
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
VK7HSEIs anyone having issues getting Karmic Alpha2 to install into VirtualBox? the standard desktop .iso appeared to hang prior to getting to the set up options! now currently attempting with alternate Karmic Alpha2!01:06
VK7HSEso far so good! 43% installed!01:08
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
Wicla_hey. Anyone else had problems with compiz.real? It's currently using 2584MB of swap02:01
Wicla_or, not only swap but in total it's using that amount of memory.02:02
BUGabundoWicla_: mine is not even starting today :(02:03
Wicla_uhm okey. This is the second time this has happened. Last time was a few days ago02:04
Wicla_s/Last/First/ to make that sentence correct02:08
rippsWell, I've finally gotten Karmic installed, I'm trying to restore my sbackup of my /home02:31
BUGabundoripps: YAY02:36
BUGabundohello DanaG02:36
rippsBUGabundo: let's just hope everything restores properly. Also, I need to reinstall every package I had before. Hours of downloading packages for me.02:37
BUGabundoripps: did you dpkg -l ?02:37
BUGabundothat would list all installed packages02:38
BUGabundoso you could just sed it, to generate apt line02:38
rippsBUGabundo: no, I wanted to have a cleaner system this time, I installed alot a crap I only used once02:38
BUGabundoI know the feeling02:38
BUGabundobut some I DO need02:38
ghindoIs anybody else having a bunch of packages being held back?03:18
BUGabundoghindo: try $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade03:20
ghindoIs udev-extras being held back for anybody else?  I haven't been able to update it for at least a week03:33
RAOFghindo: That's probably because it'll remove hotkey-setup.  "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" will probably do what you want.04:05
ghindoRAOF:  Got it, thanks.  I probably should have looked at the changelog/forums04:11
syn-ackAny particular reason I have symlinks to my kernel in /... was just going thru this build trying to figure out how I can hack the mp3 codecs in it and noticed it05:33
syn-ackI do have /boot/ on its own ext2 part, btw so I shouldnt have anything in the root05:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347487 in virtualbox-ose "starting virtual machine in virtualbox-ose freezes system" [Medium,Confirmed]05:47
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
DanaGIs there any easy way to take a non-running karmic 32-bit install and transpose it over to 64-bit?07:05
DanaGby "transpose", I mean package states, some conf files, and sources.list07:05
virtualdanyone noticed the horrible io scheduling in 2.6.30?07:24
DanaGargh!  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36532107:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365321 in linux "iwlagn - Wireless network disconnects and won't reconnect without reboot" [Undecided,New]07:27
airstrikei just wanted to share my opinion that this paper cuts project is simply great!07:47
DanaGI just figured out why my wifi wouldn't connect..... 2 of 3 wifi antennas were not attached!08:13
rippsHow do I get gpg to use the pinentry method? I just reinstalled Ubuntu to Karmic and I don't know how to get gpg to remember my passpharase. My ppabot requires me to enter it a dozen times for each ppa package it builds w/ it's backports08:33
HobbseeDanaG: yeah, that'd do it!08:40
Hobbseeripps: install pinenty, relogin to X?08:40
Hobbseeripps: actually, gnupg-agent woks quite nicely, too08:40
DanaGBut it worked fine in Windows, oddly enough.08:43
DanaGAnd it was giving me failed assertions... something about not being 802_1x08:44
DanaGI guess iwlagn doesn't like diversity.08:44
DanaGarg, that "ear candy" thing is rather broken.09:03
DanaGIt continuously insists on cranking volume up to 100%.09:03
cwilluDanaG, I already told you it's by design09:19
DanaGwhich is?09:20
cwillumax volume09:20
DanaGI think it's an issue of "earcandy" not dealing well with flat volumes.09:20
DanaGIt cranks the app volume up to 100%.... and thus... affects the device volume, too.09:20
cwillushouldn't be affecting the device volume09:21
DanaGI've honestly found flat volumes too confusing.09:21
DanaGtry earcandy some time.... but have your speakers turned way down, first.09:21
cwilluyou probably don't want to use it anyway, it does really really ugly things with polling09:21
cwilluDanaG, I sent it a few hundred lines of patches to it, no idea if he ever applied them09:21
DanaGyeah.  and the "move to new device" moves the thing FROM my BT headset back to onboard.09:21
cwillunot a huge fan of people who try to run projects out of the comments of a blog post :p09:21
DanaGI still disagree with flat-volumes... but that's something I can just live with disabling.  Might be nice to add it as a preference reachable by paprefs?09:22
cwilluearcandy ultimately feels like using a tiling window manager09:22
