crashes04:52
SerpardumI really have no idea what a "restricted driver" is so don't think I"ll be much help04:53
taijirobotSerpardum: yes04:53
taijirobotSerpardum: ok, thank you all the same04:53
taijirobotKMenu → System Settings → Advanced → Restricted Drivers, that's what I mean04:54
DaskreeCHtaijirobot: Try just install the driver directly04:55
SerpardumI"m worried about this: The partition tables of the following devices are changed:04:57
SerpardumSCSI5 (0,0,0) (sdc)04:57
SerpardumI'm trying to install to an ATA drive, not my SCSI.  I set the partion info for my ATA drive, why does it call it SCSI5?04:57
taijirobotDaskreeCH: do you mean, try "Install from ati.com" in the wiki ?04:59
DaskreeCHtaijirobot: no just install the driver from the repos05:00
taijirobotDaskreeCH: but the latest is for 8.0405:02
DaskreeCHThe latest?05:02
LaserJockis anybody having problems with choqok from jaunty-backports regarding tweets not going away?05:02
DaskreeCHLaserJock: Will be fixed soon05:03
LaserJockDaskreeCH: what sort of ETA?05:03
DaskreeCHDon't know the 0.6.1 release just came out there is a PPA with it if you like but might be tomorrow before it hits backports05:04
taijirobotDaskreeCH: insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': No such file or directory05:04
Serpardumfreaking linux is calling my ATA drive SCSI5.  wtf.  oh well, at least I know it's correct (used partman to see)05:05
Serpardumheh.  partman needs to be updated to work with kubuntu: ${!TAB}${!ALIGN=RIGHT}#1${!TAB}primary${!TAB}${!ALIGN=RIGHT}309.8 GB05:05
LaserJockDaskreeCH: ok cool, I just wondered if we were talking weeks or shortly05:05
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brkHello World05:44
brkany suggestions  apt-get upgrade and update manager have been run, looking @ http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading offers nothing more for ubuntu desktop  still @ ver 8.04, run  root@brk:/home/brk# do-release-upgrade  //  Checking for a new ubuntu release  //  No new release found05:53
Serpardumif anyone knows grub fairly well, I'm having troubles with grub error 17.06:00
SerpardumI asked in #grub but not many people in there06:01
SerpardumThe basic problem is that linux finds my ATA drive as drive 2 (3rd drive) but I told my bios to boot to it.06:01
Serpardumso from what I read when grub boots it can't find the files on hd0 likes it thinks they should be.06:02
Serpardumnow, I was told to go into livecd and go into grub, do a find /boot/grub/stage1 which returns (hd2,0).  Then I'm told to do in grub root (hd2,0) which I did.  But now it tells me to do setup (hd0) which will overwrite my windows MBR which I don't want.  Should I instead do setup (hd2) there???06:03
Serpardumwell, I"m going to try it anyway :/06:04
Serpardumwell, it said it did it, let me try rebooting06:05
nikitisWhere is the menu to disable composite?06:13
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SerpardumHow come I do apt-cache search virtualbox, it comes up with 7 replies, none of them exactly "virtualbox".  Yet, I did sudo apt-get install virtualbox and it installed.06:28
Serpardumthe cache shows things such as virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-source, imvirt, vboxgtk, etc..06:29
Serpardumbut no "virtualbox"06:29
SerpardumI did do sudo apt-get update06:29
mcrandelloHi I lost the .encryptfs dir does anyone know how to mount my .Private directory06:32
mcrandelloI tried ecryptfs-setup-private but it just goes back to a prompt, I thought it was supposed to be interactive06:34
DaskreeCHSerpardum: They have a dummy package06:35
DaskreeCHmcrandello: try read the manual on the command06:35
mcrandello Manual page ecryptfs-setup-private(1) line ?/? (END)06:35
nikitisHey guys, i'm new to kde, i forgot how to disable 3d desktop effects06:35
mcrandellothat's all it gives when I type man06:35
FeasibilityStudyOk folks, how does one make Kopete render font colors properly?06:37
Serpardumhmm. is that start->application->settings->Qt 4 Settings06:37
Serparduminteface->unclick GUI effects?06:37
Serpardumguessing since mine is unchecked, don't know what it does06:38
nikitisnaw that's not it06:39
nikitisi had it down, but i can't remember for the life of me how to disable it06:39
DaskreeCHmcrandello: ouch06:40
mcrandelloDaskreeCH: I figure this is probably bad06:40
DaskreeCHnikitis: Temporary disable is ctrl+Shift+F1206:40
mcrandelloHonestly any newbies out there do NOT select to encrypt your entire home dir it's not worth it06:40
nikitisDaskreeCH: didn't do anything06:41
mcrandelloworst setup option ever06:41
DaskreeCHnikitis: alt+f3 -> configure window behavious -> Disable Desktop effects06:41
mcrandelloeventually you will wonder why there are all these nuisance messages in your logs and uninstall it and think there's going to be a way to recover your data06:42
nikitisDaskreeCH: it's set to alt+shift+F12 though ;)  thanks06:42
DaskreeCHAh curses Yes alt+shift06:42
mcrandellofact is it's probably turned into random characters on your hdd06:42
nikitisput me on the right track06:42
DaskreeCHmcrandello: Probably should move your data before removing a encryption seed06:43
mcrandellothankfully most of the important stuff is on other partitions06:43
nikitisDaskreeCH: is there a commandline option to disable compositing?06:43
nikitisfor like when i run a video game06:43
mcrandellounrm probably doesn't do what I want it to either I suppose ;_;06:44
DaskreeCHmcrandello: no you need your pw and the encryption seed. Ask in #ubuntu they can offer help as well06:45
FeasibilityStudymcrandello use whole disk encryption06:45
mcrandelloI don't think I'm going to be using any encryption at all in the future06:45
Serpardumencryption was designed so you cant read data without the key.  you lost the key06:46
Serpardumwhat good would encryption be if you could read it now?06:46
mcrandelloI figured the password I logged in with was the key?06:47
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DaskreeCHnikitis: http://identi.ca/notice/505649706:48
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mcrandelloif it's not the key then having the actual key put in your homedir doesn't make too much sense b/c if they have your password...06:48
nikitisDaskreeCH: do I add the quotes?06:49
DaskreeCHSure why not06:50
nikitiswell i need it in a bash script with other commands06:50
mcrandelloSerpardum: so even with my password, the data is now unusable?06:51
nikitisah figured it out06:51
SerpardumI'm not sure of the encryption scheme.  with your password it *might* be possible.  it depends on the encrytion/key scheme they used06:52
nikitisk, let's try this little script out.06:52
DaskreeCHmcrandello: I think you can probably get it back with your password but it's certainly not going to be transparent06:52
DaskreeCHmcrandello: Again Check in #ubuntu06:52
mcrandelloI asked there, someone's looking into it06:53
mcrandelloNot that I'm trying to be aggro mind you, I've already made peace with my loss of files :)06:53
nikitisDaskreeCH: worked flawlessly!06:54
nikitisThanks again06:54
DaskreeCHThank Zarin06:54
nikitisThank You Zarin06:54
mcrandelloand thanks for helping btw06:54
milo_is google chrome already available for linux?06:55
mcrandelloI suppose the encryption scheme as it is makes sense on a true multiuser system, even superuser can't view the files this way06:55
DaskreeCHThat's the idea06:56
mcrandellofor a single user/desktop system though I'm starting to see some flaws in the design as it is ;)06:57
mcrandelloif it's a separate key than the password they may want to base it on either a system-wide seed or something like the epoch time the account was created06:59
mcrandellosomething that would make easier recovery in the event of idiots (me)06:59
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
kevin__milo_: i dont think so..07:10
FeasibilityStudyOk folks, how does one make Kopete render font colors properly?07:10
FeasibilityStudyOk folks, how does one make Kopete render font colors properly?07:10
milo_kevin: ok, but hw is it taking so long?07:10
milo_kevin: why)07:11
kevin__milo_: ask the engineers lol.. im not sure but i just put my email in the box07:14
milo_kevin: hahaha07:15
Mamarokmilo_: there is a chromium nightly build available07:16
milo_Mamarok: i'v never known that...07:17
Mamarokmilo_: well, how could you, it's not in the regular repositories anyway07:18
Mamarokalso Google Chrome is closed source, only the chromium part is open source07:18
Mamarokyou should try Arora instead :)07:18
milo_Mamarok: but how can i have access to it ?07:18
Mamarokmilo_: wati, I tell you the repository, second07:19
Mamarokkeep in mind that chromium is very much alpha software, sonot meant for productive use at all07:19
Mamarokso no07:19
=== mcrandello is now known as mcrandello_
Mamarokmilo_: add this line to your sources.list: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main07:20
milo_Mamarok: cool07:20
Mamarokbut Arora is better, and looks like a KDE app at least :)07:21
milo_Mamarok: so you are not going to tell me the repository?07:23
Mamarokmilo_: see above :)07:23
FeasibilityStudyAnyone here use Kopete?07:27
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masterhi feasibilitystud07:28
SerpardumI don't even know what kopete is.  Is that some drug like payote?07:28
masteri do use kopete07:28
MamarokSerpardum: it's the IM client for KDE07:29
masterit is default IM client that come with kde07:29
SerpardumI hope there is a miranda that works with kubuntu07:29
Serpardumprobably is07:29
FeasibilityStudyWell, how can I change the background of my input text window without having to change the whole theme?07:29
MamarokSerpardum: and what would Miranda be?07:29
masternever heard of miranda used pidgin before07:29
FeasibilityStudymy problem: background text window is black, which I want..But the font is also black, which I do not want07:30
masteri'll chekc on the background thing07:30
mastergo to configure07:30
masterclick on chat window07:30
dwidmannMamarok: http://www.miranda-im.org/07:30
masteru should see a tab saying font and color07:30
milo_mamarok: im back. so...07:31
FeasibilityStudymaster nevermind I got it07:31
MamarokSerpardum: Miranda is Windows only, so you can forget about that, try Kopete07:31
FeasibilityStudyI had to go to plugins07:31
FeasibilityStudytext effect07:31
masterah k...07:32
masterhaven't bothered installing anything just using default07:32
mastermamarok using kopete only07:32
FeasibilityStudymaster yeah the regular configure fonts will not allow the fonts to change colors..There needs to be a reworking of how Kopete handles this..Its too difficult to do something so simple07:32
Mamarokmaster: ?07:33
masterwell kde need a lot of work07:33
mastersorry mamarok tot u were speaking to me07:33
mastermy bad07:34
masterfirst time using irc client07:34
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Mamarokmaster: np :)07:34
