
Laneypython-gdl is uninstallabla00:13
chrisccoulsonits quiet in here this evening00:19
* robert_ancell watches the tumbleweed float past00:20
chrisccoulsoni should probably get some sleep really. i always wake up late for work else00:21
* TheMuso hopes that his local power grid doesn't go down again like it has three times already this morning.00:23
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - that's not good. why is that happening?00:24
TheMusochrisccoulson: Because our power grid around here is somewhat flaky, and doesn't have backup power routing.00:25
TheMusoIt doesn't take much for a storm to bring several towns who are on the one grid setup down for 3 hours or more at a time, and similar to this morning, it can simply go down for a minute or so at a time, and come back, or go down for 3 hours plus.00:26
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chrisccoulsoni cant remember the last time that happened here. i remember losing power lots when i was growing up, but it rarely seems to happen here now.00:27
TheMusoEvery mini power outage that I experienced this morning saw me hoping the power wan't going to be out for more than five minutes or so./00:27
TheMusoThings *seem* to be ok now, but you never know with a piece of garbage power grid like whats in this local area.00:27
* TheMuso can't wait to return to Sydney proper, although power grid issues have been occurring their lately as well. :S00:28
chrisccoulsonwhen are you returning to sydney?00:29
ajmitchTheMuso: sounds like you like to live on the edge there00:30
TheMusoajmitch: Not by choice.00:30
TheMusochrisccoulson: Hopefully later this year, I hope to buy an appartment.00:30
* ajmitch can't recall the last time there were power problems here00:31
chrisccoulsonnice(H). i keep getting sent lots of information about career opportunities in australia00:31
chrisccoulsonits very tempting00:31
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: hi! i see you worked on the desktop-versions-script. I changed it to use python-launchpadlib to get the list of bugs and their respective assignee. code at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amoog/+junk/versions . should I file a merge request?00:48
robert_ancellAmpelbein: It's since been worked on by didrocks who added launchpadlib support, have you checked out the latest version?00:49
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: oh, seems he pushed his change after i checked out. will look at his code.00:51
Ampelbeindidrocks: hi. regarding your integration of python-launchpadlib in the desktop-versions script: why do you use regex-matching instead of querying the object directly?00:59
brycerickspencer3-afk, I filed bug #389269 about that upstream bug importance issue I mentioned the other day01:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389269 in launchpad "Doesn't show importance of watches on remote bugzilla bugs from freedesktop.org" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38926901:45
brycerickspencer3-afk, it'd be sweet if you could bump the priority on that01:46
rickspencer3-afkbryce: ok01:46
rickspencer3-afklet me talk to Kiko01:46
rickspencer3-afkI'm wondering if it's supported but requires freedesktop.org to use this launchpad pluggin, which would require them to upgrade their bugzilla01:47
rickspencer3-afkin which case, I was really hoping to meet up with someone at Guadec from freedesktop, because I have not tracked down the admins to talk to about this01:47
rickspencer3-afk(emails not answered)01:47
* bryce nods01:47
bryceI would think they'd be able to snarf the importance the same way they're snarfing status, but who knows01:48
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: hi again. I've made some changes to the py-lp-lib code introduced by didrocks, can you review and possibly apply them? available at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amoog/+junk/ubuntu-desktop-versions01:52
robert_ancellAmpelbein, ok, will look01:52
rickspencer3-afkrobert_ancell: so, if you click on a widget in glade, and then right click inside the inspector treeview, you can choose "edit at top level", in which case it produces a valid UI file that you can use to create a custom widget!01:53
robert_ancellrickspencer3-afk, cool!01:54
rickspencer3-afkthen you can slurp that widget into a class that derives from frame01:54
robert_ancellAmpelbein, you have tabs! evil ;)01:54
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: so no tabs? whitespaces all along? and who's gonna buy me a new space-key? ;-)01:55
robert_ancellAmpelbein, I didn't say you had to press space, just i done want to see 0x09 in your binary! :)01:55
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: ok then.01:57
robert_ancellAmpelbein, looks good, the less regexp in the world the better. I've committed with whitespace changes01:59
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: thanks. i'm trying to find out a way to search the bug-subscriptions but no luck yet. Best I can come up with is to iterate through bug_subscription[] and string-compare. but that's much slower than the current way.02:01