cwillureally annoying if you want your windows to stay where you left them09:23
cwilluand it's buggy too, which doesn't help :p09:23
DanaGI wish I could set PA like this:09:23
cwilluespecially when the owner refuses to use such modern project management tools as "email"09:23
DanaGFor App X, prefer sound cards A>B>C.09:23
DanaGFor Y, prefer a different order.  If one is not present, drop back to another.09:24
cwilluit's got a _little_ bit of that baked in09:24
DanaGAnd have it move a stream from B to A when you plug in A.09:24
cwillubut ya09:24
DanaGRight now it drops back... but doesn't pop "forward" like win7 does.09:24
cwilluhonestly, I'd be happy with a simple way of alt-mousewheeling on a window to change that window's volume, or to change everything _but_ that window's folume09:25
DanaGI just don't like how flat-volumes makes the volume slider for an app change the volume slider for the device, and vice versa.09:25
DanaGAnd moving an app to a different device... makes both the device slider and the app slider jump.09:25
cwilluwhich should actually be possible based on how earcandy is resolving pulseaudio clients back to the open applications09:25
DanaGThe way I think of things is: device X is at some percent of its max volume, and app Y is at some portion of whatever the max is, set by X percent.09:27
DanaGEven if the backend changes the volume slider value to optimize hardware... the frontend should not make things jump around.09:27
DanaGoh, and then you have my odd USB audio device, that has two Speaker sliders.09:29
DanaGOne has no effect at all when you twiddle it.  The other works fine, but indicates decibel ranges from 0.0dB to 0.0dB.09:30
DanaGugh, stock bluetooth-applet is literally useless.09:51
DanaGYou can bond / pair to a device... but then once you've done that, you can't DO anything with the device.09:51
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
BUGabundocompiz not starting for me!11:04
BUGabundoanyone else?11:04
dupondjeBUGabundo: can't test as i'm using nouveau driver that has no 3D :(11:10
BUGabundodupondje: yeah11:18
jetienne!info gcc11:33
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.82ubuntu1)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.0-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB11:33
dupondjesomebody want to add my ppa ?11:35
dupondjeneed some people to test nautilus patch :D11:35
dupondjeBUGabundo:  ? ;)12:02
BUGabundodupondje: no no ! eheh need it working12:02
BUGabundohey amortvigil12:02
BUGabundoeeh using the new webchat from freenode amortvigil?12:03
amortvigilhow is koala doing?12:03
amortvigilBUGabundo: NOT SURE I USE webchat from the dutch community12:03
BUGabundonot bad12:03
BUGabundoa few nagging bugs12:03
amortvigilahhh ok12:04
amortvigilwell i hope koala will work for mee 9.04 doesnt work atall :)12:04
amortvigilit freezes ramdomly i get atk errors12:06
BUGabundoand karmic?12:06
amortvigilnot yet tested12:07
amortvigilafraid of an early alpha12:07
BUGabundorunning a livecd/usb doesn't hurt12:10
frandavid100do you guys know with what protocols can you do a video call in empathy?12:56
frandavid100hiya BluesKaj13:25
BluesKajhi frandavid10013:25
BluesKajwhat's happening today ?13:27
Tekno_onks linuxille semmost näppärää powerpoint vieweriä14:02
Tekno_joka vaan näyttäs ne diat samantien14:02
BluesKaj!fi | Tekno_14:05
ubottuTekno_: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi14:05
muggianyone followed this for installing grub2: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Grub2#grub.cfg   ?14:49
muggiseems like i got stuck at grub 1.96, even though i followed the guide im trying to install grub2 under ubuntu 9.1014:49
muggi1. i used to dualboot win xp  and linux mint 7 on my asus eee, i then tried to install .9.10 as the third boot choice, but found out later that grub2 under 9.10 cant dualboot without a fix14:50
muggi but 9.10 never installed grub2, but grub-legacy (1.96), and now im tring to install grub2, but cant get it to work14:50
darthanubismuggi, always read the known issues from the release notes FIRST15:00
muggiI know now :-)  can see the install can fail, if there is other os's installed15:02
muggiat least i got the dualbooting to work15:03
muggibut its under grub 1.96, seems like i cant install grub2  (all in 9.10)15:04
Machtinis it usual not to get an answer to a security bug for 4 days?15:57
bazhangthis early in the release cycle? could well be15:58
joejci got banned from #ubuntu so i decided to never use linux ever again and i want you to ban me from here to so if for some reason i forget how much ubuntu people hate me i still cant come back16:11
dupondjethere was probably a good reason why u got banned ...16:13
joejci wanted to know if i could customize the notifications. can you just ban me?16:14