FeasibilityStudyOne other nuance about colors..If I use a dark theme in KDE it will make my text in Firefox really light so that I cant read it..Happens even if I choose NOT to apply KDE colors to non-KDE apps07:34
masterdo we have any kubuntu developers on this channel?07:35
masterit would help notifying them on the website07:35
MamarokFeasibilityStudy: you can adapt the color scheme in hte system settings and change to light grey instead of white, reads better07:35
Mamarokmaster: what for?07:35
Mamarokand notifying what?07:35
mastermamarok: just wanted to speak to them07:36
Mamarokmaster: tell me :)07:36
masterMamarok: u a dev?07:36
Mamarokmaster: I am part of the team, not a dev though07:36
Mamarokmaster: but you can still tell me :)07:36
masterMamarok: well i've just started using kubuntu 9.04 was on windows before now07:37
digdeepMamarok: what do you do in a team?07:37
masterstill figuring out nooks and cranies07:37
Mamarokdigdeep: al sort of things, support, bug triage, translation, etc.07:38
Mamarokmaster: go on, what do you want to tell the devs?07:38
masterMamarok: well kubuntu does need work07:39
mastermamarok: but i think it's kde 4.3 that should help07:39
Mamarokmaster: we know that, but Free Software is allways work in progress :)07:39
masterMamarok: thats why i love linux07:39
Mamarokmaster: kde ç.3 beta 2 is available, but not suitable for beginners07:39
mastermamarok: did install it on virtual box and tested it07:40
masterMamarok: it is quite smooth07:40
Mamarokok, so you are not exactly a beginner, it's in the backports-PPA, see the topic :)07:40
Serpardummiranda is an IM that includes all the IMs, or most of them07:40
masterSerpadum: so does kopete07:41
masterMamarok: how to see topic?07:41
Serpardumahh, cool, then let me use it07:41
Mamaroktype /topic07:41
masterMamarok: one thing i can't get mail notifications to work on kopete07:41
Mamarokmaster: don't know if there is a plugin for it07:42
Serpardumhow do I mount my DVD burner?07:42
SerpardumI want to burn some isos07:42
masterSerpadum: u new to kubuntu?07:42
Serpardumabout a month07:42
Mamarokyou can get mail notifications in a widget, put it in the panel, so you see when you got mail07:42
SerpardumI know how to mount hds07:42
SerpardumI don't know what my dvd would be called07:42
masterSerpadum: welcome to the Kubuntu07:42
MamarokSerpardum: normally it's enough to put a media in the drive and start k3b07:43
Serpardumoh, right, forgot I had an explorer07:43
MamarokSerpardum: called Dolphin...07:43
masterit's okay07:43
mastertakes a while07:43
Serpardumoh, cool, I can see my windows drivers07:44
digdeepMamarok: it may be off-topic. I wonder how do you guys manage each other, like Project Manager, team, etc07:44
Serpardumthe problem is when installing linux I overwrote my vista mbr on accident, and can't boot into vista to fix it, no cd cause hp and came with restore, dont' want to restore just for mbr.07:44
SerpardumI think I'm going to have to download a vista CD just to use the fix mbr07:44
Mamarokdigdeep: there is a wiki for it, check here: http://kubuntu.org, link is on top07:45
MamarokSerpardum: don't, what for?07:45
Mamarok!mbr | Serpardum07:45
ubottuSerpardum: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:45
SerpardumI have grub installed07:45
masterMamarok: he wants to dual boot07:45
masternot yet ready for linux07:45
Mamarokwell, read the link above, it tells you how to restore your mbr07:45
SerpardumI want to be able to select vista on boot, I try now and get error07:45
Serpardumit does?  let me check07:46
MamarokSerpardum: just ask on how to do things, that's what this support channel is for :)07:46
masterah yes grub should allow u to access vista07:46
Mamarokit does, have a dual boot here, so I can test KDE on Windows :)07:47
Serpardumyes, but I overwrote my vista MBR on accident07:47
Serpardumand when I try to go into vista from teh grub menu it doesn't boot07:47
masteru can use edit grub to allow you to boot vista07:47
Serpardumthe only thing I can think of is that I need the vista MBR07:47
MamarokSerpardum: read that links I gave you07:47
Mamarokkevin__: don't...07:48
kevin__kde on widnwos??07:48
Serpardummamarok: read 'em07:48
Mamarokthen say what it is first, but don't just post links without explanation07:48
Mamarokalso, he is not talking about that :)07:48
SerpardumOne is "recovering grub after installing vista"07:48
Mamarokkevin__: don't do this again, warning!07:49
Serpardumbut I need to "recover vista after installing grub"07:49
SerpardumI tried running vista in virtualbox, but virtualbox didn't see the drive.  again, missing mbr I think07:49
silviui got the same problem:(07:49
Serpardumas me silvia, or someone else?07:50
masterSerpardum: virtual box creates it own *.vdi drive07:50
silviuyes as u07:50
Serpardumif you have the vista CD you can fix it silviu07:50
silviui never made the recovery dvd07:50
Mamarokhm, I guess you overwrote Vista, you might have to restore it and then restore grub07:50
SerpardumI could of made one?07:50
Serpardummamarok: vista is on my 2nd hd07:50
Serpardumgrub/kubuntu on 1st07:51
MamarokSerpardum: wait, I'll look for the restore instructions then07:51
masteri found a link that may help07:52
SerpardumI found a lot of links that said "run vista CD"07:52
Serpardumsomeone just came up with an idea.  run wine07:52
Serpardumrun an exe in there that will fix teh mbr07:52
masterhow to dual boot linux with vista with linux installed first07:52
masterhttp://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htm here link07:52
Serpardummaster: my vista mbr is gone07:52
Serpardumlet me read that07:53
Serpardumif not I"ll install wine, download an .exe that will fix the vista mbr07:53
MamarokSerpardum: check here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/6901307:53
Serpardumyes, m amarok: I know that.  But tell me, how can I run fdisk wihtout booting to vista or having a cd? :D07:54
MamarokSerpardum: you need to type this in a command line: fdisk /mbr, bout you will need to start your PC with a live cd and go into recovery mode07:54
masterMamarok: u using quassel?07:54
Mamarokmaster: no, irssi, it's a command line IRC client07:54
Mamarokkevin__: you behave!07:54
masterMamarok: fixing mbr will disable linux07:54
Serpardumahh, that's the crux of the matter.  I dont' have a live cd because it's an HP that only has restore partiion.  I think I'm just going to warez vista live cd and use that.  Only option I can think of now07:54
masterMamarok: if not mistaken07:54
Mamarokmaster: yes, and then you can restore grub07:54
kevin__Mamarok: okay mama07:55
MamarokSerpardum: a Kubuntu live CD will do :)07:55
kevin__Can anyone xplain why when i booted into win7 today all my programs were uninstalled except google chrome lmao07:55
Mamarokkevin__: I don't know what you did, sorry07:55
Serpardummamarok: will kubuntu run windows .exes ?07:55
kevin__sometimes i think.. damn you ubuntu.. butn then i get it nice free hug07:55
Serpardumdos exe s?07:55
Mamarokkevin__: and watch your language07:56
masterSerpardum: u need to use wine to run dos exe07:56
MamarokSerpardum: no, you don't have to run a windos .exe file, read what I told you above carefully07:56
kevin__Wine + Spotify = me happy07:56
Serpardumokay, let me just download wine, run the .exe I can download that makes windows mbr07:56
Serpardumfdisk exists on livecd O.o07:57
masteryes serpardum07:57
SerpardumI understand, however, that the fdisk /mbr works fine for xp, but the mbr changed for vista07:57
masteraiya that be true07:57
MamarokSerpardum: did you read the microsoft link I gave you?07:57
Serpardumahh, easyBCD is a linux program, let me just download that07:59
Serpardumor, no, hmnmm.07:59
MamarokSerpardum: do you still want to restore your /mbr, yes or no?07:59
masterSerpardum: listen to mamarok07:59
masterhe sounds experienced in this matter08:00
SerpardumI did read it08:00
SerpardumAnd I have to install vista08:00
MamarokSerpardum: no, please read carefully *sigh*08:00
Serpardumthe thing is, if I wanted to reinstall vista I'd just do that from the restore08:00
Serpardumunless EasyBCD will do it08:00
MamarokSerpardum: I give up, do what you want, but don't ask for support then *sihg*08:01
masterMamarok: be patient he is new08:01
Mamarokmaster: I asked him several times to read what I wrote, he doesn't so, his problem now08:02
Serpardumhmm.. something else is wrong then08:02
SerpardumI've read it, many times08:02
masterMamarok: i remember what it was like switching completely to kubuntu 9.04 with alpha 408:02
SerpardumI have like 20 links open telling me about the same in different ways08:02
MamarokSerpardum: I can give you the exact isntructions, but you need to focus, please08:02
Serpardumbut I see that I already did what it said a long time ago08:02
Serpardumroot (hd2... )08:02
Serpardumhmmm.. that might be wrong08:02
MamarokSerpardum: and if you are only here to think aloud, it will not help...08:02
Serpardumoh shoot08:02
Serpardumlet me fix my grub08:02
Serpardumit's not the mbr08:02
FloodBotK2Serpardum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:02
SerpardumI have the root set to (hd2,0) instead of (hd0,0)08:03
Serpardumbecause the order of hte disks had swapped around08:03
MamarokSerpardum: please, supprt question sonly here, do not post your thinkings, or I will have to remove you!08:03
Serpardumdon't bother08:03
masterSerpardum: aiya08:03
masterthat was funny08:04
masterMamarok: can you teach me how to use quassel?08:04
Mamaroknot really, no, I could have spend my time on more productive things in the mean time....08:04
Mamarokmaster: what do you want to know?08:04
masterMamarok: how to change channels how to use http://paste.ubuntu.com and why is it when u type my name it comes highlighted08:05
Mamarokok, when typing the name of somebody he gets highlighted to ask for attention08:06
Mamarokchanging channels: you can either just join channels with /join #channelname, or add new channels in the settings you join automatically08:06
masterwhen i type ur name Mamarok it does get highlighted?08:07
Mamarokyes, of course, that's what it is for :)08:07
masterMamarok: how to search channels08:07
Mamarokdepends, what channel you are looking for and what IRC network08:07
masteranother thing how do i get the social desktop to work08:08
masteri saw this feature where it automatically connects to all kde or kubuntu users08:08
Mamarokmaster: that is only in its' beginnings, you need an account on opendesktop.org and make friends08:08
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Mamarokyou will not see all kde or kubuntu users by default :)08:09
Mamarokif Aaron demonstrates it, he shows a lot of friends, because he knows all the KDE folk :)08:09
masteri want to contribute to kubuntu and kde as well but don't know where to begin08:10
masteri have ideas but i'm very bad at linux i learnt most of it thanx to using alpha 4 of jaunty08:10
masterit kept breaking all over the place08:10
masterthat was fun08:10
