
CIA-4installation-guide: cjwatson * r460 ubuntu/debian/ (archlist changelog control): Disable building for hppa, since it's EOL.00:11
rgreeningevand: well, I keep trashing my usb stick :) progress I guess .. haha00:17
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
purplefoolhi, was bedeutet 'writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings'?  wie kann ich das korregieren?09:07
_rubenthis is an english channel, and where are you seeing that?09:08
cjwatson("what does 'writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings' mean?  how can I correct this?")09:09
purplefoolgads, sorry!!  my display is german and i didn't want that.  good, i am trying to install in winxp and this is what i get through the installer09:09
cjwatsonpurplefool: could we see the full log, e.g. on paste.ubuntu.com?09:10
cjwatsonit's an error from the python standard library, but hard to say why you're getting it without context09:10
purplefoolwhere should i past it...have the log just for this question^^09:10
cjwatsonpaste.ubuntu.com please?09:10
purplefoolok, now you will see what a noob i am...how do i paste it?09:10
purplefoolok, done...was easier then i thought09:12
cjwatsonget it into the clipboard (Edit->Copy in an editor or whatever), right-click->Paste in text box on website?09:12
cjwatsonalternatively paste.debian.net has a file upload widget09:12
purplefoolam working with windows at the moment^^09:12
* cjwatson files a request for a file upload widget to be added to paste.ubuntu.com09:14
cjwatsonanyway, need you to give me the URL that paste.ubuntu.com gave you09:14
purplefooloh...sorry...here it is:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/199025/09:15
purplefooldoes this show anything that makes sence? or helps?09:17
cjwatsonhmm, ok, a wubi bug, the main wubi guy isn't here at the moment09:17
cjwatsonoh, he is :-)09:17
cjwatsonxivulon: purplefool is reporting http://paste.ubuntu.com/199025/ with what looks like current wubi09:17
cjwatsonwubi's tasklist.error exception handling doesn't preserve the traceback position unfortunately09:18
purplefoolthat was english...but i have no idea what it means.  it sounds like the problem wasn't recoreded.09:19
purplefoolwhy is the cd checking all the other drives for information?  is that normal?09:21
xivuloncjwatson, that is an odd version, I believe we shipped r129, in any case that bug should have been fixed in r13609:22
xivulonpurplefool: can you please try wubi r13609:22
purplefoolif you tell me what wubi is and what r136 is i would be very happy to do that.09:22
purplefoolok, am downloading wubi right now...don't know if it is r136, but it should be the latest version.  this is the page:  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#wubi09:26
purplefoolok, still get r129 with my download...btw, r136 is revision, correct?09:29
cjwatsonhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/wubi/karmic/wubi-r136.exe is a current build, but probably not signed09:30
evandtop of my list this morning is pushing that to releases.ubuntu.com09:31
cjwatsonxivulon: would something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/199032/ (totally untested) make sense?09:31
purplefoolhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/199031/  this is the cutandüaste for r129...will look for r136 and download it now.09:31
cjwatsonevand: it also seems kind of unfortunate that tracebacks from wubi expose Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\... - I don't suppose that can be fixed?09:33
purplefoolok, now it is being installed...don't know what the prob was, but thx for your help in finding the right wubi (cute name...sounds like a childs stuffed animal!)09:34
cjwatson"Windows UBuntu Installer"09:36
evandI'm sure at the very least we could tidy that up in an excepthook, but I'll put trying to find a cleaner solution on my todo list.09:36
xivulonsorry I am on/off from machine as I have to rush out, cjwatson seems reasonable, but will have to spend more than 2secs on it to digest09:37
xivuloncjwatson the full path is due to the byte-compilation stage09:38
xivulonvia pypack09:39
xivulonehm pylauncher09:39