BluesKajjoejc, ubuntu isn't the only linux OS and if you were banned then you must be a bad bad boy/girl :)16:15
joejcwhat wrong with wanting different notifications?16:16
darthanubisjoejc, you got some growing up to do kid.16:17
joejcjust ban me16:17
darthanubisjust leave16:17
darthanubisban yourself16:17
joejcwhat do i need to do to get banned?16:18
darthanubisleave and uninstall your IRC client16:18
darthanubisjoejc, your doing just fine, you'll be banned soon enough16:18
joejci like irc just not people that ban for no reason so i want to give you a reason16:18
darthanubisor ignored16:18
darthanubisI agree there with the abuse of OP power16:18
darthanubisbut you are coming across as a douchbag already16:19
darthanubisit is no wonder you got banned16:19
darthanubisask a question pertinent to the channel, or leave?16:19
BluesKajjoejc, you din't get banned for no reason...perhaps you became a PITA with your irrelavent questions16:19
darthanubisdo you need help or something?16:19
joejcif they didnt like what i was doing they could have kicked me and given a reason but they didnt so i want to get banned from every ubuntu related channel16:19
=== lakin_ is now known as lakin
darthanubisjoejc, what re you like 12 or something?16:20
darthanubisjoejc, just go sit in the corner for a while16:20
joejc26 just hate OPs who are bitches16:20
BluesKajin order not do what hew wants we should just put him on ignore and his dumb questions won't show up in the chat16:21
darthanubisonly type if you have something to add or need specific help. Otherwise, you are just a desperate and sad troll16:21
joejcfigure the op is probably here too16:21
joejcban me for being a troll16:21
HewBluesKaj, ?16:21
darthanubisjoejc, keep using profanity, that will obviously get you banned, if i could I would right now16:21
tgpraveensomebody please grant him his wish. he already has used profanity once16:21
Hewyes :P16:21
joejcdarthanubis, then call the ops and get them to ban me16:22
tgpraveencall him yourself16:22
* BluesKaj puts joejc on ignore16:22
darthanubisI don't care about you, or your issue, I can ignore you at my will16:22
darthanubisLike BluesKaj  just did16:22
lynggaardI am looking for docs, or tips for doing a triple boot system (windows, ubuntu, opensolaris) having at leats the main part of ubuntu on a SSD, while having /home and /var on a regular disk... any pointers ?16:23
darthanubisjoejc, sooo, troll, what can we do for you besides your sad pleas for attention?16:23
lynggaardpreferably with the solaris readonly parts on the SSD as well16:23
zirodaylynggaard: well on doing the install you would place those parts where you want, and then describe them in fstab (if not done for you already)16:23
darthanubislynggaard, read the release notes and known issues on the main page16:24
joejcso you arnt going to ban me for asking to be banned and saying bitch?16:24
bazhangjoejc, please stop now16:25
lynggaardThe ubuntu part of having /var and /home elsewhere I am clear on, it is more how to do this best in a triple boot system... should the SSD be the master ? og should the regular HD be the master, but having a /boot partition for linux pointing to the SSD?16:25
joejcthank you thats all  i needed to prove my point bye16:25
zirodayhe has a loose screw, was most odd in #ubuntu16:26
darthanubisbazhang, he is just a lost kid16:26
bazhangokay thanks :)16:26
zirodaydarthanubis: I doubt all children have loose screws.16:26
darthanubistrue, I did not mean to insult all kids16:27
lynggaarddarthanubis, the release notes says nothing related to my query16:27
zirodaylynggaard: mmm it would probably be best to stick /boot on SSD to lose that extra second of boot time.16:27
darthanubislynggaard, you don't read well, perhaps?16:27
* BluesKaj is too to waste time with juveys needing attention16:27
BluesKajtoo old16:27
darthanubisgrub2 is going to give you issues with your attempt16:28
darthanubisBluesKaj, i hear ya16:28
lynggaarddarthanubis, apperently not. Could you be more specific about which paragraph I missed ?16:28
darthanubisrefuse to look it up for you after pointing you in the right direction16:29
darthanubisin a nutshell, stay away from grub216:30
lynggaarddarthanubis, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha2 says nothing about dual/triple boot (infact the page doesn't even contain the word dual). neither does it say anything about SSD considerations.16:31
zirodaylynggaard: darthanubis is referring to "Due to the conversion to GRUB2, installation will fail if you try to install Karmic Alpha 2 on a system with other OSes installed. This will be fixed for Alpha 3. As a workaround in the meantime, you can choose to use GRUB1 instead by booting with the option: grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy=false."16:32
zirodaydid any of that get cut off?16:32
darthanubisziroday, no, and thank you16:32