robert_ancellAmpelbein: There is a feature that I want if you're keen to implement it:  I want it to be able to track the popular universe desktop packages and have a toggle to enable/disable these (using javascript or similar). That way this tool can be useful to the community02:05
* TheMuso sighs. All code should be tabbed in, and not white spaced, enough said.02:08
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: i'm unsure if i understand correctly. the generated page should have this toggle? wouldn't it be easier to generate 3 versions of the html? 1) standard packages 2) extra packages 3) all packages02:08
robert_ancellAmpelbein, we could generate 3, but it would be cooler if it could be toggled without reloading :)02:09
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: i know you would say that.02:10
robert_ancellUbuntu has to be Web 2.0 compliant!02:11
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: i can try to do this. but not today, it's 03:12AM and i'm too tired... need my 3 hours sleep per day ;-)02:13
robert_ancellAmpelbein, !! I thought you were in an Eastern timezone!02:14
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: nah, germany. CEST.02:14
robert_ancellAmpelbein, I'm in Sydney02:15
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: you could the internetz in down under? way cool! *eg*02:16
Ampelbein*could have02:16
Ampelbeinarghs. *can have. too tired, as i said.02:16
robert_ancellAmpelbein, still awake?  Do you know how to get the importance of a bug from lplib?02:26
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: short version: you can't. long version: you have to take the importance from the bug_task02:29
Ampelbeinrobert_ancell: got my messages? had a disconnect.02:36
robert_ancellAmpelbein, got it, thanks!  I just modified versions so it now uses the correct bug icon02:37
robert_ancellTheMuso, how well do you know gstreamer?04:31
TheMusorobert_ancell: Not that well.04:33
robert_ancellWhat I'm trying to work out is should a gst input have a mute?  I think it is obsolete due to the recording toggle04:34
TheMusoNo idea.04:50
TheMusoThe only thing I know about gstreamer is that it allows pipelines to be constructed using various plugins as inputs/outputs.04:50
dobeyrobert_ancell: rather it seems odd to me that i have to click a button to tell the system i might want to record from my microphone05:18
dobeynot that clicking the button seems to particularly help, or do anything, or actually stay set to recording05:19
dobeymute for inputs should mean "don't record from here"05:19
robert_ancelldobey, I think that mute is for output only and the record toggle is the equivalent for inputs.  You should only need both for a bi-directional track05:20
dobeyrobert_ancell: are you pondering UI, or the implementation?05:21
robert_ancelldobey, fixing bug #578174, the volume control is doing what is thinks gstreamer is telling it to do but it is wrong05:23
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 578174 could not be found05:23
robert_ancellbug 29964205:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299642 in gnome-media "Microphone Capture ALWAYS muted" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29964205:23
dobeyah ok05:23
dobeyrobert_ancell: i think part of the problem might be a bug in whatever handles the register change for when external headphones/mic are plugged in to the 3.5 mm jack05:24
dobeyon both my fujitsu laptops, plugging in headphones does not mute the internal speaker05:24
robert_ancelldobey: yes, it appears there are a number of issues here - audio is very hard for users to diagnose05:25
dobeyand on my older one, i can seem to use skype if i plug in an external mic, but i can't get the internal mic to work05:25
dobeyi don't even want to try to describe some of the issues on my newer laptop05:25
dobeyi'm going to chalk it up to "poulsbo makes stuff break" at the moment05:26
TheMusodobey: That jack sense stuff is at the ALSA driver layer, i.e alsa doesn't know the correct hda verbs.05:27
dobeyTheMuso: i don't care where it is. i just want it to work. the UI suggest it works. however, it does not. :)05:28
TheMusodobey: Yes, I know.05:28
bryceheya rick05:33
dobeyanyway, so very tired05:33
dobeymust sleep05:33
robert_ancellbryce: Is rick avoiding you?05:34
brycerobert_ancell, looks like!05:34
* TheMuso notes that hda hardware + just want it to work do not go hand in hand very well, especially for new hardware.05:34
* TheMuso goes to dig up his USB sound card.05:37
robert_ancellTheMuso, why are we not using the new gnome-volume-control yet?06:01
TheMusorobert_ancell: We need to do the switcheroo.06:01
TheMusoNot hard to do, I need to work with pitti/another archive admin to do that.06:01
robert_ancellTheMuso, switcheroo?06:01
TheMusorobert_ancell: Switch the current volume applet around with the pulse applet. Involves uploading a new panel schema with the volume applet removed, and loading the pulse applet on startup.06:02
robert_ancellTheMuso, is this scheduled for Karmic?  It would be nice to align with upstream06:02
