
meoblast001why is the Sun JRE even in the repos?01:05
meoblast001it has absolutely no practical advantage over the OpenJDK-JRE01:06
zhuraibecause some people prefer sun's one?01:06
meoblast001yeah... aparently frostwire does too01:06
meoblast001and made it a recommended dependency, so now my system is installing this useless package01:06
meoblast001found a bug in the Sun JRE01:11
meoblast001if you don't agree to the license it keeps asking you again01:11
meoblast001and starts giving crash reports01:11
directhexmeoblast001, here's a reason: icedtea is broken by design, so you need proprietary java to use applets without killing your browser01:15
meoblast001what do you mean?01:15
directhexjava applets on web pages?01:16
meoblast001i mean... broken by design?01:16
meoblast001you mean like www.defectivebydesign.org ?01:16
directhexdoesn't even remotely work01:16
meoblast001i find it to work01:16
meoblast001i think01:16
meoblast001well.. not Icedtea... never tried it01:16
meoblast001but OpenJDK-JRE01:16
meoblast001and why would it be defective by design?01:17
meoblast001it's free software... fork it01:17
meoblast001design it better01:17
directhexi have zero interest in java plugins from a developer standpoint. as a user, i occasionally need to use them01:17
meoblast001directhex: are you trying to say that Sun purposely f***ed it up?01:17
directhexi'm saying openjdk doesn't include the plugin component found in sun java01:17
directhexand that icedtea is a poor stand-in01:18
meoblast001maybe i should get gNewSense01:19
renderohello, i need the package libmysqltcl02:22
renderodo i have to compile from source ?02:23
Hobbseerendero: it's already in the archives as mysqltcl.  I already answererd you in -bugs02:24
renderook thx i will check02:24
rippsCan someone please fix python-gnome2-extras in Karmic? I think the problem has to do with python-gdl.05:47
rippsSo, nobody knows what's going on with python-gnome2-extras in Karmic?07:44
lifelessripps: all I know is that you've asked twice here07:48
mrooneylifeless: isn't okay to ask questions multiple times with an appropriate waiting period in between if no one answers?09:10
lifelessTheMuso: so, dmraid09:30
lifelessmrooney: Did I say it wasn't?09:30
mrooneylifeless: I don't know, it seemed like a pretty negative response10:32
lifelessmrooney: it was all the data I had. I figured that was better than no response at all.10:37
mrooneylifeless: haha, fair enough10:37
mrooneygood night!10:37
pmatuliswhat is up with the string 'really' in some package names (ex: 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10)?13:39
ion_It’s really 5.0.7513:40
pmatulisok, but why the weird naming convention?13:40
ion_See the package’s changelog.13:40
loofquestion for anyone who's awake13:55
loofwhy hasn't ubuntu added an option to turn on/off a keypress that would run xkill?13:56
looflike say kde or xfce does?13:56
loofhaving to download xbindkeys to do it kinda sucks when it should be in the default wm13:56
loofand most users don't even know they can do that13:57
torkianoHello, Can I edit this blueprint: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-gnome-3 ?15:29
torkianoI'd like to add this link: http://www.gnome.org/~fpeters/299.html . I think that would be very useful to see the progress to Gnome 315:30
torkianopitti, ping15:54
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mdzhey, that worked (switched to grub 2)16:20
geseris an archive admin around (or someone else) who could me advise on versioning I should use when fixing bug 384515? what version should I use for the new .orig.tar.gz (as I also need to remove the problematic files from the source package) and not make a new upload from Debian unsyncable due to bad versioning16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384515 in pdftk "pdftk - Files - Sun confidential code" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38451516:28
StevenKgeser: appending +dfsg to the upstream version is the usual method16:29
geserStevenK: I know but wouldn't that make the package unsyncable from Debian if Debian uses a different +dfsg.orig.tar.gz? which I want to avoid if possible16:30
geserI was thinking about using +~dfsg-0ubuntu1 for the new upload16:31
StevenKgeser: Yes, it would.16:31
geserso we could use Debian's .orig.tar.gz when it's fixed there16:31
StevenKIn which case, you need to fix it, *and* choose a version that is less than Debian's new one16:32
geseryes, therefore the +~dfsg which is less than +dfsg (hope Debian will use this suffix}16:33
geserbut perhaps there is a better solution to that16:34
StevenK+arepack or so16:36
StevenKSomething that sorts less than dfsg16:36
geserand another question for this bug: what about the version in hardy,intrepid and jaunty? I've found a patch from Fedora to build it with a packaged libitext-java but the packages and versions which this patch is for are only available in karmic16:37
