
CIA-4usb-creator: rgreening * r112 usb-creator/ (3 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)00:47
CIA-4usb-creator: Update KDE ui (replace some Qt elements with KDE ones and connect some signals to the ui)00:47
CIA-4usb-creator: Reorganize some code (move some UI initialization to __initUI)00:47
CIA-4usb-creator: Make reference to backend really private00:47
CIA-4usb-creator: Try and fix format missing volume crash with a try/except block00:47
CIA-4usb-creator: Add source_selection_changed and connect appropriate signal to it00:47
CIA-4usb-creator: Add isEnabled check for the persist ui elements to get_persistence00:48
mattn_i'm trying to set up an modified live-cd at our company08:23
mattn_it works already great08:23
mattn_but now i'm trying to add a casper script to modify some gconf settings and desktop stuff08:23
mattn_adding a new script to /usr/share/initramfs-tools to the casper-bottom folder doesn't help08:23
mattn_seems the new script is not executed at all08:23
mattn_is there any documentation available on how to customize casper?08:24
mattn_even update-initramfs -u isn't helping08:24
watersProblem with install .. I just downloaded the iso .. however .. when i try to install .. i have to install in safe graphic mode ... or i only get the blue screen ... Any ideas on this ... Main problem is the only CD i had after i get to 60% tells me it's an input/output error ... so .. i can use the thing from fedora to make a live os on my flash drive ... boot that way .. but .. I cant get it to run in safe mode ... dont know how08:40
watersHelp .. i need some help with installing ...09:10
watersall i get is the blue screen of death ... unless i run in safe graphics mode ...09:11
davmor2waters: try asking on #ubuntu  this channel is really meant for development use09:13
davmor2#ubuntu+1 for karmic09:14
evandwaters: are you installing using Wubi?09:22
watersi live cd09:22
watersa live 9.04 cd09:22
watersi can get it to kinda work if i use the safe graphics mode option ... but doesnt go all the way09:23
evandI'm confused then, what is this blue screen you're talking about?  Ubuntu doesn't have that kind of kernel panic mechanism yet09:23
watersi think it's an Xwindows problem ..09:24
waterslike if i do ctrl+alt+f1 and get into a console09:24
watersi can do dmesg09:24
mattn_davmor2: isn't this the correct channel for my question, too? also tried #ubuntu-devel09:25
watersand i see an error drm:i915-GET_VBLANK_COUNTER} *ERROR* tying to get vblank counfor disabled pipe 109:25
evandlets start with the safe graphics mode problem09:26
evandcan you get to a console and type ubuntu-bug xorg09:27
watersyep ...09:27
evandplease describe the graphics problem in as much detail as you can (you're running the live CD, you had to run safe graphics mode, etc)09:27
davmor2mattn_: that would probably be best asked here.09:28
mattn_davmor2: thanks - then i'll idle around here and wait for help ;)09:28
waterssafe graphics is the only way i can see anything when i start the install ... it get's to 60% .. then tells me that the CD or CD-ROM has a problem .. INPUT/OUTPUT ... ok .. so i check the desk .. from the start up ..and it doesn't find a problem ..09:29
watersso .. i try to install normal ... no screen ...09:29
watersscreen is blue ..09:29
evandwaters: right, so the fact that you're getting into safe graphics at all is a bug that I'm kindly asking you to file using ubuntu-bug xorg09:30
evandwaters: now, regarding the input/output issue, if you can get to the try or install option in safe graphics mode09:30
watersi did .. and it get's to 60%09:31
evandselect install, run it until it crashes, and then put your /var/log/syslog on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, I'd be happy to look at it further09:31
watersok... thanks09:31
evandsure thing09:31
watersinstalling ...09:33
evandmattn_: the easiest way is going to be unpacking an existing CD, modifying from there, and then rebuilding the initramfs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Boot init09:37
mattn_evand: that's what i'm doing09:37
mattn_just added a new script to the casper-bottom dir and ran update-initramfs -u09:38
mattn_inside the chroot of course09:38
evandmattn_: when you boot the CD, hit F6, then escape, then add break=top to the kernel command line parameters.  Is your script in /scripts/casper-bottom, is it +x?09:41