TheMusorobert_ancell: yes scheduled for karmic, part of the big audio integration drive.06:03
robert_ancellTheMuso, ah, cool06:03
robert_ancellbryce, is it ok to push compiz reports with driver problems to xorg?  e.g. bug 340673.  I think you have the process to filter them better than I can do manually06:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340673 in compiz "ATi Radeon 9600 Pro" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34067306:35
Amaranthbryce, If we can get the patches that fixed https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20704 into xorg and mesa I can do the compiz patch that goes with it06:53
ubottuFreedesktop bug 20704 in Server/general "memory leak: Keep resizing glxgears window with compiz will make X hang" [Major,Resolved: fixed]06:53
robert_ancellLOL, the one hundred paper cuts project has 385 bugs and counting...07:15
Amaranthrobert_ancell, Yeah, I think I closed about 20 of them07:16
Amaranthrobert_ancell, too much bug mail07:17
robert_ancellyes, everyone has a pet bug they want to attach07:17
robert_ancellsee you all next week07:41
didrocksAmpelbein: Thanks for the patch ;) If you have a good launchpadlib documentation, I can take it, because https://launchpad.net/+apidoc seems a little bit oudated (We can infer that A.<something>_link has a A.<something> corresponding object?)08:08
didrocksmorning everyone o/08:09
MacSlowGreetings everyone!08:24
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didrockshey seb128!08:47
seb128hello didrocks08:48
didrocksseb128: there are some changes in versions.py script, if you want to try them :)08:49
seb128lot of changes08:52
seb128did you duplicate work for the launchpadlib changes?08:52
seb128you apparently did some of those changes and robert_ancell applied the ones from Ampelbein later08:52
seb128ok, datacenter version updated, the next run in 15 minutes will use the current version08:54
didrocksseb128: no, I made them before Ampelbein and then, he changed my regexp to object handler08:59
didrocksseb128: did you create a credential and upload it to the datacenter?09:00
seb128didrocks: to be honest he did that before you, only he emailed me about the change and I forwarded to robert_ancell the email09:00
didrocksseb128: oh :/09:00
seb128didrocks: no I didn't, is that required?09:01
seb128trying locally09:01
didrocksseb128: yes, first time you run the script, you create a credential, and then use it. launchpadlib don't allow anonymous access09:01
seb128didrocks: where is the token stored?09:02
didrocksseb128: in lpbinding, the file is called ubuntu-desktop-cred09:03
seb128ERROR: it seems that python-launchpadlib is not installed09:09
seb128the datacenter machines are no fun for that09:09
didrockshopefully, I tried to import launchpadlib in a try/except statement :)09:10
didrockswell, can make a request ?09:10
didrocksor they never change the setup of datacenter machines?09:10
huatsmorning everyone09:11
huatshello seb128 and didrocks09:11
didrockssalut huats09:11
mvodapper ftw09:11
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seb128mvo: indeed09:13
pittiGood morning09:15
seb128ok, I did roll back to a version not using launchpadlib for now09:15
seb128hey pitti09:15
pittibryce: thanks for the headsup09:15
didrockshello pitti09:15
seb128so the cron job is running09:16
seb128I'm official taking a swap day today so I don't plan to spend much time on that09:16
pittiseb128: enjoy!09:16
seb128the previous version is working and will do the job for now09:16
* pitti starting late today, was plucking strawberries this morning09:16
seb128I guess we might have to get a launchpadlib copy or something09:16
seb128pitti: nice ;-)09:16
pittimeh, empathy requires weird stuff from universe09:16
pittiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:16
pitti  libgstfarsight0.10-0: Depends: libnice0 (>= 0.0.6) but it is not installable09:17
pitti                        Depends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (>= 0.10.11) but it is not installable09:17
pitti                        Depends: gstreamer0.10-nice but it is not installable09:17
pittithis doesn't seem like something that's easy to resolve09:17
pittiand thus breaks CD builds09:17
didrocksseb128: ok. I can maybe add some checks to fallback in this mode if launchpadlib is not setup (but we can't have sponsor list as this is a DOM object loaded after the page is retrieved with urlopen())09:17
pittikenvandine: ^09:18
seb128didrocks: should be easy to install launchpadlib to a local path if there is no extra depends no?09:19
seb128or use parsing in case where it's not available should do too09:20
didrocksseb128: https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Installation09:21
pittididrocks, seb128: we use a local launchpadlib installation in the apport retracers09:21
didrocksit's just bzr branch lp:launchpadlib if wadllib is installed09:21
pittiubuntu-archive@ronne:~$ ls launchpadlib/09:21
pittihttplib2  launchpadlib  lazr.uri  oauth  simplejson  wadllib09:21
pittiyou need those09:21
seb128seems complicated09:22
seb128we should maybe just do screen parsing for that09:22
