
sorenYeah, wow, that's four years ago.00:00
sorenTime flies.00:01
* soren gets all misty eyed thinking about Breezy.00:01
ajmitchand that was a modern release00:01
debfxbryce: what do you think about including virtualbox in xserver-xorg-*-all packages (bug #348497)?00:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348497 in xorg "Pulling Xorg virtualbox support by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34849700:01
sorenajmitch: Weren't they all? :)00:01
ajmitchsoren: back in the day, when we were young :)00:02
cjwatsonbillybigrigger: were you looking for me? there's more than one developer named Colin in Ubuntu00:12
brycedebfx: will reply on the bug00:14
debfxok, thanks00:18
ebroderAny main uploaders around who could look at bug #362691?00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362691 in xen-3.3 "XEN depends on Python 2.5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36269100:19
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shtylmanis inkscape crashing for anyone else?00:52
johanbrshtylman: yep01:05
johanbrmy libraries aren't completely updated, though, so that might be the cause01:05
shtylmanjohanbr: I just got the latest pre-release inkscape from their ppa and it works :)01:06
johanbrwell, considering that one of their main developers works too Canonical, I'm pretty sure it'll be fixed soon :)01:06
johanbr*works for01:07
shtylmanindeed :)01:07
shtylmannew inkscape is nice...glad to see they fixed the export to relative location stuff01:09
johanbrI had trouble with gradients when exporting to SVG... do you know if that's been fixed?01:12
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micahgis this the channel to talk about papercuts?01:55
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | karmic alpha-2 released | armel buildds on manual for binutils fix-up | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
ScottKmicahg: #ayatana02:17
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micahgthanks ScottK02:30
LucidFoxRiddell, why is arora being promoted to main? Is it going to be the new default browser in Kubuntu?02:36
ScottKLucidFox: It's likely.03:29
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lifelessanyone else having their laptop randomly power off under karmic?04:30
lifelessnothing in messages/syslog/etc indicating why04:30
Hobbseelifeless: power off, or graphics die and machine doesn't recove?04:33
lifelessHobbsee: power off04:33
lifelessoccassional black screen for 1 second with no side effects04:34
Hobbseei get the latter, but i've not seen the former04:34
lifelessI've seen the former twice now04:34
Hobbseeit wouldn't suprise me04:34
AnAntLP 38851504:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388515 in mutt "Candidate revision mutt_1.5.20-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38851504:42
lifelesswhere would be appropriate for a bug on this04:50
=== lamont changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | karmic alpha-2 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
lamontI just wish I knew who decided that armel needed to be off MANUAL before it was ready to be off MANUAL05:29
* lamont -> bed05:30
dholbachgood morning06:32
pittiGood morning06:44
dholbachhiya pitti06:44
superm1hi pitti07:03
micahgare there any plans to allow an underscore in username?07:15
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StevenKpitti: Can haz MIR? :-)07:33
pittilool, asac, infinity: ^ got some time for MIR?07:34
pittiStevenK: I didn't actually get a UNRish request, though07:34
StevenKpitti: I was talking about celt :-)07:34
micahg\are there any plans to allow an underscore in username?07:35
pittiuid=1003(test_user) gid=1003(test_user) Gruppen=1003(test_user)07:36
pittimicahg: that should have worked forever already?07:36
micahgin the installer07:36
micahghad a friend install xubunut today07:36
pittimicahg: can you please file a bug report for this?07:36
micahgand couldn't use his username with an underscore07:36
micahgwanted to know if it was a known issue or not07:36
slangasekpitti: except for the part where debian regressed and I had to re-fix it07:36
micahgwhat package is the installer?07:36
slangasekpitti: bug #34169807:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341698 in adduser "adduser not allowing underscore "_" in a username" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34169807:37
micahgpitti: can you tell me which package the Ubuntu Installer is in so I can file the bug?07:41
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pittimicahg: ubiquity07:41
micahgwhat's the official purpose of this channel?07:42
lifelessmicahg: /topic07:43
micahgso generic Ubuntu devel07:43
micahgso this was the right channel to ask my question07:44
micahgthanks for your help07:44
slangasekmicahg: which release of Ubuntu were you using for the installation?07:45
micahgXubuntu jaunty07:45
slangasekthen I guess there's a separate bug in ubiquity, indeed07:45
micahgI found an open bug in one of the gnome tools package07:45
micahgbut that seemed gnome specific07:46
slangasekpitti: btw, I did get the explanation from mjg59 about what the last bit of hotkey-setup was for; I'll get that documented and into one of the specs before killing hotkey-setup from the archive08:02
pittislangasek: so it's confirmed obsolete now?08:03
slangasekalso, update-manager seems unwilling to remove hotkey-setup from my system, here - have you seen that?08:03
slangasekpitti: the DOS stuff isn't obsolete, but it should certainly be moved somewhere else, such as the kernel08:03
pittislangasek: haven't heard about it, no?08:09
pittislangasek: perhaps udev-extras should also Replaces: hotkey-setup then?08:09
mattn_i'm trying to set up an modified live-cd at our company08:09
mattn_it works already great08:09
pittislangasek: btw, udev-extras was merged into udev yesterday, so we need to move the Conflicts anyway08:09
mattn_but now i'm trying to add a casper script to modify some gconf settings and desktop stuff08:09
MacSlowGreetings everybody!08:10
mattn_adding a new script to /usr/share/initramfs-tools to the casper-bottom folder doesn't help08:10
mattn_seems the new script is not executed at all08:10
mattn_is there any documentation available on how to customize casper?08:10
mattn_even update-initramfs -u isn't helping08:11
mattn_every hint is welcome ;)08:11
slangasekpitti: heh, perhaps that will make a difference in update-manager's willingness to remove it08:12
slangasekpitti: I wouldn't think a Replaces is needed; maybe it's actually one of the other packages that u-m is declining to upgrade that's really to blame08:12
slangasekgnome-bluetooth or audacious, I guess08:12
slangaseklet's tentatively blame audacious08:15
ebroderpitti: could you take a look at bug #362691 (specifically comment 37)? There's one more patch needed to make future upgrades work08:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362691 in xen-3.3 "XEN depends on Python 2.5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36269108:19
ebroderErr, sorry, comment 3808:19