xivulonsrc/pylauncher/pack.py > compile09:41
xivulonI guess py_compile.compile -> dfile argument will do ? will have a second look later09:44
xivulonhave to go now09:45
mpt"When installing, the keyboard layout suggestion should be based on the time zone chosen."10:33
mptIt already is, right?10:33
evandmpt: indeed it is10:37
mpthm, wonder why this person thought it isn't10:37
mpthe/she is in Portugal10:37
mptI'll ask10:37
cjwatsonmpt: it depends. It's based on a combination of language and country.10:44
cjwatsonBeing in Portugal does get you a Portuguese keyboard by default though, as far as I can see.10:45
evandshtylman: if you're done editing, can you please mark your spec as "Review"?11:31
evandshtylman: also, were you keen on taking on the oem-config / ubiquity merge, or am I okay to punt that to another developer?11:47
evandxivulon: dreamhost lets you run IRC clients on their servers now?11:47
xivulonah that is interesting11:49
xivulonby the way created 389424, will patch later on tonight, thanks cjwatson11:50
cjwatsoncool, ta12:03
shtylmanevand: marked, also...if there is a developer willing to take it on that would be good...ive had my hands full with other stuff...but if not, I will tackle it :)14:38
evandsure thing, I think mterry is willing to work on it as part of the oem-config specification14:39
evandshtylman: you might want to also poke Riddell about approving it.  I know we're past the deadline, but perhaps he can talk to Rick (or whoever that falls to) about an exception.14:40
shtylmanevand: will do :) thanks14:41
rgreeningevand: you have a chance to look over the recent changes to usb-creator?14:46
evandindeed, looked it over last night.  It looks okay, feel free to merge that in14:48
evandbe sure to do so in a way that preserves history14:49
evandso bzr mv14:49
rgreeningI'll write the wrappers for the gtk_frontend.py as part fo the merge.14:49
rgreeningoh, and persistance would try and create a casper file that was x MB * 1024^2... seems it wasn't down converted before being passed to the install.py.14:51
rgreeningI've fixed in local and will push that up too14:51
* rgreening wondered why my stick kept running out of space14:52
evandmy fault, I must've screwed up the merge into trunk at UDS15:03
rgreeningnp, I'll up my changes later today. gotta go buy a fathers day gift...15:44
kirklandcjwatson: hiya, i'm still looking for some feedback on that /var/lib/ecryptfs issue16:54
kirklandcjwatson: i have a package i'm testing now, seems to be doing most of what i want16:55
kirklandcjwatson: but the design itself could use some more eyeballs16:55
cjwatsonkirkland: the basic design seems reasonably plausible to me. I definitely prefer /home/.ecryptfs over /.home; it seems more appropriately contained to me, more expressive, and I dislike new directories off / anyway17:28
kirklandcjwatson: agreed.17:28
cjwatsonkirkland: do be insanely careful about moving the files across from /var though; they might be on different filesystems so it won't just be a rename17:28
cjwatsonkirkland: think about what happens if the move is interrupted half-way through17:28
kirklandcjwatson: okay, use cp -a, check the return, then delete?17:29
kirklandcjwatson: this data *should* be very, very small17:29
cjwatsonI'd use rsync so that it can be more easily restarted17:29
cjwatsonbut I suppose that works too if it's just configuration17:29
kirklandcjwatson: at least, the data that ecryptfs puts there is a trivial amount, a few bytes, less than 1K17:29
cjwatsonperhaps cp -a one user at a time17:29
kirklandcjwatson: rsync isn't on the desktop, i don't think17:29
* kirkland hits that sometimes17:30
cjwatsonhmm, I have neither /var/lib/ecryptfs/ nor /home/.ecryptfs/. Should I?17:30
cjwatsonrsync Task: standard17:30
cjwatsonyou could depend on it, most people will have it already17:30
cjwatsonbut I think your cp -a approach is probably ok17:30
kirklandcjwatson: do you have an encrypted home?17:30
kirklandcjwatson: or just encrypted private?17:30
cjwatsonoh, no, just private17:30
kirklandcjwatson: encrypted private are unaffected17:31
cjwatsonright, of course17:31
kirklandcjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/199393/17:32