masterthe thing is kubuntu is going windows way making it easier for newbies but i wanna learn more08:11
Mamarokmaster: well, reading a lot is the first thin, check on kubuntu.org in the community and wiki links08:12
Mamarokmaster: and it's not Kubuntu that is running on Windows, but KDE08:12
MamarokKubuntu is a Linux distribution only08:12
masterMamarok: ah true08:12
masterMamarok: my mistake08:12
Mamaroknp :)08:13
masterMamarok: would you know anything about data mining?08:13
Mamarokmaster: read stuff, add #kde to your channels and read the questions/answers there too, it helps a lot08:13
Mamarokmaster: data mining is finding stuff onling, mostly done with searches on Goolge et al.08:14
Mamarokand social network sites, etc08:14
masterMamarok: yes but google doesn't match my requirements08:14
masterMamarok i hate social networks08:14
Mamarokmaster: well, there is more than Google :)08:14
masterMamarok: exactly what i'm looking for but can't find08:15
Mamarokwhat data are you looking for? Maybe you are just not searching correctly08:15
MamarokI can find pretty much everything with tools like that08:16
masterMamarok: i happen to be interested in searching for new tech software and hardware but there is no proper place to find stuff08:16
Mamarokjust needs time something08:16
masterMamarok as in make it come together08:16
Mamarokmaster: we are getting OT here, please join #kubuntu-offtopic for discussion :)08:16
masterMamarok: hwo to join08:16
masterMamarok wait08:17
masterjoin #kubuntu-offtopic08:17
Mamarokforgot the /08:17
Mamarokits /join08:17
masterMamarok yeha i figured08:17
dedewhy kubuntu can't play music on presentation?08:34
masterdede it is not kubuntu08:35
masterdede but the office software your using08:35
Mamarokdede: you need a music player, try Amarok08:36
mastermamarok he said music in presentation08:36
Mamarokhe said on presentation...08:36
dedeok.. i use Ubuntu and it's OK to play music on open office presentation but when i use kubuntu, i can't play any music in open office presentation08:36
Mamarokyou are using 9.04?08:37
sancho21How to share my directory with samba without opening config file?08:37
sancho21In kubuntu 9.0408:37
Mamarokdede: then you probably have a borked sound installation, make sure you have nothing muted in kmix08:38
Mamaroksancho21: not, you need to configure samba of course, check the system settings :)08:38
sancho21Mamarok, which menu?08:40
Mamaroksancho21: you use XP or Vista?08:40
oobesancho21, system-settings networking connectivity sharing08:40
dedeMamarok: it isn't muted at all. in fact, the button of media player in openoffice not working08:40
sancho21this is Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE4.208:40
Mamarokdede: do you have sound in VLC or such on Kubuntu?08:40
dedeyes i have08:41
sancho21oobe, I see only Window Shares tab08:41
Mamaroksancho21: but the shared network partition, is it on XP or Vista08:41
sancho21Mamarok, I just want to share my directory into network so that window users can access it08:41
oobesorry sancho21 i spoke to soon i dont know how to do it the gui way only the stable and reliable way08:42
Mamaroksancho21: you have samba installed, right?08:42
sancho21Yes I do08:42
sancho21This is should be no problem inKDE3.508:42
Mamarokoh, you want to make your directory accessible on the net for everybody?08:42
sancho21Mamarok, yes just like Window users usually do08:43
Mamaroksancho21: hm, configure Samba then, the same way you did in KDE 3.508:44
Mamaroksee system settings -> Sharing08:44
sancho21Mamarok, sorry I think I didn't need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf in KDE 3.508:44
sancho21There must be something missing in KDE4.208:45
Mamaroksancho21: no, you did a GUI isntallation, just go to the sharing section in the system settings :)08:45
masterMamarok what bout dede's problem08:45
Mamarokif your samba is configured that is, else it's in the advanced tab in the system settings -> Samba08:45
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Mamarokmshe left08:46
Mamarokhe left08:46
masteri gotta go to08:46
masternice talking to you and thanx for the help08:46
Mamarokyaw :)08:46
sancho21I did Mamarok, what do you mean by "is configured" ?08:46
sancho21I see no Samba menu there (in adv tab)08:47
Mamaroksancho21: well, you have to configure sanba, then share your directory, then access it from windows08:47
Mamaroksancho21: hm, strange, no button of a globe with a tool on it?08:47
sancho21Mamarok, what's the menu name? Samba? I use search field above, and it gives nothing to "Samba"08:48
Mamaroksancho21: look at the icons in the advanced tab08:48
sancho21Mamarok, I did08:48
Mamaroksamba has a blue globe with a tool on it08:49
sancho21Mamarok, what package? May be I missed some packages?08:49
sancho21sudo apt-get install samba08:50
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:50
Mamarok!info smb08:50
ubottuPackage smb does not exist in jaunty08:50
Mamarok!info samba08:50
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 4421 kB, installed size 12400 kB08:50
Mamarokyes, but normally it should be already installed I think08:51
Mamarokno, option, so indeed one has to install it first08:51
sancho21Mamarok, so?08:53
Mamarokprobalby due to me having KDE 4.3 here then08:53
Mamarokbrb, phone08:54
Mamaroksancho21: you probably need to run systemsettings with kedesudo to see the samba configuration08:59
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mehrab1131hi, I've tried to upgrade my KDE to 4.3 beta using backport repo. but I got some errors during upgrade. and I get that error even when I wanna install any package. this is the error: http://pastebin.com/d444f20ae09:30
mehrab1131any Idea?09:37
Mamarokmehrab1131: you need to force a few packages, there were name changes, sorry09:43
StR|Sangreal!hello world09:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hello world09:43
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:43
Mamarokmehrab1131: does sudo apt-get -f install help?09:44
MamarokStR|Sangreal: if you want to query the bot often, you can do this in a query so it doesn't flood the channel :)09:45
StR|SangrealMamarok: actually i'm not to query it often :)09:46
Mamarokok then :)09:46
ubottuAu revoir!09:46
mehrab1131Mamarok: sudo apt-get -f install just give this: http://pastebin.com/d422872c009:47
Mamarokmehrab1131: try this: sudo apt-get install kdebase09:48
mehrab1131again the same error: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/v6LhnF09:51
Mamarokmehrab1131: do you really need kdebase-workspace-dev?09:51
Mamarokit's not a 4.2.90 package AFAIK09:52
Mamaroktry removing it and install kdebase09:52
mehrab1131Mamarok: as I said I get this error whenever I want to install any package, even when I want to remove any package. and i should say after upgrade I have many problems with my desktop09:52
Mamarokmehrab1131: well, as long as you don't have the 4.2.90 kdebase packages it will not work, but we should be able to sort this out09:54
mehrab1131Mamarok: this is my desktop after upgrade: http://imagebin.ca/view/i34rKrx.html09:55
Mamarokmehrab1131: as I said, your kdebase is not completely installed, that's why, we will get around, don't worry09:55
* Mamarok checks the output again09:55
Mamarokmehrab1131: try that: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-dev_4%3a4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2_i386.deb09:56
mehrab1131Mamarok: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/jmoR4v09:58
Mamarokmehrab1131: sudo dpkg --configure -a09:59
pan1nxdid anyone get the keyboard totally locked in KDE 4.2? you can only use ALT+Fn10:00
pan1nxbut nothing else works?10:00
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Mamarokpan1nx: probalby a X driver problem10:00
Mamarokwhat graphic card do you have?10:00
mehrab1131Mamarok: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/2uH5vP10:00
Mamarokmehrab1131: could you use the paste.ubuntu.com, please?10:01
Mamarokmehrab1131: ok, again, sudo apt-get -f install10:02
Mamarokmehrab1131: btw, I just told the devs, they will fix it :)10:02
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mehrab1131Mamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/198352/10:04
Mamarokmehrab1131: bingo :) it worked!10:05
Mamarokmehrab1131: just try again update and upgrade, to be sure we didn't miss something10:06
pan1nxintel Mamarok10:06
pan1nxbut everything else works10:06
mehrab1131Mamarok: OK, thanks10:06
kingwolfwhere am i?10:06
Mamarokpan1nx: hm, which one? lspci tells you the model10:06
Mamarokkingwolf: read the topic, please10:06
pan1nxis there a way to recover the keyboard? withour restarting X10:06
Mamarokmehrab1131: you are welcome :)10:06
kingwolfi am a chinese,who erter here10:07
pan1nxah, intel pos 82q35 on board controler10:07
Mamarokpan1nx: !cn | kingwolf10:07
Mamaroksry, wrong nick10:07
Mamarok!cn | kingwolf10:08
ubottukingwolf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:08
mehrab1131Mamarok: I thing it's working. now it is upgrading. thank you very much10:08
Mamarokmehrab1131: you are welcome, it also helps to improve the packaging btw, so the developers know what hs to be improved :)10:08
PhilRodhi, I have a .deb file that specifies dependencies - how do I install it? "dpkg -i foo.deb" doesn't try to get the dependencies, while "apt-get" wants a package name, not a file10:09
PhilRodand clicking on the icon in dolphin says "an error occurred"10:09
kingwolfsorry ,i forgot why my account can wait here,is it i have regist an account?10:10
kingwolfone has quit10:10
pan1nxso, any way to restart the Xorg keyboard without restarting X?10:14
Mamarokpan1nx: no, sorry, you will have to kill X10:14
pan1nxso, is it the intel video driver that causes this keyboard?10:15
Mamarokpan1nx: and that is the graphic card above? strange numbering...10:15
Mamarokpan1nx: likely, yes10:15
stephan_hi, ive installaed current beta of kde 4.310:15
MamarokPhilRod: a *.deb package doesn't get dependencies, only packages do that as the dependencies are in the package10:16
stephan_(plasma memory leak ist fix there)10:16
MamarokPhilRod: what do you try to install?10:16
stephan_no system is broken, apt-get install -f   "trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu', which is also in package kdesud"10:16
stephan_happens while dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime_4%3a4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2_amd64.deb (--unpack):10:16
Mamarokstephan_: could you please give me all the output in http://paste.ubuntu.com, please?10:16
PhilRodMamarok: the amazon mp3 downloader. When I run "sudo dpkg -i amazonmp3.deb", I get errors like: "amazonmp3 depends on libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a; however:Package libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a is not installed."10:17
MamarokPhilRod: well, then you need to install that package10:17
stephan_Mamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/198362/10:18
