
TheSheepShiandar: I dont think so, what card is that? Intel? Nvidia?00:03
anom01ywow, my sound card is crashed00:15
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions00:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:25
TheSheepanom01y: you can also /msg the bot00:31
anom01yIm having troubles with my sound card, It is a via vt1708/a00:33
anom01ynothing plays although the sound is at a max.00:35
TheSheephow are you testing it?00:41
anom01yTheSheep, sorry its a 82xx00:42
anom01yI am testing using different players00:43
anom01yits funny bewcause it was working 3 days ago00:43
TheSheepcan you open a terminal, run 'alsamixer' and make sure everything is unmuted?00:47
anom01yTheSheep, there are only two volume controls in alsamixergui00:49
anom01yand it says card: pulseaudio00:49
anom01ychip: pulseaudio00:49
TheSheepyou also have ubuntu?00:50
anom01yxubuntu 9.0400:50
anom01yshould I have gnome services turned on ?00:51
TheSheepxubuntu normally comes without pulseaudio00:51
anom01yI wonder how I got pulseaudio installed thats probably my problem right there00:52
TheSheepyou can try removing it00:52
anom01yshould I uninstall pulseaudio00:52
anom01yI tried sudo alsa reload and that didnt work00:55
anom01yshould I reset the computer ? alsamixergui won't even open anymore ..00:56
TheSheepanom01y: I suppose so01:00
anom01yalsa is such a pain01:00
anom01yeahh well thanks for your help I will be right back01:01
mdshaw89are there any guides for upgrading to Xubuntu from Kubuntu?03:08
Raggsinstall the xubuntu-desktop03:11
mdshaw89cool - thanks!03:15
SML1226I just finished installing and for some reason it says it is read only, anybody know how to fix?04:00
SML1226My Ubuntu drive is read only if that was unclear04:01
RaggsSML1226, as user?04:03
SML1226I just installed it and when I tried to make a text file it said read only filesystem04:04
Raggsok, where did you try to make the text file04:06
SML1226*name*/Documents/    folder04:07
Raggsopen a term and type ls -l and paste the information about that folder04:07
SML1226L or i?04:08
Raggslower case L04:08
SML1226Stupid firefox won't open, hang on04:11
maduserwhy you opening firefox?04:11
Raggswhat i was wondering04:12
Raggsit should be only one line04:12
Raggspaste it here04:12
SML1226total 3204:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 21:53 Desktop04:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Documents04:12
SML1226-rw-r--r-- 1 sml1226 sml1226  357 2009-06-17 21:00 examples.desktop04:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Music04:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Pictures04:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Public04:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Templates04:12
SML1226drwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Videos04:12
SML1226not 1 line!04:12
maduserdocuments was the only one needed04:12
Raggsdrwxr-xr-x 2 sml1226 sml1226 4096 2009-06-17 16:27 Documents04:13
SML1226ahhh that explaunsut04:13
SML1226stupid laptop keys!!04:13
RaggsSML1226, still have a term open?04:13
Raggscd Documents04:14
Raggstouch test04:14
Raggsany error?04:15
SML1226froze before I could test! nothing is working now Going to restart and try again.04:15
Raggsoh boy04:15
maduserRaggs wouldn't a chmod 777 work here on the home dir?04:15
maduserdon't want to make this to complex for the guy04:16
Raggsmaduser, i am not sure that is his problem, his permisions are the same as mine04:17
Raggsand i can write to my documents04:17
maduserah just checked mine same here04:18
Raggsso the issue is not making a text document, it is something simpler that we just havent figured out04:18
madusertest if he can do it in root?04:19
Raggsnot yet, need to find out how he tried to make the text file04:19
Raggssometimes the easiest fix just covers up a real problem04:20
Raggshowever if it is an xubuntu issue i will be at a disadvantage04:22