dupondjeor use daily cdimage, should work also :)16:32
darthanubislynggaard, installation will fail if you try to install Karmic Alpha 2 on a system with other OSes installed.16:33
darthanubisis it crystal now?16:33
zirodaydupondje: just about to recommend that :)16:33
lynggaardziroday, if that was the information he was trying to convey, it surely covers only a small part. and nothing related to my inquiry of " The ubuntu part of having /var and /home elsewhere I am clear on, it is more how to do this best in a triple boot system... should the SSD be the master ? og should the regular HD be the master, but having a /boot partition for linux pointing to the SSD?"16:34
zirodaylynggaard: I would recommend the /boot on the SSD as it will improve boot time. Otherwise it doesn't really matter.16:34
dupondje14 seconds instead of 16 :p16:35
dupondjewho cares :)16:35
lynggaarddarthanubis, yes crystal clear that you only answered a small item which could be pointed to in the main page, insteda of trying to answer the real question assuming that I had allready read the front page16:35
darthanubisI threw you a bone is THIS is my thanks, because you can't read coherently? it is not for me or anyone to solve ALL your issues.16:36
lynggaardziroday, but doesn't this mean the SSD will have to be master... or can the regular HD be master and have grub(2?) point to a boot on another hd.16:36
dupondjeroot & /boot can be on different hdd's ofc16:37
lynggaardziroday,so regular HD as master with, Grub1/2, windows, ubuntu /home +/var, and mayby solaris, with SSD as slave having ubuntu / (one partition incl /boot) ?16:38
lynggaarddupondje, thank you. didn't know that. I was under the assumption the /boot needed to be on the master along with grub :-)16:39
zirodaylynggaard: sounds like it would work to me16:39
lynggaarddarthanubis, you threw me a bone to a already solved issue, which had very little relevance to my overall query, basically adding nothing much to the information. Next time please assume that people have done their homework.. and you might see that the documentation for doing a setup like mine is not something google/bing is overflowing with16:43
darthanubisyou STILL don't get it?16:44
darthanubislynggaard, don't try so hard to piss on help from others16:44
darthanubiseven if you don't like the way in which it is given16:45
darthanubisyou were looking for the word "dual" and if you had READ the page "other OSes" part means what to you?16:45
darthanubisbing/google would have not helped you, because your search query was NOT found16:46
darthanubisit required you to do homework you OBVIOUSLY did not do, even with hand holding16:46
darthanubiswe had to read it to you16:46
darthanubisare you done addressing me now?16:47
darthanubisbecause I'm done with you16:47
lynggaarddarthanubis, yes I saw the Other OS'ses part before logging in here, but it does not tell of partition strategies or installation orders (e.g. in dual boot it is normal to start with windows, but what about triple ). It is only a reference to an already solved grup bug. and the workaround was listed directly in the page, so I had allready moved on to other issues.16:49
* darthanubis oh god16:49
darthanubiswhere is that moronic kid when you need him16:50
lynggaarddarthanubis, maybe you should work on your support skills? you could improve a bit on your people skills ;-)16:50
darthanubishe was at least entertaining :/16:50
lynggaardziroday, many thaks for the nice and informative replies. Do you by any change have a pointer to the best installation order. I usually only do dual boot, with windows first, and I am not sure when to install opensolaris ? is between windows and ubuntu the best bet?16:53
zirodaylynggaard: I would probably do Windows, then OpenSolaris finishing off with Ubuntu. You might want to chart out your partitions beforehand with a livecd however.16:54
lynggaardziroday, the livecd part that is an excellent suggestion thanx :-) and for confirming then OpenSolaris should go in the middle. I think all I need to figure out now it if/how I can place the solaris "read-only" parts on the SSD as well, but I think that is for another forum16:58
zirodaylynggaard: good luck16:58
lynggaardziroday, thanks, have a nice day16:59
zirodaylynggaard: you too!16:59
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
rippssuspend/resume seems to be broken again in Karmic, it used to suspend, but the display would never resume before intrepid, and now it's doing it again in Karmic17:53
dupondjepfft, this noise bug is really annoying19:41
dupondjenobody else has it, that there comes some noise out of the computer19:41
cyphasei was wondering.. why isn't karmic using firefox 3.5?19:42
dupondjewhen I get for example a Pidgin notice, its silent while the notice is shown, and when it dissapears, its starting again :(19:42
