
TakyojiFlannel: Basically anything the visually explains what open source is without having to have blocks or text to explain.02:00
TakyojiKind of more stuff for proposing open source to certain companies/people and so on.02:01
AliTabugehi everybody!20:54
huayrahi AliTabuge 20:54
AliTabuger7is everyone here?20:54
huayraAliTabuger7, everyone seems to be us and a few others ;)20:55
huayrashall we give it 5 min AliTabuger7 ?20:57
huayralet's go21:02
AliTabuger7Don't think we gained anyone. Shame.21:02
huayrapeople will show up21:02
AliTabuger7SpreadUbuntu meeting21:02
akgranerhi ya'll21:02
huayraand anyway.. We got the word to the global jam meeting21:02
huayraso there's definitely interest21:02
huayraWell, first things first21:03
huayraAgenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Meetings#Agenda21:03
huayra= SpreadUbuntu: a little intro  =21:03
huayraHi my name is Rubén and I am one of many wanting spreadubuntu.com to be the epicenter of the marketing activities that the Ubuntu community engages with21:04
huayraI work with marketing and sales of Free Software by day and I try to make spreadubuntu a reality by night/weekends21:04
huayraLive in Oslo, 28 years old, father, single...21:05
huayraenough about me21:05
* huayra invites AliTabuger7 to introduce himself :)21:05
AliTabuger7I did pretty much all of the work on the existing SU site: spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org21:06
huayrago AliTabuger7! Your are my SU hero! :-)21:07
* Grantbow cheers21:07
TakyojiPHP developer as well, or?21:07
huayraI think AliTabuger7 can claim to be one, yes. or?21:08
AliTabuger7A little bit of PHP. Really basic stuff though21:08
AliTabuger7enough to conditionally print elements21:09
TakyojiI'm paid/volunteer to develop pretty much anything PHP; thus would be willing to contribute (but I suppose the group has a vast array of PHP folks anyway. xP)21:10
huayraTakyoji, really we don't21:10
huayrawe have the drupal folks and the ubuntu-drupal team that do some work, but not directly related to spreadubuntu21:10
huayraEvan is the man, really21:11
huayraso if you could be down to helping us we would love that21:11
AliTabuger7It will be great to have someone i can ask about stuff i get confused about. I was trying to fix the language bugs in the last one and couldn't figure that out for the life of me21:11
huayrawe have many ideas left to implement and bugs to resolve ;)21:11
AliTabuger7We're looking to redo the home page, which I'm sure will get too complicated forme21:12
huayrayeah, this far we have an installation with all the modules up and pretty much that: http://ubuntu.ec/su/ubuntu-drupal/21:12
huayraour base right now is drupal5 and the plan is to move it to drupal621:13
TakyojiYea, I've poked around with the theme a little and all21:14
TakyojiTypically I favor solutions that are a little more ad-hoc, haven't been too convinced of Drupal.21:14
huayraI can add you to the admin group so you can have Admin rights within drupal21:14
huayraand give you an account in the server if needed be21:15
huayraDrupal is basically what you use if you ever want to get Canonical hosting and help from the community (most LoCo teams use it and even Ubuntu.com does)21:15
huayraTakyoji, are you willing to give us a hand with the project?21:16
TakyojiBy all means21:16
huayracan you please give me your launchpad ID?21:16
huayra:) fantastic!21:16
TakyojiI believe it's just 'takyoji'21:17
huayraok :)21:17
huayraI'll add you to the admin team and you will automatically have admin access to the site21:18
AliTabuger7Drupal has a module that lets you login using your launchpad ID, and it can assign you to groups based on your launchpad teams. That feature has the potential to add some really cool functionality to the site.21:19
Takyojivia OpenID or?21:19
huayrayeah OPenID21:19
AliTabuger7but teams i think uses something else.21:19
huayraand now that the community council is making the ubuntu LoCo directory the possibilities are even more21:20
huayrawe can now about language, location and lots of things through the Launchpad API and åprobably retrieve that info for our use in the SU site21:20
Grantbowshould the current site URL be in the description of the ~spreadubuntu team?21:21
huayrayou are now added Takyoji 21:21
Grantbowah, it's on the wiki page21:22
TakyojiThank you21:22
huayraGrantbow, we really need a wiki and launchpad clean up21:22
AliTabuger7The current ubuntu.ec/su/ubuntu-drupal/ address does not have much to it, but it will need to be added soon21:22