mattn_yes - it is executable09:44
mattn_will try that break=top once i've burned and created the latest version09:44
mattn_evand: no, my customized script is not there - thanks for pointing this switch for me. so i'm doing something wrong while creating the initrd11:39
mattn_that's something i can work with - thanks11:39
CIA-4user-setup: cjwatson * r183 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog user-setup-ask):12:13
CIA-4user-setup: Allow underscores in usernames, matching change in adduser 3.110ubuntu312:13
CIA-4user-setup: (LP: #388822).12:13
CIA-4user-setup: cjwatson * r184 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.26ubuntu212:15
CIA-4iso-scan: cjwatson * r265 ubuntu/debian/ (69 files in 2 dirs): merge lp:~al-maisan/iso-scan/ubuntu12:26
rgreeninggood day evand13:54
rgreeningdid you have a chance to look at my changes evand13:54
rgreeningI'd like to add the wrappers to gtk_frontend.py and merge kbackend.py changes to kbackend.py13:55
rgreeningI tested the kde side, and it works!!!!!! :)13:55
evandno, I haven't yet13:56
evandbut fantastic13:56
rgreeningI still have the io/watch/child functions to wrap.. but the timeout_add is completed.13:56
rgreeningevand: http://roderick-greening.blogspot.com/ - have a quick look at the second post. describes what I did.13:57
evandgood deal14:02
rgreeningso, I think it's merge worthy into main backup.py and moving the required stuff to gtk_frontend.py using a quick wrapper to the same call. It's simpler on the gtk side, as we are only using the wrapper to move the function to frontend.14:05
evandokay, I'll try to take a closer look once I've cleared some other work off my plate.14:12
rgreeningI'll see about the remaining gobject stuff.. see how to port them...14:13
rgreeningcan't wait to finish this part... then it's just cleanup tasks (translations, packaging, etc).14:14
cr3evand: reping, might you have a moment to help me understand some preseeding of ubiquity?15:34
cr3cjwatson: you might know this on top of your head: when installing from the desktop image, the content of .disk/info gets copied to one of the files under /var/log/installer. does the same happen when netinstalling from the alternate image? I'm guessing not because the netinstall could just as well be done directly from the archive15:35
cjwatsoncr3: bug 36464915:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 364649 in ubiquity "Please include installation media build number in installation logs" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36464915:38
cjwatsoncr3: i.e. I don't think it does yet, and indeed it isn't guaranteed to exist in general15:39
evandcr3: sure15:39
cr3evand: so, to follow up on the thread for preseeding the clock-setup, I'm not sure I understand how to determine the package for which to define the preseed. for example, is this right: ubiquity clock-setup/ntp-server string foo.com15:42
cr3evand: I tried grepping around ubiquity for ntp-server but I couldn't find anything, so I'd like to have a better understanding of what happens15:43
evandcr3: it's in clock-setup, which ubiquity uses.  apt-get source ubiquity; cd ubiquity/d-i/source/clock-setup15:45
evandah, I misread15:45
evandd-i or ubiquity is fine, they'll both work15:45
cr3evand: hm, how does that work? re. d-i or ubiquity? does that mean anything supported by d-i could be passed along by ubiquity?15:48
cjwatsonerr, the owner is not really very connected to that question15:49
cjwatsonthe first field of a preseed line specifies the owner of the question from debconf's point of view15:49
cjwatsonthis is used for garbage-collection when packages are removed15:49
cjwatson"d-i" is a special owner that says "don't copy this question to the installed system", for d-i15:50
cjwatsonsince we don't copy most questions to the installed system at all for ubiquity yet, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference, but when we implement that I guess we'll allow both "d-i" and "ubiquity" to have the same meaning15:50
cjwatsonin general when preseeding things that are part of the installer you should use "d-i" (or "ubiquity" is OK too in the case of the desktop CD). When you expect preseeding to be processed by a package that's installed on the target system, use the appropriate package name15:51
