
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
rgreeningdtchen: hey00:54
dtchenrgreening: hi.00:54
rgreeningI should be soon done with my current project. I can help with pulse/gstreamer then.. dtchen00:55
dtchenrgreening: great00:55
rgreeninghopefuly by end of this week.00:55
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Vantraxanyone here good with pulling information out of gnome?02:26
Vantraxim trying to work out how to pull the value for the gnome power manager idle timer via dbus-send. It should look something like dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.PowerManager --type=method_call --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 /org/gnome/PowerManager org.gnome.PowerManager.<something to do with idle timer> I just cant find the end bit02:26
RAOFVantrax: You're probably better off in #gnome-hackers on irc.gimp.org for questions like that.  Having said that, the d-feet dbus browser will be your friend.02:32
Vantraxthanks for that RAOF, ill check into both02:35
VantraxRAOF: d-feet doesnt show buses existing that are listed in the gnome docs, has ubuntu changed things? org.gnome.PowerManager doesnt even exist02:54
RAOFAs far as I know, org.gnome.PowerManager has been gone for a release or two; it changed to org.freedesktop.PowerManager, and now most if it seems to have been subsumed with org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Power on the system bus.02:55
Vantraxold doco02:56
Vantraxim not showing devicekit, only consolekit, but im seeing what im after there i think03:00
RAOFVantrax: It's changed in Karmic.03:01
RAOFNew gnome-power-manager, new DBus API.03:01
Vantraxso its consolkit now, but changing to devicekit03:05
RAOFNo, it's still ConsoleKit, but DeviceKit has joined it.03:08
RAOFThere's a big proliferation of Kits.  And not the cool car, sadly.03:08
lifelessits freaking annoying03:09
lifelessconsolekit devicekit realtimekit sillynamekit03:09
Vantraxno wonder im getting confused03:30
Vantraxso, im 90% of the way there.03:30
Vantraxim getting an error from this command: dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit --type=method_call --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetSystemIdleSinceHint string:iso8601_datetime03:31
lifelessshould make a smileyfacelibrary called 'sadkit'03:31
VantraxError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetSystemIdleSinceHint" with signature "s" on interface "org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager" doesn't exist03:31
Vantraxi dont know what the signature "s" means03:31
* Vantrax is creating an idle shutdown timer03:32
Vantraxso the error is likely with 'string:iso8601_datetime'03:32
Vantraxthats what d-feet is showing the value as tho...03:33
* Vantrax is now very confused03:33
VantraxRAOF any ideas where the error is in that command, it should be fine based on what d-feet is spitting out03:40
RAOFVantrax: No idea whatsoever, sorry.03:41
RAOF#gnome-hackers :)03:41
Vantraxthanks again03:41
RAOFOr possibly #I-Hate-*Kit03:41
Vantraxnow to find my way to irg.gimp.org03:41
Vantraxi live there:P03:41
StevenK#I-Hate-*Kit actually exists? :-)03:41
VantraxRAOF you still floating aroudn?04:10
RAOFYeah, but not for long.04:10
Vantraxdbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit --type=method_call --print-reply --reply-timeout=2000 /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.GetSystemIdelSinceHint is now working, but not returning anything but and empty stromg04:10
Vantraxand empty string04:10
Vantraxfrom what i gather, its supposed to return the date/time that the system has been idle for04:11
RAOFI'm blank.  I've got no better idea than d-feet gives me.04:11
Vantraxhe he he04:11
TheMusocat Spads04:18
TheMusowoops wrong window, and damn tab completion. Sorry Spads.04:18
bgamariWhere is the debug info package for gnome-settings-daemon05:13
RAOFbgamari: Specifically: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash05:16
bgamariRAOF, that package doesn't seem to be available for karmic05:16
bgamariI don't think debugging symbols are generated for this package05:17
bgamaricould it be a packaging mistake?05:17
RAOFNo.  They're there, but if you follow that link you'll see you need to add the dbgsym repository.05:17
bgamariahh, yep05:18
bgamarimy bad, sorry. new to debian-esque distros05:18
RAOFWell, this is something Ubuntu-specific.  As a part of our build process we automatically strip all the debug symbols out into -dbgsym packages.05:19
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bgamariRAOF, sure05:39
bgamariRAOF, What exactly are the -dbg packages in that case?05:39
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cjwatsongeser: pdftk> I'd be inclined to say that unless the copyright holder is demanding it then we should just fix it in Karmic. It would take heroic measures to remove those files from stable releases in a meaningful way, and I'm not sure it's worth it unless we have to05:48
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pittiGood morning06:24
Hobbseeorning pitti!06:24
pittislangasek: ugh, please file a bug, yes06:24
pittihey Hobbsee06:25
slangasekpitti: yep, will file it later today06:25
StevenKMorning pitti06:25
* Hobbsee throws pitti a few gummy bears06:25
* pitti munches06:25
slangasekpitti: so where is pkgbinarymangler getting hooked in that's causing this?  I thought it used to only hook into dh_strip?06:25
pittislangasek: right, and it still does06:25
pittislangasek: argh, sorry; that was pkg-create-dbgsym06:26
pittipkgbinarymangler is dpkg-deb06:26
pittislangasek: it needs to update the md5sums of *.desktop06:26
slangasekdarn, there's no way to hook it earlier?  fixing up the md5sums file after invalidating it feels dirty to me06:27
