
BUGabundoasac ping00:36
ftayou don't have to accept right away, the bar stays there, just wait to be sure00:43
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* BUGabundo $ sudo shutdown -t now ; echo 1 lamb, 2 lamb, 3 lamb 4rrrr lammbbbb.....01:45
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micahgwhere does firefox get its list of apps from?04:14
micahgto open files?04:14
* asac gets zillions of mails :(09:22
asacfta: oh songbird work ;)09:56
ftaasac, i assume you mean the commit emails, because otherwise, it doesn't work at all, they once again changed everything10:57
asacfta: btw, do you plan to do any gwibber updates in karmic real archive? or who does the in-archive maintenance?11:00
asacoh there was an update on 12th june11:00
asacnm then11:00
fta!info gwibber11:06
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 185 kB, installed size 1360 kB11:06
fta!info gwibber karmic11:07
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2~bzr263-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 201 kB, installed size 1532 kB11:07
ftawho did that?11:07
asacfta: the guy in the changelog. dont you know him?11:11
asac-- David Futcher < bobbo@ubuntu.com>   Tue, 28 Apr 2009 16:59:01 +010011:12
ftai guess he didn't use the branches, did he?11:12
asacjcastro: do you  know this guy ;)? i think some coordination within the gwibber team might make sense11:12
asacfta: most likely not :(11:12
asacinteresting. i am in the changelog ;)11:13
asacfta: i write hima mail11:15
asactold him to show up here ;)11:15
asacdtchen: i selected "pulse" in skype and what i get (karmic) is stuttering sound:11:51
asacRtApiAlsa: underrun detected.11:51
asacdtchen: i guess thats an application fault because i dont have the same prob with other apps11:51
asacbut still, i wonder if thats something we can tune on our side11:51
asachmm ... my network connection is bad today. let me reset the modem etc.12:12
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asacfta2: will you push up the 3.5 RC1 builds? to karmic?12:47
asacif so plesae check bug 33165412:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331654 in firefox-3.5 "abrowser profile migration is wrong" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33165412:47
asacif not, i will do the update asap12:48
fta2i will13:40
fta2asac, ..but RC213:40
jcastroasac: yeah I know bobbo14:14
Adri2000firefox -ProfileManager wasn't working... but then I realized I already had one firefox instance open :)14:25
Adri2000(on jaunty)14:26
BUGabundoboas tardes14:27
BUGabundofta: asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/198534/14:31
BUGabundogot a trace from FF 3.6 before it lost keyboard14:31
BUGabundoneed to get the dgb libs for it14:32
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fta2BUGabundo, for me, it didn't crash14:58
BUGabundodid you run it on gdb?14:58
asacAdri2000: yeah thats an issue - though low prio15:00
asac(profile manager is not really supported upstream)15:00
BUGabundofta then how were you expecting to see it ?15:02
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fta2asac, is it possible to request a devirtualized PPA?18:07
BUGabundohaving trouble,queue fta?18:08
fta2asac, like this one https://edge.launchpad.net/~mcasadevall/+archive/ppa18:08
fta2BUGabundo, no, just want to more arches18:08
BUGabundowell its failing to build LOL18:09
BUGabundodo you need arm ?18:09
BUGabundobtw fta you liked that IMO.im site?18:11
BUGabundoI know its Flash but it very usefull18:11
BUGabundono CPU usage, unlike skype (that uses 90% on my system)18:11
BUGabundofta you fabed my dent yesterday about it!18:11
BUGabundoI have no idea how you manage to actually read it all LOLOL18:11
fta2did I? i've never faved any dent18:12
fta2cu in 1h.18:13
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BUGabundoopps wrong fab "Fabian Rodriguez"18:20
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ftastevel, hi, does songbird have an alternate branding? for dailies19:24
stevelfta: nope19:25
BUGabundo"fta you fabed my dent yesterday about it!"19:25
BUGabundo"I have no idea how you manage to actually read it all LOLOL"19:25
BUGabundo"opps wrong fab "Fabian Rodriguez" "19:25
ftaBUGabundo, yep19:26
ftastevel, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/songbird/songbird.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/fix_xul_toolkit_bad_preprocessor_code.patch19:36
ftastevel, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/songbird/songbird.head/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/system_nspr.patch19:37
Mook_sbfta: amusingly, that first patch landed in XR :)19:37
ftaMook_sb, well, it is obviously still needed to build sb trunk19:39
Mook_sbit is.19:39
Mook_sbwe just got .11 on trunk :|19:40
BUGabundofta: did any of those keyb freze happen some time close to using Flash?20:17
ftaBUGabundo, i had 69 tabs, 1 with youtube20:17
BUGabundoit happened to me 3 times today20:18
BUGabundoall after or during using flash or youtube20:18
BUGabundoit won't let go the keyboard20:19
ftaeverything's possible with flash20:19
BUGabundohate when flash does that20:19
ftai hate flash20:19
BUGabundohow doesn't beside adobe?20:21
BUGabundodamn it20:21
BUGabundocan I kill flash and leave the browser?20:21