cr3cjwatson: when you say the "the owner is not really very connected to that question", do you mean clock-setup/ntp-server for example which is not really connected to any owner and could potentially be given foobar as an owner, with the only difference that it won't be garbage collected and may affect the package foobar inadvertently?15:53
cr3cjwatson: potentially, I could reuse the preseed I use for the alternate image and just augment it with a few ubiquity-specific seeds and I should be good to go15:57
evandcr3: I believe that's exactly what he's saying, but you should still use d-i so it will be garbage collected :)16:00
cr3evand: right, I was just checksumming that my understanding was correct with some convoluted example :)16:01
evandheh, sure16:01
shtylmanevand: I have a few ideas I have been throughing around for the kubuntu ubiquity installer (http://shtylman.com/stuff/kubuntu_installer/ubiquity_idea1.png) .. the biggest question I have is about the sidebar on the left...those are one work descriptions of the task and would probly require new translation entries...would that be acceptable if we went with something like this for kubuntu?16:03
rgreeningblingy shtylman :P16:04
shtylmanrgreening: :) one does try16:04
cr3evand: another question for you: what's the difference between the ubiquity and user-setup owners? for example, I see both being used for passwd/username16:04
evandcreating strings for translation isn't a big deal for something like this, but my concern is screen space.  Those strings could get quite large when translated and we're already quite tight on space16:05
evandunfortunately I don't have a better suggestion :-/16:05
evandcr3: probably the difference of grabbing them via debconf-get-selections16:06
cr3evand: in case I want to add more preseed variables, how can I determine whether a particular variable might need to be grabbed via debconf-get-selections?16:07
cjwatsoncr3: if you give it "foobar" as an owner, it will get copied to the installed system and never ever be removed unless you install and then purge a package called "foobar"16:07
cjwatsoncr3: but otherwise yes16:07
shtylmanevand: thanks...I will think about that...didn't really thing about horizontal space :/ (damn my large monitors)16:07
evandshtylman: my fault for not pointing this out earlier, but today is FeatureDefinitionFreeze.  I'm not entirely sure if that means community specs have to be done as well, though I would assume so.16:07
cjwatsoncr3: by "the owner is not really very connected to that question" I meant that what owner you happen to set has nothing to do with whether anything supported by d-i can be passed along by ubiquity16:07
evandhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-karmic-ubiquity is looking a bit bare at the moment :)16:08
cjwatsoncr3: you should never be using "user-setup" as an owner; that's a bug16:08
cjwatsoncr3: as evand says, it might come from debconf-get-selections. Don't use debconf-get-selections.16:08
cr3evand: one of my concerns is that if I attempted to reuse the preseed I use for the alternate image for ubiquity, then passwd/username wouldn't've worked because I would've had to add an extra line for user-setup too16:08
evandapologies for not being more clear on that16:08
cjwatsoncr3: use the installation guide instead; we add things that are actually useful there16:08
cjwatsonright now, debconf-get-selections just gives you *everything*, including loads of stuff that's internal and shouldn't be preseedd16:09
shtylmanevand: oh my...didn't know that...been all tied up with OO work...16:09
shtylmanok...I will get on the spec fill out...with this mockup and see what I can produce16:09
cr3cjwatson: I've been using the preseed.txt.gz from the installation-guide as the base for my preseed template, which has been very useful. should I be expected to be able to use the exact same file for ubiquity as well?16:09
cr3by the way, I grab that preseed.txt.gz for each release and just add a few macros here and there to keep the diff between my file and the default one in the guide as short and readable as possible16:11
cjwatsoncr3: largely16:11
cjwatsoncr3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation documents the major differences (subject to errors and omissions)16:12
