
Alan_LockwoodDoes anyone know how to get "GLSL" in wine??00:03
Alan_LockwoodDoes anyone know how to get "GLSL" in wine??00:07
sebbaris the error message that appears after each update ever going to be fixed? :)00:08
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ign0ramusAlan_Lockwood, http://www.winehq.org/wwn/316 OR http://wiki.winehq.org/DirectX-Shaders00:15
ign0ramusAlan_Lockwood, np :)00:16
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Dragnslcrsebbar- the error about forking?00:22
sebbarDragnslcr: yo that should be it00:23
sebbarDragnslcr: any way to get rid of it?00:23
DragnslcrIt's fixed in 4.2.4. Can't remember if it was fixed in 4.2.300:23
PetiHi, I'm having some troubles with the NVIDIA 180 graphics driver. After installed, Kubuntu randomly freezes. Just a couple weeks ago, before I reinstalled Kubuntu, someone sent me a link to instructions of downloading and installing an updated NVIDIA driver that fixed this problem perfectly. Does anyone know that driver and how to apply it?00:25
sebbarDragnslcr: is that the kde version? cause I'm running 4.3 beta... but I thought the update thing wasn't part of kde?00:25
mubuHey guys, is there a way to search for files within multiple partitions (in ubuntu 9.04) like in windows? thanks00:27
FloridaGuyjust added to ubuntu....     W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A00:28
FloridaGuyfor kde 4.2.400:28
darkmatter_mubu: good old locate00:28
mubudarkmatter how does that work?00:30
darkmatter_locate <filename>00:30
mubudarkmatter, but what if i dont know the exact filename?00:31
darkmatter_mubu: a part of it will do00:31
darkmatter_you may need to update the database first00:31
darkmatter_sudo updatedb00:31
mubudarkmatter thanks, worked like a charm!00:32
FloridaGuyfor kde 4.2.4 in ubuntu...where do i get W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A00:32
darkmatter_mubu: good to hear00:33
mubuThough i find it ridiculous that the gui search function does not support searching within multiple drives, or atleast not without any trickery.00:33
darkmatter_which gui search?00:33
sebbarFloridaguy: gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/awn.keyring --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv  2836CB0A8AC93F7A && gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/awn.keyring --export --armor 2836CB0A8AC93F7A | sudo apt-key add - && rm /tmp/awn.keyring00:33
darkmatter_i prefer locate because it's instant00:34
FloridaGuysebbar, not looking for awn.......need for kde 4.2.400:35
darkmatter_someone should write a gui frontend for locate00:35
mubudarkmatter, "Places" then "Search for files"00:36
PovAddictI'm using Kubuntu Hardy, with KDE3.500:36
mubuin ubuntu, dont know about kubuntu..00:36
PovAddictand compiz00:36
sebbarFloridaGuy: sorry dont get it...whats your problem?00:36
PovAddictlooks like upgrading past hardy will simply get rid of KDE3 and replace it with KDE400:36
PovAddicthardy has an old KDE4 available though... any suggestions to "progressively" upgrade so I can slowly get used to it?00:37
darkmatter_mubu: ok, there's a find function in dolphin too but i've never tried it00:37
PovAddictalso, if I install, say, kopete-kde4, will it migrate my settings from my current 3.5 kopete? and if I upgrade to hardy+1 (whatever it's called), will it keep the settings too?00:38
FloridaGuysebbar, i went here....   http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.4   ..... added this for kde 4.2.4.....   deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main    ..... reloaded package manager and get this....    W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A00:38
darkmatter_mubu: i used google desktop once, but it wasn't without its issues00:38
sebbarFloridaGuy: yeah, copy the stuff I wrote above in a konsole and hit enter :)00:39
PovAddictI don't want to be stuck on an ancient version forever :(00:40
FloridaGuysebbar, worked....srry about that...it said awn...so i thought you was giving me something for awn00:40
Ahmuckhow do you close a "less sometext.txt" window in the terminal ?00:41
kde185Are there any PPA's that I can use to install a beta of KDE 4.3 alongside the default 4.2?  Or do I need to use SVN?00:41
DragnslcrAhmuck- q00:41
PovAddictAhmuck: q00:41
PovAddictpress h for help00:42
Ahmucki've been closing dirty, via ctl-x, y, or z00:42
PovAddictless is a terribly useful thing00:42
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Ahmuckwho woulda thought it was a simple key00:42
Ahmuckbeen using ctl-| for closing other programs00:42
sebbarFloridaGuy: noprob, that command might actually have been used for something awn related originally :)00:43
FloridaGuysebbar, ok.....   now kubuntu-desktop installing00:44
PovAddictI'm in Kubuntu Hardy; if I install, say, kopete-kde4, will it migrate settings/accounts from my current 3.5 kopete?00:44
FloridaGuyPovAddict, why not just upgrade the distro...  9.04 is alot faster and stuff00:45
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PovAddictFloridaGuy: because I don't want to become useless for a week while I get used to KDE400:46
PovAddictI'd like to upgrade "progressively" :)00:47
darkmatter_PovAddict: kopete-kde4 will not replace kopete from kde300:47
PovAddictdarkmatter_: I know it won't replace00:47
PovAddictbut will it take the kde3 settings or do I have to configure everything from scratch?00:47
darkmatter_if i remember correctly, the 2 versions of kde use different directories00:47
darkmatter_.kde and .kde4?00:48
PovAddictbut is there any setting migration between them?00:48
darkmatter_PovAddict: is it really that difficult to recreate your accounts?00:49
PovAddictnot for kopete00:49
PovAddictbut if every other app will do the same...00:49
darkmatter_depends on what you use00:50
PovAddictkopete, konversation (afaik there's no version for kde4 yet), kmail, akregator, konqueror (I want my bookmarks!)00:50
jared555is it possible to look at the most up to date versions of packages available for various releases of kubuntu/ubuntu?00:51
darkmatter_konversation is replaced with quassel00:51
PovAddictyeah so I don't mind having to set up my networks in quassel if it doesn't migrate from konversation00:52
darkmatter_it doesn't00:52
PovAddictbut that *and* configuring email *and* manually migrating RSS feeds *and* manually migrating bookmarks *and* configure kopete... no thanks00:52
coz_anyone here running compiz ?00:55
DragnslcrPovAddict- there are packages for the KDE4 version of Konversation00:58
PovAddictI won't take extra effort to install that00:59
PovAddictI think my question is pretty simple: do KDE4 apps read KDE3 settings (on first start or whatever)?00:59
darkmatter_PovAddict: i think it's safe to assume they don't01:00
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PovAddict"After upgrading to 8.10 your .kde settings directory will be converted to KDE 4 settings, this means you will not easily be able to downgrade. The .kde4 directory from 8.04 KDE 4 Remix will not be used."01:09
PovAddicthmm that sounds interesting, however, I'd like a way to rollback :)01:09
PovAddictshould do a full backup before upgrading, I guess01:10
WalzmynPovAddict: just copy all your config files somewhere safe01:10
WalzmynAnybody know how i can get the network manager to connect to my wireless without me feeding it the password every freaking time? this is really anoying01:10
PovAddictI have an external disk 10x bigger than the one with OS and /home01:10
PovAddictso I *can* do a full backup01:11
WalzmynPovAddict: that should work :)01:11
PovAddicteven more, my "main disk" (140GB) is divided in Ubuntu (40GB!) and Windoze (100GB)01:11
PovAddictI didn't give it enough space when I first installed Ubuntu :)01:12
PovAddictand nowadays I don't use the Windoze partition at all01:12
burn_PovAddict: kill em and give [k]ubuntu more space :d01:14
PovAddictburn_: or reinstall Kubuntu in my 1TB disk01:14
burn_1tb !!01:14
WalzmynI've got a hundred gigs spent on winders that I never use as well01:16
Walzmynanybody using a yahoo chat with pidgin?01:18
* PovAddict burns Kubuntu 8.1001:20
PovAddictfrom the command line! :301:20
darkmatter_PovAddict: why not 9.04?01:21
PovAddictdarkmatter_: because I have 8.04 and upgrade works one version step at a time01:21
darkmatter_8.10 was incomplete in my opinion01:21
darkmatter_things like bluetooth were broken01:22
PovAddictbluetooth is "broken" on my machine, in a way01:22
PovAddictI uninstalled everything bluetooth-related since I don't have bluetooth hardware, and my system settings still show a 'Bluetooth' icon that opens a blank screen when clicked01:22
darkmatter_kde4 still hasn't reached the bluetooth functionality of kde301:26
luis_o ubuntu é demais01:33
luis_is unknow01:33
luis_estoy só01:34
redomondoI am looking for some support with firefox on kubuntu 9.0401:50
redomondohow do I install the programÉ01:50
redomondoas well my àt symbol is not working properly01:50
burn__redomondo: start kpackagekit and type the name of rpogram01:51
redomondohow do I start kpackagekit01:52
burn__go K buttion > and in search [up part of K popup] and type kpack01:52
waltzingalongredomondo: one way would be to click on a shortcut to it from the menu01:52
burn__it will be shown in search01:52
=== burn__ is now known as [buRn]
redomondonow how about my shift+2 - or at symbol - my keyboard does not seem to bbe a standard us layout - I am a newbie...02:00
redomondothanks for the kpack tip02:01
redomondodone and done02:01
[buRn]redomondo u must be choosen wrong keboard layout02:01
redomondohow do I switch02:01
ign0ramusredomondo, you can change keyboard layout in Regional & Language in System Settings02:01
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:02
[buRn]!hi I meng02:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi I meng02:02
mengwell,my KDE4.2 runs no good02:03
ign0ramus[buRn], use the pipe (usually above Enter) not a capital 'i' :)02:03
ign0ramus!cn | meng02:05
ubottumeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:05
redomondoshift+2 is till giving me quotation marks -02:06
redomondonot the "at" symbol02:07
Dragnslcrredomondo- go to System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout02:07
redomondoand select which layout?02:07
mengmy amarok can't play mp302:08
DragnslcrWhatever kind of keyboard you have02:08
DragnslcrIf you have a standard keyboard, you can also try just disabling layouts (which is how mine is set)02:09
mengit just can play wma02:09
ign0ramus!mp3 | meng02:09
ubottumeng: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:09
mengthank you02:10
ign0ramusyou're welcome :)02:10
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[buRn]why there are 4 blocked updates. kernel 2.26.15 or somenthing like that, + kernel headers? did i done that or default?02:25
FloridaGuykde 4.2.4.....kubuntu 9.04.....system-settings...click on desktop...and system settings closes....everything eles in there works fine02:27
ign0ramus[buRn], it seems to be like that for many.  you can install with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:27
[buRn]ign0ramus: what is better solution to install it or no? :d02:29
ign0ramus[buRn], that's up to you :)02:30
ign0ramus[buRn], the above command will pull in the necessary dependencies that are holding the upgrades back02:30
[buRn]i know :d02:35
FloridaGuykde 4.2.4.....kubuntu 9.04.....system-settings...click on desktop...and system settings closes....everything eles in there works fine??02:35
[buRn]i used the kubutu for a long time, but new 9.04 have other options and this kpackage is hate me :D02:36
carolijawich IM  have  web and sound02:41
carolija ?02:41
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developer_php_brhave a developers of php here?03:20
AndySpainI can't get my wifi running03:35
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lee_ergg grrrr How do I reinstate the CRTL+backspace option, I really need it for my video settings in the ps304:23
lee_and why did I get placed in kubuntu when I have Ubuntu?04:24
manu_i canot use any web aplication otherthan this on my system."Could not connect to host" error msg... anybody help???05:02
yamishican someone help me with a problem i have with my desktop?05:02
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yamishimy lil'bro "minimized" it so my desktop now looks like this http://imagebin.ca/view/qnK13Gwc.html but from my plasm control panel it looks like http://imagebin.ca/view/E5ajHe.html05:04
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doppelganger_hi guys, i have a very easy problem, i'm just not....  very linux savvy just yet.  Can someone PM me right quick, i just you to read someone and tell me what it means06:06
doppelganger_something*  dang06:06
doppelganger_looks very simple to do, i just want to get it right.  I won't ask anything else if it gets complicated past that06:07
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bazhangdoppelganger_, just ask here06:09
doppelganger_ok, i was trying to refrain from looking like a jackass in front of others, buuut, lol06:11
doppelganger_anyways, trying to get my creative card working, and i found some easy instructions, i just need them interpreted:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111591006:12
doppelganger_i'm in the file "ctdrv.h" that it's mentioning, which says this: http://pastebin.ca/146719906:13
doppelganger_and i'm wondering what i put where in that file (at the bottom of that pastebin i put my lspci result, and i'm wondering what to plug where in the file above it)06:14
