
Mamarokevanrmurphy: can we help you?00:01
defnHey I'm having some trouble joining #ubuntu00:06
defnIt tried to test me but the tests failed00:06
defnErm, I think it's fixed now00:06
elkyevanrmurphy, our /topic mentions that this is a no-idling zone.00:13
Mamarokelky: third time...00:16
geniiFor some reason the term "duel boot" being used over and over today is bugging the hell outta me.02:21
genii(as opposed to "dual boot" )02:21
Flannelgenii: You mean we don't have special shoes to wear while fighting?02:22
geniiFlannel: Maybe you do, I don't :)02:23
geniiI guess I'm just irritable today about it.02:23
naliothgenii: it's 'duel boot' when you install windows _after_ linux02:27
geniinalioth: Yes, sometimes it does seem an apt description02:28
geniiBleh. Time to head to bed before I chew some new user's head off tonight. Laters02:30
FlannelBye genii!02:37
* aubade puts a penny on the track and runs out02:51
FlannelShadowwolf, ilovellama, lordofflames <-- All same person? (-ot)03:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:47
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:47
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:47
FlannelHmmm, no kline for him?03:48
vorianhe is no longer with us03:49
vorian(or she)03:49
Flannelthanks vorian03:51
FlannelGood grief.  People today.04:30
Seeker`when I was younger...04:39
Flanneland we liked it!04:39
Seeker`...uphill BOTH WAYS04:40
Seeker`why am I not asleep04:42
Seeker`its 044204:42
Flannelbecause your eyes are still open!04:42
Seeker`managed to sleep from 0000 to 0145, then 0200 to 040004:42
Seeker`rest of the time has been just dozing04:42
FlannelCan't sleep while the evil yellow daystar is down, eh?04:43
Seeker`pretty much04:45
Seeker`was in bed at 2330, which is a really early night for me04:45
Seeker`if i'm up this early, I may as well go an queue outside a store to get an iPhone at some silly time before the stores open04:46
evanrmurphysorry about before, didn't mean to idle05:31
evanrmurphyI signed off for the day and tend to just stay in IRC as /away05:32
evanrmurphyyes, I was being helped in #ubuntu-irc, and I may be an op soon05:32
elkythere's got to be a full moon somewhere...05:57
FlannelTheyre all on the same IP05:57
FlannelAnd most of the commotion is just them feeding off of each other05:57
ikoniaI see panarchy has a new ISP transonictravel.com.au06:36
ikoniawell, he's now ircing from his work 06:36
elkyikonia, should i call them, d'ya think?06:41
ikoniahe's been doing it for a while, and I've pondered pointing out their security whole (IRC/mibbit) to them 06:42
ikoniafirst time his host as had an rdns entry though06:43
elkyhave we ever seen a name for him?06:43
ikoniaonly ever his fake "Chip D Panarchy"06:44
ikoniaor "Chris Panarchy"06:44
elkydoes he have a domain?06:44
ikonianot that I'm aware of he seems to use free services like panarchy.blog.wordpress.org06:45
ikoniapanarchy.wordpress.org sorry06:45
ikoniathat sort of thing06:45
bazhangpanarchy is simtoon08:01
bazhanghmm close, but perhaps not08:03
elkysimtoon is the moron who was floating around with the unicode swastica ascii art the other day08:05
bazhangsimilar IP but not quite the same08:05
bazhangapologies for jumping the gun08:05
elkytpgi is one of the largest in australia. they offer close to the cheapest quota08:06
elkyi can also be at their corporate headquarters in 20 mins if I need to :P08:07
elkymaybe not quite 20 mins this time of day, but certainly within the hour.08:08
elkyikonia, sleuth sources say that his name is not chip, and it's unlikely he works there.09:07
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.09:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:59
dragonthese factoids need a fix09:59
dragonpor favor09:59
Myrttithe problem with those factoids are known, we've been discussing them before.10:03
Myrttido you have suggestions?10:03
dragonMyrtti: i'd suggest changing !gnome-splashscreen-manager to "gnome-splashscreen-manager" in the first one10:04
dragonand getting rid of the second one10:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf-editor10:05
dragonthis one could be assigned a definition10:05
Myrtti!splash ~= /!gnome-splashscreen/gnome-splashscreen/10:05
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti10:05
Myrttiso that's the first10:06
Myrtti"getting rid of the second one" explain10:07
dragongconf-editor is a graphical tool used to maintain the GNOME desktop environment registry. For more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor10:08
Myrtti!gconf-editor is <reply> gconf-editor is a graphical tool used to maintain the GNOME desktop environment registry. For more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor10:09
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti10:09
ubottugconf-editor is a graphical tool used to maintain the GNOME desktop environment registry. For more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor10:09
Myrttidragon: anything else?10:10
dragoni guess that's it for now10:11
dragonthis is aaditya btw10:11
dragonsee ya around10:11
dragonand, thanks10:11
Myrttioh jesus, people in #ubuntu are doing my head in10:16
MyrttiTAKE IT AWAY10:16
* elky kicks Myrtti from #ubuntu :P10:18
Myrtti"su root is exactly same thing as sudo so it's ok½½½½§§§§§11111!!!!!!1"10:19
* Myrtti goes to smell satsuma potpourri oil10:20
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:21
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:21
