
pmatuliscan everything on the edubuntu add-on cd be installed by apt as a regular package?14:53
stgraberpmatulis: yes15:03
pmatulisstgraber: thanks, and what exactly gets installed with 'edubuntu-server' package?15:09
pmatulishow does it differ from 'edubuntu-desktop'?15:09
stgraberedubuntu-server installs moodle IIRC15:10
pmatulisi see a lot of apache/php stuff as dependencies15:10
pmatulisbut then it just says it will install 'edubuntu-server' as well15:10
ograapache, php and postgresql are moddle deps15:11
pmatulisok, but what exactly what does 'edubuntu-server' give me?15:11
pmatulisnot ltsp stuff?15:11
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
dgroosHi All!16:21
dgroosI've been working on making localapps work on my jaunty ltsp server the last few days.16:22
dgroosperhaps it is working...16:22
dgroossounds like a strange question, but what test can I use to see if firefox is running as a localapp?16:22
dgroosfor example, the system monitor run on the server shows user mrg using 117.7 mb of memory, while sys mon run on client for this user shows mrg using 89.4 mb.  Does this tell me something?16:29
pmatulisdgroos: just login to the client and issue the 'ps' command16:50
pmatulisdgroos: if it's there it's there, if it's not it's not16:51
dgroospmatulis: Thanks!16:52
pmatulisdgroos: glad to help16:52
dgroospmatulis: I do this and I see 2 pids, neither has to do w/firefox pid I don't think--I sure don't see the word, 'firefox' on the output at least--thus no localapp firefox?16:55
pmatulisdgroos: if '$ ps ax | grep fire' doesn't give you anything then you're not running FF locally16:55
pmatulisdgroos: how did you log in to the client?16:56
dgroospmatulis: I've got a client up in front of me so have logged into this machine and am typing the commands at a terminal on the thin client machine.16:57
pmatulisdgroos: you've opened gnome-terminal you mean?17:01
dgroospmatulis: yes, I've opened up terminal in the GNOME desktop of the thin client (if that's what you mean)17:02
pmatulisdgroos: ok, you need to realize that you're on the server in such a situation, not the client17:03
pmatulisdgroos: you need to either access the console of the client or connect to it via SSH17:04
dgroospmatulis: right!  so how do I do either of these--a link to a useful background page would be great!17:04
pmatulisdgroos: i recommend console for you right now, there are 2 ways, and the easiest is to simply add something like 'SCREEN_08 = shell' to the default section of your lts.conf file.  then reboot the client and access the console with Ctrl-Alt-F817:08
alkisgdgroos: run: `ltsp-localapps xterm`  in the terminal - it'll give a local xterm17:09
alkisgThen, from the local xterm, run ps like pmatulis told you to see if firefox is running17:10
pmatulisalkisg: nice, will try17:11
dgroosalkisg: Thanks--I'm doing this and I get...17:14
pmatulisalkisg: is that a jaunty-only thing?17:14
dgroos'grep fire17:14
pmatulisdgroos: so FF is not running17:14
dgroosalkisg and pmatulis: THANKS!  now I can try to figure out why it isn't and have a test to figure out if!17:15
alkisgpmatulis: I think it's >= 8.1017:16
alkisgdgroos: now try: ltsp-localapps firefox17:17
pmatulisalkisg: that ltsp-localapps command rocks!17:18
alkisgpmatulis: you don't get a root prompt, though; only a user shell17:18
dgroosalkisg: hmmm, says command not found (did in the local xterm)17:18
alkisgdgroos: no, do it in the terminal17:19
alkisg(gnome-terminal, I mean)17:19
* pmatulis nods17:19
dgroosalkisg: got it! did it. and it opened firefox...17:20
alkisgdgroos: then you just need to put the lts.conf entry for localapps17:20
alkisgDNS_SERVER= /  SEARCH_DOMAIN=ioa.sch.gr /  LOCAL_APPS_MENU=True17:21
alkisgModify to suit your needs17:21
alkisg(that's on 3 seperate lines)17:21
dgroosalkisg: thought I did that... I wasn't sure how to get the correct DNS_SERVER and SEARCH_DOMAIN info--that must be my problem...17:22
alkisgdgroos: no, the LOCAL_APPS_MENU=True is enought to run firefox locally17:22
alkisgThe other ones are needed later on, when you start surfing :)17:22
alkisgdgroos: upload your lts.conf to pastebin17:23
pmatulisdgroos: are you running jaunty?17:23
dgroosalkisg: will do-- pastebin is where?17:23
dgroospmatulis: yes17:23
alkisg...and then paste the url here17:23
pmatulisdgroos: maybe just read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPLocalAppsJaunty17:23
pmatulisalkisg: sorry to cut in17:24
alkisgpmatulis: don't worry I always do that, too, so I don't mind :)17:24
dgroospmatulis: thanks!  I've read it like the bible these last couple of days...17:24
dgroosalkisg: question: which lts.conf, the one in the /opt/ltsp/i386_w_localapps/etc or /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386_w_localapps?17:32
