
SiDiHey people11:32
SiDiis Breathe still meant to be depending on gnome instead of Human ? :/11:32
thorwilSiDi: why still? i thought it was never meant that way?12:06
SiDithorwil: the released one uses Human instead of gnome12:08
SiDimacvr: macslow said he went to lunch \o/12:15
macvrSiDi: darn it! i missed it! my connection was reset! :P12:17
SiDiyeh noticed :)12:34
kwwiihi all12:35
kwwiianyone taken a look a the hundred paper cuts project yet?12:35
SiDii have12:38
SiDilots of invalid bugs..12:38
kwwiiyeah, well...if you think it is invalid say so12:39
kwwiithe designers will never figure it out on their own :p12:39
SiDioh, they're marked invalid :)12:40
SiDibasically lots of users see hundred paper cuts as an opportunity to beg another time for a hard-to-fix / unwanted / hard-to-implement / non-fixable feature12:41
kwwiiyeah, true that13:04
macvrSiDi: ^exactly what i thought....14:57
macvrkwwii: aernt the papercuts a non-art issue? or are you just spreading the word?14:58
macvrdoes anyone have a good pic of scarlet johanson/jessica alba/catherine heigl/chatherine bell blowing a kiss...i'm asking only for purely artistic reasons :P15:00
kwwiimacvr: actually, quite a few of them are art issues15:01
kwwiimacvr: like the ones about the xdg folders15:01
kwwiisomeone can take the current human folder and create ideas for the overlays for music, video, etc15:01
kwwiiand if anyone is looking for icon stuff to do, there is also some UNR work which is boring but needs to be done15:02
kwwiiUNR uses 48x48 and 64x64 icons mainly so we need to make human icons of the current smaller ones at that size15:02
macvractually i had forgotten that xdg folders was a missing feature... since i had personally assigned different folder icons with overlays for those folders!15:02
kwwiioh, and we are accepting ideas for the battery icons in the panel15:02
andreasnkwwii, battery icons in the panel?15:03
macvrkwwii: what is the present battery icon... ? what are your limitations /use of colors?15:03
macvrkwwii: also the diff sizes you what the icons in?15:05
andreasnkwwii, any ideas about https://bugs.launchpad.net/human-icon-theme/+bug/385903 ?15:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 385903 in human-icon-theme "File > Close icon looks odd in Firefox and Thunderbird" [Undecided,New]15:07
kwwiiandreasn: yeah, we have had people complain about the current ones we usue in UNR15:07
kwwiiandreasn: hrm, seems like that should be fixable15:08
andreasnI'm not sure my approach is the best solution15:09
andreasnand now I broke my system, so I can't try Rodney's suggestion15:09
kwwiiI do not understand rodneys comment about renaming it though15:11
kwwiithe problem is that the wrong size icon is used15:11
kwwiimaybe just reordering the index directories as he suggests is enough15:11
macvrandreasn: , kwwii does that seem like a papercut?15:12
kwwiimacvr: yeah, if the answer is simple, no if it is not15:13
kwwiiandreasn: what did you change?15:13
macvrandreasn: if th solution is as simple as u suggest , then its a papercut...15:14
andreasnI removed the entrys for 8x8 and 12x12 in the index.theme file15:14
kwwiiahhh, right now I see it15:14
kwwiiwell, I would like to try it with the dirs listed in the other order and see if that works15:14
andreasnand took the icon from the 8x8 (or was it the 12x12) and placed it inside the 16x16 canvas15:14
kwwiiandreasn: erm, but a 16x16 version already exists15:23
macvrwhich do you guys like better? for a smiley kiss lips... http://lh5.ggpht.com/_lVe-FF7vK3E/SW9gkHTdltI/AAAAAAAAAo8/6y_xJonlEbI/s400/salma_hayek_sexy4.jpg or http://blog.taragana.com/e/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/megan-fox-blows-a-kiss.jpg ... i feel the second gets a bit obscene15:23
andreasnkwwii, yeah, that's why it's so odd that it works like this15:23
andreasnI wonder if it might be a bug in the way mozilla deals with the menu icons15:24
kwwiihrm, have you tried just re-ordering the stuff in the index.theme file?15:24
kwwiithis sounds like a wierd bug15:24
kwwiithe icon already exists at all sizes15:24
kwwiiwell, up to and including 1615:25
