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MTecknologyWhat is a sprint?05:01
nhandlerMTecknology: The only place I've really seen sprints used on LP is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sprints, where they are used primarily for UDS (and a few other Ubuntu conferences)05:04
MTecknologynhandler: oh, thanks05:06
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MTecknologyIsn't it possible to link a blueprint to a blueprint in another project?05:46
MTecknologyI have one project that depends on another..05:46
MTecknologyfound a bug for it05:47
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jtv https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: jtv | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing08:18
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: allenap | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: jtv | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
jtvLCID_Fire: morning08:20
LCID_FireHow does one remove all the source packages uploaded to a certain ppa?08:20
LCID_FireI found I can only remove the latest one08:20
noodles775LCID_Fire: isn't that because the others have been superseded?08:22
LCID_Firenoodles775: sure - but if I delete the latest one - the one before should become the latest08:22
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noodles775LCID_Fire: ah I see... Although it *should*, I don't think it does become 'unsuperseded', but I'm not certain.08:24
LCID_Firenoodles775: That's exactly my problem08:24
LCID_Firenoodles775: the way it currently "works" you cannot get rid of all the versions08:25
noodles775LCID_Fire: I don't understand why you need to get rid of them - if they are superseded they should not be installable via your PPA right?08:25
noodles775(sorry if I'm missing something obvious!)08:26
LCID_Firenoodles775: I was testing some setup stuff and I have now the definite package - the others are more or less garbage08:26
noodles775LCID_Fire: Sure, but hopefully it's just garbage that has all been superseded by your new version - the definite package - that you upload?08:28
noodles775Or were you wanting to re-use the same version number...08:28
LCID_Firenoodles775: yeah - but it needs space - and I like my stuff tidy :)08:28
noodles775LCID_Fire: Ah ok. Hmm...08:32
wgrantLCID_Fire: What do you mean "it needs space"?08:35
noodles775LCID_Fire: OK, as far as I can see, when visiting the delete packages page, and filtering by status=Superseded, the superseded packages are not displayed...08:35
LCID_Firewgrant: It increases the disk usage of my ppa08:36
noodles775Not sure if that's a UI bug (that superseded is an option) or a functionality bug (that they're not displayed)08:36
wgrantLCID_Fire: No, it doesn't.08:36
wgrantLCID_Fire: Superseded packages will be removed from your PPA after 24 hours, at which point they will no longer count toward your quota.08:36
wgrantYou can get rid of them within an hour by deleting them explicitly.08:36
LCID_Firewgrant: I can't - that's my problem08:37
wgrantLCID_Fire: Why not?08:37
wgrantAnd why not just wait?08:37
LCID_Firewgrant: are you sure about the 24 hourse?08:37
wgrantLCID_Fire: It's something around that figure.08:38
jmljames_w, ping08:38
LCID_Firewgrant: ok, I'll then try waiting - but it would be better if ordinary deleting the package would work08:38
jtvLCID_Fire, wgrant: I'm asking someone to check.08:39
LCID_Firejtv: great :)08:40
wgrantLCID_Fire: You can do an explicit delete, can't you?08:40
LCID_Firewgrant: only the latest - then no more08:40
wgrantLCID_Fire: Checked the filter?08:41
wgrantI know it used to work. Let me try again now.08:41
cprov1LCID_Fire: give some directions, what you are trying to do ?08:42
cprov1and why ?08:42
wgrantThe deleted packages page doesn't show Superseded sources.08:42
wgrantBut it does show Deleted.08:42
LCID_Firecprov1: I'm trying to delete some test source packages in my ppa - to start with the definite package08:43
LCID_Firewgrant: it's somewhat strange, yes :)08:43
cprov1wgrant: +delete-packages only shows publishing records which still having files on disk.08:43
wgrantcprov1: I know.08:43
wgrantcprov1: But these do.08:44
wgrantBut they're not shown.08:44
cprov1wgrant: otherwise no point in "deleting"08:44
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wgrantThey've had removal requested, but they haven't actually been killed yet.08:44
