
DGMurdockIIIwhere can i get the code so i can use launchpad as the bug tracking software for the program im working on inkscape use it so there must be a way00:05
lifelessDGMurdockIII: what do you mean?00:10
DGMurdockIIIhold on let me get a example00:11
DGMurdockIII(lifeless): how could i use launchpad like i could trac trac install it on my web site00:23
kklimondaDGMurdockIII: inkscape is developed on launchpad i.e. they host their code, bugtracker etc. there00:27
kklimondaok, not code00:28
nhandlerIs there anything I can do to open a bug like bug #1? I keep getting Time Out errors00:44
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ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)00:44
nhandlerSee, even ubottu times out ;)00:46
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mwhudsonhm, that shouldn't be happening :)00:54
mwhudsonthough in the case of bug 1, the timeout page is arguably more interesting :)00:54
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)00:54
mwhudsonthat seemed way too quick for a timeout00:54
kklimondaat least it's a bug you can fix in this decade ;)00:55
mthaddonworks for me on edge - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/100:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)00:56
mwhudsonubottu: :)00:57
nhandlermthaddon: That edge link worked for me. However, I get the timeout if I try to go to the non-edge URL (even though it will normally redirect me to the edge version)00:57
mthaddonI wonder if today's cherry pick b0rked things00:58
mthaddonnhandler: are you getting an OOPS id?00:58
nhandlermthaddon: Yeah, one second00:59
* mthaddon tries himself00:59
mthaddonand of course, it works for me on non-edge too :(00:59
nhandlermthaddon:   (Error ID: OOPS-1264ED612)01:00
nhandlerAnd the URL shown in the address bar is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/101:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)01:00
nhandlerSo it is redirecting me01:00
mthaddonshould show up our OOPS reports - will have the QA folks look at it01:01
* mwhudson finds slow queries about archive permissions in the log, boggles01:01
mthaddondoes seem a little... odd01:02
mwhudsonnhandler: do you have special permissions wrt archive management of any distros on launchpad?01:02
mthaddonmwhudson: and that's being repeated 5 times?01:02
nhandlermwhudson: Archive Management, no01:03
mwhudsonwell i don't konw01:03
* mwhudson goes back to his own problems...01:03
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mthaddonnhandler: if you're on the launchpad-users list an email to that might be a good idea - if not I can send to the devel list, but then you wouldn't know the outcome of the discussion01:08
nhandlermthaddon: I can send to launchpad-users, but do you think that it will accomplish anything? Would a question on answers.launchpad.net be more effective?01:09
mthaddonnhandler: either one - perhaps the question might be better, yeah01:09
BUGabundoguud evening!01:27
BUGabundoquick question01:28
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BUGabundorunning on edge: I opened a bug, subed to it with the ajax applet, then commented on it, and was still offered to sub to the bug01:28
BUGabundoknown bug (not updating the all page) ?01:28
BUGabundoabentley: ping ^^^^^^^01:29
abentleyBUGabundo: Sorry, I forgot to take my nick off the topic when I went off duty.01:39
abentleyBUGabundo: Offhand, I don't know if it was a known bug.01:39
abentleyBUGabundo: But now that you'01:39
abentleyve reported it, it must be :-)01:40
BUGabundoI haven't , yet01:40
BUGabundoI guess it would be a very hard bug to fix01:40
BUGabundosince that part of the site is static01:40
BUGabundoI'll file it01:40
BUGabundois it malone, right?01:40
abentleyBUGabundo: yes.01:40
BUGabundoand abentley don't forget to remove your self01:41
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
BUGabundoI keep messing up all the  parts of LP, where to file bugs01:41
BUGabundooff to bed01:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388747 in malone "offer to subscribe after being subbed" [Undecided,New]01:43
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robert_ancellCan I make a launchpad new bug link that has some fields already filled out? e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+filebug?summary=test03:44
kklimondahmm.. yes..03:49