bazhangdoppelganger_, compiled anything before?06:15
doppelganger_barely....  but i have those instructions on another page06:16
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware doppelganger_ here is a starter06:16
doppelganger_i just need to know what to plug in to that file i put in pastebin, like in what lines, and exactly what from the lspci am i plugging in there06:16
commander_does anyone have cairo dock on here?06:18
doppelganger_bazhang: did you get a chance to read over that pastebin file i posted?06:31
doppelganger_i'm so close to figuring this out i can taste it  =p06:31
bazhangdoppelganger_, yes; just looking for other possible solutions on the forums06:32
doppelganger_oh ok, ty man.  just real quick, what is it wanting me to put where in that file i put up?  if i can figure that out i can definitely compile it and try it out06:32
rootnew bi06:33
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alex_Does anyone here know if after you install the ubuntu server if you should have GUI or if it is all command based?06:38
alex_I've never used a linux server before so was unsure if there is supposed to be a GUI that loads after you login06:39
bazhangdoppelganger_, there is also a suggestion of using the OSS driver, which comes in the form of a deb.06:42
doppelganger_bazhang:  installing, we'll see how she works06:49
bazhangdoppelganger_, good luck06:50
bazhangdoppelganger_, can't stick around, will be back later :)06:50
commander_does anyone have cairo dock in kubuntu06:56
dabbleri have 4 kernel updates held back ... anyone know why?07:33
mcrandellothose updates will break something, trust me you dont want em07:35
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mcrandelloanyone know what this error means (trying to get a midi usb controller working): usb 2-4: device descriptor read/64, error -6207:36
mcrandellotried several USB ports on the desktop, front/back, 1.2 2.007:37
mcrandelloalways the same07:37
dabbleri have some flashdrives that work under Linux...and some that don't07:40
dabblersome mount readonly07:40
dabbleroops...midi  :)07:40
dabblerthat i don't know07:41
mcrandello it's strange though, it was detected in older versions07:41
mcrandelloit's way before the midi issue, this is like USB going "nope, sorry, don't feel like giving you an address"07:42
mcrandello'talk to the hand" '_'07:42
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quassel08:24
Steildoes kopete support webcam?08:27
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pawelhey is there any image viewer in KDE that would use some nice compiz effects? - something like picasa preview in windows u just click image in file browser and it smoothly fills up your desktop with just 2 arrows to see next images09:14
pawelhey is there any image viewer in KDE that would use some nice compiz effects? - something like picasa preview in windows u just click image in file browser and it smoothly fills up your desktop with just 2 arrows to see next images09:28
|RyanCan anyone help me? I can't get Amarok to play my MP3, how can I enable it to?09:44
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swattohello all, please could someone help me, I did an update last night to the kubuntu and now when i start I only get the command line and I cant start kde10:11
swattoto kubuntu*10:11
pawelto kubuntu from what10:11
swattoin kubuntu the update manager came up so i installed the updates but also there were 4 blocked updates which i did with the dist upgrade option but now i try and start kubuntu it doesnt load kde10:12
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swattoit says displayis not set or cannot connect to the x server10:12
pawelbtw guys why updates get blocked?10:13
studiodudethis is my first time here - is it ok to ask a question? Iḿ not sure how this works - lol -sorry10:13
reficstudiodude: sure, go ahead and ask :)10:18
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andy__Can anybody help my getting my laptop's wifi to work with kubuntu?11:34
jillsmittmy kde windows with lines..11:43
bazhangwhat video card jillsmitt11:43
jillsmittati radeon X120011:44
jillsmittcan i fix it, bazhang?11:45
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1135343 jillsmitt I'm just reading this11:46
jillsmittATI Catalyst driver which no longer supports "legacy" cards11:49
bazhangjillsmitt, are you using the open source or the propietary drivers; that seems to be the main issue (ie you should use the open source for that card)11:49
bazhangerr proprietary11:49
jillsmittbazhang: i use only from installation 904 drivers11:49
jillsmitti mean i just install my kubuntu11:49
jillsmittfrom 700 CD11:50
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bazhangjillsmitt, from hardware drivers? ie the non-open source ones?11:50
jillsmittbazhang: i guess there is no proprietary drivers after CD-installed11:51
jillsmittit good, fast & i dont use compiz, but lines on windows...11:52
bazhangwhat does fgl_glxgears show in konsole11:53
jillsmittits not installed yet11:53
jillsmittthis is new driver pack?11:54
bazhangso no fglrx then11:54
jillsmittok, they must tell it in welcome screen or something11:55
jillsmittbazhang: E: Couldn't find package fgl_glxgears11:56
bazhangjillsmitt, what about pasting a screenshot to imagebin11:57
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.11:57
jillsmittbazhang: lines of window or terminal lines?)11:58
jillsmittE: Couldn't find package fgl_glxgears - why?11:58
bazhangjillsmitt, err sorry11:59
bazhangjust type fgl_glxgears in terminal (dont apt-get it)11:59
bazhangjillsmitt, the window lines12:00
jillsmittbazhang: The program 'fgl_glxgears' is currently not installed12:00
bazhangjillsmitt, so you must be using the radeonhd then (open source driver)12:00
jillsmittwhat the package name?12:00
bazhangyou running compiz or not/ or other 3D effects12:01
jillsmitt? emm no12:01
zer0owhatz a good cd/dvd burner software?12:02
Limettezer0o: try X-CD-Roast12:04
bazhanginfo x-cd-roast12:05
bazhang!info x-cd-roast12:05
ubottuPackage x-cd-roast does not exist in jaunty12:05
bazhangLimette, that is not a repo package12:06
zer0owhat about this X-CD-Roast? how's it?12:06
jillsmittthere is12:07
zer0ois it in the repos?12:07
jillsmittbazhang: http://imagebin.org:80/5311112:07
jillsmittbazhang: fny ideas?12:10
bazhangjillsmitt, just checking now12:10
Mamarokzer0o: use k3b, it works perfectly well here12:12
zer0oMamarok: im sorry but the answer is NOT AT ALL, dunno if u remember me for 3 days here trying to figure out what was wrong with my burner that a certain point was read-only, i didn't have the root permissions anymore to write or even to read!! not even if launched by sudo... well, once unistalled k3b its working perfectly...12:14
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GrabugadociSalut à tous :)12:15
poi1I am trying to get relakks anonomy ip work with ubuntu does anybody know12:16
bazhangjillsmitt, there is a ppa for that; you can read about it here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116401312:17
zer0otheres this friend of mine whose keyboard "emits typing sounds" when he types on x-chat, du have any idea why??? :D12:18
poi1i am a beginner and i would need instructions :)12:18
jillsmittwhat is "ppa", bazhang?12:18
poi1its a vpn connection12:18
bazhang!ppa | jillsmitt12:18
ubottujillsmitt: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.12:18
* jillsmitt ppa12:21
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studiodudehas anybody any experience with peripherals working with one app but not another?13:12
XVampireXI am on live mode on my laptop, it seems like it recognized my wifi13:13
XVampireXbut for some reason I can't connect to my own router...13:13
XVampireXcan anyone help please?13:14
cinexlive mode ?13:16
XVampireXI can't connect to my own network....13:16
XVampireXyeah, like from CD13:16
cinexwhat wifi card do u have?13:16
XVampireXno idea13:16
cinexand find it in the output13:17
cinex(lspci is a command)13:17
XVampireX03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510013:17
XVampireXI know :D13:17
cinexjust assuming your stupid :P13:17
makuseruCan someone help me enable wireless on a HP G60 with a Atheros AR5007EG(AR242x) card. I've tried everything but can't get it to work.13:18
XVampireXso what do you say?13:19
cinexXVampireX: i dunno, i was googling but nothing jumps up.13:19
XVampireXit gives me password notification, I input my password but nothing, it tells me it failed to connect13:19
cinexmaybe you need ndiswrapper, maybe u dont13:19
cinexmaybe u need the firmware files13:19
cinexdoes it come up in the hardware drivers app (under system)13:19
cinexXVampireX: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96551613:20
XVampireXwhat do you mean exactly?13:20
cinexsays to get firmware13:21
cinexfirmware files are from the driver files... you cant work without them most of the time13:21
cinexread that post anyway13:21
XVampireXit's intrepid though13:23
cinexperhaps the firmware is proprietry13:23
HalphaZj #kde13:23
XVampireXI can see networks... I'm connected through wireless, just not to my own router...13:24
cinexbut it needs firmware, so get it :P13:24
XVampireXhow do you know?13:24
cinexdid u read the post?13:24
cinexhi BluesKaj13:25
XVampireXwell, kinda...13:25
XVampireXbut it's rather old now, no?13:25
cinexonly kinda?13:25
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XVampireXit's old13:25
BluesKajhi cinex13:25
cinexow old?13:26
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cinexand what version of ubuntu is it for?13:26
makuseruCan someone help me enable wireless on a HP G60 with a Atheros AR5007EG(AR242x) card. I've tried everything but can't get it to work.13:31
studiodudehi, trying to find out why my web cam is seen by one app but not another - can anybody give me a starting point to diagnose?13:31
cinexwhat modules do u have loaded makuseru ?13:31
makuserucinex: Im not sure, how can I find out.13:31
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cinexmakuseru: u on jaunty?13:32
cinextry that13:32
makuseruTried it, didnt work.13:33
makuseruI was able to do method 1, but after the final step(the make load) nothing happened.13:34
makuseruAnd i tried method 2, but it couldnt find the backports package.13:34
cinexu compiled your own drivers?13:34
makuseruI did just what method one on that page says.13:35
makuseruAnd it went through it all with no error.13:35
cinexdid u reeboot?13:35
makuseruNo, i didnt see where it said to.13:36
makuseruShould i reboot?13:36
cinexyou'd need to reeboot, to reload in the new drivers an unload the old ones13:36
cinexu could do it by hand but its prolly easier to reeboot13:36
makuseruOk, well im going to reboot real quick then.13:37
=== max__ is now known as makuseru
makuserucinex: Still nothing13:40
cinexwell it said to unblacklist ath5k13:41
cinexi dunno13:41
cinexu could try using wicd to connect13:41
cinexwell it said to unblacklist ath5king is pretty crap i think13:41
cinexthe widget thing is pretty crap i think***13:41
cinex<-- needs coffe13:41
makuseruThe wireless isnt even showing up as an interface in "network settings"13:42
cinexsudo modprobe athk513:42
cinexrun that command13:42
makuserucinex: "FATAL: Module athk5 not found."13:42
cinexso then u haven't compiled the latest athk5 module13:43
makuseruI just did that.13:44
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BluesKaji have to ask makuseru , which kubunru version are you using ?13:45
BluesKajmakuseru, do you have the network manager widget installed ?13:45
makuseruI dont believe so.13:46
makuseruIs it knetworkmanager?13:47
makuseruIf so i do have that.13:47
BluesKajis there an icon that looks unplugged13:47
BluesKajin the panel13:47
BluesKajno knetworkmanager is no longer the default for jaunty13:48
makuseruWhat is the package name for the new oen?13:49
BluesKajit's now known as network management , and if you click on add widgets , scroll down to a stylized  blue "N" and choose that13:49
makuseruWhere is add widgets?13:50
makuseruI think thats just a kde4 thing.13:50
makuseruIsnt it?13:50
jillsmittbazhang: just finished13:50
bazhangjillsmitt, okay?13:51
jillsmittbazhang: dunno)... testing13:51
BluesKajmakuseru, not using plasma ?13:52
bazhangjillsmitt, hmm13:52
makuseruBluesKaj: No, KDE3 remix.13:52
jillsmittbazhang: i have a lines13:52
jillsmittbazhang: it is like frame errors13:53
BluesKajnow he tells us ... ok , knetworkmanager it is then13:53
bazhangjillsmitt, worse than before? or about the same13:53
makuseruSorry, if i had known it was important i would have mentioned it.13:53
BluesKajvery important13:53
jillsmittbazhang: the same stuff13:54
jillsmittbazhang: i left about 3-4 hours, thanks for help13:55
bazhangjillsmitt, not sure what else to advise; I have an nvidia card13:55
BluesKajsry, i haven't used wifi with kde3 , so I'm out of the game ..\13:55
cinexwill need a module somewhere13:55
BluesKajmakuseru, check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114481513:56
cinexhe's already done that BluesKaj13:58
BluesKajrecommend you switch to kde4 , makuseru13:58
makuseruI would if it wasnt so horrible to use.13:58
BluesKajit'll make life easier for wifi at least13:58
makuseruBuy internet is pretty useless when you cant even use the interface.13:59
BluesKaji find it works fine now ...I was reluctant to try it at first , but it's stable and mature now , IMO13:59
BluesKajkde4 that is14:00
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: i find it laky and dropped i like is hot14:02
