
lifelessPeng_: pageant has to kick in once; latency kicks in hundreds of times00:00
lifelessPeng_: if the CPU is so slow that starting pageant and having it hand a key out once is slower than some hundred * latency, bzr will be having many other issues ;)00:01
RenatoSilvamaybe you want for any reason use http, a shortcut would be nice00:01
RenatoSilvalph: or so00:01
RenatoSilvaor lpa: for ignoring -lp-login00:01
lifelessRenatoSilva: the link you asked about in #launchpad is stable, its got the GUIDs embedded00:12
lifelessRenatoSilva: if you want to point to the most recent version of a file, you can use head: or -1, for the revision component.00:12
RenatoSilvawhere do I put head: ?00:14
Peng_RenatoSilva: You'd replace the revid, renato_silva-20090620220448-vcluh5vueefsrn2i00:16
Peng_RenatoSilva: Of course, in a future revision, that file could be deleted, so the URL isn't stable.00:16
Peng_RenatoSilva: Or it could just be modified into something different.00:16
lifelessPeng_: well, it would be stable, but not reliable :)00:16
lifelessand only in the case that the file gets deleted00:17
RenatoSilvaIt would be nice to have something simpler like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~renatosilva/+junk/moin.macro.childpages/download/head:/ChildPages.py00:20
RenatoSilvahow do I cancel a bzr add?00:30
RenatoSilvabzr remove is not working00:30
dashbzr revert00:33
RenatoSilvaok thanks00:39
lifelessmtaylor: dropping by ?00:48
mtaylorhey lifeless00:48
mtaylorlifeless, dropping by what?00:48
lifelessbzr ;P00:48
mtaylorI'm _always_ in #bzr :)00:49
mtaylorsomething is unhappy with my laptop00:49
mtaylorI shut it down and started it again and now nothing seems to be able to find any of my settings00:50
mtayloreven though the files are in the home dir00:50
mtaylorlike, .mozilla-thunderbird contains an intact profile, but thunderbird can't find it - xchat didn't remember that I want : for nick completion instead of ,00:50
lifelesscheck $HOME?00:50
mtayloryup: /home/mtaylor00:51
mtaylorI'm going to blame xfs00:52
mtaylorI'm pretty sure stewart is wrong about it being any good00:52
mtaylorthis is really going to wind up pissing me off00:53
lifelessreboot again? :<00:53
mtayloralready did00:53
lifelessso, its not temporary buffer issues00:54
lifelesswhat about perms? xacls?00:54
mtaylorlifeless: I don't even know how those work00:54
mtaylorwell, I know how perms work00:55
RenatoSilvathanks everybody00:55
lifelessI'd find the smallest app that fails; and strace it00:55
mtaylorwell... I'm going to say that the thunderbird problem is that my pref.js file is truncated00:57
lifelessah yes00:57
lifelessthats the 'posix compliant but useless' behaviour we expect from fast file systems.00:57
lifeless[you've seen the ext4 threads/bugs about this right?]00:57
mtaylorlifeless: no. ... but I'm running xfs00:58
mtayloris this what I get for listening to stew? a fast but useless filesystem?00:58
lifelesson a laptop, fast and dangerous00:58
* mtaylor throws something in the direction of melbourne00:58
mtaylorno kidding00:58
lifelessso here's the basic problem00:58
lifelesswrites are slow00:59
lifelessapps routinely *don't* fsync or fdsync because it makes ext3 machines die00:59
lifelessso, when you do the following: write, close, rename01:00
lifelessto atomically replace a file foo01:00
lifelessits possible for the directory link for foo to be flushed to disk without the data for foo01:01
mtaylorso - when I go to shutdown my system now and it sits there with a blinking cursor for forever, I'm guessing I should _not_ force power it off, because perhaps it's syncing data to disk?01:02
* mtaylor is going to re-install without xfs01:02
lifelessnow to be 'correct' you can do01:03
mtaylorbut noone is doing that, are they?01:03
lifelesssorry, fsync(tmpfile), rename, fsync(dirfd)01:03
lifelesspeople that do it, like FF, make linux desktops incredibly slow01:04
lifelessits appropriate for server environments do say 'force X to disk' but its not appropriate for most software01:06
lifelessposix doesn't let you explicitly describe 'file A or file B' except in the roundabout way of the write+rename idiom01:06
lifelessso when ext4 started routinely hosing peoples configs in the same way01:07
lifelessthere was a huge furor01:07
lifelessext4 has been fixed01:07
