
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
=== tazz is now known as gaurav
iktin the log11:20
iktA How-To guide is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation/Desktop/HowToUseTestingLibrary11:20
iktthat wiki isn't loading :(11:20
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
=== tazz_ is now known as gaurav
=== tazz is now known as gaurav
firsttimeranyone around? need help16:58
firsttimerfirst timeer, just installed ubuntu16:58
firsttimerand its gone to the username screen16:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
firsttimerI have not yet created a username, nor password, so I am officially STUCK!16:59
firsttimeranyone can offer guidance?16:59
nhandlerfirsttimer: Try #ubuntu for support17:02
firsttimerthanks matey17:03
=== AndrewGe1 is now known as AndrewGee

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