nicole_could i create a parttion, put the files fro a recovery disc there, make the partition bootable and recover from there?14:03
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BluesKajwe all have to deal with issues of some sort , mine was amarok and konverstaion at first , but now I've got the new versions working the way i like, so it's not a biggie with me any more14:04
ActionParsnipnicole_: if you have bootale info there,  dont see whynot. You could put the iso on there and use lilo instead of grub too14:05
ubuntu_nicole_: should work - you might haaaave to edit fstab14:06
nicole_please help me out, im no thatt good at this14:07
nicole_im on a toshiba nb100 without cdrom14:07
ActionParsnipnicole_: then research, what you are wanting to do could get highly complex14:07
ubuntu_nicole_:  earsier: just a new install, home separate partition, get home data from the backup14:07
nicole_ActionParsnip: ive been on this quest 5 days now14:08
studiodudewhen i click on a link from here i get taken into quanta instead of konqueror, how did that happen and how do i change the link  association?14:08
nicole_ubuntu_: what do u mean by home separate partition, there is no backup drive eiher as in other laptops14:09
ubuntu_nicole_: I have at least three patitions on new installs: boot root home14:09
ActionParsnipnicole_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77453914:10
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nicole_ubuntu_: i want to recover xp14:10
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ActionParsnipubuntu_: i map /home to my fileserver ;)14:11
ubuntu_nicole_: I only bother to restore home, and selected files from /etc on disk failure14:11
BluesKajnicole_, booting directly into kubuntu ar startup ?14:12
ubuntu_nicole_: then forget what we wrote here - with xp you need a very good backup/retore program like acronis14:12
nicole_ubuntu_: i dont want to hve kubuntu on his pc, its my sis it crashed an refused to tartm i installed kubuntu and ersed the drive but i cant install xp anymore14:13
ubuntumy name is alberto..14:13
ubuntuIm from Mexico..14:13
nicole_BluesKaj: iam booting directly into kubuntu at atart up alredy14:13
redomondoI am trying to add the flash download to the firefox I am running - any ideasÉ14:13
BluesKaj!grub | nicole_,14:14
ubottunicole_,: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:14
ubuntu_nicole_: no xp install disc?14:14
nicole_BluesKaj: thanks, but that is ot what i need14:14
* BluesKaj tries to figure what nicole ids trying to do14:15
nicole_ubuntu_: this pc has no cdrom, it comes along with a disc bu its not of much help as i dont have a usb cdrom14:15
redomondohello - I am also attempting to install programs that I have downloaded, but I can use the kpackagekit to browse to their location - any Ideas?14:16
ubuntu_nicole_: without you ARE really lost - sorry...14:16
BluesKajredomondo, what are the program file extensions ?14:17
nicole_is it possible to put the file froma xp recovery disc, into a partition in the ahrddrive, make th hardrive bootable and recover from there instead from the cdrom?14:17
BluesKaj!tar.gz | redomondo14:18
ubotturedomondo: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:18
redomondoI also have a .zip driver for my video card14:18
ubuntu_nicole_:  NO - you need to boot from something (USB), Windows PE _could_ help but that is also very tricky14:18
ubuntu_borrow a USB CD drive!14:19
nicole_ubuntu_: noone i know ownes one14:19
redomondounzipped, now how do I runt therogram?14:20
BluesKaji wish you "ubuntu" guys would change your nicks to something different ...it's confusing14:20
christian_hey any1 knows, how to remove amaroks 2.1 perma markers?14:22
ubuntu_BluesKaj: just testing Karmic in a VM and trying to help nicole sorry - I'm gone in a few minutes14:23
nicole_ubuntu_: i have a bootsble usb with a normal xp installation in it, however the installation fails, i would need to make the usb bootable but put anyfiles in it but i dont know how14:23
ubuntu_nicole_: you NEED a _running_ XP (or other MS OS) to install XP14:25
nicole_i have non on this pc14:26
nicole_ubuntu_: im fucked14:26
ubuntu_yes -14:27
bazhangnicole_, no cursing14:27
BluesKajnicole_, is your pc, usb device boot capable14:27
nicole_bazhang: sorry, im f#¤%&#14:27
nicole_BluesKaj: yes it is, that is how i managed to install kubunto in it, i run kubuntu live cd in another pc, created a usb boot kubuntu, and the restarted this pc with the usb in ti14:28
cinexlol, u dont need a previous version of windows installed to install XP, not unless u have an upgrade disk14:28
nicole_BluesKaj: but when i try t do the semawith a usb boot xp isntallation, it fails14:29
nicole_BluesKaj: i get a blue scree asking me to check errors i the drive, but i ahve no errors14:29
ubuntu_nicole_: windows works differently than linux - you will not succeed the linux way14:30
BluesKajwell then, use the usb to install windows on a different partition that's been formatted to ntfs14:30
ubuntu_BluesKaj: same hardware to get the hal right ;-)14:30
nicole_ubuntu_: thanks, i know. but rebooting from a usb with xo in it works fine,14:31
ubuntu_don't even bother with activation and SUID14:31
BluesKajubuntu_, dunno if I've ever heard of installing windows from a usb pen drive TBH :)14:31
nicole_BluesKaj: i have tried that but the installation fails14:31
nicole_BluesKaj: i mean, 5 days ago when this pc had xp in it, i restatrted it wih a usb-xp that i hd created, it booted from the usb, and aked m what i wanted to so, the the loading files of xp started but i get a blue screen 0x000007b14:32
BluesKajcdroms are pretty cheap these days...recommend you buy one for 35bucks US14:33
ubuntu_nicole_: or get a USB to IDE/SATA adapter for 20 EUR and use a drive from a desktop PC14:34
nicole_very stupidt thing of seeling a pc without a cdrom if u need one to reinstall14:34
BluesKajIt will solve your install problem , nicole_14:35
ubuntu_nicole_:  that's why I only use Windows when forced to ...14:35
ActionParsnipubuntu_: all drives have IDEs ;)14:35
nicole_ubuntu_: so do i but this is my sis lapotp14:35
ubuntu_ActionParsnip:  mine not -I have SATA, IDE SCSI, SAS, ...14:36
nicole_BluesKaj: yeah buying is my last option that should work, this us to sata is just a cable eh? i might do my own in that case14:36
ActionParsnipubuntu_: ide == integrated drive electronics,14:36
ActionParsnipubuntu_: its a common mistake, you mean parallel ata when you say ide14:36
ActionParsnipubuntu_: old drives had no controller on them and relied solely on the controller for control, Thats why your drive has a few mb cache14:37
BluesKajnicole_, dunno , ubuntu_ suggested that14:37
nicole_BluesKaj: http://www.google.cl/search?hl=es&q=usb+boot+xp+install&btnG=Buscar+con+Google&meta=lr%3Dlang_en&aq=1&oq=usb+boot+xp14:38
ubuntu_BluesKaj: sis means sister ...14:38
nicole_ubuntu_: this usb to sata adapter is that just a cable or it comes with hardware?14:38
nicole_ubuntu_: 20 euros for the adapter is more than for a cdrom14:39
ubuntu_nicole_: they even come with AC-adaptor to power 3,5" drives14:39
ubuntu_well I use them for prepping discs or forensic stuff - and to install OS on may netbook (no optical drive there)14:40
nicole_ubuntu_: what i mean is if this adapter is just a cable, one end usb one end sata, in that case i cna make one, bu if the adapter is more thn a cable ten i cant14:40
ubuntu_mor than a cable14:41
nicole_ubuntu_: got it thanks14:41
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nicole_i can create a tfs partition usin fdisk right?14:49
nicole_how do i create a ntfs partition?14:50
ign0ramusnicole_, gparted14:50
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nicole_ign0ramus: im inside it but i dont see how, the "new" otion is unableded14:51
ubuntu_nicole_: get pmagic livecd - but you WILL NEED a CD rom for your XP problem14:51
ign0ramusnicole_, are you running from a livecd?14:51
ubuntu_nicole_: you need ntfs-tools14:52
nicole_ign0ramus: no, its installed14:52
ign0ramusnicole_, you will not be able to make any changes to volumes that are currently mounted. Using a livecd circumvents this issue.14:53
nicole_ubuntu_: i can not even create a ext 3 partition yet14:53
nicole_then ill be back live, shit i erased the bootable usb live14:53
NationiantIs it possible to install Kubuntu with all Ubuntu (but not Kubuntu) apps?14:53
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NationiantEx. Kubuntu with Firefox14:54
ubuntu_nicole_: pmagic can be booted from an USB stick, then you can...14:54
ign0ramusnicole_, so, Boot from LiveCD > de-allocate/make new partition > Format as NTFS/Use Windows disc to install to that partition > Fix mbr (grub) > Fin.14:54
NationiantOr, is it possible to install KDE to Ubuntu without all those apps which come with it?14:54
ubuntu_Nationiant:  yes14:54
Nationiantubuntu_: how?14:55
nicole_ign0ramus: i restart with lice cd then i opn gparted, and try to do a new partition, how do i do the windows disc to install that partition?14:55
ign0ramusnicole_, if you already have a new partition, boot from a windows install disc, and select the partition you wish to install to.  just be careful not to wipe out your Linux partition! :P14:56
ubuntu_nicole_: you can NOT - MS OS must be running to do that...14:56
nicole_ign0ramus: ubuntu_ i am getting differnt info from unguys14:57
nicole_ubuntu_:  you mean that i can install windows oin a drive without windows already on it?14:57
ign0ramusign0ramus, there are different ways to achieve the same issue.  what i am telling you is the standard simple way to do it14:58
ubuntu_nicole_: I am right ;-)    the windows setup buils the windows kernel (kind of) you can not just copy it14:58
bazhanghow does kubuntu figure into this?14:58
ign0ramusnicole_, you can install windows to a partition that does not have windows on it yet, yes.14:58
nicole_ign0ramus: i can boot from a windows install disc since i dont have a cdrom , i tried to boot from a usb with windows xp install in it, but it fails14:58
ign0ramusnicole_, it had to be a fresh drive at some point, right?14:58
ubuntu_bazhang: i asking that myself - I figure nicole wants to install windows from a running kubuntu14:59
ign0ramusnicole_, there are certain ways to create an XP install USB drive.  your problem most likely is a result of your USB drive.14:59
bazhangbetter asked about usb *windows* in ##windows , right?14:59
BluesKajNationiant, why not just install ubuntu / gnome ?15:00
nicole_ign0ramus: yes i know, i have created xp install usb, in 2 different usb sticks. i boot in them and it crashes when the loading some files, i get a blue screen15:01
nicole_ign0ramus: i am gonna try this xp-usb stick in another pc and see what happens, it fails then i know its the usb drive15:01
ign0ramusnicole_, then either there is a hardware incompatibility, or the usb drive is missing files.  See here: http://www.vandomburg.net/installing-windows-xp-from-usb/15:02
ign0ramusnicole_, but yes, this is getting very off-topic :)15:02
bazhang!windows | nicole_15:02
ubottunicole_: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents15:02
ubuntu_nicole_: ign0ramus is talking about an XP *installer* USB - you most likely have an xp installed to an USB - won't work15:02
ign0ramusubuntu_, exactly :)15:03
NationiantI want KDE15:04
NationiantOr at least try it, but I installed it and my application menus have a lot more programs15:04
bazhangNationiant, then uninstall them15:04
NationiantIsn't there an easier way?15:05
NationiantThan removing every single app?15:05
bazhangyou installed kubuntu-desktop ?15:05
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BluesKajNationiant, so you want kde desktop with gnome apps?15:08
nicole_ubuntu_: i do have an xp installer usb15:10
ubuntu_nicole_: you run setup and it ask all the questions?15:11
ign0ramusBluesKaj, Nationiant: apparently this guy is running Plasma in Gnome... http://pici.se/405930/?size=fullsize15:11
mackk431hey my update program for updates has 4 blocked updates. How do i get them installed?15:12
nicole_ubuntu_: im sorry if that was unclearto you. but as i said it stil fails thanks for ur help15:13
ubuntu_mackk431: try to install one of them with apt-get and tell us the error message15:13
ign0ramusmackk431, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" will pull in the needed dependencies15:13
ImpRadarif i add in a c++ header file will MTN add in all sub files in src/15:13
BluesKajNationiant, i think installing Ubuntu then installing kubuntu-desktop and choosing it at login when ever you boot into linux15:14
BluesKajNationiant, that would prolly be the easiest15:14
NationiantBluesKaj: I know, I have tried that, but all those applications come with Synaptic package kubuntu-desktop15:14
mackk431he is downloading packets now15:14
ign0ramusmackk431, there you go :)15:15
mackk431but the packets are differnt15:15
mackk431older versions15:15
mackk431i will see what happens15:15
mackk431maybe he cant install the newer stuff cause he doesnt have the older versions15:16
ign0ramusmackk431, the command you ran will pull in necessary dependencies15:17
mackk431ok thank you ign0ramus15:17
drdozeranybody else having trouble aptitude installing pixfrogger? On my system it complains that it can't install the dependency fenix.15:18
ign0ramusmackk431, np.  see here for how APT handles these issues: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6915:18
BluesKajNationiant, then you'll just have to remove all the kde apps you don't want to use15:18
