
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Mike_lifeguard said: !no, ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:52
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)01:47
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)01:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)01:47
=== vorian is now known as stevie
=== stevie is now known as vorian
ubottuIn ubottu, boss_mc said: !lts =~ /Herron/Heron/01:58
Picitsimpson: $curLTSlong looks to be misspelt 02:08
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curLTSlong02:09
ubottuHardy Herron02:09
tsimpsonoh yeah02:09
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curLTSlong Hardy Heron02:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:09
boss_mcPici: I just reported that, cheers for fixing02:09
Picithank ye02:09
boss_mctsimpson: ta02:09
Piciboss_mc: yes, I saw :)02:09
boss_mcah, the joys of community help! adios!02:10
* elky_work growls at zend02:48
ubottubastidrazor called the ops in #ubuntu (Smis)05:19
mneptokMyrtti: hei!05:43
* Myrtti isn''t really awake yet, sneaks back to bed05:45
mneptokhauskaa juhannusta. :P05:45
bazhanganyone else see Smis' comments? I missed them by about 15 minutes (seem bad enough to not let him remain in #ubuntu even so)05:55
bazhangany objections to removing him now?06:18
FlannelI removed him now, yeah, it's really tardy, but it's also really unacceptable07:00
elkyhere we go...12:01
pantsmanumm why is #ubuntu-offtopic fowarding to here?12:41
* Myrtti guesses the quit message12:43
Myrtti2009-06-13T22:48:02 *** pantsman (pantsman!n=ben@pdpc/supporter/active/pantsman) has quit IRC ("My new Internet penis is here!")12:43
pantsmanthat was my quit message? haha12:54
pantsmanwell I'm genuinely surprised anyone found that offensive12:55
=== benage-work is now known as pantsman
ubott2The operation succeeded.13:53
Tm_Thmm, ubottu is "missing"14:25
ubott2ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore14:44
PiciOh hello there14:44
Piciah, much snappier now.14:55
tsimpsonit was in a loop with ghost -> nick -> fail14:55
tsimpsonbecause #k-o-m was +m so /nick failed14:56
Pici#k-o-m ?14:56
tsimpson-monitor for #k14:56
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kngharv said: ubottu:  that is what I did to get my ADSL working.  I am currently connected this way.   My question is.  I want to run pptp vpn on top of it.  how do i do that?15:47
ikoniawhat's up ?17:59
* genii sips his coffee18:25
ikoniaI'm not comfortable putting PPA solutions in the topic in #kubuntu22:13
ikonia@mark #kubuntu shadeslayer shadeslayer is running kde nightly builds on kubuntu base and keeps asking for help with his system 22:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:27
Mamarokikonia: shadeslayer again? arghs23:54

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