pittislangasek: we could do it earlier, of course06:27
pittibut more diversions06:27
* slangasek nods06:28
slangasek(dh_desktop? :)06:28
pittivery few programs use that06:29
pittidh_install is too early, misses a lot of them06:29
pittidh_md5sums :)06:30
StevenKHasn't dh_desktop been mostly killed anyway?06:30
slangasekStevenK: yah, manpage says it's obsolete06:31
StevenKI thought so06:31
pittislangasek: that could only be an alternative route, though, since again packages might not actually use it06:31
slangasekpitti: right06:31
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dholbachgood morning07:34
ak4d7 hi everyone i need help recovering a ubuntu installation after crashing it with a compiz configuration now it won't login or start07:43
Hobbsee(please don't cross post, and #ubuntu for support questions)07:45
lifelessTheMuso: ping; dmraid08:10
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gesergood morning08:28
The_Warlocki made a quirk for my intel graphics cared as the resolution was very low. but upon restart my resolution falls back to very low resolution unless i restart xserver.08:30
The_Warlockhow do i fix this?08:30
The_Warlockthis is 9.0408:32
TheMusolifeless: Yeah I have been neglecting it somewhat. Re the dmraid-activate problem, I really don't know, as I've been unable to reproduce it here, although Ihaven't tried with karmic. As for your lba patch, I'll push it to debian and do an Ubuntu upload with it included.08:35
lifelessmy patched version boots fine with libata.ignore_hpa=1, so I'm sure I haven't borked anything08:38
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asanchezHi everybody, I would ask for someone with a Toshiba Dynabook UX netbook09:17
asanchezI ask in this channel because I remember to see one guy from Canonical with this netbook09:19
asanchezWe are planning to buy hundreds of units of this model but we aren't able to make sound work under 9.04 but it works under 8.1009:20
mok0Hm, sound09:20
mok0asanchez: you might have better luck asking in ubuntuforums09:21
asanchezmok0, i have just reported a bug09:21
asanchezbut there is a very few people with this model and there is no info in any forum jet09:22
mok0asanchez: that's fine, but ubuntuforums has hundreds of thousands of users and your luck there may be better. You can also try asking a question on LP instead of a bug09:22
asanchezI'll do, thanks09:23
mok0asanchez: did you try the trivial things such as turning up the volume on the mixer?09:23
asanchezof course09:23
mok0asanchez: sorry, I had to ask :-) It's the most common problem, I've had it myself09:23
asanchezmok0, :-) We are working together with Toshiba engineers but something has changed between alsa versions of intrepid and jaunty09:24
mok0asanchez: Interesting... well it's pretty quiet around here just now, you may be able to reach a -dev that can help you later09:25
mok0asanchez: you can also try sending a message to ubuntu-dev-discuss ML09:26
The_Warlockcan somebody tell me how to fix my low resolution issue on upgrading to 9.0409:27
asanchezmok0, ok I'll try later, thanks09:27
The_Warlocki use 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82Q33 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)09:27
bigonautosync from debian still active for main pkg too?10:17
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slangasekbigon: yes10:32
pittimvo: is compiz still blacklisted on 965 in karmic?11:17
ogra_shouldnt be anymore11:17
pittibryce: good feedback with jaunty-proposed -intel, I copy the stuff across now11:18
ogra_(i know it was changed in bzr a while ago)11:18
pittithe bug task is still open, I wonder whether I should close it11:18
pittimvo: nevermind, saw the changelog11:19
* Hobbsee cheers at pitti for attempting to fix the intel graphics borkage11:23
pittiHobbsee: does it work for you now?11:23
Hobbseepitti: no :(11:24
Hobbseepitti: i've had X die and make the machine unresponsive 3 times today.  two of those times werer in 10 minutes of each other11:24
Hobbseepitti: however, under metacity, it appears to work fine.  No screen blankings, no X server suiciding, or anything11:25
pittihm, since today, one of my CPUs is constantly at 100%, and top shows nothign (just 10% gconf); does that happen to anyone else?11:29
pittimight be xorg-edgers breakage11:29
ogra_not here11:30
ogra_even my swap seems calm (system was running over the weekend and upgraded yesterday the last time)11:30
Hobbseepitti: i don't see it, fwiw11:34
pittikillall metacity did it11:34
pitticprov, al-maisan: hm, why does https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sg3-utils/1.27~repack-0ubuntu1 not show any more that the binaries are NEW11:53
StevenKpitti: There's a bug about that11:54
pittiah, ok11:54
* al-maisan looks12:01
al-maisanpitti: it says "PENDING: Karmic  pocket Release  in component main  and section admin"12:02
pittial-maisan: right, I overwrote it to main in the NEW queue, but didn't accept them12:03
pitti(since I uploaded them)12:03
pittiso they should be stuck in NEW until some archive admin reviews them12:03
al-maisanpitti: did you observe that expected behaviour in previous similar cases?12:04
pittial-maisan: yes, it always said the queue after the build status before12:04
pittilike (ACCEPTED), or (NEW), or (DONE)12:05
pittial-maisan: check non-edge: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sg3-utils/1.27~repack-0ubuntu112:05
al-maisanpitti: it got published in the mean time12:06
pittiright, the source, but not the binaries12:06
al-maisanpitti: right, I see now.12:06
al-maisanpitti: sorry, I would not know the reason; it was changed only recently (edge vs. non-edge)12:08