dupondjecyphase: its not default, but u can just install it (firefox-3.5 package)19:42
cyphasedupondje: yea.. but why?19:43
cyphasedupondje: 3.5 is going to be default when karmic is released19:43
dupondjeno id19:43
cyphasedupondje: maybe?19:43
DanaGwhat noise?19:43
dupondjecyphase: yes19:43
dupondjeDanaG: dunno where it comes from :s19:43
DanaGdescribe it, I mean.19:43
cyphasedupondje: why maybe? it's going to be out for months by the time karmic is released19:44
dupondjeDanaG: its quite difficult to describe :p19:44
DanaGhigh-pitched whining or warbling, or something?19:45
DanaGSome noises computers can make are due to power regulation.19:45
DanaG... for example.19:45
cyphaseit's probably the aliens trying to contact you19:45
dupondjeDanaG: sounds like hdd spinning more19:45
dupondjeDanaG: seems like its the hdd19:48
dupondjeno sound when hdd is accessed19:48
dupondjeand sound while its idle :s19:48
DanaGOh yeah, sounds kind of like heads unloading.... when they're over the platters, it makes one sort of noise, and when idle, it has a different (honestly, louder) noise.19:48
dupondjebut didn't notice it before going to karmic :s19:49
dupondjethats the weird thing19:49
dupondjeargh, becomming crazy of it19:59
dupondjeits not Ubuntu it seems, also in windows20:19
dupondjebut way less in windows (guess why, my hdd is never idle there :P)20:19
QuarthHi. anyone can help to trace a problem with X on karmic running on a netbook?20:21
dupondjetell the problem first :) maby somebody can help then :)20:21
QuarthSure :=20:22
QuarthSure :=20:23
Quarthdesktop freezes on startup, sometime on the login screen, sometimes few seconds/minutes after.20:23
QuarthIt sounds similar to bug:35939220:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in compiz "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Undecided,In progress]20:23
QuarthBut don't have an intel chipset, its an HP2133 all based on VIA chipset. But the same synthoms.20:24
QuarthAny idea? Or, can anyone guide me on contribute with more info?20:26
Quarth(Sorry but I've been out of linux for some years)20:26
dupondjeI have no id20:27
Quarthtx dupondje.20:28
dupondjemaby somebody else has :)20:29
QuarthHope so :)20:29
QuarthAnyway, it run after install. I'm sure it's al update problem.20:30
QuarthDo you know how to downgrade last updates?20:30
dupondjeI think its possible to downgrade with apt, but don't ask me how :D20:33
Quarthlol :D I also think so! Let's see if someone kows.20:34
BUGabundoboas noites20:49
rippsSome programs such as banshee and mpd aren't able to recurse the files in symlinked directory that leads to my ntfs external harddrive. Do I have something configured wrong?20:58
FoxBlitzzWhy is GRUB in Karmic so much uglier now?21:19
syn-ackdefine uglier...21:20
BUGabundoFoxBlitzz: 'cause its GRUB2 and it doesn't allow stiles?21:20
FoxBlitzzIs there a way I can replace it with the older GRUB?21:23
BUGabundoinstall it21:27
DanaGMy gripe with grub2: no savedefault.21:28
FoxBlitzzYeah, apparently grub2 isn't installed, so I can't uninstall21:28
DanaGJust install grub; it "conflicts" on grub-pc.21:28
DanaGSo, it'll remove grub-pc (which is grub2).21:29
FoxBlitzzOoh, I see21:29
DanaGWhy don't they combine grub-pc and grub-efi like Fedora does?21:29
DanaGSure would make it easier for me to use UEFI.21:29
FoxBlitzzGah, I don't have a menu.lst21:30
DanaGIt should create one, I believe.21:30
rippsDoes anybody here know why mpd and banshee won't recognize symlinks to my external harddrive?21:30
FoxBlitzzIt didn't.21:30
FoxBlitzzAnd all the GRUB2-looking stuff is still there21:31
FoxBlitzzIn /boot/...21:31
FoxBlitzzNow I'm stuck at a freaking GRUB prompt21:35
FoxBlitzzGreat, I should have saved a snapshot of the VM21:36
DanaGReinstall grub-pc and it'll use the not-removed grub.cfg.21:36
DanaGOr boot manually and use os-prober, I think it is.21:36
Wicla_No one else having problems with extremly memory-hungry processes? Firefox is eating 940m, compiz.real 791m, Xorg 535m, pulseaudio 287m, gnome-terminal 216m?21:43
BUGabundoWicla_: let me check21:44
BUGabundo11882      0      0         82K 872.9M 259.4M     0K     0K   7% firefox-3.621:44
BUGabundo28038    495      0        844K   1.0G 252.5M     0K     0K   6% pidgin21:44
BUGabundo17333      0      0       1717K 777.0M 212.5M     0K     0K   5% nautilus21:44
BUGabundo 8588      0      0       2106K 612.6M 118.3M     0K     0K   3% gwibber21:44
BUGabundo 4442      0      0       1804K 444.1M 88940K     0K     0K   2% Xorg21:44
BUGabundo29852      0      0      18865K 118.8M 70992K     0K     0K   2% chromium-brows21:44
Wicla_VIRT field in `top' is accurate, right?21:46
BUGabundothis is from atop, and 'm' option21:47
Wicla_Either way, procceses eats all memory over time until there is non left and system freezes for a few minutes from time to make memory available. :/21:47
