
txwikingerwhy does choqok not show any of the twitter timeline anymore?00:57
DaskreeCHtxwikinger: Version?00:58
DaskreeCHtxwikinger: Get 0.6.101:01
DaskreeCHppa I would guess01:02
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
Mamarokhm, plasmapkg should be in kdebase-workspace-bin, but that is installed and no plasmapkg11:24
RiddellMamarok: it moved to kdebase-runtime11:27
Riddellto please those pesky amarok types I believe :)11:28
Mamarokoh, it still asks for kdebase-workspace-bin though11:28
seelecan someone confirm bug 389961 i dont have that problem but i'm not using bleeding edge13:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389961 in hundredpapercuts "there is more than one link to systemsettings in kmenu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38996113:59
ryanakcaseele: Hi, if you have time / when you get a chance, could you go over the new wikitheme and file bugs about the usability issues please? http://blog.ryanak.ca/archives/planet-ubuntu/28 has instructions for enabling the theme and where to file bugs.14:25
=== ferai is now known as jefferai
freinhardseele: no systemsettings in system here. btw how do i get a kmenu with lang=c ?14:27
hungerWhat do I need to do to enable strigi in karmic? Clicking on the button in kcontrol gets me "Service failed to initialize, most likely due to an installation problem"14:34
seeleryanakca: ok14:36
seelefreinhard: not sure about lang=c14:36
freinhardstrange: kmenuedit shows systemsettings in settings, kmenu does not.14:43
JontheEchidnaPhonon/Global still isn't found with the latest Qt :(15:52
JontheEchidna/tmp/buildd/ktorrent-3.2.2+dfsg.2/plugins/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp:24:25: error: Phonon/Global: No such file or directory15:52
Riddellit may need a .install file edited15:56
ryanakcaseele: Great, thanks a lot :)16:03
ryanakcaWhat was the intrepid and hardy equivalent of the qt4-qmake package?16:08
Riddellpackages.ubuntu.com will know16:15
Riddellone of the dev packages16:15
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks16:16
hungerryanakca: IIRC it is called qt4-dev-tools.16:21
ryanakcahunger: libqt4-dev according to packages.u.c ... "/usr/share/qt4/bin/qmake  libqt4-dev"16:22
hungerryanakca: Ah, good to know. I always install the dev-tools and afterwards it works:-) The miracle of dependencies at work I guess:-)16:23
Lurecan somebody beside Riddell approve me in kubuntu-ppa team?18:10
* Lure thought that all kubuntu members have access there18:10
Lureapachelogger, JontheEchidna: ^^^18:12
* Lure found more administrators of kubuntu-ppa team ;-)18:13
RiddellLure: approved!18:17
Riddellwhat are you doing anyway?18:17
Riddellpeople; I'm away for the next week with not much internet access, enjoy yourself18:17
RiddellScottK: sorry I didn't get time to review those specs18:18
apacheloggerLure: like what team?18:19
apacheloggerLure: you are not a ninja?18:20
Lureapachelogger: no - I do not mess with main kde packages, mostly digikam/kipi18:30
apacheloggerI see18:30
LureI need to backport digikam to experiemental as it does not show photos due to marble binary incompatibility18:30
Lureapachelogger: thanks for approving me18:31
apacheloggerLure: Riddell approved18:37
apacheloggerI declined a couple of people :P18:37
Lureapachelogger: oh, IU thought Riddell is out for some time18:37
LureRiddell: thanks18:37
* Lure notices that we need MIR for liblqr (LiquidRescale) as digikam in karmic is dep-wait18:41
apacheloggerat some point digikam will have a larger dep tree than kdelibs :P18:47
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=== hardfrein is now known as freinhard
Lureapachelogger: yes, probably about the time we should throw it back to universe ;-)18:49
smarteruh oh18:56
smarter                                                   18:56
smarterAtteint http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release.gpg18:56
smartergwenview: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libnepomuk.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN7Soprano4NodeC1ERKNS_12LiteralValueE18:56
smarter(damn copy-paste)18:56
smarter^ is that known?18:56
smarternepomuk needs a rebuild I guess18:57
neversfeldecan we copy a choqok backport to the backports ppa? 0.6.1 is needed by twitter users and in jaunty is only 0.6.0 atm.19:38
neversfeldeor can I upload there by myself?19:39
apacheloggerneversfelde: why not backport to backports?19:59
neversfeldeapachelogger: there is a backport request, but the backport team seems to be busy these days20:00
apacheloggerpoke ScottK or NCommander20:00
neversfeldeit is bug 38704120:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387041 in jaunty-backports "please backport choqok 0.6.1 from karmic to jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38704120:01
neversfeldeand isn't this ppa the right place for proposed backports that need testing?20:01
apacheloggerneversfelde: kinda20:19
apacheloggerhm, apparently one can't do webdesign without a macbook20:52
apacheloggerI dunno why, but so I have just been told :S20:52
ScottKneversfelde and apachelogger: choqok backport ack'ed.22:11
neversfeldeScottK: nice :). Thank you.22:12
ryanakcaapachelogger: Feel like uploading libqinfinity to Kubuntu? dget http://packages.ryanak.ca/ubuntu/pool/main/libq/libqinfinity/libqinfinity_1.0~beta3-0ubuntu1.dsc22:12
* ScottK smiles at http://effiejayx.wordpress.com/2009/06/21/fathers-day-gift/22:23
neversfeldewell, the baby is still on the dark side^^22:27
neversfeldeit should get a Luke or something like that22:28
apacheloggerryanakca: you testbuilt on karmic I assume?22:30
apacheloggerryanakca: I think you should add a seperate changelog entry stating that this is a cross-upload :D22:31
ryanakcaapachelogger: Of course, would you like to look over the buildlogs?22:33
* ryanakca adds the entry22:33
apacheloggernah, I think I trust you :D22:34
apacheloggergood otherwise22:34
ryanakcaapachelogger: you can dget again22:41
* ryanakca rebuilds his packages to reflect the new changelog22:41
apacheloggerNightrose: I am listening to an old radio amarok recording22:42
apacheloggerwhich appears to have been quite awful22:43
apacheloggerthough I have kind of a radio voice :P22:43
apacheloggerNightrose: we were quite hilarious really :D22:45
apacheloggerryanakca: that changelog entry is not what you meant22:46
apacheloggerryanakca: you keep the origianl one like it is in $debian22:46
apacheloggerand add a new one with the ubuntu1 and add that remark22:47
ryanakcaapachelogger: ah, ok. New one is 1ubuntu1 or 0ubuntu1 ? The latter?22:47
apachelogger1 is not yet in debian22:49
ryanakcaapachelogger: Fixed22:51
apacheloggerUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):22:53
ryanakcaapachelogger: awesomeness, thanks :)22:54
* ryanakca heads back to his math review, cheers22:55
neversfeldewill we get a infinote Server?22:57
lex79launchpad bug 39006923:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390069 in kmhtconvert "New upstream release kmhtconvert 0.7.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39006923:07
Mamarokgah, first X crash on KDE 4.2.90 since I have it installed23:38
MamarokI hate it when my keyboard doesn't work anymore23:39
Tm_TI ate the batteries23:39
* Mamarok larts Tm_T 23:42
Tm_Tyou might not want to do that ];=23:43

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