loolStevenK: What is celt for?08:23
loolI mean in main08:23
StevenKlool: It's a new Built-Depends of opal, which is already in main08:23
StevenKWhich is in the MIR ... :-)08:24
pittiebroder: hm, it seems strange to change init script installation in a SRU08:26
loolStevenK: Weird, I see the bdep in place already, but no opal package dep-ing on celt or libvelt08:26
StevenKlool: It can't build!08:26
StevenKIt's in DEPWAIT08:26
loolHmm I need a cup of coffee08:26
ebroderpitti: I haven't been able to figure out any other way to get the unpacking/prerm/postinst/etc order to work out08:26
StevenKlool: Or two ...08:26
ebroderpitti: My best guess is that something weird is happening with the various provides/conflicts/replaces08:28
pittiebroder: during upgrade, python modules won't work, that's a known fact08:29
pittiebroder: what does -R do?08:29
ebroderpitti: Instead of stopping in the prerm and starting in the postinst, it does a restart in the postinst08:30
pittioh, right, it's not an option to xend08:30
ebroderpitti: As far as I can tell, the prerm for a package shouldn't be running before the prerm for packages that depend on it. That's the weird bit08:31
ebroderBut that's what was happening08:31
pittiebroder: that's a bit dangerous, though; while the upgrade is running, xend can't use any python modules or other stuff08:31
ebroderSure it can - it just might have trouble importing new modules08:31
ebroderBut I don't think it does imports mid-execution under normal circumstances08:32
pittiright, that's what I mean08:32
pittiokay, just wanted to point it out08:32
ebroderI guess it might be an issue if you try to...use xm to manipulate domains or config while the upgrade is running?08:33
superm1pitti, lirc now depends on libfti-dev for the latest version which is living in universe, should I file a MIR on libfti, or will it show up on component mismatches or something like that and get taken care of via other regular archive admin work?08:35
StevenKsuperm1: An MIR needs to be filed.08:35
superm1okay thanks StevenK08:35
pittiebroder: uploaded08:38
ebroderpitti: Great! Thanks. I'll try to test it some time in the next week or so08:39
pittiebroder: this needs fixing in karmic as well, apparently08:39
ebroderYeah, there's a patch on the ticket, but I've had a horrible time finding a sponsor08:39
pittitkamppeter: ah, you didn't upload cups to jaunty-proposed yet?08:40
mattn_nobody can help me with my casper questions? is this the wrong location to ask questions about caspar? if yes, can somebody please point me to a proper location or channel?08:41
tkamppeterpitti, I have sent you the debdiff because I thought you want to pass it through your BZR repo.08:50
pittitkamppeter: right, and I just remembered to bump the poppler-utils dependency08:50
loolStevenK: I'm quite scared with the bitstream situation if it's going to be used in ekiga; the maintenance part and the other small issues call for further input too08:59
StevenKlool: Bitstream situation?09:00
StevenKlool: I'm not sure if Ekiga will pull it in09:01
loolStevenK: The bitstream isn't frozen claims the README09:01
StevenKlool: That's a problem?09:02
loolSee my comments in the MIR09:03
seb128slangasek, are you sure that the gvfs change for hardy was not working correctly?09:04
loolStevenK: celt seems optional in opal; if it's not used in ekiga, what's the point of pulling it in main?09:05
seb128slangasek, it's the same that has been used for intrepid and jaunty and seems to work for quite some users09:05
StevenKlool: Well, I can merge opal to drop celt09:05
slangasekseb128: the bug report has follow-ups saying that it introduced regressions; it's possible that this fix was insufficient, that it depends on other changes?09:05
seb128slangasek, I think it's hard to track properly those bugs because there is so many users having different issues commenting on wrong bugs09:06
seb128it's not clear to me that the update actually broke anything09:06
slangasekthis was a user commenting specifically on regressions after installing the new packages in hardy-proposed.09:06
asacpitti: i have StevenK's and 3 other on my list for today (MIR)09:07
StevenKasac: lool has already looked at it09:08
loolStevenK: I think ekiga is the only user of opal in main and it's not on the CDs AFAIK (only DVD), so I wouldn't mind pulling it to avoid a delta with Debian modulo the other questions (and if it's not exposed in the list of codecs used by ekiga as long as the bitstream isn't frozen)09:08
asacStevenK: yeah saw that now.09:08
loolasac: I picked celt09:08
seb128slangasek, ok fair enough, I guess we will just not get that change in hardy now, people will have to wait for the next lts09:08
asaclool: fine. i actually started yesterday on it. i think i should have assigned explicitly to me.09:09
StevenKlool: So we can move celt to main to avoid a delta?09:09
loolStevenK: That's a good rationale, but the other questions stand09:10
loolI would have objected if we have had other Ubuntu changes in opal or if ekiga had been on the CD09:11
juanjehi guys, anyone knows how to debug acpi stuff? when a laptop doesn't suspend and stuff like that09:41
lifelessthere is a wiki page for debugging power support09:42
juanjelifeless: thanks :-) do you know the url or so?09:42
juanjelifeless: oki, don't worry, I'll find it09:42
loolpitti: Hmm ISTR you asked about a new poppler for cups, but this was for Debian alone, we have the one you need in Ubuntu right?09:54
seb128lool, yes09:56
seb128lool, we have poppler 0.1109:56
loolYes, but I think pitti asked about it last week or so and we have 0.11 in Ubuntu for longer than that09:57
seb128lool, but cups requires this version now apparently09:58
seb128I'm not sure what your question is now ;-)09:58
loolseb128: I'm asking pitti to confirm whether it's only in Debian that he was asking for the update   :-)10:00
seb128since ubuntu already has 0.11 which is current10:00
seb128not sure if you want to track the unstable version in debian though10:01
seb128they changed the soname10:01
seb128and the api might still change10:01
loolOk I find it unlikely that I find much time for it then; I don't have a lot of Debian time, even less for poppler, in particular when it's a development series10:02
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pittilool: yes, I asked about Debian; there's a pending patch (-origpagesizes) that I need for cups, and it would be nice to upgrade to newer version so that we can add a new pdf filter to cups10:10
pittilool: but I was told that Debian usually doesn't update to the odd-numbered devel releases10:10
loolIt depends whether there's interest and manpower as usual10:11
seb128stable version is schedule for in some weeks10:11
seb128so you might as well wait for it if there is no hurry10:11
tseliotpitti: does this log look good to you (note: I don't have the hardware here but the modaliases and the modules are already in place)? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/198356/10:13
tseliotpitti: the modalias file is bcmwl10:13