BUGabundoWicla_: only if you have a memory leak21:50
Sarvattlet me guess, intel graphics Wicla_? theres a fix for the memory leak under GL compositing in mesa 7.521:50
Wicla_yep. intel graphics here21:51
Wicla_hm, may I ask how to find it? :)21:53
Sarvattit'll be fixed in the not too distant future, fixes just got commited yesterday and will be in the mesa 7.5 release any day now, they're just waiting on some word about packaging gallium from debian to update it on ubuntu21:53
Wicla_ah ok. I'll wait then. Can survive a extra reboot per day :P21:54
Sarvattturning off compiz makes it go away for now though :D21:54
Unksioh, so thats why the weird freezes that seem to come up from nowhere :p21:55
Wicla_Sarvatt: do you know if there are any fix for that bug which makes the system unable to turn on screen after it has been blanked (probably with dpms)?21:56
BUGabundoSarvatt: question: can you help me get compiz working?21:57
BUGabundostop working yesterday or so21:57
rippsSo... nobody has any idea why symlinks in mpd worked yesterday, but not today?21:58
Sarvattnope, dont have the problem here but there are *alot* of variables involved that arent accounted for by your description there. do you have a bug report with the logs listed by any chance?21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383973 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[GM45] system frozen after a period of inactivity (dup-of: 388357)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388357 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freeze on karmic after resume from full screen application: i915_gem_retire_work_handler() / finish_task_switch()" [Unknown,Confirmed]21:58
=== Wicla_ is now known as Wicla
BUGabundoSarvatt: if you want I'll file one, and upload the trace and .xsessionerrors21:59
Sarvatti'd put money on that being a gnome-power-manager problem Wicla :D21:59
Sarvattsorry bugabundo, whats wrong?21:59
Unksithta bug exists on kubuntu as well21:59
BUGabundoSarvatt: compiz won't start22:00
Sarvattyou disabled metacity compositing in gconf and it still wont?22:00
BUGabundoSarvatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/200312/22:01
BUGabundoSarvatt: not sure. I had it disable on the last boot, to test it, but lost gnome-do composite suport22:01
Sarvattlooks like you have metacity compositing enabled there still22:01
BUGabundoso I enabled it back, and now I can't start compiz22:01
BUGabundoit always worked before :(22:01
BUGabundoSarvatt: but can't I have compiz AND composite?22:02
BUGabundoI need it!22:02
SarvattBUGabundo: you can only have one compositing manager at a time, metacity has a problem reliquishing control of compositing to compiz, if you disable metacity compositing compiz has no problems starting fine22:02
BUGabundobut how can I enable composite IN compiz?22:02
Sarvattcompiz does the compositing if you use compiz!22:02
* BUGabundo disables composite in metacity yet again22:02
BUGabundoSarvatt: err No22:03
BUGabundoat least not with OSD and gnome-do skins22:03
Sarvattyou cant disable compositing in compiz man, compiz is a GL compositing window manager22:03
Sarvattmetacity compositing is xrender based instead of 3d based22:04
BUGabundoOk compiz is UP again22:04
BUGabundoSarvatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/200313/22:04
BUGabundoI'll test on the next reboot22:04
BUGabundono idea when that will be22:04
BUGabundolast time it took me 5 days22:04
Sarvattthat just means some plugins dont work with your hardware, you can disable them in compiz config setting manager22:05
Sarvattdont need to reboot, your gnome-do should be fine now?22:05
BUGabundoit does22:05
Sarvattgnome-do just needs a compositing window manager in general for the transparency, doesnt matter which one you use22:05
BUGabundobut let me restart DO just to be sure22:06
BUGabundoseems to be working22:06
BUGabundobut I had lots of trouble before with this settings22:06
BUGabundoany way, thanks Sarvatt22:09
BUGabundoas usual, you are very useful and knowledgeable22:09
BUGabundo1st cycle here?22:09
BUGabundohey anachronik_ and mobnoob22:25
mobnoobgot a problem after installing grub2 lol22:26
billybigriggerafternoon all22:26
billybigriggerBUGabundo::: hola senoir22:27
mobnooblo billy22:27
BUGabundohey billybigrigger22:27
billybigriggerwhats happenin in the +1 world22:29
mobnoobn e 1 feel like stepping me through fixing my error 1122:29
hexa--BUGabundo: nothing fixed so far22:29
BUGabundoHi hexa--. please remember me of the prob22:30
billybigriggermobnoob:::whats up22:30
hexa--gtk applications crashing22:30
mobnooberror 11 on grub2 install22:30
billybigriggertell me if that helps ya :P i know it doesn't look pretty, its a WIP22:31
mobnoobim not that good yet22:31
BUGabundohexa--: still nothing here22:32
mobnoobbut ill try again brb22:32
BUGabundosorry for not being more helpful22:32