ign0ramusNationiant, if you just want plasma workspace to use, see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106803315:19
ign0ramusNationiant, else, installing kde will bring in kde packages15:20
drdozerI'm running Jaunty15:20
ign0ramusdrdozer, me too! :)15:20
drdozerignOramus, does this work for you? "sudo aptitude install pixfrogger"15:21
ign0ramusdrdozer, worked fine. pulled in the necessary dependencies and installed.15:21
ign0ramusdrdozer, do you have 'universe' repo enabled?15:21
drdozerignOramus, I have this line in my sources file: deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty universe15:24
ign0ramusdrdozer, ok what is the output of "sudo apt-get build-dep pixfrogger" ?15:26
ign0ramusdrdozer, please pastebin output15:26
drdozerignOramus, http://pastebin.com/d578cf68815:29
ign0ramusdrdozer, does "sudo apt-get -f install" help?15:29
lovrei have a problem, CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE doesnt work anymore???15:31
drdozerignOramus, nope - slightly different output, but same error trying to track down fenix15:31
ign0ramuslovre, "sudo dontzap -d" then log out and log in.  it will work again.15:31
lovreign0ramus: ok, ty15:31
ign0ramusdrdozer, fenix is also in Universe... you cannot install manually?15:32
ign0ramuslovre, np :)15:32
drdozerignOramus, the weird thing is that I've been able to install other fenix-? packages, also from universe15:33
lovreunfortunatelly its not working with dontzap even ???15:33
ign0ramusdrdozer, you have 'fenix' and 'fenix-dev' installed ?15:33
ign0ramuslovre, if you've restarted X, please "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and paste the line relating to dontzap15:34
ign0ramusdrdozer, so try: "sudo apt-get install fenix fenix-plugins-system"15:35
lovreign0ramus: its set to False15:35
lovreign0ramus: should i manually write True?15:36
ign0ramuslovre, that is the correct setting15:36
lovreign0ramus: then its something else wrong15:36
ign0ramuslovre, "dontzap" stops ctrl+alt+backspace from working.. making it false allows it15:36
lovrei see15:36
ign0ramus!dontzap | lovre15:36
ubottulovre: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.15:36
lovreign0ramus: i see. what else could be causing this?15:37
ign0ramuslovre, a very windows-ish answer, but if you've done what i said, try rebooting and see if the changes take effect.  if not, then we have some work to do :)15:37
ign0ramusdrdozer, please pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list15:38
ign0ramusdrdozer, look at lines 41,42,48,and 49... uncomment then.15:40
ign0ramusdrdozer, and Line 57, too.  then save and exit.  do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"15:40
drdozerign0ramus, still no joy - "No candidate version found for fenix"15:44
ign0ramusdrdozer, show me your edited version of /etc/apt/sources.list  please15:44
ign0ramusdrdozer, ok, looks good.  you've saved the file15:46
ign0ramusand did sudo apt-get update?15:46
drdozeryeah, and updated and so on15:46
ign0ramusdrdozer, pastebin "sudo apt-get install fenix"15:47
drdozeris there a cache file I can blow away to force it to grab everything new?15:47
ign0ramusdrdozer, not sure what you mean ...15:47
ign0ramusdrdozer, that doesn't make much sense... it's in Universe, which you've now enabled, and you should be able to pull that package...15:49
ign0ramusdrdozer, you can install the .deb from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/fenix15:49
ign0ramusdrdozer, and fenix-plugins-system here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/fenix-plugins-system15:50
ign0ramusdrdozer, are you running 64bit?15:51
ign0ramusargh! anyone else just randomly get a notification that "the playback device <name> stopped working" ?  it's been happening all too frequently lately, killing all my sound :/15:59
Mamarokign0ramus: pulseaudio is hogging your sound I guess15:59
drdozerignOramus, yeah - that could be the problem perhaps - Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     U7600  @ 1.20GHz: http://pastebin.com/d3e435f5515:59
redomondoback and gettingt the hang of it - I want  to install a driver though, as well I can access any of my files on windows.16:00
ign0ramusdrdozer, that's why i asked... seems fenix is only 32 bit :(16:00
Mamarokign0ramus: all reports with " "the playback device <name> stopped working" so far were pulseaudio problems :(16:00
ign0ramusMamarok, i thought i removed PA... what packages should i purge?16:00
shadeslayerign0ramus: you could force a install with the a 64 bit machine16:00
Mamaroklet me see16:00
drdozerign0ramus, oh - that's annoying - I thought 32 bit stuff could run under 64 bit16:01
ign0ramusshadeslayer, if you can help in this regard, i'd appreciate it... i always use 32bit for compatibility reasons... im not good with amd64 stuff16:01
shadeslayerdrdozer: it can! one sec16:01
shadeslayerign0ramus: hehe...sure16:01
shadeslayeri use 64 bit since it runs a bit faster on my machine16:02
Mamarokign0ramus: remove and purge as many packages you can of pulseaudio without removing KDE, push it to the bottom in Phonon, then remove ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and restart KDE16:02
ign0ramusMamarok, what about any gtk apps - i don't need PA for them, right?16:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ia3216:03
Mamarokign0ramus: if you are not running Gnome, then no, you don't16:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ia32libs16:04
shadeslayerdrdozer: sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture <package>16:04
ign0ramusMamarok, nope kde all the way, with a few gtk apps (firefox, pidgin, etc) :)16:04
Mamarokthen this should not be a problem16:04
ign0ramusMamarok, i know you've been against PA since day one, and now i see why :)16:05
shadeslayerdrdozer: did it work??16:05
Mamarokign0ramus: I wouldn't be against it if it was not forced on us by the underlying Ubuntu and if it would work correctly16:05
dwidmann!info ia32-libs | BluesKaj16:06
ubottuBluesKaj: Package ia32-libs does not exist in jaunty16:06
ign0ramusMamarok, which is more than fair in my book16:06
Mamarokthe idea behind pulseaudio is good, the implementation is bad16:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ia32-apt-get16:06
dwidmannubottu lies!16:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lies!16:06
ign0ramusMamarok, what exactly *is* the idea?  for desktop use, what advantages are there?16:06
shadeslayer!info ia32-apt-get16:06
ubottuPackage ia32-apt-get does not exist in jaunty16:06
shadeslayerBluesKaj: theres always !find16:07
MamarokBluesKaj: what are you looking for?16:07
drdozershadeslayer, that got the fenix deb installed, thanks, but pixfrogger still gives the same error message16:07
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:08
BluesKajhmm, I'm looking at ia32-apt-get in synaptic ..."Apt-get and dpkg wrapper for on-the-fly ia32-libs conversion"16:08
shadeslayerdrdozer: hmmm...no idea on that sorry..that command has always worked for me....maybe you need some 32 bit libraries...just a shot in the dark16:08
MamarokBluesKaj: there's nothing in the factoids as I can see16:08
Zxcvbwhat is the best way to run 32 bit apps on 64 bit kubuntu?16:09
drdozershadeslayer: ok, thanks for your help16:09
shadeslayerdrdozer: no problems :)16:09
dwidmannZxcvb: well, mostly you shouldn't need to, otherwise you might need to handle it on a case-by-case basis16:09
Zxcvbdwidmann: the big one is wine16:10
Zxcvbdwidmann: as 64 bit wine only supports win64 apps16:10
ign0ramusMamarok, took your advice.  restarting X... brb.  Thanks!16:10
MamarokBluesKaj: check here: http://pastebin.com/d148f6ba816:10
dwidmannZxcvb: Umm, I don't think that's true about wine16:10
BluesKajMamarok, http://www.pastebin.ca/146767616:11
dwidmannZxcvb: I'd have to double check to be sure, of course. There is the occasional incompatibility though, but it's rare (I don't think Diablo 1 works)16:11
Zxcvbdwidmann: unless it changed recently, tha is16:11
ign0ramusMamarok, well looking good so far... i didn't get the playback device failure notification on login like usual... ;)16:11
Mamarokign0ramus: good :)16:12
swattohello all, please can someone help me, I can no longer get kde to start in kubuntu :( i just get console login16:12
ign0ramusMamarok, and amarok is completely unaffected, yes?16:12
ign0ramusswatto, do you get any errors?16:12
swattoi did the dist-upgrade to install some blocked updates and now kde wont load16:12
dwidmannZxcvb: I've been able to use 32-bit apps in wine on my 64-bit installs for years16:13
swattono no errors, it just takes me to the terminal, i have tried starting kde but it says display is not set or cannot connect to the x server16:13
Mamarokign0ramus: well, the problem is Pulseaudio doesn't work well with the phonon-xine-backend, and that's the only backend we can recommend so far, gstreamer is buggy too16:13
Zxcvbdwidmann: is it better to use chroot or ia32libs and getlibs16:13
BluesKajdwidmann, no need just install 1a32-libs16:13
ign0ramusMamarok, so stick with phonon/xine, then?16:13
dwidmannZxcvb: ia32-libsd and getlibs16:14
ign0ramusswatto, have you tried reconfiguring xorg?16:14
swattono, not sure how to do that ign0ramus16:14
dwidmannZxcvb: chroot would have been  "16:14
dwidmann"the way to go" 4 or 5 years ago16:14
ign0ramusswatto, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg "16:14
dwidmannStupid enter key cut me off mid sentence :(16:14
swattodo i have to change anything or just enter that command?16:15
ign0ramusswatto, that should do it.  then choose your settings16:15
swattook ill try that, thanks ign0ramus, will hopefully be back on kubuntu and not through chatzilla16:16
dwidmannZxcvb: 2.4. Does Wine run on 64-bit?16:16
dwidmannYes. Normally, installation should be the same as with 32-bit: simply install the Wine package for your distribution.16:16
dwidmannZxcvb: Wine is currently offered in 32-bit. 16-bit and 32-bit Windows applications work with it. It works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux installations.16:17
dwidmannstraight from the wine FAQ16:17
dwidmannZxcvb: Support for 64-bit Windows applications is planned for the distant future (see Wine64).16:17
Zxcvbdwidmann: ok, I am getting a 64 bit system next month and just wanted to make sure16:18
Mamarokign0ramus: yes, that's the recommended backend from our side16:20
swattoDidn't work ign0ramus :( came up with xserver-org not installed, i tried to install it but it couldnt find the package16:21
ign0ramusswatto, can you boot into a different kernel?16:21
ign0ramusMamarok, thanks for the info :)16:21
swattohmm not sure how to do that ign0ramus, sorry im new to linux16:21
dwidmannswatto: xserver-xorg, not xserver-org16:22
ign0ramusswatto, on your grub screen, can you select a different kernel to boot into?16:22
rafaeljpdof course16:22
swattoIm not sure, i will have a look, there are different options ign0ramus, like memtest and recovery mode if thats what you mean?16:22
Mamarokign0ramus: yaw :)16:23
ign0ramusswatto, "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg" should work as well16:23
swattoi will have a look, brb thanks :)16:23
swattoim in ign0ramus :) but my display is all screwed up, i dont think it is using the nvidia driver anymore as my graphics card fan is still running at full speed16:27
ign0ramusswatto, well, first things first.  good that you're back in.  now go get your display driver, and you should be set16:27
ign0ramus!nvidia | swatto16:27
ubottuswatto: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:28
swattoI must have overwrote something when i did that dist-upgrade thing to get rid of the blocked updates message16:28
ign0ramusswatto, sounds like you somehow removed xorg ... ?16:28
swattono it wasn't removed ign0ramus, i was typing it wrong :P16:29
ign0ramusswatto, so what did you do to get back in then?16:29
swattoi ran that dpkg-reconfigure command and went through it, i then did startx and it loaded kde but in a screwed up state lol16:30
petsoundsswatto : sudo nvidia-xconfig, logout and alt-E16:31
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swattohow can i shut x down so that i can reinstall the graphics driver again?16:32
ign0ramusswatto, drop into a tty and kill X from there, i suppose16:33
Mamarokswatto: you sure you do not miss some files? make sure you have kdebase installed16:33
swattojust installing it now mamarok16:33
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swattocan someone tell me the command to kill x server please16:38
cinexswatto: sudo killall -9 kdm16:38
cinexsudo killall -9 Xorg16:38
cinexif u dont kill kdm first it will reload the login screen and be running X16:39
cinexit kinda restarts itself16:39
cinexcntrl+alt+backspace will restart xorg16:39
BluesKajcinex, not on jaunty16:40
swattohmm thats not working cinex, the nvidia driver still says i have xserver running16:40
cinexBluesKaj: u have to run a command to enable it16:40
cinexswatto, you killed kdm then Xorg?16:40
BluesKaji have , still doesn't work16:41
ign0ramusBluesKaj, "sudo dontzap -d" will re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace16:41
BluesKajign0ramus, already did that16:41
ign0ramusBluesKaj, and you've restarted X since issuing that command?16:41
cinexim gonna test16:42
swattoyep cinex16:42
swattolast time i did it i had to type some kind of file path16:42
ign0ramusBluesKaj, and /etc/X11/xorg.conf now lists dontzap as 'false' ?16:42
cinexshould work swatto16:42
BluesKajign0ramus, lemme check16:42
ign0ramusBluesKaj, very strange... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap16:42