mtaylorshould I perhaps use ext4 instead of xfs?01:16
mtayloralthough - for that matter... why is my _prefs.js_ file _ever_ being written to except when I edit my config?01:16
lifelessgive you one guess01:17
mtaylorI'd think that after editing a config file, doing a force X to disk would be acceptable01:17
mtaylorand other times, for things like "last email opened" those could be stored in, oh, I don't know, a separate slightly more acceptably volatile file01:17
* mtaylor punches firefox people in the throat01:17
lifelessbut really01:17
lifelessthe main thing is 'all of old, or all of new never just the existence of new'01:18
lifelessif you need more performance than ext3, I hear ext4 has been shaping up very well01:18
lifelessand like I say, this pattern is supported on it now01:18
lifelessted tso's rants about it not being required by posix aside.01:18
mtaylorwell... it's tough to say - it's a new laptop with better disks anyway01:18
mtaylorbut stewart just keeps carping about how superior xfs is to everything01:19
lifelessthis is worth reading01:19
lifelessstewart is right *for servers with battery backed up raid and hardware with no driver quirks and none of this 'suspend' bullshit01:19
mtaylorI don't have that on my laptop01:20
mtayloractualy - with the new video card, suspend works nicely, thank01:20
mtayloron the other hand - I can't seem to get 1600x1050 working, and now there is actually nothing in xorg.conf anymore01:21
mtaylorso I can't actually fix it01:21
lifelessis it ubuntu?01:21
mtaylorwhen did we stop having useful config files?01:21
lifelessseveral releases ago01:21
lifelessdpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver IIRC01:21
mtayloryup. doesn't do squat01:21
mtaylorhrm. that time I got it to add Option"UseFBDev""true"01:23
mtaylorlets see if that helps...01:23
mtaylorlifeless: nope01:27
mtaylorctrl-alt-backspace seems to not work anymore too, and neither does ctrl-alt-+ or ctrl-alt--01:27
lifelesscab is disabled by default in recent ubuntu's01:28
lifeless+ and - depend on the virtual size + modes01:28
lifelessif they are the same, nothing will happen01:28
mtaylorm. fair enough01:28
lifelesswhat driver are you using?01:29
mtaylorso, where are the available screen resolutions actually configured these days01:29
lifelessyou can persist them in Xorg.conf01:29
mtaylorwell, it tells me: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 128001:29
lifelessbut its all geared around dynamic changes01:29
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
johnfLarstiQ: you about?02:51
lifelesspoolie: btw I have a slug membership card for you for this year02:54
lifelessrockstar: mwhudson: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/03:05
mwhudsonlifeless: anything in particular?03:08
lifelessran into thelink03:09
lifelessseemed relevant to loggerhead03:09
mwhudsonthe only part of paste i'd like to replace is the server, perhaps, and werkzeug doesn't have anything special in that department03:09
lifelessdebugging aspects03:09
mwhudson(we should look at spawning)03:09
lifelessif you already know of it, cool03:09
mwhudsonthanks though03:10
nekohayohey there, I can't seem to get bazaar to acknowledge that I manually resolve my conflicts03:42
nekohayo"0 conflict(s) auto-resolved."03:42
nekohayowhat to do at times like this?03:42
nekohayooh, seems like doing a bzr resolve the-file instead of just bzr resolve ... solved the problem03:44
Septihow can i get a diff from revision 8 to revision 9?07:51
lifelessdiff -c 9, or diff -r 8..907:51
bialixbzr diff -r8..907:51
Septilifeless, bialix, thanks07:54
bialixigc: hi09:31
igchi bialix09:52
RenatoSilvaCan I create a "pointer" project? A project which only makes reference to the original one?10:06
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
garyvdmHi igc10:21
igchi garyvdm10:51
pyginooo, garyvdm is back :p12:15
* pygi hides12:15
garyvdmHi pygi12:16
pisecxHi, is there any good user-friendly UI for ubuntu?15:15
pygipisecx: Olive?15:21
pygiits included in bzr-gtk package15:21
pisecxinstalled, but can not start it15:21
pisecxops. started now..15:21
_gpg_we were using cmsynergy and switched few months a go to subversion. Actually i"m very interested by bazaar17:01
_gpg_ The "Decentralized with automatic gatekeeper" is what i need with my team actually, i cant find any documentation about how to use/set PQM17:01