andreasnno, I haven't. Did that work?15:26
kwwiii am in a call now, I will try it in a bit15:27
kwwiilol, yeah...that fixes it15:30
kwwiiI just put the 8 and 12 directory listing at the end15:30
andreasnthat's great, thanks for the help!15:31
kwwiiandreasn: wow, freaky15:39
kwwiiwhen I do that it also uses the larger icon in the tabs and scales it down15:39
kwwiiit used to look like the small one and now it uses the larger 3d one15:39
kwwiiboah, firefox makes no sense15:39
kwwiiboah, and it breaks nautilus as well15:43
kwwiieven worse, the one tab uses small the other uses large15:43
andreasnI think both the menu and tab close button use icon-size: menu;15:47
andreasnbut I have no idea what's up with nautilus15:47
kwwiiwell, this is messier than I thought...I will try to fix it15:47
SiDimacvr: agree for obscene :p15:52
andreasnthe only place we use anything below 16x16 in gnome-icon-theme is for some of the emblem icons, so it might just be that things work in a buggy way, because it haven't been tested properly with smaller sizes15:53
kwwiiI mean, it was using the small icons without looking bad before I moved the entry around15:55
kwwiithe nautilus problem went away when I loged out16:02
kwwiiI guess updating the cache is a good idea as well16:02
andreasnbut the tab icons are still too big for your liking?16:06
kwwiiI do not like the 3d-ness of them16:07
kwwiibut i guess I can make them smaller :)16:07
macvrSiDi: agree meaning... u like it? :P16:20
macvrthorwil: how about using this for the lips? >for a smiley kiss lips... http://lh5.ggpht.com/_lVe-FF7vK3E/SW9gkHTdltI/AAAAAAAAAo8/6y_xJonlEbI/s400/salma_hayek_sexy4.jpg , the lips have a nice shape , or do you have a good pic of scarlet johanson's lips?16:25
macvrknome: what to do i have a soft corner for scarlet :P16:27
knomestop dreaming? ;)16:27
macvrknome: actually , my reason was she has a full lips, just a design view, purely artistic  :P16:28
knomeyeah right16:29
knome"i like her lips from the design point of view"16:29
knomehave to remember that when my wife accuses me of looking other women16:29
knomeand replace lips with any suitable body part16:30
macvralways glad to help ;)16:30
macvrknome: i see thorwil  doing it a lot of times ... i wonder how u havent picked it up earlier ?16:31
knomemaybe i was too busy explaining things to my wife? ;)16:31
raozuzui see interesting things here xD16:36
SiDiknome: macvr: pervs. i dont even know these girls !16:36
macvrSiDi: well.... it takes one to know one... :P16:37
* SiDi prefers not understanding macvr's sentence16:38
macvrSiDi: i'll try to translate in french... ;)16:39
macvrSiDi: Il prend un à connaître16:40
SiDihahah :p16:40
SiDithat means nothing :)16:40
SiDiwhat did you mean by "it takes one"16:40
macvrdam it google translate!16:40
raozuzumm perhaps... "I'll let you know (meet) one of them"? xD16:41
macvrSiDi:  Il prend un à connaître, à savoir un16:41
macvrnow it should make sense...16:42
SiDimacvr: translating wont work on idiomatic expressions :d16:42
raozuzuit wuold be a really good thing!16:42
SiDithat wouldnt be idiomatic expressions then :D16:42
macvrmay be wolfram should develop a good translator... :)16:44
raozuzups: hi guys16:45
macvrraozuzu: best PS i'v ever seen... lol!16:47
raozuzureally thank you ;)16:47
SiDiheya raozuzu16:47
raozuzuwell... how is going the word here?16:48
SiDitoo much work and not enough work at the time16:48
macvrraozuzu: and ... ubuntu/canonical has put SiDi on food patrol...16:49
SiDii cant even cook for myself16:49
raozuzureally?! o_o16:49
SiDibut i have to make sure developers eat well16:49
raozuzui'm sorry :P16:50
SiDiand i need to check their litter is clear and their environment is free of any threats16:50
* SiDi should calm down on drugs.16:50
macvrraozuzu: SiDi makes sure all the devs eat...16:50
raozuzuuh.. i've understood now16:50
raozuzuhowever I can only help with my graphical skills here, sorry :P16:52
SiDii found a cool way to use this year's courses16:52
SiDipadding for the stuff i put on my cartons :D16:52
raozuzunice idea!16:52