maduserhow so?04:22
RaggsI'm not running it04:22
Raggsi usually run Debian04:23
maduserlol I'm doing the same except i'm doing that in the puppy Linux04:23
maduserat least debain and ubuntu are similar04:23
Raggsyes, and no, they are similar but Debian is a little better in the cli04:24
RaggsOR i am just more used to using Debian04:24
maduserwait i've used linuxes across the board and made my own with lfs and never saw a cli difference except in the apps04:25
maduseror wait, dosn't ubuntu use a custom kernel?04:25
Raggsmaduser, it is the reliance on them, ubuntus are more set up so they dont have to be used much04:26
maduserthats it04:26
maduserbut when they do, oh boy04:26
Raggswhen they do they come here and ask help04:27
Raggsbut that is ok, and i usually have patience for this04:28
TheSheepplease do n't tell m=people to set their homes to 77704:29
TheSheepsorry for typos04:29
RaggsTheSheep, np04:30
maduserI rember this poor dude in #kubuntu that completely messed up his computer because he didn't know what he was doing04:30
Raggsmaduser, not all people should run linux04:30
Raggsmost should, but not all04:30
madusersorry I got used to telling people that because they had no clue what to do and where complaining for a fix04:30
TheSheepnonsense, just not all of them should have root access :)04:30
RaggsTheSheep, there ya go04:31
Raggsi always run as root04:31
TheSheepRaggs: coming from dos, eh?04:31
maduserin ubuntu aren't you root jr if you don't specify otherwise?04:31
TheSheepthe first user gets sudo access04:32
TheSheepyou still need to type the password, which is nice when running scripts that try to do things as root behind your back04:32
maduserthat concept could be exploited by a linux virus04:33
TheSheep'hi, I'm a linux virus, type your password to let me spread'04:34
maduserhey the same people that come in here for comandline help..........04:34
Raggsshould have told him to sudo rm -rf /04:35
maduserI did once in in a channel and got banned cause they guy was pissing me off04:35
maduserI learned since not to do that04:36
TheSheepRaggs: it's not worth it, it is a community after all, you'd have hard time looking for help for yourself04:36
RaggsTheSheep, was joking04:36
maduseranyway google provides most of these answers even if you didn't come here04:36
TheSheepplus, if you want linux to grow and become better, give people real, long-term solutions04:37
RaggsTheSheep I believe i was04:37
TheSheepmaduser: the problem is you have to know where to look and what to look for, starting with knowing the right words04:37
TheSheepRaggs: I'm not refering to your help in particular, I didn't pay attention04:38
TheSheepRaggs: just generally speaking04:38
TheSheephave you read "in the beginning was the command line" by Neal Stephenson? :)04:38
Raggsi have not04:38
maduserwhere is the dude with the problem?04:39
TheSheepI guess he's reinstalling hoping it will fix things...04:39
maduserthe funniest helping moments come when people have X problems04:40
maduserthere like what theres a comandline under the GUI?04:40
maduserand they go waste their time reinstalling04:41
TheSheepit didn't break for itself, it won't fix itself04:41
maduserthe fixes in ubuntu compared to others are simple in comparison04:42
TheSheephow so?04:42
Raggsi was lucky to be forced to learn cli before doing things with a gui04:42
madusersudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:43
Raggsa perfectly good graphical editor and the guy who taught me always had me do things in vi04:43
TheSheepwhat's wrong with vi?04:44
TheSheepit's a perfectly good editor, and has a graphical version too04:44
Raggslol, nothing, but there are easier ways04:44
TheSheepyou have to tell me one day, I don't know anything faster and easier04:44
Raggsgedit is easier coming from windows04:45
Raggsor kedit04:45