huayrawe have lots of information and it's hard top grasp the whole project21:22
huayrawhich takes us to the next point in this meeting21:22
huayraI have updated actually the wiki linking to that Drupal6 install already ;)21:23
huayraDefining SpreadUbuntu:21:23
huayra    * Do-It-Yourself Marketing repository site?21:23
huayra    * Campaign epicenter for Ubuntu Marketing?21:23
huayra    * Advocacy site?21:23
huayra    * A combination? 21:23
AliTabuger7First two21:23
huayraAliTabuger7, can you please explain what we want this site to be? :)21:23
huayraanyone else in this meeting.. What do you think when you think of SpreadUbuntu ?21:24
huayraWhat comes to your mind?21:24
akgranerSharing comes to mind...21:25
TakyojiOne idea I had for my local LoCo group (but could probably be used for SpreadUbuntu) is to have like a type of a LUG/LoCo listing, but also, allow the groups to have their own little part of the website that they can have a calendar, a basic forum, announcement, and other things that would help with their LUG.21:25
Takyojiif that clearly makes sense21:26
akgraneroh I like that21:26
AliTabuger7Thats what I had imagined for the "teams" section21:26
huayrabasically part pof that is already being done by the community council21:27
Takyojiand I'm not entirely certain of how one would be able to extend Drupal in a sane matter to do that.21:27
AliTabuger7Look at this page for an example of what an organic group can be made into: http://groups.drupal.org/design-drupal21:28
huayrathey are organizing the teams in launchpad, and with launchpad as the base we will be able to give access to all teams in their own terms (language, permissions, etc...)21:28
huayraTakyoji, you don't have to extend it. You just delegate permissions out of the information you gather from Launchpad ;)21:29
huayrathe site is one and the same21:29
huayrawith calenders, marketing materials and the like but language, for example, is defined according to which team(s) you are a part of21:29
huayrabut the underlying code still the same21:30
huayraDrupal is the bomb you know21:30
huayraand with OpenID and the Launchpad-Drupal plugin we have the tech already21:30
huayrawhat we need is the organization of the teams that is taking place right now. So we should be good to go21:30
huayrabut we need commitment and coders like yourself21:31
huayra3 or 4 Global Marketing Jams would really make the site usable, regarding the material21:31
TakyojiI'd just have to poke around with Drupal's APIs first at some point.21:32
huayraAliTabuger7, is that really necessary for what we need now?21:32
huayraI mena the porting from 5 to 621:32
AliTabuger7is what? knowing API's? not really.21:33
AliTabuger7would it be a big deal if we just copy the database over? that would make things a whole lot easier21:33
huayrawhat would Takyoji need to know to get going and working with the port with us?21:33
huayraif it's compatible it shouldn't be a problem21:34
TakyojiIsn't there just a straightforward upgrade from 5 to 6?21:34
huayrawe are lacking one or two modules, but it should be workeable21:34
AliTabuger7i'd want to start with a clean languages though21:34
AliTabuger7i think we'll change a lot, and drupal6 i think has the ability to seperate core translations from ones specific to your site, which would be amazing21:35
huayrait does? That would make our whole life easier21:35
huayradoes that mean that all of our work can be "packaged" in the "/sites" area?21:37
TakyojiHow about just backup the current DB to SQL, along with the files on the website, throw it in a g-zipped tarball, and I could try poking around with it.21:37
huayrain other words: can SpreadUbuntu easily become a module for drupal21:37
huayrathe code is online: https://code.launchpad.net/spreadubuntu21:37
huayrafor both versions21:38
AliTabuger7what it would more likely become is a profile21:38
huayrado we have a newer DB dump in launchpad AliTabuger7?21:38
AliTabuger7i can get a fresh one21:39
huayrathat would be awesome21:39
Takyojidevel-drupal5 branch, right?21:39
AliTabuger7thats where all our materials and such are21:40
AliTabuger7actually, no materials should be up there, just the database taht points to them. we stopped putting materials in there because it got massive21:41
huayrawe should mirror the materials in one file somewhere21:43
huayrathe /content/ folder21:43
huayraa materials branch in launchpad or something21:44
huayrawe have at least defined that Spread Ubuntu should be a DIY repository for marketing material and the like21:46