* SiDi kept the courses related to algorithms and finally finds a positive side to having courses about database stuff16:54
macvranyone... comments on this? .>http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/smiley6.png18:52
SiDishe looks really _happy_ on low res icons19:02
SiDiand also, why an explicitely girl smiley ? men dont kiss ? :o19:02
macvrwell its better getting one from a girl ;)19:03
SiDidepends for who :p19:03
macvrwhat was the prob with low res?19:04
macvrSiDi: ?19:04
SiDithe eyes19:05
SiDilooks like she wanna sleep19:05
SiDior she's bored19:05
macvroh... it was for closed eyes...19:06
macvrnot bored! but emotion... ;p19:06
macvrthorwil: hi.... busy?19:09
thorwilmacvr: halfway19:09
macvrbusy halfway? or smiley halfway?19:10
macvrok... take ur time...19:10
thorwilmacvr: make sure the eyes don't appear like straight lines/blocks at any size19:11
macvrlatest revision http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/smiley.png19:11
macvrthorwil: you want me to change the 32 or also the 22,16?19:12
thorwilmacvr: i guess there's not much that can be done on 16, but otherwise yes19:13
macvrthorwil: i did that first... but didnt look good... will give it another shot.... what about the rest?19:14
thorwilmacvr: also try to move the features farther outwards for the large one19:14
macvrthorwil: ...thanx... i'll edit it and upload to the wiki... :)19:16
_MMA_macvr: What mail was I supposed to send you again?21:31
macvri dont know , you mentioned something about sending the weekend report about smblems ,, what was wrong ...?21:32
SiDihi _MMA_21:33
macvr_MMA_: you mentioned it in the mail where you said , you had uploaded some icons but will comment on the rest , and what changes need to be made...21:35
_MMA_macvr: Ok. Ill have to look. I thought I did comment but maybe not enough. I work 60hr work weeks most weeks and can be kinda forgetful.21:36
_MMA_macvr: I did post Saturday re: Emblems. You even commented. "OK, i'll see what i can do"21:38
macvri understand... noone seems to be giving any feedbacks in the mailing list, and hence i keep bugging thorwil in the irc for feedbacks before i upload, but without feedback it is difficult what to do!21:39
_MMA_macvr: Welcome to the list.21:39
macvr_MMA_: oh... that was it ! ok... i was waiting for a BIG mail... need something to read :P21:39
_MMA_And I try to not be to 1st to comment. Because really, if its the same 4 folks all the time, all the list really becomes is a recorder. ie: We do what we want without feedback from a wider audience. 'bout how it is anyway.21:41
macvr_MMA_: well ...when no one comments , you need to be the first ...21:42
macvr_MMA_: i get thorwil's feedback here , so he doesnt comment to my submissions...21:42
macvrwhatever corrections he wants, i usually do it before i submit :)21:43
* _MMA_ also has *ALOT* of things to do. So things will fall through the cracks. You won't always get instant feedback.21:43
SiDiim too busy to read ubuntu-art mails most of time atm, i must say :|21:44
SiDiso no feedback21:44
_MMA_macvr: So it's nothing personal.21:45
macvrSiDi: as if there is a lot to read! the list is kinda dead,21:45
macvr_MMA_: i understand...21:45
SiDimacvr: its not about reading21:45
_MMA_List is 3/4 [Breathe] lately.21:45
SiDii dont do one line comments macvr21:45
SiDiif i wanna feedback i have to _think_ (takes time) and write a constructive replay (takes time)21:45
macvr_MMA_: even SiDi chimes in his feedback here... so mailing list gets boring to report submissions... hence only today i reported about icons 1 uploaded 3 days ago. :P21:46
* _MMA_ is going to freeze [Breathe] soon to have a honest and frank aesthetic review of the current icons.21:47
_MMA_macvr: Honestly, I don't need a post about every little change or upload. I'd rather people work through the week and post about it later.21:48
macvr_MMA_: whats the prob with the mail emblem? why do you want to change it? tango doesnt have a mail-emblem ... the human one is the back of the envelope... hence i thought i'd try different...21:48
_MMA_Daniel sometimes sends me 4 emails a week for the mail-* icons. All slight fixes.21:48