PhilRodMamarok: ok, so the only option is to install all of the dependencies manually?10:18
MamarokPhilRod: no, those are likely in the repositories, check with sudo apt-get install libgtkm10:19
MamarokPhilRod: but those are gnome packages, just FYI10:19
stephan_Mamarok: ups, missed the critical part10:19
Mamarokstephan_: we can override that, just a dependency problem, moment10:20
Mamarokstephan_: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime_4%3a4.2.90-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2_amd64.deb10:21
stephan_Mamarok: thank you very much, installation complete successfully10:23
RiddellPhilRod: gdebi or kpackagekit would sort those for you.   apt-get -f install  from the command line though10:23
Mamarokstephan_: just du an upgrade and update again to make sure you didn't miss something10:23
stephan_Mamarok: done, everything seam OK now10:25
stephan_try to relogin now10:25
Mamarokstephan_: nice :)10:26
PhilRodRiddell, Mamarok: thanks for the help. Have to go now, but will try again this evening with your suggestions10:33
MamarokPhilRod: you are welcome :)10:33
stephan_Mamarok: system works again (after rebooting) llooks very good10:33
Mamarokstephan_: nice :) enjoy it then :)10:34
pipohuhu...jemand da, wer mir hier helfen könnte?!11:19
StR|Sangrealhello, please how can i enable window previews upon main panel in kwin?11:25
ubottuAu revoir!11:27
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COm_BOYi know the working of netstat , but i dont know why this extension is used i.e. netstat -antp12:16
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jussi01COm_BOY: have you had a read of its man page?12:23
COm_BOYhow to read man page12:24
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:24
jussi01COm_BOY: so: man netstat12:24
abdullahi cant join #ubuntu channel12:30
bazhangabdullah, /join #ubuntu-ops12:30
bazhangabdullah, /join12:33
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remoteCTR1hi guys! can anyone pls tell me what the name of kdes networkmanager applet is?13:03
zer0ohi guys, how can i recover some accidentally delete files? i know that by deleting them it just deletes the "link" to the files but does not really remove em, how do i recover em? thanks13:03
remoteCTR1zer0o, either you delete something in the gui then you will find it in the trash or you delete it in the console then it is blanked out; linux REALLY deletes files and does not just remove the inode...13:06
zer0oremoteCTR1: i deleted em with shift + canc13:06
makdaknifezer0o: as far as I understand things, its pretty difficult to recover a file that has been deleted from the filesystem, and really its dependent on the filesystem that you choose to use... nonetheless... you may find this link useful http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html13:07
zer0oremoteCTR1: it seems u can recover em indeed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery13:07
remoteCTR1zer0o, what makdaknife said...13:07
remoteCTR1zer0o, ok my bad then...13:08
Mamarokthat's what a journaling filesystem is here for13:08
zer0oi think its not an ext3 partition but an ntfs13:08
Mamarokzer0o: then do it from Windows, not a good idea to restore it from Linux as ntfs is a proprietary filesystem13:09
makdaknifezer0o: I'm not even sure you want to go down this route... take it as a hard lesson and make a point of keeping backups13:09
remoteCTR1ok guys anyone got an idea how kde's network manager applet is called?13:11
zer0omakdaknife: NTFSprogrs its on ubuntu's offical documentation, so surely i have a chance...13:11
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MamarokremoteCTR1: network-management-widget I think13:12
makdaknifezer0o: hey... I'm not saying its not possible... just offering you the best of luck and warning you that your chances are slim ;-)13:12
zer0omakdaknife: its what we all hope, since i deleted some files that could have saved the world :D13:13
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zer0ocool, i installed ntfsprogs then run ntfsundelete /dev/nameofmyharddrive and it did restore em, all of em :( so now im gonna have to do some cleaning ::D13:15
zer0osomething else, it does not let me use my burner anymore, it's the only "cdrom0" that i have, was working till 2 days ago, now it doesnt anymore, saying i have no permission, didnt change anything, whatz going on? thanks13:16
remoteCTR1Mamarok, i am afraid not...13:22
MamarokremoteCTR1: it's installed by default, so search in the "add widget" browser13:23
MamarokremoteCTR1: plasma-widget-network-manager13:23
remoteCTR1Mamarok, that a hint, will do that as soon as i find it :D13:23
remoteCTR1Mamarok, nice! thanks alot man!13:23
Mamarokyaw :)13:24
* Mamarok is not a man though :)13:24
remoteCTR1so rocking mama?13:24
remoteCTR1double nice!13:24
Mamarokexactly :)13:24
remoteCTR1thanks maam in that case*g*13:24
remoteCTR1juist one more thingie... wheres that add widget browser?13:25
Mamarokright click on your desktop, add widgets13:25
remoteCTR1aw lord13:25
Mamarokyaw :)13:25
remoteCTR1Mamarok, err.. i gotta beblind or something...13:27
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remoteCTR1i cant find it:D13:27
MamarokremoteCTR1: on the empty desktop, right click, use the option "Add widgets"13:28
remoteCTR1basically i dont wanna start it but remove it from autostart...13:28
remoteCTR1Mamarok, ya that i found but i dont see any network widgets in there...?13:28
MamarokremoteCTR1: there is a search bar, type network in it13:28
remoteCTR1got it13:28
MamarokremoteCTR1: you want to remove it from the panel you mean?13:28
remoteCTR1gawd im such a noob13:28
remoteCTR1Mamarok, yeah but permanently13:29
MamarokremoteCTR1: we all were at some point13:29
remoteCTR1Mamarok, yeah i suppose so:)13:29
remoteCTR1Mamarok, point is i am a systems administrator :D13:29
MamarokremoteCTR1: then right click on the widget and remve it13:29
MamarokremoteCTR1: system admins also begin with new stuff sometimes :)13:30
* Mamarok only administrates her PCs13:30
remoteCTR1Mamarok, yeah basically i use gnome ya know on my like 15 workstations here but boss wants kde, so...13:32
MamarokremoteCTR1: never too late it seems :)13:32
remoteCTR1Mamarok, ya more like too early*g*13:32
remoteCTR1ladies on linux gawd is that sexy:)13:33
MamarokremoteCTR1: well, 4.2 works pretty well for most of the stuff, just make sure to use the 4.2.4 version, it has a lot of bugfixes13:33
remoteCTR1youre like one in a gazillion i believe13:33
MamarokremoteCTR1: exactly, and careful in your wording, family friendly channel here ;)13:33
remoteCTR1ya that would maybe help... i am trying to implement a certificate based authentication for wifi and that one works just fine in gnome but i just cant get it done in kde:-/13:34
remoteCTR1Mamarok, err.. was i not?13:34
remoteCTR1for sure didnt mean to offend;)13:35
remoteCTR1Mamarok, i am afraid that wasnt what i was looking for...13:35
Yanick_hi, why is it that, when Amarok or Firefox (Flash) play some sound, no other app can play sound until I close the application?13:35
MamarokremoteCTR1: you didn't :)13:35
remoteCTR1there's this icon in the notification area13:36
MamarokYanick_: that's a Flash problem, unfortunately13:36
Yanick_Mamarok, I see13:36
MamarokremoteCTR1: screenshot to imagebin.ch?13:36
remoteCTR1Mamarok, you know what i mean?13:36
Mamarokimagebin.ca, sry13:36
remoteCTR1du bisch a schwizerin?13:37
remoteCTR1ah ok :D13:37
remoteCTR1Mamarok, will try, just a sec pls13:37
Mamarokksnapshot is the tool btw13:37
remoteCTR1Mamarok, i was just going to ask as i have no print screen button on this lap here..13:38
tdnHow do I force my CPU to use 2.5GHz instead of 800MHz (powersave)?13:39
remoteCTR1Mamarok, gosh, i cant... when i employ ksnapshot the menu goes away in the taskbar...13:40
Mamaroktdn: system settings, advanced tab, power management13:40
remoteCTR1Mamarok, look there is this globe in the notification area13:40
remoteCTR1Mamarok, if you click on that you can choose from your connections13:40
MamarokremoteCTR1: what KDE version do you use? I don't have a globe here13:40
remoteCTR1Mamarok, err... gimme a sec to figure that out13:41
MamarokremoteCTR1: what Kubuntu version?13:41
tdnMamarok, it is already on Performance, but proc/cpuinfo says it runs 800MHz and not 2.5GHz.13:42
remoteCTR1Mamarok, most of this says
Mamaroktdn: then right click on it and change to performance13:42
remoteCTR1Mamarok,  intrepid13:42
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remoteCTR1as graphics drivers dont seem to work with jaunty for this device...13:42
Mamarokok, then it was a globe in Intrepid, can't remember :)13:42
remoteCTR1Mamarok, gosh:D13:42
tdnMamarok, it is already set to performance.13:43
MamarokremoteCTR1: in the system settings, advanced tab, autostart13:43
remoteCTR1so waht have you got to connect to something?13:43
remoteCTR1Mamarok, k, thx13:43
Mamaroktdn: performance is set dynamically, depends on the system need13:43
* remoteCTR1 looking13:43
tdnMamarok, yeah. I want to set it to max power.13:43
Mamaroktdn: performance is max power, but dynamic :)13:44
remoteCTR1Mamarok, that is completely empty...13:44
tdnBut I don't want dynamically scaling. I want 2.5GHz all the time.13:44
Mamaroktdn: then change it in powermanagement13:44
Mamaroktdn: carful, this can easily overheat the machine though13:45
Mamarokcareful even13:46
MamarokremoteCTR1: what exactly do you want to do, could you just tell it again, please?13:46
Mamarokhi rgreening :)13:47
remoteCTR1Mamarok, i am trying to remove that kde notification area applet permanently in order to use gnome's instead13:47
remoteCTR1cos with that one the wifi thing works just fine13:48
remoteCTR1and i have been trying to get this fixed in kde for like 10 hopurs now and now i have enuff of it...:)13:48
MamarokremoteCTR1: then remove the kde network manager package?13:48
remoteCTR1Mamarok, is that a very own package for kde??13:48
remoteCTR1err. just a sec pls13:49
Mamarokit's called network-manager-kde I think13:49
remoteCTR1Mamarok, aw lord...13:49
remoteCTR1it is13:49
remoteCTR1and dpkg says its the systray applet for kde for controlling the networkmanager13:50
remoteCTR1Mamarok, thanks alot once more maam:)13:50
MamarokremoteCTR1: yaw :)13:50
MamarokremoteCTR1: if you like Gnome, use synaptic as packet manager, runs in KDE too :)13:51
remoteCTR1Mamarok, basically doing that exclusively with cli tools:)13:52
remoteCTR1Mamarok, may i ask where you're from?13:52
Mamarokyour western neighbor country :)13:53
remoteCTR1naw i'm not from switzerland i am from austria13:54
remoteCTR1so youre french?13:54
MamarokremoteCTR1: read what I wrote :)13:55
Mamarokwhat is in the West of Austria?13:55
* Mamarok did a /whois earlier13:55
remoteCTR1Mamarok, also war das doch ein freudscher verschreiber vorhin?*g*13:56
MamarokremoteCTR1: it was indeed :)13:56
remoteCTR1Mamarok, hehe13:56
remoteCTR1how nice:)13:56
remoteCTR1planet is a village right?13:56