kirklandcjwatson: that's my work in progress diff17:32
kirklandcjwatson: you might start at the bottom, looking at the init script17:32
cjwatsonmkdir -m 600 -p, just in case17:33
cjwatsonwill save an error if it already exists if nothing else17:33
kirklandcjwatson: ack17:33
cjwatsongar, why are these scripts not set -e? oh well17:33
kirklandcjwatson: which one?17:34
kirklandcjwatson: the init script is sh -e17:34
kirklandcjwatson: is that the same thing?17:34
cjwatsonat least the init script is17:34
cjwatsonecryptfs-setup-private isn't17:34
kirklandcjwatson: right, i'd like to fix that, for sure17:34
cjwatsonsh -e is near enough the same thing17:34
kirklandcjwatson: what's the difference?17:34
kirklandsh -e and set -e17:34
cjwatsonI tend to write 'set -e' separately nowadays because that means you can use 'sh -x' on a script without changing its error-handling behaviour17:34
cjwatsonotherwise they're identical17:35
kirklandi'll abide by that hence forth17:35
cjwatsonwould it be better to use mountpoint(1) rather than mount | grep?17:35
kirklandcjwatson: good call17:36
kirklandcjwatson: didn't know that was around17:36
cjwatson[ ... -a ... ] => [ ... ] && [ ... ] for portability17:36
cjwatsonperhaps 'rm "/home/.$PKG/$i/.$PKG"' => 'rm -f "/home/.$PKG/$i/.$PKG"'? (at least I tend to do that out of habit)17:37
cjwatsonprobably makes no difference17:37
kirklandcjwatson: -a && ... ack17:37
kirklandcjwatson: okay17:38
cjwatsonin ecryptfs-fix-link, I'd recommend just testing the output of readlink for equality rather than that grep. Usernames can contain "." which is a metacharacter to grep17:38
cjwatsonln -snf> good, a lot of people forget that -n17:38
cjwatsonwhy "/home/.$PKG/$i/.$PKG" in the init script but "/home/.$PKG/$i/.ecryptfs" in fix-link?17:38
kirklandcjwatson: yeah, testing sent me to the manpage to find -snf :-)17:38
kirklandcjwatson: i'll fix that, i'm trying to $PKG as much as possible now17:39
kirklandcjwatson: the name shift from screen-profiles -> byobu make me realize the value in that :-)17:39
cjwatsonI wonder if variables or shell functions or something would make it a bit more readable17:39
kirklandcjwatson: which one?17:39
cjwatsonit's quite hard to glance at "/home/.$PKG/$i/.$PKG" and be sure no characters have been left out :)17:40
kirklandgood point17:40
cjwatsonhome_config_dir () { echo "/home/.$1/$2/$1"; }   "$(home_config_dir "$PKG" "$i")" or something17:40
cjwatsonmaybe that doesn't help17:40
cjwatson... and I left a dot out there :-)17:40
cjwatsonI think that's my nitpicking budget exhausted17:41
kirklandcjwatson: question about your readlink comment17:41
kirklandcjwatson: how do you recommend I get around that grep?17:41
kirklandcjwatson: oh, test equality17:41
cjwatsonoh, but it isn't equality17:42
cjwatsonis it?17:42
cjwatsonis that * at the end of the grep meant to be .* ?17:42
kirklandcjwatson: right, i used the grep to handle trailing slashes17:42
cjwatsonor is it zero-or-more slashes?17:42
kirklandcjwatson: links can have 0 or more trailing slashes17:42
cjwatsonreadlink -f canonicalises those away17:43
kirklandsweet, thanks.17:43
cjwatsonor you could do target="$(readlink "/home/.$PKG" | sed 's,/*$,,')" if you didn't want to rely on that17:44
cjwatsonbut readlink -f is probably sane anyway - oh, waitaminute, that doesn't work if somebody made /var/lib/ecryptfs a symlink to a directory on another partition17:44
cjwatsonso I think you might need the sed approach17:44
kirklandcjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/199405/17:44
cjwatsonI've been known to make /var a symlink to /space/var on awkwardly-laid-out systems :)17:45
kirklandcjwatson: hrm17:45
cjwatson("$readlink" => "$LINK" in your paste BTW)17:45
cjwatsonLINK="$(readlink "/home/.$PKG" | sed 's,/*$,,')"; if [ "$LINK" = "/var/lib/$PKG/$USER" ]; then ... fi17:46
kirklandcjwatson: is it standard to quote LINK="$(...)" ?17:47
kirklandcjwatson: i've never done it that way17:47
kirklandLINK=$(...)   or LINK=`...`   <--- me uses17:47
cjwatsonI believe that strictly speaking it isn't necessary, but I can never quite remember whether it is or not and my standard policy is to quote any $-expansion unless I'm sure I don't need to17:48