pittitseliot: if you create a fake modalias for any other piece of hw, do you get it offered, and does it install okay?10:16
tseliotpitti: no, it doesn't show up, even with a fake alias: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/198365/10:22
pittitseliot: can you please show me the modalias file? does it have the correct package name?10:22
pittiBroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: enabled10:23
tseliotpitti: sorry, I've just tried again and there was a typo in the modalias. It works now10:23
pittitseliot: perhaps the issues is that the b43 blacklist is incomplete and misses b43legacy?10:23
* tseliot blames it on vim10:23
tseliotlet me try to remove it now10:24
tseliotpitti: ok, the package was removed correctly. Shall I add a better description to the handler (if one is provided)?10:26
tkamppeterpitti, the CUPS SRU package hangs in "Waiting for approval" for some hours now. Is it not you who approves it?10:28
pittitkamppeter: I had to run for the dentist, I returned to SRU work now10:29
pittitseliot: if you can think about one; otherwise just leave like it is now10:30
tseliotpitti: my package already contains a file with the modules to blacklist (we need it for our customised OEM images) so we may end up blacklisting the same module twice. Would this be a big problem (I know it's ugly)?10:37
pittitseliot: shouldn't be a problem, just that jockey can't unblacklist it then10:37
tseliotpitti: right but when you remove the package the blacklist goes away10:38
pittitseliot: ah, you mean the bcm package itself ships the blacklist?10:38
pittitseliot: nice, that's even better than doing it in the jockey handler10:39
pittitseliot: we couldn't do that with l-r-m obviously10:39
pittitseliot: so we could just rip out the jockey handler blacklisting code now, since the package itself will DTRT10:39
* pitti favors solutions which also work with apt-get install10:39
tseliotpitti: ah, right it was in the lrm before. Sure it's a good idea10:39
tseliotpitti: do you know if the trick to load wl before b44 is still required? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/jockey/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/data/handlers/broadcom_wl.py10:55
pittitseliot: I think so, unless wl was changed to use the ssb module now?10:55
tseliotpitti: I'm asking because I only blacklist b43 and ssb but maybe something more should be done10:56
* tseliot is unsure as to how to solve this problem in the blacklist file10:57
pittitseliot: the legacy ones need blacklisting as well then, I think10:58
pittitseliot: well, let's just keep the current code as it is then, and test it properly10:58
tseliotpitti: jockey's blacklist file is blacklist-bcm43.conf while I could use a different name10:59
tseliotpitti: this way I think we should cover all cases11:05
pittitseliot: is wl's a conffile? if so, then mere removal of the package won't remove it11:05
pittiif it's created/removed in postinst/prem, that's fine11:06
tseliotpitti: it's listed in the .install file of the package, therefore it's removed when the package is removed11:07
* tseliot is using CDBS11:07
joaopintodoes anyonw know about NILFS stability ? It would be great to have such an improved file system recoverability11:12
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super__radcould someone upgrade empathy (and related telepathy packages) to newest versions as it's empathy hug day today and the newest versions contain a lot of bug fixes11:39
hyperairhmm is anyone noticing that the getty processes disappear after logging out?12:05
hyperairand that /etc/inittab is now missing O_o12:06
hyperairno wait, it was always missing12:06
hyperairhmmm the tty[1-6] services weren't running12:18
ograasac, hmm, FF 3.5 seems to ignore the shift key if i hit shift-ctrl-reload12:25
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asacogra: please check latest firefox-3.5 and xulrunner-1.9.1 daily from ~ubuntu-mozilla-daily12:37
ograwill do12:37
asacogra: i go to https://launchpad.net/ and type something in the search field. then hit ctrl+R -> text i typed is still there. then i hit shift+ctrl+R -> text is gone. so it seems to work somehow12:38
ograwell, my prob is that it opens in a new tab instead of reloading (sorry, should have said that in the first sentence :) )12:39
asacogra: so you hit the reload toolbar button with ctrl+shift? thats a feature. its just shift12:40
ograoh, so the "clear cache" function if you hold ctrl+shift while hitting reload is gone ? or does it immediately work with shift only now ?12:41
liwI thought it had been shift-reload since netscape 112:42
asacogra: yeah. you probably think its ctrl because you usually type ctrl+shift+R on the keyboard12:42
ograthat didnt clear out pictures, ctrl+shift+reload did12:42
asacbut if you click on the button it was always just shift12:42
ograit used to remove all pic of the site from the cache12:43
ograand load them newly ...12:43
ograanyway, i'm just irritated because it opens a new tab now12:43
asacogra: i checked in ffox 3.0 and ctrl+shift vs. shift is not different12:45
asacat least not according to sniffed http headers12:45
DktrKranzRiddell: I've been asked why we bumped sip b-d in python-qt4, so it could have it in sync again. Could you shed a light on that?13:03
vorianit wont build otherwise, iirc13:03
RiddellDktrKranz: I had errors  building sip/pyqt/pykde with anything  other than the latest13:05
Riddelland we  can't be in sync, Debian has  an older  version13:05
DktrKranzI see, thanks.13:05
geser@archive-admins: maven-plugin-tools build-depends on a package build by itself, would a deb build from the Debian deb (as done with cup in the past) pass NEW? this would be undone asap13:15
pittigeser: I wouldn't know how to upload this; I think this might need a manual build13:18
geserpitti: I'd do it similar to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25782720/cup_0.11a%2B20060608-1_0.11a%2B20060608-1build1.diff.gz13:19
pittigeser: ah, I see13:21
geserthe question is: would such a package pass NEW?13:21
pittigeser: if the included binaries get reverted, it will probabl13:21
pittiit's obviously a bootstrap issue, so it should be fine13:22
ograpitti, are you still hunting the memleak =13:25
pittiogra: me? what memleak?13:25
ogradunno, you asked about xrestop some days ago13:26
pittiI don't get that, but seb128/mdz do, I think13:26
* pitti has a 94513:26
ograi just stumbled over that:13:26
ogra 4717 ogra      20   0 3071m  44m 4152 S    1  1.5  20:12.36 compiz.real13:26
pittiit only seems to happen on 965 as it seems13:26
ogra3G virtual ram ...13:26
ograafter 24h13:26
sorenpitti: You don't see it on your laptop?13:28
pittiapparently not13:28
pittiI boot it every day, though13:28
sorenpitti: Mine's identical (apart from the wifi), and I see it.13:28
pittibut so does seb128, and he notices13:28
sorenpitti: Oh, right, that would explain it.13:28
ogramine runs all the time13:29
ograand i see swap being eaten after about 12h13:29
pittisuspend is broken with xorg-edgers as well as karmic, so I have to13:29