MamarokremoteCTR1: btw, there is also a german speaking channel, #kubuntu-de, FYI13:56
remoteCTR1Mamarok, i am aware of that, thanks but i guess there are like 20 ppl in there?13:57
remoteCTR1err.. nope its 38*g*13:57
MamarokremoteCTR1: well, there are a few very talented amongst them too :)13:57
remoteCTR1hehe i am sure about that, yet still in my experience the more ppl the more likely you are to get supported13:58
MamarokremoteCTR1: yes, more eyes13:58
remoteCTR1aw lord... now i got stacktraces-.-13:58
BluesKajHey folks13:59
remoteCTR1Mamarok, r u really a mama?13:59
MamarokremoteCTR1: now it's getting OT :) -> #kubuntu-offtopic13:59
adaszhi my laptop has reached the critical temperature of 115°C and shutdown. How can i chence the max temperature?14:11
Serpardum"Dragon player recommends installing packages for extra multimedia functionality."  Great info.  But why can't it tell me *WHAT* packages it recommends?14:17
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Mamarokadasz: you shouldn't14:28
Mamarokunless you set it lower14:29
adaszhm how can i look witch temperatur it have?14:30
Serpardumcpu temperature?14:30
SerpardumI know that there is a "speedfan" for windows, I'm sure there' something good for linux too14:31
Mamarok!lm-sensors | adasz14:31
ubottuadasz: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.14:31
MamarokSerpardum, for Dragonplayer estras, check here:14:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:32
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Serpardumoh, it wants me to download the codecs. I know what those are.   Dragon should of said "codecs"  thanks :D14:34
drifany way to disable 'tapping' on laptop?14:36
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DragnslcrSerpardum- you know what codecs are, but the "average user" most likely doesn't14:47
mattia< ! ! >14:48
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SerpardumHmm.. trying to install flash.  closest I see is the one for ubuntu 8.04.  I donwload the .deb but get error while trying to install.  which one should I use?14:59
HaRDi437for firefox?15:01
Serpardumfor konqueror, but finding out what I downloaded wont work on x86_6415:03
SerpardumI'm starting to hate konqueror thoght, it freeze up for a time a lot15:03
Serpardumrunning firefox now15:04
HaRDi437for firefox use the flash plugin15:05
Serpardumthats what I was trying to do... oh, I'm watching the youtube vido so I think it dled that when I installed firefox15:06
HaRDi437kpacktagkit + flash15:06
MamarokSerpardum: there is a flsh plugin in the repos15:06
Serpardumnow I have to figure out why I cant get any sound15:06
Serpardumlet me try that then also15:06
Mamarokflashplugin-nonfree AFAIK15:06
Serpardumit oculd find flsh or flash15:07
Serpardumlet me look again15:07
HaRDi437you may also install same addons for bettre integration with KDE15:07
ZoraelSerpardum: No sound in Flash but sound everywhere else?15:07
Serpardumzoreal: I'm not sure.15:07
SerpardumI first tried it in a movie in realplayer and no sound there15:08
Serpardumnow no sound in youtube video15:08
ZoraelSerpardum: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=688306315:08
Serpardumis there some sound file I can try to play taht comes with kubuntu to make srue it's not my headphones?15:08
HaRDi437konquerfox for eg15:08
HaRDi437And the kde4 + firefox theme (alpha i think but work well for me )15:08
ZoraelSerpardum: do this in a terminal: "speaker-test -twav -c2"15:10
Zoraelto test speakers, obviously15:10
ZoraelHaRDi437: Got a link to Konquerfox? Never heard of it15:11
MamarokHaRDi437: what would that be?15:12
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Serpardumyeah, tryign that zoreal, nothing but som ebuzzing15:13
Serpardumin the correct ears though *shrug*15:13
Serpardumbut slight buzzing only.  weird15:13
ZoraelSerpardum: if you don't do -twav it'll only be static15:15
Serpardumgot it.15:15
Serpardumit was volumes all scrwed up15:15
Serpardumalsamixer showed the problem15:15
Serpardumthe main volume was all the way up, but it was some ohter volumes that were all the way down *shrug*15:16
Serpardumthanks for the help, the link did it15:17
SerpardumOkay.  Now I have another (same?) issue.  I have headphones plugged in the front, and in the back it goes to my monitor.  In vista if I had the headphones in the monitor speakers wouldn't play.  But now it's playing both, my headphones and the monitor.  Anyway to fix that?  or at least turn off the rear/monitor speakers in software or a program?15:18
ilkinhi guys15:22
ilkinhow to share internet connection in Kubuntu via bluetoth?15:23
naffah                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15:30
naffah                                                                                                                          wach15:30
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SerpardumHow do I open the volume control?  Before it was a speaker on my bottom bar, but once I closed it, it's gone.  Went through all the programs in the applications and settings and see nothing for volume although I can still use the text based alsamixer15:35
robin0800Serpardum, I think its an appelet15:37
Serpardumahh, let me try to find ot15:37
Serpardumwidget you mean?15:37
robin0800Serpardum, Yes15:38
Serpardumhmm.. searching for vo doesn't find anything (as in volume control)15:38
Serpardumvo brings up quicklaunch and picture frame15:38
DragnslcrSerpardum- you might be thinking of kmix. I think it usually has a systray icon15:42
Serpardumit was in there, but somehow it's gone :(15:43
Serpardumyes, it is/was kmix15:43
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omar_hay alguien la puta madre16:28
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Dragnslcr!es | omar_16:33
ubottuomar_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:33
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chrisrc1i've tried to set up a vpn connection with the networkmanager plasmoid in jaunty. however, everytime i enter data in the field and click ok, it disappears and is not stored anywhere. once i open the dialogue again, all the settings are gone. is this a bug?16:45
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jamoi've got a question16:48
Zoraelchrisrc1: Sounds like it, so to the launchpadmobile17:01
chrisrc1Zorael: ?17:02
Zoraelchrisrc1: "i've tried to set up a vpn connection with the networkmanager plasmoid in jaunty. however, everytime i enter data in the field and click ok, it disappears and is not stored anywhere. once i open the dialogue again, all the settings are gone. is this a bug?"17:02
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halberdwhat are the steps kubuntu takes, from the point when you plug in a device (like a keyboard) to the point when it starts working?17:25
tsimpsonthat has nothing to do with KDE as such, but  the kernel17:26
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marcreichelthi there17:35
marcreicheltI have Kubuntu 8.04 installed and want to copy files to an external disk with NTFS on it17:35
marcreicheltit is mounted correctly, but I am not able to copy files with special characters to it17:36
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marcreicheltthe same hard disk is mounted correctly under Ubuntu 9.04 so that files with UTF-8 characters in the file names can be copied to the disk17:37
defryskmarcel, you need to add utf8 to the mount options17:39
defryskmarcreichelt,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab  and have a good look at the examples17:41
marcreicheltdefrysk: I used http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/FUSE/ntfs-3g#Manuell and it works now17:42
marcreicheltbut why isn't the UTF8 option added automatically?17:42
marcreicheltI mean on Ubuntu 8.0417:43
marcreicheltok, it works now :)17:44
marcreicheltthanks, defrysk17:44
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Guest52611hey, any1 knows how to change pc name on kde 4.2? :-)17:49
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max_hallo! Who is from UA?18:26
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max_Тут хтось про щось говорить?18:30
max_чи просто конект і дісконекс?18:31
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:31
ubuntu__he is no russian18:31
max_да был я там. просто18:31
max_:) я понимаю 3 языка18:31
ubuntu__тогда привет18:32
max_сидел страдал, и вот что заметил! припопитке запустить  2 приложения с доступом к звуковому каналу - работает только одна програма.18:33
solifugusCan anyone here speak Volcan, to show him off?18:33
ubuntu__ну это легко исправляется18:33
max_это у все так?18:33
Pici!en| ubuntu__ max_18:33
ubottuubuntu__ max_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:33
ubuntu__тебе на форум forum.ubuntu.ru18:33
ubuntu__в поиск18:33
solifugusIt's not fair.. there's no channel for Ubuntu support in Vulcan!18:34
max_))там много текста мало толка. нету списка каналов, где бы можна было поговорить на тематику ИТ?18:35
* robin0800_ is away: Gone away for now18:45
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prefrontalhow do I get this compiz mouse effect? http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Plugins/Showmouse18:56
prefrontali installed all the compiz pkgs, its not there18:56
steph_I'm Italian... you??18:57
error_how to set public key for kde 4.2 ppa? I can't pdate.18:57
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romullohello... the Amarok 2.1.1 packages are already in the ppa backports?19:02
xavier__what the best kde linux for an ati graphic card ,19:23
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carlos_salut a tous ^^19:47
carlos_il y a des francais ici ??19:48
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:48
carlos_ok je voie ^^19:49
farukhello everyone19:55
farukis there a tool that i can slow down the spin  of the harddrive?19:56
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faruki think there isnt one or?19:57
ubuntuKubuntu KDE 4 pisses all over Gnome.19:59
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error_Hi.I have this massage when updating. how to set public key for kde 4.2 ppa? I can't pdate.     any help??20:06
error_up sorry20:06
error_W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A20:07
ubottuGetting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system20:07
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error_mamarok: Hi,can you help me whit this again please, I'w reinstalled kde?20:15
error_W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A20:15
error_mamarok: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A20:15
dendeHallo zusamm! Kann mir wer sagen wie ich auf Ubuntu herausfinde welche Grafikkarte ich in meinem Laptop habe?20:29
neversfeldedende: sudo lshw oder im kinfocenter20:33
neversfeldeups, this is the english channel sorry20:33
neversfeldedende: jump over to #kubuntu-de if you'd like to talk german20:34