pittididrocks: hang on09:22
didrocksseb128: but screen parsing doesn't allow to get subscribed list and so, your can't retrieve sponsor team if subsscribed. Good reason for slackering on sponsoring, yes :p09:23
pittididrocks, seb128: you can take the shell snippet from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/karmic/apport/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/local/setup-apport-retracer#L77 to set up launchpadlib locally09:24
didrocks(seb128: that's the reason why I decided to implement launchpadlib on it)09:24
pittieww, rookery is still dapper; that's going to be hard09:26
didrockspitti: seems great ;) And then, we just add to sys.path $HOME/launchpadlib in version.py09:26
pittididrocks: PYTHONPATH=$HOME/launchpadlib yourscript...09:26
didrockspitti: better than adding it to the script with os.syspath(), indeed :)09:28
didrocksseb128: motivated, even on Friday? ;)09:28
seb128didrocks: as said today is a swap day for me not a work day ;-)09:35
seb128I'm fine applying updates though09:35
* mvo pushes seb128 gently away from work09:37
didrocksseb128: well. I will work on it this week-end (no ssh from my company and bzr without ssh + lp is hard to test something fixed ;))09:38
seb128mvo: I'm not really working just chatting on IRC when I pass near the computer ;-)09:40
bryceAmaranth, #20704 on my todo list to look at tomorrow09:40
seb128mvo: but right, I should be careful to not start doing work ;-)09:41
didrocksseb128: you really should take some real rest, though :-)09:42
seb128didrocks: I've slept enough and I don't plan to be near the computer for the whole day don't worry09:42
mvoseb128: :)09:43
seb128it's just early in the morning and I'm getting coffee, checking news, etc09:43
didrocksmvo: tea addicts can't win, "Coffee has a majority market share" ;)09:46
huatsmvo: don't worry another tea addict will rejoign the team (me:))09:51
* hyperair likes both tea and coffee09:52
chrisccoulsoni've just ran out of coffee at work :(09:57
chrisccoulsonand i'm in a meeting until 1pm - it's times like that when coffee is required09:57
hyperairhave someone poke you every 5 minutes =p10:02
chrisccoulsoni would still not wake up ;)10:02
crevettea slap would do the job?10:02
chrisccoulsoni'm asleep pretty much as soon as the caffeine wears off10:02
loolHmm I'm trying to debug the yelp crash, but no luck with dbgsym and neither with rebuilding yelp and rarian with noopt nostrip10:13
loolThe backtraces lack debug symbols; albeit I can break on static functions10:14
hyperairchrisccoulson: sounds like you need to lay off the caffeine for a while =p10:21
hyperairlool: how about dbg symbols for every library yelp has?10:21
loolYou think that'd help?10:22
loolI don't see any *sos outside libc in the stack trace currently10:22
hyperairhow very strange10:24
loolah valgrind gives me line numbers10:26
loolCool, it's exactly the place I suspected when reading the source, but couldn't break on it10:26
loolwee, fixed10:32
loolhmpf where's the upstream VCS for rarian?10:35
loolYeah, but didn't find the git10:36
loolI think it's still using SVN10:36
Ampelbeindidrocks: hi. I don't have another api-documentation but do <object>.lp_attributes and lp_entries on the object to get it's entities. The apidoc is ... strange.11:42
Ampelbeindidrocks: we can simplify the script later when the bug I mentioned in the script gets fixed. (bug #340935) we can then use source = bugtask.target.name11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340935 in wadllib "Resources should be instantiated using their actual type, not the WADL specified one" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34093511:44
didrocksAmpelbein: yes, I saw that. I will have a look, thanks :)11:49
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rodrigo_pitti: who reviews the submissions to REVU?12:35
pittirodrigo_: any MOTU can, and some will; we can also do it in the desktop team itself (seb128, asac, me) when getting poked appropriately :)12:35
rodrigo_pitti: it's my first time, so just want to make sure I did it ok before submitting other stuff, so can you please review, when possible, my json-glib-0.7.2 submission?12:36
pittirodrigo_: the first two warnings on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/json-glib are real12:37
pittibut I'll review it and comment12:38
rodrigo_ugh, yeah, submitted it for jaunty12:39
* rodrigo_ fixes12:39
pittirodrigo_: wait with a new upload, there are more things to address12:39
rodrigo_I'll fix it locally12:39
pittirodrigo_: oh, hang on, the package is in Debian already12:41
pittirodrigo_: we can just sync this12:41
rodrigo_ah, is it? 0.7.2?12:41
rodrigo_I need 0.7.212:41
pittibut it's easier to sync, and then you supply a package update as a bug report12:41
rodrigo_ah ok12:42
pittisince if it's in debian, we want to avoid a large delta, whereas when it's a new package, we want to package it nicely12:42
pittirevu updated12:43
pittirodrigo_: if a package is in Debian, don't use revu please12:43
rodrigo_ah ok12:44
pittirodrigo_: or, for that matter, has already been synced to karmic12:44