sorenpitti: It happens to me after ~30 hours.13:29
seb128pitti: no, I tend to suspend my laptop at the moment13:29
ograthe swap usage raises constantly then ... untill all swap is used ...13:30
seb128not sure for how long it was not rebooted the other day but my 2Go of ram and all swap was used13:30
ograthe intresting part is that it then doesnt move over to RAM or something to raise further13:30
pittiogra: so if you just do "compiz --replace", does that help?13:30
pittiogra: that wouldn't happen if it's just a memleak13:30
pittiswap->ram happens on demand, not "just because it can"13:31
pittiso, if it's dead allocated memory, it should stay in swap13:31
ogra 3047 ogra      20   0  111m  24m 7688 S    4  0.8   0:01.84 compiz.real13:32
ograafter compiz --replace13:32
ograthough the swap isnt freed ...13:32
ograits using 3.5G13:32
Hobbseeoh, is that why i end up having a whole bunch fo swap in use?13:32
seb128Hobbsee: video card?13:33
ograswapoff failed: Cannot allocate memory ... and it seems to be used still ...13:33
Hobbseeseb128: 945GM13:33
pittihm, seems I just didn't notice then13:34
seb128pitti: if you reboot daily it might not be enough to notice13:34
Hobbsee968mb virtual ram by compiz, anothe 508 to xorg, anothe 511 to firefox...no wonder my system's going into swap13:35
pittiI have 0 used swap ATM13:35
seb128pitti: how much is compiz using for you?13:35
pittimartin    4610  0.5  2.0 388624 41880 ?        S    11:07   1:14 /usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore-desktop-hints --replace --sm-client-id 107cc6fd5a54f6c25f124531603772994800000044390021 core ccp13:35
pittiseb128: what's the magic number, 388624?13:35
ograheh, nothing ...13:35
pitti388624 VSZ13:36
ograyeah, thats nothing13:36
seb128pitti: yeah, watch how this one is moving, ie in one hour13:36
pittiwell, 388 MB != "nothing"13:36
pittibut I understand it's counting all the shlibs, etc.13:36
ogracompared to 3G it is ;)13:36
pittia few minutes ago it was 38507213:37
pittiso it's growing13:37
ografunnily mine isnt after the --replace13:37
ograit jumped from 111M to 134 after the start and seems to stay there13:37
seb128could be when switching workspace or something13:37
seb128where you stay on front of IRC now ;-)13:38
ograi only have two workspaces and never switch13:38
seb128ok, so that's not it13:38
pittiI switched ws, changed window focus, that didn't do it13:38
pittisimply waiting did13:38
ograoops, mine jumped to 136 ...13:38
seb128just did 495 to 507 in on minute there13:39
ograjust alt-tab'bing between a htop terminal and xchat13:39
pittiI never ever use alt-tab, so that's not it either13:39
ograwell, i meant all i do is switching windows ...13:39
seb128pitti: I guess you have the issue too then, one day is just enough to eat your ram and swap apparently13:39
pittiseb128: *nod*13:40
seb128still we are lucky, mdz get gpu hangs while he's working13:40
ograeveryone running KMS here ?13:40
seb128do I have to do something to get kms used?13:41
pittialthough recently gdm doesn't use it any more13:41
pittithat worked fine some weeks ago13:41
ograseb128, yeah, enable it in modprobe.d iirc13:41
pittignome session itself does, though13:41
seb128ok so I don't13:41
pitti$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf13:41
pittioptions i915 modeset=113:41
seb128I didn't touch anything, I'm on jaunty upgraded13:41
pittiseb128: does it work OOTB on your ATI box?13:41
ograso its not kms related13:41
pittiseb128: recent karmic kernel was supposed to auto-enable it on radeon13:41
seb128pitti: dunno, how do I notice if it's used?13:41
pittiogra: very unlikely, too13:41
pittiseb128: ctrl+alt+f113:42
pittiseb128: get a huge nice VT and no flicker?13:42
seb128I will try later my desktop is not booted right now13:42
seb128but I don't think it's used13:42
pittishould switch in an instant13:42
seb128I switched recently and I still had the standard textmode13:42
seb128but I've a r6xx13:42
seb128no compiz working on this box etc13:42
seb128so I would not be surprised if kms was not working13:42
pittiah, perhaps KMS is just for <= r5xx13:43
ograhmm, after vt switch i notice xchat drops a shadow on my panel13:43
ograin fact all windows do13:43
ograand clicking the panel makes it go away13:44
ograand now i cant reproduce :(13:44
pittilool: shall we just try and ditch https://merges.ubuntu.com/libi/libipc-sharelite-perl/libipc-sharelite-perl_0.13-1ubuntu1.patch and sync it? 0.17 might have fixed the test failure13:45
ograpitti, we can reintroduce the patch, sync it first13:45
pittithat was my thought13:45
pittiNCommander: can you please forward patches like bug 300000 to Debian? it's a nuisance having to carry and merge them13:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300000 in libgtk2-perl "FTBFS fix for libgtk2-perl" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30000013:48
pittiNCommander: (either way, still your merge)13:49
NCommanderpitti, the fix is Ubuntu specific, and I talked to the maintainer about it. (its an issue with the restrictiveness of our build environment)13:50
pittiNCommander: wouldn't it work on Debian, too?13:50
mib_o6egw3k8Help bring Google Gears to Opera, star this issue http://code.google.com/p/gears/issues/detail?id=15&q=opera&colspec=Version%20Milestone%20Owner%20ID%20Summary%20Component13:51
pittimib_o6egw3k8: this channel is not an adboard13:51
NCommanderpitti, I had the conversation a few months ago, but I think the maintainer didn't want to merge an ubuntu specific changeset. That being said, I'll ping him again on it13:51
pittiNCommander: I'm curious, what's the difference on our buildds?13:52
mib_o6egw3k8Sorry pitti13:52
NCommanderpitti, something prevents xvfb from properly initializing13:52
mib_o6egw3k8I just realised I clicked on the WRONG irc13:52
NCommanderpitti, *is digging into his memory*13:52
mib_o6egw3k8My bad13:52
pittiNCommander: that sounds more like a bug, or it works on debian's buildds for sheer luck?13:53
pittiNCommander: anyway, thanks for having pinged him13:53
NCommanderpitti, its too far back for me to remember. It works on Debian, but not on Ubuntu.13:53
NCommanderpitti, funny, I thought I put a sync request in, the delta wasn't needed anymore13:53
NCommanderlet me reconfirm that13:54
pittiNCommander: for libgtk2-perl?13:54
pittiI just checked the diff, the xvfb call is basically unchanged13:54
pittibut perhaps that underlying bug was fixed13:54
seb128xvfb got some changes though13:54
seb128what was the build error?13:54
NCommanderpitti, the maintainer axed the test suite run13:54
NCommanderpitti, due to bugs on most port architectures13:54
pittiNCommander: no pending sync request13:55
seb128I would say "try to sync and see how it works and fix if required"13:55
seb128easy enough ;-)13:55
NCommanderseb128, I'm about to punt it into my PPA13:55
NCommanderto see if we need to merge anything13:55
loolpitti: I think you asked about taking a new libipc-sharelite-perl upstream version some time ago already, and NCommander tested it and it didn't help13:59
NCommanderlool, the issue however only persists on our build hardware :-/13:59