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PhilippePHi all, what's the story behind the 4 blocked updates (linux-header...) ??20:39
super__radPhilippeP what are the 4 packages that are blocked?20:40
PhilippePlinux-header , restricted modules generic and image generic all in
PhilippeP2. are currently installed20:41
super__radwhat are you using to update? (konsole, adept, packagekit)20:42
super__radtry opening a console and running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if it needs to install or remove extra packages. If it needs to install extra then go ahead, if it needs to remove anything and your unsure then ask first20:43
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PhilippePOk it wants to upgrade ... and not delete anything , so it must be a go ! :)20:45
PhilippePgoing for a reboot , back in 3 minutes I hope :)20:50
super__radhaha ok20:50
drurewIm looking for "the" sitebuilder for our opensource system , anyone know ?20:52
PhilippePsuper__rad: it worked , thanks a lot !20:53
super__radno problem, glad it all worked20:53
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super__raddrurew you looking for something like dreamweaver? or just a good text editor for writing html?20:55
drurewsuper_rad, perferably a gui application, im getting tired of html space fixing :)20:56
super__raddrurew, check out quanta21:00
super__radnever used it myself but heard a lot of good things about it21:00
drurewtx super_rad21:00
firephotoanyone else having issues with dbus-daemon using lots of cpu sometimes with 4.3 beta2 ?21:01
* robin0800_ is back.21:02
k4r70ngi have a problem when i installed kubuntu, i come to the startscreen or something and it shows some icons but it seems like it stuck in some kind of loop. any idea what can be wrong?21:10
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super__radbit more information, what do you mean stuck in a loop?21:14
k4r70ngit loads some icons like a harddrive a toolset a globe and then the screen turns black and the loading repeats itself21:15
super__radstarts again from the beginning?21:16
k4r70ngyes the icons reloads21:17
super__radno idea sorry21:17
k4r70ngok will try reinstall it21:17
yao_ziyuanopen a konsole, type: ls /usr/bin21:18
yao_ziyuanmaximize the konsole window, and then minimize it21:19
yao_ziyuanand then restore it. do you experience slowness in restoring the window?21:19
yao_ziyuanbetter first maximize konsole and then type ls /usr/bin21:20
yao_ziyuanif i disable visual effects, it restores almost immediately.21:20
yao_ziyuanso the problem is my video card driver...21:20
dendethanks! GOT IT21:21
yao_ziyuani suspect i'm devoiced since i bashed kubuntu.21:22
kaosreignho un problema21:24
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: bad gfx drivers are fairly well known. nvidia is fairly broken with kde4 afair.21:24
k4r70ngdo i have to use the 64bit version if iam on a amd athlon x2?21:25
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: i use ati/radeon21:25
super__radno you don't have to21:25
k4r70ngok than it cant be that problem21:26
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: me too but I still have to use VESA after upgrading to 9.04. slow as hell but working.21:26
super__radwhich version of ubuntu are you using?21:26
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: and the sound went away. I hate upgrading...21:27
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: vesa? so you can't play opengl games?21:27
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: nope. but I'm not a gamer. i'm a worker... =)21:27
kaosreigni have problem with my wireless card Broadcom21:28
k4r70ngsuper__rad: kubuntu Desktop i386 version21:28
super__radah right, just checking you weren't using the new alpha21:28
kaosreigni have kubuntu Desktop i386 8.421:28
* yao_ziyuan realized OpenGL sounds like open girl21:28
kaosreignanyone can help me???21:29
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: not in my language...21:29
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: what's your lang21:29
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: .se21:29
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: you?21:30
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: .zh21:31
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: .cn21:31
* yao_ziyuan expects westerners here to encircle him and ask if he knows 1989's beijing21:31
k4r70nghmm will download and try if ubuntu works instead and then download the kde pack21:32
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: I'm trying to learn mandarin. Damn hard language... =)21:32
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: oral or oral+written?21:32
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: maybe i should use spoken. oral has other meanings.21:33
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: spoken. I'm doing well enough to fool ppl who don't know the language. They atleast thinks it "sounds" like mandarin.21:34
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: why don't you want to learn written as well?21:35
yao_ziyuan__-osh-__: also, let's go pm21:35
__-osh-__yao_ziyuan: perhaps later. first I'd like to learn to speak it. And I'm offline now. too late for me here.21:36
k4r70ngwhat file to delete if i dont want the dualboot?21:39
k4r70ngive unintalled kubuntu but it still gives me option to use it21:40
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WalzmynI'm making my first use of the new updater - what does "4 blocked updates" mean?22:00
swattoPlease can someone tell me what blocked updates are?22:00
Walzmynswatto: what packages are blocked for you?22:01
Unksithe updates are on hold for some reason, either "apt-get upgrade" is used instead of "apt-get dist-upgrade", or the dependencies can not be resolved22:01
Walzmyni'm running the 2.6.30 kernel, all my blocked updates are for the 2.6.28 kernel22:02
Unksithat probably causes that then22:02
swattoWalzmyn: thats the message im getting, linux-headers, linux-restricted-modules, linux-generic, linux-image-generic22:02
WalzmynI've also got two updates that bug fixes that are for the older kernel22:03
WalzmynI had to build my own kernel to get around a bug22:03
Dragnslcrk4r70ng- if you're comfortable editing text files, it's /boot/grub/menu.lst22:04
Dragnslcrk4r70ng- otherwise there's the kgrubeditor package that provides a GUI program22:06
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WalzmynI'm trying to get previews of videos in dolphin, not having any success22:17
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swattoThe following packages have been kept back:22:31
swatto  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic22:31
swatto0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.22:31
swattocan someone tell me why that is please ^^22:31
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ign0ramusswatto, usually because of dependencies... does "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" solve this?22:33
ign0ramusswatto, here's a good link (with helpful comments, too) http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6922:34
swattoill have a look22:39
swattoign0ramus: its just downloading now,  100+mb22:40
ign0ramusswatto, cool :)22:40
DaskreeCHdarlek2009: hiya22:41
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swattoign0ramus: yep that solved it, thankyou :)22:42
ign0ramusswatto, np :)22:43
max_Hi, I'm having a time problem. Any program that looks to my computer for the time and format uses 24 hour time (but my clock is set to use 12hr time) Why arent these programs seeing the time in 12hr format?22:44
DaskreeCHhi darlek22:47
darlekhi, Daskree, new to irc22:50
burn_my sound works great on desktop [uses alsa] , but sound on firefox is not working [like when watching youtube i dont have sound at all] how to fix this?22:51
HxodMaybe it will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115467822:52
Dragnslcrign0ramus- hm, I never thought of doing dist-upgrade for the blocked updates. It's weird, though, because this is the first time I've had to do that for kernel updates, and those always installed new packages22:53
DaskreeCHdarlek: hi welcome :) if you have any questions please ask :)22:54
ign0ramusDragnslcr, i was running a custom kernel for a while, and i ran into this all the time.  not sure if that was why but 'dist-upgrade' almost always did the trick ;)22:54
burn_Hxod: ot working22:54
darlekI've been installing kubuntu 9.04 on several machines now, and would like to ask where to find help for dell all in one printer drivers22:55
DragnslcrYeah, it's odd, because that link you gave says that any update that requires new dependencies will be blocked, but that's how kernel updates have worked in Ubuntu for a while (new versions of "linux-image-generic" depend on different packages)22:56
ign0ramusDragnslcr, well, it is a debian article, not sure if Canonical alters the behavior of apt-get (I don't think so...)22:56
DragnslcrI wouldn't think so either22:57
ign0ramusDragnslcr, i think in the case of kernel updates, the dependencies are automatically brought in, but in other cases with different apps and such, they may not be automatically found (?)22:58
ign0ramusDragnslcr, i honestly don't know22:58
staph777hello all, has anyone run into kernel panic, drive io errors when using hdd passwords + resume from suspend to ram (s3)22:58
DragnslcrMaybe, but 4 of the blocked updates were for a new kernel22:58
staph777i've been look everywhere but haven't seen too many hits about the topic22:59
billydunWhat are "Blocked Updates"? and how are they unblocked?23:00
mib_a5c3dh0yany messages in the logs?23:00
ign0ramusbillydun, see here: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6923:00
staph777there can't be actually23:01
staph777i have a seagate fde which relies on bios ata command to ask for password..with windows s3 works fine, but linux can't write/read the hard drive after resume23:02
staph777never asks for password, option to bypass password on sleep does not change anything23:02
staph777when the computer wakes, it goes to kernel panic with io read errors since the drive is again encrypted23:03
SerraphynHi, I'm instaling Kubuntu 9.04 x86 version on an Intel P4-2.8Ghz HT system with 2 40G hard drives, 1Gig of Ram and an Nvidia 6200 LE with 512M ram (video card).  My issue that I am continually having with multiple CDs and different version fo Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and even debian is that when i start the live CD install(Kubuntu/Ubuntu) it comes up with the Kubuntu splash screen with the blue bar and the moving blue bar for a few moments, then the screen goe23:03
DaskreeCHdarlek: You are having problems?23:06
darlekjust had a driver question23:06
max_Hi, I'm having a 'locale' problem. It's set to 24hr time, when I trun the 'date' command in the terminal it returns the time in 24hr formatting. How can I change this to display 12 hour formatting?23:06