kklimondawhen apport sends crash report it fills summary field03:49
wgrantkklimonda: That's done by sending it in the blob, though. Which is awkward.03:56
wgrantThat works.03:57
robert_ancellwgrant: thanks03:59
robert_ancellwgrant: can I set tags on that too?03:59
wgrantrobert_ancell: Add &field.tags=blah04:01
garyvdmHi - You use to be able to set a status whitebord for a branch. I can't find it now. Has it been removed?05:03
wgrantgaryvdm: It was reincarnated as a description field yesterday.05:11
wgrantgaryvdm: But it's only on edge.launchpad.net05:12
garyvdmwgrant: Cool - Let me go set it there.05:12
nhandlerwgrant: Just to be clear, the description for branches is visible to everyone, correct?05:21
wgrantnhandler: Yes.05:22
wgrantnhandler: Well, to all those with access to the branch.05:23
nhandlerwgrant: What type of access to the branch? Read access or commit access?05:23
wgrantnhandler: Read.05:23
nhandlerwgrant: Ok, so that would only really affect private branches05:24
wgrantnhandler: Right.05:24
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MTecknologyIf any rubber ducky wants a quick and easy question to blow out of the queue, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/7459106:23
spmgawd I love it when folks give me lins to the projects/teams that want dealt with06:25
spmMTecknology: done06:25
MTecknologythanks :)06:26
MTecknologyspm: any chance you could get rid of the milestones too?06:26
MTecknologyI was just about to tack that on there :P06:26
spmMTecknology: the project owner should be able to do that now?06:27
MTecknologyI'm trying to figured out where to delete the releases after the new layout :P06:27
wgrantMTecknology: Trashcan next to the title on the release/milestone page.06:27
MTecknologyhurray, we can finally do that ourselvse :D06:28
MTecknologyhaven't needed to for a while06:28
spm*you're* happy!?!?!?! ;-)06:29
MTecknologyand everyone else in the lp world06:29
wgrantNo edge update today?06:36
wgrantspm: Why not?06:38
spmissues with one of the precursors to open saucing. an edge release at this point would have busted wide apart. so we disabled today to hopefully have that bit fixed by tomorrow.06:40
wgrantThe production config removal?06:41
spmwgrant: you scare me sometimes.... :-P06:41
MTecknologyspm: how accurate are the download counters??06:48
spmMTecknology: wrong question. :-) They are very precise. Accuracy is a *whole* nuther ball game.06:49
spmjokes aside, for your purposes? they're accurate.06:50
MTecknology13 days  since last download seems to pop up a lot06:50
MTecknologythat's unlikely that anyone downloaded a version that old though06:50
spmyou'd be surprised06:50
wgrantOne could blame spiders.06:51
wgrantOr stupid users.06:51
spmsame same :-)06:51
MTecknologywell, I'm trashing them anyway :P06:52
MTecknologyon https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-releases/+milestone/6.3.2, theres "" at the end of the title..06:52
MTecknologyIs that my fault?06:52
wgrantMTecknology: That was a bug a couple of weeks ago.06:53
wgrantThe codename in the AJAX milestone creation dialog put in an empty string.06:53
wgrantTry editing and saving the milestone without changing it.06:53
wgrantMaybe the bug was also in the normal form, as that milestone is oldish..06:54
MTecknologyall better :)06:54
MTecknologywell, my annoying rubbery ducks is done for the night :)06:55
MTecknologyhow've you guys been?06:55
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robinHey,Bug 382795 is fixed?09:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382795 in launchpad-code "mirror-branch using too much memory" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38279509:19
DeSianwe need Approve11:24
jmlleonardr, hello11:38
leonardrjml, hi11:38
jmlleonardr, I wrote a thing: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpadlib/cred-cache/+merge/760811:39
leonardrjml: thanks, let me see what i can do with it11:39
jmlleonardr, thanks.11:39
jmlleonardr, sorry for the crappy cover letter -- please feel free to ask me questions to make up for the lack of info11:40
leonardrjml: it looks pretty good but i need to put it on the back burner for a bit. due to pending build process improvements i can't do any launchpadlib work for a while, probably until sometime next week11:51
leonardrcan i get back to you?11:51
jmlleonardr, yep, that's fine.11:52