hexa--BUGabundo: we tried debugging nautilus, remember?22:32
billybigriggermobnoob::: basically change ROOT to UUID22:33
BUGabundohexa--: ehe not really, sorry. I've the worse memory you can find :)22:33
hexa--so you told me to keep you posted22:33
hexa--and if you dont remember it anyway... :P22:34
BUGabundobillybigrigger: ppl still using /dev/sdXY on root?22:34
BUGabundohexa--: ahahh22:34
billybigriggerBUGabundo::: no, theres a bug in grub when updating from legacy to G2 that it is trying to read for example....root "b850ec51-e1d4-48c3-96d2-a2c6e368d2e1"22:35
billybigriggerwhen its try to read UUID, so you need to edit the option and change from ROOT to UUID22:35
billybigriggeri should read up more on the bug, there might be more to it, but i know it only happens when upgrading from legacy to g@22:35
hexa--BUGabundo: ehm gtk applications are crashing when they are displaying files, like nautilus in genereal and others when confronted with file opening, saving, etc.22:36
hexa--then we tried debugging nautilus22:36
Sarvattthat only happened during a chainload for me, actually updating to grub2 fixed it but when i chainloaded i had to change root to uuid22:36
hexa--which didnt work22:36
hexa--now i successfully got a backtrace from transmission: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/395585/22:36
BUGabundoahhh hexa--. yeah I seem to recall that22:36
billybigriggerSarvatt::: yeah, it happens before you upgrade-from-grub-legacy right?22:37
hexa--Sarvatt was involved too :)22:37
hexa--$ transmission22:38
hexa--(transmission:12393): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_SORTABLE (sortable)' failed22:38
hexa--Segmentation fault22:38
billybigriggerthat looks familiar :P22:38
Sarvattyou arent the first person i've heard from having problems with gtkfilechooser since the update a few days ago hexa, i didnt see any bugs upstream when i looked yesterday though :(22:38
billybigriggeri think the same thing happens to me when i try to change where i save my files22:38
billybigriggerin transmission, and in deluge, and i think my bug is caused from libgtk2.022:39
hexa--Sarvatt: well i suppose with my data from transmission i can file one22:39
Sarvattthere was a change in gtk+ 2.17.2 that let gtk file chooser remember sort column status that might be having problems22:39
hexa--so which package should i report this bug for?22:40
Sarvattlets see if its fixed upstream22:40
hexa--i was searching here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/22:41
hexa--and didnt find anything22:41
Sarvatthmm, do those torrent clients show the size column by default when you open up the save file dialogue?22:42
hexa--i dont remember that22:43
Sarvattits possible they dont and need to to work with the change22:43
Sarvattyeah wow alot of fixes related to the sort column crashing upstream22:44
rippsOkay, I've think I know what's going on, mpd runs as the mpd user, but my external harddrive is mounted as 0700 under my username. Apparently this creates a permission issue so mpd won't parse the files there. I don't know why it creates an issue in Karmic, but not Jaunty, but running mpd under my username fixed the issue.22:44
Sarvattis it ntfs ripps?22:45
hexa--Sarvatt: should i still file the bug?22:46
Sarvattripps: disk mounting is handled via devkit-disks now, it could be mounting with different permissions via that instead of how it was handled via hal in jaunty if it helps looking into the bug further22:47
Sarvatthexa--: your call, not trying to imply it wouldnt hurt just that theres some problems with the sort field handling since 2.17.2 that may be known and fixed already when we get the update and there might be bugs on gnomes bugzilla about it already22:49
DanaGSarvatt: oh hey, is your repo with the radeon KMS supposed to not-work for R600?22:51
DanaGIt gives me "failed to initalize radeon.  Disabling IOCTL"22:52
Sarvattyep no support for anything higher than r50022:52
Sarvattthey're working on it22:52
DanaGah.  Might be good to at least have it give a "hey, we don't do R600" message, rather than a simple FAIL. =þ22:53
DanaGIt also doesn't drop back to non-modeset... so xorg loads without any EXA and such.22:53
dupondjesound is still a hell in Karmic it seems :( Flash + Audacious doesn't work, lowering volume goes weird, ALSA & PulseAudio is not syncronized :(22:53
Sarvatti'll put a note on the PPA about it, thought it was common knowledge KMS doesnt work on newer than r500 so it didnt occur to me22:55
hexa--here we got22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390035 in gtk+2.0 "GTK Applications crashing when displaying file dialogues" [Undecided,New]22:58
DanaGOddly enough, I HAVE had KMS work on my r600, once.23:00
DanaGI don't remember when that was, though.23:00
hexa--i'm eager to find replys to my bug report :]23:11
BUGabundohexa--: what?23:11