pittijson-glib |    0.6.2-3 | karmic/universe | source12:44
rodrigo_so what do I need to do for a version upgrade?12:44
tkamppeterpitti, hi12:46
tkamppeterI have a HAL problem:12:46
tkamppeterIn Karmic one can access the extra functions of HPLIP-driven MF devices only as root.12:46
tkamppeterI have already adapted /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-hplip-devices.fdi by replacing all occurences of "usb" with "usb_device", to match what is in the "lshal" output.12:48
tkamppeterNow they all get "info.capabilities = scanner".12:50
pittitkamppeter: ah, can you please open a bug against udev about this? We don't use hal for device permissions any more in karmic12:51
pittitkamppeter: please plug in printer and do "ubuntu-bug udev", to get the necessary debugging informatino12:52
tkamppeterpitti, this means that info.capabilities = scanner in lshal is worthless? Obsolete?12:52
pittitkamppeter: it's still useful for apps which use hal, but it's not used any more to control /dev permissions12:52
rodrigo_pitti: I file the bug to ubuntu project in LP?12:52
pittirodrigo_: against the json-glib package, yes; with a debdif of current version against your update12:53
tkamppeterSo /usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/20-hplip-devices.fdi should not be removed as obsolete?12:53
pittirodrigo_: with | filterdiff -x '*/debian/*' preferably, to filter out the upstream changes12:53
rodrigo_pitti: ok12:53
rodrigo_pitti: ah, ok, I was wondering if the huge diff I got was ok :)12:53
pittitkamppeter: not yet; hal will still stay around as long as some applications aren't ported yet12:54
pittirodrigo_: we are just interested in the debian/ changes12:54
tkamppeterpitti, does it mean that scanning as user is currently not possible in Karmic?12:54
pittitkamppeter: it should be possible12:54
rodrigo_pitti: debdiff json-glib_0.6.2-3.dsc json-glib_0.7.2.dsc | filterdiff -x '*/debian/*' ?12:54
rodrigo_pitti: that gives me the same huge diff12:54
pittitkamppeter: for scanners supported by libsane it will work through this file12:55
pittirodrigo_: sorry, '-i', not '-x'12:55
rodrigo_pitti: ok12:55
pittirodrigo_: -i -> include, -x -> exclude12:55
rodrigo_right :)12:55
rodrigo_pitti: hmm, that only includes debian/changelog changes12:56
pittiRiddell: if you didn't change anything else in the packaging, that sounds about right12:56
pittisorry, rodrigo_12:56
pittiasac: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-modemmanagers isn't linked to a spec?12:57
pittiasac: is that an accident, or is the summary meant to be the entire thing?12:57
pittiasac: ah, whiteboard confirms that, nevermind12:58
tkamppeterpitti, /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules only turns off USB autosuspend13:03
tkamppeterAnyone here has a scanner which is not an HP MF device?13:04
pittitkamppeter: no, all the ENV{libsane_matched}="yes" rules mark scanners with an "I am a scanner" tag13:04
rodrigo_pitti: isn't the diff.gz file enough for attaching to the bug?13:04
pittitkamppeter: o/ (Canon LiDE 30)13:04
pittitkamppeter: and /lib/udev/rules.d/70-acl.rules has a rule to manage ACLs for all "libsane_matched" devices13:04
tkamppeterpitti, does this not only set the variable libsane_matched to yes for this script?13:04
pittirodrigo_: would be as well, but debdiffs are easier to review for a sponsor13:05
pittitkamppeter: right, and the followup rule (70-acl.rules) checks this variable13:05
pittiENV{libsane_matched}=="yes", ENV{ACL_MANAGE}="1"13:05
rodrigo_pitti: so do I attach the huge diff then? (without the filterdiff)13:06
tkamppeterpitti, OK. with this I should have the info to add/modify the UDEV rules which come with the HPLIP package.13:06
pittirodrigo_: no, with the filterdiff, please13:06
rodrigo_pitti: but as I said, filtering it only includes the debian/ changes13:06
pittitkamppeter: is that a large list of vendor/product IDs, or are there more general properties one could check?13:06
pittirodrigo_: right, that's all we need (well, that, and the URL to the new upstream orig.tar.gz)13:06
tkamppeterpitti, I will see how HP's already existing rules look like.13:07
rodrigo_pitti: ah, I include the url in the changelog entry?13:07
pittirodrigo_: no, not in the changelog, just to the bug report13:07
rodrigo_ah ok13:07
pittirodrigo_: that is, unless you made inline change to the upstream source (we don't do that, we use debian/patches/foo.patch to do changes, it's easier to maintain)13:07
rodrigo_pitti: no, I didn't13:07
rodrigo_pitti: so if I need to add patches, debian/patches then?13:08
rodrigo_include the patches in debian/patches, I mean13:08
pittitkamppeter: ideally, hplip's rules would mark these devices with ENV{hplip_scanner}="1" or perhaps ENV{ID_HPLIP}="1" and then we change 70-acl.rules to manage permissions for them13:08
tkamppeterpitti, there is /lib/udev/rules.d/40-hplip.rules. I only need to add ENV{libsane_matched}="yes" to each entry.13:09
pittirodrigo_: right, and then filterdiff -i '*/debian/*' will include them13:09
rodrigo_pitti: ok, cool, I think I'm set now :)13:09