swattobrb gonna restart16:43
cinexwhy is kdm not in /etc/rc2.d ?16:45
cinexi found it16:45
cinexi was just about to give swatto a method to16:45
BluesKajign0ramus, yup, Option"DontZap""False"16:46
ign0ramusBluesKaj, weird. did you check the link above?  this seems to work for me and almost everyone else...16:46
cinexwb swatto16:47
cinexfixed it?16:47
BluesKajign0ramus, oops !  ... maybe i shouldn't be too concerned and should have told you I'm running Karmic :P16:47
swattothanks :) yep fixed it, just reinstalled the driver which removed the old one and rewrote the xorg config i think so that it loaded16:47
swattoim never messing with updgrades again :( well at least until i know a bit more about linux16:48
ign0ramusBluesKaj, that may be an issue! :P16:48
Mamarokswatto: that is a very good idea :)16:48
swattoI honestly thought it was gonna be a reinstall job16:48
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i'm pretty sure it depends on your version of xorg... could be wrong though.16:48
BluesKajswatto, agreed , don't fool with you graphics drivers and X too much ...once it's working , don't play around with it16:49
ign0ramusswatto, nah... you had a very minor issue.  check here before re-installing! :)16:49
binMonkeyhi, guys.  i don't know much about hardware and what i've googled i don't really understand.  i found a laptop for $388 with an intel pentium dual core t3400.  is this a pretty decent deal?  will it give me a good framerate with openarena?16:50
swattoI didnt mess around with the graphics BluesKaj, well as far as i know i didnt, i just did a dist-upgrade or something?? to get rid of the blocked updates that needed dependencies and it screwed it up16:50
ign0ramusbinMonkey, this isn't www.slickdeals.net ...16:50
commander_how can i get adept manager up. i installed it but can't draw it up16:50
ign0ramuscommander_, "kdesudo adept" doesn't work?16:51
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binMonkeyign0ramus: thanks.16:51
commander_type tht in konsole?16:51
ign0ramuscommander_, yup16:51
ign0ramusbinMonkey, sorry to seem rude, but this isn't the best place to ask about hardware pricing16:52
ign0ramusbinMonkey, and anyway, framerates in games depend more on the gpu than anything :P16:52
binMonkeyok.  thanks.16:53
ign0ramusbinMonkey, a sub-$400 laptop probably does not have a discrete gpu, which is what you'd want for good smooth gameplay16:53
commander_command don't work ign16:53
ign0ramuscommander_, what's it say?16:53
BluesKajbinMonkey, whynot go ask in an open arena chat ...there's prolly one somewhere on IRC16:53
commander_Command doesn't work16:53
commander_tht what it says16:54
ign0ramuscommander_, the output is "Command doesn't work" ?16:54
commander_Ign i meant command not found16:54
ign0ramuscommander_, "sudo apt-get install adept" try that16:54
togeticanyone might know why kdm freezes when i try logging in? i've been on this live cd for days now16:55
ign0ramustogetic, you're still dealing with this kdm issue?16:55
togeticit just freezes once it starts and the computer doesn't respond to my keyboard or mouse inputs16:55
commander_got it thank Ign16:55
ign0ramustogetic, i very rarely recommend it, but maybe reinstall? you've been messing with this for over a week now! :P16:56
BluesKajbinMonkey, irc.anynet.org/#openarena16:56
ign0ramuscommander_, cool.  adept does not come by default in Jaunty.  it uses Kpackagekti16:56
togetici was planning on purchasing a backup drive and reinstalling after backing up but suntrust charged me nearly half my paycheck in overdraft fees, #*#()&%16:56
adaszhow can i in kubuntu jaunty join a wpa/2 secured wlan?16:56
ign0ramustogetic, off topic, but if you call, you can probably get some of those fee waived .... i know all about that ;)16:56
ImpRadarhey people. i am trying to download pidgin using MTN but i am not sure what to put in the sync argument. CAn anyone help?16:56
ign0ramusadasz, install wicd ;)16:57
adaszign0ramus, sudi aptitude install wicd?16:57
ign0ramusadasz, "sudo apt-get install wicd" if you have jaunty16:57
BluesKajadasz, open add widgets , choose "network management"16:57
adaszBluesKaj, and then?16:58
BluesKajmamage connections16:58
adaszthe websuplicant is not updates16:58
ign0ramusadasz, well either use the built in network manager or use wicd... can't use both.  IMHO, wicd works much better with wpa216:59
decembreI have problem with amarok16:59
BluesKajadasz,right click on the icon / manage connections16:59
decembremy collection doesn't appears in it16:59
decembrewhereas it has been scanned16:59
decembreit's after I re-install kubuntu17:00
decembreanyone has an idea ?17:00
BluesKajok ign0ramus , never tried wicd , ..network management worked fine for me on our laptop17:00
adaszBlueEagle, but i cant select WPA217:00
ign0ramusBluesKaj, then you are one of teh lucky ones ;)17:00
ign0ramusBluesKaj, an informal poll in this room would show many folks with issues with NM17:01
adaszthere is only WEP, WPA-PSK ore WPA-EAP17:01
BluesKajadasz, I beleive WPA-PSK is equivalent to WPA217:02
adaszhe can not join the network17:03
ign0ramusBluesKaj is correct17:03
ign0ramusadasz, would you like to try wicd?17:03
adaszign0ramus, now i install it xD17:04
adaszok installed what now?17:04
ign0ramusadasz, "wicd-client"17:04
ign0ramusadasz, you should see the little icon in your Task Manager widget in Panel17:05
ign0ramusadasz, left-click it, and put in your info.  you should be able to connect now17:06
adaszi cant install it17:06
ign0ramusadasz, are all your repos enabled?17:07
ign0ramusadasz, it is in Extras17:07
BluesKajadasz, make sure the jaunty universe is enabled in your sources.list/package manager17:08
dwidmannOkay, so I use gtkpod to load up m y ipods. It looks like it can convert incompatible formats (ogg, flac) on the fly, but is there some way to change the settings it uses for doing so?17:11
ign0ramusdwidmann, imho 'handbrake' is the best for converting ipod files.17:11
dwidmannign0ramus: I've not played with it before, I'll check it out17:11
dwidmannign0ramus: is it in the repos?17:12
ign0ramusdwidmann, i know that didn't answer your question, but handbrake is awesome17:12
ign0ramusdwidmann, lemme check17:12
ign0ramusdwidmann, yup :)17:12
BluesKajok ign0ramus, gonna try wicd with the belkin usb wifi ..brb17:12
ign0ramusBluesKaj, cool :)17:13
dwidmannI mean I could easily convert them with soundkonverter or something, I'm mostly wondering about doing it on the fly17:13
snarksteris kopete yahoo support not working?17:13
ign0ramusdwidmann, see here: http://www.gtkpod.org/about.html they say to use 3rd party apps for converting :(17:15
dwidmannign0ramus: what package is that handbrake package in?17:15
dwidmannign0ramus: bummer17:15
dwidmannign0ramus: guess I'll stick with soundkonverter-ing them for now17:15
ign0ramusdwidmann, hey, if that works, then ok!17:16
ign0ramusdwidmann, i have a creative zen, but i use mencoder to convert.  it takes a while, but it works well, especially for video :)17:16
dwidmann(I'm moving my entire collection to flac ... kind of bugs me that I need to keep a second copy in mp3 ...)17:16
snarksterdoes anyone know if there is a #wine channel?17:17
ign0ramusdwidmann, you could write a bash script to remove all (redundant) mp3 files once converted to FLAC17:17
snarksterI cant seem to find it17:17
dwidmannign0ramus: when I say I'm moving to flac, I mean I'm painstakingly re-ripping everything17:17
ign0ramusdwidmann, ouch.  good luck bro17:17
dwidmannign0ramus: I've gotten through about 50 so far17:18
ign0ramusdwidmann, out of how many?17:18
dwidmannign0ramus: lots17:18
dwidmannign0ramus: 300?17:18
ign0ramusdwidmann, well, you've made good progress17:18
ign0ramus!es | atse17:18
ubottuatse: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:18
dwidmannign0ramus: I've come up with an interesting way of approaching it17:18
DaskreeCHsnarkster: #winehq17:19
ign0ramusdwidmann, i figured you would :)17:19
DaskreeCHdwidmann: THat's interesting unless you are an audiophile FLAC is really for archival purposes17:19
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, really?17:20
DaskreeCHno not really17:20
atsethank you17:20
DaskreeCHBut I mean that's generally what it's used for17:20
ign0ramusatse, de nada17:20
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, gotcha.  also, aren't FLAC files huge compared to (compressed) mp3's?17:21
DaskreeCHRip to something lossy to listen to (unless you really can't stand lossy formats cause they are grating to the ear) and rip to FLAC to put on long term storage17:21
dwidmannign0ramus: I rip to a tmpfs with abcde, using 2 drives at once so I can do 2 disks at once, then after 10 or so I tag them while still on the tmpfs with easytag and rename/retag them as necessary (much faster while still on tmpfs), then I copy them over. It greatly reduces the bottlenecks17:21
DaskreeCHign0ramus: Huge a FLAC is 1/2 the size of a Wav Lossy stuff is ~1/10 the size17:21
dwidmannYes, they're enourmous, but I have a couple 1TB drives.17:22
snarksterthank you17:22
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, comparing to wav, anything looks good :)17:22
ign0ramusbrb lunch17:22
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DaskreeCHYeah but 1/2 is still an incredible amount of space taken up17:22
DaskreeCHYou can fit maybe 5 or so albums on a single layer DVD17:22
dwidmannDaskreeCH: it really does make me wonder why they still use CD as opposed to a modern sort of disk (surely they should have come up with something interesting int hat regards by now), I'd be worried about how they'd spin it though ... DRM this encryption that ....17:23
DaskreeCHdwidmann: Hardware17:25
dwidmannDaskreeCH: eh?17:27
DaskreeCHThere is atoo much hardware on the market that knows uses and utilizes CD format and is non upgradeable to ignore it]17:28
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dwidmannDaskreeCH: I kind of agree, and kind of disagree. It would be nice if they started releasing stuff in 7.1 or something like that though.17:29
DaskreeCHdwidmann: They do. On DVD-Audio disks17:30
DaskreeCHCourse you have to buy a DVD-Audio player17:30
dwidmannI've never seen a DVD-Audio disk before ... I've also never seen the DVD-Audio players ...17:30
DaskreeCHTHat's why they make CDs17:30
dwidmannFormat doomed to die an early death I presume?17:30
DaskreeCHEarly is relative it's been around for years17:31
dwidmannDaskreeCH: and I've never seen even one :\17:31
DaskreeCHGoing on 10 years old now17:31
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, a kubuntu cd on Laserdisc would be awesome :D17:33
DaskreeCHYou mean a Kubuntu LD? :)17:33
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, you could install kubuntu or decapitate people; it's multi-functional17:33
DaskreeCHI can't wait till Ubuntu realises shipping on a CD doesn't make sense anymore and jumps to shipping on a blu-Ray :)17:39
DaskreeCHwheeeee all of linux is mine!17:39
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, plus you get more than 1 wallpaper!17:39
DaskreeCHHa haha17:39
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, i heard it will come with the Internet pre-bundled17:39
dwidmannDaskreeCH: and I've never seen even one :\17:39
DaskreeCHdwidmann: and you can't go a day without running into a CD unit17:40
dwidmannDaskreeCH: yes I could, it just wouldn't be a day I'd be happy about17:41
BluesKajign0ramus, no luck with wicd , doesn't see the router broadcast17:41
ign0ramusBluesKaj, did you restart X?17:41
DaskreeCHdwidmann: Yeah being in prison sucks I agree17:41
BluesKajign0ramus, works fine with eth0...yeah I rebooted17:42
ign0ramusBluesKaj, hmm... is 'wireless interface' correct in the settings?17:42
BluesKajwonder if the legacy ralink driver might work17:43
ign0ramusBluesKaj, in my case, it's 'wlan0'17:43
BluesKajign0ramus, anything else i may need to setup m before i disconnect from the "wired" eth0 ?17:45
ign0ramusBluesKaj, no - if you've got wicd installed and running, you just have to adjust the settings for what works for you17:46
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i use "wlan0" and "wext" for wpasupplicant for example17:46
hvgotcodesif i have ubuntu 8.10 installed, is it possible to get latest kde release?  And if so can someone point me to a guide?17:54
DaskreeCH!hi | Matisse17:55
ubottuMatisse: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:55
DaskreeCHhvgotcodes: What would you refer to as the latest release ?17:55
MatisseI need some help with using more than 2 audio channel. I have 2 soundcards, one onboard and another. Both have only 1 output channel17:55
hvgotcodesDaskreeCH, i think 4.3 right?17:55
hvgotcodesnone of the 8.10 ubuntu kde guides seem to work anymore17:56
DaskreeCHhvgotcodes: 4.3 is not out yet. 4.3 beta is out and it's on an experimental Repo. on a technicality you can probably upgrade to it but I would tread cautiously17:56
hvgotcodesDaskreeCH, ok thanx17:57
BluesKajign0ramus, I'm on a neighbour's unsecured network that wicd found , but i'd like to reconnect with encryption which my router requires  , wpa-psk with a pw to connect is what I'm used to.17:58
ign0ramusBluesKaj, ok, does wicd now see your connection?17:58
DaskreeCHhvgotcodes: You can always try 9.10 ^_^17:58
hvgotcodesDaskreeCH, im stuck on 8.10 until ati gets there shit straight18:00
BluesKajign0ramus, it sees the connection but when I click on it it just says "this connection requires encryption" or some such ..I'm looking for pw encryption options but i don't see any in the GUI at least18:00