hexa--because it really bothers me23:11
hexa--you know, you try to file a bug in firefox23:11
hexa--and you try to upload a backtrace23:11
Loungei wanted to ask about something that should be fixed in the next release: In jaunty, if be chance the USB susbsystem crashes, Jaunty will hand in the middle of shutdown, my guyess is its waiting for modprobe, but modprobe is frozen23:11
Loungejaunty will hang*23:12
hexa--but when you try to upload the file firefox crashes :)23:12
hexa--this channel is not about jaunty23:12
Loungecan it be made so that if the usb subsystem crashes ubuntu can still shutdown?23:12
scizzo-!jaunty | Lounge23:13
ubottuLounge: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents23:13
BUGabundoJun 20 23:13:02 blubug kernel: [22358.088322] ata4: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x4050000 action 0xe frozen23:13
BUGabundowhat does this mean ^^?23:13
scizzo-Lounge: this channel is for karmic not for jaunty....23:13
Loungesometimes bad usb hardware that's not scripted properlly can crash modprobe/usb subsystem, basically leaving it in limbo23:14
Loungeproblem is if that happens, jaunty will get stuck in the middle of shutting down23:14
hexa--Lounge: please use the channel for the current release, which would be #ubuntu for english23:14
Loungehardy didn't23:14
Loungei'm basically asking, can this be fixed in karma?23:15
scizzo-Lounge: I would guess that kind of question is a wishlist item to launchpad23:15
hexa--and it would depend strongly on the informations you can supply23:16
scizzo-Lounge: asking there will also reach out to more developers then asking in this channel since most developers does not sit on IRC23:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Loungeum i have an account but can i be linked to the right area in lunchpad, prretty plz :D23:16
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/23:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wishlist23:17
hexa--ask a question23:18
hexa--here maybe23:18
hexa--or you can file a bug for jaunty23:18
Loungewould it be better to report the bug n jaunty?23:18
hexa--i dont know exactly23:19
scizzo-if its a wishlist for jaunty then yes23:19
Loungei'm not sure if i can repreduce the bug now that i patched the xpad.c for the xbox 360 controller to prevent the usb subsystem from crashing?23:19
scizzo-if it is a wishlist for karmic then add it to karmic23:19
Loungewell maybe i can use the unpatched and compile it to try and reproduce it23:20
Loungebasically if modprobe does an "abnormal exit" then that means modprobe is hanging23:21
Loungebecause of a bad scripted driver23:21
Loungetherefore jaunty wont shutdown23:22
Loungehardy was able to shutdown with the this problem23:23
Loungenot sure about ibex23:23
mobnoob@billy nice post  but i am not that advanced yet23:27
Loungeanyhoo i did post the xpad.c23:28
Loungebut that only for fixing that bad driver23:29
=== mobnoob is now known as mobneedhelp
Loungeok well i submitted a "question" about Jaunty not shutting down after a USB subsystem crash and hopefully it can get fixed for karma aswell23:49
Loungeshouldn't be that hard to produce a modprobe abnormal exit/usb subsytem crash23:50
Loungemy guess is it just required a poorly written driver to enable lol23:50
Loungeyes i would like to see this fix in karmic koala ^^23:51
ctphi folks. beeing debian user for 13 years now and using ubuntu for 3 years, would you recommend karmic for daily work?23:54
Loungectp: karmic is still in the development for the time being23:54
Loungeunless you wanna test it out23:55
Loungebut the latest stable version is ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty23:55
hexa--ctp: clearly not.23:56
Loungeoffically speaking of course "Ubuntu 9.04"23:56
mob_ty all l8r23:56
ctpLounge: i know this fact ;-) i don't expect clean-and-no-trouble-ubuntu but where's the most work in karmic now? is the base stable enough to work with?23:56
Loungectp: it should but expect things to get broken after updates23:57
hexa--ctp: well, for me there are gtk apps crashing if i use file open/save/save as dialogues23:58
hexa--or nautilus itself23:58
ctphexa--: greets to you martin ;-) you know who is speaking? buzzword: 25c3 ;-)23:58
hexa--oh boy23:58
ctphexa--: hehe, global village ;-)23:58
Loungectp: always report bugs too to help the developers fix and patch things23:58
BUGabundoctp: as long as you can produce decent bug reports23:58
hexa--also ich würde am liebsten downgraden gerade :)23:59
Loungei cant lol23:59
Loungei try23:59
BUGabundoand are ready fro breakage, welcome aboard23:59
BUGabundoin making Ubuntu better for everyone23:59
ctpLounge: well, i'm coding myself on the kernel and like bleeding-edge stuff. so if you say me, i can login into my account, every distro is fine ;-)23:59

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