cprovwgrant: what source/ppa ? let me check.08:45
wgrantcprov: wgrant/ppa, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics08:45
wgrantI uploaded a new one about an hour ago.08:46
cprovwgrant: right, the 2 latest superseded version have their removal scheduled, however they should be also presented in +deleted-packages (which I can't see)08:48
cprovwgrant: but you say they are not, right ?08:48
wgrantcprov: Correct.08:49
wgrantI can see Hardy's Deleted libhdf4 - 4.2r3-3~wgrant1~8.04 there, but it is published in other series, so won't have a requested removal date.08:50
cprovwgrant: there is probably an inconsistent clause on the 'deletable-packages' lookup08:56
wgrantcprov: I would check myself, if it were a month from today, but...08:56
cprovwgrant: it use to be 'Pending/Publishing sources or sources with PublishedBinaries'08:57
cprovwgrant: then the extra source publishing status filter was added on top of that.08:57
noodles775cprov: you can verify it on the soyuz team ppa... (filter by superseded on the main ppa page and you'll see them, but not on the delete-packages page)08:58
cprovnoodles775: I can also read the code :)08:58
noodles775cprov: actually, not true... I forgot that those superseded packages have been deleted :)08:59
noodles775yes, that too.08:59
cprovnoodles775: take a look, please, maybe I'm imagining things.08:59
cprovwgrant, LCID_Fire: please file a bug about it, once the release time is gone I will be more than happy to tackle it.09:00
jmljames_w, actually, I think I'm going to sign off. I commented on the setBranch() bug 387554, and changed the state of one of the package branches. Please double check that I didn't do anything stupid.09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387554 in launchpad-code "setBranch() call for a source package intermittently has no effect" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38755409:00
MTecknologyI requested feedback from somebody on a blueprint and they sent me feedback but now their feedback request is gone and I see nothing about what they wrote..09:04
jtvMTecknology: looking for someone who can answer that.09:10
MTecknologyjtv: thanks09:12
jtvMTecknology: hmm... looks like all good candidates are in American timezones.  Would it be convenient for you to wait until they wake up?09:12
MTecknologylol... I'm in -6 :P09:13
MTecknologythose crazy people that sleep09:13
jtvMTecknology: greetings from +7 :)09:13
MTecknologyya, I can ask again when I wake up :)09:13
jtvMTecknology: thanks.09:14
MTecknologyI'm sure it's supposed to happen, just curious why :P09:14
MTecknologyfound an LP but too09:14
MTecknologythat's two lp bugs found. Hurray for my ability to spot the near meaningless09:16
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ograis there an easy way to rename a project noawadays ? i cant find a button or anything to do that ...10:44
ogra(or do i have to file a ticket/question/bug or something)10:44
jtvogra: you file a question.10:45
jtvogra: I think... lemme check.10:46
jtv(This is not something I do regularly :)10:46
jtvogra: you don't mean any of the stuff you can change under "Change details" on the project's front page?10:46
ograjtv, no, i mean the project url10:47
jtvogra: I'll move that question over to launchpad itself, hang on.10:49
ograthanks a lot :)10:49
jtvogra: no worries, I'll ask someone to do it.10:50
ograthanks a lot ... again :)10:50
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bachi jtv.  are you CHR today?15:12
jtvbac: just closed shop.15:12
bacor have you already done it?15:12
bacah, cool15:12
jtvbac: anything urgent?15:12
* bac never can figure out your hours...15:12
bacjtv:  nope15:12
jtvbac: always nice to hear that.  :-)  Just composing handover email.15:12
kgoetzhi all. How do I unmark a bug as a duplicate?15:35
beunokgoetz, just remove the number from the form and save15:35
kgoetz"the form"?15:36
beunokgoetz, "mark bug as duplicate"15:36
kgoetzoooh, the yellow thing15:37
kgoetzdidnt know that opened a form.15:38
kgoetzbeuno, thanks!15:38
kgoetzprobably a silly question, but: can I download a list of bugs (including comments) for a particular package?15:43
kgoetz(ala 'mbox folder' in the debian bts)15:44
beunokgoetz, not currently, no15:47
beunobut there has been discussions on being able to do that with bzr at some point15:47
kgoetzok. gess i'll have to make a list manually15:47
kgoetzthanks again15:47
beunokgoetz, you could use the API to get them15:48