al-maisanpitti: I am sure cprov will comment on it though.12:08
pittial-maisan: thanks12:09
* StevenK digs up the bug number12:11
StevenKpitti, al-maisan: Bug 38869012:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388690 in soyuz "status ACCEPTED/NEW not shown anymore" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38869012:13
al-maisanStevenK, pitti: "status: Triaged → In Progress"; so it looks cprov is already working on it.12:14
pittiok, so it seems this wasn't intended then12:17
mok0I am getting a libtool (internal?) error in netcdf:  ../libtool: line 847: X--mode=compile: command not found12:44
mok0hrmph, trying libtoolize -fc12:48
seb128mok0: try autoreconf rather12:50
mok0seb128: libtoolize works...12:51
mok0seb128: I plan to let the new ltmain.sh etc. come via diff.gz, you agree it's ok to do it like that?12:52
mok0seb128: the .diff.gz is pretty dirty already12:52
seb128I don't know this package enough to comment12:52
seb128I tend to put autotools changes in a patch in the debian directory12:53
mok0seb128: me too, but for a rebuild I'd rather not mess with patches12:53
seb128a rebuild should not break this way12:53
seb128if it does that's because you have a bug12:54
mok0seb128: the bug is that upstream is distributing an age-old version of libtool files12:54
seb128which is fine if you don't run autotools at build time12:54
mok0seb128: it's not run12:55
mok0seb128: ... and it's also not fine :-)12:56
seb128it's probably run because of a timestamp issue or something12:56
seb128there is no reason why it should break otherwise12:56
mok0seb128: oh, ltmain.sh is always run, to make libraries12:57
mok0seb128: that's why it helps to use a newer one12:58
seb128it's rather some autotools which are run there or you would not have the error12:58
seb128"line 847: X--mode=compile: command not found"12:59
seb128you usually get that when running autotools not correct12:59
seb128ie missing some update commands12:59
mok0seb128: that disappears after running libtoolize -fc in srcdir12:59
seb128as said the bug is there when you don't run all the required commands13:00
mok0seb128: it IS doing something strange in the build...13:00
mok0seb128: damn, he's patching acinclude.m413:02
mok0... and configure .ac13:02
seb128pedro_: ola!13:06
pedro_bonjour seb128!13:07
apwmvo, you just uploaded a grub fix, do you know if the same issues appear in grub2?13:19
cjwatsongrub2 doesn't handle the crashkernel stuff right now13:20
mvoapw: as cjwatson said, the whole crashfile stuff needs to be ported to grub213:27
mvoapw: I'm struggling with "crash" right now, it does not want to give me something useful, even with linux-image-debug-`uname -r` installed13:27
apwcjwatson, mvo, thanks for the info13:28
apwmvo sound like a bit of a mare13:28
mvoapw: btw, do you plan to merge kexec-tools? or should I do it? its something that the linux-crashfile stuff needs too13:28
mvoapw: it is :) its my first contact with the spec and I already feel like making more tea is required to cope13:29
apwmvo, it isn't on my radar right now, so feel free to do it.  not something i really know how to do yet13:29
mok0Hrmph, /me is annoyed -- most Debian packages I look at have sucky sucky packaging13:29
mvoapw: ok, thanks13:29
ogra_mvo, oh, have fun :P13:30
mvoogra_: "thanks"13:30
ogra_there is no common ancestor anymore after last merge13:30
* mvo mubbles that it will be all good, all good13:31
StevenKAnd there we see mvo running for the kettle13:31
ogra_lieb just rolled a new upstream, newer than debian13:31
cjwatsonmvo: really, grub2's legacy update-grub script should be a copy of grub's; but since we haven't merged grub in ages there's a bit of work required to get there13:46
cjwatsonmvo: I have a half-completed merge on my disk13:46
mvocjwatson: thanks, so best is to just wait for this merge to be completed?13:48
mvocjwatson: there is tons of other stuff to look at before and grub1 is fine for testing, so I guess that should be fine13:48
cjwatsonmvo: yeah, I think so13:48
mvook, thanks13:49
slangasekasac: bug #321442> no!  there's *no reason* that network-manager should be second-guessing the file permissions - if I leak the secret by making the file world-readable, then it's already leaked, and this is no reason to not use the config info13:56
ubott2Launchpad bug 321442 in network-manager ""system"-level connection doesn't start up until nm-applet is launched" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32144213:57
* ogra wonders where his indicator applet went in karmic13:58
ograogra@osiris:~$ ps ax|grep indicator13:59
ogra 4961 ?        S      0:03 /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=3213:59
ograits not visible on the panel ...13:59
alkisgogra, `gconftool-2  -a /apps/panel/applets/indicator_applet_screen0` ?14:03
alkisggconftool-2  --all-dirs /apps/panel/applets ?14:04
alkisgNo indicator at all?14:04
ograah, its applet_1014:04
alkisgLook at the position and the right_stick value..14:05
ograpanel_right_stick = false and position = 1466 seems ok to me14:05
alkisgNo, position is #applet14:05
alkisgNot in pixels14:05
alkisgSo it should be somewhere betwee 5-10 or so...14:05
ograoh, since when ?14:06
ogra"The position of this panel object. The position is specified by the number of pixels from the left (or top if vertical) panel edge. "14:06
alkisgOoops... looking14:06
ograthats what gconf-editor tells me14:06
alkisgWell, all my applets use an index, not pixels14:07
ograi think its rather a bug in the applet code in karmic14:07
alkisgTry to put the same settings as in jaunty: panel_right_stick=true, position=414:07
ograno change14:09
* alkisg is installing karmic, will see first-handed soon :)14:09
ogratedg, is there a known bug with the indicator applet not being visible ?14:09