loolI'm pretty sure it's a kernel issue, for which we need a test case   :-(14:00
NCommanderlool, which after two weeks I still couldn't produce :-/14:01
dholbachpitti: thanks for sponsoring python-crypto14:10
dholbachal-maisan: there's the "what-patch" command you can run in a source tree to figure out which patch system a package uses :-)14:11
dholbach(in ubuntu-dev-tools)14:11
cjwatsonmvo: how do you think that foundations-karmic-repository-management and foundations-karmic-golden-iso-image interact?14:12
al-maisandholbach: ah, another great tip :) thanks!14:12
mvocjwatson: I have not read the iso-image one yet, let me do that now14:12
dholbachanytime :)14:13
mvocjwatson: there is a quite a bit of overlap, especially in the mirror part14:16
cjwatsonthat's what I was thinking14:16
cjwatsonI was wondering if my spec should depend on yours ...14:16
mvocjwatson: sounds sensible, at least the add-distribution, add-package are something I need to add too14:18
mvocjwatson: I update my spec to point to the golden-image one14:20
mvocjwatson: did you had a chance to look at my debconf question btw? (not urgent, I'm just curious if I'm on the right track in general)14:21
cjwatsonmvo: I've looked at it, but haven't worked out the answer yet :-)14:26
cjwatsonmvo: I think you're on the right track in general, yes; that's the same approach that installer bits use14:26
cjwatsonmvo: sorry, it literally took me four hours this morning to get through stuff that had accumulated overnight14:27
cjwatsonmvo: I don't suppose you could get a 'DEBCONF_DEBUG=.' log?14:27
mvocjwatson: no problem, thanks for looking at it14:28
cjwatsonI think you're probably accidentally talking to the wrong frontend at some point, or one of the frontends isn't quite being configured right, or something14:28
cjwatsonthe file descriptor plumbing for these things can be insanely delicate14:28
cjwatsonespecially with confmodules re-execing themselves14:28
cjwatsonI got it wrong in debconf-apt-progress several times14:29
mvocjwatson: no worries, if I'm doing the right thing in general, I will try to work it out, I just wanted to avoid debugging something that was the wrong approach :)14:29
NCommanderpitti, we're going to need to promote pango-perl for libgtk2-perl to be buildable14:33
pittiNCommander: ok, can you please file a MIR bug?14:34
pittisounds like an easy package14:34
NCommanderpitti, I assume a full MIR is also needed :-/14:34
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pittiNCommander: if it's a trivial package (perl bindings to a lib), just check Debian maintenance and bug status14:39
pittiand add that to the bug report14:39
* ScottK thinks NCommander should do the full MIR just for practice.14:45
* NCommander stabs ScottK for practice14:45
NCommanderpitti, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?package=libpango-perl14:46
jpdsAnyone know what happened to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ ?14:47
pittiNCommander: fair 'nuff :)14:48
* NCommander loads the coffee maker14:49
NCommanderMy home folder backup seems to have been corrupted14:50
ScottKNCommander: Not good with coffee.14:50
* NCommander gives ScottK the EVIL eye14:50
* NCommander has concerns about the wiseness of using ext4 as the default filesystem ...14:52
ograNCommander, to late ... switch already happened14:54
toggles_wworks great for me, been using it since jaunty alphas14:54
NCommanderogra, I know it did14:54
NCommandertoggles_w, sam ehere, and I suspect I may have had data corruption due to it :-/14:54
toggles_wi must say i like the fsck speed ;-)14:54
NCommanderThat I do like.14:54
toggles_wOh really?14:54
NCommandertoggles_w, well, I can't prove it14:54
toggles_wloose anything interesting?14:54
NCommanderNear miss on my GPG and SSH keys14:55
NCommanderI just wiped the HDD after doing badblocks and reinstalled today14:55
toggles_wsorry to hear that, im running it on a bunch of machines, power failures etc, seems to be fine14:55
NCommanderParts of my music collection and a few episodes of TV :-/14:55
NCommanderWell, I was suspecting the HDD, but that passed badblocks ...14:55
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toggles_wbackup ;-)14:56
* toggles_w ducks14:56
NCommanderI did14:56
NCommanderIt was partially corrupted14:56
NCommanderThat's what I managed to salvage out of the tbz2 I made of my home folder14:56
NCommanderI'm trying to figure out how that happened14:56
NCommanderBecause I backed it up on the machine, then punted it to my Babbage board, then punted it back.14:57
ografor your gpg keys you just use the backup you burned on CD when you got them signed first :P14:57
NCommanderI think I lost my .vimrc14:58
NCommander.... *hopes theres a spare copy on the ARM porting box ..*14:58
NCommander-rw-r--r-- 1 mcasadevall warthogs 178 Jun 12 16:19 .vimrc - bahahahahaha14:59
cody-somervillemvo, ping15:00
mvocody-somerville: hello15:01
NCommanderLesson learned: Test your ability to restore from backup before wiped your HDD15:02
ScottKNCommander: "Amateurs back up.  Professionals restore."15:04
NCommanderWell, the absolute irreplacebles survived15:07
NCommanderso thats good15:07
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rtgtseliot: whats the name of the Karmic Broadcom wl DKMS package? It appears to have disappered from the archive.15:23
tseliotrtg: bcmwl-kernel-source15:23
rtgtseliot: universe still ?15:24
tseliotsuperm1: ^^15:24
superm1rtg, tseliot : https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl it's in restricted15:24
al-maisanhello Riddell, could you please take a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lcms/+bug/388987 ?15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388987 in lcms "Please merge lcms_1.18.dfsg-1 (main) from debian/unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:26
tseliotrtg: BTW I haven't uploaded my changes yet. I'm working on it15:27
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rtgtseliot: damn tab completion. OK15:28
Viper550ooh so they changed the grub menu design?15:31
cjwatsonerr, by virtue of switching to grub215:32
cjwatsonwhat's there right now is not permanent15:32
Viper550you can still do customization right?15:33
Viper550and I knew it was probably grub 215:33
cjwatsonI have no idea what its customisation facilities are15:33
cjwatsonthey're in flux anyway15:33
loolevand, cjwatson: Would it make sense to consider GRUB 2 for USB disks created by usb-creator instead of syslinux?  One thing I have in mind is EFI support, but I don't know whether it's possible to have both classical BIOS and EFI support on USB15:34
cjwatsonlool: maybe15:35
lool(/me knows next to nothing on EFI, just that more platforms are switching to it)15:35
cjwatsonthere are still USB fixes going into GRUB 2 though ...15:35
Viper550why can't we use isolinux on the bootloader as a temp?15:35
Viper550on the CD15:35
cjwatsonhuh? we do15:36
loolI didn't here any complains about CDs, isolinux is fine there15:36
Viper550on karmic you use grub2?15:37
Viper550oh wait15:37