geserI guess the only solution would be to remove that package from those releases (it's that even possible?)16:37
StevenKI seriously doubt that.16:39
geserso how to solve this for the released releases? if I'm correct that is an issue there16:42
StevenKI'm not certain. Repack it there too? But that doesn't fix it for the packages already in the released archive16:43
geserthanks. do you know whom I should ask how to fix it for the released archive? just ask again tomorrow when more people are here?16:54
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LaneyIs there precedent for modifying the archive (as opposed to -updates) once a release is made? :O17:01
napsy_just installed empathy 2.27.318:54
napsy_damn it rox18:54
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tgpraveennapsy_: how did you install ? compile from source?19:00
napsy_the adium themes are awesome19:00
tgpraveennapsy_: you on jaunty?19:00
tgpraveennapsy_: could you give me instructions to compile from source19:00
tgpraveenI haven't done it before19:01
napsy_you just download the latest source and get the dependencies19:01
napsy_then you run ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-webkit=yes && make && sudo make install19:01
tgpraveennapsy_: download the latest tarball?19:01
napsy_and there you have it19:01
tgpraveennapsy_: how do I know which all are the dependencies?19:02
napsy_well I installed every component that the configure script told me was missing19:03
tgpraveennapsy_: also do you have the libchamplin required for the geolocation features?19:03
napsy_until configure finished successfuly19:03
napsy_I didn't try geolocation19:03
napsy_I'm not quite sure how geolocation should work without a location source19:04
napsy_e.g. gps or phone19:04
tgpraveennapsy_: it will use your wifi connection or your ip address etc19:09
tgpraveenI know there are many sources supported19:09
tgpraveenask on #telepathy19:09
napsy_hm that can be true19:09
geserwhy not use the empathy from the telepathy PPA? that way you don't need to compile, get package updates and can also easily remove it19:26
tgpraveengeser: ppa is behind19:28
tgpraveenstill on 2.27.219:28
tgpraveenwhich is VERY buggy19:28
tgpraveen.3 fixed a lot of stuff and added a few nice features19:28
tgpraveenlike adium themes, geolocation19:28
torkianohello, is it possible to have a PPA with bonobo free evolution packages (fedora already has a repo). more info here: http://mbarnes.livejournal.com/3002.html20:13
torkianoGnome 3.0 transition is more easy with that packages ;)20:14
dlecwhats the noteable differences in the new ubuntu21:42
dlecive got the new kernel and all21:42
dlecdont see anything visibly different21:42
dlecnot even ff3.521:42
dlecanyone awake21:46
highvoltagedlec: well, karmic isn't even 25% done yet (thumbsucking a number)21:47
highvoltagedlec: it will be a few months until you can see some bigger changes in karmic vs jaunty21:47
highvoltagedlec: although I've seen quite a few smaller things so far because of the newer versions of the newer software installed21:48
dleci see21:48
dlecso then my updating was a waste? :/21:48
highvoltagedlec: for example, my intel graphics is notably faster, transmission has lots of little improvements, and gnome has a big bunch of bug fixes21:48
dlechighvoltage i just moved to jaunty.21:49
highvoltagedlec: aaah21:49
dleci guess i'll stay 2 months behind21:49
highvoltagedlec: well, in that case, check the release notes and the release announcement21:49
dlecit'd be no fun if everyone patched their shit immediately.21:50
highvoltagedlec: it should tell you everything you need to know. in my opinion Jaunty wasn't the most exciting release ever though21:50
dlecwhy though21:50
dlecim only concerned about security and kernel stuff21:50
dlecas far as those are concerned how well does jaunty do21:50
highvoltagedlec: pretty much as good as any other ubuntu release so far. the jaunty kernel doesn't play well with Intel graphics drivers though, which is the only problem I've had with it personally21:51
dlecare you an ubuntu dev21:51
highvoltagedlec: besides that it's a very solid release, many are calling it their favourite release21:51
dlecthats not good is it21:52
highvoltagedlec: nope, not yet anyway21:52
dlecwhat are the common issues21:52
dlecif any21:52
dlecwith intel drivers21:52
dlecso i install a generic kernel?21:52
dlecis that what jaunty recommends?21:52
dleci just installed the new kernel21:53
highvoltageif you install a desktop machine, yes21:53
highvoltage-generic is good.21:53
dleci have some sort of nvidia joint21:54
dlecand it is -generic as of now21:54
dlecok im good to go then21:54
highvoltageyou're welcome21:57
ScottKAny other archive admin around who's up for some weekend clamav backport fun?22:15
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