ogra(in karmic)14:10
tedgogra, Not known by me :)14:10
tedgogra, you can look at /usr/lib/indicator-applet/listen-and-print and see if it shows anyone on the bus.14:10
ograit must have vamished with one of the recent upgrades here14:10
ograjust execute ?14:10
tgpraveenogra: it must be due to empathy becoming default14:11
tedgogra, Yeah, it's a listener.  If it doesn't print anything, that means no one is indicating anything.14:11
tgpraveenfrom pidgin so maybe it is getting upgraded to support empathy14:11
ogratedg, yeah, it stays quiet14:11
* ogra waits for a mail 14:12
tedgogra, Okay, so no one is indicating.  So its either a evolution/pidgin/gwibber/etc. bug depending on what you expect to be indicating.14:12
ogratedg, but there is nothing in my panel either14:12
tedgogra, it should be virtually invisible unless someone is indicating something.  That's changing after the discussion at UDS, but I haven't fixed it yet :)14:13
ograshouldnt i at least have the mail envelope ?14:13
ograhmm, ok, might be evo then14:13
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alkisgHi asac, ogra told me you're the nm maintainer. I'm having this bug both in Jaunty and Karmic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/367227 - can I somehow help debugging it?14:38
ubott2Launchpad bug 367227 in network-manager "network manager connection editor adding wired connections does not work" [Undecided,New]14:38
stgraberpitti: Hey, did you get my mail about cups ? I talked with the Debian maintainer for LTSP and he says that the future would be appreciated by his users too.14:39
pittistgraber: I got it, just didn't find time to answer yet, sorry14:41
ScottKmterry: When you're around I have a comment on the syslog migration spec ....14:50
mterryScottK: OK, shoot!14:50
ScottKmterry: There were a couple of packages that had package specific functionality to support starting chrooted in the old sysklogd package.  Are you migrating those too?14:51
ScottKI added stuff for unbound and I think ltsp had something too.14:51
ScottKI didn't see it mentioned in the spec, so I thought I'd ask.14:52
mterryScottK: The spec talks about that -- says it's out of scope for the spec, but an email should be sent saying how to do it in rsyslog14:52
mterryScottK: Under "Other packages"14:52
mterryScottK: Unless I'm misreading you14:53
ScottKmterry: OK.  I missed that.  It seems to me it's a regression not to migrate that stuff.14:53
mterryScottK: Yeah, migration would be good.  I just think we wanted to consider it not a blocker14:53
ScottKmterry: I just re-read that bit.  You are misreading me I think.14:54
ScottKThese are Ubuntu unique bits that are in the ksyslogd package.14:54
ScottKIt's stuff to help other packages, but shipped in our default syslog.14:54
* mterry looks a bit more14:56
mterryScottK: No, I think I'm still reading you right.  For example, with unbound, you can now instead drop a config file in /etc/rsyslog.d that contains a line like "$AddUnixListenSocket /var/lib/unbound/dev/log".  This would be done in unbound pkg, not rsyslog15:03
ScottKmterry: In sysklogd there's also an update to the rc script needed.  Is such a thing not needed with rsyslog?15:08
mterryScottK: No, the default config file includes all files in /etc/rsyslog.d that end in '.conf'15:08
ScottKSo it looks like I have to install the package specific conf file and then restart rsyslog15:10
mterryScottK: postfix has an example of doing just that -- adding a socket15:10
mterryScottK: Uh, yeah, sounds right15:10
ScottKmterry: Thanks.  I'll look at that.15:11
ScottKstgraber: ^^^ affects you too for ltsp I believe.15:11
loolcjwatson: Hey, I'd like to push that sudo patch for /etc/environment parsing; are you ok with this?15:12
cjwatsonlool: I haven't had time to review it, I'm afraid, but go for it15:12
loolOk, thanks15:12
stgraberScottK: I'll need to check, AFAIK the only thing LTSP does with syslog is redirecting everything to a remote syslog server (usually on the LTSP server) so I'll need to check what happens to the config file for that15:15
ScottKstgraber: I didn't look into details, just that you had some package specific magic that would need to be considered.15:16
ograstgraber, no, it doesnt15:19
ograstgraber, by default ltsp doesnt log at all15:20
stgraberogra: right, but the only use we have for syslog is to do remote logging right ?15:20
ograbut the syslog initscript has an override so you can put ltsp specific defaults into /etc/ltsp15:20
stgraberah, that I didn't know :) will need to look at that then15:20
ograthats the only change thats applied to syslog related to ltsp15:20
ograbut not overly important to keep imho15:21
stgraberthought we only generated a syslog.conf, didn't know we had a patch on syslog15:21
ograwe dont touch syslog.conf15:24
ograits a conffile :)15:24
ogra# allow ltsp to override15:24
ogratest ! -r /etc/ltsp/syslogd || . /etc/ltsp/syslogd15:24
ograthats the patch15:24
ogrameh, wheer is my approx initscript gone15:27
ogra* Change approx to run under inetd (closes: #517217, #479493)15:28
ograhow silly15:28
ScottKmterry: In the postfix example, how does rsyslog get restarted?15:35
mterryScottK: Let me see.  Maybe it doesn't15:35
* ScottK eyeballs lamont.15:35
mok0Requesting a give-back on gdal for arch armel https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdal/1.5.4-4/+build/105195715:36
ScottKmok0: I'll do it.15:36
mok0ScottK, thanks a lot15:36
mterryScottK: Yeah, don't think it does.  Comment in .conf file says "when rsyslog is restarted."  Probably should restart15:36
ScottKmok0: It's already retried.  Also since it's in Universe you could do it yourself.15:37
mok0ScottK, Hm, I don't have the link to rebuild...15:37