beunoiterate over the list and save into whatever format you'd like15:48
kgoetzbeuno, unfortunately I'm not a useful coder - its still very much a todo item.15:48
beunokgoetz, ah, I see15:48
beunowell, hopefully someone will write something like that soon, and it'll just be a script15:49
kgoetzbeuno, indeed. i assume theres a page on LP with the API documented?15:50
beunokgoetz, yeap: https://help.launchpad.net/API/15:51
kgoetzbeuno, thanks. I'll see if I can con someone into it ;)15:52
beunokgoetz, good luck!15:52
kgoetzta :)15:52
kgoetzsigh. launchpad really is a product of the 'net. even the [api]docos all html :(16:19
\shleonardr: re: bug #387297 if you find a sane solution, just ping me or thekorn so we don't reinvent the wheel again ;)16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387297 in ubuntu-dev-tools "manage-credentials should not ask for Launchpad password directly" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38729716:20
leonardr\sh: i'm working on it today16:21
\shleonardr: rocking :) thx :)16:21
leonardrthere is no sane solution but hopefully we can give you some code to use16:21
\shleonardr: that would be great :) my python snippet is just meant to be a workaround for ui clients ...16:22
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MTecknologyI requested feedback from somebody on a blueprint and they sent me feedback but now their feedback request is gone and I see nothing about what they wrote..19:59
eagle00789it has been more then 72 hours but my .pot file for translation still hasn't been approved. when can i expect to get it approved...20:25
eagle00789in about an hour it has been 96 hours that i'm waiting for my translation template to get approved....20:44
beunoeagle00789, I'm sorry about that20:45
beunoit's release week, so it's kind of hectic20:45
beunodid you request that on Friday?20:46
MTecknologybeuno: you have any idea what's up w/ the blueprints?20:46
eagle00789sorry, wrong channel for the last coment20:47
beunoMTecknology, about what exactly?20:47
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MTecknologyI requested feedback from somebody on a blueprint and they sent me feedback but now their feedback request is gone and I see nothing about what they wrote..20:47
beunoMTecknology, that is not expected at all20:48
eagle00789beuno: i requested that on Thursday the 18th20:49
beunoeagle00789, I'll try and get someone to look at it tomorrow20:49
beunoeagle00789, they've all left by now20:50
beunothey're all in European time zones20:51
eagle00789double darned... another day my project has to ait20:51
beunokfogel, are you around?20:51
beunocan we do something about translations being so clogged?20:52
LaPingvinoit's just getting night here in europe...20:52
beunoLaPingvino, right, developers do work hours20:53
beunoso they left about 3-4 hours ago20:53
LaPingvinoah like that20:53
kfogelbeuno: yes20:53
LaPingvinowell I'm not one of them20:54
kfogelbeuno: translations clogged?20:54
LaPingvinoI'm an ICT-student20:54
LaPingvinoand polyglot20:54
LaPingvinofrom the netherlands20:54
eagle00789polyglot?? what is that if i may ask??20:54
eagle00789(p.s. i'm also from the netherlands :D )20:55
beunokfogel, yes, it's very frequent for translations to be stuck for approval 3-4 days20:55
beunoor more20:55
LaPingvinoa polyglot is someone speaking more languages... most people use it on the scale bilingual-trilingual-polygloy20:55
LaPingvinoany notable polyglot goes over 5 languages...20:56
LaPingvinoI'm at 920:56
eagle00789LOL. WOW20:56
eagle00789i'll take my hat off for that LaPingvino20:56
kfogelbeuno: are we solely responsible for approving those, or is it "the community"?20:57
LaPingvinoit's not that hard20:57
beunokfogel, AFAIK, us20:57
kfogelbeuno: oh.  That's kind of surprising.  So "us" is who specifically?  (That is, where do the translation approval requests go?  Apparently not to feedback@...)20:59
beunokfogel, it's translation people, maybe we all have permissions, but no real idea what the criteria to approve is20:59
MTecknologybeuno: there's also no email being generated from blueprints.. I remember when I was working with them last that every little thing was a new email message21:00
eagle00789LaPingvino: if you say it's not hard, i believe you. i'm only tri-lingual.21:00
LaPingvinohehe :)21:00
LaPingvinoNL, EN, DE?21:00