loolNot on the CDs (for now at least)15:37
loolgrub2 is the bootloader we now install for the installed system15:37
Riddellal-maisan: ok15:38
cjwatsonViper550: what lool said.15:39
cjwatsonlong-term I might be comfortable switching to grub2 on the CDs as well15:39
cjwatsonbut not this release15:39
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cjwatsonfor one thing, the graphical menu patches to grub haven't landed yet15:40
Viper550not until suse does them right?15:40
cjwatsonnothing to do with suse15:40
cjwatsonI shouldn't think grub2 will get gfxboot; there's an independent graphical menu effort going on15:41
cjwatsonhttp://grub.gibibit.com/ if you want to look into it, I haven't really yet15:41
Viper550so ubuntu will probably use that?15:43
cjwatsonwe haven't fully evaluated it - I just know it exists15:44
loolI just thought of something15:45
loolWhy don't we load the kernel in the background when waiting for the grub timeout?15:45
lool(Add an optional enabled by default feature to autopreload the default entry)15:46
* cjwatson has no idea if grub can do that15:46
loolI doubt it can do that know, but I am pretty sure it would save us exactly timeout seconds boot time  :-)15:46
cjwatsonsuggest it upstream :)15:46
loolActually I only ever looked at GRUB1, don't take my word GRUB2 can't do it, I don't use it yet15:47
cjwatsonit's not completely impossible that it can15:47
cjwatsonGRUB 2 does have scripting support15:47
Riddellal-maisan: uploaded, thanks15:48
al-maisanRiddell: thank you :)15:48
rtgcjwatson: what was the decision on the minimum supported x86 instruction set for Karmic? What it i586 and higher?15:53
rtgin other words, the 386 ports kernel is pretty much at a dead end with Jaunty.15:55
loolcjwatson: According to random upstream developer on IRC, it's not possible yet and better to file a patch implementing it than a feature request (which I can understand)15:55
evandkenvandine: am I correct in believing that we're getting webkit on the CD via gwibber per the social from the start work?15:55
evandplease say yes :)15:55
loolThat said, it might be mot as I think Scott mentionned a zero timeout and entering grub is a key is held down; but I'm not 100% sure I remember correctly15:56
rtglool: that is my recollection15:56
loolrtg: I suggested doing that two cycles ago, but Scott argued back then that some BIOSes would disable keys if you'd press them down during boot (considering the keyboard/key as buggy)15:58
Keybuklool: then Fedora did it, and proved there weren't any15:58
evandapparently that's no the case15:58
Keybukor at least, not many15:59
loolToo bad we didn't do it then15:59
NCommanderpitti, how goes the MIR :-)15:59
loolBut we're going to do it!  \o/15:59
rtglool: using the shift key is evidentally OK15:59
NCommanderrtg, the only reason the 386 kernel survived into the karmic cycle is because we needed at least one kernel building on i386 or increase the delta between the ports kernel and mainline kernel16:00
rtgNCommander: but what good is the 386 kernel if user space won't work?16:00
loolrtg: I'm using ctrl/alt/shift just fine with "mbr", but I'd be interested in knowing why it's inherently ok?  You mean because these are modifiers?16:01
NCommanderrtg, its virtually useless, the problem is Arch: all binaries needed to be built on i386, and the build system when snap when we tried dropped 386.16:01
NCommanderrtg, it was on my to-be-fixed list, but there isn't much point since ports will be merging into the mainline kernel git tree.16:01
rtglool: that is my understanding16:01
rtgNCommander: ok, at least I'm not insane16:02
NCommanderrtg, I told Luk to drop it (with the HPPA kernel) as part of the merge he generated (I have a set of outstanding patches to fix ia64 and sparc's config files which will hopefully be posted shortly after everything lands in the main tree)16:03
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rtgNCommander: I was responding to mvo about upgrades. It sounds like there is no upgrade path for 386.16:04
cjwatsonrtg: decision not made because we're still waiting for benchmarking which is waiting for infinity to get back from being ill16:04
rtgah, limbo.16:05
NCommanderrtg, oh, sorry, missed that bit. Yeah, thats correct. (strictly speaking, the 386 kernel only worked on 486 machines)16:05
cjwatsonrtg: and in any case we were talking about optimisation not minimum supported set16:05
cjwatsonrtg: i.e. -mtune not -march16:05
cjwatsonrtg: so no effect on the 386 ports kernel16:05
rtgcjwatson: so the 386 ports kernel will still workl?16:05
cjwatsonrtg: ought to16:05
* NCommander wonders if anyone actually uses it16:06
cjwatsonI get people showing up on #ubuntu-installer asking for help with such systems from time to time16:06
NCommandercjwatson, I'll be darned.16:06
* NCommander needs to sit down and see if we can drop powerpc-smp as a individual kernel16:08
NCommanderI'd like to drop sparc-smp, but to my knowledge, our userland will work in places where that kernel won't ....16:08
tgpraveenevand: some amount of webkit support will16:09
tgpraveenbe there as empathy uses it for their adium themes16:09
tgpraveenand iirc there will be a human theme for it by default also16:09
NCommandercjwatson, BTW, d-i sparc should be fixed with the next kernel upload, I found out what was breaking it :-), ia64 images should also start building with the next upload16:10
evandtgpraveen: empathy in karmic does not currently list webkit as a dependency, are you saying that a newer version will?16:12
cjwatsonNCommander: good, thanks16:12
tgpraveendon't know exactly bt I do know libwebkit is needed for the adium themes for empathy which WILL ship in karmic16:12
tgpraveenso yes maybe it will be added soon . maybe some dev could confirm?16:13
NCommandercjwatson, the problem was we've been shipping uncompressed kernels for the last two and half cycles on port architectures due to a little mistake dating from when the ports tree and the mainline tree were separated :-/16:13
Keybukcjwatson: bug #385911 - what kind of "more careful" were you thinking of?16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385911 in upstart "event.d: recovery menu appears on every boot if cmdline contains the word "single"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38591116:23
MacSlowasac, what means it exactely when the nm-applet ghosts the wifi-devices in its the menu?16:25
al-maisanHello Keybuk, please take a look when you have time: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lm-sensors-3/+bug/38903116:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389031 in lm-sensors-3 "Please merge lm-sensors-3_3.1.0-2 (main) from debian/unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:25
Keybukcjwatson: nm, I have an idea16:27
cjwatsonKeybuk: maybe whitespace or start/end-of-string either side?16:28
Keybukcjwatson: for ARG in $(cat /proc/cmdline) seems like a good way ;)16:28
cjwatsonit's just being a bit too liberal about word boundaries is all16:28
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cjwatsonthat works too16:29