cr3cjwatson: excellent! I'll give that a try and follow up if there are any such errors and/or omissions. thanks for the reference!16:12
cr3using the same file for both alternate and desktop will make things much easier to maintain16:13
cjwatsonI see you were the last person to edit that wiki page ;-)16:21
cr3cjwatson: I have to do so many things so far and wide, I don't even remember what I might've edited and it was only a month ago :)16:25
evandkirkland: Is there anything else that needs to be covered, or you would like to add to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerKarmicEncryptedSwap ?17:04
xivulonevand, we can ship r13617:05
xivulonI have already starting moving forward to 9.1017:05
xivulonshould be able to play with grub2 soon17:05
evandxivulon: indeed, I ran it by slangasek this morning and I just have to find time today to push it to releases.ubuntu.com17:06
evandxivulon: as today is Feature Definition Freeze, can you ensure that the Wubi specification for Karmic is drafted and ready to be reviewed?17:06
evandgreat, thank you17:08
xivulonwill have to do it tonight do not have the gobby log with me (is it available online?)17:08
xivulonon colinux integration, did you have a chat with the kernel team?17:09
evanddid we take notes in gobby?17:09
evandxivulon: not yet, please make that an action item of the spec17:09
xivulonI did17:09
evandone second, I'll pull them down17:09
evandI've emailed them to your gmail account17:11
xivulonI think that daemonccc is also working on that (see #376807)17:11
evandI've also dumped the notes here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/KarmicWubi and linked everything up.17:16
xivulonot: was looking at genie programming language today (vala with python syntax), I love that stuff!17:16
evandI still think that the kernel patches are a *huge* blocker to official support and distribution from Ubuntu, but I'll follow up with the kernel team per the specification17:17
xivulonas to genie it would be really cool if it cool spit out c code without gobject when objects are not used, and maybe integrated with tinypy with gobject introspection for embedding...17:19
kirklandevand: i've been seeing your updates/changes17:22
kirklandevand: let me read in full17:22
kirklandevand: looks great; simple, to the point; major points covered17:23
xivulonevand, shall I put everything in that spec? it's really 2 or 3 things: colinux, wubi-migration, wubi-enhancements, macbook (unlikely)17:24
evandI'd put them all in, but do note that individual bits can still be dropped and the spec can be considered complete for karmic17:26
evandcase in point, colinux17:27
xivulonand macbook...17:27
xivulonwe already have a page for the migration tool by the way17:27
evandindeed, I'd just reference that17:28
evandas I believe we marked it as approved for 9.0417:28
evandor 8.10 :)17:28
xivulon9.04, I guess we changed our views a bit17:29
evandoh, good call17:29
xivulonjust to confirm, we will have migration inside of standard ubiquity, so we will not need a stage 117:29
xivulonpreviously we agreed to have a stage 1 from within ubuntu, in karmic we decided to actually autodetect wubi installations17:30
evandright, I think this is best done within the live environment.  I see no reason for any work outside of that.17:32
xivulonyes that is in line with what discussed at last UDS, I will change the previous wiki17:32
watersHi .. when i start ubuntu (a new install) all i get is a blank screen .. i can ctrl+alt+f1 and get to a console ... when i go dmsg i get this error: [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter} *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 1.. Anyone got time to help?17:37
xivulonmpt, evand I had mentioned this change to the partitioning page UI in california, created a new page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityPartitioningPageProposal17:41
xivulonstill think it's a good approach17:41
evandxivulon: I started a conversation with Ivanka (head of the Design and User Experience team) at UDS on ubiquity usability.  They seem to be a bit too busy for us at the moment, but she said the installer was on her radar, and I'll be sure to bring that design up when our turn comes for their resources.17:43