kfogelbeuno: yeah, this doesn't seem scalable at first glance... Okay.  How did you see the queue?  I'd like to look at it before raising a thread.21:00
eagle00789but that also has to do because i live near the tri-border :D21:00
beunokfogel, we get people complaining here about it several times a week21:01
eagle00789i also know a little bit of french21:01
eagle00789but not enough to get people to understand what i say :P21:01
LaPingvinohehe :)21:01
LaPingvinoje le parle un peu plus que un nivel de seul comprehension...21:02
LaPingvinomais aussi pire que je voulais...21:02
kfogelbeuno: IOW, there's no visible queue, but we know from complaints what the lag is?21:02
eagle00789alors que c'est drôle21:03
eagle00789but lets keep it to english shall we :D21:03
LaPingvinosure :)21:03
LaPingvinolast gains are spanish and portuguese, guess you can't make a lot out of them....21:04
eagle00789indeed not21:04
beunokfogel, I know that it's normal for people to wait 3-4 working days21:04
LaPingvinoand verbs are even harder than in french21:04
LaPingvinoin french, 25 forms estimately...21:05
LaPingvinoin spanish 5021:05
eagle00789LOL. way to much21:05
LaPingvinoin portuguese 6421:05
beunoLaPingvino, eagle00789, could we reduce the off topic?21:05
LaPingvinosorry :(21:05
beunoit's hard to get things fixed  :)21:05
beunono worries21:05
kfogelbeuno: I understand.  The issue isn't believing you -- I definitely believe you.  I just want to know what automated sources of information are available.  If it's all anecdotal, that's fine too; just want to have as much info in hand before posting as I can.21:05
beunokfogel, I don't know if we store that information21:05
beunodanilo should21:06
beuno(my guess is we don't)21:06
LaPingvinowell it's about translation that problem? I'm administrating a translation team21:06
LaPingvinoI don't get it completely...21:06
beunoLaPingvino, it's a techinical issue, really21:06
eagle00789just so i know, why aren't the translations approved automaticly21:07
beunoeagle00789, there's a reason, which I can never retain21:08
beunosomething about bad things happening in chain21:08
beunoin certain circumstances21:08
kfogelbeuno: okay, thanks.  Will raise this; hopefully we can get a scaleable solution.21:23
beunokfogel, you rock21:23
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Ampelbeinhi there. just encountered an OOPS (OOPS-1269EB1194), trying to access https://edge.launchpad.net/~amoog/+related-software22:07
beunoAmpelbein, looking into it22:09
beunoAmpelbein, it's a timeout22:10
beunowould you like to file a bug with that OOPS id?22:10
Ampelbeinbeuno: i can do that. should it go directly to /launchpad? or another component?22:11
Ampelbeinbeuno: fwiw: it works now, after retrying.22:11
beunoAmpelbein, if it works, then don't bother, we record these timeouts22:12
Ampelbeinbeuno: ok, thanks for your help.22:12
nunodhi everyone22:52
nunodi've been trying to add an email address to my account since morning, but i never receive the confirmation email which i'm supposed to22:53
MTecknologynunod: I've been noticing a lack of email too. My case is on blueprints. You on edge?22:54
eagle00789when i go to https://edge.launchpad.net/~info-decomputeur and edit my location, it ALWAYS jumps back to the same location... somewhere in russia (atleast as far as i can see)22:57
beunosinzui, ^22:57
MTecknologybeuno: any idea what's up w/ email?22:57
nunodeagle00789: same happening with me22:58
eagle00789then it's a bug22:58
beunoMTecknology, no, please file a bug with specifics22:58
sinzuiMTecknology: There are are tremendous number of bugs regarding notifications and blueprints. The summary of it all is that blueprints was not initially designed to send notification, and it will not until the community can work on it22:58
nunodso I can't change my email? :/22:59
MTecknologysinzui: good enough answer for me. I can handle waiting.23:00
MTecknologynunod: you issue is quite a bit different, have you tried on stable?23:00
MTecknologynunod: Go to https://launchpad.net/ and click Disable redirect for 2 hours and try it again23:01
nunodi'll try23:01
sinzuieagle00789: your location bug is probably bug 38773823:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387738 in launchpad-registry "Launchpad refuses to believe that I don't live in Russia, near the Kazakhstan border." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38773823:02
eagle00789will report it as affecting me 223:03