alkisgIf there's another one there with a different name, it won't find it17:33
dgroosalkisg: done!17:33
alkisgdgroos: if you mean that you put it to pastebin, now you have to paste the URL here for us to see it17:34
dgroosalksig: right! http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/20224917:35
alkisgdgroos: you need a [Default] line on top17:35
dgroosalkis: 1. you mean, just type the word, 'Default' on a line at the top? and 2. I've got an 'lts.conf' and 'lts.conf~' in this location.  Is this issue?17:39
alkisg1. No, I mean with the brackets:17:39
alkisg<and then follows the rest of the file>17:39
alkisg2. No, it's a backup that gedit did.17:40
dgroosalkisg: OK now is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2022495117:42
dgroosoops didn't paste right...17:42
alkisgdgroos: ok. Reboot the client and start firefox normally from the menus17:43
alkisg...and see if it runs ok17:43
alkisg(don't logoff; reboot it)17:43
alkisg(ehm, I mean, dont _just_ logoff)17:43
dgroosalkisg: will do :-)17:44
dgroosalkisg: Cool!  1 step at a time :) the firefox title bar says "Mozilla Firefox (on ltsp20)17:48
dgroosalkisg: so now I need to do the NAT that I've read about?17:49
alkisgdgroos: fine, you now have a local firefox :)17:49
alkisgdgroos: you have the classic 2 nic/2 switches ltsp setup?17:49
dgroosalkisg: yes.17:49
* alkisg has to internationalize his sch-scripts project... they automatically do all of this17:50
dgroosWell, 1 router and 1 switch...17:50
alkisgYeah ok the same thing17:50
dgroosYes? didn't get that last one?17:51
alkisgI've started a project, called sch-scripts, and it can install firefox as a local app and also do the natting thing automatically, with a menu driven interface, but it's in Greek... :(17:52
alkisg(and also a bunch of other staff...)17:52
alkisgdgroos: have you modified your dhcpd.conf at all?17:53
dgroosalkisg: wish I do Greek!17:53
dgroosalkisg: I don't remember--I'll open it...17:53
alkisgdgroos: upload to pastebin your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and your /etc/network/interfaces17:54
dgroosalkisg: will do.17:54
dgroosalkisg: dhcp.conf at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/202258 and...17:57
dgroosalkisg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/20226017:59
alkisgdgroos: run these, they'll change your IP to so that it matches dhcpd.conf - your net connection will get down for a few moments:18:02
alkisginvoke-rc.d dhcp3-server stop18:02
alkisginvoke-rc.d NetworkManager stop18:02
alkisginvoke-rc.d networking stop18:02
alkisgsed -i -e 's/192\.168\.0\.254/' /etc/network/interfaces18:02
alkisginvoke-rc.d networking start18:02
alkisginvoke-rc.d NetworkManager start18:02
alkisginvoke-rc.d dhcp3-server start18:02
dgroosalkisg: Thanks!18:03
dgroosalkisg: as root, right?18:04
alkisgdgroos: yes18:04
alkisgdgroos: then, run:18:04
alkisgsed -i -e "s/^# By default this script does nothing\./# By default this script does nothing\.\n\niptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE/" /etc/rc.local18:04
alkisgdgroos: and finally: sed -i -e 's/^[[:space:]]*##*[[:space:]]*net.ipv4.ip_forward[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*1/net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/' /etc/sysctl.conf18:05
alkisgAnd you're done18:05
dgroosalkisg: was doing this on my laptop via NX client and entered the second line above and... got disconnected :)18:11
alkisg(08:02:07 μμ) alkisg: dgroos: your net connection will get down for a few moments18:11
dgroosalkisg: so went back to server and continued w/third line and got message: "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0:18:12
alkisgSo if you only pasted half of it, it'll stay down... :(18:12
alkisgdgroos: that's normal18:12
dgroosOK... I'll carry on!18:12
dgroosalkisg: arg! trying to save time/copy-paste and got myself into trouble...18:20
alkisgdgroos: do you want me to put it to pastebin?18:20
dgroosalkisg: Thanks--I can do it but first need to exit from issue... I'll explain:18:21
dgroosalkisg: I typed: sed -i -e "s/^# By default this script does nothing\./18:22
dgroos...and then this automatically entered, leaving me a ">"18:22
dgroos... so I tried to type: exit, quit18:23
dgroosand to no avail--still get the ">"18:23
alkisgdgroos: press Ctrl+C to cancel the editing...18:23
alkisgdgroos: you're typing this, not copy/pasting? Then I'd better tell you what to do, it'll be easier than writing all this18:23
dgroosalkisg: good! I'll do and start over...  OK yes, I can't copy/paste as on different computers...18:24
alkisgdgroos: if I put it to pastebin, can you get it from the other computer?18:24