TheSheepew, I'd have to manually position the cursor character-by-character04:46
sml1226Howdo I update 8.04 LTSto 9.04?04:47
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:47
Raggswb sml122604:47
Raggssml1226, did ya get it figured out?04:47
sml1226Yeah thanks04:49
sml1226Gotit now04:49
Raggsok, glad to hear it04:49
maduserwhat was the problem?04:49
TheSheepwhat was it?04:49
Raggslater folks, look forward to chatting again04:51
sml1226Needed to know how to get to 9.04 from 8.04 LTS04:51
sml1226That wasthe problem04:51
Raggswhat about the text file problem?04:51
sml1226I hate this keyboard04:51
sml1226Stupid spacebar04:51
TheSheepI think he's not the same sml04:53
maduserip's match04:54
sml1226Same one04:55
maduserhow did you fix your read only problem?04:56
sml1226Stupid DVD had errors. Used 8.04 CD04:56
sml1226Thats why needed to know how to gwt 9.04on here04:56
TheSheepsml1226: you've seen that web page?04:57
sml1226Yeah it helped, updating before the upgrade to 8.10 :(04:57
sml1226Need 2 updates04:57
TheSheepyeah, you can update directly only between LTS-es04:58
sml12268.10 and 9.0404:58
sml1226Doyou know how to remove a distro altogether?04:58
sml1226I addedKubuntu and want to remove it.04:59
maduseroh I do04:59
sml1226Removes all apps and ui?04:59
maduserTheSheep :)04:59
maduserno the easiest way i can think of it to format the partition05:00
maduseror just delete all the files in the partition05:00
maduserand remove kubuntu form grub05:00
sml1226did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop not separate partitions05:01
sml1226both on same one05:01
maduseroh you used that command05:01
maduserI thought you got the cd05:01
sml1226don't want the apps wasting space05:02
maduseryou have to specfiy that05:02
sml1226oops :o05:02
maduserapt-get remove kubuntu-desktop05:02
sml1226doesn't remove the apps05:02
madusersudo apt-get remove akregator amarok amarok-common apport-qt ark cdrdao dolphin dontzap dragonplayer exiv2 foomatic-db-gutenprint gdebi-kde gnupg-agent gtk2-engines-qtcurve gwenview hpijs-ppds ijsgutenprint install-package jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaddressbook kamera kate kde-icons-oxygen kde-printer-applet kde-style-qtcurve kde-window-manager kde-zeroconf kdebase-bin kdebase-data kdebase-plasma kdebase-runtime kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 kdebase-runtime-dat05:04
madusera kdebase-runtime-data-common kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 kdebluetooth kdegraphics-strigi-plugins kdelibs-bin kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5 kdelibs5-data kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdepasswd kdepim-kresources kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepim-wizards kdepimlibs-data kdepimlibs5 kdeplasma-addons kdeplasma-addons-data kdesudo kdm kfind khelpcenter4 klipper kmag kmail kmix kmousetool knotes konqueror konqueror-nsplug05:04
maduserins konqueror-plugin-searchbar konsole kontact kopete korganizer kpackagekit krdc krfb ksnapshot ksysguard ksysguardd ksystemlog ktimetracker ktorrent ktorrent-data kubuntu-artwork-usplash kubuntu-default-settings kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-docs kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts kuser kvkbd kwalletmanager language-selector-qt libakonadiprivate1 libao2 libaudio2 libavahi-qt3-1 libboost-program-options1.35.0 libclucene0ldbl libdbus-qt-1-1c2 libeet1 libexiv2-5 libfl05:04
maduserac++6 libgeoip1 libk3b3 libk3b3-extracodecs libkcddb4 libkdecorations4 libkdepim4 libkexiv2-7 libkholidays4 libkipi6 libkleo4 libkonq5 libkonq5-templates libkpgp4 libksieve4 libkwineffects1 libloudmouth1-0 liblua50 liblualib50 libmad0 libmimelib4 libmodplug0c2 libmpcdec3 libmsn0.1 libmysqlclient15off libokularcore1 libpackagekit-glib11 libpackagekit-qt11 libphonon4 libplasma3 libpoppler-qt4-3 libpq5 libqca2 libqca2-plugin-ossl libqedje0 libqimageblitz4 l05:04