ScottKmok0: It's already needs-building.15:37
mok0ScottK, ah,  that's why, I see15:38
mok0ScottK, thx15:38
lamontScottK: I was just acking the debian NMU15:38
ScottKNo problem.15:38
ScottKlamont: OK.  Well if I understand it right, rsyslog won't know about the socket until after it's restarted.  That doesn't seem right to me.15:39
ScottKInstall package and some indeterminate time later logging works ....15:39
ScottKmterry: What's the preferred solution here?15:39
mterryScottK: It should be harmless to restart rsyslog.  I've never done that before (restart a service when installing a different package), so I'm not clear on most-recommended way of doing it15:40
mterryScottK: But seems like it's worth doing15:40
ScottKmterry: OK.  I think it's reasonable as part of the "Other packages" part of the spec for the spec to recommend the appropriate solution.15:41
ScottKI'll implement it for unbound and (if lamont doesn't first) postfix, but I'd like to be following a standard approach.15:42
mterryScottK: Agreed.  I was going to work on that section when it came time to send the email out15:42
ScottKmterry: OK.  What's your timeline for that?15:42
loollibsgutils1 and 2 recommend sg3-utils since dapper with no rationale; I see sg3-utils only contains doc and binaries and libsgutil* don't reference any exec symbols, so it seems like this dep could be dropped and we could save space on the CD; any reason not to demote it?15:43
mterryScottK: Wanted to get my changes committed at least.  But they don't affect this part of rsyslog.  No reason it can't be done sooner rather than later.  I'll look at it15:43
ScottKmterry: Thanks.15:43
mterryScottK: Certainly could do it this week15:43
* ScottK sits back and waits for the mail.15:43
cjwatsonor you could have rsyslog use inotify for its configuration directory15:44
mterryTrue, but I'd rather not patch it like that if possible15:46
ScottKIt might be simpler and more reliable that making every package that uses a chroot restart syslog.15:51
* ScottK resumes sitting.15:51
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
cjwatsonmterry: I meant ask upstream for that feature :)16:01
mterrycjwatson: Yar16:01
tkamppeterpitti, hi16:04
pittihi tkamppeter16:04
tkamppeterpitti, about bug 38237916:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382379 in poppler "pdftops CUPS filter has several problems" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38237916:06
tkamppeterpitti, I have found a problem in my fix in Poppler. Duplex does not work any more with it. I ahve fixed it already and I am adding debdiffs for Karmic and Jaunty to the bug. Can you upload the new package versions as soon as the debdiffs are there? Thanks.16:08
pittitkamppeter: can do16:09
mterryScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/Rsyslogd#Other%20packages has example code now.  Not quite ready to send out email, but there ya go if you're anxious16:10
* ScottK looks16:10
ScottKmterry: Wouldn't that be on purge, not remove?16:12
ScottK(for the postrm)16:12
mterryScottK: Yes!  duh16:12
mterryScottK: fixed16:13
mterryScottK: And I suppose, if you were feeling very fancy, the postinst restart would be only run when the package changes the config file...16:14
tkamppeterpitti, Karmic debdiff is ready.16:14
ograhmm, using grub2 to boot from SD makes it hang for about 5minutes16:22
ograon the same HW booting from hdd works as expected16:23
tkamppeterpitti, Jaunty debdiff is in place.16:35
pittitkamppeter: can you please send the updated patch to upstream/Debian BTS as well, to avoid them uploading broken packages?16:37
tkamppeterpitti, I have already sent the patch to upstream: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1977716:39
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19777 in general "pdftops command line utility does not convert multiple-page-size documents correctly" [Normal,Reopened]16:39
pittitkamppeter: cool, thanks; jaunty and karmic uploaded16:39
tkamppeterpitti, the Karmic task is now "Fix Released", the Jaunty package is in the Approval queue.16:42
pittitkamppeter: processed16:43
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alkisgHi asac, ogra told me you're the nm maintainer. I'm having this bug both in Jaunty and Karmic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/367227 - can I somehow help debugging it?16:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 367227 in network-manager "network manager connection editor adding wired connections does not work" [Undecided,New]16:49
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tkamppeterpitti, thank you very much.16:53
tkamppeterpitti, Debian bug 530731 is also updated now.17:00
ubottuDebian bug 530731 in poppler "Please update Poppler to 0.11.0 in unstable" [Unknown,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53073117:00
ogratedg, oh ... Jun 22 18:00:01 osiris dbus-daemon: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.59" (uid=1000 pid=4961 comm="/usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet --oaf-a") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"17:00
ogratedg, thats why i dont get any indications since i upgraded to karmic17:01
ogra(from auth.log)17:01
karmictest2hello there17:22
karmictest2i have found a small bug, ( i am not an technical person, but try to convey it any way ) , and am trying to track it down17:24
karmictest2its the devkit deamon that keeps on polling and trying to mount a floppy drive..17:24
karmictest2and makes an terrible noise doing it..17:25
karmictest2like its killing the thing, this is on karmic 217:25
ograbug 38446917:25