pittitkamppeter: please don't use libsane, since these aren't handled by libsane (I assume?)13:09
pittitkamppeter: I can easily add a rule ENV{ID_HPLIP}=="1", ENV{ACL_MANAGE}="1" to udev (I'm upstream committer)13:09
pittitkamppeter: it's better to keep the knowledge which device is which type13:10
pittitkamppeter: do you think you can get hplip upstream to have these modified udev rules?13:10
pittiso that it'll work OOTB everywhere?13:10
tkamppeterScanning is handled by libsane, but with the HPLIP driver hpaio, but we marked all devices being a scanner as the changed permissions open up all extra functions for normal users.13:10
pittitkamppeter: you can show them https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy for some references13:11
pittitkamppeter: hplip ships a sane backend then?13:11
tkamppeterpitti, yes.13:11
pittitkamppeter: (btw, please feel free to add hplip to the Halsectomy page)13:11
pittitkamppeter: ok, then you are right, and they should just get ENV{libsane_matched}=="yes"13:12
pittitkamppeter: sorry, I wasn't aware of that structure13:12
tkamppeterpitti, please add ENV{ID_HPLIP}=="1", ENV{ACL_MANAGE}="1", as we do it also for devices which have no scanner, for example to check their ink levels.13:12
pittitkamppeter: hm, we don't make printers accessible to users right now13:13
pittishouldn't they be just in "lp" and accessible to cups?13:14
rodrigo_pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/json-glib/+bug/38946113:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389461 in json-glib "Need upgrade of json-glib for couchdb-glib/evolution-couchdb" [Undecided,New]13:15
rodrigo_pitti: thanks for your help, hope to not have to ask many more questions anymore :)13:15
pittirodrigo_: you're welcome, and please do13:15
pittirodrigo_: I'd rather you ask questions than to waste hours trying to figure out processes13:16
rodrigo_yeah, right13:16
pittithere's lots of documentation we can refer you to, but it's not always obvious where it is13:16
rodrigo_yeah, it's a bit hard to find docs (or hard for me :) )13:17
rodrigo_pitti: so for the new packages I'm working on, dput, right?13:17
pittirodrigo_: since this will happen more often, can you please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess ?13:17
rodrigo_yeah, sure13:17
pittirodrigo_: "dput"?13:17
rodrigo_pitti: I mean, for new packages, I use the dput revu thing, right?13:18
pittirodrigo_: right, if they aren't in ubuntu or debian yet13:18
pittirodrigo_: use "rmadison <packagename>" to check13:18
pittithis will work independently of which distro release you are using13:18
pittirodrigo_: rmadison is in the "devscripts" package13:19
rodrigo_yeah, have it installed already13:19
pittirodrigo_: try "rmadison json-glib"13:19
tkamppeterpitti, for ink-level checks and maintenance with HP's tools the printer must be user-accessible.13:21
pittitkamppeter: okay13:26
pittitkamppeter: they have been in jaunty with hal?13:27
tkamppeterpitti, yes. All devices were marked as scanners by HAL, so they got opened for the user logged in to the desktop.13:29
kwwiierm, is there a "downloads" folder in karmic on a default install?13:29
kwwiihttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/388570 seems to say there is13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388570 in hundredpapercuts "nautilus doesn't assign custom icon to "Downloads" folder" [Undecided,Triaged]13:30
pitti$ grep DOWNLOAD .config/user-dirs.dirs13:30
pittikwwii: there should be ^13:30
pittiit's "Downloads" by default, though, I believe13:30
pitti(I changed it)13:30
chrisccoulsoni thought XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR was actually ~/Desktop by default?13:34
chrisccoulson(sorry if I've missed some conversation)13:35
kwwiiyeah, until now we have just put them on the desktop13:35
chrisccoulsonthere may be a residual ~/Downloads folder on some installs due to a previous transmission bug which created that folder on first run rather than using XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR13:35
chrisccoulsoni wasn't aware that the download folder changed though13:35
kwwiion my jaunty install it is XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/Desktop"13:36
chrisccoulsonsame here13:36
kwwiibut I haven't installed karmic yet13:36
chrisccoulsoni don't think it changed. like i said, the ~/Downloads folder could be there due to an earlier transmission bug13:36
kwwiiyeah, I think you are right13:37
chrisccoulsonkwwii - bug 338046 has some information about that. it was something i noticed due to a separate transmission bug13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338046 in transmission "transmission tries to use downloads folder but it doesnt exist" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33804613:38
kwwiichrisccoulson: sweet, thanks for that13:38
chrisccoulsonno problem13:39
tkamppeterpitti, so you will add 'ENV{ID_HPLIP}=="1", ENV{ACL_MANAGE}="1"' to /lib/udev//rules.d/70-acl.rules?13:43
pittichrisccoulson: ah, possible; I have ~ as my desktop13:43
pittitkamppeter: if you change the rules to set ENV{ID_HPLIP}="1", sure13:47