Keybuksplit on $IFS16:29
asacMacSlow: screenshot please ;)16:30
MacSlowasac: well "Gerät wird nicht verwaltet" is stated there too for both wifi-devices16:32
MacSlowasac, but I've no clue where to instruct nm to "feel responsible" for these two16:32
asacMacSlow: anything in /etc/network/interfaces?16:33
MacSlowasac, yes auto wlan0 ... and auto wlan1 ...16:34
MacSlowasac, should I get rid of those entries?16:34
asacMacSlow: hmm. remove those too lines, then do sudo killall nm-system-settings16:34
asacMacSlow: also if that helps, file a bug please ... auto lines alone shouldnt make the devices unmanaged i think16:34
MacSlowasac, I think I had someone like you or keybuk once mess with my laptop... so that might explain these lines... I think to remember now16:35
asacMacSlow: did you have iface lines too? or just auto?16:36
asacMacSlow: if it was just auto i definitly want a bug16:36
MacSlowasac, no there were also "mode managed" and "essid ubuntu" lines below each "auto wlan*" line16:37
asacMacSlow: ok. so also iface wlan0 ... etc?16:40
asacthats a feature then16:40
MacSlowhm... nothing changed16:42
MacSlowdo I need to restart more than NetworkManager after doing "sudo killall nm-system-settings"?16:42
MacSlow*sigh* fsck16:45
MacSlowasac, well that didn't change anything16:47
asacMacSlow: paste your interfaces please16:49
MacSlowasac, "iwlist scan" tells me for wlan0 "Failed to read scan data: Network is down" and for wlan1 I get "No scan results"16:49
asacMacSlow: also paste hat you get in syslog after killall and restarting NM16:49
ttxcjwatson, pitti, slangasek: By FeatureDefinitionFreeze "all features with updates to be landed  in main for the release must be named and acked by the ReleaseTeam" -- how do you want to proceed exactly ?16:53
ttxget an email ? be subscribed to the relevant blueprints ?16:54
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ttxHobbsee, Riddell: same question ^16:55
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MacSlowasac, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19863116:57
asacMacSlow: you didnt paste your current /etc/network/interfaces16:57
asacMacSlow: anyway. the problem now is your killswitch16:58
asac(no need to paste more)16:58
asacMacSlow: so either use fn+F5 until you see the wifi led16:58
asacMacSlow: or check that you dont have the hardware killswitch flipped16:58
MacSlowasac, the hw-killswitch is certainly off17:00
MacSlowasac, Fn-F5 only makes the bluetook LED switch on or off17:00
asacMacSlow: please flip the hw-killswitch a few times and paste the tail of syslog you get when doing that17:02
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MacSlowasac, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19863817:10
MacSlowasac, only bluetooth seems to be affected by the killswitch17:10
asacMacSlow: thats not syslog ;)17:13
asac(guess its dmesg)17:13
asacMacSlow: anyway. try to reboot. maybe its a bad driver state17:13
asac(or check that you havent disabled wireless in the applet menu)17:14
MacSlowasac, I did "tail -f /var/log/syslog >/tmp/log.txt"17:14
MacSlowif that's not syslog then call me stupid17:14
MacSlowwhat's the difference between dmesg and syslog anyway?17:15
asacMacSlow: try to reboot or reload the iwlagn driver (you are still using thinkpad right)?17:19
asacMacSlow: also paste output of nm-tool ;)17:20
MacSlowasac, rebooted no change17:24
MacSlowasac, I'm using the iwl3945 driver here and the ath9k fro the wifi-card plugged into the PCMCIA-slot17:24
MacSlowasac, looking at the nm-tool output now17:24
asacwhy do you have two wifi cards? does it change if you boot without the ath9k thing?17:25
MacSlowasac, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/198643/17:26
MacSlowasac, no17:26
MacSlowasac, no matter if I boot with the ath9k plugged in or not17:26
MacSlowI cannot get any wifi-connection17:27
asacMacSlow: when did this start? are you using karmic or jaunty?17:27
MacSlowbetween interpid/jaunty timeframe17:27
MacSlowasac, if that observation is any hint...17:30
MacSlowwhen I plug in the ath9k17:30
MacSlowI do get a scan result from "iwlist scan"17:30
asacMacSlow: have you tried to install linux-backport-modules-jaunty?17:31
MacSlowasac, no17:31
asacMacSlow: do that and restart your system17:31
MacSlowasac, I guess I should try?!17:31
asacMacSlow: anyway. i am out for today and have two days holidays. if backport modules dont help, i would like to look next week closer. so just ping me after tue ;)17:32
asacMacSlow: its linux-backports-modules-jaunty ... ok out for a while17:33
DrPepperKidasac, it's me MacSlow (on the laptop now... ethernet-based internet for the moment)17:35
superm1tseliot, one more thing on the bcmwl, i'm not sure shipping that blacklist file in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bcmwl.conf is the right solution. when jockey enables it, it builds a blacklist that is a little more advanced (queries to see if it needs to work with b44 too)17:35
superm1pitti can comment hopefully more on what jockey is doing17:36
DrPepperKidasac, I'm on karmic on this laptop not jaunty17:36
superm1maybe it's best to just move that logic for building the blacklist into the postinst, and then all jockey has to do is install bcmwl-kernel-source and bcmwl-kernel-source's postinst then would figure out what to do about b44 and how to build such a blacklist17:36
rtgsuperm1: the bcm wl Karmic package does appear to work, I have it on a mini-9.17:40
rtg(after futzing with blacklists)17:40
superm1rtg, good to hear17:40
superm1hoping to see the proper blacklist preparations sorted out before tseliot's new modalias stuff hits to prevent too much confusion17:41
rtgsuperm1: did Jernone pass on Tony and my thoughts about their user space version of the driver?17:41
superm1rtg, yes but keep in mind the channel you're discussing in17:42
rtgI don't think its a secret. I've already seen discussion of it in the wild.17:43
superm1i'll  be summarizing the points I saw for next time we discuss with them17:44
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MacSlowasac, ok ath9k based wifi works on the laptop again now17:55
MacSlowasac, thanks for the help sofar!17:57
MacSlowasac, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19866417:59
MacSlowasac, does that tell you anything about the remaining problem with iwl3945 wifi-card (that's the internal one)?17:59
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ccheneyslangasek: is there anything needed to be approved for OOo 3.1.1 wrt FDF, we already have 3.1.0 in and 3.1.1 will release sometime in august18:19
MacSlow800 MBytes worth of updates *sigh*18:53
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tseliotsuperm1: yes, I'm aware of what jockey does. I'm not sure as to whether I can do the same in a blacklist file. Currently we have separate blacklist files: one in my package and one is created by jockey. The one in jockey can blacklist b44 and make sure that it's loaded after wl18:58
tseliotsuperm1: here's what jockey does:19:00