magciusIs there a way to get a diff between two different branches?17:25
kizzo"bzr rebase ../opencog" errors with NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/kizzo/python-bindings/.bzr/repository/') has no revision ('kizzo@crashtest-20090619010527-8dhvulrdodnszrtj',)19:39
kizzoIf anyone would want to try, they can do "bzr branch  lp:opencog; bzr branch lp:~kizzobot/opencog/python-bindings; cd python-bindings; bzr rebase ../opencog".19:41
theAdibhello folks. I want to push my bzr repo to my web domain using the ftp account. Buz bzr fails. I do not understand where is the error.20:25
theAdibhere is the error message : http://pastebin.com/m11ce7fe420:25
theAdibI use bzr on my Ubuntu 8.10.20:26
bialixtry bzr --no-plugins push aftp://web613f1@theadib.net/TDD/trunk20:30
bialixif it works file a bug against bzr-svn20:31
theAdibbialix: thx for the hint. Now I come closer. Still some errors:20:40
theAdibFTP temporary error: 451 /TDD/trunk/.bzr/repository/upload/nax1mcnkw7hpb8bffyso.fetch: Append/Restart not permitted, try again. Retrying.20:40
theAdibbzr: ERROR: Transport error: Error setting up connection: 530 Sorry, we dont allow more than 3 connections per host! 530 Sorry, we dont allow more than 3 connections per host!20:40
theAdibI tried using aftp// and ftp//20:41
bialixit seems like your ftp server can't append20:42
bialixI'm not sure if can workaround this20:43
kizzoHere is the error I am getting: http://pastebin.com/d4bddf10220:46
bialixtry to pull lp:opencog first20:58
RenatoSilvait would be nice to bzr push lp:project/*22:32
RenatoSilva* pull22:32
RenatoSilvagrrr, * branch22:33
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
lifelessRenatoSilva: at a project level you need to make a series to do that22:33
lifelessRenatoSilva: lp:project/series works. as does lp:~user/project/branch22:34
RenatoSilvaI tried lp: ~renatosilva/* but doesn't work22:34
lifelessno, you can't wildcard22:34
RenatoSilvamaybe in the future :)22:41
lifelesspull pulls from a single branch22:46
lifelessI'm not sure what it would /mean/ to tell it to pull many branches22:47
lifelesswhat do you have in mind?22:47
RenatoSilvaactually I just thought about bzr branch22:50
RenatoSilvabzr branch lp:/~user/project/* for example would fetch all branches under ~user/project22:51
lifelesswell, we have a planned review of the way bzr presents branches and repos that may make it easier to do things like that22:53
lifelessnot sure that it would end up being spelt identically ;P22:53
meoblast001if i have a diff, how do i apply it?23:00
meoblast001have some uncommited code on my laptop23:00
lifelessis it a plain old diff, or a bundle?23:00
meoblast001wanted to move it over to my desktop23:00
meoblast001just a plain diff23:00
lifelesspatch -p0 < diff23:01
meoblast001ok... thanks23:01
lifelessmyself, I'd usually commit and push it23:01
lifelessthen uncommit on the far end23:01
meoblast001i didn't finish the feature though23:02
lifelessdoing this can handle more situations than plain old diffs23:02
lifelessits ok that its not finished - see where I say 'and uncommit on the far end'23:02
meoblast001lifeless: this way should be easiest as it's just a few changes in a few files23:04
RenatoSilvalifeless: you mean bzr patch -p0 < diff?23:08
lifelessRenatoSilva: no23:08
lifelessRenatoSilva: you can do that too, but its generally not needed, and for this case, thigns that plain patch won't handle would still be handled wrong by bzr patch - e.g. file adds would show up as parallel imports23:09
lifelessmeoblast001: a small note if I may - you don't need to finish features to do commits in bzr; because you can have your own branch, you can make as many commits as you want while developing the feature.23:10
meoblast001yeah i know23:10
meoblast001just harder to make my own branch23:10
meoblast001than to pastebin a diff and patch it23:11
glyphmeoblast001: not really23:11
glyphyou could pastebin the output of 'bzr send'23:11
glyphpresumably if you can get the output of 'bzr diff', you already have a branch, it already has changes in it ;)23:12
lifelessglyph: he may be working in a checkout23:12
glyphlifeless: still23:12
lifelessglyph: or there may be other factors23:12
glyphoh I didn't even see the earlier scrollback23:13