karmictest2fresh install17:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384469 in devicekit-disks "constantly polls floppy drive" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38446917:25
karmictest2yes thats the one, now i try to find an nice solution, here is the same bug that fedora users run into :17:27
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 489083 in DeviceKit-disks "devkit-disk tortures my good old floppy drive" [Medium,New]17:27
ograwell, there is a workaround posted in the LP bug17:27
karmictest2yes i just posted the work around17:27
ogradevkit-disks --inhibit-polling /dev/fd0 &17:27
ograbut as you can see its fixed upstream already17:28
karmictest2that was my next question...17:28
ograso it will show up with the next update of the package17:28
ograhttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22149 is the upstream bug (as you can see on the launchpad bug)17:29
karmictest2its upstream meaning its not in the updates yet?17:29
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22149 in detection "Do not poll floppy drives" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:29
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karmictest2ok, very good, i lay my head at rest... :)17:29
ograthe ubuntu task is in "fix committed" status17:29
ograso its in the bzr branch already, just not uploaded yet17:29
karmictest2thanks for your time, and good directing, its sure to be fixed in the next cycle of release, so ok, good!17:30
ograbut will show up with the next upload of the devicekit-disks package17:30
ograshould be fixed within the next days ... whenever pitti finds the time ;)17:30
karmictest2hmm, great, great!17:31
karmictest2ok, going to do the dishes, yes this too has to be done...17:31
* karmictest2 doing dishes17:32
pittikarmictest2: it's known/fixed upstream17:35
pittikarmictest2: and I uploaded the latest devkit-disks into https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa today17:35
pittikarmictest2: so, if you want to test that, appreciated17:35
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* pitti eyes 'New "libc" project libposix started' -- YALI?17:43
tedgogra, no that's an error because of (in my opinion) is a misconfig of DBus System bus.  It shouldn't effect things on the session bus though.17:44
ScottKpitti: Ought to be done is a few weeks, so we can switch for Karmic, right?17:44
ograhmm, k17:44
ograScottK, only if you promise to backport it to jaunty and intrepid too17:45
ScottKIf it gets into Karmic, I'll be glad to backport it.17:46
directhexnothing says "eligible for backports" like a new libc17:46
karmictest2pitti : this package https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+files/devicekit-disks_005-0ubuntu1~ppa2_i386.deb , right?17:48
karmictest2its not that easy, seems to need : libpolkit-backend-1-017:49
pittikarmictest2: right, you need the entire PPA17:50
pittiit has a load of dependencies17:50
pittikarmictest2: and conversely, I suppose you need the new libgdu* bits as wel17:50
pittikarmictest2: this is just a staging area for what will go into karmic in the next time anyway, so feel free to just dist-upgrade with the ppa17:51
pittiall the versions are running on my machine, and it's not very broken17:51
pittisome minor bits, like "doesn't remember privileges within the session", but nothing serious17:51
karmictest2i dont mind breaking it,17:51
karmictest2its an full install for testing , so nproblem17:51
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karmictest2seems to depend on : libpolkit-gobject-1-017:53
karmictest2pitti , did no go well, the installation spits out an error about Package status and progres file descriptor , that it could not read...17:57
karmictest2better now18:00
karmictest2installed from synaptic18:01
karmictest2going for the reboot, to see if it is fixed...18:01
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karmictest2pitti , yes it is fixed now18:04
pittikarmictest2: thanks \o/18:06
brycepitti, thanks for copying the -intel bits into jaunty18:07
pittibryce: I'm glad that we can (hopefully) close this chapter now :)18:09
karmictest2pitti , shall i add the fix to the bugtracker?..18:11
karmictest2like this : This bug will be fixed in the next release, but you can do this :18:11
karmictest2add to your repositories :18:11
karmictest2deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/ppa/ubuntu karmic main18:11
karmictest2then install the package :  devicekit ( search with synaptic ) and install any dependecies as well, reboot , fixed....18:11
pittikarmictest2: sure, if you want18:12
pittigood night everyone18:13
karmictest2night , and thanks18:13
karmictest2ok bye18:22
janisozaurdo the -dbg packages provide profiling information?19:00
joaopintojanisozaur, no, they provide debug information19:01
tjaaltonjoaopinto, janisozaur: the profiler tools need debugging symbols, so yes19:05
joaopintohum, debugging symbols does not mean profiling information :)19:06
janisozaurtjaalton, according to http://www.cs.utah.edu/dept/old/texinfo/as/gprof.html (for gnu gprof) they require additional info to just -g, as in -pg19:06
janisozaurtjaalton, but your statement is of course correct, they *need* debugging symbols, just it's not  enough19:07
janisozauractually it kind of makes sense - as compiling an app for profiling generates lots of output into a file and all the additional calls to handle that make an app run slower, so it would be useless for day-to-day use after installing -dbg19:09
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NCommanderIs the wiki lagging for anyone else?19:44
janisozaurit's fine here (PL)19:51
magciusIs Canonical planning to do anything with freedesktop.org's projects, like PackageKit, ConsoleKit, DeviceKit, PolicyKit?20:00
