
ttxpersia: do we have a team meeting today ?15:02
=== PFFan|Away is now known as PFFan
Dutchy_Are there any plans to get Eclipse 3.4 in the repository? It's rather frustrating that Firefox gets beta applications in the repos but Eclipse has to do with years old versions...21:09
Dutchy_in fact, i see that even karmic lists Eclipse 3.2.221:14
Dutchy_i just saw that Eclipse 3.5 arrives in 6 days21:15
maxbDutchy_: Eclipse is notoriously difficult to package, unfortunately21:36
maxbIt really really fails to play nice with Linux package managers21:37
maxbFor personal use, I've attempted to simply repackage the Eclipse.org binaries into .debs to ease installation on multiple machines.21:38
maxbBut I've given up on even that!21:38
maxbAs of 3.4, they replaced much of the plugin management code with something new called p2, which seems prone to getting spectacularly confused when you install Eclipse as root and run it as a normal user.21:39
maxbSo basically it's a *huge* effort, and Debian are now talking about dropping it entirely unless a volunteer steps forward, in which case Ubuntu will follow suit21:41

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