echonoobcan someone help me with a mouse driver problem23:06
echonoobhave x61 thinkpad23:07
Walzmynechonoob: just ask23:07
echonoobneed to get the middle scroll mouse working23:07
darlekdell all in one 942 aka lexmark p6250 on the last machine I put kubuntu 9.04 on23:07
Walzmynhow can I get my wireless to connect without me having to type in the password everytime?23:07
Walzmynechonoob: hang on, i'll grab that for ya23:08
SerraphynDarlek, lexmark printers after like 42x I think don't work with linux as they require windrivers23:08
echonoobah ok thanks23:08
SerraphynCan anyone help with this? I'm instaling Kubuntu 9.04 x86 version on an Intel P4-2.8Ghz HT system with 2 40G hard drives, 1Gig of Ram and an Nvidia 6200 LE with 512M ram (video card).  My issue that I am continually having with multiple CDs and different version fo Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and even debian is that when i start the live CD install(Kubuntu/Ubuntu) it comes up with the Kubuntu splash screen with the blue bar and the moving blue bar for a few momen23:08
Walzmynechonoob: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_configure_the_TrackPoint23:09
darlekthat is what I have seen. hoped there was a solution.23:09
echonoobthank you23:09
SerraphynDarlek, only solutions currently is avoid lexmark23:09
echonoobi'll try to see if i can follow it23:09
Walzmynechonoob: it's easy, just make a file, copy paste into it23:09
DaskreeCHdarlek: What works on it?23:09
darlekoh well. thanks for helping, Serraphyn23:10
WalzmynDaskreeCH: HP printers work very well23:10
DaskreeCHIt's dell23:10
SerraphynWalzmyn, any idea on my question?23:10
WalzmynDaskreeCH: oops, i miss read, nm23:10
darlekwell, I read that the Samsung ML1000 driver would work, but no go23:10
WalzmynSerraphyn:  you question didn't finish on my screen23:10
DaskreeCHdarlek: It's a dell printer ?23:11
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:11
darlekyes, the 942. manual says equivalent to lexmark p625023:11
DaskreeCHOk :-)23:12
darlekthanks, ubottu, will research those links23:12
echonoobWalzmyn: i can't seem to copy it over from the desktop into the specified folder23:14
Walzmynechonoob: folder?23:14
echonoobthe wiki says to put it into the policy folder23:14
billydunI think a new kernel was installed with the update.  Gonna reboot and check my log in script.  Back later23:14
Walzmynechonoob ok, do this. Hit alt+F2, type kdesudo kate /etc/hal/fdi/policy/mouse-wheel.fdi23:15
ubuntuhello i need help23:15
DaskreeCHSo the short version is the Dell printer has an equivalent lexmark printer for which the normal way to get it working is to find the equivalent HP printer and install the driver for that?23:16
echonoobCould not open location 'file:///home/echo/kdesudo%20kate%20/etc/hal/fdi/policy/mouse-wheel.fdi'23:16
ubuntui had kubuntu on laptop but i wanted to dual boot with xp23:16
DaskreeCHubuntu: Ask23:16
ubuntuhow can i configure GRUB?23:16
* Walzmyn grumbles23:16
ubuntuonly true command?23:16
SerraphynCan anyone help with this? I'm instaling Kubuntu 9.04 x86 version on an Intel P4-2.8Ghz HT system with 2 40G hard drives, 1Gig of Ram and an Nvidia 6200 LE with 512M ram (video card).  My issue that I am continually having with multiple CDs and different version fo Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and even debian is that when i start the live CD install(Kubuntu/Ubuntu) it comes up with the Kubuntu splash screen with the blue bar and the moving blue bar for a few momen23:16
DaskreeCH!grub | ubuntu23:16
ubottuubuntu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:16
darlekhow do I find the equivalent HP printer?23:16
DaskreeCHdarlek: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-P625023:16
DaskreeCHDoesn't seem to have one23:16
Walzmynechonoob: ok, just do a kdesudo kate which will open kate as admin, then you can paste the text in and save it where you need to23:17
Walzmyni hope23:17
DaskreeCHThat's about the lowest rating a printer can get23:17
WalzmynSerraphyn: read you posting, it23:17
echonoobWalzmyn: Error stating file '/home/echo/kdesudo kate': No such file or directory23:17
WalzmynSerraphyn: it's not complete. just state the problem not your entire hardware list23:17
echonoobWalzmyn: it may explain if i say i have ubuntu and not kubuntu? if that helps?23:18
SerraphynMy issue that I am continually having with multiple CDs and different version fo Ubuntu, Kubuntu,and even debian is that when i start the live CD install(Kubuntu/Ubuntu) it comes up with the Kubuntusplash screen with the blue bar and the moving blue bar for a few moments, then the screen goes black andit just hangs.  Has anyone seen this issue or have any ideas where to start? the machine will let windows install so I'm not sure what the problem is.23:18
Walzmynechonoob:  oh yeah, that explains a lot! you probably dont' have kate installed!23:18
DaskreeCHechonoob: I'm guessing that you haven't the command kdesudo in your home directory ?23:18
Walzmynechonoob: what's your text editor called?23:18
echonoobno i just installed ubuntu 9.04 like 30 mins ago23:19
echonoobtext editor23:19
DaskreeCHechonoob: you need gksudo gedit23:19
darlekthanks, daskree, have seen the paperweight rating too23:19
Walzmynthanks DaskreeCH, i know nothing about gnome23:19
Walzmynechonoob: not that we mind the company, but what are you doing in the kubuntu channel?23:19
echonoobsorry i wasn't getting much help from ubuntu, was hoping better luck here23:20
DaskreeCHWalzmyn: I was about to say It's hard getting help in #ubuntu23:20
echonoobit is, not that they aren't helpful.... just there's alot of questions23:21
* Walzmyn thinks that fits with his opinion of gnome :)23:21
DaskreeCHI know 3 folks who switched to Kubuntu just cause they liked #kubuntu more than #ubuntu23:21
echonoobDaskreeCH: so i have gedit open23:21
Walzmynechonoob: how ya like your thinkpad?23:21
echonoobi love it23:21
burn_how to know is my /dev/shm enabled [for 3D games]?23:21
echonoobbest laptop i've ever had23:21
=== aluzza is now known as HiV
Walzmynechonoob: just copy / paste those lines from the wiki, then save it as the file it tells you to23:22
DaskreeCH!hi |hiv23:22
ubottuhiv: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:22
=== HiV is now known as Guest82557
Walzmynechonoob: i've got a T61 and I can't imagine using another brand23:22
echonoobme neighter23:22
darlekthank you all for the help, goodbye23:23
echonoobmy next one will be just an upgrade, with widescreen23:23
DaskreeCHdarlek: sorry about the outcome23:23
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SerraphynHow can I explain this any better?23:23
darleknp, Daskree, thanks23:23
echonoobWalzmyn: Error while moving "mouse-wheel.fdi".23:24
* Serraphyn thinks really small words...23:24
echonoobi can't copy it over23:24
ign0ramusSerraphyn, have you tried the Alternate Install CD? Sounds like a graphics issue.23:24
SerraphynMe boot Kubuntu 9.04, it make pretty spalsh screen. Screen go black soon, computer do nothing. Help please?23:24
Walzmynechonoob: why are you trying to move it? just save it as the file23:24
Serraphynign0ramus, I've installed debian 5.0 command line and it still on reboot locks up with some wierd errors23:25
echonoobi have, but i saved it in my folder23:25
echonooband not the folder i'm suppose to save it in23:25
Walzmynechonoob: if you're saving it to the desktop then trying to move it, you're being blocked because you're not admin23:25
ign0ramusSerraphyn, have you read the errors? sometimes they have helpful info23:25
echonoobbut i wasn't given the option23:25
echonoobthere is a lock icon above the file23:26
DaskreeCHechonoob: sudo move it23:26
echonoobi must apologize again guys, i know very little about linux23:26
DaskreeCHechonoob: thats why we are here :-)23:26
Walzmynechonoob: that was why we opened the editor as root, that causes less headaches than trying to open the file manger23:26
Serraphynign0ramus, I'm starting the resinstall of debain to see if I can find the errors23:27
Walzmynechonoob: so did I 5 years ago ( and some would say last month)23:27
DaskreeCHWalzmyn: I said that 1 hour ago!23:27
echonoobok so lets start from the beginning... i did the gedit thing23:27
DaskreeCHechonoob: Want  gui way to do it?23:27
echonoobpaste it23:27
WalzmynDaskreeCH: about me?  :)23:27
echonoobsaved echo folder23:28
echonoobecho = my user name23:28
DaskreeCHechonoob: Gui ways are more dangerous :)23:28
DaskreeCHWalzmyn: Sure why not?23:28
echonooband can't move it anywhere afterwards23:28
billydIs there a KNR (Kubuntu Netbook Remix) in the works or is there a way to convert UNR?23:28
WalzmynDaskreeCH: just asking, i agree :)23:28
DaskreeCHbillyd: Yes..ish23:28
burn_how to know is my /dev/shm enabled [for 3D games]?23:28
Walzmynechonoob: ok, sudo gedit, then when you save it, change the place it's saved to, don't save it in your /home save it ...23:29
Walzmynechonoob: here: /etc/hal/fdi/policy/23:29
DaskreeCHechonoob: if you want to do it in a console then type sudo mv /path/to/directory /path/to/where/it's/going23:29
DaskreeCHOr that :)23:29
WalzmynDaskreeCH: if he's new here, lets not hit him with CLI yet, we'll do that next week23:29
Hydranthas anyone had luck tethering their 3.0 iphone with kubuntu via USB ?23:30
aluzzasorry guys23:30
DaskreeCHI wasn't following :) I just knew that he wanted to move a file23:30
aluzzado u know some other channel where to talk about anything else?23:30
billydDaskreeCH - I got a ASUS 901 with UNR on a stick and EasyPeasy in ISO stage.  I hate the idea of getting used to Gnome - so much new stuff to learn23:30
aluzzai need to practice my english :)23:30
Walzmynechonoob: good deal23:30
DaskreeCHechonoob: one nice thing about nearly all Linux editors is that when you save a file it makes a backup of the old version so you can go back if somethign went wrong :)23:30
ign0ramus!ot | aluzza23:31
ubottualuzza: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:31
Walzmynechonoob: now, if you'll scroll down there's another one that'll make it work after a suspend /resume23:31
DaskreeCHSo no need to fear saving something where it should be saveed23:31
aluzzaoh, ok23:31
ign0ramusaluzza, have fun :)23:31
echonoobAfter this reboot, or restart the hal service and Xor23:31
echonoobok.... what is the hal service ?23:31
ubottuHal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.23:32
echonooband how would i restart it?23:32
Walzmynechonoob: hardware abstraction layer23:32
aluzzawell, but i need a help about KDE23:32
aluzzaanybody here use KDE?23:32
ign0ramusaluzza, well then this is a good place23:32
aluzzajaunty jakalope23:32
DaskreeCHaluzza: Ask KDE questions here and english questions in #kubuntu-offtopic23:32
ign0ramusaluzza, we all do (mostly, anyway)23:32
Walzmynechonoob: yeah, you'd just need to reboot, but look at fixing that suspend / resume thing before you do23:32
aluzzaI have a problem I can't resolve23:32