jmlleonardr, it's definitely not urgent and would much rather a better build process :)11:52
clemHi, I'd like to get a translation template renamed, can I ask here or shall I go to the Launchpad questions?12:01
leonardrjml: remind me if it seems i forgot about it12:11
jmlleonardr, will do :)12:11
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henningeclem: yes, please file a questions about that so we know you are the owner.12:30
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clemhenninge: ok, thanks12:36
wolfredhi, adding bugs does not work13:14
wolfredhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug      I enter data and press Continue and nothing happens at all13:15
wolfredanyone want to look into that?13:16
salgadointellectronica, didn't you look at a problem on the +filebug page a couple days ago?  maybe it's the same problem that wolfred is experiencing?13:18
wolfredif I do not enter any field, then I get the error message that I must enter data13:18
wolfredif I enter any data then NOTHING happens, not even a data form is submited - nor AJAX request, just nothing13:19
wolfredperhaps JS to verify code on client side is messed up13:19
wolfredfirefox on linux13:19
intellectronicawolfred: are you using edge or the normal servers?13:21
intellectronicawolfred: also, what project are you trying to report a bug on? did you try the project's +filebug page?13:22
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intellectronicawolfred: finally, it seems to work for me. can you please give more detailed instructions on how to reproduce what you're experiencing?13:23
wolfred1. open https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug13:43
wolfred2.  set field package to:   pidgin13:43
wolfred3. set field Summary to:  test13:43
wolfred4. press Continue submit button13:43
wolfredand nOTHING happens (no HTTP request, no AJAX request, nothing)13:43
intellectronicawolfred: works fine for me on both edge and production13:46
intellectronicawolfred: can you complete this by using the pidgin package filebug page?13:47
intellectronicawolfred: also, as an aside, you shouldn't file bugs on ubuntu packages like this, and in fact we're going to disable this shortly. use the menu in the program itself13:48
wolfredwhy so??13:50
wolfredthis is so retarded13:50
* wolfred swings his clue bat13:50
wolfredhow to use the menu if in program itself, when the errors is that the program doesn't start at all13:51
intellectronicawolfred: please refrain from using this type of language here13:51
intellectronicathe reason is that the ubuntu qa team feel that bugs without the extra debug information are not very useful, and hard to work with13:52
intellectronicaif you can't use the program itself to file the bug, you can still use the ubuntu-bug program13:52
wolfredyeah, and when the bug is that the program does not start?13:52
wolfredlast time I checked this program it failed13:52
intellectronicawolfred: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for the full story13:53
intellectronicawolfred: anyway, i'd like to find out why this isn't working for you. i can't reproduce the problem with filing bugs you are reporting13:53
wolfredok I tried that, and the bug reporting page executed via ubuntu-bug  does not work in the exact same way - I enter Continue and nothing happens13:54
wolfredit says also "Extra debug information will be added to the bug report automatically."13:54
wolfredif I leave the Summary field empty, then the HTTP request happens, and I get the error message as expected13:55
intellectronicawolfred: that is very strange. i really can't reproduce it. could you please try using a different browser, to make sure that this isn't some kind of problem with your installation?13:55
intellectronicaoh, interesting13:56
wolfredalso, the logout button is not working13:56
wolfredclicking logout took me to URL https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+filebug/+logout13:56
wolfredIf this is blocking your work, let us know by sending an message to feedback@launchpad.net. Include the error ID  OOPS-1265G879  in your message.13:56
intellectronicawolfred: this oops will be available in a few minutes, so i'll have a look13:56
intellectronicathis is all very strange and surprising13:57
wolfredcool, opening the link above to devpad.cannoical crashed my firefox13:57