cjwatsonwaters: I think you'll need to ask either the kernel or X folks; it's a bit beyond me at least17:44
watersok .. thanks17:45
cody-somervillecjwatson, Someone from Debian asked me to advocate LP #38794417:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387944 in busybox "busybox-initramfs does not include wc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38794417:46
cjwatsoncody-somerville: yes, I'm aware of it and am merging busybox at the moment17:51
cjwatsonI'm already planning to include that change in my upload17:51
cody-somervillecjwatson, Thanks.17:51
mptxivulon, I like the first part17:51
evandmpt: any idea on when and if you guys will be looking into the installer?17:53
mptevand, no, sorry17:53
mptI'd dearly love to17:53
evandno worries at all17:53
evandwe've already got plenty to do this cycle :)17:53
xivulondo you think that it would be possible to upgrade the packages concurrently with a Wubi migration? Say migrating 9.04 wubi installation via a 9.10 CD. Certainly it would be impossible to upgrade some of the packages.18:02
CIA-4usb-creator: rgreening * r113 usb-creator/ (TODO usbcreator/kde_frontend.py):18:12
CIA-4usb-creator: Begin working on translation support for kde_frontend.py (needs lots of love)18:12
CIA-4usb-creator: Add warning dialog for when user cancels progress dialog and update connects18:12
CIA-4usb-creator: Remove unnecessary update_persist_label() (update directly in connect instead)18:12
CIA-4usb-creator: Ensure Make Startup Disk button is disabled from start18:12
CIA-4usb-creator: Update TODO18:12
evandxivulon: one step at a time :)18:13
evandI'm happy to just have the migration working for 9.1018:13
kirklandcjwatson: got a minute?  i need to chat with you about /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER18:14
kirklandcjwatson: 3 users in 3 days have either re-installed jaunty, or upgraded from jaunty -> karmic18:15
kirklandcjwatson: they backed up or preserved $HOME, but did not do the same for /var/lib/ecryptfs18:15
kirklandcjwatson: i'm going to need to fix this in a Jaunty SRU for the jaunty->karmic upgrade scenario18:16
kirklandcjwatson: i wanted to bounce the idea off of you before i implement it18:16
kirklandcjwatson: i'd create an /etc/init.d/ecryptfs, that does a mkdir -p /home/.ecryptfs && mount -o bind /home /home/.ecryptfs18:17
kirklandcjwatson: /home/.ecryptfs will be a bind mountpoint only;  but will be established at boot, before any user logs in and mounts their homedir18:17
kirklandcjwatson: the config data that lives in each user's /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER dir would be moved to /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs18:18
kirklandcjwatson: which would move it out of /var, and into their unmounted home dir18:18
kirklandcjwatson: users are good with backing up $HOME, so they'd keep a copy of their config data in that case18:19
cjwatsonkirkland: not today, sorry; can you send me a mail instead?18:33
kirklandcjwatson: sure18:34
kirklandcjwatson: i may well be able to attach a patch by that point18:34
kirklandcjwatson: after my spec definitions are done18:34
kirklandcjwatson: just one quick question ....18:34
kirklandcjwatson: are you diabolically opposed to a /home/.ecryptfs bind mount?18:34
kirklandcjwatson: would you prefer /.home instead?18:34
cjwatsonsorry, I *really* can't do this right now18:34
cjwatsonI'm trying to fill out financial declaration forms for school, and am only at the computer looking for information18:35
kirklandcjwatson: good luck ;-)  ttyl18:36
xivulonevand, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/KarmicWubi18:41
evandxivulon:  awesome!  I'll take a closer look when I get back from walking the dog.  Thanks a bunch for doing that so quickly!18:42
xivulonevand, np, feel free to edit18:49
xivulonmpt, evand fyi, I made a couple of enhancements to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityPartitioningPageProposal19:16
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
cr3might it be possible that late_command runs very early when attempting to preseed ubiquity? I've been seeing in-target errors popping by immediately after the preseed is being retrieved22:06
cjwatsonI'm not aware that preseed/late_command is processed by casper/ubiquity at all22:25

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