BUGabundoits stuck inside the youtube vid20:21
BUGabundoTAB and space works20:21
ftafile a bug20:23
ftalooks like a regression to me20:23
BUGabundowhere do I file it?20:23
BUGabundoI haven't made any flash updates for a while20:24
ftaif you have enough patience, grab previous dailies from lp to identify a window20:24
BUGabundoits been like this for a while20:25
BUGabundolike at least a week20:25
ftabisect by date20:25
ftadailies exist for that reason20:26
BUGabundofound a workaround20:26
BUGabundothat's why I always had trouble putting my finger on it20:26
BUGabundoopen a link outside FF, and it will be freed20:27
ftaor go to a console and come back to X20:27
BUGabundothat doesn't work20:27
BUGabundoat least it didn't when I tried it20:27
ftafaster if you're lucky enough to have a good kms20:27
ftadid for me yesterday20:28
BUGabundoI have a some what dead Alt key20:28
BUGabundocan't make that fast enough I guess20:28
ftawell, just 1 answer for songbird -daily, i guess it's not worth it20:31
BUGabundoI saw that *one*20:31
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ftafta       4974  0.8  1.9 162904 40872 ?        Sl   Jun17  12:33 rhythmbox21:21
ftafta      12271 19.5  5.6 336200 115556 pts/2   Sl+  22:06   2:55 /usr/lib/songbird/./songbird-bin21:21
ftaMook_sb, ^^ :(21:22
BUGabundoisn't that a tad too muc?21:22
Mook_sbis it doing anything interesting?21:23
ftaand mashtape is disabled21:23
Mook_sb(scanning metadata? organizing files? eating babies?)21:23
ftanope, it's idle, paused21:23
ftasame library as rhythmbox21:24
BUGabundobabies??? LOL21:24
BUGabundothat _almost deserved to be redentd21:24
Mook_sb:( I don't suppose you can get a stack?21:24
BUGabundobut then fta gets mad at me21:24
ftaI need to rebuild it, as i forgot to preserve the symbols21:25
Mook_sbsorry about the suck :(21:26
ftai still miss a native systray icon and multimedia keys (my gnome key bindings)21:28
ftaand notifications21:29
Mook_sbextensinos/systray _may_ work. or it may not. or maybe it doesn't build at all.21:29
BUGabundofta: I miss to be able to press my power button21:29
ftaMook_sb, it doesn't build, needs gtk/glib symbols at link time.21:32
Mook_sbthanks for checking.21:33
ftaeasy to fix though21:34
ftaok, got an xpi.21:35
ftaMook_sb, i thought --with-songbird-extensions=systray would have added it to the build&install but apparently, it's not even built22:03
Mook_sbfta: no, you want --with-extensions=systray22:03
Mook_sb--with-songbird-extensions actually means --with-poti-private-extensions-not-in-publicsvn22:04
ftaok, btw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/198770/22:04
Mook_sbstevel: do we have a contrib agreement from fta? :)22:04
ftanope, just take the patch, i don't mind22:05
Mook_sbyeah, we probably don't need it for something that trivial / obvious anyway :)22:05
* Mook_sb just likes to pass the buck XD22:05
ftai'm not looking for credits, fame or anything22:06
stevelfta: nope.. but yeah, that's a trivial enough patch we can just take it22:06
ftawould be nice if you could take the other patches too, the less i carry, the better22:06
Mook_sbsystray/ is easier to deal with because nobody else wants to touch it, so I get to do whatever :p22:07
stevelfta: which other patches?22:10
Mook_sbchecked in.22:11
ftastevel, this one should be nice to have, as it's quick to rot: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/songbird/songbird.head/annotate/head:/debian/patches/system_nspr.patch22:14
Mook_sbthat probably needs an actual bug filed22:15
stevelMook_sb: if i filed one and attached the patch to it, would you r? it?  or do we need to have preed do it?22:16
Mook_sbstevel: preed would be better, yeah22:16
* Mook_sb can also bikeshed, if preferred22:17
stevelMook_sb: filed, attached, and r? thrown to preed. we'll see what happens22:20
stevelthanks fta22:20
ftait wfm, if it matters ;)22:22
stevela little bit.  :) more important whether it wfus. or maybe wfpreed22:23
dtchenasac: please use resample-method = speex-float-1 in ~/.pulse/daemon.conf22:44
dtchenasac: i've already made that change for the next pa upload22:45
BUGabundohey dtchen22:45
BUGabundoasac: I can confirm that this option makes Audio much better!22:45
ftaMook_sb, obviously, this is needed too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/198787/22:52
Mook_sbfta: not really; it's just not installed by default on release builds22:52
Mook_sb(but it _will_ generate the .xpi)22:52
ftait's not in dist/ so for me, it's needed22:52
Mook_sbit's in compiled/xpi-stage22:53
Mook_sbor you can build --enable-debug ;)22:53
ftai should not matter unless you buld with  --with-extensions=systray22:53
Mook_sbif you build without --enable-extensions=systray, it won't exist, at all22:53
ftabut my patch won't hurt then22:54
ftai mean, when i build with --enable-extensions=something, i expect it to be installed too22:55
Mook_sbit will hurt windows, where it gets built by default (but not installed) :p22:55
ftais --enable-extensions=systray used on windows?22:56
Mook_sbit's on by default on windows (to make sure it keeps building)22:56
ftawell, nm, i'll keep the patch downstream22:56
Mook_sbor just install it manually post-install ;)22:56

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