kirklandcjwatson: okay17:49
cjwatson"The text after the = in each variable assignment undergoes tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal before being assigned to the variable." says bash(1)17:50
cjwatsonso no word splitting, and therefore you're right that the quotes aren't necessary17:50
cjwatsondash(1) is a lot less clear but I think that is standard behaviour17:51
kirkland<cjwatson> mkdir -m 600 -p, just in case17:51
cjwatsonerr, that was somewhere up above, ecryptfs-setup-private I think17:51
cjwatsonI think it was just code you were moving around17:52
kirkland600 vs 700?17:52
cjwatsonI meant 'mkdir -m 600' vs. 'mkdir -m 600 -p'17:52
kirklandright, that makes more sence17:53
kirklandsense, even17:53
kirklandcjwatson: okay, so here are the things I've tested, and verified to fix ...17:53
kirklandcjwatson: encrypted private users are not affected, as their .Private and .ecryptfs dirs are real directories in $HOME, and not symlinks17:54
kirklandcjwatson: encrypted home users are affected, by design of course17:54
kirklandcjwatson: for that bind mount (init script) to work, NO encrypted home user can be logged in with a mounted home17:54
kirklandcjwatson: otherwise, the bind mount would latch onto the mounted cleartext data, and not the underlying dir17:55
kirklandcjwatson: the check exists in the init script17:55
kirklandcjwatson: on upgrade, restarting that init script will "warn", but still exit 0 such that the package upgrade succeeds17:55
kirklandcjwatson: for all practical purposes, this won't really take effect until the next reboot, hence the touch reboot-required in the postinst17:56
cjwatsonhmm, two concerns about fix-link17:56
kirklandcjwatson: hit me17:56
cjwatsonoh, well, one was a misreading on my part, I read $HOME as /home17:57
kirklandcjwatson: i can variablize that to BIND_DIR="/home/.$PKG"17:58
cjwatsonthe second, though, is that it runs every single time a user logs in for the rest of time17:58
cjwatsonthis seems perhaps a little heavyweight. can we think of a better way?17:58
kirklandcjwatson: heh, this is the lightweight version :-)17:58
kirklandcjwatson: i had some C code that did this in pam_ecryptfs.c17:58
cjwatsonI was about to suggest that that might be lighter weight17:59
cjwatsonshell scripts tend to fork quite a bit17:59
cjwatsonone syscall for readlink() is surely better than fork() execve() load bunch of libraries readlink() exit() in terms of weight17:59
kirklandcjwatson: building the strings and the stat() calls weren't as trivial (in code writing) as shell18:00
kirklandcjwatson: but it could certainly be done18:00
cjwatsonright, the code is more work, but the ultimate system impact should be less18:00
cjwatsonI think I'd be happier with that if it's feasible, given that pam_ecryptfs is running anyway18:01
kirklandcjwatson: oh, there's the chowning too18:01
kirklandcjwatson: the pam stuff runs as root18:01
kirklandcjwatson: so permissions need to be fixed on the symlink18:01
cjwatsonI agree you have to be a bit careful18:02
cjwatsonbut the syscall sequence shouldn't be all that long18:02
kirklandcjwatson: i can do it that way18:02
kirklandcjwatson: one other idea, though18:02
kirklandcjwatson: what if this script were "removed" at some point, once it was guaranteed unnecessary ?18:02
cjwatsonI think I'd still be happier with it being done in C18:04
kirklandcjwatson: okay, no problem18:04
kirklandcjwatson: back to the reboot-required issue ...18:04
cjwatsonit just seems a lot simpler from a system integration / packaging POV18:04
kirklandcjwatson: if the admin tries to adduser --encrypt-home <newuser>, before that bind mount is established (before reboot, for practical purposes), that will fail18:05
cjwatsonif you wanted to remove it at some point, you wouldn't be able to ship it as a straightforward file in the package, since it isn't unnecessary until all users have logged in and had their directories moved over18:05
cjwatsonmeh, have adduser fail then :)18:05
kirklandcjwatson: i've handled it somewhat gracefully with informative error messages18:05