maduseribqt3-mt libqt4-assistant libqt4-core libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-help libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-svg libqt4-test libqt4-w05:04
sml1226wow couldn't use pastebin?05:05
madusersorry about that I though the list was smaller05:05
sml1226yeah a lot there05:05
maduserdo to that link it has the remove command for it05:05
sml1226great thanks a lot05:06
sml1226Probably going to use Ubuntu05:06
sml1226Remove both of those05:06
sml1226listed on the site05:07
sml1226197 of 224 on update :(05:08
forcesflood, ban her06:36
om26erhow to install xorg development package07:47
gabkdllyom26er: hi07:51
gabkdllysudo apt-get install xorg-dev07:51
gabkdllyI think that is what you need07:51
RosseDoes anyone know the name Ubuntu uses for the madwifi driver package?09:53
gabkdllyRosse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7545110:11
gabkdllyRosse: I googled for "madwifi ubuntu"10:11
gabkdllyRosse: hope that helps10:12
Rossethank you :310:13
Rossealthough this seems to date from before it was included in the distro10:13
gabkdllyRosse: actually, System -> Hardware Drivers might do this for you10:17
gabkdllyRosse: ath_pci still seems to be in the current version of linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-11-generic10:17
gabkdllyRosse: I checked on packages.ubuntu.com10:17
Rossegabkdlly: Thank you. I'm using madwifi now. The problem is that other user accounts don't seem to be using it.10:18
gabkdllyRosse: wierd10:19
Rossegabkdlly: at least I think that's the problem. Other accounts randomly disconnect from the network like when I was using ath5k10:20
gabkdllycheck by logging in as the offending user, and running lsmod10:21
gabkdllyit would surprise me if kernel modules were loaded differently for different users10:21
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/11:01
SlonkieCan i restart the panels?11:01
gabkdllyI think "killall xfce4-panel" should work11:04
gabkdllyfollowed by alt+f2 ...11:05
SlonkieWere you talking to me, gabkdlly ?11:06
gabkdllySlonkie: yes11:14
Slonkiesorry i rebooted11:14
Slonkiei found a way tho :) anyway thanks11:15
jenesisbuenos dias11:39
jenesisme he quedado sin enye , tengo desconfigurado el teclado y no consigo configurarlo, alguien sabe como hacerlo11:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:41
SlonkieThis is a english channel, jenesis :).11:42
jenesisI thought it was another server11:42
jenesisI need to reconfigure my keyboard language.11:44
SlonkieSettings -> Keyboard -> Layout11:45
jenesisit doent work11:45
jenesisthanks, anyway. :)11:47
mib_on9qfzCan anyone help me with making a launcher run a command in a terminal?12:19
SiDimib_on9qfz: make a .sh file12:25
SiDiput your commands inside it12:25
SiDichmod +x it12:25
SiDiand call it from the launcher12:26
mib_on9qfzSidi: Thanks for the response. It that the only way it will work with xfce4?12:27
SiDithe launchers use the "exec" command12:28
SiDiso they need to execute an executable file12:28
SiDibe it a shell script or a binary12:28
mib_on9qfzSiDi: here is my example I want to run /tmp/foo.sh  and if I make a launcher and put that as the command it will not work.12:29
mib_on9qfzSiDi: it will only cause the terminal to freeze up. No prompt or anything.12:29
SiDiit works fine here12:31
SiDishow me your .sh file please12:31
mib_on9qfzSiDi: /tmp/foo.sh =  echo foo  I know the script works12:31
SiDiand make sure it's chmod+x'd12:31
mib_on9qfzit is12:31
SiDido you execute it in a terminal ?12:31
mib_on9qfzSiDi: it runs fine from a terminal that I open up but just not as a launcher.12:31
SiDialso, add a sleep 1 so you have the time to _see_ it :D12:31
SiDiPut it as a launcher and in the launcher options make sure to check the 'Run in terminal' box12:32
mib_on9qfzSiDI: I have done all that to no avail.12:32