dgroosas long as my server can get on the 'net which it appears it can...18:25
alkisgdgroos: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/202276/18:27
dgroosalkisg: got it I'm just about to start line 918:29
dgroosalkisg: OK!  Thanks! and now I start thin client...18:30
alkisgdgroos: well...18:30
alkisgis it easy to reboot the server? if not, you'll need 2 lines more18:31
dgroosalkisg: it is easy, not super quick but easy :-)  I'll do it...18:31
alkisgok... otherwise do: sysctl -p and: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE18:32
alkisgI forgot to put them to pastebin18:32
dgroosSure--That's quicker...18:33
alkisg(again, as root)18:33
dgroosalkisg: says error: unable to open and preload file "and:"18:35
alkisgdgros: two lines:18:36
alkisgsudo sysctl -p18:36
alkisgsudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE18:36
dgroosI see :)18:36
dgroosgot it!18:37
alkisgok, reboot a client now18:37
alkisg(it turns out it would be much simpler if I modified and gave you the whole script instead of only pasting parts of it :()18:38
dgroosdo you mean-- put all of the instructions into a shell script, then I would just run the script?18:39
alkisgdgroos: yes, but I already have that script, and it has some failsafe checks also, the problem was that it displayed some messages in greek, that's why I pasted only parts of it... :(18:41
dgroosalkisg: don't seem able to log into the client :(18:41
alkisgdgroos: ah right there's another problem. Ah, those scripts...18:42
alkisgYou have to run:18:42
alkisgsudo ltsp-update-sshkeys18:42
alkisgsudo ltsp-update-image18:42
dgroosalkisg: LaserJock recently proposed an idea about having a repository for useful scripts that many people have that could benefit others--seems like this is one that should be there--w/a translation or 2... :)18:43
alkisgdgroos: yes, I also thought that was a great idea, I'll try to internationalize my scripts in the summer and we can upload any of them that seem worthy18:45
dgroosHmmm... it says 'port 2000 is already defined with /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img in inetd.conf   Taking no action.18:50
alkisgdgroos: also normlal18:54
alkisgNow reboot a client18:55
dgroosalkisg: the thin client boots, goes to login screen, I try to login and it says: "No response from server, Restarting" and then the login screen refreshes...18:59
alkisgdgroos: that's the ssh-keys problem, did you run those 2 commands?18:59
alkisg(08:42:21 μμ) alkisg: sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys19:00
dgroosalkisg: yes.  After typing that in, it asked for my sudo password, I typed it, hit return, and it went back to the prompt...19:01
alkisgdgroos: Hmmm... I'm pretty sure it's the ssh keys problem. Change your lts.conf with this one, so that you can get a local shell on the terminal: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/202297/19:04
dgroospasted and saved this on the lts.conf file.  I'm not sure what to do now?19:07
alkisgNow, reboot the client,19:07
alkisgand when it boots, press Alt+Ctrl+F219:07
alkisgYou'll get a local terminal. There, write:19:08
alkisgssh -l your-user-name server19:08
alkisgIf I'm right, it'll warn you about the ssh keys not being correct19:08
alkisgThen, if you accept the modified ssh keys, and if you press Alt+Ctrl+F7, you'll be able to logon to the GUI19:09
dgroosThis did the trick!  I can log on!  Now for firefox test...19:11
alkisgdgroos: what did it say about the ssh keys? That it doesn't know the keys, or that they were modified? Because that trick was a temporary only solution, the "permanent" solution is ltsp-update-sshkeys and ltsp-update-image...19:13
dgroosalkisg: it said that it was an unknown host I believe...19:14
dgroos(firefox still can't get to internet :(19:14
alkisgdgroos: press alt+ctrl+f2 again, and see the gateway etc:19:15
alkisgroute -n19:15
alkisgthis shows the gateway19:15
alkisgcat /etc/resolv.conf19:15
alkisgthis shows the dns server19:15
alkisgare these correct?19:16
dgrooshmmmm client froze up, will reboot and do test...19:16
dgroosclient won't re-boot.  got to a blank screen and curser started to blink...  tried alt+ctrl+f2 and did nothing, also...19:19
dgroosOK  i just tried to reboot client and it worked this time...19:21
dgroosit is indeed different info...19:22
dgrooscat /etc/resolv.conf says: domain gateway.2wire.net and search gateway.2wire.net and nameserver and the client at route -n says...19:24
dgroosfor eth0 Destination and Gateway is and Genmask is and Flags is U and Metric is 0 and Ref is 0 and on the second line...19:26
dgroosfor eth0 Destination and Gateway is and Genmask is and Flags is UG and Metric is 0 and Ref is 0 Oh yeah, it says that Use was 0 for both lines.19:27