ign0ramusBluesKaj, click on your connection, and then click properties18:00
DaskreeCHhvgotcodes: Ah Good call. which reminds me I need to figure out if I can install a 8.10 kernel with the 8.10 video drivers to get back pretty Kwin18:01
ign0ramusBluesKaj, there you can set encryption values18:01
WalzmynBluesKaj: are you using the kde widget or something else?18:01
ign0ramusWalzmyn, he's using wicd now instead18:01
BluesKajign0ramus, all I get is a dialog box  "This network requires encryption to be enabled "18:02
MetaMorfoziSHi all18:02
MetaMorfoziSis there an app (if possible kde based) that can store notes safely?18:02
ign0ramusBluesKaj, hang on...18:02
dragoshello... any of you ever installed xen in ubuntu/kubunti ?!18:02
Alethesany reason why the update notifier would  be showing 8 available updates and kpackagekit only showing 4 blocked updates?18:03
ign0ramusBluesKaj, you should see this: http://i40.tinypic.com/25uilqo.jpg18:03
Walzmynif i'm running a home built kernel, I should be safe to remove the kernel packages installed via apt, correct?18:03
WalzmynAlethes: mines doing the same thing, I think the notifier is not up-to-date on some i've already applied18:04
ign0ramusWalzmyn, if your current kernel is working, then i don't see why not18:04
Walzmynign0ramus: ok. I want to get these blocked updates out of the system so it won't constantly tell me something needs updating18:04
AlethesWalzmyn: any idea why those kernel updates are blocked?18:04
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WalzmynAlethes: i assumned mine were blocked because i was not using the kernel in the repo18:05
WalzmynI hadda build the new .30 kernel to get around a serious bug issue with my platform18:05
ign0ramusAlethes, its because of dependencies18:05
AlethesI'm using the generic kernel package18:05
Alethesign0ramus: any way to know what deps are missing or perhaps in conflict/18:06
ign0ramusAlethes, see here: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6918:06
Alethesok thanks18:06
ign0ramusAlethes, "sudo apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade" may show you what it's pulling18:06
Alethesok cool18:07
Walzmynit'd be nice if it listed the conflicting dependency when it said they were blocked18:07
ign0ramusWalzmyn, agreed18:07
Alethesyeah it would18:07
Alethesthat said, I really like kpackagekit over adept18:07
AlethesI really like jaunty overall for that matter18:07
ign0ramusAlethes, its much better than the kde 4 version of adept, which is *awful*18:07
Walzmynsynaptic FTW18:07
ign0ramusWalzmyn, for gui's, synaptic is still the best.  but CLI > all ;)18:08
Alethesign0ramus: I wasn't ever really happy with adept having  use synaptic with ubuntu before switching to kubuntu18:08
Walzmynoh yeah, hands down18:08
Alethesbtw, ign0ramus, that page isn't loading18:08
rom1vwhy if I chose the theme GTK+, a middle click on a scroll doesn't move the scroll?18:09
rom1vwhile it works with oxygen (and it works with gtk+ under gnome)18:09
Walzmynign0ramus: i had to do a reinstall (that bug I mentioned) got the system installed and then used apt-get to refresh, instal about 15 apps then upgrade - looked around and my wife's mouth was hanging open!18:09
ign0ramusAlethes, hmm... i've been linking to that page the last couple of days (everyone had questions about blocked updates)... lemme see18:09
ign0ramusWalzmyn, it's a beautiful thing :)18:09
Alethesman I really need to get to know apt better18:10
ign0ramusAlethes, this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85198618:10
AlethesI started with slackware, so package management was never something I cared about heh18:11
WalzmynI'm not that good with it really. It's just that when you reinstall your OS 5 times in one week, using the GUI gets tedious18:11
ign0ramusAlethes, i find debian forums have much less misinformation than ubuntu forums... as you can see, there is conflicting info in that post, but it does get resolved :)18:11
WalzmynThat post is not loading in for me. I was trying to read it too18:12
ign0ramusWalzmyn, hmm.. that one loads fine, while the debian one did not.  at least on my end...18:13
Alethesign0ramus: the safest post in that forum it seems is "Just wait it out, the problem should sort itself out when the dependencies are fixed."18:13
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Walzmynoh, didn't see the new one, i was tyring to read the debian psot18:13
ign0ramusAlethes, that is generally the case, but the debian post had great info about why you get that message, and APT's abilities18:13
Alethesah ok18:13
Aletheswell, as long as it's not a problem on my end I really don't care :)18:14
Alethesbtw quassell is horrible heh18:14
BluesKajok ign0ramus , my dialog is abit different than yours but i finally got it to pop up so i could make the changes18:14
Alethesinstalled konversation from svn 'cause I couldn't stand quassell18:14
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i think there's like a little arrow you have to click to get the drop-down.  sorry if i didnt mention that18:15
ign0ramusBluesKaj, you got it working now?18:15
Walzmynah, I'm digging quassel. Never was a fan of konversation18:15
BluesKajI'd better warn my neighbour , if I can figure out which one it is , who's got an unsecured wifi that i just piggy backed on18:15
ign0ramusWalzmyn, heresy!18:15
Walzmynused xchat for years until quassel came out18:16
BluesKajign0ramus, yes  :)18:16
ign0ramusBluesKaj, that's your 'backup' internet ;)  (of course i'm kidding)18:16
=== luis_ is now known as LuisJa
ign0ramusBluesKaj, cool. wicd also seems to get a better connection than NM18:16
BluesKajign0ramus, well, i just used it , ...lucky i don't have a keylogger installed :)18:17
LuisJais there a skin to make openoffice to look like microsoft office 2007?18:17
ign0ramusBluesKaj, :)18:17
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bhnaLuisJa: no18:17
LuisJaare u serious?!18:17
BluesKajign0ramus, agreed ...getting about 80% , whereas only 65% with the network management18:17
ZengolCan someone help me troubleshoot my JACK audio installation?18:17
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i have a small house, but wicd is usually 90%-100% where NM would get 80% tops18:18
BluesKajsame here ign0ramus , we live in a 1200sqft bungalow ...perfect for retired ppl18:19
LuisJathere is a free code version of a mp3 cutter and splitter than u know?18:19
ign0ramusBluesKaj, you gotta love a grandpa using Linux :)18:20
ign0ramusLuisJa, Audacity18:20
LuisJaign0ramus: thx dude18:20
ign0ramusLuisJa, np.  Audacity is better than many paid Windows apps, too :)18:21
LuisJaign0ramus: damn: E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete Audacity :(18:21
BluesKajhehe ign0ramus , I know a few others , mostly former tech guys like me who have been using unix for yrs then linux ...linux is a new kid on the block to some of them :)18:21
ign0ramusLuisJa, lettres pequenos - "audacity"18:21
BluesKajaltho linux is also new to me , ign0ramus18:22
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i've only been using linux for a couple of years, so i'm still learning a lot myself18:22
ign0ramusLuisJa, np18:22
LuisJaLetras pequeñas :) thx dude18:22
ign0ramusLuisJa, now we both learned something :)18:22
LuisJalol cool18:22
* Walzmyn wonders what was just said18:23
ign0ramusWalzmyn, you just saw me spanish-fail trying to say 'lowercase'18:23
BluesKajLuisJa, audacity rocks ...i use it to digitize some of my old vinyl records when I'm feeling patient , cuz it's abit of work18:23
Walzmynign0ramus: ah18:23
ign0ramusWalzmyn, i know this is an english room, but things like 'lowercase' are usually not the first thing a non-english speaking person knows ;)18:24
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BluesKajign0ramus, gonna check the auto connect on the wicd ...is there anything else i should know before I reboot ?18:25
ign0ramusBluesKaj, sounds like you got it figured out... auto-connect, and re-connect on lost connection... thats about it :)18:25
ign0ramusBluesKaj, also, there's a newer version on sourceforge, which is why mine looks a little different.  thats it though18:26
BluesKajign0ramus, yeah I just used apt18:28
BluesKajok brb18:28
ign0ramusWalzmyn, Alethes: here is the debian article about blocked updates: http://web.archive.org/web/20051231072144/http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6918:30
ign0ramusInternet Archive to the rescue!18:30
commander_ign do you have cairo dock 4 kubuntu KDE18:32
ign0ramuscommander_, no docks for me :P18:32
commander_DOES ANYONE KNOW u can get Cairo docks18:32
Sparkyhey everyone.18:33
ign0ramuscommander_, it's in the repos18:34
ign0ramus!hi | Sparky18:34
ubottuSparky: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:34
SparkyThnx :)18:34
* Sparky is new to ubuntu.18:34
SparkyJust installed Kubuntu and configuring it18:34
shadeslayer!new | Sparky18:34
ubottuSparky: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com18:34
UnksiSparky: welcome :)18:35
SparkyThanks :)18:35
shadeslayerSparky: welcome to binary land :)18:35
Sparkyhehe. Im quite excited.18:35
SparkySuffered enough with Vista18:35
Sparkytime to move to more stable environments.18:35
shadeslayerSparky: the sensible choice :)18:35
Sparkyjust a quick question18:36
Sparkyive been trying to configure "tor"18:36
Sparkyits a tool that allows users to surf anonymously18:36
Sparkyproblem is, it keeps crashing18:36
Sparkyand the log files dont give me much either.18:36
shadeslayer!tor | Sparky18:36
ubottuSparky: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:36
Sparkywell, i didnt intend to use it on Irc18:36
Sparkyjust for regular surfing18:36
MatisseI need some help with using more than 2 audio channel. I have 2 soundcards, one onboard and another. Both have only 1 output channel. With Windoze it was to use input channels for output and output channels from both sound cards. Is this possible with ubuntu?18:37
shadeslayerSparky: i dont think there is a very large threat if you are browsing the net on a linux machine18:37
Sparkyah the threat does exist18:37
Sparkyim in the middle east.18:37
Sparkyeverything here is under scrutiny18:37
shadeslayerSparky: brb..reboot :)18:38
Sparkyi have to use proxies to access Flickr18:38
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eltonalguma menina que queira conversar?18:50
bmvola wenas18:51
bmvelton wenas18:51
bmvno hay nadien ?18:53
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:54
bmvEso es bastante complicado18:55
DaskreeCHbmv: English in this channel18:56
commander_ok what about kooldock18:57
commander_i downloaded it and can't find it18:57
pjclementewhat is kooldock?18:57
bmvNo pillo nada18:57
federico_Hola gente19:00
federico_todo bien19:00
bmvFederico no19:00
bmvno me entero de nada19:00
bmvcomo hago para enlazar ?19:00
bmvy ?19:01
bmvmala ostia19:01
bmvEn serio va ?19:01
bmvin ? Federico19:02
federico_bueno me voy yendo saludos, y si keres enlazar ln viene de link,19:02
Dragnslcr!es | federico_19:02
federico_link simbólico19:02
ubottufederico_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:02
federico_bueno x eso me voy yendo19:03
bmvcomo enlazo ?19:03
BluesKajok ign0ramus , all is good ..thought I'd check back in to report..wicd works well , thanks again ... gotta run,  lotsa stuff to do today .19:04
BluesKajbb later tonite19:05
bmvNo les entiendo19:06
=== carlos is now known as Guest71395
LuisJaLOL poor guy... at least i understand pretty well the 2 languages: english and spanish, but he is here and he only talks spanish... Lol...19:16
ImpRadarcan any one help me understand this command "cd $(dirname $DATABASE)". I understand that $Database is a varible. but why pu dirname there. is this a function on "cd"19:23
macoImpRadar, $() means to substitute in the result of the command inside it19:24
macosame as `, but nestable19:24
havocologewhat can be the problem that i not able to mount my smbfs by fstab. i am only able to mount it by console.19:42
havocologe/uweheimneu/DATEN\ \(F\) /netmnt/daten_uwe smbfs defaults,username=xxx,passwd= 0 0 is not working in the fstab19:42
sithlord48afternoon everyone19:49
jonah1980hey guys, I am a website designer and have a particular client who sometimes needs help on windows to use his outlook express and things like that. it's not normally something i do but i said i'd help him. the problem is he rings me a lot or i have to go round to his house. i wondered if there's an easy way to use vnc from my kubuntu box at home to take over his machine to sort out his settings etc? can anyone pl19:52
jonah1980. he won't know his ip and things like, so i could do with an easy solution to connect to him, such as msn network if possible?19:52
sithlord48you have him19:53
dpreacherhello everyone. I need help with enabling my wifi interface.19:53
dpreacherI'm hoping to avoid windows drivers19:54
sithlord48jonah1980: you can set him up w/ a dynamic dns relay then instead of an ip he will have a human friendly name you can for free set this up w/ sites like dyndns.org19:56
jonah1980sithlord48, ok that sounds good, is this easy to do, would i need his ip to set up his dynamic and how would i put this into a vnc, is there a kubuntu vnc gui solution or do i have to pick one?19:57
sithlord48joanh1980, very simple you set him up w/ an account he sets up his free dynamic dns relay and get a name mine is dopplereffect.shacknet.nu then you do one of two things to sync his ip you can set it up in the router most have a config to handle this or you can use there the dyndns client program to do it on his computer just remember to foward ports for vnc if you have a router in his system then to connect you just use his dns instead o19:59