mib_on9qfzSIDI: The terminal launches and then it is frozen with the prompt (just a green square) in the upper left hand corner.12:33
mib_on9qfzSiDi: the script never gets ran.  and the terminal is useless. The only way to close it is  file, exit12:34
SiDiit works fine here :/12:34
SiDithat happens when an "echo hi" script ?12:34
mib_on9qfzSiDi: Ok I got it to work.12:44
mib_on9qfzSiDi: When I run the script /tmp.foo.sh  is there a way to get the terminal to stay open ?12:45
mib_on9qfzSiDi: If I add sleep it does just that and then exits, and the terminal can't be used for other commands.12:46
SiDiyou still can add xfce4-terminal at the end if you need a prompt when its finished12:49
SiDii dont know any more elegant way12:49
erik__moring all14:16
erik__quite morning14:23
=== genii_ is now known as genii
denn1anyone here15:19
denn1i need help, someone please?15:20
denn1thank you15:20
SiDiYou shouldn't bother to ask if you can get help, you know ;)15:20
denn1i installed a driver for my ati x1300, and now i get the "white screen of death" if it wheren't for the live cd, i'd be toast.15:20
SiDiJust ask a question and wait for someone to read it ;)15:20
SiDiWhere did you get this driver ?15:21
denn1um, good question. ubuntu literally offered it to me, a little green cicuit board on the top of gnome's deskbat15:21
denn1from what research i did, i think it was the fglrx driver, and i think the problem is that i had the graphics options all the way up for the gui. but i cant find a solution on the net, or i didnt use the right search terms...15:23
SiDithen if its the ubuntu ones there indeed is a problem15:26
SiDiyou should boot in recovery mode and reset your xorg settings from there15:26
denn1yes, i think i found the solution15:26
denn1i have to go to command prompt and use dpkg to remove that driver (using su ofcoarse.)15:27
denn1how do i do that, because grub goes straight into normal boot, this version of ubuntu doesnt even ask me what linux vore i want to boot to15:27
denn1my grub doesnt offer a recovery mode option... and i didn't mess with grub, is this a new setting?15:31
=== SiDi is now known as IHateGimp
=== IHateGimp is now known as SiDi
spY|dahi there is a installation via usb stick possible?19:22
SiDifollow the same procedure as for Ubuntu, but with a Xubuntu iso19:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb19:28
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:28
spY|dak done that nothing happens, knoppix via usb is booting fine19:41
spY|dagoing to search my failure19:42
spY|dano chance "This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy an press any key to try again"  displayed by the stick20:03
AraneidaeAny ideas: BIOS says I have 3G RAM installed, but Ubuntu only sees 2.5G!20:06
SiDiAraneidae: what does lshw say ?20:07
SiDiAnd what does a memtest say ?20:07
AraneidaeDon't know lshw... just about to try it20:08
SiDithe output 'll be big20:08
SiDiusually RAM is on the beginning20:08
SiDifor the memtest you have a boot option for it in grub20:08
AraneidaeWow: says a lot!20:08
AraneidaeOk, sees four banks: 0.5G, 1G, 0.5G, 1G as expected20:09
AraneidaeI think memtest also only saw 2.5G, but found it a bit hard to interpret20:09
SiDiso you have 4 sticks ?20:10
AraneidaeHere's what lshw has to say: http://pastebin.com/d21da60b220:11
SiDithats an old machine, right ?20:12
SiDiits at 333MHz Oo20:12
AraneidaeFairly old...20:12
AraneidaeDidn't think it was all that ancient, but evidently it is!20:12
AraneidaeThe motherboard was a cast-off from a friend, so must be fairly old.20:12
AraneidaeIt's still got some old PCI slots, as well as a PCIEx1620:12
SiDithats not SO old then :)20:13
Araneidaedidn't think so20:13
SiDiwhere does it say you have 2.5GB btw ?20:13
SiDiin the system monitor ?20:13
AraneidaeTop, for example20:13
SiDiShow me a screenshot please20:14
Araneidae/proc/meminfo says: MemTotal:        2579544 kB20:14