tkamppeterpitti, I will do so.13:48
tkamppeterpitti, can you do this in both Debian and Ubuntu?13:48
pittitkamppeter: yes, by committing it straight to udev upstream trunk :)13:49
pittitkamppeter: done13:51
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, when will this arrive in Ubuntu then?13:51
pittitkamppeter: in a couple of days, I expect; it's not too urgent, I think13:51
pittiKeybuk: I suppose you'll do a new udev upload soon; will you merge to trunk head, or to the 143 release?13:52
pittiI just did another commit to fix the keymap documentation after the recently changed install path13:54
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, running a testy with hand-edited /lib/udev//rules.d/70-acl.rules and modified HPLIP package.14:02
Keybukpitti: need to test first14:04
Keybukbeen tracking a crasher bug in upstart most of the morning, but I think I've figured it out now14:04
pittiKeybuk: sure, it's not urgent; just asking what you usually do (merge from head or from release tag)14:04
tkamppeterpitti, it works.14:04
Keybukpitti: HEAD usually14:05
KeybukKay likes to sneak in major bug fixes right after the release tag ;)14:06
pittiKeybuk: hm, seems that lp:udev is severely behind :(14:07
Keybukyeah, just updating that now14:07
pittioh, it's a manual one?14:07
Keybukgit imports don't work on Kay's tree atm14:07
Keybukthe LP people expressing an opinion about what people can and can't put in revision control again14:07
Keybuk"but this can't be valid - it has broken symlinks!"14:07
Keybuk"no, those are part of the test suite ;)"14:07
pittiwhy do they care about what's inside the tree?14:09
Keybukwell, yes, exactly14:10
Keybukbut since when did LP manage to not dictate policy to its hosting? :p14:10
pittithese should be black box imports14:10
Keybuk(manual import running now btw)14:10
Keybuklp:udev up to date14:11
Keybuklp:~ubuntu-core-dev/udev/ubuntu up to date with it14:12
Keybukwill just update changelog and rules and stuff14:12
pittiKeybuk: please Conflicts:/Replaces: udev-extras (<= 20090618)14:13
pittiKeybuk: I just updated the standard seed to not have udev-extras any more14:14
Keybukwhat's in udev-extras now?14:14
pittiit's an empty shell14:14
Keybukso why <= ?14:14
Keybuklet's move to #udev ;)14:14
pittiwell, just in case kay decides to add stuff to it again14:14
KeybukI guess we need to merge in udev-extras b-d14:16
pittiKeybuk: 20090618 was the day when everything was removed from udev-extras trunk14:16
KeybukThe configure options have changed because another library needs to be14:18
Keybukinstalled in a different location. Instead of exec_prefix and udev_prefix,14:18
Keybuklibdir, rootlibdir and libexecdir are used. The Details are explained in14:18
Keybukthe README file.14:18
dobeypitti: care to review ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client in REVU? :)15:01
pittidobey: on my TODO list now15:17
pittidobey: won't happen today any more, though (at least not from me), I have release team meeting and some other stuff still15:17
pittibut feel free to poke other people as well :)15:18
dobeypitti: oh ok.15:18
dobeyjames_w: ^^ care to review those? :)15:19
jcastrodobey: he's travelling15:24
jcastroand ken is on vacation15:25
dobeyken isn't a motu yet though is he?15:25
jcastrooh no, correct15:25
dobeyand seb is on vacation today as well i think15:25
dobeyeveryone i know to ping is on vacation or travelling :P15:26
dobeyor in europe and possibly just not around any longer15:26
pitti ok, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+specs?role=approver is once again clear15:30
ftaanyone to have a look at some pango crashes in gwibber?15:30
pittiif you need me to review any specs today still, please speak up now15:30
pittisince I'll have release team meeting in half an hour, and then I'm off15:30
ftabug 389505 and bug 38061815:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389505 in gwibber "gwibber crashes in pango @pango_layout_check_lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38950515:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 380618 in gwibber "gwibber (new theming engine) pango segmentation fault @pango_layout_get_iter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38061815:31
ftajcastro, ^^ do you see that too?15:31
ftafor me, it crashes several times a day, it's barely usable15:33
jcastrofta: mine doesn't crash in that case15:41
jcastrobut it does crash several times a day15:41
ftajcastro, do you mean you have a 3rd type of crash?15:41
ftacan you get a traceback?15:41
jcastrono, but I had apport off on this machien for a while15:42
jcastronext crash I should get something15:42
pittiArneGoetje: can you please draft https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-translations soon?15:48
ArneGoetjepitti: there is not much to draft... just file bugs and blueprints for Rosetta, everything else has already been taken care of.15:58
pittiArneGoetje: ok, please set the status to obsolete then once that happens15:59
ArneGoetjepitti: ok16:01
pittiKeybuk: we probably shouldn't spam #udev with packaging questions16:11
pittiKeybuk: so WDYT about clean: configure16:11