sithlord48joanh1980: the only annoyance is that every 30 days he will get an email and have to click a link in it to keep his dyndns account active..20:00
sithlord48dpreacher: do you know what kind of wifi card/chip you have ?20:01
MatisseI need some help with using more than 2 audio channel. I have 2 soundcards, one onboard and another. Both have only 1 output channel. With Windoze it was to use input channels for output and output channels from both sound cards. Is this possible with ubuntu?20:01
dpreacherbcm4311. thats roughly the version sithlord48. let me type out some more details20:02
dpreacherWhen i type sudo iwconfig i see wlan0 is the wireless interface, so i assign the essid and other required params using iwconfig, but when i try to bring the interface up using sudo ifconfig wlan0 up it says SIOC...FLAGS: Interface not found. how do i make it find the interface that it itself lists?20:02
sithlord48does it show in your ifconfig ?20:03
sithlord48dpreacher, does your network use wpa or another encryption method ?20:04
dpreacherno encryption.  kept it open to test this card. yes wlan0 shows up in iwconfig and ifconfig -a20:05
dpreacheris ifconfig lying20:05
sithlord48dpreacher, does lshw show a driver assigned to the card and can your varifiy its running w/ modprobe ?20:05
dpreacheri've to bring my machine. give me some time.20:06
sithlord48dpreacher, also does your machine have a hard switch to turn on/off your wifi radio (if so make sure its on)20:07
dpreacherno hard switch. its a almost 2 yr old dell inspiron 1501 with no OS default. its running 9.04 kubuntu right now. doin a lshw now20:09
dpreachersithlord48 gimme some time to read thru all the device list. i hav to manually type it here, whatever my observations are20:13
sithlord48dpreacher, take ur time20:13
dpreachersithlord48 http://dpaste.com/57664/20:24
sithlord48dpreacher, do your find ssb in lsmod as a running module ?20:25
dpreachercheckin :)20:25
dpreacherlsmod | grep -i ssb gives "ssb           46724     2  b43,b44"20:29
dpreacherspacing is approx. am manually typing it out on another machine here20:29
sithlord48dpreacher, is this a new install or did this issue just develop one day?20:31
dpreacheri've not been able to make this wifi work since i bought the machine and i've still not given up on it. i've used kubuntu since gutsy. but have always heard "mumble mumble broadcom linux-unfriendly mumble mumble" like forever. i've had some success in turning on the wifi. led came on and net worked with some other distro. vector i think. but by chance. as for installation. yes effectively my...20:35
dpreacher...distro is a new install as i didn't upgrade using alt cd but overwrote existing / with the new distro files.20:35
sithlord48dpreacher, perhaps you can find your solution on the forum.20:38
dpreacherthis isnt like a live forum? thanks much for your interest so far sithlord48 :)20:39
sithlord48dpreacher, have you tried ndiswrapper , i know that but on the forum there are some good faq's about wifi one might help you20:40
dpreachersithlord48 i entered the room and i wished aloud i want to avoid ndiswrapper if possible.20:40
dpreacheri've been thru those faq's since i had gutsy20:41
dpreacheri think i'll hav to measure LAN cable needed for now. why is dell/broadcom so bad? :(20:42
sithlord48dpreacher, yes i noticed that, you wanted to avoid ndiswrapper.i was just asking if you had tried it.20:42
sithlord48idk i had a broadcom pcmica card for about 15 min after i installed kubuntu on my machine then i found on ebay a cheep minipci atheros card that works great was cheep too20:43
dpreacheryes...had downloaded drivers, extracted then got ndiswrapper...followed a ubuntu site document. it used to never accept ap any saying invalid ap.20:43
dpreacherwhy should I buy when I already spent on one hardware...and its a laptop component, built-in..i can't break it off and sell it20:44
neoandersenHello! How to add a stream to amarok?20:46
Unksineoandersen: just paste it to the field you normally would type the filename/path?20:46
neoandersenI did but it show as having too many errors and didn't work...20:48
Unksiwhich version of amarok?20:48
neoandersenamarok 220:48
neoandersenthe link to embed ends by an player.swf Is that the correct link?20:49
Soma_how do I select which graphics card driver to use20:50
Unksiin menu, there is "playlist".. have you tried "add stream" under that?20:50
neoandersenI did20:50
neoandersenI have tried the 2 ways to add stream...20:50
Unksino idea then.. those have worked for me so far and cant find any other options for it :/20:51
ZoraelCould someone please try installing the Jaunty gupnp-tools package and try starting gupnp-universal-cp in a terminal? I just get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/20025920:51
Unksiwhat kind of errors did it give?20:51
Soma_I need20:51
Soma_my drivers20:52
neoandersen"too many errors encountered in playlint..."20:52
Soma_the driver that kubuntu selected is faulty, I had to change it before in kde 3.5 but they appear to have removed the driver section from system settings20:52
Soma_it used to be under display20:52
Soma_I would like to select which graphics card driver to use20:52
DragnslcrSoma_- K Menu -> System -> Hardware Drivers20:54
WalzmynSoma_: applications-> system > hardware drivers20:55
dpreacheranyone can help me get broadcom 4311 working with kubuntu jaunty. i get confused between fwcutter and ndiswrapper. which path to take?20:55
Dragnslcr<- Winner!20:55
Soma_neither of you are winners20:55
Soma_that's not what I wanted20:55
Soma_it just says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system20:56
Soma_I need to select which display driver to use20:56
WalzmynSoma_: that's where you can select them20:56
Soma_I can upload a screenshot if you don't believe me, sir20:56
Soma_there are no options20:56
Soma_there are no drivers displayed20:56
DragnslcrWhat kind of video card do you have?20:56
Soma_just Help20:56
Soma_and Close20:56
Soma_00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)20:57
Soma_pretty sure that's my video card on lspci20:57
Soma_oh nevermind20:57
ZoraelSoma_: Well, no, that's your host bridge. :320:57
Zoraellspci | grep VGA20:58
DragnslcrMight be because Intel doesn't use proprietary drivers20:58
Soma_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)20:58
Soma_no way Dragnslcr20:58
Soma_I know thsi from last time I had to change the drivers20:58
ZoraelSoma_: With an Intel controller you should already be using the intel driver, no need to manually select it20:58
Soma_which was just under system settings -> display20:58
Soma_there are like 5 compatible drivers Zorael20:59
DragnslcrIntel's drivers are open source. I'm not sure if the Hardware Drivers app is used for them20:59
Soma_I want to select it20:59
Soma_in ubuntu 8.10 it was just under display20:59
WalzmynSoma_: the only drivers for intel are built into the kernel20:59
Soma_a list of all drivers you could use for xserver20:59
DragnslcrI've never had a system with Intel video, so I'm not sure exactly how it works20:59
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.20:59
DragnslcrHm, that's actually not what I wanted21:00
ZoraelSoma_: Wait, what? With a recent controller (945) you *want* to be using the "intel" driver which I bet is what it's using now, per default21:00
WalzmynSoma_: what driver is called for in your xorg.conf?21:00
DragnslcrOpen /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what it says for Driver21:01
ZoraelFor intel cards you basically have vesa, intel, and i740 (if it even exists anymore)21:01
Soma_this would be21:01
Soma_Dragnslcr I know21:01
commander_does anyone has kooldocks21:02
ZoraelSo sure, there are like 5 (3) compatible drivers, two of which are wrong and the third is used per default, if the hardware abstraction layer autodetecting is even half-working21:03
Soma_what line exactly am I looking for21:04
Soma_the line driver does not exist in my conf21:04
DragnslcrIs there a Section "Device" ?21:04
jjessegood evening, i have a dell laptop and have added a 2nd hard drive via an enclosure, what do i have to do to have it mount correctly?21:05
DragnslcrIt's the last section for me21:05
ZoraelYou'll need to create the driver line yourself; it not being there just means X relies on whatever it autodetects21:05
DragnslcrI would guess that whatever X autodetects should work fine21:06
Walzmynjjesse: all I have to do for mine is plug it in21:06
=== alba_ is now known as agata
jjesseWalzmyn: hrm i have it plugged in and rebooted, it shows up in bios, maybe i'm not seeing it as it isn't formated?21:07
Dragnslcrjjesse- yeah, if there are no partitions, of course nothing will be mounted21:07
Walzmynjjesse: oh yeah, you'll have to format it first, you need help with that?21:08
jjesseDragnslcr: is there a gui program i need to use to format it?21:08
jjesseor is it all command line?21:08
DragnslcrEither partitionmanager or gparted21:08
Walzmynjjesse: both, the KDE app is called qtparted21:08
jjessei thought at one time in systems settings there was a "disk" section21:08
DragnslcrNope, qtparted isn't maintained anymore21:09
DragnslcrThere was, but it didn't do partition editing21:09
jjesseDragnslcr: so gparted is the best?21:09
DragnslcrThe KDE4 app is just called partitionmanager (I know, I know)21:09
Dragnslcrgparted is the Gnome app21:09
Walzmynqtparted is not maintained anymore! bah21:09
jjessethanks for thelp guys21:10
DragnslcrI've used partitionmanager, and it works well. It just takes forever to start up21:10
DragnslcrThey should change it so that it at least shows a window before it starts scanning the disks21:10
Walzmyni just installed partitionamanger, it fired up liketysplit for me21:12
jjesseit fired up quickly for me as well21:12
jjessepretty impressed21:12
DragnslcrHm, maybe it just hates me then21:12
* jjesse adds notes to self and documentation21:12
Walzmynoy! my / partition is almost full21:12
jjessenow i have a 160GB drive and a 300GB drive in my laptop21:13
DragnslcrMaybe it's slow for me because I have two 500 GB disks and two 250 GB disks21:13
WalzmynDragnslcr: that might have something to do with it21:14
Walzmyni'm also runnining a pretty fast machine here21:15
DragnslcrBeen about two minutes now21:15
Walzmynwow, "apt-get clean" cleared up about 1.5 gigs off of my / partition21:15
DragnslcrCould be ktorrent blocking it21:16
DragnslcrThere we go21:17
Walzmynok, i had a notice of a plasma crash21:17
DragnslcrIs it 1.0.0-BETA1 for you?21:17
Walzmynnow, i don't have a taskbar and my alt-f2 launcher thingy is not working21:18
ZoraelWalzmyn: You could switch to a tty console (ctrl+alt+f1) and enter "DISPLAY=:0 plasma-desktop &"21:18
WalzmynZorael: what will that do?21:19
shadeslayerWalzmyn: for alt+F2 you can open a terminal and type ' krunner '21:19
Walzmynand why does ctr+alt+backspace not work anymore?21:19
ZoraelWalzmyn: start plasma-desktop on the desktop environment's "display"21:19
shadeslayerWalzmyn: disabled by upstream21:20
Walzmynshadeslayer: i can't open a terminal because i have no taskbar and the krunner ain't working21:20
shadeslayerWalzmyn: uh..right click > run21:20
ZoraelWalzmyn: You could likewise do "DISPLAY=:0 krunner &"21:20
commander_i need help21:20
shadeslayercommander_: please be more specific21:20
Walzmynshadeslayer: right click does nothing as well. - i'm going to do what zorael said21:20
commander_i downloaded KOOLDOCKS and now i can't find it21:20
shadeslayercommander_: kooldocks?21:21
commander_yeah u can find it in adept21:21
commander_like cairo dock and AWN21:22
shadeslayerZorael: oh.. -s -.-21:22
shadeslayercommander_: in a terminal type kooldock21:22
WalzmynZorael: weal, that worked, but it crashed again immediatly. i'ma reboot and see what I get21:23
commander_i did and a welcome box came up21:23
shadeslayercommander_: there you have it :) .. now close the terminal and you can open the dock via : alt+F2 > kooldock21:24
commander_ok i'm pressing it21:24
shadeslayercommander_: anything else you need help with ?? im off to sleep in 5 min21:27
commander_yeah so how do i bring it up on kmenu permanently?21:27
shadeslayercommander_: see a search box on top of the menu when you click the K in the taskbar?21:28
commander_yeah i c it21:28
shadeslayercommander_: search for kooldock and then right click and add to favourites21:29
=== alba_ is now known as agata
shadeslayercommander_: done?21:30
commander_didn't happen. get ur sleep on i'll hit u later shade21:31
shadeslayercommander_: oh,couldnt you see the app there??21:31
shadeslayerin the search results?21:31
jjesseone other question on my new drive that is now formated it is mounted and only writeable by root or with admin password, is that something i need to change in /etc/fstab?21:32
* shadeslayer needs a interesting problem to stay awake21:32
shadeslayerjjesse: which partition?? NTFS?21:32
agatahmm here goes a silly question.. but when i go to the package manager.. is ther any way of seeing it by program name and not by library name? got confused all the time21:32
shadeslayercommander_: i dont know but try and see if you can add custom commands to the menu...im not too sure that theres an option but you can try21:33
shadeslayeragata: like seeing only the meta package?21:34