wolfredperhaps my hardware is broken, what the...13:57
intellectronicawolfred: can you try with a different browser, to see if you get the same problems?13:57
wolfredbtw I have 100% filled home dir. perhaps this is causing all this crazy things13:58
intellectronicawolfred: that's quite possible13:58
* wolfred delets some pr0n13:59
intellectronicawolfred: so, please try to stabilise your system, and also try using a different browser, and if the problems persist, let me know. i'll also check the oops as soon as it's available, maybe that will give us a clue13:59
wolfredoh cool my firefox profiles got nuked.  Im so happy I backuped yesterday14:01
wolfredprobably because of hard drive.  I will check again later then after cleaning uo14:01
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tseliothi, does anybody know how I can set my email address as the contact address of a team?15:20
tseliotlaunchpad complains that my email address is already registered in Launchpad and is associated with me15:21
tseliotcprov: ^^15:21
cprovtseliot: Uhm, I think you can't set one of your email addresses as a team contact address15:25
cprovtseliot: it has to be an address that is not registered in LP (i.e not owned by any existing user)15:25
tseliotcprov: ok, so there's no option to contact only the owner of the team, right?15:26
cprovtseliot: no, unless you set a new address that  goes to your inbox, but is not registered in LP15:27
tseliotcprov: ok, I would like not to spam the members of ubuntu-core-dev. This is why I asked15:29
cprovtseliot: let me check for a relevant bug in this area15:29
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stasHi guys, can somebody help me with this question?16:22
danilosbigjools, cprov: ^16:32
bigjoolsgot it16:33
* bigjools answers it16:33
geserif a package is copied from jaunty to karmic (both main archive) should it get a new build record for karmic?16:40
bigjoolsgeser: no17:01
geserbigjools: so there is no way to rebuild a package it karmic which failed to build in jaunty except an upload to karmic?17:06
bigjoolsgeser: I'm pretty sure that's the case, yes.  Is it likely to build in karmic anyway, if it failed in jaunty?17:07
bigjoolswhich package is it?17:07
geserin that specific case not, but I wanted to know once I resolved it17:07
geserbigjools: this has the slight disadvantage that it doesn't appear on the FTBFS list for karmic as it doesn't have a build record for karmic17:13
bigjoolshmmm right17:15
bigjoolscprov, do you have any suggestions?17:16
bigjoolsgeser: what you could do is also check for no build records and flag those separately17:17
geserwill probably do it: I guess I need to scan all source packages, but as it only needs to be done once at the beginning of each new distro it should be a problem if it takes some time17:19
tdn (Error ID: OOPS-1265H1260)17:46
tdnI get Timeout Error every  time I try to report a specific bug.17:46
tdnI write this in summary: WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/net/core/dev.c:1536 skb_gso_segment+0x143/0x1f0()17:50
tdnI have tried *many* times now.17:50
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mthaddontdn: maybe report it with a different title and then change the title later?18:58
tdnmthaddon, but isnt this a bug in launchpad, if this title triggers a timeout?19:12
mthaddontdn: it is, and the OOPSes will be seen by QA people19:13
mthaddonUrsinha: ^19:13
Ursinhalet's read all backlog19:14
tdnmthaddon, ok.19:15
Ursinhatdn, so, you enter the filebug page, and it loads, right?19:19
Ursinhatdn, "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/net/core/dev.c:1536 skb_gso_segment+0x143/0x1f0()" is the title of the bug?19:19
tdnUrsinha, yes.19:20
tdnUrsinha, yes.19:20
Ursinhait's timing out consistently for me, I'll investigate that tdn19:24
Ursinhathanks for letting us know19:24
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AlexC_g'morning Earthlets20:37
AlexC_a while back I uploaded some translations for my project, since then - some langauge strings have been deleted/edited/added, and I am wondering how to merge the new .pot files we have, with the ones on Launchpad20:37
eagle00789in my app i'm using language files wich are built like this:21:04
eagle0078900000002=Toolbar Uninstaller21:04
eagle0078900000004=© 2007 Decomputeur.nl21:04
eagle0078900000005=Bedankt aan:\nTwistedMetal voor de icoontjes en veel van de toolbars in21:04