Araneidae/proc/meminfo: http://pastebin.com/d102d09c520:14
SiDiim likely to be wrong but one reason could be that the 4 sticks of RAM are low-end, and not exactly 500MB and 1GB sticks20:15
AraneidaeHow do you mean, not exactly?20:15
SiDiwell, my 2 GB stick is actually a 2.05GB stick in my server20:15
SiDiwhile this laptop has two 2GB sticks that actually are 1.9GB20:16
AraneidaeHmm.  But lshw reports GiB and MiB pedantically20:16
AraneidaeThink they really do fill up the address space; never heard of memory that doesn't!20:16
SiDilshw reads the constructor info20:16
SiDioh i said i may be wrong btw, heh :P20:17
SiDibut the only other cause i'd see is that the kernel doesnt manage to use 4 sticks at a time20:17
SiDibut i'd find it odd20:17
SiDieven if im not sure old windows boxes were able to20:17
AraneidaeAh well.  Guess my next step is to check the motherboard manual, make sure I've put things in correctly...  maybe it likes banks to be filled differently.20:17
AraneidaeOdd though.20:17
AraneidaeIt's an ASUS A8N-E mb.20:18
SiDianyways its not like you're losing A LOT of ram :)20:18
AraneidaeNo, that's true.  I can live with it, but going to investigate a bit more.20:18
SiDibut maybe you should ask in #ubuntu-kernel or in #kernel directly20:18
AraneidaeThanks for pointing me to lshw!20:18
AraneidaeCheers.  Got to go now20:19
SiDihave a nice evening then ;)20:20
sml1226Finally got everything set up and I'm loving Compiz now :D20:26
sml1226How do I see that I'm running 64bit version?20:28
ramroduname -a20:30
ramrodor to be exact20:31
sml1226K thanks couldn't remember how to see20:31
ramroduname -m20:31
ramrodnp ^^20:31
sml1226Know why I can't change icon for firefox in AWN?20:32
sml1226Anybody use compiz?20:35
ron_oOpera is really starting to suck21:14
ron_oit's OK w/o flash/javascript/plugins/java running. But what good is a browser without those?21:14
NaisenuHi. I have a fresh install of xubuntu jaunty and i can't find OOo in the repos and it's not installed21:37
Naisenuthere is an openoffice.org-dtd-officedocument10 but this appears to be legacy21:37
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:43
NaisenuThank you. I know what the repos are and where they are. However, I am stating that OOo is not available.21:44
TheSheepNaisenu: you are mistaken21:50
NaisenuUnfortunately I am not21:50
NaisenuUnless you would like to come here and look at my repos21:51
TheSheep!info openoffice.org-writer21:51
ubottuopenoffice.org-writer (source: openoffice.org): full-featured office productivity suite -- word processor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.0.1-9ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 5475 kB, installed size 21220 kB21:51
NaisenuI have looked through that section multiple times. Every section is checked practically under repositories. It is not there.21:52
TheSheepok, so me, ubottu and all other users just hallucinate that it is there21:52
NaisenuOr mine is broken21:53
TheSheepdid you click on 'update'?21:54
NaisenuEither way, you can't argue against what I can see on my computer. I am not calling you or your bot a liar, just telling you that what you claim should be there does not exist on my computer. And yes, "Reload" has been pressed at least 3 times.21:55
TheSheepif the addresses of repositories you have really match those on that web page, and they are updated, and you still don't have a 'openoffice.org-writer' package and friends, then I am out of ideas. Are you sure this is xubuntu?21:58
NaisenuDon't patronize me. I am fully sure this is xubuntu jaunty i386 normal distro21:59
TheSheepmaybe someone else can think about what might be wrong22:00
TheSheepor you can check forums and wiki and google22:00
TheSheepoh, you can also download and install the packages manually from http://packages.ubuntu.com22:01

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