glyphmeoblast001: one of the reasons I love bzr is exactly that case23:13
glyphmoving code from my laptop to my desktop23:13
glyphI do it by doing 'bzr push bzr+ssh://my-desktop/home/me/mybranch'23:13
Sheepherdhi all... just trying to get the GUI working but i dont know where to "After this, you can start the GUI by typing olive-gtk" :/23:15
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: OS?23:15
Sheepherdwin xp 32bit23:15
Sheepherdsp 323:15
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: start > run23:16
Sheepherdthats all?23:16
meoblast001ssh was the easiest way by far23:16
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: I'm not sure what's olive-gtk tough, but that's how I'd read the message. I just tried and didn't work here :P23:17
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: what are you doing, installing bazaar?23:18
SheepherdRenatoSilva: followed every step here correctly: http://bazaar-vcs.org/WindowsInstall23:18
SheepherdRenatoSilva: yea exactly23:18
SheepherdRenatoSilva: olive-gtk comes from the 2nd last line of the site23:19
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: oh I had a bit of trouble setting up bzr on my win xp to.23:19
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: just forget all of this, undo everything.23:19
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: then use http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.16/1.16/+download/bzr-setup-1.16-1.exe23:20
SheepherdRenatoSilva: :/23:20
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: next, nextm finish, and you're [almost] done23:20
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: this installer has an embedded python23:21
Sheepherdya thats why i didnt use it23:21
Sheepherdcuz i already have python23:21
RenatoSilvawell, I have python too, but I had some trouble setting it up separately23:23
SheepherdRenatoSilva: hope this proceeds smoothly now ...23:24
RenatoSilvaI read that page too, which is confusing imho, but I'm fine now after just installing the all-in-one23:24
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: what would you like bazaar for? launchpad by any chance?23:26
SheepherdRenatoSilva: first time hearing about that. but someone from #python recommened some svcs or how those tools are called to get a good overview over changes made to my app23:27
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: never heard of vcs or dvcs?23:28
SheepherdRenatoSilva: ok installed the whole thing... how do i access the gui now?23:28
SheepherdRenatoSilva: yea dvcs... thats what i meant :) and i never heard about that until like 30mins23:29
RenatoSilvadid you get the idea of dvcs?23:29
SheepherdRenatoSilva: something to trace down changes made to a file?23:30
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: useful links...23:31
RenatoSilvaWhen you're done with the overview of vcs and dvcs, you can read the 5 minutes tutorial for Bazaar: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html23:33
RenatoSilvaand to learn more, the user guide: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html23:34
mwhudsonjelmer: does bzr-git 0.4.0 require a new dulwich?23:34
SheepherdRenatoSilva: thx :) and where should all those lead me to?23:36
SheepherdRenatoSilva: was bazaar the wrong choice for me?23:36
lifelessSheepherd: bazaar is a fine choice for you; but you've just started to learn a new tool. VCS tools are not about inspecting your current code, they are about controlling it [and reporting] over time23:37
Sheepherdlifeless: k... hope ill get used to this new system soon23:39
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: have you even used any vcs tool before?23:39
SheepherdRenatoSilva: nope, today is even the first day i heard about that23:40
Sheepherdfirst time*23:40
SheepherdRenatoSilva: why are u asking?23:43
lifelessSheepherd: it helps us understand the things you already know, so we don't tell you too little or too much23:43
RenatoSilvaSheepherd: humm, try having some time to read the links, in the order I mentioned. I think this can avoid many trouble23:43
Sheepherdk thx both of you :)23:43
Sheepherdgonna read them carefully tomorrow23:44
Sheepherdshould be sleeping already xD23:44
Sheepherdim off then... thx again and cya tomorrow maybe23:45

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