alkisgdgroos: your gateway is wrong. It should be
alkisgdgroos: does your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf have "options routers"?19:32
dgroosalkisg: alkisg: exactly...19:33
dgroosshall I go to the router in my house and change to
alkisgNo no19:34
alkisgrouter means the gateway19:34
alkisgUpload your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to pastebin, please...19:34
dgroosalkisg: I really appreciate your help these few hours, now.  I totally understand if you have to get on with the rest of your life :-)  I can try to figure this out or ask others...19:37
alkisgHmm, other than "    filename "/ltsp/i386_w_localapps/pxelinux.0"; " it looks ok19:37
dgroosI've got 2 chroots: the i386 and the copy where I'm trying local apps i386_w_localapps as per the directions on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPLocalAppsJaunty19:39
alkisgdgroos: erm, ok, that's a problem19:41
alkisgE.g. when you did ltsp-update-sshkeys / ltsp-update-image, not both of the images were updated for the new IP19:41
alkisgThat's why even after the updating you had problems logging in19:42
alkisgsudo ltsp-update-image -a i386_w_localapps19:42
alkisgYou need this one ^^^ to update19:42
dgroosor should that be OOPS19:43
dgroossorry and I'll do it now...19:43
alkisgBut still, this doesn't answer why your gateway is wrong19:43
dgroosI wonder...19:44
dgroosthere was a firefox bug fix where I had to add a script, here...19:44
dgroos$ cat /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d/chmod-resolv.sh19:45
dgroos#! /bin/sh19:45
dgrooschmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf19:45
dgroosand then run this command to add to the lts.conf file:19:46
dgroos$ cat /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf19:46
dgroosSEARCH_DOMAIN = ubuntu-ltsp5 || Change this for your own network19:46
dgroosDNS_SERVER =  || Change this for your own network19:46
dgroosdoes this relate?19:47
dgroosbut I should say I added it to the i386_w_localapps lts.conf19:48
dgroosOK--just updated the correct image and was able to log in :)19:50
alkisgdgroos: put /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386_w_localapps/lts.conf to pastebin19:51
dgroosstarted firefox browser, said it was running as a localapp, tried to open the tabs but couldn't, then quit19:51
alkisgYour gateway is wrong; firefox won't work until you fix it19:52
alkisgdgroos: can you do this in a local terminal again?19:56
alkisgroute -n | grep ^019:56
alkisgDoes it say ?!!19:57
dgroosI'll check... rebooting thin client...19:57
alkisgNo need for reboot19:57
dgroos--I meant 'boot'19:58
dgroosit says:     UG     0     0     0     eth020:00
alkisgdgroos: that's fine then...20:03
alkisgThe last time you said it was
alkisgdgroos: so, try to ping your dns server: ping
dgroosping from the server?20:04
alkisgno, from the local terminal on the client20:04
alkisgErm... that's where you ran the `route -n` command, right?20:04
dgroosand yes, it did ping!20:07
alkisgEhm, ok, now try: ping www.google.com20:07
dgroosthat worked as well.20:08
alkisg....ok, now try www.google.com on firefox20:09
alkisg(all this pinging was done from the *local* terminal, right? not a gnome-terminal...)20:09
alkisgSo, does firefox work now?20:10
dgroosfirefox tries to go to site, unsuccessfuly for a while, then quits....20:10
dgroosI wonder if it has anything to do with: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LocalAppsResolvConf ?20:11
alkisgNo, if ping works from a local terminal then your resolv.conf is ok20:11
alkisgTry to put this on firefox:
dgrooshmmm... this time upon launching firefox I quickly closed up the different tabs before it quit, and now it works!!! :) :)20:14
dgroosI think it might have been trying to load a flash video on one of the tabs and maybe ???20:15
alkisgHeh... maybe it just needed a refresh...20:15
dgroosI'd guess all of might? ;)20:15
dgroosThanks so much!!!20:16
dgroosI want to record lots of these ideas andinfo for others to use...20:16
alkisgYou're welcome... you can put info on the wiki20:16
dgroosI wonder, would it be better to put this info on my blog and reference to it with a 'note for newbies' on the wiki, or put the whole thing directly on the wiki page?  Any thoughts?20:18
dgroosalkis and pmatulis too, thanks again :)  you keep the wheel turning... David20:29
pmatulis_alkisg: nice session!20:51
alkisgpmatulis_: nah, it would be much much shorter if I just translated my scripts to english :(20:51
alkisgI tried to  make it faster, but it turned out for the worse20:52
sbalneavGood evening all, from Brazil!21:34
bencrisfordhey sbalneav!21:40

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