MacSlowhm... how can gnome-power-manager-2.27.1 compile on Karmic if it does not have the right version of DeviceKit-power defining dkp_client_lid_is_closed() ?19:06
MacSlowpitti, do you know how that can work ... compiling gnome-power-manager 2.27.1 under Karmic although DevKit-power-dev is not current enough?19:11
MacSlowpitti, my installed DevKit-power-dev is missing the definition for dkp_client_lid_is_closed() which is used in gnome-power-manager 2.27.119:11
ccheneydidn't dapper desktop support already go away by now? i didn't see mention of it on ubuntu-announce yet though19:11
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superm1tseliot, i think that same stuff can be done in sh in the postinst, just checking lsmod for b44, and writing out a different blacklist if so19:28
Keybuk64-bit gdb can't read 32-bit core files and executables19:52
KeybukI honestly did not expect that19:52
elmoKeybuk: there's a gdb64 on 32-bit; is there not a gdb32 for 64-bit?19:54
Keybukelmo: not that I could see19:55
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tseliotsuperm1: only on 1st installation?20:13
Sarvattanyone familiar with usplash here that I could nag? usplash segfaults (but leaves the graphic on the screen) under a KMS framebuffer which is kind of a problem when fsck or a password entry is needed20:30
Sarvattis it only designed to work at certain resolutions?20:31
mterrycjwatson: I'm looking at the oem-config desire to translate city names.  What's the best thing to do for a case like that, where translating city names would leave us with a large translation delta?  Only do it through debian?  Use a separate template in its own directory?20:37
mterryevand: ^^20:37
jpdsSarvatt: You'd probably want to talk to Keybuk.20:38
SarvattI'm not sure how to debug it further is all. when you build i915 with KMS enabled into the kernel to get the high resolution drmfb from the start of boot you get the initial graphic and it segfaults right away instead of running throughout the boot process looking at my bootcharts. some people on the ubuntu stock kernel with i915 as a module have their screen black out after the cryptloop password entry when it switches to the KMS framebuffer. if20:39
Sarvattthey build i915 into the initrd so it switches to the KMS fb earlier they can no longer see the password entry screen at all20:39
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superm1tseliot, not necessarily.  Here's what i'm thinking (untested) http://pastebin.com/f45ce73aa20:57
superm1so if someone removes it and say runs dpkg-reconfigure bcmwl-kernel-source, it would be rebuilt for them20:57
RainCTpitti: I've just given you reviewer rights on REVU (so you can advocate/veto/archive).20:57
RainCTIf any other MOTU/Core Dev is missing them poke me or another REVU admin (there's a full list at REVU's Statistics page, at the bottom right)20:58
cjwatsonmterry: make every possible effort to use an existing source for the translations - we don't want the quadratic effort of doing it ourselves21:00
cjwatsonmterry: and then have a dynamic build process that uses that existing source21:00
cjwatsonmterry: yes, it should be a separate set of .pot/.po files that get merged. there are already some udebs that do this sort of thing21:00
cjwatsonmterry: I'm not sure if any of Debian's installer interfaces ever display all available cities in any given language21:01
cjwatsonmterry: if there are any, it would be tzsetup21:01
tseliotsuperm1: and how do I decide whether I should remove the blacklist file or not (which jockey might have modified in the meantime) in the postrm? Shall I simply remove it if it exists?21:02
superm1ah yeah probably21:02
superm1tseliot, ^21:02
cjwatsonSarvatt: try to set up usplash to run in an environment with 'ulimit -c unlimited' set, and then try to arrange that the core dump ends up somewhere useful that you can look at after boot21:02
cjwatsonSarvatt: usplash hasn't been adapted for KMS in an initramfs environment yet though - I did make a start on that but ran into some problems with KMS on my hardware and haven't finished21:03
tseliotsuperm1: now that I think of it, pitti is available to remove those commands from the handler in Jockey if I can deal with the blacklist directly in the package (we discussed this today)21:03
superm1tseliot, yeah so that's what i'm thinking, jockey wouldn't do any of that, it would all be handled by the package itself indeed21:05
superm1tseliot, so jockey really is just a frontend then to say "install me" and the postinst/postrm would do what the handlers did soley21:06
tseliotsuperm1: ok then, I'll work on it tomorrow.21:06
superm1tseliot, awesome thanks!21:06
slangasekttx: an email listing all the specs for your team, and a discussion item at tomorrow's release meeting21:06
slangasekccheney: no, nothing we need to worry about with OOo 3.1.1 there21:08
ccheneyslangasek: ok21:08
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Fabio23salve c'è un modo per vedere il numero dei cicli che ha compiuto il mio hd da linux ubuntu?21:58
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EvanCarrollI just merged together 13 bugs related to a debian-perl group problem.22:15
directhexbanshee magnatune extension developer is coming out of the woodwork22:25
directhexhe's accepted my fixes to get the preview stream part (the only implemented part so far) working on banshee 1.5.022:25
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 13917 in libxml-sax-perl "CPAN's XML::SAX update conflicts with libxml-sax-perl's XML::SAX" [Medium,Confirmed]23:31
EvanCarrollAnyway, I'm not sure the Debian Perl guys will fix this. I'm thinking about blueprinting out a removal of all Debian hacked perl modules.23:32
EvanCarrollBecaues it is dirty thing they do, fork a cpan module, modify the contents of it, pollute its namespace ,and then publish it under the same name.23:32
EvanCarrollthe gain isn't worth it23:33
cjwatsonEvanCarroll: (a) I don't see why Debian wouldn't fix this; yes, I know there was a semi-objection raised by a maintainer in the past, but the Debian Perl Group has had a good deal of turnover since then; (b) this is the first case I've ever heard of featuring this kind of change so I don't think it's all that big a thing23:48
cjwatsonand just look at all those rdepends - this needs to be fixed, not removed23:50
CaesarSo multiple hyphens in a version is a no no isn't it?23:54
slangasekit's tacky, but not prohibited :)23:54
StevenKCaesar: It's not, but only if the package is non-native23:54
CaesarI seem to have grown a plus sign23:54
slangasek"If there is no <debian_revision>, then hyphens are not allowed [in the upstream version]"23:55
CaesarSo I'm looking at the sun-java6-jre package for example23:55
CaesarWith a version of 6-14-1 in karmic/multiverse23:55
slangasekCaesar: perfectly permitted, since the -1 is the Debian revision23:56
CaesarOkay, so the problem is grep-dctrl in Hardy then23:57
CaesarIt's spitting out stuff like: grep-dctrl: -:10221: expected a colon.23:57

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