eagle00789how can i use launchpad translation for that??21:04
AlexC_eagle00789: you can't, you need to use Gettext21:07
eagle00789i now that.that's why i21:15
eagle00789that's why i'm asking21:16
AlexC_and hence my reply of "you can't"21:16
AlexC_unless you were to convert that into pot format, translate - convert back to your own format. Which will still ended up using Gettext, at least - it's formats21:17
eagle00789i'll refraise my question. what changes do i need to make to this layout to get it working with launchpad's translation part21:17
eagle00789when i search for pot with gnugettext on google i always get stuff related to powerpoint as pot is powerpoint template file21:18
AlexC_eagle00789: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettext has example pot format21:18
AlexC_as does Launchpad really - just click the link to download the .pot/po/mo files21:18
eagle00789this would invlovle so much work to get it translated and back to my own format, that it isn't really worth doing...21:20
eagle00789maybe not: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/ini2po21:22
kolbyI forgot my gpg passphrase.  How can I retrieve it?21:44
jpdskolby: You can't.21:45
kolbyjpds: should I just make a neew key?21:45
jpdsYep, that's the way to do it.21:45
kolbyjpds: thank you.21:45
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bdmurrayIs the +participation page for people not having images intentional / deliberate?22:42
beunobdmurray, link?22:47
beunoI've done a massive change to Launchpad22:47
beunoand some icons are broken22:47
beunofixing them as I find them22:47
bdmurrayon not edge the icons show up22:48
beunobdmurray, could you file a bug and assign it to me?22:48
beunoI'll fix it today22:48
bdmurraybeuno: also bug attachment names overlap the green download icon22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389116 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/net/core/dev.c:1536 skb_gso_segment+0x143/0x1f0()" [Undecided,New]22:49
bdmurraybeuno: sure! thanks22:49
beunobdmurray, so 2 bugs  :)22:49
bdmurraybeuno: alright then! ;)22:49
beunobdmurray, thanks22:50
beuno(fixing the one where packages on bugtasks don't show icons right now)22:50
* wgrant is slightly concerned about the removal of the magic date.23:10
beunowgrant, magic date?23:10
wgrantbeuno: July 21st23:10
beunowgrant, removal?23:10
wgrantbeuno: The wiki was altered to be more vague about it.23:10
beunowgrant, no idea why, but, don't worry, it will be opened by or before that23:11
wgrantbeuno: OK.23:11
eagle00789how long does it usually take for a new translation template to be approved23:13
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beunoeagle00789, 48-72hs usually23:43
eagle00789ok. thx23:43
wgrantbeuno: Do you know about the spec subscriber icon breakage? I haven't seen a bug about that one.23:45
beunowgrant, linkify me!23:46
wgrantThere's a strange display: block on the link text.23:46
wgrantThat's not strange, it's just that the img is usually in the a.23:47
beunowgrant, ah. No, can you file a bug and assign it to me, etc?23:48
wgrantbeuno: Sure.23:49
beunothanks wgrant23:49
wgrantBug #38924723:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389247 in blueprint "Blueprint subscriber icons broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38924723:51
wgrantbeuno: ^^23:51
beunowgrant, thanks!23:52
eagle00789you guys know that the first two bug links link to mozilla?? they do not link to launchpad23:52
wgranteagle00789: What do you mean?23:53
eagle00789look at the links above. there are 3 of them.23:53
eagle00789[00:51]<wgrant>Bug #38924723:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389247 in blueprint "Blueprint subscriber icons broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38924723:53
eagle00789[00:51]<ubottu>Launchpad bug 389247 in blueprint "Blueprint subscriber icons broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38924723:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389247 in blueprint "Blueprint subscriber icons broken" [Undecided,New]23:53
eagle00789bug 389247 links to mozilla23:54
wgranteagle00789: That's your IRC client being stupid.23:54
wgrantThey are not links.23:54
eagle00789ok. thx23:54
eagle00789sorry for mentioning then23:54

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