tgpraveen1magcius: devicekit,policykit20:09
tgpraveen1are used in ubuntu20:09
magciusDeviceKit is used?20:09
magciusPolicyKit isn't used nearly at all... I can only think of a couple applications that use them.20:09
tgpraveen1magcius: devicekit will be actively used from karmic20:10
Riddellkees: poke on bug 37497320:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 374973 in enca "main inclusion report enca" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37497320:14
NCommanderdirecthex, ping, is there known issues with mono on ARM?20:16
wjblackI recently backported the r8169 driver from 2.6.30 to 2.6.28 (big missing interrupt fix) and was wondering what the "blessed" way to make a package of just this driver is.  I've made .debs before and am interested in possibly doing a PPA.  Anyone have a doc link handy (I couldn't find anything terribly obvious)?20:19
wjblack...or am I better off asking in #ubuntu-kernel?20:21
keesRiddell: thanks for the reminder!20:22
keesRiddell: approved and noted.20:23
andrew_sayerswjblack: I worked out how to put packages in a PPA by reading through the Ubuntu Packaging Guide (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide).  It's probably not the quickest solution, and I'm probably not the best person to ask, but it worked for me.20:24
andrew_sayers(and scraps from half a dozen other places, IIRC)20:24
wjblackOkie-dokie.  That's a start.  (Was looking for a pointer more than a handout anyway ;-) ).20:25
wjblackI suppose the whole "How do I package?" question is nearly orthogonal to the "what should I call it?" question, too.  Perhaps the latter is a question best suited for the kernel folks.20:26
* wjblack joins another channel :-)20:26
statikjdstrand: i just got your message regarding python-testtools, thanks and sorry for the trouble. I'll look at fixing that now. It was uploaded by a sponsor via the REVU queue, so whats the right process to go about getting a new upload - go through REVU again with an explanation of what happened, or contact the last sponsor directly?20:36
jdstrandstatik: np. it isn't clear based on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU, but I would talk to the upload sponsor. I wouldn't think just adding the LICENSE would constitute it having to be rereviewed by everyone20:40
ScottKstatik: Usually after an archive admin rejection you just need one MOTU to re-ack and upload.20:42
statikscottK: thanks!20:42
magciustgpraveen1, what about PackageKit and ConsoleKit?20:44
tgpraveen1magcius: package kit is mostly not going to be used20:44
magciustgpraveen1, why not?20:44
tgpraveen1not sure about console kit20:45
tgpraveen1magcius: go to karmic koala section of ubuntu forums there is a thread named package kit thread20:45
tgpraveen1with a LOOONG discussion20:46
tgpraveen1magcius: and this # is not best for this type of discussion20:46
magciustgpraveen1, would #ayatana be better for this?20:46
tgpraveen1magcius: no that # is for usability and design team and all.20:47
tgpraveen1magcius: maybe #ubuntu / #ubuntu+120:47
tgpraveen1also use the forum for that post that I mentioned20:47
magciustgpraveen1, I'm trying to find it.20:48
magciusAh, found it.20:49
magciustgpraveen1, I would think it would be a dream for developers not to have to worry about packaging systems and things like this, and have PackageKit abstract the entire thing.20:54
magciusWhat's the primary motivation for Ubuntu *NOT* to adopt it? I haven't seen one in the thread.20:54
ScottKmagcius: Magical theoretical package systems don't usually pan out in real life.20:56
ScottKSince virtually no developers inhabit the forums, forums threads are generally a good source of developer opinions on stuff.20:56
magciusPackageKit is far from "magical"20:57
magciusAnd it's not even a package system.20:57
magciusIt's an API that abstracts the interface to the lower-level package management system.20:57
ScottKRight which is why it's completely orthogonal to not having to worry about packaging20:58
magciusWhat do you mean?20:58
ScottKI mean "Use packagekit" doesn't mean "developers don't have to worry about packaging systems"20:59
ScottKAlso packagekit does not completely abstract the Debian system anyway.21:00
ScottKWe switched to using KPackageKit in Kubuntu and are missing features as a result.21:00
magciusWhat about ConsoleKit?21:02
ScottKmagcius: One example is we don't have a way to let users know about configuration file conflicts and resolve them.21:02
* ScottK knows less about that.21:02
magciusScottK, shouldn't it be the apps'21:02
magciusapp's job to handle migration?21:02
ScottKmagcius: No.  It's the package's job.  The app may not even be running when the upgrade happens.21:03
magciusYeah... an app breaking backwards-compatibility with old configuration files and not migrating them is not the sign of a good app.21:03
ScottKIn Debian/Ubuntu it's the package manager's job.21:04
magciusMost users don't see or want to see configuration files... how can you expect them to know how to merge conflicts?21:04
ScottKThat was the argument for moving to kpackagekit.21:04
ScottKIt's a regression from what we had before.21:04
magciusCan't Canonical work on the front-ends?21:04
magciusI know gnome-package-kit sucks, but aren't Red Hat and Canonical working on that?21:05
ScottKIf one wants to arbitrarily redefine package management to be what packagekit supports, then it's great.21:05
* ScottK has no idea.21:05
magciusCanonical's position of this one huge AppCenter makes less sense to me.21:05
magciusIt's like they want to ignore standards and proprietarize the Linux app market.21:06
ScottKpackagekit also lacks the ability to let the user select from different ways to resolve dependencies.21:06