agatayeah shadeslayer just one.. seeing all the libraries name confuses me a lot.. maybe like adept installer used to look... an icon and the name of the program to install...21:34
agatai just installed 9.04 and i am slightly lost21:35
shadeslayeragata: well you can do apt-cache search <package_name>21:35
agatahmm but i think i will have to reinstall21:35
agatai cannot use it something is wrong21:35
shadeslayeragata: that lists packages and lists a short description21:35
shadeslayeragata: what!! you cannont use apt-cache??21:36
agatait did not work before21:36
jjesse_sorry computer locked up, it is an ext3 parition21:36
agatai will give another try now, kpackagekit is not working at all here21:36
agatabut apt-get.. ill try again21:36
shadeslayeragata: you might need to reinstall...a bad ISO maybe?21:37
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
agatahmm took it from the same place than always21:37
agataoh so apt-get is working21:37
agatais just kpackagemanager21:38
shadeslayerjjesse: if this partition is on a external HD , you will need to supply the password everytime,or you can add a line to fstab to mount it directly21:38
shadeslayeragata: sudo apt-get install kpackagekit21:38
agataanyway shadeslayer the installation ended too early, the computer turned off (it ovrheats a bit)21:38
jjesseshadeslayer: its an internal drive in a second enclosure21:38
agataand i dunno if that might have messed up something21:38
agatai see there is some problemwith xulrunner, apparently.. i will reinstall tomorrow *sigh*21:39
shadeslayerjjesse: oh,i got it,if you want it mount automatically add a line to fstab , if you want it mount when you click it you can check the box which says remember authorization21:39
shadeslayeragata: too bad21:39
jjesseshadeslayer: ok thanks21:39
DaskreeCHagata: What's the problem?21:40
agatano idea DaskreeCH just some error message when using aptget21:40
DaskreeCHwhat error?21:40
agatayet the software got installed21:40
shadeslayerjjesse: you can easily see the fstab entries and manipulate them to your needs , sudo fdisk -l gives the device mount point and blkid gives UUID21:40
agatai will pastebin it sec21:40
agatahere it is DaskreeCH http://pastebin.com/m2f0b9ba621:42
DaskreeCHagata: sudo apt-get -f install21:43
agataand paste it?21:43
DaskreeCHdid it error out?21:43
jjesseshadeslayer: thanks for the awesome help21:43
agataappeared again DaskreeCH :)21:44
agatasec i will paste it21:44
DaskreeCHsudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:44
shadeslayerjjesse: no problem :)21:45
shadeslayergood night all21:45
agataok now is working DaskreeCH21:45
agatai mean21:45
agatadownloading... we will see if it works21:45
DaskreeCH:-) I like you21:46
=== william is now known as Guest7357
agatahow comes DaskreeCH?21:47
agatajeez im smoking like a dragon today ;(21:47
agataand again DaskreeCH the very same error21:49
DaskreeCHagata: Grr22:01
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ragarthI've got a lexmark x2600 printer configured using the lexmark drivers on kubuntu 8.10. lpr, openoffice, and the lexmark utilities work fine, but everything else fails to print. In the error log, I get "(/usr/local/lexmark/lxk08/bin/printdriver) stopped with status 1!" "(/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster) stopped with status 1!". Am I stupid for thinking that all the failing programs are having their output treated as pdf's?22:11
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linux_bonjour,je suis français et je debute sur linux,qui peut m expliquer le fonctionnement et le but dece chat22:23
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DaskreeCH!fr | linux22:26
ubottulinux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:26
JohnFluxHey all22:36
JohnFluxkubuntu.org says:22:36
JohnFluxWhat type of computer do you22:36
JohnFluxit accidently the whole word22:36
kerijoin  #unity-coders22:38
JohnFluxis it possible to download a dvd iso of kubuntu?22:38
JohnFluxMy university blocks bittorrent :-(22:38
DragnslcrJohnFlux- yeah, some of the mirrors should have it22:39
DragnslcrI'll try to dig one up22:39
DragnslcrAs far as I know, the DVD only has extra language packages, so you most likely only need the CD anyway22:40
DaskreeCHJohnFlux: yes22:40
DaskreeCHDragnslcr: not so22:40
DragnslcrThat's what I kept getting for an answer here22:41
DaskreeCHJohnFlux: What version?22:41
DragnslcrI hate you22:42
DaskreeCHDragnslcr: DVD has both live and alternate installs as well as having the entire main repo on it so it can be used to update an older version just from the DVD22:43
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DragnslcrThat's what I thought, but I kept getting told that wasn't the case22:44
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DaskreeCHThat would be news to me I'd really like to know how I've been doing that all this time then22:45
DragnslcrWell that makes me feel a little better about seeding the torrents for the DVD's22:46
CBFreakHi, I've a problem... I'm using Ubuntu with KDE, Gnome and others desktops, and when I rotatate the cube, I see in the face one, the Gnome's desktop. Is this possible??? How I can fix it? Sorry for my english, I'm from Argentina.22:47
DragnslcrYou aren't expecting to see different desktop environments on each side of the cube, are you?22:48
LadyNikonCBFreak: why are you saying sorry for english.. it looks tfine to me22:48
LadyNikonDragnslcr: its typically only one desktop environment22:48
CBFreakLadyNikon, thanks...22:48
DragnslcrLadyNikon- yes, I know, that's why I'm making sure that that isn't what CBFreak is expecting22:49
CBFreakDrangnslcr: I'm using only KDE 4.222:49
DragnslcrCBFreak- so you're using KDE right now?22:49
CBFreakI'm expecting to see only KDE, no KDE above Gnome22:49
CBFreakDragnslcr: yes22:49
DragnslcrAnd what exactly happens when you rotate the cube?22:50
spinfusorhubye frebenz... I'm trying to upgrade the restricted packages but as soon as I get the blue screen verifying java's install, I can't click OK out of it... any help? (to update the restricted packages)22:50
CBFreakDraglor: I see the normal cube, but above the Gnome desktop22:50
CBFreakThe face one of the cube, the desktop one, has KDE and Gnome in the back22:51
DragnslcrI guess I don't understand what you mean22:52
LadyNikonDragnslcr: what CBFreak means is that he/she is seeing kde and gnome in the same instance.. on different sides of the cube22:52
LadyNikoninstead of seeing all gnome or all KDE.22:52
DragnslcrExcept that isn't really possible22:52
CBFreakLadyNikon: nono, in the same side22:52
LadyNikonoh wow22:52
CBFreakI'm a man22:53
LadyNikonCBFreak: i dont assume22:53
DaskreeCHCBFreak: Can you give us screenshot?22:53
DragnslcrCBFreak- what exactly do you mean by "Gnome in the back"22:53
DragnslcrYeah, a screenshot would help22:53
LadyNikonCBFreak: so you turn the cube.. and you see gnome and kde on the same side.. gotcha22:53
DragnslcrYou don't just mean Gnome applications, do you?22:53
LadyNikonCBFreak: are you sure its not a background thats similar or something?22:54
CBFreakLadyNikon: nono, I see Gnome's wallpapers and icons22:54
LadyNikonand kde's wallpaper and icons at the same time?22:54
CBFreakback KDE, KDE is above gnome, I don't know, I'm spanish :P22:54
CBFreakLadyNikon: yes22:55
LadyNikonCBFreak: there is a #kubuntu-es22:55
LadyNikonif you feel there is a language barrier22:55
CBFreakLadyNikon: yes, but they don't help me22:55
DragnslcrYeah, we'd need a screenshot22:55
LadyNikonkde on the top and gnome on the bottom22:55
LadyNikonall in the same screen on the same side.22:55
CBFreakLadyNikon: YESS!!!!22:56
LadyNikonsee that was simple :p22:56
LadyNikoncan you toggle between the two? or do you see the mouse move twice?22:56
CBFreakLadyNikon: sorry, I don't understand... the others faces of the cube are ok22:57
spinfusorI get to the Package Configuration for Sun java6-bin (licensing portion) I can't click out of it to continue the update... any tips?22:57
LadyNikonCBFreak: you say you have 2 instances of a desktop session running at one time22:57
DragnslcrCBFreak- take a screenshot and post it somewhere we can see it22:57
LadyNikoni am wondering if you can see the mouse move in both of them22:58
CBFreakLadyNikon:  no, the mouse is moving only in KDE22:59
CBFreakI'll try to make an screenshot22:59
LadyNikondid you try to reboot your windows manager?22:59
CBFreakLadyNikon:  yes, I reboot the system too22:59
LadyNikonstill no va huh?23:00
CBFreakstill that23:01
CBFreakthere's my screenshot: http://rapidshare.com/files/246791651/screenshot.png.html23:06
* LadyNikon sighs23:07
DragnslcrCBFreak- post it to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add23:07
LadyNikonCBFreak: thats not kde on top of gnome23:08
LadyNikonoh wait23:08
LadyNikonyes it is23:08
LadyNikonthats creepy23:08
LadyNikonheh i thought you took a pic with your camera23:09
CBFreakLadyNikon: what?23:09
LadyNikonand the mouse moves around the gnome session23:10
LadyNikondoes the clodk and time move also?23:10
CBFreakLadyNikon: the mouse doesn't move on the Gnome desktop, only on KDE23:12
LadyNikonCBFreak: does it move over it though23:12
LadyNikoni dont see the icons for KDE.23:13
CBFreakThe icons for KDE are in the bottom-left23:14
commander_does anyone have kooldock23:14
CBFreaksome idea?23:15
DragnslcrCBFreak- all I get from the link you posted is a landing page. Try putting your screenshot on http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add23:17
CBFreakI'll put that on there too: http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6085/screenshotr.png23:17
CBFreakI put that already23:18
CBFreakwow i don't know to speak :P23:18
DragnslcrIf that's real, I don't even know how you could ever work like that23:20
DragnslcrDo you really have your working area at that weird angle in the middle of the screen?23:20
linda_Dragnslcr: it's a desktop cube being rotated =)23:23
TwitteryHi, does anyone know how to cancel the music at the startup23:23
CBFreaklinda_:  yes, is that23:24
DragnslcrCBFreak- so you only get those Gnome desktop icons while the cube is rotating?23:24
DragnslcrTwittery- System Settings -> Notifications, then for Event source it's KDE System Notifications23:25
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=== solid_liq is now known as solid_liqAFK
DaskreeCHCBFreak: Do you have Gnome installed?23:27
CBFreakDaskreeCH: yes, I have23:27
DaskreeCHand you use compiz in it?23:27
DaskreeCHAnd I guess this is compiz in KDE?23:28
DragnslcrYeah, I was wondering if compiz and kwin are both running at the same time and getting in each other's way23:28
LuisJamy kde control module says i have 4 actualizations blocked, why?23:28
DaskreeCHcan you have them run at the same time?23:29
DaskreeCHI've never seen that23:29
DragnslcrLuisJa- you mean updates?23:29
DaskreeCHCBFreak: Oh then I don't know I was thinking that it would be the Compiz buffer being written in  from the cache23:30
DragnslcrLuisJa- yeah, I'm not sure why they're blocked, when they used to work fine. If you want to install the kernel updates, you can run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"23:30
CBFreakLuisJa: I don't know what, but you fix that with "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"23:30
DaskreeCHI would hope that kwin and compiz use differnt buffers though23:30
CBFreakDaskreeCH: yes, that is logic23:30
LuisJathx guys23:31
CBFreakLuisJa: wlcm23:31
linda_guys, i wanted to update amarok, added http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty  main repo to kpackagemanager, but can't find the pgp key23:32
DragnslcrCBFreak- press ctrl-esc to bring up the System Monitor and look for a process named compiz23:32
linda_where can i get it?23:32
SinaR http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23:33
Dragnslcrlinda_- the bot knows, but I can't remember what to ask to get it23:35
CBFreakDragnslcr: thax!!! solved!!! http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/5741/screenshot2cmd.png23:36
CBFreaknautilus has running23:36
Dragnslcr!pgperr | linda_23:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pgperr23:36
Dragnslcr!gpgerr | linda_23:37
ubottulinda_: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »23:37
DragnslcrI think that's it23:37
CBFreakHow can I make to nautilus dont run in the next time?23:37
DragnslcrCBFreak- ah, that would probably do it23:37
CBFreakDragnslcr:  IS FIXING THANK!!!23:38
DragnslcrCBFreak- check System Settings -> Advanced -> Autostart, make sure it isn't there23:38
CBFreakDragnslcr: okok, thank you... I'll see that23:38
DragnslcrThere are other places it could be, too23:38
=== solid_liqAFK is now known as SolidLiq
TwitteryI hate big updates23:40
CBFreakI'll restart the sesion to make sure that is fixing...23:40
CBFreakI will come back23:40
CBFreakTHANKS TO ALL!!!23:40
FloodBotK2CBFreak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
DragnslcrOh, be quiet, bot23:42
CBFreakbye, i will come back23:43
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== cristian is now known as CBFreak
CBFreakIs all right :D23:49
=== burn_ is now known as ]buRn]
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Walzmynever since i upgraded to 9.04 this week, Pidgin won't connect to yahoo, anybody else having that problem?23:55
[buRn]Walzmyn: it is known bug, and they are going to fix it :D23:56
DragnslcrYeah, Yahoo broke the protocol23:57
DragnslcrUsing cs107.msg.mud.yahoo.com for a server works for me23:58
DragnslcrIt's actually just a coincidence that you upgraded to 9.04 at the same time23:58

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