macvr_MMA_: weekly updates are enough... like the one you did last week... responding to every mail is TRULY a bore21:49
_MMA_macvr: I just don't know about the direction and don't want to think about it right now.21:49
ryanpriorMaybe encourage Daniel to use a bzr branch rather than e-mailing all his changes?21:50
ryanpriorThen you can check them out at your leisure.21:51
_MMA_macvr: I see style differences all over the set lately. I really don't want to start adding on top of it. So, I'm putting off the emblems for now.21:51
macvr_MMA_: i'v noticed that too :(21:51
macvr_MMA_: btw since you are here, how are the latest uploads of the smileys?21:52
_MMA_ryanprior: I'm unsure he knows BZR. It's one reason I handle all that back-end stuff. So people can just create. And honestly I dont want him changing other things. I'd just rather he be sure of what he sends me. Like Sebastien.21:52
_MMA_macvr: Saw the mail, havent looked at them yet. Will soon. I'll lost likely upload tonight if they fit.21:53
ryanpriorbzr probably has a GUI front-end that's at least as easy as e-mail21:53
macvr_MMA_: haha... you are truly tired.... you are making spelling mistakes :P21:54
_MMA_macvr: re: inconsistent style. It's mostly Daniel's submissions where he uses Oxygen.21:54
_MMA_ryanprior: it's called "Olive".21:55
macvr_MMA_: ^? I didnt understand21:55
_MMA_What don't you get?21:55
macvr re: inconsistent style. It's mostly Daniel's submissions where he uses Oxygen.21:55
macvris that a reply about the smileys? it doesnt make sense to me?21:56
_MMA_The mail-* ones mostly.21:56
_MMA_"macvr: _MMA_: i'v noticed that too :(" <- Reply to that.21:56
macvr_MMA_: ... see ya later... and dont reject salma hayek ;P ... I used her as the reference for the face-kiss :P22:04
* _MMA_ looks now22:04
* _MMA_ likes Salma. (notes that macvr should at least capitalize peoples names) I don't know about the smirk.22:06
* macvr knows Salma doesnt mind :P22:06
macvrI got fed up with the smirk... I gave up due to lack of fresh ideas... i mostly dont know how to do it better :(22:08
_MMA_Ok. Noted.22:08
macvr_MMA_: looks like James just lobbied for breathe... in ayatana list too22:17
macvr_MMA_: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00392.html ...22:19
_MMA_Oh that. Saw it bub didnt read yet.22:20
kwwiiany suggestions for improvement: http://sinecera.de/games64.png ?22:22
_MMA_Looks nice as it is. What is it for?22:24
macvrkwwii: maybe reduce the number of cards... the A is not clear...22:25
kwwiimacvr: yeah, good point...I have thought of that as well22:25
SiDimat_t didnt stay for long.. :D22:25
kwwiithanks for mentioning it22:25
_MMA_macvr: Well it kinda depends on the use-case.22:25
macvror maybe choose another  number card22:26
kwwiihe doesn't love me anymore22:26
kwwiimacvr has a good point22:26
kwwiiI thought about trying it but wanted to get a first reaction22:26
SiDikwwii: some flowers, a chocolate box, a restaurant, and a walk on the beach during sunset, and he'll love you again !22:26
macvr1 is probably the easiest :P22:26
kwwiiwell, there is no 1 card :p22:27
macvri meant 10!22:27
SiDimacvr: sure :D22:27
macvrstupid keyboard !22:27
_MMA_Sure. ;)22:28
macvrwell its only as good as it owner ! :(22:29
_MMA_macvr: Maybe face-kiss needs more lashes?22:32
macvr_MMA_: tried that ...it didnt look good...22:32
_MMA_Sebastien's weather-* icons are workin' out nice.22:33
kwwiiwhy doesn't someone make the xdg place icons?22:33
macvr_MMA_: for the appointment soon, did you use Sebastien's first version or the edits i had done?22:34
* SiDi stopped trying to do icons, it ends up badly :D22:34
macvrSiDi: what happened to the notify-osd power icons?22:35
macvrnothing seems to be progressing...22:35
SiDithey're in one of my branches22:35
SiDii'll wait before boring the devs with that22:36
SiDiits all coding now22:36
SiDiand i dont wanna code on g-p-m22:36
SiDitoo much code22:36
kwwiioh well, time for sleep...see you all tomorrow22:52
SiDigood night kwwii22:53
kwwiinight SiDi22:54
kwwiinight _MMA_22:54
kwwiimiss you being around all the time :(22:54

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