burn_how to know is my /dev/shm enabled [for 3D games]?23:33
Walzmynechonoob: same process, different target23:33
aluzzaat the starting of the system, my partitions aren't mounted23:33
echonoobi see ok i will do that now before i restart23:33
real_ateomg! i have undercovered a conspiracy ! what is the story with krecordmydesktop in jaunty? it seems like the binary package was there but is not anymore!23:33
ign0ramusaluzza, ext or ntfs partitions?23:33
aluzzaI need somethig to let them mount automatically at the start23:33
ign0ramus!ntfs-3g | aluzza23:34
ubottualuzza: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:34
WalzmynHow can I get my wireless to connect at startup without having to type in the password everytime?23:34
DaskreeCHreal_ate: Reinstall it?23:34
ign0ramusaluzza, what is the name of the windows partitions? (eg, /dev/sda2)23:34
real_ateDaskreeCH: thats the point... its not in the repos!23:34
aluzzathe problem is that everytime I have to access to the partitions, then they mount themselves automatically23:34
Walzmynaluzza: NTFS reading works pretty well, but writing is not perfect, read up on it before relying on it23:35
DaskreeCH!info recordmydesktop23:35
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB23:35
aluzzasda5 i think23:35
DaskreeCHSeems to be there23:35
ign0ramusaluzza, well, we can set them to mount automatically on startup for read/write23:35
ign0ramusaluzza, you have to be sure.. try "sudo fdisk -l"23:35
aluzzajust a moment23:35
aluzzaok sorry, the two partitions are FAT 3223:36
aluzzaI was sure they were NTFs..23:36
aluzzatheir name are sa23:36
aluzzaoos sorry,23:36
real_ateDaskreeCH: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=krecordmydesktop23:36
aluzzasda1 and sda523:36
real_ateits not there on this one!23:37
echonoobWalzmyn: is there a way to raise sensitivity of the trackpoint?23:37
DaskreeCHoh wait23:37
DaskreeCH!info krecordmydesktop23:37
ubottuPackage krecordmydesktop does not exist in jaunty23:37
DaskreeCHoh yeah it doesn't :-)23:37
olskolircthat program sux anyway23:37
DaskreeCH!info krecordmydesktop hardy23:37
aluzzaign0ramus: have u read?23:37
ubottukrecordmydesktop (source: krecordmydesktop): kde frontend to recordmydesktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1~alpha1+debian-1 (hardy), package size 75 kB, installed size 300 kB23:37
DaskreeCH!info krecordmydesktop intrepid23:38
ign0ramusaluzza, yes. i'm hoping ntfs-3g works with FAT32 (i think it does).23:38
ubottukrecordmydesktop (source: krecordmydesktop): KDE frontend to recordmydesktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1~alpha1+debian-2 (intrepid), package size 69 kB, installed size 288 kB23:38
Serraphynign0ramus, I got a whole bunch of things ont his monitor what would be best for me to tell you? lik the last line is [   8.220697] -- [ end trace 685995c43985d585 ]---23:38
olskolirc!info kdocker23:38
real_atealso... to make matters worse the kwin effect that records the desktop is not installed!23:38
ign0ramusaluzza, do: "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g"23:38
ubottukdocker (source: kdocker): minimize all applications to system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 101 kB, installed size 328 kB23:38
real_atei don't know how to get it23:38
DaskreeCHreal_ate: use that one then23:38
real_ateDaskreeCH: will it be ok?23:38
ign0ramusSerraphyn, hang on23:39
DaskreeCHreal_ate: I couldn't tell you I've never used either23:39
real_ate!info recordmydesktop23:39
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB23:39
echonoobbrb.... will reboot now23:39
ign0ramusaluzza, ok, now we're going to edit your fstab... do "kdesudo kate /etc/fstab"23:39
aluzzaI see it had already installed!23:39
real_ate!info recordmydesktop intrepid23:39
ign0ramusaluzza, that's fine23:39
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB23:39
DaskreeCH!info kdeplasma-addons23:39
ubottukdeplasma-addons (source: kdeplasma-addons): plasmoids for KDE 4 Plasma - main package. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1168 kB, installed size 3628 kB23:39
ign0ramusaluzza, please pastebin your /etc/fstab once you've opened it.23:39
DaskreeCHreal_ate: try that package23:39
CoJaBo-AztecWhat are blocked updates?23:39
aluzza# /etc/fstab: static file system information.23:40
aluzza# Use 'vol_id --uuid' to print the universally unique identifier for a23:40
aluzza# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices23:40
aluzza# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).23:40
FloodBotK2aluzza: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
real_ateDaskreeCH: i was just checking if the backend was the same version23:40
ign0ramusaluzza, like FloodBotK2 said, copy the info into http://paste.ubuntu.com and then give me the url23:41
DragnslcrCoJaBo-Aztec- kernel packages?23:41
DaskreeCHreal_ate: ah good call23:41
CoJaBo-AztecDragnslcr: Yes23:41
ign0ramusDragnslcr, this question again? :)23:42
DragnslcrCoJaBo-Aztec- I had the same issue. No idea why though23:42
Dragnslcrign0ramus- heh, seems so23:42
ign0ramusaluzza, ok good.  now we make a mountpoint to mount the partition23:42
DragnslcrCoJaBo-Aztec- if you open up Konsole and do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it'll get the kernel updates23:42
CoJaBo-AztecI get it every few weeks. Never could figure out what it means or how to fix it from the GUI.23:43
real_ateDaskreeCH: i can see why it wasn't included23:43
echonoobsuccess!!! scrolling works23:43
aluzzaign0ramus, i gotta go now, it's just a bit late23:43
real_ateits not working with the kwin23:43
aluzzawill I find u tomorrow?23:43
ign0ramusaluzza, ok, bad time to ask an involved question23:43
ign0ramusaluzza, maybe :)23:43
DragnslcrCoJaBo-Aztec- I'm not sure how to fix it with KPackageKit either. This was the first time I've gotten it with Ubuntu. Kernel updates never used to have this problem for me23:43
aluzzaI know, I'ms sorry, really23:43
aluzzamy sister is gonna kill me, that's why i have to go :)23:44
ign0ramusaluzza, i am usually on weekdays around the same times.23:44
echonoobthanks Walzmyn23:44
ign0ramusaluzza, don't get killed! :)23:44
aluzzai hope23:44
real_atedoes anyone know why the kwin effect to record your desktop is not installed by default on my machine?23:44
aluzzawell i'll be back and i'll also try to explain as better as i can my problem next time23:44
Walzmynechonoob: hey, no problem23:45
real_atei should really have said... does anyone have an idea23:45
CoJaBo-AztecDragnslcr: I never had anywhere near this much trouble with Adept either, anyone know why the switch to the horribly broken KPackageKit?23:45
echonoobWalzmyn: do you know how to raise the sensitivity?23:45
aluzzabecause i've already made a mountpoint!23:45
DaskreeCHreal_ate: Space on the CD same reason it doesn't ship with 12 wallpapers23:45
Walzmynechonoob: sensitivyity for what?23:45
aluzzawell guys, gotta go23:45
echonoobfor the mouse pt23:45
aluzzanice night!23:45
DaskreeCH!info kdewallpapers23:45
ubottukdewallpapers (source: kdeartwork): wallpapers released with KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 11928 kB, installed size 12372 kB23:45
FloodBotK2aluzza: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
real_ateDaskreeCH: i installed it by doing aptget install kubuntu-desktop23:46
Walzmynechonoob: ah, no, never been a problem, but there's a secion on that wiki page about it.23:46
DaskreeCHreal_ate: Yeah I need to figure out if that does add in more stuff23:46
echonoobok thanks23:46
Walzmynechonoob: /secion /section23:46
real_ate.... and is there any way to install the effect from here?23:46
echonoobi guess the hard part was getting someone to point me in some direction23:46
DaskreeCHreal_ate: in any case check if you have kdeplasma-addons23:46
real_ateDaskreeCH: the strange thing is that all the other effects are there... just not the recorking one23:47
echonoobthanks, laters!23:47
real_ateDaskreeCH: yep... its there23:47
Serraphynign0ramus, I think you where right that its a video issue, cause what looks like is happening is that the onboard video card does not disable in bios, nor does is stop working when you put an AGP card in.  and I think that is causing the issue23:48
ign0ramusSerraphyn, huzzah! :)23:48
ign0ramusSerraphyn, do you have regular integrated to try?23:49
Guest45180Ladies and gentlemen I have managed an install of 9.04, but I default to console login and I have to do startx to get kde up and running.  I have an Nvidia video card.  I have tried activating the drive from within kde but that does not seem to work and kde is working very slowly.  Any suggestions?23:49
=== Guest45180 is now known as compilerwriter
Serraphynign0ramus, I can but its gonna be so slow I think...23:49
DragnslcrCoJaBo-Aztec- well, if you've ever seen the KDE4 version of Adept, you'd know how horrible it is23:50
real_ateDaskreeCH: not really what i'm looking for... anything that is using the recordmydesktop backend is not going to work on kwin23:50
ign0ramusSerraphyn, slow is better than not working :)  And then you'll know for sure!23:50
Hydrantthere are multiple choices for what a device I plugged in can do apparently, according to dmesg: usb 1-8: configuration #1 chosen from 4 choices .... is there a way I can choose one particular config ?23:50
DaskreeCHreal_ate: Jump into #kwin and see what they recommend then23:51
real_ateoh... didn't know it existed ;)23:51
real_ateDaskreeCH: thanks for all your help ;)23:51
Serraphynign0ramus, well it booted23:52
CoJaBo-AztecDragnslcr: Ive used Adept from KDE 3 with KDE4 on Hardy, and it works fine (and I am still using it due to Intel graphics support being broken in Jaunty)... Why does it seem like the software is only getting worse? o_O23:53
compilerwriterHow does one switch to an nvidia driver from console I can't seem to get it to work from within kde in Jaunty23:54
=== alberto is now known as Guest7741
echonoobwhat's a good usenet software for linux?23:54
Serraphyncompilerwriter, have you tried d/l the nividia driver from nividia with an installer that you run from Command Line Interface?23:54
DaskreeCHCoJaBo-Aztec: Lots of transistion points since hardy23:55
echonoobi use to use grabit23:55
DaskreeCH!info knode23:55
ubottuknode (source: kdepim): KDE news reader. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 531 kB, installed size 1868 kB23:55
DaskreeCHechonoob: ^^^23:55
CoJaBo-AztecDaskreeCH: Any idea when it will be stable again? Or ready for desktop use even?23:55
echonoobDaskreeCH: yes!23:56
compilerwriterSerraphyn no I have only thus far tried the hardware program in KDE it suggests version 96, but when I click on activate it doesn't want to activate.23:56
Serraphyncompilerwriter, might be a good iea to just d/l the version from nvidia, its in the legacy driver section23:56
DaskreeCHCoJaBo-Aztec: Different for each person. What are the issues yo are having ?23:57

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