kirklandcjwatson: it does18:05
cjwatsonI think that's ok?18:06
cjwatsonoh, one more point on pam_ecryptfs18:06
cjwatsonis there any possibility that /home might be on NFS?18:06
kirklandcjwatson: right, except that the user *is* created, but the home encrypting fails, so that user is sorta busted18:06
cjwatsonif so, you need to make sure to do the home directory editing with dropped privileges, due to root_squash18:06
kirklandcjwatson: was wondering if there was a clean-up-user-if-add-fails option or handler in adduser18:06
cjwatsonI think so18:06
kirklandcjwatson: known bug, ecryptfs kernel support broken for NFS and Samba18:07
kirklandcjwatson: so there aren't any working encrypted-home-on-nfs that i know of18:07
kirklandcjwatson: it's not possible at this point18:07
kirklandcjwatson: however, i did start the initscript at 47 (just after nfs) in case that starts working one day18:07
cjwatsonwell, nevertheless, it seems perhaps a prudent approach to do the home directory changes with dropped privileges18:08
cjwatsonon the minimal-privilege principle if nothing else18:08
cjwatsonif it's possible with PAM's ordering, that is18:08
kirklandcjwatson: so in the pam_* bits, drop privs18:08
cjwatsonor do it in a hook that already runs with dropped privileges, if there's an appropriate one18:08
kirklandcjwatson: which i'd need to do anyway to handle the symlink ownership properly18:08
cjwatsonbut yes. ask slangasek if in doubt :-)18:08
cjwatsonnah, in principle you could use lchown18:08
cjwatsonbut anyway18:08
cjwatsonfor adduser: I don't think there is actually any rollback support. Maybe just check for the doomed situation up-front before starting? You're already hacking adduser directly rather than using any particular hooks so that seems no great hardship18:09
kirklandcjwatson: i was actually thinking about creating this as a standalone program.c and fork/exec'ing it18:09
kirklandcjwatson: would make my testing thereof atomically easier18:09
kirklandcjwatson: could be a function in pam_ecryptfs.c though18:09
cjwatsonperhaps for prototyping, but I'd like to have a very good reason for any extra processes in a standard login session18:10
kirklandcjwatson: understood18:10
cjwatsonthey tend to add up rather18:10
kirklandcjwatson: i'll integrate it directly18:10
cjwatsonyou could give it a main() function, compiled conditionally18:10
kirklandcjwatson: bah, i'll just put it in pam_ecryptfs.c18:11
kirklandcjwatson: i have a mostly working prototype already18:11
kirklandcjwatson: okay, so back to the testing situation, everything is definitely hunky dorey after the reboot, adduser being the only known breakage (though gracefully handled)  prior to reboot18:11
kirklandcjwatson: so the init script throws an error message if you try to stop it (should not unmount this dir)18:12
kirklandcjwatson: but the admin can obviously umount /home/.ecryptfs18:12
kirklandcjwatson: which might yank away access of other users to their .ecryptfs data18:12
kirklandcjwatson: they can continue to login, no problem.18:13
kirklandcjwatson: but they can't logout, or change their pwd18:13
cjwatsoninteresting symptoms :)18:13
kirklandcjwatson: heh, yeah18:14
cjwatsonsame would go if /home were mounted separately and the admin unmounted that, though18:14
kirklandcjwatson: it would be a "dumb" thing for an admin to do18:14
cjwatsonactually, wouldn't the admin get EBUSY?18:14
cjwatson*shouldn't* the admin get EBUSY?18:14
kirklandcjwatson: not in my testing, unless someone is doing something in .ecryptfs18:14
cjwatsonoh, 'cos it's just configuration not files18:14
kirklandcjwatson: right18:14
cjwatsonor not data anyway18:15
cjwatsonyou could have something hold an fd open there, but I don't know that it's worth it - just a DDTT18:15
kirklandcjwatson: the only way i see around this is having the real data somewhere permanently accessible, and not bind mounted18:15
kirklandcjwatson: which was previously /var/lib/ecryptfs <---- what we're trying to get rid of18:15
kirklandcjwatson: RH solved this for polyinstantiation with /home/.$USER directories18:16
cjwatsonremind me why it can't be a *real* directory /home/.ecryptfs?18:16