* sinzui suspects geoname + browser JS engine hate some users23:03
sinzuinunod: is the domain of the missing email going to yahoo? Yahoo seems to be adept at losing email23:05
nunodi just got the confirmation now, without edge23:05
oojahOooh, lots of new lp shininess.23:05
eagle00789i reported a Affects me 2 for my bug:D23:06
MTecknologysinzui: I've never used the feedback in blueprints before. If they have feedback requested, shouldn't they be able to add their feedback and have it displayed? Or is it something that's meant to be done viw personal messages and request just removed?23:07
sinzuieagle00789: can you note your real location, and browser version too.23:08
MTecknologysinzui: the latter seems to be the case..23:08
eagle00789browser version already noted....23:08
MTecknologynunod: you might want to file a bug for it23:08
eagle00789was looking into this issue using IE instead of FF23:08
MTecknologyeagle00789: well, then of course. Use a broken browser and every site is broken :P23:08
sinzuiMTecknology: it is meant that you walk over to the guy at the sprint you are attending and tell him It's now his problem. I would use Contact this user to tell the person, or ping him on IRC23:09
eagle00789i reported this issue when i used ff. i was looking if the bug was the same using IE23:09
sinzuiMTecknology: blueprints are based on a the behaviour at sprints, it has not been adapted yet to virtual life.23:09
eagle00789on ie6 it is even worse. it doens't even show the google map :D23:10
MTecknologysinzui: ok, that clears things up a lot, thanks23:10
MTecknologymy life is almost strictly virtual23:10
beunosinzui, your changes to the series page turned out to be very useful: https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/karmic23:11
sinzui80% of the users of sprints need a workflow suited to the virtual life. Most of the blueprints bugs deal with this theme23:11
sinzuibeuno: My manifesto on on triage pointed out that trivial has such a high value that they must be treated high...My team have less than 5 trivial bugs left23:12
sinzuibeuno: I think my argument would have been more successful If I thought of the paper ananology23:13
sinzuiI have got to move that display onto the milestone and release page, and ad totals so I can keep score of how many are fixed23:14
eagle00789i added the correct location for me to the bugreport23:14
sinzuieagle00789: thank you very much23:14
eagle00789no problem....23:14
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eagle00789i understand how important complete bug reports are since i'm a developer myself wich gets even more difficult problems like: Access violation at address 004B5987 in module 'tbu.exe'. Read of address 0000000023:16
eagle00789happy bughuntig for these errors :P23:16
eagle00789and the fun thing is, i recently released a new version of my program with a more friendlyer reporting of errors to me, but i haven't received anny bug-reports for that version yet.23:18
wgrantbeuno: Do you still have outstanding sprite-fixing branches (including any not on edge)? There are still lots of issues that I wonder if I should file now, or wait until the edge rollout today.23:43
ajmitchwgrant: by sprite-fixing, you mean all the misaligned icons?23:44
wgrantajmitch: Yes.23:44
nhandlerGood. I've been holding off on those bugs as well23:45
ajmitchok, glad it's not just me & greasemonkey23:45
beunowgrant, there are *tons* of bugs I fixed that haven't landed23:45
ajmitchwhich is why I hadn't filed bugs, looks like at least one of us should have :)23:45
wgrantbeuno: They won't land in the next few hours?23:46
beunowgrant, they've had to revert edge23:47
beunowgrant, most of them are on dogfood though23:47
wgrantUnfortunately dogfood is uselessly slow, even moreso than usual.23:50
MTecknologywhat % of lp bugs reported are edge specific?23:50
beunoarch, yeah23:51
wgrantRollout is Wednesday, isn't it?23:51
wgrantAha, I got a non-timeout!23:53
wgrantbeuno: Your fixes for the project/team icons on Person:+index have clobbered custom project icons, and custom team icons are just not there.23:54
beunowgrant, right. But it's fixes here  :)23:55
wgrantbeuno: Ah, good.23:55
wgrantAnswer contacts are still borked...23:55
beunowgrant, link?23:56
wgrantbeuno: https://answers.dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu, second portlet.23:56
beunowgrant, thanks. Will fix23:58

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