magciusScottK, I have never needed to select that. Ever.21:06
* ScottK has.21:06
* Sarvatt has too, MANY times21:06
magciusScottK, isn't it fairly easy to resolve dependencies?21:07
magciusJust look at the Depends metadata, and traverse down each package, hoping nothing will conflict.21:07
ScottKIt's what happens when hope fails that gets complex.21:07
ScottKHave a look at Aptitude's dependency resovler code for some idea how complex.21:08
magciusWhat about smart?21:08
magciusPackageKit can be used on top of smart.21:08
Sarvattpackagekit-gnome is in the repos now, whats the problem?21:08
magciusSarvatt, yeah, but it doesn't provide the integration like Fedora has.21:08
magciusAnd it's also the outdated 0.3 branch21:09
magciusSarvatt, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/AutoFontsAndMimeInstaller21:09
Sarvattspeaking of which, are there any plans to package polkit-gobject alot of things are starting to need?21:09
magciusI would love to see PolicyKit be used instead of gksu/gksudo :(21:10
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ScottKThat's a goal for Ubuntu for Karmic21:13
magciusAre they going to provide patches to GNOME upstream or patch downstream?21:13
magciusHow far along is Karmic right now?21:14
evanrmurphymagcius: Here's the Karmic release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule21:16
ScottKslangasek: Are you doing archive stuff today?21:16
magciusAlso... would the broken hibernate be considered a papercut?21:17
evanrmurphymagcius: IMO hibernate would be nontrivial to fix, so I don't think it's a papercut. But it's certainly a serious bug.21:25
magciusevanrmurphy, do you know what the cause is?21:26
magciusAlso... is Upstart still a dream or is there actually some concrete progress?21:28
evanrmurphymagcius: Unfortunately I'm not certain, but my impression is it has to do with the headaches of interfacing with hardware. Perhaps less-than-great drivers are a contributing factor... anyone else wanna chime in here?21:29
magciusevanrmurphy, supposedly people have fixed it with s2disk and s2ram21:30
magciusScottK, #gnome says that GNOME has used PolicyKit for some time now (for the Administration menu items), and that Debian is patching it.21:35
* ScottK is a KDE guy, so doesn't really keep track.21:36
jpdsmagcius: Yes, we use PolicyKit for some bits and pieces, don't know the details myself.21:43
magciusjpds, #gnome said that Debian was the one that did the integration with gksu/gksudo, and that GNOME has had a dependency on PolicyKit for some time now.21:43
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onexusedI see there are screenshots for some programs in synaptic, but not all.  Where could I contribute screenshots for the programs that I use? (Is this the correct place to ask?)23:02
mathiazkees: should a MIR for mysql-dfsg-5.1 be written in order to move 5.1 to main and 5.0 to universe?23:05
keesmathiaz: yes, with coverage of why we're using 5.1 instead of maria, to maybe?23:10
mathiazkees: you mean mariadb?23:11
mathiazkees: AFAICT there isn't mariadb package available23:11
keesmathiaz: ah, dang.  should poke mneptok about it23:12
ajmitchhow mature is that now?23:12
keesno idea23:12
ajmitchwebsite says a release of mariadb 5.1 in august, at least23:13
mathiazajmitch: right23:13
mathiazajmitch: maria is basically the maria storage engine with some community patches that have been around for some time and that haven't been integrated in mysql yet23:14
mathiazajmitch: some of the community patches are probably the ones from percona23:15
mathiazajmitch: the thing is that I haven't seen any debian packages23:15
ajmitchprobably because the debian mysql maintainer has been fairly overloaded23:15
mathiazajmitch: yeah - totally - norbert is doing an amazing job as he is the only one actively maintaining mysql packages23:16
mathiazajmitch: 5.1 is available from experimental23:16
ajmitchyeah, I've got it installed here on a sid install23:17
mathiazand I think we should move 5.1 to main for the next LTS23:17
ajmitchsince we use mysql a lot at work23:17
mathiazotherwise kees is going to cry for the next 5 years23:17
mathiazajmitch: are you using 5.0 or 5.1?23:17
ajmitch5.0 for production, on lenny at the moment23:18
mathiazkees: should I write up a MIR for 5.1 before uploading the new 5.1 package that will do the switch to the archive?23:19
mrooneypitti: if an mp3 player is missing from the hal list of audio devices, should a bug go against hal or devicekit, or somewhere up stream?23:24
ajmitchmathiaz: I'll take a quick look at getting some mariadb packages working, I'd like to try it out & see how it goes23:31
mathiazajmitch: awesome - thanks.23:32
mathiazajmitch: once you get something working, let mneptok know about it23:32
mathiazajmitch: he should greatly appreciate it23:32
directhexNCommander, current issues: nothing worth noting. with the 2.4+dfsg-4 upload, we now include unit testing as part of the build, so we have an easy way to notice arch issues. older arches may contain bugs, but in the absence of test kit, hard for us as packagers to isolate23:32
NCommanderdirecthex, yeah, I discovered for some reason my board didn't upgrade with dist-upgrade, so karmic is ok, but jaunty/mono is very very hosed23:33
directhexNCommander, hosed at what point - runtime? compile? app execution? etc23:36
directhexNCommander, best bet is to quiz vargaz on #mono on gimpnet - if anyone can think of specific commits relating to specific runtime problems, it's him23:40
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NCommanderdirecthex, runtime23:42
NCommanderdirecthex, care to introduce me?23:43
NCommanderdirecthex, he responded BTW23:48

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