pitti   autoreconf, gtk-doc, rm autom4te, etc.16:11
Keybukdoesn't work16:11
Keybukyou really need all that madness16:11
pittisure, but it's always the same 3 or 4 commands16:12
Keybukgetting configure isn't the hard part though16:12
Keybukit's building a source pcakage16:12
pittiKeybuk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/udev-extras/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/README.source has some howto for this16:13
pittiit should by and large apply to udev as well16:13
Keybukpitti: that doesn't work though16:13
Keybuksee above16:13
pittiexcept that we don't have an auto-import to merge from16:13
Keybukin order to make the .diff.gz properly, you need the .orig.tar.gz16:13
Keybukif Kay has released it, that's easy16:14
Keybukjust clean-tree and use my bad dpkg-buildpackage command16:14
pittiKeybuk: but unlike udev-extras, we can actually download that from upstream :)16:14
Keybukwhen Kay hasn't, it's those 8 commands to make one16:14
* Keybuk tends to make a lot of git head builds ;)16:14
pittiwell, but for a git head build, we'd still make that relative to the latest orig.tar.gz and keep the rest of code changes as inline diffs, no?16:14
pittiTo me, the main blocker here is to have a trunk import16:15
Keybukdoesn't work because of the gtk-doc stuff16:15
pittithe rest can be nicely done with bzr-buildpackage and some debian/rules helpers16:15
Keybukthat's what I was just trying16:15
Keybukbecause we out-of-tree build16:15
Keybukwe have to make the gtk-doc stuff first16:15
Keybukyou can't use bzr-buildpackage on udev sadly16:16
Keybukit freaks out over the test/ directory16:16
Keybuk(which is the same directory LP freaks out over, and bzr bd freaks out ovre)16:16
pittiwell, I'm in the release meeting and just have half a brain for this here, but I still fail to see the difficulty here16:16
Keybukit's always been annoying16:16
Keybukit's just more so now ;)16:16
Keybukonce there's a 143 tarball, it might be easier16:16
KeybukI assume the gtk-doc stuff will work16:17
Keybukand update itself16:17
pittiRiddell: so bug 334052 is actually a dupe of bug 339313 then?16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334052 in plasma-widget-network-manager "Network Manager Plasmoid won't connect to "WPA Enterprise" AP's in Jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33405216:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931316:40
pittithey looked different to me16:40
Riddellthey're probably different bugs16:40
pittiright, two different upstream bugs as well16:41
Riddellbut it's all part of the "network manager plasmoid broken all over the place" issue16:41
pittiokay, so this update doesn't actually address #339313 just yet then, but it's a step closer?16:41
* pitti fixes up the bugs to be in proper SRU shape16:42
pittiapparently this slipped in without any SRU bug processing at all, hmm16:43
pittiRiddell: feedbck on 334502 is pretty bad, though :(16:48
Riddellpitti: that bug isn't relevent, wrong number?16:50
Riddelloh 33405216:50
pittiRiddell: bug 334052, sorry (see above)16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334052 in plasma-widget-network-manager "Network Manager Plasmoid won't connect to "WPA Enterprise" AP's in Jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33405216:50
Riddellpitti: mm, it's not good, but it's not any worse16:52
pittiRiddell: I'm not opposed to move this to updates to get the fix for bug 330811, but we should keep it open16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330811 in plasma-widget-network-manager "Can't connect to a hidden network" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081116:53
pittiRiddell: so, shall I copy it over now?16:54
Riddellyes, I agree16:55
pittidone, bugs updated17:00
Riddellsuper, thanks17:02
pittiRiddell: is there an upstream bug for bug 339313? do they know about it?17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931317:02
Riddellpitti: don't know, I'll get back to you on that17:04
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
kwahhi all17:48
kwahwhere gnome gets information about locale ?17:48
kwahupon session start17:48
pittikwah: /etc/default/locale (that's system wide, not just gnome)17:49
kwahpitti, and if particular user chooses different LANG at the GDM screen?17:50
kwahit does not influence default system locale then17:50
kwahwhat changes?17:50
pittiright, that's per-user17:51
pittikwah: it just sets $LANG, I think17:51
kwahbut it might be stored in between of sessions, hence it should be preserved somewhere17:51
pittikwah: ah, I guess that goes into ~/.dmrc then17:52
pittibut I'm not entirely sure on that17:52
pittiI think it asks you ("just this session" -> $LANG, "all future sessions" -> .dmrc?)17:52
mclasen.dmrc is correct17:52
kwahpitti, thanks, will check it17:52
kwahpitti, mclasen thanks guys17:52
pittihave a good weekend everyone!18:19
djsiegel1rickspencer3: can we add "Paper Cuts Round 1: http://tinyurl.com/mhs2qb" to the topic in here?19:01
rickspencer3djsiegel1: sure, but I'm not an opp19:02
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