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:21
Myrttiubottu: tell dragon_ about exploit10:23
bazhang@mark #ubuntu abdullah ban-evading again12:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:50
* Pici was trying to open his browser to check if it was the same person12:50
ikoniamust be his sisterm again12:59
Picier.. did ActionParsnip just tell cowgarden to remove the only kernel package he had installed?13:00
PiciI admit I haven't had all my caffeine yet...13:01
ikoniaha ha13:02
tsimpsonno more mibbit...13:21
tsimpsonI feel cheated, just when #k gets floodbots mibbit access is removed :p13:23
PiciWell, theres still the freenode web gateway13:23
tsimpsonshouldn't be difficult to get the bots to work with freenode webchat13:29
PiciRemoved all the stale mibbit exceptions from #ubuntu13:30
Piciand #kubuntu13:33
ikoniaso it's officially gone13:34
bazhangno more mibbit? yahoo!13:36
PiciWhy do people think that do-release-upgrade -d is the proper way to upgrade, I don't get it.13:37
tsimpsonhey, it worked13:39
Piciit did?13:41
Picioh, only for #kubuntu13:41
tsimpsonlook in #k13:41
tsimpsonI tested in #k, I should be able to do the floodbots in #u too13:42
tsimpsonunless anyone has any objections?13:42
ikoniaPici: because people tell them blindly to do it13:49
ikoniaPici: and -d is needed to get to the development versions so people think it's "the" way to upgrade, not the way to upgade to development versions13:50
Picitsimpson: works :)13:50
tsimpsonbtw, the bots still work with mibbit (in case it ever comes back)13:55
Pici!mibbit | fyi14:33
ubottufyi: freenode no longer supports connections from mibbit.  See http://blog.freenode.net/?p=254 for more details.  freenode help in #freenode14:33
geniiNow they need to do something about cgi::irc14:34
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:58
* Pici sighs14:58
Mamaroklooks a bit silly to me14:58
PiciIt is.14:58
Mamarokwould be ok in -ot, but in a support channel it generates noise IMHO14:59
Pici!forget botsnack15:00
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici15:00
Pici!botsnack-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!15:00
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici15:00
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:01
PiciNothing wrong with that.15:01
Mamarokthat's ok :)15:01
bazhangor !opsnack :)15:01
ubottuChocolate! And Raisins! And ICE CREAM! ooo! and 60 minutes +m!15:02
Mamarokwow :)15:02
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette, and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.15:02
PiciI personally like having some of these funny factoids.15:03
geniiPici: Me too. It's good to break the tension sometimes15:03
ikoniasome of them are quiet ammusing, I think we went a bit ocerboard sith some of them15:03
Picioddness in -offtopic15:08
geniiPici: Yes, that same hostmask 15:10
Picigenii: different idents, but still odd.15:11
geniiAnd the lag between their individual chat entries seems suspicious15:12
PiciIts fine if they're both at the library chatting, but the fact that they won't admit that is problematic.15:15
geniiTheir grammar/style is also very suspiciously the same15:16
topylii wonder what we should do15:19
Mamarokif their talk is not offensive or such...15:19
* Mamarok has a look15:19
geniiIn telnet chatsite times I used to do similar messing around. I'd login as genii genii-number-2  genii-number-3     etc etc and have fistfights with myself for fun.15:21
geniiI'm pretty sure thats what they're up to, actually.15:25
geniiWhether it's one or two ppl15:25
Picihah: "11:28:44 <?zer0o> the secondo message was "mount: no medium found" is kubuntu trying to talk with his dead granny? 16:28
ubottuctmjr called the ops in #ubuntu (joejc)17:11
geniiThey should probably change that error msg from medium to media17:29
ubottuTitan8990 called the ops in #ubuntu (CoreyTaylor)17:58
FlannelHi McBrain, how can we help you today?20:43
McBrainhello there20:43
McBrainin fact I'm not here for help, I just experience something which, I think, could be a security problem. I'd like to talk about that, to be sure, but I don't know the procedure20:44
FlannelSecurity problem in Ubuntu?20:45
FlannelAlright, you'll file that just like any other bug, except there's a checkbox to keep it private (since its a security issue)20:45
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/20:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:46
FlannelThat's a much more helpful factoid20:46
McBrainok thank you, I'll do that then20:47
McBrainI thought that maybe there was some kind of a security channel or something. Even for linux in general20:47
FlannelThere likely is20:49
Mamaroksecurity bug can and are communicated upstream of course20:49
FlannelMcBrain: The security team is #ubuntu-security, you might try poking around there20:50
McBrainright, ubuntu-hardened. I didn't thought about that name20:52
McBrainthank you very much for you time20:53
FlannelNo more mibbit22:16
ubottuIn #ubuntu-mozillateam, fta said: !who is your master?22:17
FlannelHowdy fta22:18
ubottuBUGabundo called the ops in #ubuntu-mozillateam ()22:18
ftawhere should i request support for a new bug tracker? i mean, when i paste an url or foo bug xx, i want ubottu to expand it22:20
FlannelYou might try #ubuntu-irc22:28
Flanneljust because no one here who handles that stuff seems active22:29
ftaFlannel, ok, thanks22:32

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