huayraand a Cam,paign epicenter for the global community21:46
huayraAliTabuger7 Grantbow Takyoji ?21:48
huayraWell, then the next point:21:49
huayraDrupal6 move before the 9.10 release21:49
huayra    * Our site runs on Drupal5 right now. We must fix that!21:49
huayra    * Most modules we use (besides copyright/licenses) are already available21:49
huayra    * Using the Ubuntu-Drupal code as the base should ease our work21:49
huayra    * LP-Drupal integration will help us deliver the best possible user experience21:49
huayra    * We need hands-on cooperation for development of the site!21:49
huayra    * A roadmap to get the spreadubuntu.com and spreadubuntu.org domains21:49
huayra    * Canonical Hosting with community code review in advance? 21:49
huayraWe have gone thorugh all of these besides the last two21:50
huayraWe need a roadmap, or at least to updtae the one we have21:51
huayrahas not been changed since september last year21:52
huayraThe Roadmap should include a date on which we should already be spreadubuntu.com and spreadubuntu.org21:54
huayraCanonical has pointed out that they *want* this to happen21:54
huayrabut we must have a solid server21:54
Grantbowso things have slipped a year without an update to the roadmap?21:55
huayraor we must at least have a community/Canonical code review before SpreadUbuntu enters into the Canonical datacenter21:55
huayraGrantbow, we have really concentrated more in the project that the wiki updates... and we are few people working in this project21:55
huayraso our time is limited... 21:55
huayraYou are free to do it if you can :)21:56
huayraor I can help you find out how if you want ;)21:56
huayrathe more people the merrier!21:56
AliTabuger7you saying we need to update the wiki more often?21:56
GrantbowI can help with the roadmap editing if we have real data to put in there21:56
huayraI can work it out and give it to you. COuld you probably take responsability for updating the roadmap?21:57
huayrait does not mean a lot of work. it really is about following a bit with the team on our blogs and our code updates which show iup in the su mailist21:58
GrantbowI don't get the feeling yet that there's a "there there" - updating and missing targets again would be bad21:58
huayraAliTabuger7, the wiki needs clean up, yes21:58
huayrawe didn't miss it, we had a prototype by that time21:59
huayraWe need a simpler first page. Something like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams22:00
huayrathe roadmap is higlighted here by me because Canonical wants to see it22:01
huayrathat's all22:01
huayraanyway, to the next point:22:01
huayraInclude the Global Ubuntu community:22:01
huayra    * Create a Global marketing materials recollection system22:01
huayra    *22:01
huayra      Something that ALL LoCos want to and can use 22:01
huayraToday under the Global Ubuntu Jam they mentioned Marketing Jams as a possibility22:01
huayraI think it would be a great Idea to work on a Global Ubuntu Marketing Jam and prepare a campaign which uses SU as the epicenter22:02
huayraif we do it just before the karmic release then it is sure to get lots of attention22:02
huayraAliTabuger7, how is your server couping with user peaks?22:03
AliTabuger7no problems22:03
huayrashould we aim for Canonical hosting this cycle, or shall we just defferr that to the karmic+1 cycle?22:04
huayraok... AliTabuger7 Grantbow Takyoji are you ok with aiming at having one Global Ubuntu Marketing Jam before Karmic?22:06
TakyojiBy all means, I see nothing wrong in that22:07
huayraSo we can use SU not only as a reposiutory, but also as a community site for campaign operation?22:07
huayragreat, let's see how far we can get.22:07
GrantbowI'll consult the team - something will happen.22:07
Grantbowin California22:07
huayragreat. I'll talk to the council and let them know that we should have a working base for us to dive into new waters ;)22:08
huayraAliTabuger7, Grantbow, Takyoji thanks for a great meeting!22:09
huayraI will post the minutes in the wiki and blog about it to draw ourselves some attention from the PLanet22:09
huayraeveryone else attending and watching us from the fence, please join our mailist and our Launchpad Team22:10
huayrathese are exciting times!22:10
huayraHAve a great morning/evening everyone!22:10
GrantbowThanks huayra22:11
huayraThank you Grantbow :)22:12
huayraI'm off22:37
huayragood bye22:37
AliTabuger7i've uploaded the current SU configuration22:44

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