cjwatsonand have pam_ecryptfs look for configuration under that?18:16
cjwatsonISTM that you only have this problem because you want to have ecryptfs keep looking in /home/$USER/.ecryptfs18:16
cjwatsonperhaps breaking that constraint would be easier overall18:17
kirklandcjwatson: yeah, that could be done;  create a list of places where .ecryptfs might be found18:17
kirklandcjwatson: so the other thing this is trying to solve is to give users's access to their encrypted .Private data for backups18:17
kirklandcjwatson: the bind mount solves that too18:17
cjwatsonright, it does, but you could deal with that by a similar migration path for .Private18:18
cjwatsondata migration rather than config migration18:18
cjwatsonI dunno, just seems like a potential option with some upsides18:18
kirklandcjwatson: hmm, well, let me toss this one out ...18:18
kirklandcjwatson: which i did pitch for jaunty, but i don't remember why it got nack'd18:19
kirklandcjwatson: /home/.$USER, real dir with actual .ecryptfs and .Private18:19
kirklandcjwatson: /home/.$USER/.Private mounted on top of /home/$USER18:19
kirklandcjwatson: /home/.$USER always available18:19
kirklandcjwatson: hence, .ecryptfs and .Private encrypted data (for backups) always available18:20
kirklandcjwatson: users wanted to back up their cleartext data backup $HOME18:20
kirklandcjwatson: users wanting to backup their encrypted data backup /home/.$USER18:20
cjwatsonI didn't like doubling the number of directory entries in /home18:22
cjwatsonthere may be significant performance considerations there on some filesystems18:22
cjwatson/home/.ecryptfs/$USER avoids those performance considerations hitting every path lookup under /home18:23
cjwatsonI don't honestly see why /home/.ecryptfs/$USER is any more difficult to implement than /home/.$USER18:23
cjwatsonand it seems more appropriately contained18:23
kirklandcjwatson: that's fair, i think18:24
kirklandcjwatson: i'd like to avoid the bind mount for sure!18:24
cjwatsoneither way, you need to worry about moving .Private18:24
cjwatson(for migration)18:24
kirklandcjwatson: that's a simple inode mv, though, right?18:24
kirklandcjwatson: would doublecheck the mountpoints18:25
kirklandcjwatson: but /home/$USER and /home/.ecryptfs should be on the same $fs18:25
kirklandcjwatson: i guess the check is $HOME ?= /home/$USER  :-)18:25
cjwatsonrename() should be atomic even on directories if they're on the same fs, yes18:27
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i'm on board with you then18:27
kirklandcjwatson: ditch the bind mount mess18:27
kirklandcjwatson: make /home/.ecryptfs a real dir18:28
cjwatsonand the only nasty cases are when some idiot did mount --bind /space/my-home-directory /home/idiot18:28
kirklandcjwatson: with /home/.ecryptfs/[$USERS]18:28
cjwatson(ok, idiot is harsh ...)18:28
cjwatsonbut you could always have a fallback case for that18:28
kirklandcjwatson: heh18:28
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i still need a little bit of symlink fixing handled in the init script (no mounting, though)18:29
kirklandcjwatson: as well as the mv of the real dir18:29
cjwatsonsymlinks in the user's home directory might still be nice for discoverability18:29
kirklandcjwatson: and we'll still need one minor bit of C code in the pam module to handle the fixup too18:29
cjwatson/home/.ecryptfs/ is a bit non-obvious to find if you don't know it's there18:29
kirklandcjwatson: right, absolutely18:29
cr3hi folks, I'm getting a TimezoneApply error raised in ./scripts/install.py for a time/zone value of America/New_York19:32
cr3actually, specifying US/Eastern seems to work19:50
evandAmerican/New_York should work.  Are you certain you entered it correctly?19:57
evandthe timezone_apply code is really simple19:58
evanderr America/New_York ;)19:58
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
cjwatsoncr3: need the full logs for that kind of error, the traceback alone tends to be uninformative22:45
cr3cjwatson: ok, I'll try to reproduce again this weekend. I'm really looking forward to having live cd images tested automatically before Monday22:58

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